Towards Sound Accessibility in Virtual Reality
Dhruv Jain
Microsoft Research, Redmond,
Washington; University of
Washington, Seattle, Washington
Sasa Junuzovic
Microsoft Research, Redmond,
Eyal Ofek
Microsoft Research, Redmond,
Mike Sinclair
Microsoft Research, Redmond,
John R. Porter
Microsoft, Redmond, Washington
Chris Yoon
Microsoft, Redmond, Washington
Swetha Machanavajhala
Microsoft Research, Redmond,
Meredith Ringel Morris
Microsoft Research, Redmond,
Virtual reality (VR) leverages sight, hearing, and touch senses to
convey virtual experiences. For d/Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH)
people, however, information conveyed through sound may not be
accessible. While prior work has explored making every day sounds
accessible to DHH users, the context of VR is, as yet, unexplored. In
this paper, we provide a rst comprehensive investigation of sound
accessibility in VR. Our primary contributions include a design
space for developing visual and haptic substitutes of VR sounds
to support DHH users and prototypes illustrating several points
within the design space. We also characterize sound accessibility in
commonly used VR apps and discuss ndings from early evaluations
of our prototypes with 11 DHH users and 4 VR developers.
Human-centered computing Accessibility.
accessibility, virtual reality, Deaf, hard of hearing, sound, haptic,
ACM Reference Format:
Dhruv Jain, Sasa Junuzovic, Eyal Ofek, Mike Sinclair, John R. Porter, Chris
Yoon, Swetha Machanavajhala, and Meredith Ringel Morris. 2021. To-
wards Sound Accessibility in Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of the 2021
International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI ’21), October 18–
22, 2021, Montréal, QC, Canada. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages.
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ICMI ’21, October 18–22, 2021, Montréal, QC, Canada
© 2021 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8481-0/21/10... $15.00
Virtual reality (VR) environments are lled with a rich diversity of
sounds ranging from sounds that provide critical notications (e.g.,
enemy footsteps) to those that increase realism (e.g., wind blowing)
]. For many d/Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) people, these
sounds and the information they convey may not be accessible,
which may limit or inhibit their VR experience (e.g., by missing
critical cues in games or conversations in social apps). In this pa-
per, we investigate accessible visual and haptic augmentations for
sounds in VR.
While prior work has explored visual [
] and haptic
] substitutes of everyday sounds for DHH users, this
approach has not been examined for virtual reality—a radically
dierent context due to possibilities for ctional worlds and ex-
aggerated representations of the real world [
]. Some VR games
have begun incorporating accessibility features for DHH people
(e.g., [
]); however, these are one-o eorts, which have not
been formally explored in the literature. Our focus is on making
mainstream VR accessible, which can lead to lower development
costs, increased availability, and better social acceptability over
specialized experiences [53, 57].
To arrive at accessible substitutes for VR sounds, we began with
articulating a design space containing nine dimensions to map
dierent types of sounds and their characteristics specic to VR
] to visual and haptic feedback. We used morphological search
], a technique inspired from linguistic elds, to nd syntactic
and semantic relationships between sound and visual/haptic design
To investigate the potential of our design space, we used it to
meet two expected goals expected of a successful design space
]: contextualizing relevant prior work and generating new
prototypes. Towards the rst goal, since the literature work on
VR for DHH users is scarce, we instead investigated commercial
apps and games containing accessibility features for DHH users
(e.g., captions, sound location indicators). We found that our design
was able to successfully contextualize all sound-to-visual/haptic
ICMI ’21, October 18–22, 2021, Montréal, QC, Canada Dhruv Jain et al.
mappings in 78 apps we analyzed. Our ndings also identied the
potential to generate new mappings for several inaccessible sounds.
Based on these insights, we then used our design space to de-
velop novel sound-to-visual/haptic mappings for some inaccessible
sounds and sound characteristics (our second goal). We instantiated
six of these mappings by building four visual and two haptic sound
feedback prototypes for DHH users (see our supplementary video).
As an example, the two haptic prototypes include a novel haptic
belt to convey multiple sound characteristics (e.g., pitch, persistent,
loudness) of ambient sounds and a smartwatch vibration app to
convey location of critical information sounds. Compared to prior
work, which has only built specialized VR experiences for DHH
users (e.g., for storytelling [
]), our prototypes are generalizable
and can be incorporated by developers into any new or existing VR
app using our code scripts. Preliminary evaluations with 11 DHH
users and 4 VR developers suggest that our prototypes are useful,
customizable, and can be easily integrated to VR apps. We close by
discussing design considerations for integrating sound feedback in
VR apps.
In summary, our research contributes: (1) a design space for de-
veloping visual and haptic augmentations of VR sounds to support
DHH users, (2) ndings that contextualize sound accessibility across
commonly used apps and games, (3) six prototypes instantiating
novel sound to visual and haptic mappings, and (4) insights from
preliminary evaluations of these prototypes with 11 DHH users
and four VR developers.
We cover visual/haptic sound feedback work for non-VR settings
and VR accessibility work for other disabilities.
2.1 Sound Visualization
Communicating acoustic information through visuals has been
explored in many domains such as audio debugging [
], oceanog-
raphy [
], appliance repairs [
], ecological surveys [
], and
medical imaging [
]. We focus on prior work in music and
real-life sound visualizations, which closely relate to our work.
While detailed music visualizations are not our focus, the map-
pings of dierent musical characteristics to visuals helped inform
our design space. Basic music visualizations include 2-D time series
displays (e.g., waveforms, spectrograms) for characteristics such as
pitch or loudness [
]. In terms of 3D visualizations, Smith
and Williams [
] constructed a 3-D version of the classic piano-
roll visualization, using colors to mark timbre. Miyazaki et al. [
expanded this visualization by additionally conveying pitch as hue.
For DHH users specically, Nanayakkara et al. [
] created an ab-
stract display that changed size, color, and brightness in correlation
with the harmonics to enhance musical experiences of DHH people.
Cooper Union In New York City designed a wall display to con-
vey musical frequencies through light for teaching music to DHH
children [75].
Our work is also inuenced by prior work exploring visualiza-
tions of everyday sounds to support DHH people [
For example, Jain et al. [
] investigated visualizations for localiz-
ing sounds on augmented reality glasses, identifying dimensions
such as egocentric vs. exocentric views, directional granularity (e.g.,
4-way vs. 8-way), and icons (e.g., arrows vs. pulses). Another work
] explored visualizations for speech captioning, delineating con-
textual (e.g., 1:1 vs. group meetings) and UI design (e.g., placement
of captions in 3D space) dimensions. HomeSound [
] inves-
tigated sound visualizations to provide sound awareness in the
homes of DHH people, suggesting display form-factor (e.g., smart-
phone, tablets), sound types to display (e.g., alarms, alerts), and
sound characteristics to display (e.g., identity, location, duration)
as the primary design dimensions.
While promising, the above work has not been studied in the
context of VR, which contains dierent sounds than real-life and
uses devices with potentially a greater eld-of-view than non-VR
devices. Consequently, our design space is much broader, covering
sounds (e.g., interaction sounds, non-localized speech) and sound
characteristics (e.g., persistence, priority) with no counterparts in
the real-world, and new dimensions to convey sound feedback (e.g.,
visual elements, VR specic form-factors).
2.2 Haptic Sound Feedback
While no prior work has explored haptic sound feedback for VR
context, our work is informed by prior research on haptic feedback
for real-life sounds intended to support DHH users. This research
can be categorized into three domains: speech perception, environ-
mental sound awareness, and music feedback. Most eorts have
focused on speech therapy by conveying voice tone or frequency—
for example, through electro-tactile stimulators that use complex
patterns of low-intensity electrical currents to deliver haptic sen-
sation to the skin [
]. For environmental sound feedback,
prior work has examined wrist-worn devices that use a single vibra-
tion motor to convey either the occurrence of a sound [
] or
loudness by vibrating with an intensity proportional to the ambient
sound level [25].
For music, haptic devices have conveyed tempo or rhythm via
chairs tted with multiple vibration motors [
] and, more
recently, using wearables such as a vibrotactile shoe [
]. Building
on this work, we examine an electromagnetically actuated haptic
belt to convey music and ambient sounds in VR (the rst of our
two haptic prototypes). Besides dedicated haptic devices, three
works have explored conveying vibration in tandem with visual
feedback on smartphones [
]. Here, vibration was used as
a secondary feedback intended to alert the user to look at their
phones rather than to encode sound as a haptic signal. While useful,
participants who evaluated these prototypes also wanted additional
information (e.g., loudness) through vibration. Informed by this
nding, Goodman et al. [
] explored vibratory patterns to indicate
sound direction on a smartwatch; we extend this work to VR by
examining a smartwatch app for localizing VR sounds (our second
haptic prototype).
Finally, researchers have also tried methods to completely substi-
tute hearing with haptic sensation (e.g., [
]), but with little promise.
Our work is complementary; we aim to augment, not substitute,
2.3 VR Accessibility
Explorations of accessibility in VR have only recently gained trac-
tion. For example, the rst two symposiums for virtual, augmented,
Towards Sound Accessibility in Virtual Reality ICMI ’21, October 18–22, 2021, Montréal, QC, Canada
and mixed reality accessibility (XRAccess [
]) were held in 2019 and
2020. Informed by the symposium discussions, the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) published the rst working draft of VR accessi-
bility requirements in Feb 2020 [
]; relevant needs for DHH users
include customizable subtitles, descriptions of important sound
events, and availability of binaural audio recordings.
Prior work in VR accessibility has largely addressed people with
visual [
] or mobility impairments [
]. For DHH users,
researchers have explored specialized VR apps, for example, to assist
with storytelling [
] or teaching [
]. While not formally
evaluated in the literature, some commercial VR games also oer
accessibility features for DHH users such as subtitles [
] or sound
direction indicators [
]. Our work focuses on mainstream VR acces-
sibility, which has advantages of lower cost, increased availability,
and better social acceptability over specialized VR experiences; the
latter risk stigmatization and tech-abandonment [46, 53, 57].
To create our design space, we used morphological search [
technique inspired from linguistics used to explore relationships
in a multi-dimensional setting. In HCI, morphological search has
been used to generate the design space of input devices [
] and
information visualization [
]. Conceptually, sound to visual/haptic
feedback can be modeled as an interaction (in an articial language)
between the dimensions (or a vocabulary) of sound to the dimen-
sions of visual/haptic feedback. Identifying these dimensions is key
to modeling the design language of sound to visual/haptic feedback.
As with any language, we included both the syntactic and semantics
dimensions for sounds, visual, and haptic vocabularies.
3.1 Sound Vocabulary
The dimensions of sounds were inspired from our DIS2021 paper
] where, informed by game audio typologies [
] and
interviews with sound designers, we articulated a taxonomy of
sounds covering two dimensions: source (that is, the origin of the
sound—e.g., a character, an object) and intent (that is, the impact of
a sound on the player’s experience—e.g., to increase realism, convey
critical information).
For the sound source dimension, we used the concept of diegesis
] to dierentiate the sounds emanating from objects in the VR
world (e.g., a river owing) from those playing in the background
(e.g., music). In total, we included nine mutually exclusive categories
to represent sounds from localized and non-localized sources:
Localized speech: spatially positioned speech (e.g., a character
Non-localized speech: ambient speech (e.g., a narrator, player
thinking aloud).
Inanimate objects: sounds from non-living objects (e.g.,
weapons, appliances)
Animate objects: non-speech sounds from living beings (e.g.,
footsteps, animal calls)
Interaction sounds: sounds from interaction between multiple
objects (e.g., player touching a menu or punching an enemy)
Point ambience: spatialized ambient sounds that are diegetic—
that is, belong to the game world (e.g., a river on one side of
the player)
Surrounding ambience: diegetic non-spatialized ambient
sounds (e.g., a crowd)
Notication sounds: non-diegetic critical alerts (e.g., low on
ammunition, end of a player’s turn).
Music: non-diegetic background music
The second dimension, sound intent, contains six categories:
Sounds for conveying critical information: all sounds that are
critical for progression in an app (e.g., enemy footsteps, low
on ammunition, end of a player’s turn).
Sounds for increasing realism: ambient or objects sounds that
increase immersion (e.g., river, vehicles).
Sounds for rhythm or movement: (e.g., music in an exercise
or dancing app).
Sounds for generating an aective state: emotional sounds
(e.g., stressful sounds when approaching the end of a level,
calm music in a meditation app).
Sounds for aesthetics or decoration: non-critical sounds that
increase beauty (e.g., background music, sounds accompany-
ing decorative visuals).
Sounds for non-critical interaction: interaction sounds that are
not critical to game progression (e.g., picking up a decorative
The above two dimensions (source and intent) represent sounds as
an abstraction. To successfully substitute sounds, we also need to
consider the basic constituents of a sound, each of which can be
mapped to a visual or haptic feedback. Thus, we included a third
dimension, sound characteristics, containing:
Occurrence: to contextualize a potential visual or haptic map-
ping that aims to convey just the occurrence of a sound (e.g.,
through a haptic beep),
Identity: to represent a mapping that conveys identity of a
sound (e.g., enemy footsteps” in text),
Location: to represent a mapping that may convey the sound
source location (e.g., a visual arrow),
Loudness: to represent a mapping that may convey the loud-
ness of a sound (e.g., a loudness bar),
Pitch: to represent a mapping that conveys the sound pitch
(e.g., through colors),
Persistence: to represent a mapping that conveys the duration
of a sound (e.g., through a waveform),
Priority: to represent a mapping that conveys priority of a
sound over others (e.g., a narrator speech could be at a higher
priority than the background music, which can be conveyed
through a priority number written in front of each sound.
Sound “priority” is a congurable setting for a Unity sound
Environmental eects: to convey environmental eects such
as reverb (e.g., through visual animation)
3.2 Visual Vocabulary
To develop the visual vocabulary, similar to what we did for sound
in our earlier sound taxonomy work [
], we started by articulating
a dimension to describe the basic constituent or the ingredient of
visual feedback. To do so, we relied on past work in real-world
sound feedback for DHH users [
] as well as online game
forums and blogs listing sound-to-visual feedback suggestions from
ICMI ’21, October 18–22, 2021, Montréal, QC, Canada Dhruv Jain et al.
DHH gamers [
]. We collected the possible ways in which
sounds have been represented visually, and then followed an axial
coding process [
] to group similar visual representations together
(e.g., waveform and spectrograms were combined into “time series”).
In all, we identied ve distinct visual elements:
Text: using text to name sounds (e.g., “footsteps”, “gunshots”)
Icon: using icons such as pulses, arrows to represent sounds
Map: using a map of the location, like a damage indicator in
shooting games, to localize the sounds
Time series: a time series visualization to represent variation
in a sound characteristic such as loudness (e.g., through a
waveform) or pitch (e.g., through a spectrogram) over time
Abstract: any abstract animations for sounds (e.g., sparks
originating from a bullet when it hits a wall)
Our second dimension, inspired from a past work in augmented
reality based real-world sound visualizations [
], is called visual
view. It contains two categories based on whether a visualization is
(1) axed to the user’s gaze (called an overlay) or (2) placed in the
3D space (called a cue).
Beyond the elements and views, the type of VR device heavily
aects how and what kind of visual feedback is delivered. For
example, to eectively place a visualization in the 3D space, a cue
visualization requires a stereo display [
], which is not available on
all VR devices. To articulate the many forms of visual VR devices,
we added a third dimension called visual form factor, containing
three categories: (1) headset (e.g., Oculus Rift), (2) smartphone (e.g.,
Google Cardboard), and (3) room-scale VR.
3.3 Haptic Vocabulary
Compared to visuals, haptic feedback of sounds is much less ex-
plored. To articulate visual dimensions, we relied on recent work
in real-life sound visualizations and drew parallels for VR. Such a
strategy was not possible for haptic feedback because work in this
space is more than 20 years old and used outdated form factors (e.g.,
large haptic belts [
], neck-worn bracelets [
]) which have little
resemblance to modern VR haptic devices such as controllers and
gamepads. Thus, we mainly relied on the VR experiences of our
two DHH authors of this paper, and several online blogs detailing
haptic sound feedback suggestions from DHH VR games [
We articulated three haptic feedback dimensions, with an aim to
both represent the current VR haptic sound feedback possibilities
as well as to inspire future work in new interfaces for this emerging
First, the device on which the haptic feedback is delivered (called
haptic form factor), containing four kinds of devices based on emer-
VR controller and gamepads (e.g., Oculus controller)
Other commodity devices that deliver haptic feedback and
can be used with VR (e.g., smartwatches)
Emerging VR haptic feedback device (e.g., haptic belts, vests,
and gloves)
More forward-looking devices (e.g., phantom [
], pneumatic
Second, the location on the body where the haptic feedback is
delivered, called haptic feedback location, including ve categories:
(1) palm, (2) arm, (3) torso, (4) head-mounted, and (5) legs.
Finally, inspired from other HCI haptic work (e.g., [
]), the basic
element of delivering haptic feedback, called the haptic elements,
Intensity: that is, amplitude or strength of the haptic feedback
Timbre: that is, the sharpness of the feedback, also known as
pitch [36],
Rhythm: that is, the spacing between each individual feed-
back, also known as beats [36].
Note that our overarching goal is to augment, and not substitute
sounds. Completely substituting high-bandwidth auditory sense
with a low-bandwidth haptic feedback is very challenging, and
though past work has attempted solutions (e.g., [
]), none have
found practical utility.
3.4 Design Space of VR Sound Accessibility
The design space of VR sound accessibility is the set of possible
operations (or mappings) from the dimensions of sound to the di-
mensions of visual or haptic feedback. We visualize these mappings
in a table, such that the columns represent the dierent sound,
visual, or haptic dimensions. Each row is a mapping and represents
a possible combination of categories across dimensions. For exam-
ple, Table 1 shows a sound-to-visual feedback mapping example,
called captions for narrator speech, with its targeted categories
under dierent dimensions. Likewise, Table 2 shows an example
sound-to-haptic feedback mapping: conveying the loudness of a
bomb exploding nearby through vibration intensity on a haptic
controller. A designer can generate new mappings by using a dif-
ferent permutation of categories within the dimensions. Of course,
not mappings are feasible. Thus, implementation practicalities of
new category combinations need to be carefully considered.
To evaluate the potential of our design space and to identify gaps
for visual and haptic prototype construction, we used our design
space to contextualize sound to visual/haptic mappings in existing
VR apps and games.
As literature work on VR sound feedback is scarce, we
analyzed commonly used commercial apps (e.g., Tilt Brush, Guided
Meditation) and games (e.g., Minecraft, Make Sail) that contain acces-
sibility features for DHH users. We also investigated non-VR games
(PC, smartphone, and video console games) because accessibility
integration in VR apps only started recently and some accessibility
features from non-VR games may translate well into VR apps. To
nd these apps, we subscribed to accessibility and games newslet-
ters as well as performed a web search with keywords such as
“games deaf accessibility,” and “VR Deaf.
While searching, we documented the sound to visual/haptic
mappings in these apps on a spreadsheet. To nd these mappings,
the DHH rst author either briey used the apps or read their online
documentation. The search concluded after reaching our saturation
criteria—that is, when the rst author could nd any new sound
to visual/haptic mapping in the last 10 surveyed apps. In total, 78
apps (51 VR, 27 non-VR) were documented, containing 114 unique
mappings. These mappings were either well documented by the
Towards Sound Accessibility in Virtual Reality ICMI ’21, October 18–22, 2021, Montréal, QC, Canada
Table 1: An example of sound-to-visual mapping generated using our design space.
Mapping name Sound source Sound intent Sound
Form factor Visual View Visual element
e.g., captions for
narrator speech
e.g., critical
e.g., identity
(spoken content)
e.g., headset e.g., overlay e.g., text
Table 2: An example of sound-to-haptic mapping generated using our design space.
Mapping name Sound source Sound intent Sound
Form factor Location Haptic element
e.g., intensity of
bomb explosion
e.g., inanimate
object (bomb)
e.g., critical
e.g., loudness e.g., controller e.g., palm e.g., intensity
Figure 1: Example VR apps with accessibility features for DHH users: (A) subtitles in Spice and Wolf VR [73], (B) spatial captions
in Make Sail [85], (C) text display for critical sounds in Minecra [86], (D) icons for gunshots in Persistence [78], (E) HUD for
ambient sounds in Fortnight [85], and (F) positional icons for footsteps in Fade to Silence [84].
developers or were straightforward to identify, hence additional
annotators, beyond the rst author, were not needed.
To characterize a mapping, the author used our design space
to represent each mapping within the respective sound, visual,
or haptic dimensions. For example, visual directional indicators
for gunshot sounds in a headset-based app (e.g., Figure 1D) were
represented as follows: for “inanimate object” sounds (dimension:
sound source) meant “for conveying critical information” (dim:
sound intent), the “spatial location” (dim: sound characteristics)
was-mapped-to "headset" (dim: visual form factor), "icon" (dim:
visual element), and "cue" (dim: visual view); see Table 3 “positional
icons” for a more readable representation.
In sum, our design space was able to cover all mappings
we found in the 78 apps. Table 3 and 4 detail the common mappings
(appearing in >
5 apps) with examples apps. In summary, the most
common visual mappings included non-localized (Figure 1A) or
localized (Figure 1B) captions for speech sounds, and text (Figure
1C) or icons (Figure 1D) for non-speech sounds. As expected, haptic
mappings were less common than visuals, the most prominent
being the controller vibration for conveying critical information
(e.g., [84]) or an interaction cue (e.g., [82]).
Besides contextualizing prior mappings, a design space should also
enable new mappings. We used our design space to develop six
novel sound-to-visual/haptic mappings, which were turned into
VR prototypes.
5.1 Identifying Novel Sound-to-Visual/Haptic
To identify the gaps for developing novel mappings, we rst con-
sulted our ndings from the preceding study and online forums with
feedback from DHH games [
] to determine what sounds
and sound characteristics are already accompanied by visual and
haptic feedback.
ICMI ’21, October 18–22, 2021, Montréal, QC, Canada Dhruv Jain et al.
Table 3: Common sound-to-visual mappings in 78 apps we analyzed. We omitted the “visual form-factor” dimension since it
was dicult to determine all supported form-factors of an app (e.g., headset, phone) from online survey. *approx. mapping
Custom mapping name
Sound source Sound intent Characteristic Visual element
Visual view
Subtitles (e.g., [87]) non-localized speech critical
identity (speech
text overlay
Spatially positioned
captions (e.g., [85])
localized speech critical
identity (speech
text cue
Non-speech sounds in
text (e.g., [86])
inanimate (e.g., bombs)
or animate objects (e.g.,
footsteps), point
ambience (e.g., water)
identity text overlay
Colors on the edge of
screen to locate danger
zones (e.g., [85])
inanimate (e.g., bombs)
or animate objects (e.g.,
enemy footsteps)
aective identity, location abstract (spatial
color gradient)
HUD (e.g., [85], Figure
multiple realism location, loudness,
map overlay
Positional icons (e.g.,
[84], Figure 1F)
animate (e.g., footsteps)
and inanimate (e.g.,
gunshots) objects
Identity, location icon (e.g., arrows,
arcs, pulses)
Abstract visuals for
critical sounds (e.g.,
inanimate objects (e.g.,
barrel drop, grenade)
location, loudness
abstract (e.g., color
Sign language avatar
(e.g., [88])
non-localized speech critical
identity (speech
icon* cue
Interaction cue (e.g.,
interaction sounds (e.g.,
loudness (strength),
abstract / icons
(e.g., pulses)
Table 4: Sound to haptic mappings found in the 78 apps we analyzed.
Mapping name Sound source Sound intent Characteristic Form factor
Haptic element
Controller vibration
on occurrence of a
sound (e.g., [79])
inanimate objects
(e.g., bomb explosion),
interaction (e.g.,
hitting a wall)
occurrence gamepad,
palm intensity
Haptic jacket for
music beats (e.g.,
music rhythm or
loudness custom
torso intensity, pitch,
We found that, for visual cues, interaction sounds, point am-
bience, and object-based sounds (animate or inanimate) are—by
denition—always visible (that is, an object or a punch can be seen),
unless they are outside the eld-of-view. Although rare, speech
sounds are shown as localized transcriptions (for localized speech—
e.g., see Figure 1B) or subtitles (for non-localized speech such as a
narration, e.g., Figure 1A). In contrast, surrounding ambience and
music sounds are not visible except when a subtle visual indica-
tion is present (e.g., leaves rustling), which are dicult to notice.
Finally, while notication sounds are sometimes visualized, such
as by a text indicating the end of a player’s turn, in cases where a
visual indicator was absent (e.g., in a 3D chess), it led to a critical
performance breakdown.
Regarding haptics, sounds were rarely accompanied by haptic
feedback, except in a few important cases—for example, to convey
gunshots in shooting games or critical interactions (e.g., a punch),
both using controller vibrations. One game developer oered an
option to purchase a haptic jacket for conveying music beats [74].
Within the eight sound characteristics, the visual cues almost
always convey identity or location, and in some cases, loudness or
persistence (e.g., visualization in Figure 1E shows persistence of am-
bient sounds). We could not nd any examples of conveying pitch,
priority, or environmental eects, which are important elements in
VR sound design. The haptic cues mainly convey the occurrence,
or in case of the haptic jacket, loudness.
Based on these insights, we identied 13 novel sound-to-
visual/haptic mappings for less represented sounds (surrounding
ambience, music, notication sounds) and sound characteristics
(e.g., pitch, priority, persistence). Then, based on discussions with
the VR developers and the two DHH researchers on our team, we
Towards Sound Accessibility in Virtual Reality ICMI ’21, October 18–22, 2021, Montréal, QC, Canada
Table 5: The four novel sound-to-visual mappings identied from our design space. Each mapping can be prototyped for
multiple visual form factors (e.g., headsets, smartphones).
Mapping name Sound source Sound intent Characteristic Visual element
Visual view
Text to display
notication sounds
notication sounds critical
identity text cue
Text to display priority
of all sounds
all all priority text overlay
Waveform for loudness
of ambient sounds
surrounding ambience increasing
loudness waveform overlay
Abstract visualization
for music
music rhythm or
abstract cue
Table 6: The two novel sound-to-haptic mappings identied from our design space.
Mapping name Sound source Sound intent Characteristic Form factor
Haptic element
Wideband actuators
for ambient sound
ambience, point
loudness, location,
persistence, pitch
custom torso intensity,
timbre, rhythm
Directional beeps to
localize sounds
multiple critical
location commodity
Figure 2: Example use cases of our four visual (A—D) and two haptic (E—F) prototypes to support sound accessibility: (A) text
display for notication sounds, (B) text display for all sounds that are currently playing, arranged vertically in the order of
high to low priority (priority is a default Unity metadata [89]), (C) waveform of ambient sounds, (D) abstract visualization
(circles) for rhythm sounds, (E) wideband haptic belt for ambient sounds, and (F) smartwatch app that vibrates to localize
critical information sounds. See our supplementary vide o for working examples of our prototypes.
ltered out seven mappings, leaving six (four sound-to-visual, two
sound-to-haptic) that seemed useful and feasible to prototype with
the current technology. These six mappings appear in detail in Table
5 and 6 and include, in brief: text to display notication sounds, text
to display priority of all sounds, a waveform to visualize surround-
ing ambience sounds, an abstract visualization for music sounds,
wideband haptic feedback to convey multiple characteristics (e.g.,
persistence, pitch), and directional vibrational beeps to convey lo-
cation of sounds.
ICMI ’21, October 18–22, 2021, Montréal, QC, Canada Dhruv Jain et al.
5.2 Visual and Haptic Prototypes
To instantiate the six new mappings, we designed visual and haptic
prototypes for DHH users (Figure 2). These prototypes are de-
signed as augmentations—that is, they can retrot to any Unity-
based VR app. The four visual prototypes append sound visual-
izations (text, icons, or an abstract visualization) to an app. The
two haptic prototypes use external hardware, a custom haptic belt
or a commodity smartwatch, to deliver wideband or vibrational
haptic feedback, respectively. These prototypes are customizable—
that is, developers can customize the visual or haptic feedback
rendering to harmonize with the aesthetic or design of their VR
app. To assess robustness and scalability, each prototype was
briey tested by a DHH team member on three dierent VR apps.
The code for our prototypes is available on our project page:
Visual prototypes:
We built four visual prototypes as C# scripts:
(1) identity of notication sounds to text, (2) priority of all sounds
to text, (3) loudness of ambient sounds to a waveform, and (4)
beats of rhythm sounds to abstract visualization (see Figure 2A—D
and our video). Developers can use a prototype by attaching its
script to a sound object (called AudioSource [
]) in Unity. When a
script is attached, a default visualization is generated, which can be
customized in two ways: (1) by conguring the visualization’s meta-
data (e.g., size, color, shape) in the Unity editor, or (2) by making a
new, custom visualization by extending our base C# class.
Haptic prototypes:
We built two haptic prototypes (see Figure
2E, 3F and video): (1) a custom haptic belt to convey the complex
pattern (pitch, persistent, loudness) of ambient sounds, and (2) an
app for commercially available smartwatches to convey direction
of critical information sounds.
Our haptic belt, worn on the chest or abdomen, uses eight wide-
band (voice coil) actuators [
] arranged in tandem: two each on
the front, right, left, and rear side of the torso. Our approach of
using wideband haptic actuators for sound feedback is novel; prior
work has only explored single-frequency vibrotactile motors (e.g.,
LRA) to convey simple characteristics (i.e., occurrence, loudness)
of environmental sounds [25, 39]. In contrast, wideband actuators
deliver high acceleration over a wide frequency range to provide
very granular haptic feedback [
]. Similar to the visual prototypes,
our haptic belt is driven by C# scripts that can be attached to any
sound object in Unity. We oer three modules for developers to
customize the feedback for their VR apps: (1) a non-directional
module which triggers all haptic actuators with the same intensity
proportional to the volume of a sound, (2) a directional module that
map actuators based on the direction of a sound (e.g., if a sound
source is to the left of the user, the left actuators’ intensity will be
greater than the right one), and (3) a base class that can be extended
to design custom more sophisticated haptic feedback.
We assembled the haptic belt using o-the-shelf components.
For the actuators, we use eight Dayton 24W Exciters [
] attached
at equal distances to a Velcro belt. Each actuator pair (left, right,
front, and rear) is driven through a 2-channel 12V amplier [
and a USB sound card [
]. These actuator pairs appear in Unity
as stereo audio output devices and can be congured using our
custom Unity environment script.
The second haptic prototype is an Android app for commercial
smartwatches that uses vibration patterns to convey the location of
critical information sounds—a key desired feature by DHH people
in online game forums [
]. Use of a commercial device
enabled us to explore a simple, more portable alternative to the
haptic belt at the cost of feedback granularity. Because commercial
watches only contain a single vibration motor, we used a strategy
devised in Pielot et al. [
] to convey directional feedback: one
vibration beep indicates a sound source to the left of the user, and
two beeps indicates a source to the right. These watch beeps are
controlled, over a WiFi connection, through a C# script attached to
any Unity sound object.
5.2.1 Implications and Comparison to Prior Work. Our prototypes
rst and foremost demonstrate the potential of our design space to
generate new mappings. Furthermore, while prior work has investi-
gated VR accessibility for DHH users, the focus has been on making
VR experiences for specialized tasks such as storytelling [
or teaching [
]. Our generic visual and haptic prototypes can
be augmented to any VR app. Finally, our haptic belt prototype
oers a fundamentally new way to map sounds to VR haptic feed-
back, using wideband actuators to convey multiple sound priorities
(pitch, persistence, loudness, location); prior work for DHH users
has only used small single-frequency vibration motors to convey
either loudness [
] or just the occurrence of a sound [
5.3 Preliminary Evaluations
To evaluate our prototypes, we conducted preliminary studies with
11 DHH individuals and four VR developers.
5.3.1 Evaluation with DHH individuals. Due to the COVID-19 pan-
demic, in-person studies were not feasible. As well, remote studies
with VR hardware are dicult. Thus, we made example videos of
our visual prototypes and collected feedback over email.
We recruited 11 DHH participants (P1-P11, ve
men, four women, two non-binary) using email lists and snowball
sampling. Participants were and on average 40.4 years old (SD
Four participants identied as hard of hearing, four as deaf, and
three as Deaf. Seven participants had used a VR headset before.
We emailed a brief description of each visual pro-
totype, two example videos of its application (see supplementary
video) and asked two open-ended questions on potential usefulness
and improvements.
Data analysis:
We conducted an iterative coding process [
on the email responses. One researcher scanned the responses,
developed an initial codebook, and iteratively applied the codes to
the responses while rening the codebook. After convergence, a
second researcher coded all responses using the nal codebook. The
interrater agreement, measured using Krippendor’s alpha [
was on average 0.81 (SD
0.13, range
0.69-1, raw agreement
Conicting code assignments were resolved through consensus.
Findings: Most DHH participants (9/11) found two of our four
visual prototypes—“priority of all sounds to text” (Figure 2B) and
“loudness of ambient sounds to waveform” (Figure 2C)—to be useful.
For the other two prototypes, “identity of notication sounds to text”
(Figure 2A) and “rhythm sounds to abstract visualization” (Figure
2D), participants (5/11) were skeptical of their interference with
Towards Sound Accessibility in Virtual Reality ICMI ’21, October 18–22, 2021, Montréal, QC, Canada
the aesthetics of the VR apps, which could diminish immersion. For
“I am not sure but this text-pop up [of notication
sounds] could take me out of the scene and diminish
immersion. [Also], what if there are a lot of sounds
and we have a big text box which looks awkward
. . .
Another set of three participants were concerned that these proto-
types may reduce the game challenge:
“So, it’s nice to have this notication [to text]. But I
wonder if showing too much information may dimin-
ish the competition. [...] There could be a very subtle
sound for a gun shooting from behind me [...] Maybe
that’s how the [game] developer wanted it to be. And
if you show me this stu [in text], I may know too
much.” (P7)
Regardless of these concerns, all participants weighed accessibil-
ity as more important than the concerns of aesthetics or challenge
and provided suggestions to overcome these limitations. For exam-
ple, P7 added: “one idea is to have a bar that species the [game]
diculty level. [...] As the level goes up, show me less amount of
information. Similarly, for “notication sounds to text prototype
(Figure 2A), P9 said: “the text might be annoying only if there are a
lot of things to [notify]. So, [. . . ] having an option to turn o when I
want will help.
In the above two quotes, P7 and P9 also reinforced the need for
end-user customization. Indeed, customization (e.g., enable/disable
prototype, change color/size) was a key feature desired by all par-
ticipants. For example, “the breath [sound] is nice to know if I am
walking in a jungle or something, but when I am shooting at someone,
I only want [to know about] the sounds relevant to the game play.
(P2) She added: “but then I am hard of hearing, and I can make out the
breath if I am paying attention. I am curious how Deaf folks feel about
the noises they need to be aware of. Indeed, P8, who is profoundly
deaf, wrote: “I can’t hear the breath sound. So, it was very interesting
for me to know that I am breathing. These examples also show that
end-user customization can help accommodate the varying hearing
levels of DHH users.
5.3.2 Preliminary Evaluation with VR Developers. To examine the
usability and generalizability of our prototype scripts, we obtained
feedback from four VR developers on their experience with inte-
grating our prototypes in their Unity apps.
We recruited four hearing VR developers (D1-D4,
two men, two women). Participants were on average 36.2 years
of age (SD
4.8, range
31–44), and had at least one year of VR
development experience.
For each visual and haptic prototype, we emailed
the C# script, a brief description, and instructions to incorporate
it into a Unity app. Participants added the six prototypes into at
least one Unity-based VR app they were working on and reported
on their experience over email.
Data analysis:
We followed the same iterative coding process
as for the study with DHH users. Average Krippendor’s alpha
between the two coders was 0.76 (SD
0.18, range
0.67-1, raw
None of the participants had ever thought about acces-
sibility whilst working on a VR project, highlighting the scarceness
of this important space. In fact, they were unaware of any guide-
lines or tools to support VR accessibility. When evaluating our
prototypes, all four developers found all six prototypes easy to
understand and integrate into VR apps with minimal additional
workload. D2 was excited and exclaimed: “Can I continue to use them
after the study!?” D2 and D3 mentioned further use cases of our pro-
totypes: for VR audio debugging and for hearing users—for example,
“to visualize music beats when I am not wearing headphones.
All developers particularly liked the option to customize the
prototype visualizations, mentioning, for example, “these will help
me congure the design [to provide] the best experience for my clients.
D1 and D3 suggested releasing a toolkit—e.g., as a Unity prefab
]—for easy and wide adoption of sound accessibility into VR
Too often, accessibility is only considered as an afterthought, re-
sulting in inaccessible or sub-par user experiences [
]. As Mott et
al. point out in a recent position paper [
], VR technologies are at
a crossroads in time where there is still an opportunity to codify
accessibility best-practices into this emerging medium. While re-
searchers have begun to consider making VR accessible to those
with diverse visual [
] and motor [
] abilities, the needs
of DHH users are as-yet-unexplored. In this work, we have pre-
sented a rst comprehensive look at sound accessibility in VR. Our
contributions include: (1) a novel design space for VR sound ac-
cessibility that was able to all contextualize prior sound-to-visual
haptic feedback mappings in recent VR apps and games as well as
generate new mappings, (2) six visual and haptic sound feedback
prototypes that can augment to any VR app unlike prior work,
(3) and insights from preliminary evaluations of these prototypes,
yielding tensions among accessibility, aesthetic, game challenge,
and immersion, which can generalize to any VR accessibility work.
Below, we reect on further implications and key limitations of our
Further evaluations:
We refer to the evaluations of our pro-
totypes as “preliminary” because their format (email-based evalu-
ations through videos and code sharing) was constrained by the
COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, due to the high cost and emerging
nature of VR, very few people own VR technologies (and fewer still
from disability demographics, due to the inaccessibility of most
mainstream VR apps), which makes distributed usability studies
of VR challenging. Nevertheless, our prototypes were informed by
two DHH HCI researchers on our team and we are planning further
in-person studies once the social distancing guidelines are relaxed.
Our preliminary ndings helped identify more concrete research
questions to explore in in-person studies, which are: (1) How do
the sound-to-visual/haptic prototypes change the VR experience of
DHH users? (2) What is the eect on cognitive overload, particu-
larly when combining multiple feedback prototypes? and (3) How
much is the original experience (e.g., immersion, game challenge)
Prototype explorations:
We prototyped simple sound to vi-
sual/haptic mappings to demonstrate the potential of our design
ICMI ’21, October 18–22, 2021, Montréal, QC, Canada Dhruv Jain et al.
space. Future work should investigate more sophisticated proto-
types. For example, our haptic belt, which directly mapped raw
ambient sound through sound cards, can be extended by support-
ing more granular mappings of sound characteristics (e.g., pitch,
priority, reverb) to the haptic actuators. Another unexplored area is
“aective sounds”, which are important to convey emotional state
in VR but are rarely represented by an alternative modality. Finally,
our evaluations explored each prototype in isolation, and how best
to combine feedback for multiple, simultaneous sounds is an open
question. A key consideration for simultaneous feedback is to avoid
cognitive overload, particularly when visual and haptic feedback
are jointly delivered. One possibility is to explore high-attentional
haptic feedback for initial necessary alerts (e.g., notifying about
sound occurrence) and high-bandwidth visual feedback to convey
additional information (e.g., identity).
Another avenue for exploration is options for
personalization of prototypes. VR developers can customize the
default visualizations or haptic feedback of our prototypes to match
the app’s aesthetics and goals; however, it may then be desirable for
the end-user to have some additional customization options based
on their preferences and hearing abilities (e.g., what sound frequen-
cies they can hear best, asymmetric abilities across ears). Pairing of
VR hardware with users’ assistive devices, such as hearing aids or
cochlear implants, to provide a seamless experience that customizes
itself to the capabilities of that hardware (e.g., optimized for certain
frequencies) is another possibility. However, personalization comes
with tradeos, including end-user eort in creating a prole of
preferences, privacy considerations around revealing one’s hearing
abilities, and security concerns in trusting third-party devices to
pair safely with personal assistive technologies.
Applications for other domains:
While we targeted accessi-
bility for DHH users, our work can also support other disabilities,
such as those with cognitive or visual impairment. For example,
people with visual impairment are often overloaded with sonic in-
formation [
] and may appreciate mapping some sounds to haptic
feedback. Our work can also benet hearing users in cases of situa-
tional impairments [
] (e.g., in noisy environments) and cognitive
overload (e.g., when a user is feeling exhausted). Finally, sound
feedback can support important applications in other domains such
as home automation, wildlife surveys, and appliance repairs.
While our design space showed promise in contex-
tualizing prior mappings and generating ideas for new mappings,
we do not claim that it is exhaustive. Indeed, VR sound design tech-
nology is still in its infancy, and as technologies evolve, so should
related ontologies. We welcome future work that renes, extends,
or reimagines our design space. Furthermore, we acknowledge our
work may not be desired by all DHH people, since some do not
want sound feedback [
]. At the same time, we argue that
the DHH community is diverse [
] and past large-scale surveys
] as well as the experiences of two DHH authors of this pa-
per suggest that many DHH people appreciate sound information.
Nevertheless, future work should also explore non-sound related
accessibility features desired by DHH users such as background
blurring to focus visual attention [117].
Ensuring that mainstream VR applications are accessible to people
with a spectrum of hearing capabilities is an important and largely
unexplored research challenge [
]. In this paper, we used multiple
methods (including analysis of status quo VR apps, development
and renement of ontologies, prototyping, and online user studies)
and engaged a variety of stakeholders (including DHH and hearing
research team members, DHH end-users, and Unity developers) to
formally characterize the state of sound accessibility in VR as well
as lay a groundwork for accessible sound representations in this
emerging medium. Our work advances sound accessibility in VR by
developing a design space for mapping sound to visual and haptic
feedback and innovating six visual and haptic VR prototypes to
support DHH users.
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