Dollars & Sense
I Paid Off My Mortgage — Should You?
Joel M. Schofer, MD MBA CPE FAAEM
Commander, U.S. Navy Medical Corps
I cut a check and paid o my mortgage in
February, making me debt-free. It cut my living
expenses by about a third and ensured that in
four years, at the age of 45, I'll be financially
independent and eligible for military retirement.
What a glorious feeling! Should you pay o your
mortgage as soon as you can?
Benefits of Paying Off Your Mortgage
You have one less thing to worry about! You've got food. You've got
water. Now you've locked in your shelter and may be debt-free on top of
that. You can move from “safety” to “love and belonging” on Maslow's
hierarchy of needs.
It reduces your fixed monthly
expenses, which goes a long
way toward setting you up
for retirement, fewer shifts,
or even an alternative career
path. Housing is usually a
large percentage of your
monthly expenses, and
everyone who decides to
purchase their primary domi-
cile should make being mort-
gage-free a primary goal by
the time of retirement.
It saves you money, since
you'll likely save tens of
thousands of dollars in in-
terest you otherwise would
have paid. In addition, if you no longer have a mortgage you should
be able to reduce the amount of life and disability insurance you are
paying for each month.
Without a mortgage, you can save and invest more money every month.
Before I paid o my mortgage, I saved 30% of my gross income. I'm not
sure how much I'll save now, but it'll be more than 30%.
When you pay o your mortgage, you are getting a guaranteed rate
of return on the investment. In my case, the rate on my mortgage was
3%. I'm usually in the 33% tax bracket, which means that every dollar I
put toward paying o my mortgage earned me a guaranteed return of
2%. This is a remarkably similar return when compared to most low-
risk bond yields in recent years. In fact, this is exactly why I paid o my
mortgage. I wanted to have a small portion of my retirement savings
in bonds, but it made no sense to own bonds that would pay me 3-4%
while paying 3% on my mortgage. Paying down your mortgage is a rea-
sonable substitute for buying bonds.
There can be asset protection benefits to paying o your home loan.
Some states provide unlimited asset protection for home equity, which
makes it nearly impossible to lose your home if a lawsuit doesn't go
your way. Other states, however, protect very little of your home equity.
If you want to see what your state protects, go to this link and look for
each state's “homestead exemption”:
If you are paying a financial advisor who charges you a fee based on a
percentage of your assets under management, by taking some of those
assets and using them to pay o your house, you reduce your invest-
ment expenses.
Benefits to Keeping Your
When you make your mort-
gage payment, some of it
goes toward principle and
increases the equity in your
home. For me this was about
$2,000/month of forced
savings. If you are not fi-
nancially disciplined, making
a mortgage payment will
ensure that every month you
are squirreling away at least
a little bit of money.
Mortgage rates are still
near their all-time lows. If
you can borrow money at
3-4% and invest it in some-
thing that will give you a higher net return, it makes sense to invest
the money instead of paying o the mortgage. That said, you have to
make sure that you actually invest the money. In addition, there are very
few investments that guarantee a return greater than your mortgage.
Actually, there probably aren't any, because of the word “guarantee.”
Yes — stocks, high-yield or corporate bonds, real estate, etc., will prob-
ably make more than 3-4%, and you can protect yourself by diversifying
— but that is certainly not guaranteed.
The after-tax mortgage rate you are paying may be below inflation.
For example, my after-tax mortgage rate was 2%. If inflation had been
above 2%, I would have been getting paid (in real terms) to borrow
money! The value of real estate tends to rise with inflation but your
mortgage payment is fixed, so when inflation increases the value of
your house but your mortgage payment remains the same, you are
paying the loan back with dollars that are worth less and less as time
goes on. When your mortgage is paid o, you give up this benefit.
Continued on next page
What Should You Do?
Like most financial decisions, situations vary and this decision can
be complicated. The best online article I could find that goes through
all the complexities of the issue, which my brief article does not,
can be found here: https://financialmentor.com/financial-advice/
You should always maximize contributions to your retirement accounts,
pay o all non-mortgage debt that has a higher interest rate, and save
for your children's education before you consider paying your mortgage
o early. But if you find yourself having taken care of all of this, and
weighing investing in bonds versus paying o your mortgage, you can't
beat the peace of mind that comes with being mortgage-free!
If you have ideas for future columns or have other resources you'd like
to share, email me at [email protected].
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the ocial policy or position of the Department of
the Navy, Department of Defense or the United States Government.
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