The Wordfence 2022 State of WordPress Security
Ramuel Gall
Wordfence Senior Security Researcher
Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance
CISSP, CCSP, GWAPT, CHFI, SSCP, Security+, Pentest+, CySA+, AWS CCP, AWS
Publication Date: January 24, 2023
Table of Contents
The Wordfence 2022 State of WordPress Security Report 1
Table of Contents 2
Introduction 3
Executive Summary 3
Vulnerabilities 3
Threats to WordPress (Attacks) 3
Malware 3
Recommendations 4
Security Reports in Depth 5
Vulnerability Report 5
The Top 5 Vulnerability Types Disclosed in 2022 5
The Top 5 Individual Security Researchers Contributing to WordPress Security
in 2022 7
Threat Report 8
Credential Stuffing 8
Crawling for Webshells and Configurations 10
Attacks Targeting Vulnerabilities 12
Malware Report 14
Key Takeaways To Keep in Mind for 2023 17
Persistent Infections Became a Primary Intrusion Vector 17
Credential Reuse Becomes a Larger Risk as Leaked Passwords Accumulate 17
Regular Updates Remain Important 18
Conclusion 18
In 2022, we saw a number of shifts in the threat landscape. International events, such as the
Russian invasion of Ukraine and subsequent sanctions, and the arrest of several of the largest
botnet operators may have all contributed, but many of the most impactful trends were
already well underway. As such, our recommendations for best practices remain largely
unchanged, though there are some noticeable differences from previous years.
Executive Summary
Significantly more vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins were responsibly disclosed than in
prior years due to an influx of new security researchers, but far fewer of them were the sort of
critical unauthenticated vulnerabilities that allow 0-click site takeover, and comparatively
fewer websites were compromised via vulnerable plugins. With the launch of Wordfence
Intelligence Community Edition , we intend to amplify this trend and ensure that as many
vulnerabilities as possible are responsibly disclosed and patched before they have a chance to
be exploited.
Threats to WordPress (Attacks)
While credential stuffing attacks still far outnumber other types of attacks by a factor of 4,
over the course of 2022 we saw a significant reduction in credential stuffing attacks against
WordPress, accompanied by an increase in other types of attacks. Apart from credential
stuffing attacks, the most common attacks overall were attempts to access existing backdoors.
The largest increases were in attempts to gather site configuration information, including
installed plugins and database credentials.
On the malware front, overall rates of infection remained fairly consistent, though nulled
plugin installations, which we dubbed the most widespread threat to WordPress security in
2020, dropped by more than half. Unfortunately, the number of unmaintained sites with
persistent infections more than doubled since 2020, indicating that remediation efforts by site
owners and hosts may have slowed down.
We have consistently recommended using multifactor authentication for every account
possible, and this year is no different. While not all MFA is created equal, any functional MFA
is better than no MFA for the vast majority of site owners. Additionally, it is crucial to clean
any infected sites as soon as possible. Not only can this help prevent the exfiltration of
sensitive data and reduce costs, but a substantial proportion of all attack traffic is focused on
gaining or maintaining access to sites that are already infected, rather than infecting new sites.
Finally, as per usual, keeping plugins and themes up to date is important and is the best way
to avoid site compromise via a vulnerability.
Security Reports in Depth
Vulnerability Report
On December 14, 2022, Wordfence officially launched Wordfence Intelligence Community
Edition, a free, comprehensive, and well-maintained Vulnerability Database including every
known plugin and theme vulnerability impacting the WordPress ecosystem. For more than 6
months prior to its official launch, Wordfence has been internally using the same data that
powers Wordfence Intelligence Community Edition, allowing us to gain perspective on the
state of vulnerability research in 2022.
Multiple companies, including Wordfence, became CVE Numbering Authorities (CNAs) in
2020, making it much simpler for researchers to obtain CVE IDs, and we believe this has
significantly incentivized responsible disclosure in the past year.
All in all, we tracked 2,364 vulnerabilities disclosed in the WordPress ecosystem in 2022,
impacting 2,339 unique plugins and themes as well as WordPress core. Note that distinct
vulnerabilities within a shared codebase used by multiple themes and plugins, such as a
vulnerability in Freemius SDK that impacted over 600 plugins , are counted as a single
The Top 5 Vulnerability Types Disclosed in 2022
1. Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) was by far the most common category of vulnerability at
1,109 submissions, accounting for nearly half of all vulnerabilities disclosed in 2022. It
is also important to note that 408 of these submissions, or more than a third, required
administrative permissions in order to exploit and as such were significantly lower in
severity than typical XSS.
2. Cross-Site Request Forgery came in second at 377 of the vulnerabilities.
3. Authorization bypass vulnerabilities were the third most common vulnerability
category disclosed in 2022. We have categorized these as any vulnerability type
primarily caused by incorrect or insufficient access control or authorization.
4. SQL Injection vulnerabilities were the fourth most common category at 200 disclosed.
5. Information Disclosure rounded out the top 5 with 73 disclosed.
Pictured: A bar chart showing vulnerabilities disclosed in 2022 broken down by category
All of these vulnerability types are trivial to prevent during the initial development phase by
following best practices. Unfortunately, it is significantly more challenging to refactor existing
software to meet standards and many WordPress plugins have a large legacy code base,
contributing to the prevalence of relatively basic vulnerabilities. This means that it is more
important than ever for security researchers to responsibly disclose their finds.
The Top 5 Individual Security Researchers Contributing to WordPress
Security in 2022
Lana Codes
127 Vulnerabilities Reported
Krzysztof Zając
125 Vulnerabilities Reported
Daniel Ruf
100 Vulnerabilities Reported
83 Vulnerabilities Reported
Vlad Visse
60 Vulnerabilities Reported
Threat Report
Credential Stuffing
By far the most common type of attack against WordPress sites is credential stuffing, which is
where an attacker tries to guess multiple username and password combinations for a site
based on data breaches and password lists.
Wordfence blocked more than 159 Billion Credential stuffing attacks in 2022, originating from
over 78 million distinct IP addresses. On any given day in 2022, about 800,000 IP addresses
were actively engaged in credential stuffing attacks.
Pictured: A line chart of Credential Stuffing attacks broken down by date
We noticed a distinct decline in credential stuffing attacks March of 2022, though attack
volume began to increase again in June.
The vast majority of IP addresses engaged in credential stuffing over the course of 2022 were
located in the United States:
Pictured: A bar chart of Credential Stuffing IP counts broken down by Country
Stolen credentials remain the leading cause of account compromise across all organizations,
and WordPress is no exception. Many people reuse the same credentials for multiple sites,
and data breaches exposing old passwords are common. The most effective defense against
this type of attack is to use strong unique passwords for each site and implement Multi Factor
Authentication (MFA).
Attackers have become significantly more sophisticated and techniques such as
SIM-swapping, phishing, or simply annoying victims into allowing access by sending a
massive volume of push notifications can be used to bypass many forms of Multi-Factor
authentication. Nonetheless, all of these bypasses still require the attacker to guess the
account password, and even SMS-based MFA is significantly more secure than no MFA except
in cases where SMS can be used to reset the account password.
TOTP-based MFA solutions, such as the one offered by Wordfence Login Security, remain
secure, though it is possible for sophisticated attackers to use phishing tactics to socially
engineer users into providing their MFA code. The vast majority of our users will never be
targeted by this type of attack but it is important to be aware of which site you’re visiting
when entering your MFA code.
Crawling for Webshells and Configurations
Moving on, the second largest category of attacks in 2022 was from known malicious
User-Agents. Wordfence maintains a highly curated list of User-Agents used by IP addresses
that are engaged in attacks and are not associated with any legitimate traffic. While these
engage in a variety of attacks, by far the most common type we see is crawling for existing
backdoors and webshells. Many websites are poorly maintained and end up being infected by
a succession of different attackers piggybacking off of the efforts of their predecessors.
Additionally, we recently published a white paper covering online Shops selling access to
hacked sites - in many cases, merchants on these illicit marketplaces are simply selling the
locations of installed webshells. Some webshells are password protected, but many are not,
so an attacker can crawl websites for common webshell names and locations and use what
they find to take over previously infected websites.
We saw more than 23 Billion Attacks of this type in 2022, accounting for roughly two thirds
of total attack volume after credential stuffing. More than half of the 4 million sites we protect
saw these attacks nearly every single day in 2022.
Pictured: A line chart of attacks using known malicious User-Agents broken down by date
We began blocking the wp_is_mobile and ALittleClient user-agents in March, which resulted
in an immediate increase in blocked attacks. It is notable that the majority of attacks using
these User-Agents were from Ukrainian IPs.
While we only began watching attacks looking for unconfigured WordPress installations,
readme.txt files, and debug.log files halfway through the year, these quickly began to
outnumber most other types of requests.
Pictured: A line chart of attacks probing for backups configuration information, readme.txt
files, and fresh WordPress installations broken down by date
While unconfigured WordPress installations represent an easy target for attackers, they’re
relatively rare, and most of the requests we saw were searching for the presence of specific
and significantly older vulnerable plugins .
Attacks Targeting Vulnerabilities
The vast majority of attacks targeting specific vulnerabilities are covered by the Wordfence
firewall’s built-in protection. However, it is still crucial to be aware of these common
vulnerabilities and take the necessary steps to secure your website.
SQL Injection remains the most prevalent vulnerability type, with a large number of requests
required to determine if an installation is vulnerable. However, the popularity of SQL injection
can also be attributed to the potential for extracting high-value information, such as email
addresses and password hashes, from a site.
Following SQL injection, we observed a significant number of directory traversal attempts
specifically targeting the wp-config.php file, which can be used to obtain database connection
information. Other types of directory traversal attempts also ranked high in frequency as the
third most common exploit type. Cross-Site scripting ranked fourth, followed by Malicious File
Upload attempts in fifth place. Local file inclusion attempts ranked sixth.
Attacks targeting vulnerabilities that required a specific rule were less common, with exploit
attempts targeting a settings update vulnerability in Smash Balloon Social Post Feed ranking
seventh. Attacks against Log4J came in at number eight. Exploit attempts against a Remote
Code Execution vulnerability in Tatsu Builder ranked ninth, and attacks targeting a
vulnerability in Kaswara Modern VC Addons rounded out the top ten.
Pictured: A bar chart of the most common exploit attempt types broken down by the firewall
rule used to block the attempt
Malware Report
Total infections remained remarkably consistent with data from the last 2 years, with
malicious files found on roughly 1.2 million total sites over the course of the year. We began
to see a decline in infections by the most prevalent variants at the beginning of November, but
this was partially balanced out by an increase in malware infections detected by some of our
older signatures. Nonetheless, we saw a slight decrease in average daily infections, from
330,000 infected sites in January to roughly 310,000 sites infected in December, with a brief
spike in February. It is worth noting that, although we are unable to definitively attribute the
brief increase in infected sites to any one factor, the February spike coincides almost perfectly
with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Pictured: A line chart of sites with at least one malware signature reporting an infection
broken down by date
Unfortunately more WordPress sites appear to be unmaintained than in previous years -
210,000 sites infected at the beginning of 2022 were still infected at the end of 2022, a 60%
increase from 2020. The reduction in total infected sites combined with an increase in
persistently infected sites does indicate that actively maintained sites are getting infected at
lower rates overall.
The most active malware signature throughout most of 2022 detected an obfuscated include
statement typically used to load a separate backdoor disguised as an .ico file. This type of
malware is popular since it executes code from a file without a PHP extension, meaning that a
backdoor with an allowed extension can be uploaded separately. This signature, at its peak,
detected malware on roughly 3% of all infected sites.
Pictured: A malware sample using an obfuscated include statement used to load a separate
backdoor file with a filename of .37d57045.ico.
It is not practical to provide cyber observables for these, as each of the most active detection
signatures matches over 10,000 unique samples in our database and many more in the wild.
While the usage of uniquely generated obfuscated backdoors to evade hash-based detection
is not a new phenomenon, it is becoming increasingly common to see backdoors that are
unique to each site, even excluding files tailored to site-specific paths.
Pictured: One of the most common obfuscated backdoor variants
There is good news, however. We noticed a significant decline in nulled plugin installations,
with the most common variant, which started out as our most prevalent malware detection,
declining from 31,100 infections at the start of 2022 to 12,800 at the end of the year, a
reduction of more than half. In 2020, we determined that nulled plugin installations were the
most widespread threat to WordPress security , so their decreasing popularity is a win for the
WordPress community as a whole.
Also of note is that the most active malware signature in 2022 is over 3 years old, and all of
our top 10 malware signatures are at least a year old, indicating that the state of PHP
malware is relatively mature. Increased adoption of PHP 8.0 and above may change this to
some extent as some malware relies on functionality that has been deprecated or fully
discontinued in newer versions of PHP, but we have not seen a great deal of innovation in
PHP-based malware.
Key Takeaways To Keep in Mind for 2023
Persistent Infections Became a Primary Intrusion Vector
Most attacks we saw in 2022 were looking for an easy way in via reused credentials or by
piggybacking off of previous infections, and our data indicates that this is becoming an
increasingly viable option for attackers going forward as unmaintained sites with persistent
infections become more common.
Hacking groups such as Anonymousfox even sell scripts designed to search for previously
installed webshells in addition to their popular post-exploitation script .
It is important to note that the Wordfence scanner remains fully capable of detecting these
infections, but the site owner must take action to clean any site where an infection has been
Credential Reuse Becomes a Larger Risk as Leaked Passwords
Each year, leaked passwords from more and more data breaches become available to threat
actors and make it easier to gain access to unmaintained accounts.
It is important to recognize that this extends beyond WordPress admin credentials. If your
hosting account has a cPanel or other control panel allowing direct login, and you’ve reused
any of your passwords, or if someone else originally created the passwords for them, it is
worth setting a strong unique password for each of these account types as soon as possible.
Using a password manager is strongly recommended despite the recent LastPass breach.
We also recommend enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) on every account possible.
The Wordfence plugin includes Login Security for your WordPress administrative panel, but
we also strongly recommend that you enable MFA on your main hosting account and cPanel if
your hosting provider supports it.
Note that MFA is impractical for Database connections, so it is crucial to use a strong unique
password instead. For SSH/SFTP, we recommend using password-protected SSH keys rather
than plaintext passwords if possible.
Regular Updates Remain Important
Keeping WordPress core, plugins, and themes up to date remains an important best practice,
but even in cases of rare critical 0-day vulnerabilities, a Web Application Firewall, such as the
one offered by Wordfence, is sufficient to keep most sites safe.
Despite record numbers of vulnerabilities being disclosed and patched in the WordPress
ecosystem, the vast majority of attacks in 2022 targeted vulnerabilities in practice and
process, rather than in software.
Even attacks targeting specific vulnerabilities predominantly focused on obtaining site
takeover on the few remaining vulnerable installations of plugins with easily exploitable
critical flaws, rather than on the much larger number of newly discovered but more difficult to
exploit vulnerabilities. As such, the greatest threat to WordPress security in 2022 was neglect
in all its forms.
We saw a number of changes in 2022, but one of the most significant was an increase in the
number of responsibly disclosed vulnerabilities, and we plan to continue this trend with the
launch of Wordfence Intelligence Community Edition , which is free to use, including for
commercial purposes. Despite the fact that more vulnerabilities were disclosed overall, very
few vulnerabilities were critical zero-days.
Meanwhile, credential stuffing attack volume declined for the first time in years, though it
remains the most common attack type by a large margin.
Nulled plugin installations, as well as average daily infections, declined. Persistent malware
infections are on the rise, however, as more sites go unmonitored and unmaintained,
coinciding with an increase in attackers searching for previously infected sites.
As a reminder, Wordfence Care includes site cleaning services when necessary, but it also
comes with an annual site audit to identify the biggest risks to your site as well as monitoring
for potential issues. If you require faster response times, Wordfence Response includes all the
features of Wordfence Care plus a 1-hour response time and 24-hour remediation.