Interactive Media Agreement Producer Guide & FAQ
Hiring a SAG-AFTRA Performer In Your Game?
To hire our members, you have to complete a small amount of paperwork and this guide is designed to give
you a preview of that process so that you may know what to expect.
We have also included an FAQ that explains terminology found in the agreements and answers some of the
most commonly asked questions.
Step 1 – Pre-Production
To begin the process, start by sending the following documents to [email protected] :
1) Preliminary Information Sheet
2) Your company’s formation documents
a) For LLCs: company’s articles of organization, state filing receipt, and operating agreement
b) For Corporations: company’s articles of incorporation, state filing receipt, and by-laws
You will be assigned a Business Representative who will work with you throughout your production. Your
Business Representative will review your paperwork and email you additional documents to fill out and sign,
which will include:
1) Company Authorization Letter - This confirms who is authorized to sign the paperwork
2) Interactive Letter of Adherence - This document represents your agreement to adhere to all
provisions in the SAG-AFTRA Interactive Media Agreement
3) SAG-AFTRA Health Plan Letter of Adherence - This document acknowledges that you will pay
contributions on top of the performer’s salary
Once your Business Representative has received your completed and signed paperwork, they will
provide you with a Production ID number indicating that you are cleared to work with SAG-AFTRA
Step 2 – Production
When your project is cleared, your Business Representative will send you the following documents:
1) Cast Clearance/Station 12 – All performers must be current on their dues and in good
standing before they work for you. Our Cast Clearance Department allows you to verify the
performer’s status either online, by registering and completing the request form on our website Cast
Clearance Access Request Form , by calling (323) 549-6794 or by emailing the form to
2) Taft Hartley Report ( Principal and Background Performers) – For any performers who are not yet
SAG-AFTRA members, you will receive the status of “NR” (no record) from Cast Clearance. This lets
you know that you must submit a Taft-Hartley Report to your Business Representative, with the
performer’s headshot and resume. The Taft-Hartley will create a notice in our system that this
performer has worked on a SAG-AFTRA project for the first time which is the first step for the
performer becoming eligible to join the Union. As long as the performer is deemed a qualified
professional performer, there is no charge to the producer for hiring the performer and submitting a
Taft Hartley Report. A “qualified professional performer” is a person who has had sufficient training or
experience so as to qualify for a career as a professional performer, and who intends to be available
for employment to pursue a career in the industry.
3) Performer Contract/Member Report – Contracts must be filled out and provided to performers prior to
or on the first date of engagement. A fully executed copy should be provided to the performer and
your Business Representative.
4) Health Plan Contributions Form – Your payroll company may do this for you, but if not, complete a
SAG-AFTRA Health Plan contribution form and mail it, along with the check, to the SAG-AFTRA
Health Plan office or pay electronically using the Contributions Manager on the SAG-AFTRA Plans
5) Accident Report – Should an accident occur, please promptly complete the form and return to
6) Production Notices & References – This document is helpful for production notifications such as
anti-discrimination policies, employment of minors, and industry safety bulletins.
Performer Payroll: Forward payment to the performer(s) within 12 business days after services are rendered.
We recommend that you utilize the services of an experienced entertainment payroll company to process the
performer payments, taxes, withholdings, and SAG-AFTRA Health Plan and AFTRA Retirement
contributions. Performers cannot be paid as independent contractors (i.e., under 1099s). Submit copies of
the payroll registers to [email protected] .
If you have any questions, please contact the Voiceover Department at (323) 549-6815 and ask to speak to a
Business Representative
Interactive Media Agreement FAQs
What are the available agreements?
There are currently three interactive/video game agreements that vary to meet individual producers’
needs: Interactive Media Agreement, Tiered Independent Interactive Media Agreement, and the
Interactive Localization Agreement. Call the Voiceover Department to help figure out which one is
suitable for you.
How much do I need to pay the performers under the SAG-AFTRA Interactive Media Agreement?
The minimum amount that a performer is paid is called “scale.” All rates in the Agreement are scale
minimums. Rates may vary based on category of performance/hire. Below is an example
of the rate for a standard day of work:
4-hour off-camera or
8-hour on-camera
2020 Interactive Media Agreement
A copy of the rate sheet is available on the SAG-AFTRA website.
How is overtime paid?
Off-Camera Performers are compensated at time-and-a-half for the 5
and 6
hours and double time
for the 7
hour and beyond.
On-Camera Performers are compensated at time-and-a-half for the 9
and 10
hours and double
time for the eleventh hour and beyond.
When are payments due and are there late payment penalties?
Performer checks must be sent/postmarked no later than 12 business days after the work date. In
the event payments are not made in a timely manner, late fees will accrue at $2.50 per day for up to
30 business days.
Health and Retirement contributions are paid on top of the initial compensation. Contributions
are not payable on late payments.
What is the difference between “Omnies/Walla” and “Atmospheric Voices”?
“Omnies/Walla” are indistinguishable, crowd voices that are not being attributed to a specific
character. “Atmospheric Voices” are voices for characters that don’t have more than 300
scripted words and do not advance the principal storyline.
What is “Integration”?
Integration is when you use an excerpt of a Principal performance from one game into another game.
What is "Reuse"?
Reuse is when material recorded for a video game is used in another medium, such as a TV show,
commercial, or a film.
What is “Vocal Stress”?
Vocally stressful sessions are any work that risks damage or undue strain to the Performer’s
voice which may be due to prolonged requests for the Performer to enact:
yelling/shouting/screaming, fighting sounds, death sounds, battle cries, complicated creature sounds,
unnatural vocal textures, extensive whispering, high pitched vocal sounds, or any other voice/sound
that is difficult/challenging for the performer to deliver.
Are there residuals or use fees?
The Interactive Media Agreement does not include a residual payment structure as found in other
SAG-AFTRA Agreements. The Interactive Media Agreement includes Additional
Compensation paid to the performer based on the number of sessions each performer works on the
Is Additional Compensation a requirement for work that does not appear in the final game (e.g. characters
that were cut or dialogue recorded only for the trailer)?
No, only work which appears in the final game is subject to Additional Compensation.
Can I hire performers to work on a video game trailer for my game?
If your game was produced under the Interactive Media Agreement you can produce the trailer under
the trailer provisions in the Agreement. If your game was not produced under a SAG
AFTRA contract then the commercial rates would apply. Please contact the Commercials
Department for further information at (323) 549-6858.
As a Producer can I employ friends and family?
Ultimately, you have the right to hire anyone that is a qualified professional performer. Please review
Article I, Section 14 " Preference of Employment" provision for further information.
Please contact the Voiceover Department if you have further questions or concerns. Call 323-549-6815 or