DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5
+June 2004
Table of Contents
0501 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................1
050101 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................1
050102 Submission Requirements......................................................................................................................1
050103 Not Used ................................................................................................................................................1
050104 Preparation of Material ..........................................................................................................................1
050105 References .............................................................................................................................................1
0502 UNIFORM BUDGET AND FISCAL ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION.........................................2
050201 RDT&E Budget Activities.....................................................................................................................2
050202 Establishing RDT&E Program Elements...............................................................................................3
0503 PROGRAM AND BUDGET REVIEW SUBMISSION ...........................................................................4
050301 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................4
050302 Submission Requirements......................................................................................................................4
0504 CONGRESSIONAL JUSTIFICATION/PRESENTATION ...................................................................6
050401 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................6
050402 Organization of Justification Books ......................................................................................................6
0505 RDT&E APPROPRIATION SUBMISSION FORMATS .......................................................................8
050501 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................8
050502 Exhibits in Support of Section 0503 – Program and Budget Review Submission ................................9
050503 Exhibits in Support of Section 0504 - Congressional Justification .......................................................9
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5
+June 2004
050101 Purpose
This chapter provides instructions on budget formulation and congressional justification for Research,
Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriations. The following appropriations are included in
- RDT&E, Army (2040A)
- RDT&E, Navy (1319N)
- RDT&E, Air Force (3600F)
- RDT&E, Defense-Wide (0400D)
- Operational Test and Evaluation, Defense (0460D)
050102 Submission Requirements
General guidance on submission requirements is in Chapter 1. Chapter 5 provides additional specific
requirements on justification material for the above appropriations. Other chapters in the FMR require additional
exhibits. The Components will also submit any exhibits required by OMB Circular A-11, Preparation and
Submission of Budget Estimates.
050103 Not Used
050104 Preparation of Material
General guidance on format and preparation of material is presented in Chapter 1. Chapter 5 provides additional
specific requirements on justification material required for RDT&E appropriations.
050105 References
Section 010210 provides policies and definitions concerning costs that are to be financed in RDT&E.
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5
+June 2004
050201 RDT&E Budget Activities
The RDT&E budget activities are broad categories reflecting different types of RDT&E efforts. The
definitions are provided below.
Budget Activity 1, Basic Research. Basic research is systematic study directed toward greater knowledge or
understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts without specific applications
towards processes or products in mind. It includes all scientific study and experimentation directed toward
increasing fundamental knowledge and understanding in those fields of the physical, engineering, environmental,
and life sciences related to long-term national security needs. It is farsighted high payoff research that provides the
basis for technological progress. Basic research may lead to: (a) subsequent applied research and advanced
technology developments in Defense-related technologies, and (b) new and improved military functional
capabilities in areas such as communications, detection, tracking, surveillance, propulsion, mobility, guidance and
control, navigation, energy conversion, materials and structures, and personnel support. Program elements in this
category involve pre-Milestone A efforts.
Budget Activity 2, Applied Research. Applied research is systematic study to understand the means to meet
a recognized and specific need. It is a systematic expansion and application of knowledge to develop useful
materials, devices, and systems or methods. It may be oriented, ultimately, toward the design, development, and
improvement of prototypes and new processes to meet general mission area requirements. Applied research may
translate promising basic research into solutions for broadly defined military needs, short of system development.
This type of effort may vary from systematic mission-directed research beyond that in Budget Activity 1 to
sophisticated breadboard hardware, study, programming and planning efforts that establish the initial feasibility and
practicality of proposed solutions to technological challenges. It includes studies, investigations, and non-system
specific technology efforts. The dominant characteristic is that applied research is directed toward general military
needs with a view toward developing and evaluating the feasibility and practicality of proposed solutions and
determining their parameters. Applied Research precedes system specific technology investigations or
development. Program control of the Applied Research program element is normally exercised by general level of
effort. Program elements in this category involve pre-Milestone B efforts, also known as Concept and Technology
Development phase tasks, such as concept exploration efforts and paper studies of alternative concepts for meeting
a mission need.
Budget Activity 3, Advanced Technology Development (ATD). This budget activity includes development
of subsystems and components and efforts to integrate subsystems and components into system prototypes for field
experiments and/or tests in a simulated environment. ATD includes concept and technology demonstrations of
components and subsystems or system models. The models may be form, fit and function prototypes or scaled
models that serve the same demonstration purpose. The results of this type of effort are proof of technological
feasibility and assessment of subsystem and component operability and producibility rather than the development of
hardware for service use. Projects in this category have a direct relevance to identified military needs. Advanced
Technology Development demonstrates the general military utility or cost reduction potential of technology when
applied to different types of military equipment or techniques. Program elements in this category involve pre-
Milestone B efforts, such as system concept demonstration, joint and Service-specific experiments or Technology
Demonstrations and generally have Technology Readiness Levels of 4, 5, or 6. Projects in this category do not
necessarily lead to subsequent development or procurement phases, but should have the goal of moving out of
Science and Technology (S&T) and into the acquisition process within the future years defense program (FYDP).
Upon successful completion of projects that have military utility, the technology should be available for transition.
Budget Activity 4, Advanced Component Development and Prototypes (ACD&P). Efforts necessary to
evaluate integrated technologies, representative modes or prototype systems in a high fidelity and realistic operating
environment are funded in this budget activity. The ACD&P phase includes system specific efforts that help
expedite technology transition from the laboratory to operational use. Emphasis is on proving component and
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5
+June 2004
subsystem maturity prior to integration in major and complex systems and may involve risk reduction initiatives.
Program elements in this category involve efforts prior to Milestone B and are referred to as advanced component
development activities and include technology demonstrations. Completion of Technology Readiness Levels 6 and
7 should be achieved for major programs. Program control is exercised at the program and project level. A logical
progression of program phases and development and/or production funding must be evident in the FYDP.
Budget Activity 5, System Development and Demonstration (SDD). SDD programs have passed Milestone
B approval and are conducting engineering and manufacturing development tasks aimed at meeting validated
requirements prior to full-rate production. This budget activity is characterized by major line item projects and
program control is exercised by review of individual programs and projects. Prototype performance is near or at
planned operational system levels. Characteristics of this budget activity involve mature system development,
integration and demonstration to support Milestone C decisions, and conducting live fire test and evaluation
(LFT&E) and initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E) of production representative articles. A logical
progression of program phases and development and production funding must be evident in the FYDP consistent
with the Department’s full funding policy.
Budget Activity 6, RDT&E Management Support. This budget activity includes research, development, test
and evaluation efforts and funds to sustain and/or modernize the installations or operations required for general
research, development, test and evaluation. Test ranges, military construction, maintenance support of laboratories,
operation and maintenance of test aircraft and ships, and studies and analyses in support of the RDT&E program are
funded in this budget activity. Costs of laboratory personnel, either in-house or contractor operated, would be
assigned to appropriate projects or as a line item in the Basic Research, Applied Research, or Advanced Technology
Development program areas, as appropriate. Military construction costs directly related to major development
programs are included.
Budget Activity 7, Operational System Development. This budget activity includes development efforts to
upgrade systems that have been fielded or have received approval for full rate production and anticipate production
funding in the current or subsequent fiscal year. All items are major line item projects that appear as RDT&E Costs
of Weapon System Elements in other programs. Program control is exercised by review of individual projects.
Programs in this category involve systems that have received Milestone C approval. A logical progression of
program phases and development and production funding must be evident in the FYDP, consistent with the
Department’s full funding policy.
050202 Establishing RDT&E Program Elements
A. The program element is the primary data element in the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) and is
the major aggregation, at which RDT&E efforts are organized, budgeted and reviewed. All funding associated with
a major system new start should be identified in a unique program element. Requests to establish program elements
should be forwarded to OSD Program Analysis and Evaluation for coordination and approval. Instructions are
contained in DoD 7045.7-H, “The FYDP Program Structure Handbook.”
B. In general, the coding symbology identifies the RDT&E budget activity for the program element.
Program elements in RDT&E budget activities 1 through 6 will have “06” in the first two positions; “06”indicates it
is part of Major Force Program 6, Research and Development. The third and fourth position will identify the
specific budget activity (e.g., 0602 is an RDT&E budget activity 2 program element). Program elements in RDT&E
budget activity 7 reflect the Major Program of the fielded system in the first two positions (e.g., “01” indicates a
strategic system).
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5
+June 2004
050301 Purpose
This section prescribes instructions for the preparation and submission of the budget estimates for the
RDT&E appropriations. Unless otherwise specified, these instructions apply to all RDT&E appropriations and to
all budgets. See
Chapter 1, Section 0104, for specific printing requirements.
050302 Submission Requirements
A. Administrative Requirements.
1. Classification. Information contained in the budget requests should be unclassified. Where classified
information is required in order to explain the program, the classified material will be provided under separate cover
and appropriately marked.
2. Exhibits will display the actual fiscal years (i.e., PYs, FY 2002, FY 2003, FY 2004, FY 2005,
FY 2006, FY 2007, FY 2008, and FY 2009.) rather than the template entries (i.e., PY, CY, BY1, BY2, BY2+1,
BY2+2, BY2+3, and BY2+4).
3. If an amended budget is submitted, identify the revised budget exhibits accordingly.
4. All pages will be annotated with the applicable R-1 line item number and page number within the line
item (Item 1-1 of 5, 1-2 of 5, 2-1 of 1, 3-1 of 20, etc.) at the bottom center or bottom right of each page. Be
consistent for all pages of the backup book.
5. If printing the RDT&E material in one volume is impractical, the justification material can be
submitted by budget activity with the Science and Technology budget activities (BA 1 through BA 3) printed in one
volume and the remaining budget activities printed in a separate volume or in individual volumes. Each volume
should include an R-1 listing and a table of contents indicating the volume and page where the applicable program
element can be found. The justification material will be entitled
Fiscal Year 20BY1/20BY2 Program and Budget Review Submission
RDT&E Descriptive Summaries, Volume I
Month/Year (of Submission)
6. Each backup book will include a discussion of performance metrics in support of requests
for program resources, as prescribed in
Chapter 1, Section 010109. Where programs have participated
with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in the completion of the Program Assessment Rating
Tool (PART), the PART summary may be included to fulfill this requirement. Components may also use
existing performance measures or create new ones in compliance with this requirement.
B. Component-generated exhibits can be used in lieu of the following exhibits as long as they include all the
information required by the exhibits in a usable format. The exhibits will be aggregated in the following order for
each R-1 line item and submitted in R-1 line item order. The required exhibits shall be packaged in the following
order, as applicable: R-2 (PE 1), R-2a (PE 1, Project or Future Naval Capability A), R-3 (PE 1, Project or Future
Naval Capability A), R-4 (PE 1, Project or Future Naval Capability A), R-2a (PE 1, Project or Future Naval
Capability B), R-3 (PE 1, Project or Future Naval Capability B), R-4 (PE 1, Project or Future Naval Capability B),
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5
+June 2004
Arrangement of Exhibits - General
R-1 RDT&E Program
R-1C RDT&E Program - Comparison Report
R-2 RDT&E Budget Item Justification
R-2a RDT&E Project Justification
R-3 RDT&E Project Cost Analysis
R-4 RDT&E Program Schedule Profile
R-4A RDT&E Program Schedule Detail
R-5 Termination Liability in Major Acquisition Program RDT&E Contracts
DD 1391 Military Construction Project Data
C. Facilities Exhibit. For improvements to and construction of government-owned facilities funded in
RDT&E, a DD Form 1391, Military Construction Project Data, will be provided separately for each budget year
project and any PY or CY projects not previously reported. These exhibits will be included with the program
element justification. In addition, a copy of all DD Forms 1391 should be packaged together and a copy provided to
the OUSD(C) P/B Investment Directorate (4B915) and to the Military Construction Directorate (3D840). A copy of
the form and the instructions are in
Chapter 6.
D. MAX Schedule C. OMB Circular No. A-11 has incorporated the requirements for this research and
development exhibit into the automated MAX schedule C. Subsequent instructions will be provided by the Office
of the Director, Defense Research and Engineering, Plans and programming Division (POC: 703-695-0005)
regarding the specific requirements for this submission to OMB’s MAX system.
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5
+June 2004
050401 Purpose
This section presents the justification book organization and the exhibit requirement for submission to
Congress. Preferred budget exhibit formats can be found in Section 0505. See
Chapter 1, Section 0104, for specific
printing requirements.
050402 Organization of Justification Books
A. Administrative Requirements.
1. Classification. Information contained in the budget requests should be unclassified. Where classified
information is required in order to explain the program, the classified material will be provided under separate cover
and appropriately marked.
2. Exhibits will display the actual fiscal years (i.e., PYs, FY 2002, FY 2003, FY 2004, FY 2005,
FY 2006, FY 2007, FY 2008, and FY 2009.) rather than the template entries (i.e., PYs, PY, CY, BY1, BY2,
BY2+1, BY2+2, BY2+3, and BY2+4).
3. All pages will be annotated with the applicable R-1 line item number and page number within the line
item (Item 1-1 of 5, 1-2 of 5, 2-1 of 1, 3-1 of 20, etc.) at the bottom center or bottom right of each page. Be
consistent for all pages of the backup book.
4. If printing the RDT&E material in one volume is impractical, the justification material can be
submitted by budget activity with the Science and Technology budget activities (BA 1 through BA 3) printed in one
volume and the remaining budget activities printed in a separate volume or in individual volumes. Each volume
should include an R-1 listing and a table of contents indicating the volume and page where the applicable program
element can be found.
5. Each backup book will include a discussion of performance metrics in support of requests for
program resources, as prescribed in
Chapter 1, Section 010109. Where programs have participated with the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) in the completion of the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART), the PART
summary may be included to fulfill this requirement. Components may also use existing performance measures or
create new ones in compliance with this requirement.
B. Justification material will be entitled:
RDT&E Descriptive Summaries for
Fiscal Year 20BY1/20BY2 President's Budget
February 2003
Volume I
C. Service-generated and Defense Agency-generated exhibits can be used in lieu of the following exhibits as
long as they include all the information required by the exhibits in a usable format. The exhibits will be aggregated
in the following order for each R-1 line item and submitted in R-1 line item order. The required exhibits shall be
packaged in the following order, as applicable: R-2 (PE 1), R-2a (PE 1, Project or Future Naval Capability A), R-3
(PE 1, Project or Future Naval Capability A), R-4, (PE 1, Project or Future Naval Capability A), R-2a (PE 1, Project
or Future Naval Capability B), R-3 (PE 1, Project or Future Naval Capability B), R-4 (PE 1, Project or Future Naval
Capability B), etc.
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5
+June 2004
Arrangement of Exhibits - General
R-1 RDT&E Program (OSD Generated) (Include in the backup book, if available.)
R-2 RDT&E Budget Item Justification
R-2a RDT&E Project Justification
R-3 RDT&E Project Cost Analysis
R-4 RDT&E Program Schedule Profile
R-4a RDT&E Program Schedule Detail
R-5 Termination Liability in Major Acquisition Program RDT&E Contracts
DD 1391 Military Construction Project Data
D. Facilities Exhibit. For improvements to and construction of government-owned facilities funded in
RDT&E, a DD Form 1391, Military Construction Project Data, will be provided separately for each budget year
project and any PY or CY projects not previously reported. These exhibits will be included with the program
element justification. In addition, a copy of all DD Forms 1391 should be packaged together and a copy provided to
the Military Construction Directorate (3D840). A copy of the form and the instructions are in
Chapter 6.
E MAX Schedule C. OMB Circular No. A-11 has incorporated the requirements for this research and
development exhibit into the automated MAX schedule C. Subsequent instructions will be provided by the Office
of the Director, Defense Research and Engineering, Plans and Programming Division (POC: 703-695-0005)
regarding the specific requirements for this submission to OMB’s MAX system.
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5
+June 2004
050501 Purpose
The formats provided on the following pages reflect requirements presented in previous sections of this
chapter. Formats currently being used within each Service and Defense Agency may be used in lieu of the formats
contained in Section 050502 as long as all of the information required by the exhibits in Section 050502 is provided
in a usable format. With this exception and unless modified in an Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
(Comptroller) budget submission memorandum, the formats in these exhibits shall be used.
DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5
+June 2004
050502 Exhibits in Support of Section 0503 – Program and Budget Review Submission
R-1, RDT&E Programs .......................................................................................................................................10
R-1C, RDT&E Programs - Comparison Report ..................................................................................................11
R-2, RDT&E Budget Item Justification ..............................................................................................................12
R-2a, RDT&E Project Justification .....................................................................................................................13
R-3 Cost Analysis................................................................................................................................................17
R-4, Schedule Profile...........................................................................................................................................21
R-4a, Schedule Detail ..........................................................................................................................................22
R-5 Termination Liability in Major Acquisition Program RDT&E Contracts....................................................24
050503 Exhibits in Support of Section 0504 - Congressional Justification
R-1, RDT&E Programs .......................................................................................................................................10
R-2, RDT&E Budget Item Justification ..............................................................................................................12
R-2a, RDT&E Project Justification .....................................................................................................................13
R-3 Cost Analysis................................................................................................................................................17
R-4, Schedule Profile...........................................................................................................................................21
R-4a, Schedule Detail ..........................................................................................................................................22
R-5 Termination Liability in Major Acquisition Program RDT&E Contracts....................................................24
Exhibit R-1, RDT&E Programs
Department of the _____________
Appropriation: ___________________________ Date: ________________
TOA, $ in Millions
Program Past Current Budget Budget
R-1 Line Element Budget Year Year Year 1 Year 2
Item No Number
Item Activity Cost Cost Cost Cost
Exhibit R-1, RDT&E Programs
(Exhibit R-1, page 1 of 2)
Instructions - Exhibit R-1, RDT&E Programs
I. General.
A. Unless otherwise specified, this format will be used to present the Research, Development, Test and
Evaluation (RDT&E) program to:
1. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) in support of the OSD/OMB budget review
2. The Congress in support of the President’s budget request.
II. RDT&E Line Item Content.
A. The basic document for presenting RDT&E requirements is the Exhibit R-1, RDT&E Programs. The R-1
line items are program elements, which define a development effort with specific design, cost, schedule and
capability parameters. All costs of basic and applied scientific research, development, test, and evaluation,
including maintenance, rehabilitation, and lease/operation of facilities and equipment will be included in appropriate
R-1 line items.
B. The R-1 exhibit will contain the following information:
1. Program element title and number. Appropriate security classification coding should be included as part
of each program element title listed. All classified material should be bracketed.
2. Line items will be arranged in ascending program element order within each budget activity.
3. Approved funding for the past year (PY), the current year (CY), budget year 1 (BY1), and BY2.
4. Summaries by (1) Budget Activities and (2) FYDP Programs.
Exhibit R-1C, RDT&E Programs - Comparison Report
The R-1C Comparison Report will provide a comparison between the last President’s budget request and the current
program budget review submission. The comparison should identify the changes for each RDT&E appropriation by
R-1 line item. The report should also identify appropriation and budget activity totals for each fiscal year for the PY
through BY2+4 timeframe. If it is necessary to submit classified data, then it should be submitted in a separate
report. The unclassified report must match the total for the appropriation/account being submitted. This report will
not be included in the justification material provided to the Congress.
Exhibit R-2, RDT&E Budget Item Justification Date: Month/Year
Appropriation/Budget Activity
R-1 Item Nomenclature:
Program Element (PE) Name and Number
Cost ($ in millions) FY PY FY CY FY BY
Total PE Cost
Project A or Future Naval Capability
Name/No./Subtotal Cost
Project B or Future Naval Capability
Name/No./Subtotal Cost
A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: Provide a description and justification. Identify the military requirement(s) that this
program will meet. Identify new start efforts for the budget year(s) within the program element and new start efforts since the previous
President's budget. New start information can be displayed on the R-2a rather than the R-2.
Program Change Summary: (Show total funding, schedule, and technical changes for the program element that have occurred
since the previous President's Budget Submission)
Previous President's Budget
Current BES/President's Budget
Total Adjustments
Congressional program reductions
Congressional rescissions
Congressional increases
SBIR/STTR Transfer
C. Other Program Funding Summary: (use only when single project PE; otherwise display on R-2a)
To Total
Complete Cost
P-1 Procurement Line Item No., Name: Provide related funding detail as indicated, Use a continuation page as necessary.
C-1 MilCon Project No., Name: Provide related funding detail as indicated, Use a continuation page as necessary.
Related RDT&E: List PE numbers and names. It is not necessary to include the related RDT&E funding profile
unless there is a funding dependency between the RDT&E programs.
D. Acquisition Strategy. *
E. Performance Metrics: (as applicable. See Sec. 050302.6 and Sec. 050401.5)
* Not required for Budget Activities 1, 2, 3, and 6.
If an Exhibit R-2a is required, complete only section A and B on the R-2 (summarize for the program element). With the exception of the
program change summary, all sections are required on the R-2a for each project.
R-1 Line Item No. XX
Page-X of X
Exhibit R-2a, RDT&E Project Justification
Date: Month/Year
Appropriation/Budget Activity
Project Name and Number
Cost ($ in millions) FY PY FY CY FY BY
Project Name or Future Naval Capability
/No./Subtotal Cost
RDT&E Articles Quantity * (as
C. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: Provide a project overview. For BAs 1, 2 and 3, specify the technology area as defined in annual
budget guidance.
B. Accomplishments/Planned Program
Accomplishment/ Effort/Subtotal Cost
RDT&E Articles Quantity *(as applicable)
Provide a brief description using key terms of the accomplishment and/or planned program. Include objectives, output or end product, and specific
program name or major technology effort. For BAs 1, 2, and 3 also include specific technology terms as defined in budget guidance or provided by the
Identify new start efforts for the budget year(s) within the project and those since the previous President's Budget
Accomplishment/ Effort/Subtotal Cost
RDT&E Articles Quantity *(as applicable)
Provide a brief description using key terms of the accomplishment and/or planned program. Include specifics, objectives, output or end product, and
specific program name or major technology effort. For BAs 1, 2, and 3 also include specific technology terms as defined in budget guidance or provided by
DDR&E. Identify new start efforts for the budget year(s) within the project and those since the previous President's Budget.
C. Other Program Funding Summary: To Total
Complete Cost
P-1 Procurement Line Item No., Name: Provide related funding detail as indicated, Use a continuation page as necessary.
C-1 MilCon Project No., Name: Provide related funding detail as indicated, Use a continuation page as necessary.
Related RDT&E: List PE numbers and names. It is not necessary to include the related RDT&E funding profile
unless there is a funding dependency between the RDT&E programs.
D. Acquisition Strategy. *
E. Major Performers: List major contractors, universities, colleges, government facilities, federally funded research and development centers, laboratories,
centers, or other organizations contributing to this effort through BY
2. Only list those who were primary recipients of funds (e.g., received 15% or over
$10 million, whichever is less). Include name or titles, locations, and brief description of work performed. Include actual or projected award date
* Not required for Budget Activities 1, 2, 3, and 6.
R-1 Line- Item No. XX
(Exhibit R-2a, Page X of X)
Exhibit R-2, RDT&E Budget Item Justification
Exhibit R-2a, RDT&E Budget Item Justification (Project)
General. An Exhibit R-2 shall be prepared for each program element. For budget activities 1, 2 and 3, an Exhibit
R-2a shall be prepared for each project, even if there is only one project. For all budget activities, an Exhibit R-2a
shall be prepared for each program element having more than one project and shall break out and discuss each
project that has funding greater than $1 million in budget year 1 or budget year 2. An exception to this criterion
would be that projects with funding less than $1 million that contain a new start effort beginning in the budget year.
Exhibits must be prepared for new start project.. Care should be taken to see that exhibits are clear and concise.
Abbreviations shall be identified on the page on which they occur.
These pages shall be printed on 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper in landscape format. Classified material shall be submitted
separately so that the RDT&E backup book can be submitted in an unclassified version.
Date. Include the month and year of submission of the exhibit. If an Amended Budget is submitted, identify the
date of the revised submission.
Appropriation (Treasury) Code Budget Activity. Identify the appropriation and budget activity. The budget activity
must match the RDT&E service annex and data base lock position.
R-1 Item Nomenclature. Identify the name of the R-1 line item.
Program Element Number. Identify the program element.
Project Number and Nomenclature. Identify the project number and nomenclature.
Resource Summary. The Exhibit R-2 shall include a fiscal resource summary total for the total program element
and, if there is more than one project in that program element, a fiscal resource summary for each project in that
program element. Ensure the funding matches the RDT&E service annex and data base lock position and that total
costs for Acquisition Category 1 programs are consistent with Selected Acquisition Reports. Identify Defense
Emergency Response Funds (DERF) funds provided for the program/project by either inserting a resource line or by
using a footnote immediately below the resource summary
Mission Description and Budget Item Justification. The R-2 shall include a description and justification of the
efforts included in the program element. The R-2a shall include a description and justification of the efforts
included in the specific project. The justification narratives shall be included for the past year (PY), the current year
(CY), and the budget year 1 (BY1) and BY2 in a bullet format. Typically at least three separate activities and
associated funding shall be identified for each program element (or project if on the R-2a) in each fiscal year. The
total funding reflected in the bullet narratives should match the total of program element (or project) funding.
Identify Defense Emergency Response Funds (DERF) funds provided for the program/project by either inserting a
resource line or by using a footnote immediately below the resource summary. Identify when a program element or
a project was previously funded in a different program element. If program element restructuring and project
realignment diminish the value of cumulative fiscal resource information for FY PY, this column shall be footnoted
with an explanation of the program elements that were restructured and realigned. Identify the test articles
(engineering development models, test articles, low rate initial production test articles, government furnished
equipment articles, etc.) that are being procured and why.
Program Change Summary. If there have been changes to the total funding, schedule, or technical parameters since
the previous President’s budget submission, the Exhibit R-2 shall include a concise narrative summary explaining
the changes in the total program element.
(Exhibit R-2, page 3 of 4)
Instructions - Exhibits R-2 and R-2a (Continued)
Other Program Funding Summary. Development projects often lead to subsequent development phases, production,
and military construction. Also, some projects may depend on concurrent development in other projects. These
related efforts and the funding profiles for other appropriation efforts shall be identified by appropriation, budget
activity, R-1 line item and program element, and P-1 line item title and number. If there are funding dependencies
among related research, development, test, and evaluation programs, then the funding profiles for these related
programs shall be included.
Acquisition Strategy. An explanation of acquisition, management, and contracting strategies shall be provided for
each project. This section is not required for Program Elements in Budget Activities 1,2, and 3.
Major Performers. This data is required for the program budget review submission only.
Performance Metrics: (as applicable. See section 050305.A.6 and 050402.A.5
Formats currently being used within each Service and Defense Agency may be used and as long as they include all
the information required in a usable format.
(Exhibit R-2, page 4 of 4)
Exhibit R-3 Cost Analysis
Cost Categories
(Tailor to WBS, or System/Item
Activity &
Award BY1
Award BY2
Award Cost To Total
Value of
& Type
Cost Cost
Date Cost
Date Cost
Date Complete Cost
Primary Hardware Development
Ancillary Hardware Development
Systems Engineering
Award Fees
Subtotal Product Development
Development Support
Software Development
Training Development
Integrated Logistics Support
Configuration Management
Technical Data
Subtotal Support
R-1 Line Item No XX
(Exhibit R-3, page 1 of 4)
Exhibit R-3 Cost Analysis (page 2)
Cost Categories
(Tailor to WBS, or System/Item
Activity &
Award BY1
Award BY2
Award Cost To Total
Value of
& Type
Cost Cost
Date Cost
Date Cost
Date Complete Cost
Developmental Test & Evaluation
Operational Test & Evaluation
Subtotal T&E
Contractor Engineering Support
Government Engineering Support
Program Management Support
Program Management Personnel
Labor (Research Personnel)
Subtotal Management
Total Cost
R-1 Line Item No XX
(Exhibit R-3, page 2 of 4)
Instructions - Exhibit R-3, RDT&E Project Cost Analysis
General: The R-3 exhibit is required only for projects with funding greater than $1 million in budget year 1 or
budget year 2 for programs funded in budget activities 4, 5, and 7 only. A separate R-3 exhibit shall be prepared for
each project in an applicable R-1 line item. These exhibits shall be printed on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper in landscape
format. If a program element is not divided into projects, then the program element itself is defined as a project for
purposes of submitting an R-3 exhibit and the R-3 exhibit and instructions apply to the entire program element.
Classified material shall be submitted separately.
Date: Identify the month and year of submission of the exhibit. If an Amended Budget is submitted, identify the
date of the revised submission.
Appropriation/Budget Activity. Identify the appropriation and budget activity. The budget activity must match the
RDT&E service annex and data base lock position.
R-1 Item Nomenclature: Identify the name of the R-1 line item.
Program Element Number: Identify the number of the program element.
Project Number and Nomenclature: Identify the project number and nomenclature on each R-3 page.
Project Cost Categories. Cost information shall be provided for each project with funding greater than $1 million in
budget year 1 or budget year 2, with project costs broken down into cost categories. Sample cost categories shown
are typical of various types of defense research and development efforts. Costs shall be distributed among
categories in accordance with the project work breakdown structure (WBS) or other categories used by the project
office in project execution. The illustrated sample cost categories may be used if these correspond to the project's
structure; however, there is no requirement to use cost categories other than those used by the project office in
project execution. Sample cost categories not used in project execution need not be included in the exhibit for that
project. If the program office tracks efforts by major contract, then display the information accordingly. The cost
categories shall be separated into 4 information categories as follows:
Product Development. Efforts associated with the delivery of a fully integrated system that are in direct
support of the system and essential to the development, training, operation, and maintenance of the system. Include
all efforts directly supporting system development and delivery to include primary contracts, major component
contracts, contracted services, in-house support, and government furnished property. Contracts or government
efforts greater than $1 million in any displayed budget year shall be reported individually.
Support Costs. Efforts not directly associated with the delivery of the primary product, including technical
engineering services, research studies, and technical support not related directly to product development or to
testing and evaluation. Contracts or government efforts greater than $1 million in any displayed budget year shall
be reported individually.
Test and Evaluation. Efforts (other than those included within contracts or government efforts included
above) associated with engineering or support activities to determine the acceptability of a system, subsystem, or
component. Contracts or government efforts greater than $1 million in any displayed budget year shall be reported
Management Services. Efforts associated with services provided in support of program office management
and administration processes such as: program oversight, resource justification, budget and programming,
milestone and schedule tracking. Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) are in this
category. Contracts or government efforts greater than $1 million in any displayed budget year shall be reported
(Exhibit R-3, page 3 of 4)
Instructions - Exhibit R-3, RDT&E Project Cost Analysis (Continued)
Government Furnished Property. Property, such as hardware, software, or information, which the government is
contractually obligated to furnish a contractor or government performing activity shall be identified. Provide a brief
identification of the item to be provided, and the contractor or government activity providing the item. Provide
estimated date that the government furnished property will be provided to the requiring contractor or activity.
Provide the name of the requiring contractor or activity.
Award Fees. Identify amounts budgeted for award fees and indicate contractor performance and percentage of
award fees actually awarded in past award fee periods.
Contract Method/Type or Funding Vehicle. The following codes shall be used to identify the contract method,
contract type, and funding vehicle:
Contract Type Contract Method
FP - Fixed Price SS - Sole Source
CPIF - Cost Plus Incentive Fee C- Competitive
FPI - Fixed Price Incentive
CPAF - Cost Plus Award Fee
CPFF - Cost Plus Fixed Fee
FFP - Firm Fixed Price
Funding Vehicle (when a government agency is the performing activity)
MIPR - Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
PO - Project Order
WR - Work Request
Allot - Allotment
Reqn - Requisition
Performing Organizations. Identify each contractor and government or performing activity and the location for
each effort greater than $1 million in any of the displayed years.
Total PY Cost. Provide actual amounts for the total of all years before the current year (CY).
CY - BY2. Provide actual or budget amounts for each year for current year (CY), budget year (BY1), and BY2.
Award or Obligation Date. Provide actual or estimated date of contract award or the estimated date that funds will
be obligated to government performing activities.
To Complete. Provide the amount required to complete this effort beyond BY2.
Total Program. Provide the cumulative total of all budgeted funds for the program (including funds
obligated/budgeted for PYs, CY, BY1, BY2, and to complete). Provide a comment in the Remarks section when
the Project Office Estimate at Completion (EAC) differs from the total cost. Also provide a comment when the
Performing Activity EAC differs from the Project Office EAC.
Target Value of Contract. Identify the target value of the contract and explain those cases where total cost differs
significantly. For example, if the budget is at ceiling value of the contract vice target value or if budget is "program
manager's best estimate" vice target value, then explain.
Formats currently being used within each Service and Defense Agency may be used in lieu of this format.
(Exhibit R-3, page 4 of 4)
Exhibit R-4, Schedule Profile
Date: ( Month and Year )
Fiscal Year
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12 3 41234 123412341234 1 2 3 4
123 4 5 6 7
Software Delivery
Appropriation/Budget Activity Program Element Number and Name Project Number and Name
BY2 BY2+1 BY2+2 BY2+3 BY2+4
Prototype Phase
Radar System
ABC Radar
Flight Test
Developmt Test
Continuous DT
(U) T&E Milestones
First De ment
Lot 25 Lot 26 Lot 27 Lot 28
Lot 29 (42) Lot 30 (42)
Lot 24
R-1 Line Item No. XX
(Page X of X) R-4 Schedule Profile
Exhibit R-4a, Schedule Detail
Program Element Number and Name Project Number and Name
Schedule Profile FY PY FY CY
FY BY1 FY BY2 FYBY2+1 FYBY2+2 FY BY2+3 FYBY 2+4 FY BY2+5
Contract Preparation
Quality Design and
3-4Q 1-4Q 1-4Q
Technical Testing
R-1 Line Item No. XX
(Page X of X)
R-4a Schedule Profile
Instructions -
Exhibit R-4, RDT&E Schedule Profile
Exhibit R-4a, RDT&E Schedule Detail
General: The R-4 and R-4a exhibits are required only for all programs or projects with funding greater than
$1 million in budget year 1 or budget year 2 for programs funded in budget activities 4, 5, and 7 only. Separate R-
4 and R-4a exhibits shall be prepared for each project in an applicable R-1 line item. These exhibits shall be printed
on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper in landscape format. If a program element is not divided into projects, then the program
element itself is defined as a project for purposes of submitting R-4 and R-4a exhibits, and the exhibits and
instructions apply to the entire program element. Classified material shall be submitted separately so that the
RDT&E backup book can be submitted in an unclassified version.
Date: Identify the month and year of submission of the exhibit. If an Amended Budget is submitted, identify the
date of the revised submission.
Appropriation/Budget Activity. Identify the appropriation and budget activity. The budget activity must match the
RDT&E service annex and data base lock position.
R-1 Item Nomenclature: Identify the name of the R-1 line item.
Program Element Number and Name: Identify the number and nomenclature of the program element.
Project Number and Nomenclature: Identify the project number and nomenclature on each page.
For the R-4, Schedule Profile, provide a schematic display of major program milestones that reflect engineering
milestones, acquisition approvals, test and evaluation events, and other key milestones for the program events.
Cover the program years not just the budget year. The example provided is a sample only. Stub entries should be
tailed to the events and activities of the reported program. Congressional ‘staffer day’ briefing formats are
acceptable. Software for this display should be embedded for web site formatting. Due to software development
issues, the R-4 is strongly encouraged but will not be required for the FY 2004 program and budget review
submission. It will be required for justifying the FY 2005 budget.
For the R-4a, Schedule Detail, provide a tabular display of the major program milestones identified on the R-4 as
well as any additional programmatic events that contribute to and support the schedule profile identified on the R-4.
Termination Liability Funding
For Major Defense Acquisition Programs,
RDT&E Funding
Program FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011
1. For all ACAT I programs with RDT&E funding, indicate the funds, by year, budgeted for termination liability
2. If not budgeted, provide the appropriate waiver authority.
3. For programs with waiver authority, identify the amounts on the contract, by year.
Exhibit R-5 Termination Liability in Major Acquisition Program RDT&E Contracts
Instructions -
Exhibit R-5: Termination Liability in Major Acquisition Program RDT&E Contracts
General: Components will report the funds budgeted for termination liability within ACAT I RDT&E programs. As
applicable, identify the funded levels specified in the contract by year. If termination liability funding is not
budgeted, provide a copy of the appropriate waiver authority.