“I Can’t Reply with That”:
Characterizing Problematic Email Reply Suggestions
, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
, Microsoft Research, Montreal, Canada
MILAD SHOKOUHI, Microsoft, Bellevue, WA, USA
PETER BAILEY, Microsoft, Canberra, ACT, Australia
From: Supervisor
I sent you a link to my presentation. What did
you think about it?
Got it!
Looking forward to it!
Sweet as!
It was amazing!
Good for you!
No worries!
It was terrible
In email interfaces, providing users with reply suggestions may simplify or accelerate correspondence. While the “success” of such
systems is typically quantied using the number of suggestions selected by users, this ignores the impact of social context, which can
change how suggestions are perceived. To address this, we developed a mixed-methods framework involving qualitative interviews
and crowdsourced experiments to characterize problematic email reply suggestions. Our interviews revealed issues with over-positive,
dissonant, cultural, and gender-assuming replies, as well as contextual politeness. In our experiments, crowdworkers assessed email
scenarios that we generated and systematically controlled, showing that contextual factors like social ties and the presence of salutations
impacts users’ perceptions of email correspondence. These assessments created a novel dataset of human-authored corrections for
problematic email replies. Our study highlights the social complexity of providing suggestions for email correspondence, raising issues
that may apply to all social messaging systems.
CCS Concepts:
Information systems Email
; Recommender systems; Personalization;
Human-centered computing
Laboratory experiments; Computing methodologies Natural language generation.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: email, CMC, AI-MC, smart reply, smart compose, AI-assisted writing, algorithm auditing
ACM Reference Format:
Ronald E. Robertson, Alexandra Olteanu, Fernando Diaz, Milad Shokouhi, and Peter Bailey. 2021. “I Can’t Reply with That”: Charac-
terizing Problematic Email Reply Suggestions. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21), May 8–13, 2021,
Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 27 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3411764.3445557
“It can be very o putting for users to see [emotionally dissonant suggestions], so it’s not just a relevance problem, it’s a
problem of empathy. Interview participant
This paper is based on work done while the author was a research intern at Microsoft Research.
The author is now at Google.
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CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Ronald E. Robertson, et al.
From: A friend
Hi Jordan,
I will be in the city tomorrow. Do you want to grab a coffee?
Thanks, Your friend
Why not?
Sure, what time?
Speech act
Social tie
Reply suggestions
Fig. 1. Example email with reply suggestions. A typical email includes structural features (e.g., greetings, closings), a speech act (e.g.,
question, notification), and activates one or more social ties (e.g., personal, professional). We systematically varied these components
in our experiments to understand their impact (§4).
Predictive text systems that provide suggestions for Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) – including chat, text,
and email – are currently embedded in products used by billions of people every day [
]. Recent research denes
these suggestions as a form of Articial Intelligence-Mediated Communication (AI-MC) [
], consisting of
“mediated communication between people in which a computational agent operates on behalf of a communicator by
modifying, augmenting, or generating messages to accomplish communication or interpersonal goals” [57].
Users typically interact with these systems through composition suggestions, which are provided as the user types,
or reply suggestions, which provide standalone responses (Figure 1). These suggestions can help users avoid spelling
errors, reduce keystrokes, and send brief replies with the click of a button [
]. Given that a substantial fraction of
emails only require a short acknowledgment (e.g., “Sure, sounds good.”) or follow-up (e.g., “How about Wednesday?”),
reply suggestions in particular have been widely adopted to make email easier and more ecient [
]. While reply
suggestions are available in a variety of CMC systems, we focus on email reply suggestions as email remains frequently
used [
] and, on major email services like Outlook or Gmail, public estimates suggest that smart replies constitute
10% of all emails [74].
While the benets of these systems to user eciency are clear, there is little work that critically examines when
system generated email suggestions might negatively aect users [
]. There are two junctions where such negative
impacts may occur: direct, when suggestions are rendered by the system and viewed by a user, and indirect, when
suggestions are selected by the user and sent to one or more people. In the former, users could perceive one or more
of the rendered suggestions as problematic, potentially oending them and damaging their trust in the service. In
the latter, the user might be nudged to send a suggestion to one or more users who could perceive it as problematic,
potentially leading to miscommunication and damaging many relationships.
In light of the widespread deployment and usage of email reply suggestions, their potential negative impacts, and
the lack of research on when those impacts might occur, we situate our study at the intersection of these elements.
Through an initial, motivating investigation we conducted on click log data from a large-scale email reply suggestion
system available on Outlook, we found evidence of both content biases and user preferences for short, positive, and
polite replies (Appendix A). Yet, without experimental control over what suggestions were presented, or access to the
overall context in which they were presented, analyses of click data oer limited insights into how users perceive and
select suggestions. Such a level of control and context, however, would violate both users privacy and ethical principles
about large-scale experimentation, all with little prior work serving as a foundation.
Methodological Overview and Contributions.
Toward creating an empirical foundation for AI-MC systems like
email reply suggestions [
], we designed a mixed-methods framework that combines interviews and controlled
experiments to identify and characterize problematic suggestions in the context of email correspondence. Our framework
Problematic Email Reply Suggestions CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
Table 1. An overview of our two phase framework and how the phases complement each other.
Phase Method Pros Cons
Interviews to identify issues
and scenarios
Allows the researcher to qualitatively explore
a user experience in detail
Small sample, low external validity
Experiments to annotate and
compare scenarios
Allows researcher to collect a mix of quan-
titative and qualitative measures under con-
trolled conditions
Ecological validity: not measuring real user be-
havior under natural usage settings
involved two phases – discovery and evaluation – to examine the social conditions in which email reply suggestions
might be problematic, and to generate an annotated dataset that could help designers evaluate and train their systems
(Table 1). In the discovery phase (§3), we conducted semi-structured interviews to qualitatively identify broad themes
under which problematic email reply suggestions might occur. In the evaluation phase (§4), we conducted controlled
experiments using email scenarios drawn from our interview ndings, real reply suggestions from a major email
service, the media, and other sources to characterize their dierences under systematically varied contexts. We received
Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval before our study started, and obtained informed consent from all interview
and experiment participants.
Our interviews revealed issues with over-positive, dissonant, cultural, and gender-assuming replies, as well as
contextual politeness. Our experiments show that contextual factors like social ties and the presence of salutations
can impact users’ perceptions of suggested replies. These ndings provide a much needed empirical foundation for
designing, implementing, and regulating AI-MC systems [
], and imply that handling the subtleties of real world
relationships and communication needs will require these systems to properly account for social context. To address the
full range of issues we found, further advances in the personalization and modeling of social interactions are needed.
Our framework does not depend on a specic system implementation, and can be used to understand such subtleties on
other AI-MC systems, such as chat or text messaging. To help incorporate our ndings into real world systems, we
make our dataset of problematic email scenarios with ratings and human-authored corrections available.
There is a rich literature on various aspects of email use, including email overload and deferral [
], the impact
of speech acts on response patterns [
], and the modeling of user intents [
]. Generally speaking, prior work
has shown that users want and would benet from various degrees of automation when handling and responding to
emails [
]. To understand how automation in the form of email reply suggestions can impact users, we draw from
recent work on predictive text applications in social contexts, as well as interdisciplinary research and theories from
computer-mediated communication and socio-linguistics.
2.1 Predictive Text for Email
Predictive text applications aim to alleviate writing burdens through word, phrase, or even full sentence suggestions
across a variety of settings, like web search, email, and chat [
]. In studies of users’ interactions
with predictive text suggestions, researchers have found that highly ranked suggestions receive more clicks, and
that including more diverse intents can increase overall click-through rates [
]. Researchers have also found that
suggesting phrases, rather than single words, is more likely to impact user writing [
]. However, counteracting the
goal of these systems, improvements in user writing speed were sometimes negated by the time spent evaluating
the suggestions [
]. Among the commercial applications of predictive text suggestions are services that optimize
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Ronald E. Robertson, et al.
messages to convey high status [
], greater trustworthiness [
], or based on the characteristics of the respondent [
including optimizing messages to an employer [
]. In the context of email, researchers have developed predictive text
suggestions to help users by providing suggestions for replying to [74], and composing [21] emails.
Despite their growing ubiquity in socially complex communication mediums, there are relatively few qualitative
examinations of how predictive text systems can potentially cause issues for users. Thus far, research on email reply
suggestions has primarily focused on the technical aspects of their implementation [
]. Although these eorts
noted that reply suggestions must be of “high quality in style, tone, diction, and content” [
], they did not specify
the values used to dene “quality” nor how they arrived at their criteria. Similarly, while these technical approaches
account for grammar, spelling, and mechanics (‘your the best!’), overly familiar writing (‘thanks hon!’), and informal
writing (‘yup, got it thx’), they relegate communicative competencies the appropriateness of an utterance to the
context in which it is made [
] – to a catch-all category that included “politically incorrect, oensive, or otherwise
inappropriate” suggestions. Technical approaches such as these often use metrics like conversion rates – the number of
clicks a suggestion receives – as a proxy for suggestion quality [
]. Although useful, such metrics abstract away how
suggestions are actually experienced, and reveal little about how social context and other factors might contribute to
that experience.
2.2 Social Communication and Email Etiquee
Theoretical frameworks of language focused on linguistic competence, including grammatical features like syntax and
morphology, fail to capture the social meaning of communication [
]. Such frameworks omit that the most critical
linguistic ability is not producing grammatically correct utterances — basic units of communication — but contextually
appropriate utterances [
]. This appropriateness is known as communicative competence and incorporates the “rules
of [language] use without which the rules of grammar [are] useless” [
]. While many such rules are considered
universal, such as those around politeness [
] and positivity [
], others are culturally driven, like how we deliver
greetings and farewells [
], or specic to a medium, including dierences in how people communicate on-
and oine [
]. Below we overview these elements, including positivity, politeness, clarity and cohesion,
structural features, social context, and personal characteristics, as they might aect how reply suggestions are perceived.
2.2.1 Positivity. A decades-old line of research in socio-linguistics asserts that “there is a universal human tendency to
use evaluatively positive words more frequently and diversely than evaluatively negative words” [
]. Languages,
English included, appear to be inherently positive [
]. Predictive text systems also surface this positivity skew,
with a recent small-scale study nding that 43.8% of the instant messaging reply suggestions in Google’s Allo were
positive, while only 3.95% were negative [
]. Another recent study found that introducing positivity bias in predictive
text suggestions was associated with people writing more positive restaurant reviews [5].
2.2.2 Politeness. Politeness norms inuence how people communicate in dierent cultures [
], and include positive
politeness, promoting social connection and rapport (e.g., thanks, please), negative politeness, dampening impositions
via indirectness or uncertainty (e.g., I don’t think, I would assume), and impolite behavior, like the use of direct questions
(e.g., why no mention of it?) [
]. Using data from online comments, prior work identied several politeness strategies,
including greetings, hedging, or expressions of gratitude [
], and found that the presence of such strategies early
in a conversation was tied to its future trajectory in chat [
]. Similarly, researchers have found that a majority of
out-of-oce auto replies [
] employ a combination of positive and negative politeness strategies. These strategies
matter because emails perceived as impolite, or not polite enough, can have serious social consequences [
Problematic Email Reply Suggestions CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
and lead to a spiral of increasingly negative conversations and behaviors [
]. In work settings, uncivil emails
led to uncivil responses [48], with negative eects on occupational and psychological well-being [25, 52, 84, 85].
2.2.3 Clarity and Cohesion. According to the cooperative principle, successful discourse requires participants to produce
true, short and informative, and relevant utterances, while avoiding obscurity and ambiguity [
]. However, linguistic
features commonly employed in email and other types of digital communications, like abbreviation, non-standard
combinations of punctuation and capitalization, and brevity, may violate this principle and be viewed as inappropriate [
41, 56, 67, 107].
2.2.4 Structural Features. Email recipients judge the sender based not only on the content of an email, but also on how
it is structured [
]. Omitting structural features — email greetings, closings, and signatures — can have negative eects
on discourse [
], but their presence can have positive eects [
]. By design, however, system-provided email
reply suggestions normalize the absence of greetings and salutations. By systematically manipulating the presence or
absence of structural politeness, Bunz and Campbell
found it aects how polite people were in their responses, as
verbal and structural politeness markers were often reciprocated.
2.2.5 Social Context. The types of social relations involved in an email can aect how it is judged, especially in
relationships involving social hierarchy, such as that between an employee and their employer. One study found that an
absence of greetings in emails from subordinates resulted in lower ratings of appropriateness, as they were perceived as
disrespectful [
]. Similarly, student emails that complied with formality norms (e.g., proper salutations, grammar, an
informative subject line) elicited more positive reactions from faculty supervisors, with the senders being perceived as
more competent and trustworthy [103].
2.2.6 Personal Characteristics. Characteristics such as the culture, race, and gender of the sender and receiver can also
play a role in email evaluations. For example, a sociolinguistic and discourse-analytical study found that Nigerians often
use phonetic spellings and religious structural features in their emails that could be negatively judged for deviating
from US English standards [
].Another study found that emails from women were rated as more professional overall,
but a woman saying “Thanks!” was viewed as less professional than a man saying the same [
]. Eorts to help women
avoid this double standard are highlighted by “Just Not Sorry,” a browser extension “that warns you when you write
emails using words which undermine your message” and “underlines self-demeaning phrases like ‘I’m no expert’ and
qualifying words like ‘actually’ in red” [
]. As recent research points out, eorts to change language usage through
algorithmically assisted writing technologies could have complex long term impacts if their usage is normalized [
In the rst phase of our study, we conducted a series of qualitative interviews to identify conditions where system
suggestions might be problematic. Drawing from prior work, we developed a semi-structured interview format [
recruited participants to cover varying communication preferences [
], and analyzed interview transcripts
using an approach rooted in grounded theory [
]. In this section, we discuss three broad themes related to email
reply suggestions that emerged from this process: usability, social context, and email content.
3.1 Interview Protocol and Participants
We recruited participants through emails sent to several research and product groups within a large technology company
in North America. We interviewed a total of 15 participants, representing a diverse set of roles and tenures at the
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Ronald E. Robertson, et al.
Table 2. Interview themes, subthemes, and example quotes. The quotes are paraphrased for clarity and anonymity.
Theme Subtheme Sample Quote
Usability Utility and Usage
(§ 3.2.1)
“for quick questions, or getting information and acknowledging it, for those things, I mean, yeah it’s much
easier for me to just click a button rather than typing those out” [P13].
User Experience
(§ 3.2.2)
“I’m not sure that if I click it, but I’m not happy with it, that it might be an irreversible action” [P3].
User Agency
(§ 3.2.3)
“many people go with defaults, so they might just go with the suggestions given to them” [P6].
Email Content Structural Features
(§ 3.2.4)
“I will always use a greeting ... just to establish some relationship with the other person ... so it sets out on the
right tone” [P5]
Personal Authenticity
(§ 3.2.5)
“when people are sending these automated messages, you know, or system generated messages, and like, it
feels pretty impersonal at a certain point, so I think that would wear me out to see too many template-like
responses” [P5]
Semantic and Tonal
(§ 3.2.6)
“replying to emails which contains information about some tragedy, or some condential like details about
illnesses or diseases, or even a person’s feelings, I think it’s a very tricky and hard task. [P12]; “you usually
don’t say ‘no’ without giving an explanation, as it could look like a cold harsh reply” [P7]
Social Context Communication
(§ 3.2.7)
“if I had a constant email chain with someone, and I noticed that their email has like a greeting and a signature
... and they always had that, then I should probably have a greeting and a signature every time too. [P11]
Relationship Type
(§ 3.2.8)
“If I’m replying to my mom then, ‘Hi’ is ne, but not if I’m emailing my boss” [P11]
Norms and Culture
(§ 3.2.9)
It is “problematic [to assume] someone’s gender” [P15];
company, including software engineers, researchers, interns, and product managers, designers, and marketers. All
participants conrmed that they had knowledge of or experience with email reply suggestions. We obtained informed
consent, asked for permission to audio record the interviews, and deleted the recordings after transcribing them.
The interviews were designed to last about 30 minutes and were conducted either in-person or through a teleconfer-
ence system for participants that were located out-of-state. The questions we asked participants broadly covered two
themes: (1) their general emailing behavior, and (2) their experiences with email reply and composition suggestions (if
any), including encountered or hypothetical scenarios where such suggestions might be problematic (if any). The full
interview protocol is described in Appendix B. To code and analyze the interview transcripts, we used a bottom-up
approach rooted in grounded theory [
]. This included open coding to identify tentative labels, and axial coding
to nd relationships among those labels and identify clusters that highlight overall themes [99].
3.2 Interview Themes and Subthemes
After coding our interview transcripts, we found three broad themes that center on usability, social context, and
email content (Table 2). These broad themes are composed of nine subthemes, which often overlap and have inter-
dependencies. For each of these themes, we examine them in the context of direct and indirect impacts, noting overlaps
and exemplary quotes from interviews. Throughout the paper we present participant quotes—edited and paraphrased
for brevity and clarity (e.g. omitting repetitions, verbal parentheses and tics)—in italics and followed by a “P."
Usability Theme
We identied three subthemes related to the usability of email suggestions: (1) the Utility and Usage of suggestions,
(2) User Experience with suggestion interfaces, and (3) User Agency.
Problematic Email Reply Suggestions CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
3.2.1 Utility and Usage. Participants noted that reply suggestions were primarily useful for emails requiring a simple
conrmation or armation, like those involving logistics. More specically, reply suggestions were helpful “for short
emails like ‘thanks, ‘see you soon’ or ‘sounds good to me”’ [P8], scenarios where they “help acknowledge or conrm the
email, help reject or say something is wrong with the email, and give a way to keep the conversation going” [P15], and
when one needs “to agree to something and [doesn’t] need to give an explanation” [P7].
3.2.2 User Experience. When asked about their experiences with how suggestions are presented, participants again
expressed diering views on the features. Some concerns stemmed from incorrectly assuming that clicking on a
suggested reply would automatically send the email.
One participant also recalled that they initially “didn’t know
if it was going to do a reply or a reply all” [P10]. For some, these assumptions were linked to a dissatisfaction with
suggested replies as a standalone email, because if accidentally sent as a reply suggestion, it could create an indirect
impact between the user and the recipient. Within this line of thought, some participants indicated a desire to use
suggestions “to start the email and then add [...] a few more words or sentences” [P14].
3.2.3 User Agency. Participants also reected on their sense of agency and autonomy. One shared a time they had
used one of the suggestions, but typed it out instead of clicking on it because they “just wanted a little bit of autonomy”
[P10]. Noting a potential negative direct impact, another participant reported feeling like the suggestions were “trying
to put words in my mouth” [P15]. However, not all participants shared these concerns. Some highlighted that users have
the ultimate say in what they send, noting that “you always have the option to update it, it doesn’t force you to choose
something” [P5]. Though, in light of the misunderstandings interviewees had around what happens when a suggestion
is clicked, the system’s interface may not be clear enough for all users.
Email Content Theme
Within our email content theme, we identied three subthemes: (1) Structural Features, (2) Personal Authenticity, and
(3) Semantic and Tonal Coherence.
3.2.4 Structural Features. Most participants reported regularly using some sort of structural features in their emails,
including greetings (e.g. “Hi [recipient’s name]”), and closings and signatures (e.g. “Thanks, [sender’s name]”). These
features play key functional roles, helping users to “set out on the right tone” [P5], “give a clue of who I am” [P10], or
make their reply more formal or professional, with one participant noting that they used a “minimum polite email
structure [P4]. Although participants expressed a desire to include “the extra things you add to make [the email] more
formal like ‘looking forward to meeting you’ or ‘thank you for conrmation’ or ‘I wish this email nds you well”’ [P2]
and “the boiler plate of starting an email with dear so and so” [P3], email reply suggestions, by design, omit these. If the
absence of structural features can negatively impact perceptions of the sender, as both our participants and prior work
indicate (§2.2.4), then nudging users to send suggested replies that omit structural features without awareness of the
social context can impact the communication and the relationship between the reply sender and receiver.
3.2.5 Personal Authenticity. The extent to which suggestions match a user’s personal tone also mattered. Some
participants were concerned with “authenticity, or if [the suggestions t] my personality” [P14]. Yet, some reported that
these concerns didn’t apply to them, as they were “more interested in what pe ople have to say than how they say it, as
long as it’s [their] thought and what [they] want to say” [P13]. Authenticity concerns were also related to worries about
Clicking on a suggestion generally creates an email draft with that suggestion, requiring an additional click to send it.
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Ronald E. Robertson, et al.
sending template-like emails. One participant noted that “the suggestions I receive are so formulaic” [P8] and another
explained that, “if it’s too templatized, it loses the meaning, or the feeling, or the emotional aspect about it” [P5]. With
respect to being on the receiving end of such emails, some participants expressed a distaste for “receiving things that
sound very canned” [P14], because such emails imply that the sender rushed the email, and did not take the “time to add
a personal note or something” [P14]. These ndings suggest an interesting conict; short template-like responses are
useful (§3.2.1), but could create negative indirect impacts if not properly tailored to the context.
3.2.6 Semantic and Tonal Coherence. Participants noted a number of semantic and tonal properties that were important
to them. Generally speaking, participants wanted to avoid being confusing, impolite, dissonant, or overly positive in
their email replies. Below, we examine each in detail.
Confusing. Participants reported seeing suggestions that incompletely or incorrectly addressed the emails they were
suggested for. This confusion was often due to a mismatch between the suggestions and the email intent, the suggestions
and the user intent, or the tone of the suggestions and that of the email. More specically, participants reported cases
where a suggestion “just didn’t match the question being asked [in the email]” [P11], or was “not contextually correct, as
the suggestion [was] in the past tense” [P10] for an email about something that has not yet happened. The confusing
or illogical suggestions our participants mentioned likely stemmed from the system lacking sucient context for the
reply, and therefore failing to provide a contextually meaningful reply suggestion. Participants also expressed doubt
that suggestions can “work when you need to give more context” [P7], with one reecting on cases where suggestions
were “just completely o the mark [and] completely failed to grasp [the context]” [P12]. In addition, participants noted
diculties with ambiguous cases, such as one where a suggested “reply had ‘he could not make it’ [which] sounded as if
that person died” [P13]. These observations indicate both concerns about a negative indirect impact from potentially
sending a confusing email reply, but also a negative direct impact where users could lose trust that the system can
provide proper suggestions.
Impolite. Sending replies that are curt — too short or too brief — can be perceived as impolite and unprofessional,
especially when the reply is negative. If sent, such email reply suggestions could negatively indirect existing relations
among users. When declining a request, participants noted that providing context is important, and reply suggestions
were generally seen as too curt for such an email. One participant estimated that about “50% of the time, [the suggestions]
seem impolite” [P1], because of their curtness. Participants also remarked that “you usually don’t say ‘no’ without giving
an explanation, as it could look like a cold harsh reply” [P7], and that “with a negative reply, like turning down an oer, I
would start with [the suggested reply], but I will try to give a reason [and] add my own text on it” [P1].
Dissonance. Suggestions can also come across as dissonant with respect to tone, emotion, and user intent. One
participant gave examples of suggestions from a messaging app where suggested replies were “sad for a happy thing,
but happy for a sad thing” [P1] and when a friend shared good news, the suggested replies were “‘How did that happen?’
[and] ‘I am not interested’ [and] some [other] negative reply” [P1]. Similarly, our participants noted concerns about
receiving suggestions for emails about unfortunate or distressing situations, such as an email containing “news about
someone dying, and [the system suggesting] ‘that’s great news”’ [P10].
Positivity. While noted in the media [
] and expected from prior work (§ 2.2.1), only one participant explicitly noted
seeing an abundance of positive replies. They noted that “all the suggestions seem very p ositive” [P5], but added that they
“don’t mind it” [P5]. Yet, other participants also described dissonant scenarios where positive replies could negatively
impact users. For example, our participants emphasized that when emails address unfortunate or distressing situations,
Problematic Email Reply Suggestions CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
“responding with cheerful queries” [P12] like “‘it is awesome’ [or] suggesting all happy [replies]” [P13] is not appropriate.
While the socio-linguistics literature shows a near-universal bias towards positive language [
], and predictive text
systems appear to inherit this positivity bias (§ 2.2.1), including email reply suggestions (Appendix A), not all situations
call for positive, eusive replies.
Social Context Theme
Within our social context theme, we identied three subthemes: (1) Communication Dynamics, (2) Relationship Type,
and (3) Norms and Culture.
3.2.7 Communication Dynamics. The dynamics of email communication often resemble those of in-person discourse.
For example, upon greeting someone, temporal, dynamic, and reciprocal considerations inuence how you do so. One
participant noted that “it’s the nature of the email that matters more than the recipients” [P12]. In terms of reciprocation,
participants reported wanting to mirror the structural features of others in an email chain. They also employed varying
strategies in adapting how they used various structural elements as an email thread unfolds, such as “drop[ing] openings
more often than closings” [P4] as a conversation progressed past the initial messages, and the need for introductions
dropped o. The utility of certain types of suggestions also varies with thread dynamics, being more useful for
acknowledgements at the end of a conversation, and sometimes useful for boiler plate responses at the beginning of an
email exchange. As in our utility and usage theme (§3.2.1), participants noted that email reply suggestions were more
helpful at the end of a thread when only brief acknowledgements were required (“the only email that would be a kind of
‘absolutely’ or ‘yes, will do’ is usually the last and the least important [in that chain]” [P4]).
3.2.8 Relationship Type. As in face-to-face communications, social ties shape the content and dynamics of email
conversations due to factors like social hierarchy and relationship strength (§2.2.5). Suggestions that are not properly
tailored to the relationship dynamic, even if widely used in other contexts, can be perceived as impolite or unprofessional.
This was reected in the interviews, where the content and structure of participants’ emails varied based on “who
[they were] emailing, and their seniority” [P12], with many including “openings and closings depending on the person”
[P4]. This holds in both professional settings (“if the person is much higher than me, then my emails [are] more formal”
[P9]) and beyond (Table 2). Participants also noted the need for suggestions to distinguish between personal (e.g.,
friends and family) and professional ties, with some experiencing suggestions “too personal for interactions that [were]
professional” [P4]. For example, while users may sometimes use “slang in email, especially in non-work settings” [P12],
in “a professional space [they] may [correspond] dierently” [P11]. Such considerations were mainly concerned with
properly assessing the settings where formality or sounding professional was required. Other considerations regarded
in-group practices and familiarity, like adding an email signature when new or multiple people are looped in an email
thread to ensure “they have some understanding of who I am and what I do” [P11], while omitting openings and closings
when emailing “members of a team I’ve spent like 2-3 years in” [P12] or someone close, who “knows me, it’s like an
unwritten rule that’s been established” [P11].
3.2.9 Norms and Culture. The cultural backgrounds and contextual norms of those involved in an email exchange can
aect the reception and use of reply suggestions. Cultural elements determine not only the writing styles, but also
interact with concerns about structural features (§ 3.2.4) and formality expectations, including the use of titles and
salutations. One participant noted expectations [around] greetings, [with] some cultures [wanting more] verbose responses
than ’okay yes’ [and that] sometimes Americans are too direct” [P10], explaining how in romance languages like Spanish
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Ronald E. Robertson, et al.
Table 3. Example email-reply pairs by theme and category. We used a subset of subthemes because not all were feasible for a
controlled experiment (see §4.2)
Interview Subtheme Scenario Category Example Email Reply
Norms and Culture
(§ 3.2.9)
Gender-assuming I’m not feeling great. I’m going to go to the doctor’s oce. Let me know what he says.
I’m going to go out for a minute. Do you want to get a coee?
I am down for that.
Semantic and Tonal Coherence
(§ 3.2.6)
I went to the doctor’s oce earlier. They said I’m in good health.
That’s too bad.
Confusing I got your request. Here are the documents. You are very special.
Positivity I got your email. I will send you the attachments later today. You are fantastic!
Relationship Type
(§ 3.2.8)
Unprofessional I can’t nd the email. Could you resend it? Yup.
Impolite I’m going to be in the area today. Will you be around? No.
Unused subthemes: Utility and Usage (§ 3.2.1), User Experience (§ 3.2.2), User Agency (§ 3.2.3), Personal Authenticity (§ 3.2.5), Communication
Dynamics (§ 3.2.7). Note: Structural Features (§ 3.2.4) was used but did not vary by category.
there is “a formal ‘you’ [and] some people get mad [when misused,] [while] English its always informal” [P10]. Such
dierences can, thus, be “problematic [as] some cultures tend to b e more formal, and the suggestions might not be formal
enough” [P6]. Furthermore, suggestions may also reect societal biases and stereotypes, with participants’ specic
examples largely revolving around the incorrect use of pronouns (Table 2). Indeed, because of such concerns, Gmail is
currently suppressing suggestions containing gendered pronouns [111].
3.3 Limitations
While our interview study helped uncover a range of issues with email reply suggestions and scenarios where they
could be construed as problematic, we cannot, of course, extrapolate the ndings to all users. To help address these
limitations and examine the subthemes that emerged during our interviews under controlled conditions, we designed
and conducted crowd experiments.
Our interview ndings indicate that the way email reply suggestions are perceived depends on not only the content
of the email and the suggested replies, but also the broader social context. To further assess the potential impact of
both content and contextual cues on the perceived appropriateness of suggested replies, we designed a series of online
crowd experiments (§4.1). In our experiments, we asked judges to provide quantitative ratings and qualitative feedback
on email-reply scenarios we derived from our interviews, online anecdotes, publicly available email corpora, and reply
suggestions from a major email provider (§4.2-§4.3). This approach oers control over the content and context of email
scenarios that would otherwise not be possible because of the ethical and privacy concerns around the use of email data.
4.1 Experiment Design
Our interview ndings and prior work suggest that structural features, like the inclusion of greetings and closings
(§2.2.4, §3.2.4), and social ties, such as who sent the email that is being replied to (§2.2.5, §3.2.8), can aect perceptions
of and responses to emails. To examine their impact across various types of email-reply scenarios, we designed a 2
(structural features: present or absent)
6 (social ties: coworker, supervisor, sibling, parent, friend, mentor) experiment
in which we asked crowd judges to rate a curated set of scenarios (Table 3).
Problematic Email Reply Suggestions CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
For structural features, we either included or omitted an email greeting and closing. When present, the greeting was
xed as “Hi Jordan,” and the closing as “Thanks, a [social tie]”. We picked Jordan because 1) it is a gender-neutral name
and prior work found a person’s gender to inuence how their emails are evaluated [
], and 2) changing the name
would introduce a new variable.
For social ties, we systematically varied who the email appeared to be sent from by modifying the email header (e.g.,
“From: a friend”). Based on both our interviewees input (§3.2.8) and prior literature [
], we selected
six social ties that we split based on two criteria: 1) by relation type (professional, personal, family) and 2) by hierarchy
(e.g., coworker vs. supervisor). When structural features were present, we included the social tie in the email closing as
well (e.g., “Thanks, a friend”).
4.2 Selecting Email-Reply Scenarios
An email-reply scenario is the digital analogue to the “speech situation” from the Speech Act Theory, where the meaning
of an utterance depends on linguistic conventions, the social context, and the speaker’s intentions [
]. We designed a
set of email-reply scenarios that consisted of 1) the social tie and structural features that we experimentally vary (§4.1),
and 2) an email-reply pair, consisting of the body of a hypothetical email and a hypothetical reply. For our experimental
purposes, we focus only on replies to single, stand-alone emails (and not to email threads).
To ensure variation in the scenarios we used, we rst identied seven categories of problematic email-reply scenarios
(Table 3). We grounded these categories in three of our interview subthemes that directly concern the content of the
email, the content of the suggested replies, or both. Specically, we drew primarily from semantic and tonal coherence
issues (§3.2.6), identifying Dissonant, Confusing, Impolite, and Positivity scenarios. From issues related to contextual
and cultural norms (§3.2.9), we identied Culture Specic and Gender-assuming scenarios, while from issues related
to relationship types (§3.2.8), we identied Unprofessional and Impolite scenarios. We omit issues related to personal
authenticity (§3.2.5) and communication dynamics (§3.2.7) as they are dicult to meaningfully model in a controlled
and crowd-sourcing setting. These categories were used for scenario selection, but not revealed to participants during
the experiment.
4.2.1 Developing Email-Reply Vignees. For each of the seven categories, we developed a set of vignettes – carefully
constructed and realistic experimental scenarios [
] – that we could present to judges while experimentally ma-
nipulating the presence or absence of structural features and social ties. These vignettes were based on 1) scenarios
described by our participants, 2) problematic email suggestions reported in online media, 3) existing email corpora,
and 4) a large corpus of email reply suggestions from a major email provider. Although vignette studies may limit
ecological validity [
], grounding them in known email correspondence scenarios makes them plausible and relatable
(c.f. Simulated Work Tasks [13]).
For each email-reply vignette, we then developed a set of email speech acts [
] consisting of a brief sentence for
context (e.g., “We should get together and talk.”), followed by a question or assertion (e.g., “When are you free?”). We
based these on topics mentioned by our interviewees, including emails involving logistics, personal health, accidents,
and emotions (§3.2).
We then paired these hypothetical emails with suggestion-like replies such that, together, each email-reply pair was
representative for a given category (e.g., a confusing reply to “When are you free?” was “That works for me”). A majority
of these replies (84%)
came from email reply suggestions that were in use by a large commercial email provider in April
Among these, 54.5% were used unedited and 29.5% were slightly edited (e.g. altering a word) for better category t.
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Ronald E. Robertson, et al.
with the remaining being either inspired by reply suggestions from this set (11.4%) or pulled from online media
sources (4.5%). For example, “That was not right” was used unedited in one of our confusing scenarios, with others being
drawn from replies mentioned in the media (e.g. “Hahaha that’s awesome!” [
]) or prior work (e.g., “lol” [
]). When
edited for better category t, for the unprofessional category we did so to make the replies more curt (e.g., shortening “I
don’t want to do it.” to “I don’t want to.”) and include non-standard spellings (e.g., “Thx”) and interjections (e.g., “Ohh”).
For the gender assuming category we added gendered nouns and pronouns (e.g., changing “I hope you like it.” to “I
hope he likes it.”). For the cultural category, we looked for idioms corresponding to replies in the production set (e.g.,
replacing “Everything will be ok!” with the Australian idiom “She’ll be right!” and “Good luck!” with “Break a leg!”).
Overall, for each category we developed 18-20 vignettes, totaling 132 unique email-reply scenarios across all categories.
4.2.2 Email-Reply Scenario Validation. While the categories of problematic scenarios we identied are distinct, in
practice they can overlap as a reply may be, for instance, both gender-assuming and dissonant. To validate if our
experimental email-reply vignettes reect the selected categories, we set up two categorization tasks. First, after two
authors agreed on an initial set of pairs and their respective categories, a professional editor independently reviewed
and labeled them according to our categories, obtaining 80% agreement. For consistency, as many pairs were perceived
as matching multiple categories, we iteratively developed more uniform criteria to operationalize each category (e.g.,
using idioms for the cultural category and non-standard spellings, interjections and curt replies for the unprofessional
category §4.2.1) and updated the pairs accordingly. After all authors agreed on the new set and their categories, we
asked a second editor for a nal independent review, obtaining a nal agreement of 71% (82% without the cultural and
positivity categories).
4.3 estions and Rating Scales
Upon starting a task, we instructed judges to “read the email and its corresponding reply” and then “rate the reply on
the scales that follow by selecting the option that feels right to you.” To quantitatively assess how participants viewed
the replies, we included ve Likert scales and a binary question. To get a more qualitative understanding, we also
asked judges to provide adjustment recommendations for improving the reply and (optionally) their rationale for that
We chose our Likert scales by drawing from both the literature on social communication and email etiquette (§2.2),
and qualities our interviewees described as desirable when emailing, such as from our semantic and tonal coherence
(§3.2.6) and relationship types (§3.2.8) subthemes. We mapped these qualities to ve 7-point bipolar Likert scales that
asked how appropriate, professional, polite, positive, and sucient a reply was for a given email. For consistency, the
response options across all scales were similarly structured, with the appropriate scale ranging from “Very Appropriate,
Appropriate,” “Somewhat Appropriate,” “Neither Appropriate nor Inappropriate,” and so on. To control for position
eects — biases in how people respond to survey questions [
] — we counterbalanced the response options on
each scale by reversing the scales for half of the collected ratings. We included labels under each response option, used
a clear scale midpoint, and adhered to other best practices known to increase survey reliability [
]. For a
more general measure of each scenario, we also asked judges whether or not they would send the reply “as is.
We obtained these directly from the provider, more details on how they were developed are available in the Appendix.
The drop in agreement was largely due to some cultural idioms being deemed as either good responses (e.g., "Sorry to hear you’re under the weather. ")
or confusing (e.g., the Australian idiom "Sweet as"), and some eusive replies being marked as appropriate ("It is really pretty amazing!").
Problematic Email Reply Suggestions CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
4.4 Participants and Data
Across all our tasks, we recruited 259 English speaking judges from North America via the clickworker.com crowd-
sourcing platform. This platform is largely similar in design to other crowdsourcing platforms like Mechanical Turk,
CrowdFlower, or Prolic that have been previously used for running experiments like the ones we designed [
To avoid confusing judges with high inter-task variability, we conducted our experiments sequentially, holding the
social tie xed for each batch. Within each social tie batch, we included two versions of each email-reply pair (with and
without email structure), randomly sorting the tasks. To limit the impact that any one judge could have on our ratings,
we capped the number of tasks any one judge could complete in a batch to 20, paying on average about $15 (USD) per
hour. Under each (structure
social tie) experimental condition, for each email-reply vignette we collected assessments
from 6 distinct judges. Given the exploratory nature of our experiments, the unreliability of self-reported demographic
information in crowdsourcing settings [
], and IRB guidelines around data minimizing, we did not collect demographic
information about our judges. We obtained a total of 9,504 ratings.
4.5 Experiment Results
Overall, our crowd experiments show that 1) crowd ratings do reect category dierences among the email replies
scenarios (§4.5.1), 2) contextual factors like social ties (§4.5.2) and structural features (§4.5.3) inuence how email replies
are perceived, and 3) judges corrective adjustments to the replies (§4.5.4) along the rationales for those adjustments
(§4.5.5) illuminate nuanced issues which might otherwise be missed, further complementing our interview results (§3).
4.5.1 Assessments Variation Across Categories. We found statistically signicant dierences in judges’ ratings by
scenario category for all Likert scales (Kruskal-Wallis [KW]
tests; all
P <
Cultural, Positivity, and Gender-
assuming scenarios generally received higher ratings, while scenarios involving Unprofessional, Confusing, Dissonant,
or Impolite email-reply pairs generally received lower ratings (Figure 2). In fact, the ratings varied in ways that provides
additional face-validity to the scenarios construction for each category. For example, our Unprofessional scenarios
were rated negatively on the professional scale, but positively or neutrally on all other scales. Similarly, vignettes in
our positive category were rated highest on the positive scale, but lower on all other scales (Figure 2).
Our results
suggest that Dissonant replies are perceived as the least appropriate, even less so than Impolite replies. Confusing
replies were also rated as less appropriate than Unprofessional replies, suggesting that clearly addressing an email is of
higher priority.
We observe a similar high-level pattern across categories for judges’ decisions to send a reply “as is” (Figure 3). Again,
judges were more likely to send replies “as is” in Positivity, Gender-assuming, and Cultural scenarios, and less likely in
Unprofessional, Impolite, Confusing, and Dissonant scenarios (
). With respect to social ties, the replies in
Unprofessional scenarios are 5-11% less likely on average to be sent “as is” to a Supervisor, Coworker, or Mentor, than
to a Friend, Parent, or Sibiling (Figure 3). These dierences further validate the scenarios construction, with category
dierences being a primary source of variance in how replies are assessed.
As we gathered crowd ratings along ordinal scales, to compare assessments collected under dierent experimental conditions, we use nonparametric
tests like Kruskal Wallis [KW]
and Spearman’s Rho which do not depend on normality assumptions and are robust to outliers. We use
to denote
P < 0.001,
for P < 0.01 and
for P < 0.05.
We use neutral to refer to the midpoint on our scale, which read "Neither X nor Y," where X and Y refer to the opposite ends of the Likert scale (e.g.
Unprofessional and Professional). A judge could select the neutral option due to being uncertain about their answer, feeling indierent about the scenario,
or satiscing [81]; which we do not distinguish among.
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Ronald E. Robertson, et al.
Fig. 2. The median ratings for scenarios in each category (y-axis)
on our 7-point Likert-scales (x-axis).
Fig. 3. The mean proportion of replies sent as is by category
(y-axis) and social tie (x-axis).
4.5.2 Impact of Social Ties. Email-reply scenarios involving a supervisor were rated the least appropriate among social
ties, with this dierence being statistically signicant after adjusting for multiple tests using the Holm method [
] (KW
). We found no statistically signicant dierences for the other Likert scales by social tie. However, there
were statistically signicant dierences in the proportion of judges sending a reply “as is” by social tie (
Replies sent to supervisors and mentors were the least likely to be sent “as is” (35.6% and 36.4%, respectively), and
replies to siblings and parents were the most likely to be sent “as is” (39.2% and 39.6%, respectively). These observations
suggest that the type of social tie involved in an email exchange aects how replies are perceived.
4.5.3 Impact of Email Structure. We found no signicant dierences between email-reply pairs with and without
structural features for any of the Likert scales (all Mann-Whitney
P >
05; Figure 8 in Appendix), not even
when comparing paired dierences in ratings for the same scenario with and without structure (Figure 9 in Appendix).
In contrast to the Likert ratings, there is a statistically signicant dierence in the proportion of replies judges
indicated they would send “as is” by the presence or absence of structural features (
). This dierence,
however, was small: when an email contained a greeting and closing, judges were only 0.6% less likely to send a reply
as is, on average. Thus, structural features may at times aect reply assessments; and when they do, they appear more
likely to do so somewhat negatively, as also suggested by our interview participants (§3.2.4) and prior work (§2.2.4).
4.5.4 Examining Corrective Reply Adjustments. In total, 248 judges (95.8% of all judges) made 6,671 adjustments (70.2%
of all tasks) to increase the appropriateness of the replies we showed them. Among those adjustments, 136 judges
provided 1,885 (28.3%) rationales. We found the proportion of replies receiving an adjustment to vary signicantly by
category (KW χ
= 1, 843.6
), having a strong negative correlation with sending a reply “as is” (ρ = 0.78
). This
matches common sense expectations (i.e., an impolite email should not be sent “as is”). We also observed signicant
dierences in the proportion of adjustments by social tie (KW
), with replies to supervisors being the most
likely to be adjusted (73%). Yet, there were no signicant dierences in the proportion of replies that were adjusted in
the presence or absence of email structure.
When adjusting the replies, judges were 7 times more likely to add words (78.6%) than they were to remove words
(11.4%). Dierences in the number of words added or removed were signicant by category (KW
) and
social tie (KW
). Although the proportion of adjusted replies in the Confusing, Impolite, and Dissonant
categories were similar, Impolite replies stood out in terms of length adjustments (Figure 4). On average, participants
added 6.9 words when correcting our Impolite replies, compared to adding 4.2 words for Confusing and 4.4 words for
Dissonant replies (Figure 5). Among the adjusted replies, judges added “thanks” or “thank you” to 16.4% of replies,
“sorry” to 10.9% of replies, and “please” to 2.6% of replies. Adding a “thanks” or “thank you” was most frequent among
Problematic Email Reply Suggestions CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
Fig. 4. The mean proportion of replies adjusted (x-axis) by cate-
gory (y-axis) and social tie (legend).
Fig. 5. The mean number of words added or removed from the
reply (x-axis) by category (y-axis) and social tie (legend/color).
Confusing replies and replies to Mentors, adding a “sorry” was most frequent among Dissonant and Impolite replies and
replies to Coworkers, and adding a “please” was most frequent among Unprofessional replies and replies to Mentors.
To systematically examine the adjustments, we used a method called word shifts,
which are designed to show the
relative dierences in sentiment and other dictionary-based scores [
]. We used this method in conjunction with a
lexicon from VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) [
] that is specically tuned to measure
sentiment expressed in microblogging posts, which tend to be short, like our reply suggestions. We chose VADER
because its quantication of text sentiment on a scale from negative to positive allowed us to investigate positivity
bias – which prior work points to as a key factor in communication (§2.2.1) – and because researchers from have used
VADER to measure positivity in a wide variety of domains [11, 17, 88], including conversation analysis [115].
Using the original replies as a reference point, we computed shifts in judges’ adjustments for each category (Figure 6).
In general, judges changed Positivity and Gender assuming replies to make them less positive.
In contrast, judges
made Cultural, Unprofessional, and Confusing replies more positive, while replacing religion-related words with other
positive words and dropping words like “lame” and “nah.” For Impolite and Dissonant replies judges mainly added a
“sorry” and reduced the use of negative words like “terrible” and “bad.
4.5.5 Adjustment Rationales. Although the scenarios from our Gender-assuming and Cultural categories were generally
rated highly across our Likert scales (Figure 2), the reply adjustments and adjustment rationales made by participants
for these categories tell a dierent story. Among those adjustments and rationales we found that judges were bothered
by Gender-assuming replies, with some explaining that they “changed [she] to ‘they’ since gender is unknown” and
asking “how does the writer know that it’s a ‘she’.” Similarly, for the Gender-assuming example in Table 3, one judge
thought the original reply was ne but changed “it so the new reply is more gender neutral and not assuming the
gender of the doctor.” Overall, we found more than 80 adjustment rationales that showed awareness and concern about
gender-assuming replies.
Judges’ adjustment rationales also highlighted the eects of social ties in making adjustments. For example, one
judge added a “thank you” to the end of a reply to a mentor, noting that “a mentor should be thanked for their help.
Before analyzing the word shifts, we tokenized the replies and their adjustments, and removed stopwords and punctuation.
The increase in sentiment because of “great” in the plot is due to VADER scoring great as more positive than most words, including: ‘exciting,’ ‘nice,
‘fantastic,’ ‘outstanding,’ ‘excellent.
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Ronald E. Robertson, et al.
Fig. 6. The word shi scores for the reply adjustments relative to the original replies by category, showing the top-10 changes that
judges made to make the replies more appropriate. The top four bars in each subplot show the relative increase and decrease in
positive sentiment (yellow and light yellow bars) and negative sentiment (blue and light purple bars). The overall shi (
, dark gray
bar) was negative for adjustments to Positivity, Gender, and Dissonant replies—suggesting that they were typically adjusted to be less
positive—while replies from the other categories were generally adjusted to be more positive.
Another judge completely rewrote a reply to turn the original reply “into a professional sounding response because
they are responding to a supervisor.” Noting possible consequences from sending some of the email replies, one judge
remarked that the “original reply was neither polite or in context” and sending “it would likely get you red.
The adjustment rationales were often category specic, with replies from our Dissonant category being labeled
as “tone deaf,” while replies from the Impolite category as “terse and rude.” Rationales for the Cultural category also
revealed the diculties of accommodating phrases from dierent cultures, with judges noting that an Australian phrase
(“She’ll be right!”) “made no sense.” When our Cultural replies referenced religion (e.g. “that’s a blessing!”), judges noted
they “personally wouldn’t be "praying" for anyone” but thought it was “an acceptable reply.” Within the Unprofessional
category, judges removed slang words, noting that “slang is inappropriate for a work email,” and words like “Yup”’ as
they were “just a little too casual.” For our Postivity category, judges indicated that it is possible to overdo it, as the
word “amazing seems a little over the top,” and reporting that they “toned [the reply] down a bit to sound more mature.
4.6 Limitations
The interface through which users interact with the suggestions (mobile app vs. web interface), may aect not just
their behavior, but their perception of suggestions as well, and we do not test for this in our experiments. Future
crowdsourced experiments should also explore how varying interfaces can impact interactions with, and assessments of,
reply suggestions. For example, the cross-platform dierences dierences in usage of email and chat reply suggestions.
Problematic Email Reply Suggestions CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
While participation is anonymous on the platform we used, it is possible that participants may be inuenced by
social desirability to provide what they would perceive as correct responses given the culture they are embedded in. It
is therefore possible that our measurements reect greater sensitivity than people would experience when they are
actually emailing. However, with respect to our goals of detecting problematic scenarios and understanding how to x
them, this sensitivity may be more of an advantage than a limitation. Relatedly, we did not collect demographics of our
judges, and it is therefore unclear how representative their ratings may be of the greater email population. However,
the measures we took to limit the impact that any one judge had on our results (§4.4), and the diverse issues raised in
judges rationales (§4.5.5), provide reassurance.
Lastly, issues of pseudoreplication can occur if individual observations are heavily dependent on one another, and
thereby limit ndings. However, a total of 259 unique judges worked on our tasks and were randomly assigned to a
maximum of 20 tasks in any of our experiment batches. Given this random assignment, the diversity in judges per
email scenario (each rated by 6 unique judges), and that the results we present here were fully consistent with those
from a pilot version of this study that we conducted in July 2019, we believe our results are robust to pseudoreplication.
One notable dierence in the pilot study was that the impact of structural features had a signicant negative impact on
Likert scales for supervisors, while here this eect appears weaker.
In this study, we used a mixed-methods approach to identify and characterize the conditions under which email reply
suggestions are perceived as problematic. Our interview results provide a qualitative edge often absent in AI-MC
research on this topic, and our experiments show how social context – not just content – can inuence how short,
suggestion-like email replies are perceived. Together, these results suggest that AI-MC systems that ignore social
context have the potential to turn otherwise appropriate replies into inappropriate ones.
System designers should aim to proactively address the problematic conditions we identied for two reasons. First,
presenting suggestions which fail to address social context can have not only direct negative impacts (e.g. showing a
user suggestions that oends them), but also indirect negative impacts (e.g. if a user oends another person by using
a suggestion).
Second, users exposed to inappropriate suggestions may develop algorithm aversion, where users
avoid using a system after seeing it fail, despite its utility [
]. To help facilitate such eorts, we release the dataset of
problematic email scenarios with participants’ ratings and annotations from our experiments.
Eliminating problematic suggestions, however, will be dicult as shown in our interviews, the denition of
problematic can depend on intersecting factors, such as relationship type (§3.2.8), communication dynamics (§3.2.7),
and cultural norms (§3.2.9). As such, addressing these issues will require grasping not just social context, but users’
personal characteristics as well. Despite these challenges, we found substantial grounding for the issues we identied
across an interdisciplinary literature (§2), indicating that the problematic themes we identied may generalize to other
AI-MC environments (e.g., reply suggestions when texting with a colleague). Given this grounding, our ndings and
framework provide a foundation for future theoretical and empirical work on AI-MC in email and other CMC systems.
Replying with Empathy.
In terms of content, we found that declining requests must be done so gracefully, and
with adequate explanations (§4.5.4). Results from both phases of our study support this observation, with interviewees
noting that reply suggestions are often too curt (§3.2.6), and crowd judges being seven times more likely to lengthen
Paradoxically, negative indirect impacts may also function as a moral crumple zone, improving relations between communicators by taking the blame
for a message that otherwise would have been attributed to one of the communicators [64].
The data and accompanying documentation are available at: https://github.com/gitronald/chi2021data
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Ronald E. Robertson, et al.
a reply to make it more appropriate (§4.5.4). The need for reciprocity was also emphasized in our interviews, where
participants noted encounters with email reply suggestions that were dissonant, overly-positive, or otherwise did not
reciprocate the email they were suggested for (§3.2.6 & 3.2.7). Similarly, reciprocity also appeared to guide crowd judges’
reply adjustments, with judges typically increasing the negative sentiment of a reply to correct for dissonance and
reducing the positive sentiment for overly-positive replies (Figure 6). Correcting for reciprocity may present a more
dicult challenge, and the development methods for identifying situations that call for reciprocity might be needed.
Positivity Bias in Reply Suggestions.
What to do about “good” biases? Although positivity bias has been noted in
prior literature, and has been the subject of media attention, our interview participants rarely brought it up (§3.2.6).
Despite this, crowd judges in our experiments often made hyper-positive replies more appropriate by reducing positive
sentiment (Figure 6). These ndings suggest that, while positive replies are not saliently problematic, they are also
not always seen as appropriate. This is further complicated by cultural norms around positivity – while somewhat
universal, such norms have nuanced dierences across cultures [
]. Designers should also brainstorm and
reect on other cases where positive suggestions could potentially be problematic. For example, they may encourage
white lies (e.g., “Did you think my talk was okay?” “Yes, it was perfect”), may pressure a recipient by nudging them to
answer armatively (e.g., “Could you work on this over the weekend?” “Yes, absolutely”), or may discourage people to
ask for help (e.g., “Are you feeling better today?” “Yes, doing great!”).
Promises and Perils of Personalized AI-MC.
Although personalization of AI-MC may alleviate some of the issues
we identied, our interviews suggest it may also create its own unique issues. When personalizing based on only the
content of an individual’s past messages, an AI-MC system might miss nuanced code-switching – a change in language
variations – and suggest something that the individual would be unlikely to say to a particular group (§ 3.2.7 & 3.2.8).
For example, personalization might pick up on the phonetic spellings or religious salutations that a person uses for
some social ties [
], but participants in our experiments largely edited such terms out in their adjustments (§4.5.4),
indicating they might not always be received.
Personalization may also pick up on the use of hedging or other claim softening devices among certain groups (e.g.,
female users [
]), and suggest replies accordingly. Such biases in AI-MC suggestions may thus mirror and entrench
existing societal biases by disproportionately encouraging that behavior among those groups. Indeed, the Just Not Sorry
browser extension was designed to specically minimize the use of hedging and claim softening devices [
], and there
is some evidence that AI-MC alters language use [
]. To proactively address this, system designers need to balance
between personalization at the individual level and at the social network level, where the assessment of suggestion
quality includes the social ties involved. Embedding and adapting normative values during the design process, rather
than after, may also help in this regard [76]. Regardless of the approach used, maintaining user privacy is paramount.
Giving Users More Control.
While adjusting the AI systems or the algorithms that govern the suggestions people
receive is one route forward, providing users with more explicit control could also be benecial. This is evident not only
by the market for third-party extensions (such as the Just Not Sorry browser extension), but also from our interviews,
where participants often expressed a desire for greater control and customization (§3.2.3). The need and potential
desire to ne tune replies can also be seen in our experiments where, across all categories, a large fraction of replies
were amended, often depending on the social tie involved (Figure 4). Such controls might put the user in charge of
selecting the social context for a given contact and tuning the system accordingly, with options to adjust these over
time. Similarly, although most email reply suggestion systems allow for editing after clicking a suggestion, the same is
not true for other AI-MC reply suggestions, such as instant messaging, which send suggested replies upon the rst click
Problematic Email Reply Suggestions CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
or tap. More work is needed to understand whether users want a similar buer in the context of instant text messaging,
and whether users of any AI-MC system would enjoy and benet from additional control or opportunities for editing.
Long-term Impacts.
Little is known about the long-term impacts of providing such automation [
], but predictive
text systems are known to create feedback loops: behavioral and societal factors skew user behavior, these skews
get embedded in the logged data and are reproduced by algorithms, users then interact with that output, which, in
turn, produces more biased training data and closes the loop [
]. As with other technologies designed to facilitate
discourse [
], and given the global scale that they operate on, these systems may impact how language is used
over time. These eects could extend beyond those who adopt the technologies by inuencing how people communicate
digitally [
], with broader eects including the spread of norms and cultures prioritized by those systems, such that
even people who do not adopt the feature are aected by it. In our interviews, this was surfaced as both a concern and an
appreciation for suggestions seemingly favoring “American” communication norms (§3.2.9). Designers should identify
which cultural conventions may inadvertently take precedent, and take steps to understand how these conventions
may narrow or shape discourse over time.
Future Work.
Future work should address how user behavior changes after using AI-MC systems. For example,
do users reply to more correspondence? Does adoption and use vary across interfaces (e.g. mobile, desktop, tablet)?
Furthermore, how interfaces inuence suggestion choice is an open question with substantial variance across AI-MC
technologies, including instant messaging and document composition [
]. For example, how does AI-MC use dier
in instant messaging and email? We also need more in depth investigations of how replies are selected and modied,
conditioned on contextual factors (§4.5.4), as well as how these ndings apply to non-text communications, like emojis,
images, and GIFs [
]. Future work should also further examine the impact of relationships other than the ones we
examined by varying them in terms of social distance and familiarity (e.g. an acquaintance or rst time interaction).
Overall, our ndings indicate that current text recommendation systems for email and other CMC
technologies remain insuciently nuanced to reect the subtleties of real world social relationships and communication
needs. System designers should explore personalization strategies at the individual and social network level, consider
how cultural values and societal biases may be perpetuated by their systems, and explore social interaction modelling in
order to begin addressing the limitations and issues we have identied. Our mixed-methods framework for identifying
and characterizing such issues is platform-agnostic, and can be applied to understand problematic suggestions in other
AI-MC technologies, or reapplied over time, as algorithms are updated, interfaces change, and platform usage drifts.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers, the interviewees and crowd judges, Naman Mody, Shashank Jain,
Andrew Lambert, Mohamed Musbah, and others for invaluable comments on this project. We are also grateful to our
editors Susan Powers, Emery Fine, and Adam Ferguson for their help with labeling and reviewing our email-reply
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In our initial, motivating study, we explored a dataset containing real user interactions with email reply suggestions in a
web browser client for Outlook. This dataset consisted of a sample of real reply suggestions and a sample of anonymized
click logs. No emails or email metadata were viewed or analyzed. We used these data to explore the prevalence of reply
length, positivity bias, and politeness in email reply suggestions and users’ clicks on those suggestions. We conjectured
that measuring these data for systematic patterns or skews might shed light on potential issues that we could ask
participants to expand on in our interviews. We limited our exploration to these factors because creating an algorithm
for scoring text is not goal of this project, so we therefore relied on existing metrics that could be used as a proxy for
measuring some of the more consistent themes explored in prior work (e.g. Positivity and Sentiment Analysis).
A.1 User Interaction Data
The anonymized data we used consisted of rendered suggestions—which were presented as “blocks” consisting of three
suggestions shown together—and corresponding click logs from a major commercial email client. These datasets were
collected in two dierent periods (May and June 2019), and drawn from a 5% random sample of North American users.
Suggestions were rendered only for emails that were in English, but not for emails that were very short or very long.
In total, our data contains 2.8 million blocks, including a total of over 8.3M rendered suggestions. The system that
generated these suggestions was based on a recently established architecture [
] and uses a curated corpus of replies
that is drawn from the most frequent 20K responses from a large email provider (based on tens of millions of emails
over hundreds of thousands of users). The log data was anonymized to preserve user privacy, and we do not access email
content only rendered reply suggestions and corresponding click data.
A.2 Characterizing Reply Suggestions
To characterize the reply suggestions, we adopted three metrics that have been widely used in applied NLP research
and that were related to the insights from our interviews around positivity, politeness, and tone. The rst, VADER
(Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) [
], is specically tuned to measure sentiment expressed in
microblogging posts, which tend to be short, similar to our reply suggestions. The second, Empath [
], is an adaptable
Problematic Email Reply Suggestions CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
emotion lexicon-based word embedding trained on 1.8 billion words from modern ction, and that strongly correlates
with a popular psychometrically validated gold-standard [
]. The last is a computational technique for detecting
politeness strategies in text, such as greetings, hedging, or expressions of gratitude [
]. We also measured other
reply features inspired by prior work, including reply length (e.g., number of words and characters).
(a) Unique replies (b) Replies rendered to users (c) Replies clicked by users
Fig. 7. Probability distribution for reply features at each point in the system: (a) unique replies, (b) replies rendered (ranking and
filtering), and (c) replies clicked (user interaction).
A.3 Exploratory Analysis
We examined the distributions of our selected metrics for (a) the inventory of replies that appeared in our datasets, (b)
the replies rendered by the algorithm, and (c) the replies that were clicked by users (Figure 7). Relative to the inventory
of available replies (Figure 7a), those rendered skewed towards shorter and more positive replies (Figure 7b). Similarly,
relative to the suggestions rendered, the suggestions clicked by users were further skewed towards shorter and more
positive replies, though these dierences were smaller (Figure 7c).
Controlling for the rank at which suggestion were rendered, we then computed the probability for a suggestion to be
clicked given the rank it appears at, the number of words it is composed of, and various linguistic cues for politeness and
positivity—gures omitted for space considerations. Despite a left-to-right position bias for the rendered suggestions,
participants appeared to seek out a specic kind of reply at each rank. Namely, users appear to prefer short replies that
are polite or positive, even when they are rendered at lower ranked positions. This nding connects to the original
motivation for reply suggestions [
]. The VADER and Empath dictionaries we used to score our replies were somewhat
related, with correlations between their compound (
ρ =
P <
001) and positive scores (
ρ =
P <
001), but
only a small correlation between their negative scores (
ρ =
P <
001). We found small but signcant correlations
between CTR and VADER’s positive scores (
ρ =
P <
001) and compound scores (
ρ =
P <
001), but not
its negative scores. However, we found no signicant correlation between CTR and Emapth’s scores.
A.4 Limitations
In our analysis, we were interested in empirically exploring how textual cues for politeness or positivity correlate
with users propensity to select a certain suggestion. However, the computational techniques for assessing aect and
politeness, such as the ones we used (VADER and Empath), have known limitations. For example, behavioral and other
verbal cues are important in such assessments, but are not fully captured by text [
]. Future work should employ
additional techniques for measuring the impact of these factors.
Though many interesting questions could be answered with additional log analyses, our goal was provide additional
motivation for our mixed-methods study.
CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Ronald E. Robertson, et al.
Future work should seek out or develop new methods for measuring the various features that might shed further
light on click-through rates and algorithmic selection of reply suggestions. Given the similar use of predictive text
suggestions in other conversational settings [
], extending our exploration to open source conversational
datasets may provide insights into when our ndings generalize beyond email.
1. Purpose of interview:
Hi <NAME>, thank you for taking the time to speak with me. We are in the exploratory
stage of a project related to the Smart Reply and Smart Compose features that you may have seen in various online
services, especially email. Smart Reply is the feature that provides you with several options for responding to an entire
email, and Smart Compose is the feature that suggests ways to complete your sentences as you type. We’re interested
in learning about the dierent scenarios in which these suggestions might be problematic or inappropriate. To better
understand these scenarios, we have a number of open-ended questions that we would like to go through with you
2. Email Usage
What kind of email style do you use?
How often do you use a greeting and closing in your emails?
What situations or scenarios do you think it’s important to do so in?
How many emails do you receive per day/week?
How many emails do you answer per day/week?
How elaborate do your email answers tend to be?
3. Usage of Suggestions for Email Correspondence
Have you ever used Smart Reply / Smart Compose type of features?
Which one? What was the email client?
How often do you use Smart Replies/Compose?
Generally speaking, how satised are you with the response options they provide?
Do you use them on mobile, desktop, or both?
Do you nd them more useful on one? Why?
How do you think that Smart Reply or Compose suggestions are generated?
Can you tell me about a recent email that you used a Smart Reply on? (Repeat for Smart Compose)
Without disclosing any sensitive information, could you tell me the topic of the email?
What is the relationship with the Sender? (e.g., a friend, a colleague, a manager)
Was it someone that you had interacted with before or planned to interact with again?
Were you the only or primary recipient on this email?
4. Experiences with Problematic Suggestions
Have you ever encountered a suggested reply that you thought was problematic, inappropriate, or awkward for
any reason?
Problematic Email Reply Suggestions CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan
Clarication: By problematic, inappropriate, or awkward, I mean the suggested response was one that you would
not have written yourself, for any reason.
Without disclosing any sensitive information, could you tell me the topic of the email?
What was the relationship with the Sender?
Were you the only or primary recipient on this email?
Are there certain people or relationships that you would not use smart replies to communicate with?
What is it about those relationships that makes you not want to use smart replies?
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your experiences with Smart Reply or Smart Compose like
Fig. 8. The mean Likert-scale ratings (x-axis) for scenarios in each category (y-axis) by presence or absence of email structure (legend).
Aer controlling for multiple hypothesis testing, none of these dierences were significant.
Fig. 9. Change in ratings (x-axes) by social tie (y-axis) due to the presence (S) or absence (NS) of structure.