Data 8 Foundations of Data Science
Fall 2018 Midterm Solutions
You have 80 minutes to complete the exam.
The exam is closed book, closed notes, closed computer, closed calculator, except one hand-written 8.5” × 11”
sheet of notes of your own creation and the official midterm exam reference guide provided with the exam.
Mark your answers on the exam itself. We will not grade answers written on scratch paper.
For all Python code, you may assume that the statements from datascience import * and import numpy as np
have been executed. Do not use features of the Python language that have not been described in this course.
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All the work on this exam is my own.
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1. (15 points) Histograms
We gathered a data set of US national parks, and plotted below a histogram of the size of these parks (in
thousands of acres). All bars are 100 wide. The area of the visible bars sum to 100%.
Calculate each quantity described below or write Unknown if there is not enough information above to express
the quantity as a single number (not a range). It’s OK to write your answer as a Python expression or an
unsimplified expression. You may need to estimate the height of bars visually; if so, make your best estimate.
Don’t show your work.
(a) (4 pt) The percentage of parks that are less than 100 thousand acres in size.
0.45 × 100 = 45%.
(b) (4 pt) The percentage of parks that are between 200 to 400 thousand acres in size (specifically, the range
[200, 400), i.e., at least 200 thousand acres and less than 400 thousand acres).
(0.15 + 0.06) × 100 = 21%.
(c) (4 pt) The percentage of parks that are less than 150 thousand acres in size.
Unknown. (We don’t know the sizes of the parks in the [100, 200) bin; they could all be on the left half
of the bin, or in the right half, or any mixture of those two.)
(d) (3 pt) The percentage of parks that are at least 1200 thousand acres in size.
0%. (It’s to the right of all the bars.)
2. (30 points) Table operations
A table insurance contains one row for each beneficiary that is covered by a particular insurance company:
age bmi smoker region cost
25 20.8 no southwest 3208.79
25 30.2 yes southwest 33900.71
62 32.1 no northeast 1355.50
... (20198 rows omitted)
The table contains five columns:
Name: 3
age: an int, the age of the beneficiary
bmi: a float, the Body Mass Index (BMI) of the beneficiary
smoker: a string, which indicates whether the beneficiary smokes
region: a string, the region of the United States where the beneficiary lives
paid: a float, the total amount of medical costs that the insurance company paid for this beneficiary last
In each part below, fill in the blanks of the Python expression to compute the described value. You must use
ONLY the lines provided. Do not write any code outside the blanks provided. The code in the line should
evaluate to the value described.
(a) (3 pt) The largest amount paid by the insurance company last year to any beneficiary.
(b) (3 pt) A table similar to insurance, but with only the rows for smokers, and without the smoker column.
insurance.where(’smoker’, are.equal_to(’yes’)).drop(’smoker’).
Also valid: insurance.where(’smoker’, ’yes’).drop(’smoker’)
(c) (4 pt) A table that is the same as insurance, but with an added column named predicted_paid that
shows the amount we predict to pay to that beneficiary this year, if we predict that their cost this year
will be the cost last year increased by 5%.
a = insurance.column(’paid’) * 1.05
insurance.with_column(’predicted_paid’, a)
(d) (3 pt) A table containing one row per region, listing for each region the total amount paid by the insurance
company last year to all beneficiaries in that region.’region’, sum).select(’region’, ’paid sum’)
(e) (4 pt) The name of the region with the smallest number of beneficiaries.
by_region =’region’)
t = by_region.sort(’count’)
(f) (3 pt) A scatter plot comparing BMI vs amount paid last year for only the beneficiaries whose cost
exceeded $25,000 (i.e., with one dot per beneficiary whose cost last year exceeded $25,000).
high_cost = insurance.where(’paid’, are.above(25000))
high_cost.scatter(’bmi’, ’paid’)
(g) (4 pt) Write a function that takes an age as a parameter, and returns the average BMI of all beneficiaries
of that age.
def average_bmi(age):
right_age = insurance.where(’age’, are.equal_to(age))
bmis = right_age.column(’bmi’)
avg = sum(bmis) / len(bmis)
return avg
3. (30 points) Hypothesis testing
A scientist claims that in a particular region, 60% of bees are honey bees, 30% are bumblebees, and 10% are
carpenter bees. You are suspicious of this claim, so you take a uniform random sample of 100 bees in the area.
You get the following results from your random sample:
Bee Type Number of bees
Honey bee 72
Bumblebee 18
Carpenter bee 10
You’ll use the following answer bank in parts (a)–(b) of this question:
hAi Each bee is chosen randomly, with a 60% chance of being a honey bee, 30% chance of bumblebee, and
10% of carpenter bee.
hBi 72 of the bees in the observed sample were honey bees, 18 were bumblebees, and 10 were carpenter bees.
hCi Bees are distributed according to the probability distribution specified by the scientist.
hDi Bees are not distributed according to the probability distribution specified by the scientist.
hEi The sample was not chosen randomly, because of a bias in how bees were selected.
hFi The observed distribution in the sample is not consistent with the scientist’s claim. The difference between
the observed vs. claimed distribution is highly statistically significant (p < 0.01).
(a) (4 pt) In order to determine whether the scientist’s claim is actually true, you want to perform a hypothesis
test. Which of the following could be a reasonable null hypothesis? Fill in the oval next to all that are
reasonable possibilities.
hAi hBi hCi hDi hEi hFi
(b) (3 pt) Which of the following could be a reasonable alternative hypothesis? Fill in the oval next to all
that are reasonable possibilities.
hAi hBi hCi hDi hEi hFi
hEi is not a suitable alternative hypothesis. The question says that we are testing the scientist’s claim. We
are the ones who control how the sampling was done, so we’re not testing whether it was done randomly
(the question tells us it was random).
(c) (4 pt) You use the null and alternative hypothesis from parts (a)–(b) in a hypothesis test. You decide
to use the total variation distance (TVD) between the empirical distribution (in the sample) and the
probability distribution specified by the scientist as your test statistic. Fill in the code below so it
computes this value and assigns it to observed_tvd.
def tvd ( pred , obs ):
return sum ( np . abs ( pred - obs )) / 2
predicted = make_ array (0.60 , 0.30 , 0.10)
observed = m ak e_array (0.72 , 0.18 , 0.10)
obse rved_ tvd = tvd ( predicted , obs er ved )
Name: 5
(d) (8 pt) Fill in the following code, so it will correctly perform a hypothesis test using the TVD as test
statistic and compute the empirical p-value. Assume the code in part (c) correctly computes the TVD.
You may use variables/names defined in part (c).
si mulat ed_ tvd s = m ake_array ()
for i in np . arange (10000):
si mul ate d_s amp le = s amp le_ pro por tion s (100 , predicted )
statistic = tvd ( predicted , sim ula ted _sa mpl e )
si mulat ed_ tvd s = np. append ( simulated_tvds , st at is ti c )
em piric al_ pva l = np. cou nt_ no nze ro ( s imu lated _tv ds >= obser ved_t vd )/1000 0
em piric al_ pva l
(e) (5 pt) Suppose that the result of your computation is empirical_pval = 0.0258. Which of the following
conclusions would be justified? Fill in the oval next to all that apply.
If we use a p-value cut-off of 5%, we should reject the null hypothesis.
If we use a p-value cut-off of 1%, we should reject the null hypothesis.
Bees are distributed according to the probability distribution specified by the scientist.
The scientist’s claim is wrong; honey bees occur in this region with a higher probability than the
scientist claimed.
The sample was not chosen randomly, because of a bias in how bees were selected.
The observed distribution in the sample is not consistent with the scientist’s claim. The difference
between the observed vs. claimed distribution is statistically significant (p < 0.05).
The 4th option is not correct. The above code tests whether there is a difference in the overall distribution;
it doesn’t test anything about honeybees specifically. Thus, we are not entitled to conclude (based on
the fact that empirical_pval = 0.0258) anything about honeybees specifically. If we wanted to draw
a conclusion about honeybees, we’d need to do a hypothesis test with a different test statistic that looks
solely at the number of honeybees (rather than the TVD).
The 5th option is not correct. As mentioned in part (b), we are testing the scientist’s claim, not whether
the sample was taken randomly. Also, even if we didn’t know whether the sample was taken randomly
or not, we aren’t entitled to conclude (from the fact that empirical_pval = 0.0258) that the sample
was non-random; it could be that the actual distribution of bees differs from the scientist’s claim, and the
sample was chosen randomly.
(f) (2 pt) Suppose you rerun the hypothesis testing code above, but this time you replace both instances of
10000 with 100000 (thus, you do 10× as many iterations of the loop). Which of the following describes
what we should expect to happen to empirical_pval? Fill in the oval next to one answer.
It should be about 10× larger (i.e., about 0.258, or a little bigger or a little smaller).
It should be about 10× smaller (i.e., about 0.00258, or a little bigger or a little smaller).
It should be about the same (i.e., it remains at about 0.0258, or a little bigger or a little smaller).
This follows from the law of averages. empirical_pval is a proportion of the time that something
happens in many (identical, independent) iterations a random process; doing more iterations will give you
approximately the same proportion.
(g) (4 pt) Suppose we wanted to test only whether bumblebees appear to be as common as the scientist
claimed, and we don’t care about honey bees or carpenter bees. In particular, suppose our null hypothesis
is that each bee has a 30% probability of being a bumblebee, and our alternative hypothesis is that
bumblebees are more common than that. Which of the following would be a good choice of test statistic,
for this null and alternative hypothesis? Assume that the observed sample has 100 bees and numbumbles
is the number of bumblebees in the observed sample. Fill in the oval next to all choices that are good.
abs(numbumbles - 10)
abs((numbumbles/100) - 0.10)
tvd(make_array(numbumbles/100, 1 - (numbumbles/100)), make_array(0.10, 0.90))
The total variation distance between the observed distribution of bees and the probability distribution
specified by the scientist.
The number of bees in the observed sample.
The empirical distribution of bees in the observed sample.
Comment: This problem was easier than anticipated. Because of an oversight when writing the problem,
the numbers 10 and 0.10 above were intended to be 30 and 0.30. Thus, in their current form, the other
options are certainly incorrect. Option 6 is incorrect because we want to test something about bumblebees
specifically, and the TVD takes into account all three types of bees.
Even if we had changed 10 and 0.10 to 30 and 0.30, options 3–7 would still be incorrect. The 3rd and
4th options would be reasonable if our alternative hypothesis said “the null hypothesis is not correct”, but
that wasn’t our alternative hypothesis; our alternative more specifically says that bumblebees are more
common than the scientist’s model, and the absolute value isn’t appropriate for that.
Name: 7
4. (25 points) Probability
I go to Monterey Market to pick out some pumpkins to decorate my house for Halloween. They have a special
October deal where you get 3 randomly chosen gourds for $10. Each gourd can be either an orange pumpkin,
green pumpkin, or squash. The probability for each is shown in the table below:
Type Probability
Orange Pumpkin 0.6
Green Pumpkin 0.3
Squash 0.1
I decide to get the special deal!
Answer the following questions. It’s OK to write your answer as a Python expression or an unsimplified
expression—you do not need to evaluate it to get a number.
(a) (4 pt) What is the probability that the first gourd is an orange pumpkin, and the second gourd is a green
pumpkin, and the third gourd is a squash?
0.6 × 0.3 × 0.1 (multiplication rule)
(b) (2 pt) What is the probability that I get three orange pumpkins?
0.6 × 0.6 × 0.6 (multiplication rule again)
(c) (4 pt) What is the probability that I get no squashes?
0.9 × 0.9 × 0.9 (use the addition rule to note that the probability of getting a squash the first time is
0.6 + 0.3 = 0.9, then use the multiplication rule)
(d) (3 pt) What is the probability that I get at least one orange pumpkin?
1 0.4 × 0.4 × 0.4 (1 the probability of getting no orange pumpkins)
It turns out this special October deal spans back one hundred years! Monterey Market has kept track of the
price of the deal for each year from 1919 to today (2018). We are given the data in the form of an array of 100
integers named prices. The first item in the array is the price of the deal in 1919: $1.50. The last item in the
array is the price of the deal today: $10.00.
array([ 1.50 , 3.99 , 2.75 , ... , 8.99 , 12.50 , 10.00])
For each of the following quantities, write a Python expression that computes it.
(e) (3 pt) Whether or not the price has ever been $1.00 or less (your code should evaluate to True or False).
min(prices) <= 1
Also valid: np.count_nonzero(prices <= 1) > 0 or np.average(prices <= 1) > 0 or sum(prices <= 1) > 0
(f) (3 pt) The number of times the price increased by more than $2.00 from one year to the next.
(Hint: use np.diff.)
np.count_nonzero(np.diff(prices) > 2)
Also valid: sum(np.diff(prices) > 2) and other similar possibilities as well.
(g) (3 pt) The probability of choosing a price greater than $7.00, if I pick one of the prices uniformly at
np.count_nonzero(prices > 7) / len(prices)
Also valid: np.count_nonzero(prices > 7) / 100 or np.average(prices > 7), and other similar pos-
sibilities as well.
5. (0 points) Write your name in the space provided on one side of every page of the exam. You’re done!