NGB-J1 CNGBI 1900.01
DISTRIBUTION: A 10 January 2018
References: See Enclosure A.
1. Purpose. This instruction establishes policies and assigns responsibilities
regarding the assignment of National Guard Bureau (NGB) personnel under the
Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) in accordance with (IAW) references a
through e.
2. Cancellation. None.
3. Applicability. This instruction applies to all elements of the National Guard
(NG), with the exception of personnel assigned to a State NG IAW reference f
and corresponding designation of authority to The Adjutants General (TAG) and
Title 32 technicians who become TAGs.
4. Policy. It is NG policy to employ NG members under the IPA to facilitate
cooperation and strengthen management capabilities between NG elements,
State and local governments, institutions of higher education, Indian tribal
governments, and other eligible organizations, through the temporary
assignment of skilled personnel.
a. IPA Assignments. Assignments will be management-initiated and
controlled. Objectives include:
(1) Assisting in the transfer and use of new technologies and approaches
to solving governmental problems.
(2) Facilitating an effective means of involving State and local officials in
developing and implementing Federal policies and programs.
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(3) Providing program and developmental experience to enhance
assignees’ performance in their regular job.
b. Restrictions on Former Department of Defense (DoD) Employees.
Assigning an IPA agreement to a former DoD employee to perform previous
Federal duties, as a recruitment tool for the future hiring of an individual, or to
facilitate a person’s career change is not authorized.
c. Negotiation Guidance. All NG elements are responsible for negotiating
and ensuring compliance with all requirements of IPA agreements under their
purview. Requirements include the length of the assignment, work schedule,
scope of duties, conflict-of-interest concerns, and any other reasonable and
customary direct and indirect costs such as the salary, fringe benefits, and
other charges incurred as part of the agreement.
(1) NG elements may agree to pay all, some, or none of the costs
associated with an assignment. The organization that benefits most from the
assignment will absorb the larger share of the costs.
(2) Income from certain private consulting work as part of the academic
pay of university employees may be considered. Specifically, when the regular
tour of duty for a university employee includes an allotment of time for
consulting, or when the employee is performing any job-related consulting that
cannot be continued during the assignment, the income received from the
consulting may be regarded as part of the employee’s academic pay.
d. Cost Allocations. Indirect cost allocations will be limited to applicable
General and Administrative (G&A) costs.
e. Performance Summary. IPA participants will receive a written
performance summary at the end of each assignment year or at the completion
of their IPA assignment. This summary will be submitted to the IPA
participants’ permanent non-Federal organization as evidence of the benefit of
their participation in the program.
f. Security Level. IPA participants will be able to obtain the security level
necessary for the position sensitivity designation required to perform the duties
of the position, as determined by each employing organization.
g. Training. IPA participants may be required to take the same or
comparable training, such as ethics training, computer security training, or
other similar courses, as Federal employees in comparable positions.
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h. Detailing. Federal employees receiving an IPA assignment to a non-
Federal entity will be detailed to that organization.
i. Other Provisions. Waiver of payments to reimburse the Government for
non-reimbursable expenses will be made only in rare cases, if fully justified,
and will require approval from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)
Director of Administration and Management (DA&M). Payment of travel and
relocation expenses may be paid IAW references e and f.
(1) Customary increases in cost (three percent cost-of-living allowance
[COLA] or increases customary for the non-Federal organization) are built into
the IPA assignment agreement. Organizations must certify that the proposed
COLA is applicable to and customary for all employees of the IPA participant’s
home organization.
(2) All other increases in costs from the original IPA agreement require
an amendment to that agreement. Amendments must be submitted and
approved by the OSD Assistant Director of the Executive and Political
Personnel Division, Human Resources Directorate. Locality payments are
authorized if the assignment location dictates.
j. IPA Package Applications. IPA assignment applications must include the
information in the subparagraphs below and must be sent by certified mail to:
Manpower and Personnel Directorate (NGB-J1), Joint Human Capital
Division (NGB-J1-JHC), 111 S. George Mason Drive, AHS #2,
Suite lPN-PI-140, Arlington, VA 22204-1373.
Electronic correspondence can be forwarded to
(1) Résumé. Include the prospective IPA candidate’s résumé and any
supporting documentation necessary to make a determination regarding
benefit to the Government. Examples are college transcripts, professional
certifications or licenses, references, and lists of publications.
(2) Request for IPA Assignment Memorandum. Include a memorandum,
signed by the requesting NG senior official (normally at a general officer or
Senior Executive Service level). Include the following information: name of the
IPA applicant; applicant’s nonprofit or organization of record; brief summary of
the duties; total estimated costs; funding source; and Organization Resource
Code. In addition, the memorandum must include a list of all periods served
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by the IPA applicant under other IPA agreements, regardless of the agency or
dates served.
(3) Position Description. Include the position description and the
required position sensitivity designation.
(4) Optional Form (OF) 69, “Assignment Agreement.” Include this form
for a funding breakdown with detailed accounting of all G&A costs (including
fringe benefits and overhead costs) by amount and percentage of salary, with a
full explanation of the process by which they were derived. Agreements with
excessive indirect costs or salaries exceeding Executive Level III will require
DA&M (OSD) coordination. Indirect costs above five percent must also be
approved by DA&M. Costs approved by other Federal agencies or DoD entities
are not considered binding. Review all costs for compliance with the above
guidelines and renegotiate if necessary.
(5) Proof of Certification to Participate. The OPM does not certify
organizations for participation in the IPA. Each Federal Government agency is
responsible for certifying organizations. IPA policy specifies that “other
organizations” are eligible to participate and defines what an “other
organization” is. (See the Glossary.) OPM requires that entities interested in
participating in the program as an “other organization” have their eligibility
certified by the Federal agency with which they are entering into an agreement.
Certification is permanent, and other agencies may accept this certification or
require an organization to submit the appropriate paperwork for review IAW
their own process. Send requests for certification to:
Washington Headquarters Services, Human Resources Directorate,
1155 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1155, and include a
copy of:
(a) The organization’s articles of incorporation.
(b) Bylaws.
(c) Internal Revenue Service letter of nonprofit status.
(d) Any other information describing the organization’s activities as
they relate to the public management concerns of governments or universities.
(6) Office of Government Ethics Form 450, “Confidential Financial
Disclosure Report,” and the IPA Disqualification Statement. The IPA candidate
must complete these documents and include them in the application package.
This inclusion is to assist employees and their agencies in avoiding conflicts
between official duties and private financial interests or affiliation.
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5. Definitions. See Glossary.
6. Responsibilities.
a. Chief of the National Guard Bureau (CNGB). The CNGB will:
(1) Establish and publish policies and procedures related to NG
participation in the IPA.
(2) Concur on all NGB IPA assignment requests prior to forwarding them
to Washington Headquarters Services for final approval.
b. Director of NGB-J1. The Director of NGB-J1 will:
(1) Serve as the Office of Primary Responsibility for processing IPA
applications and ensuring that NG organizations participating in the IPA fully
comply with applicable statutes and DoD regulations and guidelines.
(2) Ensure that IPA assignment applications are coordinated with Office
of the NGB Chief Counsel (NGB-JA) for legal review and with the Director of
Programs and Resources and Comptroller (NGB-J8) for any budgetary impacts
associated with the application.
c. NGB-JA. NGB-JA will conduct a thorough legal review of all IPA
d. NGB-J8. NGB-J8 will review all IPA applications to determine whether
funds are available to permit approval of the application, including individual
compensation, travel, and training expenses associated with the applicant.
7. Summary of Changes. This is the initial publication of CNGBI 1900.01.
8. Releasability. This instruction is approved for public release; distribution is
unlimited. Obtain copies through <>.
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9. Effective Date. This instruction is effective upon publication and must be
reissued, cancelled or certified as current every five years.
A -- References
GL -- Glossary
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A-1 Enclosure A
a. Title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.), Sections 3371-3375,
“Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970”
b. Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 334, “Temporary
Assignments under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)”
c. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, Technology and
Logistics, Memorandum, 17 October 2003, “Allocability and Allowability of
Costs Associated with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Mobility
d. U.S. Office of Personnel Management, “Hiring Information: Intergovernment
Personnel Act,” at <
information/Intergovernment-personnel-act/>, NIPRNET – accessed 04
December 2017
e. 10 U.S.C. § 10508, 26 October 2015, “National Guard Bureau”
f. 41 CFR, Chapters 300-304, “The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR)”
g. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, 23 December 2016
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GL-1 Glossary
CNGB Chief of the National Guard Bureau
COLA Cost-of-living allowance
DA&M Director of Administration and Management
DoD Department of Defense
G&A General and Administrative
IAW In accordance with
IPA Intergovernmental Personnel Act
NG National Guard
NGB National Guard Bureau
NGB-JA Office of the National Guard Bureau Chief Counsel
NGB-J1 Manpower and Personnel Directorate
NGB-J8 Programs and Resources/Comptroller
OPM Office of Personnel Management
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense
TAG The Adjutants General
Detailing -- A temporary assignment of an employee to a different position for a
specified period, with the employee returning to regular duties at the end of the
Office of Personnel Management Intergovernmental Personnel Act -- The
authorization by Congress for Federal agencies to enter into employment
exchange agreements (Intergovernmental Personnel Act agreements) with non-
Federal entities to facilitate cooperation between Federal and non-Federal
entities regarding issues of mutual concern and benefit.
Office of Personnel Management Intergovernmental Personnel Act Eligible
Employee -- An individual employed for at least 90 days in a career position
with a State, local, or Indian tribal government, institution of higher education,
or other eligible organization.
Other Organization -- A nonprofit organization that offers professional advisory,
research, educational, or developmental services or related services to
governments or universities concerned with public management.