Saving Lives
with Connectivity:
A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment
October 2023
Cover photos courtesy of iStock
The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) is committed to reducing deaths and serious injuries
on our nation’s roadways. As it implements the National
Roadway Safety Strategy, the USDOT is actively pursuing a
comprehensive approach to reduce the number of roadway
fatalities to the only acceptable number: zero.
A powerful tool for achieving this ambitious, long-term goal
is vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology, which enables vehicles to communicate with each other, with
other road users such as pedestrians and cyclists, and with roadside infrastructure. Deployments utilizing
V2X technologies have demonstrated the safety benefits on a smaller scale. However, to realize the full
lifesaving potential of V2X technology will require vehicles and infrastructure to communicate safely,
securely, and without harmful interference across a variety of devices and platforms.
Integrating technology and connectivity into a Vision Zero
approach requires that technology operates with many
other devices, users, vehicles, and infrastructure. We call
this ‘interoperable connectivity,’ where a diverse range of
mobile, in-vehicle, and roadside technologies must be able
to communicate everywhere, efficiently, and securely, and to
protect personal information. Connected V2X technology must
be reliable and seamless to allow communities and users to
effectively move across boundaries, meeting their needs and
destinations every day.
V2X communication supports the Safe System approach
adopted by the National Roadway Safety Strategy. The
Safe System approach is a holistic and comprehensive
approach that provides a guiding framework to make
places safer for people. It works by building and
reinforcing multiple layers of protection to both
prevent crashes from happening in the first place and
minimize the harm caused to those involved when
crashes do occur (Figure 1).
The National Roadway Safety Strategy directs the
USDOT to advance the use and deployment of V2X
and other technologies to advance safer roadways.
The National Transportation Safety Board has likewise
identified V2X connectivity as a safety-critical “most
wanted” technology.
V2X can save lives
by enabling wireless
communications among
vehicles, roadside
infrastructure, and
mobile devices.
The only acceptable number
of roadway deaths is zero.
Figure 1. Principles of a Safe System Approach
Source: USDOT
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 2
Technology advancements in vehicles and infrastructure have enabled incremental improvements
in roadway safety over the last decade, but roadway fatalities and injuries have taken a turn in the
wrong direction. For example, NHTSA estimates 42,795 motor vehicle fatalities occurred in 2022, up
18 percent from 36,355 fatalities in 2019. A broader, transformational approach, defined by the Safe
Systems approach in the NRSS, includes leveraging advanced technologies that can prevent or mitigate
crashes. Bold leadership is needed to ensure connected V2X technologies are integrated into the surface
transportation system. Not only does V2X technology save lives, but it also enhances mobility, bolsters
efficiency, and reduces negative environmental impacts. Accelerating V2X deployment now is a crucial
step to save lives.
Plan Overview
This document presents a Dra Plan to accelerate the deployment of V2X. The Dra Plan sets the USDOT’s
vision, goals, and milestones, and issues a call to action for stakeholders, including the USDOT, public
agencies, and the private sector.
The Dra National V2X Deployment Plan describes how deployments can start now and defines the
specific actions needed across stakeholder groups. It also identifies
support available from the USDOT and other sources. This Dra
Plan provides stakeholders with vital information to accelerate
investment, research, and deployment in V2X technologies and helps
stakeholders plan near-term and mid-term priorities while providing
market certainty. This Dra Plan helps build technical and institutional
capacity for future deployment needs. The Dra Plan seeks to reduce
uncertainty among all stakeholders working towards the vision of a
nationwide, interoperable V2X ecosystem.
The Dra Plan will be supported by a supplemental technical document, V2X Deployer Resources, to be
released in early 2024. The V2X Deployer Resources document discusses in detail information state and
local agencies will find helpful to plan and deploy V2X projects. The USDOT will also provide ongoing
technical assistance through peer-to-peer exchanges (e.g., the Accelerating V2X Cohort) and online
resources such as the Smart Community Resource Center.
Notable USDOT Actions for Accelerating V2X Deployment
The Dra National V2X Deployment Plan builds from legacy and current USDOT activities. Notable USDOT
actions initiated since August 2022 are shown in Table 1.
V2X connectivity is a
crucial, lifesaving tool
in the safety toolbox
ready to deploy now.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 3
Table 1. Notable USDOT Actions Initiated Since August 2022
Demonstrating Federal Leadership
In August 2022, the USDOT held an inaugural summit to identify a path forward for V2X deployment. At the summit, stakeholders
identied key issues and challenges impacting V2X deployment. Feedback from the summit underscored a desire within the intelligent
transportation systems (ITS) community for strong federal leadership toward interoperable connectivity. The USDOT convened a second
summit in April 2023 to report on progress and gather input for the development of a National V2X Deployment Plan.
In response to stakeholder feedback and the need for strong federal coordination, the USDOT drafted this National V2X Deployment Plan
to show its commitment to using V2X to save lives and accelerate technology innovation and deployment to advance Departmental goals
Resolving Regulatory Uncertainty
Worked with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
to expedite the granting of waivers to permit the immediate deployment of V2X technology. The FCC granted 14 waiver requests in April
2023 and a second group of Waiver Orders to 17 organizations, including state departments of transportation, in August 2023. Each
of these 17 organizations agreed to comply with the conditions set forth in the Joint Parties Waiver Order issued in April 2023. As of
September 30, 2023, a total of 31 waiver requests had been granted. There are 13 organizations with pending waiver requests, including
seven from the private sector and six from the public sector.
Continues to conduct spectrum testing to provide data to the FCC and NTIA to ensure the release of the FCC’s Second Report and Order
on cellular V2X (C-V2X) technology.
Providing Technical Assistance and Resources to V2X Deployers
Provides professional capacity building through the Connected Vehicle Deployer Resources. Resources include the Connected and
Automated Vehicle Education (CAVe)-in-a-box kit.
Operates the Technical Assistance and Equipment Loan program, which gives deployers the opportunity to borrow V2X equipment for
testing to ensure it will work with their existing infrastructure. Deployers can email [email protected].
Provides technical assistance to agencies for requesting waivers. In July 2023, the USDOT provided support to multiple agencies
regarding ling a request for an FCC waiver.
Created a page on interoperable connectivity on the Smart Community Resource Center website that provides resources for V2X
planners and deployers.
Developing a fact sheet documenting federal funding opportunities available for V2X planning and deployment under the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law.
Initiated the development of a V2X Deployer Resources document that delves into the details that state and local agencies may nd
helpful to plan and develop V2X connectivity projects for their needs, which is expected to be released in early 2024.
Convening Stakeholders and Sharing Best Practices
Established a V2X peer group of 27 states and local agencies to share lessons learned and insights.
Participates in national coalitions including AASHTO, ITS America, ITE, and 5GAA
Hosted summits, workshops and online webinars in the development of this Draft Plan
Identifying Tested Day-One V2X Applications
Gathering information on proven V2X applications for inclusion in the V2X Deployer Resources document.
Investing Federal Funds in V2X
Invested $61.5 million in V2X technology research and deployment through the FHWA Turner Fairbank Highway Research Program over
the last ve years, with $12.5 million in follow-on research projects budgeted for FY24.
Awarded seven SMART and four ATTAIN grants that include V2X elements
Included V2X deployment in the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant program (FY23).
Initiated the Intersection Safety Challenge in April 2023.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 4
The Dra National V2X Deployment Plan
Enable a safe, efficient, equitable, and sustainable transportation system through the national, widespread
deployment of interoperable V2X technologies.
Deploy interoperable V2X connectivity using the dedicated 5.9 GHz spectrum and other available
spectrum through collaboration and coordination across federal government, the public sector, and
private industry.
Goals and Targets
The USDOT has established a set of short-term, medium-term, and long-term deployment goals and
targets to focus activity and coordinate stakeholder actions for making progress toward achieving the
vision. These goals and targets were informed by stakeholder inputs and engagements, USDOT research
and development activities, as well as industry trends and developments.
The USDOT has defined three timeframes:
Short-Term (2024 - 2026): Leading Deployers in Operation.
Medium-Term (2027 - 2029): V2X Deployer Community Growth.
Long-Term (2030 - 2034): Nationwide Interoperable V2X Deployed and Operational.
Figure 2 summarizes key elements of the Dra National V2X Deployment Plan Roadmap.
Tables 2, 3, and 4 present the short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals, and corresponding targets,
and responsible lead stakeholder group by strategic areas of Infrastructure Deployments, Vehicles,
Spectrum, Interoperability, and Benefits/Technical Assistance.
Establishing goals for various timeframes will assist stakeholders in focusing on actions that can be
taken now with the current state of knowledge and technology. Long-term outcomes can be influenced
by external factors and continued technological and institutional developments. Due to inherent
uncertainties, there is a need to regularly monitor and adjust these goals and targets.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 5
Enable a safe, ecient, equitable, and
sustainable transportation system through
the national, widespread deployment of
interoperable V2X technologies.
Deploy interoperable V2X connectivity using the dedicated 5.9 GHz
spectrum and other available spectrum through collaboration and
coordination across federal government, the public sector, and
private industry.
Short Term (2024–2026)
Infrastructure Deployments
V2X deployed on 20% of National Highway System
Top 75 metro areas have 25% of signalized intersections V2X
12 interoperable, cybersecure deployments
20 grants to 10 states for 5.9 GHz band use
2 Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) commit to 5.9 GHz
capable vehicles by 2027 model year
Medium Term (2027–2029)
Infrastructure Deployments
V2X deployed on 50% of National Highway System
Top 75 metro areas have 50% of signalized intersections V2X enabled
25 interoperable, cybersecure deployments
V2X installed in 40% of the nation’s intersections
5 vehicle models are 5.9 GHz capable
3 active deployments generate Infrastructure Owner-Operator (IOO)
data used by 2 OEM production vehicles
4 suppliers, 3 OEMs demonstrate interoperable connectivity
Long Term (2030–2034)
Infrastructure Deployments
V2X fully deployed on National Highway System
Top 75 metro areas have 85% of signalized intersections V2X enabled
50 interoperable, cybersecure deployments
Interoperable 5.9 GHz operations across 50 states
V2X installed in 75% of the nation’s intersections
6 OEMs have 5.9 GHz capable production vehicles for safety use cases
20 vehicle models are V2X capable
Spectrum and Interoperability
2 SCMS providers demonstrate interoperable security credentials management
3 device suppliers and 2+ OEMs demonstrate interoperability
FCC completes 2nd Report and Order on 5.9 GHz band
Benefits and Technical Assistance
3 case studies on deployed V2X benets/costs
25 active Accelerating V2X Cohort members
10 regional hands-on training events
Spectrum and Interoperability
5 V2X use cases demonstrated in the 5.9 GHz band
5 V2X use cases demonstrated beyond the 5.9 GHz band
20 public agencies demonstrate interoperability
2 providers utilize interoperable SCMS credentials
10 certied devices on the market
Benefits and Technical Assistance
6 use cases (2 involving vulnerable road users) document V2X
safety benets
50 active Accelerating V2X Cohort members author progress report
Spectrum and Interoperability
5 V2X use cases operational in the 5.9 GHz band in all 50 states
5 V2X use cases operational beyond the 5.9 GHz band in 5 states
20 certied devices dominate deployed V2X technology base
Benefits and Technical Assistance
10 deployments in operation for 5 years streaming benets/
cost data
75 active Accelerating V2X Cohort members sponsor pooled
fund projects
Figure 2. Key Elements of the Dra National V2X Deployment Plan Roadmap
Source: USDOT
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 6
Table 2. Dra National V2X Deployment Plan by Strategic Focus Area (Short-Term, 2024-2026)
Focus Area
Goals Milestones / Targets Lead Stakeholders
20% of the National Highway
System has V2X technology
deployed for freeway-based
Top 75 Metro areas have 25%
of their signalized intersections
12 corridor/regional
deployments* with
demonstrated interoperability
and tested cybersecurity
20 grants awarded across at
least 10 states that include the
use of the 5.9 GHz band
IOOs and their partners,
primed by USDOT seed
Vehicles 5.9 GHz equipped vehicles
from leading OEMs are either in
production or with formalized
2 OEMs have 5.9 GHz capable
vehicles in production (or
commit to do so by 2027 model
10 public fleet operators outfit
vehicles with aermarket safety
Private sector (OEMs,
aermarket safety device
vendors in coordination with
public sector fleet operators
Spectrum 5.9 GHz spectrum finalized by
the FCC with all rules/provisions
in place, affirming a long-term
spectrum commitment
5.9 GHz band final rules (FCC
2nd R&O) formally completed
2 V2X use cases demonstrated
utilizing the 5.9 GHz band
2 V2X use cases demonstrated
utilizing spectrum beyond the
5.9 GHz band
USDOT champions for V2X
Interoperability All standards required for
interoperability in 5.9 GHz band
Initial standards and architecture
extending interoperability
beyond 5.9 GHz band
3 device suppliers and 2 OEMs
demonstrate interoperability
among products in an
operational deployment
2 SCMS providers demonstrate
interoperable security
credentials management
5 certified devices on the market
Private sector, with USDOT
and IOO support
Benefits and
Technical assistance programs
help deployers to design,
build, operate and maintain
interoperable, cybersecure V2X
Foundational educational
materials, V2X benefit/cost case
studies widely available
3 case studies documented on
operational benefits and costs
25 active members in
Accelerating V2X Cohort
spanning 10 states
10 regional interoperable
connectivity hands-on training
USDOT acts as clearinghouse,
sponsors community-
building activity
* Each regional/corridor deployment spans a minimum of 300 miles of roadway (combined highway and surface street) and/or
300 intersections/interchanges.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 7
Table 3. Dra National V2X Deployment Plan by Strategic Focus Area (Medium-Term, 2027-2029)
Focus Area
Goals Milestones / Targets Lead Stakeholders
50% of the National Highway
System has V2X technologies
deployed for freeway-based
Top 75 Metro areas have 50%
of their signalized intersections
25 corridor/regional
deployments* deployments with
demonstrated interoperability
and tested cybersecurity
40% of the nation’s intersections
have V2X technology installed
across large, mid-size and rural
IOOs and their partners,
leveraging Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law (BIL)
Vehicles Work with NHTSA to explore
data-driven strategies that
could effectively incentivize
interoperable systems and
accelerated deployment
OEM production vehicles utilize
IOO data
Interoperable connectivity data
exchanges support early vehicle
automation use cases
5 vehicle models are 5.9 GHz
capable, including 2+ heavy/
commercial vehicle models
3 active deployments generate
IOO data used by 2 OEM
production vehicles
4 suppliers, 3 OEMs demonstrate
interoperable connectivity
Private sector, USDOT leads
internal NHTSA coordination
Spectrum Use cases beyond 5.9 GHz
spectrum are well-defined and
shared widely
5 V2X use cases demonstrated
utilizing the 5.9 GHz band
5 V2X use cases demonstrated
utilizing spectrum beyond the
5.9 GHz band
Private sector, with USDOT
and IOO support
Interoperability Reference implementation for
interoperable connectivity
developed and delivered
Reliable, scalable device
certification processes utilized
by multiple vendors.
20 public agencies demonstrate
interoperable connectivity
SCMS credentials are in active
interoperable use from 2
10 certified devices on the
Private sector, with USDOT
and IOO support
Benefits and
Report published documenting
the cost-benefits of investing in
V2X tech
ITS community delivers a plan
update on its progress towards
national deployment
6 use cases (2 involving
vulnerable road users) document
V2X safety benefits
50 active members of USDOT
Accelerating V2X Cohort author
progress report, spanning 25
USDOT acts as clearinghouse,
facilitates community
* Each regional/corridor deployment spans a minimum of 300 miles of roadway (combined highway and surface street) and/or
300 intersections/interchanges.
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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 8
Table 4. Dra National V2X Deployment Plan by Strategic Focus Area (Long-Term, 2030-2034)
Focus Area
Goals Milestones / Targets Lead Stakeholders
V2X interoperable connectivity
deployed widely, seen as a
fundamental element of system
operations, and functions within
a mature ecosystem featuring all
The National Highway System is
fully deployed for freeway-based
Top 75 Metro areas have 85%
of their signalized intersections
50 corridor/regional
deployments* with
demonstrated interoperability
and tested cybersecurity
Interoperable 5.9 GHz
operations demonstrated across
50 states
75% of the nation’s intersections
have V2X technology installed
across large, mid-size and rural
IOOs and their partners,
leveraging program funding
Vehicles Adoption of interoperable
connectivity by infrastructure
owners/operators and OEMs
is widespread, including
vehicle automation cases where
6 OEMs have 5.9 GHz capable
production vehicles employing
safety-related use cases
20 vehicle models are 5.9 GHz
capable, including 12+ heavy/
commercial vehicle models
Private Sector (OEMs) and
their partners
Spectrum and
Interoperability realized for use
cases both within and beyond
the 5.9 GHz spectrum, including
vehicle automation where
Reference implementation for
interoperable connectivity
enhanced and maintained
Certified devices dominate
dynamic V2X technology base
5 V2X use cases operational in
the 5.9 GHz band in all 50 states
5 V2X use cases operational in
spectrum beyond the 5.9 GHz
band in 5+ states
20 certified devices dominate
deployed V2X technology base
Industry acts as champion for
the V2X community
Benefits and
National benefits and costs
pipeline established drawing
from on data streaming from
operational systems
10 deployments in operations for
5+ years streaming benefits and
cost data
75 active members of USDOT
Accelerating V2X Cohort
sponsor ongoing pooled fund
projects spanning 45 states
USDOT acts as clearinghouse,
partners with pooled fund
* Each regional/corridor deployment spans a minimum of 300 miles of roadway (combined highway and surface street) and/or
300 intersections/interchanges.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 9
Benefits and Challenges
The Dra National V2X Deployment Plan was created based on certain assumptions that could impact
deployment. These high-level assumptions are highlighted below.
Evidence of the benefits of V2X technologies have been widely documented. A compilation of benefits
can be found in the ITS Deployment Evaluation website. Examples include:
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) noted that the implementation of just
two V2X safety applications, Intersection Movement Assist (IMA) and Le Turn Assist (LTA) would
prevent 439,000 to 615,000 crashes, 13 to 18 percent of the total, and save 987 to 1366 lives. The
resulting savings from these reduced crashes would be $55 to 74 billion.
V2X can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 16 percent and platooning can reduce emissions by up
to 33 percent. For an individual vehicle, an eco-driving application can provide an emissions
reduction of almost 10 percent.
An initial deployment of C-V2X in some Fulton County, Georgia school buses proved that fuel
savings of more than 10 percent can be expected due to signal priority.
The Safety Pilot Model Deployment, the Connected Vehicle Pilots, and other precursor V2X deployments
have demonstrated the benefits of V2X communication using Dedicated Short Range Communications
(DSRC). Based on these results, large-scale deployments with C-V2X and other communications
technologies will provide significant benefits at a national level.
Spectrum Use
Wireless spectrum is limited and in great demand. Low-latency, safety-related applications will utilize the
30 MHz in the 5.9 GHz spectrum reserved by FCC rule, while other applications will need to use other
communication approaches, including solutions utilizing other spectrum. Various cellular communication-
based approaches have been deployed, however, that are not interoperable across multiple
supplier ecosystems.
Coordination Across Jurisdictions
Interoperability allows people and goods to move seamlessly across borders, jurisdictional boundaries,
and systems. V2X connectivity is envisioned as a cooperative system where technology operates as a
single system despite various stakeholders, owners, operators, and equipment. Achieving interoperability
requires close coordination across government and industry. The USDOT’s standards and architecture
includes the National ITS Reference Architecture, a resource that provides a framework for safe, secure,
and effective interoperable systems. The National ITS Reference Architecture continues to be updated over
time as technologies evolves and is deployed.
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Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 10
Private Industry Participation
To deploy connectivity to save lives requires coordination both with vehicles and infrastructure. Original
equipment manufacturers (OEMs) will ultimately decide the extent to which V2X devices — such as
onboard units — are installed in new vehicles. OEMs may not all have uniform views on the business
case to invest in V2X technologies, but they may be influenced by other members of the private sector,
government policies and actions, and public agencies deploying V2X infrastructure. Meanwhile, device
manufacturers will have to ensure that roadside units and on-board units are developed appropriately with
standards to ensure interoperability and have them tested and certified so that deployers (OEMs and IOOs)
have certainty about going forward successfully.
Public Agency Capacity and Funding
Public agencies like state departments of transportation and local agencies vary in their ability to deploy
V2X technology. Some agencies lack expertise, institutional capacity, or funding; are using legacy systems;
or have not made technology and innovation a priority. These differences need to be considered to
support a collaborative and coordinated approach. Federal funds and assistance are available to support
eligible deployments, but ultimately it is up to states, tribal governments, and local government to plan,
design, construct, operate, and maintain systems and supporting infrastructure.
Privacy and Security
Security is critical to ensure V2X technologies — and the information they provide — can be used and
are trusted through standard procedures to validate that information is correct. That information needs
to protect personal privacy while also allowing parties to secure the data needed to advance a safe and
efficient transportation system.
Near-Term Successes
Interoperable connectivity applications will continue to be developed with new use cases and innovations
that build upon foundational technologies as well as deployment experience. In the near term, however,
viable fielded interoperable connectivity deployments are needed to realize benefits and guide further
development. The longer-term future possibilities are broader but will depend in part on achieving
successes in the near term and the development of best practices, industry guidance, test procedures, and
other components that support interoperability.
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Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 11
Key Focus Areas Enabling Interoperable V2X Deployment
Figure 3 illustrates key focus areas that enable successful interoperable and cybersecure V2X
deployments. More details will be provided in a forthcoming technical appendix.
Systems Engineering
Critical for risk management and ensuring
the right system is being developed to meet
transportation needs.
A cybersecurity profile must be maintained
that enables planned interoperable
connectivity deployment.
Trust & Credential
A Security Credential Management System
is needed to authenticate and sign
messages to establish trust.
V2X Certification
Devices must be tested to ensure
conformity to key industry standards,
requirements, and functionality.
Evolving policies include standards,
communications, security, privacy, and data
Spectrum Governance
The licensed ITS band and additional
spectrum options may be governed
Outcome /
Benefit Framework
The network effect and the technology
adoption life cycle are critical factors for
advantageous benefit/cost ratios.
Standards &
Protocols for transmitting and processing
messages need to be defined clearly and
with documented specifications.
Wireless Technologies
Need to utilize current licensed (5.9 GHz,
cellular, satellite) and unlicensed (Wi-Fi)
spectrum and stay abreast of future
Figure 3. Key Focus Areas Enabling Interoperable V2X Deployments
Source: USDOT
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Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 12
V2X Community Stakeholders and Potential Actions
Stakeholder groups, including automotive OEMs and IOOs, came together to present a vision for V2X
deployment, as shown in a call to action prepared by ITS America and released in April 2023. These
collaborations are important to support peer entities and to present cross-industry perspectives to those
who may not regularly interact with IOOs or OEMs. The collective voice of deployers plays an important
role in conveying their willingness and desire to deploy. It also shows the growing market potential for
industry to address and innovate.
Achieving the goals laid out in this Dra Plan depends on collaboration with multiple stakeholders. This
section identifies major stakeholder groups (see Figure 4) and roles to clarify expectations, encourage
dialogue, and coordinate activities. This framework is not an exhaustive list but shows examples of key
roles and responsibilities. Stakeholders are encouraged to openly share their perspectives, plans, and
commitments. The goal is to demonstrate the need for collective action to deploy V2X connectivity. No
one group can achieve these goals on their own.
Table 5 shows potential actions for major stakeholder groups.
Automotive Industry
• OEMs
• Automotive
Deploying Agencies
• Transit operators
• Freight operators
• States,local governments,
tribes, and public agencies
Professional Associations
and Organizations
• Test certification providers
• Standards development
• Trade and industry
Support Services
• App developers
• Service providers
• ITS equipment / software vendors
• Design / integration / deployment consultants
• Security credential providers
• Communications providers
Federal Agencies
Figure 4. V2X Community Stakeholder Groups
Source: USDOT
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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 13
Table 5. Potential Actions for Major Stakeholder Groups
Provide federal leadership by hosting events
and documenting a national vision and action
plan for deployment.
Provide seed funding and investment to
accelerate V2X deployments.
Launch a new program focused on V2X
investment in 2023.
Promote use of discretionary grant
programs like ATTAIN, SMART, and SS4A
grants to launch V2X deployments.
Convene and facilitate stakeholders to share
information / best practices.
Establish an Accelerating V2X Cohort
and document benets, costs, and
lessons learned.
Fund detailed technical assistance training
at conferences, annual meetings, and
regional events.
Operate training and
equipment loan programs.
Fund the Connected and Automated
Transportation Coalition program.
Update websites and the Smart
Community Resource Center.
Host regular webinars for training and to
engage stakeholders as Plan is nalized
and implemented.
Enable interoperability through
coordination with stakeholder groups and
standards-related activities.
Publish a nal National V2X Deployment
Plan in early 2024.
Organize and deliver a 4th V2X Summit
in 2024, specically providing a venue
for states and private industry to
register their commitments to actions
aligned with the Plan.
Provide support for standards, architecture,
and testing to accelerate interoperability.
Conduct additional spectrum testing
to provide data to FCC/NTIA to ensure
release of FCC’s Second Report and
Order on C-V2X.
Work with NHTSA to explore data-
driven strategies that could eectively
incentivize interoperable systems and
accelerated deployment.
Assess rules and guidance to ensure
alignment with the Plan.
Work with USDOT and industry to determine
rules for use of 5.9 GHz 30 MHz spectrum
allocation to ITS services.
Coordinate and convey federal (USDOT)
interests in spectrum decisions
and rules to FCC.
Develop, test, and deploy interoperable V2X
safety applications.
Initiate deployment of C-V2X technology
and safety applications in new vehicles of
all types (including eet vehicles).
Deploy interoperable safety and non-safety
applications utilizing 5.9 GHz and other
spectrum approaches.
Actively partner with IOOs to enable
national rollout of interoperable
applications in production vehicles.
Support precompetitive R&D and
Collaborate on message sets and standards
for interoperability.
Provide sustained input to FCC regarding
impact of V2X technologies.
Automotive Suppliers
Develop V2X-enabled vehicle components
and applications for OEMs to include in
production vehicles.
Support precompetitive R&D and
Collaborate on message sets and standards for
States, Local Governments, Tribes,
and Public Agencies
Update investment and transportation plans to
include V2X technology.
Deploy and operate interoperable, cybersecure
infrastructure-based V2X technologies
and applications.
Leverage federal seed funding to inform
and test interoperability.
Collaborate on message sets and standards
for interoperability.
Work with local emergency services,
transit, school bus, and other public
sector vehicle eets to enhance
vehicle participation.
Ensure interoperability is a routine element
of state long-range and Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO) plans.
Participate in national events to remain up-
to-date on V2X technology.
Transit Operators
Deploy and operate on-board and center-
based V2X applications to enhance transit
safety, eciency, and performance.
Freight Operators
Deploy V2X applications that provide internal
return-on-investment, including safety and
eciency applications and driver support.
App Developers
Design and develop applications that
utilize connectivity.
Service Providers
Develop and operate supporting services that
enable interoperable connectivity applications.
ITS Equipment/Software Vendors
Develop infrastructure-based components
and software to fulll public agencies’
interoperable connectivity needs.
Provide support for public agencies to design,
procure, integrate, and deploy solutions for
interoperable connectivity.
Security Credential Providers
Provide security credential-related services
(i.e., SCMS, certicates) to enable trust
among interoperable connectivity entities
and applications.
Test Certication Providers
Provide testing and certication services to
enable trust in interoperable connectivity
component functionality, performance, and
standards conformance.
Standards Development
Develop standards to realize interoperability
and support cooperative applications.
Trade and Industry Associations
Provide industry stakeholder feedback to
inform USDOT and provide expertise.
Communications Providers
Build, operate, and maintain private
communications networks to provide
communications services to customers.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 14
Future USDOT Actions and Support
To successfully accelerate this technology deployment to save lives and advance national goals, the U.S.
needs to develop the workforce and skills critical to growing these systems. Growing the knowledge
and skills of professional staff within public agencies is critical. Agencies are encouraged to assess their
internal organizational capacity, gaps, and needs to plan a deployment approach that is tailored to their
unique community.
USDOT will provide resources to public agencies and tribal governments to support the deployment of
V2X technologies to save lives under the NRSS and Safe System approach. Below is a non-exhaustive list of
resources and technical assistance the USDOT will offer to ensure the U.S. leverages connectivity to save
lives. See Table 6 for examples of USDOT-sponsored activities from research to deployment.
Table 6. Examples of USDOT-Sponsored Activities from Research to Deployment
Technical Stakeholder Engagement Professional Capacity Building
Mapping tool and technical support
Architecture and standards
development support
Wireless interference testing
Research on cybersecurity needs,
connected vehicle analysis,
modeling, simulations, digital
infrastructure, and cooperative
Project evaluation tools (and decision
support resources)
Summits and workshops to provide
updates on the Dra National
V2X Deployment Plan and share
information and best practices
Documented best practices
Pooled fund studies
Coordination with USDOT modal
administrations and federal agencies
Stakeholder engagement with
industry associations
Help desk
Equipment loan program
Cohorts and peer exchange
Website and resource center
The V2X Deployer Resources document currently being developed by the USDOT aims to provide
deployers with a convenient and informative resource on the technical aspects of interoperable
connectivity. The resource document also points to sources of more detailed technical information so that
deployers can more easily find what they need to plan, develop, and operate interoperable connectivity
deployments, as well as engage with the supporting technical working groups to share innovations and
experiences. This document and lists of resources will be kept up to date over time with regularly updated
content on the Smart Community Resource Center.
The USDOT also encourages the broader deployment community to be aware of other activities that can
inform deployment planning and implementation and consider upcoming and longer-term innovations.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 15
This Dra National V2X Deployment Plan outlines a vision and path
to deployment with the goal of saving lives through connectivity. Past
V2X research and deployments show the promises of this technology.
We must harness this opportunity now to realize these benefits today.
The need for action is urgent. V2X is fundamentally a cooperative
technology where the large-scale benefits are a magnitude greater
as a whole than in an individual system. Achieving and sustaining
interoperability is necessary to fully realize the benefits across a
nation where vehicles and travelers span cities, states, counties, federal, and tribal lands. USDOT, public
agencies, the private sector, and transportation operators need to take bold action in shaping the
direction of the future. The USDOT remains committed to supporting and advancing the deployment of
V2X technologies that enable the vision of a future with zero deaths or serious injuries. With this Dra
Plan, USDOT commits to modernizing and transformation the future of transportation both for today
and for tomorrow.
V2X connectivity is a critical transformational technology that not only advances safety but also enhances
mobility, bolsters efficiency, and reduces negative environmental impacts. Accelerating V2X deployment
now is a crucial step toward saving lives with connectivity (see Figure 5).
V2X technology can
improve safety on a
national scale, and the
time to invest is now.
2023 2026 2029 2034
Interoperable V2X
Interoperable V2X
V2X Summit
Observable Impact
on Safety
Connected, Interoperable,
Cybersecure, Scalable
USDOT provides seed funding/grants to accelerate infrastructure deploymentsUSDOT provides seed funding/grants to accelerate infrastructure deployments
Infrastructure owner-operators take the lead on infrastructure deployments
Private sector delivers 5.9 GHz capable vehicles and certified V2X technology
USDOT champions V2X spectrum/standardsUSDOT champions V2X spectrum/standards
USDOT facilitates V2X community building and develops benefit-cost pipeline
Private sector takes the lead as the V2X market maturesPrivate sector takes the lead as the V2X market matures
Interoperable V2X
USDOT Action IOO Action Private Sector Action
Figure 5. Strategic, Coordinated Actions of Key Stakeholders Create
Momentum Towards Interoperable V2X Deployments
Source: USDOT
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment | 16