Supervisory Insights Winter 2015
arketplace lending is a small
but growing alternative to
traditional financial services
for consumers and small businesses.
Attracted by opportunities for earnings
growth, some banks have entered the
marketplace lending business either
as investors or through third-party
arrangements. As with any new and
emerging line of business, marketplace
lending can present risks. Finan-
cial institutions can manage these
risks through proper risk identifica-
tion, appropriate risk-management
practices, and effective oversight.
Conversely, failure to understand
and manage these risks may expose a
financial institution to financial loss,
regulatory action, and litigation, and
may even compromise an institu-
tion’s ability to service new or existing
customer relationships. Before partici-
pating in marketplace lending, finan-
cial institution management should
identify potential vulnerabilities and
implement an effective risk-manage-
ment strategy that protects the bank
from undue risk.
This article is intended to heighten
bankers’ and examiners’ understanding
of marketplace lending and potential
associated risks, including those aris-
ing in third-party arrangements. The
article also highlights the importance
of a pragmatic business strategy that
considers the degree of risk together
with the potential revenue stream, and
emphasizes the importance of banks
exercising the same due diligence they
practice whenever they extend credit
to a borrower.
Marketplace Lending Defined
For purposes of this article, market-
place lending is broadly defined to
include any practice of pairing borrow-
ers and lenders through the use of an
online platform without a traditional
bank intermediary. Although the
model, originally started as a “peer-to-
peer” concept for individuals to lend to
one another, the market has evolved
as more institutional investors have
become interested in funding the activ-
ity. As such, the term “peer-to-peer
lending” has become less descriptive of
the business model and current refer-
ences to the activity generally use the
term “marketplace lending.”
Marketplace lending typically involves
a prospective borrower submitting
a loan application online where it
is assessed, graded, and assigned an
interest rate using the marketplace
lending company’s proprietary credit
scoring tool. Credit grades are assigned
based on the marketplace lending
company’s unique scoring algorithm,
which often gives consideration to a
borrower’s credit score, debt-to-income
ratio, income, and other factors set
by the marketplace lender. Once the
application process is complete, the
loan request is advertised for retail
investors to review and pledge funds
based on their investment criteria.
A loan will fund from the monies
collected if investors pledge sufficient
capital before the deadline stated in
the loan request (e.g. 14 days after the
request is posted). As an alternative
to funding loans through such retail
investments, institutional investors can
provide funding through whole loan
purchases or direct securitizations.
When a borrower’s requested loan
amount is fully pledged, the market-
Marketplace Lending
Supervisory Insights Winter 2015
place lending company originates and
funds the loan through one of two
frameworks: 1) the company lends the
funds directly (subsequently referred
to as a “ direct marketplace lender”)
or 2) the company partners with a
traditional bank to facilitate the loan
transaction (subsequently referred
to as a “bank-affiliated marketplace
A direct marketplace lender typi-
cally is required to be registered and
licensed to lend in the respective
state(s) in which it conducts business.
Direct marketplace lenders facilitate
all elements of the transaction, includ-
ing collecting borrower applications,
assigning credit ratings, advertising the
loan request, pairing borrowers with
interested investors, originating the
loan, and servicing any collected loan
payments. As part of the transaction,
direct marketplace lenders issue inves-
tors either registered or unregistered
security notes (subsequently referred
to as “security notes”) in exchange
for the investments used to fund the
Direct Funding Model
Borrower applies for a loan
Loan disbursed to borrower
Loan repayment net service fee
Investor receives security note
Commits funds to a borrower
Monthly loan payments
Figure 1: Illustration of Direct Funding Model
Figure 2: Illustration of Bank Partnership Model
Bank Partnership Model
Borrower applies for a loan
Monthly loan payments
Loan is made to borrower
Refers loan request
Sells loan to marketplace
lending company
Loan repayment net service fee
Investor receives security note
Commits funds to a borrower
Supervisory Insights Winter 2015
loan. Consequently, the borrower’s
repayment obligation remains with
the direct marketplace lender, the
security notes issued to investors
become the obligation of the direct
marketplace lender, and the investors
are unsecured creditors of the direct
marketplace lender. (See Figure 1 on
the previous page for an illustration of
this process.)
Some marketplace lending compa-
nies operate under the second
framework by working through a
cooperative arrangement with a
partner bank. In these cases, the
bank-affiliated marketplace company
collects borrower applications, assigns
the credit grade, and solicits investor
interest. However, from that point the
bank-affiliated marketplace company
refers the completed loan application
packages to the partner bank that
makes the loan to the borrower. The
partner bank typically holds the loan
on its books for 2-3 days before selling
it to the bank-affiliated marketplace
company. Once the bank-affiliated
marketplace company purchases the
loan from the partner bank, it issues
security notes up to the purchase
amount to its retail investors who
pledged to fund the loan. By the end
of the sequence of transactions, the
borrower’s repayment obligation
transfers to the bank-affiliated market-
place company, and the security
noteholder maintains an unsecured
creditor status to the bank-affiliated
marketplace company, which mirrors
the outcomes described under the
direct funding framework (see Figure
2 on the previous page). In certain
circumstances, some institutional
investors may invest in whole loan
transactions, which are often arranged
directly between the interested parties
and outside any cooperative arrange-
ment with a partner bank.
Once the process is complete,
borrowers begin making fixed monthly
payments to the bank-affiliated
marketplace company which issues a
pro rata payment to the investor, less
loan servicing fees.
Common barriers to entry for banks
and other traditional financial services
entities include state licensure laws,
capital requirements, access to financ-
ing, regulatory compliance, and secu-
rity concerns. Some of these barriers
may not exist for marketplace lending
companies. New start-up marketplace
lenders may be established quickly
and often with a unique niche to
capture a particular share of the
market. In 2009, industry analysts
with IBISWorld identified at least
three marketplace lending companies;
by 2014, the number had grown to 63
marketplace lending companies.
As of
September 2015, the number of estab-
lished marketplace lending compa-
nies totaled 163 with new entrants
continuing to join the competitive
Concomitant with the increas-
ing number of market participants,
new or expanded product lines are
introduced as companies attempt
to establish a niche position in the
market. Some examples of market-
place loan products include unsecured
Marketplace Lending
continued from pg. 13
Omar Khedr, “Front money: Revenue will rise, but regulations threaten industry profitability,” IBISWorld Industry
Report OD4736 Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms in the US, December 2014. (A subscription to IBISWorld is needed
to view this report.) http://clients1.ibisworld.com/reports/us/specializedreportsarchive/default.aspx?entid=4736.
Omar Khedr, “Street credit: New industry’s explosive growth may meet regulatory hurdles,” IBISWorld Indus-
try Report OD4736 Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms in the US, September 2015. (A subscription to IBISWorld is
needed to view this report.) http://clients1.ibisworld.com/reports/us/industry/default.aspx?entid=4736.
Supervisory Insights Winter 2015
consumer loans, debt consolidation
loans, auto loans, purchase financing,
education financing, real estate lend-
ing, merchant cash advance, medical
patient financing, and small business
The Importance of Effective
Risk Identification
The marketplace lending business
model depends largely on the willing-
ness of investors to take on the credit
risk of an unsecured consumer, small
business owner, or other borrower.
Given the market’s infancy and that
it has primarily existed in an envi-
ronment of low and steady interest
rates, current credit loss reports or
loss-adjusted rates of return may not
provide an accurate picture of the
risks associated with each market-
place lending product.
Further, each marketplace lending
company’s risk level and composi-
tion varies depending on the business
model or credit offering, with poten-
tially significant variations across
credit products. Given the credit
model variations that exist, using a
nonspecific approach to risk identi-
fication could lead to an incomplete
risk analysis in the bank’s market-
place investments or critical gaps in
bank management’s planning and
oversight of third-party arrangements.
As such, banks should perform a thor-
ough pre-analysis and risk assessment
on each marketplace lending company
with which it transacts business,
whether acting as an institutional
investor or as a strategic partner.
A comprehensive list of risks associ-
ated with marketplace lending is not
possible without an understanding
of the arranged lending activity and
the products offered. Although not
a complete list, some risks include
third-party, credit, compliance,
liquidity, transaction, servicing, and
bankruptcy risks. Before engaging in
marketplace activity, banks should
complete appropriate due diligence
and ensure effective risk identification
practices are in place as part of the
risk assessment process.
Third-party risk can vary greatly
depending on each third-party
arrangement, elevating the importance
for banks to conduct effective due
diligence. Banks are encouraged to
review the FDIC’s Financial Institution
Letter 44-2008 titled Guidance for
Managing Third-Party Risk,
discusses the critical elements to an
effective third-party risk management
process: (1) risk assessment, (2) due
diligence in selecting a third party, (3)
contract structuring and review, and
(4) oversight.
Before engaging in any third-party
arrangement, a financial institution
should consider whether the proposed
activities are consistent with the insti-
tution’s overall business strategy and
risk tolerances. Bank management is
encouraged to develop a strong under-
standing of the marketplace lending
company’s business model, establish
contractual agreements that protect
the bank from risk, regularly moni-
tor the marketplace service provider,
and require the marketplace lending
company to take corrective action
See FIL-49-2015 “Advisory on Effective Risk Management Practices for Purchased Loans and Purchased Loan
Participations”, November 6, 2015 at https://www.fdic.gov/news/news/financial/2015/fil15049.html.
See FIL-44-2008“Guidance for Managing Third-Party Risk,” June 6, 2008 at https://www.fdic.gov/news/news/
Supervisory Insights Winter 2015
when gaps or deficiencies occur. This
due diligence may result in banks
requiring policies and procedures from
the marketplace lending company
with respect to legal and regula-
tory compliance prior to the bank’s
investment or before any services are
Some considerations include, but
are not limited to, compliance with
applicable federal laws such as lending
laws, consumer protection require-
ments, anti-money laundering rules,
and fair credit responsibilities along
with adherence to any applicable
state laws, licensing, or required
registrations. As with any third-party
arrangement, banks should monitor
marketplace activities and expect
marketplace servicers to undergo
independent audits and take correc-
tive action on audit exceptions as
warranted. Failure to do so could
expose a bank to substantial financial
loss and an unacceptable level of risk.
For banks contemplating a funding
relationship with a marketplace lend-
ing company, management should
consider several issues that could
affect the bank’s risk profile. (See Due
Diligence sidebar.) Banks also should
consider validating the marketplace
lending company’s compliance with
any applicable state or federal laws.
Negotiated contracts should consider
provisions allowing the financial
institution the ability to control and
monitor third-party activities (e.g.,
underwriting guidelines, outside
audits) and discontinue relationships
if contractual obligations are not met.
Compliance risk is inherent in any
marketplace lending activity. Banks
are accountable for complying with
all relevant consumer protection
and fair lending laws and regulatory
requirements and cannot assign this
responsibility to a marketplace lend-
ing company. Although marketplace
lending companies are required to
comply with many of these require-
ments, well-run bank programs should
include appropriate due diligence and
ongoing monitoring to validate that
the marketplace lending company
demonstrates adherence to these
requirements. Relevant laws may
Marketplace Lending
continued from pg. 15
Due Diligence
What duties does the bank rely on the marketplace
lending company to perform?
What are the direct and indirect costs associated with
the program?
Is the bank exposed to possible loss, and are there any
protections provided to the bank by the marketplace
lending company?
What are the bank’s rights to deny credit or limit loan
sales to the marketplace lending company?
How long will the bank hold the loan before sale?
Who bears primary responsibility for consumer compli-
ance requirements, and how are efforts coordinated?
Is all appropriate and required product-related infor-
mation effectively and accurately communicated to
What procedures are in place to prevent identity theft
and satisfy other customer identification requirements?
What other risks is the bank exposed to through the
marketplace arrangement?
Supervisory Insights Winter 2015
include the Truth in Lending Act
(TILA) that, among other things,
requires the disclosure of standard-
ized loan terms and conditions at
point of sale and in advertisements,
and Section 5 of the Federal Trade
Commission Act,
which prohibits
unfair and deceptive acts or practices.
Consistent with the third-party risk
banks also should evaluate
whether a bank-affiliated marketplace
lending company complies with fair
lending and other related laws includ-
ing the Equal Credit Opportunity
(ECOA), which prohibits lend-
ers from taking action related to any
aspect of a credit transaction on the
basis of race, color, religion, and other
prohibited factors. Banks that partner
with marketplace lending compa-
nies should exercise due diligence to
ensure the marketplace loan under-
writing and pricing policies and proce-
dures are consistent with fair lending
Transaction risk is present given
the potential for customer service
problems or a marketplace lending
company’s failure to fulfill its duties
as expected by the financial institu-
tion or its customers. Marketplace
loans may be subject to high levels
of transaction risk given the large
volume of loans, handling of docu-
ments, and movement of loan funds
between institutions or third-party
originators. Banks should anticipate
risks that could arise from problems
with customer service, product deliv-
ery, technology failures, inadequate
business continuity, and data security
Servicing risk exists given the pass-
through nature of marketplace notes.
The investor becomes a creditor to
the marketplace lending company
and has no access to the borrower.
Therefore, if a marketplace lend-
ing company that services the loans
becomes insolvent, investors may
become exposed not only to bank-
ruptcy risk but also servicing risk if
the loan servicing process is disrupted.
In bankruptcy, a marketplace lending
company may be unable to fulfill its
note servicing obligations to inves-
tors even if the borrowers continue to
make timely payments.
Notwithstanding the fact that the
loans in which they invested are
fully performing, investors also may
be exposed to losses if other credi-
tors seek rights to these borrower
payments in the bankruptcy proceed-
ing. In the event a marketplace lend-
ing company becomes insolvent,
investors line up in bankruptcy court
to collect on monies owed on a pro
rata basis, with no investor having any
superior claim to a stream of payment
than any other, and often times with
interest halted once the bankruptcy
proceedings commence.
At a minimum, banks that invest in
marketplace loans should determine
whether back-up servicing agree-
ments are in place with an unaffiliated
company before investment. Banks, as
investors, committing significant capi-
tal to marketplace loans should assess
the marketplace lending company’s
creditworthiness with consideration
given to the business’s solvency prior
to investing the capital. Although this
See the Truth in Lending Act at https://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/rules/6500-3200.html#fdic65001026.1.
See Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act at https://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/rules/8000-3000.
See the Equal Credit Opportunity Act at https://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/rules/6500-200.html.
Supervisory Insights Winter 2015
condition may not afford complete
protection, it may mitigate some risk
of loss.
Liquidity risk is present given the
limited secondary market opportuni-
ties available for marketplace loans.
Although there are a few known
aftermarket providers, the secondary
market for marketplace loans gener-
ally is limited with resale opportunities
available only to a select few market-
place lending companies. Partner
banks with loans in their marketplace
pipeline may also experience liquid-
ity risk for those pipeline loans that
require funding.
Other considerations include compli-
ance with other state and federal
requirements, including anti-money
laundering laws. The partner bank
should evaluate the bank-affiliated
marketplace company as it would
any other customer or activity, and
financial institutions investing in
marketplace loans should exercise due
diligence in evaluating appropriate
compliance for any loan purchase.
A Supervisory Perspective
Before engaging in any marketplace
lending third-party arrangement or
balance sheet investment, a financial
institution should ensure the proposed
activities are consistent with the insti-
tution’s overall business strategy and
risk tolerances. FDIC examiners assess
how financial institutions manage
third-party relationships and other
investments with marketplace lenders
through review of bank management’s
record of and process for assessing,
measuring, monitoring, and controlling
the associated relationship and credit
risks. The depth of the examination
review depends on the scope of the
activity and the degree of risk associ-
ated with the activity and the relation-
ship. The FDIC considers the results of
the review in its overall evaluation of
management, including management’s
ability to effectively control risk.
FDIC examiners address findings
and recommendations relating to an
institution’s third-party marketplace
lender relationships and marketplace
loan investments in the Report of
Examination and within the ongo-
ing supervisory process. Appropriate
corrective actions, including formal
or informal enforcement actions, may
be pursued for deficiencies identified
that pose significant safety and sound-
ness concerns or result in violations
of applicable federal or state laws or
Some banks are finding participa-
tion in the small but growing arena of
marketplace lending to be an attractive
source of revenue. With the market’s
infancy and its lack of performance
history through a complete economic
cycle, bank management should look
beyond the revenue stream and deter-
mine whether the related risks align
with the institution’s business strategy.
As noted earlier, financial institutions
can manage the risks through proper
risk identification, appropriate risk-
management practices, and effective
oversight. With the rapidly evolv-
ing landscape in marketplace lend-
ing, institutions should ascertain the
degree of risk involved, remembering
they cannot abrogate responsibility for
complying with applicable rules and
Angela M. Herrboldt
Senior Examination Specialist
Division of Risk Management
Marketplace Lending
continued from pg. 17