Nutrition Guideline
Healthy Infants and Young Children
Applicable to: Nurses, Physicians and Other Health Professionals
For Professional Reference Only
November 2013
Page 6.1.1
Nutrition Guideline:
Healthy Infants and Young Children
Tap water, well water and commercially bottled water (except carbonated, vitamin, mineral or flavoured
water) can be given to infants, either for drinking and/or in the preparation of food and other beverages,
provided that it comes from a trusted source and/or has been tested.
All tap water used in the preparation of infant formula or infant foods, or for drinking by infants, should
come from the cold water tap. The cold water tap should run until it becomes cold in the morning to flush
out the build-up of any contaminants such as lead or copper that can accumulate overnight in the pipes.
The hot water tap should not be used as it may contain more metal contaminants than the cold tap.
Under 6 months of age:
Supplemental water (i.e. for drinking by infants) is unnecessary in the first 6 months of age.
All water used in feeding infants (i.e. for formula reconstitution) less than 4 months of age should be
sterilized by bringing it to a rolling boil for 2 minutes to ensure it is pathogen free. This includes tap
water, well water and commercially bottled water.
Over 6 months of age:
Small amounts of water may be introduced as a beverage, in an open top cup after 6 months of age.
Water should not replace the intake of breastmilk or infant formula in the first 12 months of age.
After one year of age, water should be used to quench thirst between meals and snacks.
Health Benefits
Following these guidelines will support safe and appropriate water usage for infants and young children.
Key Questions
What types of water are appropriate for healthy term infants?
Water that is generally suitable for infant feeding includes tap water, well water that meets standards of
safety, and commercially bottled water (natural spring water or treated water with a low mineral content).
However, these waters are not sterile
and would need to be sterilized before using if given to an infant
less than 4 months of age.
What types of water are inappropriate for healthy term infants?
Mineral water, vitamin water, flavoured water, treated water with a high mineral content, softened water and
carbonated water, including club soda, should not be given to infants.
Water from carbon charcoal filtered
taps/pitchers (i.e. Brita
) and fridge filtered water (i.e. built in filters) should be used with caution as filters
may increase the bacteria content in the filtered water via build up. As such, it is important that filters be
changed regularly, as recommended by the manufacturer.
Nutrition Guideline
Healthy Infants and Young Children
Applicable to: Nurses, Physicians and Other Health Professionals
For Professional Reference Only
November 2013
Page 6.1.2
Nutrition Guideline:
Healthy Infants and Young Children
Well water may contain chemicals (e.g. nitrates) or bacteria that can cause health problems. Well water
should be tested for chemicals every two years and for bacteria every six months.
Well water that meets
standards for chemicals and bacteria is appropriate for feeding infants.
Water testing can also measure the level of fluoride within well water. Fluoride is a natural element that
supports dental health by protecting against tooth decay, and levels in water up to 1.5 mg/L are considered
If well water has levels of fluoride greater than 1.5 mg/L, then parents:
should use a different source of water with a lower fluoride concentration for reconstituting infant
may wish to contact the oral health or environmental health program at their local public health centre
for more information on reducing the risk of developing dental fluorosis for children drinking the water.
For more information, refer to the AHS website on water fluoridation.
Anyone who is obtaining drinking water from a source other than taps or wells (e.g. cisterns) should be
directed to contact their local Public Health Inspector for guidance on water testing, treatment and use of
the water for feeding an infant.
Distilled, demineralized, or “produced through reverse osmosis” waters may have minerals removed.
recommendation can currently be made for or against the use of these waters in infant feeding.
Until what age does water need to be sterilized for healthy term infants?
Water used in infant feeding should be sterilized for infants less than 4 months of age.
Sterilizing water for healthy term infants less than 4 months of age has been historically recommended. By
4 months infants are commonly putting many non-sterilized objects in their mouths. Therefore 4 months
has been chosen as the age for discontinuing the sterilization of water.
Why does water need to be sterilized for healthy term infants under 4 months of age?
Water used in preparation of infant formula must be safe.
Tap water, well water and commercially bottled
water are appropriate to use in infant food preparation, but are not sterile.
The three main types of
microorganisms that can be found in drinking water are bacteria, viruses and protozoa.
These can exist
naturally or can occur as a result of contamination from human or animal waste.
The main goal of
sterilization of drinking water is to remove or kill most of these organisms to reduce the risk of illness.
While it is not currently possible to completely eliminate the risk of waterborne disease, sterilization helps to
reduce the risk.
The most common manifestation of waterborne illness is gastrointestinal upset (nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea), however; in susceptible individuals (such as infants) the effects may be more
severe, chronic or fatal.
Nutrition Guideline
Healthy Infants and Young Children
Applicable to: Nurses, Physicians and Other Health Professionals
For Professional Reference Only
November 2013
Page 6.1.3
Nutrition Guideline:
Healthy Infants and Young Children
How do you sterilize water?
Only water from the cold tap should be used. Water from the hot water tap can dissolve or leach lead and
other contaminants from water pipes.
If the tap has not been used in a while, such as overnight, the tap
should run water until it becomes cold (to flush out the pipes).
This will reduce any lead and/or bacteria
build-up and ensure the water is fresh.
To ensure water is safe, water should be brought to a rolling boil for 2 minutes.
Longer boiling is not
recommended because it could increase the concentration of any contaminants like lead, copper or nitrates
that could be present in the water.
Boiled water should be cooled and stored in appropriate sterilized
containers that can be tightly sealed and can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days or for 24 hours at
room temperature.
For more information on sterilizing containers refer to the Nutrition Guideline: 3.3 Safe Preparation and
Handling of Infant Formula.
When can healthy term infants be introduced to water as a beverage?
Water may be introduced as a beverage after 6 months of age when an infant is learning to drink from a
There is no recommended amount of water for an infant to drink between 6 and 12 months of age;
however amounts should be limited to avoid interference with the intake of breastmilk/formula and solid
foods. Expert opinion is that offering 2 3 oz of water at a time to an infant is considered appropriate and
would likely not interfere with the intake of breastmilk/formula and solid foods. By 9 to 12 months children
should be consuming regularly scheduled meals and snacks. Water can be offered to quench thirst in-
between regular meal and snacks.
Water supplementation in early infancy (under 6 months of age) is not recommended because it can
interfere with the amount of breastmilk or formula consumed by an infant.
This can contribute to breast
engorgement, interfere with establishment of breastmilk supply and interfere with baby’s weight gain.
Should water be introduced to healthy term infants who are less than 6 months of age during hot
No. In hot weather, additional fluid can be obtained by more frequent breastfeeding or formula feeding.
The water content of human milk or infant formula is sufficient to replace urinary and insensible fluid losses
(i.e. water lost through skin and respiration) and to provide for growth of young infants,
including low birth
weight infants (1500 g 2500 g).
Nutrition Guideline
Healthy Infants and Young Children
Applicable to: Nurses, Physicians and Other Health Professionals
For Professional Reference Only
November 2013
Page 6.1.4
Nutrition Guideline:
Healthy Infants and Young Children
Should water be provided to replace fluid loss during illness (i.e. fever, diarrhea)?
No. Infants and toddlers who are experiencing fever, diarrhea or vomiting are at increased risk of becoming
Dehydration can be very dangerous, especially for infants and toddlers. Caregivers should
continue to feed breastmilk or formula rather than water, to infants experiencing fever, diarrhea or vomiting.
Providing water rather than breastmilk or formula may cause electrolyte imbalances. Oral rehydration
therapy may be needed for infants and toddlers experiencing even mild to moderate dehydration.
Homemade oral rehydration solutions are not recommended as there is a chance for serious formulation
Medical advice should be sought for additional information on how to prevent or treat dehydration.
What are the risks of too much water for infants and young children?
Although rare, rapid water intake in excess of an infant’s requirements can result in oral water intoxication.
This may occur when an infant has been given overly dilute formula, tap or bottled water as a supplemental
feeding, excessive intake of dilute juice, or if given water in place of an oral rehydration solution to treat
Although oral water intoxication is rare, it can result in adverse medical effects such as
hyponatraemic seizures.
Are there any handouts on water for healthy infants and children that I can use with my clients?
For infant nutrition resources visit Nutrition Education Materials at and click on Infants.
For more information related to healthy infants and children see Healthy Parents Healthy Children.
Nutrition Guideline
Healthy Infants and Young Children
Applicable to: Nurses, Physicians and Other Health Professionals
For Professional Reference Only
November 2013
Page 6.1.5
Nutrition Guideline
Healthy Infants and Young Children
Copyright © (2013) Alberta Health Services. All rights reserved. These materials may not be changed without written permission from These
are intended for general information only; they are provided on an "as is", "where is" basis and are not meant to replace individual consultation with a healthcare provider or dietitian.
Alberta Health Services expressly disclaims all liability for the use of these materials, and for any claims, actions, demands or suits arising from such use.
Dietitians of Canada. Infant nutrition complementary feeding practice guidance summary. In: Practice-based
evidence nutrition [knowledge pathway online]. 2012 Aug 28 [cited 2012 Nov 14]. Available from: Access only by subscription.
Health Canada, Canadian Paediatric Society, Dietitians of Canada, Breastfeeding Committee for Canada. Nutrition for
healthy term infants: recommendations from birth to six months [document on the Internet]. 2012 [updated 2012 Oct 31;
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Government of Canada. Infant nutrition [document on the Internet]. 2012 Jan 02 [cited 2012 Nov 14]. Available from:
Dietitians of Canada. Infant Nutrition Infant formula practice guidance summary. In: Practice-based evidence in
nutrition [knowledge pathway online]. 2012 Nov 9 [cited 2012 Nov 13]. Available from:
Access only by subscription.
Health Canada. What’s in your well? A guide to well water treatment and maintenance [document on the Internet].
2008 Jan 07 [cited 2013 Jun 19]. Available from:
Health Canada: Federal Provincial Territorial Committee on Drinking Water. Guidelines for Canadian drinking water
quality summary table [document on the Internet]. 2012 Aug [cited 2013 Nov 1]. Available from: http://www.hc-
Health Canada. Bacterial waterborne pathogens current and emerging organisms of concern [document on the
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Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011;(12):CD006462
Institute of Medicine. Panel on dietary reference intakes for electrolytes and water. Dietary reference intakes for water,
potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulfate. The National Academics Press, Washington, DC;2005.
Cohen RJ, Brown KH, Rivera LL, Dewey KG. Exclusively breastfed, low birthweight term infants do not need
supplemental water. Acta Paediatr. 2000;88:550 2.
Dietitians of Canada. Infant Nutrition Nutrition management of acute gastroenteritis practice guidance summary. In:
Practice-based evidence in nutrition [knowledge pathway online]. 2010 Mar 25 [cited 2012 Nov 14]. Available from: Access only by subscription.
Bhalla P, Eaton FE, Coulter JBS, Amegavie FL, Sills JA, Abernethy LJ. Hyponatraemic seizures and excessive
intake of hypotonic fluids in young children. Br Med J. 1999;319(11):1554 7.