Receipt Reading Guidance
(Stores listed in alphabecal order)
Updated 2/11/2020
Denions and Notes
Balance Inquiry – a slip lisng the available benets and expiraon date that can be printed at
any cash register that transacts WIC cards.
Beginning Balance - Benets at the start of the transacon
Midpoint Receipt – Prints aer the items have been totaled and the parcipant swipes the
card and enters the PIN. Shows the beginning balance and the items that the WIC card will
pay for. May sometimes be referred to as the "confirmation receipt."
Ending Balance – Remaining available benets aer the WIC transacon has been completed.
Final Receipt – Shows all items purchased, including WIC and non-WIC foods, any details/
incenves applied to the purchase, and the methods of payment. May also show other WIC
Point of Sale Systems and WIC receipts vary from chain to chain and system to system. This
document shows four common examples: two chain systems and two independent systems.
Target stores have a printed balance inquiry and beginning balance but the PIN pad shows
which items the WIC card will pay for (rather than a printed midpoint receipt).
Cub Foods
Balance Inquiry
Remaining Balance
Available Balance
Beginning Balance at
the start of transacon
WIC Card will pay
for these items
WIC Items purchased
Remaining Balance
Cub Foods
Final Receipt
Includes WIC and Non-WIC
items when applicable
Fesval Foods
*Example of a common independent system
Balance Inquiry
Available Balance
Fesval Foods
Beginning Balance at
the start of transacon
WIC Card will pay
for these items
Fesval Foods
Final Receipt
Includes WIC and
Non-WIC items
when applicable
Also includes
copies of the
beginning balance,
WIC items
purchased, and
ending balance.
Fiesta Foods
*Example of a common independent system
Balance Inquiry
Shows items WIC will not pay for:
Mushrooms - Not Mapped
Does not have benets for Whole Milk
WIC Card will pay for these items
Available Balance
Final Receipt including
Remaining Balance
Fiesta Foods
Remaining balance
Final Receipt
Includes WIC and Non-WIC
items when applicable
Balance Inquiry/Beginning Balance
(looks the same)
Midpoint/Ending Balance
WIC Card Paying for these items
Remaining balance
Available Balance
Final Receipt
Includes WIC and Non-WIC
items when applicable