Instructor: Ram Gopalan
E-mail: ram.gopalan@rutgers.edu
Course materials: Please access the CANVAS course site for power point materials and lecture videos.
The focus of the course will be to introduce basic concepts in machine learning and data-analytic thinking to
students, with an applied business orientation. Students will understand how to use data to competitive
advantage and to build and evaluate models for decision-making. Companies today have access to vast
amounts of data from their business operations. Data Science is the craft of extracting patterns from this data
and using available information for competitive advantage. This course represents an introduction to data
science and data analytic thinking. Students will learn to leverage data to answer business questions relating
to classification tasks (e.g., will this credit card prospect default or not?), prediction (e.g., how much will this
customer spend/year?) and similarity profiling (what do my most profitable customers look like?).
1. Data Science for Business, by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett, O'Reilly publishing,
ISBN: 978-1-449-36132-7.
2. Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, A Guide for Data Scientists, by Andreas. C.
Muller and Sarah Guido, also O'Reilly publishing, ISBN: 978-1-449-36941-5.
3. Course pack to be obtained from this: https://hbsp.harvard.edu/import/961465
The course is very hands-on. Students will be expected to download and use free, open-source packages
for machine learning and to use them for model-building. (e.g., the Anaconda package).
Office hours: Wednesdays 4 5 p.m., or by appointment.
COURSE PREREQUISITES: Students must be comfortable installing packages independently and
navigating in a computing environment. Specifically, you must be able to complete installation of
the Anaconda package on your own as demonstrated in the PREREQUISITES Module. Important:
The course assumes the student already has some basic familiarity with the Python programming
language as well as a working knowledge of Jupyter notebooks. See the PREREQS module for
greater detail.
Student grades will be based upon the following items:
(1) Exam I (15%)
(2) Exam II (20%)
(3) FINAL EXAM (25%)
(4) Team case analyses (10% = 2*5%)
(5) Team programming assignment (15%).
(6) Team data science project proposal (10%)
(7) Individual class participation and team work (5%).
More detail on the deliverables will be provided during the semester. Teams for these projects will be
assigned. Moreover, the team assignments must be uploaded on CANVAS by the deadline
stipulated, so that the system can verify that you submitted the assignment prior to the deadline.
Note: Class participation and team effort (5 %):
Class participation grades will be assigned upon the following criteria: a) displaying a positive attitude and
demonstrating a “solutions-focus” for any problems encountered during the course of the semester; b)
helping fellow students succeed; and c) displaying a strong commitment to your team’s success and discipline
in terms of showing up for team meetings. You will have an opportunity to submit peer evaluations for
all your team mates at the end of the semester!
Academic Integrity:
“Academic integrity requires that all academic work be wholly the product of an identified individual or
individuals. Joint efforts are only legitimate when the assistance of others is explicitly acknowledged… The
principles of academic integrity entail simple standards of honesty and truth. Each member of the university
has a responsibility to uphold the standards of the community and to take action when others violate
them…Students are responsible for knowing what the standards are and for adhering to them. Students
should also bring any violations of which they are aware to the attention of their instructors.
Students are
expected to know, understand and adhere to the policies on academic integrity outlined above. Procedures
for violation of these policies outlined in the University Code of Academic Conduct will be followed. IN
Rutgers University Code of Academic Conduct, taken from the Student Advising Handbook -
TENTATIVE COURSE OUTLINE (NOTE: Instructor may make modifications to this schedule as necessary!):
Topic(s) for Module
Assigned Reading
Module 1
Data analytic thinking and data science solutions for business
Provost-Fawcett (PF): Chapters 1,2
Module 2
Supervised learning and classification via Decision Trees and the
Nearest Neighbors algorithm
Ch3: PF
Ch1: Muller-Guido (MG)
Case: Stitch Fix (5%)
Module 3
Decision Trees (continued)
Ch3: PF, Ch2: MG
Module 4
Regression/Logistic Regression
Ch4: PF, Ch2: MG
Module 5
Regression/Logistic Regression
Ch4: PF, Ch2: MG
TEST 1: 15%
Module 6
Understanding overfitting and cross-validation for models
Ch5: PF, Ch5: MG,
Case: Byte-Dance (5%)
Module 7
Unsupervised learning, similarity and clustering
Ch6: PF, Ch3: MG
Module 8
Unsupervised learning, similarity and clustering
Ch6: PF, Ch3: MG
Module 9
Decision analytic thinking: what is a good model?
Ch7: PF, Ch5: MG
Module 10
Visualizing model performance: ROC curves
Ch8:PF, Ch5: MG
Programming Assignment due.
Module 11
Evidence and probabilities, Naive Bayes
Ch9: PF
TEST 2: 20%
Module 12
Representing and mining text
Ch10: PF, Ch7: MG
Module 13
Representing and mining text
Ch10: PF, Ch7: MG
Data science project proposal
PPT due(10%).
Module 14, Final Exam
TBD (25%)
NOTE: Final exam (25%)
Ch 13,14: PF
All communications to students will be done using the Rutgers email address provided to you. Please forward your
Rutgers email to your personal email if necessary. Not checking your Rutgers email is not an excuse for missing
any communications.
Disability Services/Accommodations
Rutgers University welcomes students with disabilities into all of the University's educational programs. In order to
receive consideration for reasonable accommodations, a student with a disability must contact the approp riate disability
services office at the campus where you are officially enrolled, participate in an intake interview, and provide
documentation: https://ods.rutgers.edu/students/documentation-guidelines.
If the documentation supports your request for reasonable accommodations, your campuss disability services office
will provide you with a Letter of Accommodations. Please share this letter with your instructors and discuss the
accommodations with them as early in your courses as possible. To begin this process, please complete the Registration
form (https://webapps.rutgers.edu/student-ods/forms/registration).
Erin G. Leuthold, MS Ed
(856) 225-2717
Rutgers-Camden Disability Services:
311 North Fifth Street, Camden, NJ 08102-1405
Web page: https://ods.rutgers.edu/contact-ods/rutgers-university-camden
E-mail: disability-services@camen.rutgers.edu
Exam Make-up Policy/Late Policy
If, for a university approved reason, you cannot take an exam at the scheduled time you must give the professor written
notice at least one week in advance so that other arrangements can be made. If the situation does not allow for advance
notification (for example, emergency hospitalization), contact the professor as soon as possible after a missed exam.
Make-up exams for non-university approved reasons are not guaranteed. The professor reserves the right to request
written documentation to support your absence (such as a doctor’s note, an obituary, or military orders).
Student Code of Conduct http://studentconduct.rutgers.edu/university-code-of-student-conduct
Violations of the Student Code of Conduct are considered serious infractions of student behavior and students who
violate the code are subject to penalties relative to the level of the matter. In general, students may not disturb normal
classroom procedures by distracting or disruptive behavior. Examples of disruptive behavior include, but are not
limited to, the following (please adapt for online environments):
Repeatedly leaving and entering the classroom without authorization
Answering cellular phone or allowing pager to beep
Making loud or distracting noises
Repeatedly speaking without being recognized, interrupting the instructor or other students, or otherwise acting
in disregard of the instructor’s requests
Threats or violence
Violations of the code should be reported to the Dean of Students office deanofstudents@camden.rutgers.edu or 856-
225-6050. If the violation is immediate and a potential threat is a concern, call the Rutgers-Camden police at 856-225-