IPPSR Public Policy Forum Series 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Speakers and Panelists
Andrew S. Doctoroff, Special Projects Advisor, Office of Governor Rick Snyder
Andrew S. Doctoroff serves as Special Projects Advisor to Michigan’s
Governor Rick Snyder. Within his portfolio is the Gordie Howe Bridge.
As an attorney, he specializes in mass tort product liability defense,
complex commercial litigation, labor and employment law, and media
law. Prior to graduating from University of Michigan Law School, Mr.
Doctoroff was a reporter at The Detroit News and Los Angeles Times.
From 1990 to 1992, Mr. Doctoroff served as a judicial law clerk to
Hon. Avern Cohn, U.S. District Court Judge for the United States
District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. From 2005 to 2008,
he was chairperson of the State Bar of Michigan's Law and the Media
Committee. In addition to being a member of the State Bar of Michigan, Mr. Doctoroff is a member of
the Federal, Detroit Metropolitan, and Oakland County Bar Associations and the American
Constitutional Society, where he serves as a member of the board of directors.
Bill Anderson, Ph.D., Ontario Research Chair in Cross-Border Transportation Policy and Professor,
Department of Political Science, University of Windsor
Bill Anderson is the Ontario Research Chair in Cross-Border
Transportation Policy, founding director of the Cross-Border
Transportation Studies Institute and professor in the Department
of Political Science at the University of Windsor. He received his
doctorate in Geography from Boston University in 1984. As a
member of the Geography faculty, director of the Institute for
Energy Studies and an associate member of the Department of
Civil engineering at McMaster University, he was recruited back to
Institute for Public Policy
and Social Research
Boston University before being recruited to the University of Windsor in 2008. Professor Anderson’s
main research interests are in transportation studies; international trade and business; Canada-US
economic integration; energy and environmental studies; and urban and regional economic analysis.
He has published 60 journal articles and book chapters and is co-editor of three recent books on
transportation infrastructure and technologies.
Zeenat Kotval-Karamchandani, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Urban & Regional Planning, Michigan
State University
ReseDr. Zeenat Kotval-Karamchandani joined the Urban &
Regional Planning Program at MSU in 2013 as an Instructor. She
completed her PhD in the Department of Geography and
received her Master’s degree in Urban & Regional Planning from
MSU, and a Master’s in Hospitality Administration from the
University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Her research interests
include transportation planning, and urban and environmental
sustainability. Currently, Dr. Kotval-K’s research focuses on health
impacts, travel behavior and environmental burdens of residents
in inner cities and their surrounding suburban areas in Michigan.
Her research has focused specifically on Lansing and Detroit.
Roger Hamlin, Ph.D., Professor of Urban Planning and Public Administration, Michigan State
Dr. Hamlin is Professor of Urban Planning and Public
Administration at Michigan State University. He is currently
studying economic development activity related to the Gordie
Howe Bridge. He has directed several international projects for the
Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, serving as a Senior
Ph.D. Professor of Public Administration at the Babes-Bolyai
University in Romania, and a Visiting Professor of Architecture at
the Tokyo Science University in Japan. He has worked for the New
York Senate and Office of Planning Services. He has written several
books and has designed multiple industry-related software
packages. Dr. Hamlin has earned the White House Achievement
Award, The Nelson Jack Edwards Award for “the Greatest
Contribution to Metropolitan Detroit,” and the Illinois Foundation
Award. His research has earned national awards from the American Planning Association and the
American Institute of Certified Planners. He was a CIC Academic Leadership Fellow and an American
Council on Education Fellow Finalist.
Sponsor Leadership
Matt Grossmann, Director, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (IPPSR), Associate
Professor of Political Science
A nationally known political scientist, he also holds a position
as Associate Professor of Political Science at Michigan State
University. As an expert on American politics and
government, his research spans national and state
policymaking, election campaigns, interest groups, and
political parties. He is the author of Artists of the Possible:
Governing Networks and American Policy Change Since 1945,
published by Oxford University Press in 2014 and The Not-So-
Special Interests: Interest Groups, Public Representation, and
American Governance, published by Stanford University Press
in 2012. He has also authored numerous journal articles on
such topics as policy change, political party networks, the legislative process and public opinion. He is
also co-author of Campaigns & Elections, a textbook available through W. W. Norton, and editor of
the volume New Directions in Interest Group Politics, from Routledge.
His work experience includes candidate training, policy and survey research at the Rose Institute of
State and Local Government, the Institute of Governmental Studies, the Center for Voting and
Democracy and the Center for Democracy and Technology. A member of MSU’s faculty since 2007, he
is founder and director of the Michigan Policy Network and served as liaison to MSU’s Washington
Semester Program. He received his bachelor’s degree from Claremont McKenna College, his master’s
in political science in 2002 and doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2007. He
became IPPSR director in January 2016.
Forum Facilitator
AnnMarie Schneider, M.S., Director for Program Planning & Policy Education, IPPSR
AnnMarie Schneider is the director for Program Planning and Policy
Education at IPPSR. She served on the start up team for IPPSR
cornerstone programs including the Annual Public Policy Forum
Series, State of the State Survey, Michigan Political Leadership
Program, and MSU’s Legislative Leadership Program. She continues to
work with these programs while advising the Institute’s marketing and
communications. She administers the Michigan Applied Public Policy
Grant Program for university faculty with policy research interests and
is noted for her work in both the public and private sector for group
facilitation, strategic planning, networking and program
implementation. She serves on the International Studies and
Programs leadership team as director of the Canadian Studies Center.
In this role, she is charged with strengthening cross border university connections while encouraging
academic and research interests in Canada.