American Marriage in the
Early Twenty-First Century
Andrew J. Cherlin
During the past century the U.S. family system has seen vast changes—in marriage and divorce
rates, cohabitation, childbearing, sexual behavior, and women’s work outside the home. Andrew
Cherlin reviews these historic changes, noting that marriage remains the most common living
arrangement for raising children, but that children, especially poor and minority children, are
increasingly likely to grow up in single-parent families and to experience family instability.
Cherlin describes the economic and cultural forces that have transformed family life. Job mar-
ket changes have drawn married women into the work force and deprived less-educated men of
the blue-collar jobs by which they traditionally supported their families. And effective contra-
ception and legalized abortion have eroded the norm of marriage before childbearing.
Cherlin notes that sentiment in favor of marriage appears to be stronger in the United States
than in other developed countries. The share of U.S. adults who are likely to marry is higher,
but so is the share likely to divorce. U.S. children are also more likely to live in single-parent
families at some time in their childhood.
Although nearly all Americans, whether poor or well-to-do, hold to marriage as an ideal, today
marriage is increasingly optional. To a greater extent than ever before, individuals can choose
whether to form a family on their own, in a cohabiting relationship, or in a marriage.
Given U.S. patterns of swift transitions into and out of marriage and high rates of single parent
hood, American policymakers eager to promote marriage are unlikely to be able to raise U.S.
family stability to levels typical of other developed countries. Consequently, a family policy that
relies too heavily on marriage will not help the many children destined to live in single-parent
and cohabiting families—many of them poor—during their formative years. Assistance must be
directed to needy families, regardless of their household structure. Policymakers must craft a
careful balance of marriage-based and marriage-neutral programs to provide adequate support
to American children.
VOL. 15 / NO. 2 / FALL 2005 33
Andrew J. Cherlin is Griswold Professor of Public Policy at Johns Hopkins University.
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he decline of American marriage
has been a favorite theme of so-
cial commentators, politicians,
and academics over the past few
decades. Clearly the nation has
seen vast changes in its family system—in
marriage and divorce rates, cohabitation,
childbearing, sexual behavior, and women’s
work outside the home. Marriage is less domi-
nant as a social institution in the United States
than at any time in history. Alternative path-
ways through adulthood—childbearing out-
side of marriage, living with a partner without
ever marrying, living apart but having intimate
relationships—are more acceptable and feasi-
ble than ever before. But as the new century
begins, it is also clear that despite the jeremi-
ads, marriage has not faded away. In fact,
given the many alternatives to marriage now
available, what may be more remarkable is not
the decline in marriage but its persistence.
What is surprising is not that fewer people
marry, but rather that so many still marry and
that the desire to marry remains widespread.
Although marriage has been transformed, it is
still meaningful. In this article I review the
changes in American marriage, discuss their
causes, compare marriage in the United States
with marriage in the rest of the developed
world, and comment on how the transforma-
tion of marriage is likely to affect American
children in the early twenty-first century.
Changes in the Life Course
To illuminate what has happened to Ameri-
can marriage, I begin by reviewing the great
demographic changes of the past century, in-
cluding changes in age at marriage, the share
of Americans ever marrying, cohabitation,
nonmarital births, and divorce.
Recent T
Figure 1 shows the median age at mar-
riage—the age by which half of all marriages
occur—for men and women from 1890 to
2002. In 1890 the median age was relatively
high, about twenty-six for men and twenty-
two for women. During the first half of the
twentieth century the typical age at mar-
riage dropped—gradually at first, and then
precipitously after World War II. By the
1950s it had reached historic lows: roughly
twenty-three for men and twenty for
women. Many people still think of the 1950s
as the standard by which to compare today’s
families, but as figure 1 shows, the 1950s
were the anomaly: during that decade young
adults married earlier than ever before or
since. Moreover, nearly all young adults—
about 95 percent of whites and 88 percent
of African Americans—eventually married.
During the 1960s, however, the median age
at marriage began to climb, returning to and
then exceeding that prevalent at the start of
the twentieth century. Women, in particular,
are marrying substantially later today than
they have at any time for which data are
What is more, unmarried young adults are
leading very different lives today than their
earlier counterparts once did. The late-
marrying young women and men of the early
1900s typically lived at home before marriage
or paid for room and board in someone else’s
home. Even when they were courting, they
lived apart from their romantic interests and,
at least among women, the majority ab-
stained from sexual intercourse until they
were engaged or married. They were usually
employed, and they often turned over much
of their paycheck to their parents to help rear
younger siblings. Few went to college; most
had not even graduated from high school. As
recently as 1940, only about one-third of
adults in their late twenties had graduated
from high school and just one in sixteen had
graduated from college.
Andrew J. Cherlin
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Today’s unmarried young adults are much
more likely to be living independently, in
their own apartments. Five out of six young
adults graduate from high school, and about
one-third complete college.
They are more
likely than their predecessors to spend their
wages on themselves. Their sexual and inti-
mate lives are also very different from those
of earlier generations. The vast majority of
unmarried young adults have had sexual in-
tercourse. In fact, most women who married
during the 1990s first had intercourse five
years or more before marrying.
About half of young adults live with a partner
before marrying. Cohabitation is far more
common today than it was at any time in the
early- or mid-twentieth century (although it
was not unknown among the poor and has
been a part of the European family system in
past centuries). Cohabitation today is a diverse,
evolving phenomenon. For some people, it is a
prelude to marriage or a trial marriage. For
others, a series of cohabiting relationships may
be a long-term substitute for marriage. (Thirty-
nine percent of cohabiters in 1995 lived with
children of one of the partners.) It is still rare
in the United States for cohabiting relation-
ships to last long—about half end, through
marriage or a breakup, within a year.
Despite the drop in marriage and the rise in
cohabitation, there has been no explosion of
nonmarital births in the United States. Birth
rates have fallen for unmarried women of all
reproductive ages and types of marital status,
including adolescents. But because birth
rates have fallen faster for married women
than for unmarried women, a larger share of
women who give birth are unmarried. In
1950, only 4 percent of all births took place
outside of marriage. By 1970, the figure was
11 percent; by 1990, 28 percent; and by 2003,
35 percent. In recent years, then, about one-
third of all births have been to unmarried
women—and that is the statistic that has gen-
erated the most debate.
Of further concern
to many observers is that about half of all un
married first-time mothers are adolescents.
Academics, policymakers, and private citi-
zens alike express unease about the negative
consequences of adolescent childbearing,
both for the parents and for the children, al-
though whether those consequences are due
more to poverty or to teen childbearing per
se remains controversial.
American Marriage in the Early T
wenty-First Century
VOL. 15 / NO. 2 / FALL 2005 35
Figure 1. Median Age at Marriage, 1890–2002
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, “Estimated Median Age at First Marriage, by Sex: 1890 to Present,” 2003,
tion/socdemo/hh-fam/tabMS-2.pdf (accessed July 23, 2004).
Age (years)
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When people think of nonmarital or “out-of-
wedlock” childbearing, they picture a single
parent. Increasingly, however, nonmarital
births are occurring to cohabiting couples—
about 40 percent according to the latest esti-
One study of unmarried women giving
birth in urban hospitals found that about half
were living with the fathers of their children.
Couples in these “fragile families,” however,
rarely marry. One year after the birth of the
child, only 15 percent had married, while 26
percent had broken up.
Marriage was not an option for lesbians and
gay men in any U.S. jurisdiction until Massa-
chusetts legalized same-sex marriage in 2004.
Cohabitation, however, is common in this
group. In a 1992 national survey of sexual be-
, 44 percent of women and 28 percent
of men who said they had engaged in homo-
sexual sex in the previous year reported that
they were cohabiting.
The Census Bureau,
which began collecting statistics on same-sex
partnerships in 1990, does not directly ask
whether a person is in a romantic same-sex
relationship; rather, it gives people the option
of saying that a housemate is an “unmarried
partner” without specifying the nature of the
partnership. Because some people may not
wish to openly report a same-sex relationship
to the Census Bureau, it is hard to determine
how reliable these figures are. The bureau
reports, however, that in 2000, 600,000
households were maintained by same-sex
partners. A substantial share—33 percent of
female partnerships and 22 percent of male
partnerships—reported the presence of chil-
dren of one or both of the partners.
As rates of entry into marriage were declining
in the last half of the twentieth century, rates
of exit via divorce were increasing—as they
have been at least since the Civil War era. At
the beginning of the twentieth century, about
10 percent of all marriages ended in divorce,
and the figure rose to about one-third for
marriages begun in 1950.
But the rise was
particularly sharp during the 1960s and 1970s,
when the likelihood that a married couple
would divorce increased substantially. Since
the 1980s the divorce rate has remained the
same or declined slightly. According to the
best estimate, 48 percent of American mar-
riages, at current rates, would be expected to
end in divorce within twenty years.
A few
percent more would undoubtedly end in di-
vorce after that. So it is accurate to say that
unless divorce risks change, about half of all
marriages today would end in divorce. (There
are important class and racial-ethnic differ-
ences, which I will discuss below.)
The combination of more divorce and a
greater share of births to unmarried women
has increased the proportion of children who
are not living with two parents. Figure 2
tracks the share of children living, respec-
tively, with two parents, with one parent, and
with neither parent between 1968 and 2002.
It shows a steady decline in the two-parent
share and a corresponding increase in the
one-parent share. In 2002, 69 percent of chil
dren were living with two parents, including
families where one biological (or adoptive)
Andrew J. Cherlin
When people think of “out
of wedlock” childbearing,
they picture a single parent.
Increasingly, however,
nonmarital births are
occurring to cohabiting
03 FOC 15-2 fall05 Cherlin.qxp 8/4/2005 12:10 PM Page 36
parent had remarried. Not counting step- or
adoptive families, 62 percent, according to
the most recent estimate in 1996, were living
with two biological parents.
percent of American children were living
with one parent; another 4 percent, with nei-
ther parent.
Most in the latter group were
living with relatives, such as grandparents.
Where do all these changes leave U.S. mar-
riage patterns and children’s living arrange-
ments in the early twenty-first century? As
demographers have noted, many of the above
trends have slowed over the past decade, sug-
gesting a “quieting” of family change.
riage remains the most common living
arrangement for raising children. At any one
time, most American children are being
raised by two parents. Marriage, however, is
less dominant in parents’ and children’s lives
than it once was. Children are more likely to
experience life in a single-parent family,
either because they are born to unmarried
mothers or because their parents divorce.
And children are more likely to experience
instability in their living arrangements as par-
ents form and dissolve marriages and part-
nerships. Although children are less likely to
lose a parent through death today than they
once were, the rise in nonmarital births and
in divorce has more than compensated for
the decline in parental death.
From the
adult perspective, the overall drop in birth
rates and the increases in nonmarital child-
bearing and divorce mean that, at any one
time, fewer adults are raising children than in
the past.
Class and Racial-Ethnic Divergence
To complete this portrait of American mar-
riage one must take note of class and racial-
ethnic variations, for the overall statistics
mask contrasting trends in the lives of chil-
dren from different racial-ethnic groups and
different social classes. In fact, over the past
few decades, the family lives of children have
been diverging across class and racial-ethnic
A half-century ago, the family struc-
tures of poor and non-poor children were
similar: most children lived in two-parent
families. In the intervening years, the in-
crease in single-parent families has been
American Marriage in the Early T
wenty-First Century
VOL. 15 / NO. 2 / FALL 2005 37
Figure 2. Living Arrangements of U.S. Children, 1968–2002
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, “Living Arrangements of Children under 18 Years Old: 1960 to Present,” 2003,
lation/socdemo/hh-fam/tabCH-1.pdf (accessed July 23, 2004).
One parent
Two parents
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greater among the poor and near-poor.
Women at all levels of education have been
postponing marriage, but less-educated
women have postponed childbearing less
than better-educated women have. The di-
vorce rate in recent decades appears to have
held steady or risen for women without a col-
lege education but fallen for college-edu-
cated women.
As a result, differences in
family structure according to social class are
much more pronounced than they were fifty
years ago.
Consider the share of mothers who are un-
married. Throughout the past half-century,
single motherhood has been more common
among women with less education than
among well-educated women. But the gap
has grown over time. In 1960, 14 percent of
mothers in the bottom quarter of the educa
tional distribution were unmarried, as
against 4.5 percent of mothers in the top
quarter—a difference of 9.5 percentage
points. By 2000, the corresponding figures
were 43 percent for the less-educated moth-
ers and 7 percent for the more educated—a
gap of 36 percentage points.
Sara McLana-
han argues that societal changes such as
greater opportunities for women in the labor
market, a resurgence of feminist ideology,
and the advent of effective birth control have
encouraged women to invest in education
and careers. Those who make these invest-
ments tend to delay childbearing and mar-
riage, and they are more attractive in the
marriage market.
Put another way, women
at the top and bottom of the educational dis-
tribution may be evolving different repro-
ductive strategies. Among the less educated,
early childbearing outside of marriage has
become more common, as the ideal of find-
ing a stable marriage and then having chil-
dren has weakened, whereas among the bet-
ter educated, the strategy is to delay
childbearing and marriage until after invest-
ing in schooling and careers.
One result of these developments has been
growth in better-educated, dual-earner mar-
ried-couple families. Since the 1970s these
families have enjoyed much greater income
growth than have breadwinner-homemaker
families or single-parent families. What we
see today, then, is a growing group of more
fortunate children who tend to live with two
parents whose incomes are adequate or
ample and a growing group of less fortunate
children who live with financially pressed sin-
gle parents. Indeed, both groups at the ex-
tremes—the most and the least fortunate
children—have been expanding over the past
few decades, while the group of children in
the middle has been shrinking.
The family lives of African American children
have also been diverging from those of white
non-Hispanic children and, to a lesser extent,
Hispanic children. African American family
patterns were influenced by the institution of
, in which marriage was not legal, and
perhaps by African cultural traditions, in
which extended families had more influence
and power compared with married couples.
As a result, the proportion of African Ameri-
can children living with single parents has
Andrew J. Cherlin
The divorce rate in recent
decades appears to have held
steady or risen for women
without a college education
but fallen for college-educated
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been greater than that of white children for a
century or more.
Nevertheless, African
American women married at an earlier age
than did white women through the first half
of the twentieth century.
But since the 1960s, the decline of marriage
as a social institution has been more pro-
nounced among African Americans than
among whites. The best recent estimates
suggest that at current rates only about two-
thirds of African American women would be
expected ever to marry.
the share of African American children born
outside of marriage has risen to 69 percent.
In fact, about three-fifths of African Ameri-
can children may never live in a married-
couple family while growing up, as against
one-fifth of white children.
The greater
role of extended kin in African American
families may compensate for some of this dif-
ference, but the figures do suggest a strik-
ingly reduced role of marriage among
African Americans.
The family patterns of the Hispanic popula-
tion are quite diverse. Mexican Americans
have higher birth rates than all other major
ethnic groups, and a greater share of Mexican
American births than of African American
births is to married women.
Mexican American families are more likely to
include extended kin.
, Mexi
can Americans have more marriage-based,
multigenerational households than do
African Americans. Puerto Ricans, the sec
ond largest Hispanic ethnic group and the
most economically disadvantaged, have rates
of nonmarital childbearing second only to
African Americans.
But Puerto Ricans, like
many Latin Americans, have a tradition of
consensual unions, in which a man and
woman live together as married but without
approval of the church or a license from the
state. So it is likely that more Puerto Rican
“single” mothers than African American sin-
gle mothers are living with partners.
Explaining the Trends
Most analysts would agree that both eco-
nomic and cultural forces have been driving
the changes in American family life over the
past half-century. Analysts disagree about the
relative weight of the two, but I will assume
that both have been important.
Economic Influences
Two changes in the U.S. labor market have
had major implications for families.
demand for workers increased in the service
sector, where women had gained a foothold
earlier in the century while they were shut
out of manufacturing jobs. The rising de-
mand encouraged women to get more educa-
tion and drew married women into the work-
force—initially, those whose children were
school-aged, and later, those with younger
children. Single mothers had long worked,
but in 1996 major welfare reform legislation
further encouraged work by setting limits on
how long a parent could receive public assis-
tance. The increase in women’s paid work, in
turn, increased demand for child care ser-
vices and greatly increased the number of
children cared for outside their homes.
The second work-related development was
the decline, starting in the 1970s, in job op-
portunities for men without a college educa-
tion. The flip side of the growth of the service
sector was the decline in manufacturing. As
factory jobs moved overseas and industrial
productivity increased through automated
equipment and computer-based controls, de-
mand fell for blue-collar jobs that high
school–educated men once took in hopes of
supporting their families. As a result, average
wages in these jobs fell. Even during the
American Marriage in the Early T
wenty-First Century
VOL. 15 / NO. 2 / FALL 2005 39
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prosperous 1990s, the wages of men without
a college degree hardly rose.
The decline in
job opportunities had two effects. It de-
creased the attractiveness of non-college-
educated men on the marriage market—
made them less “marriageable” in William
Julius Wilson’s terms—and thus helped drive
marriage rates down among the less well edu-
It also undermined the single-earner
“family wage system” that had been the ideal
in the first half of the twentieth century and
increased the incentive for wives to take pay-
ing jobs.
Cultural Developments
But economic forces, important as they were,
could not have caused all the changes in fam-
ily life noted above. Declines in the availabil-
ity of marriageable men, for example, were
not large enough to account, alone, for falling
marriage rates among African Americans.
Accompanying the economic changes was a
broad cultural shift among Americans that
eroded the norms both of marriage before
childbearing and of stable, lifelong bonds
after marriage.
Culturally, American marriage went through
two broad transitions during the twentieth
century. The first was described famously by
sociologist Ernest Burgess as a change “from
institution to companionship.”
In institu-
tional marriage, the family was held together
by the forces of law, tradition, and religious
belief. The husband was the unquestioned
head of the household. Until the late nine
teenth century, husband and wife became
one legal person when they married—and
that person was the husband. A wife could
not sue in her own name, and her husband
could dispose of her property as he wished.
Until 1920 women could not vote; rather
, it
was assumed that almost all women would
marry and that their husbands’ votes would
represent their views. But as the forces of law
and tradition weakened in the early decades
of the twentieth century, the newer, compan-
ionate marriage arose. It was founded on the
importance of the emotional ties between
wife and husband—their companionship,
friendship, and romantic love. Spouses drew
satisfaction from performing the social roles
of breadwinner, homemaker, and parent.
After World War II, the spouses in compan-
ionate marriages, much to everyone’s sur-
prise, produced the baby boom: they had
more children per family than any other gen-
eration in the twentieth century. The typical
age at marriage fell to its lowest point since at
least the late nineteenth century, and the
share of all people who ever married rose.
The decade of the 1950s was the high point
of the breadwinner-homemaker, two-, three-,
or even four-child family.
Starting around 1960, marriage went through
a second transition. The typical age at mar-
riage returned to, and then exceeded, the
high levels of the early 1900s. Many young
adults stayed single into their mid- to late
twenties or even their thirties, some complet-
ing college educations and starting careers.
Most women continued working for pay after
they married. Cohabitation outside marriage
became much more acceptable. Childbearing
outside marriage became less stigmatized.
The birth rate resumed its long decline and
sank to an all-time low. Divorce rates rose to
unprecedented levels. Same-sex partnerships
found greater acceptance as well.
During this transition, companionate mar-
riage waned as a cultural ideal. On the rise
were forms of family life that Burgess had not
foreseen, particularly marriages in which
both husband and wife worked outside the
home and single-parent families that came
into being through divorce or through child-
Andrew J. Cherlin
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and deeper intimacy through more open
communication and mutually shared disclo-
sures about feelings with their partners.
They may insist on changes in a relationship
that no longer provides them with individu-
alized rewards. They are less likely than in
the past to focus on the rewards gained by
fulfilling socially valued roles such as the
good parent or the loyal and supportive
spouse. As a result of this changing context,
social norms about family and personal life
count for less than they did during the hey-
day of companionate marriage and far less
than during the era of institutional marriage.
Instead, personal choice and self-develop-
ment loom large in people’s construction of
their marital careers.
But if marriage is now optional, it remains
highly valued. As the practical importance of
marriage has declined, its symbolic impor-
tance has remained high and may even have
At its height as an institution in
the mid-twentieth century, marriage was al-
most required of anyone wishing to be con
sidered a respectable adult. Having children
outside marriage was stigmatized, and a per-
son who remained single through adulthood
was suspect. But as other lifestyle options be-
came more feasible and acceptable, the need
American Marriage in the Early T
wenty-First Century
VOL. 15 / NO. 2 / FALL 2005 41
bearing outside marriage. The roles of wives
and husbands became more flexible and
open to negotiation. And a more individualis-
tic perspective on the rewards of marriage
took root. When people evaluated how satis-
fied they were with their marriages, they
began to think more in terms of developing
their own sense of self and less in terms of
gaining satisfaction through building a family
and playing the roles of spouse and parent.
The result was a transition from the compan-
ionate marriage to what we might call the in-
dividualized marriage.
The Current Context of Marriage
To be sure, the “companionate marriage” and
the “individualized marriage” are what sociol-
ogists refer to as ideal types. In reality, the
distinctions between the two are less sharp
than I have drawn them. Many marriages, for
example, still follow the companionate ideal.
Nevertheless, as a result of the economic and
cultural trends noted above, marriage now
exists in a very different context than it did in
the past. Today it is but one among many op-
tions available to adults choosing how to
shape their personal lives. More forms of
marriage and more alternatives to it are so-
cially acceptable. One may fit marriage into
life in many ways: by first living with a part-
ner, or sequentially with several partners,
without explicitly considering whether to
marry; by having children with one’
s eventual
spouse or with someone else before marrying;
by (in some jurisdictions) marrying someone
of the same gender and building a shared
marital world with few guidelines to rely on.
Within marriage, roles are more flexible and
negotiable, although women still do more of
the household work and childrearing.
The rewards that people seek through mar
riage and other close relationships have also
shifted. Individuals aim for personal growth
Marriage now exists in
a very different context
than it did in the past.
Today it is but one among
many options available to
adults choosing how to shape
their personal lives.
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to be married diminished. Nevertheless,
marriage remains the preferred option for
most people. Now, however, it is not a step
taken lightly or early in young adulthood.
Being “ready” to marry may mean that a cou-
ple has lived together to test their compati-
bility, saved for a down payment on a house,
or possibly had children to judge how well
they parent together. Once the foundation of
adult family life, marriage is now often the
Although some observers believe that a
“culture of poverty” has diminished the value
of marriage among poor Americans, research
suggests that the poor, the near-poor, and the
middle class conceive of marriage in similar
terms. Although marriage rates are lower
among the poor than among the middle class,
marriage as an ideal remains strong for both
groups. Ethnographic studies show that many
low-income individuals subscribe to the cap-
stone view of marriage. In a study of low
income families that I carried out with
several collaborators, a twenty-seven-year-old
mother told an ethnographer:
I was poor all my life and so was Regi-
nald. When I got pregnant, we agreed we
would marry some day in the future be-
cause we loved each other and wanted to
raise our child together. But we would
not get married until we could afford to
get a house and pay all the utility bills on
time. I have this thing about utility bills.
Our gas and electric got turned off all the
time when we were growing up and we
wanted to make sure that would not hap-
pen when we got married. That was our
biggest worry. . . . We worked together
and built up savings and then we got
married. It’s forever for us.
The poor, the near-poor, and the middle class
also seem to view the emotional rewards of
marriage in similar terms. Women of all
classes value companionship in marriage:
shared lives, joint childrearing, friendship,
romantic love, respect, and fair treatment.
For example, in a survey conducted in
twenty-one cities, African Americans were as
likely as non-Hispanic whites to rate highly
the emotional benefits of marriage, such as
friendship, sex life, leisure time, and a sense
of security; and Hispanics rated these bene-
fits somewhat higher than either group.
Moreover, in the “fragile families” study of
unmarried low- and moderate-income cou-
ples who had just had a child together, Mar-
cia Carlson, Sara McLanahan, and Paula
England found that mothers and fathers who
scored higher on a scale of relationship sup-
portiveness were substantially more likely to
be married one year later
Among the items
in the scale were whether the partner “is fair
and willing to compromise” during a dis-
agreement, “expresses affection or love,” “en
courages or helps,” and does not insult or
criticize. In a 2001 national survey of young
adults aged twenty to twenty-nine conducted
by the Gallup Organization for the National
Marriage Project, 94 percent of never-
married respondents agreed that “when you
marry, you want your spouse to be your soul
mate, first and foremost.” Only 16 percent
Andrew J. Cherlin
Women of all classes value
companionship in marriage:
shared lives, joint
childrearing, friendship,
romantic love, respect, and
fair treatment.
03 FOC 15-2 fall05 Cherlin.qxp 8/4/2005 12:10 PM Page 42
agreed that “the main purpose of marriage
these days is to have children.”
As debates over same-sex marriage illustrate,
marriage is also highly valued by lesbians and
gay men. In 2003 the Massachusetts Supreme
Court struck down a state law limiting mar-
riage to opposite-sex couples, and same-sex
marriage became legal in May 2004 (although
opponents may eventually succeed in pro-
hibiting it through a state constitutional
amendment). Advocates for same-sex mar-
riage argued that gay and lesbian couples
should be entitled to marry so that they can
benefit from the legal rights and protections
that marriage brings. But the Massachusetts
debate also showed the symbolic value of mar
riage. In response to the court’s decision, the
state legislature crafted a plan to enact civil
unions for same-sex couples. These legally
recognized unions would have given same-sex
couples most of the legal benefits of marriage
but would have withheld the status of being
married. The court rejected this remedy, ar-
guing that allowing civil unions but not mar-
riage would create a “stigma of exclusion,” be-
cause it would deny to same-sex couples “a
status that is specially recognized in society
and has significant social and other advan-
tages.” That the legislature was willing to pro-
vide legal benefits was not sufficient for the
judges, nor for gay and lesbian activists, who
rejected civil unions as second-class citizen-
ship. Nor would it be enough for mainstream
Americans, most of whom are still attached to
marriage as a specially recognized status.
Putting U.S. Marriage in
International Perspective
How does the place of marriage in the family
system in the United States compare with its
place in the family systems of other devel
oped nations? It turns out that marriage in
the United States is quite distinctive.
A Greater Attachment to Marriage
Marriage is more prevalent in the United
States than in nearly all other developed
Western nations. Figure 3 shows the total
first marriage rate for women in the United
American Marriage in the Early T
wenty-First Century
VOL. 15 / NO. 2 / FALL 2005 43
Figure 3. Total First Marriage Rates of Women, Selected European and
English-Speaking Countries, 1990
Sources: Alain Monnier and Catherine de Guibert-Lantoine, “The Demographic Situation of Europe and Developed Countries Overseas: An
Annual Report,” Population; An English Selection 8 (1996): 235–50; U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, “Advance Report of Final
Marriage Statistics, 1989 and 1990,” Monthly Vital Statistics Report 43, no. 12, supp. (Government Printing Office, 1995).
Marriages per 1,000 women
SwedenFranceBritainCanadaGermanyItalyUnited States
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dians agreed, as did 26 percent of the British,
and 36 percent of the French.
seem more attached to marriage as a norm
than do citizens in other developed countries.
This greater attachment to marriage has a
long history. As Alexis de Tocqueville wrote
in the 1830s, “There is certainly no country in
the world where the tie of marriage is more
respected than in America or where conjugal
happiness is more highly or worthily appreci-
Historian Nancy Cott has argued that
the nation’s founders viewed Christian mar-
riage as one of the building blocks of Ameri-
can democracy. The marriage-based family
was seen as a mini-republic in which the hus-
band governed with the consent of the wife.
The U.S. government has long justified laws
and policies that support marriage. In 1888,
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Field wrote,
“marriage, as creating the most important re-
lation in life, as having more to do with the
morals and civilization of a people than any
other institution, has always been subject to
the control of the legislature.”
The conspicuous historical exception to gov-
ernment support for marriage was the insti-
tution of slavery, under which legal marriage
was prohibited. Many slaves nevertheless
married informally, often using public rituals
such as jumping over a broomstick.
scholars also think that slaves may have re
tained the kinship patterns of West Africa,
where marriage was more a process that un-
folded over time in front of the community
than a single event.
The prospective hus-
band’s family, for example, might wait until
the prospective wife bore a child to finalize
the marriage.
The distinctiveness of marriage in the United
States is also probably related to greater reli-
gious participation. Tocqueville observed,
Andrew J. Cherlin
States and in six other developed nations in
1990. (Shortly after 1990, the U.S. govern-
ment stopped collecting all the information
necessary to calculate this rate.) The total
first marriage rate provides an estimate of the
proportion of women who will ever marry.
It must be interpreted carefully because it
yields estimates that are too low if calculated
at a time when women are postponing mar-
riage until older ages, as they were in 1990 in
most countries. Thus, all the estimates in fig-
ure 3 are probably too low. Nevertheless, the
total first marriage rate is useful in comparing
countries at a given time point, and I have se-
lected the nations in figure 3 to illustrate the
variation in this rate in the developed world.
The value of 715 for the United States—the
highest of any country—implies that 715 out
of 1,000 women were expected to marry. Italy
had a relatively high value, while France and
Sweden had the lowest. In between were
Britain, Canada, and Germany
Not only is marriage stronger demographi-
cally in the United States than in other devel
oped countries, it also seems stronger as an
ideal. In the World Values Surveys conducted
between 1999 and 2001, one question asked
of adults was whether they agreed with the
statement, “Marriage is an outdated institu-
tion.” Only 10 percent of Americans agreed—
a lower share than in any developed nation
except Iceland. Twenty-two percent of Cana-
Not only is marriage stronger
demographically in the
United States than in other
developed countries, it also
seems stronger as an ideal.
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“there is no country in the world where the
Christian religion retains a greater influence
over the souls of men than in America.”
That statement is still true with respect to the
developed nations today: religious vitality is
greatest in the United States.
For instance,
in the World Values Surveys, 60 percent of
Americans reported attending religious ser-
vices at least monthly, as against 36 percent
of Canadians, 19 percent of the British, and
12 percent of the French.
Americans look
to religious institutions for guidance on mar-
riage and family life more than do the citi-
zens of most Western countries. Sixty-one
percent of Americans agreed with the state-
ment, “Generally speaking, do you think that
the churches in your country are giving ade-
quate answers to the problems of family
life?” Only 48 percent of Canadians, 30 per-
cent of the British, and 28 percent of the
French agreed.
Moreover, family policies in many European
nations have long promoted births, whereas
American policies generally have not. This em-
phasis on pronatalism has been especially
prominent in France, where the birth rate
began to decline in the 1830s, decades before
it did in most other European nations.
then, the French government has been con-
cerned about losing ground in population size
to potential adversaries such as Germany.
(The Germans felt a similar concern, which
peaked in the Nazis’ pronatalist policies of the
1930s and early 1940s.)
As a result, argues
one historian, French family policy has fol
lowed a “parental logic” that places a high
priority on supporting parents with young chil-
dren—even working wives and single par
These policies have included family al-
lowances prorated by the number of children,
maternity insurance, and maternity leave with
partial wage replacement. In contrast, policies
in Britain and the United States followed a
“male breadwinner logic” of supporting mar-
ried couples in which the husband worked out-
side the home and the wife did not.
ist pressure has never been strong in the
United States, even though the decline in the
U.S. birth rate started in the early 1800s, be-
cause of the nation’s openness to increasing its
population through immigration.
More Transitions Into and
Out of Marriage
In addition to its high rate of marriage, the
United States has one of the highest rates of
divorce of any developed nation. Figure 4
displays the total divorce rate in 1990 for the
countries shown in figure 3. The total divorce
rate, which provides an estimate of the num-
ber of marriages that would end in divorce,
has limits similar to those of the total mar-
riage rate but is likewise useful in interna-
tional comparisons.
Figure 4 shows that the
United States had a total divorce rate of 517
divorces per 1,000 marriages, with just over
half of all marriages ending in divorce. Swe-
den had the second highest total divorce rate,
and other Scandinavian countries had similar
levels. The English-speaking countries of
Britain and Canada were next, followed by
France and Germany. Italy had a very low
level of predicted divorce.
Both entry into and exit from marriage are
indicators of what Robert Schoen has called a
country’s “marriage metabolism”: the number
of marriage- and divorce-related transitions
that adults and their children undergo.
ure 5, which presents the sum of the total
first marriage rate and the total divorce rate,
shows that the United States has by far the
highest marriage metabolism of any of the
developed countries in question.
Italy, de-
spite its high marriage rate, has the lowest
metabolism because of its very low divorce
rate. Sweden, despite its high divorce rate,
American Marriage in the Early T
wenty-First Century
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has a lower metabolism than the United
States because of its lower marriage rate. In
other words, what makes the United States
most distinctive is the combination of high
marriage and high divorce rates—which im-
plies that Americans typically experience
more transitions into and out of marriages
than do people in other countries.
A similar trend is evident in movement into
and out of cohabiting unions. Whether in
marriage or cohabitation, Americans appear
to have far more transitions in their live-in
relationships. According to surveys from the
mid-1990s, 5 percent of women in Sweden
had experienced three or more unions (mar-
riages or cohabiting relationships) by age
thirty-five. In the rest of Europe, the compa
rable figure was 1 to 3 percent.
But in the
United States, according to a 1995 survey, 9
percent of women aged thirty-five had expe
rienced three or more unions, nearly double
the Swedish figure and far higher than that
of other European nations.
By 2002, the
U.S. figure had climbed to 12 percent.
other comparable nation has such a high
level of multiple marital and cohabiting
American children are thus more likely to ex-
perience multiple transitions in living arrange-
ments than are children in Europe. Another
study using the same comparative data from
the mid-1990s reported that 12 percent of
American children had lived in three or more
parental partnerships by age fifteen, as against
3 percent of children in Sweden, which has
the next highest figure.
As transitions out of
partnerships occur, children experience a pe-
riod of living in a single-parent family. And al-
though American children, in general, are
more likely to live in a single-parent family
while growing up than are children elsewhere,
the trend differs by social class. As Sara
McLanahan shows in a comparison of children
whose mothers have low or moderate levels of
education, American children are much more
likely than those in several European nations
to have lived with a single mother by age fif-
teen. The cross-national difference is less pro
nounced among children whose mothers are
highly educated.
Andrew J. Cherlin
Figure 4. Total Divorce Rates, Selected European and English-Speaking Countries, 1990
Sources: Monnier and de Guibert-Lantoine, “The Demographic Situation of Europe and the Developed Countries Overseas” (see figure 3);
U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, “
Advance Report of Final Divorce Statistics, 1989 and 1990,” Monthly Vital Statistics Report 43,
no. 9, supp. (Government Printing Office, 1995).
Divorces per 1,000 marriages
SwedenFranceBritainCanadaGermanyItalyUnited States
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Also contributing to the prevalence of single-
parent families in the United States is the rel-
atively large share of births to unmarried,
noncohabiting women—about one in five.
In most other developed nations with numer-
ous nonmarital births, a greater share of un-
married mothers lives with the fathers of their
children. In fact, the increases in nonmarital
births in Europe in recent decades largely re-
flect births to cohabiting couples rather than
births to single parents.
As noted, the
United States is seeing a similar trend toward
births to cohabiting couples, but the practice
is still less prevalent in the United States than
in many European nations.
Greater Economic Inequality
Children in the United States experience
greater inequality of economic well-being
than children in most other developed na-
tions. One recent study reported that the gap
between the cash incomes of children’s fami-
lies in the lowest and highest 10 percent was
larger in the United States than in twelve
other developed countries.
The low ranking
of the United States is attributable both to the
higher share of births to single parents and to
the higher share of divorce. But even when
the comparison is restricted to children living
in single-parent families, children in the
United States have the lowest relative stan-
dard of living. For example, one comparative
study reported that 60 percent of single-
mother households in the United States were
poor, as against 45 percent in Canada, 40 per-
cent in the United Kingdom, 25 percent in
France, 20 percent in Italy, and 5 percent in
The differences are caused by vari-
ations both in the income earned by single
parents and in the generosity of government
cash transfers. In other words, having a high
share of single-parent families predisposes
the United States to have a higher poverty
rate, but other countries compensate better
for single parenthood through a combination
of social welfare spending and supports for
employed parents, such as child care.
More Controversy over Gay and
Lesbian Partnerships
Other developed countries tend to be more
open to gay and lesbian partnerships than is
American Marriage in the Early T
wenty-First Century
VOL. 15 / NO. 2 / FALL 2005 47
Figure 5. Marriage Metabolism, Selected European and English-Speaking Countries, 1990
Sources: See figures 3 and 4.
Marriage metabolism per 1,000 women
SwedenFranceBritainCanadaGermanyItalyUnited States
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the United States. Two European nations,
Belgium and the Netherlands, have legalized
same-sex marriage. By 2005, courts in seven
Canadian provinces had ruled that laws re-
stricting marriage to opposite-sex couples
were discriminatory, and the Canadian fed-
eral government had introduced a bill to le-
galize gay marriage nationwide. Many other
developed nations, including all the Scandi-
navian countries and Germany, have
amended their family laws to include legal
recognition of same-sex partnerships.
France enacted its somewhat different form
of domestic partnership, the pacte civil de
solidarité (PACS), in 1999. Originally con-
ceived in response to the burden placed on
gay couples by the AIDS epidemic, the 1999
legislation was not restricted to same-sex
In fact, it is likely that more
opposite-sex partners than same-sex partners
have chosen this option.
The PACS does
not provide all the legal benefits of marriage.
It is a privately negotiated contract between
two persons who are treated legally as indi-
viduals unless they have children. Even when
they have children, the contract does not re-
quire one partner to support the other after a
dissolution, and judges are reluctant to award
joint custody. Moreover, individuals in a
same-sex PACS do not have the right to
adopt children or to use reproductive tech-
nology such as in vitro fertilization.
For the most part, the issue of marriage has
been less prominent in European than in
North American debates about same-sex part-
nerships. To this point, no serious movement
for same-sex marriage has appeared in
The French debate, consistent with
the nation’s child-oriented social policies, has
focused more on the kinship rights and rela
tionships of the children of the partners than
on whether the legal form of partnership
should include marriage.
In 2004, the mayor
of Bègles, France, created a furor—similar to
that seen in the United States following the
granting of marriage licenses in San Fran-
cisco—by marrying a gay couple. But mar-
riage remains less central to the politics of
same-sex partnerships in France and else-
where in Europe than it is in North America.
Marriage Transformed
Marriage remains an important part of the
American family system, even if its domi-
nance has diminished. Sentiment in favor of
marriage appears to be stronger in the
United States than elsewhere in the devel-
oped world, and the share of adults who are
likely to marry is higher—as is, however,
their propensity to get divorced. Increasingly,
gay and lesbian activists are arguing, with
some success, that they, too, should be al-
lowed to marry. Even poor and near-poor
Americans, who are statistically less likely to
marry, hold to marriage as an ideal. But the
contemporary ideal differs from that of the
past in two important ways.
The Contemporary Ideal
First, marriage is now more optional in the
United States than it has ever been. Until re-
cently, family formation rarely occurred out-
side of marriage. Now, to a greater extent than
ever before, one can choose whether to have
children on one’
s own, in a cohabiting relation
ship, or in a marriage. Poor and working-class
Americans have radically separated the timing
of childbearing and marriage, with many
young adults having children many years be-
fore marrying. At current rates, perhaps one-
third of African Americans will never marry
To be sure, some of the increase in seemingly
single-parent families reflects a rise in the
number of cohabiting couples who are having
children, but these cohabiting relationships
often prove unstable. How frequently the op-
Andrew J. Cherlin
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tion of marriage becomes a reality depends
heavily on one’s race, ethnicity, or social class.
African Americans and less well-educated
Americans, for example, still value marriage
highly but attain it less frequently than whites
and better-educated Americans.
Second, the rewards of marriage today are
more individualized. Being married is less a
required adult role and more an individual
achievement—a symbol of successful self-
development. And couples are more prone to
dissolve a marriage if their individualized re-
wards seem inadequate. Conversely, mar-
riage is less centered on children. Today,
married couples in the United States are hav-
ing fewer children than couples have had at
any time in the nation’s history except during
the Great Depression.
The changes in marriage, however, have not
been solely cultural in origin. It is still the
norm that a man must be able to provide a
steady income to be seen as a good prospect
for marriage. He no longer need earn all the
family’s income, but he must make a substan-
tial, stable contribution. As the labor market
position of young men without a college edu-
cation has eroded, their attractiveness in the
marriage market has declined. Many of their
potential partners have chosen to have chil-
dren outside marriage early in adulthood
rather than to wait for the elusive promise of
finding a spouse. Moreover, the introduction
of the birth control pill and the legalization of
abortion have allowed young women and
men to become sexually active long before
they think about marriage.
When the American family system is viewed
in international perspective, it is most distinc-
tive for the many transitions into and out of
marital and cohabiting unions. Americans are
more likely to experience multiple unions
over the course of their lives than are Euro-
peans. Moreover, cohabiting relationships in
the United States still tend to be rather short,
with a median duration (until either marriage
or dissolution) of about one year. The median
duration of cohabiting unions is about four
years in Sweden and France and two or more
years in most other European nations.
this means that American children probably
face greater instability in their living arrange-
ments than children anywhere else in the de-
veloped world. Recent research has sug-
gested that changes in family structure,
regardless of the beginning and ending con-
figurations, may cause problems for chil-
Some of these apparent problems
may reflect preexisting family difficulties, but
some cause-and-effect association between
instability and children’s difficulties probably
exists. If so, the increase in instability over the
past decades is a worrisome trend that may
not be receiving the attention it deserves.
Positive Developments
This is not to suggest that all the trends in
marriage in America have been harmful to
children. Those who live with two parents or
with one well-educated parent may be doing
better than comparable children a few
decades ago. As noted, income growth has
been greater in dual-career families, and di-
vorce rates may have fallen among the col-
lege educated. In addition, the time spent
with their parents by children in two-parent
families has gone up, not down, and the com-
parable time spent by children with single
parents has not changed, even though moth-
ers’ work outside the home has increased.
orking mothers appear to compensate for
time spent outside the home by cutting back
on housework and leisure—and, for those
who are married, relying on modest but no
ticeable increases in husbands’ housework—
to preserve time with children.
American Marriage in the Early T
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Meanwhile, the decline in fertility means that
there are fewer children in the home to com-
pete for their parents’ attention. Middle-class
parents engage in an intensive childrearing
style that sociologist Annette Lareau calls
“concerted cultivation”: days filled with or-
ganized activities and parent-child discus-
sions designed to enhance their children’s tal-
ents, opinions, and skills.
While some social
critics decry this parenting style, middle-class
children gain skills that will be valuable to
them in higher education and in the labor
market. They learn how to communicate with
professionals and other adults in positions of
authority. They develop a confident style of
interaction that Lareau calls “an emerging
sense of entitlement,” compared with “an
emerging sense of constraint” among work-
ing-class and lower-class youth.
Marriage and Public Policy
Because marriage has been, and continues to
be, stronger in the United States than in
much of Europe, American social welfare
policies have focused more on marriage than
have those of many European countries. That
emphasis continues. George W. Bush’s admin-
istration advocates marriage-promotion pro-
grams as the most promising way to assist
families. No European country has pursued a
comparable policy initiative. Moreover, the
issue of gay marriage has received more at-
tention in the United States than in most of
Europe. This greater emphasis on marriage in
public policy reflects the history and culture
of the United States. Policies that build on
and support marriage are likely to be popular
with American voters because they resonate
with American values. Europe’
s more gener
ous public spending on children, regardless of
their parents’ marital status, is rooted in con-
cerns about low population growth that have
never been strong in the United States. Such
public spending on single-parent families also
reflects the lesser influence of religion in Eu-
rope. So it is understandable that American
policymakers wishing to generate support for
new family policy initiatives might turn to
marriage-based programs.
Yet the relatively high value placed on mar-
riage in the United States coexists with an
unmatched level of family instability and
large numbers of single-parent families. This,
too, is part of the American cultural heritage.
The divorce rate appears to have been higher
in the United States than in most of Europe
since the mid-nineteenth century.
This emblematic American pattern of high
marriage and divorce rates, cohabiting unions
of short duration, and childbearing among
unpartnered women and men makes it unre-
alistic to think that policymakers will be able
to reduce rates of multiple unions and of sin-
gle parenthood in the United States to typical
European levels. Consequently, a family pol-
icy that relies too heavily on marriage will not
help the many children destined to live in
single-parent and cohabiting-parent fami-
lies—many of them economically disadvan-
taged—for some or all of their formative
years. Only assistance directed to needy fam-
ilies, regardless of their household structure,
will reach them. Such policies are less popu-
lar in the United States, as the widespread
disdain for cash welfare and the popularity of
the 1996 welfare reform legislation demon-
strate. Moreover, some American policymak-
ers worry that programs that support all par
ents without regard to partnership status may
decrease people’s incentive to marry.
dilemma for policymakers is how to make the
trade-off between marriage-based and mar-
riage-neutral programs. A careful balance of
both is needed to provide adequate support
to American children.
Andrew J. Cherlin
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1. W. C. Rodgers and A. Thornton, “Changing Patterns of First Marriage in the United States,” Demography 22
(1985): 265–79; Joshua R. Goldstein and Catherine T. Kenney, “Marriage Delayed or Marriage Forgone?
New Cohort Forecasts of First Marriage for U.S. Women,” American Sociological Review 66 (2001): 506–19.
2 . U.S. Bureau of the Census, “Percent of People 25 Years Old and Over Who Have Completed High School
or College, by Race, Hispanic Origin and Sex: Selected Years 1940 to 2002,” 2003, table A-2, (accessed June 24, 2004).
3. Ibid.
4. U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, “Fertility, Family Planning, and Women’s Health: New Data
from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth,” Vital and Health Statistics 23, no. 19 (1997), available
at (accessed July 13, 2004).
5. Larry L. Bumpass and Hsien-Hen Lu, “Trends in Cohabitation and Implications for Children’s Family
Contexts in the United States,” Population Studies 54 (2000): 29–41. They note that 49 percent of women
aged thirty to thirty-four years old in the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth reported ever cohabiting.
6. U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, “Number and Percent of Births to Unmarried Women, by Race
and Hispanic Origin: United States, 1940–99,” Vital Statistics of the United States, 1999, vol. 1, Natality,
table 1-17 (available at [accessed January 12, 2005]); and U.S.
National Center for Health Statistics, “Births: Preliminary Data for 2002,” National Vital Statistics Report
53, no. 9, (accessed January 12, 2005). For 2003, the fig-
ures were 34.6 percent overall, 23.5 percent for non-Hispanic whites, 68.5 percent for non-Hispanic
blacks, and 45 percent for Hispanics.
7. Ibid.
8. Marcia Carlson, Sara McLanahan, and Paula England, “Union Formation in Fragile Families,” Demogra-
phy 41 (2004): 237–61
9. Dan Black and others, “Demographics of the Gay and Lesbian Population in the United States: Evidence
from Available Systematic Data,” Demography 37 (2000): 139–54.
10. U.S. Bureau of the Census, “Married-Couple and Unmarried-Partner Households: 2000” (Government
Printing Office, 2003).
Andrew Cherlin,
Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage (Harvard University Press, 1992).
12. Matthew Bramlett and William D. Mosher, Cohabitation, Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the United
States, series 22, no. 2 (U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, Vital and Health Statistics, 2002), avail-
able at www (accessed June 2003).
13. U.S. Bureau of the Census. “Detailed Living Arrangements of Children by Race and Hispanic Origin, 1996,”
2001,–74/tab01.pdf (accessed June 28, 2004). The data are
from the 1996 Survey of Income and Program Participation, wave 2.
. Some of the one-parent families contain an unmarried cohabiting partner, whom the Census Bureau nor-
mally does not count as a “parent.” According to the 1996 estimates cited in the previous note, about 2.5
percent of children live with a biological or adoptive parent who is cohabiting.
American Marriage in the Early T
wenty-First Century
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15. Lynne Casper and Suzanne M. Bianchi, Continuity and Change in the American Family (Thousand Oaks,
Calif.: Sage, 2002).
16. David Ellwood and Christopher Jencks, “The Uneven Spread of Single-Parent Families: What Do We
Know? Where Do We Look for Answers?” in Social Inequality, edited by Kathryn M. Neckerman (New
York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2004), pp. 3–118.
17. Sara McLanahan, “Diverging Destinies: How Children Are Faring under the Second Demographic Transi-
tion,” Demography 41 (2004): 607–27.
18. Ellwood and Jencks, “The Uneven Spread of Single-Parent Families” (see note 16).
19. Steven P. Martin, “Growing Evidence for a ‘Divorce Divide’? Education and Marital Dissolution Rates in
the U.S. since the 1970s,” Working Paper on Social Dimensions of Inequality (New York: Russell Sage
Foundation, 2004).
20. McLanahan, “Diverging Destinies” (see note 17).
21. Ibid.
22. Isabel Sawhill and Laura Chadwick, Children in Cities: Uncertain Futures (Brookings, 1999); and Donald
J. Hernandez, America’s Children: Resources from Family, Government, and Economy (New York: Russell
Sage Foundation, 1993).
23. S. Philip Morgan and others, “Racial Differences in Household and Family Structure at the Turn of the
Century,” American Journal of Sociology 98 (1993): 798–828.
24. Cherlin,
Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage (see note 11).
25. Goldstein and Kenney, “Marriage Delayed or Marriage Forgone?” (see note 1).
26. U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, “Births: Preliminary Data” (see note 6).
27. Bumpass and Lu, “Trends in Cohabitation” (see note 5).
28. U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, “Revised Birth and Fertility Rates for the 1990s and New Rates
for the Hispanic Populations, 2000 and 2001: United States,” National Vital Statistics Reports 51, no. 12
(Government Printing Office, 2003); and U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, “Births: Final Data for
2000,” National Vital Statistics Report 50, no. 5 (Government Printing Office, 2002).
29. Frank D. Bean and Marta Tienda, The Hispanic Population of the United States (New York: Russell Sage
Foundation, 1987).
30. U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, “Births: Final Data for 2000” (see note 28).
31. McLanahan, “Diverging Destinies” (see note 17).
32. Elise Richer and others, Boom Times a Bust: Declining Employment among Less-Educated Young Men
(Washington: Center for Law and Social Policy, 2003); available at
1058362464.08/Boom_Times.pdf (accessed July 13, 2004).
33. William J. Wilson, The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy (University
of Chicago Press, 1987).
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34. Robert D. Mare and Christopher Winship, “Socioeconomic Change and the Decline in Marriage for Blacks
and Whites,” in The Urban Underclass, edited by Christopher Jencks and Paul Peterson (Brookings, 1991),
pp. 175–202; and Daniel T. Lichter, Diane K. McLaughlin, and David C. Ribar, “Economic Restructuring
and the Retreat from Marriage,” Social Science Research 31 (2002): 230–56.
35. Ernest W. Burgess and Harvey J. Locke, The Family: From Institution to Companionship (New York:
American Book Company, 1945).
36. Andrew J. Cherlin, “The Deinstitutionalization of American Marriage,” Journal of Marriage and the Fam-
ily 66 (2004): 848–61.
37. Ibid.
38. Linda Burton of Pennsylvania State University directed the ethnographic component of the study. For a
general description, see Pamela Winston and others, “Welfare, Children, and Families: A Three-City Study
Overview and Design,” 1999,\~welfare\ overviewanddesign.pdf (accessed July 10, 2004).
39. M. Belinda Tucker, “Marital Values and Expectations in Context: Results from a 21-City Survey,” in The
Ties That Bind: Perspectives on Marriage and Cohabitation, edited by Linda J. Waite (New York: Aldine de
Gruyter, 2000), pp. 166–87.
40. Carlson, McLanahan, and England, “Union Formation” (see note 8).
41. Barbara Dafoe Whitehead and David Popenoe, “Who Wants to Marry a Soul Mate?” in The State of Our
Unions, 2001, The National Marriage Project, Rutgers University, pp. 6–16, 2001, available at marriage. (accessed February 12, 2004).
42. The estimate assumes that the age-specific marriage rates in the year of calculation (in this case, 1990) will
remain unchanged in future years. Since this assumption is unrealistic, the total marriage rate is unlikely to
predict the future accurately. But it does demonstrate the rate of marriage implied by current trends.
43. Ronald Inglehart and others, Human Beliefs and Values: A Cross-Cultural Sourcebook Based on the
1999–2002 Values Surveys (Mexico City: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 2004).
44. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, vol. 1 (New York: Knopf, Everyman’s Library, 1994), p. 304.
45. Nancy Cott, Public Vows: A History of Marriage and the Nation (Harvard University Press, 2000).
46. Quoted in ibid., pp. 102–03.
47. Herbert G. Gutman, The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom, 1750–1925 (New York: Pantheon, 1976).
48. Jacqueline Jones, Labor of Love, Labor of Sorrow: Black Women and the Family from Slavery to the Pres-
ent (New York: Basic Books, 1985).
49. Tocqueville, Democracy in America (see note 44), p. 303.
50. Grace Davie, “Patterns of Religion in Western Europe: An Exceptional Case,” in The Blackwell Compan-
ion to the Sociology of Religion, edited by Richard K. Fenn (Oxford: Blackwell, 2001), pp. 264–78; and Sey-
mour Martin Lipset, “American Exceptionalism Reaffirmed,” Tocqueville Review 10 (1990): 3–35.
51. Inglehart and others, Human Beliefs and Values (see note 43).
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52. Ibid.
53. See the discussion in Ron J. Lesthaeghe, The Decline of Belgian Fertility, 1800–1970 (Princeton University
Press, 1977), p. 304.
54. Alisa Klaus, “Depopulation and Race Suicide: Maternalism and Pronatalist Ideologies in France and the
United States,” in Mothers of a New World: Maternalist Politics and the Origins of the Welfare State, edited
by Seth Koven and Sonya Michel (New York: Routledge, 1993), pp. 188–212.
55. Paul Ginsborg, “The Family Politics of the Great Dictators,” in Family Life in the Twentieth Century, ed-
ited by David I. Kertzer and Marzio Barbagli (Yale University Press, 2003), pp. 188–97.
56. Susan Pedersen, Family, Dependence, and the Origins of the Welfare State: Britain and France, 1914–1945
(Cambridge University Press, 1993).
57. Ibid.
58. The total divorce rate is formed by summing duration-specific divorce rates prevalent in the year of obser-
vation—in this case, 1990. It therefore assumes that the duration-specific rates of 1990 will remain the
same in future years. It shares the limits of the total marriage rate (see note 42).
59. Robert Schoen and Robin M. Weinick, “The Slowing Metabolism of Marriage: Figures from 1988 U.S.
Marital Status Life Tables,” Demography 39 (1993): 737–46. Schoen and Weinick used life table calcula-
tions to establish the marriage and divorce probabilities for American men and women. Unfortunately, only
total marriage rates and total divorce rates are available for other countries. Consequently, I calculated a
total divorce rate for the United States from published duration-specific divorce rates for 1990. I then
summed the total first marriage rate and total divorce rate for the United States and the other countries
displayed in figure 4. Although this procedure is not as accurate as using rates generated by life tables, the
difference is unlikely to alter the relative positions of the countries in the figure.
60. Strictly speaking, I should use the total divorce rate for people in first marriages (as opposed to including
people in remarriages), but the available data do not allow for that level of precision.
61. Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz and others, “Pathways to Stepfamily Formation in Europe: Results from the
FFS,” Demographic Research 8 (2003): 107–49.
62. Author’s calculation from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth microdata file.
63. Author’s calculation from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth microdata file.
64. Patrick Heuveline, Jeffrey M. Timberlake, and Frank F. Furstenberg Jr., “Shifting Childrearing to Single
Mothers: Results from 17 Western Countries,” Population and Development Review 29 (2003): 47–71. The
figures quoted appear in note 6.
65. McLanahan, “Diverging Destinies” (see note 17).
66. About one-third of all births are to unmarried mothers, and Bumpass and Lu report that about 60 percent
of unmarried mothers in 1995 were not cohabiting (0.33 x 0.60 = 0.198). Bumpas and Lu, “Trends in Co-
habitation” (see note 5).
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67. Kathleen Kiernan, “European Perspectives on Nonmarital Childbearing,” in Out of Wedlock: Causes and
Consequences of Nonmarital Fertility, edited by Lawrence L. Wu and Barbara Wolfe (New York: Russell
Sage Foundation, 2001), pp. 77–108.
68. Lars Osberg, Timothy M. Smeeding, and Jonathan Schwabish, “Income Distribution and Public Social Ex-
penditure: Theories, Effects, and Evidence,” in Social Inequality, edited by Kathryn M. Neckerman (New
York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2004), pp. 821–59.
69. Poverty was defined as having a family income of less than half of the median income for all families. Bruce
Bradbury and Markus Jäntti, “Child-Poverty across the Industrialized World: Evidence from the Luxem-
bourg Income Study,” in Child Well-Being, Child Poverty and Child Policy in Modern Nations: What Do
We Know? edited by Koen Vleminckx and Timothy M. Smeeding (Bristol, England: Policy Press, 2000),
pp. 11–32.
70. Marzio Barbagli and David I. Kertzer, “Introduction,” and Paulo Ronfani, “Family Law in Europe,” in
Family Life in the Twentieth Century, edited by David I. Kertzer and Marzio Barbagli (Yale University
Press, 2003), respectively, pp. xi–xliv and 114–51.
71. Claude Martin and Irène Théry, “The Pacs and Marriage and Cohabitation in France,” International Jour-
nal of Law, Policy and the Family 15 (2001): 135–58.
72. Patrick Festy, “The ‘Civil Solidarity Pact’ (PACS) in France: An Impossible Evaluation,” Population et
Sociétés, no. 369 (2001): 1–4.
73. John Eekelaar, “The End of an Era?”
Journal of Family History 28 (2003): 108–22.
74. Eric Fassin, “Same Sex, Different Politics: ‘Gay Marriage’ Debates in France and the United States,” Pop-
ular Culture 13 (2001): 215–32.
75. Kathleen Kiernan, “Cohabitation in Western Europe,” Population Trends 96 (Summer 1999): 25–32.
76. See, for example, Lawrence L. Wu and Brian C. Martinson, “Family Structure and the Risk of Premarital
Birth,” American Sociological Review 59 (1993): 210–32; Jake M. Najman and others, “Impact of Family
Type and Family Quality on Child Behavior Problems: A Longitudinal Study,” Journal of the American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 36 (1997): 1357–65.
77. John F. Sandberg and Sandra D. Hofferth, “Changes in Children’s Time with Parents, U.S. 1981–1997,”
Demography 38 (2001): 423–36.
78. Suzanne M. Bianchi, “Maternal Employment and Time with Children: Dramatic Change or Surprising
Continuity?” Demography 37 (2000): 401–14.
79. Annette Lareau, Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life (University of California Press, 2003).
80. Gören Therborn, Between Sex and Power: Family in the World, 1900–2000 (London: Routledge, 2004).
81. This proposition is similar to what David Ellwood has called the “assistance-family structure conundrum.”
David T. Ellwood, Poor Support: Poverty and the American Family (New York: Basic Books, 1988).
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