Love a Golden Rescue
Golden News
© Copyright 2022 by Love a Golden Rescue
Also available “on-line” in FULL COLOR at
Summer 2022 Volume 22 Issue 2
Volume 22 Issue 2 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 1
Keepers Korner
You probably recognize my name from the internationally-famous column, "Keeper's Korner." After People magazine and the New
York Times newspaper started clamoring to interview me, I decided to tell my story and give the Love a Golden Rescue newsletter
an exclusive. I owe so many people my thanks. I am now 9 and a very lucky golden. Yes, I'm in a great home, so that alone makes
me fortunate… but if you knew about one of my earliest memories, you'd say I must be part cat, because I've definitely been
granted more than one life.
When I was 3 months old, I was run over by a lawn mower. I was named Sydney at the time. The family took me to a vet in
Kentucky to be euthanized. Luckily, the vet tech used to live in St. Louis and knew all about LAGR. After obtaining permission from
my first family to surrender me, I was on my way to St. Louis. I left the mountains of Kentucky behind, along with that mangled-up
hind leg, since it got amputated before I left Kentucky. (After all, it was no use to me.)
All was good for several months; I had a great life. My foster family fell in love with me, adopted me in July 2013 and changed my name to
Keeper. I heard them say I was a gentle giant and never met an enemy. My mom also knew she couldn't just foster me--she knew I was a
Unfortunately, as I grew, my other rear leg just was not correct. Often, I would scoot around. I went to water therapy, but I still struggled and tired
Then one day I went on a car ride to University of Missouri VHC for a consultation. There I met a vet who turned out to be my hero: Dr. James
Tomlinson and his team. I will always be so grateful for those doctors and those vet techs who took such great care of me.
As this part is complicated, and way too science-y for me, I am going to quote from an article written about me at the university:
“At the VHC, radiographs and computed tomography (CT) scans were performed to assess Keeper’s tibia and identify how best to help him.
Keeper had an uncompensated biapical deformity, in which two deformities of the bone occur in the same direction. This type of deformity results
in the knee being positioned to the outside of the body when the foot is placed directly under the pelvis, making it hard for him to balance and
support his weight. James Tomlinson, DVM, MVSc, MU professor of small animal orthopedic surgery, said most dogs do well with only three legs.
But Keeper’s accident likely damaged the growth plate at the top of his tibia, causing one side of the growth plate to grow but not the other side,”
Tomlinson said. This led to his right hind leg being crooked.
Dogs generally distribute about 60 percent of their weight to the front legs and 40 percent to the back, Tomlinson said. Following a hind leg
amputation, most shift their weight so about 70 percent is distributed to the front legs. Keeper was unable to do this.
“His back leg was so crooked that he couldn’t shift his weight,” Tomlinson said. “He couldn’t get himself up or support himself.”
Tomlinson worried that Keeper’s mobility problems, if not addressed, would worsen as the young dog grew older and gained weight. His quality of
life could decline further. To prevent this, Tomlinson devised a plan to straighten Keeper’s leg so it could bear weight.
Keeper’s bone needed to be as strong as possible to keep it straight while it healed. As seen in this radiograph, his surgeons
implanted an interlocking nail secured with three bolts as well as a bone plate secured with 10 screws.
“Even when dogs have these types of deformities, there are things that can be done to help them have a better quality of life,”
Tomlinson said. “Obviously, he’s not going to be 100 percent normal, but hopefully being a three-legged dog, he will be acceptably
While I was there at the university clinic for the initial consultation, Dr. Tomlinson showed my mom the "pictures" of my leg bone.
He spun it around so we could get a 360 degree view of what was going on with my leg. I was fascinated, even though I don't
know a single thing about canine bone structure. I just knew that if one of my bones was being shown on a TV screen, I was
famous. I became even more famous with vets all over the world, because Dr. Tomlinson wrote an article about me. Me--Keeper!
A humble Kentucky pup turned St. Louis sensation.
Continued next page
Volume 22 Issue 2 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 2
Presidents Message
Dear Golden Friends,
2022 is passing very quickly, it is hard to believe July is upon us. Our Valentine Appeal was a great success. Thank you to all who donated.
We appreciate your generosity.
So far this year, we have taken in 16 dogs. We have rescued goldens, golden mixes as well as other dogs in desperate need, such as labs
and doodles. Of those dogs, several have medical conditions that take time to treat. Shiloh and Remi are both heartworm positive. Shiloh has
already had his first round of treatment, and Remi will have her first treatment at the beginning of July (after taking 28 days of antibiotics). Bella
was another dog we took in this year. She came to us as one very stinky girl. The day we picked her up, we took her to our vet as an emergen-
cy. It turned out she was in heat and had an open pyometra. Luckily it was open; had it been closed, she may not have survived the time
needed to get her to us. She is healed, and is now a healthy senior in her new home. We took in Hank as a dog with hip dysplasia. He has had
his first surgery and is doing very well with his recovery. He has started water therapy, and in a few months, he will be re-evaluated to see if
the second hip needs to be done.
Then there was Cassidy, the beautiful English Crème puppy. She came to us with an ectopic urethra. This meant she was always leaking
urine. While at her foster home, she wore diapers. At the end of May, it was time for her to go to the University of Missouri Vet School to
determine the extent of her birth defect and see if it could be repaired. She needed to be a minimum of 20 pounds. As of this writing, she had
her procedure and so far, so good. It will take a few weeks to see if she no longer leaks, if she has some leaking that can be treated with
meds, or perhaps things will be no better. Everyone is hopeful she is fully fixed, and all is looking good. Thank you to all who became foster
buddies to Cassidy. Also thank you to her amazing foster family. We have changed the kind of diapers she wears over the last couple of
months, and have kept her healthy--no small feat.
Our annual trivia night has unfortunately been canceled. With COVID-19 numbers going up and the hall being small, it has been decided that
this would be the best decision for everyone. We have many baskets already made for the silent auction, and we are trying to think of a
creative way to offer them.
This year, our reunion picnic is scheduled for September 17th. We look forward to this event every year. It's so enjoyable seeing so many dogs
that we've taken in over the years as they show off their wonderful forever families. We hope to see you there. This year the theme is camping.
Many of the trees at the park have been cut down due to Ash Borer Disease, so we're asking you to bring some form of shade
cover. New trees have been planted, but they are very small.
We are also planning a LAGR 2023 calendar. Information has been sent out so please send your photos before the deadline. We are sure
your dog would love to be a star of the next calendar.
Thanks to all of you for your continued support. Love a Golden Rescue could not rescue any dogs without everyone's help.
Golden Thoughts,
Keepers Korner—Continued
You must be thinking how lucky I am, and I was. I got to spend a month there at the clinic while I recovered. You just cannot imagine how
spoiled I was, with all the students coming to visit me. They called me a “goofball” and said I was easy to love. I take that as a compliment
(the goofball part), since goldens are known for their playfulness, and the "easy to love" part? That I knew all along. Everybody who meets
me falls in love with me.
This was all many years ago. You may ask how am I doing, now that I am a senior. The answer to that question is
fabulous. I go to water therapy at Healing Paws Rehab every week. I have done this since my surgery, and I want to give
a big shout-out to Jacqueline (at Healing Paws) who lets my mom know if she thinks I am gaining weight, and always
has a ball ready for me to chew on while I exercise. Most of my thanks goes to my parents who understand I need
exercise and need to keep the weight off. Each day I go on a short walk, but I cannot go far, so water therapy is very
important for me.
So now do you understand why I am such a lucky dog? If things had gone differently when I was still a pup, I would have
been dead all these years, which means I would have missed out on so much love and fun... and my family would have missed out on all the
joy I've brought them over the years. Remember this: just because something is not perfect doesn't mean it should be thrown away. With one
leg chewed up by a lawn mower and another leg not growing the right way, I was far from perfect. Fortunately, my family saw how much my
flawed self could give...
Volume 22 Issue 2 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 3
Happy Endings
Nash is great and enjoying life with his sister Win-
nie. We spent the winter in Arizona, so we walked
a lot! We also go to the dog
park here in Chesterfield.
They go most places with us.
We are all getting excited
about boating season!!!
We are so blessed to have Goldie Girl (was
Goldie Sue) in our family. She and our
goldendoodle are best friends. She loves for
us to pet her. She loved rolling around in
the snow. Everyone that meets her says
she is an awesome girl.
Things with Louise are
going great! She has
bonded with all of us.
She is so sweet, and
we love her so much.
She is still afraid of
new things, but she
actually did zoomies in the backyard
Jessie (was Jessica) is making so
much progress;
she continues to
improve all the
time. She has
relaxed so much
and has become
more affectionate
and trusting than she was at first. She
loves to hang out in the back yard,
watching for animals and any people
walking by. The only thing that
seems to bother her is storms, so she
runs and hides under the bed during
them. She loves when guests visit, both
people and other dogs. She is a great
family member!
Benny is awesome! He keeps us all on our
toes to say the least. It’s
all about catching him
before he inhales the next
thing he can get his mouth
on! He is truly a light in our
Gia (was Hattie) has been amazing. She is
learning to be a spoiled golden. She is
becoming less skittish, more social and is
very comfortable and content. She adores
her big golden (LAGR alum) Dublin and
mimics his behavior. We love this little girl!
Hank (was Zander) is a big, gray mound of love and affection! He
and Oliver get along great and play/rough house and are even
starting to snuggle up to each other a bit when they nap. Oliver
seems lost when Hank goes to Kennelwood for puppy training
during the day. Hank loves our country place and
thoroughly enjoyed his first snow. If there is water
of any kind, you can be sure Hank will find it, drink
it, lay in it, swim, or roll in it! He wins over everyone
he meets and loves everyone right back. We can’t
thank you enough for letting us adopt him! He is
absolutely a member of the family!
All is well with Cherry Chip (was Coco).
She has even made a new friend with
my sister’s kitten over the past few
weeks! She’s a really good pup.
Hard to believe it has
been a year since adopt-
ing Wynter. He loves
hanging out in the yard
on nice days and lots of
zoomies when he is excit-
ed. Wynter does have anxiety issues during
storms. We started him on some calming meds
and that has helped greatly during storms. Can't
wait for his walks in the morning and evening
and likes being around Molly (LAGR alumni).
Maple has been such a wonderful addition to
our family. She adjusted seamlessly. She
and Priya (was Sandy, LAGR alumni) have
become the best of friends. We still can’t
believe we were lucky enough to adopt her.
We love her so much!
Things are great with Molly (was Annie). I
bought her a new tug-of-war toy and in 5
minutes of playing with her, it fell apart. I
contacted the company, and they sent a
replacement toy football which is in her mouth in
the attached photo. She carries it everywhere.
So far after a couple of weeks, the football is
holding up. We have a lot of fun throwing it
outside, because it bounces crazy when it lands.
Happy Endings—Continued next page
Volume 22 Issue 2 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 4
Happy Endings—Continued next page
Molly (was Jo) is doing well. We had a scare a few
weeks ago, because we thought she had a seizure.
She is the sweetest, most calm dog we have ever had.
She loves getting petted by visitors to our house. She
has been to PetSmart and doesn’t seem anxious. She
still does not like going in the backyard to potty. She
goes on one or two walks a day, and she loves to stop
and smell flowers. We have heard only one bark since we have had
her, and that was when we were too slow fixing her dinner. She is
such a good girl who likes to be with us. She loves to collect all the
new toys on her bed, especially the stuffed animals. She really is the
perfect dog for us, and we love her so much.
Sidney (was Snoop) continues to be either “my sweet baby boy” or “the
whirling dervish” full of mischief and mayhem! He is going to doggie
day camp three mornings a week for socialization
and to help curb the whirling dervish in him. Five to
six hours of Run Baby Run (RBR) with his play
pup-buddies, and he will usually be worn out the
rest of the day and evening. I avoid crating Sidney
except at night or when I leave the house. If he
needs to be contained for a time, I will put him in his
big playpen. If I go into a room and close the door,
he will sit or lie on the other side until I come out.
He has completed phase I of obedience training. It was private lessons,
but I don’t think he made the grade to be the valedictorian! Since he is
still a puppy, his attention span is about the size of a gnat! The trainer
said he has a teenager’s brain. Sidney can always find something more
interesting than what we are working on in training. We start phase II at
the end of January in a group of six teams.
His two favorite activities are chewing and playing keep away.
Chewing, especially if it is food, paper or furniture oriented. As Sid’s
foster mom said “he is super-fast”! If I try to get something from him, he
will run behind every piece of furniture or around the dining room table.
He definitely keeps me on my toes.
And in the evening, we have our golden hour or two before bedtime.
He likes to lie on my lap and is “my sweet baby boy.” So, all in all, I
think things are going well for the two of us.
Nellie (was Nisha): We have lots of love for this
crazy girl! She also has her own Instagram,
@goodgirlnellie! She finished up training and is
doing great.
Roxy (was Poppy) is doing great. She is
acting more like a dog, getting more out-
going and starting to pick on her brother
Ruthie (was Tori) is doing great! She has
had no potty accidents, sleeps through the
night and loves the large yard. We have a
way to go with leash stuff(!). She will come
in from the yard when called the majority of
the time. She is still skittish about new
things, but she’s going to be a great pet.
Murphy (was Murdoch) has been such a gift and fantastic
addition to our family! He was meant to be
ours! He’s made such a drastic turnaround this
past year. He continues to love his naps, his
toy box overflowing with all of his toys, walks,
playing in the yard and chasing squirrels. He
also loves other dogs and gets so excited
when family comes to visit!
After our 26th foster, Moxie Madison (was Moxie) made the
Michaels into foster failures. From a scared, fearful, little dog, she
had transformed into a loving, curious puppy
learning that being a dog in a loving family is fun,
exciting and trusting. We fell in love with her. She
is the pinnacle of what fostering, patience, love,
understanding and acceptance can do to change
lives. Ours and hers. Like we say, she is our baby
just born yesterday, who snuggles with all of us,
could play fetch in her sleep and belongs on a dog commercial at
the dog park.
In January, we celebrated Willow’s (was Honey
Bee) second birthday and first gotcha day. She
still loves to play and cuddle. She is the best
girl and the perfect fit for our family! Thank you
again, Love a Golden Rescue.
Happy Endings - continued
Volume 22 Issue 2 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 5
Happy Endings - continued
Tucker (was Nelson) is doing well, and he has fit
right into our family! We take him with us in the car
whenever we can. When we tell him we are going,
he jumps on the couch and leans over the back for
us to put his harness on to be seat belted in. He
loves car rides and usually gets special attention or
a treat when we go through any drive throughs
(pharmacy, Starbucks, fast food). He loves the snow as much as he
loves the water! He would go out and immediately lay down tossing and
turning in it. He still loves to play with his tennis ball! We have them all
over the house! Whenever we sit down anywhere, he immediately
brings us his ball to throw. When the weather is nice, we play ball in the
yard, but he's happy playing in the house, too. He also loves sticks!
Every time he goes outside, he runs to find a stick to bring back to the
door. I tell him to "drop it" before he can come in. Sometimes that takes
a few minutes, but he finally gets the hint. We now have enough little
sticks around our back door to make a small fire! (ha)
Gabby and our Great Pyr quickly became friends and thoroughly
enjoy their daily morning walks together. I was
surprised to find that she has little interest in
toys and is not a golden who carries balls,
stuffed toys or other items around in her
mouth. She adores being petted and cuddled
and stays close to either my husband or me in
the house. She is nondestructive, well
mannered, non-demanding and the first in and
out of the car. With her fast movements, it is
hard to believe that she will be 9 years old on
the 1st of June.
Zeke is wonderful. He loves running around in the snow
and smelling deer, squirrels and racoons. He caught a bird
last week. That wasn’t my favorite moment, but he's just
doing what dogs do. It's instinct. Zeke has lots of furry
cousins and lives to play with them. I adore him. Oh yes,
he also loves to watch animals on TV.
Tator’s Tots were 9 years old in March 2022.
We just love Loki (was Seeba). He’s turned out to
be such a great dog!! He came from Korea in
Harper is doing well. In the last couple of months,
she has gained a lot of confidence and is learning
belly rubs are a good thing. I am enjoying watching
her blossom into a loved pet.
Winnie is such a beautiful baby! We love
her more every day. She loves our other
small dog too.
Volume 22 Issue 2 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 6
Pick ME! - Our featured golden available for adoption.
All of our adoptable goldens can be found on our web site at:
Lacey Jo
is an affectionate senior girl of approximately 10 ½ years who was
returned to rescue because her previous owner died. She is a Velcro dog and wants
to be near you, loves to snuggle with her head in your lap. Lacey enjoys car rides,
short walks and Kongs filled with peanut butter. She has an inoperable growth on her
left rear leg, but that doesn't seem to affect her ability to do stairs or get in or out of
the car yet. She is learning to walk on slick floors and to live in peace with the cat.
She responds well to correction. When she gets excited about something and raises
her ears, the left ear sticks almost straight out and looks like an airplane wing. So
cute! This older girl still has a lot of life and love to share with another family!
Amazon Smile
Do you already love Amazon,? How about using AmazonSmile to raise money for LAGR?
AmazonSmile is the same great Amazon you love but with 0.5% of the profits being auto-
matically donated to us!
To get started with AmazonSmile, visit on your web browser and sign in
with your credentials. Choose a charitable organization to receive donations,
or search for the charity of your choice. Select your charity and start shopping! To join
AmazonSmile from the mobile app, open the app and find Settings in the main menu. Tap
on AmazonSmile and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your
In Loving Memory
Volume 22 Issue 2 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 7
Our sweet baby Sasha Is no longer here with us, and our hearts are breaking. I will always remember you until the end
of time.
It is with great sadness that I let you know Sydnee (was Millie) has gone to the Rainbow Bridge on Tues, May 24, 2022 at about 5:48 pm. Thank
you for allowing me to rescue and love such a beautiful, sweet, angel of a golden. My life was and is so much richer for having her in it for so
long. She had quite the personality and made me laugh more times than I can count and provided much comfort in my rough times. My heart is
It is with great sorrow and deepest regret that I am writing to pass along that our beloved Betty White (was Cosmo) crossed
the Rainbow Bridge. We had been treating her heart problems and blood pressure with medication as prescribed by the vet,
and she had been lively and happy as usual. Just on Sunday, she was bounding through the yard helping our daughter hunt
Easter eggs.
Last night, around 9:30 pm she quickly and very unexpectedly declined. We took her to an emergency pet hospital where
they stabilized her and ran tests. It was determined that Betty had a very large tumor on her spleen causing hemoabdomen.
Surgery was an option but because of her heart condition, the vet felt that her prognosis was very grim, and she would have
a very difficult time recovering–- if at all. The pet hospital was only a 10-minute drive from our house, but by the time we
arrived, she had already declined so much and was obviously suffering. We made the difficult decision to help her pass.
She was my true heart dog. I had waited for her for so long. We are absolutely devastated by the loss of our family member, and our family will
not be the same without her. I am so thankful she was a part of our lives, and I told her so many times as I held her last night. She was the
absolute best girl, full of love and sunshine, and loved by everyone that met her... even our cats.
Our beautiful Bella, the smallest of the Tator Tot litter, lost her short battle with cancer on August 29
at home. She was the
most amazing friend and companion to us, and we loved every moment with her. Throughout her too short life, she remained
shy with strangers, very patient and always loving and sweet. She loved going anywhere in the car with us, was an avid TV
fan, especially those programs with animals, and loved to play with other dogs. We are so grateful to have had Bella in our
lives and will always feel that she is with us in spirit.
Continued next page
We have sad news to report. Our Clyde, adopted in August 2010, passed just this past month to join Bonnie, who never
made it to Love a Golden Rescue. When we adopted Clyde, thanks to a group of IBMERs who recommended your
agency, we learned that Bonnie had passed but Clyde had survived the streets of St. Louis. We were going to change his
name when we adopted him, but he was such a Clyde. He had a great life in a happy home.
Clyde joined us for all of our family adventures. He was the protector of Obie, our older Change of Career Dog. He loved
our kids and once Obie passed, he became my sidekick. He joined me for rides to the office, joining me for my official
Community Foundation of Lorain County photo, still on my Linkedin site. He was such a good boy until his last thirty days
where his kidneys just didn't want to work anymore. We think about him daily, as we miss him and our other dogs Delaney, a rescue malamute
and Mackall. Our daughter’s dog regroups to support all of our family members.
Forever missed. Thanks for all you do for so many in our communities.
It is with great sadness that I have sadness I have to tell you that our Holly has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. She died
Tuesday, March 22
at our vet's office in the care of Dr. Koski and her wonderful staff. Holly was diagnosed with kidney
failure. For the last 8 months, she has had a continual decline and her time finally came on the 22
. She was ready, and we
had to let her go. She died with dignity. The vet thinks she was about 13 years old, so she had a long life and a wonderful
and fun life with us.
Please know we loved her very much, and she was, out of our 4 other goldens, the sweetest of them all. We had her for just
6 years, and we enjoyed her so much. She never did anything wrong. She loved our granddaughters, and they loved her.
She had such a gentle spirit. Thank you for allowing us to adopt her. She was our 3
golden adopted from your agency.
Volume 22 Issue 2 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 8
In Loving Memory—Continued
Sadly, we lost our precious Jade last January. Everyone who met her said “oh she is just adorable!” She had passed
her therapy dog training and was truly a gentle and loving spirit–--the kind of dog everyone wants and always
remains in your heart.
We are so blessed to have had the time we did with Riley (was Fiona). She died unexpectedly at home in her mom and
dad’s arms on 3/31/22.
If you ever believed in an angel with four paws, Riley was it. She was the most spirited, loving, curious, personable and
easy going dog we have ever met. She came into our lives unexpectedly when we most needed her, radiating love and joy
in every moment of every day. Riley always gave the best hugs ever!!! Her spirit and energy forever changed and healed
our family. We love and miss her every day.
Rudy came to us as a hospice senior, he was loved in his foster home and was so very lucky.
Rudy crossed over the Rainbow Bridge in February. For his last 15 months, we were blessed to care for him. He was always
nearby, and he learned my habits, and I learned his. He never complained even when he couldn’t walk the stairs anymore or
constantly fell down due to feeble hips and legs. See you soon dear friend!
We adopted Sachi from LAGR in May 2013. She crossed Rainbow Bridge 2/28.
Of all of our memorials, this one is the “hardest” one to do. We lost our Champ on February 21, 2022. He was such a
great guy, and we miss him so much. As Jan has said, Champ was a true ambassador for LAGR. He came to our
house as a foster, but we knew we wanted to keep him from the day we brought him into our house. He was always so
helpful with our other fosters. We used to call him “Dr. Champ,” because he was always wanting to help take care of
any dog, we had that had health issues. He would sleep next to them. If they were in a crate, he would sleep next to
the crate.
We could see his health deteriorating this past year, and he was very close to being blind. He still helped with the
Christmas wrapping gifts and enjoyed all of the attention that he received. We hoped he would be able to celebrate his
birthday, but that was not to be. He developed tumors on his spleen and had fluid around his heart. He let us know
on February 21
that it was his time. He peacefully slept away with us and his favorite vet at his side. He is physically gone from us but will
always be in our hearts.
We love you, Champ. Run free at the Rainbow Bridge.
Graham & Diane McCoy Gabby
Maryann Bozzette Harlee
David & Gail Ford Louise
Name held on request Maple
Danielle & Brandon Michaels Moxie
Josie & Zack Palitzsch Nisha
Janet & Vernon Preston Sebastian
Terry Carmody Sunny Boy
Jan Erdman Tori
Sandy & Doug Turmail Winnie
Name held on request Zeppelin
John & Michelle Cain Zeus
Foster Buddies
For Cassidy Jackie Hegmegee, Margaret Flanery,
Janet Knoche, Jan Musick, Linda Buechel,
Heather Borrowman, Lynn Valentine, Amber Kempf,
Denice Traeger, Susan Hall. Bitsy Taussig,
Gabby Hammett, Carol Barnard, Mark Canada,
Allie Ehrlich, Wayne Deutsch, Nancy Cusanelli,
Terry Carmody, Sandy Havermann, Steven Maas,
Paula Wagner, Mickey Goldstein, Gail Ford, Sue
Coffman Jefferson, Idlestopper-Idle Stop-off Module
For Gretchen Michelle Panula
For Meg Bob & Ida Houston
For Moxie Blair Schwalb
In Honor and Memory
In honor of Abigail Beckwith Susan Kemp
In honor of Casey Busken Birthday Denise Medford,
Kare Brown Carter, Casey Busken, Ruby Blair, Paige Whited,
Susan Busken, Luke Busken, Scott Selliers , Cody Knipping,
Zach Busken
In honor of Mary & Ken Moore Patricia Kossman
In honor of Molly (Jo Jo) Jim & Becky Bingham
In honor of Ollie Teresa & Steve Glad
In honor of Sandy Havermann Birthday Sandy Havermann,
Dianne Burns, Wanda Quirk, Carol Esposito, Jean Kilgore
In honor of Susie Hearst Birthday Cindy Wittich
In memory of Amber Healing Paws Rehab
In memory of Bash & Bailey Sue Schulte
In memory of Buddy, Shamus & Lady Jane Al Berberrich
In memory of Burke Angie Pickney Deal
In memory of Clancy Jamie & Jim Ragan
In memory of Cooper (Archie) Diane Klarer
In memory of Dakota Healing Paws Rehab
In memory of Elaine Ziegler Jack Whittington, Regina Baker
In memory of Eli Paula Wagner
In memory of Ellie Gislason Paula Wagner
In memory of Gable Healing Paws Rehab
In memory of Gypsy & Chase Kathleen Peterson
In memory of Hammy (Sammy) Casey Brown
In memory of HollyGregory & Kathleen Sump
In memory of John Griffith Dolores Germann & William Visser,
Staunton Community Unit Schools, Bridge Clubs, Emge Junigh
High School, Lona Hale, Shirley Killion, Southwestern Region IPA,
Jennie Newton, Julie Haake, Duncan Borders, Megan Tolson,
Chris Kusnerick, Administrative Team, Margaret Evans,
Bradford Ogata, Dave Ogle, Vicki VanTuyle, David Snider,
Staci McDannel
In memory of Junior, Brian & Gus David & Diane Cracchiolo
In memory of Kathy Rizzo Paul Rizzo
In memory of Leo Mike & Mary Etta Dunaway
In memory of Lumpy Gravy & Ziggy Cheryl Brown
In memory of Max Rocky Gabby Zoey & Buddy Laura Gittemeier
In memory of Oscar Healing Paws Rehab
In memory of Parker Nicki Vitale
In memory of Riley (Fiona) Brenda Salamone
In memory of River Rebecca Bethard
In memory of Rudy Richard & Angie Lippa
In memory of Same (Chase) Fred & Betty Goodyear
In memory of Sasha Turmail Walter Clermont
In memory of Shelby Mark & Cathy Upton
In memory of Shelby (Ashley) Tom & Bobby Buckley
In memory of Sissy Marla & Neal Fix
In memory of Stan Feldman Kathy & Tom Bearman
In memory of Stryker Cheryl Bierman
In memory of Teddy Paula Wagner
In memory of Tori Lowell & Jane Lowell Arnold
Gloria & David Lowell
In memory of Torre Carla Goacher
Volume 22 Issue 2 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 9
Deb Kinscherf
Debbie Schwarz
Debbie Stratton
Dennis & Susan Doerge
Denny Hoffman
Donna Haller
Donna Henke
Ellery Anderson
Erin & Matt Preuss
Gail & David Ford
Greg Kolacinski
Jan & Mike Stengel
Jennifer & Ben Goessling
Jennifer Shake
Jessica Holloway
John & Kathleen Sheehan
John Rodis
Jon & Barb Meline
Judith Northcutt
Karen Louis
Karen Renz
Ken & Linda Fenton
Ken Flynn
Kent Holcomb
Kristen Mauldin
Kristene Sutliff
Les & Jan Shenberg
Lisa Pendel
Lois Koenen
Lynn Deal
Lynn Hert
Marcia Berry
Mari Graham
Mark Miller
Marla Musso
Mary Cowan
Nancy Weitzel Burry
Network for Good
Pam & Perry Ceriotti
Pat Hoisington
Pat Rushing
Rhonda Hott
Rick & Sue Meyer
Rita Lippert
Robert & Brenda Phipps
Ron Edwards
Ruby & Joe Blair
Sandra & Doug Turmail
Steve & Justin Brown
Sue & Chris Friedeck
Sue Schnepp
Sue Streb
Sue Weeks & Nancy Cusanelli
Tammy Chastain
Terry Carmody
Theresa Dattilo
Treats Unleashed
Matching Gifts
American Water
Special Fundraiser
To all who participated in our Tennis Ball Challenge.
Alicia Ross
Amazon Smile
Andrea Belgrade
Arno Perlow
Ashley Holden
Bob & Mary Rasp
C & C Swoboda
Charleen Durbin
Cheryl Crays
Cindy & Thom Bira
Connie & Eric Coleman
Cynthia Corzine
Dan & Diane Cape
Love A Golden Rescue - Benefactors
Love a Golden Rescue would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our benefactors who, since the publication of our last
newsletter, have given new “forever homes”, and who have generously helped with their financial support, gifts and donated services.
Volume 22 Issue 2 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 10
Recent events
Tennis Ball Challenge
A year or so ago, Love a Golden Rescue had the brilliant idea for a fun challenge. Putting together golden retrievers and tennis
balls seemed so logical, like it was a perfect combination... and it was. Last year went so well, LAGR had their second Tennis Ball
Challenge on April 30, 2022. This is how it worked: people “bought” tennis balls, and each tennis ball had a number on it. Everyone
found out what their numbers were, and they all kept their fingers crossed, hoping the chosen dog would pick the tennis ball with
their number.
The prize? $100 worth of goodies from Treats Unleashed.
This time it was a lab who did the picking. Faith was new to rescue and was obsessed with tennis balls. She stepped up to the plate
(or onto the court, since it involved tennis balls) and did a wonderful job. Faith sniffed and slobbered, and ended up choosing ball
#82; Lisa Crisman was the lucky winner.
The 2022 Tennis Ball Challenge was a successful fundraiser. Thanks to everyone who donated (and everyone who hoped to win).
And thanks to Faith. We had faith her love of tennis balls would pay off... and it did.
Adoption Days
Come see our available goldens.
Adoption Days are held at the following locations and times:
Treats Unleashed; Meet & Greet
Various dates and locations.
Please see our webpage for more information.
See the LAGR calendar on the web site for details on all the events:
For information on any of these events, please email
Volume 22 Issue 2 LOVE A GOLDEN RESCUE Page 11
Upcoming Events
Love A Golden Rescue
P.O. Box 27621
St. Louis MO 63146-0621
address correction requested
About our newsletter….
The Love a Golden Rescue newsletter is published three times each year, in the months of February, June, and October.
The deadline for submitting stories, photos, announcements etc. is the 1st of the month in which the newsletter is published.
We reserve the right to edit any submissions for publication.
The newsletter is published in full color in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format on our web site and can be accessed at:
To have the newsletter mailed to you, please drop a note to one of our addresses listed below.
Interested in volunteering with Love a Golden Rescue?
Then fill out a volunteer application form on-line at:
or send an e-mail to volun[email protected]m
Love a Golden Rescue gives permission for this newsletter to be reproduced in whole or in part for personal use or for limited
distribution to advance the cause of pet rescue. The use of any photos or text from this newsletter for any commercial
purpose is strictly prohibited.
Love a Golden Rescue now has a facebook page. Log in to Facebook , find us and friend us at:
Love a Golden Rescue
P.O. Box 27621
St. Louis MO 63146-0621
Phone: (314) 963-5232
Articles must be submitted by
October 1, 2022
to be considered for our next newsletter.