Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
Table of contents
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Table of contents
1 About the documentation 5
1.1 About this document ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Meaning of warnings and symbols................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Installer and user reference guide at a glance............................................................................................................... 6
2 General safety precautions 8
2.1 For the installer............................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 For the user..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
3 Specific installer safety instructions 10
For the user 11
4 Remote controller: Overview 12
4.1 About the controller ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Buttons............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
4.3 Status icons ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Status indicator ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
5 Operation 16
5.1 Basic usage...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.1 Home screen................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.2 Main menu...................................................................................................................................................... 17
5.2 Operation mode.............................................................................................................................................................. 18
5.2.1 About the operation modes........................................................................................................................... 19
5.2.2 To set the operation mode ............................................................................................................................ 23
5.3 Setpoint........................................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.3.1 About the setpoint ......................................................................................................................................... 24
5.3.2 To set the setpoint ......................................................................................................................................... 26
5.4 Date and time.................................................................................................................................................................. 26
5.4.1 About date and time ...................................................................................................................................... 26
5.4.2 To set date and time....................................................................................................................................... 27
5.5 Airflow ............................................................................................................................................................................. 27
5.5.1 Airflow direction ............................................................................................................................................. 27
5.5.2 Fan speed........................................................................................................................................................ 28
5.6 Ventilation....................................................................................................................................................................... 30
5.6.1 Ventilation mode............................................................................................................................................ 30
5.6.2 Ventilation rate............................................................................................................................................... 31
5.7 Advanced usage .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
6 Maintenance and service 32
6.1 Overview: Maintenance and service .............................................................................................................................. 32
7 Troubleshooting 33
7.1 Overview: Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................ 33
7.2 Refrigerant leak detection .............................................................................................................................................. 33
7.2.1 About refrigerant leak detection ................................................................................................................... 33
7.2.2 To stop the leak detection alarm ................................................................................................................... 34
For the installer 35
8 About the box 36
8.1 To unpack the controller ................................................................................................................................................ 36
9 Preparation 37
9.1 Wiring requirements....................................................................................................................................................... 37
9.1.1 To prepare the wiring for installation ............................................................................................................ 37
10 Installation 38
10.1 Overview: Installation ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
10.2 Mounting the controller ................................................................................................................................................. 38
10.2.1 About mounting the controller ...................................................................................................................... 38
10.2.2 To mount the controller................................................................................................................................. 39
10.3 Connecting the electrical wiring..................................................................................................................................... 40
10.3.1 Precautions when connecting the electrical wiring....................................................................................... 40
Table of contents
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
10.3.2 To connect the electrical wiring..................................................................................................................... 40
10.4 Closing the controller...................................................................................................................................................... 41
10.4.1 Precautions when closing the controller ....................................................................................................... 41
10.4.2 To close the controller ................................................................................................................................... 41
10.5 Opening the controller ................................................................................................................................................... 42
10.5.1 Precautions when opening the controller ..................................................................................................... 42
10.5.2 To open the controller ................................................................................................................................... 42
11 Starting up the system 43
11.1 Controller designation .................................................................................................................................................... 43
11.1.1 To designate a controller as slave.................................................................................................................. 44
12 Remote controller: Overview 45
12.1 About the controller ....................................................................................................................................................... 45
12.1.1 To configure the controller ............................................................................................................................ 46
12.2 Buttons............................................................................................................................................................................ 46
12.3 Status icons ..................................................................................................................................................................... 47
12.4 Status indicator ............................................................................................................................................................... 48
12.4.1 Behaviour........................................................................................................................................................ 48
13 Operation 50
13.1 Basic usage...................................................................................................................................................................... 50
13.1.1 Screen backlight ............................................................................................................................................. 50
13.1.2 Home screen................................................................................................................................................... 51
13.1.3 Information screen ......................................................................................................................................... 52
13.1.4 Main menu...................................................................................................................................................... 53
13.2 Operation mode.............................................................................................................................................................. 54
13.2.1 About the operation modes........................................................................................................................... 54
13.2.2 To set the operation mode ............................................................................................................................ 58
13.3 Setpoint........................................................................................................................................................................... 58
13.3.1 About the setpoint ......................................................................................................................................... 59
13.3.2 To set the setpoint ......................................................................................................................................... 61
13.4 Date and time.................................................................................................................................................................. 61
13.4.1 About date and time ...................................................................................................................................... 61
13.4.2 To set date and time....................................................................................................................................... 62
13.5 Airflow ............................................................................................................................................................................. 62
13.5.1 Airflow direction ............................................................................................................................................. 62
13.5.2 Fan speed........................................................................................................................................................ 63
13.6 Ventilation....................................................................................................................................................................... 65
13.6.1 Ventilation mode............................................................................................................................................ 65
13.6.2 Ventilation rate............................................................................................................................................... 66
13.7 Advanced usage .............................................................................................................................................................. 66
14 Configuration 67
14.1 Installer menu ................................................................................................................................................................. 67
14.1.1 About the installer menu ............................................................................................................................... 67
14.1.2 Screen settings ............................................................................................................................................... 68
14.1.3 Status indicator settings................................................................................................................................. 69
14.1.4 Field settings................................................................................................................................................... 69
14.1.5 Miscellaneous settings ................................................................................................................................... 76
14.2 Software update ............................................................................................................................................................. 89
14.2.1 About software updates................................................................................................................................. 89
14.2.2 Software update with app.............................................................................................................................. 89
14.2.3 Software update with updating tool.............................................................................................................. 90
15 About the app 92
15.1 Operation and configuration overview .......................................................................................................................... 93
15.2 Pairing.............................................................................................................................................................................. 93
15.2.1 About pairing .................................................................................................................................................. 93
15.2.2 To pair the app with a controller ................................................................................................................... 93
15.2.3 To make a Bluetooth connection................................................................................................................... 94
15.2.4 To terminate the Bluetooth connection ........................................................................................................ 96
15.2.5 To remove bonding information.................................................................................................................... 97
15.3 User access levels............................................................................................................................................................ 99
15.3.1 About user access levels................................................................................................................................. 99
15.3.2 Basic mode...................................................................................................................................................... 99
15.3.3 Advanced mode.............................................................................................................................................. 99
15.3.4 Installer mode................................................................................................................................................. 100
15.4 Demo mode .................................................................................................................................................................... 101
15.4.1 About demo mode ......................................................................................................................................... 101
15.4.2 To launch demo mode.................................................................................................................................... 101
Table of contents
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
15.4.3 To exit demo mode ........................................................................................................................................ 101
15.5 Functions......................................................................................................................................................................... 101
15.5.1 Overview: Functions....................................................................................................................................... 101
15.5.2 Remote controller firmware update.............................................................................................................. 104
15.5.3 Notifications ................................................................................................................................................... 104
15.5.4 Master/slave status ........................................................................................................................................ 104
15.5.5 Screen ............................................................................................................................................................. 104
15.5.6 Status indicator............................................................................................................................................... 105
15.5.7 Date and time ................................................................................................................................................. 105
15.5.8 About .............................................................................................................................................................. 106
15.5.9 Remove bonding information ........................................................................................................................ 106
15.5.10 Presence detection......................................................................................................................................... 106
15.5.11 OFF timer ........................................................................................................................................................ 107
15.5.12 Energy consumption....................................................................................................................................... 107
15.5.13 Power consumption limit ............................................................................................................................... 107
15.5.14 Setpoint auto reset......................................................................................................................................... 107
15.5.15 Schedule ......................................................................................................................................................... 108
15.5.16 Holiday ............................................................................................................................................................ 108
15.5.17 Setpoint logic .................................................................................................................................................. 109
15.5.18 Setback............................................................................................................................................................ 110
15.5.19 Individual airflow direction............................................................................................................................. 111
15.5.20 Active airflow circulation................................................................................................................................ 112
15.5.21 Setpoint range ................................................................................................................................................ 112
15.5.22 Cooling/Heating masterhood......................................................................................................................... 112
15.5.23 Airflow direction range................................................................................................................................... 113
15.5.24 Draught prevention ........................................................................................................................................ 113
15.5.25 Quick start....................................................................................................................................................... 113
15.5.26 External input interlock .................................................................................................................................. 114
15.5.27 Defrost operation ........................................................................................................................................... 114
15.5.28 Function lock .................................................................................................................................................. 114
15.5.29 Quiet mode..................................................................................................................................................... 116
15.5.30 Errors and warnings........................................................................................................................................ 116
15.5.31 Unit number ................................................................................................................................................... 116
15.5.32 Filter auto clean.............................................................................................................................................. 117
15.5.33 Filter notifications........................................................................................................................................... 117
15.5.34 AirNet address ................................................................................................................................................ 117
15.5.35 Group address ................................................................................................................................................ 117
15.5.36 Field settings................................................................................................................................................... 118
15.5.37 Duty rotation .................................................................................................................................................. 119
15.5.38 Test operation ................................................................................................................................................ 120
15.5.39 Unit status....................................................................................................................................................... 122
15.5.40 Operating hours.............................................................................................................................................. 122
15.5.41 Contact information ....................................................................................................................................... 122
15.5.42 Active airflow circulation................................................................................................................................ 122
15.5.43 Setting migration ............................................................................................................................................ 122
15.5.44 Supervised room address............................................................................................................................... 123
15.5.45 Refrigerant leak alarm test............................................................................................................................. 123
16 Maintenance 124
16.1 Maintenance safety precautions.................................................................................................................................... 124
16.2 About maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................ 124
16.3 To remove a warning screen .......................................................................................................................................... 126
16.4 To clean the controller.................................................................................................................................................... 126
16.5 Time to clean filter indication......................................................................................................................................... 126
16.5.1 To remove the Time to clean filter indication ............................................................................................... 126
17 Troubleshooting 127
17.1 Error codes of the indoor unit ........................................................................................................................................ 127
17.2 Refrigerant leak detection .............................................................................................................................................. 129
17.2.1 About refrigerant leak detection ................................................................................................................... 129
17.2.2 To stop the leak detection alarm ................................................................................................................... 129
18 Technical data 131
18.1 Connection diagram........................................................................................................................................................ 131
18.1.1 Typical layout.................................................................................................................................................. 131
18.1.2 Typical layout for group control..................................................................................................................... 131
18.1.3 Controller + DIII central control equipment .................................................................................................. 133
19 Glossary 134
1 | About the documentation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
1 About the documentation
In this chapter
1.1 About this document.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Meaning of warnings and symbols......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Installer and user reference guide at a glance....................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 About this document
Target audience
Authorised installers + end users
Documentation set
This document is part of a documentation set. The complete set consists of:
Installation and operation manual:
- Installation instructions
- Basic operation instructions
Installer and user reference guide:
- Extended installation and operation information
Declaration of conformity:
INFORMATION: Declaration of conformity
Hereby, Daikin Europe N.V. declares that the radio equipment type BRC1H is in
compliance with the Directive 2014/53/EU. The original declaration of conformity is
available from the BRC1H product pages.
The documentation set is available from the BRC1H product pages:
1 | About the documentation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
INFORMATION: Madoka Assistant in-app documentation
The controller only allows for basic settings and operation. Advanced settings and
operation are performed via the Madoka Assistant app. For more information, see
the app and its in-app documentation. The Madoka Assistant app is available from
Google Play and the Apple Store.
Latest revisions of the supplied documentation may be available on the regional
Daikin website or via your dealer.
The original documentation is written in English. All other languages are
1.2 Meaning of warnings and symbols
Indicates a situation that results in death or serious injury.
Indicates a situation that could result in electrocution.
Indicates a situation that could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a situation that could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a situation that could result in equipment or property damage.
Indicates useful tips or additional information.
Indicates a situation that could result in explosion.
1.3 Installer and user reference guide at a glance
Chapter Description
About the documentation What documentation exists for the installer and
the user
General safety precautions Safety instructions that you must read before
Specific installer safety
Safety instructions that the installer must read
before installing
For the user
1 | About the documentation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Chapter Description
Remote controller: Overview Overview of the remote controller
Operation How to operate the remote controller
Maintenance and service How to maintain and service the remote
Troubleshooting What to do in case of problems
For the installer
About the box How to unpack the remote controller and
remove the accessories
Preparation What to do and know before going on‑site
Installation What to do and know to install the remote
Starting up the system How to start up the remote controller
Remote controller: Overview Overview of the remote controller
Configuration What to do and know to configure the system
after it is installed
About the app What to do and know to commission the remote
controller after it is configured
Maintenance How to maintain the remote controller
Troubleshooting What to do in case of problems
Technical data Specifications of the system
Glossary Definition of terms
2 | General safety precautions
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
2 General safety precautions
In this chapter
2.1 For the installer....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 For the user............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 For the installer
The precautions described in this document cover very important topics, follow
them carefully.
This controller is an option and cannot be used standalone. Also see the installation
and operation manual of the indoor and outdoor units.
Improper installation or attachment of equipment or accessories could result in
electrical shock, short-circuit, leaks, fire or other damage to the equipment. Only use
accessories, optional equipment and spare parts made or approved by Daikin.
All field wiring and components MUST be installed by a licensed electrician and
MUST comply with the applicable legislation.
The remote controller MUST be mounted indoors.
When the controller is used as room thermostat, select an installation location where
the average temperature in the room can be detected.
Do NOT install the controller in the following places:
In places where it is exposed to direct sunlight.
In places where it is near a heat source.
In places that are affected by outside air or air draught due to e.g. door opening/
In places where the display can easily get dirty.
In places where there is NO easy access to the controls.
In places with temperatures <–10°C and >50°C.
In places where the relative humidity is >95%.
In places where there is machinery that emits electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic waves may disturb the control system, and cause malfunction of
the equipment.
In places where it may be exposed to water, or in generally moist areas.
If you are NOT sure how to install or operate the unit, contact your dealer.
After finishing installation:
2 | General safety precautions
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Conduct a trial operation to check for faults.
Explain the user how to operate the controller.
Ask the user to store the manual for future reference.
Consult your dealer regarding the relocation and reinstallation of the controller.
2.2 For the user
To clean the controller, do NOT use organic solvents, such
as paint thinner.
Do NOT use flammable materials (e.g. hairspray or
insecticide) near the controller.
To prevent electric shocks or fire:
Do NOT operate the controller with wet hands.
Do NOT disassemble the controller and touch interior
parts. Contact your dealer.
Do NOT modify or repair the controller. Contact your
Do NOT relocate or reinstall the controller by yourself.
Contact your dealer.
Do NOT play with the unit or its remote controller.
Accidental operation by a child may result in impairment
of bodily functions and harm health.
3 | Specific installer safety instructions
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
3 Specific installer safety instructions
Always observe the following safety instructions and regulations.
Never touch the internal parts of the controller.
When closing the controller, be careful not to pinch the wiring.
Before starting up the system, make sure:
The indoor and outdoor unit wiring is completed.
The switch box covers of the indoor and outdoor units are closed.
When connecting the controller to the indoor unit, make sure the indoor unit
switchbox and transmission wiring are not connected.
All field wiring and components MUST be installed by a licensed electrician and
MUST comply with the applicable legislation.
Before carrying out any maintenance or repair activities, stop system operation with
the controller, and turn off the power supply circuit breaker. Possible consequence:
electric shock or injury.
Do not wash the remote controller. Possible consequence: electric leakage, electric
shock, or fire.
For the user
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
For the user
4 | Remote controller: Overview
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
4 Remote controller: Overview
In this chapter
4.1 About the controller ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Buttons.................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Status icons............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
4.4 Status indicator....................................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1 About the controller
Depending on configuration, the controller is operable in either one of three
modes. Each mode offers different controller functionality.
Mode Functionality
Normal The controller is fully functional.
All functionality described under
"5Operation"[416] is available.
The controller can be a master or a
slave controller.
Alarm only The controller only acts as leak
detection alarm for a single indoor unit.
No functionality described under
"5Operation"[416] is available.
For information on the leak detection
alarm, see "7.2Refrigerant leak
The controller can be a master or a
slave controller.
Supervisor The controller only acts as leak
detection alarm for the whole system,
i.e. multiple indoor units and their
respective controllers. This mode is
intended for a controller that is to be
used in a supervision location, e.g. the
reception desk of a hotel.
No functionality described under
"5Operation"[416] is available.
For information on the leak detection
alarm, see "7.2Refrigerant leak
The controller can only be a slave
For more information on how to set the controller to be operable in a specific
mode, see "To configure the controller"[446]. When using “Supervisor” mode, it
is important to set the supervised room address in order to know for which indoor
unit the refrigerant leak alarm occurs. See "Supervised room address"[4123] for
more inormation.
4 | Remote controller: Overview
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
4.2 Buttons
c b d
When OFF, press to turn ON the system.
When ON, press to turn OFF the system.
From the home screen, enter the main menu.
From the main menu, enter one of the submenus.
From their respective submenu, activate an operation/ventilation mode.
In one of the submenus, confirm a setting.
Cycle left.
Adjust a setting (default: decrease).
Cycle right.
Adjust a setting (default: increase).
4.3 Status icons
Icon Description
System operation ON. Indicates that the system is in operation.
System operation OFF. Indicates that the system is NOT in
Indicates that the controller is communicating with
a mobile device, for use with the Madoka Assistant app.
Lock. Indicates that a function or operation mode is locked and
therefore cannot be used or selected.
Centralised control. Indicates that the system is controlled by
central control equipment (optional accessory) and that control
of the system by the controller is limited.
Changeover under centralised control. Indicates that the
cooling/heating changeover is under centralised control by
another indoor unit, or by an optional cool/ heat selector that is
connected to the outdoor unit.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and use of such marks
by Daikin Europe N.V. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
4 | Remote controller: Overview
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Icon Description
Defrost/Hot start. Indicates that the defrost/hot start mode is
Schedule/Timer. Indicates that the system operates according to
a schedule, or that the OFF timer is enabled.
Time not set. Indicates that controller's time is not set.
Self-cleaning filter operation. Indicates that self-cleaning filter
operation is active.
Quick Start. Indicates that Quick Start mode is active (Sky Air
Test operation. Indicates that Test Operation mode is active (Sky
Air only).
Inspection. Indicates that the indoor or outdoor unit is being
Periodic inspection. Indicates that the indoor or outdoor unit is
being inspected.
Backup. Indicates that in the system an indoor unit is set as
backup indoor unit.
Individual airflow direction. Indicates that the individual airflow
direction setting is enabled.
Information. Indicates that the system has a message to convey.
To see the message, go to the information screen.
Warning. Indicates that an error occurred, or that an indoor unit
component needs to be maintained.
Power consumption limit. Indicates that the system's power
consumption is being limited, and that it is running with
restricted capacity.
End of power consumption limit. Indicates that the system's
power consumption is no longer being limited, and that it is no
longer running with restricted capacity.
Rotation. Indicates that Rotation mode is active.
Setback. Indicates that the indoor unit is operating under
setback conditions.
Ventilation. Indicates that a heat reclaim ventilation unit is
For information on the operation mode and ventilation mode icons, see
"5.2Operation mode"[418] and "Ventilation mode"[430] respectively.
Most icons are related to things set in the Madoka Assistant app. For more
information, see the app.
4 | Remote controller: Overview
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
4.4 Status indicator
a Status indicator
5 | Operation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
5 Operation
In this chapter
5.1 Basic usage.............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
5.1.1 Home screen .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.2 Main menu ............................................................................................................................................................. 17
5.2 Operation mode ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.2.1 About the operation modes................................................................................................................................... 19
5.2.2 To set the operation mode .................................................................................................................................... 23
5.3 Setpoint................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.3.1 About the setpoint ................................................................................................................................................. 24
5.3.2 To set the setpoint ................................................................................................................................................. 26
5.4 Date and time ......................................................................................................................................................................... 26
5.4.1 About date and time .............................................................................................................................................. 26
5.4.2 To set date and time .............................................................................................................................................. 27
5.5 Airflow..................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
5.5.1 Airflow direction..................................................................................................................................................... 27
5.5.2 Fan speed ............................................................................................................................................................... 28
5.6 Ventilation............................................................................................................................................................................... 30
5.6.1 Ventilation mode.................................................................................................................................................... 30
5.6.2 Ventilation rate ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.7 Advanced usage...................................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.1 Basic usage
5.1.1 Home screen
Home screen mode
Depending on configuration, the controller either has a standard or a detailed
home screen. While the standard home screen gives you only limited information,
the detailed home screen gives you all kinds of information through status icons.
After a period of operation inactivity, the controller will always revert to the home
Standard Detailed
Home screen operation
In certain conditions, the controller allows you to perform actions from the home
Condition Action
The system is running in Cooling,
Heating, or Auto operation mode.
Change the setpoint
5 | Operation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Condition Action
The system is composed of ONLY heat
reclaim ventilation units.
Change the ventilation rate
Depending on configuration, the home screen displays the setpoint either as a
numerical value, or as a symbol. For more information, see "About the
In case the home screen displays the setpoint as a symbol, then it will only display
the status icons of the standard home screen mode, even when the controller is
in detailed home screen mode.
The controller is equipped with a power saving function that causes the screen to go
blank after a period of inactivity. To make the screen light up again, press one of the
5.1.2 Main menu
From the home screen, press to enter the main menu. Use and to cycle
through the menus. Press again to enter one of the menus.
Menu Description
Operation mode. Set the operation mode.
Date and time. Make date and time settings.
Airflow direction. Set the indoor unit airflow direction.
Fan speed. Set the indoor unit fan speed.
Ventilation mode. Set the ventilation operation mode.
Ventilation rate. Set the fan speed for ventilation operation.
Bluetooth. Activate Bluetooth to control the system with the
Madoka Assistant app, and/or to perform a remote controller
software update.
5 | Operation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Depending on the type of indoor unit you are operating, more or less menus may
be available.
In the main menu, the icon for each menu reflects the current active setting or
mode. When operating the controller, the menu you navigate through can look
different from that represented in this manual.
The controller only allows for basic operation of the system. For advanced
operation (setback, schedule timer, …), see the Madoka Assistant app.
It is possible that menus are locked. When this is the case, they appear crossed-out
in the main menu, and get accompanied by a lock icon. The locking of functions
happens through the Madoka Assistant app. For more information, see the Madoka
Assistant app and "Function lock"[4114].
5.2 Operation mode
The indoor unit can operate in various operation modes.
Icon Operation mode
Cooling. In this mode, cooling will be activated as required by the
setpoint, or by Setback operation.
Heating. In this mode, heating will be activated as required by
the setpoint, or by Setback operation.
Fan Only. In this mode, air circulates without heating or cooling.
Dry. In this mode, the air humidity will be lowered with a
minimal temperature decrease.
The temperature and fan speed are controlled automatically and
cannot be controlled by the controller.
Dry operation will not function if the room temperature is too
Ventilation.In this mode, the space gets ventilated, but not
cooled or heated.
Air Clean. In this mode, the optional air cleaning unit operates.
Ventilation + Air Clean. Combination of ventilation and air clean
Auto. In Auto mode, the indoor unit automatically switches
between heating and cooling mode, as required by the setpoint.
5 | Operation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Depending on the indoor unit, more or less operation modes are available.
5.2.1 About the operation modes
If the indoor unit is a cooling-only model, it can only be set to run in Cooling, Fan
only, or Dry operation mode.
When operation modes are not available in the operation mode menu, it is
additionally possible that they are locked. The locking of operation modes occurs
through the Madoka Assistant app. For more information, see the Madoka Assistant
app and "Function lock"[4114].
If the operation mode changeover of an indoor unit is under centralised control
('changeover under centralised control' status icon blinking in the home screen),
then it is NOT possible to change the operation mode of that indoor unit. For more
information, see "Cooling/Heating masterhood"[486].
If the outdoor air temperature is high, it can take some time until the indoor room
temperature reaches the setpoint temperature.
When the indoor room temperature is low, and the indoor unit is set to run in
Cooling operation mode, the indoor unit can enter Defrost operation mode first
(i.e. Heating operation), this to prevent a decrease of the system's cooling capacity
due to frost on the heat exchanger. For more information, see "Heating"[419].
The indoor unit can run in Cooling operation mode because it is operating under
Setback conditions. For more information, see "Setback"[4110].
When running in Heating operation mode, the system requires a longer time to
reach the setpoint temperature than when running in Cooling operation mode. To
make up for this, it is recommended to let the system start operation in advance by
making use of the timer function.
The indoor unit can run in Heating operation mode because it is operating under
Setback conditions. For more information, see "Setback"[4110].
To prevent cold drafts and a reduction of the system's heating capacity, the system
can run in the following special heating operation modes:
5 | Operation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Operation Description
Defrost To prevent the loss of heating capacity
due to frost accumulation in the outdoor
unit, the system will automatically
switch to defrost operation.
During defrost operation, the indoor
unit fan will stop operation, and the
following icon will appear on the home
The system will resume normal
operation after approximately 6 to 8
Hot start (VRV only) During hot start, the indoor unit fan will
stop operation, and the following icon
will appear on the home screen:
When the system is stopped while the indoor unit is running in Heating operation
mode, the fan will continue to operate for approximately 1minute, this to get out
any heat remaining in the indoor unit.
The lower the outdoor air temperature, the lower the heating capacity. If the
system's heating capacity is insufficient, it is recommended to include another
heating appliance into the setup (if you use a combustion appliance, ventilate the
room regularly. Also, do not use the heating appliance in places where it is
exposed to the airflow of the indoor unit).
The indoor unit is of the hot air circulation type. As a result, after operation start,
it takes the indoor unit some time to warm up the room.
The indoor unit fan will automatically operate until the indoor temperature of the
system rises to a certain level.
When hot air stays under the ceiling and your feet feel cold, it is recommended to
include a circulator into the setup.
To prevent water leakage or system failure, do NOT turn off the system immediately
after indoor unit operation. Before turning off the system, wait until the drain pump
finishes discharging any water remaining in the indoor unit (approximately 1minute).
To ensure a smooth start, do not turn off the system while it is operating.
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
In case of indoor unit setpoint logic, the system cannot run in Auto operation mode.
Therefore, to allow for Auto operation mode, go for remote controller setpoint logic.
For more information, see the Madoka Assistant app and "Setpoint logic"[4109].
The Auto operation mode logic depends on the set setpoint logic (Madoka
Assistant app setting).
Single setpoint Dual setpoint
+ C1
+ C1
+ C1
+ C1
Cooling setpoint
Heating setpoint
DIFF Minimum setpoint differential between the Heating and
the Cooling setpoint
+C1 Changeover setpoint (with guard timer)
C2 Forced changeover setpoint
0.5°C~2°C Field settable temperature intervals between setpoints
The default value of the settable temperature range (0.5°C~2°C) is 0.5°C.
A changeover from the one operation mode to the other occurs in the following
Case 1: primary changeover ( +C1)
A changeover occurs from the moment the room temperature rises above/drops
below the Cooling/Heating changeover setpoint (C1), and the guard timer has run
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Single setpoint Dual setpoint
+ C1
+ C1
The system is heating up the room.
When after a while the room
temperature rises above C1 (23°C), a
changeover from Heating to Cooling
occurs, provided that the guard timer
has run out. If the guard timer has not
run out, the changeover will only occur
from the moment the timer does run
out. As a result of the changeover, the
guard timer starts running again so as to
allow for or prevent the next
The system is cooling down the room.
When after a while the room
temperature drops below C1 (21°C), a
changeover from Cooling to Heating
occurs, provided that the guard timer
has run out. If the guard timer has not
run out, the changeover will only occur
from the moment the timer does run
out. As a result of the changeover, the
guard timer starts running again, to
allow for or prevent the next
+ C1
+ C1
The system is heating up the room.
When after a while the room
temperature rises above C1 (25°C), a
changeover from Heating to Cooling
occurs, provided that the guard timer
has run out. If the guard timer has not
run out, the changeover will only occur
from the moment the timer does run
out. As a result of the changeover, the
guard timer starts running again so as to
allow for or prevent the next
The system is cooling down the room.
When after a while the room
temperature drops below C1 (21°C), a
changeover from Cooling to Heating
occurs, provided that the guard timer
has run out. If the guard timer has not
run out, the changeover will only occur
from the moment the timer does run
out. As a result of the changeover, the
guard timer starts running again, to
allow for or prevent the next
Case 2: forced changeover (C2)
A changeover is forced from the moment the room temperature rises above/drops
below the Cooling/Heating forced changeover setpoint (C2) while the guard timer
is still running.
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Single setpoint Dual setpoint
+ C1
+ C1
The system is heating up the room.
When the room temperature rises
above C2 (24°C) while the guard timer is
still running, a changeover is forced
from Heating to Cooling.
The system is cooling down the room.
When the room temperature drops
below C2 (20°C) while the guard timer is
still running, a changeover is forced
from Cooling to Heating.
+ C1
+ C1
The system is heating up the room.
When the room temperature rises
above C2 (26°C) while the guard timer is
still running, a changeover is forced
from Heating to Cooling.
The system is cooling down the room.
When the room temperature drops
below C2 (20°C) while the guard timer is
still running, a changeover is forced
from Cooling to Heating.
To prevent operation mode changeovers from occurring too frequently, changeovers
typically occur only after the guard timer has run out (i.e. Case 1). However, to
prevent the room from getting too hot or too cold, a changeover is forced when the
room temperature reaches C2 while the guard timer is still running (i.e. Case 2).
5.2.2 To set the operation mode
1 Navigate to the operation mode menu.
2 Use and to select an operation mode.
3 Press to activate.
Result: The indoor unit changes its operation mode and the controller returns to
the home screen.
5.3 Setpoint
The setpoint is the target temperature for the Cooling, Heating, and Auto
operation modes.
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The lower setpoint limit of the Cooling operation mode is 20°C, as per UAE Federal
regulation UAE.S 5010-5:2016 clause 6, and UAE.S 5010-1:2016 clause 10.
5.3.1 About the setpoint
Depending on configuration, the home screen displays the temperature setpoint
either as a numerical value, or as a symbol.
For how to set the home screen setpoint, see the Madoka Assistant app. Also see
Home screen setpoint: Numerical
In case the home screen displays the temperature setpoint as a numerical value,
you control the room temperature by raising or lowering the setpoint by 1°C
The default setpoint range is 16°C~32°C. If any limitations are set to this range with
the setpoint range function (Madoka Assistant app function; see "Setpoint
range"[4112]), it is only possible to raise or lower the setpoint up/down to the set
maximum/minimum setpoint range limits.
Home screen setpoint: Symbolic
In case the home screen displays the temperature setpoint as a symbol, you
control the room temperature by raising or lowering the setpoint in relation to the
"reference setpoint" (visually indicated by the marker in the middle of the
It is possible to raise the setpoint up to three steps of 1°C above and up to three
steps of 1°C below the reference setpoint.
Example: if the reference setpoint is 25°C, it is possible to raise the setpoint to
28°C and lower it to 22°C.
For how to set the reference setpoint, see the Madoka Assistant app. Also see
Exceptions to this logic are possible in case of:
5 | Operation
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Setpoint range limitations
Central control / control by a schedule
Setpoint range
If any limitations are set to the default setpoint range (16°C~32°C) with the
setpoint range function (Madoka Assistant app function; see "Setpoint
range"[4112]), it is only possible to raise or lower the setpoint up/down to the set
upper/lower setpoint range limits.
Example: if the reference temperature is 25°C, you can normally lower the
setpoint three steps to 22°C. However, if a setpoint range limit is set to 23°C, you
can only lower the setpoint to 23°C.
Central control / Schedule
If the system is under the control of a centralised controller or a schedule, then the
regular +3°C/–3°C setpoint range limits can get overruled AND changed.
The centralised controller or schedule
imposes a setpoint that is within the
regular +3°C/–3°C setpoint range.
Nothing unusual happens and the
system follows the regular setpoint and
setpoint range logic.
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The centralised controller or schedule
imposes a setpoint that exceeds the
regular +3°C/–3°C setpoint range.
The imposed setpoint becomes the new
upper/lower limit of the +3°C/–3°C
range, and the whole range shifts in
relation to this new limit.
Example: the reference setpoint is set
to 25°C, yielding the following setpoint
If the centralised controller or schedule
changes the setpoint to 21°C, which is
below the range, then "21°C" becomes
the new lower limit, and the range
shifts in relation to this new limit.
5.3.2 To set the setpoint
Prerequisite: The active operation mode is either 'Cooling', 'Heating', or 'Auto'.
1 In the home screen, use and to adjust the setpoint.
Result: The indoor unit changes its temperature setpoint.
5.4 Date and time
Set the date and time for the indoor units connected to the controller.
5.4.1 About date and time
Depending on daylight saving time settings, the date and time menu has the
following daylight saving time indicators:
5 | Operation
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Summer time
Winter time
For more information, see "Indoor unit field settings" [4 73] (remote controller
settings) and "Date and time"[4105] (app settings).
5.4.2 To set date and time
1 Navigate to the date and time menu.
2 Press to activate .
Result: The fields become editable.
3 Set the date and time. Set with and . Confirm with . Cycle through the
menu until all fields are set correctly.
Result: You set the date and the time.
Confirming the value in a field will automatically bring you to the next field. To finish
making settings and leave the menu, navigate to and confirm the value in the last
5.5 Airflow
5.5.1 Airflow direction
The airflow direction is the direction in which the indoor unit blows its air.
About airflow direction
The following airflow directions can be set:
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Direction Screen
Fixed position. The indoor unit blows air
in 1 of 5 fixed positions.
Swing. The indoor unit alternates
between the 5 positions.
Auto. The indoor unit adjusts its airflow
direction according to movement sensed
by a movement sensor.
Depending on the type of indoor unit, and/or on system layout and organisation,
Auto airflow direction may not be available.
For some types of indoor unit, you cannot set the airflow direction.
Automatic airflow control
In the following operating conditions, the airflow direction of the indoor units is
controlled automatically:
When the room temperature is higher than the controller's setpoint for Heating
operation (including Auto operation).
When the indoor units run in Heating operation mode, and the Defrost function
is active.
When the indoor units run in Continuous operation, and the airflow direction is
To set the airflow direction
1 Navigate to the airflow direction menu.
2 Use and to adjust the airflow direction.
3 Press to confirm.
Result: The indoor unit changes its airflow direction and the controller returns to
the home screen.
5.5.2 Fan speed
The fan speed is the strength of the airflow coming out of the indoor unit.
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About fan speed
Depending on the indoor unit, you can choose between either:
Fan speed Screen
2 fan speeds
3 fan speeds
5 fan speeds
Some indoor units additionally support Automatic fan speed. In this case, the
indoor unit adjusts its fan speed automatically, according to the setpoint and
indoor temperature.
Fan speed Screen
For mechanical protection purposes, it is possible that the indoor unit switches
itself to 'Automatic fan speed' mode.
If the fan stops operating, this does not necessarily mean system failure. The fan
can stop operating at all times.
It may take some time before changes made to fan speed settings are actually
carried out.
To set the fan speed
1 Navigate to the fan speed menu.
2 Use and to adjust the fan speed.
3 Press to confirm.
Result: The indoor unit changes its fan speed and the controller returns to the
home screen.
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5.6 Ventilation
Ventilation settings can ONLY be made for heat reclaim ventilation units.
5.6.1 Ventilation mode
The heat reclaim ventilation unit can operate in various operation modes.
Icon Ventilation mode
Energy Reclaim Ventilation. The outdoor air is supplied to the
room after passing through a heat exchanger.
Bypass. The outdoor air is supplied to the room without passing
through a heat exchanger.
Auto. To ventilate the room in the most efficient way, the heat
reclaim ventilation unit automatically switches between "Bypass"
and "Energy Reclaim Ventilation" mode (based on internal
Depending on the heat reclaim ventilation unit, more or less ventilation modes are
Ventilation mode changes are possible regardless of Cooling/Heating masterhood.
For more information, see "Cooling/Heating masterhood"[486].
Before starting up the system, the unit MUST be energised for at least 6 hours to
avoid compressor breakdown during startup.
To ensure a smooth start, do not turn off the system while it is operating.
To set the ventilation mode
1 Navigate to the ventilation mode menu.
2 Use and to select a ventilation mode.
3 Press to activate.
Result: The heat reclaim ventilation unit changes its operation mode and the
controller returns to the home screen.
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5.6.2 Ventilation rate
The ventilation rate is the fan speed during ventilation operation.
To set the ventilation rate
1 Navigate to the ventilation rate menu.
2 Use and to adjust the ventilation rate.
3 Press to confirm.
Result: The heat reclaim ventilation unit changes its ventilation rate and the
controller returns to the home screen.
5.7 Advanced usage
The controller only allows for basic operation. For advanced operation, use the
Madoka Assistant app.
To operate the controller with the app, you need to connect the controller to a
mobile device on which the app is installed. For instructions, see
6 | Maintenance and service
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
6 Maintenance and service
6.1 Overview: Maintenance and service
When a system components needs maintenance or service, consult your dealer. To
indicate that maintenance is due, the controller displays on the home screen,
and/or displays a warning screen as soon as you press to enter the main menu
from the home screen.
The following warning screens are related to indoor unit maintenance:
Clean the indoor unit filter Replace the indoor unit filter
Empty the indoor unit dustbox
7 | Troubleshooting
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
7 Troubleshooting
In this chapter
7.1 Overview: Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................................... 33
7.2 Refrigerant leak detection...................................................................................................................................................... 33
7.2.1 About refrigerant leak detection ........................................................................................................................... 33
7.2.2 To stop the leak detection alarm........................................................................................................................... 34
7.1 Overview: Troubleshooting
When the system is in error, consult your dealer. To indicate system error, the
controller displays on the home screen, and/or displays an error screen as soon
as you press to enter the main menu from the home screen.
Error screen (example)
If the controller is set to be operable in "Supervisor" mode, then the controller adds
the "supervised room address" of the faulty indoor unit to the error screen. In
“Supervisor” mode, it is mandatory to set a unique “supervised room address” for
every indoor unit. The “supervised room address” can be set in the Madoka Assistant
app. Note that in case of multiple leakages, only the address of the first faulty unit
rising the error is displayed.
For more information about the modes the controller can be set to be operable in,
see "4.1About the controller"[412].
7.2 Refrigerant leak detection
When the system detects a refrigerant leak, an alarm goes off. Stop the alarm and
consult your dealer.
For more information on what to do in the app in case of a refrigerant leak, see
"15About the app"[492].
7.2.1 About refrigerant leak detection
The information that the controller displays in case of a refrigerant leak depends
on the mode that the controller is set to be operable in.
7 | Troubleshooting
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Normal and Alarm only mode
Master controller Slave controller
The controller displays the unit number
of the leaking indoor unit
The controller does not display the unit
number of the leaking indoor unit
Supervisor mode
Master controller Slave controller
The controller displays the supervised
room address of the leaking indoor unit
For more information about the modes, see "4.1About the controller"[412].
7.2.2 To stop the leak detection alarm
1 Press for 3 seconds to stop the alarm.
Result: The alarm stops.
2 Consult your dealer.
In case the controller is set to be operable in ‘Supervisor’ mode, the controller will
indicate the supervised room address of the indoor unit for which the leak detection
alarm occurs. However, it is not possible to stop the alarm of the indoor unit
controller (set to be operable in either “Normal” or “Alarm only” mode) from the
controller in “Supervisor” mode. The alarm of the controller connected to the indoor
unit with the leak has to be stopped individually.
For the installer
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For the installer
8 | About the box
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8 About the box
8.1 To unpack the controller
1 Open the box.
2 Separate the accessories.
a b
a Installation and operation manual
b Wood screws + wall plugs (Ø4.0×30)
9 | Preparation
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
9 Preparation
9.1 Wiring requirements
All wiring must comply with the following requirements:
Wire specification Value
Type Sheathed vinyl cord or cable (2 wires)
Section 0.75~1.25 mm
Maximum length 500 m
9.1.1 To prepare the wiring for installation
1 Peel the sheath of the part of the cable that needs to pass through the inside
of the rear casing (L), according to the figure and the table.
2 Keep a 10mm distance between the length of the 2 wires.
10 mm
Wiring outlet L
Top ±150mm
Left ±120mm
Bottom ±100mm
Rear No requirements
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10 Installation
In this chapter
10.1 Overview: Installation............................................................................................................................................................. 38
10.2 Mounting the controller......................................................................................................................................................... 38
10.2.1 About mounting the controller.............................................................................................................................. 38
10.2.2 To mount the controller......................................................................................................................................... 39
10.3 Connecting the electrical wiring............................................................................................................................................. 40
10.3.1 Precautions when connecting the electrical wiring .............................................................................................. 40
10.3.2 To connect the electrical wiring............................................................................................................................. 40
10.4 Closing the controller ............................................................................................................................................................. 41
10.4.1 Precautions when closing the controller............................................................................................................... 41
10.4.2 To close the controller ........................................................................................................................................... 41
10.5 Opening the controller ........................................................................................................................................................... 42
10.5.1 Precautions when opening the controller............................................................................................................. 42
10.5.2 To open the controller ........................................................................................................................................... 42
10.1 Overview: Installation
The installation of the controller typically consists of the following stages:
1 Determining how you want to route the electrical wiring, and nipping away a
piece of the rear casing accordingly.
2 Mounting the rear casing to the wall.
3 Connecting the electrical wiring.
4 Closing the controller.
10.2 Mounting the controller
10.2.1 About mounting the controller
Before you can mount the controller, you have to determine the wiring routing,
and accordingly, remove a piece of the controller's rear casing.
The wiring can be routed from the top, the rear, the left, or the bottom. Remove a
piece of the rear casing according to the illustration:
a Wiring from the top
b Wiring from the left
c Wiring from the bottom
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
In case you are routing the wiring from the rear, you do not have to remove
When routing the wiring from the top or from the rear, insert the wiring through the
knockout hole before mounting the rear casing to the wall.
10.2.2 To mount the controller
1 Take the screws and plugs from the accessory bag.
2 Mount the rear casing to a flat surface.
If required (e.g. when mounting to a flush-mounted electrical installation box),
mount the rear casing by way of the knockout holes.
When mounting the rear casing to a flush-mounted electrical installation box inside a
wall, make sure that that wall is completely flat.
Be careful not to distort the rear casing by overtightening the mounting screws.
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10.3 Connecting the electrical wiring
10.3.1 Precautions when connecting the electrical wiring
Also read the precautions and requirements in the following chapters:
General safety precautions
All field wiring and components MUST be installed by a licensed electrician and
MUST comply with the applicable legislation.
When connecting the controller to the indoor unit, make sure the indoor unit
switchbox and transmission wiring are not connected.
The wiring for connection is NOT included.
When wiring, run the wiring away from the power supply wiring in order to avoid
receiving electric noise (external noise).
P1 and P2 have no polarity.
10.3.2 To connect the electrical wiring
Connect controller terminals P1/P2 to indoor unit terminals P1/P2.
From the top
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From the rear
From the left
From the bottom
10.4 Closing the controller
10.4.1 Precautions when closing the controller
Never touch the internal parts of the controller.
When closing the controller, be careful not to pinch the wiring.
To prevent damage, make sure the front of the controller is clicked into the rear
casing securely.
10.4.2 To close the controller
1 Click the front of the controller into the rear casing.
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2 When the installation site is dust‑free, peel off the protective seal.
10.5 Opening the controller
10.5.1 Precautions when opening the controller
The controller PCB is mounted into the front casing. When opening the controller, be
careful not to damage the PCB.
When the front and rear casing are separated, make sure the PCB does not come
into contact with dust or moisture.
10.5.2 To open the controller
1 Insert a flat‑head screwdriver into one of the bottom closing mechanisms and
slowly twist it.
11 | Starting up the system
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11 Starting up the system
Before starting up the system, make sure:
The indoor and outdoor unit wiring is completed.
The switch box covers of the indoor and outdoor units are closed.
The controller gets its power from the indoor unit. It will start up as soon as it is
connected. For the controller to be operable, make sure the indoor unit is powered
Once the controller is powered, it will automatically start up. If it is the first and
only controller that is connected to the indoor unit, it will automatically get
designated as a "Normal" master controller.
11.1 Controller designation
Once started up, designate the controller to be operable in "Normal", "Alarm only",
or "Supervisor" mode, and designate it as either a master or a slave controller. If a
controller is set to be operable in “Supervisor” mode, it can only be a slave
c d
a Outdoor unit
b Indoor unit
c Master remote controller
d Slave remote controller
On the information screen, master/slave status is indicated by the following icons:
Icon Description
For more information, see "Information screen"[452].
It is only possible to use a master and a slave controller of the same type.
In case digital input adapter BRP7A5* is part of the system, it is not possible to
connect and designate a second controller. Connecting a second controller when the
system already contains the adapter, will cause the adapter to go in error.
11 | Starting up the system
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
If the slave controller does not display the home screen two minutes after its
designation, turn off the power and check the wiring.
After re-designating a controller, the system requires a power reset.
Slave controllers do not support all functions. If you cannot find a function on a slave
controller, check for it on the master controller.
For master and slave controllers to function together, they need to have the same
value for the "Home screen setpoint" setting (Madoka Assistant app setting), i.e. all
set to "Numerical" or all set to "Symbolic".
11.1.1 To designate a controller as slave
Prerequisite: A master controller is already connected to the indoor unit.
1 Connect a second controller.
Result: It will start up automatically.
2 Wait for a U5 or U8 error to appear on the screen.
3 When the U5 or U8 error appears, press and keep it pressed until "2"
appears on the screen.
Result: The controller is now designated as slave.
12 | Remote controller: Overview
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12 Remote controller: Overview
In this chapter
12.1 About the controller............................................................................................................................................................... 45
12.1.1 To configure the controller .................................................................................................................................... 46
12.2 Buttons.................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
12.3 Status icons............................................................................................................................................................................. 47
12.4 Status indicator....................................................................................................................................................................... 48
12.4.1 Behaviour ............................................................................................................................................................... 48
12.1 About the controller
Depending on configuration, the controller is operable in either one of three
modes. Each mode offers different controller functionality.
Mode Functionality
Normal The controller is fully functional.
All functionality described under
"13Operation"[450] is available.
The controller can be a master or a
slave controller.
Alarm only The controller only acts as leak
detection alarm for a single indoor unit.
No functionality described under
"13Operation"[450] is available.
For information on the leak detection
alarm, see "7.2Refrigerant leak
The controller can be a master or a
slave controller.
Supervisor The controller only acts as leak
detection alarm for the whole system,
i.e. multiple indoor units and their
respective controllers. This mode is
intended for a controller that is to be
used in a supervision location, e.g. the
reception desk of a hotel.
No functionality described under
"13Operation"[450] is available.
For information on the leak detection
alarm, see "7.2Refrigerant leak
The controller can only be a slave
For more information on how to set the controller to be operable in a specific
mode, see "To configure the controller"[446]. When using “Supervisor” mode, it
is important to set the supervised room address in order to know for which indoor
unit the refrigerant leak alarm occurs. See "Supervised room address"[4123] for
more inormation.
12 | Remote controller: Overview
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12.1.1 To configure the controller
You can configure the controller to be operable in either one of three modes. For
more information about the modes, see "12.1About the controller"[445].
Mode Configuration
Normal (default)
Change remote controller field setting:
Mode: R2
SW: 5
Value: 0
Alarm only
Change remote controller field setting:
Mode: R2
SW: 5
Value: 1
Change remote controller field setting:
Mode: R2
SW: 5
Value: 2
For more information on how to change remote controller field settings, see "Field
12.2 Buttons
c b d
When OFF, press to turn ON the system.
When ON, press to turn OFF the system.
From the home screen, enter the main menu.
From the main menu, enter one of the submenus.
From their respective submenu, activate an operation/ventilation mode.
In one of the submenus, confirm a setting.
Cycle left.
Adjust a setting (default: decrease).
Cycle right.
Adjust a setting (default: increase).
12 | Remote controller: Overview
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
12.3 Status icons
Icon Description
System operation ON. Indicates that the system is in operation.
System operation OFF. Indicates that the system is NOT in
Indicates that the controller is communicating with
a mobile device, for use with the Madoka Assistant app.
Lock. Indicates that a function or operation mode is locked and
therefore cannot be used or selected.
Centralised control. Indicates that the system is controlled by
central control equipment (optional accessory) and that control
of the system by the controller is limited.
Changeover under centralised control. Indicates that the
cooling/heating changeover is under centralised control by
another indoor unit, or by an optional cool/ heat selector that is
connected to the outdoor unit.
Defrost/Hot start. Indicates that the defrost/hot start mode is
Schedule/Timer. Indicates that the system operates according to
a schedule, or that the OFF timer is enabled.
Time not set. Indicates that controller's time is not set.
Self-cleaning filter operation. Indicates that self-cleaning filter
operation is active.
Quick Start. Indicates that Quick Start mode is active (Sky Air
Test operation. Indicates that Test Operation mode is active (Sky
Air only).
Inspection. Indicates that the indoor or outdoor unit is being
Periodic inspection. Indicates that the indoor or outdoor unit is
being inspected.
Backup. Indicates that in the system an indoor unit is set as
backup indoor unit.
Individual airflow direction. Indicates that the individual airflow
direction setting is enabled.
Information. Indicates that the system has a message to convey.
To see the message, go to the information screen.
Warning. Indicates that an error occurred, or that an indoor unit
component needs to be maintained.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and use of such marks
by Daikin Europe N.V. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
12 | Remote controller: Overview
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Icon Description
Power consumption limit. Indicates that the system's power
consumption is being limited, and that it is running with
restricted capacity.
End of power consumption limit. Indicates that the system's
power consumption is no longer being limited, and that it is no
longer running with restricted capacity.
Rotation. Indicates that Rotation mode is active.
Setback. Indicates that the indoor unit is operating under
setback conditions.
Ventilation. Indicates that a heat reclaim ventilation unit is
For information on the operation mode and ventilation mode icons, see
"13.2Operation mode"[454] and "Ventilation mode"[465] respectively.
Most icons are related to things set in the Madoka Assistant app. For more
information, see the app.
12.4 Status indicator
a Status indicator
12.4.1 Behaviour
The behaviour of the status indicator depends on remote controller field setting
R1-11 (status indicator mode). Depending on the value that is set for this setting,
the status indicator has the following behaviour:
Operation state Status indicator behaviour
0 (Normal) 1 (Hotel setting 1) 2 (Hotel setting 2)
Operation ON ON ON ON (when the
backlight goes into
faint state, the
status indicator
turns OFF)
Error Blinking (no change) (no change)
12 | Remote controller: Overview
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Operation state Status indicator behaviour
0 (Normal) 1 (Hotel setting 1) 2 (Hotel setting 2)
Warning ON ON ON (when the
backlight goes into
faint state, the
status indicator
turns OFF)
Setting of status
indicator intensity
Pairing with indoor
Blinking Blinking Blinking
Remote controller field setting R1-11 allows for changes to the behaviour of the
status indicator, making the controller suitable for use in hotels.
By default, the controller is in status indicator mode "Hotel 2".
13 | Operation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
13 Operation
In this chapter
13.1 Basic usage.............................................................................................................................................................................. 50
13.1.1 Screen backlight ..................................................................................................................................................... 50
13.1.2 Home screen .......................................................................................................................................................... 51
13.1.3 Information screen................................................................................................................................................. 52
13.1.4 Main menu ............................................................................................................................................................. 53
13.2 Operation mode ..................................................................................................................................................................... 54
13.2.1 About the operation modes................................................................................................................................... 54
13.2.2 To set the operation mode .................................................................................................................................... 58
13.3 Setpoint................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
13.3.1 About the setpoint ................................................................................................................................................. 59
13.3.2 To set the setpoint ................................................................................................................................................. 61
13.4 Date and time ......................................................................................................................................................................... 61
13.4.1 About date and time .............................................................................................................................................. 61
13.4.2 To set date and time .............................................................................................................................................. 62
13.5 Airflow..................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
13.5.1 Airflow direction..................................................................................................................................................... 62
13.5.2 Fan speed ............................................................................................................................................................... 63
13.6 Ventilation............................................................................................................................................................................... 65
13.6.1 Ventilation mode.................................................................................................................................................... 65
13.6.2 Ventilation rate ...................................................................................................................................................... 66
13.7 Advanced usage...................................................................................................................................................................... 66
13.1 Basic usage
13.1.1 Screen backlight
For the controller to be operable, the screen backlight needs to be ON. Otherwise,
the controller does not detect any button presses.
After a period of operation inactivity, the backlight will either turn OFF, or go into a
faint ON state, depending on operation conditions:
Operation OFF: backlight OFF;
Operation ON: backlight ON faintly.
Backlight state changeover after inactivity is set with remote controller field
setting R1-8 (No-operation timer). For more information, see "Remote controller
field settings"[475].
Backlight faintness is set with remote controller field setting R1-10 (Backlight
faintness). For more information, see "Remote controller field settings"[475].
For instructions on how to set screen brightness and contrast when the backlight
is ON, see "Screen settings"[468].
To turn ON the backlight
1 Press shortly.
13 | Operation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
13.1.2 Home screen
Home screen mode
Depending on configuration, the controller either has a standard or a detailed
home screen. While the standard home screen gives you only limited information,
the detailed home screen gives you all kinds of information through status icons.
After a period of operation inactivity, the controller will always revert to the home
Standard Detailed
Home screen operation
In certain conditions, the controller allows you to perform actions from the home
Condition Action
The system is running in Cooling,
Heating, or Auto operation mode.
Change the setpoint
The system is composed of ONLY heat
reclaim ventilation units.
Change the ventilation rate
Depending on configuration, the home screen displays the setpoint either as a
numerical value, or as a symbol. For more information, see "About the
In case the home screen displays the setpoint as a symbol, then it will only display
the status icons of the standard home screen mode, even when the controller is
in detailed home screen mode.
13 | Operation
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Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
The controller is equipped with a power saving function that causes the screen to go
blank after a period of inactivity. To make the screen light up again, press one of the
13.1.3 Information screen
The controller collects operation information in an information screen.
When there is information to convey, the controller displays in the top left
corner of the home screen.
On the information screen, you can find the following information:
Status icons
For the meaning of the status icons, see "12.3Status icons"[447].
Software version
a Software version
The presence of icons on the information screen depends on operation status.
The controller may display more or less icons than are indicated here.
The information screen always displays the current software version, regardless
of operation status.
To enter the information screen
Prerequisite: The controller displays the home screen.
1 Press and keep it pressed until the information screen appears.
13 | Operation
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Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
13.1.4 Main menu
From the home screen, press to enter the main menu. Use and to cycle
through the menus. Press again to enter one of the menus.
Menu Description
Operation mode. Set the operation mode.
Date and time. Make date and time settings.
Airflow direction. Set the indoor unit airflow direction.
Fan speed. Set the indoor unit fan speed.
Ventilation mode. Set the ventilation operation mode.
Ventilation rate. Set the fan speed for ventilation operation.
Bluetooth. Activate Bluetooth to control the system with the
Madoka Assistant app, and/or to perform a remote controller
software update.
Depending on the type of indoor unit you are operating, more or less menus may
be available.
In the main menu, the icon for each menu reflects the current active setting or
mode. When operating the controller, the menu you navigate through can look
different from that represented in this manual.
The controller only allows for basic operation of the system. For advanced
operation (setback, schedule timer, …), see the Madoka Assistant app.
It is possible that menus are locked. When this is the case, they appear crossed-out
in the main menu, and get accompanied by a lock icon. The locking of functions
happens through the Madoka Assistant app. For more information, see the Madoka
Assistant app and "Function lock"[4114].
13 | Operation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
13.2 Operation mode
The indoor unit can operate in various operation modes.
Icon Operation mode
Cooling. In this mode, cooling will be activated as required by the
setpoint, or by Setback operation.
Heating. In this mode, heating will be activated as required by
the setpoint, or by Setback operation.
Fan Only. In this mode, air circulates without heating or cooling.
Dry. In this mode, the air humidity will be lowered with a
minimal temperature decrease.
The temperature and fan speed are controlled automatically and
cannot be controlled by the controller.
Dry operation will not function if the room temperature is too
Ventilation.In this mode, the space gets ventilated, but not
cooled or heated.
Air Clean. In this mode, the optional air cleaning unit operates.
Ventilation + Air Clean. Combination of ventilation and air clean
Auto. In Auto mode, the indoor unit automatically switches
between heating and cooling mode, as required by the setpoint.
Depending on the indoor unit, more or less operation modes are available.
13.2.1 About the operation modes
If the indoor unit is a cooling-only model, it can only be set to run in Cooling, Fan
only, or Dry operation mode.
When operation modes are not available in the operation mode menu, it is
additionally possible that they are locked. The locking of operation modes occurs
through the Madoka Assistant app. For more information, see the Madoka Assistant
app and "Function lock"[4114].
If the operation mode changeover of an indoor unit is under centralised control
('changeover under centralised control' status icon blinking in the home screen),
then it is NOT possible to change the operation mode of that indoor unit. For more
information, see "Cooling/Heating masterhood"[486].
13 | Operation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
If the outdoor air temperature is high, it can take some time until the indoor room
temperature reaches the setpoint temperature.
When the indoor room temperature is low, and the indoor unit is set to run in
Cooling operation mode, the indoor unit can enter Defrost operation mode first
(i.e. Heating operation), this to prevent a decrease of the system's cooling capacity
due to frost on the heat exchanger. For more information, see "Heating"[455].
The indoor unit can run in Cooling operation mode because it is operating under
Setback conditions. For more information, see "Setback"[4110].
When running in Heating operation mode, the system requires a longer time to
reach the setpoint temperature than when running in Cooling operation mode. To
make up for this, it is recommended to let the system start operation in advance by
making use of the timer function.
The indoor unit can run in Heating operation mode because it is operating under
Setback conditions. For more information, see "Setback"[4110].
To prevent cold drafts and a reduction of the system's heating capacity, the system
can run in the following special heating operation modes:
Operation Description
Defrost To prevent the loss of heating capacity
due to frost accumulation in the outdoor
unit, the system will automatically
switch to defrost operation.
During defrost operation, the indoor
unit fan will stop operation, and the
following icon will appear on the home
The system will resume normal
operation after approximately 6 to 8
Hot start (VRV only) During hot start, the indoor unit fan will
stop operation, and the following icon
will appear on the home screen:
When the system is stopped while the indoor unit is running in Heating operation
mode, the fan will continue to operate for approximately 1minute, this to get out
any heat remaining in the indoor unit.
13 | Operation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
The lower the outdoor air temperature, the lower the heating capacity. If the
system's heating capacity is insufficient, it is recommended to include another
heating appliance into the setup (if you use a combustion appliance, ventilate the
room regularly. Also, do not use the heating appliance in places where it is
exposed to the airflow of the indoor unit).
The indoor unit is of the hot air circulation type. As a result, after operation start,
it takes the indoor unit some time to warm up the room.
The indoor unit fan will automatically operate until the indoor temperature of the
system rises to a certain level.
When hot air stays under the ceiling and your feet feel cold, it is recommended to
include a circulator into the setup.
To prevent water leakage or system failure, do NOT turn off the system immediately
after indoor unit operation. Before turning off the system, wait until the drain pump
finishes discharging any water remaining in the indoor unit (approximately 1minute).
To ensure a smooth start, do not turn off the system while it is operating.
In case of indoor unit setpoint logic, the system cannot run in Auto operation mode.
Therefore, to allow for Auto operation mode, go for remote controller setpoint logic.
For more information, see the Madoka Assistant app and "Setpoint logic"[4109].
The Auto operation mode logic depends on the set setpoint logic (Madoka
Assistant app setting).
Single setpoint Dual setpoint
+ C1
+ C1
+ C1
+ C1
Cooling setpoint
Heating setpoint
DIFF Minimum setpoint differential between the Heating and
the Cooling setpoint
+C1 Changeover setpoint (with guard timer)
C2 Forced changeover setpoint
0.5°C~2°C Field settable temperature intervals between setpoints
13 | Operation
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Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
The default value of the settable temperature range (0.5°C~2°C) is 0.5°C.
A changeover from the one operation mode to the other occurs in the following
Case 1: primary changeover ( +C1)
A changeover occurs from the moment the room temperature rises above/drops
below the Cooling/Heating changeover setpoint (C1), and the guard timer has run
Single setpoint Dual setpoint
+ C1
+ C1
The system is heating up the room.
When after a while the room
temperature rises above C1 (23°C), a
changeover from Heating to Cooling
occurs, provided that the guard timer
has run out. If the guard timer has not
run out, the changeover will only occur
from the moment the timer does run
out. As a result of the changeover, the
guard timer starts running again so as to
allow for or prevent the next
The system is cooling down the room.
When after a while the room
temperature drops below C1 (21°C), a
changeover from Cooling to Heating
occurs, provided that the guard timer
has run out. If the guard timer has not
run out, the changeover will only occur
from the moment the timer does run
out. As a result of the changeover, the
guard timer starts running again, to
allow for or prevent the next
+ C1
+ C1
The system is heating up the room.
When after a while the room
temperature rises above C1 (25°C), a
changeover from Heating to Cooling
occurs, provided that the guard timer
has run out. If the guard timer has not
run out, the changeover will only occur
from the moment the timer does run
out. As a result of the changeover, the
guard timer starts running again so as to
allow for or prevent the next
The system is cooling down the room.
When after a while the room
temperature drops below C1 (21°C), a
changeover from Cooling to Heating
occurs, provided that the guard timer
has run out. If the guard timer has not
run out, the changeover will only occur
from the moment the timer does run
out. As a result of the changeover, the
guard timer starts running again, to
allow for or prevent the next
Case 2: forced changeover (C2)
A changeover is forced from the moment the room temperature rises above/drops
below the Cooling/Heating forced changeover setpoint (C2) while the guard timer
is still running.
13 | Operation
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Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Single setpoint Dual setpoint
+ C1
+ C1
The system is heating up the room.
When the room temperature rises
above C2 (24°C) while the guard timer is
still running, a changeover is forced
from Heating to Cooling.
The system is cooling down the room.
When the room temperature drops
below C2 (20°C) while the guard timer is
still running, a changeover is forced
from Cooling to Heating.
+ C1
+ C1
The system is heating up the room.
When the room temperature rises
above C2 (26°C) while the guard timer is
still running, a changeover is forced
from Heating to Cooling.
The system is cooling down the room.
When the room temperature drops
below C2 (20°C) while the guard timer is
still running, a changeover is forced
from Cooling to Heating.
To prevent operation mode changeovers from occurring too frequently, changeovers
typically occur only after the guard timer has run out (i.e. Case 1). However, to
prevent the room from getting too hot or too cold, a changeover is forced when the
room temperature reaches C2 while the guard timer is still running (i.e. Case 2).
13.2.2 To set the operation mode
1 Navigate to the operation mode menu.
2 Use and to select an operation mode.
3 Press to activate.
Result: The indoor unit changes its operation mode and the controller returns to
the home screen.
13.3 Setpoint
The setpoint is the target temperature for the Cooling, Heating, and Auto
operation modes.
13 | Operation
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
The lower setpoint limit of the Cooling operation mode is 20°C, as per UAE Federal
regulation UAE.S 5010-5:2016 clause 6, and UAE.S 5010-1:2016 clause 10.
13.3.1 About the setpoint
Depending on configuration, the home screen displays the temperature setpoint
either as a numerical value, or as a symbol.
For how to set the home screen setpoint, see the Madoka Assistant app. Also see
Home screen setpoint: Numerical
In case the home screen displays the temperature setpoint as a numerical value,
you control the room temperature by raising or lowering the setpoint by 1°C
The default setpoint range is 16°C~32°C. If any limitations are set to this range with
the setpoint range function (Madoka Assistant app function; see "Setpoint
range"[4112]), it is only possible to raise or lower the setpoint up/down to the set
maximum/minimum setpoint range limits.
Home screen setpoint: Symbolic
In case the home screen displays the temperature setpoint as a symbol, you
control the room temperature by raising or lowering the setpoint in relation to the
"reference setpoint" (visually indicated by the marker in the middle of the
It is possible to raise the setpoint up to three steps of 1°C above and up to three
steps of 1°C below the reference setpoint.
Example: if the reference setpoint is 25°C, it is possible to raise the setpoint to
28°C and lower it to 22°C.
For how to set the reference setpoint, see the Madoka Assistant app. Also see
Exceptions to this logic are possible in case of:
13 | Operation
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Setpoint range limitations
Central control / control by a schedule
Setpoint range
If any limitations are set to the default setpoint range (16°C~32°C) with the
setpoint range function (Madoka Assistant app function; see "Setpoint
range"[4112]), it is only possible to raise or lower the setpoint up/down to the set
upper/lower setpoint range limits.
Example: if the reference temperature is 25°C, you can normally lower the
setpoint three steps to 22°C. However, if a setpoint range limit is set to 23°C, you
can only lower the setpoint to 23°C.
Central control / Schedule
If the system is under the control of a centralised controller or a schedule, then the
regular +3°C/–3°C setpoint range limits can get overruled AND changed.
The centralised controller or schedule
imposes a setpoint that is within the
regular +3°C/–3°C setpoint range.
Nothing unusual happens and the
system follows the regular setpoint and
setpoint range logic.
13 | Operation
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
The centralised controller or schedule
imposes a setpoint that exceeds the
regular +3°C/–3°C setpoint range.
The imposed setpoint becomes the new
upper/lower limit of the +3°C/–3°C
range, and the whole range shifts in
relation to this new limit.
Example: the reference setpoint is set
to 25°C, yielding the following setpoint
If the centralised controller or schedule
changes the setpoint to 21°C, which is
below the range, then "21°C" becomes
the new lower limit, and the range
shifts in relation to this new limit.
13.3.2 To set the setpoint
Prerequisite: The active operation mode is either 'Cooling', 'Heating', or 'Auto'.
1 In the home screen, use and to adjust the setpoint.
Result: The indoor unit changes its temperature setpoint.
13.4 Date and time
Set the date and time for the indoor units connected to the controller.
13.4.1 About date and time
Depending on daylight saving time settings, the date and time menu has the
following daylight saving time indicators:
13 | Operation
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Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Summer time
Winter time
For more information, see "Indoor unit field settings" [4 73] (remote controller
settings) and "Date and time"[4105] (app settings).
13.4.2 To set date and time
1 Navigate to the date and time menu.
2 Press to activate .
Result: The fields become editable.
3 Set the date and time. Set with and . Confirm with . Cycle through the
menu until all fields are set correctly.
Result: You set the date and the time.
Confirming the value in a field will automatically bring you to the next field. To finish
making settings and leave the menu, navigate to and confirm the value in the last
13.5 Airflow
13.5.1 Airflow direction
The airflow direction is the direction in which the indoor unit blows its air.
About airflow direction
The following airflow directions can be set:
13 | Operation
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
Direction Screen
Fixed position. The indoor unit blows air
in 1 of 5 fixed positions.
Swing. The indoor unit alternates
between the 5 positions.
Auto. The indoor unit adjusts its airflow
direction according to movement sensed
by a movement sensor.
Depending on the type of indoor unit, and/or on system layout and organisation,
Auto airflow direction may not be available.
For some types of indoor unit, you cannot set the airflow direction.
Automatic airflow control
In the following operating conditions, the airflow direction of the indoor units is
controlled automatically:
When the room temperature is higher than the controller's setpoint for Heating
operation (including Auto operation).
When the indoor units run in Heating operation mode, and the Defrost function
is active.
When the indoor units run in Continuous operation, and the airflow direction is
To set the airflow direction
1 Navigate to the airflow direction menu.
2 Use and to adjust the airflow direction.
3 Press to confirm.
Result: The indoor unit changes its airflow direction and the controller returns to
the home screen.
13.5.2 Fan speed
The fan speed is the strength of the airflow coming out of the indoor unit.
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
About fan speed
Depending on the indoor unit, you can choose between either:
Fan speed Screen
2 fan speeds
3 fan speeds
5 fan speeds
Some indoor units additionally support Automatic fan speed. In this case, the
indoor unit adjusts its fan speed automatically, according to the setpoint and
indoor temperature.
Fan speed Screen
For mechanical protection purposes, it is possible that the indoor unit switches
itself to 'Automatic fan speed' mode.
If the fan stops operating, this does not necessarily mean system failure. The fan
can stop operating at all times.
It may take some time before changes made to fan speed settings are actually
carried out.
To set the fan speed
1 Navigate to the fan speed menu.
2 Use and to adjust the fan speed.
3 Press to confirm.
Result: The indoor unit changes its fan speed and the controller returns to the
home screen.
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4P596268-1 – 2020.12
13.6 Ventilation
Ventilation settings can ONLY be made for heat reclaim ventilation units.
13.6.1 Ventilation mode
The heat reclaim ventilation unit can operate in various operation modes.
Icon Ventilation mode
Energy Reclaim Ventilation. The outdoor air is supplied to the
room after passing through a heat exchanger.
Bypass. The outdoor air is supplied to the room without passing
through a heat exchanger.
Auto. To ventilate the room in the most efficient way, the heat
reclaim ventilation unit automatically switches between "Bypass"
and "Energy Reclaim Ventilation" mode (based on internal
Depending on the heat reclaim ventilation unit, more or less ventilation modes are
Ventilation mode changes are possible regardless of Cooling/Heating masterhood.
For more information, see "Cooling/Heating masterhood"[486].
Before starting up the system, the unit MUST be energised for at least 6 hours to
avoid compressor breakdown during startup.
To ensure a smooth start, do not turn off the system while it is operating.
To set the ventilation mode
1 Navigate to the ventilation mode menu.
2 Use and to select a ventilation mode.
3 Press to activate.
Result: The heat reclaim ventilation unit changes its operation mode and the
controller returns to the home screen.
13 | Operation
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Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
13.6.2 Ventilation rate
The ventilation rate is the fan speed during ventilation operation.
To set the ventilation rate
1 Navigate to the ventilation rate menu.
2 Use and to adjust the ventilation rate.
3 Press to confirm.
Result: The heat reclaim ventilation unit changes its ventilation rate and the
controller returns to the home screen.
13.7 Advanced usage
The controller only allows for basic operation. For advanced operation, use the
Madoka Assistant app.
To operate the controller with the app, you need to connect the controller to a
mobile device on which the app is installed. For instructions, see
14 | Configuration
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
14 Configuration
In this chapter
14.1 Installer menu......................................................................................................................................................................... 67
14.1.1 About the installer menu ....................................................................................................................................... 67
14.1.2 Screen settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 68
14.1.3 Status indicator settings......................................................................................................................................... 69
14.1.4 Field settings........................................................................................................................................................... 69
14.1.5 Miscellaneous settings........................................................................................................................................... 76
14.2 Software update ..................................................................................................................................................................... 89
14.2.1 About software updates ........................................................................................................................................ 89
14.2.2 Software update with app ..................................................................................................................................... 89
14.2.3 Software update with updating tool...................................................................................................................... 90
14.1 Installer menu
14.1.1 About the installer menu
In the installer menu you can make the following settings:
Category Icon Settings
Screen settings Brightness
Status indicator settings Intensity
Field settings Indoor unit field settings
Remote controller field settings
Miscellaneous settings Group address and AirNet
External input interlock
Force fan ON
Cooling/Heating masterhood
Refrigerant leak alarm test
14 | Configuration
Installer and user reference guide
Madoka wired remote controller
4P596268-1 – 2020.12
To enter the installer menu
Prerequisite: The controller displays the home screen.
1 Press and keep it pressed until the information screen appears:
The presence of icons on the information screen depends on operation status.
The controller may display more or less icons than are indicated here.
The information screen always displays the current software version, regardless
of operation status.
2 From the information screen, press and simultaneously and keep them
pressed until you enter the installer menu:
Result: You are now in the installer menu.
14.1.2 Screen settings
To set screen brightness
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
1 Navigate to the screen brightness menu.
2 Use and to adjust screen brightness.
3 Press to confirm.
Result: The screen adjusts its brightness and the controller returns to the installer
To set screen contrast
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
1 Navigate to the screen contrast menu.
14 | Configuration
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Madoka wired remote controller
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2 Use and to adjust screen contrast.
3 Press to confirm.
Result: The screen adjusts its contrast and the controller returns to the installer
14.1.3 Status indicator settings
To set status indicator intensity
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
1 Navigate to the status indicator intensity menu.
2 Use and to adjust status indicator intensity.
3 Press to confirm.
Result: The status indicator adjusts its intensity and the controller returns to the
installer menu.
14.1.4 Field settings
About field settings
The controller allows for making field settings related to the indoor unit, and to the
controller itself.
Screen Field settings
Indoor unit
Remote controller
In both case, the setting procedure is the same. For instructions, see "Setting
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Setting procedure
Field settings are composed of the following components:
1 Modes ("Mode"),
2 Units ("Unit"),
3 Settings ("SW"), and
4 Values for those settings.
The field settings menus have two levels. You set modes and units in the first level,
and settings and values in the second.
Level Description
First level Mode (Mode)
A mode is a group of settable parameters.
In the field settings tables, find available mode numbers in the
"Mode" column. Mode numbers that apply to individual indoor units
are between brackets in the "Mode" column.
Unit (Unit) (indoor unit field settings only)
A unit is an individual unit to which a setting might apply.
When making field settings for individual units, this is the place
where you define the number of the unit to which the setting
When making field settings for grouped units, you do NOT set the
unit number. The settings will then apply to all indoor units that are
part of that group.
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Level Description
Second level Setting (SW)
A setting is a settable parameter. These are the settings you are
In the field settings tables, find the available setting numbers in the
"SW" column.
A value is one of a fixed set of values that you can choose for a
When the value field contains a "-", there are no values available for
the selected setting:
SW 00
When making group settings, you can ONLY set a value for a setting
if the value field contains a "*" (if the value field does NOT contain a
"*", you cannot apply the selected setting to the group):
SW 00
In the field settings tables, find the available values for each setting
in the "Value" column.
To navigate through the field settings menus, use , , and .
1 Use and to move the highlighter.
2 Press to select a field setting component.
3 Use and to change the value of that field setting component.
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4 Press to confirm that value.
5 In the first level, select to move to the second level.
6 In the second level, navigate and select in the same way as you did in the first
7 Select to confirm and activate made settings.
SW 00
8 At all times, select to go back a level.
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Indoor unit field settings
The setting procedure is different depending on whether you want to make
settings for individual indoor units, or for groups of indoor units.
Individual indoor units
Define a mode by setting a Mode number (number between brackets)
Define the unit to which the setting will apply by setting a Unit number
Define the setting by setting a SW number
Define a value for that setting
Groups of indoor units
Define a mode by setting a Mode number (number NOT between brackets)
Do NOT set a Unit number (setting applies to all the units in the group)
Define the setting by setting a SW number
Define a value for that setting
Mode SW Setting (SW) description
01 02 03 04
10 (20) 00 Filter contamination timer: set the timer for the
appearance of the "Time to clean filter" sreen.
Ultra long life filter Light ±10000 hrs. Heavy ±5000 hrs
Long life filter ±2500 hrs ±1250 hrs
Standard filter ±200 hrs ±100 hrs
01 Long life filter: if applicable, set which type of long life filter is used. Long life filter Ultra long life filter
02 Controller thermostat sensor: set how the controller thermostat sensor is
Used in combination with indoor unit
Not used Used
03 Disable filter sign: set whether or not the filter sign can be displayed. Display Do not display
11 (21) 00 Simultaneous operation: set the simultaneous indoor unit operation mode
(Sky Air)
Pair Twin Triple Double twin
12 (22) 01 External On/OFF input: set the operation of voltage free contacts T1/T2
(indoor unit contacts)
Forced OFF On/OFF operation Emergency Forced OFF
02 Thermostat differential: if the system contains a remote sensor, set the
increase/decrease increments.
1°C 0.5°C
13 (23) 00 High air outlet velocity: set in case of high-ceiling applications. h≤2.7m 2.7m<h≤3m 3m<h≤3.5m
01 Airflow direction: set in case an indoor unit is equipped with an option kit that
blocks the airflow.
4-way flow 3-way flow 2-way flow
03 Airflow function: set whether the indoor unit is equipped with a decoration
panel at its air outlet.
Equipped Not equipped
04 Airflow direction range Upper Normal Lower
06 External static pressure: set the external static pressure (according to the
resistance of the connected ducts).
Normal High static pressure Low static
FHYK: follow the high-ceiling setting. Normal High ceiling
15 (25) 03 Humidification drain pump Not equipped Heating operation: continuous Heating operation: 3 minutes
ON/5 minutes OFF
1c 01 Thermostat sensor: set which thermostat sensor you want to use. Indoor unit thermistor Controller thermistor
1c 12 Window contact B1 (external input) Do not use Use
1c 13 Key card contact B2 (external input) Do not use Use
1e 02 Setback function: set Setback operation. No Setback Heating only Cooling only Heating and
1e 07 Rotation overlap time. Set the Rotation overlap time. 30 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes
1B 08 Daylight saving time. Set how the system controls daylight saving time. Disable Automatic changeover Manual
This is applicable for codes 02-06. Codes 05 and 06 are not shown in the table. See the service manual for more detailed
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The connection of optional accessories to the indoor unit might cause changes to
some field settings. For more information, see the installation manual of the
optional accessory.
For details about the specific field settings of each type of indoor unit, see the
installation manual of the indoor units.
Field settings that are not available for a connected indoor unit are not displayed.
Field setting default values are different depending on the indoor unit model. For
more information, see the service manual of the indoor units.
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Remote controller field settings
Mode SW SW description Value Default value
R1 3 Controller thermistor
adjustment (Cooling)
0: –3.0°C, 1: –2.5°C,
2: –2.0°C, 3: –1.5°C,
4: –1.0°C, 5: –0.5°C,
6: ±0°C, 7: +0.5°C,
8: +1.0°C, 9: +1.5°C,
10: +2.0°C, 11: +2.5°C,
12: +3.0°C
4 Controller thermistor
adjustment (Heating)
0: –3.0°C, 1: –2.5°C,
2: –2.0°C, 3: –1.5°C,
4: –1.0°C, 5: –0.5°C,
6: ±0°C, 7: +0.5°C,
8: +1.0°C, 9: +1.5°C,
10: +2.0°C, 11: +2.5°C,
12: +3.0°C
5 Controller thermistor
adjustment (Auto)
0: –3.0°C, 1: –2.5°C,
2: –2.0°C, 3: –1.5°C,
4: –1.0°C, 5: –0.5°C,
6: ±0°C, 7: +0.5°C,
8: +1.0°C, 9: +1.5°C,
10: +2.0°C, 11: +2.5°C,
12: +3.0°C
6 Controller thermistor
adjustment (Fan only)
0: –3.0°C, 1: –2.5°C,
2: –2.0°C, 3: –1.5°C,
4: –1.0°C, 5: –0.5°C,
6: ±0°C, 7: +0.5°C,
8: +1.0°C, 9: +1.5°C,
10: +2.0°C, 11: +2.5°C,
12: +3.0°C
7 Home screen 0: Detailed
1: Standard
8 Backlight no-operation timer 0: 5 seconds
1: 10 seconds
2: 20 seconds
9 Status indicator faintness 0: 0% (OFF), 1: 1%,
2: 2%, 3: 3%,
4: 5%, 5: 7%,
6: 9%, 7: 11%,
8: 13%, 9: 15%,
10: 17%, 11: 20%
10 Backlight faintness 0: 0% (OFF), 1: 1%,
2: 2%, 3: 3%,
4: 4%, 5: 5%,
11 Status indicator mode 0: Normal
1: Hotel setting 1
2: Hotel setting 2
13 Bluetooth Low Energy
0: Always advertising
1: Enable manually
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Mode SW SW description Value Default value
R2 1 Touch button indicator (on
0: None
1: Small
2: Medium
3: Large
5 Remote controller mode 0: Normal
1: Alarm only
2: Supervisor
1E 8 Home screen setpoint 1: Numerical
2: Symbolic
Remote controller field setting R1-11 allows for changes to the behaviour of the
status indicator, making the controller suitable for use in hotels.
14.1.5 Miscellaneous settings
Group address
About group address
To control the system with central control equipment, it is required that you assign
the indoor units with the necessary addresses. It is possible to assign an address to
a group of indoor units, or to individual indoor units.
Group of indoor units
Individual indoor units
To assign an address to a group of indoor units
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
1 Navigate to the address settings menu.
2 Select "Group"
3 Confirm your selection.
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4 Define the address.
5 Before you confirm the address, make sure is selected.
6 Confirm the address.
Result: You assigned an address to the group of indoor units.
To assign an address to an individual indoor unit
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
1 Navigate to the address settings menu.
2 Select "Group(Unit)"
3 Define the indoor unit to which you want to assign the address.
4 Confirm your selection.
5 Define the address.
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6 Before you confirm the address, make sure is selected.
7 Confirm the address.
Result: You assigned an address to the indoor unit.
To remove an address
1 Navigate to the address that you want to remove.
2 Change to .
3 Confirm your selection.
Result: The address gets removed.
AirNet address
About AirNet address
To connect the system to the AirNet monitoring and diagnostics system, it is
required that you assign the indoor and outdoor units with the necessary
Indoor units
Outdoor units
To assign an AirNet address to an indoor unit
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
1 Navigate to the address settings menu.
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2 Select "I/U"
3 Define the indoor unit to which you want to assign the address.
4 Confirm your selection.
5 Define the address.
6 Before you confirm the address, make sure is selected.
7 Confirm the address.
Result: You assigned an AirNet address to the indoor unit.
To assign an AirNet address to an outdoor unit
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
1 Navigate to the address settings menu.
2 Select "O/U"
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3 Define the outdoor unit to which you want to assign the address.
4 Confirm your selection.
5 Define the address.
6 Before you confirm the address, make sure is selected.
7 Confirm the address.
Result: You assigned an AirNet address to the outdoor unit.
To remove an address
1 Navigate to the address that you want to remove.
2 Change to .
3 Confirm your selection.
Result: The address gets removed.
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External input interlock
About external input interlock
External input interlock allows for the integration of external contacts in the
system's control logic. By adding a key card contact and/or a window contact to the
control setup, it is possible to have the system respond to the insertion/removal of
a key card in/from a card reader, and/or the opening/closing of windows.
To use this function, it is required that digital input adapter BRP7A5* is part of the
Make sure that the digital input adapter and its optional contacts (window
contact B1 and key card contact B2) are correctly installed. Confirm that the
voltage free contact of the digital input adapter is in the correct position. For
instructions on how to install the digital input adapter, see the installation manual
of the digital input adapter.
When the digital input adapter does not function properly, external input
interlock is not available in the menu.
When the digital input adapter is part of the system, the system does not allow
for the connection of a slave controller.
When the digital input adapter is part of the system, it is not possible to use the
Schedule function.
When the digital input adapter is part of the system, as well as a centralised
controller, the external input interlock function is controlled by the centralised
controller, and not by the adapter.
To make external input interlock settings
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
1 Navigate to the external input interlock menu.
2 Use and to navigate through the menu.
3 Press to select a parameter.
4 With a parameter selected, use and to change that parameter's value.
5 With a parameter selected, press to confirm the value for that parameter.
6 When you are done making settings, confirm all settings by selecting and
pressing .
Result: The system will restart and implement any changes made.
For an overview of settable parameters and what they mean, see "External input
interlock settings overview"[482].
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External input interlock settings overview
Parameter Description Possible values Default value
B2 Delay Timer Timer that starts as soon as
the key card is removed.
The unit continues normal
operation until the timer
0-10 minutes "1 min"
B2 Reset Timer Timer that starts as soon as
the Delay Timer expires.
When this timer expires,
the previous state (i.e.
regular setpoint) changes
to the "Default Reset
Setting" state.
0-20 hours "20 hours"
Reset ON/OFF "Default Reset Setting"
on/off state
"ON", "OFF", "--" "OFF"
Reset Mode "Default Reset Setting"
operation mode
Auto, Cooling, Heating, Fan
only, --
Reset Cool SP "Default Reset Setting"
cooling setpoint
See indoor unit's setpoint
range and setpoint range
limitation, "--"
Reset Heat SP "Default Reset Setting"
heating setpoint
See indoor unit's setpoint
range and setpoint range
limitation, "--"
When the value for a parameter is "- -", this means that when the timers expires,
nothing changes for that parameter and the current active value is kept.
Window contact logic
Window contact B1 Key card contact B2 Time Action
Contact closed (window
Contact closed (key card
Normal indoor unit
The unit returns to the
previous state before
opening the contact.
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Window contact B1 Key card contact B2 Time Action
Contact open (window
Contact closed (key card
Unit operation is forced
No delay and reset timer
No Setback functionality.
Not possible to turn on/
off the unit with the
controller's ON/OFF
Key card contact logic
Window contact B1 Key card contact B2 Time Action
Contact closed (window
Contact closed (key card
Delay timer<Time<Reset
Time>Reset timer
The unit operates
If the reset timer has not
expired, the unit returns
to the previous state
before opening the
If the reset timer has
expired, the unit returns
to the "Default Reset
Setting" (see "External
input interlock settings
Contact closed (window
Contact open (key card
Time<Delay timer Normal indoor unit
Contact closed (window
Contact open (key card
Time>Delay timer Unit operation is forced
Depending on whether
the Setback function is
enabled, Setback will
work or not.
Not possible to turn on/
off the unit with the
controller's ON/OFF
After the delay timer has
expired, the reset timer
will start counting.
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The "previous state" can be the on/off state, operation mode, cooling setpoint,
and heating setpoint.
When using the contacts, the fan speed as well as the Setback cooling and
heating setpoints can be changed at any time, without losing changes.
The fan speed is stored independently for the two main operation modes
(Heating and Cooling). Separate fan speed settings are saved for Heating
operation mode on the one hand, and Cooling, Dry and Fan only operation mode
on the other hand.
When closing the contact, changes made while the key card contact is open and
the delay timer has not expired (normal operation) will not be saved.
Combination of window contact and key card contact logic
The window contact has priority over the delay timer and the Setback
functionality of the key card contact:
When the window contact is opened while the key card contact is open, the
delay timer will immediately expire if it is still running, and Setback will not work
anymore. The reset timer will immediately start counting or will not reset when it
was already running.
The reset timer functionality of the key card contact has priority over the window
contact when returning to the previous state:
When the key card contact is opened while the window contact is open, the
delay timer will start running. When the delay timer expires the reset timer will
start running. When the reset timer expires, the previous state is updated to the
"Default Reset Setting" state.
Example 1
1 You remove the key card.
Result: The indoor unit continues operating normally until the delay timer
2 You open the window before the delay timer expires.
Result: The indoor unit stops immediately. It is not possible to turn the unit on
or off, the Setback functionality does not work, the delay timer stops
counting, and the reset timer starts counting.
3 You insert the key card again.
Result: An update of the previous state occurs. The unit is forced off and the
Setback functionality is still disabled (see "Window contact logic"[482]).
IF the reset timer HAS NOT expired before inserting the key card, the
previous state is the same as the original state because there was only a
change to the original state.
IF the reset timer HAS expired before inserting the key card, the
previous state is the "Default Reset Setting" state.
4 You close the window.
Result: The unit reverts to the previous state. The previous state depends on
the expiration of the reset timer.
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Example 2
1 You open the window.
Result: The unit stops immediately. It is not possible to turn the unit on or off
with the ON/OFF button, the Setback functionality does not work, and the
delay timer does not start counting.
2 You remove the key card.
Result: The delay timer starts counting.
3 You close the window again.
Result: There is no change in state. It is as if you never opened the window
(Setback will work if enabled).
IF the delay timer HAS expired before closing the window, the reset
timer will have started counting. Closing the window has no influence
on the reset timer.
IF the delay timer HAS NOT expired before closing the window, it will
expire immediately and the reset timer will start counting. When the
reset timer expires, the previous state is updated to the "Default Reset
Setting" state.
4 You insert the key card again.
IF the reset timer HAS NOT expired before inserting the key card, the
unit returns to the state before the window was opened (last "on"
IF the reset timer HAS expired before inserting the key card, the unit
goes to the "Default Reset Setting" state.
Force fan ON
About Force fan ON
Force fan ON allows you to force fan operation of individual indoor units. In this
way, you can check which indoor unit number was assigned to which indoor unit.
To force fan operation
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
1 Navigate to the Force Fan ON menu.
2 Select an indoor unit number.
3 Select and press to force fan operation.
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Result: The fan of the indoor unit that corresponds to the selected indoor unit
number starts operating.
Cooling/Heating masterhood
About Cooling/Heating masterhood
c c c c
b b b
c c c c
b b
A Heat pump system
B Heat recovery system
a Outdoor unit
b Indoor unit
c Remote controller
d BS unit
When multiple indoor units are connected to an outdoor unit, one of these units
(or a group of indoor units, in case of group control) needs to be set as Cooling/
Heating master. The other units/groups then become Cooling/Heating slaves, and
are restricted in their operation by the master (e.g. one outdoor unit does not
allow for one indoor unit to run in Cooling operation while another runs in Heating
When an indoor unit or group of indoor units is set as Cooling/Heating master, the
other indoor units automatically become its slaves. For instructions, see "To set
Cooling/Heating masterhood"[487].
Status icon
Cooling/Heating masterhood corresponds to the following status icon:
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The behaviour of this status icon is according to the following table:
If a controller displays … Then …
… NO status icon … The indoor unit connected to that
controller is Cooling/Heating master.
… a CONSTANT status icon … The indoor unit connected to that
controller is slave to a Cooling/Heating
… BLINKING status icon … NO indoor unit is assigned as Cooling/
Heating master yet.
Operation mode
The operation mode behaviour of the indoor units is according to the following
If the master … Then the slaves …
… is set to "Heating", "Dry", or "Auto"
operation mode
… start running in the same operation
mode as the master. No other modes
are then available for them.
… is set to "Cooling" operation mode ... then the slaves cannot run in
"Heating" operation mode, but can still
run in "Cooling", "Fan only" and "Dry"
operation mode.
… is set to "Fan only" mode … can ONLY run in "Fan only" mode.
Once an indoor unit is set as master, it can be released from masterhood. For
instructions, see "To release Cooling/Heating masterhood"[488]. To turn a slave
unit/group into the master, first release the currently active master from its
Ventilation mode changes are possible regardless of Cooling/Heating masterhood.
To set Cooling/Heating masterhood
Prerequisite: No indoor unit is yet set as Cooling/Heating master ("changeover
under centralised control" icon blinking on all controllers).
Prerequisite: You are operating the controller of the indoor unit that you want to
set as Cooling/Heating master.
1 Navigate to the operation mode menu.
2 Set the operation mode to either Cooling or Heating.
Result: The indoor unit is now Cooling/Heating master ("changeover under
centralised control" icon not on controller).
Result: All slave controllers display the "changeover under centralised control"
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To release Cooling/Heating masterhood
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
Prerequisite: You are operating the controller of the indoor unit that you want to
release from its masterhood.
1 Navigate to the Cooling/Heating masterhood menu.
2 Press to release the indoor unit from its masterhood.
Result: The indoor unit is released from its masterhood.
Result: The controllers of all indoor units display a blinking "changeover under
centralised control" icon.
Refrigerant leak alarm test
About refrigerant leak alarm test
It is possible to test the refrigerant leak alarm.
To test the refrigerant leak alarm
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
1 Navigate to the refrigerant leak alarm test menu.
2 Press to enter the menu and thus activate the alarm.
Result: The controller starts buzzing and the status indicator starts flashing.
Result: The controller displays the following screen:
3 To stop the alarm again, press .
Result: The alarm stops and the controller returns to the installer menu.
The refrigerant leak alarm can also be tested using the Madoka Assistant app. See
"Refrigerant leak alarm test"[4123] for more information.
About the information menu
In the information menu, you can see the following information:
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To see information
Prerequisite: You are in the installer menu.
1 Navigate to the information menu.
2 Read out information.
3 Press to go to the second page.
14.2 Software update
14.2.1 About software updates
It is strongly recommended that the remote controller has the latest software
version. There are two ways to perform a software update.
Software update Instructions
Madoka Assistant app "Software update with app"[489]
Updating tool "Software update with updating
When the software of a controller is out-of-date, the Madoka Assistant app will
suggest a software update for that controller as soon as you try to connect it (the
controller) to the app.
Checking the current controller software version is possible from the information
screen (see "Information screen" [4 52]) and/or from the information menu
("About the information menu"[488]).
14.2.2 Software update with app
To update the software with the app:
1 Make sure that Bluetooth is activated on the remote controller ( displayed
on the home screen). If not, activate Bluetooth according to the instructions
set out in "To make a Bluetooth connection"[494].
2 In the home screen of the app, tap the tile of the remote controller of which
you want to update the software, and follow the instruction from there.
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The Madoka Assistant app is available from Google Play and the App Store.
When it is the first time you connect a remote controller to your device, app and
user interface initiate a numeric comparison procedure. To successfully connect the
controller to the app, follow the procedure.
After each successful connection to a mobile device, the controller automatically
stores information about that mobile device, this to facilitate future reconnection.
This information is called "bonding information".
When no bonding information is stored, (i.e. at first connection, or after it got
manually removed), you will have to go through the numeric comparison procedure.
When bonding information is stored, you can connect the controller to the mobile
device just by making the controller send out a Bluetooth signal and tapping the tile
of the controller in the app. The controller will then connect to the mobile device
Bonding information gets stored automatically, and can be removed manually.
Remove the bonding information from the controller when you want to update the
software from another mobile device than the one the controller contains
information about.
To connect the remote controller to the mobile device with Bluetooth, and to
perform a software update, it is required that you stay close to the remote controller
(i.e. within Bluetooth range).
14.2.3 Software update with updating tool
To update the software with Updater
Prerequisite: PC with Updater (contact your dealer for the correct version of the
Prerequisite: PC USB cable EKPCCAB4 or higher (includes a USB cable and
additional connection cables)
1 Make sure that the indoor unit is powered OFF.
2 Connect the controller to the PC.
a PC with Updater
b USB cable
c Controller PCB
d To indoor unit
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3 Power ON the indoor unit.
4 Open Updater.
5 In Updater, go to "Update procedure".
6 Type in the model name of the controller.
7 Select the desired update procedure.
8 Follow the on-screen instructions.
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15 About the app
The Madoka Assistant app is a companion to the BRC1H remote controller. Where
the controller only allows for basic operation and configuration, the app offers
advanced operation and configuration functionality.
In this chapter
15.1 Operation and configuration overview.................................................................................................................................. 93
15.2 Pairing ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 93
15.2.1 About pairing.......................................................................................................................................................... 93
15.2.2 To pair the app with a controller ........................................................................................................................... 93
15.2.3 To make a Bluetooth connection........................................................................................................................... 94
15.2.4 To terminate the Bluetooth connection................................................................................................................ 96
15.2.5 To remove bonding information............................................................................................................................ 97
15.3 User access levels ................................................................................................................................................................... 99
15.3.1 About user access levels ........................................................................................................................................ 99
15.3.2 Basic mode ............................................................................................................................................................. 99
15.3.3 Advanced mode ..................................................................................................................................................... 99
15.3.4 Installer mode ........................................................................................................................................................ 100
15.4 Demo mode ............................................................................................................................................................................ 101
15.4.1 About demo mode ................................................................................................................................................. 101
15.4.2 To launch demo mode ........................................................................................................................................... 101
15.4.3 To exit demo mode ................................................................................................................................................ 101
15.5 Functions................................................................................................................................................................................. 101
15.5.1 Overview: Functions............................................................................................................................................... 101
15.5.2 Remote controller firmware update...................................................................................................................... 104
15.5.3 Notifications ........................................................................................................................................................... 104
15.5.4 Master/slave status................................................................................................................................................ 104
15.5.5 Screen..................................................................................................................................................................... 104
15.5.6 Status indicator ...................................................................................................................................................... 105
15.5.7 Date and time......................................................................................................................................................... 105
15.5.8 About ...................................................................................................................................................................... 106
15.5.9 Remove bonding information................................................................................................................................ 106
15.5.10 Presence detection ................................................................................................................................................ 106
15.5.11 OFF timer................................................................................................................................................................ 107
15.5.12 Energy consumption .............................................................................................................................................. 107
15.5.13 Power consumption limit....................................................................................................................................... 107
15.5.14 Setpoint auto reset ................................................................................................................................................ 107
15.5.15 Schedule ................................................................................................................................................................. 108
15.5.16 Holiday.................................................................................................................................................................... 108
15.5.17 Setpoint logic.......................................................................................................................................................... 109
15.5.18 Setback ................................................................................................................................................................... 110
15.5.19 Individual airflow direction .................................................................................................................................... 111
15.5.20 Active airflow circulation........................................................................................................................................ 112
15.5.21 Setpoint range ........................................................................................................................................................ 112
15.5.22 Cooling/Heating masterhood................................................................................................................................. 112
15.5.23 Airflow direction range .......................................................................................................................................... 113
15.5.24 Draught prevention................................................................................................................................................ 113
15.5.25 Quick start .............................................................................................................................................................. 113
15.5.26 External input interlock.......................................................................................................................................... 114
15.5.27 Defrost operation................................................................................................................................................... 114
15.5.28 Function lock .......................................................................................................................................................... 114
15.5.29 Quiet mode............................................................................................................................................................. 116
15.5.30 Errors and warnings ............................................................................................................................................... 116
15.5.31 Unit number ........................................................................................................................................................... 116
15.5.32 Filter auto clean...................................................................................................................................................... 117
15.5.33 Filter notifications .................................................................................................................................................. 117
15.5.34 AirNet address........................................................................................................................................................ 117
15.5.35 Group address ........................................................................................................................................................ 117
15.5.36 Field settings........................................................................................................................................................... 118
15.5.37 Duty rotation .......................................................................................................................................................... 119
15.5.38 Test operation ........................................................................................................................................................ 120
15.5.39 Unit status .............................................................................................................................................................. 122
15.5.40 Operating hours ..................................................................................................................................................... 122
15.5.41 Contact information ............................................................................................................................................... 122
15.5.42 Active airflow circulation........................................................................................................................................ 122
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15.5.43 Setting migration.................................................................................................................................................... 122
15.5.44 Supervised room address....................................................................................................................................... 123
15.5.45 Refrigerant leak alarm test .................................................................................................................................... 123
15.1 Operation and configuration overview
The app continually searches for BRC1H controllers to connect with. All controllers
that are in range of your mobile device are listed in the home menu under Nearby
Devices. You can also find a list of controllers you have recently interacted with
under Recent Devices.
To operate and/or configure the system, tap the tile of the controller that is
connected to the indoor units that you want to control.
In installer mode, the "Recent devices" section is not shown. See "15.3User access
levels"[499] for more information.
15.2 Pairing
15.2.1 About pairing
Before you can actually connect with a controller, you have to make sure that the
app and the controller are paired. Pair the app with all the controllers that you
want to connect with.
15.2.2 To pair the app with a controller
Prerequisite: You are close to the controller.
1 In the app, tap the controller that you want to pair with.
Result: The operating system of your mobile device sends out a pairing
Result: The controller displays the following screen:
2 In the app, accept the pairing request.
3 On the controller, accept the pairing request by pressing .
Result: The app is paired with the controller.
Once paired with the app, the controllers will remain bonded. It is not required to
repeat this procedure each time you want to use the app, unless you delete the
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15.2.3 To make a Bluetooth connection
How to make a Bluetooth connection depends on the mode the controller is set to
be operable in.
Remote controller mode: "Normal"
Prerequisite: You have a mobile device on which the Madoka Assistant app is
installed and running.
Prerequisite: On that mobile device, Bluetooth is turned ON.
Prerequisite: You are close to the remote controller.
1 From the home screen, press to enter the main menu.
2 Use and to navigate to the Bluetooth menu.
3 Press to enter the menu.
4 Press to activate and make the controller send out a Bluetooth signal.
Numeric comparison
5 In the Madoka Assistant app, tap the tile of the controller of which you want
to update the software.
Result: If it is the first time you make a connection, or when bonding
information was removed, the operating system of your mobile device sends
out a pairing request, including a numeric string.
Result: The controller displays a numeric string, for comparison with that of
the pairing request.
6 In the app, accept the pairing request.
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7 On the controller, press to confirm the numeric string.
Result: The controller and the mobile device are connected via Bluetooth.
Remote controller modes: "Alarm only" and "Supervisor"
Prerequisite: You have a mobile device on which the Madoka Assistant app is
installed and running.
Prerequisite: On that mobile device, Bluetooth is turned ON.
Prerequisite: You are close to the remote controller.
1 From the home screen, press and keep it pressed until the information
screen appears.
2 From the information screen, press and simultaneously and keep them
pressed until you enter the installer menu.
3 Use and to navigate to the Bluetooth menu.
4 Press to enter the menu.
5 Press to activate and make the controller send out a Bluetooth signal.
Numeric comparison
6 In the Madoka Assistant app, tap the tile of the controller of which you want
to update the software.
Result: If it is the first time you make a connection, or when bonding
information was removed, the operating system of your mobile device sends
out a pairing request, including a numeric string.
Result: The controller displays a numeric string, for comparison with that of
the pairing request.
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7 In the app, accept the pairing request.
8 On the controller, press to confirm the numeric string.
Result: The controller and the mobile device are connected via Bluetooth.
15.2.4 To terminate the Bluetooth connection
How to terminate a Bluetooth connection depends on the mode the controller is set
to be operable in.
Remote controller mode: "Normal"
1 From the home screen, press to enter the main menu.
2 Use and to navigate to the Bluetooth menu.
3 Press to enter the menu.
4 Press to stop the remote controller from sending out a Bluetooth signal.
Remote controller modes: "Alarm only" and "Supervisor"
1 From the home screen, press and keep it pressed until the information
screen appears.
2 From the information screen, press and simultaneously and keep them
pressed until you enter the installer menu.
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3 Use and to navigate to the Bluetooth menu.
4 Press to enter the menu.
5 Press to stop the remote controller from sending out a Bluetooth signal.
15.2.5 To remove bonding information
How to remove bonding information depends on the mode the controller is set to be
operable in.
Removing the bonding information makes the controller forget all previously bonded
mobile devices. When removing the bonding information from a remote controller,
also delete the bonding information from your mobile device's Bluetooth list. Failure
to do this may result in unsuccessful future bonding.
Remote controller mode: "Normal"
1 From the home screen, press to enter the main menu.
2 Use and to navigate to the Bluetooth menu.
3 Press to enter the menu.
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4 Press to remove the bonding information from the remote controller.
Remote controller modes: "Alarm only" and "Supervisor"
1 From the home screen, press and keep it pressed until the information
screen appears.
2 From the information screen, press and simultaneously and keep them
pressed until you enter the installer menu.
3 Use and to navigate to the Bluetooth menu.
4 Press to enter the menu.
5 Press to remove the bonding information from the remote controller.
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15.3 User access levels
15.3.1 About user access levels
The user access level defines which functions and settings are visible to the user of
the app. A higher user access level will allow the user to make more in-depth
changes to advanced operation and configuration settings. There are 3 possible
user access levels that correspond to 3 possible modes:
15.3.2 Basic mode
This mode allows the user to access all necessary basic settings. This mode is
recommended for regular end users. When you first install the app, this mode is
enabled by default. To change to a different mode, see "Advanced mode" [4 99]
or "Installer mode"[4100].
15.3.3 Advanced mode
About advanced mode
Advanced mode allows you to make in-depth changes to more advanced operation
and configuration settings. Once enabled, you will be able to see and modify
settings that, when misconfigured, may harm the working of your device. It is
recommended that only advanced users enable this setting. For an overview of
which settings can be made in advanced mode, see "Overview: Functions"[4101].
To activate advanced mode
Prerequisite: You are not in advanced mode.
1 Go to the main menu.
2 Tap "About".
3 Tap "Advanced Settings".
4 Tap the switch to toggle on "Advanced Settings".
5 Confirm your selection by selecting "I understand" when asked.
Result: Advanced mode is activated. Advanced Settings are visible in the "Unit
settings" menu.
To deactivate advanced mode
Prerequisite: You are in advanced mode.
1 Go to the main menu.
2 Tap "About".
3 Tap "Advanced Settings".
4 Tap the switch to toggle off "Advanced Settings".
Result: Advanced mode is deactivated. Advanced Settings are no longer visible in
the "Unit settings" menu.
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15.3.4 Installer mode
About installer mode
In installer mode you have access to settings that are not available for regular end
users or advanced users. For an overview of which settings can only be made in
installer mode, see "Overview: Functions"[4101].
To activate Installer mode
Prerequisite: You are not in installer mode.
1 Go to the main menu.
2 Tap "About".
3 Tap "Application version" five times.
Result: You are in the installer mode menu.
Result: Installer mode is automatically activated.
To continue using the app in installer mode, tap the return button.
The duration of installer mode depends on installer mode settings. For more
information, see "To make Installer mode settings"[4100].
There is a visual indication that installer mode is active, which can be disabled.
For more information, see "To make Installer mode settings"[4100].
To deactivate Installer mode
Prerequisite: You are in installer mode.
1 Go to the main menu.
2 Tap "Installer mode enabled".
Result: You are in the installer mode menu.
Result: Installer mode is automatically activated.
3 Deactivate installer mode by tapping the slider.
Result: Installer mode is deactivated.
To make Installer mode settings
1 Enable installer mode.
Result: You are in the installer mode menu.
2 Make installer mode settings.
Installer mode settings Description
Installer mode Enable or disable installer mode.
Temporary / Indefinite Set the duration of installer mode.
Temporary: installer mode active for
30 minutes. After 30 minutes, installer
mode will automatically deactivate.
Indefinite: installer mode active until
the next manual deactivation.
Installer mode indicator Set whether installer mode activation is
indicated by the installer mode
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Mind that installer mode is automatically enabled as soon as you enter the installer
mode menu.
15.4 Demo mode
15.4.1 About demo mode
To try out the app's operation and configuration functions in a safe environment, it
is possible to launch a demo version of the app.
15.4.2 To launch demo mode
Prerequisite: You are not in demo mode.
1 Go to the main menu.
2 Tap "Demo mode".
Result: You are in demo mode.
15.4.3 To exit demo mode
Prerequisite: You are in demo mode.
1 Go to the main menu.
2 Tap "Exit demo mode".
Result: You exited demo mode.
15.5 Functions
15.5.1 Overview: Functions
Depending on the user access level, more or less settings may be visible in the unit
settings menu. See "15.3 User access levels" [4 99] for more information about
changing modes.
Settings can be saved as favourites by tapping the star symbol in the top-right corner
in the menu of a specific setting. These settings are then displayed at the top of the
unit settings menu, making them more easily accessible.
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Category Control
Operation Turn ON/OFF unit operation
Read out temperature sensor
Change the operation mode
Change the setpoint
Change the fan speed
Change the ventilation mode
Change the ventilation rate
Change the airflow direction
See notifications
Configuration and advanced operation Make controller and indoor unit
Firmware update
Remote controller settings
Master/slave status
- Home screen setpoint: Numerical or
Status indicator
Date and time
Remove bonding information
Energy saving
Presence detection
OFF timer
Energy consumption
Power consumption limit
Setpoint auto reset
>> to be continued
Available in advanced or installer mode only. For more information, see "Advanced
mode"[499] and "Installer mode"[4100].
Available in installer mode only. For more information, see "Installer mode"[4100].
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Category Control
<< continuation
Configuration and advanced operation Scheduling
Configuration and operation
Setpoint logic
- Single setpoint or Dual setpoint
Individual airflow direction
Active airflow circulation
Setpoint range
Cooling/Heating masterhood
Airflow direction range
Draught prevention
Quick start
Defrost operation
Function lock
Quiet mode
External input interlock
Supervised room address
Errors and warnings
Unit number
Filter auto clean
Filter notifications
Contact information
AirNet address
Group address
Field settings
Duty rotation
Test operation
Unit status
Operating hours
Setting migration
Available in advanced or installer mode only. For more information, see "Advanced
mode"[499] and "Installer mode"[4100].
Available in installer mode only. For more information, see "Installer mode"[4100].
This is a feature that allows you to save and load settings from the one remote controller
to the other. It is embedded in certain functions, rather than being a function of itself. For
more information, see "Setting migration"[4122].
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15.5.2 Remote controller firmware update
Update remote controller firmware. It is required to keep remote controller
firmware up to date. When new firmware is available for a controller, the app will
send out a notification in the operation screen of that controller.
To update remote controller firmware
Prerequisite: You are in the operation screen of one of the controllers, and the app
notified you that new firmware for that controller is available.
Prerequisite: You are close to the controller.
1 Tap the settings icon.
Result: You are in the "Unit settings" menu.
2 At the very top, tap "Firmware update available".
Result: You are in the "Firmware update" menu.
3 Tap "Update firmware".
Result: The latest firmware is downloaded to the controller.
Result: During the download, the controller displays the following screen.
Result: After the download, the controller restarts to implement changes.
15.5.3 Notifications
Get an overview of active system notifications. These can be:
System information
15.5.4 Master/slave status
Find out if the controller you are operating is a master or a slave controller. It is not
possible to make changes to master/slave status from the app. For instructions on
how to change a controller's master/slave status, see "11 Starting up the
15.5.5 Screen
Make remote controller screen settings:
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Setting Description
Home screen mode Set the home screen mode:
Standard: limited information about
system operation (few status icons).
Detailed: extensive information about
system operation through status icons.
Home screen setpoint Set how the home screen displays the
Numerical: by way of a numerical
Symbolic: by way of a symbol.
In case "Home screen setpoint " is set to
"Symbolic", set the reference setpoints
for both Cooling and Heating operation:
Cooling reference setpoint
Heating reference setpoint
For more information, see "Home screen
setpoint: Symbolic"[459].
Brightness Set screen brightness.
Contrast Set screen contrast.
When making remote controller screen settings from the app, it is possible that the
remote controller does not implement changes immediately. To make the controller
implement changes: on the controller, navigate to the installer menu, and then back
to the home screen. For instructions on how to enter the installer menu, see "To
enter the installer menu"[468].
15.5.6 Status indicator
Make remote controller status indicator settings:
Settings Description
Mode Check the active status indicator mode.
It is not possible to set the status
indicator mode from the app; this
happens through remote controller field
setting R1-11. For more information, see
"Remote controller field settings"[475].
Intensity Set status indicator intensity.
15.5.7 Date and time
Set the remote controller date and time. In the date and time menu you send date
and time information to the remote controller from the app. You can choose to
either send the date and time information of your mobile device ("Synchronise
with device date and time"), or to manually create and send date and time
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If the controller is disconnected from the power for more than 48 hours, the date
and the time need to be set again.
The clock will maintain accuracy to within 30 seconds/month.
15.5.8 About
Read out the current remote controller and remote controller Bluetooth module
software version.
15.5.9 Remove bonding information
Make the controller forget all previously bonded mobile devices.
15.5.10 Presence detection
Set a timer for the system to adjust the temperature setpoint or to turn off
automatically, based on (the lack of) presence detected by a motion sensor.
Action Description
Auto OFF Set an OFF timer that starts running as
soon as the motion sensor detects the
room is unoccupied.
Setpoint adjustment Set setpoint adjustment increments and
intervals for both heating and cooling
operation. When the motion sensor
detects the room is unoccupied, the
system will raise (cooling operation) or
lower (heating operation) the setpoint,
until the set limit is reached.
To use this function, it is required that the indoor units are equipped with a motion
sensor (optional accessory).
This function cannot be used when the indoor units are controlled by a centralised
This function is not supported when the system contains Sky Air RR or RQ outdoor
This function cannot be used when the indoor units are in group control.
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For systems in which the indoor units run in simultaneous operation, this function is
controlled by the motion sensor mounted in the master indoor unit.
15.5.11 OFF timer
Set a timer for the system to turn OFF automatically. The timer can be enabled or
disabled. When the timer is enabled, it starts running each time the system gets
turned ON.
The timer has a range of 30~180 minutes, and can be set in increments of 30
15.5.12 Energy consumption
See and compare energy consumption data.
The availability of this function depends on the type of indoor unit.
This function cannot be used when the indoor units are in group control.
This function is not supported when the system contains Sky Air RR or RQ outdoor
The displayed energy consumption can be different from the actual energy
consumption. The displayed data is not the result of a kWh measurement, but the
result of a calculation based on measured operation data. Some of that operation
data are absolute values, but some are interpolations, including room for
interpolation tolerance.
15.5.13 Power consumption limit
Set a timespan in which the system limits its peak power consumption. When
enabled, this function makes the outdoor unit operate with limited energy
consumption (70% or 40% of usual consumption) in the set timespan.
The availability of this function depends on the type of outdoor unit.
15.5.14 Setpoint auto reset
Set a timer for the system to automatically adjust the temperature to a set
temperature value. The timer can be enabled or disabled for Heating and Cooling
operation separately. When a timer is enabled, it starts running each time the
system gets turned ON. When the timer runs out, the temperature setpoint will
always change to the set value, also if the temperature setpoint has been changed
in the meanwhile.
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The timer has a range of 30~120 minutes, and can be set in increments of 30
This function cannot be used when the indoor units are controlled by a centralised
15.5.15 Schedule
Organise system actions into schedules. The schedule function allows you to set up
to 5 timed actions for each day of the week. It is possible to create up to 3 different
schedules, though only 1 schedule can be active at the same time.
The action logic is as follows:
1 Set a timespan for the action.
2 Choose to turn system operation ON or OFF, and set the conditions.
IF "
ON Set action-specific temperature
setpoints for Cooling and/or Heating
operation, or choose to maintain the
current setpoints.
OFF Choose to enable or disable Setback
operation for Cooling and/or Heating
If enabled, set action-specific Setback
setpoints, or choose to maintain the
current setpoints.
For more information, see
If the "Home screen setpoint" setting is set to "Symbolic", there is only a limited
range of possible temperature setpoints. However, if "Home screen setpoint" is set
to "Symbolic", and there is a setpoint change coming from a schedule, then the
system will disregard the regular setpoint limitations and allow the schedule to
exceed the limited setpoint range. For more information, see "Home screen setpoint:
This function cannot be used when the indoor units are controlled by a centralised
This function cannot be used when digital input adapter BRP7A5* is part of the
15.5.16 Holiday
Select days of the week for which the schedule does not apply. On the selected
days, any actions set with the schedule function do not get executed. The holiday
function can be enabled or disabled. When enabled, it applies to any schedule that
is set to be active.
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For more information, see "Schedule"[4108].
15.5.17 Setpoint logic
Set up the setpoint logic. Choose whether the setpoint logic is executed by the
indoor unit, or by the remote controller.
Setpoint logic Description
Indoor unit The setpoint logic is executed by the
indoor unit.
Remote controller The setpoint logic is executed by the
remote controller.
In case of remote controller setpoint logic, choose whether to have single setpoint
logic, or dual setpoint logic.
Remote controller setpoint logic Description
Single setpoint There is only one temperature setpoint,
independent of the operation mode. If
this is the case, changing the operation
mode does NOT change the setpoint. Or
the other way around, if you change the
setpoint, you do so for both Cooling and
Heating operation.
Dual setpoint There are two temperature setpoints:
one specifically for Cooling operation,
and one specifically for Heating
operation. If this is the case, changing
the operation mode DOES change the
setpoint (i.e. to the setpoint of the other
operation mode). Or the other way
around, if you change the Cooling
setpoint, you do NOT change the
Heating setpoint.
In case of dual setpoint logic, set the Minimum setpoint differential. This is the
minimum difference between the possible setpoints for Cooling and Heating
Cooling setpoint ≥ (Heating setpoint + Minimum setpoint differential)
Heating setpoint ≤ (Cooling setpoint – Minimum setpoint differential)
This means that:
If you lower the Cooling setpoint < (Heating setpoint + Minimum setpoint
differential), then the controller will automatically lower the Heating setpoint.
If you raise the Heating setpoint > (Cooling setpoint Minimum setpoint
differential), then the controller will automatically raise the Cooling setpoint.
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18º 19º 20º 21º 22º 23º 24º 25º 26º 27º 28º 29º
18º 19º 20º 21º 22º 23º 24º 25º 26º 27º 28º 29º
DIFF Minimum setpoint differential
When the system is controlled by central control equipment, control of the system
by the controller is limited. When this is the case, it is not possible to set dual
setpoint logic in the Madoka Assistant app.
When the indoor units are under control of a centralised controller, only indoor unit
setpoint logic is possible.
In case of indoor unit setpoint logic, the system cannot run in Auto operation mode.
To enable Auto operation mode for VRV heat pump systems, go for remote
controller setpoint logic.
15.5.18 Setback
Enable Setback temperature control. Setback is a function that keeps the room
temperature in a specific range when the system is turned off (by the user, the
schedule function, or the OFF timer). To achieve this, the system temporarily runs
in Heating or Cooling operation mode, according to the setback setpoint and
recovery differential.
10ºC 12ºC
33ºC 35ºC
Settings Result
10°C If the room temperature drops below
10°C, the system automatically starts
heating operation. If after 30 minutes
the temperature rises above 12°C, the
system stops heating operation, and
turns off again. When the room
temperature drops below 10°C again,
the process gets repeated.
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Settings Result
35°C If the room temperature rises above
35°C, the system automatically starts
cooling operation. If after 30 minutes
the temperature drops below 33°C, the
system stops cooling operation, and
turns off again. When the room
temperature rises above 35°C again, the
process gets repeated.
Setback is by default enabled.
Setback turns on the system for at least 30 minutes, unless the setback setpoint is
changed, or the system is turned on with the ON/OFF button.
When Setback is active, you cannot make changes to fan speed settings.
When Setback activates while the system is set to Auto operation mode, the
system will switch to Cooling or Heating operation mode, depending on which is
required. The Setback setpoint displayed on the operation screen is then
according to the operation mode.
When Setback is active and the "Home screen setpoint" setting is set to
"Symbolic", then there is no indication of Setback operation on the remote
controller home screen.
This function cannot be used when the indoor units are controlled by a centralised
The default setpoint range limits for Setback operation are [33°C-37°C] for Cooling
operation, and [10°C-15°C] for Heating operation. It is not possible to change these
15.5.19 Individual airflow direction
Set the airflow direction of each individual indoor unit air outlet. The maximum
number of indoor units for which you can make these settings depends on the type
of system:
System Maximum number of indoor units
Sky Air 4
VRV 16
Of cassette-type indoor units, it is possible to identify the individual air outlets by
way of the following indicators:
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The availability of this function depends on the type of indoor unit.
15.5.20 Active airflow circulation
Enable Active airflow circulation to have a more even temperature distribution in
the room.
When Active airflow circulation is enabled, indoor unit fan speed and airflow
direction get controlled automatically, making manual fan speed and airflow
direction changes impossible.
15.5.21 Setpoint range
Set a limitation to the temperature setpoint range of both Cooling and Heating
This function cannot be used when the indoor units are controlled by a centralised
The default setpoint range limits for both Heating and Cooling operation is
[16°C-32°C], regardless of whether or not "Setpoint range limitation" is enabled. It is
not possible to exceed these limits.
The lower setpoint limit of the Cooling operation mode is 20°C, as per UAE Federal
regulation UAE.S 5010-5:2016 clause 6, and UAE.S 5010-1:2016 clause 10.
The upper setpoint limit of the Heating operation mode is 28°C, as per Egypt
15.5.22 Cooling/Heating masterhood
Set an indoor unit (or group of indoor units) as Cooling/Heating master. When
multiple indoor units are connected to an outdoor unit, one of these units (or a
group of indoor units, in case of group control) needs to be set as Cooling/Heating
master. The other units/groups then become Cooling/Heating slaves, and are
restricted in their operation by the master (e.g. one outdoor unit does not allow for
one indoor unit to run in Cooling operation while another runs in Heating
When an indoor unit or group of indoor units is set as Cooling/Heating master, the
other units/groups automatically become its slaves. To turn a slave unit into the
master, first connect the app to the controller controlling the currently active
master and release it from its masterhood, then set the (slave) unit as master.
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15.5.23 Airflow direction range
Set the indoor unit airflow direction range according to the installation location.
This function is available for floorstanding indoor units only. The maximum number
of indoor units for which you can make these settings is 16.
Left Centre Right
The ranges correspond with the following airflow swing patterns:
Left Centre Right
Left swing Wide swing Right swing
The availability of this function depends on the type of indoor unit.
For systems in which the indoor units run in simultaneous operation, it is possible to
set the airflow direction range of individual indoor units by connecting the controller
to each indoor unit separately.
15.5.24 Draught prevention
Prevent people from getting affected by indoor unit airflow, based on (the lack of)
presence detected by a motion sensor.
To use this function, it is required that the indoor units are equipped with a motion
sensor (optional accessory).
This function is not supported when the system contains Sky Air RR or RQ outdoor
15.5.25 Quick start
Activate Quick start to quickly bring the room to a comfortable temperature.
When Quick start is active, the outdoor unit operates with increased capacity.
Indoor unit fan speed gets controlled automatically, making manual fan speed
changes impossible.
After activation, Quick start is active up to 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, Quick
start automatically deactivates, and the system resumes normal operation.
Additionally, Quick start will deactivate from the moment you change the
operation mode manually.
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Quick start can ONLY be activated when the system is running in Cooling, Heating,
or Auto operation mode.
This function is only available for Sky Air indoor units.
This function is not supported when the system contains Sky Air RR or RQ outdoor
15.5.26 External input interlock
External input interlock allows for the integration of external contacts in the
system's control logic. By adding a key card contact and/or a window contact to the
control setup, it is possible to have the system respond to the insertion/removal of
a key card in/from a card reader, and/or the opening/closing of windows.
For more information, see "About external input interlock"[481].
To use this function, it is required that digital input adapter BRP7A5* is part of the
Make sure that the digital input adapter and its optional contacts (window
contact B1 and key card contact B2) are correctly installed. Confirm that the
voltage free contact of the digital input adapter is in the correct position. For
instructions on how to install the digital input adapter, see the installation manual
of the digital input adapter.
When the digital input adapter does not function properly, external input
interlock is not available in the menu.
When the digital input adapter is part of the system, the system does not allow
for the connection of a slave controller.
When the digital input adapter is part of the system, it is not possible to use the
Schedule function.
When the digital input adapter is part of the system, as well as a centralised
controller, the external input interlock function is controlled by the centralised
controller, and not by the adapter.
15.5.27 Defrost operation
Make the system run in defrost operation mode, this to prevent the loss of heating
capacity due to frost accumulation in the outdoor unit.
The system will return to normal operation after approximately 6 to 8 minutes.
15.5.28 Function lock
Make functions and operation modes unavailable by locking them. It is possible to
lock the following functions and operation modes:
Remote controller Menu button
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Functions Setpoint
Fan speed
Operation mode
Airflow direction
System ON/OFF
Setpoint range
Presence sensor - Setpoint
Presence sensor - Auto OFF
Setpoint adjustment timer
OFF timer
Power consumption limit
Filter auto clean
Date and time
Draught prevention
Airflow direction range
Duty rotation
External input interlock
Individual airflow direction
Ventilation rate
Ventilation mode
Operation modes Automatic
When you lock an operation mode that is active at the moment of locking, that
mode will still be active upon saving settings and leaving the menu. Only when
you change the operation mode, that mode will not be available anymore.
When you lock ALL operation modes, it will not be possible to switch to an
operation mode other than the one that is active at the moment of locking.
Remote controller
Locking functions and operation modes from the app results in changes on the
remote controller.
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Operation Remote controller
Home screen When you lock functions/buttons that
are operated from the controller home
screen, the controller will display a lock
screen when you try to use these
Main menu When you lock functions that are main
menu items on the controller, these
functions get crossed out in the main
menu, and accompanied by a lock icon.
When locking operation modes, the
controller simply omits them from the
operation mode menu.
15.5.29 Quiet mode
Set a timespan in which the outdoor unit operates more quietly.
The availability of this function depends on the type of outdoor unit.
15.5.30 Errors and warnings
Consult the error history, and temporarily enable/disable the pushing of error and/
or warning notifications.
The pushing of error and warning notifications is by default enabled. Disable
"Display errors" and "Display warnings" to prevent the system from pushing error
and warning notifications for 48 hours. After 48 hours, "Display errors" and
"Display warnings" become automatically enabled again.
15.5.31 Unit number
Change the unit number of the indoor unit(s). To configure individual indoor units,
these units require a unit number. The unit number of an indoor unit is its ranking
in the list. To give a unit a new unit number, change its ranking by either moving it
to an empty slot, or switching it with another indoor unit. If you need help
identifying physical indoor units, tap an indoor unit's fan icon to make that indoor
unit's fan operate.
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15.5.32 Filter auto clean
To use this function, it is required that the indoor units are equipped with a self-
cleaning decoration panel (optional accessory).
Enable automatic indoor unit filter cleaning operation and set a timespan for it.
Reset dustbox maintenance timer
When it is time to empty the self-cleaning decoration panel's dustbox, the app
displays a notification in the operation screen. Empty the dustbox and reset the
15.5.33 Filter notifications
Dismiss notification
The app displays a notification in the operation screen when it is time to perform
one of the following filter-related maintenance activities:
Replacement of indoor unit filter.
Cleaning of indoor unit filter.
Cleaning of indoor unit element.
Perform the required maintenance, then dismiss the notification.
For more information on indoor unit maintenance, see the operation manual of the
indoor unit.
Reset notification timer
Filter maintenance due time is controlled by timers. The app sends out a
maintenance notification each time a timer expires. It is possible to reset these
To use this function, it is required that you use the app in installer mode. For
instructions on how to activate installer mode, see "Installer mode"[4100].
15.5.34 AirNet address
Assign AirNet addresses to the indoor and outdoor units, this to connect the
system to the AirNet monitoring and diagnostics system. First select a unit by way
of its unit number, then assign it an AirNet address.
15.5.35 Group address
Assign addresses to the indoor units, this to control the system with central control
equipment. You can assign an address to the group of indoor units connected to
the controller, and to indoor units individually.
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15.5.36 Field settings
Make indoor unit and remote controller field settings. For an overview of possible
field settings, see "Indoor unit field settings" [4 73] and "Remote controller field
Setting procedure
Field settings are composed of the following components:
The field settings procedure differs depending on whether you are making settings
for individual indoor units or for groups of indoor units, or for the remote
Field settings type Procedure
Individual indoor units Set the field setting type to "Indoor
Define a mode. In the field settings
table, find this number between
brackets in the Mode column.
Define the unit to which the setting
will apply by setting a unit number.
Define the setting by tapping the right
tile in the app. In the field settings
table, find settings in the SW column.
Define a value for that setting.
Groups of indoor units Set the field setting type to "Indoor
Define a mode. In the field settings
table, find this number NOT between
brackets in the Mode column.
Do NOT set a unit number (the
settings will apply to all units in the
Define the setting by tapping the right
tile in the app. In the field settings
table, find settings in the SW column.
Define a value for that setting.
Remote controller Set the field setting type to "Remote
Define a mode.
Define the setting by tapping the right
tile in the app. In the field settings
table, find settings in the SW column.
Define a value for that setting.
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Default values
Field setting default values are different depending on the indoor unit model. For
more information, see the service manual of the indoor units. For the following
field settings, the default values are the same for all indoor unit models:
Field setting Default value
Thermostat sensor 02
Setback 04
Window contact B1 02
Key card contact B2 02
Airflow direction range 02
Remote controller thermostat sensor 02
Rotation overlap time 03
The connection of optional accessories to the indoor unit might cause changes to
some field settings. For more information, see the installation manual of the
optional accessory.
For details about the specific field settings of each type of indoor unit, see the
installation manual of the indoor units.
Outdoor unit field settings can only be configured via the outdoor unit PCB. For
more information, see the installation manual of the outdoor unit.
Field settings that are not available for a connected indoor unit are not displayed.
15.5.37 Duty rotation
Activate Duty rotation to let the indoor units operate alternately (one indoor unit
alternately inactive), this to increase system lifespan and reliability.
Duty rotation is designed for units operating in critical applications (e.g. in server
rooms that require lots of cooling). In these cases, the system is equipped with an
extra backup unit. Activating Duty rotation then allows for:
Rotation: because the system is equipped with more units than are required to
provide the heating/cooling load, one of the units can remain inactive during
normal operation. After a set time (i.e. "Rotation cycle time"), the inactive unit
will start operation, and a previously active unit will become inactive (i.e. duty
rotation). Because the units only operate alternately, the lifespan of the system
Backup: having a backup unit allows for system redundancy. If an active unit goes
into error, Duty rotation makes sure an inactive one takes over.
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A Inactive backup unit
B Unit in error
This function can only be used when the indoor units are in group control.
To let the backup unit reach its cooling/heating capacity, an overlap period is
included in which all indoor units are active. For more information, see "Indoor
unit field settings"[473] (cfr. field setting 1E-7).
The rotation order depends on the set unit number. For instructions on how to
change the indoor units' unit number, see "Unit number"[4116].
15.5.38 Test operation
Perform an indoor unit test operation. During the test run, the indoor units cycle
through various operation modes and functions to check if they are ready for
Only activate the test operation after the following is completed:
Installation of refrigerant piping;
Installation of drain piping;
Connection of electrical wiring.
Typical workflow
Performing a test operation typically consists of the following stages:
1 Activating the test operation (Madoka Assistant app),
2 Testing the indoor unit functions according to the instructions set out in "To
perform a test operation"[4121],
3 Deactivating the test operation (Madoka Assistant app),
4 Checking the error history for possible errors.
5 If applicable, fixing the causes of those errors.
6 Repeating the procedure if required.
This function is only available for Sky Air indoor units.
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Also see the installation manual of the indoor unit and outdoor unit.
Precautions when performing a test operation
Before starting up the system, make sure:
The indoor and outdoor unit wiring is completed.
The switch box covers of the indoor and outdoor units are closed.
Be sure to turn ON the power 6 hours before operation in order to have power
running to the crankcase heater and to protect the compressor.
After the installation of the refrigerant piping, drain piping, and electrical wiring,
make sure to clean the inside of the indoor unit, as well as the decoration panel.
To perform a test operation
1 Confirm that the indoor unit gas and liquid stop valves are open.
It is possible that the pressure inside the refrigerant circuit does not rise, despite the
opened stop valve. This can be due to the expansion valve (or the like) blocking the
refrigerant, and does not obstruct the test run.
2 Open the Madoka Assistant app.
3 Navigate to the operation screen of the controller that is connected to the
indoor unit(s) on which you want to perform a test run.
4 In the operation screen, set the operation mode to Cooling.
5 Go to the "Unit settings" menu (upper right corner of the operation screen).
Result: You are in the "Unit settings" menu.
6 In the "Maintenance field", tap "Test operation".
Result: You are in the "Test operation" menu.
7 Tap "Start test operation".
Result: The indoor unit(s) enter test operation mode, during which normal
operation is not possible.
8 Return to the operation screen.
9 Tap "Vertical airflow direction".
10 Tap "Fixed".
11 Cycle through the five fixed airflow directions, and confirm if the indoor unit
flaps behave correspondingly.
12 Return to the "Test operation" menu.
13 Tap "Stop test operation".
Result: The indoor units leave test operation mode. Normal operation is
possible again.
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14 Go to "13Operation"[450] and confirm if the indoor unit(s) behave according
to the information set out there.
15 Check the error history. If required, solve the cause of the errors and perform
the test operation again.
The test operation finishes after 30 minutes.
15.5.39 Unit status
With Unit status, you can:
Information retrieval: enter a code to make the system retrieve specific
information about an indoor or outdoor unit component. First select a unit by
way of its unit number, then enter the code to start the information retrieval.
Indoor unit: see information provided by various sensors that are present in the
system. First select a unit by way of its unit number.
The information retrieval function is only present in the menu when you use the app
in installer mode. For instructions on how to activate installer mode, see "Installer
15.5.40 Operating hours
Monitor indoor and outdoor unit operating hours.
15.5.41 Contact information
Enter the phone number of the system's service contact.
15.5.42 Active airflow circulation
Enable Active airflow circulation to have a more even temperature distribution in
the room.
When Active airflow circulation is enabled, indoor unit fan speed and airflow
direction get controlled automatically, making manual fan speed and airflow
direction changes impossible.
15.5.43 Setting migration
Some functions allow you to save settings to your mobile device, and load them to
other remote controllers. This is useful in case you have to make the same settings
for multiple controllers.
When you are finished making settings on one controller, choose to save them to
your mobile device. After saving, connect the app to another controller, go to the
applicable setting, and tap "Load configuration".
The following Madoka Assistant app functions allow you to save and load settings:
Setpoint range
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Field settings
Power consumption limit
15.5.44 Supervised room address
Assign a unique supervised room address to individual indoor units. It is mandatory
to set a unique supervised room address for every indoor unit when the remote
controller is set to “Supervisor” mode. First select an indoor unit by way of its unit
number, then assign a unique supervised room address to it. If the supervised
room address is not set, alarms will not be communicated to the remote controller
in “Supervisor” mode.
To set the supervised room address in the Madoka Assistant app, navigate to R32
refrigerant settings in the Maintenance section under Unit settings. Then, tap
Supervised room address to manage the supervised room address of the indoor
15.5.45 Refrigerant leak alarm test
The refrigerant leak alarm can be tested using the Madoka Assistant app.
1 In the app, navigate to R32 refrigerant settings in the Maintenance section
under Unit settings.
2 Tap R32 refrigerant system settings.
3 Tap Test alarm and blinking LED to test the refrigerant leak alarm.
Result: The refrigerant leak alarm starts.
4 Tap Stop testing alarm and blinking LED to stop the alarm.
Result: The refrigerant leak alarm stops.
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16 Maintenance
In this chapter
16.1 Maintenance safety precautions............................................................................................................................................ 124
16.2 About maintenance ................................................................................................................................................................ 124
16.3 To remove a warning screen.................................................................................................................................................. 126
16.4 To clean the controller ........................................................................................................................................................... 126
16.5 Time to clean filter indication ................................................................................................................................................ 126
16.5.1 To remove the Time to clean filter indication ....................................................................................................... 126
16.1 Maintenance safety precautions
Before carrying out any maintenance or repair activities, stop system operation with
the controller, and turn off the power supply circuit breaker. Possible consequence:
electric shock or injury.
To clean the controller, do NOT use organic solvents, such as paint thinner. Possible
consequence: damage, electric shock, or fire.
Do not wash the remote controller. Possible consequence: electric leakage, electric
shock, or fire.
When the dirt on the surface cannot be removed easily while cleaning the controller,
soak the cloth in neutral detergent diluted with water, squeeze the cloth tightly, and
clean the surface. Afterwards, wipe dry with a dry cloth.
16.2 About maintenance
When an indoor unit component needs maintenance, the controller displays on
the home screen, and generates a warning screen. Go to the warning screen to see
which component needs maintenance, perform the maintenance, and remove the
warning screen.
The following warning screens are related to indoor unit maintenance:
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Clean the indoor unit filter Replace the indoor unit filter
Empty the indoor unit dustbox
The procedure to see the warning screen is different depending on the set status
indicator mode (i.e. "Normal", "Hotel 1", or "Hotel 2").
By default, the controller is in status indicator mode "Hotel 2".
Status indicator mode: "Normal"
Prerequisite: The controller displays the home screen, and is visible, indicating
1 Press .
Result: The controller displays the warning screen.
Status indicator mode: "Hotel 1" and "Hotel 2"
Prerequisite: The controller displays the home screen, and is visible, indicating
2 Press and keep it pressed.
Result: The controller displays the information screen.
3 Press and keep it pressed.
Result: The controller displays the warning screen.
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16.3 To remove a warning screen
Prerequisite: The controller displays the home screen, and is visible, indicating
1 Go to the warning screen.
2 Solve the cause of the warning screen.
3 Press to remove the warning screen.
Result: The controller returns to the home screen. If the cause of the warning was
properly solved, has disappeared.
The procedure to see the warning screen is different depending on the set status
indicator mode (i.e. "Normal", "Hotel 1", or "Hotel 2"). For more information, see
"16.2About maintenance"[4124].
16.4 To clean the controller
1 Wipe the screen and other surface parts of the controller with a dry cloth.
16.5 Time to clean filter indication
When the indoor unit filter is dirty and needs to be cleaned, the controller will
indicate this by displaying in the top left corner of the home screen, and
confronting you with the 'Time to clean filter' screen as soon as you try to enter
the main menu from the home screen.
16.5.1 To remove the Time to clean filter indication
Prerequisite: On trying to enter the main menu from the home screen, you are
confronted with the 'Time to clean filter' screen.
1 Clean the filter.
2 Press to remove the 'Time to clean filter' indication.
17 | Troubleshooting
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17 Troubleshooting
In this chapter
17.1 Error codes of the indoor unit................................................................................................................................................ 127
17.2 Refrigerant leak detection...................................................................................................................................................... 129
17.2.1 About refrigerant leak detection ........................................................................................................................... 129
17.2.2 To stop the leak detection alarm........................................................................................................................... 129
17.1 Error codes of the indoor unit
When the system is in error, the controller displays on the home screen, and
generates an error screen. Go to the error screen to see the error code, solve the
cause of the error, and press to remove the error screen. For a list of error
codes and their meaning, see the documentation of the indoor unit.
The procedure to see the error screen is different depending on the set status
indicator mode (i.e. "Normal", "Hotel 1", or "Hotel 2").
By default, the controller is in status indicator mode "Hotel 2".
Status indicator mode: "Normal"
Prerequisite: The controller displays the home screen, and is visible, indicating
1 Press .
Result: The controller displays the error screen.
Status indicator mode: "Hotel 1" and "Hotel 2"
Prerequisite: The controller displays the home screen, and is visible, indicating
2 Press and keep it pressed.
Result: The controller displays the information screen.
3 Press and keep it pressed.
Result: The controller displays the error screen.
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If the controller is set to be operable in "Supervisor" mode, then the controller adds
the "supervised room address" of the faulty indoor unit to the error screen. In
“Supervisor” mode, it is mandatory to set a unique “supervised room address” for
every indoor unit. The “supervised room address” can be set in the Madoka Assistant
app. Note that in case of multiple leakages, only the address of the first faulty unit
rising the error is displayed.
For more information about the modes the controller can be set to be operable in,
see "12.1About the controller"[445].
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17.2 Refrigerant leak detection
When the system detects a refrigerant leak, an alarm goes off on the controller,
and the Madoka Assistant app sends out a notification. Stop the alarm and dismiss
the notification.
17.2.1 About refrigerant leak detection
The information that the controller displays in case of a refrigerant leak depends
on the mode that the controller is set to be operable in.
Normal and Alarm only mode
Master controller Slave controller
The controller displays the unit number
of the leaking indoor unit
The controller does not display the unit
number of the leaking indoor unit
Supervisor mode
Master controller Slave controller
The controller displays the supervised
room address of the leaking indoor unit
For more information about the modes, see "12.1About the controller"[445].
17.2.2 To stop the leak detection alarm
1 Press for 3 seconds to stop the alarm.
Result: The alarm stops.
2 Fix the refrigerant leak of the unit.
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In case the controller is set to be operable in ‘Supervisor’ mode, the controller will
indicate the supervised room address of the indoor unit for which the leak detection
alarm occurs. However, it is not possible to stop the alarm of the indoor unit
controller (set to be operable in either “Normal” or “Alarm only” mode) from the
controller in “Supervisor” mode. The alarm of the controller connected to the indoor
unit with the leak has to be stopped individually.
18 | Technical data
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18 Technical data
A subset of the latest technical data is available on the regional Daikin website
(publicly accessible). The full set of latest technical data is available on the Daikin
Business Portal (authentication required).
18.1 Connection diagram
18.1.1 Typical layout
P1 P2
18.1.2 Typical layout for group control
In case of a system that includes units with R32 refrigerant, group control of the
indoor units is not possible.
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0 1 2
P1 P2
P1 P2
P1 P2 P1 P2
Group control: master and slave controller
0 1 2
P1 P2
P1 P2 P1 P2
P1 P2 P1 P2
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Group control: controller + digital inputs adapter BRP7A5
0 1 2
P1 P2
P1 P2
P1 P2
P1 P2 P1 P2
18.1.3 Controller + DIII central control equipment
F1 F2 P1 P2
P1 P2
F1 F2
19 | Glossary
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19 Glossary
DHW = Domestic hot water
Hot water used, in any type of building, for domestic purposes.
LWT = Leaving water temperature
Water temperature at the water outlet of the unit.
Sales distributor for the product.
Authorised installer
Technical skilled person who is qualified to install the product.
Person who is owner of the product and/or operates the product.
Applicable legislation
All international, European, national and local directives, laws, regulations
and/or codes that are relevant and applicable for a certain product or
Service company
Qualified company which can perform or coordinate the required service to
the product.
Installation manual
Instruction manual specified for a certain product or application, explaining
how to install, configure and maintain it.
Operation manual
Instruction manual specified for a certain product or application, explaining
how to operate it.
Labels, manuals, information sheets and equipment that are delivered with
the product and that need to be installed according to the instructions in
the accompanying documentation.
Optional equipment
Equipment made or approved by Daikin that can be combined with the
product according to the instructions in the accompanying documentation.
Field supply
Equipment NOT made by Daikin that can be combined with the product
according to the instructions in the accompanying documentation.
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