Study Guide & Sample Test Questions
Version 2
Lisa M. Garrett, Director of Personnel
Thank you for your interest in employment with the County of Los Angeles. This booklet is designed
to familiarize and assist you with preparing for tests containing multiple-choice entry-level clerical
items. The sample questions provided in this study guide are intended to give you an idea of the
kinds of clerical items you may encounter in County tests. However, it is important to note that
actual test questions will vary in format, content, and level of difficulty, depending on the job class
being tested.
As an Equal Opportunity Employer, the County of Los Angeles takes steps to ensure that our exam
content is job-related. We conduct studies to determine the knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal
characteristics that are essential to satisfactorily perform the duties of the job. These studies assist
us in developing the content of our examinations. Pre-employment testing provides us with an
objective and cost-effective means to assess the qualifications of our applicants.
NOTE: Applicants who require special testing arrangements such as readers or interpreters must
provide seven (7) days advance notice of their disability and requested accommodation. Check the
front side of the job bulletin for telephone numbers to call to make disability accommodation
requests. The County will attempt to meet reasonable accommodation requests whenever possible.
Most County tests have a set time limit, so it is important that you work quickly, but not so fast as to
become careless. Always read all the possible choices before marking your answer. If you do not
know the answer to a problem, it is usually best to skip it and move on to the others. Note that on
most County tests, your score is based on the number of correct responses. If you are not sure of
the answer to a problem, eliminate the answers you believe are wrong, and mark the choice that is
your best response. Above all, budget your time, pace yourself, and avoid getting bogged down on
any single question.
On test day, it is recommended that you arrive 15 minutes prior to the test’s starting time, wear
comfortable clothes, bring an accurate watch, and make sure you are well-rested. Also, remember to
bring your test notice and a picture I.D. such as a driver license, or you may not be admitted into the
Ability to File
INSTRUCTIONS: For questions 1-15, find the answers to the alphabetical and
numerical examples shown. Items are arranged for alphabetical filing by
last name
then by
first name
, from A to Z. Items are arranged for numerical filing from
1. If the names Brian Josten, Francine Johnson, Frank Jones, and Mary Johnston
were arranged for alphabetical filing, the position of the underlined name would
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be Francine Johnson, Mary Johnston, Frank Jones,
and Brian Josten. The underlined name is first; therefore, choice A is the correct
2. If the names John Marks, Janice Mark, Angela McCauley, and Jocelyn Miners
were arranged for alphabetical filing, the position of the underlined name would
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be Janice Mark, John Marks, Angela McCauley, and
Jocelyn Miners. The underlined name is second; therefore, choice B is the
correct answer.
3. If the names Joan Park, Jake Pikes, Jackie Palms, and Jason Pice were arranged
for alphabetical filing, the position of the underlined name would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be Jackie Palms, Joan Park, Jason Pice, and Jake
Pikes. The underlined name is third; therefore, choice C is the correct answer.
4. If the names Abigail Romero, Jonathan Ruben, Erica Ross, and George
Rolen were arranged for alphabetical filing, the position of the underlined name
would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be George Rolen, Abigail Romero, Erica Ross, and
Jonathan Ruben. The underlined name is third; therefore, choice C is the correct
5. If the names Barbara Baker, Bruce Biggins, Bobby Boden, and Brian Bronsen
were arranged for alphabetical filing, the position of the underlined name would
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be Barbara Baker, Bruce Biggins, Bobby Boden, and
Brian Bronsen. The underlined name is second; therefore, choice B is the
correct answer.
6. If the names Jeremy Gulden, Jason Gross, Jaime Gains, and James Gray were
arranged for alphabetical filing, the position of the underlined name would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be Jaime Gains, James Gray, Jason Gross, and
Jeremy Gulden. The underlined name is first; therefore, choice A is the correct
7. If the names Harold Williams, Haley Washington, Helen Wellington, and Howard
Woo were arranged for alphabetical filing, the position of the underlined name
would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be Haley Washington, Helen Wellington, Harold
Williams, and Howard Woo. The underlined name is third; therefore, choice C is
the correct answer.
8. If the numerical sequences 6.259, 0.62958, 62.258, and 6.258963 were
arranged for numerical filing, the position of the underlined sequence would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be 0.62958, 6.258963, 6.259, and 62.258. The
underlined sequence is fourth; therefore, choice D is the correct answer.
9. If the numerical sequences 7.215, 72.15, 721.5, and 7.251 were arranged for
numerical filing, the position of the underlined sequence would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be 7.215, 7.251, 72.15, and 721.5. The underlined
sequence is second; therefore, choice B is the correct answer.
10. If the numerical sequences 23.25698, 232.2564, 2.32568, and 0.2351 were
arranged for numerical filing, the position of the underlined sequence would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be 0.2351, 2.32568, 23.25698, and 232.2564. The
underlined sequence is fourth; therefore, choice D is the correct answer.
11. If the numerical sequences 859.265, 8.59632, 85.2369, and 859652 were
arranged for numerical filing, the position of the underlined sequence would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be 8.59632, 85.2369, 859.265, and 859652. The
underlined sequence is first; therefore, choice A is the correct answer.
12. If the numerical sequences 1.9978, 199.789, 19.9789, and 1997.89 were
arranged for numerical filing, the position of the underlined sequence would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be 1.9978, 19.9789, 199.789, and 1997.89. The
underlined sequence is fourth; therefore, choice D is the correct answer.
13. If the numerical sequences 5.1268, 51.263, 551.258, and 55.258 were arranged
for numerical filing, the position of the underlined sequence would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be 5.1268, 51.263, 55.258, and 551.258. The
underlined sequence is fourth; therefore, choice D is the correct answer.
14. If the numerical sequences 658.963, 6.5268, 6.5269, and 65.259 were arranged
for numerical filing, the position of the underlined sequence would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be 6.5268, 6.5269, 65.259, and 658.963. The
underlined sequence is second therefore; choice B is the correct answer.
15. If the numerical sequences 78.645, 78.653, 79.100, and 7.8645 were arranged
for numerical filing, the position of the underlined sequence would be
A. first.
B. second.
C. third.
D. fourth.
ANSWER: The order would be 7.8645, 78.645, 78.653, and 79.100. The
underlined sequence is third therefore; choice C is the correct answer.
Checking for Errors
INSTRUCTIONS: For questions 16-30, compare the COPY with its ORIGINAL and
count the number of errors you find in the COPY. When the order of two numbers or
letters is reversed, one error is counted.
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following three
errors can be found:
In the COPY, “Mrs.” should be “Mr.” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, “223
” should be “23
” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, “90248” should be “90228” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
Three errors can be found; therefore, choice C is the correct answer.
Mr. Erin Williams Mrs. Erin Williams
32109 North 23
Street 32109 North 223
Gardena CA 90228 Gardena CA 90248
Yearly Staff Totals: Yearly Staf Total:
1990 ...........................123 1990 .......................... 123
1991 ...........................119 1991 .......................... 119
1992 ...........................124 1992 .......................... 124
1993 ...........................120 1993 .......................... 122
1994 ...........................121 1994 .......................... 121
1995 ...........................111 1995 .......................... 111
1996 ...........................126 1996 .......................... 136
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following four
errors can be found:
In the COPY, “Staf should be “Staff” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, “Total” should be “Totals” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, “122” should be “120” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, “136” should be “126” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
Four errors can be found; therefore, choice D is the correct answer.
INTRODUCTION ............. 1 INTRODUCTION ............. 1
AUDITING ...................... 5 AUDITING ...................... 5
INCOME TAX ................ 25 INCOME TAX ................ 25
BUDGETING ................. 43 BUDGETING ................. 43
BOOKKEEPING ............ 102 BOOKKEEPING ............ 102
INDEX ........................ 163 INDEX ........................ 163
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, no errors can be found.
Zero errors can be found; therefore, choice D is the correct answer.
Mr. Ronald Richardson Mr. Ronold Richardson
2012 Clay Blvd. 2012 Clay Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90012 Los Angeles CA 90002
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following three
errors can be found:
In the COPY, “Ronold” should be spelled “Ronald” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, a period should be inserted after “Blvd” as shown in the
In the COPY, “90002” should be “90012” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
Three errors can be found; therefore, choice C is the correct answer.
Beverly Johnson Beverly Johnson
58963 Willow Avenue 58863 Willow Avenue
Torrance CA 90501 Torrance CA 90501
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following error can
be found:
In the COPY, “58863” should be “58963” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
One error can be found; therefore, choice A is the correct answer.
Marcus A. Johanssen Marcus A Johanssen
21221 So Sequoia Lane 21221 S Sequoia Lane
Alhambra CA 91801 Alambra CA 91801
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following three
errors can be found:
In the COPY, a period should be inserted after the middle initial “A.” as
shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, “S” should be “So” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, “Alambra” should be spelled “Alhambra” as shown in the
Three errors can be found; therefore, choice C is the correct answer.
Division Telephone Directory Division Telephone Directory
Acsen, Bryon ...................... 8795 Accen, Bryon ...................... 8795
Anderson, Nicole ................. 5963 Anderson, Nicole ................. 5963
Atkinson, Mitchell ................ 8758 Atkinson, Mitchell ................ 8757
Barry, Iris ........................... 5871 Barry, Iris ........................... 5871
Bormon, Mary ..................... 5289 Bormon, Mary ..................... 5289
Buccanon, Lance ................. 5478 Buccanon, Lance ................. 5478
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following three
errors can be found:
In the COPY, “Accen” should be spelled “Acsen” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, “8757” should be “8758” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, “B” should be underlined, as shown in the ORIGINAL.
Three errors can be found; therefore, choice C is the correct answer.
Atkins, Marrise ______________ Atkins, Marrise __________________
Bass, John __________________ Bass, John _____________________
Boden, Matthew _____________ Boden, Mathew _________________
Cortez, Emily ________________ Cortez, Emily ___________________
Do, Kathrine ________________ Do, Kathrine ___________________
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following error can
be found:
In the COPY, “Mathew” should be spelled “Matthew” as shown in the
One error can be found; therefore, choice A is the correct answer.
Jacob Patterson Jacob Paterson
14700 East 223
Street 14700 East 223
Carson CA 90746 Carson CA 90745
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following two errors
can be found:
In the COPY, “Paterson” should be spelled “Patterson” as shown in the
In the COPY, the figure “90745” should be “90746” as shown in the
Two errors can be found; therefore, choice B is the correct answer.
Estimated Cost per Year: Estimated Cost per Year:
2003 .................. $123,548 2003 .................. $123,548
2004 .................. $121,295 2004 .................. $121,295
2005 .................. $148,587 2005 .................. $148,587
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, no errors can be found.
Zero errors can be found; therefore, choice D is the correct answer.
Emanuel Hernandez Emanuel Hernandez
2121 Overland Ave. 2122 Overland Ave.
Wilmington CA 90744 Wilmington CA 90744
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following error can
be found:
In the COPY, “2122” should be “2121” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
One error can be found; therefore, choice A is the correct answer.
Darrell Montgomery Darrel Montgomery
62 East Jasmine Lane 62 East Jasmine Lane
San Diego CA 92173 San Diego CA 92173
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following error can
be found:
In the COPY, “Darrel” should be spelled “Darrell” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
One error can be found; therefore, choice A is the correct answer.
Holly Mason Holly Mason
31331 Moon River Dr. 31131 Moon River Dr
Hollywood CA 90038 Hollywood CA 90038
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following two errors
can be found:
In the COPY, “31131” should be “31331” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, a period should be inserted after “Dr.” as shown in the
Two errors can be found; therefore, choice B is the correct answer.
Maria Lopez Marie Lopez
14758 Elm Street 14758 Elm Street
Long Beach, CA 90815 Long Beach. CA 90815
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, the following two errors
can be found:
In the COPY, “Marie” should be spelled “Maria” as shown in the ORIGINAL.
In the COPY, the period after “Long Beach” should be a comma as shown in
Two errors can be found; therefore, choice B is the correct answer.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith
125 Wilmington St. 125 Wilmington St.
Seattle, WA 98106 Seattle, WA 98106
The number of errors in the COPY when compared to the ORIGINAL is
A. one.
B. two.
C. three.
D. none of these.
ANSWER: When comparing the COPY to the ORIGINAL, no errors can be found.
Zero errors can be found; therefore, choice D is the correct answer.