©2014 International Monetary Fund
IMF Country Report No. 14/80
Under Article IV of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement, the IMF holds bilateral discussions with
members, usually every year. In the context of the 2013 Article IV consultation with Malaysia,
the following documents have been released and are included in this package:
The Staff Report prepared by a staff team of the IMF for the Executive Board’s
consideration on March 7, 2014, following discussions that ended on December 16, 2013,
with the officials of Malaysia on economic developments and policies. Based on
information available at the time of these discussions, the staff report was completed on
February 14, 2014.
An Informational Annex prepared by the IMF.
A Press Release summarizing the views of the Executive Board as expressed during its
March 7, 2014 consideration of the staff report that concluded the Article IV consultation
with Malaysia.
A Statement by the Executive Director for Malaysia.
The following document will be separately released.
Selected Issues Paper
The publication policy for staff reports and other documents allows for the deletion of market-
sensitive information.
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International Monetary Fund
Washington, D.C.
March 2014
Near-term outlook. Malaysia’s healthy, noninflationary growth continued in 2013, albeit
at a somewhat slower clip than earlier years. While domestic demand remained robust,
the economy was buffeted by external headwinds, including from volatile capital flows in
spring-summer and weak export growth. The current account surplus continued to
narrow, although it remains comfortably in surplus. Continued strength in domestic
demand, especially investment, and a pickup in external demand should help maintain
robust growth going forward despite the welcome fiscal tightening.
Macroeconomic policy mix. Staff welcomes the timely, credible, and gradual
recalibration of macroeconomic policies, which should help achieve a smooth transition
to the post-UMP environment. The budget is being tightened and fiscal institutions
strengthened. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), which maintains an accommodative
monetary stance for now, possesses ample policy credibility and should be able to
contain any second round price effects associated with fuel subsidy reductions.
Fiscal policy breakthrough. Amidst concerns about Malaysia’s public finances and a
sharp narrowing of the external surplus in spring-summer, the authorities took timely
action to secure fiscal sustainability and assure markets. Staff welcomes the
comprehensive and gradual approach to fiscal adjustment, which includes subsidy
rationalization, broadening of revenue bases, and the strengthening of the social safety
net. It urges the authorities to persevere in their efforts to rebuild fiscal buffers, improve
the management of contingent liabilities, and address ageing-related fiscal challenges.
Financial stability. Malaysia’s financial system is sound, supported by strong supervision
and regulation. Targeted, yet escalating macroprudential policies (MAPs) are being
employed to deal with the risks from high rates of credit growth and rising household
debt. These risks, as well as the effectiveness of MAPs, should continue to be closely
monitored. The exchange rate remains flexible and, together with Malaysia’s ample
financial buffers and sound monetary and fiscal policies; should safeguard the economy
from potentially volatile capital flows.
Inclusive growth: the role of human capital. The authorities have designed and are
implementing several ambitious transformation programs and blueprints to turn
Malaysia into a high-income, knowledge and innovation based nation by 2020. Their
efforts are on track, although skills mismatches need to be addressed through intensified
human capital development efforts. Progress in education, as outlined in the Malaysia
Education Blueprint, 20132025, is a high priority. This will call for achieving stronger
performance in education in a tighter budgetary environment.
February 14, 2014
Approved By
Hoe Ee Khor and
Ranil Salgado
Mission dates: December 516, 2013
The mission comprised Alexandros Mourmouras (Head), Niamh
Sheridan, Elif Arbatli, Jade Vichyanond (all APD), Mustafa Saiyid
(MCM), and Geoffrey Heenan (Singapore Resident Representative) and
Seen Meng Chew (Resident Representative’s Office). Hoe Ee Khor
(APD Reviewer) participated in the policy discussions.
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS, OUTLOOK, AND RISKS ______________________________________________ 4
FISCAL POLICY: BREAKTHROUGH _____________________________________________________________ 10
FINANCIAL STABILITY __________________________________________________________________________ 14
CAPITAL OUTFLOWS: VULNERABILITIES AND RESILIENCE __________________________________ 20
EXTERNAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENTS __________________________________________________________ 22
STAFF APPRAISAL ______________________________________________________________________________ 24
1. Fiscal Policy Committee ______________________________________________________________________ 27
2. Goods and Services Tax (GST) _______________________________________________________________ 28
3. Medium-Term Fiscal Consolidation __________________________________________________________ 29
4. Household Debt _____________________________________________________________________________ 31
1. Growth and Exports __________________________________________________________________________ 32
2. Inflation and Domestic Resource Constraints ________________________________________________ 33
3. Monetary Developments _____________________________________________________________________ 34
4. Fiscal Policy Developments __________________________________________________________________ 35
5. Capital Inflows _______________________________________________________________________________ 36
6. Financial Sector Developments ______________________________________________________________ 37
7. Household Debt _____________________________________________________________________________ 38
8. House Prices _________________________________________________________________________________ 39
9. Financial Soundness Indicators, 2013:Q3 ____________________________________________________ 40
1. Selected Economic and Financial Indicators, 2009–14 _______________________________________ 41
2. Indicators of External Vulnerability, 2008–12 ________________________________________________ 42
3. Balance of Payments, 2009–14 _______________________________________________________________ 43
4. Illustrative Medium-Term Economic Framework, 2009–18 ___________________________________ 44
5. Summary of Federal Government Operations and Stock Positions, 2009–14 ________________ 45
6. Monetary Survey, 2009–13 ___________________________________________________________________ 46
7. Banks’ Financial Soundness Indicators, 2009–13 _____________________________________________ 47
8. Macroprudential Measures Since 2010 ______________________________________________________ 48
1. Staff Policy Advice from the 2011 and 2012 Article IV Consultations ________________________ 49
2. Risk Assessment Matrix ______________________________________________________________________ 50
3. External Sector Assessment __________________________________________________________________ 51
4. Public Debt Sustainability Analysis ___________________________________________________________ 56
5. External Debt Sustainability Analysis _________________________________________________________ 63
6. 2013 FSAP—High Priority Recommendations _______________________________________________ 66
7. Stress Tests of Banking, Household and Corporate Balance Sheets _________________________ 67
8. What Explains Malaysia’s Resilience to Capital Outflows? ___________________________________ 70
9. Transformation Plans to Boost Growth and Inclusion ________________________________________ 74
1. Context. General elections were held on May 5, 2013. Prime Minister Najib’s incumbent
coalition won narrow election, thus ensuring smooth policy transition. Amidst a difficult external
environment for Emerging Market Economies (EMEs) last spring-summer, the administration has
taken actions that signal its resolve to respond decisively to domestic and external challenges. A
High-Level Fiscal Policy Committee (FPC) was created to improve management of the public
finances, food and fuel subsidies and electricity tariffs are being rationalized, and a Goods and
Services Tax (GST) will be introduced in 2015. These measures are key steps towards rebuilding fiscal
buffers lost on account of expansionary policies during the global financial crisis.
2. Economic developments. Growth
slowed to 4.7 percent in 2013, compared
with 5.6 percent in 2012, but remained
healthy. Weak external demand, especially
in the first half of the year, weighed on
activity, and a small negative output gap
opened up. Domestic demand remained
robust, supported by healthy labor markets,
accommodative financial conditions and,
during the first half, expansionary fiscal
policies (Figure 1). Inflation remained
subdued through the spring and summer
despite the introduction of a minimum
wage in 2013 but picked up recently. Headline inflation rose to 3.2 percent yearonyear in
December, reflecting subsidy cuts. Core inflation has also increased but is still very low, less than
2 percent in December (Figure 2).
3. Financial Market Developments.
Like many other EMEs, Malaysia has been
experiencing capital outflows during
periods of market turbulence, including
spring-summer and early this year. Between
end¬May and end¬2013, the yield curve for
Malaysian Government Securities (MGS) has
steepened: 10year yields have increased by
70 bps, and the spread against the
U.S. dollar has widened by about 20 bps.
During summer turbulence, the ringgit
weakened by about 11 percent against the
dollar (peak-to-trough) and after a brief
period of strengthening is now back below the September
trough. Deep financial markets and a flexible exchange rate have helped facilitate financial
adjustment, and the economy has been able to absorb the shocks without appreciable harm to date.
4. Outlook. Growth is projected to accelerate to 5.0 percent in 2014. Consumption and
investment growth are expected to moderate somewhat but should generally hold up amidst
conditions of full employment and the long pipeline of large, multiyear investment projects. In
addition, the pickup of export growth since the second half of 2013 should be sustained as the
global economy continues to improve, and offset headwinds from fiscal consolidation (a fiscal
impulse of about minus 1 percent of GDP in 2014, although staff views the fiscal multipliers as low).
Over the medium term, growth is expected to average 5 percent, reflecting higher investment,
including infrastructure upgrades, which should help boost productivity. The gradual removal of
subsidies is expected to result in a modest increase in inflation during 2014. Second round price
effects are, however, expected to be limited in light of the low initial level of inflation, and BNM’s
considerable monetary policy credibility. Inflation will likely reach about 4.0 percent in 2015
following the introduction of GST, but in staff’s baseline scenario, is expected to gradually moderate
to below 3.0 percent in the medium term.
5. Risks. The risks to the staff’s baseline scenario are primarily on the downside and stem from
both external and domestic sources (Appendix 2).
External risks. A key risk is a potentially bumpy exit from unconventional monetary policies
(UMP) in advanced economies (AEs), which could trigger bouts of financial market turbulence
and dampen external demand. With foreign investors still holding sizeable positions in the
domestic bond and equity markets, Malaysia is vulnerable to capital outflows during periods of
heightened global financial stress, as evidenced during spring-summer 2013. Other risks include
a further slowdown in China, a protracted period of slow growth in Europe, and commodity
price shocks.
Domestic risks. The relatively high level of federal debt (close to the government’s self-imposed
ceiling of 55 percent of GDP) and large contingent federal liabilities limit the room for
countercyclical fiscal policy. And while recent fiscal actions are welcomed, there remain
implementation risks associated with these comprehensive reforms. In particular, setbacks in the
implementation of fiscal reforms could undermine investor sentiments and trigger outflows from
the bond market and a jump in yields which, in the context of the government’s high financing
needs, could have a significant macro-fiscal impact. In staff’s view, however, implementation
risks are low—the authorities have demonstrated the political will and possess the technical
expertise to carry reforms out. In addition, high house prices, rising household debt, and banks’
large exposure to real estate remain a concern, particularly in light of UMP unwinding and a
likely tightening in domestic financial conditions and higher interest rates. Other domestic risks
include a higher and more persistent increase in inflation and inflation expectations, triggered
by higher fuel and electricity prices as subsidies are being rationalized. Adjustments in fuel
prices are expected to add about 0.5 percentage point to annual inflation in 201415, while the
GST could add about 0.9 percentage point in 2015. The low starting level of inflation and the
substantial policy credibility of the monetary authorities, circumscribe, in staff’s view, the risk of
second round effects.
6. Policy advice. The authorities are taking decisive and proactive steps to reinforce Malaysia’s
macroeconomic and structural policies (Appendix 1). While specific measures are consistent with
Fund policy advice, they are home grown and driven by the authorities’ own multiyear adjustment
and reform programs. Specifically, the authorities took action to strengthen Malaysia’s public
finances during the second half of 2013. These measures are framed in the context of a medium
term fiscal adjustment program and are consistent with past Fund technical assistance and staff
policy advice. The authorities are carefully monitoring financial sector risks and are implementing
additional macro prudential measures; they are also in the process of strengthening their
information base through the collection of granular data on household assets and liabilities. The
authorities are allowing two-way exchange rate flexibility. They are also implementing wide ranging
structural reforms, and their specific programs benefit from extensive technical and policy support
from the IMF and other international organizations.
7. Authorities’ views. The authorities were in broad agreement with staff’s assessment of the
economic outlook and balance of risks.
They anticipate growth to increase in 2014 with the improvement in the external environment,
although the fiscal consolidation can be expected to be a drag on growth. Private investment
growth should remain robust at about 13 percent but some moderation in private consumption
growth is likely.
The authorities also see the main risks to the outlook are being primarily on the downside and
they highlighted risks from external sources, with a slowdown in global growth a key concern. In
addition, uncertainty surrounding the unwinding of UMPs and the potential for policy missteps
along the way and heightened volatility are also key risks for Malaysia.
On the domestic front, the authorities reiterated their commitment to steadfast implementation
of fiscal reforms. The authorities acknowledged the risk of spillover to prices of other nonfuel
goods and services from subsidy rationalization, which will raise headline inflation (albeit from
low starting levels). They assess the risk of second-round effect at this point to be limited.
The authorities are less concerned with risks to financial stability from high household debt and
house prices. They pointed to the large cushions provided by high levels of household financial
assets, healthy labor markets and low risk of unemployment. In addition, mortgage interest rates
are largely tied to the policy rate (indirectly through the base lending rate), which has been
relatively stable and makes sudden increases unlikely. Lastly, the authorities’ targeted and
phased approach to macroprudential policies, along with efforts to increase financial literacy,
has curtailed risks.
8. Policy mix. The authorities’ policy mix is appropriate in the present conjuncture, in which
Malaysia’s priority is to address fiscal vulnerabilities against a backdrop of low inflation, and an
improving external environment that is nevertheless still subject to large uncertainties and potential
capital flow volatility. The decisive, yet gradual tightening of fiscal policy should help Malaysia maintain
market access at low funding costs while avoiding undue damage to economic growth or igniting higher
inflation. The slightly accommodative monetary policy stance has been appropriately supportive of
growth in the context of low inflation, a small negative output gap and, until midMay 2013, strong
capital inflows. Going forward, however, monetary policy may need to be recalibrated as UMPs unwind
and if inflation risks rise. The tightening of macroprudential policies to date appears to have helped to
address potential financial stability risks, but continued monitoring is appropriate and additional
measures may be needed.
9. Fiscal policy. Following the market turmoil in spring-summer, the federal government
recalibrated fiscal policy in September-October and is on track to reach its fiscal deficit target of
4.0 percent of GDP in 2013.
According to staff projections, fiscal adjustment in 2013 was significant
(about 1 percent of GDP), driven by higher income taxes and lower development spending. Current
spending, which has increased considerably in recent years, driven by wages and subsidies, was higher
than budgeted in 2013 but is expected to remain stable relative to GDP. In particular, spending on
subsidies, which increased by 0.6 percentage points of GDP in 2012, is expected to remain elevated
in 2013 and would have been higher in the absence of the fuel price adjustments implemented in
September. The 2014 federal deficit target of 3.5 percent of GDP seems feasible if, as assumed in the
staff’s baseline projection, growth in current spending is contained within a tight envelope and fuel
prices are increased further during the year (Figure 4). Oil revenues are projected to decline by
0.5 percent of GDP, in line with a projected decline in international oil prices. Under the staff’s baseline
projection, fiscal adjustment in 2014 will be driven by subsidies (about 1 percent of GDP), the wage bill,
while development spending as percent of GDP will also slow down.
The fiscal impulse (based on staff’s
The authorities' measure of the overall fiscal balance differs from staff’s (net lending/borrowing) due to differences in
methodology/basis of recording (Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001 versus the authorities’ modified-cash based
accounting), and differences in the treatment of certain items. These reasons account for a 0.40.7 percentage point
difference in the measured fiscal deficits for 201213.
The decline in fuel subsidies is driven by the carry-over effect of the September fuel price adjustments (0.40.5 percent
of GDP). Staff assumes in its baseline projection an additional 20 sen hike to take place in mid-2014 with a half-year yield
of 0.2-0.3 percent of GDP, which will be partially offset by higher direct cash transfers.
Malaysia’s development budget is determined for five year intervals and the current budget allocation covers the five
year period ending in 2015. The 11
Malaysia plan, to be announced in 2015 will cover development spending during
definition of fiscal balance) is about minus 1 percentage point of GDP.
Its impact on growth is
expected to be relatively small, given that a significant share of the adjustment comes from subsidy
rationalization, whose fiscal multipliers are low. The public sector deficit has widened in recent years,
reaching 5 percent of GDP in 2012, and is expected to be about 6½ percent of GDP
during 20132014. The increase in the public sector deficit was driven in part by higher development
spending by Nonfinancial Public Enterprises (NFPEs), which has offset the decline in development
spending at the federal government level. Fiscal impulse at the broader public sector level was
positive in 2013 but is expected to turn negative in 2014.
10. Monetary policy. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has kept its policy rate unchanged at
3 percent since May 2011 (Figure 3). This policy stance, reflecting BNM’s dual mandate of ensuring
medium-term price stability and sustainable
growth, kept real interest rates low and
supported growth, against a backdrop of
uncertain global growth prospects and low
domestic inflation rates. Looking ahead, staff
expects BNM to begin a gradual tightening
cycle. The gradualist approach is warranted by
the unusual degree of uncertainty around the
external environment and is also consistent
with the need to safeguard domestic financial
stability in an environment of high household
debt. Furthermore, while inflationary
expectations are well anchored at present, the succession of price increases stemming from subsidy
rationalization and the introduction of the GST
Fiscal impulse is defined as the change in cyclically-adjusted Federal Government overall balance as percent of
potential GDP.
could lead to a pickup in inflation expectations. BNM’s task in the near term is to allow pass-through
of cost-related increases in prices (costpush inflation) while detecting and preempting, in a timely
and decisive fashion, any second round effects from becoming embedded in the wage-price
11. Macroprudential policies (MAPs). BNM’s current monetary policy stance is supported by
macroprudential policies to curtail financial stability risks from rapid increases in household debt
and house prices (see Box 3). Household debt reached 83 percent of GDP at end-September 2013,
up from 55 percent five years earlier. Over half of the debt is on residential property, of which nearly
70 percent is contracted at variable rates tied to the Base Lending Rate (BLR), although lending rates
have fallen recently even as the BLR has remained unchanged. Starting in November 2010 and
continuing, most recently, with the 2014 budget in October 2013, the authorities have imposed a
series of targeted, gradual, and escalating MAPs, which have been mainly directed at speculative
purchases of homes and unsecured credit (see Table 8). The 2014 budget also addressed
affordability issues through special financing schemes and measures to raise the supply of
affordable housing.
There are early signs that the more recent measures have slowed down the
approval of new loans and begun to cool the housing market; however, some inertia in loan growth
due to drawdowns of loans already committed can be expected. Should credit growth remain
strong, additional MAPs should be introduced, and their scope and stringency should depend on
the evolving stance of monetary policy, and they should be carefully designed to ensure
effectiveness and avoid circumvention. Options for additional macroprudential measures include
capping loan-to-value ratios (LTV) on second and first mortgages, explicit limits on debt
service-to-income ratios, or additional capital charges on high LTV loans.
12. Risks to the baseline and policy responses. In the present “inflection point” for growth in
EMEs, staff’s baseline scenario is subject to a wider-than-usual range of uncertainty. Should the
growth outlook deteriorate significantly, the flexible exchange rate can act as a shock absorber and
there is ample room for BNM to cut its policy rate to support growth. However, relatively high fiscal
deficit and public debt levels afford limited space for a sustained countercyclical fiscal response. Any
fiscal stimulus should be temporary, targeted and anchored in a credible medium term fiscal
consolidation program. Importantly, structural reforms and the all important subsidy rationalization
and GST implementation should not be delayed or compromised as sound public finances are
paramount to macrofinancial stability. Exchange rate flexibility, complemented by foreign exchange
intervention to smooth excessive volatility, should be the main response to unpredictable capital
13. Authorities’ views. The authorities reiterated their commitment to meeting their fiscal
targets, and to press ahead with subsidy rationalization and the implementation of the GST. The
The Private Affordable Ownership (MyHome) Scheme was introduced to incentivize private developers to build
more low- and medium-cost houses, with the subsidy provision of up to RM 30,000 per unit built. A total of
RM 300 million has been allocated in 2014 for the construction of 10,000 housing units. For Perumahan Rakyat
1Malaysia (PR1MA), the government has allocated RM 1 billion to provide 80,000 units of affordable housing to
middle income households (combined income of RM 2,5007,500 per month) for homes in the RM 100,000400,000
price range.
creation of the high-level FPC provides additional assurance that Malaysia will push through with
sound fiscal policies to ensure fiscal sustainability while safeguarding growth. The authorities view
the current monetary policy stance as supportive of growth but acknowledged the risk to inflation
from subsidy rationalization. Inflation developments are closely monitored, both in terms of the
pervasiveness and persistence of price increases across all items of the CPI basket, using various
qualitative and quantitative indicators including the newly developed survey of price expectations. In
terms of the impact of unwinding of UMPs in AEs, the authorities welcomed the prospect of
recovery in AEs and normalization of global interest rates as beneficial for Malaysia but were
concerned about potential volatility and capital outflows. A monetary policy response to the
unwinding of UMPs would depend on the implications to the overall outlook for growth and
inflation for the Malaysian economy.
14. Background. The authorities took vital steps to shore up fiscal management and policy in
the second half of 2013, and signaled their commitment to secure medium-term fiscal targets in
the 2014 Budget. Fiscal management and institutions were strengthened substantially by the
establishment of a high-level FPC (Box 1). In addition, subsidies on fuel, electricity, and sugar are
being rationalized, and a GST will be introduced in April 2015 (Box 2). To mitigate the impact of
fiscal consolidation on the poor, the authorities are taking steps to strengthen the social safety net
by enhancing the existing cash transfer program to lower income groups. The authorities are
committed to their large and complex fiscal reform agenda and are striving to carefully design and
execute it in order to mitigate implementation risk.
15. Fiscal sustainability and medium-term fiscal adjustment. The authorities’ decisions
in 2013 are tantamount to a fiscal policy breakthrough aiming to contain federal debt and related
fiscal risks. Federal debt has risen significantly in recent years, to an estimated 54.8 percent of GDP
at end-2013, from about 40 percent of GDP at the start of the global financial crisis. Based on staff’s
debt sustainability analysis (see Appendix 4
), under a no adjustment scenario (the constant primary
balance scenario), the federal debt-to-GDP ratio would exceed the authorities’ self-imposed debt
ceiling of 55 percent in the medium-term and would continue to increase thereafter.
16. Staff position. Staff welcomes the authorities’ comprehensive fiscal reform package, which
is well timed, appropriately paced, and allows sufficient preparation time for the introduction of the
GST, including an all important public education campaign. The authorities’ plans to strengthen the
social safety nets by better targeting them are also welcome. Finally, the management of fiscal
policy has been strengthened by the establishment of the high-level FPC. Implementation and
political risks from fiscal reforms are, in staff’s view, circumscribed by the authorities’ commitment to
the reforms and by their sound preparation and technical plans to carry them out. Fiscal reforms are
a marathon, not a sprint, and the large unfinished agenda in this area requires careful design and
execution in order to mitigate implementation risk.
17. Staff supports the authorities’ plans to reduce the federal deficit to 3 percent by 2015, and to
about zero by 2020. The proposed fiscal adjustment signals the authorities’ commitment to fiscal
consolidation and is
appropriately paced, with
significant frontloading that
is commensurate with the
need to rebuild fiscal buffers.
Under the mission’s baseline
assumptions, a cumulative
improvement of about
4 percent of GDP in the
cyclically-adjusted primary
balance is required in order
to lower the federal debt-to-
GDP ratio to its pre-crisis
level of about 40 percent.
This medium-term debt
target is needed to rebuild
buffers to allow for
countercyclical fiscal policy,
absorb contingent liabilities, and ensure that the debt to GDP ratio remains below 55 percent.
The authorities’ target of reducing the deficit to 3 percent of GDP by 2015 is feasible if, as assumed
in staff’s baseline, the GST is implemented and fuel price subsidies are rationalized. However, further
measures will be needed beyond 2015 to balance the federal budget by 2020 as oil revenues are
projected to decline and nondiscretionary expenditures are expected to rise. Spending pressures will,
inter alia, arise from civil service pensions and other aging-related costs; the need to repay previous
off-budget stimulus spending; and other federal obligations, such as spending on the Mass Rapid
Transit (MRT) project.
In this context, staff supports the authorities’ plan to further elaborate,
quantify and communicate their medium term fiscal consolidation strategy.
To achieve the authorities’ fiscal targets for 2020 and generate sustained fiscal savings, staff
elaborated a medium-term fiscal strategy that relies on revenue and expenditure instruments with a
desirable mix of stabilization, efficiency, growth, and distributional characteristics (see Box 3 and
Selected Issues Paper on Malaysia’s medium-term fiscal strategy). These characteristics include low
fiscal multipliers; reduced reliance on corporate and oil revenues; and a progressive (or at least less
regressive) distributional impact. This fiscal strategy should also be underpinned by concrete
structural reforms to promote efficiency, growth and equity.
The 2012 Malaysia Article IV report (Box 4) details the medium-term debt target and staff’s stochastic Debt Sustainability
Analysis (DSA).
MRT is a public infrastructure project that is funded off-budget through a special vehicle that enjoys a federal guarantee;
given the non-commercial nature of the project, it may be assumed that a fraction of the debt repayments associated with
the MRT will be eventually funded through the budget.
Potential Yield
Description (Percent of GDP)
Revenue measures
Broaden the tax base through revising the list
of zero-rated and exempt goods. Increase GST
rate from 6
percent to 8
Property taxes Broaden recurrent property taxes 0.3
Expenditure measures
Rationalize non-fuel subsidies
Rationalize subsidies on rice, flour and cooking
oil and partially replace them with targeted
Restrict wage growth
Continue to limit the establishment of new
posts, restrict bonus payments and achieve
savings in emoluments in the education sector.
Reduce inefficiencies in spending
Continue efforts to improve procurement,
improve efficiency of education spending and
spending on social safety nets.
Malaysia: Potential Revenue and Expenditure Measures Beyond 2015
Viewed from this perspective, the authorities’ plans to date to rationalize subsidies, introduce a
GST, increase transfers and improve their targeting, and protect public investment spending are
a step in the right direction. Staff also argued that there was a need to restrict wage growth and
improve the efficiency of public spending in general, and education spending in particular.
Finally, staff recommended raising contributions to the Civil Service Pension Fund (KWAP) to
reduce the unfunded portion of federal pension liabilities and consider other measures to
address its long-term sustainability.
18. Tax policy. Staff strongly welcomed the authorities’ efforts to implement the GST, which
should help to broaden the tax base and reduce reliance on oil and gas revenues over time (Box 3).
The GST should also help reduce informality and improve tax buoyancy.
The net revenue yield from
GST, estimated at about 0.3 percent of GDP, is however expected to be relatively small initially. This
is due to the relatively low standard rate, the reduction of income taxes and other offsetting
measures adopted in the 2014 budget.
Staff argued that, small initial revenue gains notwithstanding, the GST provides a powerful and
flexible revenue-generating mechanism to respond to future economic shocks. If needed, GST
base broadening, including the reduction of GST exemptions and zero-rated goods, should take
precedence over increasing the standard rate.
Staff strongly urged the authorities to resist
pressures to expand the list of exempt and zero-rated goods to ensure that the efficiency of GST
is not compromised.
Staff argued that recurrent property taxes, a growth-friendly and progressive revenue source,
are currently underutilized in Malaysia relative to its peers and could also be used to broaden
the revenue base going forward.
The authorities are also conducting an assessment of the effectiveness and costs of tax
incentives. Staff recommended better targeting of incentives based on this cost-benefit analysis.
The pension scheme for civil servants, Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (KWAP) is a defined benefit scheme that is
partially funded by the budget, unlike the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), the scheme for private sector workers
which is a fully funded defined contribution scheme. KWAP was incorporated in 2007, taking over the assets and
liabilities of the Pension Trust Fund, which the government had established in 1991 to help fund its future pension
liabilities. KWAP covers employees who joined civil service after 1991 (pension liabilities of civil servants who joined
before 1992 are funded on a pay-as-you-go basis from the budget). KWAP was intended to be fully funded, by
contributions from federal, state and local governments; however, federal contributions are currently below levels
consistent with full funding.
Being a value-added tax, the GST generates relevant information on different tax payers along the production
As a general principle, minimizing the number of GST exemptions, including at the implementation stage, is crucial
to improve efficiency (already at the implementation stage).
Taxes on financial and property transactions and other property-related taxes are about 1.1 percent of GDP in
Malaysia, which is lower than the median of 1.6 percent of GDP in OECD countries.
19. Subsidy reform. At over 10 percent of
federal spending, fuel subsidies are regressive and
costly to the budget. Staff welcomed the price
adjustments announced in September as a first step
in replacing them with more targeted transfers to
low-income Malaysians.
Staff made the following
Gradual but credible rationalization of fuel
subsidies and a switch, eventually, to an
automatic price adjustment mechanism for fuel
prices would ensure that fiscal savings are
preserved and the issue is depoliticized.
The authorities’ plans to gradually reduce off budget
subsidies on natural gas and electricity are also critical in this regard. Bringing on budget these
implicit subsidies would improve the transparency of fiscal policy, and could bolster support for
subsidy reform.
Cash transfers (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M)), first introduced in 2012, were increased
subsequently, their eligibility criteria were broadened, and these transfers now benefit over
55 percent of households. Staff noted that it would be desirable to improve the targeting of
welfare transfers under different programs and welcome steps to create a comprehensive
database on welfare recipients and programs, as announced in the 2014 budget.
20. Fiscal risks. Despite important recent progress, Malaysia still faces significant fiscal risks.
Continued reliance on oil and gas revenues is a medium term risk to debt sustainability in view of
the depletion of the oil and gas resources over time. Oil price shocks or exchange rate shocks can
lead to unanticipated increases in the subsidy bill, offsetting the savings from domestic price
adjustments. Federal contingent liabilities are sizeable, with loan guarantees alone amounting to
15 percent of GDP.
In staff’s view, the FPC, which will be in charge of endorsing medium-term fiscal
targets and strategy, should also play a critical role in monitoring, assessing, and managing fiscal
risks going forward. In this context, staff
Prices of gasoline and diesel were raised by 20 sen per liter in September, reducing the price gap (the difference
between market price and subsidized price) from 30 to 23 percent for gasoline and from 36 to 29 percent for diesel.
After the adjustment in September, there is still a subsidy of 63 sen per liter for gasoline (RON 95) and 80 sen per
liter for diesel.
Staff assumes in its baseline scenario that fuel prices are gradually increased to reach parity with international
prices by end-2016.
Federal contingent liabilities include loan guarantees (15 percent of GDP), potential obligations under user-funded
PPPs, liabilities of NFPEs, insured deposits under the deposit insurance, the deposits of some development finance
institutions and government linked investment funds, and credit guarantee schemes. About 20 percent of loan
guarantees are to statutory bodies and the rest are to public companies.
Argued for anchoring budget targets on the nonoil primary balance, which would help insulate
the budget from these risks and also reduce the procyclicality of spending.
Supported efforts to improve the monitoring and management of loan guarantees and other
contingent liabilities, and recommended preparing a fiscal risks statement to be published with
the budget documents.
Highlighted the risk that as federal gross debt approaches the government’s self-imposed
ceiling, there could be pressure to push spending off-budget, which would undermine the
credibility of the formal budget process and the medium term fiscal consolidation.
Supported reforms to strengthen public financial management, including adopting accrual
accounting, introducing a medium-term fiscal framework, and reducing the use of
supplementary budgets, some of which are already underway.
Welcomed the authorities’ efforts to improve public procurement and move towards
performance-based budgeting.
21. Authorities’ views. The authorities stated their commitment to a medium-term fiscal
consolidation, including subsidy rationalization and the introduction of the GST in 2015,
underpinned by efforts to strengthen fiscal management and institutions and other structural
reforms. The authorities emphasized the importance of adopting a gradual approach in
implementing fiscal adjustment and subsidy rationalization, and the need to protect vulnerable
households. In their view, implementation risks are small, as evidenced by the political commitment
at the highest level to these reforms and the high level of their technical preparedness. They agreed
with staff on the need to outline a medium-term fiscal plan, to be endorsed by the FPC, and
indicated that work was underway to formulate a medium-term fiscal plan. The authorities stated
that although federal loan guarantees have increased recently, government’s loan guarantees are
primarily to commercial nonfinancial public enterprises with evident capacity to service debt, and
that contingent liabilities should be analyzed taking into account their (low) probability of default.
22. Background. The 2012 IMF-World Bank Financial Assessment Program (FSAP) found that
Malaysia’s financial system is sound and backed by a strong supervisory and regulatory system.
Malaysia’s financial system is well diversified although banks continue to provide over 85 percent of
credit domestically. Nonbanks, including development financial institutions, provide the remaining
15 percent of credit but constitute only 9 percent of financial system assets. Consistent with the
FSAP, staff found that Malaysian banks are well-capitalized, profitable, and have adequate liquidity
buffers. With a Tier 1 capital ratio of 13.9 percent at end-2012, banks are well-positioned to meet the
Basel III target of 8.5 percent by 2019.
Banks’ liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) of 60 percent is consistent
with the 2015 Basel III target but meeting the 2019 target of 100 percent, while attainable, is more
challenging under current definition.
Banks’ funding structure is dominated by deposits, which make
up 80 percent of the total; 17 percent of these deposits are classified as strictly callable. Banks are
moderately profitable, with return on equity averaging about 14 percent in recent years, although
recent heightened competition for retail deposits has compressed net interest margins.
ahead, banks’ funding costs are likely to increase as deposit rates rise with the unwinding of UMPs but,
with variable rate loans largely tied to the BLR (which has tended to only change when the OPR
changes), banks could face further compression of their net interest rate margins.
23. FSAP update. Staff noted that the authorities have made significant progress with
implementation of the recommendations of the FSAP (see Appendix 6). Notably, the Financial Services
Act (FSA) and the Islamic Financial Services Act (IFSA) came into force on June 30, 2013, strengthening
BNM’s powers, including the ability to take prompt corrective action for financial institutions and to
carry out consolidated supervision of financial holding companies. In addition, the regulatory
perimeter is widened to include onshore nonbank financial entities and nonbank financial entities
operating in the offshore
The decline in banks’ CAR from 17.6 percent at end-2012 to 14.7 percent at Q3:2013, is reflective of banks’ efforts to
reduce capital that no longer qualifies as loss-absorbing capital under Basel III. The Tier 1 capital ratio of the banking
system, the relevant Basel III metric, has remained stable over this period.
Liquidity as measured by one-year coverage of liabilities with assets has come down slightly since 2012 but remains
similar to the 2011 level. Under the LCR, the more stringent Basel III definition of liquidity, that measures one-month
coverage of liabilities, banks are consistent with the global phase-in schedule.
Banks’ spreads between lending and deposit rates have shrunk over the past 10 years (by about 100 bps) as lending
rates have come down faster than deposit rates, reflecting, in part, increasing competition in the banking sector and
improving borrower creditworthiness (as evidenced by falling amounts of impaired loans for the overall system).
However, BNM issued an industry consultation paper in January 2014 proposing a new reference rate to replace the
BLR. The proposed new reference rate is designed to reflect each financial institution’s funding costs, enhancing
transparency in setting the reference rate, and increasing the sensitivity of the reference rate to changes in an
institution’s funding costs, which will reduce their risk.
Sovereign CDS spread
Private domestic credit
growth (percent y/y)
Regulatory Tier 1
Capital to Risk-
Weighted Assets
Non-performing loans
(NPL) ratio
Liquid assets to short-
term liabilities
Gross portfolio inflows
to GDP
Sources: IMF, International Financial Statistics and Financial Soundness
Indicators; Bloomberg LP.; Haver analytics; and IMF staff calculations.
1/ Away from center signifies higher risks, easier monetary and financial
conditions, or higher risk appetite.
Malaysia: Macrofinancial-Environtment Spidergram 1/
Labuan International Business and Financial Center (Labuan IBFC) other than those licensed by the
Labuan Financial Services Authority. The IFSA provides a legal framework that is consistent with
Shariah on regulation and supervision, from licensing to the winding up of institutions. Separately, a
high-level committee, the Financial Stability Executive Committee, comprising the BNM, Perbadanan
Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM), and the fiscal authority, formed since 2010 to discuss systemic risk
issues and decide on measures to address such risks, including those emanating from entities outside
of the regulatory purview of BNM, has expanded its permanent membership to include the Securities
Commission. With regard to the FSAP recommendation for improvement in granular data on
household assets and liabilities, the authorities expect to complete collection of data by income group
by end-2014.
24. Staff position. In staff’s view, the following areas warrant attention:
Household debt. Concerns have centered on rapidly growing household debt of 83 percent of
GDP, amid rising exposure of banks to the household sector (47 percent of banks’ assets), vigorous
house price appreciation, and strong growth in unsecured consumer credit (see Box 4).
Given the
rapid credit growth to households and growing credit intermediation by nonbanks to households,
staff suggested that additional macroprudential measures may be needed and emphasized the
importance of continuing to enhance monitoring. Options for additional macroprudential policies
include explicit limits on debt service-to-income ratios, which would have to be supported by
ongoing development of credit registries; capping LTVs on second and first mortgages, or
additional capital charges on loans with high LTVs.
Recent independent policy actions by state
governments to curb price increases also suggest there is scope for closer coordination between
local and federal authorities to ensure that combined measures are not overly restrictive. Staff
welcomed progress with the collection of
granular data to support surveillance and steps
recently taken by the authorities to issue
guidelines for responsible financing to nonbanks
that are similar to those applicable to banks.
Banks’ exposure to real estate. Banks carry
significant exposure to the nonfinancial
corporate sector (43 percent of banks’ assets).
Exposure to the real estate sector makes up
about 30 percent of the total stock of corporate
loans, and nearly 40 percent of recent flow,
which suggests that a price correction in the real estate market could have a significant
In November 2013, S&P downgraded its rating outlook for one large bank and two mid-tier banks on concerns that
asset quality could deteriorate in the future due to rising household indebtedness and potential for a correction in
house prices. However, also during November 2013, Moodys’ affirmed its stable ratings for 9 Malaysian banks, including
the one large bank downgraded by S&P, while raising its future outlook to positive from stable.
In its guidelines on responsible financing for financial institutions, the BNM already requires banks to set a prudent
limit on the debt service ratio (DSR). Importantly, there is no set limit for all borrowers but rather banks are expected to
vary the DSR based on borrower creditworthiness.
impact on the value of banks’ collateral. The aggregate nonfinancial corporate sector has assets
estimated to be more than 4 times GDP.
Corporate debt. Corporates rely mainly on bank loans for financing, which make up nearly
60 percent of total liabilities. Debt issuance is long term in nature and mainly denominated in
ringgit, averaging almost 80 percent of the total in recent years. Following the advent of the
global financial crisis in 2008, there was a surge in U.S. dollar-denominated debt issuance by
Malaysian corporates seeking to take advantage of low borrowing rates in global markets, but
this has reverted to the average pre-crisis level since 2010. The aggregate solvency situation
appears comfortable with earnings of nearly four times interest expense on debt liabilities, while
the liquidity situation with current assets of nearly 1.6 times current liabilities is adequate. In
aggregate, cash buffers estimated at 14 percent of assets are reasonable, and leverage is
moderate with a debt-equity ratio of about 45 percent. Nevertheless, the solvency situation
varies considerably across the corporate universe and the aggregate picture could change
rapidly as earnings are volatile.
Resident companies including large multinational companies
hedge their foreign currency exposure either with onshore banks or by relying on foreign
currency earnings from abroad to meet the foreign currency commitment.
There were no
reports of concerns in the corporate sector from the depreciation of the ringgit during the
summer of 2013.
Asset quality. Overall asset quality has
improved significantly in recent years with
nonperforming loans at a relatively low level
of 2 percent of gross loans in 2013 compared
with 6 percent at end-2007. Against a
backdrop of strong credit growth, the long
term improvement in asset quality is
confirmed by a trend decline in the amounts
of impaired loans, although there has been a
slight reversal in this trend since March 2013.
Providing a cushion, banks’ provisions cover
nearly 100 percent of all impaired loans.
Banks’ holdings of government and corporate securities comprised about 16 percent of total
assets in August 2013, of which federal government securities are 4.5 percent, although
accounting for government-guaranteed securities increases the potential exposure.
Nevertheless, with many of these securities held to maturity, there was no significant impact on
banks’ capital from higher MGS yields in 2013.
Unlike the household sector, data on individually listed corporates is available on filings data and it is therefore
possible to assess potential vulnerabilities at a granular level.
Further detailed assessment of foreign currency assets and liabilities of domestic corporates is desirable. It would
require access to banks’ data on the size and nature of foreign currency hedging done by corporates as this is not
publicly available information.
Foreign currency and cross-border exposures. For the banking system as a whole, foreign
currency exposure is 4 percent of loans and 5 percent of deposits. The authorities’ own stress
tests indicate a manageable level of FX liquidity risk in the banking system. Banks emphasize the
need to strengthen fee-based income and to continue with plans to expand overseas in ASEAN.
As cross-border banking activity continues to grow, the authorities are appropriately expanding
the list of countries with which they have Memoranda of Understanding for cross-border
supervision. At present, cross-border assets are mainly funded from host countries. Overseas
lending by the top five banks makes up nearly 24 percent of total lending while loans-to-local
deposit ratios are moderate at about 84 percent. Most of the exposure and international
earnings contributions come from Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Thailand and Cambodia.
Although Malaysian banking operations in Indonesia and Thailand remain profitable as of
Q3:2013, asset quality could weaken in response to recent developments. Malaysian banks are
likely to continue expanding abroad as ASEAN economic integration picks up steam in the years
ahead. International experience suggests that substantial financial integration spearheaded by
rapid bank expansion in new markets can pose challenges for bank risk management and
supervisory monitoring. Going forward, it will thus be important to deepen home-host
cooperation and supervision and strengthen crisis prevention and mitigation mechanisms, as
outlined in Malaysia’s Financial Sector Blueprint.
25. The impact of higher interest rates. In view of ongoing and prospective unwinding of
UMPs in AEs and the normalization of global interest rates, staff conducted a simple solvency
sensitivity analysis of the aggregate household, corporate and banking balance sheets to increases
in MGS yields, the OPR, banks’ deposits rates and nonperforming loans (NPLs) (see Appendix 7).
From a financial stability perspective, plausible increases in domestic interest rates resulting from
orderly tapering of UMP in advanced economies appear manageable at the aggregate level. For
example, an increase in MGS yields by 100 bps combined with an increase in the OPR of 50 bps over
the course of one year is estimated to have little impact on aggregate household balance sheets or
bank capital because of earnings and savings buffers. However, the corporate interest servicing ratio
rises by 2.6 percentage points to 27.6 percent, which could potentially lead to difficulties at some
individual corporates but is unlikely to have a systemic impact.
26. More stringent stress tests. While an increase in borrowing costs by 100 bps over
12 months is plausible, more stringent tightening of financial conditions cannot be ruled out going
forward. A 200 bps increase in the policy rate over a one-year period would:
Increase the aggregate household debt servicing ratio (DSR) by 4 percentage points to nearly
48 percent ignoring the corresponding increase in income from savings; including the latter
would raise the aggregate household DSR by only half a percentage point. However, the asset
and liability positions may not match across all categories of households and some income
groups may experience larger increases in their DSR and may become stressed.
Raise the corporate interest service ratio by nearly 8 percentage points to 33 percent, assuming
no change in corporate earnings and full rollover of debt coming due.
Reduce the banking system’s Tier 1 capital ratio by 1.1 percentage points to 12.8 percent (same
as a doubling of NPLs).
The same rate shock over a 2 year period would have a much lower impact on bank capital as it
would allow use of additional earnings as a buffer. It is important to emphasize that these results are
obtained at the aggregate level; and the future availability of granular data on households together
with more detailed analysis at individual corporate and banking level would provide more
information on vulnerabilities of individual institutions.
27. Authorities’ views. The authorities agreed with staff’s assessment that the financial sector is
well-diversified; and the banking system is strongly capitalized, very liquid and reasonably profitable.
They noted recent enhancements in internal models used to stress-test banks’ solvency and
liquidity, addressing, for instance, the FSAP recommendation for multiyear bottom-up analysis. In
terms of asset quality, the authorities commented that while the household debt burden has risen as
a proportion of GDP in recent years, it remains well-supported by much larger financial asset buffers;
while on the corporate side, leverage remains moderate. They described their approach to
macroprudential policies as intentionally gradual in order to avoid unintended consequences and
over-adjustment. They noted that rapidly increasing house prices are a concern but argued the
increase is not solely driven by credit but primarily reflects mismatches between supply and
demand, motivating increases in the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) and other budgetary measures
to increase the supply of affordable housing. With regards to the impact of UMP withdrawal, the
authorities believe that households will remain largely unaffected as potentially higher debt
servicing costs would be offset by higher rates of return on savings including deposits. The
authorities highlighted steps taken in strengthening regulation of the financial sector, in particular,
the implementation of the Financial Services Act and the Islamic Financial Services Act, which
significantly expand the scope of BNM’s supervisory and regulatory powers. In particular, the power
in relation to consolidated supervision allows BNM to extend the perimeter of its regulation and
supervision to the subsidiaries of domestic banks operating in the Labuan International Business and
Financial Center. The authorities pointed out the challenges faced by domestic banks in meeting the
Basel III LCR requirement related to the Basel III standardized assumptions regarding run-off rates
for deposits in comparison to BNM’s behavioral modeling approach. Separately, the authorities have
been monitoring closely the growth in credit provided by nonbanks to households and have taken
steps to collaborate with the relevant regulator in issuing guidelines for responsible lending.
28. Background. Like other EMEs, Malaysia was affected by capital flow volatility in May-June
2013 and in early 2014. During May through
end-July, foreign investors reduced their
exposures to Malaysian bonds and equities (by
3.5 percent and 1.3 percent, respectively, of early-
May allocations on a net basis). Over this period,
the yield curve for government securities
steepened, with 10year yields rising by 102 bps
peak-trough, while U.S. 10-year treasury yields
rose 69 bps. Malaysian corporate bonds sold off
during the summer turbulence with yields
increasing by 120 bps (JP Morgan JACI Malaysia).
On the equity side, there was no pronounced
impact despite some foreign investor outflow, as domestic investors stepped in with purchases and
stock prices rose by 1.3 percent between mid-May and end-July. The ringgit weakened by about
11 percent against the dollar (peak-to-trough).
29. Vulnerabilities and resilience. The spring-summer 2013 episode is the latest in a series of
risk on/risk off cycles that Malaysia has endured in recent years, resulting in significant volatility in
net portfolio flows (Figure 5). With UMP withdrawal and the normalization of interest rates in AEs,
the carry trade advantage for Malaysian assets, especially government securities, will likely become
less pronounced. While the mission’s baseline assumption is that UMP exit is likely to be gradual,
the possibility of sudden and significant portfolio outflows from Malaysia and other emerging
market countries cannot be ruled out. Malaysia’s vulnerability is related to its relatively high level of
federal debt and large foreign holdings of government securities (42 percent). These risks were
traditionally mitigated by Malaysia’s strong external position but have come to the fore recently,
following the decline in its current account surplus (to 34 percent of GDP in 201314 from an
average of 12½ percent of GDP in 200911). But, similar to its experience during bouts of volatility
in global capital flows in recent years, Malaysia dealt with the latest episode skillfully, allowing the
exchange rate to act as a shock absorber while intervening to avoid excessive volatility.
30. The role of domestic institutional investors. The Malaysian economy’s resilience during
the May-June episode was facilitated by offsetting opportunistic purchases by large domestic
institutional investors who provided depth to its financial markets. Staff confirmed that domestic
investors, including banks and saving funds, resorted to significant purchases of equities as well as
domestic government securities during the turbulent period, thus facilitating “financial” (as opposed
to “real”) adjustment (See Appendix 8 and WEO, October 2013, Chapter 3). Domestic investors play a
stabilizing role in the market: if foreign investors were to reduce holdings of domestic assets sharply,
the resulting depreciation of the ringgit would make sales of foreign assets by domestic investors
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
EPF Foreign Banks
Malaysia: Federal Domestic Debt by Holder
(In billions of ringgit)
Sources: Bank Negara Malaysia; staff calculations
more attractive prompting an offsetting inflow. Staff’s illustrative calculations using data for the third
quarter of 2013 suggest domestic investors have additional capacity of about 6 percent of GDP for
purchases of MGS. By comparison, foreign outflows from MGS during Q2:2013 amounted to about
1 percent of GDP, and foreign investors held about 13 percent of GDP in MGS as of Q3:2013.
Nevertheless, caution is warranted: international exposure of domestic institutional investors,
estimated at about 20 percent of GDP, is well below that of total foreign ownership of domestic
equities and bonds; and, overseas holdings of domestic institutional investors may not be fully
31. Authorities’ views. The authorities highlighted the growing depth of domestic capital
markets, which has led to a structural increase in nonresident holdings of government and BNM
securities. They noted that compared with past episodes of capital flight, Malaysia is now better
prepared to deal with potential risks of capital outflows on account of higher levels of international
reserves, better capitalized financial intermediaries, a wider range of monetary instruments to
manage liquidity, and much deeper capacity of domestic institutional investors to absorb selling by
nonresidents. The authorities also observed that the volatility in capital flows experienced during
May-September 2013 did not have any significant adverse impact on the real economy.
Estimated Capacity for Additional Holdings of Malaysian Government Securities Domestically
Assets Estimated Target Q3:2013 MGS Space in MGS Space Total
Entity (In percent MGS Allocation Underweight Stock of Assets in Flow MGS Capacity
of GDP)
EPF--Domestic Pension Fund 52.9 30.0 2.0 1.1 0.5 1.5
KWAP--Civil Service Employees Pension 10.1 25.0 3.0 0.3 0.1 0.4
LTH--Haj Support Fund 4.9 28.0 3.0 0.1 0.1 0.2
Khazanah 12.2 -- -- -- -- --
PNB--Permodalan National Berhad 25.7---- ------
Banks 205.9 5.0 0.5 3.1 0.5 3.6
Total 311.8 1.5 0.6 5.8
Total stock of MGS 51.6
Foreign holdings of MGS 13.2
MGS outflow (June-September) 1.0
Sources: Bank Negara Malaysia; GLICs; and IMF staff estimates (December 2013).
(In percent of GDP)(In percent)
32. Background. In recent years, the Malaysian economy has undergone significant external
rebalancing, reflecting robust domestic demand (including from large investment projects under the
government’s Economic Transformation Program (ETP)) and weak external demand. This has led to a
dramatic narrowing in the external current account surplus, which declined to 3.8 percent of GDP
in 2013, from 6.1 percent of GDP in 2012 and 11.6 percent in 2011, while the nonoil current account
balance has swung into a deficit of about 2.4 percent of GDP from 4.2 percent surplus for 2011.
From a savings-investment perspective, about two thirds of the adjustment was due to a strong
surge in private investment and the large investment projects under the ETP, which bodes well for
the medium term growth outlook. Over the past year, the exchange rate has fluctuated more widely
than in 20102012, but around a fairly horizontal trend. International reserves have decreased
slightly and the IMF’s composite reserve adequacy metric stands at a comfortable 117 percent. The
net international investment position was a small positive in 2011 but has turned negative and now
stands at –2 percent of GDP.
33. Outlook and Assessment. Looking ahead, over the medium term, increased public sector
savings will be offset by sustained private consumption and investment activity and is expected to
result in a current account surplus of 34 percent over the medium term.
The significant reduction
in Malaysia’s current account surplus is reflected in a commensurate narrowing of Malaysia’s
estimated external imbalances or gaps (see Appendix 3). Staff views any remaining current account
and real exchange rate gaps as reflecting inadequate social protection (beyond that captured by
public health expenditure), the need to improve the risk sharing characteristics of the pension
system, investment bottlenecks, infrastructure
gaps, labor force skill mismatches, and rigidities in
the labor market. Staff’s estimate of the cyclically-
adjusted current account norm for 2013 is
1.5 percent of GDP, compared to the External
Balance Assessment’s (EBA) norm of -0.1 percent.
With a projected cyclically adjusted current
account surplus of 4.1 percent of GDP, this
implies a total current account gap of 2.6 percent
of GDP, with the policy gap contributing to the
bulk. Malaysia’s real effective exchange rate
(REER) is assessed as moderately undervalued by about 9 percent, reflecting savings and investment
gaps and consistent with the identified current account gap, with the estimate subject to
considerable uncertainty.
Staff estimates indicate that every 1 percentage point improvement in the fiscal balance could strengthen the
current account by about 0.4 percentage point.
34. Policies. Structural reforms aimed at strengthening social protection while safeguarding
fiscal sustainability, together with improvements in the investment climate, and population aging
should help reduce the saving-investment gap over time. However, these changes take time as they
involve the creation and reform of institutions.
Staff recommended the introduction of unemployment insurance, which the authorities are
studying, and which would further strengthen the safety net and reduce precautionary savings.
Staff also noted that there is scope to improve the coverage and adequacy of retirement
schemes in the private sector in order to provide more effective protection against poverty in
old age.
These measures should be complemented by continued exchange rate flexibility with
intervention limited to dampening excessive volatility, which will likely be associated with a
gradual appreciation of the real exchange rate over time and support external rebalancing.
35. Authorities’ views. The authorities agreed with staff that the current account will remain in
small surplus for the foreseeable future; however, they disagreed with staff’s assessment of external
imbalances, particularly the exchange rate. They questioned the validity of the EBA exercise for
Malaysia where there are large unexplained residuals and argued that EBA’s cross-country approach
may not fully capture Malaysia's unique characteristics. The authorities questioned the assessment
of the exchange rate as undervalued in view of the selloff of the ringgit during periods of financial
turbulence. They emphasized that they do not manage the level of the exchange rate but intervene
only to smooth excessive volatility. In addition, the authorities questioned the staff’s assessment that
the current account surplus is too large in view of the sensitivity of the global financial markets to
current account deficits in emerging market economies, as reflected in the vulnerability of deficit
countries to capital outflows during crisis periods.
36. Background. Malaysia is implementing an extensive agenda of structural reforms aimed at
strengthening growth and making it more broadly shared, as elaborated in a number of multiyear
transformation programs to upgrade human capital, foster technological readiness, inject greater
competition in product markets, and strengthen the government’s performance (Appendix 9). In this
connection, and in the face of heightened international demand (and competition) for talents,
efforts to strengthen Malaysia’s education system have acquired heightened importance. Malaysia
has made important progress in raising school enrollments: secondary net enrollment has risen
sharply, as has enrollment in tertiary education. But Malaysia still faces shortages of high-skill
workers, and skill mismatches are an important constraint in efforts to raise potential growth and
reduce income inequality.
37. Policies. While Malaysia has achieved much in this area, additional reforms are needed to
make the education system more efficient and cost effective.
The authorities have created an array of initiatives but, in the context of scarce resources, some
deliberate prioritization is needed. Priorities should include expanding access to tertiary
education and increasing availability of financing to underserved groups.
Quality control in private universities and retaining Malaysian-grown talent in the domestic
economy are also important (World Bank, 2012).
More work is needed to improve educational attainment (what students actually know) at the
basic and secondary level. In this regard, staff welcomes the authorities’ goal to place Malaysian
students in the top third of international assessments and to reform and improve the
performance of the Ministry of Education (see Malaysian Education Blueprint 201325).
38. Authorities’ views. The authorities stressed that their ambitious transformation programs
and blueprints are helping them achieve their goal of transforming Malaysia into an advanced,
high-income nation by 2020. They pointed out that they are engaged in a multifaceted effort to
improve skills, including through partnerships between businesses and higher education catalyzed
by government funding. They recently merged the Ministry of Higher Education into the Ministry of
Education and expect the requirement of greater accountability from teachers and researchers to
result in improved results in teaching and academic research. They are also intensifying human
capital development efforts in the elementary and secondary education with a view to bring
Malaysian students to the top one third of countries tracked by the Program for International
Student Assessment (PISA). Progress in improving educational attainment, as outlined in the
Malaysia Education Blueprint, 20132025, is a high priority for them. They agreed with the call for
achieving better performance in education in a tighter budgetary environment.
39. Outlook. The Malaysian economy’s near-term growth prospects are favorable, and the
transition to the post-UMP environment should be relatively smooth: real GDP growth picked up in
the second half of 2013 and this momentum is likely to be sustained in 2014. Continued robust
domestic demand, together with an improved external environment, should offset mild headwinds
from the timely, decisive, yet gradual fiscal consolidation. Underlying inflationary pressures remain
subdued, but headline inflation has picked up somewhat reflecting the effects of subsidy
40. Risks. Downside risks to growth include a bumpy exit from UMP, which could be associated
with a protracted period of economic and financial volatility in EMEs. However, Malaysia’s current
account should remain comfortably in surplus, and its financial system is deep and has
demonstrated its capacity to withstand such volatility and contain the impact on the real economy.
A flexible exchange rate regime combined with credible monetary policy have put Malaysia in a
strong position to manage the downside risks to the outlook, which include a sharp slowdown of
growth in China or a protracted period of slow growth in Europe.
41. Fiscal policy. Amidst capital outflows from EMEs and concerns about Malaysia’s relatively
high federal debt, the authorities undertook a timely and decisive, yet gradual recalibration of their
fiscal management and policies in 2013. In staff’s view, these efforts amounted to a breakthrough in
that they should secure the sustainability of Malaysia’s public finances while promoting efficiency,
equity and growth in the revenue and expenditure systems, and minimizing the drag on the
economy from fiscal consolidation. Implementation and political risks from fiscal reforms are, in
staff’s view, circumscribed by the authorities’ commitment to the reforms and by their sound
preparation and technical plans to carry them out.
42. Medium term fiscal strategy. Beyond 2015, the authorities’ policy priority is to gradually
bring down federal debt in the face of declining oil revenues and a rise in age-related and other
nondiscretionary spending. Staff supports this priority, which will require a concrete plan
underpinned by a debt target for 2020. Staff has provided some specific and quantified revenue and
expenditure measures evaluated according to their efficiency, equity and growth dimensions. Staff
also supports the authorities’ sustained efforts to strengthen public financial management and
statistical reporting in accordance with the GFSM 2001 format. Enhanced monitoring of fiscal risks is
a priority, including the publication of an annual fiscal risks statement.
43. Monetary policy. In view of its dual mandate, substantial downside risks to growth, and
very low inflation, BNM has been appropriately maintaining an accommodative monetary stance to
support the economy. Going forward, the central bank has to contend with higher headline inflation
in 2014–15. In staff’s view, while the risk of administered and tax-related price adjustments leading
to an economy-wide spiral in wages and prices is low, the monetary authorities should stand ready
to adjust their policy rates to curb second round effects. Their substantial policy credibility and close
monitoring of price developments should help maintain price stability over the medium term.
44. Dealing with potential capital flow volatility. Malaysian policymakers may face renewed
capital flow volatility going forward, amidst the gradual withdrawal of UMPs and lingering concerns
over slower growth in China and other EMEs. The authorities’ experience dealing successfully with
volatile capital flows; the recalibration of fiscal policies; substantial reserves; a comfortable current
account surplus; and a deep and sound financial sector should all help Malaysia weather bouts of
capital flow volatility. In the event of renewed financial turbulence, the exchange rate should be the
first line of defense, with intervention limited to smoothing excessive volatility.
45. Financial sector stability. Malaysia’s financial system is sound and well placed to withstand
potential stresses. As confirmed by the 2012 FSAP and again during the 2013 Article IV discussions,
Malaysian banks have ample capital, adequate liquidity buffers, and are backed by a strong
regulatory and supervisory framework. Nevertheless, ongoing global volatility, high household debt
and rising house prices all warrant continued vigilance. Staff welcomes steps taken by the authorities
to strengthen financial supervision and their targeted and phased approach to macroprudential
policy. In the event housing price increases continue unabated, the authorities should not hesitate to
adopt additional macroprudential measures.
46. External assessment. The rebalancing of Malaysia’s economy in recent years has been
reflected in a substantial narrowing of its current account surplus. Nevertheless, Malaysia’s external
position is still stronger than warranted by medium-term fundamentals and desirable policies, and
its current account surplus is still above the norm. From a saving-investment perspective, the
remaining current account gap likely reflects inadequate social protection (beyond that captured by
public health expenditure), the need to improve the risk sharing characteristics of the pension
system, investment bottlenecks, infrastructure gaps, labor force skill mismatches, and rigidities in the
labor market. Increased social spending related to population aging, as well as policies to
strengthen social safety net and boost investment, combined with exchange rate flexibility, should
help to gradually close the current account gap.
47. Strengthening human capital accumulation. Malaysia is undertaking a major effort to
upgrade its human capital in the face of heightened international competition for talent. Despite
important progress in human capital investments, Malaysia still faces shortages of high-skill workers,
and skill mismatches are an important constraint. Staff supports the authorities’ ambitious efforts to
raise the effectiveness of Malaysia’s education system further, make it more cost effective, increase
the availability of financing to underserved groups, improve quality control in private universities,
and retain Malaysian-grown talent in the domestic economy.
48. It is recommended that the next Article IV consultation with Malaysia take place on a
standard 12-month cycle.
Box 1. Malaysia—Fiscal Policy Committee
Background. In June 2013, amidst market turbulence that also affected Malaysia and concerns about the sustainability
of Malaysia’s public finances (public debt is a relatively high 55 percent of GDP) and “stasis” in fiscal reforms, Malaysia
announced the creation of a Fiscal Policy Committee (FPC), a strategic decision making body that includes the prime
minister, finance minister, central bank governor and other key economic policymakers. Following its inaugural meeting
on September 2, 2013, the FPC reinforced the government’s commitment to reducing the budget deficit and public
debt. It also announced strong fiscal measures to shore up the 201314 fiscal positions. These included price increases
for fuel and diesel, with immediate effect, as a first step in a gradual, multiyear effort to rationalize subsidies. The FPC
also indicated that additional fiscal measures would be forthcoming as needed, including the implementation of a GST,
later included in the 2014 Budget.
Mandate. The FPC has been tasked to play a leading role in ensuring fiscal sustainability and long term macroeconomic
stability. The FPC will develop guiding principles for the conduct of sound fiscal policy, endorse Malaysia’s medium term
fiscal strategy, review the government’s fiscal performance, and ensure alignment across ministries and agencies in
order to meet fiscal targets and manage fiscal risks. A Fiscal Policy Office (FPO) within the Treasury is being set up and
will act as the secretariat to the FPC. The FPO will provide analytical guidance in the formulation of fiscal policy, produce
fiscal forecasts and facilitate collaboration between the Treasury and different government agencies.
The FPC in international context. The creation of the FPC/FPO constitutes an important institutional innovation in
Malaysia. Although it is not a fiscal council,
the FPO’s objectives are similar in spirit to nonpartisan institutions set up in
recent years to monitor fiscal performance and enhance fiscal credibility and transparency. Thus lessons from the
international experience with fiscal councils, analyzed in a recent IMF paper,
can offer useful insights for Malaysia’s
FPO. For the FPO to be effective and deliver the credibility dividend associated with its creation, the following
conditions will be critical.
Operational independence, ideally supported by legal guarantees. Although the FPO is not legally independent,
ensuring that it has sufficient operational independence is important. Belgium’s High Council of Finance (HCF) and
Netherland’s Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) are examples of institutions that are not legally
independent, but that have, over time, built a reputation of professionalism and independence.
Resources commensurate to the FPO’s remit. Ensuring the professional status of FPO staff and securing adequate
staffing and resources will be critical to build operational independence.
Full transparency and strong media presence. Over time, publication of FPO analyses and assessments, including
of annual fiscal risks statements, would help increase fiscal transparency and build the credibility of FPO. Both the
HCF and the CPB have a strong media presence and publish their reports and analysis.
Evaluation. The FPC is a powerful high-level executive body. Unlike fiscal councils, which are independent advisory and
evaluation entities, it exercises broad responsibilities over matters of fiscal policy that are analogous to the mandate of
monetary policy committees over monetary policy. The FPC is thus a powerful decision-making and coordinating body
committed to sustainable public finances and sound fiscal policy that serves the general public. Its creation bodes well
for the design, execution and credibility of Malaysia’s future fiscal policy. The effectiveness of the FPO can be enhanced
over time by ensuring its operational independence, access to resources and a strong media presence.
1/ A fiscal council is defined as “an independent public institution informing the public debate on fiscal policy” (IMF, 2013).
2/ “The Functions and Impact of Fiscal Councils,” International Monetary Fund, July 16, 2013.
3/ HCF is headed by the Minister of Finance, is supported by staff from the Ministry of Finance and aims at providing
high-quality inputs to budget discussions. But unlike the FPC/FPO, it is not a decision-making body and has a strong media
presence, which has over time enhanced its reputation of professional excellence and unbiased analysis. The Netherland’s
Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB), a fiscal agency that provides the government with economic analysis and forecast
and election platform and program costing, also has a similar framework. CPB is set up within the Ministry of Economic Affairs
and is therefore not formally independent. However, CPB has over time established itself as fully independent in its operations
and in its analysis and research. For instance, the CPB can set its own work agenda and is subject to regular independent
evaluations mainly by academics, many of whom are not Dutch citizens.
Box 2. Malaysia—Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Background. Malaysia plans to introduce a Goods and Services Tax (GST) in April 2015, to replace its current sales tax. Unlike
existing sales and services taxes,
the GST will be designed as a value-added tax, and its coverage will be broader. The
proposed standard rate at introduction is 6 percent, a relatively low rate compared to the current VAT rates in other ASEAN
countries (7 percent in Thailand and Singapore, 10 percent in Vietnam and Indonesia, and 12 percent in Philippines). Relative
to the standard rate at introduction in a group of OECD and Asian countries, Malaysia’s 6 percent is also somewhat low. Under
the GST, some essential food items will have a zero tax rate and some services such as public transport, financial services,
education and government services will be exempt from tax. The GST will be introduced together with offsetting income tax
cuts, one-off cash transfers to low income households and subsidies to SMEs for the purchase of accounting software. The GST
registration threshold of 500,000 ringgit (about 160,000 U.S. dollars), is high compared to other peer countries; but will cover
about 150,000 companies–a significant increase relative to the existing sales tax. Based on authorities’ simulations, lowering
the threshold would have no material impact on the revenue yield, while increasing the burden of tax administration.
Fiscal Impact. Staff projects the gross revenue yield of the
GST to be about 2.3 percent of GDP, assuming a
c-efficiency ratio
of about 60 percent. The relatively low
revenue yield is due to a low standard rate and a broad set
of exempt and zero-rated products.
From an efficiency
perspective, a low standard rate applied on a broad tax
base would have been preferable. However, lower rates on
basic goods and services consumed by low income
households are important to mitigate the regressive effects
of the GST and to ensure political feasibility in the absence
of an efficient social safety. The net direct revenue impact
of the GST will be even smaller at about 0.20.3 percent of
GDP initially, but increasing to about 0.5 percent of GDP in
the medium term, given that it will replace the existing
sales and service taxes and due to the introduction of
offsetting measures mentioned above. However, GST will
likely have indirect positive effects on revenue through
improving compliance and generating incentives for firms
to move to the formal sector. Although the net revenue
yield at introduction will be small, once the tax is operational and a more efficient social safety net system is in place, the
standard rate and the list of zero-rated and exempt goods can be revised to increase the revenue yield. The introduction of the
GST is strategically important for fiscal sustainability and tax base broadening as it gives the government a new lever to use to
respond to changes in fiscal conditions.
GST Implementation. The authorities have already started an active public outreach program, organizing nationwide
seminars, workshops and road shows to create awareness, explain the GST and how it will impact different prices. The
authorities are also taking steps on tax administration as well as issues related to implementation such as the establishment of
an efficient refund system and providing training to SMEs to ensure the smooth rollout of the tax. International experience has
demonstrated that best results are generally achieved when all major domestic taxes are administered by a single inland
revenue agency (In Malaysia, the GST will be administered by the Customs Agency). The voluntary registration procedures will
need to be carefully instituted to ensure administrative efficiency by avoiding the registration of many small businesses. The
authorities are fully aware of the importance of implementation and have formed a GST monitoring committee to better
address potential problems and challenges.
1/ Malaysia’s current sales tax is charged on taxable goods at the manufacturer’s level. Its standard rate is 10 percent for most
taxable goods and a 5 percent tax is charged on select products such as food items. Services tax applies to certain services
provided by restaurants and hotels, telecommunications services and professional services.
2/ C-efficiency ratio is defined as the ratio of actual VAT revenues collected to the potential revenue base which is total
consumption times the standard VAT rate. The c-efficiency ratio would be 1 if there are no exempt goods or multiple rates and
if there is no tax avoidance. The c-efficiency ratio therefore reflects the productivity of the VAT. The median c-efficiency ratio in
a group of OECD and Asian countries is about 60 percent. Typically, there is an inverse relationship between c-efficiency and
the standard rate, reflecting lower tax avoidance and a broader tax base that is associated with tax systems with low rates.
3/ Based on staff’s estimate of “tax gaps” in Malaysia, there is additional scope (about 2.73 percent of GDP) to raise indirect,
consumption taxes.
Czech Re
Slovak Re
Korea, Rep.
Sri Lanka
New Zealand
Turk ey
United Kingdom
Ta iw a n P OC
OECD and Selected Asian Countries: Rate at Introduction
(In percent)
Sources: International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation website; and Deloitte, Global Indirect
Taxes, 2013
Box 3. Malaysia—Medium-Term Fiscal Consolidation
Background. The Malaysian authorities have reaffirmed their commitment to sound public finances and a
medium-term fiscal consolidation which aims to lower the budget deficit to about 3 percent of GDP by 2015 and
balance the budget by 2020. The objective of achieving a balanced budget by 2020 implies a consolidation of
4.04.1 percent of GDP in terms of the cyclically-adjusted primary balance. However, declining oil revenues and a rise
in nondiscretionary spending pressures in the medium term is projected to drive up Malaysia’s fiscal deficit going
forward. These factors call for the adoption of further measures (above and beyond the announced adjustment) in
order to secure fiscal targets for 2020.
Fiscal consolidation. This box summarizes considerations in designing the composition of Malaysia’s medium-term
fiscal consolidation.
It first identifies revenue and expenditure measures that could be used and the size of
potential savings. These measures are then ranked based on three criteria—short-term growth, long-term growth
and equity—to determine the tradeoffs in using different measures. These trade-offs can be used to inform the
composition of Malaysia’s medium-term fiscal consolidation, based on the authorities’ priorities.
Revenue measures. Malaysia’s tax structure relies heavily on direct income taxes, especially on corporations, while
indirect taxation is underutilized. A cross-country tax gap analysis is used to assess potential to raise revenues.
tax gap analysis suggests that there is considerable scope to raise Malaysia’s indirect tax revenues. The predicted
norm for Malaysia’s consumption taxes
is 66.3 percent of GDP, which suggests
a gap of 2.73 percentage points.
Non-oil income taxes in Malaysia are
above the predicted norm, however, this
is due to high levels of corporate income
taxes (CIT), while personal income taxes
are relatively low (at about 2.5 percent
of GPD).
This seems to reflect relatively
low tax rates, in particular at the top of
the income distribution, and thus
personal income taxes can be made
more progressive while generating
additional revenues. CITs are relatively
high in Malaysia, despite the existence
of a broad set of exemptions and
incentives. This is potentially driven by a
high corporate income tax rate
(25 percent) and an efficient system of
revenue administration. The corporate
income tax rate will be reduced by
one percentage point effective 2016, as
an offsetting measure for the GST. Rationalizing tax incentives is the only tool that can be used to generate
additional revenues but it is hard to estimate the revenue yield from reducing tax incentives. We assume potential
fiscal savings could be in the range of 0.10.5 percent of GDP, while noting the uncertainty around such
assumptions. Finally, as in many other countries, property taxes are under-utilized in Malaysia and can be used more
extensively. All of the revenue measures could together generate about 4.5 percent of GDP in savings.
Expenditure measures. Expenditure measures are identified using the level and composition of Malaysia’s current
federal spending. Subsidy rationalization has the greatest potential to generate large and immediate fiscal savings.
Fuel subsidy rationalization alone could yield fiscal savings of 2.22.7 percent of GDP, taking into account offsetting
cash transfers. Rationalization of other subsidies, such as on cooking oil, rice and flour, could generate additional
savings of 0.20.3 percent of GDP. Containing growth in the public sector wage bill can also support the
consolidation effort. The wage bill has increased by 0.9 percentage points since 2008, to 6.2 percent of GDP,
reflecting improvements in the salary scheme, a time-based promotion scheme for teachers, and additional bonus
payments. Restricting hiring to essential personnel and limiting the establishment of new posts (as already adopted
by the authorities) can help going forward. Spending on education, in particular on emoluments, is not efficient and
may offer additional scope for savings.
Similarly, in the area of social safety net spending, there is scope to reduce
budgetary costs while enhancing social effectiveness by consolidating several programs that offer different benefits
(The authorities are already working towards establishing a comprehensive database of recipients). Broad-based
efficiency gains in public expenditure, including through improved procurement (already underway) can also be a
source of fiscal savings. Finally, there is limited scope (estimated at 0.20.4 percent of GDP) for fiscal savings in
development spending given its decline in recent years.
Required Measures to Reach
Fiscal Targets
Revenue Measures Expenditure Measures
Potential Revenue and Expenditure Measures for Medium-Term Fiscal
(In percent of GDP)
Source: IMF staff estimates.
Change in cyclically
adjusted primary
Due to rising
non-discretionary spending
Due to decline in oil
Corporate income taxes
Property taxes
Personal income taxes
Social safety net and other transfers
Pubic investment
Other public consumption
Wage bill
Subsidy rationalization
Box 3. Malaysia—Medium-Term Fiscal Consolidation (Concluded)
Key considerations. The composition and timing of tax and expenditure measures that can be adopted as part
of Malaysia’s consolidation strategy should be guided by their growth and equity implications. Figures below
show how different instruments rank along these dimensions. More negative values suggest a larger negative
impact on growth or equity; the converse is true for the positive values. These rankings can guide policy makers
in selecting the composition of fiscal consolidation, based on the preferences and weights they assign to
different goals. All revenue and expenditure measures would have a negative impact on growth in the short run,
with public investment and consumption having the largest impact. With respect to growth implications in the
long run, public investment is expected to have the highest negative impact, whereas subsidy rationalization is
the most growth-friendly fiscal measure, with an expected small positive impact on long-run growth. Subsidy
rationalization, property taxes and a progressive increase in personal income taxes are expected to have positive
distributional impact, while public investment and the GST are expected to have a relatively higher negative
distributional impact.
Conclusions. Subsidy rationalization and property taxes come out clearly as a desirable set of instruments to use
in fiscal consolidation from both growth and equity perspectives. Improvements in the efficiency of social safety
nets and other transfers and a progressive increase in personal income taxes also come out high in the relative
ranking of fiscal measures. In the context of Malaysia’s high fiscal adjustment needs, the GST is also a necessary
component of fiscal adjustment, given its large revenue-generating potential and its strategic importance. Public
investment is the least desirable instrument with adverse effects on growth and equity. Exact ranking of different
measures depend on many factors including societal choices regarding the role of government, but also on
cyclical factors and monetary policy space, for example for short-term growth.
1/ This box summarizes the results in the accompanying selected issues paper (SIP) titled “A Medium-Term Fiscal
Strategy for Malaysia.”
2/ We compare Malaysia’s tax revenues with its peers, controlling for a range of characteristics relevant for tax
revenues, using a regression analysis. We compare the predicted tax revenues from the regression model with
Malaysia’s actual revenues in 2012. The difference between the predicted and actual taxes is interpreted as a “tax gap.”
The regression controls for income per capita, the old-age dependency ratio, exports of oil and gas, and also includes
dummies for geographical regions to capture other unobserved regional characteristics.
3/ Consideration could be given to a revenue-neutral additional reduction in the CIT rate that would be offset by
rationalizing tax incentives, which would improve the efficiency of the CIT system, and raise investment and economic
4/ Malaysia’s Education Blueprint has found that spending on education in Malaysia has not resulted in better
educational outcomes and that there are important potential efficiency gains.
Growth short term
Growth long termEquity
Trade-Offs for Different Tax Measures
GST Property taxes
Personal income taxes Corporate income taxes
Growth short term
Growth long termEquity
Trade-Offs for Different Expenditure Measures
Wage bill Other public consumption
Subsidies Public investment
Social safety nets and other transfers
Box 4. Malaysia—Household Debt
Household debt has grown rapidly in Malaysia
since 2008, increasing from 60 percent of GDP to
83 percent of GDP by end-September 2013. While
banks remain the most important source of credit
to households in Malaysia, lending by
Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) and
Nonbank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) has grown
rapidly since 2008 and accounts for about one-
quarter of the increase in debt. Approximately
55 percent of the debt is owed on residential
property, of which about 70 percent are variable
rate mortgages. Mitigating the risks somewhat
are strong financial buffers on aggregate, with
household financial assets amounting to
189 percent of GDP. However, there may be
pockets of vulnerability, including for example,
lower income borrowers (with a monthly income
of RM3,000 or less) that are more highly
leveraged than other income groups.
House prices have increased rapidly, outpacing
income and rental growth, along with strong
demand for residential property loans, driven by a
robust labor markets and falling lending rates.
However, underwriting standards do not appear
to have deteriorated, as evidenced by lower
default rates by month on book for more recent
Loans for personal use have also grown rapidly,
with a strong increase especially from the DFIs
and NBFIs. Credit risk is reduced as most lending
is to government workers, serviced through
automatic salary deductions, and with an
aggregate deduction cap of 60% of a borrower’s
net income. Loans for personal use from the
NBFIs and DFIs increased to 9 percent of GDP
in 2012, up from 5 percent in 2008. Growth was
partially driven by increased offering of personal
finance products with unfavorable terms, such as
extended tenures and bullet payments on
retirement. With borrowers from the DFIs and
NBFIs tending to have lower incomes, the
vulnerability of this segment has increased. In
response to growing concerns, in July 2013, BNM
limited the tenure of personal financing loans to 10 years
(including prohibiting bullet payments on
and prohibited the offering pre-approved personal financing products.
3/2007 1/2008 11/2008 9/2009 7/2010 5/2011 3/2012 1/2013
House Prices Loans for Purchase of Residential Property
Malaysia: House Prices and Housing Loans
(4-quarter percentage change)
Sources: CEIC Inc.; Staff Calculations
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Other NBFI THLD DFIs Bankin
Malaysia: Household Debt by Lender 2007-2012
(In percent of GDP)
Sources: Bank Negara Malaysia; Staff calculations
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Personal Use Housin
Malaysia: Loans from NBFIs and DFIs by purpose
(In percent of GDP)
Sources: BNM; Annual Reports of NBFIs; and staff calculations
Figure 1. Malaysia: Growth and Exports
Growth has recovered following a slow start in the first
half of the year…
…as there is less drag from net exports, while domestic
demand remain robust.
The strong pick-up in investment, which is growing at its
fastest rate since the Asian crisis, has been a key driver,
but investment is still below its pre-Asian crisis levels.
The current account surplus fell as net exports of goods
Exports disappointed at the end of 2012 and in the first
half of 2013, but a recovery appears to be underway.
Growth in imports of capital and consumer goods had
been robust, compared with weaker intermediate goods
Figure 2. Malaysia: Inflation and Domestic Resource Constraints
Inflation remains low, although subsidy rationalization
pushed up headline inflation in September.
Core inflation remains subdued but has increased slightly...
…as have producer prices.
The labor market remains tight with low unemployment
and …
…strong wage pressures.
Dragged down by weak external demand, a small negative
output gap opened up early in the year but closed at the
end of the year.
Figure 3. Malaysia: Monetary Developments
While interest rates are stable or declining… …real rates have declined again, as inflation picked up.
Malaysia’s current monetary policy rate is well calibrated
to cyclical conditions.
And, while other countries in the region have been more
activist recently, Malaysia has stayed put.
Yet, it has ample space to ease policy in a downside
gainst a stable monetary policy, broad money growth
although slowing, has outpaced nominal GDP.
Cummulative policy action since January 2012
Cummulative policy action since May 2013
Current policy rate (right scale, in percent)
Selected Asia: Policy Rate Actions 1/
(In basis points)
Holders (since Jan.
Taiwan Province
of China
Source: IMF staff calculations.
1/ Latest data as of December 2013.
Figure 4. Malaysia: Fiscal Policy Developments
The budget deficit is expected to decline in 20132014…
… even as revenue declines.
Expenditure on subsidies is expected to decline with the
recent and projected fuel price hikes…
…along with development spending.
Under staff’s baseline projection, federal government debt
would decline to 50 percent in the medium-term.
GST and subsidy reforms are critical to achieve the
medium-term fiscal consolidation as oil revenues are also
projected to decline.
Figure 5. Malaysia: Capital Inflows
Capital inflows have been volatile, but have remained
generally small in net terms as a share of GDP.
Malaysia, as with other emerging markets in Asia,
experienced outflows after May 2013,
…which led to a depreciation of MYR from its May 2013
…with a slight decline in reserves after May 2013.
The equity market held up well…
But the bond markets experienced an outflow and foreign
holdings of Malaysian Government securities declined but
have since recovered.
Figure 6. Malaysia: Financial Sector Developments
ggregate credit growth has slowed slightly but remains
close to 10 percent.
Growth in credit to households has moderated somewhat
but remains higher than credit to businesses.
The banking system is well capitalized, while credit quality
has steadily improved.
While claims by foreign banks in Malaysia are high as a
share of GDP…
…they reflect mostly claims by local affiliates, which tend
to be deposit-funded.
Corporate leverage has declined significantly since the
Asian Crisis.
Figure 7. Malaysia: Household Debt
Housing and personal loans have been growing rapidly… … which has led to an increase in household debt…
.. that is high compared to other countries…
… and above the ratio in countries with a similar GDP per
Over half of household loans by commercial banks are for
High household financial assets mitigate this vulnerability.
Figure 8. Malaysia: House Prices
House prices have risen steadily… … and have outpaced incomes and rents.
Although population growth is strong and urbanizing,,,
… nevertheless, this does not fully explain the increase in
house prices compared with other countries.
Residential supply is increasing.. …and is particularly strong in Johor.
Figure 9. Financial Soundness Indicators, 2013:Q3
Malaysian banks’ capital buffers are strong… …but one-year liquidity coverage could improve further.
Lending in proportion to deposits is reasonable… … while asset quality is moderately high
Banks are profitable … but net interest margin is getting squeezed
Table 1. Malaysia: Selected Economic and Financial Indicators, 2009–14
Nominal GDP (2012): US$305 billion
Main export (percent of total): electrical & electronic products (39%), commodities (23%)
GDP per capita (2012): US$10,387
Population (2012): 29.3 million
Unemployment rate (2012): 3.0 percent
Est. Proj.
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Real GDP (percent change) -1.5 7.4 5.1 5.6 4.7 5.0
Total domestic demand -1.6 11.1 6.8 11.3 7.3 3.8
Consumption 1.4 6.2 8.6 7.1 7.3 3.4
Private consumption 0.6 6.9 6.8 7.7 7.6 3.3
Gross capital formation -9.4 25.3 2.3 22.3 7.2 4.6
Saving and investment (in percent of GDP)
Gross domestic investment 17.8 23.3 23.3 25.8 26.3 27.1
Gross national saving 33.4 34.2 34.9 31.9 30.1 31.4
Fiscal sector (in percent of GDP)
Federal government overall balance 1/ -6.7 -5.3 -4.8 -5.2 -4.3 -3.3
Revenue 21.7 19.9 21.0 21.3 21.8 21.1
Expenditure and net lending 28.4 25.2 25.7 26.6 26.1 24.4
Federal government non-oil primary balance -13.7 -10.4 -10.3 -10.6 -8.9 -7.5
Consolidated public sector overall balance 2/ -7.2 -2.6 -3.4 -5.2 -6.8 -6.5
General government debt 52.8 53.5 54.3 54.6 56.8 55.2
Inflation and unemployment (period average, in percent)
CPI inflation (period average) 0.6 1.7 3.2 1.7 2.1 3.3
Unemployment rate 3.7 3.3 3.1 3.0 3.1 3.0
Money and credit (end of period, percentage change)
Total liquidity (M3) 9.2 6.8 14.3 9.0 6.7
Credit to private sector 6.2 9.7 12.1 11.9 9.1
Three-month interbank rate (in percent) 2.2 3.0 3.2 3.2 3.2
Balance of payments (in billions of U.S. dollars)
Current account balance 31.4 27.1 33.5 18.6 11.8 14.5
(In percent of GDP) 15.5 10.9 11.6 6.1 3.8 4.2
Trade balance 39.8 42.5 49.5 40.7 32.6 40.4
Services and income account balance -2.8 -8.6 -9.2 -16.2 -15.9 -18.1
Capital and financial account balance -22.8 -6.2 7.6 -7.4 -4.8 -7.5
Errors and omissions -4.7 -21.7 -10.1 -9.9 -2.4 0.0
Overall balance 3.9 -0.8 30.9 1.3 4.6 7.0
Gross official reserves (US$ billions) 96.7 106.5 133.6 139.7 134.9 141.9
(In months of following year's imports) 6.1 5.9 7.0 7.2 6.9 7.2
(In percent of short-term debt) 3/ 250.4 207.3 230.3 259.5 239.2 240.9
Total external debt (US$ billions) 68.0 74.1 81.1 82.7 89.2 96.2
(In percent of GDP) 33.6 29.9 28.1 27.1 28.6 28.1
Of which: short-term (in percent of total) 3/ 56.8 69.3 71.5 65.2 63.2 61.3
Debt service ratio
(In percent of exports of goods and services) 6.6 7.8 10.2 10.1 9.7 9.4
(In percent of exports of goods and nonfactor services) 7.0 8.2 10.8 10.7 10.2 10.0
Memorandum items:
Nominal GDP (in billions of US$) 202 248 289 305 312 342
Sources: CEIC; Data provided by the authorities; and Fund staff estimates.
3/ By remaining maturity.
1/ Based on staff's estimate of the federal government fiscal balance using GFSM 2001, which differs from the authorities' cash-based measure of the fiscal
2/ Capital expenditure in the budget includes foreign fixed assets and other items, such as purchase of shares and land, which are excluded from public
investment in the national accounts.
Table 2. Malaysia: Indicators of External Vulnerability, 2008–12
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Financial indicators
General government debt (in percent of GDP) 1/ 41.2 52.8 53.5 54.3 54.6 56.8
Total liquidity (M3: percent change, 12-month basis) 11.9 9.2 6.8 14.3 9.0 6.7
Private sector credit (percent change, 12-month basis) 12.9 6.2 9.7 12.1 11.9 9.1
Treasury bill interest rate (percent, 12-month average) 2/ 3.4 2.1 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.2
External indicators
Exports (percent change, 12-month basis in U.S. dollars) 12.6 -21.1 26.9 14.9 -0.4 -3.7
Imports (percent change, 12-month basis in U.S. dollars) 6.7 -20.7 33.8 14.4 4.4 -0.2
Current account balance (in billions of U.S. dollars) 39.4 31.4 27.1 33.5 18.6 11.8
Current account balance (in percent of GDP) 17.1 15.5 10.9 11.6 6.1 3.8
Capital and financial account balance (in billions of U.S. dollars) -35.5 -22.8 -6.2 7.6 -7.4 -4.8
Gross official reserves (in billions of U.S. dollars) 91.5 96.7 106.5 133.6 139.7 134.9
In months of following year's imports of goods and nonfactor services 7.6 6.1 5.9 7.0 7.2 6.9
As percent of total liquidity (M3) 33.9 32.5 30.0 34.2 31.6 32.0
As percent of monetary base 461.3 603.8 532.6 440.2 420.7 451.8
Total short-term external debt by:
Original maturity (in billions of U.S. dollars) 23.1 22.6 25.9 32.7 30.4 33.2
Remaining maturity (in billions of U.S. dollars) 33.4 38.6 51.4 58.0 53.9 56.4
Original maturity to reserves (in percent) 25.3 23.4 24.3 24.5 21.8 24.6
Original maturity to total external debt (in percent) 33.8 33.3 35.0 40.3 36.8 37.2
Remaining maturity to reserves (in percent) 36.4 39.9 48.3 43.4 38.5 41.8
Remaining maturity to total external debt (in percent) 48.7 56.8 69.3 71.5 65.2 63.2
Total external debt (in billions of U.S. dollars) 68.5 68.0 74.1 81.1 82.7 89.2
Of which : public and publicly guaranteed debt 25.8 26.2 28.4 27.7 27.1 27.6
Total external debt to exports of goods and services (in percent) 28.3 34.7 30.5 28.8 29.6 32.6
External amortization payments to exports of goods and services (in percent) 1.6 5.2 6.6 9.0 9.1 8.6
Financial market indicators 200812 200912 201012
Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI), end of period 877 1,273 1,519 1,531 1,689 1,867
10-years government securities yield (percent per annum, average) 4.1 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.5 3.7
Sources: Haver Analytics; data provided by the authorities; and Fund staff estimates.
1/ Gross debt.
2/ Discount rate on 3-month treasury bills.
Table 3. Malaysia: Balance of Payments, 2009–14
Est. Proj.
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Current account balance 31.4 27.1 33.5 18.6 11.8 14.5
Trade balance 39.8 42.5 49.5 40.7 32.6 40.4
Exports, f.o.b. 156.9 199.0 228.6 227.6 219.3 225.5
Imports, f.o.b. 117.1 156.6 179.1 187.0 186.7 185.1
Services and income account balance -2.8 -8.6 -9.2 -16.2 -15.9 -18.1
Receipts 39.3 43.8 53.3 51.6 54.9 56.8
Of which: income 11.2 11.9 17.2 13.7 15.1 15.6
Payments 42.1 52.5 62.5 67.8 70.8 74.9
Of which: income 15.3 20.1 24.3 25.4 26.2 27.0
Net transfers -5.6 -6.8 -6.9 -5.9 -4.8 -7.7
Capital and financial account balance -22.8 -6.2 7.6 -7.4 -4.8 -7.5
Capital account 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Financial account -22.8 -6.2 7.6 -7.4 -4.8 -7.5
Net foreign direct investment -6.3 -4.3 -3.1 -7.0 -5.3 -5.8
Portfolio investment -0.5 15.0 8.5 18.9 14.1 15.4
Drawings 0.1 1.4 2.1 0.2 0.2 0.2
Repayments 1.9 0.3 2.0 0.2 0.3 0.3
Other investment -15.9 -16.9 2.1 -19.3 -13.5 -17.1
Errors and omissions -4.7 -21.7 -10.1 -9.9 -2.4 0.0
Overall balance 3.9 -0.8 30.9 1.3 4.6 7.0
Overall financing -3.9 0.8 -30.9 -1.3 -4.6 -7.0
Gross official reserves 96.7 106.5 133.6 139.7 134.9 141.9
In months of following year's imports of goods 6.1 5.9 7.0 7.2 6.9 7.2
and nonfactor services
In percent of short-term debt 1/ 250.4 207.3 230.3 259.5 239.2 240.9
Current account balance 15.5 10.9 11.6 6.1 3.8 4.2
(Excluding oil and gas) 8.9 4.1 4.2 -0.6 -3.4 -1.6
Trade balance 19.7 17.2 17.1 13.3 10.4 11.8
Exports 77.6 80.4 79.1 74.7 70.2 65.9
Imports 57.9 63.3 62.0 61.4 59.7 54.1
Services and income account balance -1.4 -3.5 -3.2 -5.3 -5.1 -5.3
Capital and financial account balance -11.3 -2.5 2.6 -2.4 -1.5 -2.2
Net foreign direct investment -3.1 -1.8 -1.1 -2.3 -1.7 -1.7
Memorandum items:
Export value growth (in U.S. dollars) -21.1 26.9 14.9 -0.4 -3.7 2.8
Export volume growth -12.8 10.4 5.1 -4.0 -3.0 4.5
Import value growth (in U.S. dollars) -20.7 33.8 14.4 4.4 -0.2 -0.8
Import volume growth -23.5 18.1 4.6 0.3 -2.1 1.3
Terms of trade -12.4 2.0 0.1 -0.7 -0.3 0.2
(In billions of U.S. dollars) 30.0 4.0 11.9 -4.8
(In percent of GDP) 14.8 1.6 4.1 -1.6
Sources: Data provided by the authorities; and Fund staff estimates.
1/ By remaining maturity.
Net international investment position
(Annual percentage change)
(In percent of GDP)
(In billions of U.S. dollars)
Table 4. Malaysia: Illustrative Medium-Term Economic Framework, 2009–18 1/
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Real sector (percent change)
Real GDP growth -1.5 7.4 5.1 5.6 4.7 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Total domestic demand -1.6 11.1 6.8 11.3 7.3 3.8 4.9 5.2 5.1 5.2
CPI inflation (period average) 0.6 1.7 3.2 1.7 2.1 3.3 3.9 3.0 2.7 2.7
Saving and investment (in percent of GDP)
Gross domestic investment 17.8 23.3 23.3 25.8 26.3 27.1 27.4 27.6 27.5 27.5
Private, including stocks 7.2 13.1 13.7 15.0 15.8 16.2 16.5 16.7 16.9 17.0
Of which: gross fixed capital formation 11.4 12.4 12.8 14.9 16.4 16.2 16.5 16.7 16.9 17.0
Public 10.6 10.2 9.5 10.8 10.5 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.6 10.5
Gross national saving 33.4 34.2 34.9 31.9 30.1 31.4 31.5 31.6 31.5 31.3
Private 25.4 23.9 26.8 22.8 22.3 22.8 21.8 21.5 21.6 21.7
Public 7.9 10.3 8.1 9.1 7.8 8.6 9.7 10.1 9.9 9.6
Fiscal sector (in percent of GDP)
Federal government net lending/borrowing -6.7 -5.3 -4.8 -5.2 -4.3 -3.3 -2.6 -2.2 -2.5 -3.0
Revenue 21.7 19.9 21.0 21.3 21.8 21.1 20.9 20.5 20.2 20.0
Tax 14.9 13.7 15.3 16.1 16.6 16.3 16.4 16.2 16.1 16.1
Non-tax 6.7 6.1 5.7 5.2 5.2 4.8 4.5 4.3 4.1 3.9
Expenditure 28.4 25.2 25.7 26.6 26.1 24.4 23.4 22.7 22.8 23.0
Current 22.0 19.1 20.8 22.0 22.3 20.7 19.7 19.0 19.1 19.2
Development 6.3 6.1 5.0 4.5 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.7
Federal government non-oil primary balance -13.7 -10.4 -10.3 -10.6 -8.9 -7.5 -6.2 -5.4 -5.3 -5.3
Consolidated public sector overall balance 2/ -7.2 -2.6 -3.4 -5.2 -6.8 -6.5 -5.5 -4.9 -4.8 -4.9
General government debt 52.8 53.5 54.3 54.6 56.8 55.2 53.2 51.4 50.2 49.6
Of which: federal government debt 50.8 51.1 51.6 53.3 54.8 53.3 51.7 50.1 49.3 48.8
Balance of payments (in billions of U.S. dollars)
Trade balance 39.8 42.5 49.5 40.7 32.6 40.4 45.5 49.9 54.0 58.1
Services and income account balance -2.8 -8.6 -9.2 -16.2 -15.9 -18.1 -20.2 -22.3 -24.3 -26.4
Current account balance 31.4 27.1 33.5 18.6 11.8 14.5 15.5 16.8 17.9 19.0
(In percent of GDP) 15.5 10.9 11.6 6.1 3.8 4.2 4.1 4.0 4.0 3.9
Capital and financial account balance -22.8 -6.2 7.6 -7.4 -4.8 -7.5 -16.0 -15.3 -14.8 -15.4
Errors and omissions -4.7 -21.7 -10.1 -9.9 -2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Overall balance 3.9 -0.8 30.9 1.3 4.6 7.0 -0.5 1.5 3.1 3.6
International trade (annual percent change)
Export value -21.1 26.9 14.9 -0.4 -3.7 2.8 2.9 3.7 4.3 4.5
Import value -20.7 33.8 14.4 4.4 -0.2 -0.8 0.7 2.2 3.3 3.6
Terms of trade -12.4 2.0 0.1 -0.7 -0.3 0.2 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1
Gross official reserves (in billions of U.S. dollars) 96.7 106.5 133.6 139.7 134.9 141.9 141.4 142.9 146.0 149.6
(In months of following year's imports) 6.1 5.9 7.0 7.2 6.9 7.2 6.9 6.7 6.7 6.7
(In percent of short-term debt) 3/ 250.4 207.3 230.3 259.5 239.2 240.9 231.9 227.8 226.8 224.9
Total external debt (in billions of U.S. dollars) 68.0 74.1 81.1 82.7 89.2 96.2 103.7 112.0 121.0 130.7
(In percent of GDP) 33.6 29.9 28.1 27.1 28.6 28.1 27.3 26.9 26.7 26.7
Short-term external debt (percent of total) 3/ 56.8 69.3 71.5 65.2 63.2 61.3 58.8 56.0 53.2 50.9
Debt-service ratio
(In percent of exports of goods and services) 6.6 7.8 10.2 10.1 9.7 9.4 9.1 8.7 8.0 7.3
Net international investment position (in billions of U.S. dollars) 30.0 4.0 11.9 -4.8
Memorandum items:
Nominal GDP (in billions of ringgit) 713 797 884 941 984 1,081 1,177 1,273 1,371 1,477
Sources: Data provided by the authorities; and Fund staff estimates.
1/ Period ending December 31.
3/ By remaining maturity.
2/ Capital expenditure in the budget includes foreign fixed assets and other items, such as purchases of shares and land, which are excluded from public
investment in the national accounts.
Table 5. Malaysia: Summary of Federal Government Operations and Stock Positions, 2009–14
2009 2010 2011 2012
Budget Proj. Budget Proj.
Revenue 154,539 158,453 185,419 200,913 208,150 214,789 224,094 227,725
Taxes 106,504 109,515 134,885 151,643 159,154 163,506 171,970 175,719
Other revenue 48,035 48,938 50,534 49,270 48,996 51,283 52,124 52,006
Expenditure 202,361 200,729 227,511 250,016 246,755 256,660 259,165 263,501
Expense 157,148 152,429 183,639 207,358 204,820 219,203 219,572 223,908
Compensation of employees 42,778 46,663 50,148 60,016 58,621 61,625 63,610 63,931
Use of goods and services 29,035 26,507 32,660 35,553 37,607 38,605 39,952 41,980
Interest 14,222 15,621 17,716 19,537 22,245 21,603 23,186 22,710
Subsidies 20,345 23,106 36,256 44,075 37,612 46,698 39,408 40,683
Of which: fuel subsidies 6,190 9,605 20,375 27,898 20,015 28,900 22,341 23,616
Grants 39,937 27,862 32,157 32,632 33,890 34,344 36,245 36,245
Social benefits and other expense 10,831 12,670 14,703 15,545 14,845 16,328 17,171 18,359
Net acquisition of nonfinancial assets 45,213 48,299 43,871 42,658 41,935 37,457 39,593 39,593
Gross operating balance -2,609 6,024 1,779 -6,445 3,330 -4,414 4,522 3,817
Net lending/borrowing -47,822 -42,276 -42,092 -49,103 -38,605 -41,871 -35,071 -35,776
Overall fiscal balance (authorities' definition) 1/ -47,424 -43,275 -42,509 -41,951 -39,993 -37,933 -37,109 -37,814
Net acquisition of financial assets 2,771 -2,156 3,527 -5,773 -4,938 2,038
By financial instrument
Currency and deposits 3,168 -3,156 3,109 -2,621 -1,000 0
Loans and equity -397 1,000 417 -3,152 -3,938 2,038
By holder residence
Domestic 2,771 -2,156 3,527 -5,773 -4,938 2,038
Foreign ……………………
Net incurrence of liabilities 50,593 40,120 45,619 43,331 36,933 37,814
By financial instrument
Debt securities 56,879 36,456 45,069 43,344
Loans -6,286 3,664 550 -13
By holder residence
Domestic 44,365 3,567 15,811 15,204
Foreign 6,227 36,553 29,808 28,127
Revenue 21.7 19.9 21.0 21.3 20.8 21.8 21.2 21.1
Taxes 14.9 13.7 15.3 16.1 15.9 16.6 16.3 16.3
Other revenue 6.7 6.1 5.7 5.2 4.9 5.2 4.9 4.8
Expenditure 28.4 25.2 25.7 26.6 24.6 26.1 24.5 24.4
Expense 22.0 19.1 20.8 22.0 20.4 22.3 20.8 20.7
Compensation of employees 6.0 5.9 5.7 6.4 5.9 6.3 6.0 5.9
Use of goods and services 4.1 3.3 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.8 3.9
Interest 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.1
Subsidies 2.9 2.9 4.1 4.7 3.8 4.7 3.7 3.8
Of which: fuel subsidies 0.9 1.2 2.3 3.0 2.0 2.9 2.1 2.2
Grants 5.6 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.4
Social benefits and other expense 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.7
Net acquisition of nonfinancial assets 6.3 6.1 5.0 4.5 4.2 3.8 3.7 3.7
Gross operating balance -0.4 0.8 0.2 -0.7 0.3 -0.4 0.4 0.4
Net lending/borrowing -6.7 -5.3 -4.8 -5.2 -3.9 -4.3 -3.3 -3.3
Overall fiscal balance (authorities' definition) 1/ -6.7 -5.4 -4.8 -4.5 -4.0 -3.9 -3.5 -3.5
Liabilities (nominal value) 362,387 407,101 456,128 501,617
By financial instrument
Debt securities 312,590 346,813 392,033 439,970
Loans 49,797 60,288 64,095 61,647
By holder residence
Domestic 306,477 315,344 333,755 352,359
Foreign 55,910 91,757 122,373 149,258
Memorandum items:
Cyclically adjusted balance (percent of potential GDP) -4.6 -4.8 -4.9 -5.4 -4.3 -3.3
Structural primary balance (percent of potential GDP) -2.6 -2.8 -2.9 -3.3 -2.1 -1.2
Primary balance (percent of GDP) -4.7 -3.3 -2.8 -3.1 -1.6 -2.1 -1.1 -1.2
Non-oil primary balance (percent of GDP) -13.7 -10.4 -10.3 -10.6 -8.2 -8.9 -7.3 -7.5
Oil revenues (percent of GDP) 9.0 7.1 7.5 7.4 6.6 6.9 6.1 6.3
General government balance (percent of GDP) 2/ -6.7 -4.7 -3.8 -3.6 -4.6 -3.5
Public sector balance (percent of GDP) 2/ -7.8 -2.6 -3.4 -5.2 -6.8 -6.5
Nominal GDP (in millions of ringgit) 712,857 797,327 884,457 941,238 1,001,800 984,451 1,056,558 1,080,737
Sources: Data provided by the Malaysian authorities; and Fund staff estimates.
(In millions of ringgit)
1/ Authorities' measure of the overall fiscal balance and the IMF's measure of fiscal balance (net lending/borrowing) are different due to differences in methodology/basis of recording (GFSM2001 versus authorities' modified-cash
based accounting) and differences in the treatment of certain items.
2/ General government includes federal government, state and local governments and statutory bodies. Public sector includes general government and NFPEs.
(In millions of ringgit)
I. Statement of Government Operations
II. Stock Positions
(In percent of GDP)
Table 6. Malaysia: Monetary Survey, 2009–13
2011 2012
Net foreign assets 288,170 284,190 356,968 347,381 332,373
Foreign assets 396,650 420,705 541,182 560,083 576,255
Foreign liabilities 108,480 136,514 184,214 212,702 243,882
Net domestic assets 703,882 780,755 863,756 981,330 1,067,960
Net domestic credit 929,831 1,005,859 1,127,900 1,254,165 1,339,798
Net credit to nonfinancial public sector 55,865 56,766 63,870 69,849 90,201
Credit to private sector 795,598 879,943 988,555 1,108,437 1,173,374
Net credit to other financial corporations 78,369 69,151 75,475 75,880 76,223
Capital accounts 182,714 164,564 191,463 207,478 221,247
Other items (net) -43,235 -60,540 -72,681 -65,358 -50,591
Broad money 992,052 1,064,945 1,220,725 1,328,710 1,400,333
Narrow money 213,869 239,784 272,942 308,954 325,245
Currency in circulation 43,438 47,685 53,488 56,798 62,058
Transferable deposits 170,431 192,100 219,454 252,156 263,187
Other deposits 749,555 798,978 919,714 992,648 1,042,908
Securities other than shares 28,628 26,183 28,058 25,885 26,900
Repurchase agreements 0 0 10 1,223 5,281
Net foreign assets 3.4 -0.4 6.8 -0.8 -1.0
Net domestic assets 4.4 7.7 7.8 9.6 8.1
Memorandum items:
Broad money (12-month percent change) 7.7 7.3 14.6 8.8 7.1
Currency in circulation (12-month percent change) 7.4 9.8 12.2 6.2 11.3
Money multiplier (broad money/narrow money) 4.6 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.3
Sources: IMF, International Financial Statistics; and Bank Negara Malaysia.
(In millions of ringgit; end of period)
(Contribution to 12-month growth in broad money)
Table 7. Malaysia: Banks' Financial Soundness Indicators, 2009–13
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Capital adequacy
Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets 18.2 17.5 17.7 17.6 14.7
Regulatory Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets 14.1 13.5 13.2 13.4 13.3
Asset quality
Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital 1/ 11.8 13.9 11.6 8.3 8.6
Nonperforming loans to total gross loans 3.6 3.4 2.7 2.0 2.0
Total provisions to nonperforming loans 82.5 89.1 99.3 98.7 97.9
Earnings and profitability
Return on assets 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5
Return on equity 13.4 16.3 16.8 17.3 15.6
Interest margin to gross income 57.7 59.8 53.5 54.8 48.9
Non-interest expenses to gross income 45.2 41.5 45.2 45.0 52.5
Liquid assets to total assets (liquid asset ratio) 14.3 15.7 12.9 13.8 11.2
Liquid assets to short term liabilities 43.0 48.1 36.6 42.5 36.4
Loan-deposit ratio 2/ 77.9 81.3 80.9 82.1 83.9
Sensitivity to market risk
Net open position in foreign exchange to capital 3.9 9.3 11.7 8.7 12.6
Sectoral distribution of total loans to nonbanking sector
Residents 98.1 98.0 97.7 97.7 97.4
Other financial corporations 3.4 3.1 3.1 2.6 2.5
General government 2.0 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.4
Nonfinancial corporations 38.4 37.6 37.3 37.6 37.0
Other domestic sectors 54.4 54.6 54.4 54.9 55.4
Nonresidents 1.9 2.0 2.3 2.3 2.6
Sources: CEIC Data Co. Ltd.; and IMF, Financial Soundness Indicators database.
1/ Loans are classified as nonperforming if payments are overdue for three months or more. Total
loans include housing loans sold to Cagamas Berhad. Net NPL exclude interest-in-suspense and
specific provisions.
2/ Deposits include repos and negotiable instruments of deposit. Loans exclude loans sold to
Cagamas Berhad.
(In percent)
Table 8. Malaysia: Macroprudential Measures Since 2010
January 2010 Reintroduced 5 percent Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) for properties sold in less than 5 years.
November 2010 Imposed caps of 70 percent on third and subsequent mortgages.
January 2011 Imposed a 5 percent RPGT on properties sold between 3 and 5 years and increased the RPGT rate to
10 percent on properties sold in less than 2 years.
March 2011 The minimum income eligibility for new credit card holders was set at RM 24,000 per annum.
Cardholders earning less than RM 36,000 per annum were limited to two credit card issuers and the
maximum credit per issuer capped at two times monthly income.
November 2011 Issued guidelines on responsible financing and the computation of debt service ratios (DSR) based on
a borrower's net income. Capital risk-weights were raised to 100 percent for mortgages with LTVs
exceeding 90 percent and were also raised for personal loans with a tenure more than 5 years.
December 2011 Introduced an LTV cap of 60 percent on housing loans for corporates.
April 2012 The minimum house price for foreigners was increased to RM 500,000 (from RM 250,000).
January 2013 Increased the RPGT rate to 15 percent on properties sold before 2 years and to 10 percent on
properties sold between 3 and 5 years.
July 2013 Imposed a maximum mortgage term of 35 years and a maximum tenure of 10 years on financing
extended for personal use. Prohibited the offering of pre-approved personal financing products.
October 2013 Distinguished between RPGT for Malaysians, foreigners and corporates. For foreigners, the RGPT is
30 percent for properties sold before 5 years and 5 percent after 5 years. For Malaysians, the RPGT is
30 percent for properties sold up to 3 years; 20 percent between 3 and 4 years; 15 percent between
4 and 5 years; after 5 years 0 percent for individuals and 5 percent for corporates. Increased Minimum
house price for foreigners to RM 1,000,000. Banned Developers Interest Bearing Scheme (DIBS).
Appendix 1. Malaysia—Staff Policy Advice from the 2011 and 2012 Article IV
Staff Advice Policy Actions
Bring down debt to sustainable levels (e.g., pre2008 levels
by 2020) and articulate credible revenue and spending
measures to achieve that target (2011 and 2012).
The authorities agree on the need for fiscal consolidation and are
targeting a fiscal deficit of 3 percent of GDP by 2015 and a balanced
budget by 2020. They are in the process of developing a medium term
budget framework and have established a Fiscal Policy Committee (FPC)
that will endorse Malaysia’s medium-term fiscal strategy.
Issue a statement of fiscal risks (2011 and 2012). The authorities requested Fund technical assistance on fiscal risks. A
mission was fielded in January 2013. The Fiscal Policy Office, which will
act as the secretariat to the FPC, is tasked with preparing a fiscal risks
Broaden tax bases by implementing a GST and rationalizing
tax incentives (2011 and 2012).
The authorities announced the introduction of GST in the 2014 Budget,
effective April 2015. The authorities are undertaking a study on the
effectiveness and costs of tax incentives.
Phase out subsidies and replace with targeted cash transfers
to the needy (2011 and 2012).
The authorities have already reduced some fuel and food subsidies, and
plan to further rationalize subsidies going forward. The use of cash
transfers has increased and now benefit over 55 percent of households.
But the 2014 Budget announced the creation of a comprehensive
database on welfare recipients which could facilitate better targeting of
Strengthen public financial management (2012). The authorities have taken steps to improve public procurement and
move towards performance-based budgeting. The authorities are also in
the process of transitioning to accrual accounting.
Continue to monitor the increase in household debt (2011
and 2012). Strengthen monitoring of risks through collection
of granular data on household assets and liabilities.
The authorities have taken a variety of macroprudential measures to deal
with rising household indebtedness. In addition, they have also issued
guidelines on responsible lending practices and are trying to boost
financial literacy. The BNM expects to complete collection of granular
data on households by end-2014.
Continue to monitor regional exposures; deepen cooperation
between home and host country supervisors (2012).
The authorities continue to expand the list of countries with which they
have signed Memorandum of Understanding for information sharing and
collaboration in cross border supervision.
Boost growth and productivity through steady
implementation of structural reforms, including reforms to
governmentlinked companies; liberalization of labor and
product markets; and enhanced education and training.
Many recommendations from previous Article IV reports also form part
of the authorities’ Economic Transformation Program and the
Government Transformation Program. Some progress has been made on
the strategic reform initiatives and the authorities' further plans to boost
growth are discussed in this staff report.
Consider introducing a carefullydesigned minimum
wage (2011).
The authorities enacted a minimum wage in 2012 and it came into effect
in January 2013.
Consider implementing an unemployment insurance
scheme (2011 and 2012).
The ILO has been tasked with drafting a paper on the appropriate design
of an unemployment insurance scheme for Malaysia.
Develop defined contribution private pension plans and
increase the age of withdrawal from EPF accounts
from 55 (2011). Increase the retirement age for public workers
to 60, in line with the private sector (2012). Provide an option
for workers to receive their pensions in the
form of annuities
A private retirement scheme (defined contribution) has been introduced.
The retirement age for private workers has been increased to 60 from 55,
although workers can still withdraw savings from the EPF at 55. The
retirement age for civil servants was also raised from 58 to 60 in 2012.
Appendix 2. Malaysia—Risk Assessment Matrix 1/
Nature/Source of
Main Threats
of Risk
Transmission Channels
Expected Impact of Risk
Recommended Policy Responses
Side-effects from
global financial
conditions: Surges
in global market
volatility (related to
UMP exit), leading to
economic and fiscal
stress, and
constraints on
country policy
Higher financing costs and lower
access to foreign financing for
the sovereign, corporate and
banks. FDI would slow.
Weaker global growth would
reduce export volumes and
commodity prices, with second
round effects on domestic
Low to Medium
High share of foreign holdings of
sovereign and BNM securities makes
these markets vulnerable to risk-on,
risk-off cycles, but this is offset by
demand by domestic institutional
Domestic credit is resilient as a very high
share of bank funding is based on
domestic deposits.
Recent and earlier outflow episodes have
had limited impact on credit or the real
The exchange rate should be allowed to
act as a shock absorber, intervening only
to smooth excessive volatility. Monetary
policy decisions should be calibrated to
balance the trade-off between supporting
growth and managing capital outflows.
There is scope to provide liquidity support
in foreign currency to maintain financial
There is only limited room for
countercyclical fiscal support given the
relatively high fiscal deficit and debt levels.
Any temporary fiscal expansion should be
well targeted and anchored in a credible
medium term consolidation plan.
Sharp slowdown in
growth in China
(buildup of excess
capacity eventually
resulting in large
financial and fiscal
Trade (volumes and prices,
including of commodities) would
be the dominant channel, with
adverse second round effects on
domestic demand.
Limited financial spillovers
(directly through exposure of
Malaysian banks to Greater
China and indirectly via
slowdown domestically and in
rest of ASEAN).
China is Malaysia’s largest trading
partner, with an export share of
13 percent. Staff analysis in the 2012
Spillover Report finds that a 1 percentage
point investment slowdown in China
would reduce Malaysia’s growth by
0.6 percentage points.
The impact would be compounded by
spillover effects in other Asian countries
strongly integrated with both China and
Malaysia, particularly ASEAN countries.
Monetary easing should be the first line of
defense, providing it is consistent with the
inflation output trade-off.
There is also scope to let the exchange
rate absorb the shock, using reserves to
smooth excessive volatility.
However, only limited room exists for
countercyclical fiscal support.
Structural policies could be implemented
to rebalance growth towards domestic
Protracted period
of slower growth:
economies: (larger
than expected
deleveraging or
negative surprise on
potential growth);
and Emerging
markets: (earlier
maturing of the
growth cycle and
incomplete structural
reforms leading to
prolonged slower
Trade (both volume and price),
as above, would be the dominant
Low to Medium
Prolonged weakness in external demand
would likely affect the resilience of
domestic demand, lowering growth,
rising unemployment and falling house
and asset prices, especially if it led to a
protracted period of slow global growth.
This in turn would weaken bank,
corporate and sovereign balance sheets,
in a negative feedback loop.
The ability of policy to provide a longlived
cushion against a protracted slump is
limited; excessive stimulus could lead to
macro and financial instability.
Policymakers would need to adjust to
slower medium-term growth.
risks associated
with fiscal
consolidation and
reforms envisaged
in the 2014 budget
Low to
Reforms, such as fuel subsidy
cuts and the GST introduction,
entail political, design, and
execution risks.
Realization of these risk would
slow down or derail reform
implementation, with adverse
consequences for the credibility
of fiscal policies.
Negative confidence effects
could interact with the relatively
high public debt and significant
contingent liabilities to raise the
sovereign’s financing cost and
result in higher interest rates
throughout the economy.
Medium to High
Higher financing costs for the sovereign,
a relatively high public debt, and failure
to implement fiscal reforms would
exacerbate concerns about public debt
sustainability together with a potential
sovereign credit downgrade.
The authorities’ ability to mount
countercyclical responses would be
limited, and policy procyclicality would
be heightened.
Higher borrowing costs would affect
investment and other interest-sensitive
components of spending and put a
further strain on fiscal finances.
Capital outflows further compound the
harmful effects of lack of fiscal resolve on
the economy.
Recent steps to strengthen fiscal
management, including the creation of the
Fiscal Policy Committee, along with the
decisive return of PM Najib to power
following the May election, limit political
and implementation risks.
But it would be critical to adopt an
appropriately paced fiscal consolidation
path to increase room to absorb
contingencies. It is imperative to introduce
mechanisms to monitor and control fiscal
risks, including from the granting of
government guarantees.
Sharp decline in
house prices in a
rising global
interest rate
Low to
(house price
growth has
been rapid in
recent years)
The real economy would be
adversely affected through
weaker bank balance sheets and
slower credit, as well as negative
wealth and confidence effects.
Household debt is high at 83 percent of
GDP and one half of this is mortgages.
Offsetting this are high household
financial assets. The authorities are
monitoring the risk and have adopted
measures to cool the housing market.
As above, monetary policy easing,
exchange rate flexibility and temporary
fiscal stimulus anchored in a credible
medium term fiscal sustainability
framework. Financial sector policies, such
as recapitalization, could mitigate the
impact on the banking system.
1/ The Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) shows events that could materially alter the baseline path (the scenario most likely to materialize in the view of IMF staff). The
relative likelihood of risks listed is the staff’s subjective assessment of the risks surrounding the baseline (“low” is meant to indicate a probability below 10 percent,
“medium” a probability between 10 and 30 percent, and “high” a probability of 30 percent or more). The RAM reflects staff views on the source of risks and overall level
of concern as of the time of discussions with the authorities. Non mutuall
exclusive risks ma
interact and materialize
Appendix 3. Malaysia—External Sector Assessment
Current Account (CA)
Malaysia’s economy has undergone spectacular external rebalancing in recent years, and its once
mighty current account surplus has declined by almost 8 percentage points since 2011, to
3.8 percent of GDP in 2013. This turnaround has been primarily driven by a decline in the surplus of
the merchandise trade in goods, reflecting robust domestic demand and weak external demand,
although a significant decline in commodity prices also played a role. The current account narrowing
is largely structural, reflecting Malaysia’s comprehensive reform agenda, which has led to a broad-
based boost in investment and a higher investment-to-GDP ratio, while domestic consumption
growth has also been strong. Rebalancing by the rest of the world, as reflected in weak export
growth, has also contributed to the decline in the structural balance.
In terms of the saving-investment balance, the narrowing of the current account surplus reflects
both lower savings and higher investment. The savings rate declined sharply in 2008 at the onset of
the crisis, from about 38 percent to 35 percent, and then declined further during 2012 to 32 percent.
The fall in savings was driven by robust private consumption growth, while public saving has also
declined. Gross domestic investment jumped from 22 percent in 2008 to 26 percent in 2013, driven
by investment in large ETP-related projects, that are import intensive. This pickup in investment is a
welcome development—the first time in which the investment ratio increased significantly following
its slump during the Asian financial crisis—and could lead to an easing of supply bottlenecks and
help boost productivity, and support efforts to modernize the economy and raise incomes.
Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER)
Over the past year, the real effective exchange rate has fluctuated more widely than in 20102012,
as the currency came under stress during the capital outflow episode in spring-summer. In the
absence of large movements in inflation differentials, nominal depreciation of the ringgit led to real
depreciation. The REER depreciation was, however, short-lived and, overall, the REER moved around
a fairly horizontal trend. Since 2000, movements in the REER have been driven almost entirely by the
nominal exchange rate rather than inflation differentials. Fluctuations in the REER have been smaller
than those of the ringgit against the U.S. dollar, since currencies of other trading partners have had
similar movements against the dollar.
The Financial Account and Reserve Accumulation
Malaysia has experienced volatile capital flows over the past few years reflecting both push and pull
factors, including shifting global risk aversion, low policy rates in advanced economies and
Malaysia’s strong fundamentals, but a healthy financial sector has limited the impact on the overall
economy (see Appendix 8). Malaysia has typically recorded net capital outflows. Although net FDI
flows are generally small, there are large gross foreign direct investment flows. In 2013, net outflows
were about 1.5 percent of GDP, with portfolio outflows accounting for 1.1 percent of GDP, and other
outflows accounting for 0.4 percent of GDP.
At end-2013, official reserves are about 117 percent of the IMF’s composite reserve adequacy metric,
and cover about 240 percent and 32 percent of short-term external debt and broad money,
respectively. Therefore, current reserve levels are adequate and there is no need for additional
accumulation for precautionary purposes. BNM intervention seeks to limit excess exchange rate
volatility and has generally been two-sided.
Thus, during the global financial crisis foreign
reserves fell by about 28 percent between
August 2008 and March 2009; a decline was
again recorded in August–September 2011 and
in June 2013. During June 2013, reserves fell by
in US$5 billion suggesting intervention by BNM.
The authorities have continued to liberalize FX
administration, including via greater flexibility
for resident companies to undertake foreign
direct investment abroad and obtain loans from
related resident and nonresident companies.
External debt is relatively low at about 29 percent of GDP in 2013, of which about 18 percent is
medium- and long-term debt. However, the current definition of external debt for Malaysia does not
include ringgit-denominated debt held by nonresidents (23 percent of GDP); once included the
external debt ratio shows a strong increase since the global financial crisis. Short-term external debt
has risen recently in the last few years, largely due to banking sector activity, it is matched by an
increase in short-term external assets and is well-covered by foreign reserves. The international
investment position is small and negative (-2 percent of GDP at end-2012).
Standard Benchmarks
Model analysis (EBA) suggests that the cyclically-adjusted current account is stronger (by about
4.2 percentage points of GDP) than the level consistent with medium-term fundamentals and
desirable policies. Applying the EBA methodology, based on data and projections available as of
November 2013 the estimated 2013 current account norm for Malaysia is -0.1 percent of GDP,
adjusted for relative output gaps and for commodity terms of trade. The current account balance in
2013 was 3.8 percent of GDP and the cyclically adjusted current account balance of 4.1 percent of
GDP. The resulting EBA-estimated gap of +4.2 percent of GDP comprises policy gap contributions of
about +1.5 percent of GDP, and an unexplained residual that needs to be interpreted.
External debt
Ringgit denominated debt held by foreigners
Source: CEIC Data Co. Ltd.
External Debt and Ringgit Denominated Debt Held by Foreigne
(In percent of annualized GDP)
However, Malaysia’s current account surplus mainly reflects factors that are not well captured in the
EBA; in particular: insufficient social safety nets (not fully captured by health spending), which drive
up saving rates; bottlenecks to investment, resulting in relatively low private investment rates
(despite the recent increase). Taking these factors and the uncertainty surrounding model estimates
into consideration, we assess the CA gap to be of the order of 2.6 percentage points of GDP.
Turning to Malaysia’s real effective exchange rate (REER), the EBA estimates it to be 23 percent
below levels warranted by fundamentals and desirable policies, although most of the gap is an
unexplained residual.
Staff’s preferred estimate of the degree of REER undervaluation is about
9 percent. This range is consistent with staff’s view of the current account gap based on the
macrobalance approach and relies on the semi-elasticity of the current account with respect to the
REER. The estimate of the semi-elasticity takes into account Malaysia’s trade openness and
commodity exports and this approach yields a moderate REER undervaluation of less than
10 percent when an estimated semi-elasticity of -0.29 is used.
The Role of Fiscal Consolidation
Malaysia’s multiyear fiscal consolidation also affects the current account in the medium term. Staff
estimates that every 1 percentage point improvement in the fiscal balance could strengthen the
current account by 0.4 percentage point, although the composition of the fiscal adjustment matters
(see selected issues paper on “A Medium-Term Fiscal Strategy for Malaysia”). The impact on the
current account depends on how different measures affect saving and investment of private agents.
For example, fuel subsidy rationalization is likely to have a positive direct effect on the current
account. From a macroeconomic perspective, a stronger fiscal position should help reduce concerns
(evident during periods of EME market volatility) about Malaysia’s current account deterioration.
The Role of Oil and Gas Exports
Malaysia is an important commodities producer
and exporter, including non-reproducible
resources. Its oil and gas trade balance reached
6.2 percent of GDP in 2013, and its current account
balance excluding oil and gas, which became
negative in 2012, widened to -2.4 percent of GDP
in 2013. The EBA captures the fact that current
account surpluses are a salient characteristic of
oil- and gas-exporting countries. Two aspects are
important: first, from an intergenerational
perspective, it is optimal for countries to save part
of their earnings from exporting nonrenewable
resources, which results in an increase in their current account balance. Second, the fraction of their
resource earnings that is saved and exported also depends on the longevity of these resources—
according to the Permanent Income Hypothesis, short-lived increases in national income should be
The fit of the EBA REER regression for Malaysia has fallen off in recent years, and part of the problem arises from
the EBA proxy measure for trade openness.
primarily saved. Now, Malaysia’s proven oil reserves are the equivalent of about 27 years worth of
current production levels, while gas reserves are larger, about 42 years. In terms of the impact of oil
and gas exports on Malaysia’s current account, EBA estimates that Malaysia’s oil and gas reserves
contributes about 1.7 percent of GDP to the estimated current account norm.
Malaysia: Quantitative External Sector Assessment
Overall Assessment
Malaysia’s current account surplus is elevated on account of structural factors that boost private
savings and constrain public investment. From a multilateral perspective, and consistent with the
authorities’ intentions, stronger social safety nets and efforts to remove bottlenecks to investment
would help to further moderate the current account surplus.
Norm 1/ Projection 1/ Gap
Current account
EBA 2.0 current account -0.1 4.1 4.2
of which: Contribution of identified policy gaps 2/ 1.5
Unexplained residual 2.7
External sustainability approach 3/ 2.8
Staff assessment 1.5 4.1 2.6
of which: Contribution of identified policy gaps (based on EBA 2.0) 1.5
Other 1.1
Exchange rate misalignment (Percentage)
EBA 2.0 Equilibrium real exchange rate approach 4/ -23.0
Of which
Contribution of identified policy gaps 2/ -6.0
Unexplained residual -17.0
Staff estimate using elasticity approach
Staff estimated elasticity 5/ -9.0
4/ Misalignment based on EBA 2.0 November 2013 update.
(In percent of GDP)
5/ The semi-elasticity of the current account balance with respect to the REER is η_CA= -0.29, computed according to η_CA=η_Xnc s_Xnc-
(η_M-1) s_M-s_Xc, where η_Xnc is the elasticity of the volume of non-commodity exports with respect to the REER, η_M is the elasticity
of the volume of imports with respect to the REER, estimated at η_Xnc= - 0.82, η_M= 0.26, s_Xnc= 58.2 percent is the share of non-
commodity exports in GDP, s_Xc= 16.8 percent is the share of commodity exports in GDP, and s_M= 61 percent is the share of imports
in GDP.
2/ Policy Gaps refers to policy distortions can arise either from domestic policies or as a result of the policies of other economies. See
2013 Pilot External Sector Report.
3/ Based on 2012 NFA/GDP ratio of -1.5 percent of GDP and an adjusted CA projection of 3.2 percent for 2018.
1/ Staff’s estimate of the multi-laterally consistent cyclically-adjusted norm and projection for 2013, based on EBA 2.0 November 2013
Appendix 4. Malaysia—Public Debt Sustainability Analysis
1. Background. The new debt sustainability analysis (DSA) framework for market access
countries is used to assess Malaysia’s debt sustainability and other risks related to its funding and
debt structure. The new framework uses a risk-based approach and expands upon the basic DSA to
include: (i) an assessment of the realism of baseline assumptions and the projected fiscal adjustment;
(ii) an analysis of risks associated with the debt profile; (iii) macrofiscal risks; (iv) a stochastic debt
projection taking into account past macrofiscal volatility; and (v) a standardized summary of risks in a
heat map.
2. Macroeconomic assumptions. Growth is projected at 4.7 percent in 2013, rising to
5 percent in 2014 on the back of a recovery in global demand and a sustained strong domestic
demand. The GDP deflator is expected to increase in the medium term, from a low of about
0 percent in 2013 to 4.6 percent in 2014 on the back of fuel subsidy cuts, and improving terms of
trade. Growth will average 5 percent in the medium term and the growth in GDP deflator is projected
to fall gradually towards 2.5 percent.
3. Fiscal assumptions. In staff’s baseline projections, federal government deficit is reduced in
the near term from 4.3 percent of GDP in 2013 to 2.6 percent in 2015
. The projected fiscal
consolidation is consistent with the authorities’ targets and is supported by structural reforms
announced in the 2014 budget. In particular, staff projections assume that the authorities gradually
eliminate fuel subsidies and partially replace them with targeted cash transfers to the lower income
group. It also assumes that a goods and services tax (GST) is introduced in 2015. Fiscal deficit starts
to increase after 2016, due to the gradual decline in oil and gas related revenues, and increases in
pension and health care related costs.
4. Data coverage. Consistent with the data on government debt reported by the authorities,
the fiscal assumptions in this DSA are based on the federal government budget. This coverage
excludes local and state governments and statutory bodies which typically borrow from the federal
government or receive explicit government guarantees. The liabilities of these entities are therefore
captured in federal government’ gross debt and stock of loan guarantees
. Borrowing by
state-owned enterprises, which are in some cases under federal government guarantees, has
increased in recent years and is projected to continue to increase in the medium term.
5. Malaysia’s high level of government debt and gross financing requirement calls for
using the higher scrutiny framework. Government’s gross debt increased sharply in 2009,
reflecting sizable discretionary fiscal stimulus, declining real and nominal growth and a large fall in oil
prices. Although growth has recovered since then, primary deficits have remained high, pushing the
debt to GDP ratio to close to the authorities self-imposed debt ceiling of 55 percent. Gross financing
Authorities' measure of the overall fiscal balance and the IMF's measure of fiscal balance (net lending/borrowing)
are different due to differences in accounting standards (GFSM2001/accrual versus authorities' modified-cash based
accounting) and differences in the treatment of certain items.
Gross debt of consolidated general government is not published.
needs (GFN) are estimated at 11.1 percent of GDP in 2012 and are expected to remain around
910 percent in the medium term.
6. Realism of baseline assumptions. The median forecast error for real GDP growth
during 20042012 is zero, suggesting that there is no evidence of a systemic projection bias that
would undermine the assessment. The median forecast error for GDP deflator is 2.9 percent,
suggesting that the staff forecasts have been more conservative. The median forecast error for
primary balance suggests that staff projections have been slightly optimistic (a forecast bias of
0.72 percent of GDP), but the forecast bias has improved in the later years.
7. Cross-country experience suggests the projected fiscal adjustment is feasible. The
maximum 3 year adjustment in the cyclically-adjusted primary balance (CAPB) over the projection
period (2.75 percent of GDP) is ambitious but is premised upon concrete measures endorsed by the
government. As highlighted earlier, staff does not rule out the existence of implementation risks and
therefore considering a no adjustment scenario, as done in this DSA, is necessary to take that into
account. Finally, the maximum level of the primary balance (-0.5 percent of GDP) that is assumed in
the medium term is reasonable when compared to the experience in other market-access countries.
8. The DSA framework suggests Malaysia’s government debt-to-GDP ratio remains below
70 percent and its gross financing needs remain below 15 percent of GDP under different
macroeconomic and fiscal shocks.
Under the baseline, the debt-to-GDP ratio is projected to decrease to slightly below 50 percent
by 2018, but if the projected consolidation does not take place, captured under the constant
primary balance simulation, it increases to 56 percent by 2018. Under most macro-fiscal stress
tests, debt-to-GDP ratio continues to decline, but if there is a one standard deviation shock to
real GDP growth, debt-to-GDP ratio initially increases to 57 percent in 2015 and declines
thereafter. The combined macro-fiscal shock and a permanent 20 percent oil price shock, imply a
flat debt-to-GDP profile in the medium term. Stochastic simulations based on historical
volatilities in Malaysia’s macroeconomic variables also show that the 90
percentile of
debt-to-GDP ratio simulations is below 70 percent. Gross financing needs under all scenarios
remain at about 9 percent, and rise to just below 12 percent by the end of the projection horizon.
A contingent liability shock whereby the government would have to absorb all of the
government guaranteed loans (totaling 15 percent of GDP) over two years would increase risks
significantly. If the economy is also hit by a persistent shock to growth and interest rates rise by
150 basis points, the debt-to-GDP ratio would remain just below 70 percent debt benchmark.
Although this is a low probability scenario, the simulations underscore the growing vulnerability
posed by contingent liabilities.
9. Heat map. Despite its low share of foreign currency and short-term debt, Malaysia faces risks
arising from its external financing requirement and large share of public debt held by foreigners. At
13 percent, the external financing requirement is close to the upper threshold of early warning
benchmarks and the share of debt held by foreigners is relatively high at about 30 percent of total.
As discussed earlier, the existence of large domestic institutional investors who tend to make
opportunistic investments; provides some comfort along this dimension.
Malaysia Public Sector Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA)—Baseline Scenario
(In percent of GDP unless otherwise indicated)
As of January 13, 2014
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Sovereign Spreads
Nominal gross public deb
44.3 51.6 53.3 54.8 53.3 51.7 50.1 49.2 48.7 EMBI (bp) 3/ 135
Public gross financing needs 8.9 10.9 11.1 10.4 9.0 8.9 8.6 9.2 10.8 CDS (bp) 112
Real GDP growth (in percent) 5.1 5.1 5.6 4.7 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Ratings Foreign Local
Inflation (GDP deflator, in percent) 4.3 5.5 0.7 -0.1 4.6 3.8 2.9 2.6 2.6 Moody's A3 A3
Nominal GDP growth (in percent) 9.7 10.9 6.4 4.6 9.8 8.9 8.1 7.7 7.7 S&Ps A- A
Effective interest rate (in percent)
5.4 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.7 Fitch A- A
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 cumulative
Change in gross public sector deb
1.1 0.51 1.72 1.5 -1.5 -1.6 -1.6 -0.9 -0.5 -4.6
Identified debt-creating flows 0.4 0.20 1.42 1.4 -1.4 -1.7 -1.5 -0.9 -0.4 -4.6
Primary deficit 2.3 2.8 3.1 2.1 1.2 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.8 5.1
Primary (noninterest) revenue and grants 20.9 21.0 21.3 21.8 21.1 20.9 20.5 20.2 20.0 124.4
Primary (noninterest) expenditure 23.3 23.7 24.5 23.9 22.3 21.4 20.6 20.6 20.8 129.5
Automatic debt dynamics
-1.7 -3.0 -1.1 -0.1 -2.8 -2.3 -1.8 -1.5 -1.4 -10.0
Interest rate/growth differential
-1.6 -3.0 -1.0 -0.1 -2.8 -2.3 -1.8 -1.5 -1.4 -10.0
Of which: real interest rate 0.4 -0.7 1.7 2.2 -0.3 0.1 0.6 0.8 0.9 4.4
Of which: real GDP growth -2.0 -2.4 -2.7 -2.4 -2.5 -2.4 -2.4 -2.3 -2.3 -14.3
Exchange rate depreciation
-0.1 0.1-0.1 ………………
Other identified debt-creating flows -0.3 0.4 -0.6 -0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3
General government net privatization proceeds (negativ
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Contingent liabilities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other change in financial assets -0.3 0.4 -0.6 -0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3
Residual, including asset changes
0.7 0.3 0.3 0.1 -0.1 0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Source: IMF staff.
1/ Public sector is defined as central government.
2/ Based on available data.
3/ EMBI.
4/ Defined as interest payments divided by debt stock at the end of previous year.
5/ Derived as [(r - p(1+g) - g + ae(1+r)]/(1+g+p+gp)) times previous period debt ratio, with r = interest rate; p = growth rate of GDP deflator; g = real GDP growth rate;
a = share of foreign-currency denominated debt; and e = nominal exchange rate depreciation (measured by increase in local currency value of U.S. dollar).
6/ The real interest rate contribution is derived from the denominator in footnote 4 as r - π (1+g) and the real growth contribution as -g.
7/ The exchange rate contribution is derived from the numerator in footnote 2/ as ae(1+r).
8/ For projections, this line includes exchange rate changes during the projection period.
9/ Assumes that key variables (real GDP growth, real interest rate, and other identified debt-creating flows) remain at the level of the last projection year.
Debt, Economic and Market Indicators
Contribution to Changes in Public Debt
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Debt-Creating Flows
Primary deficit Real GDP growth Real interest rate Exchange rate depreciation
Other debt-creating flows Residual Change in gross public sector debt
(in percent of GDP)
Malaysia Public DSA—Composition of Public Debt and Alternative Scenarios
Malaysia Public DSA—Realism of Baseline Assumptions
Source : IMF Staff.
1/ Plotted distribution includes surveillance countries, percentile rank refers to all countries.
2/ Projections made in the spring WEO vintage of the preceding year.
3/ Not a
licable for Mala
4/ Data cover annual obervations from 1990 to 2011 for advanced and emerging economies with debt greater than 60 percent of GDP. Percent of sample on vertical axis.
Forecast Track Record, versus surveillance countries
Boom-Bust Analysis
Assessing the Realism of Projected Fiscal Adjustment
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Real GDP Growth
Interquartile range (25-75)
Malaysia forecast error
Has a percentile rank of:
Malaysia median forecast error, 2004-2012:
Distribution of
forecast errors:
(in percent, actual-projection)
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Primary Balance
Interquartile range (25-75)
Malaysia forecast error
Has a percentile rank of:
Malaysia median forecast error, 2004-2012:
Distribution of
forecast errors:
(in percent of GDP, actual-projection)
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Inflation (Deflator)
Interquartile range (25-75)
Malaysia forecast error
Has a percentile rank of:
Malaysia median forecast error, 2004-2012:
Distribution of
forecast errors:
(in percent, actual-projection)
t-5 t-4 t-3 t-2 t-1 t t+1 t+2 t+3 t+4 t+5
Real GDP growth
(in percent)
Distribution 4/
3-Year Adjustment in Cyclically-Adjusted
Primary Balance (CAPB)
(Percent of GDP)
3-year CAPB adjustment
greater than 3 percent of
GDP in approx. top quartile
has a percentile
rank of
Distribution 4/
3-Year Average Level of Cyclically-Adjusted
Primary Balance (CAPB)
(Percent of GDP)
3-year average CAPB level
greater than 3.5 percent of
GDP in approx. top quartile
has a percentile
rank of
Malaysia Public DSA—Stress Tests
Primary Balance Shock 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Real GDP Growth Shock
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Real GDP growth Real GDP growth
Inflation -0.1 4.6 3.8 2.9 2.6 2.6 Inflation -0.1 3.9 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.6
Primary balance -2.1-1.8-1.1-0.1-0.4-0.8 Primary balance -2.1-1.9-1.8-0.1-0.4-0.8
Effective interest rate Effective interest rate
Real Interest Rate Shock Real Exchange Rate Shock
Real GDP growth Real GDP growth
Inflation -0.1 4.6 3.8 2.9 2.6 2.6 Inflation -0.1 6.3 3.8 2.9 2.6 2.6
Primary balance -2.1-1.2-0.5-0.1-0.4-0.8 Primary balance -2.1-1.2-0.5-0.1-0.4-0.8
Effective interest rate Effective interest rate
Combined Shock
Real GDP growth
Inflation -0.1 3.9 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.6
Primary balance -2.1 -2.2 -2.1 -0.1 -0.4 -0.8
Effective interest rate
Contingent Liabilities from Government Guarantees Oil price shock
Real GDP growth Real GDP growth
Inflation -0.1 4.6 3.8 2.9 2.6 2.6 Inflation -0.1 4.6 3.8 2.9 2.6 2.6
Primary balance -2.1-8.7-8.0-0.1-0.4-0.8 Primary balance -2.1-1.6-0.9-0.7-1.1-1.5
Effective interest rate Effective interest rate
Source: IMF staff.
Macro-Fiscal Stress Tests
Baseline Primar
Balance Shock
Real GDP Growth Shock
Real Interest Rate Shock
(in percent)
Real Exchan
e Rate Shock
Combined Macro-Fiscal Shock
Additional Stress Tests
ent Liabilities from Government Oil
rice shock
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Gross Nominal Public Debt
(in percent of GDP)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Gross Nominal Public Debt
(in percent of Revenue)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Public Gross Financing Needs
(in percent of GDP)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Gross Nominal Public Debt
(in percent of GDP)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Gross Nominal Public Debt
(in percent of Revenue)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Public Gross Financing Needs
(in percent of GDP)
Malaysia Public DSA—Risk Assessment
Source: IMF staff.
Balance Shock
Debt Profile Vulnerabilities
3/ The cell is highlighted in green if country value is less than the lower risk-assessment benchmark, red if country value exceeds the upper risk-assessment benchmark,
yellow if country value is between the lower and upper risk-assessment benchmarks. If data are unavailable or indicator is not relevant, cell is white.
Lower and upper risk-assessment benchmarks are:
Change in the
Share of Short
Term Debt
Exchange Rate
Liability shock
Debt level
200 and 600 basis points for bond spreads; 5 and 15 percent of GDP for external financing requirement; 0.5 and 1 percent for change in the share of short-term debt; 15
and 45 percent for the public debt held by non-residents; and 20 and 60 percent for the share of foreign-currency denominated debt.
Public Debt
Held by Non-
(Indicators vis-à-vis risk assessment benchmarks)
Gross financing needs
Balance Shock
Real Interest
Rate Shock
Exchange Rate
Liability Shock
4/ An average over the last 3 months, 15-Oct-13 through 13-Jan-14.
Real GDP
Growth Shock
2/ The cell is highlighted in green if gross financing needs benchmark of 15% is not exceeded under the specific shock or baseline, yellow if exceeded under specific shock
but not baseline, red if benchmark is exceeded under baseline, white if stress test is not relevant.
1/ The cell is highlighted in green if debt burden benchmark of 70% is not exceeded under the specific shock or baseline, yellow if exceeded under specific shock but not
baseline, red if benchmark is exceeded under baseline, white if stress test is not relevant.
Real Interest
Rate Shock
Real GDP
Growth Shock
Heat Map
Upper early warning
Evolution of Predictive Densities of Gross Nominal Public Debt
(in percent of GDP)
Debt profile
Lower early warning
External Financing
Annual Change in
Short-Term Public
Public Debt in
Foreign Currency
(in basis points) 4/
ercent of GDP
(in percent of total)
(in percent of total)
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
10th-25th 25th-75th 75th-90th
Symmetric Distribution
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Restricted (Asymmetric) Distribution
no restriction on the growth rate shock
no restriction on the interest rate shock
0 is the max positive pb shock (percent GDP)
no restriction on the exchange rate shock
Restrictions on upside shocks:
Public Debt Held
by Non-Residents
(in percent of total)
Appendix 5. Malaysia—External Debt Sustainability Analysis
1. Background. Malaysia’s external debt is expected to remain on a steady downward trend
over the medium term, falling to 25 percent of GDP by 2018. The 2 percentage point decline in the
external debt to GDP ratio from 2012 to 2018 mostly reflects sustained current account surpluses
and some shift towards domestic debt. Stress tests indicate that external debt would remain
manageable under a variety of shocks, including weaker GDP growth, a lower current account
balance, and a one-time 30 percent depreciation of the ringgit. Under these scenarios, the external
debt to GDP ratio rises above the baseline over the projection period by only modest margins. In the
case of the exchange rate depreciation scenario, the debt ratio would rise sharply to 40 percent of
GDP in 2014, but would subsequently fall to 37 percent of GDP by 2018.
Figure 5.1. Malaysia: External Debt Sustainability: Bound Tests 1/ 2/
(External debt, in percent of GDP)
1/ Shaded areas represent actual data. Individual shocks are permanent one-half standard deviation shocks. Figures in the boxes represent
average projections for the respective variables in the baseline and scenario being presented. Ten-year historical average for the variable is
also shown.
2/ For historical scenarios, the historical averages are calculated over the ten-year period, and the information is used to project debt
dynamics five years ahead.
3/ Permanent 1/4 standard deviation shocks applied to real interest rate, growth rate, and current account balance.
4/ One-time real depreciation of 30 percent occurs in 2010.
Sources: International Monetary Fund, country desk data; and staff estimates.
Table 5.1. Malaysia: External Debt Sustainability Framework, 20082018
(In percent of GDP, unless otherwise indicated)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Debt-stabilizing
current account 6
1 Baseline: external debt 29.6 33.6 29.9 28.1 27.1 27.3 26.7 26.1 25.8 25.6 25.2 0.8
2 Change in external debt 0.4 4.0 -3.7 -1.9 -0.9 0.1 -0.6 -0.6 -0.3 -0.2 -0.5 0.0
3 Identified external debt-creating flows (4+8+9) -16.1 -13.0 -14.2 -13.1 -5.1 -3.2 -3.7 -3.5 -3.4 -3.4 -3.4 0.0
4 Current account deficit, excluding interest payments -18.3 -16.9 -12.1 -12.7 -7.1 -4.6 -5.0 -4.9 -5.0 -5.0 -5.0 -0.8
5 Deficit in balance of goods and services -22.3 -20.3 -17.0 -16.4 -11.9 -8.5 -9.3 -9.3 -9.1 -8.8 -8.4
6 Exports 99.5 91.4 93.3 91.6 87.1 79.3 74.0 69.2 65.7 63.1 59.9
7 Imports 77.2 71.1 76.3 75.2 75.3 70.7 64.7 59.9 56.6 54.2 51.5
8 Net nondebt creating capital inflows (negative) 3.4 3.1 1.8 1.1 2.3 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.6
9 Automatic debt dynamics 1/ -1.2 0.8 -3.9 -1.5 -0.4 -0.2 -0.3 -0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 -0.8
10 Contribution from nominal interest rate 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.2
11 Contribution from real GDP growth -1.3 0.4 -2.1 -1.4 -1.5 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2
12 Contribution from price and exchange rate changes 2/ -1.2 -0.8 -2.9 -1.3 0.1 ... ... ... ... ... ... -0.9
13 Residual, including change in gross foreign assets (23) 3/ 16.5 16.9 10.5 11.3 4.2 3.3 3.0 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.0 0.0
External debt-to-exports ratio (in percent) 29.8 36.8 32.1 30.6 31.1 34.4 36.1 37.7 39.3 40.6 42.0
Gross external financing need (in billions of U.S. dollars) 4/ -6.1 7.2 24.3 24.5 35.3 44.6 44.4 45.5 45.9 46.5 47.6
In percent of GDP -2.6 3.6 9.8 8.5 11.6 13.6 12.3 11.5 10.6 9.8 9.2
Scenario with key variables at their historical averages 5/ 10-Year 10-Year 15.8 5.4 -4.5 -13.9 -22.8 -31.1 2.5
Historical Standard For debt
Key macroeconomic assumptions underlying baseline Average Deviation stabilization
Real GDP growth (in percent) 4.8 -1.5 7.4 5.1 5.6 5.1 2.5 4.7 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
GDP deflator in U.S. dollars (change in percent) 4.4 2.9 9.6 4.5 -0.5 6.2 4.1 2.8 5.0 5.0 4.1 3.7 4.7 3.7
Nominal external interest rate (in percent) 4.9 4.0 4.2 4.3 3.7 4.2 0.4 3.7 3.8 4.1 4.9 5.3 5.8 5.3
Growth of exports (U.S. dollar terms, in percent) 11.9 -19.6 24.9 14.6 0.3 10.0 12.5 -2.4 3.0 3.1 3.8 4.4 4.6
Growth of imports (U.S. dollar terms, in percent) 6.7 -19.3 31.3 15.0 5.6 10.4 13.3 0.8 0.8 2.1 3.3 4.2 4.5
Current account balance, excluding interest payments 18.3 16.9 12.1 12.7 7.1 14.4 3.4 4.6 5.0 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0
Net nondebt creating capital inflows -3.4 -3.1 -1.8 -1.1 -2.3 -0.9 1.8 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.6 -1.4
3/ For projection, line includes the impact of price and exchange rate changes.
4/ Defined as current account deficit, plus amortization on medium- and long-term debt, plus short-term debt at end of previous period.
5/ The key variables include real GDP growth; nominal interest rate; dollar deflator growth; and both non-interest current account and nondebt inflows in percent of GDP.
6/ Long-run, constant balance that stabilizes the debt ratio assuming that key variables (real GDP growth, nominal interest rate, dollar deflator growth, and nondebt inflows in percent of GDP) remain at their levels
2/ The contribution from price and exchange rate changes is defined as [-r(1+g) + ea(1+r)]/(1+g+r+gr) times previous period debt stock. r increases with an appreciating domestic currency (e > 0) and rising inflation (based
on GDP deflator).
1/ Derived as [r - g - r(1+g) + ea(1+r)]/(1+g+r+gr) times previous period debt stock, with r = nominal effective interest rate on external debt; r = change in domestic GDP deflator in U.S.dollar terms, g = real GDP growth rate,
Appendix 6. Malaysia—2013 FSAP—High Priority Recommendations
Strengthening Financial Sector Oversight
Implement proposed new Financial Services Act (FSA) at an early date; and strengthen legal and
regulatory requirements for Islamic banks.
The FSA and related Islamic Financial Services Act (IFSA) were implemented on June 30, 2013. The IFSA
strengthens legal and regulatory requirements for Islamic banks including those for capital, financial
reporting, and audit.
Strengthen framework for consolidated supervision of financial holding companies (FHC) including
capital standards and risk management.
The FSA / IFSA provide BNM with powers for consolidated supervision of FHCs in these areas.
Ground the operational independence of the Securities Commission (SC) by changing the legal provisions
on removal of Commission members and protections given to Commission members and its staff.
Related amendments to the SC Act are expected to be submitted to parliament in 2014.
Strengthen the definition of connected lending.
The BNM expects to issue a revised policy document to the industry in 2014.
Labuan International Business and Finance Center
Impose prudential and regulatory requirements on Labuan financial institutions in line with international
standards and best practice.
During 20122013, the Labuan Financial Services Act (LFSA) has issued guidelines relating to classification
and impairment provisions of loans, connected party lending, reinsurance, and single exposure limits.
Undertake more proactive engagement and effective communication of LFSA with home supervisors and
external auditors.
The BNM continues to sign new MoUs with home supervisors of Labuan entities (3 more added in 2013).
These cover exchange of supervisory information and collaboration in enforcement. Separately, it is seeking
confirmation that each Labuan entity is covered under consolidated supervision from the home jurisdiction.
Systemic Risk Management
Formalize a highlevel committee involving BNM, SC, PIDM and the fiscal authority with the responsibility
for ongoing systemic risk monitoring, information sharing and crisis action.
The Financial Stability Executive Committee (FSEC) formed in 2010 has this mandate and, as of
January 2013, includes permanent membership of the SC along with the BNM, PIDM and MoF.
Macro-Financial Risks
Enhance data capture for household sector to facilitate a more robust and granular monitoring and
assessment of household sector leverage and issues especially in accordance to income category; and
review effectiveness of macroprudential measures.
The BNM expects to complete collection of such granular data on households by end-2014.
Adopt multiyear top-down and bottom-up macroeconomic stress testing, and introduce more
conservative credit loss parameters in bottom up exercise.
The bank has already implemented a top-down multiyear framework, a bottom-up approach is expected to
be implemented in 2014.
Appendix 7. Malaysia—Stress Tests of Banking, Household and
Corporate Balance Sheets
1. Introduction. This annex describes stress tests carried out for Malaysia’s banks as well as
household and corporate sectors in aggregate. The impact of stress was observed for banks’ capital
and earnings; household debt servicing ratios (debt servicing costs relative to total income including
both wages and savings income); and corporate interest servicing ratios (interest expenses relative
to total earnings including interest on corporate cash). Stress factors included the following: MGS
yields; the OPR; banks’ deposit rates; and,
nonperforming loans (NPLs).
2. Methodology. Each of the factors above is
assumed to affect banks’ capital through its impact on
earnings and asset quality. Banks’ earnings are largely
driven by spread between lending rates and banks’ cost
of funds (net interest margin) and also include
contribution from fee-based income, which is estimated
at one-third of total earnings for the overall system. In
simplified form, banks’ starting level of capital plus
retained earnings is used as an estimate of capital at the
beginning of the next period. Retained earnings are
defined as gross earnings minus operational expenses,
which are assumed to include loan losses, additional
provisions, and taxes. Shocks to three of the stress
factors: MGS yields, deposit rates and NPLs are applied
independently; however, an increase in OPR is also
assumed to raise deposit rates.
3. Banks. Assets are comprised of loans
(58 percent), interbank exposure (18 percent),
government securities (5 percent), other securities, fixed
and other assets (figure). Other than earnings, the
impact of each factor was primarily tested on banks’
loan portfolios, which are comprised of exposure to
households and corporate, making up 47 percent and
43 percent of the total respectively; while the remainder
is assumed to be lending to government-related entities
at federal, state or local levels. In addition to loan assets,
banks have securities exposure, which includes holdings of government as well as private debt
securities. Although some of these securities would face a mark-to-market loss in case of higher
MGS yields, the bulk are assumed to be held to maturity. Interbank exposure is assumed to net out
for the overall system. Baseline system-wide interest rates on various types of loans, including
mortgage, auto, personal and corporate loans, were estimated based on information available from
websites of the four largest banks in the financial system.
4. Transmission mechanism. An increase in OPR is assumed to raise deposit rates by the same
magnitude. For example, 100 bps increase in OPR is assumed to lead to 100 bps increase in deposit
rates. Both factors are assumed to raise banks’ funding costs independently. An increase in MGS
yields will not have this impact because MGS are assumed to be held to maturity. It is assumed that
banks will pass on any increase in funding costs to customers on existing variable-rate loans if the
reference index allows; as well as on new loans. Both household and corporate borrowers will be
affected. Based on data from individual banks, nearly 70 percent of banks’ loans are variable-rate in
nature; while the remaining 30 percent are fixed-term loans. The bulk of variable-rate loans are
ultimately linked to OPR and will be subject to changes in that variable but will remain unaffected by
changes in MGS yields.
Malaysia Banking System Analysis
2013 Q3
(RM millions)
Tier 1 capital 165,329.67
Assets 2,059,702.06
Risk weighted assets 1,190,652.29
Tier 1 ratio 0.14
Earnings before expenses,
taxes, dividends 29,000.96
Imputed Return on Assets (ROA) 0.01
Estimated expenses
(before provisions and recovery) 14,507.34
NPL ratio 0.02
Gross loans 1,204,478.76
Gross NPLs 23,861.11
Provisions 23,164.08
Estimated portfolio
duration (yrs) 5.00
Estimated expenses
(after provisions and recovery) 17,590.48
Retained earnings
Corporate tax rate 0.25
Estimated earnings
After taxes before dividends 8,557.86
Estimated dividend payout ratio 0.40
Retained earnings 5,134.72
Source: IMF Staff Estimates (November 2013)
5. Households. The impact of each factor was tested on the ratio of debt liabilities to wages
plus income from assets or debt servicing ratio (DSR). Wages were assumed to remain unchanged.
Making up aggregate liabilities of 83 percent of GDP, households carry exposure to mortgage,
personal and auto loans, revolving credit, and margin loans for securities. Banks are assumed to pass
on higher funding costs due to an increase in OPR to variable-rate loans in each category allowing
them to maintain typical margins on such lending. On the asset side, financial assets of households,
including cash, pensions savings, and stock and bond investments are 189 percent of GDP (based on
BNM data), while physical assets, comprising mainly houses and autos, are estimated to make up
nearly 67 percent of GDP (based on average LTV). Along with savings income, households benefit
from additional interest income from cash holdings, which are more than one-quarter of financial
assets. An increase in MGS yields has negligible impact on banks’ cost of funds and correspondingly
does not affect household debt servicing costs or income from cash deposits or savings instruments.
It is assumed that households do not have access to EPF savings income for the purpose of debt
Household Balance Sheets (Q3:2013)
6. Corporates. The impact of each stress factor
was tested on the ratio of interest expense to
earnings, as a measure of the ability of corporate to
honor interest obligations. The aggregate corporate
balance sheet for Malaysia is inferred from various
ratios reported by the BNM, including leverage, the
interest coverage ratio, and the size of corporate
debt liabilities; it also uses data on the average level
of cash held by corporates for a large sample of over
750 nonfinancial Malaysian corporates covered by
Bloomberg. Corporate debt coming due in a given
period is assumed to rollover completely. As for the
household sector, an increase in OPR is assumed to
raise rates on variable-rate loans to corporates as
well as deposit rates by the same magnitude.
Domestic and external corporate debt spreads to
MGS and U.S. treasury securities respectively are
assumed to be unaffected purely by an increase in
Annual Annual
Estimated Estimated
Annual Interest Principal
Amounts annual rate
annual yield Amounts Interest Rate Payment Payment
Assets (RM billions) return (RM billions) Liabilities (RM billions) (Percent) (RM billions) (RM billions)
Physical 670.7 Mortgage loan 385.0 4.8% 18.3 12.8
House 526.3 Auto loan 144.4 5.3% 7.6 28.9
Auto 144.4 Credit cards 87.2 15.3% 13.3 87.2
Financial 1,874.9 Personal loans 146.4 7.8% 11.4 29.3
Margin-financed Loans for securities 47.4 3.1% 1.4 47.4
equities and bonds 94.9 2.0% 1.9 Other 13.1 3.1% 0.4 13.1
EPF savings 525.0 0.0% Total (liabilities) 823.4
Other savings 756.0 1.0% 7.6
Cash (deposits) 499.1 1.0% 5.1 Debt service amounts 52.4 218.7
Total (Assets) 2,545.6 (RM billions)
Savings income 14.5 Debt service 271.1
Annual wages 591.8 Wage income only 591.8
Total annual income 620.9 Result--HH DSR 45.8%
(RM billions)
Debt service 271.1
Total income 620.9
Result--HH DSR 43.7%
Source: Bank Negara Malaysia, IMF Staff Estimates (November 2013).
Corporate Balance Sheets
(RM billions) Rates
Assets 4,113.7
Cash 613.6 3.2%
Liabilities 2,050.4
Debt liabilities 928.5
External debt 135.6 5.6%
Domestic debt securities 273.9 4.6%
Domestic bank loans 519.0 3.1%
Equity 2,063.4
D/E 45%
Interest expense 36.1
Earnings 144.2
Result--corporate ISR 25.0%
Source: Bank Negara Malaysia, Bloomberg,
IMF Staff Estimates (November 2013)
7. Results. Banks’ capital remained well above the minimum regulatory capital requirement
even with large shocks to stress factors. It is worth noting the following:
Higher MGS yields raise corporate ISR but
have no explicit impact on household DSR
or bank capital. An increase in bank capital
from 13. 9 percent to 14.3 percent is only
because of retained earnings over the
course of a year. Household DSR is
unaffected because rates on liabilities do
not adjust with MGS yields, and savings
have a relatively small proportion of debt
securities holdings. Bank capital is
unaffected due to our modeling
assumption, in which NPLs and debt
servicing ability of households and
corporates are considered separately.
Higher policy rates have a significant
impact on household and corporate DSRs
as well as on bank capital. A scenario with a
plausible increase in the OPR of 50 bps over
the course of one year has virtually no
impact on bank capital as earnings are
expected to be strong enough to cushion
such an increase, even though there would
be some compression of net interest
margins in such a situation. Also, corporate ISR rises by 130 bps while the household DSR rises
only slightly by 11 bps. If savings income is excluded for households, the DSR rises by 50 bps.
Higher deposit rates lower household DSR while raising the corporate ISR. The assumption is
that higher funding costs for banks are passed on to both household and corporate lending
wherever possible; however households benefit from a higher proportion of cash deposits in
assets, 20 percent versus 15 percent for corporates; and also, the marginal benefit from an
increase in deposit rates is much greater for households that typically carry deposits at much
lower interest-rates compared with corporates.
Finally, an increase of 200 bps in NPLs to 4 percent reduces bank capital significantly by 118 bps
even though banks’ net interest margins are unaffected by this stress factor. A gradual increase
in NPLs has less impact on bank capital than a sudden shock as it allows banks to build buffers
through additional earnings.
Results of Stress Tests
Bank T1
Capital Ratio
(bps) HH DSR (bps)
Corp ISR
MGS yields 50 64.1
100 128.2
200 256.4
50 10.6 132.2
100 -7.4 20.9 259.0
41.2 497.7
50 -36.3 36.3
100 9.3 -71.6 71.1
200 -54.3 -138.8 136.6
NPLs Over 1 year
100 -9.1
200 -117.8
NPLs Over 2 years
50 118.9
100 92.3
200 38.9
Source: IMF staff estimates (November 2013)
Deposit rates
Appendix 8. What Explains Malaysia’s Resilience to Capital Outflows?
1. Background. Recent IMF research (World Economic Outlook, October 2013, Chapter 4) on
the resilience of emerging market economies (EMEs) to capital flow volatility emphasizes the
distinction between real and financial adjustment to capital outflows.
The starting point is the
familiar balance of payments identity that, as a consequence of double entry accounting, the sum of
the current account balance, net capital inflows, and changes in official international reserves must
be zero. Countries experiencing outflows of foreign capital may respond through a combination of
financial and real adjustment. Financial adjustment involves either a drawdown of official reserves or
offsetting inflows by residents of non-reserve assets. Real adjustment involves changes in domestic
absorption (the sum of private and government consumption and investment) which improve the
current account through a combination of real exchange rate depreciation, and fiscal and monetary
tightening. Real adjustment is usually more painful than financial adjustment, since it comes
following a boom in inflows which has resulted in higher domestic spending and a widening of the
current account deficit, which must now be reversed. Countries that can rely on financial adjustment
in response to capital outflows are therefore bound to be more resilient.
2. The role of gross flows. The WEO examines the quantitative role of gross flows in financial
adjustment, differentiating between capital movements initiated by foreigners from those initiated
by domestic investors.
A regression of gross inflows on the current account deficit is used to assess
whether countries adjust through real or financial adjustment in a sample of 38 EMEs
during 200012. These EMEs are ranked according to the estimated regression coefficients, and the
sample is split at the median. The group with larger positive coefficients, for which changes in gross
inflows are associated with large changes in the current account deficit, is referred as the less
resilient group, and those with a lower or negative coefficient, as the more resilient group. The
economic, political and institutional characteristics of the more resilient EMEs are then compared
with those of the less resilient ones and with those of a group of six resilient advanced economies.
3. Resilient EMEs. The resilient group of EMEs, Chile, the Czech Republic and Malaysia among
them, managed to buffer inflows of foreign capital with resident outflows in the 2000s, thus
achieving more stable current accounts , avoiding excessive real adjustment and insuring themselves
more effectively to capital flow volatility. The repatriation of domestic financial resources when
foreign investors flee helps to offset gross outflows and stabilizes net flows, thus enabling resilient
countries to avoid sharp exchange rate depreciation and overshooting and painful current account
Prepared by Jaime Guajardo (APD).
Simon, Benes, Guajardo and Sandri, “The Yin and Yang of capital flow management: balancing capital inflows with
capital outflows.”http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2013/02/pdf//4sum.pdf
The analysis is in the tradition of recent literature that has honed in the role of gross inflows for insights into the
nature (and classification) of external vulnerabilities, including sudden stops and domestic capital flight. See, for
example, Forbes and Warnock, 2011, “Capital Flow Waves: Surges, Stops, Flight and Retrenchment,” NBER working
paper 17351 (September). These authors find, inter alia, that indicators of global risk are significantly related to
surges or stops when measured based on gross capital flows, but not when episodes are measured based on net
flows. This is because actions by foreign and domestic investors can counteract each other: lower global risk is
actually associated with an increase in both capital inflows from foreigners and capital outflows by domestic
residents. These large shifts in both types of flows may counteract each other so that changes in the aggregated net
capital flows are small.
reversals. This mechanism helped resilient countries experience smaller fluctuations in current
accounts, lowered the impact of outflows on GDP and consumption growth, and contained
unemployment increases.
4. Sources of resilience. The regression analysis demonstrates that EMEs that have
demonstrated resilience to the vagaries of international capital flows tend to share some common
characteristics, including
Better indicators of macroeconomic management, such as lower inflation, more fiscal buffers,
and room to engage in countercyclical macroeconomic policies.
Strong central banks, more flexible exchange rate regimes, higher net international investment
positions, more stable current accounts (net capital flows); and fewer restrictions on capital
flows, so that local residents can efficiently move capital across borders and have the
appropriate incentives to do so.
Better institutions of economic management, including financial regulation and supervision that
prevent financial intermediaries from taking undue risks during periods of strong capital inflows.
In addition to the regression analysis, the WEO study examines the experience of case studies from
EMEs, including Chile, the Czech Republic, and Malaysia, for clues as to the identity of the players
that facilitated financial adjustment by repatriating their external financial assets to offset outflows
by foreigners. The nature of these domestic international investors varies by country. In Chile, the
pension fund and the country’s sovereign wealth fund were important. In Malaysia, the country’s
banks have played a big role.
5. Motives behind resilience. The emphasis on gross flows also allows a better understanding
of why domestic investors may be repatriating assets at a time when foreign investors flee. One is
consumption and investment smoothing by domestic agents in the face of temporary external
shocks, as suggested by intertemporal models of the current account. Home bias of domestic
investors in the face of a global shock like the one that hit EMEs this spring-summer recent would
also lead domestic investors to repatriate assets. Information asymmetries may also lead to buying
of domestic assets by investors with superior information. In sum, the stabilizing role of reserves,
coupled with the greater flexibility of the exchange rate and strength of domestic financial
institutions, which offset gross outflows, allowed Malaysia to weather this episode well, much as it
had during the global financial crisis.
6. Malaysia’s experience. Following the Asian financial crisis, Malaysia accumulated
substantial foreign assets, and these played an important role in 200809 and more recent episodes,
including in the spring-summer of 2013. Large domestic institutional investors have been investing
abroad during periods of capital inflows. When foreign investors started selling Malaysian
government securities and other domestic assets, these deep-pocketed domestic investors stepped
in to offset sales by foreigners, thus helping to reduce the impact of the outflows on yields. This
reality is reflected in the WEO analysis, where Malaysia belongs solidly to the group of resilient EMEs
(its estimated regression coefficient is close to zero; Figure 7.1, panel 1). Malaysia scores high in
most of these characteristics, even among the more resilient EMEs. It has a relatively flexible
exchange rate regime (Figure 7.1, panel 2), low inflation (Figure 7.1, panel 3), countercyclical fiscal
policy (Figure 7.1, panel 4), good institutions (Figure 7.1, panel 5), high net international investment
position (Figure 7.1, panel 6) and a high and stable current account balance (Figure 7.1, panels 7
and 8). Additional evidence comes from the latest outflow episode, in spring-summer 2013. As
described in the main text, outflows by foreign residents did affect interest rates on Malaysian
government securities, the exchange rate depreciated, and BNM intervened in foreign exchange
markets, but the effects of outflows on Malaysia’s real economy were muted compared with the
experience of other, less resilient EMEs.
7. Malaysia’s financial system. Malaysia’s efforts to improve its financial system and make it
more resilient following the Asian Financial Crisis have paid dividends. As explained in
Malaysia’s 2012 IMF-World Bank Financial Sector Stability Assessment, following the Asian Financial
Crisis (AFC), the Malaysian authorities embarked on a decade-long program of financial sector
reforms. Existing banks were strengthened, deregulation, liberalization and entry of new players all
promoted competition in banking. Outside of banking, domestic equity and bond markets were
nurtured, and financial regulation and supervision was strengthened. Malaysia’s financial system has
substantial strengths. Reforms in Malaysia’s financial sector following the AFC were accompanied by
a gradual easing of restrictions on capital flows. Initially, outflows were dominated by official
reserves being accumulated under the fixed exchange rate regime. When Malaysia moved to a
managed float in 2005, it also liberalized restrictions on international transactions. Accumulation of
foreign assets by private entities rose dramatically during 200509 as nonfinancial and financial
entities sought opportunities abroad and expanded foreign direct investment. The increase in gross
private outflows contributed to a considerable improvement in Malaysia’s net foreign asset position.
8. Growing resilience. The accumulation of foreign assets has played an important role in
reducing the volatility of net flows. During the global financial crisis, the reduction in capital inflows
was largely offset by sales of foreign reserves and the repatriation of domestic capital invested
abroad. Large sales of domestic bonds by foreign investors were absorbed with minimal impacts on
domestic yields. The stabilizing role of reserves and private outflows, coupled with the greater
flexibility of the exchange rate and strength of domestic financial institutions, allowed Malaysia to
weather the global financial crisis much better than during the crisis of the late 1990s, despite the
larger reduction in gross capital inflows. Malaysia’s resilience to swings in capital flows has also been
facilitated by fiscal policy, which has become much more countercyclical during the 2000s, especially
by providing fiscal stimulus during downturns.
9. Strengthening resilience further. Comparisons with other EMEs and AEs that exhibit
substantial resilience to capital flow volatility, including Chile, Australia and New Zealand, contain
lessons for ways in which Malaysia can further increase the extent of its resilience to volatile capital
flows. In these AEs, for example, foreign exchange intervention is rare, which discourages one-way
bets on the exchange rate and helps improve the buffering behavior of private domestic resident
capital outflows; and, as discussed in the main text, Malaysia can do more to increase the size of its
fiscal buffers, which have diminished following its effective countercyclical responses during the
global financial crisis. In addition, Malaysia’s institutional characteristics are still well below the levels
in advanced economies. Improving in all these areas would greatly contribute to further enhance
Malaysia’s already considerable resilience to international capital flow volatility.
Figure 7.1. The Yin and Yang of Capital Flow Management: Balancing Capital Inflows
with Capital Outflows—The Case of Malaysia
1/ Regression coefficient of the currect account as percent of GDP on gross capital inflows as percent of GDP.
2/ IMF AREAER exchange rate regime index, where 1 is the hardest peg and 8 is free floating.
3/ Bound between -1 and 1.
4/ ICRG Institutional quality indez, bound between 0 and 1.75.
Source: World Economic Outlook, Chapter 4, October 2013.
Less Resilient EMEs More Resilient EMEs Selected Advanced
2. De Jure Exchange Rate Regime (index) 2/
Less Resilient EMEs More Resilient EMEs Selected Advanced
3. Inflation (percent)
Less Resilient EMEs More Resilient EMEs Selected Advanced
4. Correlation between cyclical deviations in Government
Spending and GDP (index) 3/
Less Resilient EMEs More Resilient EMEs Selected Advanced
5. ICRG Institutional Quality (index) 4/
Less Resilient EMEs More Resilient EMEs Selected Advanced
6. Net International Investment Position
(percent of GDP)
Less Resilient EMEs More Resilient EMEs Selected Advanced
7. Current Account Balance (percent of GDP)
Less Resilient EMEs More Resilient EMEs Selected Advanced
1. Impact of Gross Inflows on the Current Account
(elasticity) 1/
Less Resilient EMEs More Resilient EMEs Selected Advanced
8. Standard Deviation of Current Account Balance
(percent of GDP)
Appendix 9. Malaysia—Transformation Plans to Boost Growth and Inclusion
1. Malaysia has made substantial progress to strengthen the quality of economic growth and
inclusiveness. Starting in 1969, the New Economic Policy (NEP) pursued growth, the creation of
employment opportunities and income redistribution. More recently, these objectives have been
further elaborated in a series of multiyear transformation programs.
The Government Transformation Program (GTP), launched in late 2009, aims to improve
public service delivery, raise transparency and enhance collaboration among public entities.
The GTP has achieved some good results, seen in new assistance reaching more than a quarter
of the hardcore poor, declining crime indices, online publication of government contracts, and
enhancements being put in place for preschool and primary education. Malaysia has become a
much more attractive country to do business.
The New Economic Model (NEM) was unveiled in March 2010. It aims to transform Malaysia
into an innovative, knowledge intensive, and high˗income economy by 2020. The NEM identifies
strategic reform areas that include enhancing private sector participation in the economy,
improving workforce skills, supporting innovation, developing new sources of growth, and
strengthening public sector management.
The Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP), released in June 2010, provides the policy framework for
implementing the NEM’s strategic suggestions in 20112015. It aims to sustain annual GDP
growth at 6 percent and to bring gradually down the budget deficit to 3 percent of GDP
by 2015. Microeconomic objectives include a competition law, further liberalization of services,
divestment of public enterprises, market prices for subsidized commodities, an innovation
friendly environment, and reduced dependence on foreign labor.
The Economic Transformation Program (ETP), launched in October 2010, builds on the NEM
and is part of a wider development agenda for Malaysia to become a high-income economy
that is both inclusive and sustainable by 2020. The ETP builds on the strategy outlined in 10MP
and specifies more concrete policy actions. In particular, the ETP: (1) focuses on the 12 key
growth engines, (2) encourages private sector investment, and (3) introduces 131 entry point
projects (EPPs) to jump start the program. In the 2011 Article IV consultation, the staff found
that out of 131 EPPs, 113 projects with a total value of RM 177 billion had been announced,
concentrated mainly in infrastructure, commodity related investments and construction.
Malaysia Financial Sector Blueprint 20112020 was introduced by BNM. It lays out the vision
to develop the financial sector that keeps pace with Malaysia’s transition to the high-income
status, as well as the growing financial needs of emerging Asia. It aims to: promote effective
financial intermediation for a high-income country; develop deep and dynamic financial markets;
enhance financial inclusion; strengthen regional and international financial integration; further
strengthen regulatory and supervisory regimes; and raise risk management standards, and
internationalize Islamic finance; promote electronic payments for greater economic efficiency;
and empower consumers and develop talent to support a more dynamic financial sector.
2. Boosting growth. A key objective of these transformation programs and policies is to help
Malaysia avoid a middle income trap, by fostering technological readiness (including better access
to broadband internet) and injecting greater competition in product markets. Large-scale projects
under the ETP are boosting Malaysia’s infrastructure and helping to expand and rejuvenate strategic
sectors (such as oil and gas). Recently, these efforts have helped catalyze private investment, which
had declined significantly following the Asian financial crisis. Significant progress has been made in
improving the business climate: Malaysia’s ranking in the World Bank’s 2013 Doing Business survey
has improved to 12th, from 14th in 2012. Malaysia is on its way to becoming a high-income country
by 2020.
3. Strengthening Labor Policies and Institutions in the face of heightened international
demand (and competition) for talent and dramatic demographic change in the coming decades is
another key objective of Malaysia’s transformation programs and policies:
4. Education. Wages and living standards are closely related to the length and quality of
schooling. Malaysia has made important progress in raising school enrollment: secondary net
enrollment has risen sharply to 68 percent in 2009 (up from 32.7 percent in 1970). Enrollment in
tertiary education, which enjoyed a 10-fold increase since 1980, leads to a large wage premium of
more than 50 percent. Despite these gains, Malaysia needs to do more: enrollment ratios must be
further raised in order to increase the supply of skilled labor, meet the requirements of an
innovation-led economy, and close the gap with OECD levels. Among the priorities are to expand
access to tertiary education and availability of financing among under-served groups. Quality
control in private universities and retaining Malaysian-grown talent in the domestic economy are
also important. (World Bank, 2012). More work is also needed to improve educational attainment
(what students actually know), at the basic and secondary level. Here the approach taken (see
Malaysian Education Blueprint 201325) aims to put Malaysian students at the top third of
international assessments and to transform the Ministry of Education. The key in this area, as in all
others, will be sustained implementation.
5. Pensions. Malaysia’s population of
29 million (mid-2012 estimate) has been
growing at about 1.9 percent a year in
the 2000s, compared to 2.7 percent in the 1990s.
Fertility has been falling and the share of
working age population (1564) has been
increasing, but the old age dependency ratio will
start rising after 2020, which could pose
economic and fiscal challenges. Malaysia
recently introduced a Private Retirement Scheme
(PRS), which helps supplement the government-
mandated Employees Provident Fund (EPF).
Consideration could be given to increasing the risk sharing characteristics of Malaysia’s existing
pension system by: (I) introducing a publicly funded, pillarone pension scheme for low or
noncontributors; and (ii) providing an option for workers to receive their pensions in the form of
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040
Percent of population
Working age population (in percent of total population)
Old age dependency ratio (right scale)
Source: United Nations.
Malaysia: Working Age Population and Old Age Dependency
Ratio 19702040
annuities, to help reduce longevity risk. The minimum age for pension withdrawals for existing EPF
contributors should be gradually raised from 55 to 60 to match the increase in the retirement age in
the private sector.
6. Minimum wage. A minimum wage was introduced on January 2013, aimed at boosting
wages of low-skilled workers and enhancing productivity. Initial indications are that the minimum
wage will have a limited impact on inflation and unemployment, and should therefore help improve
the incomes of the poor. The minimum wage should provide incentives for affected firms to shift to
more capital-intensive production technologies and gradually raise their capital-labor ratios.
Together with complementary reforms to improve the business climate, it could lead to higher
productivity. The minimum wage is set at a relatively high level (50 percent of the mean wage in
Peninsular Malaysia), but flexibility in its implementation and the low share of labor costs in Malaysia
could offset its impact on employment. Firms were given (limited) time to adjust: micro and small
and medium-sized firms were given six months, while migrant workers were exempted for a year.
Consideration could have been given to granting more regional dispersion.
7. Female labor force participation. At 49.5 percent, the participation of women in the labor
force is low by regional standards. Raising it is both quantitatively important from a growth
accounting perspective and also helps promote gender equity and intra-family income distribution.
The World Bank estimates that raising Malaysia’s female labor participation by 11 percentage points
to 57 percent during 20002010 would have boosted growth by around 0.4 percentage points per
year (Malaysia Economic Monitor, October 2012.) Malaysia plans to boost this rate to 55 percent
by 2015. Legal reforms and incentives are in train to establish childcare facilities, employ and train
women after career breaks, and promote flexible work arrangements.
8. Strengthening social protection. Other dimensions of social protection need to be further
developed. Labor redundancy costs are high (Malaysia is ranked 108
out of 144 countries in this
area in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report). Additional measures needed,
such as introducing an unemployment insurance scheme funded by employers and employees;
improving the targeting of cash transfer programs; and making them conditional on access to
education and health care. Such conditional cash transfer schemes have proven effective in a
number of countries. Stronger social safety nets should also help reduce precautionary savings and
narrow the current account.
9. Outward orientation. Policy choices in Malaysia are made following extensive debate and
consultation internally and also after considerable input with international advisors and consultants.
IMF, World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the International Labor Office and other
international organizations regularly provide technical input to the government in their fields of
expertise. The recently completed Financial Sector Assistance Program (FSAP), jointly conducted with
the IMF and the World Bank, provides a timely example. The FSAP confirmed the strong financial
position of Malaysian financial institutions and its sound supervisory and regulatory frameworks,
following extensive reform and consolidation in the period after 199798. In the public finances,
areas of interest over the years include tax and expenditure reforms. Malaysia is a provider of
technical services of its own, contributing to international development efforts of other countries.
The South-East Asia Center for Economic Research and Training (SEACEN), based in Kuala Lumpur,
has been providing training services to officials of over 80 countries since the early 1980s.
10. The future. Malaysia has set itself the goal of becoming, by 2020, a high-income nation, one
in which prosperity is broadly shared. This will require continuous transformation in Malaysia’s
economy and government. It is useful to ask what separates Malaysia from advanced countries like
Korea. Using the growth accounting approach, Gylfason and Hochreiter (2008) provided a simple
decomposition of differences in per capita income. Output per worker depends on endowments of
human and physical capital and endowments of infrastructure and institutions. Compare, for
instance, Malaysia with Korea. Roughly speaking, output per capita in Korea is 2.6 times that of
Malaysia. Korea’s capital-output ratio is 20 percent greater than Malaysia’s, while Korea’s human
capital (as measured by average school years per worker) is 13.95 for Korea and 11.42 for Malaysia.
Differences in institutions explain about half of the gap in output per worker in Korea and Malaysia;
differences in education (human capital) explain about 30 percent, and differences in capital per
worker explain the remaining 20 percent.
11. Conclusion. The comparison between Korea and Malaysia highlights several priorities for
Malaysia. One is the need for Malaysia to push through with the transformation of its education
system to ensure that graduates have the upgraded skills needed in an innovation-based economy.
Reforming the education system to raise attainment level closer to international standards
constitutes very good benchmarking. Second, Malaysia needs to modernize and upgrade
infrastructure systems and networks and further simplify regulatory regimes to spur innovation and
reward investment in skills. The Malaysian authorities are on the right track here—they have
identified a wide range of structural reforms to boost investment, raise productivity, improve the
effectiveness of education and enhance social insurance and protection. The minimum wage policy
and the other reforms being debated, including unemployment insurance, should go a long way to
insure workers from risk. Malaysia will also need to reform public spending to make it more
equitable. Better targeting of public expenditure in the context of a tighter fiscal envelope in the
coming years will be a priority, including the reform of costly fuel subsidies and the introduction of
conditional cash transfers.
Prepared By
Asia and Pacific Department
FUND RELATIONS ________________________________________________________________________ 2
STATISTICAL ISSUES ______________________________________________________________________ 5
February 14, 2014
(As of January 31, 2014)
Membership Status: Joined March 7, 1958; Article VIII
General Resources Account
SDR Millions Percent of Quota
Quota 1,773.90 100.00
Fund holdings of currency (exchange rate) 1,186.97 66.91
Reserve tranche position 586.93 33.09
Lending to the Fund
New Arrangement to Borrow
SDR Department
SDR Millions Percent of Allocation
Net cumulative allocation 1,346.14 100.00
Holdings 1,286.16 95.54
Outstanding Purchases and Loans: None
Latest Financial Arrangements: None
Projected Payments to the Fund: None.
Exchange Arrangement:
On July 21, 2005, Bank Negara Malaysia announced the adoption of a managed float with the
exchange rate of the ringgit to be monitored against an undisclosed trade˗weighted basket of
currencies. Based on information on the exchange rate behavior, the de facto exchange rate regime
is classified as “other managed.”
Malaysia maintains bilateral payments arrangements with 23 countries. The authorities have
indicated that these arrangements do not have restrictive features.
Capital control measures imposed in early 1994 and in 1998 in the wake of the Asian crisis have
mostly been lifted, except for the internationalization of the ringgit. In particular, since May 2001,
nonresident portfolio investors are freely allowed to repatriate their principal sums and profits out of
the country at any time. Malaysia further liberalized exchange control regulations during 200210.
The main measures were a relaxation of regulations on investment abroad by domestic institutions,
an easing of regulations on domestic credit facilities extended to nonresidents, abolition of
overnight limits on all foreign currency accounts maintained by residents and of the net open
position limit imposed on licensed onshore banks, allowing residents to open and maintain foreign
currency accounts for any purpose, easing requirements on foreign currency and ringgit credit
facilities from nonresidents, relaxation of rules on the provision of financial guarantees, abolition of
several reporting requirements, and a relaxation of the conditions on residents and nonresidents to
enter into foreign exchange forward contracts to hedge capital account transactions with licensed
onshore banks. Further measures were also taken to ease rules on residents’ borrowing in foreign
currency, and borrowing in ringgit by residents from nonresidents as well as lending in ringgit by
residents to nonresidents for use in Malaysia.
The Malaysian authorities view remaining exchange control regulations as prudential in nature and
necessary to ensure the availability of adequate information on the settlement of payments and
receipts as part of the monitoring mechanism on capital flows. These controls do not contravene
Malaysia’s obligations under Article VIII.
Malaysia, in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions, maintains restrictions on payments
and transfers for current international transactions with respect to some designated individuals and
entities. These measures are maintained for the reasons of national and international security and
have been notified to the Fund pursuant to the IMF Executive Board Decision No. 144 (52/51).
Malaysia also restricts current international transactions between Malaysian residents and Israeli
companies and individuals; however, since these restrictions affect the underlying transactions
themselves, they are not subject to Fund jurisdiction under Article VIII, Section 2(b).
Article IV Consultation:
Malaysia is on the standard 12˗month consultation cycle. Discussions for the 2012 Article IV
consultation took place during November 29-December 12, 2012 (IMF Country Report No. 13/51).
Staff discussions for the 2013 Article IV consultation were conducted on a mission to Kuala Lumpur
during December 5–16, 2013. In addition, a staff visit took place during July 912, 2013.
FSAP Participation:
Malaysia conducted its first FSAP in 2012 (IMF Country Report Nos. 13/52, 13/53, and 13/5613/60).
Technical Assistance:
FAD: Mission in October 2008 to analyze the distributional impact of social safety net programs. A
fiscal ROSC mission was fielded in May˗June 2011. A mission on debt management was fielded in
June 2012 to look at the institutional, legal, organizational and operational aspects of debt
management, monitoring of fiscal risks, and reporting of debt operations. A mission on fiscal risks
took place in January 2013.
LEG: Missions were fielded in May and September 2011 to help draft a Centralized Asset
Management Corporations Bill, in the context of a three-year project to assist Malaysia in
implementing an asset forfeiture regime.
MCM: Workshop in November 2008 on stress testing. Workshop in October 2009 on assessing the
systemic implications of financial linkages and developing early warning indicators for the insurance
and corporate sectors at BNM. Mission in October 2009 on macrofinancial risk analysis and
vulnerability analysis for corporate and financial institutions. Workshop in May 2010 on monitoring
financial risks. A technical assistance mission on stress testing is scheduled for April 2013.
STA: A mission to assist with the migration to the Government Finance Statistics Manual
(GFSM) 2001 was conducted during October-November 2012.
Malaysia (including the Labuan International Offshore Financial Center) underwent its second
Mutual Evaluation in February 2007 that was conducted by the Asia/Pacific Group on Money
Laundering (APG). The full report was adopted by APG members in July 2007
Resident Representative/Advisor: None.
(As of January 10, 2014)
I. Assessment of Data Adequacy for Surveillance
General: Data provision is broadly adequate for surveillance. However, further efforts to improve statistics
for the consolidated general government and public sector are necessary.
National accounts: Currently, the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) compiles and publishes
annual and quarterly estimates of GDP by activity and by expenditure at current and constant prices, and
annual estimates for gross disposable income, saving, and net lending for the economy based on
the 1993 SNA. The quarterly data are released about two months after the reference quarter.
Price statistics: The CPI and the PPI are available on a timely and comprehensive basis. A revised CPI was
introduced in January 2011; it covers all 14 states and features a more disaggregated measure of the
consumption basket and updated expenditure weights based on a 2009/10 comprehensive household
income and expenditure survey.
Government finance statistics: There is a need to improve the timeliness, detail, and availability of data
on NFPEs and the state and local governments. Dissemination of more detailed data on nonlisted NFPEs’
assets and liabilities and domestic and foreign financing by type of debt instrument and holder would be
desirable; efforts in this direction will require continued close collaboration among the Economic Planning
Unit (EPU), the Treasury, and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). There is also a need to disseminate more
information on public private partnerships.
Monetary statistics: The monetary and financial statistics (MFS) are reported on a timely and regular basis
and are broadly in conformity with the Fund’s data needs. There is a need to improve the institutional
coverage of the financial corporations, sectorization of the domestic economy, and classification and
valuation of financial instruments to ensure full adherence to the IMF’s Monetary and Financial Statistics
Manual. In addition, due to the growing importance of insurance corporations, pension funds, and other
financial intermediaries in Malaysia, coverage of MFS should be expanded to include these institutions. The
MFS missions of January 2004 and 2005 developed an integrated monetary database to be used for
publication and operational needs of the BNM, STA, and APD. The Bank Negara Malaysia reports data in
STA’s standardized report forms (SRFs) which provide more detailed classification of certain items, fuller
sectoral and instrument breakdown, and currency aggregation. MFS based on the SRFs are published in
the quarterly IFS Supplement on Monetary and Financial Statistics.
Balance of payments: Department of Statistics Malaysia compiles and publishes quarterly balance of
payments estimates in accordance with the fifth edition of the Balance of Payments Manual and the SDDS.
The quarterly data are released three months after the reference quarter. No data are shown for the capital
transfers or acquisition/sale of nonproduced nonfinancial assets, and transactions in reserve assets are
computed as differences in amounts outstanding and thus include valuation changes. The international
investment position data on other investment—assets and liabilities—are reported only in an aggregate
II. Data Standards and Quality
Malaysia subscribes to the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS). It is using a timeliness flexibility
option for general government operations (within six quarter lags after the end of reference year).
Malaysia: Table of Common Indicators Required for Surveillance
(As of January 3, 2014)
Date of
Frequency of
Exchange rates 1/3/2014 1/3/2014 D D D
International reserve assets and reserve liabilities
of the monetary authorities
12/13/2013 12/20/2013 Bi W Bi W Bi W
Reserve/base money 12/13/2013 12/20/2013 Bi W Bi W Bi W
Broad money 11/13 12/31/2013 M M M
Central bank balance sheet 12/13/2013 12/20/2013 Bi W Bi W Bi W
Consolidated balance sheet of the banking
11/13 12/31/2013 M M M
Interest rates
1/3/2014 1/3/2014 D D D
Consumer price index 11/13 12/13 M M M
Revenue, expenditure, balance and composition
of financing
—general government
2012 2013 A A A
Revenue, expenditure, balance and composition
of financing
—federal government
2013:Q3 12/13 Q Q Q
Stocks of central government and central
government guaranteed debt
2013:Q3 12/13 Q Q Q
External current account balance 2013:Q3 12/13 Q Q Q
Exports and imports of goods and services 10/13 01/14 M M M
GDP/GNP 2013:Q3 12/13 Q Q Q
Gross external debt
2013:Q3 12/13 Q Q Q
International Investment Position 2012 01/14 A A A
Includes reserve assets pledged or otherwise encumbered as well as net derivative positions.
Both market based and officially determined, including discount rates, money market rates, rates on treasury bills, notes, and
Foreign, domestic bank, and domestic nonbank financing is only available on an annual basis.
The general government consists of the central government (budgetary funds, extra budgetary funds, and social security funds)
state and local governments.
Including currency and maturity composition.
Daily (D), Weekly (W), Monthly (M), Quarterly (Q), Annually (A).
Press Release No. 14/104
March 14, 2014
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2013 Article IV Consultation with Malaysia
On March 7, 2014, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the
Article IV consultation
with Malaysia.
Malaysia’s growth moderated but registered a healthy 4.7 percent in 2013, and inflation
remained low. Activity was supported by strong investment, still-vigorous consumption and, in
the face of much needed fiscal tightening in the second half of the year, by improved foreign
demand. The momentum should continue in 2014, supported by a long pipeline of multiyear
investment projects, consumption underpinned by strong labor markets and supportive, albeit
gradually tightening, domestic financial conditions. Together with an improved external
environment, these trends should offset mild headwinds from fiscal consolidation.
Amidst capital outflows from emerging market economies and concerns about Malaysia’s
relatively high federal debt, the authorities undertook a timely, decisive yet gradual recalibration
of their fiscal policies in 2013. In addition to strengthening the sustainability of Malaysia’s
public finances, the authorities aim to promote efficiency, equity and growth in their revenue and
expenditure systems and are taking steps to minimize the drag to the economy from fiscal
consolidation. Their plans to rationalize fuel subsidies are appropriately measured, they have
allowed sufficient preparation time for the introduction of the GST, and are strengthening their
social safety nets. Last, but not least, the management of fiscal policy has been reinforced by the
Under Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement, the IMF holds bilateral discussions with members, usually
every year. A staff team visits the country, collects economic and financial information, and discusses with officials
the country's economic developments and policies. On return to headquarters, the staff prepares a report, which
forms the basis for discussion by the Executive Board.
International Monetary Fund
700 19
Street, NW
Washington, D. C. 20431 USA
creation of a high level Fiscal Policy Committee—a powerful new player in Malaysia’s fiscal
Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has been focused on its growth objective in recent years,
maintaining an accommodative monetary stance that is consistent with its dual mandate and
appropriate in view of substantial downside risks to growth and subdued inflation, at 2.1 percent
in 2013. Going forward, monetary policy makers must contend with somewhat higher headline
inflation in 2014−15 as fuel, electricity and other administered prices gradually rise and the GST
is implemented. BNM is well positioned to prevent second round effects from higher costs to
prices from becoming embedded in the wage-price structure. Timely detection and decisive
preemption, through gradual, well communicated, and credible interest rate action, will be
Malaysia’s financial system is sound, backed by a strong regulatory and supervisory framework,
and well-placed to withstand stresses, including from a potentially bumpy exit from UMPsas
demonstrated most recently during the capital outflow episode of last spring-summer.
Nevertheless, the potential for risk on-risk off cycles together with high household debt and
rising house prices all warrant continued vigilance. Recent steps to strengthen financial
supervision, including the Financial Services Act and the Islamic Financial Services Acts, and
the targeted and phased approach to macroprudential policy, are welcome. The authorities are
monitoring property prices and credit growth closely and stand ready to act with additional
macroprudential measures as needed.
The authorities are implementing a wide range of multiyear transformation programs and
blueprints to strengthen growth and make it more inclusive, and Malaysia has made important
progress in human capital accumulation. The authorities are intent on reforming Malaysia’s
educational system, reduce shortages of high-skill workers, and alleviate skill mismatches, which
are important in raising potential growth and promoting equity within and across generations.
Executive Board Assessment
Executive Directors noted that near term growth prospects for the Malaysian economy are
favorable but exposed to risks from tighter global financial conditions and slower growth in
major trading partners. Directors agreed that Malaysia is well positioned to cope with the
uncertain external environment, noting the authorities’ skillful management during past periods
of market turbulence, healthy reserves, the flexible exchange rate regime, and deep capital
Directors supported the authorities’ recalibration of fiscal policy aimed at reducing federal debt
and rebuilding buffers. They welcomed the creation of the high level Fiscal Policy Committee
and the plan to reduce subsidies gradually. Directors underscored the importance of
improvements in targeting social transfers, restraining wage growth, and broadening the tax base,
including through the planned introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and greater
reliance on property taxes. These reforms should help secure the sustainability of Malaysia’s
public finances while promoting efficiency, equity, and growth objectives. Directors
recommended formulating a credible concrete plan, underpinned by a debt target for 2020, to
anchor consolidation efforts and reduce dependence on oil revenues in the face of rising age
related spending. Fiscal risks from contingent liabilities also warrant close attention.
Directors agreed that the monetary policy stance is appropriately accommodative, and that the
central bank’s credibility should help maintain price stability. They encouraged the authorities to
remain vigilant to inflationary pressures and stand ready to adjust their policy rates if subsidy
rationalization and the introduction of GST lead to higher sustained headline inflation.
Directors noted that Malaysia’s financial system remains sound, well capitalized, and resilient,
thanks to a strengthened regulatory and supervisory framework. They also acknowledged the
significant progress made in implementing the recommendations of the Financial Sector
Assessment Program. Directors highlighted nevertheless that ongoing global volatility, high
household debt, and banks’ exposure to real estate warrant continued vigilance, and may require
additional macroprudential measures.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Managing Director, as Chairman of the Board, summarizes the views of
Executive Directors, and this summary is transmitted to the country's authorities. An explanation of any qualifiers
used in summings up can be found here: http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/misc/qualifiers.htm.
Directors welcomed the substantial narrowing of Malaysia’s current account surplus in recent
years and the attendant shift of the sources of growth toward domestic demand. They agreed that
increased social spending related to population aging, and structural reforms to strengthen social
safety nets and boost investment, combined with continued exchange rate flexibility, should help
facilitate further external rebalancing. Directors took note of the staff’s assessment that the
external position appears to be moderately stronger than the level implied by medium term
fundamentals but stressed the uncertainty surrounding such assessment.
Directors commended the authorities for their ambitious reform agenda, which aims to transform
Malaysia into a high income economy. They supported initiatives to upgrade human capital and
promote inclusiveness, stressing in this regard that priority should remain on improving
education and labor skills.
Malaysia: Selected Economic and Financial Indicators, 200914
Real GDP (percent change)
Total domestic demand
Saving and investment (in percent of GDP)
Gross domestic investment
Gross national saving
Fiscal sector (in percent of GDP)
Federal government overall balance 1/
Expenditure and net lending
Federal government non-oil primary balance
Consolidated public sector overall balance 2/
General government debt
Inflation and unemployment (period average, in percent)
CPI inflation (period average)
Unemployment rate
Money and credit (end of period, percentage change)
Total liquidity (M3)
Credit to private sector
Three-month interbank rate (in percent)
Balance of payments (in billions of U.S. dollars)
Current account balance
(In percent of GDP)
Capital and financial account balance
Errors and omissions
Overall balance
Gross official reserves (US$ billions)
(In months of following year's imports)
(In percent of short-term debt) 3/
Total external debt (US$ billions)
(In percent of GDP)
Of which: short-term (in percent of total) 3/
Debt service ratio
(In percent of exports of goods and services)
(In percent of exports of goods and nonfactor services)
Memorandum items:
Nominal GDP (in billions of US$)
Sources: CEIC; Data provided by the authorities; and IMF staff estimates.
1/ Based on staff's estimate of the federal government fiscal balance using GFSM 2001, which differs from the authorities' cash-
based measure of the fiscal deficit.
2/ Capital expenditure in the budget includes foreign fixed assets and other items, such as purchase of shares and land, which
are excluded from public investment in the national accounts.
3/ By remaining maturity.
Statement by Abdul Ghaffour, Alternate Executive Director for Malaysia
and Mohd Ripin, Advisor to Executive Director
March 7, 2014
1. On behalf of the Malaysian authorities, we would like to thank the IMF team for the
focused and constructive discussions on macroeconomic developments and policy issues in
Malaysia. For the most part, there is broad agreement on almost all of the major policy thrusts.
We are further encouraged by the assessment that the current policy stance is appropriately
calibrated to reflect the outlook and risks facing the economy and the financial system. This
statement will provide an update on the latest developments in Malaysia and elaborate on
selected policy issues mainly for emphasis and clarification.
Economic Outlook for 2014
2. In September 2013, the authorities projected the Malaysian economy to expand between
5% and 5.5% in 2014, underpinned by resilient private domestic demand. Staff estimates are in
line with this assessment. Of significance, private investment is expected to remain robust,
supported by capital spending in the manufacturing and services sectors as well as on-going
implementation of multi-year projects, including infrastructure-related projects. Private
consumption will continue to be supported by sustained growth in income and favourable
employment conditions. Reflecting the on-going public sector consolidation, the public sector
growth is anticipated to moderate slightly but will remain supportive of growth. The gradual
improvement in the external sector will provide additional impetus to the economy.
Monetary Policy
3. The current monetary policy stance is appropriate and consistent with the current
assessment of the economic growth and inflation prospects. The authorities remain vigilant in
monitoring risks to inflation including those arising from the subsidy rationalisation.
Nevertheless, the risk of more pervasive and persistent inflation at this point is assessed to be not
very significant. Going forward, in addition to domestic conditions, BNM will continue to
carefully evaluate the global economic and financial developments and their implications on the
overall outlook for inflation and growth of the Malaysian economy. The Malaysian authorities
remain focused on ensuring medium-term price stability and ensuring a sustainable and balanced
growth of the economy.
Fiscal Policy
4. The conduct of fiscal policy in 2014 continues to be centered on ensuring sound public
finances while remaining supportive of policies for a sustainable and balanced economic growth.
Supported by a resilient expansion in domestic demand, improving external sector as well as
better expenditure and revenue management, the fiscal deficit is expected to further decline from
3.9% in 2013 to 3.5% of GDP in 2014. The Federal Government debt-to-GDP ratio will be
contained within 55% of GDP.
5. The Malaysian authorities are committed to strengthening public finances. The
establishment of the high-level Fiscal Policy Committee (FPC) in June 2013 is a testament to
political commitment at the highest level. The FPC, chaired by the Prime Minister, will oversee
the fiscal management of the nation. Its mandate includes charting policies and strategies to
ensure healthy public finances over the longer term in line with the country’s economic
aspirations. The FPC has since met several times to consider various policy proposals. Fiscal
reforms and a more strategic management of resources will be judiciously pursued on several
fronts without undermining economic growth and the wellbeing of the population, in particular,
the low-income and vulnerable groups. Subsidy rationalisation for fuel, sugar and electricity
tariff has been implemented as part of a phased approach to improve resource allocation,
minimise market distortions and reduce the fiscal burden of the Government. GST is on target to
be introduced in April, 2015. The move is expected to streamline the present tax structure to
make it more efficient, transparent and business friendly. Work is also underway to implement a
comprehensive social safety net and develop an integrated database of all aid recipients to ensure
targeted assistance across the public sector. Other initiatives to enhance fiscal sustainability
include a review of fiscal incentives to industry, implementation of accrual accounting at the
Federal level (2015) and the adoption of outcome based budgeting (2015). Apart from embracing
fiscal reforms to fortify the Government’s financial position, fiscal resources will be geared
towards reinvigorating high value-added investments, intensifying development of human capital
and enhancing public sector delivery.
Financial Sector
6. Financial stability continued to be preserved in 2013 supported by financial strength and
capital buffers both at the system and institutional levels. Internal and IMF stress tests have
demonstrated that the banking system is resilient to major economic and market shocks. Risk to
domestic financial stability arising from household indebtedness in Malaysia remains
manageable, supported by strong household fundamentals and financial capacity. Continued
supervisory vigilance over risk management and underwriting practices of financial institutions
and intensified financial education initiatives will further contain potential risks from household
7. The Central Bank has also undertaken additional macroprudential measures in 2013 to
reinforce responsible lending practices by key credit providers. Among others, these include:
Limiting the maximum tenure for personal financing to 10 years and loans for purchase
of residential and non-residential properties to 35 years, applicable to both banks and
non-bank financial institutions.
Prohibiting the offering of pre-approved personal financing products.
Requiring credit providers to observe a prudent debt service ratio in their credit
assessment to ensure that there are sufficient financial buffers to protect households
against rising costs and unexpected adverse events.
8. These measures have begun to show positive results, as evidenced by the substantial
decline in the growth of personal financing extended by non-bank financial institutions. These
initiatives were also complemented by additional measures announced in the 2014 Budget to
curb speculative property purchases which contribute to rising property prices and higher
household debt burdens. These measures include further increases in the property gains tax,
prohibition on the development and financing (both bridging and end-financing) of property
projects with elements of interest capitalization schemes (including Developer Interest Bearing
Scheme (DIBS)), requirement on greater transparency in property prices by developers and
raising the threshold of property purchases by non-residents. Moving forward, BNM is taking
steps to capture more granular data on households in collaboration with several Government
agencies. The newly established National Housing Council by the Government is an important
platform that will ensure a more holistic and coordinated approach in efforts to address structural
issues confronting the residential property market. Corporate sector leverage remained well-
contained despite a gradual increase in the overall debt level of businesses in recent years in
tandem with economic expansion. The higher leverage is supported by sustained financial
strength and debt servicing capacity of businesses that will continue to provide support against
potential challenges in the operating environment. Given these developments, BNM will
continue to focus its surveillance and supervisory vigilance over developments taking place in
the household, business and property sectors, and stands ready to introduce additional measures
to prevent the buildup of excesses in these sectors.
9. The regulatory and supervisory framework for the financial sector was further
strengthened with the coming into force of the Financial Services Act 2013 (FSA) and Islamic
Financial Services Act 2013 (IFSA) on 30 June 2013. This ensures that laws governing the
conduct and supervision of financial institutions in Malaysia continue to be relevant and
effective in maintaining financial stability, supporting a sustainable, balanced and inclusive
growth of the economy, as well as providing adequate protection for consumers. The laws further
strengthen BNM’s supervisory and regulatory powers, including comprehensive powers to carry
out consolidated supervision of financial groups and to extend the regulatory perimeter to
systemically important non-bank entities that undertake financial intermediation activities.
Reforms to Enhance Growth Potential
10. Reform initiatives to accelerate Malaysia’s transformation into a high-income economy
by 2020 have also made further progress. Under the Economic Transformation Programme, total
announced investments have amounted to USD66.8 billion (RM219.3 billion). These
investments will increase Malaysia’s productive capacity and competiveness over the medium
term. Various workplace transformation initiatives have also been undertaken by the
Government, focused on modernizing labour laws in line with the needs of a high-income
economy. This includes raising the private sector minimum retirement age from 55 to 60 years to
retain experienced and knowledge workers, and pave the way for higher productivity. In
addition, the minimum wage policy was implemented in 2013 to improve worker’s welfare and
incentivize firms to move up the value chain. In the long run, the minimum wage is expected to
contribute positively to productivity, mainly through higher automation and training. The
education system has also been enhanced through the introduction of the National Education
Blueprint 2013-2015. Improvements in the access, quality, equity, unity and efficiency of the
education will help facilitate human capital accumulation that is in line with the transition of the
economy toward higher value-added activities.
External Sector Assessment
11. In our authorities’ assessment, the external sector development in Malaysia reflects the
changing global environment and on-going structural transformation of the domestic economy.
The current account has narrowed in recent years as the robust import growth continued to
outpace exports. Exports remained modest following the gradual recovery in the global economy
and lower commodity prices. At the same time, import growth was driven by strong domestic
demand, particularly the expansion of investment activity. Malaysia has also experienced greater
two-way capital flows in view of its increasing integration with the global economy and financial
markets. Importantly, these flows have been effectively intermediated by the financial system,
supported by a well-developed capital market and the presence of a large domestic institutional
investor base. Greater exchange rate flexibility and the availability of a wide range of monetary
instruments also accorded authorities the policy flexibility to absorb external shocks. This is
further reinforced by Malaysia’s healthy level of international reserve, a prudent external debt
position and a stronger financial system. As such, the resilience of Malaysia’s external position
remains intact despite heightened uncertainty in the global economic environment.
Consequently, despite a sharp reversal of inflows from the region, including Malaysia, in the
recent period, orderly market conditions prevailed and the impact on the domestic economy was
rather muted.
Final Remarks
12. As Malaysia continues to embark on growth-enhancing reforms, the authorities remain
vigilant of the downside risks posed by the challenging external environment. As a highly open
economy, Malaysia is not insulated from the risks emanating from the uncertain global economic
landscape. Nevertheless, the country’s underlying fundamentals remain robust, creating
resilience against potential vulnerabilities. The strong external position accords policy flexibility
to absorb external shocks. Greater regional cooperation and policy coordination through
collaborative surveillance efforts, bilateral swap agreements between regional central banks, and
the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation liquidity support arrangement also provides
Malaysia with buffers against potential shocks. The authorities will monitor closely
developments in the external environment and will respond appropriately.
13. Finally, the authorities are pleased to inform the Executive Board that they agree to the
publication of the full suite of reports associated with the 2013 Article IV consultation.