Estimated dietary polyphenol intake and major food sources of
the Brazilian population
Renata A. Carnauba
*, Neuza M. A. Hassimotto
and Franco M. Lajolo
Department of Food Science and Experimental Nutrition, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo, São
Paulo, Brazil
Food Research Center, CEPID-FAPESP (Research Innovation and Dissemination Centers, São Paulo Research Founda tion),
São Paulo, Brazil
(Submitted 30 August 2020 Final revision received 8 October 2020 Accepted 20 October 2020 First published online 27 October 2020)
Epidemiological studies have suggested an inverse association between polyphenol intake and the risk of chronic diseases. However, the lack of
comprehensive data on population-level intakes, especially in Latin American countries, has limited research on this topic. We aimed to estimate
total and individual polyphenol intakes and determine the major dietary contributors in a representative sample of the Brazilian population.
Data were obtained from the Brazilian Household Budget Survey, a cross-sectional survey which included data on individual food intake of
34 003 subjects aged 10 years and over collected using two 24-h dietary records. Polyphenol content of foods was identified using the Phenol-
Explorer database and Brazilian Food Composition Database. Total and individual polyphenol intake was calculated, as well as the intake
distribution by socio-demographic factors. The median and 2575th percentiles of polyphenol intake were 364·3 and 200·91008 mg/d, respec-
tively. After energy adjustment, the median and 2575th percentiles of polyphenol intake were 204 and 111·4542·1 mg/1000 kcal/d (4184 kJ/d),
respectively. Non-alcoholic beverages and fruits were the major polyphenol suppliers, and coffee and orange juice the main individual food
contributors to polyphenol intake. The individual compounds most consumed were isomers of chlorogenic acid (5-caffeoylquinic acid,
4-caffeoylquinic acid, 3-caffeoylquinic acid), naringenin and hesperetin. The present study provides, for the first time, data on dietary intake
of total and individual polyphenols by the Brazilian population and illustrates the low quality of their diet. These results will facilitate the study
of associations between polyphenol class intake and health outcomes, and will also be useful for future dietary intake recommendations.
Key words: Polyphenols: Phenolic acids: Flavonoids: Stilbenes: Lignans: Brazilian population
Polyphenols are a large and complex group of plant secondary
metabolites present in plant-based foods and beverages, such
as fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts, cocoa, wine, coffee
and tea. Over 500 different molecules are known in foods, which
can be divided into classes and subclasses according to their
chemical structure, ranging from low molecular weight to highly
polymerised compounds. The four main polyphenol classes are
phenolic acids, flavonoids, stilbenes and lignans and occur either
as glycoside, ester or polymer, or in the free form (aglycone)
Cohort studies have suggested an inverse association
between polyphenol intake and the risk of chronic diseases,
such as CVD
, type 2 diabetes
, some types of cancer
and neurodegenerative disease
, and overall mortality
However, the glycosylation pattern, hydroxylation, acylation,
esterification and degree of polymerisation have a major influ-
ence on the bioavailability and bioactivity of dietary poly-
phenols; thus, it is important to investigate the intake of
individual polyphenols and their role in health outcomes and
disease prevention. Assessing dietary polyphenol intake and
their major food sources is the first step towards documenting
associations between polyphenols and diseases
. In this
regard, several databases on polyphenol content in foods have
been used to assess the intake in populations, and the Phenol-
Explorer database ( is a useful tool
for estimating individual polyphenol intake as it provides data
on 501 different polyphenols in 452 foods
To date, studies assessing the total, classes and individual
polyphenol intake have been published
; however, most
of them are developed in European countries
. More
studies in different geographical areas are needed, such as
Latin America, because distinct dietary habits are observed
and the amount (and diversity) of polyphenols consumed may
vary immensely. Few data are available for Latin American coun-
tries, except for Mexico
and Argentina
. Previous studies
Abbreviations: HBS, Household Budget Survey; RF, retention factor.
* Corresponding author: Renata A. Carnauba, email [email protected]
British Journal of Nutrition (2021), 126, 441448 doi:10.1017/S0007114520004237
© The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Nutrition Society Published online by Cambridge University Press
were conducted with the Brazilian population, but these
included small samples
or the estimates were based on
non-specified food consumption data
. There are no data on
the estimated dietary intake of total and individual polyphenols
in a representative sample of the Brazilian population. Thus, the
present study aimed to estimate dietary intake of total and indi-
vidual polyphenols in a representative sample of the Brazilian
general population aged 10 years or older.
Study population
The data of the present study were retrieved from the Brazilian
National Dietary Survey, conducted along with the 20082009
Household Budget Survey (HBS). The HBS is a survey carried
out by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and
designed to assess Brazilian familys consumption structures.
In summary, the 20082009 HBS used two-stage cluster sam-
pling involving census sectors stratified according to different
geographical areas and socio-economic classes. First, the sectors
were randomly selected from each stratum with probability pro-
portional to the number of households present and, in the sec-
ond stage, the households were selected by simple random
sampling. Of the 55 970 households sampled from the 2008
2009 HBS, a subsample of about 25 % of households was ran-
domly selected for data collection on individual food intake
(see online Supplementary Fig. S1). Thus, the final sample
included 13 596 households, which corresponded to 34 003 sub-
jects 10 years old
. The research protocol was approved by
the Ethics Committee of the Institute of Social Medicine of the
State University of Rio de Janeiro (CAAE 0011.0.259.000-11).
Dietary intake
Dietary intake was evaluated during the 12 months of research to
encompass seasonal variations in food intakes. Individual food
intake data were obtained using two 24-h dietary records on
non-consecutive days. Participants were instructed to record all
food and beverages consumed, including amount (household
or volume measurements), food preparation technique (e.g. bak-
ing, broiling, frying and roasting), time and place of consumption
(inside or outside the home). An instruction manual including
photographs to facilitate the estimation of portion sizes was used.
At the end, trained professionalsreviewed the dietary records with
the participant to prevent that any food was forgotten.
Recipes were converted into ingredients to estimate the
amount of all ingredients in each mixed dish using the software
ILSI: Analysis of the average food consumption per capita of the
Brazilian population
, which contains information regarding
the amounts of each food that composes the recipes mentioned
in the 20082009 HBS dietary records.
Correspondence between food items in dietary records
and in food composition database on polyphenols
For the present study, the dietary polyphenol intake was esti-
mated from the two dietary records. The Phenol-Explorer data-
base ( was used to obtain data on the
polyphenol content in foods, which contain data on 501 different
polyphenols divided into eighteen polyphenol classes, such as
phenolic acids, flavonoids, stilbenes and lignans. All individual
polyphenols were determined by reverse-phase HPLC, except
for proanthocyanidins, data of which correspond to normal-
phase HPLC. For foods that contained polyphenols linked to
the food matrix and only solubilised and quantified after basic
or acid hydrolysis, content values were obtained by chromatog-
raphy after hydrolysis, such as lignans in all foods, ellagic acid in
walnuts and hydroxycinnamic acids in cereals, legumes and
. For some regional foods and others highly prevalent
in the Brazilian diet (e.g. beans and orange), we used data from
foods collected and analysed in Brazil by HPLC. We also used
data from Brazilian Food Composition Database (TBCA)
(, a database which contains data on flavo-
noid content in foods harvested in Brazil and analysed by
. When data were overlapped between the TBCA and
Phenol-Explorer database, TBCA data had priority.
The total polyphenol intake was estimated based on the
ingredient content in each mixed dish. The effects of food
processing on polyphenol content were estimated using reten-
tion factors (RF) included in the Phenol-Explorer database.
The RF estimates the polyphenol content in processed foods
by taking into account weight loss or water gain during
Estimation of polyphenol intake and dietary contributors
to polyphenol intake
The individual polyphenol intake from each food was calculated
by multiplying the content of each polyphenol by the daily
amount of each food consumed. Total polyphenol intake was
calculated as the sum of all individual polyphenol intakes from
all food sources reported in the dietary records. For those poly-
phenols that are present in foods as glycosides and esters forms,
the polyphenol intake was also calculated as aglycone equiva-
lents by removing, for each individual polyphenol, the contribu-
tion to molecular weight of the non-phenolic part of the
Socio-demographic information
Socio-demographic characteristics were collected by trained
professionals in a face-to-face interview using a structured ques-
tionnaire and included the following information: sex, age, race,
Brazilian region, household area (urban or rural) and educa-
tional level. Brazilian region was divided into five categories:
North (it comprises the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas,
Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins), Northeast (it comprises
the states of Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Piauí,
Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe), Middle-West
(it comprises the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso and Mato
Grosso do Sul), Southeast (it comprises the states of Espírito
Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo) and South
(it comprises the states of Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and
Santa Catarina). Educational level was divided into three
categories: elementary school, secondary school and university.
Personal income was assessed considering the monthly per cap-
ita income of all monetary and non-monetary sources of income
442 R. A. Carnauba et al. Published online by Cambridge University Press
and was divided into three categories: low income (first tercile),
middle income (second tercile) and high income (third tercile).
Statistical analyses
Data are presented as medians for continuous variables and
frequencies or percentages for categorical variables.
Polyphenol intake distribution was analysed using the
KolmogorovSmirnov test, and it did not follow a normal distri-
bution. Thus, dietary polyphenol intakes were presented as
medians and 25th and 75th percentiles, and the Kruskal
Wallis test with Dunn post hoc (significance values adjusted by
Bonferroni correction) was used to test differences according
to socio-demographic characteristics. Because the polyphenol
intake increases with a higher food consumption, the poly-
phenol intake was also calculated in energy-adjusted terms
(mg of polyphenols per 1000 kcal/d (4184 kJ/d) of total energy
consumed). The main food contributors to the intake of
polyphenols were determined by percentage of contribution.
Estimates were performed using sample weights to allow
population representativeness, with significance level of 5 %
(P 0·05), using Stata software version 14.
Total polyphenol intake
Information on 34 003 participants was available for analysis,
comprising 15 700 men and 18 303 women. A total of 1971 food
items were mentioned in the food records. After converting rec-
ipes into ingredients and excluding repeated foods, a list of 417
different food items was obtained and 229 have polyphenol con-
tent described (177 from Phenol-Explorer database and fifty-two
from TBCA and published Brazilian data). Also, 253 polyphenols
were found in these foods in aglycone, glycoside and esters
forms, which correspond to 124 different aglycone polyphenols
(see online Supplementary Table S1).
The median and 2575th percentiles of polyphenol intake as
aglycone equivalents for the whole population were 364·3 and
200·91008 mg/d, respectively. After energy adjustment, the
median and 2575th percentiles of polyphenol intake were
204 and 111·4542·1 mg/1000 kcal/d (4184 kJ/d), respectively.
The energy-adjusted polyphenol intake as aglycone equivalents
according to socio-demographic characteristics is presented in
Table 1. The intake of total polyphenols, phenolic acids and fla-
vonoids was higher among females than in males (all P = 0·0001)
after adjusting for energy intake (see online Supplementary
Table S2). The consumption of total polyphenols, phenolic acids
and lignans increased with age, unlike flavonoids, whose highest
median intake was observed for adolescents (1418 years). Total
polyphenols intake was significantly higher in South (218 mg/d),
compared with other regions, and lower in Midwest (171 mg/d).
Phenolic acid intake was greatest in Northeast (95 mg/d), and
flavonoid intake was highest in South (82 mg/d). Subjects living
in rural areas consumed more total polyphenols, phenolic
acids and lignans compared with those living in urban areas
(P = 0·0001). In contrast, the median intake of flavonoids and
other polyphenols was higher in the urban area compared with
the rural area (P = 0·0001).
Subjects with lower educational level (elementary school)
showed a higher phenolic acid and lignan intake than did sub-
jects with higher educational level (university) (P = 0·0001).
Additionally, subjects in lowest personal income tercile showed
higher phenolic acids intake compared with subjects with higher
personal income (P = 0·0001). The opposite was found for flavo-
noid intake, with higher median intake for subjects in the highest
educational level (compared with lowest educational level
group, P = 0·0001) and personal income category (compared
with lowest personal income category, P = 0·0001).
The polyphenol classes intake and the contribution of indi-
vidual polyphenols to the class are shown in Table 2.
Hydroxycinnamic acids were the most consumed polyphenol
class (299·9 and 152·8 mg/d as aglycone equivalents). The sec-
ond most abundant polyphenol class consumed were flava-
nones (86·5 and 58·9 mg/d as aglycone equivalents). Other
classes contributed to a lesser extent to the polyphenol intake.
Flavones and flavan3ols were the two next classes with higher
intakes, and it was estimated in 12·8 and 7·4 mg/d (6 and
6·3 mg/d as aglycone equivalents, respectively). Other poly-
phenols included alkylphenols (1·1 mg/d), lignans (1 mg/d),
tyrosols (0·8 mg/d), alkylmethoxyphenols (0·2 mg/d), stilbenes
(0·003 mg/d), furanocoumarins, hydroxybenzaldehydes,
hydroxycoumarins, phenolic terpenes, catechols, pyrogallols
and phlorins (0·1 mg/d).
The individual polyphenols with higher contribution to total
polyphenol and hydroxycinnamic acids intake were isomers of
chlorogenic acid (5-caffeoylquinic acid, 4-caffeoylquinic acid
and 3-caffeoylquinic acid). Naringenin, hesperetin and naringe-
nin 7-O-glucoside were the main individual flavanones con-
sumed, with contribution of 42·2, 21·2 and 20·1 % to the
subclass intake, respectively.
Polyphenol intake per food groups and main food
The main food group sources as well as the three highest food
contributors to total, classes and subclasses of polyphenol intake
are shown in Table 3. Non-alcoholic beverages and fruits were
the main polyphenol suppliers (contributions of 76 and 13 %,
respectively), followed by cereals (3·5 %) and vegetables
(3·1 %). The main individual food contributors to polyphenol
intake were coffee and orange juice, with respective contribu-
tion of 59·4 and 16·3 % to total polyphenols intake. Non-
alcoholic beverages and vegetables were the main food group
for phenolic acids and hydroxycinnamic acids, with coffee,
potato and bean as the main individual food contributors to
the class and subclass intake. Non-alcoholic beverages, fruits
and cocoa products were the main flavonoid providers with
respective contribution of 58, 28·9 and 4·5 %.With respect to fla-
vonoid subclasses, non-alcoholic beverages and fruits were the
most abundant food group to flavanone intake (contribution of
76 and 24 %, respectively) and coca products and fruits were the
richest food group to flavan3ol intake (66·8 and 14·9 %, respec-
tively). Orange juice and orange were the main individual food
contributors to total flavonoid and flavanone intake.
Polyphenol intake of Brazilian population 443 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Table 1. Energy-adjusted total and polyphenol class intake (mg/1000 kcal/d (4184 kJ/d)) by socio-demographic characteristics*
(Median values and 2575th percentiles)
Total polyphenols Phenolic acids Flavonoids Lignans Stilbenes Other polyphenols
percentiles Median
percentiles Median
percentiles Median
percentiles Median
percentiles Median
Male 15 700 194 105515 81 39143 57 15399 0·60·410·0002 0·00·001 1 0·61·4
Female 18 303 214 118568 86 43151 71 20445 0·50·30·90·0003 0·00·001 1 0·71·5
P 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0
·0001 0·0001
White 13 705 205 113566 77 38139 74 21459 0·60·310·0003 0·00·001 1·10·71·5
Others 20 298 203 110521 89 44157 54 15383 0·60·410·0002 0·00·001 1 0·61·4
P 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·0152 0·0002 0·0001
Age (years)
1013 3084 173 96488 56 19115 70 23385 0·50·30·80·0003 0·00·001 1 0
1418 3855 187 100522 60 21121 74 23434 0·50·30·90·0003 0·00·001 1 0·71·4
1959 22 742 205 113550 86 45148 63 16428 0·60·310·0003 0·00·001 1 0·71·5
60 4322 225 129565 108 58181 55 16413 0·70·41·10·0002 0·00·001 1 0·61·4
P 0·0001 0·
0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·1011 0·0001
Brazilian region
North 5274 202 101539 69 36122 76 17441 0·40·20·80·0002 0·00·001 0·80·51·2
Northeast 12 615 199 106475 95 48172 42 14311 0·60·30·90·0003 0·00·001 0·90·51·4
Midwest 4645 171 95532 67 32121 63 16440 0·60·41·00·0002 0·00·001 0·90·61
Southeast 7302 210 117565 84 40143 72 19448 0·60·41·00·0002 0·00·001 1 0·71·4
South 4167 218 118634 77 39140 82 24524 0·60·31·10·0003 0·00·001 1·20·91·7
P 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001
Urban 25 753 202 111552 80 39141 67 18442 0·60·30·90·0003 0·00·001 1·
Rural 8250 215 114510 102 53178 46 14341 0·70·41·10·0002 0·00·001 0·70·41·2
P 0·1017 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001
Educational level
Elementary school 3966 210 116506 102 57171 48 14341 0·70·41·00·0002 0·00·001 0·60·61·4
Secondary school 5138 207 111603 76 38133 75 20497 0·60·30·90·0003 0
·00·001 1·10·71·5
University 1705 215 122650 67 36119 107 37556 0·50·30·90·0003 0·00·001 1·20·81·7
P 0·0032 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001
Personal income
Low 11 335 207 109478 100 51177 43 14312 0·60·41·00·0002 0·00010·001 0·90·51·3
Middle 11 335 196 107512 87 46154 52 15383 0·60·
41·00·0003 0·00010·001 1 0·61·4
High 11 333 208 116607 72 33126 87 25521 0·50·30·90·0003 0·00010·001 1·10·81·6
P 0·0014 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001 0·0001
* Estimates were performed using sample weights to allow population representativeness.
Comparisons across categories were performed by using the KruskalWallis test.
Other polyphenols as the sum of alkylphenols, alkylmethoxyphenols, furanocoumarins, hydroxybenzaldehydes, hydroxycoumarins, phenolic terpenes, tyrosols, catechols, pyrogallols and phlorins.
444 R. A. Carnauba et al. Published online by Cambridge University Press
In regard to other polyphenol classes, vegetables and fruits
were the main food group for lignan intake, with cabbage and
orange as the major individual food contributors to the class
intake (contributions of 35·5 and 17·4 %, respectively). Fruits
were the main source for stilbenes intake, and cereals the major
food group for other polyphenols (mainly alkylphenols) intake.
Table 2. Main polyphenol subclass intake (mg/d) and the three most consumed individual polyphenols
(Median values and 2575th percentiles)
Polyphenol classes
Total in the subclass Total as aglycone
Top three most consumed individual
polyphenolsMedian 2575th percentiles Median 2575th percentiles
Hydroxybenzoic acids 0·80·51·10·80·51·1 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid (37·6 %), vanillic
acid (37·6 %), syringic acid (11·8%)
Hydroxycinnamic acids 299·9 145·7534·5 152·875·7269·3 5-Caffeoylquinic acid (34 %),
4-Caffeoylquinic acid (26·9 %),
3-Caffeoylquinic acid (23·2%)
Anthocyanins 0·50·020·70·07 0·010·5 Cyanidin (50 %), malvidin 3-O-glucoside
(20 %), delphinidin (10 %)
Flavan3ols* 7·42·229·46·31·628 Epicatechin (68·5 %), catechin (20 %),
gallocatechin (7·2%)
Flavanones 86·58·8847·658·96·1796·5 Naringenin (42·2 %), hesperetin (21·2 %),
naringenin 7-O-glucoside (20·1%)
Flavones 12·88·118·96 3·98·6 Apigenin 6,8-C-galactoside-C-arabinoside
(48·6 %), apigenin 6,8-C-arabinoside-C-
glucoside (32·4 %), luteolin (9·9%)
Flavonols 6·12·18·63·61·76·9 Quercetin (55 %), quercetin 4-O-glucoside
(29·2 %), kaempferol (7·4%)
Other polyphenols 3·42·35·13·22·24·5 5-Heneicosylresorcinol (13·8 %),
secoisolariciresinol (12·3 %), lariciresinol
Total 680·1 313
·21093·5 364·3 200·91008 5-Caffeoylquinic acid (22·4 %),
4-caffeoylquinic acid (17·7 %),
3-Caffeoylquinic acid (15·3%)
* Includes proanthocyanidins.
Table 3. Contribution (%) of foo d groups to total, classes and subclasses of polyphenol intake
beverages Fruits Vegetables Cereals
Oils, seeds
and nuts
Main food contributors (%
contribution to polyphenol class)
Phenolic acids 91 0·80·53·92·50·50·50·3 Coffee (90·6 %), potato (2·5 %), bean
0·0120·028 55 5 0·00·0 Rice (54·7 %), beer (8 %), wine (4 %)
92 0·20·53·82·20·40·50·4 Coffee (91· 8 %), potato (2·6 %), bean
(1 %)
Flavonoids 58 0·328·92·53·50·74·51·6 Orange juice (57·2 %), orange
(15·8 %), chocolate (4·7%)
Flavan3ols 4·71·514·94·
30·07·866·80·0 Chocolate (51·3 %), chocolate
powder (14 %), banana (2·3%)
Flavones 19·30·04·62·860·60·01·411·3 Bread (31·7 %), orange juice
(17·8 %), cracker (2 %)
Flavonols 8 2 8·563·56 0·00·012·0 Kale (28 %), bean (11·3 %), apple
Flavanones 76 0·024 0·00·00·00·00·0 Orange juice (75 %), orange (21 %),
lemon (0·5%)
Anthocyanins 0·08·591·50·00·00·00·00·0 Açaí (71 %), grape (17 %), wine
Lignans 0·00·017·569·510 3 0·00·0 Cabbage (35
·5 %), orange (17·4 %),
nuts (3 %)
Stilbenes 0·05·888·75·50·00·00·00·0 Grape (86·5 %), peanut (5·4 %), wine
(5 %)
8·411·70·62 72·35 0·00·0 Wheat flour products (67·7 %), beer
(11·4 %), coffee (8·1%)
Total polyphenols 76 0·313 3·13·50·72·20·9 Coffee (59·4 %), orange juice
(16·3 %), orange (4·5%)
Polyphenol intake of Brazilian population 445 Published online by Cambridge University Press
To our knowledge, this is the first study to describe a detailed
intake of total polyphenols and polyphenol classes in a nation-
ally representative sample of the Brazilian population. Previous
studies focused on specific polyphenol class (flavonoid) with a
non-specific food consumption data
or small samples that do
not represent the entire population
. In comparison with the
available data, the present estimations of total polyphenols
intake were lower than that previously reported for elderly sub-
jects of Viçosa (533 mg/d)
. The median intake of total poly-
phenols and polyphenol classes in the present study is also
lower than values reported by other studies. French adults in
the SU.VI.MAX cohort had a mean polyphenol intake of
820 mg/d
, adults in the Finnish cohort FINDIET had an intake
of 863 mg/d
and adult females in UK had a mean intake of
1080 mg/d
(all values expressed as aglycone equivalents).
In regard to the polyphenol classes, the median flavonoid intake
found in our study is also lower than reported intakes for adults
in the USA
and Korea
. The Brazilian median intake of phe-
nolic acids and stilbenes was lower than that reported for adults
from the UK
and in the European Prospective Investigation
into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort
The differences between studies could be explained by dif-
ferent dietary preferences and habits according to different pop-
ulations, which are related to the food availability and local
cultures. Specifically, in our analysis, it is important to highlight
some considerations about the Brazilian dietary pattern, which
can justify the low polyphenol intake. During the last decades,
there was an increase in processed food intake and replacement
of traditional meals with high-energy foods, rich in fat and added
sugars. The per capita fruit and vegetable intake is very low
(69·1 g/d for men and 92·6 g/d for women), even lower than that
reported in Viçosa study (per capita fruit and vegetable intake
was 247·6 g/d). In addition, the low food variety (just 417 differ-
ent food items mentioned in dietary records) in the Brazilian diet
resulted in a reduced number of consumed polyphenols, lower
than that reported in other populations
. Together, these fig-
ures illustrate the low quality of the Brazilian diet and point to
important health issues, corroborating the nutritional concern
of the country.
It is also important to point that food composition data of
some local fruits and other plant-based foods mentioned in
dietary records are not available. Although they represented less
than 5 % of total fruit and vegetable intake, the systematic pub-
lication of the polyphenol food composition data, as well as
comprehensive compilation of these information, should be
encouraged to facilitate researches on this topic. Other methodo-
logical issues may explain the differences of intake between
studies, such as the use of different databases of polyphenol con-
tent in foods (which differ with respect to the polyphenol classes
analysed and to the polyphenol content in foods) and the use of
different data collection methods.
Hydroxycinnamic acids were the main contributors to total
polyphenols intake, followed by flavanones. In non-
and Latin American countries, such as
and Argentina
, although the polyphenol intake
in our study was lower in these countries, the contribution of
phenolic acids and flavonoids to the polyphenol intake was
similar. Other polyphenol classes were consumed in very low
amounts, which could be explained to their low content in foods
and to the low intake of main food sources. Although these
polyphenols classes exhibit promising biological properties,
their low daily intake by the Brazilian population and
raises issues to their importance in health
and lower disease risk.
Coffee was the main food source for total polyphenols and
hydroxycinnamic acids intake, corroborating with studies
conducted with São Paulo
, Viçosa
and other Western pop-
. Orange juice and oranges were the main
contributors to total polyphenols and flavonoid intake.
Previous studies support that orange is the main food source
for flavonoids intake by the Brazilian population
In the study conducted with Viçosa
, beans had a higher
contribution to the flavonoid intake. It is important to note that
in our study, the phenolic content in beans was extracted from a
research evaluating the phenolic profile of Brazilian bean culti-
vars after soaking and cooking
. The previous study consid-
ered data from Phenol-Explorer, and the RF information is not
available to all beans polyphenols. This fact may justify the
lower contribution of beans to the polyphenol intake in
our study.
In our study, total polyphenols and polyphenol classes intake
was higher in females than males after adjusting for energy
intake, suggesting that the higher intake in men is due to the
higher food intake, while the higher intake in females is due
to a higher polyphenol-rich foods intake
. Total polyphenols
and phenolic acids intake increased with age, probably due to
the greater intake of the main food contributor to polyphenol
and phenolic acids (coffee). In addition, age is inversely related
to highly processed foods intake and directly related to vegetable
Total polyphenolandpolyphenolclassesintakevariedwidely
according to country region. Total polyphenols and flavonoid
intake was higher in South (218 and 82 mg/d, respectively),
whereas Midwest had the lowest total polyphenols and phenolic
acids intake (171 and 67 mg/d, respectively). In Brazil, dietary
habits vary according to the region, and in North, Northeast
and Midwest regions, the intake of local fruits and vegetables is
higher. Tea intake is highly prevalent in South, which could
explain the higher total intake of total polyphenols and flavo-
. Median intake of total polyphenols and phenolic acids
was higher in rural areas. The population of urban areas con-
sumes a higher amount of highly processed foods, which could
explain the lower medians in urban area
. However, flavonoid
intake was higher in urban areas, corroborating the previously
reported for adult females in the Mexican Teachers Cohort
A potential explanation could be that subjects in rural areas con-
sume more local plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables,
with limited polyphenol content described.
The major strengths of the present study are the large and
comprehensive sample size, added to the use of sample expan-
sion factors, which provides a reliable approximation of the sit-
uation in Brazil. Other strengths include the assessment of intake
by socio-demographic factors, which is useful for establishing
public health policies, and the inclusion of polyphenol content
446 R. A. Carnauba et al. Published online by Cambridge University Press
information in Brazilian foods obtained by high-quality analyti-
cal methods, in addition to the use of the Phenol-Explorer data-
base, the most comprehensive database for polyphenols. The
separation of the ingredient content in each mixed dish and
the use of the RF is another strength, since it provides more reli-
able data. However, the present study has also certain limita-
tions. As mentioned, information on some local fruits and
vegetables is still scarce because they have not been character-
ised or only poorly characterised. Other limitation is the lack of
information about polyphenol content on cooked foods, since
RF information in the Phenol-Explorer database is not compre-
hensive to all foods, compounds and processing methods.
In conclusion, for the first time, the present study provided
data on total polyphenols and polyphenol classes intake in a
nationally representative sample of the Brazilian population.
Our results corroborate central nutritional concern in Brazil, in
which the intake of traditional meals and plant-based foods
has been decreasing in the last few decades. The results
described will facilitate the study associations between the poly-
phenol classes intake and health outcomes and will be useful to
investigate the potential role on health of certain foods con-
sumed in greater amounts by the Brazilian population, such as
coffee and orange juice.
The authors would like to thank International Life Sciences
Institute Brasil (Task Force Agrochemicals) for technical support
in the initial phase of the study. The authors thank Food Research
Center CEPID-FAPESP (Research Innovation and
Dissemination Centers, São Paulo Research Foundation) and
the National Counsel of Technological and Scientific
Development (CNPq).
This work was not supported by any funding agency.
F. M. L. designed, planned and assisted the research, and
reviewed the manuscript; R. A. C. conducted research, per-
formed data analysis and wrote the paper; N. M. A. H. critically
reviewed the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
version of the manuscript.
There are no conflicts of interest.
Supplementary material
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