The case of residential property
Andre Perry
Jonathan Rothwell
David Harshbarger
November 2018
Using census and real estate market data, a study of property values in U.S.
metropolitan areas of owner-occupied homes located in neighborhoods at least
50 percent Black nds that:
In U.S. metropolitan areas, 10 percent
of neighborhoods are majority Black,
and they are home to 41 percent of the
Black population living in metropolitan
areas and 37 percent of the U.S. Black
population. These neighborhoods hold
$609 billion in owner-occupied housing
assets and are home to approximately
10,000 public schools and over 3 million
businesses. Though most residents are
Black (14.4 million non-Hispanic Black) by
denition, approximately 5 million non-
Black Americans from every other racial
and ethnic background live in majority Black
In the average U.S. metropolitan area,
homes in neighborhoods where the share
of the population is 50 percent Black
are valued at roughly half the price as
homes in neighborhoods with no Black
residents. There is a strong and powerful
statistical relationship between the share
of the population that is Black and the
market value of owner-occupied homes.
Location in a Black neighborhood predicts
a large nancial penalty for 117 out of the
119 metropolitan areas with majority Black
neighborhoods, though the valuation gap
varies widely between them.
The undervaluation of housing in Black neighborhoods has important social implications. Black homeowners
realize lower wealth accumulation, which makes it more difcult to start and invest in businesses and afford
college tuition. We believe anti-Black bias is the reason this undervaluation happens, and we hope to better
understand the precise beliefs and behaviors that drive this process in future research.
Differences in home and neighborhood
quality do not fully explain the
devaluation of homes in Black
neighborhoods. Homes of similar quality
in neighborhoods with similar amenities
are worth 23 percent less in majority Black
neighborhoods, compared to those with
very few or no Black residents. Majority
Black neighborhoods do exhibit features
associated with lower property values,
including higher crime rates, longer
commute times, and less access to high-
scoring schools and well-rated restaurants.
Yet, these factors only explain roughly half
of the undervaluation of homes in Black
neighborhoods. Across all majority Black
neighborhoods, owner-occupied homes
are undervalued by $48,000 per home
on average, amounting to $156 billion in
cumulative losses.
Metropolitan areas with greater
devaluation of Black neighborhoods
are more segregated and produce less
upward mobility for the Black children
who grow up in those communities. Using
combined tax and census data from the
Equality of Opportunity Project, this analysis
nds a positive and statistically signicant
correlation between the devaluation of
homes in Black neighborhoods and upward
mobility of Black children in metropolitan
areas with majority Black neighborhoods.
Segregation is negatively correlated with
Black home valuations.
Notwithstanding the underlying assumption of
Meek’s perceived problem at Oxford, the presence
of a negative bias toward Blacks prevents even the
most noble of efforts to improve neighborhoods from
building upon the strengths of Black residents. That
sentiment can be heard in a common refrain in Black
communities that “reform is done to us, not with us.”
The value of assets is inuenced by implicit societal
cues. Researchers at the Kirwan Institute for the
Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State University
dene implicit bias as the “attitudes or stereotypes
that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions
in an unconscious manner.
They nd that “implicit
associations we harbor in our subconscious cause
us to have feelings and attitudes about other people
based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, age,
and appearance.” Through direct and indirect cues,
people develop these associations over the course of
a lifetime, beginning at a very early age.
Researchers have demonstrated the presence of
unconscious bias in education, the criminal justice
system and health care.
And since the murder of
Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman in 2012,
activists have raised public consciousness around
the biases involved in the killing of Black men at the
hands of police, captured so many times on cell phone
n September 19, 2018 University of Mississippi
alumnus, former faculty member and
administrator, Ed Meek, posted on Facebook two
separate pictures of African American women along
with the caption, “Enough, Oxford and Ole Miss
leaders, get on top of this before it is too late.” For
Meek, namesake of the Meek School of Journalism
and New Media, the women’s presence apparently
signaled the decline of the town of Oxford, home of
the University of Mississippi. “A 3 percent decline in
enrollment is nothing compared to what we will see if
this continues…and real estate values will plummet as
will tax revenue,” Meek wrote.
To be clear, the sheer presence of Black women
doesn’t devalue homes. However, signaling they do
can negatively impact housing markets. Meek served
as the university’s assistant vice chancellor for
public relations and marketing for 37 years.
Facebook post suggests in word and deed that the
values we place on people are strongly associated
with proximate assets. Black people according to
Meek lowers real estate values.
After community-wide condemnation, Meek
halfheartedly backed in to an apology. “I have done as
you requested, Chancellor,” Meek wrote. “I am sorry I
posted those pictures but there was no intent to imply
a racial issue. My intent was to highlight we do have a
problem in The Grove and on the Oxford Square.
Much of the research on implicit bias focuses on
individuals’ perception of individual members of an
oppressed class. However, we should expect some of
these biases to carry over into places where there
are high concentrations of Black people. The value of
assets—buildings, schools, leadership, and land itself—
are inextricably linked to the perceptions of Black
There is strong evidence that bias has tangible effects
on real estate markets, both historically and today.
During the 20th century, both explicit government
institutions and decentralized political actions created
and sustained racially segregated housing conditions
in the United States.
This has created what has
been dubbed a “segregation tax,” resulting in lower
property valuations for Blacks compared to whites per
dollar of income.
Contemporary work from social scientists has
aimed to sort out whether these lower valuations
are caused by differences in socio-economic status,
neighborhood qualities, or discrimination.
The results
tend to show compelling evidence for discrimination.
In one study, Valerie Lewis, Michael Emerson, and
Stephen Klineberg collected detailed survey data on
neighborhood racial preferences in Houston, Texas.
They asked people to imagine that they were looking
for a new house, found one within their price range
and close to their job; they then say to respondents,
checking the neighborhood . . .” and then present
difference scenarios based on racial composition,
school quality, crime, and property value changes
for the hypothetical neighborhood.” Consistent with
previous research, they nd that these neighborhood
features strongly predict whether someone says they
would buy the house. Racial composition strongly
predicted the preferences of whites in neighborhoods
that were otherwise identical.
Researchers Jacob Fabera and Ingrid Gould Ellen
examined the variation of rising housing prices among
people of different racial categories who purchased
their homes before the boom from 2000 to 2007 and
kept them through the bust of 2008.
They found that
Blacks and Hispanics gained less equity than whites
during that period and were more likely to owe more
than their home was worth. The researchers found
that “[b]lack–white gaps were driven in part by racial
disparities in income and education and differences
in types of homes purchased.” They hypothesized
that racial segregation and the corollary economic
and education stratication between neighborhoods
exacerbated existing equity disparities within
neighborhoods with high concentrations of poverty.
Consequently, the recession hit those neighborhoods
disproportionately harder, creating intense volatility
in those particular markets. Declining incomes
reduced peoples ability to purchase homes, thus
deating prices in those neighborhoods. The ndings
around education and income may result from the
disparities in wealth as it is “a powerful predictor
of individual educational and economic outcomes,
and despite their signicantly lower homeownership
… the long-run consequences of these gaps are
substantively important and difcult to overcome.
But how does the concentration of Blackness
impact demand among all buyers—whether from the
community or not? Income and education certainly
matter, but how much of the demand that impacts
housing price is affected by how people around it are
perceived? In other words, what is the cost of racial
Real estate agents have been shown to direct
Black and white home buyers differently based on
racial stereotypes, reinforcing patterns of racial
segregation. Researcher Sun Jung Oh and John
Yinger reviewed four different national studies on
the topic in a 2015 article and found a common
thread: There is “evidence of statistically signicant
discrimination against home seekers who belong to a
historically disadvantaged racial or ethnic group.
Some of this research is not about devaluation, per
se, but about steering and price discrimination. It
indicates that Blacks actually pay more than whites
for equivalent housing. The focus of this paper is on
how lower prices in majority-Black neighborhoods
convey lower value. Nevertheless, prior research
forces us to assume that bias is baked into home
prices. This study seeks to understand how much
money majority Black communities have to lose from
the devaluation of housing assets stemming from
racial bias throughout the market.
We dene the devaluation of housing in Black
communities as the property value penalty that
characterizes an owner-occupied home in a
neighborhood that is 50 percent Black.
We provide three estimates for this penalty at
the national and metropolitan levels. Our national
analysis is restricted to only metropolitan areas, since
estimates would likely have large margins of errors in
rural counties with few census tracts or small Black
Actual devaluation: We start with a simple
description of the mean difference in home value
(shown in percentage point terms) between properties
in neighborhoods with zero African-Americans and
neighborhoods that are 50 percent African-American.
Devaluation adjusted for structural characteristics
of the home: This adjusts the predicted effect of
Black neighborhood population by the physical
characteristics of the home—such as when it was built,
the number of bedrooms—and the distance between
the home and centers of work and the type of homes
in the neighborhood.
Devaluation adjusted for structural characteristics
of the home and neighborhood amenities: This
adjusts for all the above characteristics, as well as
the number of people living in the neighborhood,
the family structure of neighbors, their age, and,
importantly, the quality of local schools and access to
retail establishments.
Structural Characteristics
Median bedrooms
Median year built
Single family detached share of owner-occupied
Single family attached share of owner-occupied
Mobile homes share of owner-occupied units
Share of homes with no vehicle availability
Share of homes with gas or electric heating
Share of homes with kitchen
Neighborhood Amenities
Mean commute of working adults
Percent of working adults who carpool to work
Percent of working adults who use public
Percent of units that are owner-occupied
Population (natural log)
Share of households with children under 18
Share of households headed by single moms
Median age of population
EPA Walkability Index
Number of professional service businesses
Number of libraries
Number of museums and historical sites
Number of food and drinking places
Number of gas stations
Prociency rate of 4th-8th grade public school
Community Survey, we averaged Zillow’s ZIP code-
level data from 2012 to 2016.
In practice, the census and Zillow measures are highly
correlated. The correlational coefcient between
census tract median owner-occupied home values and
the Zillow median listing price is 0.84. The census-
based correlation with Zillow’s median price per
square foot is 0.78.
Access to schools
To measure school quality, we consider that
public school attendance areas roughly align with
neighborhoods, and housing prices are higher in
areas near high-scoring public schools, as previous
Brookings research has discussed.
To account for
school quality in our analysis, we obtained prociency
rates on state exams for all public schools covering
grades 4-8 for both mathematics and reading.
These data are available from the Department of
We matched schools to census tracts based on
the latitude and longitude coordinates, which are
available via the Department of Education. Our
approach was to take a 5-mile radius around each
census tract and consider every school in that radius
as a potential school for that neighborhood. The
nearest schools to the tract—including all those in the
tract—were assigned to the tract until the cumulative
school population in grades 4 to 8 equaled the
population of 10-to-14-year-olds in the tract.
Home values
Home values, neighborhood demographics, and
structural characteristics are from the 2016 American
Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (ACS).
Our dependent variable from the ACS—median home
values at the census tract level—comes from an item
on the questionnaire that asks homeowners: “About
how much do you think this house and lot, apartment,
or mobile home (and lot, if owned) would sell for if it
were for sale?”
These data are limited by the fact that they are
self-reported and not all homes are actually for sale.
Our primary measure of housing value overcomes
these limitations. It consists of ZIP code data from
Zillow, a housing market research company. Zillow
provides median price listing overall and per square
foot at the ZIP-code level.
There is some error in
moving between ZIP codes and census tracts, which is
needed to characterize ZIP-code racial demographics,
but the property-level accuracy of the Zillow data
is likely to be superior, since it is based on actual
listing prices rather than self-reported valuations.
Another advantage of Zillow data is that it includes
estimates for price per square foot, a quality-adjusted
price. We matched ZIP codes to census tracts
using a correspondence engine from the Missouri
Census Data Center (MABLE).
To make Zillow data
as comparable as possible to the 5-year American
We focus on owner-occupied homes for two
reasons. Home appreciation results in higher home
values, and this brings wealth to owners. There
is a large and well-known wealth gap between
Blacks and other racial groups in the United States,
much of which can be attributed to differences in
homeownership rates and the value of housing.
Second, the devaluation of rental properties is
advantageous to renters, insofar as it results in a
lower rental payment for similar quality housing.
The devaluation of owner-occupied housing makes
it easier to acquire the home, but once purchased,
it is unambiguously disadvantageous to the owner
and occupier, who would otherwise benet from
being able to renance, borrow, or sell at a higher
Our nal measure of school quality is the mean
prociency rate of all 4th-8th grade students in the
census tract. We take the mean of high and low-end
estimates, since data for many schools are reported
as ranges.
Access to businesses
To measure access to stores, restaurants, and other
goods and service providers, we obtained data on the
number of business establishments by industry by ZIP
code from the 2016 Census Bureau’s County Business
Patterns database. We matched ZIP codes to census
ZIP code tabulation areas (ZCTAs), using a crosswalk
developed by GeoMapper, and then ZCTAs to tracts
using a correspondence engine from the Missouri
Census Data Center (MABLE).
We examined all two-digit sectors and found
professional business establishments best
explained variation in home prices. It is unlikely
that homeowners give much value to proximity to
engineering and law rms. Instead, the signicance of
this variable likely comes from the fact professional
establishments tend to cluster near neighborhoods
with professional workers for commuting reasons.
We also examined three-digit industries in retail,
restaurants, and other services. We found that the
number of food and drinking places (e.g. restaurants
and bars), museums, and gas stations were all
signicant predictors of home value (gas stations
have a negative relationship) and reasonably
independent of one another. Surprisingly, grocery
stores and other retail had no consistent relationship
with home value. Finally, we also tested libraries
as another possible amenity, and that proved to be
robust, so it was included in the nal model.
Another aspect of access to businesses and
a desirable urban lifestyle is the concept of
“walkability.” For this, we rely on the Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Walkability Index.
It gives higher scores to neighborhoods with diverse
businesses, a large number of housing units, and
intersecting streets. These features predict more walk
trips. We convert block measures to tracts.
Exposure to crime is an important neighborhood
characteristic that likely affects home values.
Unfortunately, comprehensive data on crime is only
available at the county-level, and our analysis did
not nd that neighborhoods located in counties with
higher crime rates had lower property values. We do,
however, control for the median age of residents in
the neighborhood and the percent of families that
are single-mothers with children under 18 living in
the home. Both are correlated with crime rates (-.28
and .47 respectively), suggesting that we are likely
capturing crime effects in our analysis.
To further investigate this, we obtained data from
10 large cities from U.S. City Open Data Census
where crimes were coded using geo-coordinates.
The analysis is described in more detail in the
Appendix. Adding crime to our model did not affect
our estimates of the association between Black
population and home values, providing further
reassurance that explicitly measuring crime at the
neighborhood level would not change the conclusions
of this research.
Income mobility and other metrics
Using data from Chetty, Hendren, Jones, and Porter,
we measure income mobility of Black children by
showing the average income rank by metropolitan
area for Black adults aged 31 to 37 who grew up in
low-income families, dened as those at the 25th
percentile of the national income distribution.
and his coauthors made these data available at the
level of commuting zones, which are like metropolitan
areas but dened to include non-metropolitan
counties and use a slightly different algorithm to
assign counties to areas. We assign commuting zones
to metropolitan areas by assigning the largest county
(by 2010 population) in each commuting zone to its
metropolitan area.
We follow Chetty, Hendren, Jones, and Porter in
supplementing our analysis with data from Stephens-
Davidowitz on the prevalence of anti-Black Google
searches in the metropolitan area.
In the absence of
representative survey data at the metropolitan scale
on racist beliefs, this metric is one of the few potential
indicators of racist or anti-Black sentiment available.
If racism is a factor in the devaluation of Black
homes, and Google searches that use anti-Black slang
indicate racism, then this metric may explain some of
the variation in devaluation.
We further supplement the analysis with a standard
measure of segregation, the dissimilarity index, which
measures the unevenness of racial group residency
across census tracts. We construct this measure using
the same 2012-2016 American Community Survey
data used in the rest of the analysis.
Household income and educational
We did not include household income or education
directly in our model to estimate devaluation. Income
and education reect the buying power of individuals,
and naturally, both tend to rise along with home
values. Including them in the model would essentially
test whether homes in Black neighborhoods are over
or under-valued relative to the purchasing power of
residents; in other words, it would be estimating the
affordability of housing. That is a different question
than the one we ask here, which is whether homes are
over or under-valued in Black neighborhoods based
on the qualities of the home and neighborhood in a
given metropolitan housing market. People who live
outside of the neighborhood are potential buyers and
so should be considered part of the market. Since
we control for metropolitan area xed effects, this is
captured in our analysis.
To understand the consequences of omitting income
and education in our model, we ran our preferred
specication—a regression of the list price per square
foot on our full model—while including median
household income and the share of residents with a
bachelor’s degree or higher. Both are signicant and
positively related to home values, as expected, but
their inclusion has no effect on our main variable of
interest—the Black population share. Our devaluation
estimate excluding income and education in this
model is -22.7 percent, whereas it is -21.7 percent
if we include them. We infer from this that home
affordability patterns are similar for homeowners
in majority Black neighborhoods and those outside
them, controlling for everything else we see about
the home and neighborhood. This result reinforces
our nding that homes are devalued in Black
neighborhoods in large part because they are in Black
neighborhoods, and not only because the homes or
neighborhoods have less desirable features or the
residents have lowering purchasing power.
1. In U.S. metropolitan areas, 10 percent of
neighborhoods are majority Black, and they are
home to 41 percent of the Black population living
in metropolitan areas and 37 percent of the U.S.
Black population.
Black Americans are highly urbanized. 90 percent
live in metropolitan areas, compared to 86 percent of
all U.S. residents. And decades after the Civil Rights
movement, Blacks remain highly segregated. Though
Blacks comprise just 12 percent of the U.S. population,
70 percent live in neighborhoods that are over 20
percent Black, and 41 percent live in majority Black
These majority Black neighborhoods may be
overlooked as sites for economic development, but
they contain important assets, in terms of people,
public infrastructure, and wealth.
Majority Black neighborhoods in metropolitan areas
are also home to 14.4 million non-Hispanic Black
residents and 5 million residents from other racial
and ethnic groups. They also house a large portion
of the nations human capital, in that 2.3 million
adults 25 and older call majority Black neighborhoods
their home, representing 5 percent of the nations
metropolitan population with a bachelor’s degree, and
10 percent of its public schools and 6 percent of its
There is also wealth in these neighborhoods. In
metropolitan America, there are 3.2 million owner-
occupied homes in majority Black neighborhoods,
5 percent of the total, and they are collectively
worth $609 billion.
Likewise, over 3 million
business establishments are located in majority
Black metropolitan neighborhoods, 7 percent of all
metropolitan businesses.
The distribution of neighborhoods and Black population by exposure to Black neighbors
U.S. metropolitan areas, 2012-2016
Source: Authors’ analysis of 2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates
Share of Black
metropolitan population
Share of metropolitan
Blacks 0% to less than 1% 1% 22%
Blacks 1% to less than 5% 6% 28%
Blacks 5% to less than 10% 9% 14%
Blacks 10% to less than 20% 15% 13%
Blacks 20% to less than 50% 29% 12%
Blacks 50% or higher 41% 10%
2. In the average U.S. metropolitan area, homes in
neighborhoods where the share of the population
is 50 percent Black are valued at roughly half the
price as homes in neighborhoods with no Black
Across metropolitan America, housing prices are
systematically lower where neighborhood Black
population share is higher. In neighborhoods where
less than 1 percent of the population is Black
we refer to as “non-Black neighborhoods”), median
listing prices on Zillow are $341,000 compared to
$184,000 in majority Black neighborhoods. Using
Census Bureau estimates from homeowners yield
similar discrepancies. Comparing only homes within
the same metropolitan area, both data sources
suggest that home values are just over 50 percent
lower in neighborhoods where the Black population is
50 percent compared to neighborhoods with no Black
The devaluation of Black neighborhoods is widespread
across the country. There are 119 metropolitan areas
with at least one majority Black census tract and
one census tract that is less than 1 percent Black.
In 117 of these 119 metro areas, homes in majority
Black neighborhoods are valued lower than homes in
neighborhoods where Blacks are less than 1 percent of
the population. Gainesville, Fla. and Sebring, Fla. are
the only exceptions.
Neighborhood median home value by Black population share
U.S. metropolitan areas, 2012-2016
Source: Authors’ analysis of Zillow and 2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates
Blacks 0%-1% 1%-5% 5%-10% 10%-20% 20%-50% 50% or higher
Median list price (Zillow) Median value (Census Bureau)
The valuation gaps are extreme in a number of
areas. The largest gap is in the Bridgeport-Stamford-
Norwalk, Conn. metropolitan area. In neighborhoods
where Blacks are less than 1 percent of the population,
the median home value is $784,000, compared to
just $131,000 in majority Black neighborhoods, a
six-fold difference. Home values in majority Black
neighborhoods are just 17 percent of those in non-
Black neighborhoods. Likewise, very large differences
are found throughout the South and Midwest—in
Charleston, S.C., Cape Coral, Fla., Youngtown, Ohio,
and Ann Arbor, Mich.
The 10 metropolitan areas with the largest and smallest differences in the value of homes
Black neighborhoods in U.S. metropolitan areas, 2012-2016
Note: Sample limited to metropolitan areas with at least one census tract that is majority Black and at least one census tract
that is less than one percent Black.
Source: Authors’ analysis of 2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates
Median value
of homes in
majority Black
Median value
of homes in
neighborhoods with
less than 1% Black
valuation of Black
neighborhoods in
percentage points
Areas with the largest difference in home value
Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT $131,011 $783,887 17%
Charleston-North Charleston, SC $130,854 $717,711 18%
Savannah, GA $112,539 $562,500 20%
Hilton Head Island-Bluffton-Beaufort, SC $93,262 $460,712 20%
Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA $33,045 $131,484 25%
Port St. Lucie, FL $65,880 $259,926 25%
Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL $61,662 $241,853 25%
Lexington-Fayette, KY $7 7, 270 $301,526 26%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL $67,192 $259,118 26%
Ann Arbor, MI $68,320 $259,985 26%
Mean of group $84,104 $397,870 21%
Areas with the smallest difference in home value
Greenville-Anderson-Mauldin, SC $82,680 $114,743 72%
New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA $403,314 $559,706 72%
Baton Rouge, LA $109,951 $152,543 72%
Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH $313,353 $430,997 73%
Naples-Immokalee-Marco Island, FL $390,200 $459,728 85%
Asheville, NC $178,200 $195,882 91%
Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL $82,559 $89,334 92%
Anniston-Oxford-Jacksonville, AL $59,371 $61,200 97%
Gainesville, FL $95,591 $95,237 100%
Sebring, FL $134,600 $69,644 193%
Mean of group $184,982 $222,901 83%
There is nonetheless an extremely wide range of
estimates across metropolitan areas for the housing
market penalty for homes in Black neighborhoods. In
the New York City metropolitan area, median home
values in majority Black neighborhoods are over
$400,000, reecting the extraordinarily high overall
cost of living and value of real estate. That is much
less than the value for neighborhoods with fewer than
1 percent Black population shares ($560,000), but the
percentage point gap is much lower than other parts
of the country. Greenville, S.C., Boston, Mass., and
Baton Rouge, La. are other examples of metro areas
with relatively narrow gaps in valuations between
majority Black neighborhoods and those with few
Black residents.
3. Neighborhood quality is only part of the
explanation for the devaluation of homes in Black
During the 20th century, segregation and Jim
Crow forcibly lowered the quality of neighborhood
conditions for Blacks and impeded their nancial
ability to move to better opportunities. This occurred
through deed restrictions, redlining, and zoning, as
well as other mechanisms. As a result of that dynamic
and the continuation of housing policies that exclude
working-class housing from non-Black neighborhoods,
majority Black neighborhoods suffer from lower
quality housing and limited access to good schools
and neighborhood amenities.
The quality of housing in majority Black
neighborhoods differs from less Black neighborhoods
in terms of age, size, and structure. The median home
in majority Black neighborhoods is 12 years older than
homes in neighborhoods where Blacks are less than
1 percent of the population. These older homes are
also smaller, by nearly half a room, and are much less
likely to be detached single-family homes. Majority
Black neighborhoods are much more likely to have
denser housing structures, such as attached single-
family units, which also reects the concentration of
Blacks in America’s cities.
Not only is the housing stock of lower quality, so is
the surrounding neighborhood in several important
dimensions. School performance is weaker, commute
times are longer, and access to business amenities
is more limited. There is also evidence that exposure
to environmental pollution is greater, through, for
example, proximity to a greater number of gas
Physical characteristics of housing units by Black neighborhood population share
U.S. metropolitan areas, 2012-2016
Source: Authors’ analysis of 2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates
Median year
structure built
Median number of
rooms per unit
detached, % of
attached, % of
Blacks 0%-1% 1975 6.5 83.1 5.0
Blacks 1%-5% 1974 6.4 79.7 6.7
Blacks 5%-10% 1976 6.4 79.1 7.4
Blacks 10%-20% 1975 6.2 7 7.4 8.5
Blacks 20%-50% 1973 6.2 75.2 9.5
Blacks 50% or higher 1963 6.1 73.2 12.7
The school test score gaps between neighborhoods
are particularly extreme. The gap in test scores
between majority Black neighborhoods and those
that have Black population shares that are 5 percent
or lower is approximately 1.1 standard deviations.
More concretely, the prociency rate on state exams
in majority Black neighborhoods is only 15 percent,
compared to 60 percent in neighborhoods with less
than 1 percent Black population shares.
Likewise, residents of majority Black neighborhoods
confront longer commute times by several minutes
compared to those in other neighborhoods,
suggesting constrained access to jobs. Yet this
interpretation requires caution because residents
of majority Black neighborhoods are far more likely
to commute via public transportation, which can be
slower, especially via bus.
Still, the apparent weaknesses of Black neighborhoods
can also be strengths. With homes more densely
situated, residents of Black neighborhoods live in
more “walkable” communities, with a greater diversity
of business types and more frequent intersections.
These qualities are associated with higher home
There is a striking difference on this
score between majority Black neighborhoods and
neighborhoods that are less than 1 percent Black; they
differ by over half a standard deviation.
Given the above discussion of housing and
neighborhood attributes, the central question of this
study remains: Do the differences in housing and
neighborhood quality fully account for the differences
in housing values?
The analysis here suggests not. We use regression
analysis to predict home values as a function of the
Black population share, the qualities of homes in the
neighborhood, and the qualities of the neighborhoods
within each metropolitan area.
First, there is clear evidence that adjusting for the
size of the home lowers the devaluation estimate for
Black neighborhoods by a meaningful fraction—from
-51 percent to -35 percent when we use the two Zillow-
based measures for median list price overall and by
square foot. Since Black homes are smaller, they have
less market value, but that still leaves a very large gap
Neighborhood characteristics by Black population share
U.S. metropolitan areas, 2012-2016
Source: Authors’ analysis data from 2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates, Department of Education,
Environmental Protection Agency, and County Business Patterns
test scores
Number of
Number of
gas stations
Percent who
use public
0%-1% 0.29 -0.31 53.2 6.9 3.6 26.7
1%-5% 0.28 -0.03 69.3 8.1 5.1 26.5
5%-10% 0.17 -0.01 69.7 9.2 4.7 26.6
10%-20% -0.01 -0.01 67. 5 10.0 5.4 26.5
20%-50% -0.27 0.01 61.9 10.6 7.7 27.1
50% or higher -0.85 0.23 50.0 10.8 15.0 29.2
The value metrics that do not include square footage
are sensitive to the structural features of homes in
the neighborhood—such as age, number of rooms,
percentage detached, but adjusting these things did
not greatly reduce the devaluation estimate. The
Zillow median list price estimates for devaluation
in neighborhoods that are 50 percent Black range
from -40 percent to -44 percent, with census-based
estimates from owner self-appraisals in the middle at
-41 percent.
The next set of regression estimates includes
neighborhood control variables, and these variables
go further in explaining the devaluation of majority
Black neighborhoods. The devaluation estimates are
-22 percent for median list price and -23 percent for
the list price per square foot and self-appraisals of all
owner-occupied properties.
In the model that predicts value per square foot, three
variables measured at the neighborhood level stand
out as strong predictors: school quality—measured
by state test scores (strongly positive); the number
of gas stations (strongly negative) and access to
public transportation (strongly positive). Majority
Black neighborhoods are at a disadvantage on
school quality and exposure to gas stations but have
greater access to public transportation. Walkability
predicts modestly higher home values, and Black
neighborhoods have an advantage on that score as
While this analysis explains roughly half of the
devaluation effect, we are left with the fact that
a square foot of residential real-estate is worth
23 percent less in neighborhoods where half the
population is Black compared to neighborhood with
few or no Black residents, even after adjusting for
housing quality and neighborhood quality.
To put this devaluation value in perspective, we
estimate that home values in majority Black
neighborhoods should be worth an additional
$48,000 per home, which amounts to a cumulative
sum of $156 billion in aggregate value.
It is certainly possible that our analysis has omitted
variables that are correlated with both the Black-
population share and the value of housing and that
could go further in explaining the gaps we observe
in value. Yet, we believe it is unlikely that any such
factors would explain the gap entirely. We have
included important variables in both formal property
appraisals and variables that consumers can use as
search criteria on popular real estate websites.
For example, on Zillow, buyers can lter homes by
the number of rooms, square footage, and year
Average devaluation of homes due to location in a neighborhood that is 50% Black compared to 0% Black
Owner-occupied units in U.S. metropolitan areas, 2012-2016
Source: Authors’ analysis of 2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates and median values from Zillow averaged
from 2012-2016. See text for list of structural characteristics and neighborhood amenities
Actual price
for structural
of home
for structural
of home and
Census median home value -55% -42% -23%
Zillow median list price of houses per square foot -35% -40% -23%
Zillow median list price of houses -51% -44% -22%
built. These are included in our model. As explained
in the appendix, the main results are also robust
when including crime, at least in a subset of large
cities where crime data are readily available at the
neighborhood scale.
With more effort or with local knowledge,
sophisticated shoppers can also nd out information
about school quality, using the same data included
in our models, test prociency rates. There are no
publicly available metrics on school quality available
to consumers beyond what we have included in
our model. With further effort or by exploring the
neighborhood, potential buyers can also get a sense
of access to restaurants, libraries, and other business
amenities. Our model uses measures for these
amenities that best explain variation in housing,
without regard to how inclusion of these variables
affected the estimate for devaluation associated with
Black population shares. We also adjust for the length
of commute and the mode of commute and several
variables that capture neighborhood household age
and family relationships.
4. Metropolitan areas with greater devaluation
of Black neighborhoods are more segregated and
produce less upward mobility for the Black children
who grow up in those communities.
Black males earn lower incomes as adults than
white males, even when born to parents with
similar incomes. In this sense, Blacks have lower
intergenerational mobility than whites—as well as
Hispanics and Asians. Intriguingly, this is not true for
Black females, who have similar incomes as white
females born to parents at the same income scale.
These nding comes from recent research by Harvard
economists Raj Chetty and Nathaniel Hendren—along
with Census Bureau economists—which linked records
from the Internal Revenue Service to the Census
Bureau to understand intergenerational income
mobility for people aged 31 to 37 who were born
between 1978 and 1983.
We use these data to investigate whether or not Black
children raised in areas with greater devaluation
of Black assets experience less mobility. There are
several reasons why this might be so. There are
large gaps in wealth between races and residential
real estate wealth is a major reason for this gap.
If properties in Black neighborhoods were priced
equally as those in white neighborhoods, Black
children coming of age in the 1990s and 2000s would
have had much more wealth to draw upon to pay for
things like private schooling, tutoring, travel, and
educational experiences, as well as higher education
and greater access to higher scoring schools in the
suburbs. Greater property wealth may have also
facilitated higher rates of entrepreneurship among
Black parents, which may have positively affected
In fact, there is a positive correlation between the
valuation of properties in Black neighborhoods and
upward mobility of Black children whose parents
had incomes at the 25th percent of the national
income distribution. In other words, Black children
born to low-income families had higher income as
adults if they grew up in a metro area that valued
Black property closer to its observable market
characteristics. We restrict this analysis to the
113 metropolitan areas with at least one majority
Black neighborhood. We also give extra weight
in the analysis to metro areas with larger Black
populations to reduce the inuence of measurement
error; as such, the estimates should be thought of
as characterizing the experience of the average
Black person living in different types of metropolitan
As shown in Figure 2, metropolitan areas in the lowest
quintile of valuation for majority Black neighborhoods
compared to white neighborhoods generate very
low upward mobility for Black children born near
1980. The average Black child born in these areas to
families at the 25th percentile of the national income
distribution advances only to the 31st percentile. In
areas with greater valuation for Black neighborhoods,
in the fourth quintile in particular, children end up in
the 35th percentile. The positive relationship is more
muted for the areas with the highest valuations of
Black neighborhoods.
We also nd that segregation is correlated with
devaluation. Areas that undervalue homes in Black
neighborhoods are much more likely to be highly
segregated, using a standard Black-white segregation
A regression analysis that predicts the quality-
adjusted valuation of Black neighborhoods based
on Black economic mobility, segregation, and racist
internet searches nds all three are signicant
and help explain variation in the valuation of Black
properties. The anti-Black internet search term
variable, however, is less robust and only signicant
when controlling for the other variables.
Turning to specic metro areas, Rochester, N.Y. gives
the lowest relative value to homes in neighborhoods
that are 50 percent Black, after adjusting for housing
and neighborhood quality. These properties are listed
with 65 percent less value per square foot. Rochester
also exhibits high levels of Black-white segregation
and anti-Black internet searches are common. Black
children growing up in Rochester, New York in low-
income families (at the 25th percentile) do relatively
poorly as adults (the 31st percentile).
Tulsa, Okla., Omaha, Neb., and Jacksonville, Fla. are
also among the 10 areas with the lowest valuations
for Black neighborhoods, at -40 percent or lower.
Economic mobility is low there as well, though better
Effect of housing valuation on upward income mobility of Black children
Majority-Black neighborhoods in U.S. metro areas, 2012-2016
Note: Income rank calculated for Black children born to parents at 25th percentile of national income. Devaluation
measure is based on median list price per square foot after adjusting for home and neighborhood quality. Analysis is of 113
metropolitan areas with at least one majority Black census tract and one tract with Black population shares under 1 percent.
Means are weighted by the number of Black residents in metro area.
Source: Authors’ analysis of data from Zillow, the 5-year 2016 American Community Survey and Equality of Opportunity
Project. Devaluation measure is based on median list price per square foot after adjusting for home and neighborhood
quality. Analysis is of 113 metropolitan areas with at least one majority Black census tract and one tract with Black population
shares under 1 percent. Means are weighted by the number of Black residents in metro area
Lowest valuation of
Black neighborhoods
2 3 4
Average income rank
Valuation quintile
Highest valuation of
Black neighborhoods
in Tulsa, where segregation is relatively low and
Google searches with anti-Black slurs are relatively
Upward mobility tends to be somewhat higher
where homes are more highly valued in Black
neighborhoods. In Boston, Mass., for example, Black
children reach the 39th percentile, on average,
when growing up at the 25th percentile. Boston is
also characterized by infrequent anti-Black internet
searches but high levels of segregation. Black children
born in the Hartford metropolitan area and Oklahoma
City also did relatively well.
Segregation and the value of housing in Black neighborhoods
Majority-Black neighborhoods in U.S. metro areas, 2012-2016
Note: Segregation is measured by the dissimilarity index at the census tract level. Devaluation measure is based on median
list price per square foot after adjusting for home and neighborhood quality. Analysis is of 113 metropolitan areas with at
least one majority Black census tract and one tract with Black population shares under 1 percent. Means are weighted by the
number of Black residents in metro area.
Source: Authors’ Analysis of 2012-2016 ACS estimates
2 3 4
Valuation quintile
Lowest valuation of
Black neighborhoods
Highest valuation of
Black neighborhoods
This evidence presented here is not meant to prove
that devaluation causes lower mobility or vice versa.
That cannot be answered with these data, but the
evidence does suggest there may be underlying links
between the two phenomena that warrant further
exploration. Likewise, we intend to collect more
relevant and targeted data on anti-Black sentiment
in the future. The results linking anti-Black internet
searches to the devaluation of Black neighborhoods
are intriguing, but we believe the question requires
new data sources.
The devaluation of majority-Black neighborhoods
is penalizing homeowners in Black neighborhoods
by an average of $48,000 per home, amounting to
$156 billion in cumulative losses. Over the years,
segregation has negatively affected neighborhood
conditions—fewer quality schools, in particular—and
reduced the quality of homes by limiting access
to nance. However, differences in home and
neighborhood quality do not fully explain the lower
prices. In addition, there are positive but overlooked
assets in Black communities like walkability of Black
neighborhoods and access to public transportation.
The nding that Black children born into low-income
families achieve higher incomes as adults if they grew
up in metro areas where homes were less devalued
is noteworthy and could be strengthened with
further work that more directly links discrimination
to barriers to mobility and explores the potential for
neighborhood devaluation to serve as an active agent
that worsens outcomes for Blacks and their children.
The undervaluation of Black assets in housing
markets has other important social implications.
Black homeowners realize lower wealth accumulation,
which, among other effects, makes it more difcult
to start and invest in business enterprises and afford
college tuition for their children.
We hope to better identify some of the causes for
this devaluation—including potential psychological
mechanisms—in subsequent research. Some of the
most enduring and pernicious effects of the more
than 350 years of slavery, Jim Crow racism, as well
as de jure and de facto segregation in the U.S., have
been the internalization of stereotypes, insults,
and dehumanizing innuendos about Black people,
stemming from the malevolent use of such tropes by
the (white) people in power to justify discrimination—
what researchers describe as unconscious bias. Our
ndings are generally consistent with the widespread
presence of anti-Black bias—whether unconscious or
not, ingrained stereotypes and automatic associations
of a particular group, and even outright discrimination
and racism.
By controlling for commonly held causes of price
differences including education, lower home quality,
and crime, this paper suggests that bias is likely to
be a large part of the unexplained devaluation of
Black neighborhoods and some perspective on how
anti-Black beliefs distort the value of assets. In the
absence of representative survey data on racist
beliefs at the metropolitan scale, we can’t see the
degree and nature of devaluation in the context
of cities. Our future work will aim to collect and
analyze subjective survey data to see how people
from different races view each other and their
The 10 metropolitan areas with the most and least devaluation of homes
Black neighborhoods in U.S. metropolitan areas, 2012-2016
Notes: Devaluation measure estimates median list price per sq foot after adjusting for home and neighborhood quality. The number shown
in the rst column is the average price difference in percentage point terms for homes in neighborhoods that are 50% Black compared to
those that in neighborhoods with no Black residents after making these adjustments. Metropolitan area sample is limited to those with at
least one majority Black neighborhood and one neighborhood with a less than 1% Black population share. Segregation is measured by the
dissimilarity index at the census tract level. Anti-Black sentiment is measured using Google search terms from data created and analyzed
Source: Authors’ analysis of data from Zillow, 2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates, and the Equality of Opportunity Project
Valuation of
homes by sq
foot in Black
hoods (full
Income rank
for Black
children born
to parents
at 25th
of national
index from
Areas with the most devaluation of homes in Black neighborhoods
Rochester, NY -65% 31.2 71.1 60.9
Jacksonville, FL -47% 31.3 59.1 51.1
Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA -44% 31.9 48.4 58.4
Tulsa, OK -40% 32.7 40.6 50.7
Birmingham-Hoover, AL -39% 32.0 65.3 63.1
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL -38% 32.9 59.3 55.8
Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI -37% 31.2 68.4 72.2
Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis, WI -34% 30.8 70.5 76.7
Chattanooga, TN-GA -33% 30.8 70.6 61.4
Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls, NY -32% 31.2 76.0 68.3
Mean of group (weighted by Black
-40% 31.4 66.0 66.1
Areas with the least devaluation of homes in Black neighborhoods
Winston-Salem, NC -4% 30.9 67.9 52.1
Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY -4% 33.2 78.6 58.0
Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT -3% 35.2 63.8 5 7.4
Oklahoma City, OK 0% 33.6 58.9 50.1
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL 1% 30.4 68.7 50.1
Syracuse, NY 1% 30.8 69.6 63.8
Greenville-Anderson-Mauldin, SC 1% 32.0 71.7 40.1
Wichita, KS 4% 31.8 38.3 56.1
10% 31.9 63.4 50.8
Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH 23% 39.1 51.0 59.9
Mean of group (weighted by Black
7% 33.5 62.5 53.2
We did not include census tract measures of crime
in our analysis because we are not aware of any
comprehensive publicly available data source at the
ZIP code or census tract level for crime incidence.
Using data from U.S. City Open Data Census,
we collected crime data reported by city police
departments for 10 large cities covering each region
of the country: Washington D.C., Baton Rouge, New
Orleans, Boston, Chicago, Durham, Philadelphia, San
Francisco, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. We classied
assault, rape, murder, and robbery as violent crimes
and thefts, burglaries, and carjacking as property
crimes. The data from these cities were organized at
the incident level and included longitude and latitude
coordinates, which we assigned to Census tracts. This
gave us 3,917 tracts with crime data.
The rst step was to analyze the correlation between
property values and crime measures. We nd that
violent crime predicts signicantly lower property
values and is highly correlated with the Black share of
the population. This makes violent crime a potentially
confounding variable for our analysis, but it is
noteworthy that the correlation with property values
is rather low. Property crimes, by contrast, occur in
census tracts with relatively high home prices, though
the correlation is weak and has almost no correlation
with Black population shares.
To more formally test how including crime would
affect our estimates of devaluation, we include violent
crime in our main models and re-estimate the effect
of Black population shares. Again, the estimates
are calculated within metropolitan areas—that is
controlling for metropolitan xed effects. Though the
results use a much smaller number of census tracts
than the national estimates, we again nd evidence
for signicant devaluation. The magnitude of the
results is very similar to what we nd in the main
models. With the full set of controls, we nd that
Black homes are devalued by 19 percent to 22 percent,
depending on whether we use the Zillow square foot
adjusted price or the census home value estimate.
Moreover, in the census models, violent crime is never
signicantly predictive of property values, and even in
the Zillow models, the relationship is relatively weak.
An increase in 100 violent crimes predicts a decrease
of only 4.9% in property values per square foot, while
controlling for the other factors in our model.
Correlation between the number of violent and property crimes in a census tract and home value
and Black population shares
Selected U.S. cities, 2016-2017
Source: Authors’ analysis of data from Zillow, 2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates, and 2017 US City Open
Data Census records
Median list
price per sq
Median list
Median home
Black in
Violent -0.10 -0.19 -0.21 0.38
Property 0.15 0.10 0.08 0.09
Number of tracts 3,201 3,106 3,740 3,883
Estimates for the devaluation of owner-occupied homes in Black neighborhoods, controlling for
violent crime
Selected U.S. cities, 2016-2017
Source: Authors’ analysis of data from Zillow, 2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates, and 2017 US City Open
Data Census records
Absolute price
for structural
characteristics of
for structural
of home and
Estimated penalty of location in a neighborhood that is 50% Black compared to 0% Black
Census median home value, 2012-2016 -42% -40% -22%
Zillow median list price of houses per square
foot, 2012-2016
-43% -37% -19%
Estimated penalty for every 100 violent crimes per year (values in red are not statistically signifcant)
Census median home value, 2012-2016 -10.6% -4.8% -0.8%
Zillow median list price of houses per square
foot, 2012-2016
-2.9% -7. 3% -4.9%
1 “UPDATE: Chancellor, Campus Leaders Condemn
Post Made by Ole Miss Alumnus, Donor Ed Meek -
The Daily Mississippian | The Daily Mississippian,
accessed September 28, 2018, http://thedmonline.
2 “Perceptions: Done to Us, Not With Us:
African American Parent Perceptions of K-12
Education|UNCF,” United Negro College Fund,
accessed September 20, 2018,
3 “Understanding Implicit Bias,” accessed April
5, 2018,
4 “Science-of-Equality-111214_web. Pdf,” accessed
September 20, 2018,
5 Richard Rothstein, The color of law: A forgotten
history of how our government segregated America.
Live right Publishing, 2017; Douglas S. Massey, and
Nancy A. Denton, American apartheid: Segregation
and the making of the underclass. Harvard University
Press, 1993.
6 David Rusk, “The “Segregation Tax”: The Cost of
Racial Segregation to Black Homeowners (2001).
7 David R. Harris, “’Property values drop when
Blacks move in because…’: Racial and socioeconomic
determinants of neighborhood desirability.American
Sociological Review 64(3)(1999): 461-79.
8 Caitlin Knowles Myers, “Discrimination and
neighborhood effects: Understanding racial
differentials in US housing prices.” Journal of Urban
Economics 56.2 (2004): 279-302.
9 “Faber_Ellen_2016_Race_and_the_Housing_Cycle.
Pdf,” accessed October 3, 2018, https://wagner.nyu.
10 “Faber_Ellen_2016_Race_and_the_Housing_Cycle.
Pdf,” accessed October 3, 2018, https://wagner.nyu.
11 Sun Jung Oh and John Yinger, “What Have We
Learned From Paired Testing in Housing Markets?,
Cityscape 17, no. 3 (2015): 15–60.
12Zillow Research Data.Zillow. Available at
Missouri Census Data Center, MABLE/Geocorr14,
Version 1.0: Geographic Correspondence Engine.
Web application accessed July 2018 at http://mcdc.
14 This is based on 22,020 census tracts in U.S.
metropolitan areas.
15 Jonathan Rothwell. “Housing Costs, Zoning,
and Access to High-Scoring Schools.” Brookings
Institution (Washington D.C.: 2012).
16 “EDFacts Data Files.” U.S. Department of
Education. Available at
Missouri Census Data Center, MABLE/Geocorr14,
Version 1.0: Geographic Correspondence Engine.
Web application accessed July 2018 at: http://mcdc.
18 “Smart Location Mapping.” EPA. Available at
19 Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Maggie R. Jones,
and Sonya R. Porter. Race and economic opportunity
in the United States: An intergenerational perspective.
No. w24441. National Bureau of Economic Research,
2018. Data are available at http://www.equality-of-
20 Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, “The cost of racial
animus on a Black candidate: Evidence using Google
search data.Journal of Public Economics 118 (2014):
21 This gure multiplies the median value of homes
listed in Black neighborhoods by the number of units.
It likely understates the true aggregated value since
the median excludes outliers.
22 Jean D. Brender, Juliana A. Maantay, and Jayajit
Chakraborty, “Residential proximity to environmental
hazards and adverse health outcomes.” American
Journal of Public Health 101.S1 (2011): S37-S52.
23 Joe Cortright, “How Walkability Raises Home
Values in U.S. Cities,” CEOs for Cities (2009).
24 These gures rely on the Zillow listing price
estimates. For Census-based estimates, we calculate
a loss of $39,000 per home and $126 billion in
aggregate. The calculation is done as follows: We
take the log of median list price in majority Black
neighborhoods (the ln of $184,000 is .123) and add .23
(the devaluation estimate) and apply the exponential
function, making make the value $232,000. The
difference is our estimate of loss per home. We then
multiply that by the number of homes in majority
Black metropolitan neighborhoods.
25 Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Maggie R. Jones,
and Sonya R. Porter. Race and economic opportunity
in the United States: An intergenerational perspective.
No. w24441. National Bureau of Economic Research,
26 Thomas Shapiro Tatjana Meschede Sam Osoro,
“The Roots of the Widening Racial Wealth Gap:
Explaining the Black-White Economic Divide” (Institute
on Assets and Social Policy, 2013), available at http://
27 A regression of our home and neighborhood
quality adjusted devaluation measure (using Zillow
list price per square foot) on upward mobility shows a
coefcient of 0.02 and a t-statistic of 3.9, explaining
.12 percent of the variation in a sample of the 113
metro areas with at least one majority Black census
tract and at least one non-Black census tract (<1%
Black population). Limiting the analysis further to the
65 metro areas that are also among the 100 largest
metropolitan areas by 20122016 ACS population,
results in a t-stat of 4.1 and a r-squared of .20. Results
are similar using the Census-based devaluation
metric—again adjusted by quality.
The Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings would like to thank the Heinz Endowments and Brookings Mountain
West for their generous support, which contributed to this analysis, and the Metropolitan Council, a network of
business, civic, and philanthropic leaders that provides both nancial and intellectual support for the Program.
The authors would like to thank the following colleagues for providing valuable insights and critiques on early
versions of the analysis and report: Jenny Schuetz; Alan Berube; and Dany Bahar. Thanks to Luisa Zottis for layout
and design.
The Brookings Institution is a nonprot organization devoted to independent research and policy solutions. Its
mission is to conduct high-quality independent research and, based on that research, to provide innovative practical
recommendations for policymakers and the public. The conclusions and recommendations of any Brookings
publication are solely those of its author(s), and do not reect the views of the Institution, its management, or its
other scholars. Brookings is committed to quality, independence, and impact in all of its work. Activities supported
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For more information
Andre Perry
David M. Rubenstein Fellow
Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings
Jonathan Rothwell
Senior Economist
jonathan_rothw[email protected]om