An automated alarm system for food safety
by using electronic invoices
Wan-Tzu Chang
, Yen-Po Yeh
, Hong-Yi Wu
, Yu-Fen Lin
, Thai Son Dinh
, Ie-
bin Lian
1 Data Science Research Center, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan, 2 Institute
of Statistics and Information Science, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan,
3 Changhua County Public Health Bureau, Changhua, Taiwan, 4 Innovation and Policy Center for Population
Health and Sustainable Environment, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Invoices had been used in food product traceability, however, none have addressed the
automated alarm system for food safety by utilizing electronic invoice big data. In this paper,
we present an alarm system for edible oil manufacture that can prevent a food safety crisis
rather than trace problematic sources post-crisis.
Materials and methods
Using nearly 100 million labeled e-invoices from the 2013–2014 of 595 edible oil manufac-
turers provided by Ministry of Finance, we applied text-mining, statistical and machine learn-
ing techniques to “train” the system for two functions: (1) to sieve edible oil-related e-
invoices of manufacturers who may also produce other merchandise and (2) to identify sus-
picious edible oil manufacture based on irrational transactions from the e-invoices sieved.
The system was able to (1) accurately sieve the correct invoices with sensitivity >95% and
specificity >98% via text classification and (2) identify problematic manufacturers with 100%
accuracy via Random Forest machine learning method, as well as with sensitivity >70% and
specificity >99% through simple decision-tree method.
E-invoice has bright future on the application of food safety. It can not only be used for prod-
uct traceability, but also prevention of adverse events by flag suspicious manufacturers.
Compulsory usage of e-invoice for food producing can increase the accuracy of this alarm
PLOS ONE | January 24, 2020 1 / 11
Citation: Chang W-T, Yeh Y-P, Wu H-Y, Lin Y-F,
Dinh TS, Lian I-b (2020) An automated alarm
system for food safety by using electronic invoices.
PLoS ONE 15(1): e0228035.
Editor: Anderson de Souza Sant’Ana, University of
Campinas, BRAZIL
Received: September 2, 2019
Accepted: January 6, 2020
Published: January 24, 2020
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: © 2020 Chang et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript.
Funding: The work was funded by MOST 106-
2314-B-018-001-MY2 from the Ministry of Science
and Technology. The funders had no role in study
The emerging use of rapidly collected, complex data in unprecedented quantities is ushering
the world into the era of big data [1]. Although utilization of big data has the potential to afford
new insights, improve decision making and governance, and enhance the quality and effi-
ciency of products and services, their application in the food safety domain is still limited [2].
Food safety data and information comprise structured and non-structured data from multiple
sectors such as environment, animal, agriculture, food, public health, trade and economy. Pre-
vious efforts have explored the predictive power of big data in foodborne illness surveillance,
environmental microbial contamination of crops, food safety violations and interpretation of
genomic data for tracking and tracing foodborne illnesses [2]. A recent interesting application
is that the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) [3] used the data collected from rou-
tine food inspections of over 15,000 retail food establishments to train a machine learning
model, which produces risk scores for CDPH to prioritize the schedule of inspections.
In past decades, a variety of food fraud incidents have been reported in many countries.
Such incidents have had a profound impact on public health and consumer confidence in the
safety of food [4]. In response to these incidents, one of the main focuses of food fraud preven-
tion has been on novel prediction models of food fraud using a big data approach, which con-
sidered different factors from within and outside the food supply chain. [58]. The Bayesian
Network by Marvin et al. [6] in 2016 is the first modelling approach or system we can find for
the food fraud detection. The approach uses multiple factors on food safety to predict the
increased likelihood of occurrence of safety incidents so as to prevent. Bouzembraka et al. [7]
developed a food fraud tool called MedISys-FF that collects, processes and presents food fraud
reports published globally in the media, which utilize text mining analysis of the articles to
facilitate the development of control measures and to detect food fraud. Other approaches like
ISAR-Tool (Import Screening for the Anticipation of Food Risks) [8] facilitates a descriptive
analysis of the food commodity listed in the national trade statistic, and enables automated
detection of unexpected changes in volumes and prices for potential food fraud. Due to the
lack of information of business-to-business transactions between manufactures, most of the
above are holistic approaches that utilize summarized statistics or reports.
In 2013 and 2014, several food fraud scandals broke out in Taiwan; in particular, contami-
nation and mislabeling of cooking oil were discovered [9], including the use of recycled cook-
ing oil and low quality lard. Although all companies involved were convicted, these incidents
caused controversy and severe damage to Taiwan’s reputation on food safety.
Despite many detection methods for the identification of adulterated oils and fats have
been developed, they have not been adopted as official methods internationally due to their
complexity and limited applications [10]. Taiwan Food and Drug Administration had devel-
oped analytical methods and “Sanitation Standard for Edible Oils” [11] to assess whether oil
has been adulterated. However, the investigation in these incidences detected very few sub-
standard samples. It is fair to say that currently there is little efficient methods on detecting
refined adulterated oils from edible oils [12]. Actually the local government had long been sus-
picious of these problematic manufacturers. Several surprise inspections found that manufac-
turers were able to manipulate the chemical components of edible oil discreetly so that the
composition of fatty acids and other indices matched all the criteria. The convictions on these
manufacturers were made not based on the analytic detection of false adulterated chemicals
but on their irrational business transaction invoices, i.e., disproportionate amount of materials
bought for edible oil to the amount of products sold because they frequently used materials
illegal for food production. The result gave us a hint that effective ways to prevent the illegal
adulteration of oils may need both on-site inspections and appropriate source management.
An automated alarm system for food safety by using electronic invoices
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design, data collection and analysis, decision to
publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The e-
invoice data was provided by Fiscal Information
Agency of Taiwan Ministry of Finance.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
The outbreak of major food safety incidence could result costly public panic and damage of
goodwill [13]. To address loopholes in existing food safety and traceability rules, the central
government of Taiwan passed a law that requires edible oil manufacturers to use electronic
invoicing (e-invoice) starting from October 2014 to make transactions of oil merchandise
traceable [14].
The Taiwan Ministry of Finance launched an e-invoice system in 2009, and since then, the
amount issued increased yearly [15]. In 2018, 7.2 billion business-to-business (B2B) e-invoices
were issued and saved in the Fiscal Information Agency (FIA) of the Ministry of Finance.
Using invoices in food product traceability systems is not a new idea [1617]. To establish
traceability system, all the related records (ie. invoices, receiving and shipping papers etc.) of
each transaction should be kept and retained for a period of five years at least, regardless of
whether the form of such records is in paper, electronic or otherwise. To assess the consistency
of these records and to identify unusual and inappropriate trends is time-consuming and
demanding for experienced manpower because of the heavy burden to inspect the large
amount of detailed information concerning date of purchase or supply, name of products,
quantity received or supplied, and name and address of the suppliers or distributors etc.
Utilizing e-invoice big data provides an opportunity to overcome aforementioned diffi-
culty. Early detection of food fraud incidents via warning signs of suspicious transactions
is a plausible approach. However, based on the authors’ knowledge, no literature has
addressed automated alarm systems for food safety by utilizing e-invoice big data. An effi-
cient alarm system for edible oil manufacture must be able to (1) sieve the edible oil-related
e-invoices of manufacturers who may also produce other merchandise and (2) identify sus-
picious edible oil manufacture based on irrational transactions from the e-invoice sieved
from (1).
Accordingly, this study has two aims: (1) Sieving invoices related to edible oil: The e-invoice
big data provided by the FIA can be used to build a classifier based on text mining and
machine learning method that can sieve automatically and accurately edible oil-related
invoices for each manufacturer and future invoices. (2) Identifying suspicious manufacturers
with suspicious monthly transactions: An efficient classifier to identify suspicious manufactur-
ers based on the related e-invoice was shown in Fig 1. The above two functions were integrated
into an automatic alarm system based on SAS1 Enterprise Miner 14.3 [18]. In this study,
edible oil refers specifically to cooking oil, which is plant, animal, or synthetic fat used in fry-
ing, baking, and other types of cooking, as well as in salad dressings.
Fig 1. Tasks of the system: Sieving target invoices and identifying suspicious manufacturers.
An automated alarm system for food safety by using electronic invoices
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Data processing
A bilateral agreement was signed between FIA and the institute of the authors for permission
of accessing the e-invoice data and analyzing it under the supervision of FIA. Data from
99,926,514 e-invoices transacted from January 1, 2014 to October 30, 2017 by 595 edible oil
manufacturers were then provided by the FIA. All registered edible oil manufacturers with a
capital amount of over 300 million Taiwan dollars (roughly 1 million USD) in Taiwan have
been required to use an e-invoice system for all their transactions since 2014 [19] and 595
manufacturers were qualified. Each invoice provided information on the business identities of
the vendor and the vendee, including date, amount of money, and item name. However, quan-
tity was not always listed. Given the importance placed on the protection of privacy, the manu-
facturer names were encrypted. However, according to the list we provided, the FIA sorted
them into three categories: A: 21 benchmark manufacturers, B: six problematic manufacturers,
and C: 568 unspecified. The A-manufacturers were those commended by the Taiwan Food
and Drug Administration before 2014 for their good reputation in high-quality food
manufacturing and B-manufacturers were those who had adverse food safety incidence
reported or convictions in 2013–2014. The A, B C class each has 10,958,095, 44,590 and
88,923,829 invoices (99,926,514 in total), comprised of 110,448, 10,717 and 970,715 items
respectively (over 1 million different items in total). The dataset used in this study is owned by
FIA, and was analyzed inside the FIA data center. To access the data researchers can contact
Taiwan FIA to apply for the authorization.
Sieving out edible oil related invoice by text mining
We used the following steps to determine the optimal classifier for sieving out new e-invoices.
The flow chart of the steps was illustrated in Fig 2.
Step 1. Summarizing merchandize name. The 99,926,514 e-invoices were summarized
into 1,011,596 different items in transaction, and among them, 29,942 items were sieved using
the keyword “oil”. However, they were not yet necessary for edible oil-related items of interest.
For example, the Chinese item names of soybean sauce or some cosmetic products also had
the keyword “oil” in it, and these should be filtered out. Therefore, we conducted the next
steps by sieving further.
Step 2. Labeling. We used the eyeballing method to label the 29,942 items into 7,847 “edi-
ble oil-related” and 22,095 “non-edible oil-related” products.
Step 3. Text mining to identify keywords/topics. The text mining function in the SAS
Enterprise Miner automates keywords/topics process using the following steps: Text Parsing
identifies keywords and their instances in data using Nature Language Processing (NLP); Text
Filter eliminates malicious or irrelevant text; and Text Topic clusters the keywords into m top-
ics, where m is a preset parameter. In this study, we applied m = 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180.
The authors had held several consultation meeting with experts including the Director-gen-
eral of Changhua County Health Bureau, who has rich experience in dealing with the food
safety issues, and managing teams from several manufacturers. We also conducted an expert-
knowledge based process to compare with the performance of the above process in which the
topics/keywords were selected by artificial intelligence (AI). Researchers selected 60 keywords
that they agreed could best distinguish edible oil-related items from others.
Step 4. Supervised machine learning. We used the topics or keywords from the above
step as features for the following popular supervised learning classifiers: k-nearest neighbor
(KNN), support vector machine (SVM), neural network, logistic regression and random forest
An automated alarm system for food safety by using electronic invoices
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(RF). KNN is a decision made by examining the labels on the KNNs and voting [20]. SVMs
and neural networks tend to perform better when dealing with multi-dimensions and continu-
ous features [21]. RF is an ensemble classifier that performs well compared to other traditional
classifiers for effective classification [22]. We also compared them with a built-in classifier in
SAS1 EM 14.3 called Text Rule Builder. This step was conducted using the with and without
feature selection procedure for comparison. The data was randomly divided into training-test-
ing data by 8:2 ratio and results in Tables 1 and 2 were based on the 20% testing data. The clas-
sifiers modeled using 5-fold cross-validation strategy. The respective sensitivity and specificity
were calculated. The sensitivity refers to the probability of identifying edible oil-related e-
invoices. Specificity refers to the probability to identify non-related ones.
Step 5. Model comparison. Fig 3 shows the integration of the above steps for sieving
related invoices via SAS1 EM 14.3. The sensitivity and specificity of each classifier were used
to determine:
1. Which m is a better selection
2. How the feature selection procedure would improve accuracy
Fig 2. Flow chart of text mining for sieving out the edible-oil related items.
An automated alarm system for food safety by using electronic invoices
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3. Which classifier has the best performance and would apply ensemble techniques on several
classifiers to improve performance [23]
Identifying manufacturers with irrational monthly transaction
Using the edible oil-related e-invoices, we summed up the monthly amounts of purchase and
sales for each manufacture. Then, ideally each of the 21 A-labeled and 6 B-labeled manufactur-
ers had records of 46 monthly purchase amount and sales amount. In consultation meetings
experts including the Director-general of Changhua County Health Bureau, and managing
teams from several A-manufacturers had discussed the proper features on classifying the
"rational" vs "irrational" transactions. Based on the longitudinal features of purchase and sales
amount and their functions, we applied the supervised learning method including KNN, SVM,
neural network, logistic regression, RF, as well as some simple discriminant function build up
Table 1. Performance of various classifiers on identifying correct invoices using different choice of m (number of topics).
Topic Accuracy
KNN (k = 5) SVM (linear) Logistic Regression Neural Network Random Forest
m:30 Sensitivity 91.6% 81.1% 81.2% 88.3% 93.8%
Specificity 97.9% 95.7% 96.3% 97% 98.1%
Error rate 3.8% 8.1% 7.7% 5.3% 3%
m:60 Sensitivity 92% 84.5% 85.1% 91.6% 95.4%
Specificity 97.2% 95.8% 96.1% 95.2% 98.4%
Error rate 4.1% 7.2% 6.8% 5.1% 2.4%
m:90 Sensitivity 91.8% 87.7% 89.3% 91.2% 95.2%
Specificity 97.2% 96.2% 96.4% 96.8% 98.4%
Error rate 4.2% 6% 5.4% 4.7% 2.4%
Sensitivity 92.3% 90.1% 91% 93.5% 95.2%
m:120 Specificity 97.5% 96.2% 96.9% 97.1% 98.5%
Error rate 3.9% 5.4% 4.6% 3.9% 2.4%
Sensitivity 92.4% 90.4% 91.4% 93.2% 95.2%
m:150 Specificity 97.3% 96.2% 97% 97.1% 98.6%
Error rate 4% 5.3% 4.4% 4% 2.3%
Sensitivity 94.1% 92.1% 93.1% 93.6% 95.2%
m:180 Specificity 97.9% 96.7% 97.6% 97.9% 98.5%
Error rate 3.1% 4.5% 3.6% 3.2% 2.4%
Sensitivity: probability to identify related e-invoice
Specificity: probability to identify the non-related e-invoice
Error rate: total proportion of accuracy
Table 2. Performance of various classifiers on identifying correct invoices using customized keywords.
Custom Accuracy KNN (k = 5) SVM (linear) Logistic Regression Neural Network Random Forest
(no feature selection)m:60 sensitivity 91.7% 92.7% 93.2% 93.6% 93.9%
specificity 97.9% 98.2% 98.4% 98.3% 98.1%
error rate 3.8% 3.2% 3% 3% 3%
(feature selection)m:60!31 sensitivity 89.7% 89.8% 90.2% 91% 90.5%
specificity 97.7% 97.7% 97.8% 97.8% 97.9%
error rate 4.4% 4.4% 4.2% 4.4% 4.1%
An automated alarm system for food safety by using electronic invoices
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optimal classifiers based on their sensitivity and specificity. Sensitivity refers to the probability
of identifying suspicious B manufacturer, while specificity refers to the probability of identify-
ing benchmark A manufacturer. Similar 5-fold and cross-validation strategy in process (1)
were applied here.
Performance on sieving out correct invoices
Table 1 shows the performance of various classifiers on identifying correct edible oil-related
invoices using different choices of m (number of topics). The results were based on 20% of the
randomly selected testing data. The error rate stands for the total proportion of accuracy. For
SVM, we only listed the results for using linear kernel. For KNN, we only listed k = 5 because
they have better performance than other choices of parameters.
The increase of m caused a slightly increase in the sensitivity (se) and specificity (sp)
across all methods. Overall, RF has the best performance with se >95% and sp >98%, fol-
lowed by KNN (se >92% and sp >97%), neural network, logistic regression and SVM. Even
the logistic regression had se and sp equal to 91% and 96.9%, respectively when m = 120. The
text rule builder can generate an ordered set of rules with se>92% and sp>98%. Certain vari-
ations were tested, including adding feature selection steps before classification and several
classifiers into one. However, they do not improve the original results, which is already
Table 2 lists the results of performance of the same classifiers using 60 keywords selected
based on expert knowledge. The results reflected se >93% and sp >98% for most classifiers.
Compared with those in Table 1, the machine-automated selection scheme in Table 1 is at
least substantial to the expert’s knowledge when using more topics (m = 180 for example).
This result indicates that while applying this system to other food manufacture monitoring, we
can trust the keyword/topic selection ability of the machine without inputting additional
expert knowledge. Similar to previous results, reducing keyword numbers (from 60 to 31) by
feature selection does not improve the performance.
Performance on identifying suspicious manufacturers
After summing up the monthly amount of purchase and sales based on the edible oil-related e-
invoices of each manufacturer, we further used the series moving averages of the last three
months to place the artificial bounds of the month under fuzzification and filter out the noise.
In the chain supply, the purchase of a business identity from another identity is referred to as
the downstream (D) in contrast to the sales part, which is referred to as the upstream (U).
Therefore, we denote the purchase and sales amount of the i
month after smoothing as
Fig 3. SAS Enterprise Miner diagram.
An automated alarm system for food safety by using electronic invoices
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i 2
i 1
i 2
i 1
We considered that the purchase and sales occurred on the first day of the i
month were
not much different from the last day of the previous month. In the results, a total of 425 A-
labeled manufacturer month records and 27 B-labeled manufacturer month records are avail-
able. A considerable amount of B-labeled records are missing because the compulsory law for
using e-invoice started only in 2014 and thus, several B-labeled manufacturers might not have
used it before then. After the scandals broke out, certain B-labeled manufacturers were closed,
and naturally, the transaction records ceased to exist.
In addition to the original features of D
and U
, we also tested their various transformation
and combination in modeling classifiers to improve its accuracy in classifying “good” and
“bad” manufacturers. We found the following two features are the most influential and had
relatively better performance in classification:
¼ logðU
¼ logðU
i 1
is the log-transformed turnover ratio of sales to purchase in the same month i, and X
considers the lag effect between purchasing materials and sale products. Fig 4(A) shows the
scatter plot of A- and B-labeled manufacturer month records, with 95% and 99% elliptic pre-
diction regions, respectively. B-labels appears to cluster on the upper right corner. Apart from
KNN, SVM, neural network, logistic regression and RF, we also consider a naïve classifier in
the form of a decision tree: a point is classified as B if X
> 6 and X
> 6, and as A, otherwise.
Table 3 shows the performance of various classifiers on discriminating As and Bs. Evi-
dently, RF had the best performance with se >96% and sp >99%. KNN has the second best
performance, follow by the naïve decision tree with simple criteria. These results are useful
because the rule can be implemented easily. We also applied the above system to classify the
unspecified 1,969 C-labeled manufacturer month records. Fig 4(B) presents a scatter plot of
adding these unspecified Cs into Fig 4(A). A few Cs were also located at the upper right corner.
Using the classifiers trained by As and Bs, roughly 15% of the Cs are classified as suspicious,
and these records belong to 13 manufacturers. The results only indicate that 13 manufacturers
out of the 569 unspecified C-manufacturers are suspicious enough to be inspected further, and
we do not know if they are actually problematic.
Fig 4. (A) Scatter plot of A- and B-labeled manufacturer, (B) Scatter plot of A-, B- and C-labeled manufacturer, with
95% and 99% prediction regions.
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To establish traceability system, all the related records (ie. invoices, receiving and shipping
papers etc.) of each transaction should be kept and retained for a period of several years,
regardless of whether the form of such records is in paper, electronic or otherwise. To assess
the consistency of these records and to identify unusual and inappropriate trends is time-con-
suming and demanding for experienced manpower because it is a heavy burden to inspect the
large amount of detailed information concerning date of purchase or supply, name of prod-
ucts, quantity received or supplied, and name and address of the suppliers or distributors etc.
Furthermore, since information provided by various suppliers differed with respect to food
classifications, product categories and product naming conventions, few regulatory agencies
can inspect all the players, upstream and downstream, in the entire food supply chain. Digita-
lized transactional big data that recorded users’ behavior had been applied for human health
surveillance, for example, prediction of flu trends [24]. However, no literature had been found
on applying electronic invoice for food safety. This study utilizes B2B e-invoice big data to
develop an early alert system for edible oil food safety. The system automates the processes of
(1) sieving edible oil-related invoices, and (2) identifying suspicious manufacturers with irra-
tional monthly transactions. Processes are based on modeling classifiers via statistical and
machine learning methods. In (1), SAS1 EM 14.3 first automates the construction of m top-
ics from 29,942 merchandise titles of all e-invoices. The assessment on various classifiers
shows that based on the 29,942 pre-labeled e-invoices, all classifiers, including KNN, SVM,
neural network, logistic regression, RF and text rule builder, can identify accurately the edible
oil-related invoice with se >92% and sp >96% with m 150. Particularly, RF has the best per-
formance at se = 95.2% and sp = 98.9% on the testing dataset. The increased performance of a
larger number of topics may be because of the diversity of the merchandise name and the ten-
dency of the manufacturer to use catchy names to attract customers.
In (2), RF also has the best performance with se = 96.3% and sp = 99.76%. However, a naïve
decision tree with a simple rule to classify whether manufacturer month record is suspicious if
> 6 and X
> 6 also have a reasonably good performance with se = 70.37% and sp =
99.53%. The excess large values of X
, for example, X
>6, indicates that the turnover of prod-
ucts sales is e
(>400) times more than that of material purchase for the specific manufacturer
in the same month, while X
take into account of the lag effect between product sale and mate-
rials purchasing from previous month. With both X
and X
>6, the manufacturer had sold
products of value 400 times more than the materials it had purchased within a 2-month period.
One possible interpretation for this scenario is that a large part of the materials used in prod-
ucts are not considered as proper ingredients for edible-oil manufacture. The increase of se for
Table 3. Performance on identifying problematic manufacturers.
Error rate Sensitivity
Logistic Regression 2.65% 66.67% 99.29%
KNN 2.21% 77.78% 99.06%
Neural Network 2.43% 66.67% 99.53%
Random Forest 0.44% 96.30% 99.76%
SVM (linear) 5.97% 0.00% 100.00%
Naïve decision tree 3.97% 70.37% 99.53%
Sensitivity: probability to identify B as suspicious manufactures
Specificity: probability to identify A as benchmark manufactures.
An automated alarm system for food safety by using electronic invoices
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naïve decision tree can be achieved by lowering the threshold 6 to smaller value, however as a
tradeoff this will reduce its sp resulting extra false alarm.
The drawbacks in this study are as follows:
a. Only 27 B-labeled records are available because of the compulsory law for using e-invoice
started only in October 2014. Thus, several B-labeled manufacturers did not use it before
then. After the scandals broke out, certain B-labeled manufacturers closed down, and the
transaction records became unavailable.
b. The B2B e-invoice data cover only the transactions among domestic companies. The rec-
ords of materials that manufacturers directly import from overseas were not included in
this study. The Taiwanese government is currently working on integrating the Customs
records into the FIA system, which will make transactions more complete in the future.
As modern food supply chains become more and more complex, the importance of food
production transparency increases. Consumer expectation and right to know has added a chal-
lenging dimension to this transparency. Transparency in food supply chains via traceability
requires implementation of new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain
and Big Data analytics [2526]. In response to the food incidences in Taiwan since 2011 [10],
Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan passed the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation in 2013, and
enacted new regulations in 2014 [9]. The amendment aim to provide information about food
safety as consumers right with efficient trace management of materials, which is based on the
registration of their importation, the labeling of additives, the labeling of final products, etc..
Beside that, it also important for government to be able to identify suspicious cases before
becoming public event. This alert system can automatically flag suspicious manufacturers for
high-priority onsite inspection if implemented into the FIA e-invoice system. Big data analysis
can also complement expensive inspections by unveiling numerous unseen issues in tradi-
tional methods. However, these promising results should prompt further studies to assess the
effectiveness of its application in real-world situations. This study shows that e-invoice has
bright future on the application of food safety; not only for product traceability, but also for
prevention of adverse events.
Author Contributions
Data curation: Wan-Tzu Chang, Hong-Yi Wu, Thai Son Dinh.
Methodology: Wan-Tzu Chang, Yen-Po Yeh, Hong-Yi Wu, Yu-Fen Lin, Ie-bin Lian.
Project administration: Ie-bin Lian.
Software: Wan-Tzu Chang, Hong-Yi Wu.
Writing – original draft: Wan-Tzu Chang, Ie-bin Lian.
Writing – review & editing: Ie-bin Lian.
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An automated alarm system for food safety by using electronic invoices
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