Opening a Heating or
Plumbing Business
Your Starter Guide
This tool can be used to navigate through various requirements of opening a business. This is
only a guide. It is the responsibility of the business owner to ensure they are compliant with all
legislative and legal requirements.
Table of Contents
Opening a Heating or ................................................................................................................... 1
Plumbing Business ....................................................................................................................... 1
Your Starter Guide .................................................................................................................... 1
Create Your Business ............................................................................................................... 2
Plan Your Location ................................................................................................................... 3
Apply For Your Building Permit ................................................................................................. 5
Begin Construction ................................................................................................................... 6
Apply For a Business Licence .................................................................................................. 7
Prepare To Open ...................................................................................................................... 9
Open your doors ..................................................................................................................... 10
Staying Open .......................................................................................................................... 11
Your Small Business Phonebook ........................................................................................... 12
Business Advisor, Small Business Centre .......................................................................... 12
Zoning Coordinator ............................................................................................................. 12
Building Department Permits & Inspections ........................................................................ 12
Fire Prevention Office Windsor Fire Department ................................................................. 12
Business Licences .............................................................................................................. 12
Create Your Business
Create a plan for the type of business you will open. The Small Business Centre can help you
write your plan. Book a meeting with the Small Business Centre team today.
Determine your legal structure. Starting a new business means choosing a legal structure
that will suit your business needs. The Small Business Centre can help you determine what
structure is right for you. Book a meeting with the Small Business Centre team today.
Register your business name. Once you have determined the right business structure for you,
visit Service Ontario online or in person to register your business name and obtain your Master
Business Licence. TIP: Register online at Service Ontario to beat the lines.
Identify early what permits and licences you require. BizPaL helps entrepreneurs generate a
personalized list of the business permits and licences they need, for all levels of government, to
start up or grow their business.
Apply for a Business Number. The Canada Revenue Agency’s Business Registration Online
is a one-stop, online, self-serve application that allows you to register for a Business Number,
as well as four program accounts: Corporation income tax, GST/HST, and payroll.
Research the insurance you will need, such as employment insurance, worker’s
compensation, etc. Some are required for permits and licenses. TIP: The Canadian Business
Network outlines many insurance types.
Be sure to comply with all applicable wage laws. Visit the Canada Business Network to learn
more about wage laws.
If you plan to hire and train an apprentice, ensure that you understand the benefits and
responsibilities. To learn more on how to hire and train an apprentice, visit Employment Ontario.
Plan Your Location
Find a location zoned for your business. The City of Windsor’s zoning Coordinators can help
you find a location zoned for your business. Call (519) 255-6543 to book a free consultation. TIP
- Taking over a space that was previously a heating or plumbing business can save time and
construction costs, but only if the business had passed inspections and was in compliance with
existing regulations.
There are different processes for heritage properties. Consult a Heritage Coordinator to learn
more about the different processes for heritage properties (519) 255-6543 or email
Thinking of locating in a Business Improvement Area? Some Windsor Business
Improvement Areas have programs like facade improvement and broken window programs that
you may be able to access.
You may wish to have a licensed professional review your plan before any construction. TIP -
Cosmetic changes can add time and paperwork, so consider the impact of each change on your
Sign your lease. Before signing your lease, speak with the City of Windsor Zoning coordinator.
To learn what Building, Fire and Public Health inspectors often look for check out the City of
Windsor Consolidated Inspector’s Checklist. Health violations are sometimes identified after
you open your business. Pay attention now to avoid costly changes after you are open. Contact
the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit early to have them review your building plans.
The City of Windsor offers financial incentives for building improvements that increase your
assessed value. Speak with the Planning Division to learn more at (519) 255-6543.
Operating your business from home? There are other guidelines required to operate a home-
based business. Contact the City of Windsor Zoning Division for more about operational
guidelines for home based businesses.
Plan Your Location (cont.)
If you need a commercial space, such as industrial or warehouse, it is important to know what
your space requirements will be. The City of Windsor Zoning Maps indicate what category and
uses are allowed on any property. Contact the Planning Division for more information on the
City of Windsor Zoning By-Law at (519) 255-6543.
Apply for Your Building Permit
Submit your building permit application in person (2
Floor, 350 City Hall). The permit
application requires information about the construction project, so be sure to include all relevant
information. To better understand building permit submission requirements, consult the City of
Monitor the status of your application on the City’s E-Services System.
Know the utility requirements for your property (gas, electric, water, sewer) and consider
the potential costs.
Begin Construction
After your plans have been approved your Building Permit will be issued. All permits must be
displayed at the worksite.
Begin construction. TIP - Be aware of construction overruns. They can add time and cost to
your project. Know your rights when hiring a contractor.
Mandatory inspections will be made throughout construction. Your Building Permit will
include a list of the required inspections for your project. TIP - It is your responsibility to book
inspections for your property. If you have a contractor completing the work be sure to include
who will schedule the inspections in your contract. Book inspections early and avoid delays by
contacting the City’s Building Inspection team.
If you want to install a canopy or signs on the outside of the building, ensure you comply with
the City of Windsor’s Sign By-law.
Apply for a Business Licence
Make sure that all permits related to your property are closed. Access the City’s E-Services
System online or contact the Building Division at (519) 255-6267 for more help.
When completing your Heating Contractor or Heating Master Business Licence application,
don’t forget to bring:
Application for Heating Contractor or Heating Master
Business Ownership Declaration, if applicable
Two pieces of government-issued identification including one photo I.D. (one of the forms
must show proof of entitlement to work in Canada i.e. birth certificate, passport, working
Copy of your lease or property ownership confirmation
Certificate of Incorporation, if applicable
Master Business Licence, if applicable
Certificate of Qualification - Class 'A' (Gas Fitter), if applicable
Colleges of Trades membership card - Class 'B' (Steamfitter) or Class 'C' (Sheet Metal
Worker), if applicable
Police Records Check (new masters only) - original, not more than 30 days old
Commercial General Liability Insurance policy ($2,000,000 minimum)
Apply for a Business Licence (cont.)
When completing your Plumbing Contractor or Master Plumber Business Licence application,
don’t forget to bring:
Application for Plumbing Contractor or Master Plumber
Business Ownership Declaration
Two pieces of government-issued identification including one photo I.D. (one of the forms
must show proof of entitlement to work in Canada ie. birth certificate, passport, working
Certificate of Incorporation, if applicable
Master Business Licence, if applicable
Ontario College of Trades Membership card
Police Records Check (new masters only) – original, not more than 30 days old
Public Liability/Property Damage Insurance policy ($2,000,000 minimum)
TIP - A Business Licence Application is valid for 60 days. Make sure that you plan to open
within 60 days of your application date as licence fees are non-refundable once an application
has expired.
Business Licences for heating and plumbing must be renewed every year on May 31
Prepare to Open
Obtain your Business Licence. The Licensing Office will mail this to you once all inspections
are complete. TIP - Hire a private hauler for recycling and waste removal services. Resources
such as the Yellow Pages can provide a list of service providers.
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training will be required for
any employees handling controlled products (chemicals) such as cleaners, removers, sanitizers
& lubricants, etc.
Make sure you have all required permits and licences (Fire, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of
Finance, Technical Standards & Safety Authority, etc.).
Ensure you have a health and safety program in place. As of July 1, 2014, every Ontario
worker must undergo health and safety awareness training. Contact Workplace Safety &
Prevention Services at 1-877-494-9777 to get started.
Open Your Doors
You’ve opened your doors and are operating your business.
Plan ahead to keep things running smoothly.
Staying Open
Post all required permits and signs. Check federal, provincial and local requirements.
Mark your calendar. Schedule equipment maintenance and set reminders to renew your
licences and certifications.
Avoid violations and be ready for inspections. Violations put employees and customers at
risk, and cost you time and money.
Be ready for inspections. Random inspections can take place any time throughout the year.
Show prices and print your business name and address on receipts.
Work with your accountant to prepare your income tax return. Visit the Canada Revenue
Agency to learn more about how to prepare your income tax return.
If you own your space - be prepared to pay property taxes. Installment due dates are noted
on your tax bill. Contact the City of Windsor Tax Division to learn more about property taxes.
Avoid sewer backups by properly maintaining your grease interceptor or take advantage of the
Downspout Disconnection Program.
Thinking of making changes to your space? A new building permit will be required when
making further changes. Contact the Building Division to learn more about making changes to
your space at (519) 255-6267.
Your Small Business Phonebook
Business Advisor, Small Business Centre
Send an email to the Small Business Centre: info@windsoressexsmallbusiness.com
Call the Small Business Centre: (519) 253-6900 ex. 2231
Zoning Coordinator
Send an email to the City of Windsor Zoning Coordinator: planningdept@citywindsor.ca
Call the Zoning Coordinator: (519) 255-6543
Building Department Permits & Inspections
Send an email to the City of Windsor Building Department Permits and Inspections:
Call the Building Department Permits & Inspections: (519) 255-6267
Fire Prevention Office Windsor Fire Department
Send an email to the City of Windsor Fire Prevention Office: [email protected]
Call the Fire Prevention Office: (519) 253-6573
Business Licences
Send an email to the City of Windsor Licensing Division: [email protected]
Call the Licensing Division: (519) 255-6200