Oscar Peterson School of Music Registration Policies 1
Updated August 22, 2024
1.0 General Registration ............................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 Communication ....................................................................................................................................... 2
3.0 Fees ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.0 Missed Lessons and Classes .................................................................................................................. 3
5.0 Cancellations .......................................................................................................................................... 4
6.0 Transfers................................................................................................................................................. 4
7.0 Withdrawal and Refunds ......................................................................................................................... 5
8.0 Student and Parent Code of Conduct ...................................................................................................... 7
9.0 Suspension and Dismissal ...................................................................................................................... 7
10.0 Indemnification ........................................................................................................................................ 8
11.0 Photo, Audio, and Video Policies ............................................................................................................ 8
12.0 Health and Safety Protocols .................................................................................................................... 8
1.0 General Registration
1.1 The conditions and terms herein are subject to amendment without notice.
1.2 All students must read and agree to the policies before completing registration at The Oscar
Peterson School of Music (School) of The Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM).
1.3 Once your registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation of your registration by email.
1.4 For assistance with registration, please contact Registration & Student Services by email at
or by phone at 416-408-2825 during posted business hours.
1.5 Students may not commence instruction, whether private lesson or group class, until
registration has been confirmed and payment has been processed. Students are not considered
registered until payment has been received. A verbal agreement with your teacher and/or
payment of a deposit does not constitute registration.
1.6 Students may not register for the next term or any additional lessons or classes until all
outstanding balances are paid. Students who register with tuition outstanding for any previous
academic years will be withdrawn from their course of study, and any fees paid will be applied
to outstanding balances.
Oscar Peterson School of Music Registration Policies 2
1.7 Students are registered on a first-come, first-served basis.
1.8 Late registration for all group classes is accepted up to and including the third week of classes,
or the second week of classes for accelerated courses, subject to approval by the School.
1.9 Students who register late for group classes are responsible for paying the full tuition. Group
class tuition is not prorated.
1.10 Late registration for all March Break and Summer Camps are accepted up to and including the
first day of camp, subject to approval by the School.
1.11 Students who register late for March Break and Summer Camps are responsible for paying the
full tuition. Camp tuition is not prorated.
1.12 Music Enrichment Program (MEP) students may be accepted throughout the academic year.
MEP tuition fees are pro-rated according to the month of registration as applicable.
1.12.1 If an appropriate theory, group class or ensemble is not available at the time of late
registration, it is understood that the student may need to defer their theory/musicianship
element to a subsequent term and will nonetheless participate in all components of the
comprehensive program in the next academic year.
1.13 It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or registrant to ensure compliance with age and/or
skill prerequisites when registering for a group class with prerequisites posted. No exceptions
will be made to the transfer and/or withdrawal policies due to failure to comply with posted
1.13.1 Group class restrictions require students to have reached the indicated age as of
December 31
of the current academic year, unless otherwise stated in the group class
or camp course description.
1.13.2 Camp age restrictions require students to have reached the indicated age as of the first
day of the camp.
1.13.3 Misrepresentation of a student’s age for the purpose of entry into a group class or camp
will be considered a breach of the Student and Parent Code of Conduct
. See section
1.14 All instruction will take place in person at The Royal Conservatory of Music, 273 Bloor Street
West, Toronto. Online instruction is not permitted unless approved by the School.
2.0 Communication
2.1 Email is our first line of communication with students. It is the responsibility of the student or
parent/guardian to check their email for school updates and to ensure that their email account
remains active and up to date with the School.
2.2 Students are responsible for monitoring their Oscar Peterson School of Music Student Portal for
ongoing scheduling updates, by logging in at ops.rcmusic.com.
Oscar Peterson School of Music Registration Policies 3
2.3 Please keep your online profile up to date and make any necessary changes to your contact
information as soon as possible. Students can access their online profiles at
3.0 Fees
3.1 Fees are payable to The Royal Conservatory of Music. All monetary transactions are processed
by the School and must be made through Registration & Student Services via our website at
rcmusic.com/opsm or via invoice from shop@rcmusic.ca
. Students may not give any payment
to teachers.
3.2 Tuition is due prior to the start of the program.
3.3 Each Academic Year, every student is subject to a registration fee at the time of their first
registration. This fee covers administrative, and facility related expenses not directly funded by
3.4 Payment Plan
3.4.1 A payment plan method is offered through www.splitit.com/
and is integrated into the
checkout process on our website for applicable registrations over $300.
3.4.2 Selecting a payment plan represents a commitment to the full tuition amount,
notwithstanding approved withdrawals as processed by the School.
3.4.3 Tuition amounts are due in full prior to the last scheduled instruction date. Students
selecting the payment plan option must select a payment term scheduled for completion
prior to the final scheduled date of the instruction for which they are registering.
Registrations in contravention to this may be cancelled at the School’s discretion.
3.5 Credits on file must be redeemed within one (1) academic year of issue. Credits are
transferrable to immediate family members only. Credits may only be used towards Oscar
Peterson School of Music fees.
3.6 Only one (1) discount code is permitted per registration.
3.7 Any voucher issued by the school is level specific, non-transferable, and is valid only for the
academic year (September through August) in which they are issued.
4.0 Missed Lessons and Classes
4.1 As one of the largest and most respected institutions in the world dedicated to music education,
we expect our students to attend all of their lessons and classes and to participate actively in
their musical development. Our teachers are skilled professionals who have reserved a time in
their schedule for you, regardless of whether or not you attend. For these reasons, we have
instituted the following policies for missed lessons and classes.
Oscar Peterson School of Music Registration Policies 4
4.1.1 Students may receive up to one (1) make-up lesson per term (fall or spring) provided
that the student/parent gives the teacher minimum notice of 24 hours in writing to
the teacher’s RCM email address (firstname.lastname@rcmusic.ca
4.1.2 Please note: should your teacher not receive at least 24 hours’ notice in writing, a
make-up lesson will not be scheduled, and you will be charged for the missed lesson.
4.1.3 Make-up lessons will be scheduled during designated make-up weeks at the end of
each term. All make-ups lessons will be scheduled at the existing regular lesson day and
time, subject to space and availability.
4.2 Missed group classes: There is no make-up for group classes missed by a student.
4.3 Attendance: Students are expected to be present and on time for all private lessons and group
classes. Time lost as a result of student lateness will not be made up.
5.0 Cancellations
5.1 School closure: For school closures due to inclement weather please be advised that the RCM
does not follow school board closure announcements. In the event of a closure, the School
will send out email notifications to affected students. Any lessons or classes canceled due to
weather will be rescheduled. Make-up lessons or classes will be scheduled at the discretion of
the School.
5.2 Teacher absence:
5.2.1 For private lessons that are canceled due to teacher absence, a make-up will be offered
at a mutually convenient time.
5.2.2 If a teacher is unavailable to teach a group class session, a substitute teacher may be
engaged for the session. If no substitute is available, the group class session may be
rescheduled to a later date at the discretion of the School.
5.3 Insufficient enrollment: The School reserves the right to cancel a group class or combine
group class sections due to insufficient enrolment. If this occurs, the School will notify
students/parents as soon as possible prior to the start of group class and make every attempt to
reschedule each student for an alternate section. If this is not possible, a tuition credit or refund
to the original method of payment will be issued. Decisions regarding group class cancellations,
in most cases, will be made five (5) business days before the scheduled start of the class.
5.4 RCM Candidate Services will not provide refunds for exams due to Oscar Peterson School of
Music theory or history class cancellations.
6.0 Transfers
6.1 Private Lessons
Our primary goal is to ensure that students have a positive learning environment and a
productive relationship with their private lesson teacher.
Oscar Peterson School of Music Registration Policies 5
6.1.1 If a student wishes to transfer to another teacher, they must contact opsm@rcmusic.ca
at least five (5) business days before their next scheduled lesson. School administration
will inform the teacher of their former student's transfer once a new teacher has been
6.1.2 The fee for transferring is equal to two (2) lessons. This student may choose to either
pay this fee at the time of the transfer or have these two (2) lessons deducted from the
remaining number of lessons.
6.1.3 The remaining total number of lessons will be scheduled with the new teacher.
6.1.4 New students may request a teacher transfer after their first lesson with no penalty.
6.2 Group Classes
6.2.1 Students taking group classes who wish to transfer to another section of the same class
must contact opsm@rcmusic.ca
at least five (5) business days prior to the start of the
first class.
6.2.2 A $25 fee is applied to any approved transfer request.
6.2.3 No transfer requests will be granted after the third scheduled meeting of a group class.
Students are limited to one (1) group class transfer per term, unless the transfer is
recommended by the teacher to School administration.
6.2.4 All transfer requests will be considered based on space and availability and must be
received in writing.
6.2.5 Students wishing to transfer from a group class to private lessons or a program can
make a special request to opsm@rcmusic.ca
. A $25 transfer fee will apply.
6.3 Exceptional circumstances regarding transfers will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Please contact Registration & Student Services at 416-408-2825 or opsm@rcmusic.ca
7.0 Withdrawal and Refunds
All requests for withdrawal or refunds must be made in writing to opsm@rcmusic.ca. The effective date
of withdrawal is the date that the written notice is received or future date specified in the notice, not the
last date of group class or private lesson attended.
Please note: Notifying your teacher that you intend to withdraw does not constitute notice, nor
does notice by phone.
7.1 Withdrawal fees are applied per individual registration.
7.2 The annual registration fee is non-refundable.
7.3 All withdrawals or refunds will be subject to a $25 processing fee.
Oscar Peterson School of Music Registration Policies 6
7.4 Unless otherwise requested, School administration will advise your teacher of your withdrawal.
7.5 Music Enrichment Program
7.5.1 Students who submit written withdrawal notice to opsm@rcmusic.ca
prior to their fourth
weekly scheduled private lesson will be eligible for a refund of 80% of the tuition.
7.5.2 Students who submit written withdrawal notice to opsm@rcmusic.ca
prior to their eighth
weekly scheduled private lesson will be eligible for a refund of 50% of the tuition.
7.5.3 After a student’s eighth scheduled private lesson, no refunds will be issued for
withdrawal requests.
7.6 Adult Weekly / Bi-Weekly Private Lessons, or Summer Term Private Lessons
7.6.1 Students who wish to withdraw must provide the School with at least two (2) weeks'
written notice to opsm@rcmusic.ca
. Students will be charged for two (2) lessons beyond
the effective date of withdrawal.
7.6.2 Lessons previously scheduled but not attended are not eligible for refund.
7.7 Group Classes:
7.7.1 Students who submit written withdrawal notice to opsm@rcmusic.ca
prior to 12:00 a.m.
on the day of the second scheduled class session will be eligible for a refund of 80% of
the tuition.
7.7.2 After 12:00 a.m. on the day of the second scheduled class session, no refunds will be
issued for withdrawal requests.
7.7.3 For group classes with less than five (5) sessions, withdrawal requests received less
than five (5) business days prior to the start of the first session are not eligible for a
7.7.4 RCM books included with registration are non-refundable.
7.7.5 All RCM Certificate Program Theory or History exams purchased via School registration
are subject to RCM Certificate Program policies found here
7.8 Camps:
7.8.1 All students must have submitted a camp medical form
prior to the beginning of camp.
7.8.2 Students who withdraw from a camp at least ten (10) business days before the start of
the first class will be refunded 90% of their tuition.
7.8.3 No refunds will be issued for withdrawal requests received later than ten (10) business
day(s) prior to the start of the first session of a camp.
Oscar Peterson School of Music Registration Policies 7
7.8.4 All early drop off and extended care fees are non-refundable.
8.0 Student and Parent Code of Conduct
8.1 Please refer to the Student and Parent Code of Conduct for a description of our expectations for
student behaviour, as posted on our website here: Student and Parent Code of Conduct
8.2 All registered private lessons students are expected to practice regularly outside of their
lessons. Students should expect the amount of practice time to increase as they progress
through each level of study.
8.3 Only currently enrolled students may attend private lessons and group classes.
8.4 Children under the age of thirteen (13) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times
when inside the building, with the exception of group class and private lesson time. The RCM
does not assume any responsibility for the well-being and safety of minors who are left
unattended on school premises.
8.5 The RCM does not assume any responsibility for personal property lost, damaged, stolen, or left
unattended on RCM premises.
8.6 No food or beverages other than bottled water is permitted in the studios and classrooms.
Water must not be placed on the pianos.
8.7 Any student who behaves disruptively in class will be asked to leave at the discretion of the
teacher. Any time lost as a result of suspension or other forms of disciplinary action will not be
made up or refunded.
8.8 The RCM bears no legal responsibility in enforcing terms of custody.
9.0 Suspension and Dismissal
9.1 Students/parents/guardians may be suspended or dismissed for the following reasons:
Failure to comply with RCM Health and Safety protocols.
Behaviours that violate the Student and Parent Code of Conduct
Parents, guardians, or students who make verbal and/or written statements considered abusive
and which have been directed toward any RCM student, parent, teacher, staff, and/or facilities
Persistent failure to attend and/or prepare for private lessons and group classes.
Non-payment of tuition fees.
Chronic rescheduling of private lessons.
9.2 Any time lost as a result of suspension or other forms of disciplinary action will not be made up
or refunded.
Oscar Peterson School of Music Registration Policies 8
10.0 Indemnification
10.1 You agree to release, save harmless and indemnify The Royal Conservatory of Music
Indemnitees from and for all Losses incurred or suffered from or related to your attendance at
The Royal Conservatory of Music premises or taking part in any of its programs even if the
same arises from the negligence of one or more of The Royal Conservatory of Music
Indemnities. You acknowledge that the foregoing is reasonable in view of The Royal
Conservatory of Music being a not-for-profit charity.
10.2 For the purposes of this provision: (i) “you” includes you and your dependents and their estates
and personal representatives and “your” has a similar meaning; (ii) “The Royal Conservatory of
Music Indemnitees” include The Royal Conservatory of Music, any organization that it owns or
controls and their respective officers, employees, directors and agents and their heirs, personal
representatives, successors and assigns; and (iii) “Losses” include injury, death, liability,
damages including to property, cost, expense, charge, judgment, award or settlement arising
from or in connection with any claim, suit, arbitration, investigation, directive, prosecution or
11.0 Photo, Audio, and Video Policies
11.1 By registering with the Oscar Peterson School of Music, you grant the RCM permission to take
photographs and videos of you or your child’s participation in School activities. You also grant
the RCM permission to use, reuse, modify, publish, and republish those photographs/videos in
any format or media, including print and online, for promotional, research, and/or instructional
purposes. The RCM may use the photographs and videos without compensation to you or your
children. You waive any rights to prior inspection and approval of the photographs/videos and
their use. The RCM may not sell such photographs/videos to anyone without your permission.
You waive any claims, demands, and liabilities against the RCM for taking and using these
photographs/videos. To opt out of this Photo/Video Release Policy, please send an email to
11.2 Students receiving permission from their teacher to audio or video record their private lessons
agree that the use of such recordings is for their personal educational use only and may not be
disseminated under any circumstances.
12.0 Health and Safety Protocols
12.1 All students registering for in-person activities at the School agree to follow all Royal
Conservatory of Music health and safety policies and protocols.
12.2 Students and parents and/or guardians must conform to any and all directives,
recommendations, orders or protocols given by any local or health authority, or which may be
implemented by RCM, for the entire duration of their attendance at RCM facilities.
Oscar Peterson School of Music Registration Policies 9
12.3 Students registering for in-person activities agree that at the discretion of the RCM, or as
mandated by public health authorities, in-person instruction may be temporary or permanently
changed to an online delivery method. Please note that a change in delivery method will not be
considered as grounds for withdrawal or refund of tuition.
12.4 Students will not be eligible for make-up sessions for temporary online learning missed due to
issues that may arise with the student’s software, hardware, internet connections, or other
associated technological elements.
IMPORTANT: All students must read and agree to the policies before completing registration.