International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-8, June 2021
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.H92490610821
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.H9249.0610821
Journal Website:
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Abstract: In India major road accident is based on potholes.
To identify this potholes and humps in roads may reduces the road
accident and also reduces the damages in cars and bike. To
identify the holes and humps or speed breakers, the ultra sonic
sensor, display board and buzzer also used in it. Project is mainly
used in the prototype model of the vehicle which has the capable to
find holes and humps in the road. When the vehicle identify the
holes and hump it started showing the distance of obstacles, once
the distance of obstacles reduced to 10m range the buzzer gives the
alarm signals to drives that obstacles is near to vehicle so that they
can reduces the speed of the vehicle and go slow through the
obstacles or they can change the path. The display board given
near the dash board that drivers can easily view the board and
buzzer is given inside the vehicles and ultrasonic sensors given in
the front of the bumper so it act efficiently. Here the arduino
board is used for the power supply and programs, so this project
reduces the accident occurs in the road due to holes and humps.
Keywords: Potholes, Buzzer, Ultra Sonic Sensor, Humps.
India is fast developing country here the maintenances of
the roads are difficult. In India more than 4 lakhs road
accident taken place in a year and 0.5 percent increases per
year according to WHO (world health organization). Over 16
accident taken place per minute in India as the statistic report
says. Out of 4 lakhs accident 20% percent of road accident is
based on potholes and humps in the roads by identifying the
humps and potholes we can reduces the 20% of road accident,
most of the accident are taken place only in nights because the
headlight used in the vehicles are not much effective. By using
this project in cars, bikes and even in large vehicles the
accident can be controlled.
Carullo, Alessio., et al (2001)
says about the functioning
principle of an Arduino board is investigated in this study, as
well as its applications. It also looks at how it might be
utilized as a research and study tool. The Arduino board can
be used to quickly create VLSI test benches, particularly for
sensors. Fast processing and a simple interface are two major
benefits. With an expanding number of individuals utilizing
open source software and hardware devices daily, technology
Manuscript received on June 17, 2021.
Revised Manuscript received on June 24, 2021.
Manuscript published on June 30, 2021.
* Correspondence Author
Sabarikanth KK*, ME Industrial Safety Engineering, Bannari Amman
Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam (Tamil Nadu), India. Email:
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
is establishing a new dimension by making sophisticated tasks
appear simple and engaging. These open sources offer
technology that is either free or almost free, as well as
extremely reliable and economical.
Hanif, Hadistian Muhammad, et al (2020)
transportation technology is becoming increasingly vital in
today's world, and it must be developed over time. There are
so many road extensions throughout the development era to
balance the substantial increases of motorized vehicles. The
growing number of automobiles has resulted in issues such as
road damage and a lack of road upkeep. The lack of
awareness about the importance of repairing damaged roads,
particularly potholes, makes it more difficult for riders to
drive safely. Because of the rising number of accidents and
deaths, this issue is becoming increasingly urgent. The
pothole detection sensor can be used on the car system to
prevent accidents. In this study, the invention of a pothole
detection sensor was inspired by the proximity sensor system,
which employs the camera and a digital image method. The
advantages of our system, which we research and build, are
that it is more user-friendly in terms of feasibility and cost.
This work develops a low-cost sensor with the same quality as
the present technology. Despite the use of low-cost sensors,
maintenance is both low-cost and straightforward. As a result
of this research and investigation, an inaccuracy was
discovered between the distance that recognized the pothole
and the sensor, which should be less than 4%.
. Jo, Youngtae., et al (2015)
says Potholes are caused by
aging roads and insufficient road maintenance systems, which
result in a significant number of potholes that grow in number
over time. Road safety and transit efficiency are jeopardized
by potholes. Furthermore, they are frequently a contributory
factor in automobile accidents. Pothole locations and sizes
must be determined rapidly to handle the problems connected
with potholes. A pothole database can be used to design
sophisticated road-maintenance strategies, but it requires a
special pothole-detection technology that can collect pothole
information at a low cost and over a large region. Pothole
repair, on the other hand, has traditionally relied on manual
detection. Due to the unreliable detection of vibration-based
methods and the high prices of laser scanning-based methods,
recent automatic detection systems, such as those based on
vibrations or laser scanning, are insufficient to identify
potholes reliably and economically. As a result, we provide a
new pothole detecting system based on a commercial
black-box camera in this work. Potholes are detected across a
large region and at a reasonable cost using the suggested
technology. We've created a new pothole detection method
that's specially tailored for black-box cameras' embedded
computing settings. The results of our suggested system's
experiments suggest that potholes can be recognized properly
in real-time.
Pothole Dection Syatem in Vehicle
Sabarikanth KK
Pothole Dection Syatem in Vehicle
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.H92490610821
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.H9249.0610821
Journal Website:
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Kim, Taehyeong., et al (2014)
says that potholes, as one
sort of pavement distress, are key indications suggesting
structural problems in the asphalt road, and diagnosing these
potholes effectively is one of the most significant
responsibilities for defining effective asphalt-surfaced
pavement maintenance and repair procedures. Manually
discovering and evaluating methods, on the other hand, is
costly and time-consuming. As a result, many efforts have
been made to build technology that can automatically detect
and recognize potholes, which could help increase survey
efficiency and pavement condition by allowing for early
detection and action. In this paper, we research and assess
existing pothole detection methods, as well as suggest a
potential approach for building a pothole detection system
that is both accurate and efficient.
Koch.,et al (2011)
says that when creating road network
maintenance strategies, it is critical to examine the condition
of the pavement. The data collection method is automated to a
significant extent in practice. However, most pavement
distress identification (cracks, potholes, etc.) is done
manually, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.
Existing methods rely on either complete 3D surface
reconstruction, which requires expensive equipment and
computation, or acceleration data, which can only offer
preliminary and rough condition surveys. We offer a method
for automatically detecting potholes in asphalt pavement
photos in this research. Using histogram shape-based
thresholding, an image is initially divided into a defect and
non-defect regions in the proposed technique. Using
morphological thinning and elliptic regression, the probable
pothole shape is calculated based on the geometric features of
a defect zone. Following that, the texture of a potential defect
form is extracted and compared to the texture of the
surrounding non-defect pavement to see if the region of
interest is actually a pothole. This algorithm has been taught
and validated on 120 pavement photos using a MATLAB
Louis, Leo (2016)
says that this study describes an
ultrasonic sensor that can measure the distance between
chosen places on a vehicle and the ground. The sensor is
based on the detection of an ultrasonic pulse's time of flight as
it is reflected by the ground. To create reflected pulses that
can be easily detected using a threshold comparator, a limited
optimization methodology is used. A sub-wavelength
detection may be produced using this technology, which takes
into account the frequency response of the ultrasonic
transducers. Experiments with a 40 kHz
piezoelectric-transducer-based sensor revealed a typical
uncertainty of 1 mm at rest or at low speeds; the sensor can
still work at speeds up to 30 m/s, but with a larger level of
uncertainty. The sensor is made up of only low-cost
components, making it suitable for use as first-car equipment
in many circumstances, and it can self-adapt to various
conditions to provide the optimum results.
Palanivel, N., et al
says about road upkeep is one of the
biggest issues in developing countries. Well-maintained roads
contribute significantly to the economy of the country. The
detection of pavement distress, such as potholes and humps,
not only aids drivers in avoiding accidents and car damage but
also aids authorities in road maintenance. This study reviews
prior pothole detection technologies and provides a
cost-effective technique for detecting potholes and humps on
roadways and alerting drivers in time to avert accidents or
vehicle damage. Potholes and humps are detected using
ultrasonic sensors, which can also be used to assess their
depth and height.
RenugaDevi, S., et al (2021)
says that today's world,
the majority of mishaps are caused by borewells that have
been left open, trapping countless youngsters. For many
children, the borewells are a living horror. Most of the
innocent lives have been ruined by these borewells. The
method of rescuing the children from the borewells is quite
challenging. We must prevent children from slipping into
borewells to avert this dangerous catastrophe. We came up
with the concept to take precautions to spare the lives of
numerous infants. The system's main goal is to place a Drone
camera in a remote location and use it to locate any uncovered
borewells. Following the discovery of borewells, we must
determine whether the hole is a normal hole or a depth
pothole. So, to detect the size of a hole, we mounted an
ultrasonic sensor on the drone's bottom to recognize potholes
as well as to measure the height and depth of a bore well. If the
bore well's depth and height are significant, information will
be sent to the appropriate officials so that the bore well can be
appropriately closed. These particulars will be uploaded to
the cloud to keep the information up to date. As a result, we
can prevent a large number of youngsters from drowning in
Rode, Sudarshan S., et al (2007)
This position paper
proposes a revolutionary Pothole Detection System that helps
drivers avoid potholes on the road by providing advance
warnings. The architectural design also presents a solution to
this problem with a short response time, low maintenance, and
inexpensive deployment costs. The challenges caused by
traffic congestion throughout the world, as well as a synergy
of new information technologies for simulation, real-time
control, and communications networks, have sparked interest
in Intelligent Vehicle Systems. Worsening road conditions are
one of the growing difficulties that roadways face. Rain, oil
spills, road accidents, and wear and tear are just some of the
factors that make driving on the road tough. Also, while
driving at night, the driver may not be able to rely solely on
the headlights for support. Unexpected roadblocks may result
in more accidents. Gasoline consumption of the vehicle also
increases as a result of poor road conditions, resulting in
waste of valuable fuel. For all of these reasons, it is critical to
obtain information about hazardous road conditions, collect
that information, and disseminate it to vehicles, which can
then alert the driver.
Sharma ., et al (2020)
providing commuters with a
smooth road infrastructure necessitates road surface
monitoring. Using an ultrasonic sensor and image processing
approach, this paper proposed an efficient road surface
monitoring system. A revolutionary cost-effective system was
created and suggested, which incorporates ultrasonic sensors
sensing with GPS for the identification of road surface
characteristics. To increase the classification and accuracy of
road surface detecting circumstances, the dynamic time
warping (DTW) methodology was used with ultrasonic
sensors. HANUMAN is a revolutionary algorithm for
automatically detecting and calculating potholes and speed
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-8, June 2021
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.H92490610821
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.H9249.0610821
Journal Website:
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
To validate the results, a manual check was performed and a
comparison was made. With a 95.50 percent detection rate for
diverse road surface imperfections, the suggested method
outperformed earlier technologies. Not only will the new
framework identify road imperfections, but it will also assist
in reducing the frequency of accidents by alerting drivers.
Tedeschi, Antonio., et al (2017)
says road safety has
become a global concern as a result of the increasing
proliferation of automobiles and traffic accidents caused by road
pavement flaws. As a result, countries and federal states have
begun to focus their resources on civil infrastructure studies to
examine their safety and serviceability. Detailed reports on the
discovered pavement distress and their magnitudes are provided
by specialized teams of inspectors and structural engineers that
manually evaluate road infrastructures. The goal of this project
is to develop a novel system that can detect framed distress using
only the computational resources available on a mobile device.
An automatic pavement distress recognition system based on the
OpenCV library is built and implemented in a mobile
application to achieve this goal, allowing the recognition of
three frequent pavement distresses: potholes,
longitudinal-transversal cracks, and fatigue cracks. Our
approach, which has been tested on numerous Android mobile
platforms, is capable of recognizing the pavement distresses of
interest with a Precision, Recall, Accuracy, and F Measure of
more than 0.7. This program promises to improve inspectors'
on-site work by reducing the time required to complete tasks.
Road side pit detection projects holds some of the
components as described below, with the help of this
components the project functions successfully as expected.
A. Arduino Uno
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board which has
ATmega328 from the AVR family. There are 14
computerized input/yield pins, 6 Analog pins, a 16 MHz fired
resonator, USB association, power jack, and furthermore has
a reset button. Its product upheld by various libraries that
makes the programming simpler. Arduino is an open-source
devices stage reliant upon easy to-use hardware and
programming. Arduino sheets can get inputs - light on a
sensor, a finger on a catch, or a Twitter message - and change
it into a yield - inciting a motor, turning on a LED, circulating
something on the web. Arduino code is written in C++ with an
extension of phenomenal strategies and limits, which we'll
determine later on. C++ is a clear programming language.
B. Ultrasonic Sensor
This sensor is used to measure the distance. It transmits
ultrasonic waves and receives the reflected waves and
measures the distance to the target by computing the time
between the emission and reception. It has 4 pins TRIG,
ECHO, GND & VCC. It emits the ultrasonic waves through
the trig pin and receives the waves through echo pin when the
waves get reflected back from the target. For measuring the
distance: Distance= ½ (speed of sound * time taken).
Ultrasonic transducers and ultrasonic sensors are gadgets that
create or sense ultrasound energy. They can be partitioned
into three general classes: transmitters, recipients and
handsets. Ultrasonic sensors can quantify the distance to a
wide scope of articles paying little mind to shape, shading or
surface. They are likewise ready to gauge a drawing nearer or
subsiding object.
C. Buzzer
The buzzer mainly functions in producing the sound and
alert the owner and others regarding the security breach in the
home. The buzzer Figure 3.5 receives the data signal from the
micro controller, as the micro controller receives the data
from the vibration sensor the buzzer has to be activated
according to the code. Therefore, the signal from the micro
controller is received to the buzzer.
Fig3. Buzzer
D. Oled Display
An OLED show works without a backdrop illumination
since it transmits noticeable light. Along these lines, it can
show profound dark levels and can be more slender and
lighter than a fluid crystal. The abbreviation 'OLED'
represents Organic Light-Emitting Diode - an innovation that
utilizations LEDs wherein the light is delivered by natural
atoms. These natural LEDs are utilized to make what are
viewed as the world's best showcase boards. OLED represents
Organic Light-Emitting Diode, with "natural" alluding to the
carbon film that sits inside the board before the glass screen.
Since it's a light behind the LCD delivering the enlightenment
as opposed to the LCD layer itself, the brightening isn't
completely in-a state of harmony with the pixel before it.
Pothole Dection Syatem in Vehicle
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.H92490610821
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.H9249.0610821
Journal Website:
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
Fig 4. OLED Display
A. Proposed Solution
The solution proposed for the problem described is the
smart on road pit detection system, which helps the drivers to
have a smooth ride while travelling on roads. When wheels
enter into the pit on roads that sudden impact will make some
discomfort to the driver also the life of wheel will be
decreased sometimes it can break when hits deeper in the pits.
So in order to solve this problem our project will help in
identifying the pit before getting closer to the pit with the help
of ultrasonic sensor. The main purpose of ultrasonic sensor is
to sense the distance of obstacles that crosses its path. The
ultrasonic sensor will send the distance data to the micro
controller and the transferred data will be displayed to the
driver with an OLED Display.
The display helps in displaying the distance of the road
and when a pit is identified it will display an alert message on
the screen. At the same time of message displaying the micro
controller will trigger the buzzer to ring the sound. The logic
behind this is the ultrasonic sensor will sense the distance of
the road and will display the distance in the OLED display but
when the pit comes there will be deviation in the standard
distance and as a result of this deviation alert message will be
displayed in the OLED display and the buzzer is triggered to
alert the driver. This helps in protecting the vehicle from
entering into the pit and thus alerts the driver before entering
near the pit. This project will also help in analysing the
distance of speed brakers as well. The solution provided by
the project satisfies the problem description.
B. Layout
The rough layout of the project is explained in the Fig 5.
Fig 5. Layout
C. Circuit Diagram
The circuit diagram is given below in the Fig 6.
Fig 6. Circuit Diagram
D. Flow Chart
The flow chart of the project is explained below in the Fig 7.
Fig 7 . Flow Chart
E. Cost Estimation
The total project cost is given below in the table1.
Table 1. Cost estimation
The fundamental motivation behind ultrasonic sensor is
to detect the distance of impediments that crosses its way. The
ultrasonic sensor will send the distance information to the
miniature regulator and the moved information will be shown
to the driver with an OLED Display.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-10 Issue-8, June 2021
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.H92490610821
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.H9249.0610821
Journal Website:
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
and Sciences Publication
© Copyright: All rights reserved.
The showcase helps in showing the distance of the street and
when a pit is distinguished it will show an alarm message on
the screen. Simultaneously of message showing the miniature
regulator will trigger the ringer to ring the sound. The
rationale behind this is the ultrasonic sensor will detect the
distance of the street and will show the distance in the OLED
show however when the pit comes there will be deviation in
the standard distance and because of this deviation ready
message will be shown in the OLED show and the bell is set
off to caution the driver. This aides in shielding the vehicle
from going into the pit and along these lines cautions the
driver prior to entering close to the pit.
A. Result
Project helps the drivers to drive the vehicle easily in the
evening time or in raining time they can easily judge the
hump and hole in the road.
B. Advantages
The detection of pits became an easy task for the
Alert system helps the driver to be alert always.
The display helps in analyzing the distance from the
C. Disadvantages
The angel of ultrasonic sensor determines the distance.
If any vehicle or obstacle comes in contact with the
ultrasonic waves it will affect the pit detection.
D. Future Scope
This project can be installed in smart cars in future. For
example cars like Tesla will have all facility to analyze and
indicate lanes and other obstacles for self driving but it cannot
detect the pits over the road. This project will help in the
advancement of automobile technologies.
In this study, we suggest a system that will identify
potholes on the road, save the information to a server, and, if
necessary, reduce vehicle speed. Potholes are formed as a
result of rain and oil spills, resulting in accidents. With the
help of an ultrasonic sensor, potholes are detected and their
height, depth, and size are measured. The position of a
pothole is determined using GPS. The database contains all of
the information. This timely information can aid in the
quickest possible road recovery. We can control the rotation
of the drive shaft using an IR Non-contact tachometer by
adjusting the rate of fuel injection. When driving over a
pothole, this helps to slow down the vehicle.
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Mr. K.K. Sabarikanth, presently pursuing ME.
Industrial safety engineering in Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Bannari Amman
Institute of technology, Tamil Nadu, India.