Guide and User
for Mac
VERSION 10.7 and
Release 6.2
QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE ....................................................................................................................................... 4
What are PEARL and Zoom-Office?..................................................................................................................... 6
Setting up PEARL ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Quick Start ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
How to Place a Document under the Camera ..................................................................................................... 7
Do you Want PEARL to talk to
..................................................................................................................... 7
Having your Document Read to You ........................................................................................................................ 8
To read from the beginning of the page ............................................................................................................. 8
Page description.................................................................................................................................................. 8
To read from the beginning of the section ......................................................................................................... 8
Moving to the next word, sentence, section, or another document.................................................................. 9
Viewing magnified graphics and listening to the voice reading the description of the graphics ....................... 9
Following the text on the screen while listening.................................................................................................... 9
Changing the Voice Settings.................................................................................................................................... 9
Changing the Language ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Working in Magnification (CCTV) Mode .................................................................................................................. 10
Working in Formatted Text Mode......................................................................................................................... 11
Different Formatted Modes for following text on the screen .......................................................................... 11
Other Formatted Mode options........................................................................................................................ 11
Working in Formatted Text Mode without speech output............................................................................... 12
Navigate the formatted document in full screen formatted mode .................................................................. 12
Switching between Formatted Mode and ............................................................................................................ 12
Preview Mode ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Going to the Next Page or another Document ..................................................................................................... 13
Saving a Document and Opening a Previously Saved document .......................................................................... 13
To save a document as a text file ...................................................................................................................... 13
To save a document as an audio - MP3 f
........................................................................................................ 14
Opening an MP3 File ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Printing a Document ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Changing PEARL Display Characteristics............................................................................................................ 15
Changing the sharpness s
....................................................................................................................... 15
Changing the text/background color ................................................................................................................ 15
Rotating the view of an o
.......................................................................................................................... 15
Using the preview window................................................................................................................................ 15
Changing Advanced PEARL Display Characteristics........................................................................................... 16
Fine-tuning the contrast setting........................................................................................................................ 16
Changing the brightness s
........................................................................................................................ 17
Creating and Managing Books............................................................................................................................... 17
Creating a Book ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Choose how to scan a
............................................................................................................................... 17
Scanning m
................................................................................................................................................. 18
Adding pages to a new Book ............................................................................................................................. 19
tips on saving a B
................................................................................................................................ 20
Reading a saved B
........................................................................................................................................ 20
Managing Books .................................................................................................................................................... 22
Adding additional pages to an existing
..................................................................................................... 22
Deleting pages in an existing B
.................................................................................................................... 23
Deleting a Book ................................................................................................................................................. 23
Closing a Book ................................................................................................................................................... 23
Saving a Book as t
......................................................................................................................................... 23
Saving a Book as MP3 files ................................................................................................................................ 24
Copying a saved Book........................................................................................................................................ 24
Access Menu options
Command + A
Application; Up/Down arrows to access
Command + C
Camera; Up/Down arrows to access sub-
Command + V
View; Up/Down arrows to access sub-
Command + B
Book; Up/Down arrows to access
Command + B + O
Open book.
Command + B + D
Delete book
Command + right
Access Voice, Effects, Help.
Keystrokes for Reading Functions
Space bar
Start/Stop Camera.
Start reading from the top of page
Pause/Resume reading.
Right/Left arrow
Read by character
Up/Down arrow
Read by sentence
Ctrl+Right/Left arrow
Read by word
Ctrl+Up/Down arrow
Read by paragraph
Cancel processing.
NOTE: For Mac OS X (Lion) users.
Uncheck Mission Control Options under the Keyboard/Keyboard Shortcuts
of the System Preferences to read by word and by paragraph using
Zoom-Office shortcuts.
Speech Output Control Keystrokes
Shift + Q
Increase voice speed.
Shift + Z
Decrease voice speed.
Shift + E
Hear page description.
Book Keyboard Command Keys
Continuous Book Reading
Continuous Book
NOTE: Using the arrow keys will stop the continuous reading.
Press X key to resume the continuous reading.
Magnification Mode
Space bar
NOTE: When switching back to reading mode, press Space bar to
start the camera.
What are PEARL and Zoom-Office?
PEARL is a computer-connected scanner-reader-magnifier that aids visually
impaired users to read and magnify printed material. PEARL camera is
connected through a USB 2.0 port.
Zoom-Office is a software program that runs on your computer controlling Zoom-
Ex camera. For simplicity, we will use the name PEARL to describe features of
both the device and the software.
PEARL is used to read aloud books, magazines, newspapers, documents,
medicine bottle labels, and other types of print. It also simultaneously displays
magnified formatted text on a screen for easy navigation.
PEARL’s lightning-fast scanning, up to 20 pages per minute, enables a user to
create audio and textual books without physically destroying an original bound
Setting up
Insert the enclosed software CD into a CD/DVD drive or download the software
from the web site. You will be presented with
two files, XQuartz.pkg and ZoomOffice.pkg. Run XQuartz.pkg first. This will
install X-Windows (the Windows emulator needed to run Zoom-Office). Next,
run ZoomOffice.pkg. When this is complete it will auto restart your Mac.
Pull PEARL from the shipping box, unfold and lock its legs using small latches
located on the base of the device. Legs form a 90 degree 9 by 11 inches area and
are used as guiding rails to place printed material.
After the software installation is complete, connect PEARL to a USB port. It is
now ready to be used.
Select Zoom-Office from the Applications directory or from the Tool bar. Once
Zoom-Office opens up, it will announce “Camera Started”. This indicates that the
camera is ready to start scanning. PEARL runs off your computers power, so
there is no need for an additional power source.
How to Place a Document under the
Now PEARL should be in the standing position PEARL camera captures and saves
the whole page (8 ½ by 11 inches). When placing a document under the
camera, try to make it as flat as possible and align it with the legs.
When the camera is turned on, two modes are available: Scanning/Reading
mode and Live Magnification (CCTV) mode.
When Zoom-Office starts up, the camera is turned on and it is in
scanning/reading mode. A full image of the page that is placed under the
camera appears on the screen. PEARL is ready to take an image and read
the text. In this mode, magnification is not available.
In Live Magnification (CCTV) mode: PEARL displays what is currently
placed under its camera on the computer screen. In this mode, you can fill
out forms or look at small objects or pictures under the camera. You can
toggle between scanning/reading and
Magnification mode by pressing the
Note: Please switch slowly from scanning/reading to Live Magnification
mode and back again, wait to hear the announcement: Reading mode”/
Magnification mode”.
Place a document under the PEARL camera and make sure that the camera
is in scanning/reading mode:
1. Press
To .have the document under the camera read to you.
2. Press
to see your document in Formatted Text mode.
3. Press
to increase the
font size
in Formatted Text mode.
Do you Want PEARL to talk to you?
You can customize PEARL software in many different ways. When you start
PEARL for the first time, it will work according to the default settings. There
are customizable features that can be changed to your liking. One of these
customizable features is Speech Output. By default, PEARL will read
dialogs, etc. It will also tell you when the camera is on or off, or if your
document is placed as portrait or landscape, etc. If you do not want PEARL to
talk to you, and you would rather have a program like JAWS assist you, go to
Applications (Command+A) and down arrow key to Settings.
Under Speech Output uncheck Status (PEARL will not inform you about
the camera) and/or
Menus and dialogs (it will not read menus
dialogs). Select
NOTE: Application speaks menu bars, dialogs, reads aloud using native
Mac voices, just like the voice over on your Mac computer.
Having your Document Read to
To read from the beginning of the
To start reading from the beginning of the page, place the page under the
camera, select
the Space bar to turn the camera
and press the E key. You will
hear the voice in a few
seconds. To stop or pause the voice, press the Control
key. To resume the voice, press the X key. To hear and see the text being read,
press F to see the text in Formatted mode. You can also start reading by g
Voice on the tab menu and down to Speak Entire Page.
A page may have text, pictures, graphics, etc. We define sections as page
elements or parts of the page that can be easily visually separated from the rest
of the page. For example, if the page is a newspaper, then each column will be a
section. If the page has a picture in the middle of the page, then the text above
the picture is the first section and the text below the picture is the second
The key combination Shift + E will describe the page layout, such as:
- How many words are on the page
- How many sections are on the page
- What percentage of the page is text
- How many columns and headers (if any)
To read from the beginning of the
To start reading from the beginning of the next section press the Control key
plus the Down Arrow. You will hear the voice in a few seconds. To pause the
voice at any point, press the X key. To resume the voice, press the X key again.
Reading will stop at the end of the section.
Moving to the next word, sentence, section,
PEARL allows the reader to move around the page, whether it’s by word,
sentence or section.
The following are a few ways to move around the document page:
To move to the next word press Control + Right Arrow
To move to the previous word, press Control + Left Arrow
To move to the next sentence, press the Down Arrow.
To move to the previous sentence, press the Up Arrow
To move to the next section, press Control + Down Arrow
To move to the previous section, press Control + Up Arrow
To read a new page, turn the PEARL camera on by pressing the Space bar.
PEARL will tell you that the camera is now on. Place the new page at the
PEARL base and press the E key.
Viewing magnified graphics and listening to the voice
reading the description of the graphics
The text, which is currently read, does not have to be seen on the screen. Press
V key to view a picture, graph, etc. and listen to the voice reading the description
of the picture at the same time.
If there is only one picture on the page, move the picture to the center of the
screen, press V key to view and magnify the picture and press E key to read the
Following the text on the screen while
If you want to follow the text while listening, you will have to format the text
Press the F key. The formatted text (no pictures or lines ever run of the screen)
will be displayed. Magnify the text as desired using ‘+’ or ‘-‘keys.
You can select the E key to start reading from the beginning of the page or X key
to resume reading from the place you have paused it.
The word that is currently read will be highlighted in reversed color. Text will
scroll automatically so the word that is read will always be on the screen. See
section Different formatted modes for following text on the screen for
other ways to read formatted text.
Changing the Voice S
To select any Mac native voice from a drop down list of available voices, go to
All voices available on your computer become available for selection from Zoom- Ex
application automatically.
NOTE: For better performance, select any Application voice you wish and then
match it with the same computer System Voice.
You can change the voice parameters by going to Application, down to
Settings, and on the Voice tab:
Test different voices, select one you like and select Apply, then OK.
You can change the speed by using the Speed slide bar
the Voice tab in
Changing the Language
When you go to Application, down to Settings, and over to the Voice tab,
there are two other options that you can modify. The first is OCR Language.
OCR Language is the language of the document that you are placing under the
PEARL camera. By default, the OCR Language is English.
Application Language is the language of the application, including text, menus,
and dialog boxes. By default, the Application Language is English.
Once you made changes to OCR and Application Language, select Apply, then
OK buttons. Exit the application and launch it again for the changes to take
Working in Magnification (CCTV) Mode
Text can be magnified when in Formatted Mode (F).
Image can be magnified when in Preview Mode (V) or Live Magnification Mode
Magnify (Zoom-In) and shrink (Zoom-Out) whatever you see on the
Press k e y b o a r d s +” (plus sign to zoom in); press –“ (minus sign to
zoom out).
To move the view without moving the magnified document:
By keyboard: Press Left, Right, Up or Down arrows. (If you are unable to do
this see below for further instructions.)
Under Application, go down to Settings. There is a setting called Use arrow
keys to simulate X-Y table under the General Tab. If the box is checked, the
arrow keys will behave as described above, i.e. t
he user
can navigate the
screen in Preview or Live Magnification mode with arrow keys. Use the Up
and Down arrow keys to scroll up and down in both the CCTV and formatted
If this box is unchecked, the arrow keys can be used for reading functions as
in the section Keystrokes for reading functions. Default value for
setting is unchecked.
Working in Formatted Text Mode
Formatted Text mode ignores the pictures and wraps the text according to the
selected magnification. The document is
scanned and changed over to true font,
as in a word document. The text is displayed in one long column and no matter
how much you magnify the text; it will not run off the screen. There is no need
for an X-Y table.
Different Formatted Modes for following text on
Go to Application, down to Settings, select the tab labeled Formatted Mode
There are three options to read formatted text: Full Screen, Highlighted
Line, and Word by Word.
Full Screen is the DEFAULT setting and it will display the text on the screen as if
it were a word document. Full Screen option highlights the word as it is being
Highlighted Line is the option having one line going across the screen as it
highlights the word being read. This allows you to follow words with ease.
The last option, Word by Word, takes one word at a time and displays it on the
screen as it is simultaneously being read.
You have the ability to change the size of the font seen on the screen by pressing
(+) to increase the size of the font and (-) to decrease the size of the font.
You can also change the speed at which the words are being spoken by pressing
Shift + Q to increase it or Shift + Z to decrease it.
Other Formatted Mode
You also have the option to turn on/off the Display separation lines between
paragraphs as well as True Font format. The option Display separation lines
between paragraphs, if enabled, put lines on the screen
If disabled, the text will flow the same as in a word document.
If True Font format is enabled, the text will show up on the screen as in a word
document. If disabled, the
or font on the screen will show up exactly
as it is
in the actual document placed under the camera.
Working in Formatted Text Mode without speech
Formatting a document:
By keyboard: Press the F key
Formatting the text may take a few seconds depending on the amount of text on
the page and the power of your computer.
Navigate the formatted document in full
Use Up and Down arrow keys to scroll up and down line by line. Use the Page
Up and Page Down keys to scroll up and down page by page.
Note: This will only work if Use arrow keys to simulate X-Y table is checked
under the Application Settings.
Switching between Formatted Mode
Press the F key.
Note 1: After you switch to Preview mode from Formatted mode, press the S
key in order to adjust sharpness.
Note 2: After switching to Preview mode from Formatted mode, the camera
remains off, and the whole page is in the computer memory.
Originally, when you switch from Preview mode to Formatted Text mode,
PEARL will take a snapshot of the page and shut the camera off, in order to
format the text.
Once you leave Formatted Text mode and return to Preview mode, with the
camera remaining off, PEARL displays the still image of the document. It
makes no difference as far as reading the document is concerned. However, in
order to go to a different document, you have to turn the camera back on by
pressing the Space bar. You’ll hear Camera started’.
Going to the Next Page or another Docume
If the camera is on, just place the new page at the PEARL base. It will instantly
appear magnified on the computer screen if you are working in live
Magnification (CCTV) mode. In Scanning/Reading mode, you will see a full
image of the page
that is to be scanned. Press Y to toggle between these two
If you are working in Formatted Text mode, the camera has to be turned on.
To turn on the PEARL camera, press the Space bar.
Saving a Document and Opening a
Saved d
Place a new page at the PEARL base. Press the Space bar to start the camera,
press the Space bar again to stop the camera and take a picture. Go to
Application and down to Save Image. A Save Image dialog box will appear.
Type in the name for your document, and select the Save button. The image will
be saved in the default directory
You can also select another directory in which to save the document.
You can save images only when the camera stopped and image was taken.
To view a previously saved image: Go to Application and down to Load Image.
A Load Image dialog box will appear.
Select the image and select Open. The image will appear on the screen. You can
manipulate the loaded image exactly as you would the real document, i.e.
Format, Read, and Magnify, etc.
Note: PEARL does not have to be plugged-in to read previously saved images.
To save a document as a text
To save under the camera document as text, press the Space bar to stop the
camera. Once the camera is stopped, you can save the document as text.
To quickly save text with a default name as date/time stamp in the default folder
\Temp and immediately display
the text file on the screen, press Control+Shift+W.
You can also save text in any directory and give it any name by going to the
Application menu, down to Save text.
A Save text dialog box will appear. Type in the name for your document and
select the Save button. The document will be saved in the default directory
Again, you can select another
directory in which to save the document.
When saving a
previously saved
image as text, there is no need to stop the
camera because it is already stopped. Follow the same steps listed above.
To save a document as an audio - MP3
To save a document as an Audio file that is currently under the PEARL camera,
press Space bar to stop the camera. Once the camera is stopped, you can save
the document as an Audio file.
Go to Application menu, select Save Audio, then press Enter. A Save Audio
dialog box will appear. Type in the name for your document, and select the Save
button. The document will be saved in the default directory
You can also select another
directory in which to save the document.
Opening an MP3
An audio MP3 or sound file CANNOT BE OPENED in PEARL. G o into the directory
where the file was saved and open it from there. The default directory
audio files
are saved in is
elect the saved
file and it will open in a program such as iTunes.
The saved MP3 file allows you to hear the full text without having to open the
saved image. Also it can be uploaded on to your mp3 player so you can take your
“book” with you.
Printing a Document
PEARL allows you to print out the formatted document with any magnification.
Press F to display a document in Formatted mode, and select Print.
To preview the printed document, go to Application and down to Print
Print the document, or go back to the formatted document and adjust the
Note: Multiple pages may be printed depending on the magnification of
one page.
Changing PEARL Display
Changing the sharpness
Press S to alternate between various sharpness modes. The sharpness/contrast
settings should be set separately for the Live Magnification (CCTV) mode and
the Formatted Text mode.
Changing the text/background
In order to switch between available colors, press C. Continue to press C until you
have chosen a desired color.
In Preview mode, the available color options are:
- black-on-white,
- inverted (white-on-black),
- color
In Formatted Text mode, the available color options are:
- black-on-white,
- inverted (white-on-black),
- green-on-black,
- yellow-on-black,
- yellow-on-blue
- white-on-blue
Rotating the view of an
To rotate a document in the Magnification (CCTV) mode, press R on your
keyboard. The view rotates 90 degrees at a time. The preview window allows you
to navigate your document and will assist you in deciding where you want to
start reading the magnified text. You do not have to rotate a document to read it.
Orientation of the document on the screen also does not matter when being read.
Using the preview
There are three ways of viewing a page in the Magnification (CCTV) mode. The
first is a standard magnified mode.
The second is a magnified mode with a little picture-in-picture window on
the right top corner of the screen. The picture-in-picture window displays the
image of the whole page. A focusing rectangle in the preview window identifies
an area of the page which is currently displayed on the screen.
The third is Full Screen Preview mode, where the preview of the whole page is
displayed on the screen.
Full Screen Preview or Picture-in-Picture Preview may be separately
disabled in the Preview Window tab of the Settings dialog. Select
Application and go down to Settings. The Settings dialog will appear. Select
the Preview Window tab. In the Show Preview Window area, select the
preview window type that you want to enable (you can select either or both).
When the
camera is on, only
Full Screen Preview can be displayed, unless the
time zoom checkbox in the Preview tab of the Settings dialog is
To show/hide the preview window or alternate between small and full screen
preview windows see below:
By keyboard: Press V key. The image below shows the Full Screen Preview
window enabled. The red focus rectangle is positioned in the center. You can
move the red focus rectangle around to where you want to start reading. The
thickness and color of the focus rectangle can be changed via settings dialog.
Once you have moved the red focus rectangle to the desired location, you can
either dismiss the preview window (V), or go directly to Formatted mode (F).
The displayed magnified text will start from the portion of the document
highlighted by the red focus rectangle. The focus rectangle disappears.
To move the red focus rectangle around the document:
Use the keyboard arrows to move the rectangle around. (Make sure the X-Y table
is checked under the General tab in Settings).
You can customize how the focus rectangle will look. On the main menu, select
Application and go down to Settings. The Settings dialog will appear. S
the Preview Window tab. You can select the focus rectangle color (red,
blue or
green) and border (thin, medium or thick). Changes made to the preview window
do not take effect until you select OK.
Changing Advanced PEARL Displ
Fine-tuning the contrast
To change contrast:
Press Control key and
the keyboard to increase the contrast or press
Control key and
the keyboard to decrease the contrast.
Note: Make sure the Control key is pressed prior to < or “>” key. Pressing
“< or “>” keys without pressing the Control key will adjust camera brightness.
Changing the brightness
By default, the camera operates in Auto-brightness mode. In order to overwrite
Auto-brightness mode and change the brightness, press <”on the keyboard to
decrease it or press >”to increase it.
Note: The brightness can be changed only while camera is on.
Creating and Managing
A Book is an electronic copy of a book that you can create using the PEARL
You can view saved books at any computer where a PEARL device may not be
present but Zoom-Office software is installed. While reading a Book you can use
all the same document browsing, magnification, and formatting capabilities that
are available for viewing documents with PEARL.
You can also listen while the book is read to you page by page. The whole book
can be saved as text, using any third party software to read the file.
A Book allows you to bring your book anywhere with you. Just save it to a CD or
upload it to your MP3 player.
Zoom-Office can be used separately from the PEARL device to read saved
Creating a
Have a book or a multi-page document handy for scanning and reading with
PEARL. Place your document under the PEARL camera.
Press Command + B, then the Enter key.
The Create Book dialog will appear. Put in the book title, the authors name, and
select Create.
Choose how to scan a Book
Start by selecting one of the three scanning options:
1. Scan one page at a time: Use this option to scan standard 8,5 X 11large
2. Scan only odd or only even pages: Use this option to scan pages in a large
book. Open the book and place the left or right page under the camera. If a
portion of the second page also appears under the camera, PEARL will ignore
it. Do not move the book until you have scanned all odd pages you want.
Once you have finished scanning odd pages, do the same for the even pages.
Start by turning the book 180 degrees. Be sure that the even pages are now
under the camera. The fact that the pages appear upside-down does not
matter. PEARL rotates the pages for you automatically when you want to read
the book.
Change the Next Page Number to the first even page
and start
scanning the even pages. When you have finished, select the Done button. A
Book will sort and keep all the pages in the right order automatically.
3. Scan two pages at once: Use this option to scan small sized books. If you
place the open book under the camera and can see both pages in the preview
window V you can save both pages at once.
While using this option, the book
orientation is important. Always put the book in
landscape format and
edges of the book with the PEARL base.
When you scan two pages at once, both pages will be saved with their
respective numbers. When you are reading saved pages, you will be able to
view each page separately. If the Book failed to separate two pages, this will
be indicated by an error sound and will be saved as one page. In this case,
you can delete that page. See Deleting a Page in a Book section to adjust
the book and save the same pages again.
Note: The default selection is to scan one page at a time.
There are 2 types of scanning modes:
1. Manual Mode: Press the A key or select the Add button to scan and save the
page. You will hear a shutter sound indicating that the page has been scanned
and saved.
2. Auto Mode: Select the Start Auto Mode button to start scanning and saving
pages. Then simply turn the pages. The PEARL camera has
on de
so it will scan each page as soon as the page image is still for a few seconds.
It waits while you turn the pages. Auto mode allows you to use both hands to
hold the pages in place.
Note: The default selection is Manual mode.
Adding pages to a new Book
Now that you‘ve chosen how to scan/save a book, let’s start adding
1. Manual mode:
a) Put the first page of your document under the PEARL camera and it will
appear on the screen.
b) Select the Add (A) button. Use your hands to keep the book flat and in a
second, you will hear a shutter sound. The page is now saved, and the
Current page field should display 1. The Next page number should
display 2 if you are saving one page at a time or 3, if you are saving two
pages at a time (or odd or even) pages.
c) Put the next page of your document down, select the Add button, or press
A on the keyboard.
d) Save as many pages as you need by repeating the previous step.
e) If you are saving many pages, you can continue saving pages later.
2. Auto mode:
a) Select the Start Auto Mode Button
b) Place the open book under the camera and use both hands to flatten the
page. In a few seconds you will hear the shutter sound, as the page is been
scanned and saved.
c) Turn the page, again keep the page flat and in a few seconds you will hear
the same sound.
d) Continue turning pages until you have all the pages you want to be
scanned and saved.
e) When you are done or need a break, select the Stop Auto Mode button
and remove the book from under the camera.
f) When you are completely finished saving pages, select the Done button.
The Add Pages Book bar will disappear, and the Read Mode Book bar
will appear.
Note: You can add more pages to this book later. See the Adding Additional
Pages to an Existing Book section of the manual for more details.
The Read Mode bar allows you to easily read your saved book with navigation
buttons. For more information on reading your book with Read Mode book bar,
see the Reading a Saved Book topic below.
If you are done with your book, select the Exit button to close the book.
tips on saving a
1. Make the book as flat as possible. If you are saving a thick book with many
pages, choose the Auto mode and use both hands to flatten the book.
2. When you are saving a book in Auto mode, PEARL will automatically adjust
brightness to the light conditions at that time. If you are taking a lot of time
saving all of
the pages, take a break occasionally. Select Stop Auto Mode
and then select Start Auto Mode to allow PEARL to re-adjust the
brightness according to the illumination of your
3. When saving a lot of pages in Auto mode, you may notice you have to wait
longer to hear the
It could be due to one of three reasons:
a) The camera detects some motion such as wind, unstable hands, etc. ;
b) The camera missed a motion when you flipped the page; or
c) PEARL turned the camera off because the conditions have changed;
example, the lights in the room were turned on or off.
You can always restart the camera and select the Start Auto Mode button
4. If you are using Manual mode, be sure that the page is stable on the screen
before selecting Add (A).
Reading a saved
To browse through the saved pages of your document:
1. Go to the Book menu and select Open Book (Command + B + O).
2. The Open Book dialog will
showing the books in the default folder
If you want to open a book
that was saved in another folder, use the Browse button to select the desired
folder. The location of the selected folder will be displayed in the Book
location field. The list of books in this folder will be displayed on the screen.
3. Select the book you would like to view, and select the Open button.
Note: The Open button is disabled if no book is selected. As soon as you select
any book in the list, the Open button will become enabled and selectable.
The Open Book dialog box disappears. The Read Mode bar appears at the top
of the screen and the first page of the chosen document is displayed.
The Read Mode bar has the Previous and Next buttons, the Go to page field
and Go button to jump to a page out of order. The Read Mode bar also has the
Current Page field, which displays the number of the page currently being
If the Status Parameter box is checked under General Settings, PEARL will
tell you the current page number.
4. You can magnify the image of the current page, format the text part of the
image, and use all other functions available for viewing documents with
PEARL to make your reading efficient and more enjoyable. Please read
Using PEARL as a Smart Magnifier and Using PEARL as the
Fastest Reader to learn about the available PEARL functions. PEARL will
remember all your selections when you move from page to page or from book
to book. If you use the Save only odd or only even pages option while
saving the book, you will have to rotate only the first even (odd) page. Zoom-
Ex will rotate the rest of the pages automatically.
5. Select the Next button or N on the keyboard to go to the next page of your
document. Select the Previous button or P on the keyboard to go to the
previous page. You can also put in a page number out of sequence, and select
the Go button to jump to that page.
6. When you are done browsing the book, select the Exit button.
Note: When the cursor is on the Current Page or Go to Page field and you are
moving from page to page using Previous (P) or Next (N) buttons, you will
hear “N” or “P” instead of Next or Previous”. To avoid this, use TAB to move
the cursor.
Continuous Book Reading
You can now read the entire saved book from the first to the last page without
using any key to move from the previous page to the next page.
To enable this functionality please go to Application (Command + A), down to Settings
(use down arrow key). Select the Book tab.
Select the Continuous Book Read Mode checkbox, then Apply and OK buttons to
enable the Continuous reading.
Please follow these steps for the continuous book reading:
1. Go to Book/Open book (Command + B + O)
2. Select a book
3. Open it. Voice message will announce: Opening page one of ….
4. Press F key to go to the Formatted mode.
NOTE: Its important to be in a Formatted mode for continuous reading.
5. With a continuous Book Read Mode enabled, reading will not stop at the
bottom of the first (or any selected) page and will go on until the bottom of
the last page of the book.
Reading by character (right/left arrow), word (ctrl+l/r arrow), sentence
(up/down arrow), paragraph (ctrl+up/down arrow) will stop the continuous
reading mode. To resume it press X key.
Adding additional pages to an existing
To add additional pages to an existing book:
1. Open the book of interest by going to the Book menu and down to Open
2. Once the Read Mode bar appears, go to the Book menu and select Add
3. The Add Pages Book bar will appear.
4. Place the page you want to scan under the camera, set its page number, and
press the Add button or the letter A. You can also use the Auto save mode
and/or save two pages at a time. See the Creating Zoom-Book section for
5. Repeat step 4 as needed.
6. When you finish adding new pages, select the Done button. If you w
g pages in Auto mode, select the Stop Auto Mode button first and then
select the Done button. The Add Pages Book bar will disappear, and the
Read Mode Book bar will appear again.
Deleting pages in an existing
In order to delete a page in a book:
1. Open the book of interest by going to the Book menu, and select on Open
Book. The Read Mode Book bar will appear.
2. Navigate to the page that you want to delete by putting the page
number into the Go to page field and pressing Go.
3. Go to the Book menu, and select on Delete this page.
4. You will be asked to confirm your instruction. Select yes.
5. The page will be deleted. The display will automatically move to the next
page or to the previous page if the deleted page was the last page of the
Deleting a
In order to delete a book:
1. Go to the Book menu, and select on Delete Book.
2. The Delete Book dialog box will appear. Select the book that you
wish to delete and select the Delete button. You cannot delete an
open book.
3. You will be asked to confirm your instruction. Select yes.
Closing a
To close a book you can select the Exit button or go to the Book
menu, and select Close Book.
Saving a Book as text
After you have scanned the book, you can convert the whole book to one
Under the Book Menu, select on Save Current Book as Text.
The file is saved in the folder
\Users\Username\Documents\ZoomOffice\Texts. Depen
the power of
your computer, it will take approximately 3 to 6 seconds to save each page.
For 200 pages, the process may take 10 to 20 minutes.
If the Status box is checked under General Settings, PEARL will tell you
the current page number.
Saving a Book as MP3
Under the book menu, select on Save current book as MP3 file. The
book will be saved as MP3 files in the folder
Copying a saved Book
The fastest way to initially save a book is to save it on the hard drive. After
you have scanned your book, you can use the Save Current Book As
menu item to copy the book onto a CD or a flash drive.
1. Go to the Book menu, and select on Save Current Book As.
2. Use the Browse button to select the drive and/or folder where you
want to copy the book.
3. Enter a New Name for the book.