United States Senate
Joint Economic Committee
Statement for the Record
Ensuring Success for the Social Security
Disability Insurance Program and Its Beneficiaries
The Honorable Patrick P. O’Carroll, Jr.
Inspector General, Social Security Administration
November 4, 2015
Good afternoon, Chairman Coats, Ranking Member Maloney, and members of the joint committee.
Thank you for the invitation to testify today, to discuss ways to improve the Social Security
Administration’s (SSA) Disability Insurance (DI) program. My office oversees SSA’s management of
the DI program, so I appreciate your interest in these issues of critical importance to American workers
and taxpayers.
Social Security DI is the nation’s primary Federal disability program. According to SSA, in fiscal year
(FY) 2015, the Agency provided about $144 billion in DI payments to more than 10.8 million citizens
across the country. That total represents more than 8.9 million disabled workers, and about 1.9 million
spouses and children.
Managing such a large and complex program has long been a challenge for SSA, particularly given
resource constraints and demographic changes. However, given the importance of this safety net for the
millions of Americans who depend on it, SSA must continue to innovate and seek ways to improve upon
good service to the American people, and good stewardship over taxpayer funds. Today, I’ll discuss our
ideas for how we believe SSA can best achieve these goals. These ideas fall into three broad categories:
updating the DI program and claims process; making more timely and accurate determinations; and
ensuring that current beneficiaries remain eligible.
Update the DI Program and Claims Process
Decrease Complexity and Increase Consistency
We believe reducing the complexity of the DI program, without sacrificing its intent, would help reduce
millions of dollars in improper payments that occur each year. For example, because SSA has to
evaluate earnings and work incentives before stopping benefits when someone works—and cannot
simply stop paying benefits because wages are reported—simplifying these provisions could have a
positive impact. Undoubtedly, reforms to simplify SSA’s programs would be difficult to implement in
the short term, but the long-term benefits to both beneficiaries and taxpayers could outweigh the costs.
Still, regardless of how complex the DI rules are, SSA should strive to apply them consistently across
the country. Currently, inconsistencies in claims allowance rates, processing times, and other aspects of
the program exist across the country, at both the initial and appeals stages. Various factors affect State
Disability Determination Services (DDS) performancesuch as local demographics and economic
conditions, different business processes, and State hiring freezes or furloughs. For example, in FY2013,
DDS average processing times ranged from 45 to 140 days for DI claims.
However, SSA could take a significant step to increase consistency by moving forward with its planned
modernization of the technology infrastructure that supports initial claims decision-making. The
Agency’s Disability Case Processing System would replace 54 independently operated systems across
the DDS agencies. In our May 2015 limited distribution report, Observations and Recommendations for
the Disability Case Processing System, we made five recommendations we believe will increase SSA’s
chances for a successful rollout of this initiative—including emphasizing and incorporating user
feedback into the development process. SSA agreed with all of our recommendations.
SSA OIG, Disability Determination Services Processing Times, May 2015.
Incorporate Advances in Technology and Society
As the number of beneficiaries and claims grow, and SSA’s workforce stays the same, the Agency must
turn to technology to improve efficiency with tools that can accelerate the decision-making process.
SSA has committed to using technology to improve and expand its online services; in FY2014
more than 52 percent of Social Security benefit claims were filed online. SSA has also made
many efforts to promote the my Social Security account, so that beneficiaries can manage their
Social Security information online. More than 21 million people have signed up for a my Social
Security account with the Agency.
SSA in recent years has expanded the use of health information technology (IT), the electronic
management and secure exchange of medical information. We recently reported that SSA has
partnered with 38 health care organizations and exchanged electronic records in 30 States and the
District of Columbia. Health IT has shown to help SSA receive electronic health records faster
and make disability decisions sooner than with traditional records.
At the hearings level, SSA should continue to use video conferencing technology, so that
claimants can participate in a hearing near their homes. In FY2009, SSA conducted about 18
percent of all hearings by video; that number increased to 28 percent in FY2014.
SSA should also continue efforts to modernize disability policy to reflect medical advances and the
current occupational environment. The Agency’s Listing of Impairments (more than 100 listed
impairments covering 15 body systems), for example, is supposed to ensure that disability
determinations are medically sound. However, we recently reviewed the listings and found that some
have not been updated in many years and do not reflect recent medical and technological advancesfor
example, the mental and neurological listings were last updated in 1985 and 1986, respectively. We
understand it takes time to develop policy and publish regulations, but without regular updates, the
listings lose their effectiveness as a screening tool in the disability process. SSA plans to update several
listings within the next year and agreed with our recommendation to ensure all of the listings are
reviewed and updated no later than FY2020.
SSA is also working with the Department of Labor to test occupational data collection methods that
could lead to the development of a new occupational information system tailored for use in the disability
programs. The new system would replace the outdated Dictionary of Occupational Titles; however, SSA
acknowledges that many developmental and implementation challenges exist in this complex
undertaking. We will begin a review of SSA’s progress with this initiative later this year.
Reimagine Return to Work
Many efforts have been made by lawmakers and SSA to develop incentives that effectively encourage
disability beneficiaries to return to work; the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act
authorized SSA to test alternative work rules designed to provide disability beneficiaries an incentive to
work and reduce their financial reliance on Social Security. Going forward, we believe SSA should
develop clearly defined metrics and conduct cost-benefit analyses to appropriately test and assess the
viability of such projects.
SSA OIG, The Social Security Administration’s Listing of Impairments, September 2015.
For example, we previously reviewed the Ticket to Work Program and determined that program
implementation did not appear to increase the percentage of disabled beneficiaries who returned to
work, nor did it realize the outcomes and savings envisioned by previous lawmakers.
More recently, we reviewed the Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND) project, in which SSA
is testing and evaluating the treatment of earnings for current DI beneficiaries; the project allows a
gradual reduction of benefits ($1 for each $2 additional earned over the monthly SGA threshold) and
offers some participants enhanced work incentives. We found that less than 3 percent of 85,000 BOND
project participants had used the offset for one or more months; as of January 2015, the project’s total
cost was almost $87 million.
Make More Timely and Accurate Eligibility Determinations
At the end of FY2015, SSA’s level of pending initial claims stood at more than 620,000. The average
disability claimant will wait about 114 days for an initial decision on his or her claim. These numbers
are troubling to us; they can be devastating to those who will ultimately receive benefits but must wait
for months at a time when they may be struggling to meet basic needs.
We have paid close attention to SSA’s efforts to reduce the initial claims backlog. Last year, we
reviewed the Agency’s progress in fulfilling stated objectives to address the backlog, which included:
increasing staff at DDSs and in Federal disability processing units;
improving efficiency through automation;
expanding the use of screening tools to identify claims likely to be allowed; and
refining policies and business processes to expedite case processing.
Since FY2011, when the number of initial disability claims peaked at about 3.3 million, the number of
applications has decreased each year (SSA received more than 2.7 million initial disability claims in
FY2015). Still, a large backlog remains, and we have identified actions SSA can take to address it.
SSA also has a large backlog of appealed disability claims. Currently, more than 1 million claimants are
awaiting a hearing on their appeal; the average disability appellant will wait 480 days for his or her case
to be heard. We have done, and continue to do, significant and wide-ranging work to assist SSA in
reducing the hearings backlog.
We recently issued a report on SSA’s efforts to eliminate the hearings backlog and found the number of
pending hearings has increased due to:
1. an increase in hearing requests from FY2007 to a record-high in FY2011 (hearing requests
leveled off in FYs 2012, 2013, and 2014, but remained near the FY2011 high level);
2. a decrease in Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) dispositions since FY2011;
3. a decrease in senior attorney adjudicator decisions, due to quality concerns; and
4. a decrease in the number of available ALJs since FY2013.
SSA OIG, Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Cost Effectiveness, August 2008.
SSA OIG, Oversight of the Benefit Offset National Demonstration Project, September 2015.
We have reviewed several ongoing initiatives that SSA has to address the hearings backlog, including
hiring ALJs to reach a targeted staffing level of 1,800 to 1,900 ALJs by FY2018, transitioning to an
electronic business process, expanding video hearings, emphasizing quality decision-making, and
prioritizing decisions for claimants who have been waiting the longest.
Additionally, we have reviewed ALJ decision-making and adherence to Agency policy, estimating
significant benefit payments to claimants who were approved by ALJs even though their decisions were
not supported by medical evidence in the claimants’ records. SSA, we believe, should continue its
oversight efforts and monitor ALJ decision-making and quality-reviews.
A key tool disability examiners and ALJs have at their disposal in many states to ensure decisional
accuracy is our Cooperative Disability Investigations (CDI) program. For 18 years, CDI has been
extremely successful in preventing fraud at all levels of the disability claims process. When decision-
makers find claims suspicious or questionable, they can refer them to a CDI Unit, which is composed of
OIG, SSA, DDS, and state law enforcement personnel. Using the various skills and expertise of the Unit
members, CDI Units analyze and investigate claims, gathering evidence that can lead to a more accurate
claims decision. CDI currently consists of 37 Units in 31 States, the District of Columbia, and the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. In FY2015, the CDI program reported $406 million in projected savings
to SSA’s disability programs. Since the program was established in FY1998, CDI efforts have prevented
a projected $3.2 billion in disability payments.
Furthering the CDI mission, we and SSA are currently analyzing data from fraudulent disability claims
present in large-scale schemes we have previously identified. We are working with SSA personnel to
identify trends and patterns, and will apply those findings to existing and future claims to identify and
prevent fraud. Based on our and SSA’s work thus far, we believe predictive analytics can be an effective
fraud-fighting tool.
Ensure that Current Beneficiaries Remain Eligible
Medical Continuing Disability Reviews
Just as it is critical that SSA make efforts to improve how it adjudicates claims, it is equally important
that the Agency regularly review beneficiary information to ensure that people remain eligible. For
many years, we have identified full medical continuing disability reviews (CDRs) as highly effective
guards against paying DI benefits to individuals who have medically improved. If SSA determines the
person’s medical condition has improved such that he or she is no longer disabled according to its
guidelines, it ceases benefits. The Agency estimates that every $1 spent on medical CDRs yields about
$9 in savings to SSA programs as well as Medicare and Medicaid over 10 years.
Last year, we reported that SSA was performing less program integrity work than it had in the past. For
example, SSA completed about half the number of medical CDRs in FY2013 than it did in FY2002,
leading to a significant backlog.
According to SSA, in FY2014, the Agency completed 525,000 medical
SSA OIG, The Social Security Administration’s Efforts to Eliminate the Hearings Backlog, September 2015.
SSA OIG, Administrative Law Judges with Both High Dispositions and Allowance Rates, November 2014.
SSA OIG, The Social Security Administration’s Completion of Program Integrity Workloads, August 2014.
CDRs; about 25 percent result in a cessation of benefits.
The medical CDR backlog stood at 906,000 at
the end of FY2014. SSA used dedicated funding to complete 792,000 CDRs in FY2015; we are awaiting
an updated backlog figure from SSA for the end of FY2015.
Work Continuing Disability Reviews
SSA also performs integrity reviews related to beneficiaries’ earnings, called work CDRs. Although
disabled beneficiaries are required to report work activity, they do not always do so. Therefore, SSA
compares Internal Revenue Service data to the DI benefit rolls. However, even when earnings indicate a
beneficiary has returned to work at the substantial gainful activity (SGA) level, SSA cannot simply stop
payments, but reviewing work activity and earnings is a complex process that requires staff to consider
all of the return-to-work provisions of the Social Security Act. Therefore, SSA must perform a work-
related CDR.
We have found that SSA has made improvements to this process in recent years, and we have
consistently recommended that SSA prioritize the use of available resources toward CDR workloads so
it does not miss opportunities to realize potential savings.
We support a previous legislative proposal
to change the Federal wage reporting process from annual to quarterly reporting. A change of this nature
would increase the frequency that employers report wages to SSA, improving the timeliness of the work
CDR process. Currently, work alerts are not generated until the year after the earnings are posted to SSA
records. This change would permit many alerts to be generated and processed in the same year as the
work is performed, provided the Agency has the resources to process the work—thereby reducing the
number of overpayments made that result when beneficiaries fail to report their work activity timely.
Ensure Payment Amount Accuracy
Finally, even when beneficiaries continue to be eligible, SSA can improve its efforts to calculate the
right benefit amount by verifying self-reported information about wages or other benefits, such as
worker’s compensation or another government pension. We have recommended that, to improve
payment accuracy, SSA should pursue data-matching agreements with other government agencies to
obtain claimant data. For example, we previously worked with the Department of Labor to compare
workers’ compensation data to SSA records. We identified Federal employees who received DI the
same year they received Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) payments; SSA in some
situations did not consider the beneficiaries’ FECA payments when calculating their DI payments. This
data match identified about $43 million in overpayments.
Legislative Proposals
The initial cessation rate on medical CDRs ranged from 26 percent to 27 percent from FY2011 to FY2013. The ultimate
cessation rateafter all appealswould be lower than this.
The monthly SGA amount for statutorily blind individuals for 2015 is $1,820. For non-blind individuals, the monthly SGA
amount for 2015 is $1,090.
SSA OIG, Work Continuing Disability Reviews for Disabled Title II Beneficiaries with Earnings, May 2014.
SSA OIG, Federal Employee Receiving Both Federal Employees’ Compensation Act and Disability Insurance Payments,
October 2010.
I’ve reviewed several of our recommendations to improve the DI program, and to further this discussion,
I’d like to mention several DI-related legislative proposals for your consideration.
The Social Security Subcommittee this year introduced the Social Security Disability Insurance
and Unemployment Benefits Double Dip Elimination Act. Currently an individual can receive
unemployment insurance, which requires that a person be willing and able to work, while also
receiving DI (for which they must claim they are unable to work due to disability). The
legislation would end the ability to receive both benefits concurrently.
The Subcommittee this year also introduced the Social Security Fraud and Error Prevention Act.
The legislation requires Social Security to conduct pre-payment quality reviews of hearing
decisions, excludes medical evidence in disability cases from physicians or health care providers
barred from practice in any State or assessed a penalty for Social Security fraud, and implements
new and stricter criminal and civil penalties for fraud. These last two provisions are included in
the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015.
The Improving the Quality of Disability Decisions Act, also introduced this year by the
Subcommittee, would require SSA to review ALJ decisions to ensure that judges are following
the law and Social Security regulations and policy. SSA would have to report its findings to the
Committee on Ways and Means annually.
Improving the DI program is a multi-faceted challenge for SSA. We are encouraged that pending
legislation would avert the projected depletion of the DI Trust Fund reserves, but it is critical that
Congress and SSA now turn to the program’s management and long-term sustainability. My office has
long held that SSA must find that important balance between customer service and stewardship over
limited funds. This will continue to be SSA’s primary challenge into the future, but based on extensive
audit and investigative work, my office has recommended concrete steps the Agency can take to
overcome this challenge and improve the program for both claimants and taxpayers.
I appreciate your ongoing interest in these issues. The OIG will continue to work with SSA and our
oversight committees in Congress to ensure the effectiveness and integrity of the DI program. Thank
you again for the invitation to testify, and I am happy to answer any questions.