Commonly Used Medical Acronyms and Terminology
0/5 Absent Strength- no observable movement
1/5 Trace Strength- able to activate the muscle group, movement may or may not occur
2/5 Poor Strength- able to move with gravity eliminated or some movement against gravity
3/5 Fair Strength- able to move against gravity but cannot accept resistance to movement
4/5 Good Strength- able to move against gravity and accept some resistance
5/5 Normal Strength- able to move against gravity and accept full resistance
A Assist
A+Ox3 Alert and Oriented to person, place and time
ABDuction Movement AWAY from the middle
Absent Strength 0/5- no observable movement
A.D. Assistive device
ADDuction Movement TOWARD the middle
ADL Activities of daily living
AEA Above Elbow Amputee
AFO Ankle-Foot-Orthosis (brace)
AKA Above Knee Amputee
ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Amb Ambulation
Anterior Front of the body
AROM Active range of motion
ASIA American Spinal Cord Association
ASIS Anterior Superior Iliac Spine- a bony landmark on the pelvis
B Bilateral or Both
BEA Below Elbow Amputee
BID twice a day
BKA Below Knee Amputee
BLE Bilateral (or Both) Lower Extremities
BOS Base of Support
BP Blood Pressure
BS Bowel Sounds or Breath Sounds
BUE Bilateral (or Both) Upper Extremities
c with
c/o complains of
CAD Coronary Artery Disease
CGA Contact Guard Assistance (touching)
CHF Congestive Heart Failure
COG Center of gravity
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CP Cerebral Palsy
CTA Clear to Auscultation (lungs)
CVA Cerbral Vascular Accident (stroke)
D Dependent
d/c discharge
Dependent Balance Unable to move within the base of support, full external support required
Distal Away from the trunk (ie; hands and feet)
DM Diabetes Mellitus
Dorsiflexion Flexion of the ankle
Dx Diagnosis
Dyspnea Shortness of breath
ELR Elevating leg rest
EtOH Alcohol
Extension Straightening of a limb
Fair Balance Able to move within the base of support and accept minimal to no balance challenges
Fair Strength 3/5- able to move against gravity but cannot accept resistance to movement
FIM score of 0 The activity does not occur
FIM score of 1 Total Assistance-The patient expends less than 25% of the effort
Commonly Used Medical Acronyms and Terminology
FIM score of 2 Maximal Assistance- The patient expends 25% - 49% of the effort
FIM score of 3 Moderate Assistance- The patient expends 50% - 75% of the effort
FIM score of 4 4- The patient expends more than 75% of the effort
FIM score of 5 Supervision- Standby, cueing or coaxing, without physical contact
FIM score of 6 Modified Independence- The patient uses an adaptive or assistive device
FIM score of 7 Complete Independence
Flexion Bending of a limb
FWW Front wheeled walker or Four wheeled walker
Good Balance Able to move outside the base of support and accept mild balance challenges
Good Strength 4/5- able to move against gravity and accept some resistance
h/o history of
HTN Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Hx History
I Independent
IADL Instrumental avtivities of daily living
Inferior Toward the foot
KAFO Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis (brace)
L Left
Lateral Further from the midline of the body
LE Lower Extremity
LLE Left Lower Extremity
LOB Loss of balance
LUE Left Upper Extremity
MAX Maximal assistance
Maximal Assistance 2- The patient expends 25% - 49% of the effort
MD Muscular Dystrophy
Medial Nearer to the midline of the body
MI Myocardial Infarction (heart attack)
MIN Minimal assistance
Minimal Assistance 4- The patient expends more than 75% of the effort
MMT Manual muscle (strength) test
MOD Moderate assistance
Moderate Assistance 3- The patient expends 50% - 75% of the effort
MOD I Modified independent
MS Multiple Sclerosis
MRADL Mobility related activities of daily living
MVA Motor vehicle accident
MWC Manual wheelchair
NIIDM Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
NKA No known allergies
Normal Balance Able to move outside the base of support and accept full balance challenges
Normal Strength 5/5- able to move against gravity and accept full resistance
OA Osteoarthritis
OI Osteogenesis Imperfecta
PAD Peripheral Artery Disease (same as PVD)
PCA Personal Care Assistant
Plantarflexion Extension of the ankle (pointing the toe)
PMD Power mobility device
Poor Balance Able to move within the base of support with the assistance of external support (holding on)
Poor Strength 2/5- able to move with gravity eliminated or some movement against gravity
Posterior Rear of the body
POV Power operated vehicle (scooter)
ppt Posterior Pelvic Tilt (slouched sitting posture)
PRN As needed
PROM Passive range of motion
Proximal Near the trunk (upper arm, thigh)
pt. patient
PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease (same as PAD)
Commonly Used Medical Acronyms and Terminology
PWC Power wheelchair
QID Four times a day
R Right
r/o rule out
RA Rheumatoid Arthritis
RLE Right Lower Extremity
ROM Range of Motion
RUE Rght Upper Extremity
s without
s/p status post
s/t stated that
Sx Symptoms
SBA Stand By Assistance (near but not touching)
SCI Spinal Cord Injury
SMA Spinal Muscular Atrophy
SOB Shortness of Breath
Superior Toward the head
Supervision 5- Standby, cueing or coaxing, without physical contact
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
TID Three times a day
Total Assistance 1- The patient expends less than 25% of the effort
Trace Strength 1/5- able to activate the muscle group, movement may or may not occur
UE Upper Extremity
WC Wheelchair
WFL Within Functional Limits
WNL Within Normal Limits