Math & Science Collaborative Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Building fluency with Median, Mode, Mean, and Range
Unit Learning Target (Standard/Performance Expectation(s)) 5.5.B
Determine and interpret the mean of a small data set of whole numbers. CCSSM 6.SP.5.c
Building Block or Lesson Learning Target:
Define, demonstrate and calculate the arithmetic mean of a given data set
Student Success Criteria:
Submit an organized paper with the assigned
classroom data
Previous Lesson Learning Target:
Demonstrate and define the meaning of statistical terms data, median, mode and range and
explain how to collect data and write statements about data
Target Introduction/ Thinking Question *
What do you think are the average number of letters in the first names of the students in this classroom? How would you find that number?
Lesson Progression (Flow) with Talk-Structures (Student Discourse)
Review vocabulary and their definitions
Problem solve with a partner, given five names from students in this class, what is
the typical length of a student’s first name? (show more than 1 way)
Students share with the class their various answers and discuss supporting evidence.
Ask each student to write a statement about their 5 name data information.
Return to your classroom data and organize it, write a statement using correct
vocabulary, point out what you notice about the data, and why you think it is typical
or not.
If a new student joins the class what do you expect the length of the student’s first
name to be?
If you remove one name from your list, can it be done so there is no change to the
mean, mode, or median? Can one name be removed so the mean, median, or the
mode increases?
Assign homework problems to practice finding median, mode, mean and range.
Key terms for this lesson
mean, median, mode,
central tendency, average,
range , data, arithmetic,
midpoint, distribution,
frequency, data set,
number set, sample set,
outlier, statement, T-table,
central tendency
Formative Task or Question*
Designed to elicit student misconception(s)
What does the mode tell you about a
set of data?
What does the median tell you about a
set of data?
Forms of Student Discourse to include:
Student to student
Student to Teacher
Students sharing organization ideas
Small group discussions
Large group discussions
Lesson Closure
Students will fill out the “I Learned” exit pass and turn it in to the teacher.
Exit Task*
Student Exit Pass “I Learned”
Math & Science Collaborative Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Building fluency with Median, Mode, Mean, and Range
* Opportunity for formative assessment
Do the Math for the Thinking Question
Calculations will vary depending on the list of student names
Lesson Anticipated Misconceptions:
Students not knowing how to label
the graph axes
Students not ordering the data
before finding the median and mode
Students not knowing what to do
with an even number of data entries
when finding the median
Student confusion over the mening
of Range, median, and mode
Lesson Instructional Adjustment(s) (if needed)
Tied to common misconception(s)
Manipulatives and materials to include and have ready to support the lesson *
Unifix cubes
Graph paper
Rulers and Colored Pencils