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Catherine M. Jones, PhD
+44(0) 7307 886 786 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9431-9121
Expertise in interdisciplinary approaches to analysing public policies and governance for health, health
research, and health systems.
Skilled in qualitative research design and methods for health policy research and analysis (case studies,
comparative methods, interviews, qualitative content analysis, framework analysis, scoping reviews,
qualitative knowledge synthesis).
Specialised in using theories of policy process and policy change in global health policy and systems research.
Effective facilitation and management of complex partnership arrangements and research projects.
Experienced (10+ years in NGO) in the development, management, and implementation of international,
regional and national public health and health promotion projects working in collaboration with inter-
governmental bodies, non-governmental organisations, professional and policy networks, and national
Research interests: policy process, public policy, intersectoral governance for health, critical public health, global
health governance, health in all policies (HiAP), health policy, health equity, social determinants of health, health
research capacity strengthening, national health research systems, research ecosystems
Languages other than English: French (fluent speaker, reader, writer)
2018 PhD in public health, School of Public Health, Université de Montréal, Canada. Thesis - The transnational
governance of global health: Norwegian and Swiss cases of national policies on global health. (Available
at: http://hdl.handle.net/1866/20073) Supervisors: L. Potvin & C. Clavier
Vanier Graduate Scholar 2013-2016 (CIHR Grant CGV127503).
2010- MSc in community health, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Canada.
2011 Diploma not obtained due to accelerated passage into PhD programme in 2011. Supervisor: L. Potvin
2000 BA in international affairs, minor in philosophy, American University of Paris, France. Magna Cum Laude.
Sr. seminar paper Refugee women: a review of their needs, concerns, and problems. Supervisor: S. Perry
2021.06 2021.10 Co-Investigator. Institutional design and management of a continental research fund
in Africa: Insights from an international review of research funding bodies. Sub-award
from African Population Health Research Centre. £48,035.00
2020.05 2021.04 PI. Covid-19 public policy implementation: interventions and local innovations in Sub-
Saharan Africa (competitive). LSE Covid-19 Rapid Response Fund. £20,000.00
2020.03 2021.05 PI. Decision-maker engagement to strengthen health science research systems in
Africa (competitive). LSE Knowledge Exchange and Impact Fund. £34,955.00
2013.05 2016.04 Doctoral Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (competitive). Funded by Canadian
Institutes of Health Research (CIHR Grant CGV127503).
2012.05 2014.08 Merit scholarship for foreign students (Doctoral research scholarships V1) awarded by the
Québec Ministry of Education, Sport and Leisure (Grant 168992) and managed by the
FQRNT (competitive). (Declined as of May 2013).
2011.10 2012.08 Scholarship of excellence for first year PhD students in public health, awarded by the
Ph.D. in Public health program, Université de Montréal (competitive).
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2011.09 2013.07 FESP Scholarship for exemption of international student fees for PhD (competitive).
(Declined as of May 2012).
2011.09 2012.08 Scholarship for accelerated passage into the PhD program, awarded by the FESP and the
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Université de
Montréal (competitive). (DECLINED as of May 2012).
2011.03 Scholarship of excellence, awarded by the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal (competitive).
2011.01 2011.06 FESP Scholarship for exemption of international student fees for MSc (competitive).
1996-1999 Half-tuition scholarship merit-based award and work-study program from the American
University of Paris (competitive).
1. McQueen D.V., Wismar M., Lin V., Jones C.M. & Davies M. (eds.) (2015) Gobernanza intersectorial para la
salud en todas la políticas: Estructuras, acciones y experiencias. Serie de Estudios del Observatorio No. 26.
Copenhague: Oficina Regional para Europa de la OMS, en nombre del Observatorio Europeo de Sistemas y
Políticas de Salud. ISBN: 978-92-890-0281-3. 233p.
2. McQueen D.V., Wismar M., Lin V., Jones C.M. & Davies M. (eds.) (2012) Intersectoral Governance for Health
in All Policies: Structures, actions and experiences. Observatory Studies Series No. 26. Copenhagen: WHO, on
behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. ISBN: 978-92-890-0281-3. 206p.
3. Potvin L., Juneau C-E., Jones C.M. & McQueen D.V. (eds.) (2011) Special issue: “What is the effectiveness of
using evidence? A global collection of case studies.” Global Health Promotion, 18(1).
4. Potvin L., Moquet M.-J. & Jones C.M. (eds.) (2010) duire les inégalités sociales en san. Saint-Denis:
INPES, coll. Santé en action. ISBN: 978-2-9161-9223-9. 380p.
5. McQueen D.V. & Jones C.M., (eds.) (2007) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness. New York:
Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN: 978-0-387-70973-4. 425 p.
1. Wenham C., Wouters O., Jones C.M., Mijumbi-Deve R., Juma P., Sobngwi-Tambekou
J., Parkhurst J. Measuring
health science research and development in Africa: mapping the available data. Health Research Policy and
Systems, 19:142. doi.org/10.1186/s12961-021-00778-y
2. Juma P., Jones C.M., Mijumbi-Deve R., Wenham C., Masupe T., Sobngwi-Tambekou
J., Biemba G., Mutombo
N., Parkhurst J. (2021) Governance of Health Research in Four Eastern and Southern African countries. Health
Research Policy and Systems, 19:132. doi.org/10.1186/s12961-021-00781-3
3. Mijumbi-Deve R., Parkhurst J., Jones C.M., Juma P., Sobngwi-Tambekou
J., Wenham C. (2021) Beyond the
metrics of Health Research performance in African countries. BMJ Global Health, 6:e006019.
4. Jones C.M., Gautier L. & Ridde V. (2021) A scoping review of theories and conceptual frameworks used to
analyse health financing policy processes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Health Policy and Planning, 36(7):1197-1214.
5. Sobngwi-Tambekou
J., Jones C.M., Wenham C., Ratsimbason M., Ratsimbazafy M-R., Andriamizarasoa F.A.,
Juma P., Mijumbi-Deve R., Parkhurst J. (2021) La recherche pour la santé à Madagascar : état des lieux, défis
et perspectives. Pan African Medical Journal, 39 :36. doi:10.11604/pamj.2021.39.36.27462
6. Alexander S.A., Jones C.M., Tremblay M.-C. et al. (2020) Reflexivity in health promotion: a typology for
training. Health Promotion Practice, 21(4): 499-509. doi: 10.1177/1524839920912407.
7. Jones C.M., Clavier C., & Potvin L. (2020) Policy processes sans frontières: Interactions in transnational
governance of global health. Policy Sciences, 53: 161-180. doi:10.1007/s11077-020-09375-2.
8. Jones C.M., Clavier C., & Potvin L. (2017) Are national policies on global health in fact national policies on
global health governance? A comparison of policy designs from Norway and Switzerland. BMJ Global Health,
2:e000120. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2016-000120
9. Benmarhnia T., Huang J.Y. & Jones C.M. (2017) Lost in Translation: Piloting a Novel Framework to Assess the
Challenges in Translating Scientific Uncertainty from Empirical Findings to WHO Policy Statements.
International Journal of Health Policy and Management 6(11): 649-660. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2017.28
10. Jones C.M., Clavier, C., & Potvin, L. (2017) Adapting public policy theory for public health research: A
framework to understand the development of national policies on global health. Social Science & Medicine,
177: 69-77. doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.01.048
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11. Lewin S., Hill S., Abdullahi L.H., Bensaude de Castro Freire S., Bosch-Capblanch X., Glenton C., Hussey G.D.,
Jones C.M. et al. (2011) ‘Communicate to vaccinate’ (COMMVAC): Building evidence for improving
communication about childhood vaccinations in low and middle-income countries. Implementation Science,
6(1):125. doi:10.1186/1748-5908-6-125.
12. Potvin L. & Jones C.M. (2011) Twenty-five years after the Ottawa Charter: the critical role of health
promotion for public health. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 102(4): 244-248. doi:10.1007/BF03404041.
13. Lins N., Jones C.M. & Nilson J.R. (2010) New Frontiers for the sustainable prevention and control of
Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD): A View from Sub-Saharan Africa. Global Health Promotion, 17(S2): 27-30.
14. Jones C.M. (1999) The Cowboys of the Emergency Aid Movement. Scripta Politica et Economica, Journal of
the American University of Paris International Affairs Dept. Vol. XVIII.
15. Jones C.M. (1997) Give Peace a Chance. Scripta Politica et Economica, Journal of the American University of
Paris International Affairs Dept. Vol. XIII(4): 10-12.
1. Potvin, L., Juneau, C-E., Jones, C. M., & McQueen, D.V. (2014) Como a evidencia e usada para planejamento,
implatacao e avaliacao da promocao da saude? Uma coletanea global de estudos de caso. In Z. Hartz, L.
Potvin, & R. Bodstein (eds.) Avaliacao em Promocao da Saude. Uma antologia comentada da parceria entre
o Brasil e a Catedra de Abordagens Comunitarias e Inequidades em Saude (CACIS), da Universidade de
Montreal, de 2002 a 2012 (pp. 92-94). Brasilia, Brazil, National Council of Health Secretariats (CONASS).
2. de Leeuw E., Townsend B., Martin E., Jones C.M. & Clavier C. (2013). Emerging theoretical frameworks for
global health governance. In C. Clavier & E. de Leeuw (Eds.), Health Promotion and the Policy Process. Oxford:
Oxford University Press; 104-130.
3. Jones C.M., Lamarre M.-C. & Bensaude de Castro Freire S. (2012) La mise en réseau de réseaux à travers un
partenariat international. Dans Aubry F. & Potvin L. (eds.) Construire l’espace socio-sanitaire. Expériences et
pratiques de recherche dans la production locale de la san. Montréal: Presses Universitaires de Montréal;
4. Aubry F., Clavier C., Jones C.M., Mantoura P., Bisset S. & Gough M. (2012). La formation des chercheurs en
formation en santé publique. Dans Aubry F. & Potvin L. (eds.) Construire l’espace socio-sanitaire. Expériences
et pratiques de recherche dans la production locale de la santé. Montréal: Presses Universitaires de
Montréal; 217-225.
5. Lin V., Jones C.M., Synnot A. & Wismar M. (2012) Synthesizing the evidence: how governance structures can
trigger governance actions to support Health in All Policies. In McQueen D.V., Wismar M., Lin V., Jones C.M.
& Davies M. (eds.) Intersectoral Governance for Health in All Policies: Structures, actions and experiences.
Copenhagen: WHO; 23-55.
6. McQueen D.V., Wismar M., Lin V. & Jones C.M. (2012) Health in All Policies, the social determinants of health
and governance. In McQueen D.V., Wismar M., Lin V., Jones C.M. & Davies M. (eds.) Intersectoral
Governance for Health in All Policies: Structures, actions and experiences. Copenhagen: WHO; 3-21.
7. Jones C.M. & Potvin L. (2010) Introduction: Section I. Dans Potvin L., Moquet M.-J. & Jones, C.M. (eds.)
Réduire les inégalités sociales en santé. Saint-Denis: INPES, coll. Santé en action; 31-4.
8. Jones C.M., McQueen D.V. & Amyunzu-Nyamongo, M. (2009) The global context for health promotion
development: cultivating effective implementation in Africa through the GPHPE. In Amyunzu-Nyamongo M.
& Nyamwaya D.O. (eds.) Evidence of Health Promotion Effectiveness in Africa. Nairobi: African Institute for
Health Development; 3-11.
9. Amyunzu-Nyamongo M., McQueen D.V., & Jones C.M. (2009) Repositioning health for Effectiveness in Africa.
In Amyunzu-Nyamongo M. and Nyamwaya D.O. (eds.) Evidence of Health Promotion Effectiveness in Africa.
Nairobi: African Institute for Health Development; 179-190.
10. McQueen D.V. & Jones C.M. (2007) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness: an introduction.
In McQueen D.V. & Jones C.M. (eds.) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness. New York:
Springer; 3-11.
11. Jones C.M. et al. (2007) The GPHPE: a global process for assessing health promotion effectiveness with
regional diversity. In McQueen D.V. & Jones C.M. (eds.) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion
Effectiveness. New York: Springer; 13-31.
12. Jones C.M. and Mittelmark M.B. (2007) The IUHPE Blueprint for Direct and Sustained Dialogue in Partnership
Initiatives. In McQueen D.V. & Jones C.M. (eds.) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness. New
York: Springer; 33-40.
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13. Mittelmark M.B., Jones C.M. et al. (2007) Enhancing the effectiveness and quality of health promotion:
Perspectives of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education. In McQueen D.V. & Jones C.M.
(eds.) Global Perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness. New York: Springer; 401-412.
1. Ouédraogo S., Gautier L., Mac-Seing M., Tine S., Perez C., Kadio K., Chegno R., Jones C.M. (2019) De-
patriarchalizing and levelling science for French-speaking women in low and middle-income countries. The
Lancet 393(10171): e23-24. doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32092-0
2. Jones C.M., Gautier L., Kadio K. et al. (2018) Equity in the gender equality movement in global health. The
Lancet, 392(10142): e2-3. doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)31561-7
3. Jones C.M. (2018) Positionality in elite interviewing on global health policy: reflections from a doctoral
researcher. Cahiers REALISME (no. sur la pratique réflexive en santé mondiale), Hors-série Juin 2018: 58-61.
4. Jones C.M. (21 March 2014) What could research on national policies on global health reveal about global
health governance? An illustration using three perspectives. Journal of Health Diplomacy, 1(2).
5. Wismar M., McQueen D., Lin V., Jones C.M., Davies M. (2013) Rethinking the politics and implementation of
health in all policies. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 2:17.
6. Wismar M., McQueen D., Lin V., Jones C.M., Davies M. (2012) Intersectoral governance for health in all
policies. Eurohealth, 18(4): 3-7.
7. Juneau C.E., Jones C.M., McQueen D.V. & Potvin L. (2011) Evidence-based health promotion: an emerging
field. Global Health Promotion, 18(1): 79-89.
8. Evans L., Hall M., Jones C.M. & Neiman A. (2007) Did the Ottawa Charter play a role in the push to assess the
effectiveness of health promotion? Promotion & Education, 14(S2): 28-30.
9. Mittelmark M.B., Jones C.M. et al. (2007) Enhancing the effectiveness of the International Union for Health
Promotion and Education to move health promotion forward. Promotion & Education, 14(S2): 33-35.
10. Akerman M., Arroyo H., Jones C.M., O’Neill M., Roca A. & Wallerstein N. (2007) Evaluation of health
promotion effectiveness: a political debate and/or a technical exercise? Promotion & Education, 14(S1):13-15
11. Jones C.M. & Scriven A. (2005) Where are we headed? The next frontier for the evidence of effectiveness in
the European Region. Promotion & Education, 12(S1): 39-40.
12. Mittelmark M.B., Fosse E., Jones C.M., Davies M. & Davies J.K. (2005) Mapping European Capacity to Engage
in Health Promotion at the National Level: HP-Source.net Promotion & Education, 12(S1): 33-39.
13. Jones C.M. & McQueen D.V. (2005) The European Region's contribution to the Global Programme on Health
Promotion Effectiveness (GPHPE) Promotion & Education, 12(S1): 9-10.
14. Jones C.M. (2004) Vingt pays européens pour une base de données en ligne. La Santé de l'Homme,
371(Mai/Juin 2004): 41.
15. Mittelmark M.B., Lamarre M-C., Jones C., Green J., & Davies J.K. (2004) Research and Practice for Equity in
Health: Actions of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education. Health Promotion Practice,
5(2): 115-117.
16. Jones C.M. (2004). Le programme mondial sur l’efficacité de la promotion de la santé de l’Union
internationale de Promotion de la santé et d’Education pour la santé. Promotion & Education, 11(S1): 33-35.
1. Jones C.M., Eigbike M., Hanbali L., Kebede M. and Wenham C. (2021) Institutional design and management
of a continental research fund in Africa: Insights from an international review of research funding bodies.
Submitted to the African Population and Health Research Center under a sub-award for the African
Institutional Capacity Initiative.
2. Jones C.M. et al. (2021) Strengthening health research systems in Africa: a regional analysis. London: LSE
Health. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14618238
3. Jones C.M. et al. (2021) Strengthening national health research systems in Africa: lessons and insights from
across the continent. London: LSE Health. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14039807
4. Fuller D., Follwell E.J., Jones C.M., Sharp K. & Meili R. (2015) Health in All Policies: Description of tools and
practices with recommendations for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Saskatoon: Upstream.
5. Lin V., Jones C.M., Wang S. & Baryþd, E. (2014) Health in all policies as a strategic policy response to NCDs.
Health, Nutrition, and Population (HNP) discussion paper. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
6. Jones C.M. (Contributing consultant) (2012) An integrated framework for assessing the value of community-
based prevention. A report by the Institute of Medicine. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
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7. Potvin L. & Jones C.M. (2010) Strengthening health promotion research: Report on related activities held at
the 20
IUHPE World Conference in Geneva to contribute to reflection on a future IUHPE work-plan. IUHPE,
St. Denis.
8. Jones C.M. & Lin V. (2010) Building capacity for documentation of health promotion interventions: tool for
documenting case studies in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. IUHPE, St. Denis.
9. Voices from other fields: An account of 40 consultations with non-health policy-makers & politicians across
Europe on tackling the socioeconomic determinants of health inequalities. (2009) Report for DETERMINE
project. Collaborative report developed by Fasso S. supported by Costongs C., Needle C. & Stegeman I.
(EuroHealthNet), and with Jones C.M. and Mittelmark M.B. (IUHPE). EuroHealthNet, Brussels.
10. Jones C.M. (2008) Partner Forum Report on building capacity for healthy public policies on NCDs in Africa
using a health promotion approach, a meeting supported through a partnership with the Department of
Health for England, as part of the African Project on Health Promotion Effectiveness in the GPHPE. IUHPE, St.
11. Speller V. and Jones C.M. (2005) Comparative analysis of international affairs work of selected national
health promotion organisations and foundations. Report on a study by the IUHPE conducted for Health
Promotion Switzerland. IUHPE, St. Denis.
12. Hagard S., Walters R., Jones C.M. & Sugarman R. (2002) Final Report on the Global Forum for Health
Promotion Dialogue Communications Initiative for WHO Geneva. IUHPE, Vanves.
1. Jones C.M. & McQueen D.V. (2011) Global Programme on Health Promotion Effectiveness: new perspectives
from the frontline. Global Health Promotion, 18(1): 5-6.
2. Potvin, L., Juneau C.-E., Jones C.M. & McQueen D.V. (2011) How is evidence used for planning,
implementation and evaluation of health promotion? A global collection of case studies. Global Health
Promotion, 18(1): 7-8.
3. Green J., Perry M.W. & Jones C.M. (2006) Change. Promotion & Education, 13(3): 172.
4. Green J. & Jones, C.M. (2003) New frontiers for the Health Promotion Journals' Equity Project. Promotion &
Education, 10(3): 2-3.
5. Green J. & Jones C.M. (2002) Health promotion, equity and access to information. Promotion & Education,
9(2): 42-43.
6. Mittelmark M.B. & Jones C.M. (2001) Innovation at Promotion & Education continues. Promotion &
Education, 8(1): 58.
1. Gautier L., Jones C.M., Kadio K., Mac-Seing M., Ouédraogo S. Chercheuses, francophones, et issues de pays en
développement : il est temps d'abattre les barrières ! March 8, 2019. The Conversation
2. Women in Global Health Francophone Working Group (2018) 200+ Francophone Women Leaders in Global
Health. WGH, IRSPUM, ESPUM. https://www.womeningh.org/wghfrancophone
3. Jones C.M., Shareck M., Tremblay M.-C., Pryor L. & Clary C. Student corner: Reflecting on ethical issues in
health promotion research. Institute of Population and Public Health. POP News, Fall 2013, Volume 2, Issue 6.
4. Jones C.M. Student corner: PHIR Conference Reflections. Institute of Population and Public Health. POP
News, June 2012, Volume 2, Issue 3.
Jones C.M., Sobngwi-Tambekou
J., Mijumbi-Deve R., Hedquist A., Wenham C., Parkhurst J. The roles of regional
organisations in strengthening health research systems in Africa (accepted with International Journal of Health
Policy and Management)
Hedquist A., Jones C.M., Mijumbi-Deve R., Sobngwi-Tambekou
J., Parkhurst J., Wenham C. Mapping the network
of African regionalism for health research. (under review with PLOS Global Public Health)
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2020- Research officer on project “Strengthening health sciences research in Africa – a regional analysis”
2021 Co-PIs: C. Wenham and J. Parkhurst. Project funded by Wellcome.
LSE Health, London School of Economics and Political Science (as of October 1, 2020)
Coordinating stakeholder mapping, scoping review, and qualitative data collection with research team
Developing data collection and analysis tools and frameworks in collaboration with research team
Exploring the role of technical, political, and economic regional organisations in strengthening health
sciences research in Africa, and their comparative advantages
2018- Research officer on project “Building the case for investment in health science research in Africa
2020 Co-PIs: J. Parkhurst and C. Wenham. Project funded by Wellcome.
LSE Health, London School of Economics and Political Science (as of September 24, 2018)
Coordinating multi-site project with case studies in Botswana, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia,
Madagascar, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zambia
Collaborating and supporting the PIs, multiple research associates, and local research collaborators in
study settings
Developing data collection and analysis tools and frameworks in collaboration with research team
Exploring facilitators, challenges, and lessons for improving health sciences research in Africa
Examining the strategies used by funders, regulators, and researchers to create an enabling
environment and strengthen capacity for health research in Africa
Leading the comparative analysis of multiple case studies and drafting the report of results, as well as
coordinating, authoring, and contributing to various academic outputs, policy brief, and presentations
Engaging senior government officials from the health, higher education, and science sectors who have
a mandate over health science research activities in peer learning workshops and networking
Designing and implementing national level knowledge exchange and engagement with decision-
makers in Botswana, Liberia, and Madagascar
2017- Research associate on project Accès à la santé, ressources minières et le rôle des politiques publiques en
2018 Afrique (CRSH 435-2017 1155). Co-PIs: B. Campbell, D. Béland, V. Ridde.
Scoping review on theories and frameworks for analysing health financing policy change in Africa.
2013 Visiting research intern (PHIRNET training scholarship) for three months with K. Lee at Simon Fraser
University, British Columbia, Canada.
Reviewed global health governance literature focusing on methods in governance research on health
Improved skills for systematic literature reviews and data collection
Developed knowledge and networks in interdisciplinary research on global health governance
2012- Doctoral trainee at the École de santé publique, Université de Montréal, affiliated as PhD researcher with:
2017 Chaire Approches communautaires et inégalités de la santé (CACIS)
Institut de recherche en santé publique de l’Université de Montréal (IRSPUM)
Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ)
Réseau de recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations (PHIRNET)
Adaptation of public policy synthesis framework applied to global health policy field
Field work in Norway and Switzerland, including 33 key informant interviews with policy elites
In-depth case studies of intersectoral policy processes for global health in Norway and Switzerland
Comparative analyses of policy designs and multi-level governance interactions
2022 GTA at King’s College London, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine. Large and small
group seminar teacher (hyflex and in person) and marking assessments for postgraduate modules.
Global health ethics (7SSHM606) Module Director: G. Wester
Critical Policy Research for Health & Medicine (7SSHM618) Module Director: G. Samuel
Designing Qualitative Research (7SSHM503) Module Director: C. Green
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2021-22 Course lecturer and convenor for “Global Health Policy: Institutions, Actors, and Politics” (HP404) at
the LSE, Department of Health Policy.
Guest teacher in Department of Health Policy.
Large group online lectures and with Q&A/workshop sessions for class of 65+, small group
seminars face to face with groups of 15 students, student support, marking with formative and
summative feedback, Moodle organisations and communication, and course administration.
Academic mentor and dissertation supervisor for MSc students (academic advice & pastoral care).
Marking MSc dissertations, other course assessments, and moderating assessments.
2021 Invited guest lecturer on the UK health system for course Health policy and health systems
(SPU1004) for Université de Montréal, Canada.
Developed and delivered online lecture in French to undergraduate students in a programme to
minor in Public Health and Globalisation.
2020 Invited guest lecturer on Global Health Governance for course Global Issues in Health (SPU1002) for
Université de Montréal, Canada.
Developed a lecture and workshop activities for a 3-hour class online delivered in French to
undergraduate students in a programme to minor in Public Health and Globalisation.
2012 Graduate teaching assistant for the course MSO 6131 Health promotion strategies” at Université de
Montréal, Canada. (Professor in charge: L. Potvin).
Contributed to updating the syllabus, selecting the course content, and moderating class discussions.
Responsible for preparing and giving class lectures: 1) The five strategies of the Ottawa Charter:
Developing healthy public policy and creating healthy environments; 2) Settings-based interventions
and the WHO programmes; 3) Critical elements of health promotion.
LSE Health, LSE| London, UK
2021 Research consultant (as of July 1, 2021) on project “Institutional design and management of a continental
research fund in Africa: Insights from an international review of research funding bodies.” Sub-award
from African Population Health Research Centre within larger project funded by African Development
Bank and philanthropic funders. Co-Investigator: C.M. Jones. PI: C. Wenham.
Liaising with the team of international Thinking Partners responsible for project oversight.
Collaborating with team including, UK and Nigerian consultant, and research assistant.
Designing methodology for the project.
Leading the landscape mapping (qual and quant data collection) and international review of research
funding organisations with research team.
Developing qualitative data collection and analysis in collaboration with research team.
Interviewing key informants from research funding organisations in multiple regions.
Analysing, and synthesising the lessons, practices, and experiences of research funding organisations
Drafting the report to the funder, with a framework drawn from insights on promising practices for
structure, governance, and strategy transferable to establishing a supranational continental research
fund in Africa.
African Health Observatory Platform on Health Systems & Policies, LSE| London, UK
2021 Research consultant on regional cooperation in health and health policy in Africa
Mapping and scoping exercise on African regional organisations in health.
Data collection on institutional information and organisational characteristics (structure, funding,
governance, programmes), activities, and policy of African regional organisations in health.
Identify avenues for future research.
World Health Organization, Western Pacific Regional Office, Health Systems Division, Equity and Social
Determinants Unit | Manila, Philippines
2018 Consultant on a regional project to strengthen intersectoral governance for health equity
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The project aims to support low- and lower-middle-income countries in the Western Pacific Region to
strengthen governance for health equity in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals through an
action-learning initiative using capacity building, problem solving and rapid cycle field-testing approaches.
Rapid desk review on governance for equity
Situational assessment questionnaire for country teams to: 1) focus on equity issues and social
determinants of major health challenges, 2) reflect on collaboration between the health and other
sectors to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, 3) assess intersectoral governance capacity,
and 4) identify needs and interests for capacity development and learning.
Collaborative workshop resource guide and workbook: Strengthening intersectoral governance for
health equity: challenges, opportunities, strategies providing the content and training materials to the
first in a series of collaborative action-learning workshops with country team network.
Governance for health equity tool: a draft framework for assessing the key dimensions and
foundations of arrangements to govern for health equity when working with other sectors.
International Union for Health Promotion and Health Education (IUHPE) | Global HQ, St. Denis, France
2006 2012 Programme Director (part-time for last 22 months)
2000 2006 Managing Editor of the International Journal of Health Promotion & Education (now Global Hlth
2003 2006 International Projects Manager
2000 2003 Communications and Development Manager
Examples of experience in project development, coordination, and implementation at the IUHPE
2003 2012 Coordinator, Global Programme on Health Promotion Effectiveness
Partners: World Health Organization (Geneva and select regional offices), the US Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, the Netherlands Institute for Health Promotion and Disease
Prevention, the African Medical and Research Foundation, Health Development Agency England,
Health Canada, the Australian International Health Institute, the Voluntary Health Association of
India, the African Institute for Health and Development, and Swiss Health Promotion Foundation.
2009 2012 Editor and Coordinator (Phase I): Intersectoral governance for Health in All Policies study
Partners: WHO European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, National Collaborating
Centre for Healthy Public Policy (Canada), Health Action Partnership International (England)
2009 2010 Coordinator, Review Group: Building capacity for documentation of health promotion
interventions a tool for documenting case studies in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Funder: WHO Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office
2009 Coordinator, International Advisory Group: Strengthening community responses to pandemic
Funder: WHO Geneva
2007 2010 Coordinator, International Scientific Committee: Health promotion action strategies to reduce
social inequalities in health
Funder: Institut national de prévention et d’éducation pour la santé (France)
2007 2010 Co-leader, Work package on Capacity Building and Awareness-raising: DETERMINE EU
Consortium for action on the social determinants of health
Partners: EuroHealthNet + 29 European partners (public health / health promotion agencies)
Funder: European Commission Public Health Programme
2005 2007 Coordinator, International Project Advisory Group: Shaping the future of health promotion
Priorities for action
Partner: Canadian Consortium for Health Promotion Research
Funder: Public Health Agency of Canada
2004 2006 Coordinator, An Indo-EU project for initiating dialogue on public private partnerships for
sustainable health care
Partner: Voluntary Health Association of India
Funder: European Commission India-EU special projects
2019.05 Academic Gold Medal from the Governor General of Canada (Université de Montréal)
Dean’s list American University of Paris: Fall 1995, Fall 1996, Spring 1997, Fall 1997, Spring 1998.
9 of 11
1. Jones C.M.*, Gautier L., Ridde V. (2020) A priori use of theories and conceptual frameworks to analyse health
financing policy processes in Sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review. Online presentation and panel discussion
at the 4
Symposium on global health policy research, 24 Nov. 2020. https://youtu.be/gOnFnk_lyvE
2. Jones C.M.*, Wenham C., Juma P., Mijumbi-Deve R., Sobngwi J, Parkhurst J. (2020) Strengthening national
health research systems in Africa: lessons and challenges from a systems perspective. Online poster
presentation at the 6
Global symposium on Health Systems Research, Phase 1: 8-12 Nov. 2020.
3. Jones C.M.*, Clavier C., & Potvin L. (2018) Policy processes without borders: Interactions between arenas of
national policy on global health and global health governance. Oral presentation* at the 59
Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco: 4-7 April 2018.
4. Jones C.M.*, Clavier C., & Potvin L. (2017) Rules for intersectoral processes in the Swiss arena for national
policy on global health. Oral presentation* at the 10
European Public Health Conference, Stockholm: 1-4
Nov. 2017.
5. Jones C.M.*, Clavier C., & Potvin L. (2017) Rules for intersectoral processes in the Norwegian arena for
national policy on global health. Pitch presentation* at the 10
European Public Health Conference,
Stockholm: 1-4 Nov. 2017.
6. Jones C.M.*, Clavier C., & Potvin L. (2016) Beyond the interview transcript: Developing visual methods in
health policy research. Oral presentation* at the 4
Global Symposium on Health Systems Research,
Vancouver: 14-18 Nov. 2016.
7. Tremblay M.-C.*, Alexander S. & Jones C.M. (2016) Reflexivity in, on, and underlying action: Working with a
typology to discuss experiences, challenges and facilitators for reflexivity in health promotion. Oral
presentation* at 22
IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, Curitiba: 22-26 May 2016.
8. Jones C.M.*, Clavier C. & Potvin L. (2015) Applying a model of policy design to analyse Norwegian and Swiss
policy documents on global health. Oral presentation* at the 143
meeting of the American Public Health
Association, Chicago: 31 Oct. - 4 Nov. 2015.
9. Jones C.M.* & Potvin L. (2014) Characterising global health as a national public policy issue: reflections on
roles for health promotion in global health. Oral poster presentation* at the 2014 Canadian Student Health
Research Forum, Winnipeg: 10-12 June 2014.
10. Jones C.M., Rivard M., Bernier J. & Potvin L.* (2014) Reflections on challenges related to categorising tools
for health promotion practice: considerations for developing online inventory of tools. Poster presentation*
at Public Health 2014 (CPHA conference), Toronto: 26-29 May 2014.
11. Jones C.M.*, McQueen D.V., Lin V., Saint-Pierre L., Davies M., & Wismar, M. (2011) Gouvernance inter-
sectorielle pour la santé dans toutes les politiques: un cadre d'analyse. Communication orale* au 4
international sur les programmes locaux et régionaux de santé, Ottawa: 27-30 juin 2011.
12. Jones C.M.*, Bernier J., Potvin L., & Rivard M. (2011) Répertoire d'outils en ligne pour soutenir les activités
en partenariat en promotion de la santé. Communication en affiche animée* au 4
Colloque international sur
les programmes locaux et régionaux de santé, Ottawa: 27-30 juin 2011.
13. Jones C.M.* (2007) Working methods for the project: a process rooted in dialogue. Oral presentation* in a
symposium on the project “Shaping the Future of Health Promotion: Priorities for action” at the 19
World Conference on Health Promotion, Vancouver: 10-15 June 2007.
14. Jones, C.M.* (2006) Dialogue as an Effective Methodology for Stimulating Knowledge-Based Advocacy
Initiatives. Oral presentation* at the 7
IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion and Health
Education, Budapest: 18-21 October 2006.
15. Jones C.M.* & Green J. (2004) Equité des revues de promotion de la santé: faciliter l’accès à la publication.
Communication orale* au Congrès de Santé Publique de la SFSP, Lyon: 1-3 juillet 2004.
1. Jones C.M., Alexander S., Tremblay M-C., Potvin L., & Frohlich K. (2013) To be, or not to be reflexive… is this
the question? Exploring reflexivity in health promotion. Workshop at the 21
World Conference on Health
Promotion, Pattaya: 25-29 August 2013.
2. Jones C.M. & Shareck M. (2013) Case studies on ethical dilemmas in health promotion research. Symposium
at the 21
World Conference on Health Promotion, Pattaya: 25-29 August 2013.
3. Fasso S. & Jones C.M. (2008) The Social Determinants of Health: tools to support advocacy for policies
addressing the social determinants of health inequalities. Workshop at the 8
IUHPE European Conference
on Health Promotion, Turin: 9-13 Sept. 2008.
10 of 11
4. Bernier J. & Jones C.M. (2008) Construire et négocier les partenariats locaux pour l’action et la recherche. Un
séminaire conjoint de l'UIPES et la CACIS au 3ème colloque international des programmes locaux &
régionaux de santé, Mons: 1-3 avril 2008.
1. Jones C.M. Local ownership of national health research systems: what is at stake? Presentation at the
internal seminar of the Department of Health Policy, LSE, 9 Dec 2020.
2. Jones C.M. Revue scoping des processus de politique et de changement du financement de santé en Afrique
sub-saharienne: quels théories et cadres conceptuels? Conférence études de politiques publiques, l’Institut
de recherche pour le développement au Sénégal, Dakar, 19 février 2018.
3. Jones C.M. Un regard sur la gouvernance mondiale de la santé sous l’angle des politiques publiques - Les cas
de politiques nationales sur la santé mondiale de la Norvège et de la Suisse. Séminaire invité au Centre de
Population et de Développement, l’institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Paris, 19 janvier 2018.
4. Jones C.M. La gouvernance comme enjeu transnational de la santé mondiale. Présentation à la table ronde
Enjeux transnationaux, politiques nationales. Conférence du Centre d’études et de recherches
internationales, l’Université de Montréal, 15 novembre 2017.
5. Jones C.M. L'étude de processus de politique publique: la politique nationale sur la santé mondiale comme un
objet de recherche pour la promotion de la santé. Séminaire de recherche en promotion de la santé de l’École
des Hautes Études de Santé Publique, Rennes, 8 janvier 2016.
6. Jones C.M. Conception des politiques publiques sur la santé mondiale en Norvège et Suisse et proposition
d’un cadre théorique pour les analyser. Après-midi d’étude « Négocier la santé mondiale au niveau national »
organisé par le Groupe de recherche de l’AFSP sur l’Action Multilatérale, avec le soutien du Groupement
pour l’Étude de la Mondialisation et du Développement, au Centre Mahler, Paris, 2 juillet 2014.
7. Jones C.M. & Lee K. Analytical approaches to global health governance research: a scoping review of the
literature. Global Governance and Health Webinar group convened by Harvard University, Kennedy School of
Government, 23 January 2014.
8. Jones C.M. Methods for studying the relationship between development of national policy on global health
and global health governance: Expanding PHIR's territory. Trainee webinar for the Population Health
Intervention Research Network, 17 October 2013.
9. Invitée à participer au débat dans le cours SAC 8010 (2012) à l’Université de Laval, Séminaire doctoral en
Promotion de la santé sur le thème “Orientation positive du concept de la santé dans le champ de promotion
de la santé (paradigme salutogénique)” (Professeure responsable: S. Dupéré).
10. Jones C.M. Le programme mondial sur l’efficacité en promotion de la santé de l’UIPES: origines, orientations
& principaux constats. Conférence en santé publique: Université de Laval, Québec: 2 mars 2011.
11. Invitée à participer au débat dans le cours SAC 8010 (2011) à l’Université de Laval, Séminaire doctoral en
Promotion de la santé sur le thème “L’efficacité comme enjeu central en promotion de la santé” (Professeur
responsable: M. O’Neill).
12. Jones C.M. Reducing social inequalities in health: The role of international professional networks in
advocating for effective inter-sectoral collaboration at all levels. Highlighting the case of DETERMINE.
Workshop on social inequalities in health. 33
Global Conference of the International Committee for Social
Welfare, Tours: 2 July 2008.
2022.01 Training for seminar leaders, King’s Academy, King’s College London.
2021-2022 Enrolled in Principles of Teaching in Higher Education at LSE (working for an Associate Fellowship
of the Higher Education Authority), aim to transfer to PGCertHE (expected completion 2022).
2021.08 Participant in invited online pedagogy workshop on teaching and learning tools. Hosted by SMASH
Lab, a feminist research collective.
PEER REVIEWER FOR SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS: https://publons.com/researcher/1472707/catherine-m-jones
BMJ Global Health, Canadian Journal of Public Health, Global Health Action, Global Health Promotion, Global
Public Health, Globalization and Health, Health Promotion International, International Journal of Health Policy
and Management, Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Global Public
Health, Policy Studies, Public Health Research & Practice, Social Science & Medicine.
11 of 11
Member of the Global Scientific Committee. 21
IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion. Better
investment for better health. 25-29 August 2013, Pattaya.
Member of the Programme Planning Committee for the PHIRNET Summer Institute, May 2013, Montreal.
Membre du Comité scientifique international. Journée thématique sur “La pertinence des approches
positives pour améliorer l’action de santé publique”. 16ème Journées Annuelles de Santé Publique (JASP) du
Québec. 27 novembre 2012, Montréal.
Coordinator of the Global Scientific Committee. 20
IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion. Health,
equity and sustainable development. 11-15 July 2010, Geneva.
Membre du Comité scientifique. Démarche qualité en promotion de la santé : ouvrir le dialogue à partir
d’expériences françaises et internationales. Journées de Prévention. 8 avril 2010, Paris.
Membre du Comité scientifique international. Rencontre francophone international sur les inégalités sociales
de santé. 17-18 novembre 2008, Québec.
Co-coordinatrice du Comité scientifique international. Projet de développement d’actions en promotion de la
santé pour lutter contre les inégalités sociales de santé en France. Symposium international organisé lors
des Journées de Prévention, 10-11 avril 2008, Paris.
Member of the International Scientific Committee. 8
IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion.
New frontiers: future political, cultural and scientific challenges for health promotion. 9-13 September 2008,
Member of the International Scientific Committee. 19
IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion.
Health Promotion Comes of Age: Science, Policy & Practice for the 21
Century. 10-15 June 2007, Vancouver.
2018 Abstract reviewer. 23
IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion. Promoting Planetary Health and
Sustainable Development for All.
2018 Project Coordinator for Women in Global Health (https://www.womeningh.org/wghfrancophone) - Lead a
working group to manage process for production of a list of Francophone women working in global
health, with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries.
2016 Abstract reviewer. 144
meeting of the American Public Health Association. Creating the Healthiest
Nation: Ensuring the Right to Health.
2016 Member of the Social Media and Responsive Technologies Committee for 22
IUHPE World Conference
on Health Promotion. Promoting health and equity.
2013 Abstract reviewer. 21
IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion. Better investment for better
2010 Abstract reviewer. 20
IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion. Health, equity and sustainable
2009 Rapporteur for intersectoral action track for the 7
WHO Global Conference on Health Promotion in
Nairobi, Kenya.
2005 Rapporteur for capacity building track of the 6
WHO Global Conference on Health Promotion in Bangkok,
Since 2018 Global Health Policy Research Forum
Since 2016 Health Systems Global (SHAPES - Social science approaches thematic working group)
Since 2016 International Studies Association (Global health section)
2015 - 2017 American Public Health Association (International health and health promotion sections)
2013 - 2016 Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research
2013 - 2016 International Union for Health Promotion & Education
2012 - 2015 Canadian Society for International Health