Chiu, Chui-Yu; Chen, Shi; Chen, Chun-Liang
An integrated perspective of TOE framework and
innovation diffusion in broadband mobile applications
adoption by enterprises
International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS)
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International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS)
Suggested Citation: Chiu, Chui-Yu; Chen, Shi; Chen, Chun-Liang (2017) : An integrated perspective of
TOE framework and innovation diffusion in broadband mobile applications adoption by enterprises,
International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS), ISSN 2304-1366,
IJMESS International Publishers, Jersey City, NJ, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, pp. 14-39
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International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
2017, Vol.6(1), pp.14 – 39.
ISSN 2304 – 1366
An Integrated Perspective of TOE Framework
and Innovation Diffusion in Broadband Mobile
Applications Adoption by Enterprises
Chui-Yu Chiu
*Shi Chen
Chun-Liang Chen
IE & M, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Industrial and Business Management, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
Graduate School of Creative Industry Design, National Taiwan University of Arts, New Taipei City, Taiwan
This study aimed at exploring the critical factors for
enterprises to adopt broadband mobile applications. The results
are expected to guide enterprises to strengthen their
competitiveness. Further, since the broadband mobile
applications were integrated with many characteristics of
information communication technologies, this study combined the
Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework and
Diffusion of Innovation Theory in an effort to establish a
comprehensive view and to increase the level of understanding.
The Structural Equation Modeling and AMOS were applied for
analysis; which discovered that the adoption of broadband mobile
applications by enterprises is significantly affected by
technological, organizational and environmental contexts. This
paper also identified eleven critical factors from
technological, organizational and environmental aspects, as well
as two vital control variables. Based on the research outcome,
this paper conducted an in-depth discussion and drew
conclusions. Finally, the research implications were provided.
Keywords: Broadband mobile application, technology-
organization-environment framework (TOE framework),
diffusion of innovation theory, enterprise’s
adoption, critical factors
JEL: L96, O32
Global mobile broadband communication technology
has been evolving into the fourth generation
of wireless mobile tele-communications technology
standards. With broadband mobile network, the
development of innovative mobile applications will
then be massively accelerated. Lubbe and Louw
(2010) explained from the marketing perspective
that the superior advantage of mobile
communication and mobile commerce is that the
suppliers can now access to the customers via
mobile devices anytime anywhere. The rapid
evolution of broadband mobile applications has led
to a more advanced mobile commerce, which
attracts new customers and brings significant
revenue for mobile application service providers
(Nikou and Mezei, 2013). The characteristics of
mobile technology such as connectivity, agility,
interactivity and location positioning can bring
received January 2, 2017; revised March 5, 2017; accepted March
17, 2017. © The Author(s); CC BY-NC; Licensee IJMESS
*Corresponding author:
Chiu et al.
various advantages to enterprises, enhance the
efficiency and effectiveness of enterprises, and
improve enterprises competitive advantage (Porter
and Millar, 1985)
Barnes (2002) pointed out that the challenge for
information based industries such as
telecommunication, hardware and software,
contents, entertainment and financial industry
(Symonds, 1999) is the transformation from a
traditional fixed network infrastructure based
business model to a whole new mobile network
business model. The smartphone, as well as the
mobile application platforms (iOS and Android) will
also bring significant changes to the value network
of manufacturing and service industries (Suh and
Kim, 2015).
Broadband mobile network service is widely
implemented by telecommunication service
providers from all over the world, and the technical
characteristics of growing bandwidth have become a
core subject in mobile applications development.
Many of the past studies focus on the adoption of
mobile commerce and mobile applications from the
use of traditional 2G/3G/3.5G mobile network (High
Speed Downlink Packet Access, HSDPA, and
below), yet the researches on broadband mobile
applications and enterprise-focused topics remain
limited. Yang (2012) revealed that the high data
transmission rate of the 4G broadband mobile
network will drive more innovative forms of mobile
applications, which may also influence user
preferences and behavior (Kwak and Yoo, 2012), as
such, the enterprises adopting of broadband mobile
application may be triggered and affected by
different factors. In this case, this study is targeted at
enterprises to analyze by integrating the TOE
framework (i.e., Technology, Organization, and
Environment framework) (Depietro, Wiarda and
Fleischer, 1990; Tornatzky and Fleischer, 1990) and
diffusion of innovations theory (Rogers, 1962) in
order to further explore various key factors affecting
the adoption of broadband mobile applications.
Results of this study attempt to serve as a
reference for the continuous innovation and
development of mobile applications for enterprises.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
Literature review and the hypotheses were proposed
in the next section. The section three presents the
method and process of analysis as well as the
results. In the fourth section a discussion based on
the findings was mentioned. Then the conclusion in
final section with implications, limitations and
directions for future study were provided.
Chiu et al.
Barnes (2002) pointed out that the challenge for
information based industries such as
telecommunication, hardware and software,
contents, entertainment and financial industry
(Symonds, 1999) is the transformation from a
traditional fixed network infrastructure based
business model to a whole new mobile network
business model. The smartphone, as well as the
mobile application platforms (iOS and Android) will
also bring significant changes to the value network
of manufacturing and service industries (Suh and
Kim, 2015).
Broadband mobile network service is widely
implemented by telecommunication service
providers from all over the world, and the technical
characteristics of growing bandwidth have become a
core subject in mobile applications development.
Many of the past studies focus on the adoption of
mobile commerce and mobile applications from the
use of traditional 2G/3G/3.5G mobile network (High
Speed Downlink Packet Access, HSDPA, and
below), yet the researches on broadband mobile
applications and enterprise-focused topics remain
limited. Yang (2012) revealed that the high data
transmission rate of the 4G broadband mobile
network will drive more innovative forms of mobile
applications, which may also influence user
preferences and behavior (Kwak and Yoo, 2012), as
such, the enterprises adopting of broadband mobile
application may be triggered and affected by
different factors. In this case, this study is targeted at
enterprises to analyze by integrating the TOE
framework (i.e., Technology, Organization, and
Environment framework) (Depietro, Wiarda and
Fleischer, 1990; Tornatzky and Fleischer, 1990) and
diffusion of innovations theory (Rogers, 1962) in
order to further explore various key factors affecting
the adoption of broadband mobile applications. The
results of this study attempt to serve as a reference
for the continuous innovation and development of
mobile applications for enterprises.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
Literature review and the hypotheses were proposed
in the next section. The section three presents the
method and process of analysis as well as the
results. In the fourth section a discussion based on
the findings was mentioned. Then the conclusion in
final section with implications, limitations and
directions for future study were provided.
Broadband Mobile Communication Technology
The technical standards guideline published by
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
specifies that data transmission rate can reach up to
Chiu et al.
100 Mbps peak in high-speed mobility state and 1
Gbps in low mobility state, it can be called the
fourth generation of wireless mobile tele-
communications technology (IMT-Advanced). The
Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA)
estimates that by Q2 2016 the global Long-Term
Evolution (LTE) telecommunication subscriptions will
reach 1.4 billion. 166 operators have deployed
networks of LTE-Advanced or 4.5G/LTE-Advanced
Pro in 76 countries including the United States,
Europe, Australia and Japan (GSA, 2016).
Moreover, the Next Generation Mobile Networks
Alliance (NGMN) announced that the 5th generation
mobile networks (5G) will become operational by
2020 (NGMN 5G White Paper, 2015), which can
carry much more data in faster speed than ever, and
support more innovative applications such as the
Internet of Things (IoT).
Kwak and Yoo (2012) considered that 4G
broadband mobile network can not only solve 3G
system deficiencies, but also offers other services
3G doesnt offer such as high quality voice
transmission, high-definition audio and video
broadcasting, and identified five key services
attributes of 4G: high-speed data transmission,
communication service, channels, on-demand video
and other additional services. Jung and Kwon (2015)
further found that 3G service users are more
concerned about the call quality and customer
service, whereas LTE service users are more
interested in data transmission quality and price.
Mobile Applications
Shih and Shim (2002) affirmed that mobile
commerce built upon the use of mobile applications
by enterprises or in a business environment can
stimulate transactions among businesses and
improve productivity. As such, mobile application is
deemed as one of the key driving forces for the
development of mobile commerce. Further, different
purposes of mobile applications can be developed
diversely. Nysveen, Pedersen and Thorbjørnsen
(2005) found from the earlier literature that it leads to
different methods to distinguish features of mobile
applications in view of different importance of
characteristics, such as by interaction (Device vs
Person) and by the process (Goal-oriented vs
Experience-oriented). Nikou and Mezei (2013) have
sorted out five categories of mobile services from
the past literature and those are communication,
entertainment, information, web 2.0, and transaction.
Unhelkar and Murugesan (2010) stated that
many enterprises adopt mobile technologies to
improve operational efficiency, increase
responsiveness and competitiveness, and meet
Chiu et al.
customer needs, in consequence, mobile
applications can provide new business opportunities
for companies. While mobile applications
incorporate a variety of information communication
characteristics, there are also studies about
individuals or businesses adopting mobile
technologies, and which provide references for this
study in exploring various possible factors affecting
the adoption of the broadband mobile applications in
enterprises. Some aforementioned studies are cloud
computing (Almudarra and Qureshi, 2015), mobile
innovation (Song, 2014), mobile payment services
et al
., 2015) etc. However, today’s mobile
applications are far more capable than merely
providing voice communication and data
transmission back in 2G or 3G era. In addition,
mobile broadband network nowadays possesses
much more powerful features than the mobile
networks of the past, and this network advancement
has led to a radical change in the mobile
applications to become more integrated and
innovated, and thus change the customer habits and
business models, and become more conducive to
business. Moreover, a significant cognitive gap of
business managers generally occurs between the
varieties of mobile applications in the latest
broadband environment and limited speed of
network and bandwidth in old days, as a
consequence, it is necessary to conduct further
TOE Framework
Technology-Organization-Environment Framework
(TOE framework) (DePietro
et al
., 1990; Tornatzky
and Fleischer, 1990) is an application level
framework for research from the organization-level
perspective (Piaralal,
et al
., 2015). TOE framework
proposes three main facets to explore the factors
that affect the organization's acceptance of
innovation technology. The technological context
includes the characteristics and the usefulness of
the innovative technology; the organization context
contains the internal issues within the company such
as management, employee, products and services;
and the environmental context involves the issues
exist in the business related field, such as the
competitors and business partners.
Zhu, Kraemer and Xu (2006a) indicated that the
TOE framework has proven to be fairly effective
from the past research. A lot of studies about
innovation technologies have been done by adopting
the TOE research method, including information
systems (DePietro
et al
., 1990), e-commerce (Rowe,
Truex and Huynh, 2012), web service (Lippert and
Govindarajulu, 2015), e-CRM (Racherla and Hu,
Chiu et al.
2008), and cloud computing (Lian, Yen and Wang
From the above literature, it can be well informed
that the TOE framework is widely used on the
adoption of different innovative technologies and
proven to be validated (Ramdani and Kawalek,
2007). Given that the theme of this study is in regard
to the application of innovative technology and from
the enterprises perspective, the TOE framework is
adopted as the main research model in this
Diffusion of Innovations Theory
The concept of diffusion of innovation has long been
proposed by scholars. It was widely used in
agriculture, medicine, communication, marketing
and other fields (Greenhalgh
et al
., 2005). Rogers
(1962) on the other hand, summarized the studies in
the fields of anthropology, education, industry,
medicine etc., and proposed the diffusion theory of
innovation. Rogers elaborated that innovation is “any
idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by
an individual or another unit of adoption”. Diffusion
means the process by which an innovation is
communicated through certain channels over time
among the members of a social system”. In most
studies, innovators are individuals, organizations,
clusters, social networks, and even countries
(Meyer, 2004).
Rogers (1995) also pointed out that innovation
will go through five stages of the adoption process:
Knowledge, Persuasion, Decision, Implementation,
and Confirmation. In the persuasion stage, the
potential adopter will be more involved as compared
to the knowledge stage and begin to actively seek
out relevant information. Individuals or decision-
making units will generate a positive or negative
attitude towards an innovation; an innovative
perception will also develop, so the perceived
characteristics of innovation are particularly
important in the persuasion stage. Hence, five
perceptual characteristics of innovation i.e. relative
advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and
observability were identified by Rogers and help to
assess the adoption rate. (Rogers, 1995; Bensley
and Brookins-Fisher, 2003)
As with the TOE framework, diffusion of
innovations theory has also been widely used in
recent years in the field of information technology
application research, such as web site adoption
(Beatty, Shim and Jones, 2001), ERP systems
implementation (Bradford and Florin, 2003), mobile
banking (Al-Jabri and Sohail, 2012) and e-
commerce adoption by small and medium
Chiu et al.
enterprises (SMEs) (Hussin and Noor 2005;
Limthongchai and Speece, 2003; Kendall
et al
Integrating DOI and TOE
There have been numbers of literature in the past
exploring the use of innovative technologies that
combine the TOE framework with the diffusion of
innovation theory to better explain the diffusion of
innovation from the organizational perspective (Hsu,
Kraemer and Dunkle, 2006), and better focus on the
impact of both internal and external factors of
innovation technology adoption and diffusion (Zhu
., 2006a; Tornatzky and Fleischer, 1990), the
relevant factors are also validated effectively. As
reported by Piaralal
et al
. (2015), innovation
diffusion theory combined with TOE framework
provides a useful theoretical framework for small
and medium-sized logistics enterprises to adopt
green technology and explore the use of innovation
technology by the overall consideration of internal
and external factors. Wang, Wang and Yang (2010)
combined the important factors of both theories to
explore the key factors influencing the adoption of
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in the
manufacturing sector. Ramdani, Kawalek and
Lorenzo (2009) combined the TOE framework and
diffusion of innovation theory to explore the factors
of adoption of enterprise system. In addition,
Alshamaila, Papagiannidis and Li (2013) combined
both theories to identify the influence factors in the
adopting of the cloud computing by SMEs. Oliveira,
Thomas and Espadanal (2014) also explored the
key factors of cloud computing adoption in service
industry and manufacturing by using the TOE
framework in combination with innovation diffusion
As Thong (1999) suggested that due to the rapid
evolution of information technology and its
characteristic, whether a single theoretical model
can be applied to all the subjects is still arguable.
Oliveira and Martins (2011) also indicated that it
would be important to combine more than one
theoretical model in future studies in order to have a
better understanding of the adoption of complicated
innovation technologies. Hence, this study integrates
the innovation diffusion theory with the TOE
framework and proposes an integrated research
Innovation Technology Adoption Stage
Organizational innovation usually has different
stages of processes (Grover and Goslar, 1993). As
noted earlier, Rogers (1995) pointed out that
innovation experiences five stages: knowledge,
persuasion, decision, implementation and
Chiu et al.
confirmation. Grover and Goslar (1993) also divide
organizational innovation into three stages: initiation,
adoption and implementation. Furthermore, Zhu
. (2006a) identified three important stages of
initiation, adoption and routinization from the point of
view of the adoption of e-business. The “Initiation”
stage begins with the perception and assessment of
an innovation, to measure the performance
improvement and potential benefits of an
enterprise's value chain activities. In the “Adoption
stage, decisions are made to formally allocate
resources needed to fully deploy the innovation.
Then, in the “Routinization” stage, the innovation
must be accepted by members of the enterprise;
which can be widely used and deployed
Considering that the characteristics of broadband
mobile applications which may involve the personal
mobile devices and user habits of all members of the
enterprise, as well as customers and suppliers;
therefore, it is very crucial in the adoption and
implementation stage rather than in the initiation
stage. As a result, this study divides the process of
adoption into three stages: Initiation, Adoption and
Implementation, in order to have a full spectrum of
facets and factors through the model structure
analysis. In addition, this study measured the three
enterprises adoption stages with nine gradual
questions in the questionnaire, e.g., “I wish the
company could adopt the broadband mobile
applications”, “My company has just adopted the
broadband mobile applications”, and “We would
recommend our clients or suppliers to adopt the
broadband mobile applications”.
Hypotheses and Research Model
Given the diversified characteristics of information
and communication technology that broadband
mobile applications possessed, which have been
widely discussed in varieties of literature; also the
determinant factors of technological, organizational
and environmental context were tested, this study
sourced from mentioned literature to explore the
possible factors that may affect the adoption of
broadband mobile applications accordingly. The
theoretical basis for each factor is provided as
-The Technology Context
et al
. (2013) in the study on SMEs
adoption of cloud computing combined the TOE
framework with diffusion of innovation theory, which
adopted the five perceptual characteristics from
Rogers’ innovation diffusion theory. Ramdani
et al
(2009) integrated the innovation diffusion theory as a
theoretical basis of technological factors for
exploring the impact on SMEs adoption of
Chiu et al.
Enterprise system. As such, this study integrated the
five perceptual characteristics of innovation in the
persuasion stage of innovation diffusion theory as
factors in the technological context, and also
referred the previous research of related innovation
technology topics. Zhu
et al
. (2006b) found that
compatibility is the most important factor influencing
the post-adoption in European enterprises’ adoption
of digital transformation. The research results of
et al
. (2010) showed that due to the ongoing
development of RFID, there is no common standard
developed yet, and there are still issues in system
integration with the company's existing internal
information system, so the complexity and
compatibility for the manufacturing industry adopting
RFID have respectively significant negative and
positive impacts. Low, Chen and Wu (2011)
identified that the relative advantages and
complexity on cloud computing are inversely related
to enterprises adoption. Sin Tan
et al
. (2009) found
that relative advantage, compatibility, complexity
and observability in the technology context are the
main factors influencing the SMEs’ adoption of ICT
in Malaysia. Alshamaila
et al
. (2013) in the study of
SMEs adoption of cloud computing found factors in
the technology context which have significant
impact, including relative advantage, compatibility,
and complexity, as well as the trialability which
contributes to reduce uncertainties in adoption. To
sum up, this study proposed the five factors of
innovative diffusion theory with the following
-The Organization Context
et al
. (2011) in the research of cloud computing
found that the support of high-level executives in the
organization is a significant factor influencing
enterprises' adoption. Lin (2014) in their research
about electronic supply chain management system
adoption stated that since the user is encouraged to
participate and to solve problems between trading
partners, and also the enterprises need to quickly
strengthen the systematic knowledge in order to
Chiu et al.
enhance the awareness and reduce the resistance,
the management support and absorptive capacity,
as well as the competitive pressures in the
environment context are significant factors in both
“Likelihood of e-SCM Adoption” and Extent of e-
SCM adoption” stages. Hollenstein (2004) argued
that the knowledge capital generated through
learning and experience will bring the advantage in
applying new technology to enterprises, so
absorptive capacity is one of the most important
factors in adopting innovative technology. In
addition, Thong (1999) revealed that the information
intensity of company’s products and services has a
significant impact on the adoption of information
technology by small businesses. Al-Qirim (2008)
also indicated that the information intensity of
products and services is a significant factor
influencing the adoption of e-commerce websites by
small businesses. Moreover, Mirchandani and
Motwani (2001) found that one of the major
problems faced by enterprises was the lacking of
knowledge in information system by the employees,
so employees’ knowledge was also a significant
factor influencing the adoption of e-commerce by
small businesses. Considering the characteristics of
innovative technology, this study propose the
following hypotheses based on the four factors
discussed above:
-The Environment Context
There are results from the past studies shown that
competitive pressures are a significant factor
influencing the adoption of information technologies
by enterprises (e.g., Ghobakhloo, Arias-Aranda and
Benitez-Amado, 2011). Li (2008) found that both
competitive pressures and external support were
significant factors of the use of e-procurement in
manufacturing. Teo, Lin and Lai (2009) found that
trading partners will also significantly affect the
adoption of e-procurement. Similarly, Stockdale and
Standing (2006) found that key trading partner is an
important factor influencing the adoption of e-
commerce by SMEs. Besides, the government’s
attitude is also considered to be one of the important
factors influencing the adoption of innovative
Chiu et al.
technology. Dahnil
et al
. (2014) pointed out that
government attitudes, policies and initiatives are
important factors influencing the adoption of
innovative technology by SMEs. Lee
et al
. (2014)
considered government support as one of the
conditions to promote the adoption of cloud
computing among the enterprise. In this study, we
incorporated the above mentioned important factors
into the following hypotheses:
-Control Variables
Different types business of enterprises for the
application of an innovative technology will take a
different attitude; Hsu
et al
. (2006) found that for US
firms, the manufacturers compare the distribution
and financial industries tend to be more willing to
adopt e-business. However, Teo
et al
. (2009)
conducted a study in adopting e-procurement by 141
firms in Singapore and the industry type was used
as the control variable, the results showed no
significant difference. Moreover, this different
attitude may also occur in organizations of different
sizes, such as Ifinedo (2011) in the study of
internet/e-business technologies for Canadian SMEs
using company size and industry sector as control
variables. Siamagka
et al
. (2015) also used the size
as a control variable in the study of social media
adoption by B2B organizations. Thus, the industry
type (service/manufacturing) and company size are
incorporated as control variables with reference to
the above studies and were further examined in the
three stages of adoption.
Sample and Questionnaire
Given that the broadband mobile applications
possess the features of various applications, this
study referred to the previous literature and
developed the questionnaire. The factors definition
and references are summarized in Table 1 (see
The responses were tapped by the Likert 5-point
scale. First of all, two Ph.D teachers reviewed and
provided feedbacks on items or questionnaire, then
the pre-questionnaires were given to 40 managers
and employees (22 high-level and 18 mid-level)
selected from the project database of the Ministry of
Chiu et al.
Economic Affairs. The respondents were asked to
read the instruction before filling the questionnaire. A
total number of 40 valid pre-questionnaires were
collected, and the test results of reliability and
validity were all found up to the standard. The
semantic amendments have been made into four
questions according to the feedbacks and
suggestions. In the formal stage, the main
databases were chosen from the project system of
industrial promotion organizations in cooperation
with economic department of government, such as
the National Association of Small and Medium
Enterprises and Corporate Synergy Development
Center, by following random sampling. The
respondents hold mid-level or above positions in
their organizations. 411 questionnaires were
distributed in both hard copy and via email, which
obtained a valid response rate of 73.72 percent and
has reached to the acceptable level (Rigdon, 2005).
The statistical data are shown below in Table 2; and
the sample characteristics are shown in Table 3
-The Analysis of Measurement Model
In this study, the structural equation modeling (SEM)
was used to analyze the data. Based on Hair
et al
(1998), the two-stage analysis was proceeded. First,
all variables were tested in the measurement model,
the cronbach's
of technological, organizational and
environmental context and adoption were .89, .89,
.93 and .87 respectively, which showed that the
questionnaire had good reliability. Secondly, the
confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test
the convergent validity and discriminant validity of
each facet and to validate the appropriate model for
structural model analysis (Pijperset
et al
., 2001). The
model fit, factor loading and convergent validity of
each facet were individually examined. According to
Bagozzi and Yi (1988), two factors’ loading showed
offending estimate (i.e., complexity did not reach .50
and government supports showed over .95) which
then been removed. Then the combined reliability
after the test was above .70, the average variance
extracted (AVE) ranged from .55 to .80, which were
in accordance with the standard proposed by
Bagozzi and Yi (1988) - the combined reliability
should be above .60, and the AVE should be above
.50. Further, the validities were in accordance with
the requirement value of .50 as proposed by Fornell
and Larcker (1981). Thus, the results indicated that
Distributed Return Invalid Valid Valid Percentage
Via Email 135 101 8 93 68.89%
Hard Copy 276 231 21 210 76.09%
Total 411 332 29 303 73.72%
Table 2: Questionnaire Distribution and Returns
Chiu et al.
the model has reached an acceptable level. Detailed
are given in Table 4 (see Appendix-II). In summary,
the proposed research architecture is shown below
in Figure 1 (see Appendix-III).
-The Analysis of Structural Model
First, in the goodness of fit test, the overall model fit
is shown in Table 5. The χ
ratio was 1.88 which
fitted the parsimonious fit value (less than 3) in
reference to Hair
et al
. (1998). Then Browne and
Cudeck (1993) pointed out that the GFI should be
greater than .80; and according to the study of Wu
and Wang (2006), that the goodness of fit index can
be in accordance with the recommendation
of Hadjistavropoulos, Frombach and Asmundson
Number of
Under 4
Over 200
Industry Type
Company Age
Under 1 year
1~3 years
3~7 years
7~10 years
10~13 years
Over 13 years
Position Level
Board member
Table 3
Sample Characteristics
Indicator of
Standard Value Examination Result
RMR <0.08 (Jöreskog and Sörbom 1993) 0.066
RMSEA <0.08 (Hu and Bentler 1999) 0.054
TLI(NNFI) >0.9 (Bentler and Bonett 1980) 0.918
>0.9 (Bentler and Bonett 1980)
>0.8 (Hadjistavropoulos et al. 1999, Hair et
al. 1998)
GFI >0.8 (Browne and Cudeck 1993) 0.825
>0.8 (Hadjistavropoulos et al. 1999)
χ2/d.f. <5 (Bentler and Bonett, 1980) 1.882
Table 5: Overall Fits of Models
Chiu et al.
(1999) and Hair
et al
. (1998): AGFI> .80, NFI> .80.
In this study, GFI was .82, AGFI was .80 and the
NFI was .85 which reflected the good values.
Besides, the RMSEA was .05, which was in
accordance with the suggestion of Hu and Bentler
(1999) that the value of RMSEA should be less than
.08. It is concluded that the fit of the structural model
data in this study was in a good range.
The results of the verification of factors are
shown in Table 6 (see Appendix-IV). A total number
of 11 factors showed significant results.
-Control Variable Test
First of all, in the variable “company size” analysis,
the ANOVA showed different results in various
stages. In the “adoption” and “implementation”
stages it showed insignificant results, only in the
“Initiation” stage, the
-value showed 10.54 and the
value showed .001, which reached the significant
level. Yet the homogeneity assumption was rejected
after the homogeneity of variance test (Levene's
test: 8.78,
= .001), the results were further
compared by Brown and Forsythe (1974) and Welch
(1951) test and showed that value in the group of
company size with more than 200 employees is
significantly lower than in the groups which under
200 employees. It can be deduced that the size of
the company and the adoption of broadband mobile
application have an inverse correlation.
Next, in the analysis of “industry type”, the results
of independent sample
-test indicated that the
Figure 2:
Results of Structural Modeling Analysis
Adoption Implementation
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Between Groups 40.251 5 8.025 10.545 .000
Within Groups 226.736 297 .763
Total 266.987 302
Table 7: ANOVA of Business Size
Chiu et al.
manufacturing and service industries showed
different results at various stages. In the final
“implementation” stage, there was no significant
difference. Yet, in the initiation” and “adoption"
stages the results were significant, and the value of
service industries group was higher than the
manufacturing group after the comparison. The
results of the three-stage analysis are shown in
Tables 8 and 9 below.
The Technology Context
In terms of technology context, the relative
advantage and compatibility showed significant
results in line with the research results of
Premkumar and Roberts (1999) for enterprises
adopting innovative information technologies and
online data access, and Sin Tan
et al
. (2009) on the
adoption of information technology, indicated that
the broadband mobile applications possess a similar
information communication technology
characteristic. Zhu
et al
. (2006b) in the study of
digital transformation for European companies also
revealed that the e-business value chain activities,
which rely on communication tools, are now shifted
from paper/telephone/fax to digital form, and the
priority of digital assets and information flow within
the enterprise has gone up, thus the compatibility of
communication has become a key driving force.
Levene' test t-test for Equality of Means
f Sig. t df
Std. Error
Initiation .012 .914 -3.160 301 .002 -.38974 .12334
Adoption 1.928 .166 -2.084 301 .038 -.26746 .12832
Implementation 1.374 .242 -1.951 301 .052 -.21132 .10833
Table 8: Independent Sample t-test
Industry N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
1 75 2.71 .88978 .10274
2 228 3.1031 .93824 .06214
1 75 2.6733 .85224 .09841
2 228 2.9408 .99769 .06607
Table 9: Group Statistics
Chiu et al.
Further, trialability has reached to a significant level,
as Ramdani
et al
. (2009) in the study of the adoption
of enterprise systems stated that getting a trial
version before the adoption is important to the
enterprise. The results of observability also showed
a significant result and matched the researches of
both Hussin and Noor (2005), and Limthongchai and
Speece (2003) in adoption of e-commerce. In
addition, this study also suggests that it’s easy to
observe the diversity and wide range of use of the
mobile broadband application around the people, the
observability of mobile broadband application has
become more important.
The Organization Context
The four factors within the organizational context all
showed significant results. First, the information
intensity showed significant result in line with the
study results of Al-Qirim (2008) on the adoption of e-
commerce communications and applications
technologies. Ghobakhloo
et al
. (2011) suggested
that companies will consider the technology relevant
to their products and services, enterprises with high
IT relevance are more likely to use e-commerce to
improve competitiveness. Next, the significant result
of top management support is consistent with
previous studies such as cloud computing (Oliveira
et al
., 2014; Borgman
et al
., 2013), e-procurement
et al
., 2009), Enterprise System (Ramdani and
Kawalek, 2007), e-commerce (Stockdale and
Standing, 2006), EDI (Premkumar and Roberts,
1999). This validates that the characteristics of
broadband mobile technology are similar to the IT
tools for data exchange used inside or between the
enterprises. Oliveira
et al
. (2014) claimed that top
management in the enterprise can show their
support for adoption of cloud computing by
supporting money and resources. Employees’
knowledge showed a significant result, which is
compatible with the study results of Mirchandani and
Motwani (2001), and Scupola (2009); the former
research indicated that employee’s knowledge was
one of the most important factors in company’s
website adopting. Scupola (2009) also reported that
employees’ knowledge in both Australian and
Danish companies is important factor for e-
commerce adoption, especially in the case that
Australian CEOs who have paid more attention to
the e-commerce recommendations from employees.
Absorptive capability reached to a significant result,
which is consistent with the results of research by
Lin (2014) in e-SCM (supply chain management),
and Hollenstein (2004) in information communication
technologies. As Park, Suh and Yang (2007)
elaborated that the knowledge of ERP systems
Chiu et al.
includes multiple functional aspects (e.g.,
positivistic/anti-positivistic and constructive aspects),
hence, the status of absorptive capacity is easy to
perceive by employees and regarded as very
crucial. This study believes that multi-functional
features are also embodied in today's rapid
developed broadband mobile applications.
The Environment Context
Business partner in the environment context showed
a significant result. Li (2008) revealed in the
research that pressure from suppliers or trading
partners, like competitive pressures, drives
companies to adopt e-procurement to gain and
maintain competitive advantage. While competitive
pressure also revealed a significant result in this
context. Zhu
et al
. (2006a) found that in some low
ICT-intensity countries, the incentive to use e-
business is not necessarily due to perceived
competitive advantage, but to avoid lagging behind
the technological curve, therefore, the competitive
pressure is more apparent than in high ICT-intensity
country. Ifinedo (2011) also claimed in the research
of the Internet/e-business technologies in SMEs
from Canada that SMEs are more likely to adopt
innovative technologies in a high competitive region.
At last, external support also produced a significant
result. Ramdani and Kawalek (2007) in the research
on the adoption of enterprise system commented
that the external support can prove to be the most
challenging factor for vendors. Similarly, Attewell
(1992) also pointed out that external support can
help SMEs to cross knowledge barriers.
The test of first control variable “company size”
showed different results in the three stages of
adoption, and reached to the significant level only in
the initiation stage, wherein a reverse correlation
appeared. That is, the smaller the enterprise size,
the higher the willingness in adopting broadband
mobile applications. This study suggests that
although the large enterprises have a higher
financial capability and more skilled employees, the
traditional bureaucracy may be disadvantageous to
initiate an innovative technology. In comparison,
SMEs have higher flexibility and more willingness to
try the innovative technology with relatively lower
difficulty level. However, the company size was
insignificant in both adoption and implementation
stages, which explained that once the company has
started the innovative process, the company sizes
show no significant influences in the latter stage.
The test of the second control variable has
different results from the first control variable.
“Industry type” reached to the significant level in
Chiu et al.
both initiation and adoption stages and failed in the
implementation stage. In addition, the result of the
analysis revealed that the service sector had a
higher adoption rate than the manufacturing sector.
This study suggests that unlike the big IT system
such as SCM or ERP, broadband mobile application
is not so sophisticated, and does not need to require
an information department or IT human resources in
order to operate, or even no longer need a desktop
or laptops to run the system, but through the more
convenient individual mobile devices that allow each
member of the enterprise to use it at any time and
location. Hence, the service industry relies more on
people’s direct contact and communicate, easy
access information and content delivery, has a
higher possibility and intention of adopting
broadband mobile applications in compare with
manufacturing sector. Thereafter due to the
approaching cognition, making the differences
between these two sectors gradually eliminate in the
implementation stage.
This study discussed three aspects of the TOE
framework, namely technological, organizational and
environmental contexts having positive impact on
the broadband mobile applications adoption. There
are eleven factors explored, and the impact of the
two control variables i.e. company size and industry
type are also identified. All these results bring in
several critical insights for both enterprises and
broadband mobile applications providers. For the
enterprise, the management team should make sure
that the new application must be compatible with the
existing system, then gets involved with the change,
helps employees to absorb the information and
builds up the knowledge assimilating structure within
the enterprise. Continued supports from external
actors along with the willingness and ability of the
business supplier and buyer must also be taken into
account in order to ensure successful and effective
use. The results also showed that in attempts to
enhance customer communication, as well as to
reduce cost and increase profits, SMEs with higher
flexibility are more willing to adopt broadband mobile
applications; on the contrary, management level
from large enterprises must have the mindset to
change the attitude of acceptance in innovative
mobile broadband applications, in order to help
enterprises sustainable development. Similarly,
manufacturing companies must consider the
advantages of broadband mobile applications, and
invest more resources to keep up with rapidly
changing of mobile trends and to ensure long-term
competitiveness. Further, from the perspective of the
Chiu et al.
application providers, aside from good functional
design, the trial version and platform optimization
should be included in the product development and
marketing stage, so as to be more attractive and
accepted by the enterprise and the market. In
addition, after-sales support and knowledge-sharing
with the customers will increase the willingness to
adopt the application, and ensure clients successful
operation afterwards.
Theoretical contributions
The continuous improvement of technical
characteristics leads to more powerful mobile
applications into the market, and remains a key
element for sustainable development of enterprises
and industries. Yet, there exists few studies focused
on the topic from enterprise perspective, this study
aims to propose a research framework and
commence the empirical research, in an effort to
establish a preliminary basis for related research
and discussion subsequently. Then, this paper
combined the TOE framework with diffusion of
innovation theory, hoping to have a broader view
and extensive insights in environmental and
organizational aspects apart from technology
diffusion perspective, and then to develop a
reference model for the follow-up research. Finally,
this study applied company size and industry type as
control variables; as a result, it may also be useful
for the follow-up study in exploring the possibility of
different variables.
Because of the limitation of research scale, it was
hard to incorporate all the variables presented in
past literature of innovation technology.
Nonetheless, this study has still tried to achieve
unbiased results through data collection,
comparisons, and selections from related papers as
many as possible. Also, to keep on further in-depth
researching into distinct enterprises via the field
interviews to acquire an intensive perspective in the
adoption of broadband mobile applications will be
instructive. Finally, this research adopted the point of
view of overall mobile applications in consideration
of the understanding of the participants and
enterprises, thus, for applications with specific
characteristics such as voice, data, video or other
interactive features, the researches can be
continued hereafter considering customer's point of
view and value in the future.
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Relative Advantage
An innovation is perceived as being
better than the idea it supersedes
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and Roberts, 1999; Kendall et al.,
An innovation is perceived as
consistent with the existing values,
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An innovation is perceived as
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Premkumar and Roberts, 1999; Al-
Jabri and Sohail, 2012
An innovation may be experimented
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Sohail, 2012
The results of an innovation are
visible to others. (Rogers, 1995)
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Sohail, 2012
Information Intensity
Information intensity of product or
service measured by the currency of
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Thong, 1999
Top Management
Through business management, time
and resources investment and effective
execution, to resolve related issues.
(Alshamaila et al., 2013)
Premkumar and Roberts, 1999; Lin,
2014; Lian et al., 2014
Employees’ knowledge
The level of innovative technology
knowledge of the employee within the
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Rowe et al., 2012
Absorptive Capability
The organization can gain and apply
relative knowledge both from external
and internal, in order to creating a
profitable opportunity (Lin, 2014)
Lin, 2014
Competitive pressure
The level of pressure from
competitors within the same industry.
(Alshamaila et al., 2013)
Premkumar and Roberts, 1999;
Ghobakhloo et al., 2011
Business Partner
Relationship with suppliers and
customers. (Lin, 2014)
Ghobakhloo et al., 2011; Lin, 2014
External Supports
Supports from technical service
providers, training partners or relative
associations. (Stockdale and Standing,
Premkumar and Roberts, 1999;
Ghobakhloo et al., 2011
Government Supports
Government policy, measures or
incentives. (Dahnil et al., 2014)
Lian et al., 2014; Rowe et al., 2012;
Li, 2008
Industry Type Service sector/ Manufacturing sector Oliveira and Martins, 2008
Company Size
Total number of the Employee (Zhu et
al., 2006a)
Lin, 2014
Table 1: Factor Definition and References
Chiu et al.
Variables Question Item Loading
CR Value AVE
Relative Advantage
RA1 0.873
0.624 0.859 0.671
RA2 0.806
RA3 0.775
CP1 0.923
0.774 0.924 0.803
CP2 0.940
CP3 0.821
CX1 0.804
0.405 0.718 0.499
CX2 0.883
CX3 0.269
TR1 0.787
0.738 0.838 0.634
TR2 0.749
TR3 0.850
OB1 0.845
0.727 0.778 0.642
OB2 0.919
OB3 0.663
Information Intensity
II1 0.770
0.622 0.802 0.575
II2 0.789
II3 0.714
Top Management
TM1 0.859
0.868 0.887 0.724
TM2 0.863
TM3 0.830
Employees’ knowledge
EK1 0.685
0.847 0.796 0.569
EK2 0.862
EK3 0.703
Absorptive Capability
AC1 0.821
0.925 0.786 0.553
AC2 0.754
AC3 0.646
Business Partner
BP1 0.724
0.912 0.823 0.609
BP2 0.833
BP3 0.780
External Supports
ES1 0.802
0.863 0.877 0.704
ES2 0.869
ES3 0.844
Competitive Pressure
CP1 0.866
0.915 0.785 0.703
CP2 0.933
CP3 0.699
Government Supports
GS1 0.709
0.972 0.758 0.511
GS2 0.723
GS3 0.713
Table 4: Measurement of Potential Variables of Loadings, CR Value and AVE
Chiu et al.
H1a- Relative Advantage
H1b- Compatibility
H1c- Complexity
H1d- Trialability
H1e- Observability
T- Technology
H2a- Information Intensity
H2b- Top Management Support
H2c- Employees’ knowledge
H2d- Absorptive Capability
O- Organization
E- Environment
H3a- Competitive pressure
H3b- Business Partner
H3c- External Supports
H3d- Government Support
Company Size
Industry Type
Figure 1: Research Model
Chiu et al.
Estimate S.E. C.R. P
H1a Relative Advantage <--- Technology 0.799
H1b Compatibility <--- Technology 1.223
H1d Trialability <--- Technology 1.095
H1e Observability <--- Technology 1.059
H2a Information Intensity <--- Organization 0.794
Top Management
<--- Organization 1.746
H2c Employees’ knowledge <--- Organization 1.591
H2d Absorptive Capability <--- Organization 2.439
H3a Business Partner <--- Environment 2.215
H3b External Supports <--- Environment 1.708
H3c Competitive pressure <--- Environment 2.269
Table 6: Results of Regression Weights