Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Amy Krings, PhD, MSW
College of Social Work
The Ohio State University
The Ohio State University, College of Social Work
Associate Professor 2023
Faculty Affiliate, Center for Urban and Regional Analysis 2023
Faculty Affiliate, Institute for Population Research 2023
Faculty Affiliate, Sustainability Institute 2023
Loyola University Chicago, School of Social Work
Associate Professor 2021 2023
The Graduate School Faculty 2017 2023
Assistant Professor 2015 2021
University of Jyväskylä, Finland Fall 2021
Visiting Fellow: Environmental Justice and the Ecosocial Transition Toward Sustainability
Xavier University, Department of Social Work
Adjunct Teacher 2003, 2007-2008
Doctor of Philosophy, Social Work and Political Science
University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI
“The campaign for environmental justice in a Southwest Detroit border community”
Dissertation Committee Members: Lorraine M. Gutiérrez (Social Work Co-Chair), Gregory B. Markus
(Political Science Co-Chair), Donald R. Kinder (Political Science) and Michael Spencer (Social Work)
Master of Social Work
University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI
Areas of Specialization:
Community Organization and the Community-Based Initiative (CBI) in Detroit
Management of Human Systems
Bachelor of Social Work
Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Community Organizing, Environmental Justice, Gentrification, Macro Social Work, Political Social Work,
Social Justice Education, Social Welfare Policy, Theories of Social Change
* denotes student collaborator
Refereed Journal Articles
1. Thurber, A., Krings, A. Sawyer, J., Hamilton, G., & Gutiérrez, M. (2024.) Contested places: A typology
for responding to place-based harms. Journal of Social Work. DOI: 10.1177/14680173241240986.
2. *Dungy, M. & Krings, A. (2024.) Responsibilization and retraditionalization: How neoliberal logics
reproduce gender inequities among women community organizers in Chicago. Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in
Social Work. DOI: 10.1177/08861099241238199
3. Krings, A., Mora, A. S., Bechara, S., *Sánchez, C. N., Gutiérrez, L. M., Hawkins, J., & Austic, E.
(2023.) How early social work faculty experienced support in their doctoral programs. Journal of Social
Work Education. DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2023.2279789
4. *Shackelford, A., Rao, S., Krings, A., & *Frances, K. (2023.) Abolitionism and ecosocial work: Toward
equity, liberation, and environmental justice. British Journal of Social Work. bcad247. DOI:
5. Krings, A., Wathen, M., & Kilbane, T. (2023.) How COVID-19 and racial justice protests influenced
social workers' perceptions of policy and political participation. Social Work Research. 47(4), 261-273.
DOI: 10.1093/swr/svad019
6. *Sorensen, B. & Krings, A. (2023.) Fat liberation: How social workers can incorporate fat activism to
promote care and justice. Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work. DOI: 10.1177/08861099231183672.
7. Mathias, J., Krings, A., & Teixeira, S. (2023.) Which environmental social work? Environmentalisms,
social justice, and the dilemmas ahead. Social Service Review, 97(3).
8. Schusler, T., Krings, A., & Melstrom, R. (2023.) Experiences with environmental gentrification:
Evidence from Chicago. Landscape and Urban Planning, 236, 104765. DOI:
9. *Dungy, M. & Krings, A. (2023.) The challenges of “moving at the speed of trust”: How women
navigate new public management dynamics in power-based community organizations. Journal of
Community Practice, 31(1), 24-43. DOI: 10.1080/10705422.2023.2175754.
10. Melstrom, R., Mohammadi, R., Schusler, T., & Krings, A. (2022.) Who benefits from brownfield
cleanup and gentrification? Evidence from Chicago. Urban Affairs Review, 58(6), 1622-1651. DOI:
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
11. Krings, A. & *Copic, C. (2020). Environmental justice organizing in a gentrifying community:
Navigating dilemmas of representation, recruitment, and issue selection. Families in Society: The Journal of
Contemporary Social Services, 102(2), 154-166. DOI: 10.1177/104438942095
12. Markus G. B. & Krings, A. (2020). Planning, participation, and power in a ‘shrinking city’: The Detroit
Works Project. Journal of Urban Affairs, 42(8), 1141-1163. DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2020.1779009
13. Krings, A. & Schusler, T. (2020). Equity in sustainable development: Community responses to
environmental gentrification. International Journal of Social Welfare, 29(4), 321-334. DOI:
14. Krings, A., *Trubey-Hockman, C., Dentato, M. & Grossman, S. (2019). Recalibrating micro and macro
social work: Student perceptions of social action. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 39(2),
160-174. DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2019.1616686
15. Schusler, T., Krings, A. & *Hernández, M. (2019). Integrating youth participation and ecosocial work:
new possibilities to advance environmental and social justice. Journal of Community Practice, 27(3-4), 460-
475. DOI: 10.1080/10705422.2019.1657537
Winner of the Marie O. Weil Article of the Year Award in the Journal of Community Practice.
16. Teixeira, S., Mathias, J., & Krings, A. (2019). The future of environmental social work: Looking to
community initiatives for models of prevention. Journal of Community Practice, 27(3-4), 414-429. DOI:
17. Bell, F., Dennis, M. K., & Krings, A. (2019). Collective survival strategies and anti-colonial practice in
ecosocial work. Journal of Community Practice, 27(3-4), 279-295. DOI: 10.1080/10705422.2019.1652947
18. Thurber, A., Krings, A., Martinez, L. S., & Ohmer, M. (2019). Resisting gentrification: The theoretical
and practice contributions of social work. Journal of Social Work, 21(1), 26-45. DOI:
19. Krings, A., Fusaro, V., Nicoll, K. L., & Lee, N. Y. (2019). Social Work, Politics, and Social Policy
Education: Applying a Multidimensional Framework of Power. Journal of Social Work Education, 55(2),
224-237. DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2018.1544519
Included in a collection of JSWE articles highlighted for the promotion of racial justice.
20. Krings, A., Victor, B., Mathias, J, & Perron, B. (2018). Environmental social work in the disciplinary
literature, 1991 – 2015. International Social Work, 63(3), 275 - 290.
DOI: 10.177/002087281878397
Winner of the Article of the Year Prize in International Social Work.
21. Chin, M., Hawkins, J., Krings, A., *Pegeuro-Spencer, C., & Gutiérrez, L. (2018). Investigating diversity
in social work doctoral education in the United States. Journal of Social Work Education, 54(4), 762-775.
DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2018.1503127
22. Krings, A., Kornberg, D., & Lane, E. (2018). Organizing under austerity: How residents’ concerns
became the Flint water crisis. Critical Sociology, 45(4-5), 583-597. DOI: 10.1177/0896920518757053
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
23. Krings, A., *Thomas, H., Lee, S. J., *Ali, A., & *Miller, L. (2018.). Mothers’ perceptions of educational
access and engagement in a context of urban austerity. Children and Youth Services Review. 88, 298-307.
DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.03.017
24. Lee, S. J., Krings, A., *Rose, S., *Dover, K., *Ayoub, J., & *Salman, F. (2016). Racial inequality and the
implementation of emergency management laws in economically distressed urban areas. Children and
Youth Services Review, 70, 1-7. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.08.016
25. Krings, A., Austic, E., Gutiérrez, L. M., & *Dirksen, K. (2015). The comparative impacts of social
justice educational methods on political participation, civic engagement, and multicultural activism.
Equity & Excellence in Education. 48(3), 403-417. DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2015.1057087
26. Teixeira, S. & Krings, A. (2015). Sustainable social work: An environmental justice framework for
social work education. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 34(5), 513-527. DOI:
Refereed Journal Articles – Under Review
1. Forbes, R., Gomez-Vidal, C., Kang, J., & Krings, A. Applying a Human Rights Framework to the
Just Transition: Implications for Social Work. Submitted to Journal of Human Rights and Social Work.
2. Mason, L. R., Coye, S. M. R., Rao, S., Krings, A., & *Santucci, J. Environmental justice and social
work: A study across practice settings in three U.S. states. Submitted to Advances in Social Work.
3. Schusler, T. & Krings, A. Practitioners’ Perspectives on Preventing Environmental Gentrification.
Submitted to Landscape and Urban Planning.
Book Chapters
1. Forbes, R., Minnick, D., Krings, A., Mitchell, F., Teixeira, S. & Billiot, S. (2023). Strengthening the
Social Responses to the Human Impacts of Environmental Change. In Teasley, M., Spencer, M. S., &
Bartholomew, M. (Eds.) Social and the Grand Challenge to Eliminate Racism: Concepts, Theory, and Evidence
Based Approaches. Oxford University Press.
2. Kemp, S. P., Palinkas, L. A., Mason, L. R., Billiot, S., Mitchell, F. M., & Krings, A. (2022). Creating
Social Responses to a Changing Environment. In Barth, R.P., Shanks, T.R., Messing, J. & Williams,
J.H. (Eds.). Grand challenges for social work and society. (2
Edition). Oxford University Press.
3. Brady, S., Krings, A., & Sawyer, J. (2019). Hydraulic fracturing and Indigenous rights in the
Heartland of the USA: Lessons for environmental social workers. In M. Rinkel and M. Powers
(Eds.), Social work promoting community and environmental sustainability: A workbook for social work
practitioners and educators (Vol. 3). Rheinfelden, Switzerland: International Federation of Social Work
(IFSW). pp.155-171.
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
4. Krings, A. & *Thomas, H. (2018). Integrating green social work and the U.S. environmental justice
movement: An introduction to community benefits agreements. In Dominelli, L. (Ed.) The Routledge
Handbook of Green Social Work. (pp. 397-406). Routledge.
5. Krings, A., Spencer, M. S., & Jimenez, K. (2013). Organizing for environmental justice: From bridges
to taro patches. In S. Dutta and C. Ramanathan (Eds.), Governance, Development, and Social Work. (pp.
186-200). London: Routledge.
Encyclopedia Entries
1. Mason, L., Kemp, S., Palinkas, L., & Krings, A. (2021). Responses to Environmental Change.
In Encyclopedia of Social Work. Oxford University Press.
2. Thurber, A., & Krings, A. (2021). Gentrification. In Encyclopedia of Social Work. Oxford University
Commentaries and Editorials
1. Krings, A., D’Angelo, K., Ivery, J., & Murphy-Nugen, A. (2023.) Building or burning: Critical
reflections on social and political change. Journal of Policy Practice and Research. 4, 5-10. DOI:
2. Matthies, A.-L., Krings, A., & Stamm, I. (2020). Special Issue on Research-based knowledge about
social work and sustainability. International Journal of Social Welfare, 29(4), 297-299. DOI:
Book Reviews
4. Krings, A. (2013). Rhomberg, C. (2012). Book review of “The broken table: The Detroit newspaper
strike and the state of American labor”. Journal of Community Practice. 21(1-2), 162-164.
Policy Briefs and Community Reports
1. *Copic, C., Schusler, T., and Krings, A. (2020). Environmental Gentrification in Chicago:
Perceptions, Dilemmas and Paths Forward. 1-44.
2. Krings, A., Kornberg, D., & Lee, S. (2019). Lessons and policy implications from the Flint water
crisis. (CSD Policy Brief 19-41). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social
3. Schusler, T., & Krings, A. (2018). Addressing environmental gentrification: Improving environmental
health for children and youth without displacement. Prepared for the Center for the Human Rights of
Children (CHRC) at Loyola University Chicago.
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
4. *Williams, A., *Abboud, D., *Ward, M., *Fitzpatrick, S., Schusler, T., & Krings, A. (2017). Planning for
our industrial corridor: What you need to know. Prepared for the Little Village Environmental Justice
Organization (LVEJO).
5. Schusler, T., Krings, A., *Asis, D., &*Fitzpatrick, S. (2017). Brownfield Redevelopment, Urban Greening, and
Gentrification: A Preliminary Review of Literature. Prepared for the Little Village Environmental Justice
Organization (LVEJO).
6. Krings, A. (2014). Cities and Community Land Trust Partnerships: A Summary of Municipal Report for
Community Land Trusts. Prepared for the Detroit Community Land Trust Coalition.
Health Justice Lab: Housing, Health, and Communities.
Interdisciplinary Curricular Fellowship. 2022–2023.
Loyola University Chicago.
Co-Awarded with Jenna Prochaska in the School of Law.
Award: $6,000 and a course reduction.
Environmental Justice Organizing in Chicago.
Center for Urban Research and Learning (CURL) Faculty Fellow. 2022.
The Center for Urban Research and Learning.
Loyola University Chicago.
Award: $1,500.
Environmental Justice and the Ecosocial Transition Toward Sustainability.
Visiting Fellow Program. 2021.
University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
In partnership with Aila-Leena Matthies, Kati Närhi, and Ingo Stamm.
Award: $10,000.
Expanding the social and political influence of Latina mothers.
Center for Women and Leadership Faculty Fellowship. 2018.
Loyola University Chicago.
Award: Semester Research Sabbatical.
In a Context of Extreme Inequality, How do Marginalized People Collectively Organize to
Influence Public Policy?
Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship. 2014 – 2015.
Rackham Graduate School.
The University of Michigan.
Award: Tuition and $32,640.
The power and limitations of community practice in a Southwest Detroit border community
Irene and William Gambrill Fellowship. 2014.
School of Social Work.
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
The University of Michigan.
Award: $8,000.
The campaign for environmental justice in a Southwest Detroit border community
Dissertation Writing Institute Fellowship. 2014.
Sweetland Writing Center.
The University of Michigan
Award: $3,000.
How Do Power Relationships Influence a Low-Income Neighborhood’s Ability to Secure a
Community Benefits Agreement?
Gerald R. Ford Fellowship. 2012 – 2013.
Department of Political Science.
The University of Michigan.
Award: Tuition and $24,500.
The Bridge to Canada: Community Organization by Detroit Residents
Centennial Spring / Summer Fellowship. 2012.
Rackham Graduate School.
The University of Michigan.
Award: $6,000.
Manuscript Publication Assistance.
Office of Research Services. Loyola University Chicago. 2023.
Principle Investigator.
Award: $2,000.
Advancing Health Equity through Improved Environmental Quality without Displacing Residents
in Communities Disproportionately Affected by Environmental Pollution.
The Health Equity Collaborative. Loyola University Chicago. 2019 2020.
Co-Principle Investigator with Tania Schusler and Richard Melstrom.
Award: $38,497.
Parent Perceptions of Urban Educational Reforms.
Faculty Summer Research Stipend. Loyola University Chicago. 2018.
Principle Investigator.
Award: $7,000.
Youth and Environmental Justice Organizing.
Faculty Research Award. 2017 - 2018.
Center for the Human Rights of Children. Loyola University Chicago.
Co-Principle Investigator with Tania Schusler.
Award: $5,000.
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Effective Mobilization and Allyship in Environmental Community Organizing: Case Study of
Pilsen, Chicago.
Social Justice Research Fellowship. 2017-2018.
Loyola University Chicago.
Co-Principle Investigator with Colette Copic.
Award: $2,000.
The Impact of Urban Austerity Reforms on Educational Access and Parent Participation
Research Stipend. 2016 – 2017.
The Learning Community on Poverty and Inequality. The University of Michigan.
Co-Principle Investigator with Shawna Lee.
Award: $3,000.
2020 Article of the Year in International Social Work. “Environmental social work in the disciplinary
literature, 1991 – 2015”.
Exemplary article relating to racial justice in Journal of Social Work Education. “Social Work, Politics,
and Social Policy Education: Applying a Multidimensional Framework of Power”.
2019 Marie O. Weil Award for Article of the Year in Journal of Community Practice. “Integrating youth
participation and ecosocial work: new possibilities to advance environmental and social justice”.
St. Ignatius Loyola Teaching Award. Loyola University Chicago. Finalist. (2018 and 2019).
Peter Hans Kolvenbach Award for Engaged Teaching, Loyola University Chicago. Finalist.
2018 School of Social Work Student Organization Faculty Member of the Year Award. Loyola
University Chicago.
2015 Harold T. and Vivian B. Shapiro Prize, School of Social Work. University of Michigan.
2014 Association for Community Organization and Social Administration (ACOSA) Emerging Scholar
2013 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Outstanding Research Mentor Award.
2011 Rosemary Sarri Scholarship in Management, Social Policy or Community Organization, The
University of Michigan School of Social Work.
2010 Margaret Dow Towsley Scholar Award, The Center for the Education of Women, The University
of Michigan.
2002 Charlotte Towle Social Work Student of the Year Award, Xavier University.
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Gudorf Women and Minority Studies Award, Xavier University.
National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Ohio Region VI Student of the Year.
2024 62
Session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development, Rights, Voice,
Protections: Co-Creating Social Justice in an Eco-Social World. International Federation of Social
Workers Virtual Forum.
2023 Grand Challenges – Social Responses to a Changing Environment. Environmental Justice:
Through the Social Work Lens. NASW Virtual Forum.
Teaching Critical Reflection and Strategic Analysis to Social Workers: An Application of the
Equiticity Racial Justice Framework for Social Change. Wayne State University School of Social
Work Teaching Club.
Social Work, Climate, and Environmental Justice. Boston University School of Social Work Equity
and Inclusion Committee Emerging Scholars Program.
National Student Advocacy Day. Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy
(CRISP). Virtual Presentation.
Critical Conversation for Environmental Justice. SSWR 27
Annual Conference Invited
Symposium. Phoenix, AZ.
2022 Open for Climate Justice: International Open Access Week. Loyola University Chicago Library.
Chicago, IL.
Environmental Justice in Social Work Research. ASTRA Project on a Sustainable Transition
Summer School. (Virtual). Lisbon, Portugal.
Environmental Justice Work on the Southside of Chicago: An Interview with Cheryl Johnson.
Center for Urban Research and Learning (CURL) and the School of Social Work. Loyola
University Chicago Climate Change Conference. Chicago, IL.
On Community Building in a Doctoral Program. Brown Bag Series with Social Work Doctoral
Students. Chicago, IL.
Social Workers as Bridge Builders: Community and Policy Practice During a Pandemic, Increasing
Incivility, and Misinformation. Influencing Social Policy and Association of Community
Organization and Social Action. Brown School at Washington University. St. Louis, MO.
Futures Thinking: Imaging Social Work’s Role in Climate Change and Environmental Justice.
Social Work Health Futures Lab. Portland State University. Portland, OR.
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
2021 Social Work and Sustainability: Toward an Integration of the U.S. Environmental Justice
Movement and Ecosocial Work. ASTRA Project on a Sustainable Transition. University of
Jyväskylä, Finland.
Advocacy, Community Organizing, and Social Change. In A. Silva. Health Justice Lab: Race and
Health Equity. Law, Medicine, and Public Health Interdisciplinary Course. Loyola University
Chicago. Chicago, IL.
2020 W+ Explores the Importance of Gender Diversity in Politics. Annual Leadership Institute at the
University of Chicago’s Women and Other Gender Minorities in Public Service Programs (W+),
Institute of Politics. Chicago, IL.
2019 Community organizing to strengthen families and communities. Department of Social Work,
Hamburg, Germany University of Applied Sciences.
Promoting sustainable development: Community contestation over environmental gentrification.
Social Work and Sustainability Symposium – Research-Based Knowledge and Experiences from
Practice. Jyväskylä, Finland.
How Can Chicago Communities Effectively Mobilize, Build Coalitions, and Hold Institutions
Accountable? Panel moderator with Chicago-based community organizations. Illinois
Collaboration on Youth. Chicago, IL.
2018 Setting the World on Fire: Research, Change, and Social Justice. Faculty Panel. 11
Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Symposium. The Graduate School of Loyola University
Chicago. Chicago, IL.
Organizing Under Austerity: Social Work Macro Practice in a Neoliberal Context. In S. Harding.
Comparative Social Work Practice Models (Macro Practice). University of Connecticut School of
Social Work. Hartford, CT.
Expanding Women’s Care and Influence: An Evaluation of the Parent Mentor Program. Presented
with Hien Nguyen, Siobhan O’Donoghue, and Maria Vidal de Haymes. The Parent Mentor
Conference. Chicago, IL.
Youth and Environmental Justice Organizing. Center for the Human Rights of Children.
Presented with Tania Schusler. Loyola University Chicago. Chicago, IL.
The Green Gentrification Paradox: Advancing Environmental Justice without Displacement.
Presented with Tania Schusler. Center on Urban Research and Learning. Loyola University
Chicago. Chicago, IL.
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Wathen, M., Young, R, & Krings, A. Predictors of Political Participation of Social Workers:
Mediating Effect of Confidence. International Society for Third Sector Research. Antwerp,
Belgium. Unable to attend due to maternity leave.
Gomez-Vidal, C., Forbes, R., Kang, J. & Krings, A.. What is Social Work’s Role in a “Just
Transition”: Exploring Implications for Research and Practice. Society for Social Work and
Research Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
Hamilton, G., Rao, S., Williams, D. A., & Krings, A.. Collective Care and Abolition: Implications
for Climate Justice (Social Work). Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting.
Washington, DC.
Mason, L. R., Krings, A., Rao, S., Coye, S., Cummings-Melton, C., & *Santucci, J. Environmental
Justice and Professional Practice: A Survey of Social Workers in Three U.S. States Society for
Social Work and Research Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
Neimanas, N., Doherty, F., Cummings-Melton, C. & Krings, A. (Discussant). Integrating Critical
Environmental Justice Theory in Ecosocial Work Research. Society for Social Work and Research
Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
*Dungy, M. & Krings. A. Responsibilization and retraditionalization: How neoliberal logics shape
the experiences of women community organizers in Chicago. Macro United. St. Louis, MO.
*Shackleford., A., Rao, S., Krings, A., *Frances, K. What can eco social work learn from
abolitionist theory and practice? European Conference of Social Work Education. Porto, Portugal.
Unable to attend.
*Dungy, M. & Krings, A. Women's Experience of Power-Based Community Organizing in
Chicago: Persistent Gender Issues and Reasons Why Women Continue to Organize. Society for
Social Work and Research Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
Krings, A. (Organizer), Gutiérrez, L. M., Hawkins, J., Mora, A., Bechara, S., *Sánchez, C., &
Henly, J. Listening and Learning from Doctoral Students to Improve Doctoral Education. Society
for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
Routte, I., Berringer, K., Mathias, J., & Krings, A. (Discussant). In the Field: Theorizing Space and
Place in Social Work Research and Practice. Society for Social Work and Research Annual
Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
Thurber, A., Krings, A., & Hamilton, G. Rematriation and Place-Based Reparations: Policies and
Practices to Advance Racial Justice in Black, Brown, and Indigenous Communities. Society for
Social Work and Research Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Wathen, M., Krings, A., & Kilbane, T. Social Work Education, Practitioners’ Self-Efficacy, and
Political Participation. Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
Gutiérrez, L. M., Krings, A., Hawkins, J., Mora, A., Bechara, S., *Sánchez, C. & Austic, E. Early
Career Scholars' Perceptions of Support During Social Work Doctoral Education. Council for
Social Work Education Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA.
Krings, A., Wathen, M. & Kilbane, T. The Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic and 2020
Racial Justice Protests on the Political Attitudes and Behaviors of Social Workers. Society for
Social Work and Research Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. Unable to attend due to COVID-19
Krings, A. & Schusler, T. Advancing environmental justice in Chicago through community
planning, organizing, and development. Council for Social Work Education Annual
Meeting. Orlando, FL. Unable to attend due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Kilbane, T., Krings, A. & Wathen, M. COVID-19, the 2020 racial justice protests, & social
workers’ political participation. Paper accepted at the Council for Social Work Education Annual
Meeting. Orlando, FL. Unable to attend due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Schusler, T. & Krings, A. Transforming Governance to Achieve Racially Equitable Land Use in
Chicago, IL, USA. Paper presented at the Environmental Design Research Association
Conference. Detroit, MI. Unable to attend due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Schusler, T., Krings, A., & *Copic, C. Right to place: Transforming governance to achieve racially
equitable land use in Chicago, IL. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management.
Cairns, Australia. Session cancelled due to COVID-19.
Schusler, T., Krings, A., Melstrom, R., & *Copic, C. Experiences with (resisting) green
gentrification: Evidence from Chicago. Environmental Design Research Association Conference.
Tempe, AZ. Session cancelled due to COVID-19.
*Dungy, M., Krings, A. & Kilbane, T. Social work’s advocacy record: Reviewing NASW
members’ advocacy behavior. Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research
Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Gutiérrez, L., Krings, A., Mustafa, A. Why get involved? Young adults’ views of community
involvement. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting,
Washington, DC.
Krings, A., Dentato, M., Grossman, S. Social work study perceptions of social action. In K. Nicoll
(Panel Chair) The influence of political attitudes on social work and social policy. Paper presented at the
Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Krings, A. & *Copic, C. Environmental justice organizing in a gentrifying community. In S. Billiot
(Panel Chair) Promoting environmental justice: The centrality of place and culture. Paper presented at the
Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Teixeira, S. & Krings, A. Looking to community initiatives for models of prevention in
environmental social work. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual
Meeting, Washington, DC.
Krings, A., Dentato, M., & Grossman, S. Social Work Student Perceptions of Social Action.
Paper presented at the Council for Social Work Education Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
Krings, A. Structural social work and environmental justice. Annual Finnish Social Work
Research Days. Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland.
*Copic, C. & Krings, A. Effective mobilization and allyship in environmental community
organizing: A case study of Pilsen, Chicago. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and
Research Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Krings, A., Thurber, A., Ohmer, M., & Martinez, L. S. The complex relationship between
gentrification and community violence: A review of multidisciplinary theory and evidence.
Roundtable conducted at Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting, San Francisco,
Mathias, J., Krings, A., Mason, L. R., & Bexell, S. Assessing scholarship on social work and the
environment: Definitions, trends, and future directions. Roundtable conducted at the Society for
Social Work and Research Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Vidal de Haymes, M., Krings, A., & *Sharpe, M. Community organizing and parent mentoring:
An innovative model to strengthen families and communities. Paper presented at the Society for
Social Work and Research Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Krings, A. Organizing under austerity: How residents’ concerns became the Flint water crisis.
Paper presented at the Social Work and Social Development International Meeting. Dublin,
Krings, A. Developing activist mothers: Evidence from Chicago. Paper presented at the Social
Work and Social Development International Meeting. Dublin, Ireland.
Schusler, T & Krings, A. Preventing green gentrification: Ensuring community and environmental
sustainability within urban development. Paper presented at the Social Work and Social
Development International Meeting. Dublin, Ireland.
Victor, B. & Krings, A. 2018. Trends in environmental social work scholarship: A scientometric
analysis. Paper presented at the Social Work and Social Development International Meeting.
Dublin, Ireland.
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Krings, A. & Schusler, T. Navigating the green gentrification paradox: The case of the Little
Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO). Paper presented at the Society for Social
Work and Research Annual Meeting.
* denotes that I designed or co-designed the course syllabus
The Ohio State University, Master of Social Work Program
*Community Practice and Development
Loyola University of Chicago, Social Work Doctoral Program
*Social Theory and Social Change
Loyola University of Chicago, Master of Social Work Program
*Comparative Social Welfare Policy: United States and China. LUC Beijing Campus.
Field Seminar Foundation Level
*Health Justice Lab: Housing, Health, and Communities. Interdisciplinary course with the Law
*Integrated Micro / Mezzo / Macro Theory and Practice
*Philanthropy, Public Policy, and Social Change
*Policies and Strategies for Community Intervention
*Social Welfare Policy and Social Work
Loyola University of Chicago, Bachelor Social Work Program
*Policies and Strategies for Community Intervention
*Social Welfare Policy and Social Work
The University of Michigan, Graduate Student Instructor
Politics of the Metropolis (Urban Politics)
Theory and Practice of Community Organizing
Xavier University, Social Work Department, Adjunct Teacher
*Community and Electoral Organizing
Community Building and Social Change
*Community Organizing
Theories and Methods of Macro Social Work
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Dissertation Committee Chair
Mary Dungy. (2022). “An Interpretive Phenomenological Study of Women’s Struggles, Hopes, and
Reasons for Participation in Professional Power-Based Community Organizing in Chicago.”
Dissertation Committee Chair with Susan Grossman and Shweta Singh. Loyola University Chicago.
Brianna Sorensen. "The Journey to Fat Activism: A Grounded Theory Study Exploring Identity,
Awareness, and Community Building in the Pursuit of Fat Liberation”. Dissertation Committee
Co-Chair with Susan Grossman, Brian Kelly, and May Friedman. Loyola University Chicago.
Expected graduation: 2025.
Dissertation Committee Member
Sean Young. (2019). “Pathways for Democracy: Organizational and Individual Impacts of
Community Organizing.” Dissertation Committee Member with Phil Nyden (Chair) and Marilyn
Krogh. Sociology Department, Loyola University Chicago.
Yigermal Demissie Ayalew. (Expected graduation: 2025.) Title forthcoming. Dissertation
Committee Member with Terry Northcut (Chair) and Nathan Perkins. School of Social Work,
Loyola University Chicago.
Colleen Cummings Melton. (Expected graduation: 2025.) Title forthcoming. Dissertation
Committee Member with Sarah Bexell (Chair). Graduate School of Social Work. Denver University.
Fiona Doherty. (Expected graduation: 2025.) Multisolving to Explore Intergenerational
Experiences of Social Connectedness and Opportunities for Climate Change Adaptive Capacity in
Appalachian Ohio: A Participatory Photo Mapping Study.. Dissertation Committee Member with
Smitha Rao (Chair) and Michelle Kaiser. The College of Social Work, The Ohio State University.
Kathryn Frances. (Expected graduation: 2025.) “Toxicity, Trauma and Injustice in U.S. Prisons for
Women.” Dissertation Committee Member with Gina Fedock (Chair) and Alan Zarychta. Crown
Family School of Social Work, University of Chicago.
Sharitza Rivera. (Expected graduation: 2027.) Title forthcoming. Dissertation Committee Member
with Kate Phillipo (Chair) and Nathan Perkins. School of Social Work, Loyola University Chicago.
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Academic Journal Editor
International Journal of Social Welfare. Guest Editor. Special Issue on Research-based Knowledge about
Social Work and Sustainability. (2018 – 2020)
Journal of Community Practice. Editorial Board Member. (2017 – present)
Leadership within Social Work Organizations
Association for Community Organization & Social Administration (ACOSA)
Board Member representing the North Central region (2019 – 2023)
Awards Committee Co-Chair (2019 – 2021)
Member (2010 – present)
The Grand Challenges Advisory Council: Social Responses to a Changing Environment
Network Co-Lead (2022 present)
Advisory Council Member (2020 – present)
Influencing Social Policy (ISP)
Board Member (2021 present)
Member (2020 – present)
CSWE Environmental Curricular Guide Task Force.
Member and Contributor to the “Curricular Guide for Environmental Justice” (2020 2021)
Society for Social Work Research (SSWR)
Co-Chair, Communities and Neighborhoods Cluster (2023 – present)
“Coffee with a Mentor” Participant (2022 – present)
Academic Journal Peer Reviewer
Advances in Social Work
British Journal of Social Work
Environmental Justice
Environmental Sociology
Equity and Excellence in Education
Health Security
Humanity and Society
Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, and Governance
International Social Work
International Journal of Social Welfare
Journal of Community Practice
Journal of Political Science Education
Journal of Social Work Education
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Planning Practice & Research
Politics and Governance
Social Problems
Social Work Education
Academic Conference Reviewer
The Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting (2017 2020)
The Network for Social Work Management Annual Meeting (2018 2019)
Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) Annual Conference (2017 present)
Academic Conference and Program Planning
Institute on Environmental Studies Climate Change Conference Planning Committee (2016 – 2020)
Town Hall Forum: The 2016 Election and Beyond, Planning Committee Member (2017)
70 Acres in Chicago: Cabrini Green Screening and Discussion, Planning Committee (2017)
NASW- IL Advocacy Day, School Organizer (2016; 2017)
Here’s to Flint Film Screening and Discussion, Moderator and Planner. (2016)
Health-EQ Conference and Strategic Planning Session, Social Work Representative (2016)
School of Social Work Social Justice Summit Planning Committee Member (2016)
Professional Organization Membership
Association for Community Organization & Social Administration (2009 – present)
Council on Social Work Education (2012 – present)
European Society of Social Work Research More than Human Special Interest Group (SIG) (2022
Influencing Social Policy (2020 – present)
Social Welfare Action Alliance (2023 – present)
Society for Social Work and Research (2013 present)
Reviewer for Awards, Grants, Fellowships
The Grand Challenges Advisory Council: Social Responses to a Changing Environment, Doctoral
Student of the Year (2022)
Loyola University Chicago Gannon Center for Women and Leadership Faculty Awards (2020)
Logan Square Neighborhood Association Parent Mentor Program Grant Selection. (2019)
Committee Service - College of Social Work Ohio State University
* denotes an elected committee
Climate Justice Certificate Advisory Board, Member (2023 – present)
*Doctoral Committee Member (2024 – present)
Amy Krings. Spring 2024. Page
Global Engagement Committee, Member (2023 – present)
Mentorship Team for Early Career Faculty, Member (2023 – present)
MSW Foundation Curriculum Committee, Member (2023 – present)
Strengthening Practices through Advancing Research Knowledge (SPARK) Committee, Member
(2023 present)
Committee Service - School of Social Work Loyola University Chicago
* denotes an elected committee
*Curriculum Committee, Member (2022 – present)
*Executive Committee, Member (2017 – 2018; 2021 – present)
*Promotion and Tenure Committee, Member (2016 – 2017; 2022 – present)
Foundation Curriculum Committee *Co-Chair (2022 – present) and Member (2015 – present)
*Doctoral Committee, Chair (2021) and Member (2019 – 2021)
Committee on Student Affairs, Member (2016 – 2021)
Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Member (2019 – 2020)
Community Engagement Committee, Chair (2018 – 2019)
Social Welfare Policy Curriculum Committee, Member (2017 – present)
*Strategic Planning Committee Member (2016 – 2018)
The Community Police Partnering Center (The Urban League)/ Cincinnati, Ohio
Grants and Development Director (2009)
Interim Executive Director (2009)
Senior Community Trainer and Organizer (2005-2008)
Community Organizer (2004 – 2005)
The David Pepper for City Council Campaign / Cincinnati, Ohio
Director of Volunteerism and Community Engagement (2003)
Faculty Success Program. National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. 2019–2021.
Assistant Provost of Academic Diversity Mentoring Program. 20202021. Mentored by Maryse
Richards, Full Professor of Clinical Psychology, Loyola University Chicago.
The American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare’s Early Career Mentoring Program. 2018
2020. Mentored by John Tropman, Full Professor of Social Work, University of Michigan.
Center for Teaching and Learning Faculty Mentorship Program. 20142015. Mentored by Ann
Rosegrant Alvarez, Associate Professor of Social Work, Wayne State University.