Aidan Coville
Sebastian Galiani
Paul Gertler
Susumu Yoshida
Working Paper 27569
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
July 2020, Revised July 2021
The authors are grateful to the World Bank’s Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund (SIEF),
Development Impact Evaluation Department (DIME), J-PAL/MIT Urban Services Initiative and
the International Growth Center for financial support. The authors have benefited from comments
by Edward Glaeser, Marco Gonzales, Kelsey Jack, Bryce Millett Steinberg, Guadalupe Bedoya,
Gustavo Saltiel, Catherine Signe Tovey, Josses Mugabi, George Joseph, Ruth Kennedy-Walker,
Jeffrey Mosenkis, Laura Burke, Douglas MacKay, Chris Prottas, Mitsunori Motohashi, Martin
Gambrill, Arianna Legovini, Keziah Muthembwa, Camille Nuamah and participants in the 2019
Cities and Development conference, the 2020 NBER Summer Institute Urban Economics
Conference, and from a seminar at NYU in Abu Dubai. The study would not have been possible
without the continued efforts and long-term collaboration with the Nairobi City Water and
Sewerage Company staff including Nahashon Muguna, Jackson Munuve,
Kagiri Gicheha, Jason
Mwangi, Beldina Owade, Christine Machio, Paul Mwarania, Ephantus Mugo, Martin Nangole,
Lucy Njambi, Daisy Nyaboke and Owen Wanjala. Likewise, we thank Christine Ochieng, Paul
Mbanga, Wendy Ayres, Rajesh Advani, Jessica Lopez and Clifford Mwaura from the World
Bank who helped ensure a strong link between the research and operational activities. The Kenya
Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) team provided professional field support throughout the
program, with particular thanks to Frank Odhiambo, Bonnyface Mwangi, Geoffrey Onyambu,
John Paul Buleti, Allison Stone and Alice Kirungu. The authors also benefited from excellent
research assistance from Amy Dolinger, Marco Valenza and Duncan Webb. DIME Analytics
provided technical support throughout the analysis with Luiza Andrade conducting code
reproducibility checks. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are
entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank
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© 2020 by Aidan Coville, Sebastian Galiani, Paul Gertler, and Susumu Yoshida. All rights
reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit
permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.
Financing Municipal Water and Sanitation Services in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements
Aidan Coville, Sebastian Galiani, Paul Gertler, and Susumu Yoshida
NBER Working Paper No. 27569
July 2020, Revised July 2021
JEL No. C93,D04,O18
We estimate the impacts of two interventions implemented as field experiments in informal
settlements by Nairobi’s water and sanitation utility to improve revenue collection efficiency and
last mile connection loan repayment: (i) face-to-face engagement between utility staff and
customers to encourage payment and (ii) contract enforcement for service disconnection due to
nonpayment in the form of transparent and credible disconnection notices. While we find no
effect of the engagement, we find large effects of enforcement on payment. We also find no
effect on access to water, perceptions of utility fairness or quality of service delivery, on the
relationships between tenants and property owners, or on tenant mental well-being nine months
after the intervention. To counterbalance the increase in payments, property owners increased
rental income by renting out additional space. Taken together these results suggest that
transparent contract enforcement was effective at improving revenue collection efficiency
without incurring large social or political costs.
Aidan Coville
Development Impact Evaluation, DIME
The World Bank
1818 H Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20433
Sebastian Galiani
Department of Economics
University of Maryland
3105 Tydings Hall
College Park, MD 20742
and NBER
Paul Gertler
Haas School of Business
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720
and NBER
Susumu Yoshida
The World Bank
1818 H Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20433
A randomized controlled trials registry entry is available at AEARCTR-0003556
1 Introduction
Some 844 million people lack clean drinking water and 2.4 billion people do not have im-
proved sanitation, most of which are living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
An estimated US$ 1.7 trillion is needed to finance the goal of universal access by 2030 (Hut-
ton and Varughese, 2016). With two-thirds of the world’s population expected to live in
cities by 2050, finding scalable and sustainable solutions to expand reliable urban water and
sanitation services is critical. However, basic service provision is not keeping up with rapid
urbanization. Africa’s cities, for instance, grew by 80% between 2000 and 2015, while access
to piped water declined from 40% to 33% (World Bank, 2017).
The primary route for expanding services in urban areas is through public utilities, but
utilities are struggling to deliver reliable services to connected households let alone increase
coverage (Trimble et al., 2016; World Bank, 2017; Soppe et al., 2018). Revenue collection
has become a major stumbling block for utility performance (Ahluwalia, 2002; World Bank,
2017). Losses from nonpayment of service use bills are significant. Utilities worldwide failed
to collect an estimated US$ 39 billion of billable water and US$ 96 billion in electricity
charges each year (Liemberger and Wyatt, 2019; Northeast Group, 2017). Nonpayment for
services lowers effective prices, and when effective prices fall below marginal cost, each new
customer becomes a financial liability and may lead to rationing (Burgess et al., 2020; McRae,
Water rationing is not only inconvenient but can have negative impacts on health
(Galiani et al., 2005; Ashraf et al., 2021). There is well-documented concern over service
quality degradation worldwide from poorly maintained infrastructure, and the vicious cycle
between low payment and deteriorating quality of services (Jiménez and Pérez-Foguet, 2011;
Cronk and Bartram, 2017; Foster et al., 2020; Dzansi et al., 2018; World Bank, 2017).
More financial stress comes from the problem of paying for the significant last mile
connection costs that constrain household access to the utility’s services (WaterAid, 2007;
Golumbeanu and Barnes, 2013; Lee et al., 2020). Significant investments in urban trunk in-
frastructure are underutilized when households close to water and sewer lines do not connect
(Kennedy-Walker et al., 2020). While subsidies have been effective at increasing household
connections (Lee et al., 2020; Guiteras et al., 2015), they are costly, potentially regressive,
and are limited by public budget constraints (Abramovsky et al., 2020).
Providing credit to households to amortize upfront connection costs offers an attractive
World Bank (water): https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/watersupply; World Bank (sanitation):
Many utilities have tariffs that even when fully paid do not cover operating costs, and, in settings where
only a minority have access to piped services, introduce a regressive subsidy in favor of connected households
(Abramovsky et al., 2020).
alternative to subsidies. For example, the provision of credit increased piped water connec-
tion rates in Morocco by 69% (Devoto et al., 2012). To overcome thin credit markets, utilities
are taking out commercial loans that they use to finance loans from the utility to customers.
Customers then repay these loans through additional installment payments to their monthly
bills. There is, however, an inherent financial risk to utilities if customers do not repay their
loans. Nonperforming loans must be paid for through either service degradation or out of
general tax revenues.
In Nairobi, until recently, household-level piped water and sanitation were not available
to residents living in informal settlements. Settlement residents, who make up an estimated
60% of Nairobi’s population, typically live in multi-household compounds with a shared pit
latrine and purchased water from utility public water kiosks and private vendors. In 2014,
Nairobi’s utility began expanding compound-level piped water and sanitation services to in-
formal settlements. Compounds were offered a combination of subsidies and loans to finance
the US$ 1,100 cost of connection to the new trunk lines. This consisted of a US$ 750 (69%)
subsidy and a loan for the rest. The utility obtained a commercial loan that they used to
finance the loans to property owners. Property owners then agreed to repay the loan to the
utility over time by adding installment payments to their monthly water and sewerage bills.
Between 2014 and 2018, the utility expanded services to 137,000 previously unconnected
people in informal settlements (World Bank, 2019).
However, after the expansion, the utility experienced significantly lower revenue collec-
tion than originally anticipated. In 2016, 40% of the newly connected property owners had
yet to make a single service or loan payment and the average share of bills and loans paid fell
from above 65% in 2014 to below 50% in 2018 (Figure 1). Service quality also deteriorated
over this period from 95% of compounds with piped water reporting having received service
in the past week in 2014 to 40% in 2018. In response, the utility considered two strategies to
improve revenue collection: (i) an engagement approach to encourage payment; and (ii) ser-
vice contract enforcement that allowed for disconnection for nonpayment.
Both approaches
are commonly used by utilities around the world to improve revenue collection efficiency, but
limited evidence exists on their costs and benefits (Hernandez and Laird, 2019; Szabó and
Ujhelyi, 2015). In this paper we report on the results of a field experiment designed to test
both strategies.
The first approach was a face-to-face meeting between tenants and the utility’s existing
outreach team to explain the financial status of the water and sewer bill, the consequences for
The utility requested support from the research team based on a long-standing relationship that began
in 2012 related to the last mile connection issues. See appendix for a description of the other interventions
designed to enhance revenue collection considered at the time.
the utility, and discuss what they could do to encourage property owners to make payment.
The idea was to empower renters to discuss such matters with property owners because
service disconnection would be a violation of their rental agreements as 93% of tenants had
piped water included in their rent. While the utility had primarily targeted property owners
in their previous outreach efforts, this new approach was designed to strengthen bottom-up
The second approach was to systematically enforce the terms of the contract that the
property owners had signed with the utility, specifying service disconnection for property
owners with significant payment arrears.
Prior to the study, 82% of property owners were
eligible for disconnection under the contract’s terms, which made implementation of the de
jure policy infeasible. As a result, the de facto application of the disconnection policy was
ad hoc, which could potentially limit contract enforcement effectiveness and create opportu-
nities for extortion (Ashraf et al., 2016). Given the significant subsidy and loans given to
property owners for last mile connections and the importance of the sustainability of service
quality, the utility was in the process of systematizing contract enforcement to improve rev-
enue collection.
Contract enforcement is key to sustaining the rule of law and the process of economic de-
velopment (Glaeser and Shleifer, 2002). However, contract enforcement was potentially risky
for both the utility and for its customers. From the utility’s perspective, enforcement would
be effective if it improved payment and social costs were low. Currently connected residents
would benefit if the utility used the new revenues to improve service quality. Currently
unconnected residents would benefit if enhanced revenue collection were used to expand con-
nections. However, households that are disconnected could face added burdens in the form
of increased cost and reduced access to water sources. The utility might also face increased
customer dissatisfaction with perceived fairness and service quality leading to loss of political
support for the utility and government.
These potential risks motivated the utility to pilot enforcement to better understand the
costs and benefits. In practice, this meant exempting from disconnection a set of compounds
who otherwise would have been considered for disconnection to serve as a control group, while
ensuring compounds in the treatment group followed a clearly articulated contract enforce-
ment implementation plan. The criteria for disconnection were set at a substantially higher
level of nonpayment than specified in the contracts for more selective targeting. Enforcement
was then implemented along a strict selection protocol governed by (1) systematic identi-
fication of all disconnection-eligible compounds, (2) randomly selecting a subset to receive
Service disconnection for nonpayment was explicitly specified in the contract signed by property owners
when they agreed to receive the infrastructure upgrades to their property.
disconnection notices with clear instructions on how to pay or appeal for a financial hardship
exemption, (3) allowing a reasonable period of time for property owners to pay or appeal,
and (4) disconnecting services if they did not pay at least some of their outstanding bill in
a timely fashion or apply for a financial hardship exemption.
The intervention was implemented in a context where water and sanitation charges were
affordable, i.e., significantly below the 3% (water) and 5% (water and sanitation) thresholds
of monthly income for service affordability set by the United Nations (United Nations, 2010).
In addition, alternative water sources were available through utility-run public kiosks and
private vendors, which were the primary sources of water prior to the 2014 expansion of util-
ity piped water. During the intervention rollout, the utility maintained a transparent and
convenient process through which property owners could delay payment and disconnection
in the case of financial distress.
Using administrative data from the utility’s electronic billing and payment system, we
find that contract enforcement significantly increased both the likelihood of property owners
making a payment, and the overall amount paid. However, most of the change in payment
behavior took place shortly after enforcement took place, with no evidence of further in-
creases over time. This could be because the enforcement intervention was implemented as a
one-time policy and not as a permanent change. We also find no evidence of spillover effects
in the form of improved payment behavior among control property owners with compounds
in treatment clusters. The face-to-face engagement intervention had a precisely estimated
null effect.
In addition to the observed payment behavior, we did not find evidence that tenants were
negatively affected nine months after implementation of the enforcement intervention. Using
survey data, we find that water and sanitation service connections were not meaningfully
different between treatment and control compounds. This is because most property owners
whose service was disconnected were reconnected after agreeing to a payment plan. During
service interruptions tenants had access to water from kiosks operated by the utility and
private vendors and reported no reductions in water use nor increase in spending on water.
Moreover, we do not find evidence that the disconnection policy negatively affected either
tenants’ or property owners’ perceptions of fairness and quality of water service delivery, nor
did the policy affect the relationships of tenants and property owners. Finally, tenants were
no more likely to move out.
To counterbalance the effective increase in utility fees paid, property owners increased
their rental income predominantly by renting out additional space. Together, these results
suggest that the transparent contract enforcement of the disconnection policy increased pay-
More details related to the study’s ethical considerations can be found in the appendix.
ment and improved the financial position of the utility without incurring any observed social
costs on the tenants and property owners or political costs to the utility.
2 Contributions to the Literature
A significant body of research explores approaches to expanding access to services. With
a few exceptions (Devoto et al., 2012; Galiani et al., 2005), this work predominantly focuses
on rural settings (Lee et al., 2020; Whittington et al., 2020).
Problems with both expand-
ing access and service quality can be linked back to financial constraints. Our work adds to
the literature testing strategies to improve payment behavior and thereby relaxing financial
constraints on service delivery.
Despite the frequent use of service disconnections for nonpayment by utilities worldwide,
to our knowledge, there are no experimental studies that estimate their potential impact.
Jack and Smith (2020) explore the role of pre-paid electricity meters on service payments
and consumption patterns in South Africa. Pre-paid meters offer a technical solution to
payment problems by ensuring that customers only receive service if they provide upfront
payment rather than more standard post-paid systems and can be programmed to include
loan repayments. In effect, users are disconnected if they do not prepay. The study found
that switching to pre-paid meters reduced electricity usage by 14 percent, but still increased
overall municipal revenue through improved revenue collection. Pre-paid meters for water
were piloted in a few middle-income neighborhoods in Nairobi but were abandoned because
of vandalism and high fixed costs of installation (Heymans et al., 2014).
There is some limited evidence that outreach campaigns improve service payment. Szabó
and Ujhelyi (2015) find that simply delivering a payment “education campaign” increased
payment rates by 25% in an informal settlement in South Africa, although the effects were
short-lived. Rockenbach et al. (2019) find that information campaigns designed using psy-
chological commitment techniques increase payment by between 30-61%, but again only had
short run effects. More broadly, interventions that try to improve bottom-up accountability
typically from communities to place pressure on service providers - have mixed results that
may be influenced by the heterogeneity of these groups and the existing top-down account-
ability measures in place (Björkman and Svensson, 2010; Olken, 2007; Serra, 2012).
Increasing sanitation coverage in rural area has been challenging when relying purely on behavioral
change approaches (Briceño et al., 2017; Cameron et al., 2019), and there has been more traction when this
is combined with financial subsidies, although this increases program costs (Clasen et al., 2014; Guiteras
et al., 2015).
For example, an estimated 15% of households in the United States received service disconnection notices
and 3% were disconnected in 2015 (Hernandez and Laird, 2019).
Observational studies provide insights into determinants of service payment behavior
such as households strategically delaying payment as a form of credit (Violette, 2020) or
the perceived ease of payment and social pressure being associated with prompt payment
(Mugabi et al., 2010). While experimental work on improving utility revenue collection has
started to grow, these papers mostly rely on administrative billing and basic demographic
data to assess impacts and typically limit their attention to two dimensions payment and
consumption behavior (Allcott, 2011; Jack and Smith, 2020; Szabó and Ujhelyi, 2015; Rock-
enbach et al., 2019). Our study combines five years of daily administrative billing data with
rich primary survey data from property owners and tenants over the course of three years
on a range of outcomes that helps present a more comprehensive assessment of the potential
welfare implications of utility interventions.
Our study also contributes to the high-stakes contract enforcement approaches to improv-
ing regulatory compliance. The evidence on high-stakes contract enforcement is particularly
limited, especially when compared to lighter-touch information/engagement interventions.
The existing evidence on enforcement is mostly limited to developed country settings, most
prominently in the tax evasion literature (Slemrod et al., 2001; Kleven et al., 2011), and
to a lesser extent in environmental protection (Telle, 2013; Duflo et al., 2018). The small
number of studies exploring high-stakes enforcement in developing countries find significant
impacts. In Brazil, de Andrade et al. (2016) randomize inspections and fine firms if they
are found to be operating without a business license and find that the intervention increases
business registrations. In Costa Rica, Brockmeyer et al. (2019) find significant increases in
tax payments from credible enforcement emails. In Kenya, Bedoya et al. (2021) randomize
a regime of high-intensive inspections of health facilities with enforcement of warnings and
sanctions, including the risk of closure if they do not have a license to operate. These inspec-
tions successfully increase compliance with minimum patient safety standards for all types
of facilities without increasing patients’ payments or reducing facility use.
3 Institutional Context
Like many LMICs, Kenya’s constitution established the right to “reasonable standards
of sanitation” and “clean and safe water in adequate quantities”, and Kenya’s Vision 2030
set a goal of universal water and sanitation coverage. Achieving this vision faces important
challenges. Nairobi’s urban population has tripled over the past 25 years,
but access to safely
managed water fell from 62% in 2000 to 50% in 2017.
Water supply for existing customers
UN population dynamics data 2021
Joint Monitoring Program data: https://washdata.org/data/household!/
was only able to meet about 70% of demand and even that is with intermittent supply
(NCWSC, 2017).
Like in many developing countries, sanitation coverage is significantly
lower than water access, with approximately 18% of Kenya’s urban residents having a sewer-
connected facility (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics et al., 2015).
3.1 Expansion into Informal Settlements
Nairobi’s water services board, Athi Water Works Development Agency, expanded wa-
ter and sanitation trunk lines into many of Nairobi’s informal settlements between 2012 and
2016. After the trunk infrastructure was in place, Nairobi’s water and sanitation utility could
offer compound-level connections to the piped system. Property owners were able to connect
their compounds to the trunk lines by signing a contract agreeing to be responsible for pay-
ing water and sanitation consumption and loan charges, and to service disconnection in the
event of nonpayment. The utility offered each property owner a comprehensive infrastruc-
ture upgrading package including (i) upgrading of existing latrines to be connection-ready
including filling pit latrines and building superstructures where needed; (ii) a single piped
water connection to the compound; (iii) a wash basin; (iv) a 400-liter water storage tank for
when supply was temporarily unavailable; and (v) the physical connection of the latrine(s)
to the newly built sewerage line.
The unsubsidized cost of this full package was approximately US$ 1,100 twice the av-
erage monthly income of property owners in the target areas. The World Bank provided
grant financing to reduce the connection costs by 69%, and the utility took commercial
loans to finance loans from the utility to property owners for the rest. Property owners
paid off the loans in monthly installments of US$ 6 (US$ 4.50 for sewer and US$ 1.50 for
water) added to the monthly service use bills.
This was offered to property owners on a
voluntary opt-in basis, if they agreed to the terms of the contract and paid a US$ 16 upfront
deposit. Since these monthly loan installments were highly affordable representing 1.1%
of property owner income on average over 90% of property owners agreed to participate.
This resulted in an estimated 137,000 people living in Nairobi’s informal settlements gaining
While significant investments to expand water supply to the city are underway, rationing is expected to
continue. This limited supply is exacerbated by cartels that damage utility infrastructure and control water
supply in some parts of the city. Cartels were not active in the specific study areas during the time of the
research (World Bank, 2019).
The water connection program started prior to the sanitation expansion. Compounds started receiving
water connections from 2014, but only started receiving sanitation connections from 2016. Investment in the
water connection was a prerequisite for sanitation upgrading.
We use an exchange rate of 1 USD = 100 KES throughout.
These loan installment payments were lower than the drudging cost of pit latrines, about US$ 8.00 per
month, that many residents used prior to trunk line services.
access to compound-level piped water and sewer services between 2014 and 2018 (World
Bank, 2019).
The model to finance the last mile connection costs relied on the assumption that prop-
erty owners would repay their loans and pay the monthly service fees. During the course of
the program, however, it became clear that that the utility faced critical nonpayment issues.
In 2016, 40% of connected property owners had yet to make a single service payment or
loan installment even though the average property owner had already been connected for
1.3 years. Moreover, the average share of bills and loans paid fell from above 65% in 2014
to below 50% in 2018 (Figure 1).
Service quality deteriorated substantially over this time
period, including a city-wide rationing program that started in early 2017. Based on data
collected from a panel survey of 587 households from one of the settlements, the proportion
of compounds that received water from their water point in the week prior to the survey fell
from 95% to 40% between 2014 and 2018.
3.2 Compounds and Residents
Characteristics of property owners and tenants living in one such informal settlement,
Kayole Soweto, are presented in Table 1 for owners and Table 2 for tenants.
In Kayole
Soweto, almost all property owners are sole owners of their compounds with self-reported
sales’ values of about US$ 20,000 on average. Property owners are 51 years old, are 60%
male, 54% have completed secondary education or higher, and make US$ 551 in income per
month on average from all sources.
Property owners rent out space in 86% of the compounds and make the compound their
principal residence in about half. On average, the rental compounds have 7.7 distinct rental
rooms, and generate US$ 115 per month in total rent per compound, or US$ 83 in income
after deducting expenses. Approximately three quarters of tenants have written or verbal
month-to-month rental agreements and paid a deposit in 47% of the cases. Eighty percent
of individual tenancy rents fall between US$ 15 and US$ 35 per month and averages US$ 25.
A tenant makes US$ 137 on average in income per month which translates into an average
total compound renter income of US$ 1,306.
The primary source of water in the informal settlement is piped water. The utility
connects a single piped water and sewer line that serves the entire compound which is
considered a single customer. The property owner is responsible for paying the water and
The program target was an 80% collection rate, which is consistent with the Kenyan regulator guidelines.
We use data from a listing exercise that we conducted in 2014 and combine this with an updated listing
exercise conducted by the utility in 2018 which is described in further detail in Section 7.
Based on a survey of property owners and a random sample of their tenants conducted in Kayole Soweto
in 2015/2016.
sanitation bill, and these services are explicitly included in the rent in 93% of the compound
rental agreements. Customers use Jisomee Mita, a web-based ICT platform that enabled
property owners to use a mobile phone to self-read meters, receive and pay water bills, and
check their current balance at any time. While 80% of compounds have a piped water
connection, 7% report that their connection is not working. Because many households are
unable to access piped water in their homes, the utility also operates water kiosks where
residents can purchase clean water at a regulated price of US$ 0.2 per kiloliter.
3.3 Utility Charges and Reasons for Nonpayment
Piped water is affordable relative to income in this setting. In 2016 the average monthly
water service bill for Kayole Soweto property owners was US$ 4.20, which accounts for 3.6% of
compound rent, 0.3% of total compound resident income, or 1.1% of property owner income.
An additional US$ 6 per month was charged by the utility to repay the water connection
loan (US$1.50 for 30 months) and the sanitation loan (US$ 4.50 for 60 months). Sanitation
services were charged at 70% of the water consumption bill. Even with the inclusion of the
loan repayment, the total monthly contribution is significantly lower than the 3% threshold
used by the United Nations to assess water affordability and 5% threshold including san-
itation (United Nations, 2010). However, even with reliable service and affordable tariffs,
nearly 40% of property owners had yet to make a single payment for services since being
connected 1.3 years ago on average and the average time since the last payment was made
was 6 months. As a result of this nonpayment, property owners owed US$ 24 on average for
past water use and behind on US$ 38 of their infrastructure loan repayments.
Why did property owners not pay their loans or consumption bills? Figure 2 presents
property owner self-reported reasons for (i) not making a payment in the last 2 months
and (ii) never making a payment based on self-reported data collected from a 2018 survey
of 5,091 property owners in six settlements. Service quality was the most cited reason for
nonpayment, reported by about half of respondents, lack of liquidity was the second most
cited reason, and third was not knowing how to make payments. The payment system and
billing infrastructure were not a perceived constraint.
Next, we look at correlates with payment behavior within a regression framework, using
the 2018 survey data merged with the utility administrative billing data. The sample con-
sists of compounds that (i) have a water connection and (ii) have tenants. The dependent
variables include whether the property owner ever made a payment; (ii) the proportion of
bills paid; (iii) the outstanding proportion of water connection loan; and (iv) whether the
loan has been fully paid.
Two takeaways are clear from the results presented in Table 3. First, the associations
are consistent with reasonable priors: Property owners receiving better service, living on the
property, and more knowledgeable about payment procedures have better payment practices
for both loans and consumption charges. Second, self-reported reasons for nonpayment
appear consistent with actual behavior measured in the regression analysis but also over-
estimate the role of some factors. Service quality is presented as the single most important
self-reported reason for nonpayment. While the regression analysis identifies this as an im-
portant contributor, it explains a substantially smaller amount of variation in payments than
the self-reported reasons for nonpayment.
Another factor that may influence payment behavior is accountability and enforcement.
The official policy of the utility allows for disconnection of water services if a property owner
is more than 30 days in arrears and has not responded to a formal notice after 15 days.
Property owners are notified and given at least 15 days to pay before service is cutoff or to
appeal for a delay in payment based on financial difficulty. Property owners are informed of
and consent to this remedy in their service contracts that they sign at the time of connection.
In practice, implementation of the disconnection policy was partial and ad hoc in terms of
determining which of the eligible property owners would be disconnected. The disconnection
policy is challenging to implement in informal settlements because of the potential for social
and political costs associated with disconnections, the potential for some property owners
not to be able to pay due to financial constraints, and the sheer size of the problem: 82% of
property owners were eligible for disconnection based on the formal policy, as of July 2018.
4 Interventions
To ensure basic information constraints were not to blame for low payment rates, an
initial awareness campaign was rolled out by the utility to all property owners in the six tar-
geted Nairobi informal settlements in August and September 2018. The utility delivered the
following activities in sequence: (i) A phone call to the property owner to collect up-to-date
contact information, provide basic information on how to read meters and pay bills, and
share their latest account balance on record; (ii) an on-site meter reading to ensure accurate
billing records; and (iii) an SMS to property owners providing the account balance based on
the meter reading.
Two additional approaches to encourage payment were rolled out experimentally by the
utility. The first was an engagement intervention in which compounds in payment arrears
received a face-to-face visit from the utility informing tenants about the current balance,
how payments could be made, and the importance of ensuring the property owner makes
payment for the utility to be able to provide quality service and avoid disconnection. Utility
staff followed a specific script loaded onto a tablet during each visit to ensure uniformity
in intervention delivery (see appendix). This intervention took place during September and
October of 2018 after the initial awareness campaign described above.
The second approach applied contract enforcement of the disconnection policy for non-
paying property owners. Compounds in payment arrears were given official notification that
they had to make payment, or their services would be disconnected.
This intervention in-
cluded the following steps to ensure enforcement was targeted, transparent, fair and credible:
Targeting: Among disconnection-eligible property owners in treatment areas, a tighter
selection rule was applied than the official policy to target those in significant arrears. Dis-
connection eligibility was determined by the number of months a property owner had not
paid, and the outstanding balance. This differed slightly by settlement. All property owners
needed to have an outstanding consumption balance of more than US$ 25, or around six
months of consumption charges for the average compound. This typically meant that they
would also be behind in paying their service connection loan. In addition, property owners
in two settlements where the program had first started operating needed to have missed at
least the past three months of service payments, while property owners in the remaining set-
tlements needed to have missed at least one month of service payment. The average service
balance among those presented with a disconnection notice was US$ 76 or around 18 months
of the average consumption bill.
Transparency: Property owners were contacted by utility community-development agents,
or CDAs, a minimum of five times over a four-month period to alert them about their arrears
and eligibility for disconnection. Communication campaigns were designed by sociologists
employed by the utility that had been working in the study settlements for many years and
had long-term relationships with community leaders.
The communication started with the
awareness phone call from the utility in August/September 2018. This was followed in Oc-
tober/November 2018 by a notice posted to the compound door and next to the water point
warning property owners of disconnection if payment is not made by a specified deadline
and providing a contact number for coordinating a payment arrangement or disputing the
The study was designed specifically to measure the impacts of tenant engagement and disconnection
policy enforcement. Of course, these two options are not exhaustive and there may be other policy avenues
that could be more effective. In fact, the government considered a broader set of options before ultimately
settling on studying engagement and enforcement.
These sociologists had also been responsible for leading regular community meetings prior to, and during
the infrastructure construction activities, and worked with the CDAs to deliver general awareness campaigns
on how to effectively utilize the upgraded water and sanitation facilities. This meant that the utility had
a daily presence in the settlements through the CDAs, and this was the primary route of communication
between the utility and communities.
bill (see appendix for example). The notification ensured that tenants were also informed
about the procedure. Third, an SMS warning and fourth, a phone call warning was made to
the property owner prior to the notification deadline, alerting them to pay within 48 hours
or be disconnected. Finally, the utility visited the compound on the deadline and made a
last request for payment before proceeding with disconnection.
Fairness: All property owners agreed to the utility’s disconnection policy in writing at
the time of receiving their water and sanitation infrastructure upgrade. Poster notifications
included a contact number for property owners or tenants to contact the utility and dispute
their balance or provide justification for why they were unable to afford to pay for the service
and agree on a payment plan. If property owners were found to be indigent and/or agreed
to a flexible payment plan, they would not be disconnected. Tenants were made aware of
the outstanding balance and could also pay the bills themselves to avoid disconnection. If
none of these remedies were taken and service was disconnected, tenants could revert to the
status quo prior to receiving the piped services - purchasing water from various water kiosks
operated privately or by the utility in the settlement. Since piped water was intermittent,
these were the same water sources tenants were currently using in conjunction with their
piped services.
Credibility: The utility followed through with disconnections if there was no attempt by
the property owner or tenants to make any payment. However, although the official policy
requires property owners to pay a reconnection fee and the full outstanding balance, this
was not enforced in this setting, and property owners that showed a willingness to cooperate
with the utility could be reconnected. Since the reconnection process was quick and low-cost
this meant that people could be reconnected soon after disconnection with limited cost.
The implementation of disconnections in this setting are low-cost, reversible activities.
The disconnection costs the utility approximately US$ 3.30.
Reconnection costs are simi-
lar in magnitude to disconnection costs. The disconnection notices were delivered from 29
October to 7 November of 2018, with follow ups and disconnections taking place during
November and December of the same year.
Disconnection costs include communication costs of notifying the customer (printing the poster notifica-
tion, the phone call reminder and the SMS reminder) of about US$ 0.30 plus labor costs of the disconnection
of about US$ 3.00. The disconnection is conducted by a trained utility staff member who is paid approxi-
mately US$ 30 a day.
5 Experimental Design
All informal settlement property owners in the utility database were first called to confirm
contact details and receive the base intervention. Eligibility criteria into the study included:
(i) property owners were able to be contacted and their contact details could be updated;
(ii) their payment accounts were in arrears and (iii) property owners did not hold multiple
accounts (multiple-property owners). All eligible property owners then received the basic
information intervention and contact details were updated.
Figure 3 describes the experimental design and sample selection. Starting from the group
of 5,091 property owners that completed the phone survey in August 2018, just over 50%
(2,584) indicated that they had tenants residing in the property. These 2,584 accounts were
randomly assigned into a group of 1,292 who received the engagement treatment and an
equally sized control group. The engagement intervention was successfully implemented in
885 (69%) of the 1,292 accounts assigned to the treatment group. Reasons for non-compliance
included not being able to find the property, tenants being unavailable at the time of visit,
and incorrect recording of the compound as having tenants when this was not the case.
For the enforcement intervention, we started with the same 5,091 accounts used for the
engagement intervention and removed two informal settlements because these settlements
are characterized by multi-story apartment blocks where individual disconnections pose a
technical challenge. The remaining sample of 3,253 accounts from 4 settlements (which in-
cluded compounds with and without tenants) were then clustered by street using GPS and
address data. This generated 147 distinct street clusters. We then randomized 73 clusters
consisting of 1,584 accounts into the treatment group, while the remaining 74 clusters (1,669
accounts) were left as pure controls. Within the treatment clusters there were 649 com-
pounds eligible for disconnection, and 327 of these were randomly assigned to receive the
disconnection notifications, following the protocols described in Section 4. The remaining
322 control compounds in the treatment clusters, as well as the 674 disconnection-eligible
compounds in pure control clusters were exempted from the policy for the period of the
study. Figure 4 illustrates how the two-stage randomization was applied in one settlement
to allow us to test for direct and spillover effects associated with the enforcement interven-
tion. The disconnection notices were ultimately delivered to 299 compounds (91.4%). In the
remaining cases (28), compounds were found to have already had their services disconnected
by the utility in which case no notice was delivered. The number of compounds actually
disconnected was 96 or 2.9% of the 3,253 compounds eligible for disconnection in the study.
In six additional cases, despite property owners not coming to an agreement with the utility, enforcement
was not possible because of of the technical complexity of the connection.
Of these, 74% had tenants.
The two interventions were implemented sequentially. The engagement intervention was
implemented in September and October 2018, while the enforcement intervention was im-
plemented in November and December of the same year.
6 Empirical Strategy
The engagement intervention was individually randomized among compounds with ten-
ants, and we estimate the intention to treat (ITT) effect by means of its sample analog:
1q ´ EpY
0q (1)
where Y
is the outcome of interest for compound i at month t pt 1, 9q after the inter-
vention was completed; and T
is equal to 1 if compound i is assigned to receive treatment
and 0 otherwise. Note that treatment status does not change over time. We condition the
analysis on settlement fixed effects and estimate robust standard errors.
The enforcement intervention was delivered as a clustered randomization. In this case
we estimate the ITT by means of its sample analog:
1, C
1q ´ EpY
0q (2)
where C
is the cluster j indicator which is equal to 1 if the cluster was assigned to treat-
ment and 0 otherwise. The sample in both treatment and control clusters includes only
disconnection-eligible compounds. Finally, to measure spillovers to the non-treated units
(SNT) for the enforcement intervention, we estimate the sample analog of:
0, C
1q ´ EpY
0q (3)
In the estimation of the sample analogs of equations [2] and [3] we condition on settlement
fixed effects given that the randomization was stratified at that level. Standard errors are
clustered at the street level, which was the level at which the randomization was assigned.
7 Data and Outcomes
We use high-frequency administrative billing and payment data from the utility to mea-
sure our primary payment outcomes. Jisomee Mita is a web-based ICT platform that enabled
property owners to use a mobile phone to self-read meters, receive and pay water bills, and
check their current balance at any time. Jisomee Mita data contains water consumption,
invoice amounts, payment history, current balance, and contact information of the property
owner. When payments or balance checks are submitted, the Jisomee Mita data are updated
automatically. However, monthly standing charges are applied to each account independent
of whether a property owner made a payment or billing enquiry which means that each
property owner’s balance is updated at least once a month.
The billing data is complemented with tenant and property owner survey data. A short
baseline listing phone survey of property owners was conducted in August and September
2018. This captured ownership and water/sanitation connection status, property owner res-
idency and number of paying tenants in the compound.
From August to October 2019 a follow up survey of both property owners and tenants
included in the enforcement intervention captured data on rent, service-level satisfaction,
political engagement, property owner-tenant interactions, water use and practices, mental
well-being and general demographic measures of one randomly selected tenant and the cor-
responding property owner from each compound in the sample.
We use utility billing data to generate payment outcomes. This includes: (1) the propor-
tion of property owners making a payment for water/sewer charges since the intervention,
(2) the total amount paid by property owners’ post-intervention and (3) the proportion of
outstanding service charges paid post-intervention. The data spans the entire period from
when the first property owners were connected in 2014 up to nine months after the interven-
tions were implemented (September 2019).
We rely on the follow up tenant and property owner survey to measure a range of out-
comes that assess the possible welfare effects of the enforcement intervention. We collect
measures related to water and sanitation infrastructure and use to assess how the interven-
tion may have affected access: whether the compound had a pour-flush toilet and piped
water connection at the time of the endline, whether the water connection was working, the
main source of water used by compound residents, the amount of time spent fetching water
in the last week, the amount spent on water in the last month, and the overall piped water
consumption in the compound. We also capture a range of outcomes that may be affected by
the intervention and changes in water and sanitation access. Here we combine like outcomes
into weighted, standardized indices following Anderson (2008) to reduce the potential for
false positives from multiple hypothesis testing. We generate the following indices (full list
of sub-indicators is presented in the appendix Tables A1 and A2):
Tenant-Property owner relationship: For the property owner index this includes prop-
erty owner perceptions on whether tenants complain about the water and sewer facilities or
about the general conditions of the compound, and whether tenants keep the compound in
a good condition. For tenants, we simply ask how they would rate their relationship with
the property owner from 1 (very poor) to 10 (excellent).
Perception of service quality: Tenant / Property owner agrees or strongly agrees that
they are satisfied with utility services, the utility services improve people’s lives and pro-
vides clear communication, the government is trying to improve their lives, and (reverse
coded) the government is not interested in helping the community.
Perception of service fairness: Tenant / Property owner agrees or strongly agrees that
the utility enforcement mechanisms are fair and bills are accurate and fair.
Activism: Whether the compound has a committee, tenants have reached out to commu-
nity leaders, participated in community meetings, or are members of community committees.
Psychological well-being: We include a set of standardized measures to capture different
dimensions of psychological well-being among tenants, including Cohen’s four-item stress
scale (Cohen et al., 1983), depression (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D)
seven-point scale (Radloff, 1977)), optimism (Rosenberg optimism questionnaire (Rosenberg,
1965)), and the World Value Survey (WVS) measures of happiness, trust and life satisfac-
tion. The psychological well-being index in turn is a standardized weighted average of these
In addition to the indices, we measure rent and rental income, migration and general
socioeconomic measures of property owners and tenants to explore possible effects on rent
and associated gentrification. We report the results from the indices in the main paper and
include the results of all sub-indicators in the appendix Tables A1 and A2.
8 Results
8.1 Baseline Balance
We present descriptive statistics and baseline comparisons between treatment and control
groups for our primary outcome measures using the administrative payment data on 6 August
2018 and 28 October 2018 to coincide with the download dates for the data sets used for
the randomized assignment of the engagement and enforcement interventions respectively.
Appendix Table A3 presents comparisons for each group and we find balance on most key
measures covered.
Only 2 out of 45 comparisons are statistically significantly different from
zero at conventional levels.
Regressions used to estimate the treatment effects reported below are replicated including variables that
are not balanced as covariates and neither the sign nor significance of any of the estimates change.
8.2 Payment Behavior
We find a precisely estimated null effect of the engagement intervention for all primary
payment outcomes and time periods measured in Table 4. The control group payments
increase steadily over the nine-month period from 30.1% of property owners having made
payments one month after the intervention to 55.8% having made at least one payment by
nine months (cumulative). However, compounds being exposed to the engagement interven-
tion track almost the exact same trajectory as their control comparison. The total amount
paid, and proportion of balance paid off are similarly indistinguishable across treatment and
control group.
In contrast to the engagement intervention, we find a sharp increase in payment behav-
ior among compounds exposed to the disconnection notices (Table 5). The likelihood of
payment within one month almost quadruples - increasing by 30 percentage points from 11
percentage points (p-value < 0.001). This difference in payment likelihood sustains through
the nine-month period, although with a slight decline relative to the control group. A sim-
ilar pattern is found for the total payments after one month, which increases by US$ 8.80
(p-value < 0.001) from a base of US$ 5.02. After this sharp initial increase, the difference
remains roughly constant between treatment and control groups while both increase over
time. Treatment compounds have paid off 11.3 percentage points more of their balance than
control compounds after the first month of intervention (p-value < 0.001). Control com-
pounds begin to catch up gradually over the nine months, closing this gap to 7.8 percentage
points (p-value = 0.005).
Figure 5 presents the full time series data available from the daily payment information
extracted from the utility billing database. The visualization strengthens the main messages
identified through the regression results. First, we find strong evidence of balanced payment
practices across treatment and control groups from 2014 when property owners first started
connecting to October 2018 just before the enforcement intervention. Second, we see that
the payment trajectories continue to overlap after November 2018 when comparing the en-
gagement intervention group to the control. Third, we see a sharp jump in the enforcement
intervention group immediately after the intervention was delivered, which then stabilizes
over time, suggesting that most of the impact identified in the regressions is driven by the
behavior change in the first month after the intervention.
8.3 Spillovers
To test for spillovers on the payment behavior of disconnection-eligible property owners
we compare control compounds in treatment clusters to the equivalent disconnection-eligible
property owners in control clusters and find no significant difference between the groups,
suggesting no discernible spillover effects from the program using our originally specified
empirical strategy for estimating spillovers (Table 6, Panel A). In Table 6, Panel B we report
similar results for disconnection-ineligible property owners suggesting that the enforcement
intervention had no observable spillovers on paying property owners either.
8.4 Heterogenous Treatment Effects on Payment Behavior
We consider two sets of sub-group analysis. First, the calculus for resident property
owners is likely to be different to that for non-resident property owners (the former would be
more directly affected by service disruption in the enforcement intervention, and potentially
more accessible in the engagement intervention). Second the constraints and decisions to
make payment may be different when considering the intensive (getting payers to pay more)
versus the extensive margin (inducing those that have never made a payment to start paying).
The appendix Tables A4 and A5 present sub-group analyses for property owner residency
status and the intensive vs. extensive margin of payment respectively. In both cases we find
no clear evidence of strong differences across these subgroups.
8.5 Water Access and Use
To measure social and economic costs of the enforcement intervention we use survey
data collected nine months after the intervention, as reported in Section 7. Estimated
impacts are presented in Table 7. The enforcement intervention had little effect on compound
connections to water and sanitation services. The majority of the 96 disconnected compounds
were reconnected after agreeing to pay a portion of their balance. We observe 27 of these
compounds made a payment after being disconnected, with 20 of these payments being
made within one month of the disconnection. The remaining compounds were reconnected
without requiring a payment if they agreed on a plan with the utility. Compounds receiving
the enforcement intervention have statistically indistinguishable piped water and sanitation
connection rates at endline. This remains true when considering whether the piped water
connection is currently working. We also find little evidence of illegal connections based on
enumerator observation (3 cases across the sample).
Many households with piped water do not report this as their primary water source.
Only 30.6% of control households report using piped water as their main source of water,
which is 4.4 percentage points higher among treatment households, but non-significant (p-
value=0.243). Many households in both groups are more likely to rely on water kiosks or
boreholes (40%) than piped water. Both groups report spending similar amounts on water
for all uses in the last month (Control: US$ 6.62; Treatment: US$ 6.86; p-value = 0.803) and
total time spent collecting water in the past week (Control: 118 minutes; Treatment: 100
minutes; p-value = 0.388), although this measure is noisy. Unsurprisingly then, we find no
changes in overall piped water consumed based on meter readings at compounds during the
endline survey. Overall, nine months after the interventions, access to water and sanitation
were indistinguishable between treatment and control groups.
The study had originally intended to include child health as a secondary outcome and had
collected maternal-reported illness symptoms for children under five. However, we choose not
to include analysis of these outcomes for two reasons. First, sample sizes were very low since
not all surveyed households had children under five. Second, it is unlikely that there would
be any impact on health since there was no impact on the primary mechanism through which
the intervention could have impacted health, i.e., access to water and sanitation services.
8.6 Performance Perceptions and Political Costs
We find no effect of the intervention on perceptions of service delivery quality and fairness
among property owners or tenants (Table 7). Similarly, we find no impacts on the strength
of the relationship between property owners and tenants, as reported by either group. Com-
munity activism among tenants, too, does not differ across groups. All indices have effect
size point estimates with small absolute values, and the signs of these differences vary, sug-
gesting no obvious pattern. The full set of indicators from which these indices are calculated
is presented in the appendix, which similarly finds no discernible pattern (Appendix Tables
A1 and A2). The only significant difference found is an 11.3-percentage point improved
perception among property owners that “water bills are accurate”. Given the high number
of variables and potential for false positives, we interpret the results overall as showing no
meaningful impact of the intervention on any of the outcomes measured.
8.7 Psychological Well-Being
In total we measure seven constructs (depression, life satisfaction, stress, happiness, self-
esteem, trust, and life orientation), collected among tenants. We find no impact of the
intervention on the overall psychological well-being index which combines these sub-indices
(Table 7). The full set of seven constructs is presented in the appendix, which finds no
statistically significant differences across these either (Table A6).
8.8 Rental Market
We find that property owner rental income increases significantly from US$ 62.58 by US$
23.88 (p-value = 0.019; Table 8). Interestingly, this does not appear to be driven by increases
in tenant rental prices. Control households report paying US$ 33.06 a month in rent, which
is indistinguishable from treatment household rents. While property owners in treatment
areas are slightly more likely to have increased rent in the past six months, this is only 3.6
percentage points higher and borderline significant (p-value = 0.091) in the treatment group
which cannot explain the significant increases in rental income that they receive. However,
we find a large and significant increase in the proportion of property owners renting out at
least part of their compound, which increases from 58.9% by 13.5 percentage points (p-value
< 0.001). Since there is a small imbalance in this indicator at baseline, we rerun the analysis,
including this measure as a lagged dependent variable and find that the significant increase
holds, although with a reduced point estimate on both the proportion of property owners
renting out their compound, and rental income. The results suggest that property owners
responded to an increase in effective water and sanitation service charges from increased
contract enforcement by becoming more likely to rent out parts of their compound. This
increased rental income to cover the increased costs.
9 Conclusion
The status quo in delivery of basic services excludes millions of poor households. Achiev-
ing universal access to improved water and sanitation requires innovations in service delivery
approaches to help reduce the gap between available resources and the estimated costs of
achieving national and global targets. Low-income households in urban centers facing high
growth rates and stressed infrastructure are of particular concern. While providing credit
to overcome high upfront costs to water and sanitation infrastructure connections has been
shown to substantially increase take up in some settings, the sustainability of this model
of infrastructure expansion is predicated on the repayment of loans by customers. In six
of Nairobi’s informal settlements where compounds received comprehensive water and san-
itation infrastructure upgrades, we find repayment on these loans, and payment of general
service charges, is well below targets, despite these charges being affordable under standard
global benchmarks.
We test two common interventions used by utilities to improve revenue collection ef-
ficiency. The first a face-to-face engagement intervention aimed at spurring bottom-up
accountability from tenants to property owners, had a precisely estimated null effect on pay-
ment behavior in our setting. The second intervention contract enforcement in the form of
targeted, transparent, flexible and credible disconnection notices quadrupled the likelihood
of property owners making a payment in the month of the intervention. We see limited ev-
idence of further increases nine months after the intervention, and no evidence of potential
spillover effects of the enforcement intervention on other property owners. This is possibly
attributable to the fact that owners viewed the enforcement intervention as a onetime event
rather than a permanent change in policy.
We did not find evidence that residents were negatively affected by the contract en-
forcement intervention nine months after implementation. Water and sanitation service
connections and water consumption were not meaningfully different between treatment and
control compounds. This is because most property owners whose service was disconnected
were quickly reconnected after agreeing to a payment plan and during service interruptions
residents had access to water from kiosks operated by the utility and private vendors. More-
over, contract enforcement did not affect either tenants’ or property owners’ perceptions of
fairness and quality of water service delivery, nor affect the relationships of tenants and prop-
erty owners. Finally, tenants were no more likely to move out. Taken together these results
suggest that transparent contract enforcement was effective at improving revenue collection
efficiency without incurring large social or political costs.
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project. Technical report.
Figures and Tables
Figure 1: Revenue Collection Efficiency and Number of Utility Customers
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Number of connections
.5 .55 .6 .65 .7 .75
Proportion of total bills paid
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Proportion of bills paid Number of customers
Notes. Blue line shows the proportion of payments received from total bills (in-
cluding consumption and loans) over time; Red line shows total number of utility
customers in informal settlements having either a piped water connection or both a
water and sewer connection.
Figure 2: Self-reported Reasons for Nonpayment
0% 20% 40% 60%
Payment system
was not working
Meter is
I'm not responsible
for making payments
have time
Account is
not yet set up
Didn't know that
I needed to pay
Don't know how
to make payment
Don't have
Didn't receive
No payment for more than 2 months Never paid
Notes. Based on property owner self-reported reasons for not paying, captured during the Au-
gust/September 2018 listing exercise. Multiple choices were allowed. N is 2,488 for not making in
more than 2 months and N is 1,387 for never paying.
Figure 3: Experimental Design and Sample Sizes
Notes. This figure presents the sample selection and randomization assignment for the engagement and enforcement
experiments. Two settlements were excluded from the enforcement intervention because of housing density and
compound design.
Figure 4: Example of Two-stage Randomization for Disconnection Notices in One Settlement
Notes. Map represents an example of random assignment in one settlement for illustrative purposes. Actual assignment
is not reported to maintain confidentiality.
Figure 5: Intervention Impacts on Payment Behavior
0 .2 .4 .6
Proportion of paying customers
2018.8 2019 2019.2 2019.4 2019.6 2019.8
Engagement Control
A. Impact of Engagement on
Proportion of Paying Customers
0 .2 .4 .6
Proportion of paying customers
2018.8 2019 2019.2 2019.4 2019.6 2019.8
Enforcement Control
B. Impact of Targeted Enforcement on
Proportion of Paying Customers
0 50 100 150
Total amount paid (US$)
2014 2016 2018 2020
Engagement Control
C. Impact of Engagement on
Total Amount Paid (US$)
0 40 80
Total amount paid (US$)
2014 2016 2018 2020
Enforcement Control
D. Impact of Targeted Enforcement on
Total Amount Paid (US$)
Notes. All figures present the impacts of the experimental interventions on payment behavior using utility billing data over time.
Panel A shows the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the proportion of people making at least one payment over time
(post-intervention), comparing property owners in the control (red) and engagement intervention (blue) group. Panel B shows the
CDF comparing property owners receiving the enforcement intervention vs. control. Panel C shows the total cumulative amount
paid by property owners over time, comparing the engagement and control groups. Panel D shows the cumulative payments of the
enforcement vs. control group. Black dashed vertical line is the date at which the enforcement intervention began. All monetary
amounts are in USD using an exchange rate of 100:1, unless otherwise stated.
Table 1: Property Owner Baseline Summary Statistics
Units N Mean Median SD
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Owner demographics and income
Age Years 2255 51.25 50.00 13.55
Male % 2287 59.73 - 49.06
Secondary education or higher [1] % 2266 54.50 - 49.81
Monthly income [2] US$ 1633 550.70 250.00 825.27
Property wealth
Property owner is sole owner of compound % 2287 94.23 - 23.33
Property is fully paid off [3] % 2275 98.51 - 12.14
Estimated property sale value US$ 1759 20000.00 17500.00 16400.50
Rental activity
Owner occupied without tenants % 2287 13.77 - 34.47
Rental property with resident property owner % 2287 33.58 - 47.24
Rental property with non-resident property owner % 2287 48.67 - 49.99
# of rental dwellings in compound [4] No. 1881 7.68 7.00 5.25
Rental income
Monthly rental income [5] US$ 1722 114.54 90.00 108.88
Monthly profit (revenue expenditure) US$ 1648 83.31 60.00 106.75
Monthly electricity bill US$ 1543 12.26 5.00 19.65
Property owner pays electricity bill % 1943 44.47 - 49.71
Monthly water bill [6] US$ 3318 4.20 2.54 9.18
Property owner pays water bill % 1525 91.93 - 27.24
Water repayment practices
Length of time being a customer Years 3324 1.31 1.63 0.64
Current balance US$ 3324 23.66 9.82 48.08
Outstanding water connection loan US$ 3327 38.30 46.58 25.47
Number of unique payments made No. 3324 3.96 2.00 5.08
Time since most recent payment Years 3324 0.50 0.36 0.50
Percent that have ever made a payment % 3324 60.74 - 48.84
Toilet facilities and sanitation services
Number of toilets in compound No. 2281 1.53 1.00 1.18
Current toilet type [7]
Pour-flush % 2287 36.99 - 48.29
Pit latrine % 2287 59.34 - 49.13
Monthly expenditure on sanitation [8] US$ 1133 8.19 5.83 15.27
Notes. 2016 property owner baseline survey data used except for "Water payment practices" which uses March 2016 utility
billing data. All monetary amounts are in USD using an exchange rate of 100:1, unless otherwise stated. [1] Includes some
secondary education or higher. [2] Estimated as rental income divided by the percentage rent of total income. [3] Includes
property that is received for free or inherited with a mortgage paid off. [4] Assumes 92% reduction factor from dwellings to
households, and assumes households equals 1 if property owner resides in the compound and does not rent out dwellings. [5]
Includes actual rental income received. When including all rental that was not received for the month prior to the survey, the
average monthly rental income would be US$ 134.42. [6] Using billing and payment data as of March 2016. [7] Options do not
sum to 100% as some compounds have multiple types. [8] Conditional on having a pit latrine.
Table 2: Tenant Baseline Summary Statistics
Units N Mean Median SD
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Demographics and water access
Household size No. 4178 3.23 3.00 1.57
Household total income US$ 3208 136.77 100.00 137.71
Compound total income (at compound level) US$ 1673 1308.27 985.50 1307.96
Compound has piped water
Yes % 2097 73.06 - 44.38
Yes, but not working % 2097 6.29 - 24.29
No % 2097 20.65 - 40.49
Main source of water
Piped into compound % 1844 72.78 - 44.52
Public tap/standpipe % 1844 5.15 - 22.11
Water kiosk, tube well, or borehole % 1844 20.23 - 40.18
Other % 1844 1.84 - 13.46
Rental market
Deposit was paid % 3958 46.97 - 49.91
Deposit amount US$ 1841 29.80 25.00 19.35
Monthly rent amount US$ 4154 25.16 25.00 16.77
Does the rent include water?
Including with unlimited water usage % 3164 79.52 - 40.36
Including with limited water usage [1] % 3164 13.53 - 34.21
Not including water bill % 3164 6.95 - 25.44
Type of tenancy agreement
Written agreement % 3920 7.63 - 26.55
Verbal agreement % 3920 68.52 - 46.45
No agreement % 3920 23.75 - 42.56
Rental agreement is month-to-month % 2985 99.53 - 6.83
Years living in compound Years 4176 2.98 2.00 3.78
Notes. 2015/2016 baseline data from a sample of 2 to 3 tenant households reported in this table.
Responses include property owners when they live in the compound. All monetary amounts are
in USD using an exchange rate of 100:1, unless otherwise stated. [1] Incurs additional charge after
certain amount.
Table 3: Correlates with Payment Behavior
made a
of invoices
of loan
loan fully
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Property owner resides in the compound 0.034**
Compound received water last week 0.169***
Property owner knows how to pay the bill 0.215***
Compound has tenants 0.006
Property owner pays water bills -0.004
Years with a water and/or sewerage connection 0.208***
Property owner knows how to read the meter 0.012
Property owner knows how to check balance 0.004
Observations 4175 4164 4175 4175
R-squared 0.432 0.237 0.148 0.209
Notes. Standard errors in parentheses; P-value in brackets. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Payment
outcomes are derived from the billing data and compound outcomes come from the property owner listing
exercise in August/September 2018. Settlement fixed effects included.
Table 4: Impacts of Engagement on Payment
Made at least one
payment within. . .
Total amount
paid within. . .
Proportion of
paid within. . .
1 month 9 months 1 month 9 months 1 month 9 months
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Coefficient -0.005
Observations 2584 2584 2584 2584 2584 2584
Control Mean 0.301 0.558 6.958 38.343 0.497 0.484
Notes. Standard errors in parentheses; P-value in brackets. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Sample
includes all compounds that were included in the randomization procedure to assign the tenant-level
engagement intervention. Time periods are based on the end date of the intervention (November 2018)
and use data downloaded from the Nairobi Water billing data for December 2018, and September 2019
to estimate impacts 1 and 9 months after the intervention respectively. All monetary amounts are in
USD using an exchange rate of 100:1, unless otherwise stated.
Table 5: Impacts of Contract Enforcement on Payment
Made at least one
payment within. . .
Total amount
paid within. . .
Proportion of
paid within. . .
1 month 9 months 1 month 9 months 1 month 9 months
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Coefficient 0.300***
Control Mean 0.110 0.334 5.026 24.722 0.268 0.300
Observations 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001
Number of Clusters 142 142 142 142 142 142
Notes. Clustered standard errors based on the level of randomization (street) in parentheses and as-
sociated p-value in brackets. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Sample includes all compounds that
were included in the randomization procedure to assign the disconnection notices (enforcement) inter-
vention. Time periods are based on the end date of the intervention (November 2018) and use data
downloaded from the Nairobi Water billing data for December 2018, and September 2019 to estimate
impacts 1 and 9 months after the intervention respectively. All monetary amounts are in USD using
an exchange rate of 100:1, unless otherwise stated.
Table 6: Spillovers from Contract Enforcement
Made at least one
payment within. . .
Total amount
paid within. . .
Proportion of
paid within. . .
1 month 9 months 1 month 9 months 1 month 9 months
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Panel A: Spillovers on compounds eligible for disconnection
Coefficient 0.010
Control Mean 0.110 0.334 5.026 24.722 0.268 0.300
Observations 996 996 996 996 996 996
Number of Clusters 144 144 144 144 144 144
Panel B: Spillovers on compounds not eligible for disconnection
Coefficient -0.015
Control Mean 0.409 0.734 8.544 51.156 0.722 0.655
Observations 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930
Number of Clusters 143 143 143 143 143 143
Notes. Clustered standard errors based on the level of randomization (street) in parentheses and associated
p-value in brackets. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Panel A includes all compounds that were eligi-
ble for the enforcement intervention. The comparison is between compounds assigned to the control group
in treatment clusters with all disconnection-eligible compounds residing in control clusters. Panel B in-
cludes all compounds that were not eligible for the disconnection intervention. The comparison is between
disconnection-ineligible compounds in treatment clusters with all disconnection-ineligible compounds resid-
ing in control clusters. Time periods are benchmarked on the end date of the intervention (November 2018)
and use data downloaded from the Nairobi Water billing data for December 2018 and September 2019 to es-
timate impacts 1 and 9 months after the intervention respectively. All monetary amounts are in USD using
an exchange rate of 100:1, unless otherwise stated.
Table 7: Effect of Contract Enforcement on Owner and Tenant Outcomes
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Water and Sanitation Access
Compound has a piped water connection 600 0.916 -0.036 0.024 0.135
Main toilet facility is a pour-flush system in the compound 608 0.942 -0.014 0.019 0.471
Compound has a working piped water connection 591 0.573 -0.033 0.041 0.423
Main source of water is piped water to compound 589 0.306 0.040 0.037 0.286
Piped water consumption (meter reading) 474 169.554 2.583 20.684 0.901
Amount household spent on water for all uses last month (US$) 334 6.617 0.664 1.005 0.509
Time spent fetching water in a week [1] 601 118.187 -17.569 21.682 0.418
Somewhat or very satisfied with main water source 608 0.443 0.004 0.040 0.924
Property owner
Index: Perceptions of service delivery fairness 570 -0.000 0.070 0.084 0.404
Index: Perceptions of service delivery quality 589 0.000 -0.016 0.079 0.840
Index: Relationship with tenants 371 -0.000 -0.043 0.105 0.680
Index: Perceptions of service delivery fairness 357 0.000 0.030 0.107 0.779
Index: Perceptions of service delivery quality 402 0.000 0.086 0.101 0.395
Index: Psychological well-being 403 0.000 0.139 0.105 0.186
Index: Community activism 403 0.000 -0.084 0.101 0.411
Relationship with property owner (scale of 1 to 10) 403 8.266 0.232 0.241 0.337
Notes. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Sample includes all compounds that were included in the follow up survey: control
and treatment compounds in enforcement-treatment clusters. Property owner and compound water outcomes are from the
property owner survey. Tenant outcomes are from the tenant survey. Indices are computed following Anderson (2008), nor-
malized by the control group. All monetary amounts are in USD using an exchange rate of 100:1, unless otherwise stated.
[1] In minutes.
Table 8: Effect of Contract Enforcement on Rental Market Outcomes
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Total rent from compound last month (US$) 525 62.575 23.880** 10.127 0.019
Average monthly rent paid by tenants (US$) 395 33.011 -1.845 2.576 0.474
Does compound have rental dwellings 568 0.589 0.135*** 0.038 0.000
Number of rental units in compound 566 3.290 0.381 0.377 0.312
Property owner increased rent in the last 6 months 371 0.018 0.036* 0.021 0.091
Paying tenants have moved out in last 6 months 364 0.697 -0.059 0.053 0.264
Notes. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Sample includes all compounds that were included in the follow up survey:
control and treatment compounds in disconnection-treatment clusters. "Have you increased rents" and "Paying ten-
ants have moved out" are estimated only on the sub-sample of compound property owners that report having tenants.
All monetary amounts are in USD using an exchange rate of 100:1, unless otherwise stated.
A Ethical considerations
A.1 Project timeline, evolution, and question selection process
The project originated in 2012 where government partners gathered at an impact evalua-
tion workshop in Kenya to discuss how to provide evaluation support to water and sanitation
investments in Nairobi. At the time, the government partners and operations team deter-
mined that last mile connections were the most pressing concern that the impact evaluation
could support. Large investments in trunk infrastructure were being made, but the house-
hold connection costs to water and sewer lines could cost over $1,000 significantly more
than anticipated willingness/ability to pay.
The project aimed at reducing last mile connection costs in Nairobi’s informal settlement
by offering subsidies to property owners for part of the connection costs and a loan for the
rest. Property owners would then be required to repay the loan through their monthly water
bills at $4.50 per month for the sanitation upgrade and $1.50 per month for the water connec-
tion. The water connection provided a single piped water tap to a compound. The sanitation
investment upgraded existing latrines, providing a water tank, wash basin and a pour-flush
toilet system connected to the sewer line (where previously compounds typically had a pit
latrine). This investment in the physical upgrading of the actual compound went beyond the
scope of a typical connection and included infrastructure retrofitting/improvements. Cus-
tomers would then sign an agreement with the utility that they understood that services
would be disconnected in the event of non-payment.
The subsidy was made possible through a World Bank grant and the ability to amortize
the remaining upfront connection costs was made possible through a commercial loan that
the utility was able to use to then on-lend to customers. The commercial loan was secured
on the basis that customers would repay their loan and service charges. The piped water
and sanitation expansion under consideration in the study would not have taken place with-
out this assumption and associated loan/grant since public funds were not available for this
The original design was developed in 2013 and focused on estimating price elasticity of
demand for sanitation take up and received IRB approval in December 2013. The trial was
registered later in the AEA trial registry and planned to provide randomly offered top-up
subsidies beyond the base project subsidy as a way to estimate demand elasticities.
From 2014 2016 the research team worked with the utility sociologists responsible for
community engagement to begin sensitization in the study communities and begin collecting
baseline data for the project.
By 2016, using baseline data from the impact evaluation, the overall project was revised,
and additional funding was provided to the project to ensure it would be able to provide an
offering to customers in line with, or below, their existing water and sanitation expenses.
By 2018, through tracking applications and connections, the research team found that the
revised base subsidy was enough to reach high coverage rates (90%). This project was thus
successful in significantly increasing water and sanitation services to an estimated 137,000
people in informal settlements, but this high base take up rate also meant that the original
proposed research design was no longer an option randomizing top-up subsidies on such
a high base connection rate would not have the statistical power to draw conclusions about
demand for sanitation.
At the same time as customers were being connected, the utility found that many cus-
tomers were not repaying their loan or service charges despite the fact that service charges
represented approximately 1.1% of landlord monthly income, significantly below the 3%
threshold for affordability determined by the United Nations. Since sustainability (proxied
through customer repayment levels) was a key measure of program success, the utility looked
to understand how to effectively increase revenue collection efficiency. This was important
because the use of a commercial loan had the opportunity to unlock demand and expand
services to informal settlements within the context of stretched public funds but could only
be a viable and replicable model if customers repaid their commitments.
Since the research team had already collected significant primary data in the project
areas, the project team requested the research team to participate in a series of workshops
in May and June 2018 that included World Bank project staff, the utility and community
engagement officers.
All the existing utility efforts to improve repayment behavior were discussed: (i) infor-
mation campaigns to improve knowledge and use of the “jisomee mita” payment system; (ii)
community barazas; (iii) pre-paid meter installation; (iv) SMS reminders; (v) meter readings
followed by payment requests; (vi) warnings and follow up disconnections in case of contin-
uous non-payment; and (vii) guidance on financial arrangements / planning that could help
customers repay over time.
The utility rolled out the interventions that were deemed unambiguously useful like ji-
somee mita training, reminders, and meter readings, and dismissed the use of pre-paid meters
in this setting because of their previous experiences finding them to be difficult to main-
tain and costly to deploy. Guidance on alternative financial arrangements for customers
was originally considered to be tested, however it was ultimately decided that anybody that
needed this support / guidance in developing alternative payment strategies would receive it,
rather than limiting access experimentally. Improving service supply reliability and tackling
cartelization were important considerations within the broader dialog of ensuring sustainable
water and sanitation provision. While exploring the question “does improved service relia-
bility improve repayment behavior?” would be an important policy contribution, this was
not viable in the project setting given the network structure of the infrastructure. It would,
however, be an important potential area of future research. The discussion concluded that
the team would prioritize impact evaluation questions around the benefits and costs of the
disconnection policy because of the unknown impacts both for the utility and its customers.
The impact evaluation would also look into alternative approaches to community outreach
that had yet to be attempted.
The engagement intervention design started by assessing the existing utility outreach
efforts and combined this with an assessment of the data and literature of what may be
missing in this existing outreach specifically incorporating the tenant-landlord relationship
into the outreach efforts as a way to strengthen bottom-up accountability.
Once the utility had settled on the interventions to be tested, the research team followed
procedures to obtain new local and international IRB approvals and a local research permit
in July/August 2018. Details of the ethical considerations are described in the following
section. The study interventions took place between September and November 2018.
A.2 Transparency and ethics
The study originally received a research permit from the Kenyan National Commission
for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) in 2014 as well as international ethi-
cal clearance from Innovations for Poverty Action International Review Board in December
2013 for the subsidy experiment. Additional local IRB approval was received from Maseno
University in 2015, prior to the baseline landlord and tenant surveys. The IRB proposals
were amended in 2018 to include the repayment experiments, which were approved prior to
study commencement, through Maseno and IPA IRBs and NACOSTI. The overall design,
interventions, primary and secondary outcomes, and power calculations for both the subsidy
and repayment experiments were published in the American Economic Association RCT
registry (AEARCTR-0002063 and AEARCTR-0003556).
The Belmont Report (1979) ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence and jus-
tice were designed to guide clinical and behavioral research. Recent literature has identified
the tradeoffs with transposing the application of these principles directly from clinical work
to field experiments (Glennerster and Powers, 2016; Humphreys, 2015; MacKay, 2020) and
offered practical guidance on how to assess and communicate the ethical considerations of a
study more comprehensively (Asiedu et al., 2021; Evans, 2021). We find this to be a useful
starting point to frame the ethical considerations of this research and describe how each
principle guided the research process before discussing the ethical considerations of random-
ization of government policies.
Respect for persons: The primary approach to respecting participants during research
is to ensure they have autonomy over their participation wherever possible. While this is
not always possible (Humphreys, 2015) or necessarily always the best approach to respect-
ing participant autonomy (MacKay and Chakrabarti, 2018), it does provide an important
starting point for following the guiding principle of respect for persons. All collection of
primary survey data used in this research required consent from households both landlords
and tenants - after describing the broad research objectives, data storage and confidentiality
procedures and possible risks and benefits. Only participants that agreed to participate in
the research are included in any of the primary data analysis for the study.
Administrative billing data from the utility includes a broader set of people than those
where primary data were collected. To respect customers that did not participate in any
primary data collection, but were included in billing analysis, no identifiable administrative
data is presented in any analysis, in accordance with the utility agreement. Participants also
consented to the two interventions included in this study. In the engagement intervention,
tenants were offered the opportunity to refuse the intervention prior to its delivery, and in
practice this happened in only 2 of 893 cases. For the enforcement intervention, all customers
agreed to the terms and conditions of receiving utility infrastructure upgrades of a toilet,
water point, wash basin and water tank at the time of becoming a customer, which included
the utility’s disconnection policy in case of nonpayment of the infrastructure loan and service
charges in the form of a written contract.
Beneficence: While assessing ethical questions relating to RCTs, (Deaton, 2020) makes
clear: “Beneficence is one of the basic requirements of experimentation on human subjects.”.
In practice, this does not mean ensuring improvement for all individuals in the study, which
would make most field (and clinical) research impossible, but rather that risks are mini-
mized, and the benefits of the research outweigh these risks (Glennerster and Powers, 2016).
A thorough assessment of potential risks and benefits is critically important for studies that
may pose important risks for certain individuals in order to benefit the broader community
a common challenge for all compliance-related interventions (de Andrade et al., 2016; Brock-
meyer et al., 2019).
For the enforcement intervention, the study minimizes risk to participants in the following
ways: (i) the work was conducted in a setting where access to communal water sources was
available, ensuring that people had access to water regardless of having an individual piped
water service; (ii) we implement a stricter set of conditions for applying the disconnection
notices than the existing policy uses, which reduces disconnection-eligible customers from
82% to 41% and improves targeting on observables; (iii) we explicitly exclude customers in
control clusters and control customers within treatment clusters from being exposed to the
enforcement intervention, which reduces the disconnection-eligible sample further to 9.2%;
and (iv) among the disconnection eligible sample, we employ a rigorous process of contact
and awareness creation to help customers avoid disconnection, which included 5 contacts
with landlords to provide warning, guidance on how to pay, and the opportunity for cus-
tomers to appeal to ensure that those unable to pay for hardship reasons would not be
disconnected. Tenants also received notification and feedback in this process when notifi-
cations were provided at the compounds 2 weeks prior to any enforcement. This effort to
minimize the disconnection risk for customers ultimately resulted in 2.9% of customers in
the study sample being disconnected. Although the study unambiguously reduced risk to
customers for being disconnected when compared to the prevailing policy, another important
question is whether the study reduced risk to customers compared to actual implementation
of the policy at the time. Here we rely on information from non-study areas collected during
the same time (October 2018) as part of a meter reading exercise. Two settlements were
originally planned to participate in the study but were excluded for logistical reasons. In
these settlements, based on the meter reading exercise, we observe 8% of 1,384 compounds
visited were found to be disconnected at the time of the reading, providing a counterfactual
assessment of the potential disconnection rate absent the study, and consistent with the util-
ity’s plans to implement enforcement as the sanitation expansion program neared an end as
a way to improve financial sustainability and use the model to illustrate how services could
be further expanded.
We now turn to the potential benefits. While disconnection policies are applied by util-
ities all around the world to varying degrees, no experimental evidence exists on whether
the benefits of more financially sustainable services are outweighed by the potential costs,
and what may be effective strategies for reducing risks/costs. Given the multiple potential
outcomes affected for the utility, customer and residents it is not feasible to determine
the implications of the policy without rigorous evidence. The study helps directly answer
3 questions important for balancing the risks and benefits of utility policies: First, can al-
ternative interventions that do not require enforcement yield positive changes in repayment
behavior? This would help utilities direct efforts towards more effective and less costly in-
terventions. Second, can targeted enforcement improve repayment behavior of non-enforced
customers? This would help utilities understand how to minimize risk through effective tar-
geting. And finally, what are the actual costs and benefits of enforcing repayment? While
quasi-experimental evidence may help to estimate the potential repayment benefits, it is
unlikely that this would generate robust evidence on other impacts that customers and res-
idents may face given the selection process inherent in the intervention. Thus, the study
was designed to generate evidence that could help expand sustainable water and sanitation
services while minimizing the risk associated with policies designed to facilitate financial
sustainability of these services.
Justice: The third guiding principle for ethical research is ensuring fair distribution
of the risks and benefits of the research. An important concern in the burgeoning field of
development economics experiments is the link between the evidence being generated and
the study group used to conduct the research. This becomes a concern especially when the
research is designed to test specific academic questions or theories, and the sample used
to conduct the research is used for convenience purposes, rather than because the study
group will be beneficiaries of the research. From a justice perspective, this may result in
the study population bearing all the risks of the research, with the benefits accrued else-
where, effectively instrumentalizing study participants (Belmont Report, 1979; Baele, 2013;
Deaton, 2020). This particular research explores the impacts of existing policies applied to
those living in the study area and the primary goal of the work was to support the utility
and improve the functioning of the water and sanitation investments in order to provide
more accessible and reliable services to the communities included in the research. While the
research conducted here has broader application to other settings, the reason for conduct-
ing the research in the specific study area was to learn about how to support the ongoing
investments in these communities.
To ensure fair burden sharing, the study interventions only included compounds that
were eligible for disconnection based on their arrears and ensured that there was a process
for which customers that were not able to pay charges due to extenuating circumstances
were provided the contact information and could engage with the utility to agree to flexible
repayment options over time. Since tenants would also be directly affected by the interven-
tions, the following protections were put in place: tenants were provided (i) prior warning
through written notices at their property; (ii) guidance on how they could pay charges di-
rectly if needed; and (iii) contact details of the utility for any required follow up. In addition,
the study was conducted in locations where utility-provided and private water services were
available through kiosks and other vendors across the informal settlements so that house-
holds would have access to alternative water sources those used by the majority of informal
settlement dwellers, given the limited coverage of private piped services. This is consistent
with the objective of Kenya’s Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) and the 2016
Water Act to provide communal water access, while ensuring a “balance of social, commer-
cial, and ecological interests” in revenue collection as a means to promote the government’s
2030 goal of universal access to water and sanitation services enshrined in Kenya’s Consti-
tution (WASREB, 2016).
Randomization of government policies: A final ethical concern is conducting re-
search on potentially sub-optimal government interventions. If there are known policies that
are better and can be provided by the government, then testing inferior policies would be
unethical in many cases (MacKay, 2020). For this particular setting we see that (i) provid-
ing water and sanitation services without requiring repayment is not a sustainable policy
option public funds do not allow for this, and participants were only able to access the ser-
vices because commercial funding was unlocked on the basis of the utility attaining revenue
through service charges and loan repayments; and (ii) there was genuine ex ante equipoise
regarding the costs and benefits of the different interventions tested, given the wide range of
outcomes and stakeholders that could be affected in different ways. Alternative interventions
to improve revenue collection efficiency exist the most similar in nature being the deploy-
ment of pre-paid meters. However, this was not considered a viable option by the utility in
this context, presents similar ethical concerns around equitable treatment to customers, and
there is no existing evidence to suggest this would be a superior approach. It is within this
context, and with the understanding that the government was working towards the ultimate
goal of expanding services to improve lives, that the study was conducted.
The work tackles a sensitive, but important topic that makes it crucial that all ethical
concerns are thoroughly considered when undertaking the research. The work was guided
by these concerns and principles by: making a concerted effort to minimize potential risk,
building in a framework for respecting participants while still maintaining the credibility of
the research, and ensuring that the work was undertaken with the utility and in the com-
munities who would be the direct primary beneficiaries of the evidence generated from the
Equipoise refers to the genuine uncertainty about the relative merits of each arm in a study trial
Asiedu, E., D. Karlan, M. P. Lambon-Quayefio, and C. R. Udry (2021). A call for structured
ethics appendices in social science papers. Technical report, National Bureau of Economic
Baele, S. (2013). The ethics of new development economics: Is the experimental approach
to development economics morally wrong? Journal of Philosophical Economics 7 (1).
Belmont Report (1979). The belmont report: Ethical principles and guidelines for the
protection of human subjects of research. Technical Report DHEW Publication No.(OS)
Brockmeyer, A., S. Smith, M. Hernandez, and S. Kettle (2019). Casting a wider tax net: Ex-
perimental evidence from costa rica. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 11 (3),
de Andrade, G. H., M. Bruhn, and D. McKenzie (2016, 10). A Helping Hand or the Long
Arm of the Law? Experimental Evidence on What Governments Can Do to Formalize
Firms. The World Bank Economic Review 30 (1), 24–54.
Deaton, A. (2020, July). Randomization in the tropics revisited: a theme and eleven varia-
tions. Working Paper 27600, National Bureau of Economic Research.
Evans, D. K. (2021). Towards improved and more transparent ethics in randomised controlled
trials in development social science. Technical report, Center for Global Development.
Glennerster, R. and S. Powers (2016). Balancing risk and benefit: ethical tradeoffs in running
randomized evaluations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Humphreys, M. (2015). Reflections on the ethics of social experimentation. Globalization
and Development 6 (1), 87–112.
MacKay, D. (2020). Government policy experiments and the ethics of randomization. Phi-
losophy & Public Affairs 48 (4), 319–352.
MacKay, D. and A. Chakrabarti (2018). Government Policy Experiments and Informed
Consent. Public Health Ethics 12 (2), 188–201.
WASREB (2016). Tariff guidelines.
B Interventions
B.1 Script for engagement intervention
Firstly, we would like to make you aware of the importance of paying for water/sewer
service charges and help you take the necessary steps to avoid being disconnected. You
may not be responsible for making water payments, but you can still make a difference by
helping your landlord or caretaker remember when and how to take action. Today we would
like to explain to you how you can help ensure payments are made and how to avoid being
Now I would like to give you some information about the outstanding bill for this com-
pound, and understand if there has been any trouble with making payments.
From our records as of [DATE], the outstanding balance on this compound was [BAL-
ANCE]. This is your balance for water and sewer fees only, not the outstanding balance for
your loan.
Now I would like to give you some information on your water meter, and answer any
questions you might have about how to use it.
Now we I will explain how to read the meter [proceeds to explain how to read the meter]
Now I will explain how to check the balance [proceeds to explain how to check balances]
B.2 Example of disconnection notice
Notices were placed on the front door of the compound and next to the water point.
Each notice provided (i) details on how to pay; (ii) a deadline for making payment (14 days
after notification); and (iii) a contact number for utility zonal coordinators to dispute the
bill or request a payment arrangement.
Table A1: Individual Variables Composing Property Owner Indices
Index N
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Tenant engagement
Have tenants ever complained about the water and
sewer facilities in the compound
relationship 371 0.746 0.057 0.215
Tenants keep the compound in a good condition relationship 371 0.775 0.024 0.595
Tenants complain about conditions in the compound relationship 371 2.249 -0.104 0.358
Perceptions of service quality and fairness
The water and sanitation fees applied by Nairobi Wa-
ter are fair
fairness 537 0.447 -0.021 0.626
The approach Nairobi Water uses to enforce repay-
ments is fair
fairness 544 0.513 0.044 0.313
The water bills are accurate fairness 463 0.349 0.113** 0.014
I am satisfied with the water and/or sanitation ser-
vices I receive from Nairobi Water
quality 573 0.317 -0.020 0.583
The government is interested in improving the living
conditions of our settlement
quality 551 0.721 0.000 0.992
Water and sanitation fees are affordable quality 536 0.603 -0.007 0.863
Nairobi Water provides clear communication to us quality 555 0.498 0.013 0.750
The water and sanitation services provided by
Nairobi Water improve people’s lives
quality 573 0.760 -0.007 0.836
The government is not interested in helping us quality 551 0.299 -0.013 0.745
Tenants appreciate the water and sanitation services
provided in my compound
quality 359 0.472 0.030 0.573
Notes. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Binary outcomes are generated by assigning “strongly agree” and “agree”
responses from a 4-point Likert scale.
Table A2: Individual Variables Composing Tenant Indices
Index N
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Political involvement / community engagement
Does your compound have a committee / group respon-
sible for dealing with general issues
activism 399 0.070 0.008 0.773
Did you ever approach a leader in this community about
your needs or community issues in the past 6 months
activism 403 0.080 -0.017 0.528
Did you attend any community meetings for this com-
munity in the last 6 months
activism 403 0.128 -0.025 0.423
Is anyone in your household a member of a community
activism 403 0.037 0.013 0.536
Relationship with property owner
On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is very poor and 10 is
excellent how would you rate your relationship with the
property owner
relationship 403 8.266 0.232 0.337
Perceptions of service quality and fairness
The water and sanitation fees applied by Nairobi Water
are fair
fairness 268 0.636 -0.086 0.187
The water bills are accurate fairness 223 0.594 0.035 0.628
The approach Nairobi Water uses to enforce repayments
is fair
fairness 314 0.628 0.011 0.852
I am satisfied with the water and/or sanitation services
I receive from Nairobi
quality 388 0.393 0.031 0.560
The government is interested in improving the living
conditions of our settlement
quality 369 0.678 0.015 0.769
Water and sewer fees are affordable quality 269 0.669 -0.034 0.597
Nairobi Water provides clear communication to us quality 297 0.490 0.022 0.728
The water and sanitation services provided by Nairobi
Water improve people’s lives
quality 377 0.782 -0.014 0.760
The government is not interested in helping us quality 364 0.407 -0.088* 0.091
Tenants appreciate the water and sanitation services
provided in my compound
quality 381 0.528 -0.009 0.863
Notes. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Binary outcomes are generated by assigning “strongly agree” and “agree”
responses from a 4-point Likert scale.
Table A3: Baseline Balance
Engagement Enforcement
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Control Treatment
Control Spillover control Treatment
N Mean N Mean N Mean N Mean N Mean
Payment data
Ever made a payment 1292 0.603 1292 0.616 0.493 322 0.494 674 0.509 327 0.502 0.844 0.907
Years as a customer of the utility 1292 2.137 1292 2.160 0.688 322 2.261 674 2.309 327 2.272 0.926 0.884
Number of unique payments made 1292 5.801 1292 5.362 0.204 322 3.531 674 3.010 327 3.477 0.905 0.436
Total amount paid (USD) 1290 62.791 1289 64.386 0.674 322 49.142 673 40.880 326 48.847 0.967 0.408
Current outstanding balance (USD) 1292 40.317 1289 39.581 0.720 322 62.567 674 61.069 327 59.617 0.526 0.799
Months until first payment 779 0.702 796 0.685 0.591 159 0.644 343 0.683 164 0.673 0.684 0.877
Compound data
Compound has a water connection 1280 0.988 1279 0.991 0.432 316 0.994 653 0.992 314 1.000 0.158 0.020**
Compound has a sewer connection 1273 0.973 1273 0.978 0.372 315 0.959 650 0.978 315 0.965 0.678 0.298
Property owner pays water/sewer bills 1282 0.846 1286 0.838 0.613 316 0.829 658 0.845 316 0.842 0.668 0.908
Compound received water last week 1091 0.478 1070 0.443 0.107 269 0.349 556 0.338 273 0.337 0.761 0.983
Property owner resides in compound 1280 0.554 1282 0.555 0.972 316 0.506 653 0.533 313 0.505 0.969 0.409
Compound has paying tenants 1282 1.000 1286 1.000 . 316 0.639 658 0.634 316 0.712 0.051* 0.033**
Number of paying tenant households 1282 4.245 1286 4.592 0.317 172 4.814 360 4.764 192 4.875 0.888 0.771
Reason bill has never been paid
Lack of money 472 0.146 455 0.114 0.150 142 0.204 300 0.193 143 0.189 0.744 0.913
Owner doesn’t know how to pay 472 0.117 455 0.095 0.276 142 0.148 300 0.093 143 0.133 0.716 0.240
Compound didn’t receive water 472 0.492 455 0.523 0.337 142 0.500 300 0.527 143 0.497 0.953 0.632
Notes. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.. Payment outcomes are derived from the billing data and compound outcomes come from the property owner survey in August
2018. Baseline balance comparisons for the engagement intervention use administrative billing data from August 2018 - the data used to draw the original sample for the
property owner updating survey. Balance tests for the enforcement intervention use October 2018 administrative billing data - the dataset on which the targeted enforce-
ment randomization was conducted. P-values for t-test comparisons between the engagement group treatment and control are presented in column (3). Comparison tests
between the targeted enforcement treatment group and controls within treatment clusters are presented in column (7). Comparisons between the targeted enforcement
treatment group and controls in control clusters are presented in column (8).
Table A4: Differential Payment Behavior by Property Owner Residence Status
Engagement Enforcement
Made at
least one
within 1
paid within
1 month
of balance
paid within
1 month
Made at
least one
within 1
paid within
1 month
of balance
paid within
1 month
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Treatment coefficient 0.012
Property owner resides
in compound
Treatment x Property
owner resident
Observations 2562 2562 2562 966 966 966
Control Mean 0.294 8.855 0.546 0.115 6.563 0.273
Number of Clusters 141 141 141
Notes. Standard errors in parentheses (clustered standard errors for enforcement regression); P-value in brackets. ***
p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Sample in columns (1) - (3) includes all compounds that were included in the randomization
procedure to assign the engagement intervention and sample in columns (4) - (6) includes compounds assigned to treat-
ment in treatment clusters and compounds in control clusters for the targeted enforcement intervention. Time periods
are based on the end date of the intervention (November 2018) and use data downloaded from the Nairobi Water billing
data for December 2018 to estimate impacts 1 month after the intervention. The control mean reported is the mean of
the outcome for control compounds where the property owner is not a resident. All monetary amounts are in USD using
an exchange rate of 100:1, unless otherwise stated.
Table A5: Differential Payment Behavior by Property Owner Payments Prior to Treatment
Engagement Enforcement
Made at
least one
within 1
paid within
1 month
of balance
paid within
1 month
Made at
least one
within 1
paid within
1 month
of balance
paid within
1 month
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Treatment coefficient 0.004
Owner has ever made
Treatment x Owner ever
made payment
Observations 2584 2584 2584 1001 1001 1001
Control Mean 0.144 3.833 0.193 0.091 4.698 0.067
Number of Clusters 142 142 142
Notes. Standard errors in parentheses (clustered standard errors for enforcement regression); P-value in brackets. ***
p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Sample in columns (1) - (3) includes all compounds that were included in the randomization
procedure to assign the engagement intervention and sample in columns (4) - (6) includes compounds assigned to treat-
ment in treatment clusters and compounds in control clusters for the targeted enforcement intervention. Time periods
are based on the end date of the intervention (November 2018) and use data downloaded from the Nairobi Water billing
data for December 2018 to estimate impacts 1 month after the intervention. The control mean reported is the mean of
the outcome for control compounds where the property owner is not a resident. All monetary amounts are in USD using
an exchange rate of 100:1, unless otherwise stated.
Table A6: Impact of Enforcement on Psychological Well-being Indices
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Psychological Well-being Index 403 0.000 0.077 (0.104)
Life Satisfaction (WVS) Index 401 -0.000 0.128 (0.106)
Happiness (WVS) Index 403 0.000 0.077 (0.098)
Depression (CESD) Index (Reverse Coded) 387 0.000 0.041 (0.102)
Self-esteem (Rosenberg) Index 379 0.000 -0.066 (0.102)
Stress (Cohen) Index (Negatively Coded 387 -0.000 0.079 (0.107)
Trust (WVS) Index 403 -0.000 -0.021 (0.097)
Life Orientation Test (LOT-R) Index 393 -0.000 0.037 (0.105)
Notes. Coefficients report the standard deviation of each outcome of the control group at follow-up. Stan-
dard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Each column presents an aggregate result
following Anderson (2008), derived using the standardized measures from the respective indices. Column
1 presents the overall psychological well-being index that combines all other indices.