Linda M. Trujillo, Superintendent
Kristen Thomson, Director
Cannabis Testing Self-Sampling Guidance
The Cannabis Control Division of the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department is providing this guidance
for any cannabis establishment collecting its own samples for mandatory testing (“self-sampling”). The guidance is
based on the Maine Office of Marijuana Policy’s Best Practice Guide for Sample Collection, Version 3 (September
2020). The self-sampling establishment shall follow this guidance and any additional instructions provided by the
cannabis testing laboratory to perform required actions. Each time an employee designated to collect samples (“self-
sampler”) performs this task, another employee is required to witness the collection of samples and sealing of sample
Each sampling event must be preceded by a discussion between the establishment and the cannabis testing
laboratory(ies) performing analyses to ensure that the documentation is appropriately completed and necessary
guidance from the cannabis testing laboratory is followed.
Sample Collection Records
An establishment shall use chain of custody forms complying with NMAC § and is responsible for contacting
the cannabis testing laboratory and ensuring that all information required by NMAC § is recorded in
required sample collection records.
The self-sampler shall sign a statement attesting that the individual:
Collected all samples in accordance with this guidance and any instructions provided by the cannabis
testing laboratory conducting the mandatory analyses;
Collected all sample increments randomly and did not intentionally enrich, alter, tamper with, degrade
or otherwise
alter the sample increments collected;
Was not asked by, nor allowed, another person to
enrich, alter, tamper with, degrade or otherwise
alter the sample increments
Sealed the sample collection containers with tamper evident seals in the presence
of the witness
countersigning the attestation; and
Acknowledges that any intentional misrepresentation in the sample collection
records or any attempt
at tampering with the samples collected is grounds for
suspension, or limitation of the
establishment’s license.
The employee acting as a witness shall sign a statement that the individual:
Was present for the sealing of the sample containers;
Did not witness the sample collector enrich, alter, tamper with, degrade or
otherwise alter the sample
increments when affixing the tamper evident seals to
the sample containers;
Did not enrich, alter, tamper with, degrade or otherwise alter the sample
Acknowledges that any intentional misrepresentation by the witness is grounds
for revocation,
suspension or limitation of the establishment’s license.
Equipment and Supplies
Appendix B of this guide provides pictures and descriptions of the equipment and tools listed below. The
minimum equipment and supplies for sample collection for mandatory testing are listed in this guide; however, the
cannabis testing laboratory must advise an establishment of the appropriate sample collection equipment necessary
to take a
consistent representative sample of the matrices for which mandatory testing is requested.
A self-sampler may use single use, disposable, or reusable tools and equipment, as appropriate, but must use
sterile equipment and tools for the collection of samples for microbiological testing and must have
for decontaminating any tools and equipment that are not disposable. The decontamination
procedures must
effectively eliminate carryover by removing any analyte of interest, regardless of the
concentration of the
analyte. The decontamination procedure must ensure no cross contamination
between cannabis, cannabis
concentrate, or cannabis products occurs. This decontamination procedure must be validated any
time there is
evidence of contamination in samples, as indicated by
the cannabis testing laboratory conducting mandatory
analyses. A cannabis testing laboratory will notify the
self-sampler to discuss the process for validating
decontamination procedures if the
cannabis testing laboratory finds evidence that a sample is contaminated by
the use of reusable sample
collection tools.
Equipment (items used repeatedly; must be clean and sterile where applicable)
Reusable scoops or spatulas, as directed by the cannabis testing laboratory;
Forceps and/or scissors/shears;
Field balance (capable of 0.01g measurements, capable of measuring sample weight in
collection container, tare weight; semi-annual calibration verified by certificate of
Calibrated verification weights appropriate to verify accuracy of field balance;
NIST-traceable thermometer or infrared thermometer gun calibrated every 6 months;
Cooler or other appropriate refrigeration to maintain collected samples for analysis as
applicable to ensure sample integrity; and
Equipment logbook.
Supplies (items used only once; must be clean and sterile, where applicable)
Mylar bags, amber jars, borosilicate volatile organic analysis (VOA) vials, Whirl-Pak bags
or equivalent sample collection containers, as directed by the cannabis testing laboratory;
Disposable or reusable syringes or pipettes (for liquid transfer);
Disposable scoops, dippers, sampling spoons, spatulas, other appropriate tools for
collecting a
sample from a batch;
Nitrile, latex, or rubber gloves;
Teri-Wipes, or equivalent;
Decontamination supplies, as determined by decontamination procedures bleach, 70%+
isopropyl alcohol, 70%+ ethanol, etc.;
Deionized water;
Chain of custody labels;
Security tamper evident tape or custody seals, as applicable; and
Sample labels.
Sample Collection
Equipment Preparation
Prior to sample collection, equipment must be decontaminated (and sterile, as applicable) and inspected
damage, then collected and organized into the designated area where the sample collection will occur. All work
areas, contact surfaces, utensils, and equipment shall be washed with isopropyl alcohol (70%+), denatured
alcohol (70%+), bleach (10%+), or equivalent as directed by the cannabis testing laboratory; rinsed with
filtered water; and dried completely prior to sampling
The self-sampler must ensure that all equipment to be used is appropriately calibrated and otherwise
verify that
all equipment used is appropriately prepared to eliminate cross contamination and ensure that
samples are
reliable for analytic purposes. The preparation area must include:
Gloves to be worn, to avoid sample contamination;
Decontaminated tool(s), including stainless steel spatulas, knives and/or disposable or reusable
pipettes and syringes;
Decontaminated surfaces for sample processing;
Labels and pens with indelible ink;
Necessary supplies for thoroughly decontaminating and drying sample preparation tools and
equipment between samples.
Sample containers shall be decontaminated (and sterile, when applicable) and dry prior to the sample
event. The number of containers, depending on the batch size, and the proper sample size, shall
be collected
and packaged appropriately.
All paperwork shall be populated with pertinent information prior to the end of the sample collection
General Guidelines for Sample Collection
The individual collecting samples for
mandatory testing must:
Survey the entire batch from which the samples are to be collected and ensure that the cannabis or
cannabis product is appropriately
labeled and tracked in the track and trace system. Self-samplers may
not collect samples from any batch of cannabis or cannabis product that is not labeled with an
appropriate label containing information generated by the track and trace system and accompanied by a
transport manifest generated by the track and trace system.
Use appropriate sample collection equipment and consistently follow this guidance.
Take equal quantities of the cannabis, cannabis concentrate or cannabis product for each
Obtain the required number of sample increments, based on batch size, as required by NMAC §
Record all observations and procedures used while collecting the sample increments in sample
collection records.
Representative Sample
The person
collecting samples for mandatory testing shall check for any signs of non-uniformity, including:
Different types or sizes of containers;
Variations in marks and labels;
batch numbers; or
Differences in in color,
shape, size, or other characteristics.
Variations in the product may indicate nonuniformity in the batch, meaning that any sample collected may not
be representative for testing. Samples from batches appearing nonuniform may be collected and used for
mandatory testing, provided that anomalies are recorded in the sample collection records and indicated in
certificate of analysis.
If a
batch appears to be contaminated with a potentially transmissible agent that could affect the
environmental integrity of the cannabis testing laboratory, the establishment shall contact the cannabis testing
laboratory, which may advise the establishment on how to proceed, including providing additional
for transportation or delivery of such samples. If the cannabis testing laboratory determines that the risk of
contamination is too great for
sample collection to proceed, the cannabis testing laboratory must immediately
contact the division to
apprise it of the circumstances.
Random Sampling
Sample increments must be randomly selected from different locations within a container or set of
which hold the batch to be tested to ensure the representativeness of the samples for mandatory
testing based
upon matrix-type, using the following method:
Assign consecutive numbers to each possible location from which a sample increment can be
Using a random number generator or other similar means to determine from which numbered
locations random sample increments shall be collected:
Assign divisions based on the type of container in the site-specific sample collection plan.
Use a random number generator with the higher number equal to the number of divisions
the container (for multiple containers, use existing or arbitrary order of containers to
numbers to the total of “divisions multiplied by total number of containers to
determine the
total number of random increments within a container and record in the
chain of custody
Document in the sample collection field log where each sample increment was collected and the
volume collected from each sample collection location.
Examples of random sampling by matrix type are included in Appendix A of this Guide.
Post Sample Collection Procedure
Sample Collection Review
All samples collected shall be verified to the manifest generated by the track and trace system and the
collection form prior to sealing and labeling all sample collection containers.
Equipment and Sample Collection Area Decontamination
The area where the sample collection occurs shall be decontaminated and/or sterilized and dried between
batch sampled. Forceps and any additional sample collection equipment shall be decontaminated,
sterilized, and
dried between each batch sampled.
Sample Storage and Retention
Following sample collection and during transport to the cannabis testing laboratory performing the
analyses, appropriate storage and retention methods must be employed to ensure the sample
continues to be
representative of the sampled batch.
Upon collection, samples must be stored at the same temperature and under the same
environmental conditions from which the samples were collected.
Samples shall be stored in a manner to prevent unauthorized access to samples and must be sealed
a tamper evident seal that is intact upon receipt by the cannabis testing laboratory.
The cannabis testing laboratory must provide guidance to the self-sampler or sample collector to ensure
integrity during transport to the cannabis testing laboratory.
Containers for sample transport shall be designed to prevent damage, contamination, spillage, or
commingling of the samples during transport. The required container for sample collection must
appropriate for the sample matrix and the tests required.
Appendix A. Sampling Techniques, by Matrix and Container
The methods demonstrated below were developed by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention. They are provided for
reference purposes and should not be
construed to be the only acceptable method for collecting samples from each matrix
Appendix B. Sample Collection Equipment and Containers.
Sampling Equipment
Sampling Tools
Sample Collection Containers