British Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022 (pp. 17-29)
17 Article DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-FY266HK9
Imasuen Kennedy
University of Benin, Institute of Education, Nigeria
[email protected], +234 8109670163
ABSTRACT: The estimation of reliability in any research is a very
important thing. For us to achieve the goal of the research, we are
usually faced with the issue of when the measurements are repeated,
are we sure we will get the same result? Reliability is the extent to
which an experiment, test, or any measuring procedure yields the same
result on repeated trials. If a measure is perfectly reliable, there is no
error in measurement, that is, everything we observe is the true score.
However, it is the amount/degree of error that indicates how reliable,
a measurement is. The issue of sample size determination has been a
major problem for researchers and psychometricians in reliability
studies. Existing approaches to determining sample size for
psychometric studies have been varied and are not straightforward.
This has made the psychometric literature contain a wide range of
articles that propose a variety of sample sizes. This paper investigated
sample sizes in test-retest and Cronbach alpha reliability estimates. The
study was specifically concerned with identifying and analyzing
differences in test-retest and Cronbach alpha reliability estimate of an
instrument using various sample sizes of 20,30,40,50,100,150,200,300,
and 400. Four hundred and eight (408) senior secondary school
students from thirty-eight (38) public senior secondary schools in Benin
metropolis part took in the study. The Open Hemisphere Brain
Dominance Scale, by Eric Jorgenson was used for data collection. Data
were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
(r) and Cronbach alpha. The findings revealed that the sample sizes of
20 and 30 were not reliable, but the reliability of the instrument became
stronger when the sample size was at least 100. The interval estimate
(Fisher's confidence interval) gave a better reliability estimate than the
point estimate for all samples. Based on the findings, it was, therefore,
recommended that for a high-reliability estimate, at least one hundred
(100) subjects should be used. Observed or field-tested values should
always be used in the estimation of the reliability of any measuring
instrument, and reliability should not be reported as a point estimate,
but as an interval.
KEYWORDS: Reliability, Sample size, Test-retest, Cronbach Alpha
Cite this article:
Imasuen Kennedy (2022),
Sample Size Determination in
Test-Retest and Cronbach
Alpha Reliability Estimates.
British Journal of
Contemporary Education 2(1),
17-29. DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-
Manuscript History
Received: 29 Dec 2021
Accepted: 25 Jan 2021
Published: 3 Feb 2022
Copyright © 2022 The Author(s).
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British Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022 (pp. 17-29)
18 Article DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-FY266HK9
The estimation of reliability and validity in any research is very important. For us to achieve
the goal of the research, we are usually faced with two issues; the first is how do we ascertain
that we are indeed measuring what we want to measure?”, and “if we repeat the measurement,
are we sure we will get the same result?” The first question is related to the issues of validity
and the second to reliability. These two concepts are referred to as psychometric properties.
The term reliability in psychological research refers to the consistency of a research study or
measuring test (McLeod, 2007). If findings from research can be replicated consistently, they
are reliable. Most times obtaining the same results may not be feasible as participants and
situations vary. However, if a strong positive correlation exists between the results of the same
test, this indicates reliability (Balkin, 2017).
Many definitions abound in the literature of psychometrics of reliability. According to
Wilkinson and Robertson (2006) reliability with respect to research means "repeatability" or
"consistency". Reliability can also be defined as the degree to which an assessment tool
produces stable and consistent results (Meyer, 2010). On his part Mellenbergh, (2011) opined
that reliability is the consistency of a test or the degree to which the test gives consistent results.
It is also seen as a measure of a test's precision. Reliability is the extent to which an experiment,
test, or any measuring procedure yields the same result on repeated trials.
According to National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME; 1999), reliability in
statistics and psychometrics is the overall consistency of a measure. A measure is said to have
high reliability if it produces similar results under consistent conditions. It is the characteristic
of a set of test scores that relates to the amount of random error from the measurement process
that might be embedded in the scores. Highly reliable scores are accurate, reproducible, and
consistent from one testing occasion to another. That is, if the testing process were repeated
with a group of test-takers, essentially the same results would be obtained.
According to the standards written by the American Educational Research Association
(AERA), American Psychological Association (APA), and the National Council on
Measurement in Education (NCME), 2014), reliability refers to the consistency of
measurements when a testing process is repeated for an individual or group of individuals.
Reliability is the extent to which a questionnaire, test, observation or any measurement
procedure produces the same results on repeated trials (Bolarinwa, 2015). In short, it is the
stability or consistency of scores over time or across raters (Miller, 2015). It is worthy to note
that lack of reliability may arise from divergences between observers or instruments of
measurement or instability of the attribute being measured (Last, 2015). Nunnally, (cited in
Bardhoshi, et al 2016) opined that measurements are reliable to the extent that they are
repeatable and that any random influence that tends to make measurements different from
occasion to occasion or circumstance to circumstance is a source of measurement error.
According to Kline (2000), reliability, as it applies to test, has two distinct meanings. One refers
to stability over time, the second to internal consistency. Reliability is the degree to which a
test consistently measures whatever it measures. Reliability is an indicator of consistency, that
is, an indicator of how stable a test score or data is across applications or time. A measure
should produce similar or the same results consistently if it measures the same “thing.”
British Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022 (pp. 17-29)
19 Article DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-FY266HK9
(Sawilowsky, 2000). A measure can be reliable without being valid but a measure cannot be
valid without being reliable (Erford, 2013).
The correlation coefficient plays an important role in the determination of the degree of
reliability. A correlation coefficient of + 1.0 is regarded as a perfect positive relationship, - 1.0
as a perfect negative relationship and that of 0.0 indicates no relationship. The nearer a
correlation is to +1.0, the more reliable the results. If a measure is perfectly reliable, there is no
error in measurement, that is, everything we observe is a true score. Therefore, for a perfectly
reliable measure, the reliability = 1. Now, if we have a perfectly unreliable measure, there is
no true score, that is, the measure is entirely in error. In this case, the reliability = 0. The value
of a reliability estimate tells us the proportion of variability in the measure attributable to the
true score. A reliability of 0.5 means that about half of the variance of the observed score is
attributable to truth and half is attributable to error. According to American Educational
Research Association (AERA), American Psychological Association (APA), and the National
Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) (2014) a reliability of 0.8 means the variability
is about 80% true ability and 20% error. All measurement procedures involve error. However,
it is the amount/degree of error that indicates how reliable measurement is. When the amount
of error is low, the reliability of the measurement is high. Conversely, when the amount of error
is large, the reliability of the measurement is low, (Elford, 2013; Meyer, 2010).
It is fundamental to note that reliability refers to the result and not the test itself. The samples
from which the reliability coefficient are derived must be representative of the population for
whom the test is designed and sufficiently large to be statistically reliable (Leann, & Ken,
2012). According to Kline (2000), reliability of 0.7 is a minimum for a good test. This is simply
because the standard error of measurement (which is the estimated standard deviation of scores)
of scores increases as the reliability decreases.
In general, there are four broad types of reliability: test-retest reliability, parallel forms
reliability, internal consistency of reliability, and inter-rater reliability (Kaplan & Saccuzzo,
2005). In this study, we shall examine stability (test-retest) and internal consistency (Cronbach
Test-retest Reliability (or Stability)
Test-retest reliability (also called Stability) answers the question, “will the scores be stable over
time?” Test-retest reliability refers to the temporal stability of a test from one measurement
session to another. The procedure is to administer the test to a group of respondents and then
administer the same test to the same respondents at a later date. The correlation between scores
on the identical tests given at different times operationally defines its test-retest reliability. Two
assumptions underlie the use of the test-retest procedure; (Wells, 2003)
The first required assumption is that the characteristic that is measured does not change
over the time period called 'testing effect' (Engel & Schutt, 2013)
The second assumption is that the time period is long enough yet short in time that the
respondents' memories of taking the test, the first time does not influence their scores
at the second time and subsequent test administrations called 'memory effect'.
The estimate of test-retest reliability is also known as the coefficient of stability (Cohen et al,
1996). Test-retest correlation provides an indication of stability over time (Wong, Ong & Kuek,
British Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022 (pp. 17-29)
20 Article DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-FY266HK9
2012, Pedisic et al, 2014; Deniz, & Alsaffar, 2013). In other words, the scores are consistent
from the first administration to the second administration. In using this form of reliability, one
needs to be careful with questionnaires or scales that measure variables that are likely to change
over a short period of time, such as energy, happiness and anxiety because of the maturation
effect (Drost, 2011). For well-developed standardized achievement tests administered
reasonably close together, test-retest reliability estimates tend to range between 0.70 and 0.90
(Popham, 2000)
Despite its appeal, the test-retest reliability technique has several limitations (Rosenthal &
Rosnow, 1991). For instance, when the interval between the first and second test is too short,
respondents might remember what was on the first test and their answers on the second test
could be affected by memory. Alternatively, when the interval between the two tests is too
long, maturation happens. Kaplan and Saccuzzo (2005) noted that test-retest reliability
estimates evaluate the reliability of instrument scores when an instrument is given at multiple
and subsequent points in time. Joppe, (2000) detects a problem with the test-retest method
which can make the instrument, to a certain degree, unreliable. She explains that the test-retest
method may sensitize the respondent to the subject matter, and hence influence the responses
given. Similarly, Crocker and Algina (1986) noted that when a respondent answers a set of test
items, the score obtained represents only a limited sample of behaviour.
Internal Consistency
Internal consistency reliability answers the question, “How well does each item measure the
content or construct under consideration?” The appeal of an internal consistency index of
reliability is that it is estimated after only one test administration and, therefore, avoids the
problems associated with testing over multiple time periods. (Wong, Ong, & Kuek, 2012). The
internal consistency reliability estimate refers to the inter-correlations between items on the
same instrument (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2005). Cronbach’s coefficient alpha is one of the most
frequently used ways of estimating internal consistency of reliability (Dimitrov, 2002). The α
coefficient is the most widely used procedure for estimating reliability in applied research. As
stated by Sijtsma (2009), its popularity is such that Cronbach (1951) has been cited as a
reference more frequently than the article on the discovery of the DNA double helix.
Nevertheless, its limitations are well known (Yang & Green, 2011), some of the most important
being the assumptions of uncorrelated errors, tau-equivalence and normality
Sample size determination in reliability
The issue of sample size determination has been a major problem for researchers and
psychometricians in the reliability study. Existing approaches to determining sample size for
psychometric studies have been varied and are not straightforward. This has made the
psychometric literature to contains a wide range of articles that propose a variety of sample
sizes (Donner & Eliasziw 1987; Eliasziw et al, 1994; Cocchetti, (1999); Charter, (1999);
Mendoza, Stafford, & Stauffer, (2000); Bonett, 2002). These studies are classified into two
broad categories: those based on authors’ experiences and those on statistical theory.
In the studies based on judgments from authors’ experiences (DeVellis, 1991; Rea,& Parker,
1992; Ferguson, & Cox, 1993), the sample size recommendations vary widely. Other authors
advocated and suggested that samples should exceed 300 (Ware, et al,(1997), whereas some
posited that much smaller samples as little as 30 subjects (Rea,& Parker, 1992; Bonett &
British Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022 (pp. 17-29)
21 Article DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-FY266HK9
Wright, 2014) may suffice. The second category of sample size recommendations includes
those studies grounded in statistical theory (Feldt, et al, 1987; Donner & Eliasziw, 1987;
Eliasziw, et al, 1994; Bonett, (2002). These differ in approaches for reliability testing (Charter,
1999; Mendoza et al, 2000) and recommendations ranging from n = 25 (Cocchetti, 1999) to
400 for reliability testing (Charter, 1999).
Kline, (2000) advised that researchers should use at least 100 participants per item on our scale
if the reliability estimate is to be meaningful. A lot of surprising differences of opinion on
sample size determination abound in the literature. Some authors are suggesting that samples
as small as thirty (30) (Bonett, & Wright, 2014), can measure the reliability, so long as the
scale items have strong inter-correlation. Toe-ing the same line, Nunnally & Bernstein (1994)
averred that the minimum criteria for reliability coefficients for Cronbach’s Alpha are 0.80;
0.30 for item-total correlations, 0.30 for item-item correlations, and 0.80 for intra-class
correlation coefficients. Kline (1986) suggested a minimum sample size of 300, as did
Nunnally & Bernstein (1994). Segall (1994) called a sample size of 300 “small”. Charter (1999)
stated that a minimum sample size of 400 was needed for a sufficiently precise estimate of the
population coefficient alpha. Charter (2003) opined that with low sample sizes alpha
coefficients can be unstable. Walker and Zhang (2004) suggested a minimum sample size of
125 to 150 for calculating reliability, with at least as many people in the sample as items on the
test. However, the minimum sample size for the sample coefficient alpha has been frequently
debated due to the difficulty of data collection in psychometric research. Although the
determination of the sample size needed for reliability studies is somewhat subjective, a
minimum of 400 subjects is recommended.
In reliability studies, various sample sizes are used by different authors and researchers.
Furthermore, there is no uniformity in the sample sizes been used. Sample size plays an
important role in the estimation of the reliability level of the measurement scale.
Correlations, along with most other statistical indices, have standard errors, indicating how
trustworthy the results are. However, it can be said that the larger the number of subjects the
smaller the standard error of the statistics (Erford, 2013). This means that it is essential that the
reliability estimates are derived from a sample sufficiently large to minimize this statistical
error (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014). In reliability testing, determining the right sample size
is oftentimes critical (Erford, 2013; Meyer, 2010). If the sample size used is too small, not
much information can be obtained from the test, thereby limiting one’s ability to draw
meaningful conclusions. On the other hand, if it is too large, information obtained through the
test may be beyond what is needed (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014). Thus, incurring
unnecessary costs. But most times, the test developers do not have the luxury to request how
many samples are needed but has to create a test plan based on the budget or resource
constraints that are in place for the project.
Statement of the Problem
There is a surprising difference of opinion in literature as regards the adequate sample size for
establishing the reliability of research instruments. For example, Kline (2000) noted that the
standard advice is to use at least 100 participants per item on our scale if the reliability estimate
is to be meaningful. On the other hand, Bonnet and Wright (2014) asserted that samples must
be as small as thirty (30) to establish reliability so long as the scale items have strong inter-
correlation. More so, many researchers use different sample sizes for establishing reliability
British Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022 (pp. 17-29)
22 Article DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-FY266HK9
estimates when carrying out research studies. Some use 20, 30, 40, 50 or 100 samples as the
case may be. But no scientific research has been carried out to justify the usage of these samples
sizes. Also, some researchers use different methods to establish the different types of reliability.
For example, some use test-retest for questionnaire instrument as against the popular Cronbach
alpha (Vacha-Haase & Thompson 2010).
Although the topic reliability has gained much attention in the literature, investigations into
sample size requirements remain scarce. It is, therefore, imperative to examine the test-retest
and Cronbach alpha (the most used reliability estimates) of an instrument using various sample
Research Questions
The following research questions were raised to guide the study.
1. Is there a difference in the test-retest reliability estimate of an instrument using various
sample sizes of 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400?
2. Is there a difference in the Cronbach alpha reliability estimate of an instrument using
various sample sizes of 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400?
Relevance of the Study
The findings of the study will help psychometricians, educators and researchers to be aware of
the minimum sample size in carrying out reliability studies. This will put to an end the problem
of choosing the right sample size for acceptable reliability. It will be an eye-opener to
psychometricians and researchers on the method and sample size to use when conducting a
reliability study. In the same vein, the findings will help psychometricians and researchers to
estimate the proportion of variability in their measurement which is attributable to the true
score. That is, it will help them to determine the amount /degree of error which indicates how
reliable a measure is. When the amount of error is low, the reliability of the measurement is
high and conversely, when the amount of error is large, the reliability of the measure is low.
This study will also be beneficial to researchers and other stakeholders who may be having
problems with choosing the appropriate methods of estimating reliability estimates. And this
study will help all researchers and other stakeholders to report accurately reliability estimates
in any manuscripts (test manuals, conference papers and articles)
The survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of this study comprised
of all the students in public Senior Secondary School in Benin metropolis in Edo state. A total
of seventy-five (75) senior secondary schools with a total number of 40,815 students is in the
Benin metropolis. The breakdown is as follows: Egor Local government area 12 schools with
8,207 students; Oredo local government area have 13 thirteen senior secondary schools with
12,154 students; Ikpoba Okha local government area have 27 senior secondary schools with
15,456 students and Ovia North East with 23 senior secondary school and 4998 students. The
statistics of schools and students were collected from the Ministry of Education, Benin City.
A sample size of 408 students from senior secondary schools was selected from thirty-eight
(38) senior secondary schools in Benin metropolis. The multistage sampling technique which
British Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022 (pp. 17-29)
23 Article DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-FY266HK9
involves various sampling stages was used for selecting the samples. The instrument for data
collection was the Open Hemisphere Brain Dominance Scale 1.0 (OHBDS), a personality scale
designed by Eric Jorgenson (2015). This was adapted by the researcher. It consists of two
sections. Section A was used to elicit information from the student biodata, which includes
their sex, and class. Section B consists of a twenty (20) items inventory designed to measure
the hypothesized left-brain versus right-brain preference among students with a 4 - point Likert
scale. The items are under the options of response: SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree, D =
Disagree, SD = Strongly Disagree. SD will be scored 1 point, D was scored 2 points, A was
scored 3 points and SA scored 4 points. The instrument has been validated by Eric Jorgenson
but was also validated by experts in Measurement and Evaluation, University of Benin, Benin
City. The reliability of the instrument was part of the issues raised in the study.
The reliability coefficient was estimated using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Coefficient (r) for the instrument that was subjected to test re-test, and Cronbach alpha , for
the instrument that was administered once. The Fisher’s 95% confidence interval was used to
determine which of the sample sizes give a stable result. The width of the interval for the
various sample sizes was determined. The sample size(s) with a shorter interval was adjudged
as the most stable and consistent
Table 1: Fisher 95% Confidence Interval of Test Retest Reliability Estimates
Key: r = Pearson r; Z
= Fisher Z;
= Standard Error of Fisher Z; Z
LB = Lower bound of
Fisher Z; Z
UB = Upper Bound of Fisher Z;  = Lower bound of Pearson r;  = Upper
Bound of Pearson r
The result in Table 1 showed the Fisher 95% confidence interval of test retest reliability
estimates for an instrument using various sample sizes of 20,30, 40,50,100,150,200,300, and
400. It further shows that with a sample size of 20, the value was 0.55, with a 95% confidence
interval of (0.14, 0.80) and a width of 0.66. When the sample was increased to 30 the value
became 0.56 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.25, 0.77) and a width of 0.52. A sample size
of 40 gave an value of 0.75 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.57, 0.86) and a width of
0.29. A sample size of 50 gave an value of 0.79 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.66,
British Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022 (pp. 17-29)
24 Article DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-FY266HK9
0.88) and a width of 0.22. When the size became 100, the value of became 0.81 with a 95%
confidence interval of (0.73, 0.87) and a width of 0.14. A sample size of 150 gave an value
of 0.85 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.80, 0.89) and a width of 0.09. The sample size of
200 gave an value of 0.86 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.82, 0.89) and a width of 0.07.
300 samples gave an value of 0.88 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.85, 0.90) and a
width of 0.05. A sample size of 400 gave an value of 0.88 with a 95% confidence interval
of (0.86, 0.90) and a width of 0.04. This is presented in figure 1
Figure 1: Fisher 95% Confidence Interval of Test Retest Reliability Estimates
Table 2: Fisher 95% Confidence Interval of Cronbach Alpha Reliability Estimates
Key: = Cronbach alpha;
= Fisher Z;
= Standard Error of Fisher Z;
LB = Lower
bound of Fisher Z;
UB = Upper Bound of Fisher Z;  = Lower bound of Pearson r;
 = Upper Bound of Pearson r
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
The values of r
Sample sizes
British Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022 (pp. 17-29)
25 Article DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-FY266HK9
The result in Table 2 showed the Fisher 95% confidence interval of Cronbach alpha reliability
estimates of an instrument using various sample sizes of 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, and
400. It further shows that with a sample size of 20, the value was 0.61, with a 95% confidence
interval of (0.23, 0.83) and a width of 0.60. When the sample was increased to 30 the value
became 0.69 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.44, 0.84) and a width of 0.40. A sample size
of 40 gave an value of 0.78 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.62, 0.87) and a width of
0.26. A sample size of 50 gave an value of 0.80 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.68,
0.89) and a width of 0.21. When the size became 100, the value of became 0.83 with a 95%
confidence interval of (0.77, 0.89). A sample size of 150 gave an value of 0.84 with a 95%
confidence interval of (0.79, 0.88)and a width of 0.09. The sample size of 200 gave an value
of 0.84 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.80, 0.88) and a width of 0.08. 300 samples gave
an value of 0.85 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.82, 0.88) and a width of 0.06. A
sample size of 400 gave an value of 0.87 with a 95% confidence interval of (0.84, 0.89) and
a width of 0.05. This is presented in figure 2
Figure 2: Fisher 95% Confidence Interval of Cronbach Alpha Reliability Estimates
The study revealed that the sample sizes of 20 and 30 using the test-retest statistics were not
reliable. The sample size of 40 and 50, though reliable, the lower bound was outside the
acceptable reliability of 0.70 for a test-retest (Kline 2000). The reliability of the instrument
became stronger when the sample size was at least 100. This finding is in line with Leann, &
Ken, (2012) who affirmed that the samples from which the reliability coefficient are derived
must sufficiently be large to be statistically reliable. The finding is also in collaboration with
the study of Kline (2000) who noted that the standard advice is to use at least 100 participants
per item on our scale if the reliability estimate is to be meaningful. In the same vein, the finding
is supported by Ware et al (1997) who asserted that samples should exceed 300. But the finding
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Alpha values
British Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022 (pp. 17-29)
26 Article DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-FY266HK9
disagreed with Bonnet & Wright (2014) who asserted that samples must be as small as thirty
(30) to establish reliability so long as the scale items have strong inter-correlation and Rea, &
Parker, (1992) who posited that smaller samples as little as 30 subjects may suffice for test-
retest reliability.
The study also revealed that the sample sizes of 20 and 30 using the Cronbach alpha statistics
were not reliable. The sample size of 40 and 50, though reliable, the lower bound was outside
the 0.80 acceptable reliability coefficients for Cronbach’s Alpha (Nunnally & Bernstein (1994).
The reliability of the instrument became stronger when the sample size was at least 100. This
finding is in line with AERA, APA, & NCME, (2014) and Erford, (2013) who stated that the
larger the number of subjects the smaller the standard error of the statistic which means that it
is essential that the reliability estimates are derived from a sample sufficiently large to
minimize this statistical error. The finding is also in collaboration with the study of Kline
(1986) who suggested a minimum sample size of 300, as did Nunnally & Bernstein (1994).
Segall (1994) called a sample size of 300 “small”. Charter (1999) stated that a minimum sample
size of 400 was needed for a sufficiently precise estimate of the population coefficient alpha.
Charter (2003) also noted that with low sample sizes alpha coefficients can be unstable. Walker
and Zhang (2004) suggested a minimum sample size of 125 to 150 for calculating reliability,
with at least as many people in the sample as items on the test. Charter, (1999) suggested a
sample size of 400 for reliability testing. But the finding disagreed with Feldt et al, (1987),
Donner & Eliasziw (1987), Eliasziw et al, (1994), Bonett, (2002), Charter, (1999), Mendoza et
al, (2000) and Cocchetti, (1999) who recommended a sample size ranging from n = 25
The difference in the finding of this study could be as a result of using observed values from
the field. Most of the findings in the literature were either from personal experience or statistical
theorem. Unfortunately, much of the empirical evidence comes from simulated data. So their
recommendations are incomplete because simulated data have important limitations as
compared to observed data. They are based on preselected statistical or computer models that
can only approximate observed data, have artificially controllable parameters, and are often
generated to reflect randomly distributed samples. These limit the inferences that can be drawn
from analyzing simulated data and necessitate the collection of observed data to ensure their
Another revelation from the study is that both the test-retest and Cronbach reliability estimates
started converging from the sample size of 100 (see figures 1 and 2). This, therefore, implies
that for an acceptable reliability study, at least one hundred subjects should be used.
The result of the study also revealed that the interval estimate gave a better reliability estimate
than the point estimate for all the samples. For example, for the test-retest, a sample of 40 gave
a reliability index of 0.75 as a point estimate, but the interval estimate gave a reliability estimate
of (0.573, 0.860). The lower bound was outside the acceptable reliability index of  .
This collaborates with the study of AERA, APA, & NCME, (2014), who advocated reporting
reliability estimates as interval estimates against the point estimate previously used.
British Journal of Contemporary Education
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022 (pp. 17-29)
27 Article DOI: 10.52589/BJCE-FY266HK9
Based on the finding of this study, the following conclusions emerged. The result demonstrated
that a number of differences exist in the sample size determination of a reliability study. The
usage of sample sizes of twenty (20) and thirty (30) was not justified. This could be attributed
to the fact that other studies that suggested a minimum of 20 and 30 subjects used simulated
data as against observed data used in this study.
The larger the number of subjects the smaller the standard error of the statistic. To minimize
this statistical error, the reliability estimates must be derived from a sufficiently large sample.
The findings of the study have shown that the usage of sample sizes of 20 and 30 for reliability
studies is not justifiable. It has also shown that for an acceptable reliability study, the sample
size should be at least one hundred (100).
The reliability of any measuring instrument is a task frequently encountered in research.
Sample size determination plays a very important role in the estimation of reliability. The
higher the sample, the higher the reliability and the lower the error inherent in the instrument.
Based on this, the following recommendations were made.
1. Observed or field-tested values should always be used in the estimation of the reliability
of any measuring instrument.
2. For a high-reliability estimate, at least one hundred (100) subjects should be used.
3. Reliability should not be reported as a point estimate but as an interval estimate.
American Educational Research Association (AERA). (2006). Standards for reporting on empirical
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