Reference Check Guidelines | Staff Searches
Conversations with references can assist you in determining the ideal candidate for your position. The
best time to check a candidate's references is when you intend to present an offer, or when you're making
the final selection between your top candidates.
Please only contact references that have been listed on the candidate reference list. Do not seek out
references from colleagues, friends, or former co-workers unless listed on the candidate
reference list. It is a best practice to inform the applicant you will be contacting their references prior to
any outreach.
Sample Staff Reference Check Form
Candidate Name:
Completed By:
Reference Name:
Example reference call:
Greeting: Hello, my name is __________ and I am calling to check a reference on a candidate we are
considering hiring at the University of Georgia as a (title of job).
(Name of candidate) listed you as a reference. Do you have a few minutes to speak to me about (name)?
Questions for current/former supervisor(s):
• What were the dates of their employment with your organization?
• Please describe the type of work for which the candidate was responsible.
• Did they meet your expectation, and in what areas?
• What areas would you identify for improvement, if any?
• How would you describe the quantity and quality of work generated by the candidate?
• Describe candidate’s interaction with supervisors, subordinates, peers and people outside the
• If you had the opportunity, would you rehire this individual?
Questions for non-supervisory references:
• In what capacity do you know this candidate, and how long have you known them?
• How would you describe the quality and quantity of their work?
• How well did they get along with coworkers?
• What do you believe were their strongest skills as an employee?
• How would you describe their work style?
• How would you evaluate their interpersonal skills?
• What areas would you identify for improvement, if any?
• Is there anything else you would like to share?