Version HER-0224
Hertz Terms & Conditions of Rental
Thank you for considering taking your next journey with Hertz.
These terms and conditions form part of the Agreement that You will need to sign before We rent You a Vehicle. Please read these terms and conditions carefully,
even if You have rented a Vehicle from Us before as they may have changed since You last rented from Us.
We provide these terms and conditions to You so that You can understand the obligations that We will require You to adhere to if We provide You with one of Our
Vehicles. They include obligations that apply to you at all stages of the rental, including in relation to charges that may apply to You, Prohibited Uses of the Vehicle,
places where the Vehicle is not permitted to be driven, Fuel and Electric Vehicle Charging obligations, and information concerning Your financial responsibility if the
Vehicle (including any accessories supplied with it) is damaged or lost during the rental.
At all times, the Agreement that You sign is intended to be subject to the consumer protection laws applicable in the jurisdiction where this Agreement is signed.
Please take Your time and contact Us if You have any specific questions regarding Your use of the Vehicle for Your intended journey.
We are taking steps to improve Our environmental footprint and are now replacing paper versions of these Rental Terms and Conditions with electronic versions. If
You would prefer to receive a paper copy, please ask for one at the counter at the time of collecting Your Vehicle or print a copy by going to Our Website in
www.hertz.com.au and in
New Zealand
Key facts about Your rental
Longer term rentals
Termination of rental agreement
Electric Vehicles
EV basics
EV additional charges
Pick up
Prohibited uses
Foreign Licences
First Time Renters
During Your rental
Fines, tolls and other charges
Damage and Loss
Return procedure
Important information
Damage to, or loss of, the
Vehicle and its Accessories
Personal possessions in the
Purchase of Insurance from
Third Party
Pick Up
Charges Explained
Fuel & Electrical Recharge Policy
Damage Policy
Optional Renter Protection Services
Privacy and credit notice
Prohibited Roads
Prohibited Uses
Key facts about your rental
Roadside Assistance
Out of Hours Return
What is included in the rental rate
Collision Damage Waiver
Initial Fuel/Charge Supply
Roadside Assistance
What is not included in the rental rate
You have the option to add the following items to your rental for an additional charge:
Additional driver – (if not already allowed as a driver under the terms contained within the Key Information section) In all cases we will need to
see their drivers licence.
Additional equipment
- Hertz GPS
- Infant (child) seats
Fuel Purchase Option for ICE Vehicles – You may choose to pre-pay for a whole tank of fuel in advance, so that you don’t need to fill the tank
on return (although no refund will be given for any unused fuel).
Half Tank Option for ICE Vehicles – If you are only travelling a short distance, at selected locations you may choose to pre-pay for a half tank
of fuel in advance so that you don’t need to fill the tank on return (although no refund will be given for any unused fuel).
Electricity for EVs – Rental rates do not include the cost of electricity required to charge an EV. If the EV is returned with a charge level below
the battery departure level, or if the EV is recharged by a third party that invoices Hertz instead of you, additional charges may apply (see
Electric Vehicles (EVs) section below for more information).
Optional Renter Protection Services see - Annexure 4 are available to purchase for an additional charge and can either reduce or eliminate Your
liability to Hertz for loss or damage to the Vehicle (subject to exceptions for some Accessories, and the Vehicle not being used for a Prohibited Use
of the Vehicle), or provide cover for other purposes depending on the services You select:
Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) – You can reduce the Loss Damage Liability (LDL) to a lower amount as stated on Your Rental Agreement, by
purchasing a full or partial waiver of Your liability to Us. Your reduced LDL level will be displayed on Your Rental Agreement. This will be the
maximum amount that You are liable to Us per incident, whether it be in respect of damage to the Vehicle, or in respect to costs for towing, loss
or damage to the Vehicle’s keys, or loss or damage to the accessories the Vehicle comes with as standard. (It will not reduce Your liability for
optional additional accessories purchased, such as infant seats or GPS.)
This product may be available online at hertz.com.au and hertz.co.nz
Loss Damage Reduction (LDR) – You can reduce the LDL to a lower amount as stated on Your Rental Agreement, by purchasing a partial
waiver of Your liability to Us. Your reduced LDL level will be displayed on Your Rental Agreement. This will be the maximum amount that You
are liable to Us per incident, whether it be in respect of damage to the Vehicle, or in respect of costs for towing, loss or damage to the Vehicle’s
keys, or loss or damage to the accessories the Vehicle comes with as standard. (It will not reduce Your liability for optional additional
accessories purchased, such as infant seats or GPS.)
Maximum Damage Waiver (MDW) – You may have the option to reduce the LDL to zero and if so:
- You have no liability for damage to the Vehicle, or for loss or damage to the Vehicle’s keys or the accessories the Vehicle comes with as
standard. (note it will not reduce Your liability for optional additional accessories purchased, such as infant seats or GPS.)
- Fees will be waived in respect of Towing, Hertz Claims Management Fee and External Damage Assessment Fee
- The charge for MDW is capped at 10 days per 30 days rental (i.e., pay for 10 days, get up to 20 additional days’ cover for free)
Please note:
In respect of Heavy Commercial Vehicles, this product will reduce liability to the LDL level shown in the rental agreement (it will not reduce
liability to zero)
This product is not available on Adrenaline Vehicles
Toll Cover - You can pre-pay your toll charges incurred during your rental for a daily flat fee as advised at the time of reservation.
A range of fees and charges may apply to your rental (see Annexure 1 (Charges Explained). The amounts may be specified in the Rental
Agreement provided to you on pick up.
We do not cover You for:
Parking and traffic fines You incur on Your trip
Private parking charges
Road tolls (unless You have purchased Toll Cover)
If We receive notices for fines and parking charges during the rental period We will give the authorities Your name, address and driver’s licence
details and charge a Processing Fee. Toll charges and Processing Fees will be charged to You directly by Hertz (unless You have purchased Toll
Cover), applied to Your chosen method of payment.
Your Rental Agreement with us (Agreement) is comprised of:
- the Rental Agreement;
- these Hertz Terms and Conditions of rental and
- any Additional Terms that may be agreed in writing between You and Us.
If Agreement signed In Australia
The Agreement is made with Hertz Australia Pty Ltd ABN 31 004 407 087 of L1 105 York Street, South Melbourne, VIC 3205, or if a Hertz sub-
licensee is identified on the Rental Agreement, that sub-licensee (Hertz, We, Us or Our).
If the Vehicle is provided by Hertz Australia Pty Ltd, then the Agreement is governed by the laws of Victoria Australia. If the Vehicle rental is provided
by a sub-licensee, then the Agreement is governed by the laws of the State or Territory in which the relevant Hertz sub-licensee is situated.
If any term is illegal or unenforceable, that term is severed from the Agreement and the remaining terms continue to apply.
If Agreement signed In New Zealand
The Agreement is made with “Hertz New Zealand Limited, trading as Hertz (Hertz, We, Us or Our). Or, if a Hertz sub-licensee is identified on the
Rental Agreement, that sub-licensee (Hertz or We). The Agreement is governed by the laws of New Zealand.
If any term is illegal or unenforceable, that term is severed from the Agreement and the remaining terms continue to apply.
In Australia:
You have consumer rights conferred by the Australian Consumer Law and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001, and
consumer protection laws of Australian States and Territories (Consumer Protection Law)
Subject at all times to Consumer Protection Law, We will not cover You for indirect or consequential loss, loss of profits or loss of opportunity.
To the extent permissible under Consumer Protection Law, Our total liability to You under the Agreement is capped at the amount paid by You to rent
the Vehicle.
In New Zealand:
You have rights against Us under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair-Trading Act 1986 relating to the Vehicle and other goods or
services We provide to You under the Agreement that We cannot exclude or limit (Consumer Protection Law).
Except for Our liability to You under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair-Trading Act 1986, We will not cover You for indirect or
consequential loss, loss of profits or loss of opportunity.
Without limiting Our liability under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair-Trading Act 1986, Our total liability to You under the Agreement
is capped at the amount paid by You to rent the Vehicle.
At all times, nothing in this Agreement is intended to exclude, restrict, or modify any implied terms, guarantees or rights You may have
under the Consumer Protection Laws applicable in the jurisdiction where this Agreement is entered into.
We are responsible to You for providing the Vehicle in a safe and roadworthy condition and for replacing the Vehicle in the event of breakdown,
theft or accident (unless there is a Prohibited Use of the Vehicle).
We are not responsible for statements made by travel agents or third-party booking services as they are not Our employees or agents
We must comply with the law, including the Applicable Consumer Protection Law.
You must abide by the terms of this Agreement
You must provide Us with true and correct information prior to, during, and after Your rental of the Vehicle. This includes providing Us with a
valid true and correct driver’s licence
You must care for, use, secure, and return the Vehicle in accordance with the Agreement and pay the amounts due.
You must ensure that You (and any authorised driver) hold a valid licence to operate the type of Vehicle rented.
You must ensure that You comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the use of the Vehicle.
You are responsible for all Toll fees, Infringements, Parking Infringements, and other fines incurred and attributable to Your rental
In New Zealand
You must ensure that a copy of the Agreement (which may be an electronic copy) is kept in the Vehicle throughout the term of the hire and is
produced without delay for inspection by a law enforcement officer.
We aim to resolve all complaints and disputes amicably, within 15 business days. For further information regarding our disputes process, please
contact our Customer Care Team.
In Australia
You can also contact the Australian Car Rental Conciliation Service.
Refer to Annexure 6 (Contacts) for a list of contacts.
When you rent with us, you consent to us collecting (including by in Vehicle tracking through a Vehicle Monitoring System), using and disclosing your
personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website, noted in Annexure 5 (Privacy & Credit Notice) or
from any Hertz rental location.
If we provide you with credit, our Credit Policy together with our Statement of Notifiable Matters which are available in Annexure 5 (Privacy &
Credit Notice) will also apply to our collection, use and disclosure of your credit information and credit eligibility information (credit related
Please see Annexure 5 (Privacy & Credit Notice) for further information we are required to tell you when we collect your personal information and
credit related information, including the purposes for which your information is collected.
Long term rentals
Where your rental is 30 days or longer you will be invoiced at the end of each 30-day period automatically or at any time agreed with Hertz.
Additional funds to cover the cost of your Rental Agreement will be collected for each 30-day period. Each Rental Agreement will only display rental
charges in respect of the period as noted on the Rental Agreement. If your rental is longer than this period, the location staff are able to provide a
detailed estimate of the full rental period upon request.
Termination of Rental Agreement
Termination of this Agreement by You:
Early Return
You may end this Agreement earlier than the Return Date, by returning the Vehicle to the agreed return location as reflected on your Rental
Agreement. You must, unless otherwise agreed with the return location, return the Vehicle during the business hours of that location.
Please contact the return location to make arrangements with them, and otherwise refer to the “Return Procedure” for more information,
including in relation to specific rules for return of Vehicles outside of location operating hours.
Breach by Us
You may terminate this Agreement if:
you are entitled to under any Applicable Consumer Protection Law;
Termination of this Agreement by Us:
Termination for Special Circumstances:
We reserve the right to terminate your Agreement at any time by providing 2 days written or verbal notice (including by email or SMS) (or if notice is
not reasonably practicable, no notice), if any of the following circumstances occur (Special Circumstances):
We are required by the police any other regulatory authority to regain or take possession of the Vehicle;
You have not paid an invoice or any other request for payment or your chosen method of payment (if not cash) is declined, or your bank
reverses the charges made and you fail to pay the amount due within 24 hours of being notified by Hertz that the invoice is outstanding;
The Vehicle is not returned by the agreed return date;
We reasonably believe that a Material Breach of the agreement has been or will be committed;
Reminder, a Material Breach of the agreement occurs if:
The Vehicle is used for a Prohibited Use;
The Vehicle is driven on a Prohibited Road;
The Vehicle is driven by an individual that does not meet the licence and age requirements set out in this agreement;
You or an authorised driver provide false or misleading information to us prior to, or throughout the term of the rental, which may reasonably be
considered as material to our decision to grant you and / or continue to grant you, a rental.
Such material information includes matters such as name, licence status, address, or incident that occurs during the rental;
Refer to the list of Prohibited Uses at Annexure 8 (Prohibited Uses) and the list of Prohibited Roads at Annexure 7 (Prohibited Roads)
Consequences of Termination of this Agreement
Subject to any Applicable Consumer Protection Law, upon termination of this Agreement (either by you or us):
Where it is safe and reasonable to do so, you must return the Vehicle to the agreed location reflected on the Rental Agreement and comply with
the Returns Procedure on arrival.
Any obligations under this Agreement that are capable of surviving the termination or expiration of this Agreement, do.
You must pay to us any monies owed to us under this Agreement.
Subject to any applicable Consumer Protection Law, if you terminate this Agreement due to a breach by Us, our liability shall be limited to the amount
of monies you have paid to Us in respect of the rental.
Termination of Agreement by Us:
If this Agreement is terminated, you may be liable for the below:
Loss or damage caused, including Loss of Use which is payable until the Vehicle has been repaired or replaced or recovered if it has been
Loss or replacement of the Vehicle as a result of theft;
Third party loss related to your use of the Vehicle;
Storage, towing, repossession and recovery fees
Administrative and legal costs of recovery;
Accrued amounts owing to us prior to termination; and
Without limiting Our rights or remedies under this Agreement, in addition to the above, You acknowledge and agree that We (or Our agent or
contractor), may be required to enter Your premises to recover the Vehicle, in which case We will exercise due care to ensure that no damage
beyond what is reasonable is caused to the premises;
You may be placed on Suspended Rental Status, which will result in you not being permitted to the rent any Vehicle from us or our affiliates in
the future.
Please note charges and fees and other liabilities that you may be required to meet are peculiar to particular circumstances of termination. Refer to
our Damages Policy Annexure 3 (Damage Policy)
EV Basics
Daily rental rates do not include the cost of electricity required to charge an EV. We will generally provide an EV You with up to 90% charge and
ask thar You return it with no less than 15% charge.
You may use public charging networks to recharge your EV.
Our EVs have a standard battery capacity and range. The performance of that battery depends on the conditions under which it is operated,
which is the responsibility of the driver.
The battery charging limit on Your EV rental should be set at 90% maximum. This limit should only be increased to 100% in critical
circumstances, as doing so can lead to significant battery degradation.
Our EVs come with 2 charging cables. It is important to look after both cables and ensure they are returned undamaged with the Vehicle. The
cost for each replacement cable is $500 excluding GST, which will be charged to You if necessary.
Our EVs come with a keycard. You must take good care of this keycard and ensure it is returned undamaged with the Vehicle. The cost for a
new keycard is $50 excluding GST, which will be charged to You if You lose or damage it.
Any underbody or battery damage caused by driving an EV over foreign objects is not covered by LDL or Optional Renter Protection Services ,
and You will be liable for the full amount of this damage.
Hertz will not be responsible for removing any personalisation created in the EV. For example, if You sign into Netflix or Spotify, then You are
responsible for logging out at the end of Your rental. Hertz is not responsible if you fail to log out and another renter uses your account
EVs must not be driven through an automatic car wash; this is a Prohibited Use. Damage that occurs from driving an EV through a car wash is
not be limited to the LDL or covered by any Optional Rental Protection Services, and You will be liable for all costs associated with damage
caused from this Prohibited Use.
EV Additional Charges
Government/Council Road User Recovery:
The government or council (as applicable) may have road user charges applied to EVs based on km’s driven. Where applicable we will charge any
such fees to you, based on your departure location. We will pass on the applicable fees collected from you to the appropriate government or council
Recharging Costs
If You return the EV with a battery that is charged to a level less than the level that we provided the EV with to You at the start of Your rental:
You will be required to pay the EV Battery Recharging Service fee to restore the battery to the level We supplied You at the beginning of the
Rental; and
In addition, if You return the Vehicle at 15% battery level or less, We will apply Low Battery Recharging Service fee.
We allow a grace of 5%, We do not charge any costs associated with bringing the Vehicle back with a battery level between 85% - 90%
If You return the EV with at least the same level of charge as was provided to You, then:
If You used a Hertz account 3rd party recharging station and this recharging cost is passed to Hertz (rather than paid for by You), We will pass
on these recharge costs to You upon receipt of an invoice from the EV charge provider and apply an EV Administration Processing Fee.
Otherwise, If You recharged the EV entirely at Your own cost, no such fees (EV Battery Recharging Service fee or EV Administration
Processing Fee) will be payable.
Any applicable charges will be processed on Your card. Please see Annexure 1 (Charges Explained) for more information on these fees that may
be payable.
Electric Vehicles (EVs)
Pick Up
You agree to pay the rental rate for the Vehicle, compulsory fees, fees for any optional services and other fees that may arise during your rental.
Please see Annexure 1 (Charges Explained) for an explanation of these fees.
A valid physical credit or debit card must be provided on pick up for security purposes. The credit or debit card must be in the name of the renter
who is collecting the Vehicle. Digital cards are not accepted. Cash is accepted at participating locations on return of the rental Vehicle.
Your Rental Agreement shows an estimate of any charges agreed to at the start of the rental for the period indicated on the Rental Agreement (if
the charges have not been prepaid). If your rental is for a longer period, the location can provide a full estimate on request. You agree to pay
those charges and any other fees that arise by the end of the rental period.
We typically reserve an amount on your chosen method of payment (or take a deposit) at least equal to the estimated charges plus a security bond
(amount is shown on your Rental Agreement). This reserved amount may be released (or deposit refunded) on return of the Vehicle following payment
of the rental charges. For a further explanation on the Rental Agreement charges, discuss with the location staff at time of pick-up or check online
before travelling. See Annexure 6 (Contacts)
Condition: It is your responsibility to check the overall condition of the Vehicle at the start of the rental period and on return. We will provide a
summary of any pre-existing damage on our Vehicle Condition Report on your Rental Agreement, and you will also receive an email to grant you
access to the My Journey Portal platform which alloes you to view the most recent photos of the Vehicle allocated to you. You are invited to take a
time-stamped photograph of the relevant pre-existing damage before leaving the rental location or, if poor weather conditions or bad light, you can take
a photograph with a time/date stamp within 60 minutes of leaving the rental locations.
You are responsible for returning the Vehicle in the same condition as it was in when we provided it to you, subject to fair wear and tear. Our fair wear
and tear guide link can be found in Annexure 3 (Damage Policy) Please see the Damage and Loss section to understand your responsibility for
damage and loss to the Vehicle and Annexure 3 (Damage Policy) to understand how we will process damage caused during your rental.
Key Information
Purchase Options for ICE Vehicles
Full Tank
You might find it more convenient to pay for a full tank at the start of the rental and save time refueling on return by taking this option (although no
refund will be given for any unused fuel).
Half Tank
If you are travelling a shorter distance, it may be more convenient to pay for a half tank at the start of the rental and save time on refueling by
returning the Vehicle at half a tank (although no refund will be given for any unused fuel).
Please see the Electric Vehicles (EVs)section for information on electricity recharging options.
Please see Annexure 2 (Fuel & Electrical Recharging Policy) for a full explanation of your options.
In respect of all Vehicles, including Commercial, Prestige, Adrenaline or Dream Collection, you must only refuel with the type of fuel specified
by Hertz location staff.
Fuel gauges may still indicate “full” many kilometres after a Vehicle was last re-filled. We ask you refill the Vehicle within 15 km of the return location.
We reserve the right to apply a small charge if it is subsequently found additional fuel is needed although the gauge shows as full – please ask at the
rental counter for details.
Child Seats: It is your responsibility to ensure that appropriate child seats have been fitted for children travelling in the Vehicle. Hertz is not responsible
for any fines, injury, death or other losses caused by not having child seats fitted in the Vehicle or by children not being restrained in child seats fitted in
the Vehicle. Children that require a child seat must not travel in a Vehicle from the Hertz Adrenaline or Dream collection as you are not permitted to fit
child seats in those Vehicles.
You must comply with mandated seat belt and child seat restraint laws applicable to each Country. Fines may be imposed by police on any occupant
not wearing a seat belt or who has not fitted or properly adjusted a child seat restraint. You are responsible for checking a child seat is fitted correctly in
the Vehicle.
You must not leave a child unattended in the Vehicle.
You are responsible for the child seat in the Vehicle.
Vehicle Cleanliness
You may incur an additional Cleaning Fee or Cleaning Administration Fee if the Vehicle is returned in an excessively dirty condition or with excessive
odour including but not limited to:
the smell of tobacco from smoking in the Vehicle;
dirtiness or smell odour caused by having animals in the Vehicle
excessive dirt, sand, animal hair or mud on the interior or exterior of the Vehicle
Snow Regions
There are special restrictions that apply when driving a Hertz Vehicle in an alpine region. If these restrictions are not complied with You may be
responsible for any and all damage arising from the use of the Vehicle in an alpine region and liability waiver purchased will not be applicable.
If You are planning to travel to the snow, please check with Your Hertz location that the Vehicle is fit for purpose and whether snow chains are
You must ensure that the Vehicle complies with any legal requirements relating to fitment of snow chains and that the snow chains are fitted
correctly. Failure to do so will be considered a Prohibited Use and You will be fully liable for any resulting damage. Renters must at all times
ensure plastic hub caps are removed prior to fitting snow chains. Snow chains must be tightened after 50m to avoid damage to the rims and
hub caps must be replaced on the Vehicle when the chains are removed.
If the Vehicle is used for a Prohibited Use:
you are responsible for any damage or losses up to the full value of the Vehicle and other fees, related losses and expenses including towing and 3rd
party damage as explained in the ‘Damage and Loss’ section.
your liability is not limited to the Loss Damage Liability (LDL);
you lose the benefit of any Optional Renter Protection Services you have purchased; and
we may terminate the Agreement and take back the Vehicle at any time at your expense
Service Animals:
You are permitted to allow service animals in the Vehicle
You are responsible to ensure the Vehicle is returned in the condition provided upon collection or cleaning charges may apply
As the renter You may allow other persons to drive the Vehicle provided that You have checked that the person meets the age and licence
requirements specified in this section and that they are either:
a member of Your immediate family who is permanently living with You;
Your employer, employee, fellow employee or partner and the rental of the Vehicle is for business purposes; or
a person who is contracted to perform work for You, or Your employer, or an employee of a person or entity who is contracted to perform work
for You, or Your employer, and the rental of the Vehicle relates to the performance of work; or
any other person approved in writing by Hertz.
If a driver does not meet the above requirements, they must be added to the rental as an additional driver and must show Us their licence.
An Additional Driver Fee is payable.
provisional licenses are accepted as long as it complies with the below points. Drivers are required to abide by applicable laws and restrictions
including displaying any provisional plates.
satisfies any other conditions on the Rental Agreement or
and must hold and present a current driver’s licence that:
a physical or a digital licence (that can be verified by the relevant government agencies authentication process at the time of pick up);
is in English or, if not in English, is accompanied by a certified English translation.
is valid for driving the Vehicle.
is not a learner’s permit or exceptional licence;
the driver has held for at least twelve (12) consecutive months (including a provisional or full licence);
If the Vehicle provided is from Hertz’s Adrenaline or Dream collection, You and any person driving the Vehicle must be at least 25 years of
age (unless approved in writing by Hertz).
In Australia
You and any person driving the Vehicle must be 21 years of age or over (unless approved beforehand in writing by Hertz)
If the Vehicle is rented in Tasmania, you must not allow any other person to drive the Vehicle unless they have been added as an additional
driver and presented a valid drivers’ licence at the nearest Hertz location.
In New Zealand
You and any person driving the Vehicle must be 18 years of age or over
Foreign Licences
You are required to provide a copy of your international licence in English or a translation accompanying your international licence.
First Time Renters
If you are a first-time renter paying with a debit or credit card, live within 100kms of the city in which the Vehicle is being collected and your booking is
not associated with a corporate account or insurance replacement rental, additional identification and payment requirements will apply to your rental. In
such cases, renters will be required to provide a debit/ credit card in the name of the renter and also current proof of address.
Renters will also be charged a bond of either $500 (passenger and commercial Vehicles) or $1,000 (prestige and adrenalin Vehicles).
In order to establish the renters, address the renter must provide proof by way of proof of address documentation (refer below) which must be dated
within 3 months of the rental. In the event that the Drivers Licence address is not current, the Renter must provide two (2) proof of address documents
with one being a utility bill or property lease agreement.
Proof of Address Documentation:
Property Lease Agreement
Utility Bill
Telephone Account
Letter of Employment
Official Government Paperwork
During Your Rental
Fines, tolls and other charges
In Australia
You are responsible for all fines, private parking charges, road tolls and other similar charges (including parking fines or charges) incurred in
relation to the Vehicle during the rental period. We will work with authorities for them to pass on notices of fines and parking charges to you,
and we will also charge you either the Toll Administration Processing Fee or Infringement Administration Processing Fee (each a Processing
Fee). If you incur toll charges during the rental, we will charge you for those tolls plus the Processing Fee (unless you have purchased Toll
Cover). These charges will be processed on your chosen method of payment as detailed in Annexure 1 (Charges Explained).
You have the option of purchasing Toll Cover to pre-pay a flat daily rate for your toll charges incurred during your rental, as advised at the time
of reservation. For details, see Annexure 4 (Optional Renter Protection Services).
In New Zealand
You are responsible for all tolls, fines, private parking charges and other similar charges incurred during the rental including infringement fees for
speeding or parking offences, offences relating to a failure to comply with directions given by a traffic signal or offences under the Freedom
Camping Act 2011 (such as freedom camping in breach of local bylaws).
If an offence is committed during the rental period:
- you will be liable for the costs related to that offence, whether or not you were the driver at the time;
- we will transfer liability for the offence to you by passing on your details to the relevant authority and charge you a processing fee. The
processing fee is charged to your Card provided at the time of Rental;
- you have the right to challenge, complain about, query or object to the alleged offence directly to the authority that has issued it; and
- you have the right to ask for a court hearing in connection with any offence (but you must ask for this within 56 days of the offence notice
being issued, or within 28 days of the reminder notice).
In the event that we are unable to transfer liability for the offence to you by passing on your details to the relevant authority, we will charge your
Card for the total amount of the offence, and we will pay this to the appropriate authority as soon as we can.
In addition to any fine, parking charge or toll you incur, we may also apply a Processing Fee to reimburse us for the time and costs we incur in
dealing with these matters. Please refer to Annexure 1 (Charges Explained)
Assistance: If you experience any problem with the Vehicle due to mechanical failure you agree to stop driving (as soon as practicable), park
the Vehicle and call our roadside assistance (see Annexure 6 (Contacts)) and they will arrange help. You must not re-commence driving the
Vehicle unless directed to do so by the roadside assistance service. You must not move the Vehicle unless this is necessary to prevent further
damage to the Vehicle or damage to other property or Vehicles.
If the Vehicle is from the Hertz Prestige, Adrenaline or Dream collection, you may be provided with roadside assistance from the manufacturer.
The details of this service will be provided in the Vehicle’s service book. You must contact the manufacturer roadside assistance service as
soon as you can if:
- the Vehicle breaks down;
- a warning light or message becomes illuminated or displayed in the Vehicle; or
- any other event occurs which affects the performance or safety of the Vehicle. If the manufacturer roadside assistance service cannot be
contacted, you must contact Hertz’s roadside assistance or the customer care centre (see Annexure 6 (Contacts).
Cost: we will provide roadside assistance without cost to you for problems with the Vehicle that were not your fault. If the problem was your
fault (e.g., running out of fuel, losing the keys or locking the keys in the Vehicle), you will be responsible to us for the cost of providing
roadside assistance and any parts provided. See Annexure 1 (Charges Explained) for charges associated with roadside assistance and
You must not allow anyone to service or repair the Vehicle without our permission in writing.
Refer to Annexure 1 (Charges Explained) and Annexure 4 (Optional Renter Protection Services) for more detail.
If you are renting a Vehicle in Tasmania Australia, you may be requested by government authorities to present a Tasmania Transport Commission
accreditation certificate. Hertz is an accredited Hire & Drive Passenger Service issued by the Transport Commission of Tasmania and we display
our certificate in all operational locations and provide an online link for our rental customers to access online at www.hertz.com.au/ttaccreditation.
Care: You are responsible for looking after the Vehicle and reducing the risk of breakdown and damage by making sure there is not a Prohibited
Use of the Vehicle (defined below). You must also make sure you use the correct fuel and check the tyre pressures, oil and other fluids are
maintained at the specified level, refilling as necessary.
Maintenance: In the case of a long-term rental (being a rental over 30 days), if the rental period spans the normal maintenance period (being the
next service noted on a sticker inside the windscreen, or a service indicator illuminating on the dashboard). You must contact the nearest Hertz
location to arrange return of the Vehicle to be serviced or exchanged.
If you have an accident or if the Vehicle is stolen, you agree to co-operate with us and/or our insurer in any investigation or subsequent legal
proceedings. Failure to do so may incur additional costs, loss or damage that will be charged to you. You must also take the following steps:
Notification: you must inform Hertz in the event of any accident irrespective of whether it results in the Vehicle being damaged or lost, or in
the event of theft. You must report the accident to Hertz as soon as practicable and in any event within 24 hours. In the event that you fail to
notify Hertz within 24 hours and Hertz incurs additional costs as a result of the failure to inform, then you may be charged for any
additional costs reasonably incurred by Hertz. Report the accident to the police as soon as you can if anyone has been injured or any
property has been damaged.
Vehicle Incident Report (VIR): complete the VIR providing the details of your accident or the theft including any third-party information even
if there is no damage to the Vehicle. The VIR must be completed and signed by you and provided to a member of staff when you return the
Vehicle. Alternatively, the VIR can be found online or Annexure 3 (Damage Policy)
Do Not Admit Fault: if you have an accident involving another Vehicle, you must obtain the other driver’s name, address, telephone number,
insurance company details, drivers licence number, Vehicle registration, Vehicle make/ model and a copy of the police report if one has been
Replacement Vehicle at Hertz’s discretion: Hertz may exercise reasonable discretion to terminate your rental and not provide a
replacement in the event of an accident or theft of the Vehicle
Further details regarding accidents are in Annexure 3 (Damage Policy).
You must provide all information related to the accident within 48 hours of any requests made by Hertz or our insurer, including any papers or
other documents received by you concerning the accident.
You consent to and authorise Hertz and/or our insurer to obtain copies of police witness statements or reports made in relation to the accident
or for any police charges against you.
Hertz may exercise reasonable discretion to terminate your rental of the Vehicle and the accessories and not provide a replacement if the
accident or theft was caused by a Prohibited Use of the Vehicle. Full list of Prohibited Uses.
Damage and Loss
If the Vehicle is lost, stolen, abandoned or damaged during the rental (e.g., involved in an accident), in respect of each individual incident you
may be responsible even if it was not your fault (e.g., other driver’s fault). This liability applies except to the extent that:
- the damage constitutes fair, wear and tear on the basis that it does not fall within the definition of “Damage” specified in the Definition of
Damage Flyer found on our website, in Annexure 3 (Damage Policy) or provided to you at the start of your rental.
- the loss or damage is directly due to our negligence or willful default including our failure to properly maintain the Vehicle; or
- the damage or loss was caused by a third party, and you have complied with your obligations under the Accidents section so that we have
sufficient details about the third party and/or their insurer for us to recover the loss or damage from the third party and/or their insurer. We
may charge you the estimated damages or your applicable liability (whichever is less) per incident and once the loss or damage is
recovered, we will refund you any difference owed.
In Australia
- the damages include personal injuries covered by compulsory third-party insurance or a statutory transport accident compensation scheme.
Incident Damages:
If the Vehicle (including keys or accessories is lost, stolen or damaged, for each incident You are responsible for:
the loss or damage to the Vehicle.
any towing and storage charges.
loss of rental income; and
other losses or expenses related to the incident,
up to the Loss Damage Liability (LDL) amount per incident (unless the loss or damage arose as a result of a Prohibited Use – in which case Your
liability will not be limited to the LDL amount).
You must complete an Incident Report (during or within 24 hours of the end of Your rental period) to benefit from any reduced or waived
liability in this regard.
The Incident Report can be given to You by our staff at the Rental Counter, or it is accessible online refer to Annexure 3 (Damage Policy)
Calculation of loss of rental income
Loss of rental income will be calculated by multiplying the number of days the Vehicle is unavailable to rent due to repairs or replacement by
70% of the then current daily rate of rental of that Vehicle.
Optional Renter Protection Services
If you have purchased Maximum Damage Waiver (MDW), and your Vehicle is not an Adrenaline or Heavy Commercial Vehicle) your liability
for loss or damage of the Vehicle (and other damages – see above) is zero, Note that your liability is not able to reduce to zero for commercial
and adrenaline Vehicles. (Refer to your rental agreement.)
If you have purchased a full or partial Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) or Loss Damage Reduction (LDR), your liability for loss or damage to the
Vehicle (and other Incident Damages – see above) is capped at the reduced amount specified in the Rental Agreement.
Consequences of using Vehicle for a Prohibited Use
If the Vehicle is used for a Prohibited Use and this caused, or contributed to, loss or damage to the Vehicle, you may be liable to us for that
loss or damage to the Vehicle up to the full value of the Vehicle. You may also be liable for:
- the Hertz Claims Management Fee and External Damage Assessment Fee if there is damage to the body of the Vehicle or the Processing
Fees for other types of loss or damage (e.g., cleaning due to smoking in Vehicle).
- any towing and storage charges.
- loss of rental income; and
- other losses or expenses related to the incident.
Your liability to us will not be limited to the LDL, and LDW, LDR or MDW will not apply to reduce or eliminate this liability. Other Optional
Renter Protection Services you may purchase will not apply to limit your liability.
You are responsible for any third-party property damage or loss arising from the Prohibited Use of the Vehicle and you must indemnify us for
any claim made against Hertz for that damage or loss. Your liability for personal injuries resulting from the Prohibited Use of the Vehicle is
covered by the statutory schemes for transport accident compensation in each State or Territory, subject to the conditions and limitations of
those schemes. Hertz may charge any third-party property damage or loss arising from a Prohibited Use to your chosen method of payment
provided at the time of rental.
If the Vehicle is used for a Prohibited Use, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that it has, we may terminate the Agreement and take
the Vehicle back at any time at your expense.
For details on the Hertz Claims Management Fee, the External Damage Assessment Fee or the Processing Fees, see Annexure 1 (Charges
Explained) and available online.
If the Vehicle is lost or damaged because of a Prohibited Use, you are responsible for :
cost of repairs or the full value of the Vehicle;
the Hertz Claims Management Fee and the External Damage Assessment Fee, or Administration Fee;
any towing or storage charges;
loss of rental income (See Calculation of loss of rental income);
towing and storage charges; and
other losses or expenses related to the incident including third party costs and losses.
If the Vehicle is used for a Prohibited Use, to the extent allowed under applicable law, your liability will not be limited and our Optional Renter
Protection Services will be void. See full list of Prohibited Uses.
Calculating and charging for damage
The process set out below for calculating and charging for damage only applies if you did not purchase MDW.
Vehicles which are lost, stolen, or involved in an incident with a third party.
If the Vehicle is lost, stolen or damaged or a 3rd party is involved in the incident, Hertz will charge your Card (as defined in Annexure 1
(Charges Explained) at the LDL level indicated on the Rental Agreement, while investigating the incident and assessing the amount of the
Incident Damages. After the investigation and damage assessment concludes, Hertz will do one of the following:
- if Hertz finds that you were not liable for the incident and Hertz is able to recover the full amount from the third party then the amount
charged on your Card will be refunded; or
- if Hertz finds that you are liable and:
The LDL amount charged on your Card was more than the amount of the Incident Damages, Hertz will refund you the difference; or
If the amount of the Incident Damages was more than the LDL amount charged on your Card; no further charges will be levied.
Vehicles which are damaged and do not involve a third party.
If the Vehicle is damaged and no third party is involved in the incident, Hertz will notify you (where a valid email address is provided) that a damage
incident has been recorded and will commence a damage assessment.
After the damage assessment concludes if the assessment determines that you were responsible for the damage then Hertz will charge your Card
(as defined in Annexure 1 (Charges Explained) with prior notification (where you have provided a
valid email address). The amount charged will be the amount Hertz has assessed as being the Incident Damages up to the LDL amount stated on
your rental agreement.
If there has been a Prohibited Use which has led to loss or damage, then you will be liable for all costs and damages associated with the
incident. This is the position even if MDW, LDR or LDW has been purchased.
For details on how Hertz calculates loss or damage to the Vehicle and how we will charge you, see Annexure 3 (Damage Policy).
Security: You are responsible for the security of the Vehicle and any accessories provided and should try to minimise the risk of theft or vandalism
by parking in a safe place. Always remove valuable items from sight and make sure the Vehicle is locked. You must also comply with our return
instructions (see Return below).
Purchase of insurance from third party: If you have purchased excess waiver insurance or similar from a third party to cover your liability to
Hertz, you will remain liable for payment to us irrespective of whether you obtain reimbursement from your insurer.
Personal possessions
You are responsible for loss or damage to your or your passengers’ personal possessions in the Vehicle even if it was not your fault. Your liability will
not be limited to the LDL. Loss or damage to personal possessions is not covered by any Optional Renter Protection Services.
Obligation to Ensure Vehicle is Returned
You must ensure that the Vehicle is returned:
To the return address, and by the date and time reflected on your Rental Agreement; and
Subject to Fair Wear and Tear, in the same condition as it was at the commencement of the Rental Period.
Except in cases of theft, or Accident, if the Vehicle is not returned in accordance with this Agreement, you will be in Material Breach of this
If you want to request a change to the return time, return date, return location, or arrange for us to collect the Vehicle:
You must phone the number provided on the Rental Agreement and make your request; and
You must make the request before the return time and return date stated on the Rental Agreement.
Any changes to the Rental Agreement, are subject to our discretion.
You may be subject to additional charges, depending on the type of changes to the Rental Agreement we agree to with you. Any additional charges
that may apply will be explained to you when you contact the return location.
Examples of the additional charges that may apply include:
If we agree that the Vehicle may be returned to a location different to the one stated on the Rental Agreement, then you may be charged a
One Way Fee, and/or reasonable estimate of the costs.
If we agree that we will arrange for the Vehicle to be collected (rather than returning the Vehicle to the address on the rental agreement), then
Delivery & Collection Fees
If we agree that the Vehicle may be returned on the same date and at the same location on the Rental Agreement, but later than the time
specified on the Rental Agreement, then in circumstances where the agreed “later time” is within the Hertz locations staffed hours, then you
may be charged an Additional Rental Day.
If we agree that the Vehicle may be returned at a date after the date on the Rental Agreement, then you will be charged the applicable fees
and costs for the extension.
You will not be charged an Additional Rental Day if the “later time “that the Vehicle is returned, is within 59 minutes of the original agreed time stated
on the Rental Agreement.
Key Information
Your rental charges are calculated in 24-hour periods from the time shown on the Rental Agreement. If you return the Vehicle more than 59 minutes
late you enter into a new 24-hour period and will be charged for that and every successive 24-hour period you enter at a current, standard rate.
To help you, we typically allow a 59 minute ‘grace period’ to return the Vehicle without being charged an extra day.
Returning to a different location may incur a One Way Fee and other charges
Outside of Operations Hours
This is a special situation outside of our standard business practice which must be agreed to by both parties.
We may agree that the Vehicle can be returned to the agreed return location outside of the agreed return location’s staffed hours within the following
timeframe (Out of Hours Time Frame):
Before the commencement of staffed hours of the location on the agreed date’ or
After the staffed hours of the location and before the commencement of staffed hours on the day after the agreed return date.
BEWARE that in such circumstances:
You must comply with “Return Procedure - Vehicle returns Outside of operating Hours” (below); and
You acknowledge and agree that You will remain responsible for the Vehicle until the location reopens per normal staffed hours.
If the Vehicle is vandalised or stolen after it is returned to an agreed location outside of staffed hours, you will be liable in accordance with the
Damages Policy at Annexure 3 (Damage Policy).
When the agreed location reopens in accordance with its normal staffed hours and Our staff regain possession and control of the Vehicle, you will no
longer be responsible for damage or loss to the Vehicle that occurs after that time.
Please note that the position above is due to the fact that even if the Vehicle is returned to the agreed location, we do not practically regain
possession or control of the Vehicle because Our staff are not at the location.
By prescribing the Return Procedure below for returns outside of staffed hours, we do not accept responsibility for the Vehicle.
Because the risk of loss or damage to the Vehicle remains with you until Our staff regain possession or control, you should consider whether
returning the Vehicle outside of operating hours is appropriate for your circumstances.
Standard Procedure on Return
If the Vehicle will be returned during operating hours at the agreed return location refer to: General Return Procedure
If we agree that you can return the Vehicle outside of operating hours, refer to Special Return Procedure – Vehicle returns outside
operating Hours.
General Rental Procedure
Remove any personal property from the Vehicle.
You are to remove any personal possessions from the Vehicle. We are not responsible for loss of damage to any of your or your passenger’s
personal possessions sustained throughout or after Rental Period. We will take reasonable steps to return any personal property we find in the
Vehicle to you however, we accept no liability or obligation to do so, and you will be responsible for paying for the costs incurred or payable for any
Fuel and Electrical Charging
You must ensure that the Vehicle is returned in accordance with the Fuel and Electrical Charging Policy at Annexure 2
We inspect the Vehicle you rented from us for loss or damage as soon as reasonably practicable, but generally within 60 minutes of the Vehicle being
returned (or within 60 minutes of the location reopening), we will inspect the Vehicle to determine whether the Vehicle has sustained any damage
during the Rental Period, not attributable to Fair Wear and Tear.
You should allow time to complete the inspection of the Vehicle with our staff and agree on any damage that is identified. If you don’t have time to do
this or you return the Vehicle outside of staffed hours, the Vehicle will be inspected in your absence.
In the assessment, we compare the condition of the Vehicle upon return against the condition of the Vehicle at the start of the rental as documented
Vehicle Condition Report given by us at the beginning of the Rental Period.
Any time-stamped photos we have and those that may have been uploaded on “My Journey Portal” when the Vehicle was picked up or
uploaded within 60 minutes of the Vehicle being picked up in circumstances when the Vehicle was picked up in poor weather or bad lighting
Damage identified during the post-rental inspection and our assessment of it is subject to our Damage Policy at Damage Policy at Annexure 3
(Damage Policy).
Special Return Procedure
Vehicle Returns Outside Operating Hours
If we have agreed that the Vehicle is to be returned within the after operating hours’ time frame, then in addition to the requirements of the standard
return procedure stipulated above you must ensure the following:
You must confirm with the location where the Vehicle is to be parked and where the Keys are to be placed after the Vehicle is locked
Keys must not be given to anyone even if they appear to be our staff when the Vehicle is returned outside of staffed hours.
Time-stamped photographs of the Vehicle condition are taken and uploaded to My Journey Portal.
Note that an after hours fee may apply, See Annexure 1 (Charges Explained)
Missing Key Not Returned
In the event you forget to return the key when you return the Vehicle, we will attempt to make contact with you if you haven’t contacted us prior. The
key must be returned to the closest Hertz location or location where the Vehicle was returned. We allow 24 hours for you to arrange the return of
the key otherwise we will class this as a prohibited use, and you will be billed for the key replacement cost.
Providing Credit
If you do not pay the full balance of rental charges due on your return of the Vehicle (for example, because we cannot process the payment
on your credit card) you agree that this constitutes an application by you for credit because the payment of this balance will then be deferred
by us for at least 7 days. We will notify you of the amount of credit and when payment is due. You agree that on the due date, we may
process the payment of the full amount on your card.
Notification: We will check the Vehicle on your return and add
any additional charges that may arise from your use of the Vehicle, such as for fuel. We will provide you with a revised invoice on return of the
Vehicle if the amount owing is different to the estimate of charges provided at the start of the rental. We will charge your Card (as defined in
Annexure 1 (Charges Explained) on return of your Vehicle with the additional amounts set out in the revised invoice.
As some charges can’t be finally determined on return such as the fines and tolls, we receive relating to your rental or damage to the Vehicle, we may
recover these additional charges by charging your Card within 90 days after the rental period.
We will provide notice to you of these charges by email on request or you may download the final invoice via your My Journey Portal available via our
website. If these charges are not paid (e.g., credit card is rejected or invoice is not paid) for 7 days, you agree that this will be an application by
you for credit.
If you do not pay the amounts due to Hertz under your Rental
Agreement (including any credit provided to you) in accordance with this Rental Agreement, you must pay interest calculated at the rate set out in
Annexure 1 (Charges Explained).
Please see Annexure 1 (Charges Explained) for further information.
Charging your card
You must pay Hertz for all charges with a credit, Visa/ MasterCard debit or charge card that is accepted at the pickup location (Card) or by
You also authorise Hertz to reserve credit or obtain authorisation on the Card for the amount and the expected cost of the rental plus a
security bond or other such amount advised at the time of reservation.
Some Hertz locations accept cash for the cost of your rental, however, a valid credit / debit card must be provided to authorise the estimated
cost of your rental and any bond upon collection. Once the Vehicle is returned, the authorisation will be released, and you can pay in cash or
by card for any costs at this time.
You authorise Hertz to charge the Card that you provided to pay the rental charges or for the security bond, with any amount that you owe
Hertz under the Agreement up to 90 days after the Vehicle has been returned. If the Card is not in your name, you guarantee that Hertz has
the authority to charge the Card under the Agreement.
Where interest is payable on any outstanding rental charges or other amounts due under the Agreement, this interest will be calculated daily
from the next day after the due date up to and including the date of payment at the rate equal to the official cash rate for the country the rental
occurred in plus a 2% margin.
In Australia
We may provide you with credit under the Agreement by deferring payment of your rental charges for 7 days or more. If we do, we will fall
within the definition of a ‘credit provider’ under the Australian Privacy Act 1988, and the Credit Reporting Code registered under that Act.
Depending on who you are and the purpose of your rental arrangement, we may provide you with commercial or consumer credit.
Annexure 1 Charges explained
Your Rental Agreement provides an estimate of the charges applicable to your rental for maximum number of days as noted on your Rental Agreement.
These charges may typically include the following:
Rental Rate
The daily rental charge noted on the Rental Agreement for each rental day unless otherwise stated in the
Rental Agreement or in Additional Terms.
The extra hours rate shown on the Rental Agreement is charged for each full or partial hour in excess of a
full Rental Day until the amount reaches the cap on the daily rental charge.
Kilometre Rate
You may have limited kilometers depending on your pickup location.
If a limit on distance applies, the daily kilometre allowance will be shown on your Rental Agreement and
may vary based on the type of Vehicle and the rental location. If you exceed this daily allowance, a charge
may apply for the distance covered.
Location Service Fee
This is an additional fee charged at certain locations to reflect the higher cost of providing services from
there. This fee varies from location to location and can be a flat fee or percentage of charges as shown on
the Rental Agreement.
Ferry Fee
Additional fee at certain ferry locations This fee is a flat fee as shown on the Rental Agreement. The amount
that applies at each location is specified on our website
Young Driver Surcharge
Will apply if you or any additional driver is 24 years and under in Australia and 20 years and under in
New Zealand. You will be advised of the surcharge at the time of reservation. The charge per Young
Driver is capped at 7 days per 30 days rental (i.e., pay for 7 days, get up to 23 additional days free).
Administration Fee
Only applicable in Australia A percentage rate as noted on the Rental Agreement in relation to
administration functions undertaken.
Vehicle Registration Fee
Only applicable in Australia Fee to cover cost of registration fees for Hertz Vehicles.
Road User Recovery Fee
Only applicable in Australia the government or council (as applicable) may have road user charges
applied to EVs based on km’s driven. Hertz will charge any such applicable fees to you, based on your
departure location. Hertz will pass on the applicable fees collected from you to the appropriate government
or council bodies.
Road User Charge
Only applicable in New Zealand Will apply if a diesel Vehicle is rented and will show on the rental
agreement as a per km charge based on the kms driven whilst on rent. The fee is set by NZTA and covers
the cost of upkeep for NZ roads
Additional Driver
We apply a standard fee for each additional driver added to your rental. You will be advised of the surcharge
at the time of reservation. The charge per Additional Driver is capped at 5 days per 30 days rental (i.e.,
pay for 5 days, get up to 25 additional days free).
One Way Fee
May apply if you return the Vehicle to a location different from the start location. You will be advised at the
time of reservation if you are permitted to return the Vehicle to a different location and if so, any applicable
After Hours Fee
May apply if you request that your Vehicle be available for collection outside a Hertz location opening
hours. You will be advised of the charge at the time of request. (Not available at all locations)
Delivery & Collection Fees
May apply if you request that your Vehicle is delivered to or collected from a location other than our rental
location. You will be advised of the charge at the time of the request.
Optional Renter Protection Services
The Rental Agreement will show if our Optional Renter Protection Services have been accepted or declined
by you or are otherwise included in your rate.
We also show the Loss Damage Liability (LDL) applicable to your rental (the level of which depends on
whether you have MDW, LDR or LDW coverage selected) and the full charge for the rental period, inclusive
of GST.
Early Return Fee
May apply if you return the Vehicle prior to the return date and time outlined on your agreement
Optional Equipment
The Rental Agreement lists any optional equipment you have selected, such as infant seats, and Neverlost
(GPS), showing the full charge for the rental period.
The charge for GPS is capped at 10 days per 30 days rental (i.e., pay for 10 days, get up to 20 additional
days free).
The charge for infant seats is capped at 4 days per 30 days rental (i.e., pay for 4 days, get up to 26
additional days free).
Card surcharge
The percentage rate as noted on the Rental Agreement of any amount charged to a Card to recover the
costs or acceptance of the card, or otherwise in accordance with applicable laws.
Estimated Rental Charge
Your total estimated charges lists the rental rate, discounts and applicable kilometre charges at the start
of the rental excluding GST. Charges are ‘estimated’ because they exclude any potential fuel or other
charges you may incur through your use of the Vehicle during your rental and only display the maximum
number of days as noted on your Rental Agreement.
Your subtotal before any applicable fees are applied.
Total Estimated Rental Charges
Total of all estimated charges including GST.
Potential Additional Fees
You may incur additional fees as a result of your use of the Vehicle or other incidents that occur during the rental (aside from your liability for damage or
loss to the Vehicle). These include the following:
Fuel / Battery
Refueling Price
Fuel Purchase Option (FPO)
EV Battery Recharging Service
EV Low Battery Recharging
Service Fee
Vehicle Condition
Hertz Claims Management Fee
External Damage Assessment
Cleaning Fee
Accessories Replacement Fee
Cleaning Administration Fee
Vehicle Use
Infringement Administration
Processing Fee
Toll Administration
Processing Fee
Roadside Assistance
EV Administration Processing
Early / Late Return
Additional Rental Days
Charges for and Interest on
amounts due
Cancellation Fee
All fees are calculated in accordance with our current rates and subject to final calculation at the end of the rental. Please ask at the counter for details or
check online.
*Refers to Australia country specific fees
^Refers to New Zealand country specific fees
A further table of these charges can be found here on our website Annexure 6 (Contacts)
Annexure 2 Fuel and Electrical Recharging Policy
Type of Vehicle rented
Initial Fuel/Charge Supply
ICE Vehicle
We generally provide You with a tank of fuel that is “full”
When We refer to a tank of fuel being “full”, We mean
that the fuel gauge reflects that the tank is full.
An Electric Vehicle
We will ensure that the battery is charged to “90%” of its
total capacity where possible.
We generally provide Our EVs with 90% charge (not
100% charge), for battery preservation purposes.
Payment for Fuel or Electricity used during Your rental
You are responsible for the costs of fuel or recharging the Vehicle during Your rental.
You may acquire the appropriate fuel, or charging from fuel or charging stations, or You may choose consider the following options
Buy a full tank at the start
Often referred to as our Fuel Purchase Option (FPO).
If you purchase a full tank of fuel from us at the start of your rental, you will not need to refill the tank before returning and will have nothing
more to pay for fuel.
This is a good option for high kilometre journeys where you are likely to use a full tank.
Buy half a tank at the start
It may be more convenient to pay for a half tank of fuel at the start of the rental and save time on refueling by returning the Vehicle with only a
half a tank of fuel.
This is a good option for low kilometre journeys where you are more likely to use less fuel.
Return with a full tank
Return the Vehicle with a full tank of fuel purchased from a local fuel station.
This is a good option for low kilometre journeys.
Or without refueling
A good option if you are in a hurry, did not take FPO or a Half Tank of fuel and do not have time to refill the tank on return.
Key Information
Fuel Purchase Option (FPO)
We charge you at the start of your rental for a full tank of fuel at a price competitive with local fuel stations. You will have nothing more to pay to us for
your fuel. Please note that we do not provide a refund for unused fuel.
Half Tank Option
We charge you at the start of your rental for a half tank of fuel.
at a competitive price with local fuel stations and return with only half a tank of fuel. Please note that we do not provide a refund for unused fuel.
Fuel gauges may still indicate that the tank is “full” many kilometers after it was last re-filled. To deal with this, we ask you to refill the tank within 15 km
of the return location and bring your fuel receipt with you when returning the Vehicle. We ask you to present a copy of the fuel receipt to a Hertz
employee or leave a copy in the Vehicle. If you do not do so, we reserve the right to apply a small charge – please ask at the counter for details.
Key Information
Service Charge
We will charge you a price per litre to refill the tank.
These prices are indicated on your Rental Agreement.
Key Information
Electrical Recharging Costs
If you return the EV at a lower charge than the battery departure level:
we will charge you the EV Battery Recharging Service fee to bring the EV back up to the battery departure level; and
If you return the Vehicle at 15% battery level or less, we will apply an additional Low Battery Recharging Service fee.
We allow a grace of 5%, We do not charge any costs associated with bringing the Vehicle back with a battery level between 85% - 90%
If you return the EV with at least the same level of charge as at the battery departure level, then:
If you used a Hertz account 3rd party recharging station and this recharging cost is passed to Hertz (rather than paid for by you), we will
pass on these recharge costs to you upon receipt of an invoice from the EV charge provider and apply an EV Administration Processing
If you recharged the EV entirely at your own cost, no such fees (EV Battery Recharging Service fee or EV Administration Processing Fee)
will be payable.
If You return the EV with a battery that is charged to a level less than the level that we provided the EV with to You at the start of Your rental:
You will be required to pay the EV Battery Recharging Service fee to restore the battery to the level We supplied You at the beginning of the
Rental; and
In addition, if You return the Vehicle at 15% battery level or less, We will apply Low Battery Recharging Service fee.
If You return the EV with at least the same level of charge as was provided to You, then:
If You used a Hertz account 3rd party recharging station and this recharging cost is passed to Hertz (rather than paid for by You), We will pass on
these recharge costs to You upon receipt of an invoice from the EV charge provider and apply an EV Administration Processing Fee.
Annexure 3 Damage Policy
Your responsibility for damage to the Vehicle is set out at the Damage and Loss section of the Rental Terms. This policy covers how we assess and
charge for damage and how we deal with any disputes relating to damage assessed.
Checking the Vehicle
We will provide a summary of any damage on the Vehicle Condition Report (VCR) provided or found on the Rental Agreement at the start of your rental.
Please check the condition of the Vehicle when you collect it and if there is any discrepancy approach a Hertz representative an request that the Vehicle
Condition Report be amended or a new report be prepared. You are invited to take a time stamped photograph of the relevant pre-existing damage before
leaving the rental location and show a Hertz representative on return.
We will also inspect the Vehicle on your return and provide a Vehicle Incident Report (VIR) to record any new damage, which will not include any fair
wear and tear.
At peak times you should allow time to complete the inspection of the Vehicle with our staff and agree any damage. If you don’t have time to do this or you
return the Vehicle when the location is closed, any new damage will be assessed in your absence. If you have taken date & time stamped photograph of
the relevant pre-existing damage, show a Hertz representative.
Drivers are responsible for damage to the Vehicle (subject to these terms and conditions). In the event that the sensors are not active or are
malfunctioning the driver I not alleviated from responsibility for the damage.
Damage assessment and charging
There are three common scenarios:
i. Damage – agreed on return.
For damage agreed with you on return, we will take the relevant photos, create a Vehicle Incident Report (VIR) and organize a damage cost
assessment through a third party.
ii. Damage – not agreed because you are not present, or you are present but disagree with the damage identification.
If you are not present on return, our counter staff will take the relevant photos of the Vehicle, create a Vehicle Incident Report (VIR) and organise a
damage cost assessment through a third party.
iii. Damage – not agreed because you are not present, or you are present but disagree with the damage identification.
If the damage is significant, we will create a Vehicle Incident Report (VIR), refer it to our damage assessors for evaluation and organise a cost
We aim to deal with a damage assessment in a quick and practical way by using a 3rd party repair assessment system. The damage assessment will
ensure that you are accurately charged the relevant damage cost assessment.
Notification and evidence of damage
We will provide you with the following documents in respect damage:
I. a system generated letter detailing the damage to the Vehicle.
II. photos of the damage to the Vehicle.
III. the Rental Agreement listing the date, time and return location and any pre-existing damage.
IV. the final tax invoice/statement of charges that includes the amount charged for damage to the Vehicle and other fees and losses related to the
V. the Vehicle Incident Report (VIR); and
VI. a damage cost assessment from a repair body shop and/or the invoice for the repairs.
Charging and other items
We will charge your Card with the amount set out in the final tax invoice that we have sent to you within 90 days of the date you returned the Vehicle. If
we have charged your Card with an estimated amount or the applicable liability, and the amount of final invoice is less than the amount charged, we will
reimburse you for the difference.
Damage Disputes
Damage claims are unique and resolution time frames for each claim varies as we are required to liaise with outside parties and arrange for the repair of
If you wish to dispute our assessment of damage, please contact the Hertz Claims Management Team using the contact details in Annexure 6
If you cause loss or damage to a Vehicle or its accessories (Including keys), you must complete an Incident Report (during your rental period or within 24
hours of its end) to benefit from any reduced or waived liability. The Incident Report can be given to you from the Rental Counter, or it is accessible online,
New Zealand
Definition of Damage AU
Definition of Damage NZ
Vehicle Incident Report AU
Vehicle Incident Report NZ
Key Information
If the Vehicle has been damaged during your rental, the following pages of this document can be referenced for clarity:
Prohibited Uses
Damage & Loss
Definition Of Damage
Hertz operates a fair wear and tear policy in line with the Australian Finance Industry Association Code of Practice.
For your benefit we have defined what constitutes damage.
Please check Vehicle’s condition against the “Pre-existing Condition Notes” listed in your Rental Agreement or by logging into your My Journey Portal to
see the most recent photographs taken of the Vehicle you are renting. If there are discrepancies, please see a Hertz representative and we will update
our records accordingly.
You are invited to take a time-stamped photograph of the relevant pre-existing damage before leaving the rental location or, if poor weather conditions or
bad light, you can take a photograph with
a time/date stamp within 60 minutes of leaving the rental locations and show a Hertz representative on return or upload them via logging into your My
Journey Portal.
Ask a staff member about the Optional Renter Protection Packages available before leaving the Hertz Carpark.
Liability Waiver is not applicable for any damage caused due to gross negligence or intentional damage. You must inform Hertz in the event of any
accident as soon as practicable and in any event within 24 hours.
Fair Wear and Tear is minor damage or wear that is reasonable to expect by normal use of driving a Vehicle. For your benefit we have listed
what constitutes damage, and, therefore, chargeable at the end of your rental.
Vehicle bodywork Damage Is
Scratch/Scrape over 20mm in length and over 1mm wide with paint surface penetration.
Dent over 20mm diameter or paint surface penetration or multiple dents.
Bumper scratch/scrape over 20mm in diameter with paint surface penetration. This is exclusive of rear bumper damage caused by the removal
of items from boot/trunk.
Lower front bumper scuffing or scrapes above the first 50mm of the lower front bumper or above the lower front bumper first crease line.
Tyre Damage Is
Repair where a repair is possible (i.e. the tyre has not been run on a flat) only the tyre repair excess will be charged.
Excess where tyre repair is not possible a replacement tyre (incl. fitting) will be charged.
Tyre damage is unrepairable punctures. Tyre tread and sidewall damage that is not roadworthy e.g. cuts, bulges, gouges and abrasions. Tyre
misuse e.g. flat spots and burnouts.
Ancillary components Damage Is
Damage to mirrors.
Damage to lights including: chips, holes, scratches and cracks.
Wheel trims cracked, broken, missing, mismatched or not original.
Damage to alloy wheels.
Prestige and Collection Vehicles
Scuffs over 20mm, long, cracked, buckled, gouged, mismatched or not original.
Standard Vehicles
Cracked, buckled, gouged, mismatched or not original.
Vehicle interior Damage Is
Any missing original equipment as noted.
Trim damage or missing parts of the interior trim.
Upholstery burns, cuts, stains or tears to the seats, carpets, roof lining and material in the glove box/boot.
Excessive odour in the Vehicle
Glass Damage Is
Repair between 2mm to 20mm in primary vision area (PVA) only.
Replace over 2mm in critical vision area (CVA) edge of screen (90mm for top & sides, 65mm from bottom) and over 20mm in primary vision
area (PVA).
Note: If you notice a chip within 60 minutes of leaving the Hertz locations, take a photo with the date/time stamp and present it to a Hertz
employee on your return.
In the event of an accident
Complete the Vehicle Incident Report (VIR) providing the details of your accident or the theft including any third-party information, even if there is no
damage to the Vehicle. The VIR must be completed and signed by you and provided to a member of staff when you return the Vehicle. Alternatively, the
VIR can be found online.
Thrifty Damage Process
Hertz Damage Process
Annexure 4 Optional Renter Protection
Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is included in your rental rate and limits your liability to us for loss or damage to the Vehicle or related third
parties to the amount of the applicable Loss Damage Liability (LDL or liability) (stated on your Rental Agreement) which applies to each
incident of damage or loss caused except in the event of loss or damage caused by a Prohibited Use.
Optional Renter Protection Services
You may be offered the option to purchase Optional Renter Protection Services which may reduce your liability for loss or damage to the Vehicle
which occur during the rental period or result from your use of the Vehicle.
Optional Renter Protection Services offered by Hertz are not insurance policies and do not provide protection in the event of loss or damage arising
from a Prohibited Use. Any liability waiver provided by Us excludes infringements including traffic and parking fines, and private parking charges
which will be on- charged to your Card, and Fuel. You must follow our loss and damage policy Annexure 3 (Damage Policy) to obtain the benefit of
reduced or waived liability from any of the below products.
Please note not all locations across Australia & New Zealand offer all products.
Loss Damage Waiver (LDW)
Loss Damage Reduction
Maximum Damage Waiver
Please note: Heavy Commercial Vehicles, this product will reduce liability to the sum shown in the rental agreement (it will not
reduce liability to zero). This product is not available on Adrenaline Vehicles
Toll Cover
Annexure 5 Privacy and Credit Notice
When you rent a Vehicle with us, we need to collect, store, use and disclose personal information about you to provide the services you request and for
related purposes described below. You agree that you have read and understand that we will process your personal information in accordance with our
Privacy Policy. We may also collect the personal information of other authorised drivers and passengers and you agree you have the authority to
provide Hertz with their personal information and that you have informed them of this Privacy Notice and that Hertz will also process their personal
information in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
If we provide you with credit, our Credit Policy explains how we manage your credit related information (credit information and credit eligibility
information) that we collect and hold about you and our Statement of Notifiable Matters explains disclosures we may make in relation to your credit
information and certain rights you have. Please read the section below on credit-related information for further details.
If you do not provide us with the personal information, this may impact on the services we can provide you.
How we collect your personal information
We collect personal information from you when you request our services to rent a Vehicle, when you pick up and use a Vehicle (through a Vehicle
Monitoring System), when you provide us with your payment details, if the Vehicle is in an accident or is reported lost or stolen, when you return the
Vehicle and when you incur charges.
We may take photographs of the Vehicle when you pick it up and return it and may operate CCTV cameras at our locations which may include images
of you, authorised drivers, and passengers.
We may also take a photo of your person and a photo or a photocopy of your driver’s licence to confirm the information provided when you request our
services to rent a Vehicle.
Uses and disclosures of your personal information
We use your personal information for our legitimate interests and operations in connection with providing Vehicle rental and related services including
damage monitoring and reporting, responding to accidents and other incidents involving the Vehicle, processing payments and charges, debt recovery,
fraud prevention, insurance claims and credit management.
We may need to disclose your personal information to our related parties, franchisees and agents, insurers, our service providers (including online), to
authorities who collect toll charges, fines and other road related charges, to the police on their request, to credit reporting bodies to list commercial
credit defaults on their commercial database, to our debt collection agencies and to other parties involved in an accident with the Vehicle during the
rental period or your credit card provider in the event you default on the payment of any monies owing to Hertz.
If you use a CDP number (price discount) linked to a company, you agree that we may share your personal information with that company in relation to
your rental.
Overseas disclosures
We may disclose your personal information to third parties who are located overseas, including Hertz related companies, insurance companies and our
service providers such as to Hertz Corporation in the United States of America.
Vehicle Monitoring System (VMS)
Our Vehicles may be fitted with a VMS which can be used to open and close the Vehicle and track and record the geographical location, distance, and
speed of the Vehicle during the rental period. It can also be used to immobilise the Vehicle in the event of non-payment or if we have reasonable
grounds to suspect the Vehicle is being used for a Prohibited Use. You agree that we can track and record your location and your use of the Vehicle
using the VMS, which may include your personal information. Refer to Annexure 5 (Privacy & Credit Notice).
We may use and disclose your personal information for marketing purposes. We may, with your consent, send you direct marketing by one or more
methods (such as by email, text message or by post) depending on what you elect to receive and how, how you engage with us, and the contact details
you provide. You can opt-out of receiving direct marketing at any time by following the unsubscribe function in the message we send or, if you are a
member of one of our membership programs, by updating your choices in your gold plus rewards profile on our website, details can be found in
Annexure 6 (Contacts) or by following the directions in our Privacy Notice.
Privacy complaints
Our Privacy Policy explains how to complain if you believe Hertz has interfered with your privacy and how Hertz will handle your complaint. Refer to
Annexure 6 (Contacts).
Access to and correction of your personal information
You have the right to access on request the personal information we hold about you, subject to certain exceptions. You can also ask us to correct that
information. Our Privacy Policy explains how to make access and correction requests and how requests are dealt with.
Your credit related information
We may disclose your credit information to credit reporting agencies, including if you default on making overdue payments in connection with consumer
credit, we have provided you that is $150 or more. We may also disclose your credit information and eligibility information to our debt collectors and
other credit providers.
You have the right to access on request the credit related information we hold about you, subject to certain exceptions. You can also ask us to correct
that information. Our Credit Policy explains how to make and access correction requests and how requests are dealt with in connection with credit
related information.
Our Credit Policy explains how to complain if you believe we have not acted in compliance with our obligations as a credit provider under the Privacy
Act or the Code and how Hertz will handle your complaint.
Our Statement of Notifiable Matters compliments our Credit Policy and explains the credit reporting agencies to whom we may disclose your credit
information as well as certain rights you have in relation to your credit information (including your right to access or to seek correction of credit
information we hold about you, your right to make a your credit reporting information for pre-screening or direct marketing by a credit provider).
Key Information
Our Privacy and Credit Policies
Our global Privacy Policy is available on our website details can be found in Annexure 6 (Contacts) or you can ask for a copy at any Hertz rental
Our Credit Policy and Statement of Notifiable Matters
Our Credit Policy and our Statement of Notifiable Matters are available on our website, details can be found in Annexure 6 (Contacts) or you can ask
for a copy of these documents at any Hertz rental location.
Annexure 6 Contacts
If you need to discuss any aspect of your rental or, ultimately, are not happy with your rental experience, you have the following options:
During your rental
If you have any questions or problems during your rental (e.g., to change the Return Time or return location) you can telephone our Customer Care
Centre or relevant location at any time using the number provided on the Rental Agreement. You can raise any other issues arising from the rental
with our location staff on return.
Independent advice
You are, of course, free to continue to seek redress through any other means, such as through the courts, if you remain unsatisfied.
After your rental
Ask our Customer Care team. If you disagree with any charges on your return, or have a complaint relating to your rental experience or privacy, you
call the Customer Help Desk using the details on your rental agreement.
using the contact details provided below and our team will help resolve any issues.
We aim to deal with all customer contacts within 15 days.
If you have a query or complaint regarding our use of your personal data, please contact the APAC Privacy team at APACprivacy@hertz.com
Key Contacts
New Zealand
13 30 39 [email protected]om
0800 654 321 nz[email protected]
Customer Service
1800 550 078 customercareau@hertz.com
0800 921 460 nzhertzc[email protected]
Roadside Assistance
1800 996 010
0800 633 611
Claims Management
1800 550 028 hcmclai[email protected]
0800 502 277 nz_assess[email protected]
Head Office
+61 3 9698 2444
+64 3 358 6789
Key Websites
New Zealand
Our Hertz Website
Our Gold Plus Rewards Website
Our My Journey Portal
Our Privacy Policy
Our Credit Policy
Our Statement of Notifiable Matters
Our Terms & Conditions
Annexure 7 – Prohibited Roads
Vehicles should not be driven unless they are 4WD (refer to Vehicle definitions on Page 2):
in South Australia, in the Simpson Desert, on the Strzelecki Track and the Birdsville Track;
in Western Australia, on the Tanami Track, Gunbarrel Hwy, Gibb River Road and the Bungle Bungles;
in Northern Territory, on the Oodnadatta Track, the Plenty Highway, Finke Road between Alice Springs and Oodnadatta;
in Queensland, on the Old Telegraph Track section of the road to Cape York, Boggy Hole (Finke Gorge National Park), and the Old South
Road from Maryvale to Finke; and
any other such location or region reasonably specified by Hertz to you as an area or region which is prohibited.
No Vehicles should not be driven in these areas at anytime:
in Western Australia, it is prohibited to drive on the Canning Stock Route, the Old Gunbarrel Hwy or on the Kalumburu track including but
not limited to Mitchell Plateau
in South Australia, it is prohibited to drive on the Strzelecki Track, the Oodnadatta Track, or on the Birdsville track;
in Northern Territory, it is prohibited to drive at the Lost City in Litchfield Park, Central Arnhem Road and Arnhem Land in general, or during
the dedicated wet season; Jim Jim and Twin Falls in Kakadu National Park, Tanami Road, the Gunbarrel Hwy, and the Plenty Highway
between Alice Springs and Boulia and
in Queensland, it is prohibited to drive:
- on K’Gari (Fraser Island), Moreton Island, North Stradbroke Island;
- in the Weipa Region, it is prohibited to drive North of Telegraph Road past Bramwell Junction Roadhouse, East of Telegraph Road and
Peninsula Development Road, and South of Aurukun and the Archer River Roadhouse on Peninsular Development Road, without a pre-
planned permit due to Queensland government registration restrictions; or
- on Bourke Development Road from Chillagoe to Normanton, Cape York during the months from December to May inclusive, Savannah
Way from Normanton to Borroloola and the Bloomfield Track.
New Zealand
Vehicles should not be driven in these areas at anytime:
in Northland, 90 Mile Beach
in Queenstown, Skippers Canyon Road, the road to Macetown
in South Island, Tasman Valley Road, beyond the picnic area/parking lot near Mount Cook
Annexure 8 – Prohibited Uses
Prohibited Uses
Prohibited Uses of a Vehicle are:
You, an authorised driver or your passenger’s acted recklessly or with deliberate intent to cause loss or damage to the Vehicle
the Vehicle is damaged in the following ways:
- the driver caused the Vehicle to roll, tip or fall over and this has caused damage to the side and/or roof area of the Vehicle
- the driver caused undercarriage damage to the Vehicle;
- a person sits or stands on the roof of the Vehicle;
- the driver causes damage above the windscreen line to the front, rear or side of the Vehicle including but not limited to damage caused by
striking overhead or overhanging objects (such as trees and bridges or entering carparks with insufficient clearance) or securing luggage,
skis or other items to the Vehicle’s roof causing damage,
- the driver drove the Vehicle with a flat tyre, ignored a warning light, or put the wrong fuel in the Vehicle;
repairing a Vehicle without our prior written authority. If Hertz does permit you to carry out certain repairs, you must obtain an original tax
invoice and receipt from the repairer, and upon verification of the same, we will reimburse you in line with your liability noted on your rental
driving the Vehicle while under the influence of any drug, substance or intoxicating liquor to the extent that driver’s ability to control the
Vehicle is impaired or where the driver’s blood level of any drug or alcohol is over the applicable Country, State or Territory legal limit. If a
person refuses or fails to provide a breath, blood or other sample when lawfully required to do so by police or as required by law, the driver is
deemed to be over the legal limit;
the fitting of objects to the interior or exterior of the Vehicle that are not authorised by Hertz;
failing to take reasonable precautions to safeguard the Vehicle such as leaving windows open or keys in the Vehicle, or failing to use the anti-
theft system (if provided);
the Vehicle is used for committing an illegal or unlawful act (other than a traffic offence which does not automatically result in the loss of a
driver’s licence in the applicable State or Territory)
the use of the Vehicle by a person who was not authorised by Hertz as the main or additional driver or did not meet the driver requirements in
the Agreement;
the Vehicle is used on a racetrack or for racing or undertaking reliability trials, rallies or other contests;
the Vehicle is sub-rented, transferred or sold;
the Vehicle is used to carry passengers (e.g., as a taxi or car sharing arrangement) unless Hertz consents in writing, or to carry cargo (except
for commercial Vehicles), for hire, reward or remuneration;
the Vehicle is used for hauling any goods that are incorrectly or inappropriately loaded or for the haulage of which the Vehicle was not
designed (including any hazardous materials, such as any gases or substances which may form explosive mixtures); or
the Vehicle is used for towing a trailer or any other Vehicle, unless the Vehicle has a towbar fitted by Hertz, in which case you have
permission from Hertz to tow a trailer provided the weight and dimensions of the item being towed do not exceed the specified capacity of the
Vehicle (refer to the Hertz website for further information details available in Annexure 6 (Contacts)
the Vehicle is overloaded with passengers and/or baggage;
the Vehicle is driven on a beach or through a flooded road or otherwise through a body of water (including but not limited to a pothole, ditch or
riverbed), or natural disaster which could be avoided including fire, storm or cyclone;
the Vehicle is driven in restricted areas, including airport service roads and associated areas, or on a road notified to you as prohibited by
Hertz or off-road (e.g., on fire trails, tracks, fields or paddocks) (unless specified in writing by Hertz);
the Vehicle is used in a manner that, in Hertz’s reasonable opinion, brings Hertz into disrepute or publicly associates Hertz with any particular
political, religious, promotional or activist position;
driving an EV through a car wash, or over foreign objects that cause damage to the EV
on unsealed roads (except for roads under repair, access roads to recognised camping or accommodation grounds)
the Vehicle is driven in the areas listed and the Vehicle is not a 4WD see Annexure 7 (Prohibited Roads)
the Vehicle is driven in the areas listed and the Vehicle including a 4WD see Annexure 7 (Prohibited Roads)
the Vehicle is smoked in or there is evidence of smoking
For Snow Regions
failing ensure that the Vehicle complies with any legal requirements relating to fitment of snow chains and that the snow chains are fitted
correctly. Renters must at all times ensure plastic hub caps are removed prior to fitting snow chains. Snow chains must be tightened after
50m to avoid damage to the rims and hub caps must be replaced on the Vehicle when the chains are removed
Annexure 9 Definitions
Rental Agreement
The document headed “Rental Agreement” denoting a unique reservation number, and other specific information
including names and contact details of the Parties, signed by You when the Vehicle was picked up.
Rental Start Date
The date and time the rental commences as shown on the rental agreement.
Authorised Driver
Drivers who we have validated and authorised to drive the Vehicle; these drivers should be noted in your rental
agreement under "Authorised Drivers"
My Journey Portal
Web based portal which is emailed to you to the email address provided on pick up giving you access to
information regarding your rental agreement, pre-existing Vehicle condition photos, invoices and information to
support you journey your rental including terms and conditions
Initial Fuel Supply
The amount of fuel in the tank of the rental Vehicle provided to you on pick up. Fuel supply is noted on your rental
Means any equipment rented from us, including but not limited to as applicable any Navigational system, child
restraint, child booster seat or similar equipment.
Material Breach
A Material Breach occurs if:
The Vehicle is used for a Prohibited Use; The Vehicle is driven on a Prohibited Road; The Vehicle is driven by an
individual that does not meet the licence and age requirements set out in this agreement: You or an authorised
driver provide false or misleading information to us prior to, or throughout the term of the rental, which may
reasonably be considered as material to our decision to grant you and continue you to grant you, a rental. Such
material information includes matters. such as age, name, licence status, address, occupation, eligibility for any
discount, or incident that occurs during the rental.
Refer to the list of Prohibited Uses at Annexure 8 and the list of Prohibited Roads at Annexure 7
The person who signed the rental agreement.
"Us", "We", "Our", "Hertz"
If this Agreement is signed by You in Australia, then any reference to “Us”, “We”, “Our”, “Hertz” means either of:
Hertz Australia Pty Ltd ABN 31 004 407 087 of L1 105 York Street, South Melbourne, VIC 3205; or if a Hertz
franchisee or sub is identified on the Rental Agreement, that sub-licensee.
If this Agreement is signed by You in New Zealand, then any reference to “Us”, “We”, “Our”, “Hertz” means Either
of: Hertz New Zealand Limited (NZCN); or if a Hertz franchisee or sub is identified on the Rental Agreement, that
ICE Vehicle
means a road Vehicle with an internal combustion engine, powered by petrol or diesel fuel;
means a road Vehicle with an electric motor, powered by electricity stored in a battery;
means a Vehicle capable of distributing power to all four wheels simultaneously by engaging 4-wheel drive mode
and where the transmission has a high and low range option, but excludes an all-wheel drive Vehicle which in
normal operation distributes power differentially to each wheel;
Commercial Vehicle
means a motor Vehicle capable of carrying goods, 10 or more passengers and can be used for industrial and
agricultural purposes;
Heavy Commercial Vehicle
means a Vehicle classed as a heavy truck or bus that requires a ‘specialized Vehicle’ license to drive. It is a
Vehicle that has a gross Vehicle mass (GVM) or aggregate trailer mass (ATM) of more than 4.5 tonnes:
means the road Vehicle you have rented, which may be any of the above, and includes all Vehicle parts, tyres,
tools (supplied with the Vehicle), and all other accessories or equipment in or fitted to the Vehicle by the
manufacturer or by Hertz, such as keys, child restraint seats, GPS devices and Vehicle Monitoring Systems.
Prohibited Use
Means the circumstances in Prohibited Uses at Annexure 8
Applicable Consumer
Protection Law
Means a reference to consumer protection law (as that term is normally understood) as applicable in Australia
and New Zealand, depending on what law governs the Agreement, including:
In Australia
The Australian Consumer Law
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001; and laws or any other Federal, State or
Territory legislation, as amended from time to time.
In New Zealand
Consumer Guarantees Act 1993. and the Fair-Trading Act 1986, as amended from time to time.
Vehicle Monitoring System
Our Vehicles may be fitting with a VMS which be used to open and close the Vehicle and track and record the
geographical location, distance and speed of the Vehicle during the rental period. It can also be used to
immobilize the Vehicle in the event of non-payment or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect the Vehicle is
being used for a Prohibited use.