I. PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................... 2
II. APPLICATION................................................................................................................. 4
III. RESPONSIBILITY AND FUNCTION........................................................................... 4
IV. GOVERNING RULES ..................................................................................................... 5
V. PROCUREMENT LEVELS ............................................................................................ 7
VI. PROCUREMENT PROCESSES .................................................................................... 8
RAPID RESPONSE TASK ORDERS ............................................................................ 9
VIII. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT............................................................................... 10
IX. PURCHASING CARD PROGRAM ............................................................................. 10
X. OWNER DIRECT PURCHASE (ODP) OPTION....................................................... 10
XIII. DISQUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS ............................................................ 13
XIV. STANDARD OF CONDUCT ........................................................................................ 13
XV. ENVIRONMENTAL PROCUREMENT ..................................................................... 13
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
The Procurement Department shall be responsible for the implementation and administration of this
Policy. Subject to the provisions of this Policy, the Director of Procurement shall serve as the
principal officer for the procurement of all goods and services required by the Central Florida
Expressway Authority (CFX).
All changes to this Policy require approval of the governing Board of the Central Florida Expressway
Authority. This Policy supersedes all previously adopted procurement policies.
This Policy establishes a centralized procurement system for CFX the purpose of which is to:
1. Establish the rules governing procurement by CFX;
2. Promote public confidence in the integrity and transparency of the procedures
followed to procure the goods and services required by CFX;
3. Ensure fair and equitable treatment of all persons who participate in the procurement
system; and,
4. Maximize economy in procurement activities and, to the fullest extent possible, the
purchasing value of CFX funds.
Wherever used in this Policy or in the Procurement Procedures Manual, the following terms
have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof and
all genders:
Bid: A formal written price offer by a vendor to CFX to furnish goods, products or services.
Contractor: Any person or entity (including officers, directors, executives and shareholders
who are active in the management of a person or entity) who bids or applies to bid on any
work of CFX, or who provides (or solicits to provide) goods or professional services to CFX.
For purposes of this Policy, Contractor and Vendor may be used interchangeably.
Contractual Services: The rendering by a contractor of its time and effort rather than the
furnishing of specific commodities. The term applies only to those services rendered by
individuals and firms who are independent contractors, and such services may include, but
not be limited to: evaluations; consultations; accounting; security; management systems;
management consulting; educational training programs; research and development studies or
reports; and technical and social services. Contractual Services does not include any contract
for furnishing of services, labor or materials for the construction, renovation, repair,
modification, or demolition of any roadway or bridge, building, portion of building, utility, or
Cooperative Purchasing: Procurement conducted by or on behalf of more than one public
procurement unit or agency.
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
Design Professional Services: Services within the scope of the practice of architecture,
professional engineering, landscape architecture, or registered surveyor and mapper in
connection with their professional employment or practice.
Emergency: A reasonably unforeseen breakdown in machinery, damage, destruction or
obstruction of machinery or roadway or any property owned or operated by CFX; a threatened
termination of an essential service; the development of a dangerous condition; the
development of a circumstance causing the stoppage or slowdown of an essential service; a
threat to the public health, welfare or safety; or the opportunity to secure significant financial
gain, or avoid significant financial loss, through immediate or timely action.
Emergency Purchase: A purchase of goods or services with limited or no competitive process
when such purchase is necessary to remedy or lessen the harmful effects of an Emergency.
Procurement: Buying, purchasing, renting, leasing or otherwise acquiring any goods or
services for public purposes in accordance with the law, rules, regulations and procedures
intended to provide for the economic expenditure of public funds. It includes, but is not
limited to, all functions which pertain to the obtaining of any supplies, materials, equipment
and/or services, including Contractual Services, Design Professional Services and
Professional Services, construction projects and capital improvement projects, required by
CFX regardless of the source of funds.
Professional Services: Services the value of which are substantially measured by professional
competence of the firm performing them and which are not susceptible to realistic
evaluation/assessment by cost of services alone. Professional Services shall include, but are
not limited to, services customarily rendered by attorneys, certified public accountants and
insurance, financial, personnel, public relations firms, legislative advisors, systems, planning
and management advisors. For purposes of this Policy, Professional Services shall not include
services customarily rendered by architects, landscape architects, professional engineers and
registered surveyors and mappers.
Rapid Response Contract: A Rapid Response Contract is a task-order based contract that is
utilized for minor public construction and maintenance projects that require expedited
procurement and construction in order to protect the public’s health, safety and welfare or to
further the mission and interests of CFX. The goal for expedited procurement and
construction from identification of the project to commencement of construction is less than
sixty (60) days.
Single Source: A procurement in which, although two or more vendors supply the goods or
services, one is selected for substantial reasons, eliminating the competitive bidding process.
Sole Source: A procurement in which only one vendor is capable of supplying the goods or
services. This may occur when the goods or services are specialized or unique in character as
determined by a reasonably thorough analysis of the marketplace.
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
Unsolicited Proposal: A written proposal for a new or innovative idea that is submitted to
CFX on the initiative of the offeror for the purpose of obtaining a contract with CFX, and that
is NOT in response to a Request for Proposals or CFX announcement.
Vendor: See “Contractor”.
Additional terms are included and defined in the Procurement Procedures Manual.
A. This Policy applies only to contracts for procurement by CFX of goods and services and
to amendments, extensions and renewals thereof, solicited or entered into after the
effective date of this Policy. Nothing in this Policy shall prevent CFX from complying
with the terms and conditions of any grant, gift, bequest, or loan, or for any cooperative
agreement with any local, state or federal agency, and to the extent this Policy or the
Procurement Procedures Manual is inconsistent with any such terms and conditions, such
terms and conditions shall take precedence.
B. Notwithstanding anything in this Policy to the contrary, in connection with any
procurement by CFX of services related to a potential capital markets transaction to which
CFX may be a party, including, without limitation, the issuance of bonds or other debt
instruments or the entry by CFX into derivative financial arrangements, the Chairman of
the Board or the Executive Director may direct, as he or she deems it to be in the best
interests of CFX, that CFX procure such services in a manner customarily employed by
state and other local governmental entities. The Executive Director shall ensure that any
such alternate means of procurement is done in a fair and objective manner and in as
competitive a manner as is practicable under the circumstances. Services that may be
procured by such alternate means include, without limitation, credit enhancement or
reserve sureties and other similar services.
The responsibility for the administration of procurement activities covered by this Policy is
vested in the Procurement Department who shall at all times and in all situations follow the
requirements set forth in the Procurement Procedures Manual. Should a procurement issue
arise that is not covered by this Policy or the Procedures Manual, the Director of Procurement
shall resolve the issue, to the best of his or her ability, in a manner that is consistent with the
purpose and intent of this Policy and the best interests of CFX. The Procurement Procedures
Manual shall be reviewed annually and revised as necessary to reflect the current business
needs of CFX. The Executive Director is authorized to approve revisions to the Procedures
Manual unless the revisions result in, or require, a revision to the Procurement Policy. If such
is the case, prior Board approval of the revisions to the Policy will be required before revisions
to the Procedures Manual can be implemented.
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
Specific responsibilities and functions of the Procurement Department include:
1. Developing purchasing objectives, policies, and procedures to purchase and
contract for all materials, supplies, equipment, and services including construction,
maintenance, architectural, engineering and other professional and contractual
services required by CFX;
2. Working with other CFX departments to establish standardization of materials,
supplies, equipment and services where practical within a competitive
3. Promoting and maintaining good will between CFX and its vendors, suppliers and
contractors, including encouraging full and open competition wherever possible,
assuming fair and equitable business dealings with all vendors and contractors,
and providing equal opportunity to quote and compete in public bidding;
4. Ensuring that all purchases are made in compliance with the applicable statutes,
rules, regulations and policies;
5. Handling complaints and warranties regarding purchases, and negotiating the
return of merchandise and/or other settlements;
6. Training CFX personnel regarding purchasing and contracts procedures as needed;
7. Managing the operational procedures for the Purchasing Card Program as
established below.
The following rules shall govern the procurement of goods and services for CFX:
A. All purchases or procurement initiations in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00)
that are not included in the currently approved Operations, Maintenance and
Administration budget or Five-Year Work Plan shall be reviewed and approved, in
advance, by the Chief Financial Officer or his or her designee for fiscal sufficiency.
B. The procurement of goods or services shall be in accordance with this Policy and the
Procurement Procedures Manual.
C. Except for Emergency Purchases, and procurements made under the Small Sustainable
Business Enterprise Program, all contracts, supplemental agreements, amendments,
purchase orders and contract renewals obligating CFX to an amount of fifty thousand
dollars ($50,000.00) or more shall have the prior approval of CFX’s Board of Directors.
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
D. Unless otherwise required by law, or as specifically exempted in the following paragraph
E, CFX contracts for goods and services shall not exceed an initial term of three years. A
renewal clause extending the term for up to two one-year periods may be provided.
E. Contracts for the following services may be entered into for an initial term of up to five
years. With the exception of Design Professional Services Consultants contracts and
Motor Assistance Service Patrol contracts, a renewal clause, or a limited time extension
as appropriate, extending the term for up to five one-year periods may be provided. For
Design Professional Services Consultants contracts, the time extensions or renewals shall
not exceed two one-year periods. For Motor Assistance Service Patrol contracts, the
renewal shall not exceed one five (5) year period:
Toll Collection Services
Toll Collection Systems Maintenance (Hardware and Software)
Asset Management Services (Roadway, Bridge and Facilities
Landscape Maintenance Services
General Engineering Consultant Services
Right of Way Counsel Services
Motor Assistance Service Patrol
Maintenance of ITS Infrastructure
General Systems Consultant
System Software Maintenance
Records Security and Management
Construction Management Consultant
Design Professional Services Consultants
F. Rapid Response Contracts will be procured through Competitive Sealed Bids (also known
as Invitation to Bid) for specific types of work based upon unit prices to provide a pool of
contractors who meet the specified qualifications and are able to provide expedited work.
A minimum number of at least three (3) contractors would be preferred for each type of
work and would be awarded separate unit-priced, task-order based Rapid Response
Contracts. The task orders issued under a Rapid Response Contract shall only be used for
minor construction or improvements to a public building, structure, or other public
construction works with a cost of less than $300,000 or $75,000 for electrical work (as
adjusted by the percentage change in the Engineering News-Record’s Building Cost Index
from January 1, 2009 to the year in which the project is scheduled to begin per Section
255.20(2), Florida Statutes). Rapid Response Task Orders for specific projects will be
competitively bid among the pool of contractors with Rapid Response Contracts for the
designated type of work. The Director of Procurement is authorized to approve all Rapid
Response Task Orders. Each Rapid Response Contract will not exceed $2,000,000 per
contractor per year.
G. CFX may receive unsolicited proposals for qualifying projects and may thereafter solicit
proposals for such projects.
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
H. Unless otherwise stated in this Policy, all requests for goods and services and all purchases
shall be made through or by the Procurement Department. Except for purchases made
under the Purchasing Card program (as established below), CFX employees are prohibited
from purchasing any materials, supplies, equipment, or services, or entering into any
contract without specific authorization from the Director of Procurement or higher
authority. Individuals responsible for unauthorized purchases or obligations shall be in
violation of this Policy and shall be disciplined accordingly. Such disciplinary action may
include reimbursement by the individual to CFX for unauthorized purchases or
obligations. Depending on the severity of the violation, further disciplinary action may be
I. All contracts for Contractual Services, Design Professional Services, and Professional
Services shall contain a provision in substantially the following form:
“If, during the term of this Contract and any renewals hereof, Contractor/Consultant
desires to subcontract any portion(s) of the work to a subcontractor/subconsultant that was
not disclosed by the Contractor/Consultant to CFX at the time this Contract was originally
awarded, and such subcontract would, standing alone or aggregated with prior
subcontracts awarded to the proposed subcontractor/subconsultant, equal or exceed
twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), Contractor/Consultant shall first submit a
request to the Director of Procurement for authorization to enter into such subcontract.
Except in the case of an emergency, as determined by the Executive Director or his/her
designee, no such subcontract shall be executed by the Contractor/Consultant until it has
been approved by the CFX Board. In the event of a designated emergency, the
Contractor/Consultant may enter into such a subcontract with the prior written approval
of the Executive Director or his/her designee, but such subcontract shall contain a
provision that provides that it shall be automatically terminated if not approved by the
CFX Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting.”
J. No employee of CFX shall obligate CFX in any transactions whereby the employee may
derive income or benefits other than those provided as compensation from CFX.
K. Standard CFX forms for contracts, amendments, supplemental agreements, renewals and
similar documents shall be developed and used whenever possible. It is recognized that,
due to their specialized nature, agreements with other governmental agencies, certain
service providers and financial institutions may preclude the use of standard CFX forms.
In such instances, review and approval of such non-standard documents by the General
Counsel must be received prior to their execution.
The following procurement levels are hereby established. Procurements covered by this
Policy shall not be divided into more than one purchase order, project or contract solely for
the purpose of avoiding the process required by these levels. Additionally, quotes received
that would result in a purchase at a higher Procurement Level than originally estimated shall
be discarded and the process shall begin again according to the requirements of the higher
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
level. The procurement process for each level is detailed in the Procurement Procedures
1. Level 1 - Purchases up to $999.99: Items at this level may be procured from any available
sources without seeking competitive pricing although competition shall be used to the
maximum extent practical. The user department may secure the necessary pricing on its
own or request the assistance of the Procurement Department. The Director of
Procurement is authorized to approve all purchases at this level.
2. Level 2 - Purchases between $1,000.00 and $9,999.99: Items at this level require at least
three quotes, either written or verbal, before the purchase is made. The user department
may secure the necessary pricing on its own or request the assistance of the Procurement
Department. The Director of Procurement is authorized to approve all purchases at this
3. Level 3 - Purchases between $10,000 and $24,999.99: Items at this level require at least
three written quotes before the purchase is made. The user department may secure the
necessary pricing on its own or request the assistance of the Procurement Department.
The Director of Procurement is authorized to approve all purchases at this level.
4. Level 4 - Purchases between $25,000.00 and $49,999.99: Items at this level require three
formal quotes. The request for quotes shall only be issued through and received by the
Procurement Department. The Director of Procurement is authorized to approve all
purchases at this level.
5. Level 5 - Purchases of $50,000.00 and up: Except in the case of emergency purchases
and selection of Design Professional Services Consultants, both as described elsewhere
in this Policy, items at this level shall follow either the competitive sealed bid or
competitive sealed proposal process as determined by the Director of Procurement.
Board authorization is required to advertise procurements at this level if they were not
approved in the Five-Year Work Plan or Operations, Maintenance and Administration
(OM&A) Budget. Board award of any contract at this level procurement is required. For
solicitations under the Small Sustainable Business Enterprise Program, the Executive
Director can authorize advertisement and award of small contracts between $50,000.00
and $200,000.00 each without prior Board action in order to expedite the bidding and
award process.
Unless otherwise exempt from the competitive procurement process as identified in Article
XII below, procurement of Level 5 goods and services shall be made using the appropriate
procurement process as follows. The specifics of each process are included in the
Procurement Procedures Manual.
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
A. Competitive Sealed Bids
An invitation to bid shall be issued which shall include the specifications and appropriate
contract terms and conditions applicable to the procurement.
B. Competitive Sealed Proposals
When it is determined by the Director of Procurement that the use of competitive sealed
bidding is either not practical or not advantageous to CFX due to the technical or
specialized nature of the goods or services being procured, the competitive sealed proposal
process may be used.
C. Selection of Design Professional Services Consultants
Design Professional Services, as governed by F.S. § 287.055 (known as the Consultants’
Competitive Negotiation Act or “CCNA”), shall be acquired through the Procurement
Department in accordance with the procedures detailed in the Procurement Procedures
D. Rapid Response Contracts
Rapid Response Contracts shall be acquired through the Procurement Department in
accordance with the procedures detailed in the Procurement Procedures Manual.
A. The Director of Procurement is authorized to approve and execute contract amendments
or supplementals for Level 1 through 4 procurements. Amendments or supplementals to
Level 5 procurements shall be reviewed and approved by the General Counsel prior to
their execution. The Director of Procurement is authorized to execute contract
amendments to Level 5 procurements after Board approval.
The Director of Procurement is authorized to approve and execute amendments or
supplementals for extensions of contract time at all procurement Levels that do not include
an increase in compensation to the contractor.
The Director of Procurement is authorized to approve and execute Change Orders to Rapid
Response Task Orders for extensions of time or additional compensation, provided that
the total amount of compensation does not exceed the limits set for a Rapid Response
Task Order. In the event that a proposed Change Order exceeds those limits, the Director
of Procurement is authorized to execute Change Orders to Rapid Response Task Orders
after Board approval.
B. The option to renew a contract is at the sole discretion and election of the appropriate
Division Chief, or designee, in consultation with the Director of Procurement. Renewals
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
shall be based, in part, on a determination that the value and level of service provided by
the contractor are satisfactory and adequate for CFX’s needs. The Director of Procurement
is authorized to approve and execute contract renewals for Level 1 through 4 amounts.
Renewals at Level 5 shall be reviewed and approved by the General Counsel prior to their
execution. The Director of Procurement is authorized to execute Level 5 renewals after
Board approval.
The Executive Director, Chief of Technology/Operations, Chief of Infrastructure, Chief of
Staff/Public Affairs Officer, and the Chief Financial Officer are authorized to terminate any
contract entered into by CFX with any vendor/contractor. The necessary actions shall be
coordinated with the General Counsel and the Director of Procurement. A termination can
either be for convenience or default as described and detailed in the Procurement Procedures
In a breach of contract where the vendor/contractor has willfully failed or refused to perform
according to the terms of the contract, CFX may determine that the breach does not warrant
that the contract be terminated. In such cases, with the concurrence of the General Counsel,
the Director of Procurement will advise the vendor/contractor citing the finding of breach as
detailed in the Procurement Procedures Manual. At the discretion of the Executive Director,
a contractor terminated for default, or a contractor with multiple breach of contract
notifications, may be disqualified from bidding or proposing on CFX contracts.
A Purchasing Card Program is hereby established to provide authorized CFX employees with
the ability to make purchases on behalf of CFX using a CFX charge card. All goods and
services purchased under this Program shall be in accordance with the requirements of the
Procurement Procedures Manual. The Procurement Department shall be responsible for
managing the Purchasing Card Program and ensuring compliance with the Procurement
Procedures Manual
For all roadway, bridge and facilities construction projects with an estimated cost of $5
million or more, it shall be the policy of CFX, whenever practical and appropriate, to include
in the project specifications for such projects language that gives CFX the option to make
direct purchases of certain materials from a contractor’s vendors at prices quoted to the
contractor (with applicable Florida State Sales Tax) and included in the contractor’s bid. This
option will allow CFX to take advantage of its exempt status from payment of Florida State
Sales Tax, resulting in a cost reduction to CFX. CFX’s Director of Construction and the
Director of Procurement shall be responsible for determining the practicality and
appropriateness of the direct purchase option on a project by project basis. If the ODP option
is not exercised for a project, a memo, signed by the Director of Construction and the Director
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
of Procurement, shall be placed in the project file giving the specific reasons why the ODP
option was not exercised.
Board approval of an ODP is not required since the Board would have previously approved
the award of the construction or other contract from which the funds to pay for the ODP will
be taken. The Director of Procurement is authorized to approve an ODP regardless of the
A Small Sustainable Business Enterprise Program is hereby established as a procurement
method to expedite the bidding and award process for small contracts between $50,000.00
and $200,000.00. The Procurement Procedures Manual includes the process and guidelines
for administering the Program.
To the extent indicated, the following are exempt from the competitive requirements of this
A. Regulated Services: Telephone, electricity, natural gas and water, or similar services
where rates or prices are fixed by legislation or by federal, state, county or municipal
B. Maintenance Agreements: Includes maintenance of computers and related equipment,
software, copiers, faxes and other related office equipment, servers, network switches and
firewalls, when there is a reasonable basis to conclude that such agreements are in CFX’s
best interest or when maintenance from other contractors will void an equipment warranty.
C. P-Card Purchases up to the limit for Procurement Level 1.
D. Petty cash purchases made in accordance with established CFX procedures.
E. Dues and memberships in trade or professional organizations.
F. Subscriptions for periodicals, advertisements and postage.
G. Paralegal services, appraisal services, mediator, hearing officer, expert witnesses, court
reporters and attorney engagement letters up to the limit for Procurement Level 4.
H. Abstracts of titles for real property; title insurance for real property; real property.
I. Copyrighted materials; patented materials.
J. Artistic Services – The rendering by a contractor of its time and effort to create or perform
an artistic work in the fields of music, dance, drama, folk art, creative writing, painting,
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
sculpture, photography, graphic arts, craft arts, industrial design, costume design, fashion
design, motion pictures, television, radio, or tape and sound recording.
K. Job-related travel; seminars; tuition; registration fees and training.
L. Purchase orders issued on an annual basis wherein the exact quantity of items or
identification of specific items cannot be determined in advance.
M. Single Source and Sole Source Purchases.
N. Emergency Purchases: The Director of Procurement (or higher authority in the absence of
the Director of Procurement) is authorized to approve emergency purchases up to the limit
for Procurement Level 4. Emergency Purchases at Procurement Level 5 require approval
by the Executive Director (or their designee). All Emergency Purchases at Procurement
Level 5 shall be submitted to the Board for confirmation and approval at the next
scheduled Board meeting, if possible.
O. Cooperative Purchases (“Piggybacking”): The Director of Procurement is authorized to
purchase goods and services through a vendor/contractor under contract with the federal,
state, county or municipal governments (or any other governmental agency or political
subdivision), and state colleges and universities providing the vendor/contractor extends
substantially the same terms and conditions of the contract to CFX. Cooperative purchases
at Procurement Level 5 require prior Board approval.
P. Small Sustainable Business Enterprise Program to the extent the Executive Director can
authorize advertisement and award of small contracts valued between $50,000.00 and
$200,000.00 each in order to expedite the bidding and award process. Each award by the
Executive Director shall be submitted to the Board for ratification and approval at the next
regularly scheduled Board meeting.
Q. Direct contracts for goods or services with state, county or municipal governments (and
any other governmental agency or political subdivision), and state colleges and
universities. Contracts at Procurement Level 5 require prior Board approval.
R. Food related to an authorized function.
S. Employment Agreements
The Director of Procurement may authorize the purchases, transactions and expenditures
listed above subject to the stated limitations. Certain procurements within the above categories
shall be obtained via competitive means when it is determined that adequate sources for the
goods or services required are available. Exemption for the competitive procurement process
does not grant exemption from all procurement procedures. For example, single and sole
source purchases, and cooperative purchases shall be subject to the approval process for
amendments as described above. All amendments to exempt procurements not otherwise
Procurement Policy Revised March 10, 2022
specifically addressed shall be reviewed in advance by the Director of Procurement for a
determination as to whether Board approval is required.
Contractors who are on the Florida Department of Transportation’s Suspended Contractors
List or the State of Florida Department of Management Services’ Suspended Vendors List or
Convicted Vendors List are barred from submitting bids for any CFX solicitation. With regard
to Design Professional Services, contractors identified in the Florida Department of
Transportation’s Design Professional Consultants database as suspended and/or disqualified
are barred from submitting proposals for any Design Professional Services projects.
The Standard of Conduct as it relates to this Policy and the Procurement Procedures Manual
is promulgated in CFX’s Code of Ethics, as may be amended from time to time.
It shall be a provision of this Policy to support the purchase of recycled and environmentally
preferred products, when practical, in an effort to minimize environmental impacts of the
goods and services procured by CFX. In the context of this provision, “practical” is defined
as goods and services that are sufficient in performance and reasonably available at a
reasonably competitive cost.
To implement this provision, the Procurement Department shall develop a procedure that:
1. Encourages the use of recycled/recyclable materials through procurement practices
with vendors, contractors, businesses and other governmental agencies.
2. Adopts the use of recycled supplies/materials as a priority.
3. Generates less waste material by reviewing how supplies, materials and equipment are
manufactured, purchased, packaged, delivered, used and disposed of.
4. Gives preference, where items are of a similar cost, to those that are manufactured
with a high recycled content or are environmentally preferable.
5. Provides for training and raising the awareness of CFX employees to ensure they
consider environmental issues in procurement decisions.
Nothing in this provision or in the procedures shall be construed as requiring the purchase of
products that do not perform adequately and/or are not reasonably available at a reasonable