Words with er, ir, ur, or
Read each sentence. Choose the missing word from the box.
Write the word. Then reread the complete sentence.
1. The road up ahead, so be ready to turn.
2. Having hair on the furniture is one of the problems with having a
3. I knew you wouldn’t have the to stand up to your
big brother.
4. As Danielle crossed the street, she tripped on the and
hurt her ankle.
5. Adam does well in school because he is a hard .
6. Mrs. Fort gave to a baby girl named Donna last week.
7. Ted decided that he wanted to own a mansion by the time he turned
8. Colds and the flu are caused by .
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The Extra-good Sunday
Words with er, ir, ur, or
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Forming the Past Tense
Most verbs show past tense by adding -ed.
Some verbs end with e. Drop the e and add -ed.
They allowed us to cook alone.
He needed eggs for the recipe.
Evan’s parents liked our cooking.
Write each sentence using the correct past tense of the verb in
1. Evan his parents to send him to cooking
school. (want)
2. We to answer a newspaper ad for a school.
3. Many cooking students there. (work)
4. Evan and I that they would like our letter. (hope)
5. We the school with the good work we did.
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The Extra-good Sunday
Forming the Past Tense
Thinking Question
Can I add -ed to the
verb to show past
tense? Does the
verb end in e?
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Understanding Characters
Read the passage and look for text evidence about Brooke’s
character traits. Then complete the Inference Map.
Brooke and Sean wanted to do something special for Mom on Mother’s Day.
Brooke got out a pencil and pad and wrote down ideas about what they could do.
She said, “Mom drinks tea every morning with toast. Maybe we can make her tea
and toast and bring it to her in bed!”
Sean nodded, and they went into the kitchen. Brooke grabbed tea bags from the
cabinet. She also took out bread and some butter. Sean filled the kettle and found
the milk and sugar. Brooke neatly laid each item out on the counter. “You handle the
tea, Sean,” Brooke told her brother, “and I’ll take care of the toast.”
In a few minutes, it was ready. Brooke placed everything on a tray. They went
up to Mom’s bedroom. “What a great gift!” Mom exclaimed.
Mom took a bite of toast and a sip of tea. Right away, Brooke noticed something
odd in Mom’s expression. “This is very nice of you both,” Mom said. “However, are
you sure you put the tea bag in the water?”
Sean’s face went white. He had served Mom hot water with milk and sugar and
forgotten to add the tea!
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Introduce Comprehension
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The Extra-good Sunday
Introduce Comprehension:
Understanding Characters
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Forming the Past Tense
Some verbs end with a consonant and y. To form
the past-tense verb, change the y to i, and add -ed.
Some verbs end with one vowel followed by one
consonant. To form the past-tense verb, double
the consonant, and add -ed.
The verb dry ends in y. Change the y to i,
and add -ed. The verb beg ends with one vowel
followed by one consonant. Double the consonant,
and add -ed.
Write each sentence, using the correct past-tense form of the verb
in parentheses.
1. Uncle Raul the drying mat. (try)
2. He his tea, watching his peppers dry. (sip)
3. The children around the yard. (hop)
4. Uncle Raul a truck bringing more peppers. (spy)
5. All the kids the truck. (study)
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The Extra-good Sunday
Forming the Past Tense
Thinking Question
Does the verb end with
a consonant and y or
one vowel followed
by a consonant?
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1. nurse
2. work
3. shirt
4. hurt
5. rst
6. word
7. serve
8. curly
9. dirt
10. third
11. worry
12. turn
13. stir
14. rm
Spelling Words
Vowel + /r/ Sounds in nurse
Write each Basic Word under the correct heading.
Words with the vowel +
/r/ sound in nurse
spelled ur
Words with the vowel +
/r/ sound in nurse
spelled ir
Words with the vowel +
/r/ sound in nurse
spelled or
Words with the vowel +
/r/ sound in nurse
spelled er
Challenge: Which Challenge Word can only be placed in the last
Which Challenge Word can be placed in either the first or the last
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Vowel + /r/ Sounds in nurse
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Focus Trait: Voice
Using Details to Show Thoughts
and Feelings
Part of writing with voice means using sensory words and details
that let your readers know how you feel about your topic. Compare
the sentences below.
Weak Voice Strong Voice
We saw the Grand Canyon. It was
big and pretty. I had a good time.
When I first saw the Grand Canyon
I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was
huge, scary, and incredibly beautiful.
It was the very best vacation of
my life!
The sentences below are weak in voice. Rewrite them adding
details that show thoughts and feelings.
1. It was stormy. I heard wind.
2. It was a nice day. We went hiking.
3. The chair broke.
4. He called my name.
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The Extra-good Sunday
Write to Narrate
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Cumulative Review
Write a word from the box to complete each sentence. Then read
the sentence.
1. This restaurant is known for having a great
and tasty fries.
2. This vacation is into a bad trip now
that we’re lost and out of money.
3. Damon gave a very interesting
the rain forests.
4. I
don’t want to spend all weekend
5. The forest fi re began with just a single
6. Nicole was being silly when she said that she always ate
lunch breakfast.
7. Frank held the ball as he ran.
8. The cowboys rounded up the of
9. Because the dryer is not , my clothes
are still wet.
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The Extra-good Sunday
Cumulative Review
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Understanding Characters
Read the selection.
Mom was in the kitchen making apple pie. She called me in to help
her. I was shocked. This was the first time she had ever let anyone help
her. No one even knew Mom’s recipe! Mom started to make the pie crust.
Then she handed me an apple. “Peel this,” Mom said.
I began peeling the apple with great care. Right away, I noticed the
apple smelled rotten. I grabbed another and started peeling. It was rotten,
too. “Mom,” I began, “I think these apples are rotten.”
Mom stopped and turned. She sliced open another apple, and
another. They were all rotten. Mom said, “I guess we’ll have to try
something new.”
Within moments, Mom had a bag of potatoes in front of me. Mom
just substituted potatoes for apples in her recipe!
So how did the apple-less pie taste? Honestly, it was delicious, and
she gave me credit for helping her to invent it!
Use an Inference Map to write about Mom’s traits. Use it to
help you answer the questions below.
1. The narrator says that she is “shocked” when Mom
asks for her help. Based on what you know about
Mom, does this reaction seem realistic? Justify your
answer with evidence from the text.
2. Based on what Mom says, does, and thinks in this story,
predict how she would react if there had not been any
potatoes in the house.
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The Extra-good Sunday
Deepen Comprehension:
Understanding Characters
Deepen Comprehension
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Forming the Past Tense
1–4. Write each sentence using the correct past-tense form
of the verb in parentheses.
1. Theo to study recipes. (love)
2. He them over and over again. (turn)
3. We through recipes looking for a perfect meal.
4. We it when we found one. (like)
5–8. Write the correct past-tense form of the verb in parentheses.
The underlined letters are spelling clues.
5. The pan the chicken. (fry)
6. One of us to take it out before it was
done. (try)
7. The younger kids
how I did it. (study)
8. Two of us dishes to the table. (carry)
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The Extra-good Sunday
Forming the Past Tense
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1. nurse
2. work
3. shirt
4. hurt
5. rst
6. word
7. serve
8. curly
9. dirt
10. third
11. worry
12. turn
13. stir
14. rm
Spelling Words
Vowel + /r/ Sounds in nurse
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
10. 11.
Use the Basic Words to complete the puzzle.
1. Item of clothing
3. Comes before “second”
5. Soil
7. The opposite of play
8. “Please” is the magic
9. A hospital worker
10. Not soft
12. The opposite of straight
1. To mix
2. Comes after “second”
4. To present or give
6. Move a car right or left
7. Be concerned
11. Injured
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Using a Thesaurus
Read the book review. Look up each underlined word in a
thesaurus. Write a synonym for each word.
If you haven’t already, you’ll want to meet Ramona Quimby. The
latest adventures of this special girl appear in Ramona Quimby, Age 8.
With her father in college and her mother back at work, Ramona has
to resolve some things for herself. How will she handle her annoying
young neighbor? Will her parents be cross with her when she makes a
mess? Will things remain tense with Yard Ape?
There is a reason why Beverly Cleary’s books remain some of
America’s favorites after so many years.
Write two sentences that could be in your own review of The
Extra-good Sunday. Choose a word in each sentence to look up in
a thesaurus. Write a synonym for each word.
207Vocabulary Strategies
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Vocabulary Strategies:
Using a Thesaurus
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Kinds of Pronouns
A pronoun is a word that can take the place of
one or more nouns in a sentence. The pronouns I,
you, he, she, it, we, and they are subject pronouns.
Pronouns can be singular or plural.
The words me, you, him, her, it, us, and them are
called object pronouns. Object pronouns follow
action verbs and words like to, for, at, of, and with.
Claude did not understand his parents.
He did not understand them.
1–2. Write each sentence. Replace the underlined word or
words with a subject or object pronoun.
1. Claude thinks his parents are good people.
2. Claude shows respect to his parents.
3–4. Replace the repeated noun in these sentences with a
pronoun. Write the new sentences on the line.
3. Claude loves to eat. Claude enjoys eating with his family.
4. Claude loves his friends. His friends see him every day.
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Spiral Review
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1. nurse
2. work
3. shirt
4. hurt
5. rst
6. word
7. serve
8. curly
9. dirt
10. third
11. worry
12. turn
13. stir
14. rm
Spelling Words
Proofread for Spelling
Circle the ten misspelled Spelling Words in this diary entry.
Then write each word correctly.
June 2nd
Today was the purfect day. Dad decided
to take a day off from wirk, and we went to the
baseball game. Our seats were on the ferst base
side of the field. The grass looked so green, and
the durt on the infield looked so soft. As we
sat down, Dad smiled and asked if my hair was
getting more cirly. Before I could say a wurd, I
saw my favorite player. He is the therd baseman,
and he wears number 20 on his shurt. That’s my
favorite number, too! The last time we came to
a game, he was hirt, but he was healthy today.
Dad ordered me a hambirgur, and we settled in to
watch a great game.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
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Vowel + /r/ Sounds in nurse
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Word Choice
Using exact verbs helps the reader better picture what
you are saying or writing about.
Less Exact Verb More Exact Verb
prepared arranged, cooked, roasted
put scooped, flipped
touched patted
moved danced, flipped
grew expanded
Replace each underlined verb in the sentences with a more exact
verb. Use the adjectives in the word box.
1. The family prepared dinner all together.
2. The younger kids prepared plates and glasses on the table.
3. Sister Kate prepared their favorite meat in the oven.
4. Brother Lance put ice cream into dishes.
5. Dad touched the rolls to make them fl at.
6. Harry moved pancakes in the pan.
7. The people moved around the table.
8. The bread grew in the oven.
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The Extra-good Sunday
Connect to Writing
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ISBN-13: 978-0-547-24638-3
ISBN-10: 0-547-24638-2
1100389-LV 3
Practice Book
Grade 3 • Volume 1
Practice Book
Volume 1
Practice Book
Grade 3 Vol. 1
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