“What Every Woman Wishes Her Husband Knew About Her” • Ephesians 5:25-33 • October 29, 1995 • #598A 1
by David O. Dykes • Part 32 of 39 in the series “Ephesians: Enjoying Our Riches in Christ”
Discover Life Ministries • P. O. Box 131678, Tyler, TX 75713-1678 • David O. Dykes, Pastor 903-525-1106 • www. discoverlife. tv
Visit www. gabc. org for available formats of this message
Last week I spoke to wives and didn’t have a whole lot of wives leave church saying, “I really
enjoyed that!” But I had a lot today after the 8:30 service say that. A lot men walked out saying,
“My ribs hurt.” the reason being, last week I asked the husbands not to say, “Amen” or to prod
you if anything pleased them related to what I said. We all know women are so intuitive by
nature, they know when it applies to them. Ladies, the opposite is true for you. This morning if
what I say applies to your husband, I want you to nudge him right in the ribs. Most of us are so
thick-headed; we don’t really understand when it applies to us unless you hit us across the head
with a two by four.
I want to talk about “What Every Woman Wishes Her Husband Knew About Her.” You may be
saying, “How do you know anything about that? You’re not a woman.” I’m certainly not and I
am not speaking from personal experience. I’m going to share with you what the word of God
has to say about the role of a husband. I’m also going to share with you some things I have
learned by reading some books that address this.
Four weeks ago, I sent out an anonymous survey to more than 100 women in our church and I
compiled a lot of their responses that I’ll be reading to you. Some of them are going to be
interesting and some of them are going to be rather harsh. Guys, you may be tempted to go home
and ask your wife, “Are you the one who wrote down that quote he gave?” Ladies, just look him
in the eye and with a sparkle in your eye say, “Why? Do you think that’s a weakness in your
life?” Just don’t tell him for sure.
In 1932, Aldous Huxley wrote “Brave New World,” and in this book he predicted that in the
future marriage as a permanent relationship would no longer exist. He predicted the time was
going to come when a marriage license would be much like a dog license—good for one year
and renewable annually—and there was no law against swapping dogs and a man could have as
many dogs as he wanted. His pessimistic view of marriage does not coincide with the strong
teaching of the Bible about the sanctity, the permanence and the dignity of the marriage
Ephesians 5:25-33. “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave
himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the
word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any
other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their
wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever
hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church—for we
are members of his body. ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be
united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ This is a profound mystery—but I
am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his
wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”
Last week I gave the women three needs a husband has. Today, I’m going to aim both barrels at
the men and share six needs a wife has that she wishes you knew about her.
“What Every Woman Wishes Her Husband Knew About Her” • Ephesians 5:25-33 • October 29, 1995 • #598A 2
by David O. Dykes • Part 32 of 39 in the series “Ephesians: Enjoying Our Riches in Christ”
Discover Life Ministries • P. O. Box 131678, Tyler, TX 75713-1678 • David O. Dykes, Pastor 903-525-1106 • www. discoverlife. tv
Visit www. gabc. org for available formats of this message
Number one. Every wife needs to be a partner, not a possession. The Bible says in 1 Peter 3:7
“Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with
respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing
will hinder your prayers.” If a man doesn’t treat his wife the way the Bible teaches, he’ll have a
very poor prayer life. She is to be treated as a partner, not as a possession. We all look around us
and we see some marriages in which the husband treats the wife like a possession. He often
treats her like a new automobile. Men like new cars. They like that new car smell. They like the
shiny exterior. They like the interior that looks so nice. A lot of times, men will buy a new car
and be proud of it. He’ll drive down the road and people will look at him and he’ll be proud of
the fact that they are admiring his car. But we all know what happens to new cars—they become
used, the tires get a little threadbare the new car smell dissipates and it begins to squeak and
rattle a bit. Sometimes it needs a trip to the repair shop. A lot of times a man says, “No big deal.
I’ll just trade it in on a new model.” The sad fact is some men treat their wives like that. When
they first married, they were so proud of her. They were proud to be seen out in public with her,
because people looked at her and said, “She’s so young and pretty. We all know what happens.
The tires get a little threadbare and sometimes little things go wrong and there begins to be a
squeak here and a rattle there and a lot of men who consider their wives a possession will do the
same thing with their wives that they do with cars: Trade it in on another model.
Your wife is not a possession. She is a part of you. That’s what the word “partner” means. The
Bible says you are to treat her the way you treat your own body. Instead of thinking of your wife
as a new automobile, think of her as your hand or as your arm. She’s an extension of who you
are. She’s a part of you. For you to get rid of her and trade her in on a new model would be like
you saying, “I’m going to cut off my arm and go to the hospital and get another arm.” No. you
don’t do that without pain and grief and loss to yourself. You treat her the way you treat your
own body. You protect your body. If one of you guys was standing up here on the platform, and
I took a rock and threw it at you, you would dodge it. You would protect yourself. Your wife
needs to be protected just like you would protect your own body. How do you protect her? You
anticipate those things that cause her stress or bother her and you try to protect her from it.
What else do you do to your own body? You provide for its needs. I don’t see many of you men
who look like you are missing many meals. No. Whenever you get hungry, you are going to feed
that body of yours. Your wife also has needs and you need to provide for them. So what are her
needs? That’s what we are going to be talking about today.
Number two. Every wife needs conversation, not competition. Men are competitive. We think
everything is a contest, a game, and that’s why when men are dating even use the phrase “I
scored!” To them it’s a competition. Women are not as competitive. They want interaction. They
want conversation, not competition. Women love with their ears. They like to hear it! Men on
the other hand we know we love with our eyes and that’s why women take pains to make
themselves look so lovely. Women love with their ears. When men learn that, they will be able
to meet the needs of their wives by talking to her and listening to her. Sometimes you will see an
“What Every Woman Wishes Her Husband Knew About Her” • Ephesians 5:25-33 • October 29, 1995 • #598A 3
by David O. Dykes • Part 32 of 39 in the series “Ephesians: Enjoying Our Riches in Christ”
Discover Life Ministries • P. O. Box 131678, Tyler, TX 75713-1678 • David O. Dykes, Pastor 903-525-1106 • www. discoverlife. tv
Visit www. gabc. org for available formats of this message
ugly guy married to a beautiful woman. He knew how to talk to her. Mike and Jo Parks are a
good example of that. Mike really knew how to talk to her. Your wife hungers for conversation.
What about that little survey I gave to some of these ladies? Their responses were totally
anonymous. None of them signed their names.
“I would like to have dates with him. Alone. No distractions. Just sit through dinner for
an hour or so and talk to me only. No rushing. It seems like he always wants to run off
and do other things.”
“I would like for my husband to listen to me as I share my feelings and emotions and
frustrations, not rationalize why I feel that way but mainly listen the first time so I won’t
have to keep repeating myself.”
“I wish he would stay off the computer and talk to me more.”
“Sometimes he should just listen to a problem instead of offering advice or a solution.”
Guys, I read a book by Jean Kerr entitled, “Communication in Marriage.” She says men are
basically conversationally inept. We’re not good conversationalists, but we need to work on it.
She says in her book (tongue in cheek) that she thinks men ought to pass a marriage test before
they get a marriage license, just like people pass a driver’s test before they get a driver’s license.
She thinks every man ought to take a test and she gives some examples here.
Here’s scenario number one.
Wife: “Do you love me as much today as the day we were married?”
A) “Yeah.”
B) “Oh, no! Not again!”
C) “Honey, if you have to ask that question, it must be my fault! I must not be showing you how
much I really love you!”
The correct answer is C.
Here’s scenario number two.
Wife: “You never talk to me!”
A) “I don’t talk to you because the only topics that interest you are Billy’s rotten report card,
your rotten dishwasher, and the rotten neighbor who plays the music too loud!”
B) “Of course I talk to you. What am I doing now? Sign language?
C) “And here I was just sitting here and thinking how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to
have you and wondering what you were thinking about.”
The right answer is C. Guys, get with the program. Try to talk to your wife the way she needs to
be talked to. Don’t talk to her like you are talking to one of the guys.
“What Every Woman Wishes Her Husband Knew About Her” • Ephesians 5:25-33 • October 29, 1995 • #598A 4
by David O. Dykes • Part 32 of 39 in the series “Ephesians: Enjoying Our Riches in Christ”
Discover Life Ministries • P. O. Box 131678, Tyler, TX 75713-1678 • David O. Dykes, Pastor 903-525-1106 • www. discoverlife. tv
Visit www. gabc. org for available formats of this message
Here’s a scenario number three. Wife: “Let’s talk.” Husband: “Why? What do you want to talk
about?” That would be like you going to her and saying, “Honey, let’s make love,” and for her to
say, “Why? Do you want to have a baby?” She wants to talk for the sake of talking. Your wife
needs conversation. In her book, Jean Kerr says every wife needs fifteen hours of conversation
per week with her husband. I want you husbands to do a little inventory. This past week did you
spend fifteen hours in conversation with your wife? This past year? Did you spend fifteen hours
in conversation with your wife? That’s how much she needs. She needs conversation, not
Here’s number three. Every wife needs compliments, not condemnation. One thing men should
never do is criticize their wife, especially publicly. You should never focus on her imperfections.
You need to compliment her. In preparing for this message a few weeks ago I just happened to
be talking to a university professor with a PhD in psychology. She did her thesis on “The Female
Psyche.” I was talking to her about this message and she gave me some information I didn’t
know before. She said, “Did you know women can distinguish between flattery and
compliments?” Dumb ole me I said, “Really? What’s the difference between the two?” She said,
“Flattery is when you say something positive to a woman and expect something in return. A
compliment, on the other hand, is a genuine, sincere comment; saying something nice about her
and you are saying it for her sake, not for yours.” She said, “Because women are intuitive, they
can distinguish between flattery and compliments!” Then, she told me something else I didn’t
know. “Even the most self-assured woman only believes one-half of the compliments she hears.
She only believes half of what she hears. She also said, “As a result, men actually need to
compliment their wives twice as much as you think she needs, because she is only going to
believe half of it!”
Now what did some of our ladies say in this survey?
“I want him to tell me that I am a good cook and I want him to show appreciation”
“I want him to approve of the clothes that I wear and compliment me for my selections.”
“I don’t want ‘things.’ I want ‘attention!’”
“Please don’t belittle or criticize me in public even if you think you are only teasing! It
Your wife needs to be complimented. You need to build her up. You need to encourage her. Find
those good qualities in her and magnify them. In his book Willard Harley gives a terrible
example of a husband who was trying to compliment his wife but he absolutely blew it! It was a
husband whose wife had a problem with cellulite and she was very self-conscious about it. So for
her birthday (or something) he wrote what he thought was a humorous, romantic poem about
how much he loved her cellulite. He thought he was doing her a favor! Some of you guys are
saying, “What’s wrong with that?” He didn’t understand why after she read that poem, she
crumpled it up and ran into the bathroom crying. He wants to say, “I’m trying.” Never say
“What Every Woman Wishes Her Husband Knew About Her” • Ephesians 5:25-33 • October 29, 1995 • #598A 5
by David O. Dykes • Part 32 of 39 in the series “Ephesians: Enjoying Our Riches in Christ”
Discover Life Ministries • P. O. Box 131678, Tyler, TX 75713-1678 • David O. Dykes, Pastor 903-525-1106 • www. discoverlife. tv
Visit www. gabc. org for available formats of this message
anything about any imperfections in your wife. Instead, magnify her strengths and minimize any
shortcomings or weaknesses that she has. Compliment her, don’t condemn her.
Number four. Every wife needs affection, not abuse. Spousal abuse is a real problem. Make a
verbal commitment to your wife that you will not use your hand for anything except to caress her
or touch her with love. That is a line every husband should never cross. Some of you have
already crossed over that line and struck your wife. It’s time to walk back across it. Ask her to
forgive you and promise you’ll never use your hand again against her again.
Emotional abuse is even more prevalent than physical abuse. Sometimes mental abuse comes
from neglect. There are a lot of hurting women out there, because they are not receiving the
affection they need. When I asked on this survey, “What do you wish your husband knew about
you?” I didn’t give any categories. I just said, “What do you want him to know?” It was like a
dam bursting open, because so many women in our church said, “I’ll tell you!” And brother, they
let loose! Here are some of the responses I received:
“Husbands need to hold hands, hug and show some form of affection to their wife every
day! That would help us feel needed and wanted emotionally and sexually.
“More hugs! More touching! More willingness to listen with direct eye contact!”
“I want sexual intimacy with a gentleman, not a pig!” (Guys are you wondering if your
wife wrote that one?)
“I would appreciate gentler and more romantic creative actions.”
“Affection and sexual intimacy are two totally different things. I wish for more affection.
Hugs holding hands kissing, like when we dated.”
“Romance me!!!”
“It would be nice to hug and snuggle without going all the way!”
“Like Dr. Dobson says I need ten to twelve romantic, non-sexual touches a day!”
Dr. Willard Harley says, “Affection, is the number one need of your wife.” Most men think
affection is sexual intercourse and is a part of it, but they are two totally different things. It
means hugs, touches, love notes; a lot of different things mean affection to your wives and they
need it.
Most of you have heard the story about this couple who had been married about 30 years and
they were always griping, fighting, and fussing. They went to see a marriage counselor, a young
man. They sat on the couch across from his desk fussing back and forth. He couldn’t say a word.
Finally, the counselor got tired. He got up, walked around the front of the desk, pulled the
“What Every Woman Wishes Her Husband Knew About Her” • Ephesians 5:25-33 • October 29, 1995 • #598A 6
by David O. Dykes • Part 32 of 39 in the series “Ephesians: Enjoying Our Riches in Christ”
Discover Life Ministries • P. O. Box 131678, Tyler, TX 75713-1678 • David O. Dykes, Pastor 903-525-1106 • www. discoverlife. tv
Visit www. gabc. org for available formats of this message
woman into his arms and laid a big Hollywood kiss on her wife! When they came up for air, he
turned to the husband and said, “That’s what she needs three times a week!” The man said,
“Okay. I’ll bring her in on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.” Your hungers for that affection
and you had better be the one who gives it to her!
Dr. Harley says men are not affectionate by nature. That is part of how we are different than
females. Women love to hug: They hug each other. They hug their friends. They hug teddy
bears. They like to hug—but us macho guys, we’re tough. Affection is a learned behavior. Some
of you guys are saying, “But I’m just not an affectionate guy!” You are right. You’re not an
affectionate guy, but you need to learn the habit of affection. Dr. Harley says there are over one
thousand ways to show affection to your wife. If you had some challenge at your job, a project
you were working on and your boss said you had to come up with one thousand different
solutions. I’ll tell you what you would do. You would sit down at your computer, you’d pull out
a legal pad and you’d start writing down as many of those solutions as you could think of. You
might not get to a thousand, but you would come up with a pretty big list. Why don’t you do that
with your wife? Sit down and try to come up with all the different, creative, unusual ways you
can show affection to your wife. Then start showing her. You might not come up with a
thousand, but you will have a lot of fun showing her the ones you do come up with and she will
love you that much more for it.
In his book Dr. Harley lists ten ways you can show affection to your wife. (wives, get your
elbows ready.)
1) Hug and kiss your wife every morning before you get out of bed.
2) Tell her you love her while you are having breakfast together.
3) Kiss her before you leave for work.
4) Call her during the day just to see how she is doing.
5) Surprise her with flowers once in a while.
6) Give her sentimental gifts, not practical gifts. In other words, don’t give her a weed
eater or a food processor. Give her jewelry and stuff like that.
7) Send her romantic cards. Write messages, don’t just sign them.
8) When you get home, give her a hug and a kiss. Spend a few moments asking her how
her day went.
9) After dinner help with the dishes.
10) Hug and kiss her every night before you go to sleep. You can learn to be more
Number five: Every wife needs a leader, not a loner. That’s L-O-N-E-R, not L-O-A-N-E-R.
Your wife want you to be the spiritual leader of your home. I’m happy to say there is a
movement in America called Promise Keepers that is challenging men to be the spiritual leaders
of their homes. Several hundred of our men went to Cowboy Stadium this weekend along with
60,000 other guys learning how to be the leaders in their families. Men need to assume the role
of spiritual leader in the home. Your wife wants you to do that. Of all the responses on the
survey, that subject received more statements than any other. Here’s what some of your wives
“What Every Woman Wishes Her Husband Knew About Her” • Ephesians 5:25-33 • October 29, 1995 • #598A 7
by David O. Dykes • Part 32 of 39 in the series “Ephesians: Enjoying Our Riches in Christ”
Discover Life Ministries • P. O. Box 131678, Tyler, TX 75713-1678 • David O. Dykes, Pastor 903-525-1106 • www. discoverlife. tv
Visit www. gabc. org for available formats of this message
are saying:
“I want my husband to put God first in his life, above everything else. I want him to wake
up in the morning in a state of prayer and ask God to fill him with the Spirit. I want him
to serve God faithfully. Then I will know that everything else will take care of itself!”
“I want my husband to be the head of the home in worship and prayer.”
“I need him to be the leader of our family both spiritually and physically. My strength is
better used elsewhere.”
“We want you husbands to be in charge of spirituality in our homes. We want you to be
participating in church activities. Just going to church is not enough. We like the
fellowship of church, of Sunday School parties and other activities and what you consider
“I don’t really want to be the spiritual leader. I think he could be a good spiritual leader,
but the less spiritual he is, the more spiritual I feel I must be, to the point where he
sometimes thinks he could never be good enough.”
A man in our church came to one of my “Experiencing God” groups and he was sharing with me
that when he and his family moved to Tyler, they did not immediately get involved in a church.
Some families take a little time. But their transition time stretched out and stretched out until
they became spiritually inactive. He said when they got up on Sunday mornings when they first
moved here, his son would ask, “Dad, where are we going to church?” And they would go to a
church but they never settled down and sometimes they wouldn’t go at all. He said one Sunday
he noticed the question had changed. His little boy was not saying, “Dad, where are we going to
church?” He was saying, “Dad, are we going to church?” This man is a believer and at one time
had been active in the service of the Lord. He said he realized at that time he was not being the
spiritual leader of his family. So, he gathered his family around him and said, “We’re going to
Green Acres Baptist Church today.” They joined this church and now they are active, faithfully
serving the Lord here. Some of you need to assert your role as spiritual leader. It could be you’re
not a member of this church and you are still waiting for something to happen. One thing that
you may need to do this morning is just say, “Come on, family. We’re going to join Green Acres
Baptist Church. We’re going to get active serving the Lord! If not this church, some church, but
be the spiritual leader. That means you are the one who ought to initiate prayer. You are the one
who ought to initiate Bible reading in your family. You’re the one who ought to say, “Come on,
family. We’re going to worship the Lord!” They need you to be the spiritual leader.
Here’s the final point. Every wife needs love, not a lecture. Isn’t that the key? The one word God
gives to wives is, “Wives, submit” and the one word God gives to husbands, is “Husbands,
love.” Your wife needs to see love from you. How many of you love your wife the way Christ
loves the church? Because that’s what it says, “Love her as Jesus loves the church.”
“What Every Woman Wishes Her Husband Knew About Her” • Ephesians 5:25-33 • October 29, 1995 • #598A 8
by David O. Dykes • Part 32 of 39 in the series “Ephesians: Enjoying Our Riches in Christ”
Discover Life Ministries • P. O. Box 131678, Tyler, TX 75713-1678 • David O. Dykes, Pastor 903-525-1106 • www. discoverlife. tv
Visit www. gabc. org for available formats of this message
You say, “I’m not too sure. How does Jesus love the church?” He DIED for the church! Love
your wives as Christ also loved the church and gave himself up for her. Jesus also loves the
church enough to make us better. The Bible says He sanctifies us, cleansing with the washing of
water through the word. Jesus is always cleaning the church up and making the church better.
That’s the kind of love you have to have! Do you know what kind of love Jesus has for us? It is
the greatest love anybody has ever known. The Bible says, “Greater love has no man than this
but a man lay down his life for his friend.”
(1) Is your love for your wife sacrificial?
Number one: Is your love for your wife sacrificial? Are you giving up your life? Laying down
your life for your wife and the children? How many of you guys would be willing to die for your
wife?” “Oh, yeah, Pastor. I’d die for her!” That’s not the point. How many of you would be
willing to sacrifice for her? Sacrifice your time, your desires and be willing to give up that
hunting trip or golfing trip to spend time with her, be willing to sacrifice what you want to buy
for yourself in order to buy something that she needs or your family needs? How many of you
are willing to sacrifice? That’s how Jesus loves the church. Sacrificially.
(2) Is your love for your wife sanctifying?
Number two. Do you have a love for your wife that is sanctifying? If you don’t know what that
word sanctifying means you can use the word cleansing. It says Christ is cleaning up the church
through the washing of water with the word. Because of her relationship to you, is she more like
Jesus Christ? We all know terrible examples of how some evil man will corrupt a pure woman.
The sad fact is that some husbands have that impact on their wives. They corrupt her, because
they are not leading her to be more like Jesus. Is your relationship with your wife sanctifying? Is
she more like Jesus because of your influence in her life? That’s the way Jesus loves the church.
(3) Is your love for your wife supreme?
Number three: Do you have a love for your wife that is supreme? “Greater love has no man than
this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Your wife needs to know you love her more
than any other person on the face of the earth. She needs to know you love her more than your
job. She needs to know you love her more than you love your hobby, your parents or even more
than you love your children. This is what some of our ladies wrote: “I need him to tell me that he
is totally committed to me and that I am his special love above all others on this earth!” That
might have been your wife. Another one said, “I want him to choose me and time with me over
his buddies! And yes over his own family, Mom and Dad.” She writes. “Most of the time it
seems that I come last.”
Several years ago when I was in Birmingham, I visited a young family in our church that had just
been blessed with their first child. I went into the hospital room and the woman was lying in the
bed. Her husband was in the room and just happened to have their newborn son in his hands and
his name was Benjamin. I will never forget what he said to me. He was so excited, as all new
“What Every Woman Wishes Her Husband Knew About Her” • Ephesians 5:25-33 • October 29, 1995 • #598A 9
by David O. Dykes • Part 32 of 39 in the series “Ephesians: Enjoying Our Riches in Christ”
Discover Life Ministries • P. O. Box 131678, Tyler, TX 75713-1678 • David O. Dykes, Pastor 903-525-1106 • www. discoverlife. tv
Visit www. gabc. org for available formats of this message
dads are. He quoted scripture, “David, this is bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, and I love this
little boy more than I love anybody else on earth!” I thought. There’s something wrong with that
statement but I didn’t embarrass him or try to correct him. I just said, “That’s wonderful! That
shows us how much God loves us!” And I left. Did you notice how he twisted the scripture? The
statement, “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh” is not from the Bible spoken from a parent to
a child. Who spoke those words? Adam. Adam spoke those words to Eve! He said, “This is bone
of my bone and flesh of my flesh!” Your relationship with your wife ought to be deeper and
closer than your parents, your brothers, sisters—even than your children—and your wife needs
to know you love her more than anybody in the universe except the Lord God. If you will go to
your wife and say, “Honey, I want you to know that you are #1. I love you the most, second only
to God!” You’ll be doing what the Bible says—loving her the way Christ loves the church.
Some men are not prepared to be the spiritual leader of their homes, because they do not have a
personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and that is the first prerequisite. Some of you men today
need to come and say, “Pastor, I am not a believer. I want to be the spiritual leader of my home. I
am giving my life to Christ today.” Others of you who are fathers and husbands, might need to
take the first step to assert your role as a spiritual leader and bring your family down this aisle
today and say, “We’re not members of this church but we want to be members of this church
serving the Lord.” Be the spiritual leader! Others of you may need to come and say, “Pastor, I
haven’t been baptized, but I know I need to be baptized and I want to do that.” Some of you are
saying, “I am not even a man. This sermon was not for me.” Yes, it is, because the way Christ
loves you is the way husbands ought to love their wives. Jesus loves you with a sacrificial love.
He loves you with a sanctifying love and he loves you with a supreme love.
“What Every Woman Wishes Her Husband Knew About Her” • Ephesians 5:25-33 • October 29, 1995 • #598A 10
by David O. Dykes • Part 32 of 39 in the series “Ephesians: Enjoying Our Riches in Christ”
Discover Life Ministries • P. O. Box 131678, Tyler, TX 75713-1678 • David O. Dykes, Pastor 903-525-1106 • www. discoverlife. tv
Visit www. gabc. org for available formats of this message
1. To be a partner, not a possession
“Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as
the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your
prayers.” 1 Peter 3:7
2. Conversation
, not competition
3. Compliments
, not condemnation
4. Affection, not abuse
5. A leader, not a loner
6. Love, not a lecture
Is your love for your wife
(1) Sacrificial?
(2) Sanctifying?
(3) Supreme?
DISCLAIMER: These messages are offered for your personal edification and
enrichment. There is no legal copyright on this material. I have used many
sources, and I have always attempted to cite any exact quotations. Any failure to
cite a quote is simply an oversight on my part.
If you are a preacher or teacher, I encourage you to use this material to stimulate
your own Spirit-driven imagination. Additional study beyond this material will
benefit both you and your listeners. You have my full permission to use any of
this material as long as you cite the source for any substantial amount used in
your message.
If you borrow the majority of a message or outline, I encourage you to simply
preface your remarks by saying something like: “Some (or “much” as the case
may be) of the ideas I’m sharing in this message came from a message by
Pastor David Dykes in Texas.” This simple citation may prevent any criticism
that may be directed toward you.
To put it in Texas terms, “You’re mighty welcome to use any and all of my
ingredients; just make your own chili!”
For the Joy…
Pastor David Dykes