New Jersey Office of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
124 Halsey Street, 6th Floor, P.O. Box 45020
Newark, New Jersey 07101
(973) 504-6500
Complaint Process
As a unit of the Division of Consumer Affairs, the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (Board), takes its
responsibility seriously. A copy of the complaint will be forwarded to the licensee with a cover letter from the Board requir-
ing a detailed written response to the allegations in the complaint. Once that response has been received, it will be reviewed
and disposition may be recommended. If the Board needs additional information, the licensee may be required to appear to
answer questions concerning the matter.
Please be advised that any information you supply on the complaint form may be subject to public disclosure. If an
investigation into the matter is conducted, the information is subject to public disclosure only after the completion of the
investigation. You are also advised that the completed complaint form is a “government record,” which the Board may be
obligated to provide to anyone making a request pursuant to the Open Public Records Act (OPRA).
The disposition of the matter may take several months. Please understand that the Board can only take formal action if it
finds sufficient basis that the licensee violated State laws or regulations. If the Board determines that formal action is re-
quired, the matter is referred to the office of the Attorney General. In that case, formal charges may be filed against the
licensee and the licensee will be given an opportunity to defend himself or herself. This process can take a considerable
period of time.
If the complaint involves a dispute over fees, please be advised that the Board has limited jurisdiction over fees charged
by professionals. If the Board determines that there is insufficient basis to pursue disciplinary action, but determines that the
matter involves a fee dispute, your complaint may be referred to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Unit of the
Division of Consumer Affairs. The ADR is a free mediation service that can be helpful in resolving such matters.
Until a final determination has been made, the Board is not permitted to disclose information regarding the matter. You
will be notified in writing when a final determination has been made.
(include area code)
Street address City State ZIP code
New Jersey Office of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
124 Halsey Street, 6th Floor, P.O. Box 45020
Newark, New Jersey 07101
(973) 504-6500
Complaint Form
Please print clearly.
Please be advised that any information you supply on this complaint form may be subject to public disclosure. If an
investigation into the matter is conducted, the information is subject to public disclosure only after the completion of the
investigation. You are also advised that the completed complaint form is a “government record,” which the Board may be
obligated to provide to anyone making a request pursuant to the Open Public Records Act (OPRA).
Consumer Information Complaint Reported Against
NAME:_________________________________________ NAME:_________________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________ BUSINESS NAME: _________________________________
CITY:__________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________
STATE:___________________ZIP CODE:______________ CITY:__________________________________________
HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER: _________________________ STATE:_______________________ZIP CODE:__________
WORK TELEPHONE NUMBER: ________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: ______________________________
FAX NUMBER: ___________________________________ TITLE: _________________________________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________ LICENSE NUMBER (IF KNOWN): _______________________
DATE: _________________________________________ DATES OF TREATMENT/SERVICE:
FROM: ___________________ TO: __________________
1. Animal’s name: _____________________________________________________________ Sex: ______________
Animal species (dog, cat, bird, horse, etc.):________________________________________
Breed: ______________________________________________ Animal’s age at the time of the incident:_________
2. Please provide the following information about any other veterinarian who saw the animal after the incident.
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________ License number: _________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone number:________________________________
(include area code)
(include area code) (include area code)
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________ License number: _________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone number:________________________________
3. What is the nature of the complaint? (Please check all that apply and provide any additional comments on a separate
sheet of paper.)
Negligence Professional misconduct
Misdiagnosis Unsanitary office conditions
Failure to respond to an emergency False or misleading advertising
Refusal to release patient records Failure to obtain consent for treatment
due to an unpaid balance
Other ____________________________________
Please be advised that the Board is permitted by law to take action in cases of professional misconduct, gross negligence
or repeated acts of negligence. Therefore, you should be aware that (1) complaints based solely upon conduct such as
poor communication skills or poor “bedside manner” may not be actionable under the law; and (2) the Board does not
handle fee disputes.
4. Please describe the facts of your complaint in the order in which they happened. Please print clearly. You may use
additional sheets of paper if they are needed.
All complaints must be accompanied by readable copies (NO ORIGINALS) of any complaint-related documents, patient
records, test results, correspondence or any other documents you feel are related to your complaint.
In order to resolve your complaint, we may send a copy of your complaint to the veterinarian(s) about whom you are
I hereby authorize the release of all medical records, X-rays and other documents related to the diagnosis, prognosis and
treatment of my animal by the treating veterinarian(s) to the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.
5. I certify that the statements made by me in this complaint are true and any documents attached are true copies. I am
aware that if any statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment.
_______________________________________________ ____________________
Signature* Date
Return to:
Division of Consumer Affairs
State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
P.O. Box 45020
Newark, NJ 07101
* This certification must be signed by the person who has completed this form.
(include area code)
Street address City State ZIP code