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ove may be a universal theme, but the rst U.S. stamp to
commemorate this basic human emotion didnt appear until January
1973. e design was based on the iconic LOVE sculpture by Robert
Indiana (born 1928), today one of the most well-known works in the pop art
movement. e artist had played with the design for a number of years and
in a variety of formats. He rst used the concept in 1958 for a series of poems
that employed the iconography of a stacked LO and VE. When Indiana was
commissioned to design a Christmas card for the Museum of Modern Art in
New York he made three paintings of the word LOVE in red, blue and green.
First printed in 1965, it remains the most popular card ever published by the
e rst LOVE sculpture was carved from a single block of unpolished
aluminum in 1966. Over the years numerous editions of the sculpture have
been created, including versions in red and blue, blue and green, and red,
white and blue. International language editions can be found in Italian and Hebrew.
e image has appeared on t-shirts, mugs, posters, paperweights, and many other
Although the rst LOVE stamp was enormously popular, it would be eight years
before the LOVE theme was repeated. Finally, following numerous requests, in 1982 the
USPS released a oral tribute with the word “LOVE” spelled out in a variety of owers.
Two years later, a third LOVE stamp was issued, this one showing ve repetitions of the
word “LOVE” with a dierent colored heart replacing the “V” in each.
Like the 1982 release, the 1984 LOVE stamp was considered a special rather than a commemorative; that is, it was
available in larger quantities and for a longer period of time than a commemorative. According to USPS press releases,
the new LOVE stamp was intended for use “not just for Valentines Day but for special occasions throughout the year,
such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and letters to loved ones.
A generic LOVE stamp appeared in 1985 and 1986. Picking up a color scheme begun with
the 1984 issue — and would continue pretty consistently for the next ten years — the
1985 stamp one that featured bold slashes of primary and secondary colors
above a purple “LOVE,” red “USA,” and green “22.” e 1986 stamp featured
a whimsical cartoon puppy with a hopeful expression.
e 1984 through 1986 issues coincided with the phasing out and
retirement of “Mr. ZIP,” the ambassador of the Postal Services ZIP Code
system since 1964. e American public found the “friendly little salesman in
blue” enormously appealing, with his theme song of “Zip-a-dee-doo-dah” (sung
by Ethel Merman). He appeared on several stamps himself, as well as on post
oce collectibles and the selvedge of various stamps, including the 1984, 1985, and 1986
LOVE stamps. Mr. ZIP was ocially retired in 1986.
In 1987 the postal announcement was made that “in recognition of the
universal nature of the theme” a new LOVE stamp would continue to be issued
annually. Although Mr ZIP. had disappeared, the 1987 stamp selvedge continued
to promote use of the ZIP Code.
By 1988 the annual production of the popular series was
approaching one billion stamps, and the USPS decided to oer
something more. For the rst time there would be two LOVE stamps:
one for the standard one-ounce rst class postage rate and the other
for the two-ounce rate. is reected the popular use of the stamp
on wedding invitations. Although the stamps were released a month
apart, the intent was create complementary stamps that would pay the
postage on wedding invitations (as well as for large greeting cards) and
their enclosed RSVP envelopes. Previously, a wedding party had to
combine a LOVE stamp with another issue in order to meet the two-ounce rate,
or else over-pay the postage by using two LOVE stamps.
e 25-cent stamp (issued July 4, 1988) featured a single pink rose; the 45-cent
stamp (issued August 8, 1988) featured a bouquet of pink, red, and yellow roses.
First Day ceremonies for the 45-cent stamp were held at the American Rose Center in Shreveport, Louisiana, national
headquarters of the American Rose Society. More than 20,000 varieties can be found growing in the Center’s 118 acres
of ower gardens. ere was no LOVE stamp in 1989, but there was a 25¢ stamped envelope issued in September. e
indicia shows a red “love” in lower case letters underscored by a bright blue slash and followed by a blue exclamation
point with a red heart. It was described as “designed to provide household mailers with an
attractive envelope for personal correspondence.
ere have been only a few stamped LOVE envelopes over the years and they are not
easy to nd. Still, a small auxiliary collection of cut squares or whole envelopes could be
1989 — Scott U616 (25¢), designed by Tim Girvin and described above
1991 — Scott U621 (29¢) features a script “Love” on a bright pink background and
available in sizes 6¾ and 10; designed by Salahattin Kanidine.
1995 — Scott U637 (32¢) features a red spiral heart without words; nevertheless, it
was the ocial LOVE envelope for 1995; designed by Uldis Purins.
1999 — Scott U644 (33¢) features a violet script “Love” with pendant hearts;
designer and calligrapher Julian Waters.
2001 — Scott U647 (34¢) features a stylized drawing of facing dull purple
lovebirds that forms a heart; designed by Robert Brangwynne and released
in Lovejoy, Georgia.
2003 — Scott U651 (37¢) is titled “Nurturing Love.” e olive green design features a
bending gure watering a vine that is growing into the shape of a heart; artist
Craig Frazier.
In 1990 the USPS oered something new. at year’s LOVE stamp appeared in both a
pane and a booklet format. e design was the result of a USPS-sponsored project for Yale
University graduate students; the winning design was based on a lovebird motif prevalent
in early twentieth century New England and Pennsylvania folk art. In addition, the rst day
ceremonies were held at a location deemed particularly suitable for a LOVE stamp release: Romance, Arkansas. is
deliberate attempt to nd suitably romantic location for rst day ceremonies was repeated in 1992 when the LOVE
stamp was released in Loveland, Colorado in time for Valentines Day. Volunteers needed to be called in to help cancel
the thousands of stamps that passed through Loveland for this romantic holiday. LOVE stamps also have been released at
Loveland, Ohio and Lovejoy, Georgia.
e next major event was the 1995–1996 series of releases of two
cherub” LOVE stamps. e two designs each featured a cherub from
Raphaels Renaissance masterpiece e Sistine Madonna, now in Dresden,
Germany. Raphael (1483–152) painted e Sistine Madonna 1513–14 for
the Benedictine Monastery Church of San Sisto in Piancenza, Italy. e oil
painting shows life-sized portrayals of Saint Sixtus (who may be Raphaels
patron Pope Julius II) and Saint Barbara worshiping the Virgin Mary
and Christ Child. e gures stand on a bed of clouds framed by heavy
curtains. e two putti (cherubs) whose portraits appear in the LOVE
stamps, lean on a balustrade below the clouds gazing upward. e Sistine
Madonna appears on East Germany Scott 277 (1955), Italy Scott 1571
(1983), Nevis Scott 32C (1983), and Nicaragua Scott 1289 (1983).
e 1999 1-oz. and 2-oz. complementary LOVE stamps were the rst
U.S. self-adhesives to be die-cut to the shape of the images depicted. e
fancy cut lace and oral heart design for the 1-oz. stamp also was released
on a postal card, Scott UX300.
In 2001 the USPS released another series of stamp releases that began
with a non-denominated version in January: the love letters of John
Adams (U.S. President 1797–1801) and his future wife Abigail Smith.
Abigail and John were married October 25, 1764 and remained together until her death in 1818. eir
correspondence can be read online at the Massachusetts Historical Society’s website at www.masshist.
An interesting partnership arose with the release of the 2004 LOVE stamp, which featured a candy heart with the
message “I [heart] YOU,” in rst day ceremonies at the New England Confectionary Company (NECCO) in Revere,
Massachusetts. e tiny heart candies with a stamped message (known as “conversation candies,”) invented by Daniel
Chase in 1866 were an instant success. Daniels brother Oliver had invented and patented the rst American candy machine
in 1847, founding the nations candy industry and beginning the commercial manufacture of sweet treats. Chase and
Company was the pioneer member of the NECCO family, which now makes 8
billion of the candy hearts annually; the entire run of approximately 50,000 tons
of candy hearts sells out in just six weeks. For the 2004 production the company
added the postage stamp message, “I [heart] YOU,” on a special run to be
included in that years sales.
e USPS continued to issue “paired” LOVE stamp designs — one paying
the 1-oz. rst class rate, the other paying the 2-oz. rst class rate — on and o
until 2006, when the rst specically designated “Wedding” stamps appeared.
Although only a few of these sets have appeared to date, they can certainly form a
part of a LOVE stamp collection.
e rst set of the “Our Wedding” special stamps were released during a
fashion show at Kleinfelds, New York City’s premier wedding and bridal store for more than
sixty years. A live model was in the window to unveil the stamps, which featured a white dove — a
time-honored symbol of peace, love, and delity — and a heart. Reminiscent of a bygone era when letter
writing was a form of art, the stamp design is based on Spenserian script, an elegant mid-nineteenth
century form of cursive writing.
In another candy-inspired partnership, the USPS issued the Hershey’s Kiss LOVE
stamp in 2007 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the chocolate candy “kiss.” e
stamp was released in Hershey, Pennsylvania, where the street lamps are shaped like the
famous candy even to the inclusion of their iconic paper tag. So popular was the candy
that, in 1942, production was halted to save foil for the war eort. For the 2007 birthday
Esther Howland’s rst Valentine (center). Today she is known as The Mother of American Valentines.
Illustrations courtesy of the Postcard & Greeting Card Museum at Emotions Greeting Cards & Fine Prints
The Valentine in America
celebration, “100 Years of Kisses,” the company created a 30,540-lb. chocolate kiss, doubling the old world record for
a single chocolate candy.
e nal LOVE stamp in the album is the 2010 LOVE stamp with its cart of purple pansies. e design has a
story all its own. e image is a detail from a watercolor created by the late Dorothy Maienschein, an employee of
Hallmark Cards, Inc. First introduced as a Mother’s Day card in 1939, Hallmark reissued the design as a friendship
card in 1941. Since Hallmark began tracking design sales in 1942, almost 30 million cards with the pansy cart image
have been purchased, more than any other card in the company’s history.
A nal cache of “loving” stamps could be added to an album. ese are the Special Occasion stamps that have
appeared both as sets and as single issues. e concept of stamps carrying personal greetings from the sender was
introduced by the USPS in 1987 with a booklet of eight dierent messages: Congratulations!, Get Well!, ank
You!, Love You, Dad!, Best Wishes!, Happy Birthday!, Love You, Mother!, and Keep in Touch! Based on consumer
response, the second Special Occasions set, issued in 1988, only contained the most popular sentiments: Happy
Birthday, Best Wishes, inking of You, and Love You.
Following the 1988 release there have been only two Special Occasion designs issued, “Happy Birthday” (2002,
2006) and the ambiguous “Celebrate” (2007, 2008, 2009). But who knows what the future will hold.
Esther Howland received her rst English valentine in 1847 when she graduated from Mount Holyoke College
in Massachusetts (a classmate of Emily Dickinson). Paper valentines had become extremely popular in England by
the early 1800s and cards with simple black-and-white images were starting to be mass produced. Fancier versions
(such as the one sent to Esther) were made with real ribbons, lace, and colored pictures.
Her family operated the largest book and stationery store in Worcester, Massachusetts and, certain that she
could make superior valentines herself, Esther convinced her father to order appropriate supplies for her to try her
hand. In 1849 she made up a dozen samples and sent them along with her brother on his next sales trip, hoping for
a modest order, perhaps as much as $200. He came home with advance orders for $5,000 worth of handmade lace
valentines. A stunned Esther frantically recruited female friends and family, and set up what is widely regarded as
the rst assembly line production in America. For more information on the love stamps and valentines, see “Postal
Love in the USA, by Bonny Farmer in the February 2011 issue of e American Philatelist.
Stacks of LOVE • Scott 2072
Designed by Bradbury ompson, the
stamp has ve repetitions of the word
“LOVE” with a dierent colored heart
replacing the “V” in each. Copyright and
ZIP Code slogans, as well as a running Mr.
ZIP, appear in the selvedge of full panes.
LOVE Sculpture • Scott 1475
Stamp design is based on the 1966
sculpture “Love” by Robert Indiana, one of
the most well-known works in the pop art
Floral LOVE • Scott 1951
Designed by Mary Faulconer, the
word “LOVE” is written in owers: “L
miniature red poppies, “O” painted daisies
and miniature pansies, “V” cornowers
(bachelor’s buttons), and “E” coral bells.
Colorful LOVE • Scott 2143
Designed by Corita Kent, the stamp
features six bold slashes of color with a
purple “LOVE”, red “USA,” and green “22.
Full panes carry 6-digit plate numbers,
copyright and ZIP Code slogans, and a
running Mr. ZIP in the selvedge.
Puppy LOVE • Scott 2202
Cartoon puppy with its hopeful expression
was created by Saul Mandel. e selvedge
on full panes includes a U.S. Postal Service
copyright notice and “Use Correct ZIP
C o d e.”
Quilted Heart LOVE • 2248
Graphic artist John Alcorn created a large,
multicolored heart patterned with images
reminiscent of Pennsylvania Dutch folk
motifs used in quilting. It was his rst
accepted stamp design.
Pink Rose LOVE • Scott 2378
Intended as a complementary design to
the 2-oz. stamp issued later that year, the
1-oz. stamp features a single pink rose (the
national ower of the United States). Both
stamps were designed by Richard Shea.
Rose Bouquet LOVE
Scott 2379
First Day ceremonies for the 2-oz.
stamp with its bouquet of pink, red, and
yellow roses were held at the American
Rose Center in Shreveport, Louisiana,
headquarters of the American Rose
Lovebirds & Heart LOVE
Scott 2440–2441
e cut-paper design of blue lovebirds
facing each other above a pink heart with
a decorative green garland is the work of
Jayne Hertko and is based on the lovebird
motif prevalent in early 20th century New
England and Pennsylvania folk art. Issued
as pane and booklet.
“LOVE” Sculpture
by Robert Indiana (1972)
8¢ • Scott 1475
Floral LOVE (1982)
20¢ • Scott 1951
Stacks of LOVE (1984)
20¢ • Scott 2072
Puppy LOVE (1986)
22¢ • Scott 2202
Quilted Heart LOVE
22¢ • Scott 2248
Colorful LOVE (1985)
22¢ • Scott 2143
Pink Rose LOVE
(1988) • 25¢
Scott 2378
Rose Bouquet LOVE
(1988) • 45¢
Scott 2379
Lovebirds & Heart LOVE
(1990) • 25¢ • Scott 2440
Lovebirds & Heart LOVE
(1990) • 25¢
Scott 2441 (booklet)
Heart-Shaped World LOVE
Scott 2535–2536
e heart-shaped world against a starry
sky was designed by Harry Zelenko. Issued
as pane and booklet.
Tropical Lovebirds LOVE
Scott 2537
A pair of brightly colored Fischers
lovebirds (Agapornis scheri) perched on a
palm frond paid the 2-oz. rst class rate.
Designed by Nancy L. Krause.
Folded Arms Cherub LOVE
Scott 2958, 2960
Cherub from Raphaels Renaissance masterpiece e
Sistine Madonna (1513–14) paid the 2-oz. rst class rate.
Released in ceremonies at Caesar’s Cove Haven Resort,
Lakeville, Pennsylvania. In addition to the heart-shaped
bathtub, Wilkins later invented a 7-foot-tall champagne
glass whirlpool bath for couples.
Envelope Heart LOVE
Scott 2618
e traditional red heart tucked into an
envelope, designed by Uldis Purins, was
issued in Loveland, Colorado in time for
Valentines Day.
Rising Sun Heart LOVE
Scott 2813
Peter Goode created a stamp design that
featured a red heart as a rising sun with
yellow rays against a blue sky and green
grass. Issued in Loveland, Ohio.
Rose Heart LOVE
Scott 2814
A heart of roses with a white dove nestled
in its center was issued February 14 in the
honeymoon city of Niagara Falls, New
York. Designed by Lon Busch.
Flower Basket LOVE
Scott 2815
Paying the 2-oz. rst class rate, the stamp
features a basket of pastel owers with
two white doves. Also designed by Lon
Busch, it was released on Valentines Day
in Niagara Falls, New York.
Cherub on Elbow LOVE
Scott 2948–2949
Cherub from Raphaels Renaissance masterpiece e
Sistine Madonna (1513–14). First Day ceremonies
were held in Valentines, Virginia, a quaint family-
oriented community established in 1887 by William
H. Valentine, a prominent citizen who later became
the towns rst postmaster. e non-denominated 32¢
stamp was issued in pane and booklet form
Cherub on Elbow LOVE
Scott 2957, 2959
Cherub from Raphaels Renaissance masterpiece e
Sistine Madonna (1513–14) paid the 1-oz. rst class
rate. Released in ceremonies at Caesar’s Cove Haven
Resort, Lakeville, Pennsylvania. Apparently the main
connection to romance was that the founder of the
Caesar’s resorts, Morris Wilkins, had invented the
heart-shaped bathtub in the 1950s.
Cherub on Elbow LOVE
Scott 3030
Cherub from Raphaels Renaissance
masterpiece e Sistine Madonna (1513–
14); new printing with a date change from
1995 to 1996. A number of varieties exist
for this issue.
Heart-Shaped World
LOVE (1991) • 29¢
Scott 2536 (booklet)
Cherub on Elbow
LOVE (1995)
32¢ • Scott 2957
Heart-Shaped World
LOVE (1991)
29¢ • Scott 2535
Envelope Heart
LOVE (1992)
29¢ • Scott 2618
Rising Sun Heart
LOVE (1994)
29¢ • Scott 2813
Flower Basket LOVE
(1994) • 52¢ • Scott 2815
Folded Arms Cherub
(1995) • 55¢
Scott 2960 (booklet)
Cherub on Elbow
LOVE (1996)
32¢ • Scott 3030
Cherub on Elbow
LOVE (1995) •
(32¢) • Scott 2948
Cherub on Elbow
LOVE (1995)
(32¢) • Scott 2949
Cherub on Elbow
LOVE (1995)
32¢ • Scott 2959
Folded Arms Cherub
LOVE (1995)
55¢ • Scott 2958
Rose Heart LOVE
(1994) • 29¢
Scott 2814 (booklet)
Tropical Lovebirds
LOVE (1991)
52¢ • Scott 2537
Two Swans LOVE
Scott 3123
Two swans face one another
with their bowed necks forming
a heart; vertical presentation
against a shaded lavender to
purple background. Designed by
Marvin Mattelson, and issued in
convertible booklet form.
Two Swans LOVE
Scott 3124
e 2-oz. rst class rate stamp
features the two swans in a
horizontal format against
a shaded yellow to orange
background. Issued in convertible
booklet form.
Cut Lace Heart
LOVE • Scott 3274
e oral heart was based on
a Victorian Valentines Day
greeting card attributed to an
unknown German artist, c1895,
and the background design
is derived from an American
chocolate or biscuit paper-lace
box liner.
Cut Lace Heart
LOVE • Scott 3275
e background lace design
is based on English Valentine
lace paper, c1885. Designs for
both stamps created by John
Grossman and Holly Sudduth.
Rose Letter by John Adams
LOVE • Scott 3496
April 20, 1763 love letter from John
Adams to Abigail Smith, his future wife.
Photograph of letter with a single red
rose superimposed. Non-denominated
34¢ stamp released in booklet form at
ARIPEX/Nordia 2001 Stamp Show in
Tucson, Arizona. Design by Lisa Catalone;
photograph by Renée Comet.
Rose Letter by John Adams
LOVE • Scott 3498
April 20, 1763 love letter from John Adams
to Abigail Smith, his future wife. Booklet
in two sizes 4-stamp pane and 6-stamp
pane. Design by Lisa Catalone; photograph
by Renée Comet.
Rose Letter by Abigail Adams
LOVE • Scott 3499
August 11, 1763 love letter from Abigail
Smith to John Adams, her future husband
and second president of the United
States. Photograph of letter with a single
pink rose superimposed. Stamp paid the
2-oz. rst class rate and was issued in a
pane format. Design by Lisa Catalone;
photograph by Renée Comet.
Rose Letter by Abigail Adams
LOVE • Scott 3551
August 11, 1763 love letter from Abigail
Smith to John Adams, her future husband
and second president of the United States.
Issued to reect 2-oz. rate change. Design
by Lisa Catalone; photograph by Renée
Rose Letter by John Adams
LOVE • Scott 3497
April 20, 1763 love letter from John Adams
to Abigail Smith, his future wife. Booklet
pane of 20 released at Lovejoy, Georgia.
Design by Lisa Catalone; photograph by
Renée Comet.
Two Swans LOVE
32¢ • Scott 3123
Two Swans LOVE (1997)
55¢ • Scott 3124
Cut Lace Heart LOVE
(1999) • 33¢
Scott 3274 (booklet)
Cut Lace Heart LOVE
(1999) • 55¢
Scott 3275 (booklet)
Rose Love Letter by
John Adams
April 20, 1763
LOVE (2001)
(34¢) • Scott 3496
Rose Love Letter
by John Adams
April 20, 1763
LOVE (2001)
34¢ • Scott 3497
Rose Love Letter
by John Adams
April 20, 1763
LOVE (2001) • 34¢
Scott 3498 (booklet)
Rose Love Letter by
Abigail Adams
April 20, 1763 • LOVE
(2001) • 55¢ • Scott 3499
Rose Love Letter by
Abigail Adams
April 20, 1763 • LOVE
(2001) • 57¢ • Scott 3551
John Adams
Abigail Adams
Geometric Shapes
LOVE • Scott 3657–58
Abstract design composed of
multicolored geometric shapes,
stylized block letters, and a red
heart. Designed by Michael
Osbourne and issued in booklet
format. Oered in dierent
colors and in a horizontal format,
the 60-cent stamp paid the 2-oz.
rst class rate and was issued in
pane format.
Blue Lovebirds
LOVE • Scott 3976
Non-denominated 39¢ stamp
showing two blue lovebirds
sitting on a branch was rst
released in Washington, DC
without ceremonies. e design
was created by Craig Frazier who
arranged paper cutouts into a
composition depicting two birds
perched on a branch, then created
a digital le of the artwork and
applied color.
Hersheys Kiss
LOVE • Scott 4122
A foil-wrapped Hersheys
Kiss is set against a deep red
background with a red heart. e
stamp helps commemorate the
candy’s anniversary, “100 Years of
Kisses.” And in case you’ve ever
wondered, it takes 95 “kisses” to
ll a pound box of chocolates.
All Heart LOVE • 4270
Designed by Paul Zwolak, the
stamp focuses on an oversized
bright red heart that is being
transported by its owner to an
unseen beloved.
Queen of Hearts
LOVE • Scott 4405
When shown se-tenant, the
Queen of Hearts is seen to be
oering a small bouquet of
owers to the King. e antique
playing cards images pay tribute
to the worlds favorite “game.
Candy Heart
LOVE • Scott 3833
Pastel candy hearts with the
message “I [heart] YOU”
provided an updated take on
the “conversation candies
invented by Daniel Chase in
1866. Designed by Michael
Osbourne, the stamp was
released in rst day ceremonies at
the New England Confectionary
Company (NECCO) in Revere,
Hand & Bouquet
LOVE • Scott 3898
Released during APS
AmeriStamp Expo in Atlanta,
Georgia, the 2005 LOVE stamp
features a hand extending a
bouquet of red-hued owers,
symbolic of the warmth, hope,
and happiness of love and
friendship. Artist Vivienne
Flesher used chalk pastels to
create a design on a cheery
yellow-gold background.
Blue Lovebirds
LOVE • Scott 4029
e denominated blue lovebirds
stamp was released in booklet
form during the American Stamp
Dealers Association Spring
Postage Stamp Mega Event in
New York City. Note that the
space between the two birds
forms a heart, similar to the swan
LOVE stamps of 1997.
King of Hearts
LOVE • Scott 4404
Jeanne Greco created the art on
her computer for the two stamp
designs, one featuring the King
and one featuring the Queen of
Hearts, using images from 18th-
century French playing cards as a
Pansy Basket
LOVE • Scott 4450
e 2010 LOVE stamp features
a white woven cart lled with
deep and light purple pansies and
green foliage. e word “LOVE”
adorns the le side fo the stamp.
Garden Botanical
LOVE • Scott 3837
e 2-oz. rst class stamp — a
botanical illustration of dierent
varieties of single-petal pink
roses — is a reproduction of a
chromolithograph created from
a drawing by English artist Anne
Pratt taken from a 5-volume book
of her illustrations published in
England between 1850–1866.
Garden Bouquet
LOVE • Scott 3836
e art for the Garden
Bouquet stamp — a bouquet
of white lilacs and pink roses
— is a reproduction of a
chromolithograph probably
printed in Germany ca1880–
1890. e artist and engraver are
Geometric Shapes
LOVE (2002)
37¢ • Scott 3657
Geometric Shapes
LOVE (2002)
60¢ • Scott 3658 (booklet)
Candy Hearts LOVE
(2004) • 37¢ • Scott
3833 (booklet)
Hand & Bouquet
LOVE (2005) • 37¢
Scott 3898 (booklet)
Blue Lovebirds LOVE
(2006) • (39¢) • Scott
3976 (booklet)
Blue Lovebirds LOVE
(2006) • 39¢ • Scott 4029
Hersheys Kiss LOVE
(2007) • 39¢ • Scott 4122
All Heart LOVE (2008)
42¢ • Scott 4270 (booklet)
King of Hearts
LOVE (2009)
44¢ • Scott 4404
(se-tenant booklet)
Queen of Hearts
LOVE (2009)
44¢ • Scott 4405
(se-tenant booklet)
Pansy Basket
LOVE (2010) • 44¢
Scott 4450
Garden Bouquet
(2004) • 37¢
Scott 3836 (booklet)
Garden Botanical
(2004) • 60¢
Scott 3837 (pane)
Wedding Heart
Scott 4272
Reissue of the 2007 design, but
set against a bu background and
with a new denomination.
Wedding Dove
Scott 3998
Designed by Michael Osbourne,
the 1-oz. rst class stamp features
a white dove facing le below a
small heart, both surrounded by
calligraphic ourishes set against
a lavender background.
Wedding Dove
Scott 3998
e 2-oz. rst class stamp
features a white dove facing
right below a small heart, both
surrounded by calligraphic
ourishes set against a pale green
Wedding Heart
Scott 4151
Released without ceremony in
Washington, DC, the 1-oz. rst
class stamp features white vines
that form the shape of a heart
set against a lilac background.
Designed by Nancy Stahl.
Wedding Heart
Scott 4152
Released without ceremony in
Washington, DC, the 2-oz. rst
class stamp features white vines
that form the shape of a heart
set against a pink background.
Designed by Nancy Stahl.
Wedding Heart
Scott 4271
Reissue of the 2007 design,
but set against a light green
background and with a new
Wedding Rings
Scott 4397
e 1-oz. rst class stamp
features two gold wedding rings
resting on a small white pillow,
bound together with a slender
ribbon of white. Photographer
Renée Comet.
Wedding Cake
Scott 4398
e 2-oz. rst class stamp
features a three-tier wedding
cake topped with white owers.
Photograph by Renée Comet.
Wedding Dove (2006)
39¢ • Scott 3998
Wedding Dove (2006)
63¢ • Scott 3999
Wedding Heart (2007)
41¢ • Scott 4151
Wedding Heart (2007)
58¢ • Scott 4152
Wedding Heart (2008)
42¢ • Scott 4271
Wedding Heart (2008)
59¢ • Scott 4272
Wedding Rings (2009)
44¢ • Scott 4397 (pane)
Wedding Cake (2009)
61¢ • Scott 4398
Get Well!
Scott 2268
Flowers are a traditional gi when a friend
is ill or just feeling down and out. e
purple iris also speak to the hope of spring.
Love You, Dad!
Scott 2270
Father’s Day as a special occasion did
not hit the greeting card market until
1972, but the U.S. celebration began in
Spokane, Washington in 1910 by a young
woman attending special Mother’s Day
church services, who reected that her
widowed father had raised six children
alone, sacricing so that they could have
a better life. Local churches supported
her proposed Father’s Day, and national
newspapers picked up the story. President
Woodrow Wilson and his family
celebrated the day personally in 1916
and in 1924 President Calvin Coolidge
recommended to the nations governors
that their states should hold their own
celebrations. However, ocial recognition
of a special day for fathers everywhere
did not occur until it was established by
President Richard Nixon in 1972.
Best Wishes!
Scott 2271
Featuring the “good luck” emblem of a
four-leaf clover, the Best Wishes stamp was
another design intended to be a neutral
Happy Birthday!
Scott 2272
e only design of the set that was truly
popular was the Happy Birthday stamp
with its cake and lit candle.
Special Occasion
e 1987 Special Occasion stamps were issued as a “Message
booklet of ten stamps (eight designs) commemorating the various
special occasions for which a card might be sent.
Scott 2267
e 4th of July style reworks display
is certainly celebratory enough for any
occasion for which congratulations might
be tendered.
ank You!
Scott 2269
A bouquet of mid-tone balloons oers a
neutral thank you.
Love You, Mother!
Scott 2273
An attractive oral design wasn’t enough to make
the stamp a permanent xture, but the occasion
for sending Mother’s Day greeting cards remains
a major holiday. First proposed by Julia Ward
Howe (who wrote the words to the “Battle Hymn
of the Republic”) in the 1870s as an appeal for
peace throughout the world, the holiday was
formally recognized through the eorts of Anna
Javis, whose mother Ann had organized Mother
Friendship Clubs aer the American Civil War
to teach the basics of nursing and sanitation. In
honor of Annas mother, the rst Mother’s Day was
celebrated in Graon, West Virginia in May 1908.
It was proclaimed a national holiday by President
Woodrow Wilson in 1914.
Keep in Touch!
Scott 2274
Stamp collectors everywhere should honor
the concept behind the stamp design —
write letters!
Special Occasion
Love You, Mother! (1987)
22¢ • Scott 2273 (booklet)
Congratulations! (1987)
22¢ • Scott 2267 (booklet)
Get Well! (1987)
22¢ • Scott 2268
ank You! (1987)
22¢ • Scott 2269
Love You, Dad! (1987)
22¢ • Scott 2270 (booklet)
Best Wishes! (1987)
22¢ • Scott 2271
Happy Birthday!
(1987) • 22¢
Scott 2272 (booklet)
Keep in Touch!
(1987) • 22¢
Scott 2274 (booklet)
Happy Birthday
Scott 3695
Reissue of the 2002 stamp to reect rise
in rst class postage rate recognizes the
tradition of sending special birthday
greetings to family and friends.
Happy Birthday
Scott 4079
Reissue of the 2002 stamp to reect rise in
rst class postage rate.
Special Occasion
Happy Birthday
Scott 3558
“Happy Birthday” is spelled out in green,
blue, purple, red, orange, and yellow letters
and sprinkled with confetti. Designed
by Harry Zelenko, the colorful stamp
was released at the APS winter show,
AmeriStamp Expo, held in Riverside,
Love You
Scott 2398
A lovebird waits in a mailbox to be
delivered to the one you love.###
A second Special Occasions booklet was issued in 1988,
this time in two panes of six stamps each, featuring the
four most popular occasions requested by consumers.
Happy Birthday
Scott 2395
No cake, just candles in 1988. Make a wish
and blow them out!
Best Wishes
Scott 2396
A rainbow in a blue sky, and maybe a pot
of gold just waiting to be found.
inking of You
Scott 2397
A bouquet of bright, stylized owers sends
a cheerful message.
Special Occasion
Happy Birthday (1988)
25¢ • Scott 2395 (booklet pane)
Best Wishes (1988)
25¢ • Scott 2396 (booklet pane)
inking of You (1988)
25¢ • Scott 2397 (booklet pane)
Love You (1988)
25¢ • Scott 2398 (booklet pane)
Happy Birthday (2002)
34¢ • Scott 3558
Happy Birthday (2002)
37¢ • Scott 3695
Happy Birthday (2006)
39¢ • Scott 4079
Scott 4196
is special occasion stamp shows twelve
colorful “alphabet blocks” arranged in
four horizontal rows of three blocks each.
Each block in the top three rows contains
a single letter of the alphabet in a dierent
type font. Together the blocks spell out
Celebrate.” e bottom row contains
an exclamation point, a star, and the
denomination. Artist Nicholas Wilton.
Special Occasion
Scott 4335
Reissue of the 2007 stamp to reect rise in
rst class postage rate.
Scott 4407
Reissue of the 2007 stamp to reect rise in
rst class postage rate.
Special Occasion
Celebrate (2007) • 41¢
Scott 4196
Celebrate (2008) • 42¢
Scott 4335
Celebrate (2009) • 44¢
Scott 4407
Special Occasion
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T A P S
Stamps in this album are shown courtesy the American Philatelic Society Reference Collection, created and sustained
through the generosity of APS members. With 36,000 members in 100 countries, the 124-year-old Society is the largest,
nonprot society for stamp collectors in the free world. APS oers services and educational opportunities to broaden your
enjoyment of the hobby and enhance your special collecting interests, whatever they may be. e APS is supported entirely
by membership dues, gis, and the sale of its publications and services.
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