Prepared by
The National Association for Home Care & Hospice
228 Seventh Street, SE Washington, DC 20003
©2008, Permission is granted by the National Association for Home Care & Hospice
to reproduce for educational and training purposes.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Emergency Preparedness Work Group
III. Expert Review Committee
IV. Position Paper on the Role of Home Health in Emergency Planning
V. Hazard Vulnerability Assessment
VI. Home Health Agency Emergency Preparedness Assessment
VII. Incident Command System
VIII. XYZ Home Health Agency Emergency Preparedness Plan
IX. Abbreviated Admission Tools
-Items to Consider for Admission
-Abbreviated Assessment
-Abbreviated OASIS Assessment
X. Memorandum of Understanding
XI. Patient, Family, and Staff Emergency Preparedness Plan
XII. Business Continuity Plan
First Aid Kit –Appendix A
Emergency Supply Kits – Appendix B
Supply List – Appendix C
The National Association for Home Care &Hospice (NAHC) Emergency Preparedness
Workgroup was established to develop an all hazards emergency preparedness plan to be
used by home care and hospice providers.
Members of the workgroup are representatives from several State home care and hospice
associations and represent all segments of the country. In addition to the workgroup, an
expert review panel was convened to review the final materials developed.
The materials developed consist of templates of tools to assist in emergency preparedness
for agencies, patients and their families, and agency staff. In addition, the incident command
system has been outlined and included to instruct homecare and hospice providers of state
and local emergency response structures.
A common element the members of the work group share is the difficulties they have
experienced when promoting the role of home care to local and state emergency planners.
Both state association representatives and home care providers have had to be very proactive
to ensure home care and hospice is represented at planning meetings. Furthermore, there is
no consensus from community and state planners on how home care and hospice providers
should function during an emergency. We have heard home care agencies will be expected
to do such things as deliver medications or provide transportation for patients to shelters and
to staff inpatient facilities. These expectations are not only an inefficient use of valuable
resources, they do not take into consideration how home care and hospice providers will
continue to care for their existing patients and the possible surge of new patients.
In light of the confusion surrounding the role of home care in emergency planning, the task
force has included in the emergency preparedness materials a position paper defining the
role home care will play in emergency planning and response.
In May 2007, NAHC requested the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to
grant regulatory waivers for home care and hospice providers in order to facilitate effective
and efficient planning and response. The CMS’ initial response to our request did not
provide regulatory relief as a proactive measure. However, in October 2007 the CMS Survey
& Certification Group issued a letter to State survey agencies that included a Frequently
Asked Question (FAQ) document that uses an all hazards approach to address allowable
deviations from provider survey and certification requirements during a declared public
health emergency.
NAHC continues to pursue additional regulatory relief provisions.
Following is a list of tools and materials the work group has developed:
1. Position Paper on the Role of Home Health in Emergency Planning
2. Hazard Vulnerability Assessment
3. HHA Emergency Preparedness Assessment
4. Incident Command System
5. HHA Preparedness Plan
6. Items to Consider for Admission
7. Abbreviated Assessment
8. Abbreviated OASIS Assessment
9. Memorandum of Understanding
10. Patient emergency Preparedness Plan
11. Family Emergency Preparedness Plan
12. Staff Emergency Preparedness Plan
13. Business Continuity Plan
First Aid Kit –Appendix A
Emergency Supply Kits – Appendix B
Supply List – Appendix C
The National Association for Home Care and Hospice would like to thank the members of
the Emergency Preparedness Workgroup and the Expert Review Committee for contributing
their time and expertise to this project.
Note: The term “home care” used through out this packet includes home health, hospice and
private duty agencies.
II. The National Association for Home Care and Hospice
Emergency Preparedness Work Group
Mary Carr - [email protected]
Associate Director for Regulatory Affairs
National Association for Home Care and Hospice
Rachel Hammon – [email protected]
Director of Clinical Practice and Regulatory Affairs
Texas Association for Home Care
Joie Glenn - [email protected]
Executive Director
New Mexico Association for Home and Hospice Care
Kimberle Hall - khall@nebraskahomecare.org
Executive Director
Nebraska Association of Home and Community Health Agencies
Beth Hoban – [email protected]
President, Prime Care Services Hawaii, Inc.
Representing the Healthcare Association of Hawaii
Neil Johnson - [email protected]
Executive Director
Minnesota Home Care Association
Rose Ann Lonsway - [email protected]
President, Ohio Council for Home Care
Executive Director
Home Care of Lake County
Shaun Meyer - [email protected]m
President, Nebraska Association for Home and Community Health Agencies
Director of Home Care
Hi Line Home Health
Cindy Morgan - [email protected]
Associate Vice President
Association for Home Care and Hospice of North Carolina, Inc
Janice Roush - Janice@homecaremissouri.org
Projects Coordinator
Missouri Alliance for Home Care
Helen Siegel - [email protected]
Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs
Home Care Alliance of MA
Jo Sienkiewicz - jfs@homecarenj.org
Director of Education and Clinical Practice
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Home Care Association of NJ, Inc.
Alexis Silver - [email protected]
Director of Development and Special Projects
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Home Care Association for New York State
Michael Steinhauer – [email protected]
The Steinhauer Group, LLC
Representing the Wisconsin Homecare Association
Sherry Thomas - sherrythom[email protected]
Senior Vice President
Association for Home Care and Hospice of North Carolina, Inc
III. The National Association for Home Care and Hospice
Emergency Preparedness Review Committee
Robert (Brit) Carpenter
Chief Executive Officer
The Visiting Nurse Association of Texas
1440 West Mockingbird Lane
Dallas, TX 75247
Barbara Citarella
RBC, Limited
48 West Pine Road
Staatsburg, NY 12580
Patricia R. Jones
Memorial Medical Center Homecare
1201 Frank Street
PO Box 1447
Lufkin, TX 75904-3357-01
Jeanie Stoker
AnMed Home Health Agency
1926 McConnell Spring Road
PO Box 195
Anderson, SC 29622-0195
The terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, DC, on September 11, 2001, the
hurricanes that struck the Gulf States in 2005, along with preparations for an impending
influenza pandemic have dramatically underscored the vital role of all aspects of the health
care delivery system, including home care, in addressing emergency situations.
On November 25, 2002, President Bush signed into law the “Homeland Security Act of
2002” (Public Law 107-296). The Department of Homeland Security’s primary mission is
to help prevent, protect against, and respond to acts of terrorism within our nation’s
communities. Title V of the law -- Emergency Preparedness and Response, directs the
Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary) to carry out and fund public health-related
activities to establish preparedness and response programs. The Secretary is directed to
assist state and local government personnel, agencies, or authorities, non-federal public and
private health care facilities and providers, and public and non-profit health and educational
facilities, to plan, prepare for, prevent, identify, and respond to biological, chemical,
radiological, nuclear event and public health emergencies.
Since the enactment of the “Homeland Security Act of 2002, tens of billions of dollars have
been provided for first responders, including terrorism prevention and preparedness, general
law enforcement, firefighter assistance, airport security, seaport security and public health
preparedness. After many proactive initiatives on the part of home care providers, home
care and hospice are just beginning to be included in emergency planning on both the
national and local level. Unfortunately, plans for home care and hospice providers during an
emergency are often based on misconceptions of the role they should play.
The institutional bias towards health care planning and delivery in our nation, both in
emergencies and non-emergencies, has left home care poorly defined for many. This has
been evident by some State and local emergency plans that expect home care providers to
fill-in resource gaps such as augmenting hospital staffs or provide transportation for patients
and non-patients to community shelters.
Home care and hospice agencies can be a fundamental foundation that can support the
traditional hospital health care system during a time of disaster. However, they should be
able to function utilizing their inherent strengths and existing care delivery structure.
Home care and hospice agencies already perform activities necessary for effective
emergency planning, such as, assisting hospitals when at surge capacity; providing
community wide vaccination, participate in community out reach programs to disseminate
public health information, and educating patients on disease management. In addition, their
ability to deliver health services to individuals in non-structured environments without
additional training makes them ideal as key responders in times of crisis. For example,
during hurricanes Katrina and Rita home care and hospice professionals were instrumental
in caring for patients housed in shelters and non-traditional health care facilities.
With respect to preparedness and response to disasters affecting the public health, it is
critical that home care and hospice agencies’ infrastructure be strengthened, and that the
special qualities and abilities of these health care providers be utilized. As a service
performed primarily in individual homes and the community, home care and hospice are
essential to disaster preparedness and response efforts.
Today, home care is the only “system” that is oriented to the community in a broad enough
way to provide a massive infrastructure. Through the home care and hospice agencies in
this country, it is possible to put a nurse in every zip code. In fact, in many counties in this
nation, the public home care agency is the sole community provider. The home care
clinicians are well acquainted with their communities to the point that they can be quickly
The home care clinicians of today are trained in community health service. They are able to
assess the patient’s symptoms as well as the environment in which they reside. They
conduct patient and safety assessments, skilled care and treatment, educate patient and
family, monitor and instruct on infection control practices in the home, and assist with
medical and social supports that are critical to the process of healing the sick and protecting
the well. Today, these skills are essential to serve and protect our communities’ health.
Home care providers need to be classified as essential heath care workers and be provided
such considerations as gas vouchers, official identification cards or papers, access to
restricted areas, and access to alternate communication systems.
As such, home care providers should be included in emergency and preparedness response
programs and be allowed greater self- determination regarding their contribution to
emergency planning and response initiatives. To utilize home health and hospice providers
as only support systems for other health care providers during emergencies would not be an
efficient use of a valuable resource.
Types of Home Care Agencies
Emergency planners must understand the various structures that home care is delivered
within to recognize the full scope of assistance home care agencies can provide during
disaster planning and response efforts . Home care services are usually provided by home
care organizations that include home health agencies; hospices, homemaker and home health
agencies; staffing and private duty agencies.
Home Health Agencies
The term “home health agency” often indicates that a home care provider is Medicare
certified. A Medicare-certified agency has met federal minimum requirements for patient
care and management and therefore can provide Medicare and Medicaid home health
services. Individuals requiring skilled home care services usually receive their care from a
home health agency.
Hospice care involves a core interdisciplinary team of skilled professionals and volunteers
who provide comprehensive medical, psychological, and spiritual care for the terminally ill
and support for patients' families. Hospice care also includes the provision of related
medications, medical supplies, and equipment. Most hospices are Medicare certified and
licensed according to state requirements.
Homemaker and Home Care Aide Agencies
Homemaker and HCA agencies employ homemakers or chore workers, HCAs, and
companions who support individuals through meal preparation, bathing, dressing, and
housekeeping. Personnel are assigned according to the needs and wishes of each client.
Some states require these agencies to be licensed and meet minimum standards established
by the state.
Staffing and Private-duty Agencies
Staffing and private-duty agencies generally are nursing agencies that provide individuals
with nursing, homemaker, HCA, and companion services. States vary on whether they
require these agencies to be licensed or meet regulatory requirements. Some staffing and
private-duty agencies assign nurses to assess their clients' needs to ensure that personnel are
properly assigned and provide ongoing supervision.
Medicare certified home health and hospice agencies are more likely to accept patients that
are rapidly discharged from hospitals and skilled nursing facilities during an emergency.
Medicare certified agencies are usually structured as either: hospital based and fall under
the direction of the hospital; free-standing and self directed; or public health or government
based agencies and are directed by local and State governments.
Non- Medicare certified agencies such as homemaker and home care aide agencies and
staffing and private duty agencies will also have a role in emergency planning, however may
not be able to provide skilled services to the degree of a Medicare certified agency.
NAHC wishes to thank Barbara Citarella of RBC Ltd. for her contribution to this document
V. Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
The Hazard Vulnerability Analysis tool is designed to so agencies can evaluate their level of
risk and preparedness for a variety of hazardous events. A hazard vulnerability assessment is
usually the first step in emergency planning for an organization. The tool lists events that
might be encountered by an agency, and can be individually tailored. Included are the
instructions on how to use the tool along with a list of possible hazards that would require
disaster planning.
Hazard Vulnerability Assessment
Event Probability
Level of vulnerability
/Degree of disruption
Ice Snow
Material Accident
Civil Disturbance
Mass Causality
Terrorist Attacks
Electrical failure
Information System
Water failure
Altered Air Quality
List potential hazardous events for your organization.
Evaluate each event for probability, vulnerability and preparedness.
Probability, Vulnerability, and Preparedness are rated on a three level scale from high to
low. Probability and Vulnerability are ranked with a score of “3” for high, “2” for
moderate and “1” for low. Conversely, for the Preparedness category, a score of “3”
represents a low ranking for preparedness while a score of “1” represents a high level of
preparedness. A score of “2” represents a moderate ranking for preparedness.
When evaluating probability, consider the frequency and likelihood an event may occur.
When evaluating vulnerability, consider the degree with which the organization will be
impacted, such as, infrastructure damage, loss of life, service disruption etc.
When evaluating preparedness, consider elements, such as, the strength of your
preparedness plans and the organization’s previous experience with the hazardous
Multiply the ratings for each event in the area of probability, vulnerability and
preparedness. The total values with the higher scores will represent the events most in
need of organization planning for emergency preparedness.
Using this method, 1 is the lowest possible score, while 27 is the highest possible score.
NOTE: The scale for preparedness is in reverse order from probability and
vulnerability where by “low” =3 and “high”=1.
The organization should determine which values represent an acceptable risk level and
which values require additional planning and preparation.
Potential Hazards
Natural Disasters
Heavy thunder storms
Flash flooding
Mud/rock slides
High winds
Severe winter weather
Extreme high heat
Volcano eruption
Tidal wave/Tsunami
Man-made Disasters
War (conventional, biological, chemical or nuclear)
Toxic material emission/spill (from a train or nearby plant)
Riot or other civil disorder
Nuclear plant melt down or other nuclear disaster
Technological Failures
IT system
Heating /cooling
Disease outbreak
Community infrastructure breakdown (bridges collapse, Dam breaks, etc.)
Utility failure
Transportation failure
VI. The Home Health Agency Preparedness Assessment
The Home Health Agency Emergency Preparedness Assessment can be broken down by
assessing the agency’s preparedness according to general categories for consideration. The
agency identifies specific tasks to be completed under each category in order to mitigate the
affects of any adverse event that might interfere with normal operations. Below are several
categories for consideration when determining what tasks are to be employed and by whom.
Administrative considerations:
Supplies consideration:
Utility considerations:
Record protection
Surge capacity
Patient education
Following are two examples of a home health agency emergency preparedness plan.
Example “1” is a detailed checklist for agencies that are ready to implement a
comprehensive emergency preparedness plan. Example “2” is a less detailed checklist and
contains fewer, but important, activities under each category. This checklist will assist
agencies that are in the beginning stages of developing plans for disaster preparedness.
(Example 1)
Name or Title of Individual (s)
Responsible for Completion
Incident Command Structure -
Chain of command and lines
of authority established
Liaison established with State
and local Emergency
Management Coordinator
(EMC) and emergency
preparedness plans.
Confirmed contacts on a
regular schedule (i.e.
Alternate command center
Identify a meeting place for all
personnel if agency is not
Compact agreement with other
health care facilities
Established Memorandum of
Understanding with other
Mock drill schedule and
performance assessment
Vendor alternatives examined
Office supply inventory -- 3-5
days of supplies on hand
needed to continue operations
Plan developed for loss of
water and power:
- bottled water
- generator
Record Protection
Plan developed to protect
medical records
Name or Title of Individual (s)
Responsible for Completion
Backup plan in place for electronic
Off-site/distance storage
Mechanism to track agency costs
during emergency or adverse
Business continuity plan developed
Alternate communication system in
place (cell phones, pagers, satellite
phones )
Coordination with local/State EMS
policy on communicating with
other health facilities
Telephone tree established and
communicated to staff
Coordinate with local and State
EMC information dissemination in
the community (media releases,
general info etc.)
Surge Capacity
Define surge capacity for your
- maximum caseload
- scope of services
Identify actions to increase surge
Patient classification/ prioritization
list developed
Identify which staff will be
available to the agency during an
Communicate plans with local
health care facilities regarding scope
service and agency surge
Name or Title of Individual (s)
Responsible for Completion
Current list of staff addresses on
file to assign patients accordingly
Condensed admission packet
Patient tracking system
developed and maintained
EP orientation program
developed for all staff
Establish a continuing EP
education schedule
Compile and maintain a current
list of staff emergency contact
Protocols for communication of
field staff with office/
supervisors established
Altered job descriptions/duties
identified for each discipline
Instruct and assist staff to
develop personal/family
emergency plans
Plan for mental health services
for employees
Patient education
Patient educations materials are
provided to assist patients
prepare for emergencies and to
provide self-care if agency
personnel are not available
Patients are informed of
local/state evacuation plan
Patients are instructed on the
agency’s triage system.
Patients are instructed on the
agency notification protocols for
patients that relocate
Name or Title of Individual (s)
Responsible for Completion
Patients are informed of the
potential for care to be deferred
in an emergency
Plans for transportation
Alternate transportation arranged
Gasoline allocation plan
Mechanism developed to
identify staff as emergency
Identify gas stations that can
operate during power outages
(Example 2)
Name or Title of Individual (s)
Responsible for Completion
Establish a command
Establishing liaisons with
community planners
Setting up memorandums
of understanding with
other providers
Policy for supply
allocation during
Vendor contracts
Stockpiling supplies
Plans for water and
electrical failures
Record Protections
Back up procedure
Off-site storage
Identify funding sources
if normal payment
structure are interrupted
Alternate communication
devices in place
Establish a telephone tree
Name or Title of Individual (s)
Responsible for Completion
Surge Capacity
Define surge capacity for
the agency
Identify actions to
increase surge capacity
available staff
patient triage
Instruct staff on agency
EP plan at orientation
and establish a training
Current list of staff
emergency contact
phone numbers
Stress importance of
developing a family EP
Patient Education
Patient education
materials are developed
to assist patients prepare
for emergencies.
Patients are informed of
local/state evacuation
Patients are instructed
on the agencies EP plan
Develop plans for
interruptions (road
closures, mass transit
disruption, etc.)
VII. The Incident Command System
The Incident Command System (ICS) document introduces the ICS and provides a
description of the federal ICS structure and purpose. ICS is part of the broader
incident management system outlined in the Department of Homeland Security’s
National Incident Management System (NIMS).
Understanding the Incident Command System
Federal, state and local governments have created universal emergency and disaster
planning standards for health care organizations. Government units such as Homeland
Security, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Centers for Disease Control,
in concert with State and County public health or health and human service units have
developed these standards. Government expects health care organizations to adopt and
implement a standard planning protocol so that in the event of a disaster or emergency
resources are maximized to best respond to a specific incident. This can only be
accomplished when we plan similarly and then integrate agency specific plans into the
broader planning responses by officials.
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
In response to attacks on September 11, 2001 President George W. Bush issued Homeland
Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5) in February 2003.
HSPD-5 called for a National Incident Management System (NIMS) and identified steps for
improved coordination of Federal, State, local, and private industry response to incidents
and described the way these agencies will prepare for such a response.
The Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security announced the establishment of
NIMS in March 2004. One of the key features of NIMS is the Incident Command System
A comprehensive, national approach to incident management.
Applicable across all jurisdictions and all types of emergency incidents (and non-
emergency scenarios) regardless of size or complexity.
Used to improve coordination and cooperation between public and private entities.
Uses the Incident Command System to manage incidents.
Examples of incidents when standardized planning might be employed include:
Fire, both structural and wild-land.
Natural disasters, such as tornadoes, floods, ice storms or earthquakes.
Human and animal disease outbreaks.
Search and rescue missions.
Hazardous materials incidents.
Criminal acts and crime scene investigations.
Terrorist incidents, including the use of weapons of mass destruction.
National Special Security Events, such as Presidential visits or the Super Bowl.
Other planned events, such as parades or demonstrations.
ICS may be used for small or large events. It can grow or shrink to meet the changing needs
of an incident or event.
Management of these incidents requires partnerships that often require local, State, Tribal,
and Federal agencies. These partners must work together in a smooth, coordinated effort
under the same management system.
ICS is Built on Best Practices
ICS is:
A proven management system based on successful business practices.
The result of decades of lessons learned in the organization and management of
emergency incidents.
ICS has been tested in more than 30 years of emergency and non-emergency applications,
by all levels of government and in the private sector. It represents organizational "best
practices," and as a component of NIMS has become the standard for emergency
management across the country.
NIMS requires that all levels of government, including Territories and Tribal Organizations,
adopt ICS as a condition of receiving Federal preparedness funding.
What ICS Is Designed To Do
Designers of the system recognized early that ICS must be interdisciplinary and
organizationally flexible to meet the following management challenges:
Meet the needs of incidents of any kind or size.
Allow personnel from a variety of agencies to meld rapidly into a common
management structure.
Provide logistical and administrative support to operational staff.
Be cost effective by avoiding duplication of efforts.
ICS consists of procedures for controlling personnel, facilities, equipment, and
communications. It is a system designed to be used or applied from the time an incident
occurs until the requirement for management and operations no longer exists.
The Incident Command System, or ICS, is a standardized, on-scene, all-hazard incident
management concept. ICS allows its users to adopt an integrated organizational structure to
match the complexities and demands of single or multiple incidents without being hindered
by jurisdictional boundaries.
ICS has considerable internal flexibility making it a cost effective and efficient management
approach for both small and large situations.
Lessons Learned: Weaknesses in Incident Management are often due to:
Lack of accountability, including unclear chains of command and supervision.
Poor communication due to both inefficient uses of available communications
systems and conflicting codes and terminology.
Lack of an orderly, systematic planning process.
No common, flexible, pre-designed management structure that enables commanders
to delegate responsibilities and manage workloads efficiently.
No predefined methods to integrate interagency requirements into the management
structure and planning process effectively.
A poorly managed incident response can be devastating to our economy and our health and
safety. With so much at stake, we must effectively manage our response efforts. The
Incident Command System allows us to do so. ICS is a proven management system based on
successful business practices.
Emergency Management Limitations:
Government cannot do everything for everyone.
Assistance is not guaranteed.
Prioritized response and recovery.
Individuals must be prepared for self preservation for the system to work.
Conclusion: In every emergency or disaster these statements will always apply:
Local governments are the first to arrive and the last to leave.
Local governments are responsible for the community.
Local governments are in charge.
Local governments have resource limitations.
Individuals and families must make emergency and disaster plans and review them
Institutional and community based health care agencies must plan for emergencies
and disasters in a uniform manner and then take steps to integrate them into the local
government planning effort (s).
Emergency management, personal and family preparedness, and agency planning is a
of local, county, state and federal and private resources organized to mitigate, plan
for, respond to and recover from emergencies and disasters.
This home health organization will network with state and county
emergency management officials on an ongoing basis to integrate our
agency-specific plan into the broader, formal community and municipal
response to disasters and emergencies.
Additional Resources
FEMA - National Integration Center (NIC) Incident Management Systems Integration
Division http://www.fema.gov/emergency/nims/index.shtm
The Yale New Haven Center for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response Online
Education and Training: http://ynhhs.emergencyeducation.org/
NIMS online: http://www.nimsonline.com/
Basic Incident Command for Medical and Public Health Professionals:
VIII. The Home Health Agency Emergency Preparedness Plan
Agency XYZ
The home health agency preparedness plan is detailed, all hazard, plan
designed to guide for agencies when developing their emergency
preparedness policies and procedures. Providers will need to tailor the plan
to meet their agency’s individual needs.
Source: The Home Care Association of New York
XYZ Home Care Agency
Emergency Preparedness Plan
All-Hazard Emergency Preparedness Policy
This plan uses the term “all hazard” to address all types of incidents. An incident is an occurrence,
caused either by humans or by a natural phenomenon, which requires or may require action by home
care and emergency service personnel to prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and/or
the environment.
Examples of incidents include:
Fire, both structural and wildfire
Weather related emergencies including snow, ice storms, heat and flooding
Hazardous materials accidents
Power outages
Transit and worker strikes
Natural disasters
Terrorist/WMD events.
Incidents of naturally occurring disease outbreak
Planned Public Events, such as political conventions, sports events
Plan Activation/Deactivation
The Director, who serves as the Incident Commander, has the authority to activate and deactivate this
Emergency Preparedness Plan based on information known to her/him at the time which indicates such
need. If the Director is not available, the Assistant Director, and then the Chief Clinical Officer will
have the authority to activate the response plan.
Goal: Allow smooth transition of patient services and ensure continuity of care for all patients served by
this agency.
To identify the chain of command /Incident Command System
To identify primary and alternative command centers
To allow for the timely identification of the patients who are affected in the case of an emergency.
To provide those patients with the care and assistance that they need in the event of an emergency.
To be readily available to assist emergency responder personnel in first aid care for those in the
To assess patient’s home environment for safety and assist them to a safe environment if needed.
To coordinate Agency staff members in patient care and evaluation, as well as any Agency personnel
assistance with care of those in the community who are affected by the emergency.
To identify staff roles and responsibilities
Source: The Home Care Association of New York
XYZ Home Care Agency
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Sample Organizational Chart for Disaster Response Team
You can assign roles by person or by organizational role.
Position Examples of
Responsibilities Assigned to
Incident Commander
Incident Commander
Public Information—
Safety & Security
Liasion Officer
Emergency Supervisors
Title: _____________
Source: The Home Care Association of New York
Support Staff
1. Information Officer
2. Liaison Officer
3. Safety and Security
1. Central Point
for Information
2. Point of
Contact for
other agencies
3. Anticipates,
detects, and
corrects unsafe
VP Operations
Directs all incident
tactical operations
Planning & Intelligence
Collects, analyzes
key information
Incident Action
Plan; Maintains
prepares for
Responsible for
acquisition and
maintenance of
facilities, staff,
Monitors costs,
contracts, financial
and time reporting
Source: The Home Care Association of New York
XYZ Home Care Agency
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Incident Command Center
Unless the emergency renders the agency office unusable, the Incident Command
Center will be located at the main office (address). The alternative site will be at
the branch office (address).
Both offices will maintain data backup through e-vaulting, hard-wired phones,
emergency generators.
1. Each office will keep and maintain a current list of contact information for
staff, staff family members, vendors, emergency services, hospitals and other
appropriate community resources.
2. The Director will ensure the existence of an incident command system and
team to respond to an emergency situation.
3. All staff shall receive emergency preparedness training appropriate for their
position on a yearly basis.
Patient Care & Planning
On admission, the admitting nurse will assign each patient a priority code,
dictating that patient’s emergency rating. The admitting nurse will obtain a list
of contact numbers, and discuss emergency planning options with the patient
and family. All information will be kept in the patient’s chart and shall be kept
in paper as well as electronic format.
At that time, each patient will be given a list of items to have prepared and
available for use in the event of an emergency.
Any patients requiring power for life support equipment will be registered
with the local utility companies and with local emergency offices. Each
patient and family will receive education that will assist them in managing
A list of vendors who supply each patient’s medical supplies will be obtained
and kept in the patient’s chart.
Plan Activation--Emergency Call Down Procedure (refer to Calling List)
Once the emergency response plan is activated, the Director will notify the
Assistant Director and Office Manager to initiate the staff call down procedure.
Source: The Home Care Association of New York
XYZ Home Care Agency
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Office Manager will notify Secretary, and then each will notify persons listed
below them on the calling list. If they are unable to reach an employee on the
telephone, they will proceed to the next listed person on the list. The Office
Manager and Secretary will call the office and list the employees available for
assistance then come to the office. Upon arrival, every five (5) minutes, Office
Manager and Secretary will try those employees not found with the first call
attempt and notify the Disaster Supervisor(s) of any other employees found to be
available to be on standby. They will also manage calls upon arrival at the office.
If Office Manager is not able to reach the Secretary, Office Manager will notify
all persons under Secretary on the calling list.
If phones are not available, the information officer will contact two (2)
prearranged radio stations ( xxxx;xxxx) with an announcement for staff and
After Receiving Notification of an Emergency - Direct Care Staff
Do not leave your home until you receive your assignment.
Do not ask questions when you are called. This will only slow down the rate
of calling and response time to the emergency.
When you receive a call with your assignment, you will receive all of the
necessary information about the emergency and those affected.
Please wear your nametag and Agency shirt so you can be easily recognized
by other cooperating agencies.
Stay off the phone so your second call can come through uninterrupted.
If phone lines are down listen to radio stations (xxxx; xxxx) for instructions.
If there is no power, or phone lines, open the emergency kit provided to you
by the agency which includes a battery operated radio, and bus/subway tokens
which will enable you to go to your prearranged meeting area if you do not
have your own transportation.
If You Are Away From Home When an Emergency Happens - Direct Care Staff
Call the Agency office to let the Emergency Supervisors know that you are
available to help. You will receive an assignment at that time.
If there are no working telephones, either come to the triage site or to the
Agency office (whichever is closest) for assignment. In the event that the
telephones are not working, the Emergency Supervisors will be at the triage
site and all assignments will be made from there.
If an Emergency Occurs During Working Hours - Direct Care Staff
Source: The Home Care Association of New York
XYZ Home Care Agency
Emergency Preparedness Plan
When you report for assignment of emergency patients, give a list of those
patients you have yet to see to the Emergency Supervisor. A decision will be
made by one of the Emergency Supervisors as to whether you will be pulled
to help with the emergency assessments, or be assigned to continue with your
regular assignments or to assume some patients left from those nurses who are
assigned to work on the emergency assessments. Those staff members who
have had first aid training will be high priority to be assigned to emergency
The Chief Clinical Officer will have power to assign staff to specific tasks,
and with the coordinator will work with appointed Team Leaders to assist in
pinpointing patients affected by the emergency and assigning clinical staff
members to check on those patients by utilizing the pre-arranged priority
classification system (see last page).
After Office Manager and Secretary have called and put a staff member on
alert, that staff member will wait for an Emergency Supervisor to call back
with their assignment and where to meet their partner or security escort, if
The Security Officer will make assessments regarding the security of the
command center, the safety and travel conditions for staff and make
arrangements for relocation of the command center, transportation and/or
safety escorts as needed.
The Security Officer will also ensure all staff have needed identifying badges
and/or uniforms which will allow them access to their agency.
Public Information
The Public Information Officer (PIO) will confer with the Incident Command
Officer and other members of the Disaster Response Team to reach a joint
decision regarding the information, if any, to be released to the media. The
PIO will also be in charge of determining alternate means of contacting staff.
Regional Resource Center
Source: The Home Care Association of New York
XYZ Home Care Agency
Emergency Preparedness Plan
The Director will obtain and maintain a list of contacts for the local Regional
Resource Center as well as a list of possible resources and supplies available
through that center.
Emergency Assessments
Each nurse or aide making home visits to patients must check in with the
Agency office with an update ____________ (frequency). Any new
assignments will be made at that time. When the nurse has completed the list
of patients assigned to them, they will be assigned to a community assistance
first aid site to help with triage if needed, or will be assigned to specific
patients from the regular caseload to complete that day’s schedule. At least
one (1) Emergency Supervisor will be present at the designated check in site
to further assign Agency employees as they arrive and coordinate the staff
members. If a patient needs to be moved to another site, the following
procedure will be followed:
1. If the patient is unharmed but the home is damaged or unsafe and the
telephone system is working, contact family or friends that the patient
may request and make arrangements for the patient’s transportation.
Keep track of where the patient is going and all necessary telephone
numbers, or contact the Emergency Supervisor for arrangements to be
made through the county emergency planners for transportation to an
alternate care facility if other arrangements cannot be made.
2. If the patient is injured and needs transport, contact an Emergency
Supervisor for arrangements to be made through the county emergency
planners for transport to a hospital/emergency room/triage site,
depending on the need as determined by the county emergency
planners. Be sure to have a complete list of the patient’s needs when
notifying the Emergency Supervisor.
Remember-The official personnel who are at the site (police, ambulance
personnel, etc.) have had training in handling emergencies, as well as
potentially hazardous situations. If they tell you not to go to a certain area,
don’t go. In the event of damaged, blocked or impassable roads, staff
members will take alternate routes or notify an Emergency Supervisor of
inability to reach an area.
Unsafe Home Situation
Before entering a patient’s home, determine if there is a safety issue possible
Source: The Home Care Association of New York
XYZ Home Care Agency
Emergency Preparedness Plan
gas leak, exposed electric wire, etc.). Assess the situation and report to an
Emergency Supervisor, who will report to the county emergency planners for
proper emergency personnel to secure that site.
Emergency Supply Storage Area
An emergency supplies storage area will be maintained at the Agency office for
employees during the time period that they are working in the event of an
emergency, and will be updated and maintained by ____________(assigned).
Emergency Supervisor Tasks
Each month, all Emergency Supervisors will get an updated copy of the
emergency list and keep it at home for reference if an emergency occurs after
hours, or if the Agency office is damaged or destroyed. When Director gets a call
asking for assistance with an emergency, she will call Assistant Director and
Office Manager. Both will then go to the Agency office immediately. Immediate
tasks for the Emergency Supervisors will be:
Determine the area struck and those patients of the Agency’s affected by the
The priority classification for each of these patients.
An assignment list.
While this is being determined, calls will be made to nursing homes and
residential care facilities to determine the number of rooms which will be
available for temporary placement of displaced patients and to local
authorities to determine shelter options and locations. The Emergency
Supervisors will also maintain a list of employees who have been notified and
are available to assist in the emergency assessments. The patients who need
assessments will be reassigned among the staff available and an Emergency
Supervisor will then call each employee with assignments for who their team
member is as well as the patient assignments.
Calls will be made for prearranged transportation of patients in need of
Emergency During Working Hours
When the Director gets a call asking for assistance with a disaster, she will
notify Assistant Director, as well as the Office Manager and Secretary to
begin the calling chain. Director and Assistant Director will determine the
patient and staff assignments and keep a list of those staff members the callers
Source: The Home Care Association of New York
XYZ Home Care Agency
Emergency Preparedness Plan
have been able to contact, as well as a list of those patients each nurse has yet
to see, so that any necessary redistribution of the patient assignments can be
Office Staff will report to an Emergency Supervisor on those staff members
that they have been able to contact, as well as which patients each of those
nurses has yet to see. The Emergency Supervisors will in turn determine the
assignments for those patients affected by the disaster. The teams will be
notified of their assignments and the current patient caseload will also be
assigned to the staff. Teams will need to meet their partner(s) at one of the
three sites listed below:
1. If the phone system is working and the disaster is local meet at the
Agency and receive your disaster supplies packet from one of the
Emergency Supervisors.
2. If there is no phone system and the disaster is local, meet at the triage
site and receive your disaster supplies packet from one of the
Emergency Supervisors.
3. If the disaster is at another town, meet at the triage site and receive
your disaster supplies packet from one of the Emergency Supervisors
or at an assigned location.
The emergency supply packet will consist of various supplies that may be
needed, as well as emergency worksheets.
An Emergency Supervisor will then go to the triage site to coordinate any
patient needs that may exist, for problem solving and coordination of our
efforts with the Emergency Response personnel and the county emergency
planners. If the phone system is working, Director or Assistant Director will
remain at the office to manage information and coordinate calls from staff,
family members, etc. If the phone system is not working, Director will also go
to the triage site and Assistant Director will remain at the office to sign out
other emergency supply packets and assist any staff members who may arrive.
Each emergency assessment team will fill out the emergency worksheet and
turn them in to the Emergency Supervisors at least hourly with a report on the
condition of patients that they have assessed during that time frame. This
emergency worksheet will enable the Emergency Supervisors to maintain a
tracking list for identification of those patients assessed, their status and what
location they were moved to, if necessary.
If assistance is requested by the County Defense Director, those Emergency
Supervisors who are at the triage site will coordinate Agency staff
assignments for this. If our assistance is not requested, we will meet at the
Agency office for a debriefing, allowing all involved to express their feelings,
as well as ideas to improve for the next emergency plan implementation.
Source: The Home Care Association of New York
XYZ Home Care Agency
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Agency staff members will participate in an annual desktop drill to determine
the effectiveness and efficiency of the current policy and any forms developed for
use in a disaster.
Staff Phone Tree:
Role/Title Name Home Cell Email Other
Emergency Contacts:
Name Phone Cell Email
Department of
Terrorism Tip
County Highway
Source: The Home Care Association of New York
XYZ Home Care Agency
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Priority Classification
*LEVEL 1 - High Priority. Patients in this priority level need uninterrupted services.
The patient must have care. In case of a disaster or emergency, every possible effort
must be made to see this patient. The patient's condition is highly unstable and
deterioration or inpatient admission is highly probable if the patient is not seen.
Examples include patients requiring life sustaining equipment or medication, those
needing highly skilled wound care, and unstable patients with no caregiver or informal
support to provide care
*LEVEL 2 - Moderate Priority Services for patients at this priority level may
be postponed with telephone contact. A caregiver can provide basic care until
the emergency situation improves. The patient's condition is somewhat unstable
and requires care that should be provided that day but could be postponed
without harm to the patient.
*LEVEL 3 - Low Priority The patient may be stable and has access to informal
resources to help them. The patient can safely miss a scheduled visit with basic care
provided safely by family or other informal support or by the patient personally.
**LEVEL 4 - Lowest Priority Visits may be postponed 72 hours or more with
little or no adverse effects. Willing and able caregiver available or patient is
independent in most ADLs.
*Source: State of New York Department of Health: Letter to Home Care Service and Hospice
Administrators from Antonia Novello, MD, May10, 2005
** Contributed by the National Association for Home Care and Hospice Emergency Preparedness Expert Review
Abbreviated Assessment Tools
The following tools: Items to Consider for Admission, the Abbreviated Clinical Assessment,
and the Abbreviated Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) were developed to
assist providers compile a patient admission packet to be used during a declared public
health emergency.
The Items to Consider for Admission document contains a list of elements necessary to
complete an admission that will minimally be required.
The abbreviated Clinical Assessment and Abbreviated OASIS assessment reflect allowable
deviations from the comprehensive assessment and OASIS assessment requirements during
a declared public health emergency as outlined in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS) memo to State Medicare Survey agencies.
CMS clarified in the memo, that during a public health emergency modifications to the
comprehensive assessment regulation at 42 CFR § 484.55 may be made. An abbreviated
assessment can be completed to assure the patient is receiving proper treatment and to
facilitate appropriate payment. The OASIS assessment is abbreviated to include only the
patient tracking items and items required for payment. The requirement to complete the
OASIS in 5 days is also waived. In addition, the OASIS transmission requirement is
suspended during a public health emergency. CMS will require providers to maintain
adequate documentation to support provision of care and payment.
Agencies should consider working with their software vendors to develop software that will
allow data entry of alternate assessment forms.
The following link is the Survey and Certification memo to the State Survey Directors.
Items to Consider in Creating a Rapid Patient Assessment
1. Conditions of Participation
a. Patient Rights- Consents/Advance Directives/Payment for care/Complaints
b. Comprehensive assessment- Utilize abbreviated systems review
Demographics/patient identifiers
Verify eligibility for home care/homebound status
Determine immediate care needs
Determine support care needs
Drug regimen review
c. Plan of Care/orders for care
physician/hospital info diagnoses
mental status
visit frequency/duration
rehab potential
functional limitations
activities permitted
nutritional requirements
meds and treatments/allergies
treatment/modality orders
d. OASIS- patient tracking sheet items and the “M00” items required for payment
e. Coordination of care-document contacts/referrals
2. Accepted Standards of Care/ State Licensing Regulations
a. Vital Signs-assessment
b. system review
c. care plan
d. treatment
e. pain
f. meds administered
g. transfer info/referral as needed
h. infection control considerations- including appropriate measures when dealing
with “high risk bodies”(i.e. communicable diseases)
Source: The Home Care Association of New Jersey
Abbreviated Assessment
(M0040) Patient Name: _______________________________
(M0064) SS# ________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
(M0066) D.O.B: ___________ (M0069) Gender: __________
Primary Physician:________________________________
Primary Problem/Reason for Admission: ______________________________________
Significant Medical History: _________________________________________________
Temp: ______ HR: _____ Rhythm ________ BP_______ Resp: ______
Lung Sounds:_______ SOB_________ Edema_______ Pain:________
Location: ____________
Infection control precautions: MRSA____ C-dif______ VRE ______ Other _______
Type of precautions:
Standard _____ Airborne______ Contact ______
Other Pertinent Finding:
Mental Status:_______________________ Functional Status/Activities: ____________
Clinician Signature/Title/Date: ____________________________________________
Diet/Nutritional Status/Hydration: ______________________________________
Support System/Assistance: ____________________________________________
Home Environment: ___________________________________________________
Safety Concerns: _______________________________________________________
Equipment: _______________ Homebound Status: _______________
Emergency contact name /phone: _____________________________________
Treatments and Visit Frequency: ___________________________________________
Goals: ________________________________________________
Advanced Directives: __________________________________________
Allergies: ____________________________________________________
Dosage Frequency Route
Clinician Signature/Title/Date: ____________________________________________
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - August 2009
OMB #0938-0760 Expiration date 7/31/2012
Home Health Patient Tracking Sheet
(M0010) C M S Certification Number: __ __ __ __ __ __
(M0014) Branch State: __ __
(M0016) Branch I D Number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
(M0018) National Provider Identifier (N P I) for the attending physician who has signed the plan of care:
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ UK – Unknown or Not Available
(M0020) Patient I D Number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
(M0030) Start of Care Date: __ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __
month / day / year
(M0032) Resumption of Care Date: __ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __ NA - Not Applicable
month / day / year
(M0040) Patient Name:
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
(First) (M I) (Last) (Suffix)
(M0050) Patient State of Residence: __ __
(M0060) Patient Zip Code: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
(M0063) Medicare Number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ NA – No Medicare
(including suffix)
(M0064) Social Security Number: __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ UK – Unknown or Not Available
(M0065) Medicaid Number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ NA – No Medicaid
(M0066) Birth Date: __ __ /__ __ /__ __ __ __
month / day / year
(M0069) Gender:
1 - Male
2 - Female
(M0140) Race/Ethnicity: (Mark all that apply.)
1 - American Indian or Alaska Native
2 - Asian
3 - Black or African-American
4 - Hispanic or Latino
5 - Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
6 - White
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - August 2009
(M0150) Current Payment Sources for Home Care: (Mark all that apply.)
0 - None; no charge for current services
1 - Medicare (traditional fee-for-service)
2 - Medicare (HMO/managed care/Advantage plan)
3 - Medicaid (traditional fee-for-service)
4 - Medicaid (HMO/managed care)
5 - Workers' compensation
6 - Title programs (e.g., Title III, V, or XX)
7 - Other government (e.g., TriCare, VA, etc.)
8 - Private insurance
9 - Private HMO/managed care
10 - Self-pay
 11 - Other (specify)
 UK - Unknown
Clinician’s Signature/Date __________________________________________________
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - August 2009
OASIS-C Assessment Items Required for Payment
(M0110) Episode Timing: Is the Medicare home health payment episode for which this assessment will define
a case mix group an “early” episode or a “later” episode in the patient’s current sequence of adjacent
Medicare home health payment episodes?
 1 - Early
 2 - Later
 UK - Unknown
 NA - Not Applicable: No Medicare case mix group to be defined by this assessment.
(M1020) Primary Diagnosis & (M1022) Other Diagnoses (M1024) Payment Diagnoses (OPTIONAL)
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Diagnoses (Sequencing of
diagnoses should reflect the
seriousness of each condition and
support the disciplines and
services provided.)
ICD-9-C M and symptom
control rating for each
Note that the sequencing
of these ratings may not
match the sequencing of
the diagnoses
Complete if a V-code is
assigned under certain
circumstances to Column
2 in place of a case mix
Complete only if
the V-
code in Column 2 is
reported in place of a
case mix diagnosis that is
a multiple coding
situation (e.g., a
manifestation code).
Description ICD-9-C M / Symptom
Control Rating
Description/ ICD-9-CM Description/ ICD-9-C M
(M1020) Primary Diagnosis
(V-codes are allowed)
a. (__ __ __ . __ __)
0 1 2 3 4
(V- or E-codes NOT
a. (__ __ __ . __ __)
(V- or E-codes NOT
a. (__ __ __ . __ __)
(M1022) Other Diagnoses
(V- or E-codes are
b. (__ __ __ __ . __ __)
0 1 2 3 4
(V- or E-codes NOT
b. (__ __ __ . __ __)
(V- or E-codes NOT
b. (__ __ __ . __ __)
c. (__ __ __ __ . __ __)
0 1 2 3 4
(__ __ __ . __ __)
(__ __ __ . __ __)
d. (__ __ __ __ . __ __)
0 1 2 3 4
(__ __ __ . __ __)
(__ __ __ . __ __)
e. (__ __ __ __ . __ __)
0 1 2 3 4
(__ __ __ . __ __)
(__ __ __ . __ __)
f. (__ __ __ __ . __ __)
0 1 2 3 4
(__ __ __ . __ __)
(__ __ __ . __ __)
(M1030) Therapies the patient receives at home: (Mark all that apply.)
 1 - Intravenous or infusion therapy (excludes TPN)
 2 - Parenteral nutrition (TPN or lipids)
 3 - Enteral nutrition (nasogastric, gastrostomy, jejunostomy, or any other artificial entry into the
alimentary canal)
 4 - None of the above
Clinician’s Signature/Date __________________________________________________
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - August 2009
(M1200) Vision (with corrective lenses if the patient usually wears them):
 0 - Normal vision: sees adequately in most situations; can see medication labels, newsprint.
 1 - Partially impaired: cannot see medication labels or newsprint, but can see obstacles in path, and
the surrounding layout; can count fingers at arm's length.
 2 - Severely impaired: cannot locate objects without hearing or touching them or patient
(M1242) Frequency of Pain Interfering with patient's activity or movement:
 0 - Patient has no pain
 1 - Patient has pain that does not interfere with activity or movement
 2 - Less often than daily
 3 - Daily, but not constantly
 4 - All of the time
(M1308) Current Number of Unhealed (non-epithelialized)
Pressure Ulcers at Each Stage: (Enter “0” if none; excludes Stage I
pressure ulcers) Column 1
Complete at SOC/ROC/FU & D/C
Column 2
Complete at FU & D/C
Stage description – unhealed pressure ulcers Number Currently Present Number of those listed in Column
1 that were present on admission
(most recent SOC / ROC)
tage II: Partial thickness loss of dermis presenting
as a shallow open ulcer with red pink wound bed,
without slough. May also present as an intact or
open/ruptured serum-filled blister.
___ ___
tage III: Full thickness tissue loss. Subcutaneous
fat may be visible but bone, tendon, or muscles are
not exposed. Slough may be present but does not
obscure the depth of tissue loss. May include
undermining and tunneling.
___ ___
tage IV: Full thickness tissue loss with visible bone,
tendon, or muscle. Slough or eschar may be
present on some parts of the wound bed. Often
includes undermining and tunneling.
___ ___
Unstageable: Known or likely but unstageable due
to non-removable dressing or device
___ ___
Unstageable: Known or likely but unstageable due
to coverage of wound bed by slough and/or eschar.
___ ___
Unstageable: Suspected deep tissue injury in
___ ___
(M1322) Current Number of Stage I Pressure Ulcers: Intact skin with non-blanchable redness of a localized
area usually over a bony prominence. The area may be painful, firm, soft, warmer or cooler as
compared to adjacent tissue.
 0  1  2  3  4 or more
(M1324) Stage of Most Problematic Unhealed (Observable) Pressure Ulcer:
 1 - Stage I
 2 - Stage II
 3 - Stage III
 4 - Stage IV
 NA - No observable pressure ulcer or unhealed pressure ulcer
Clinician’s Signature/Date __________________________________________________
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - August 2009
(M1330) Does this patient have a Stasis Ulcer?
 0 - No [ Go to M1340 ]
 1 - Yes, patient has BOTH observable and unobservable stasis ulcers
 2 - Yes, patient has observable stasis ulcers ONLY
 3 - Yes, patient has unobservable stasis ulcers ONLY (known but not observable due to non-
removable dressing) [ Go to M1340 ]
(M1332) Current Number of (Observable) Stasis Ulcer(s):
 1 - One
 2 - Two
 3 - Three
 4 - Four or more
(M1334) Status of Most Problematic (Observable) Stasis Ulcer:
 0 - Newly epithelialized
 1 - Fully granulating
 2 - Early/partial granulation
 3 - Not healing
(M1342) Status of Most Problematic (Observable) Surgical Wound:
 0 - Newly epithelialized
 1 - Fully granulating
 2 - Early/partial granulation
 3 - Not healing
(M1400) When is the patient dyspneic or noticeably Short of Breath?
 0 - Patient is not short of breath
 1 - When walking more than 20 feet, climbing stairs
 2 - With moderate exertion (e.g., while dressing, using commode or bedpan, walking distances less
than 20 feet)
 3 - With minimal exertion (e.g., while eating, talking, or performing other ADLs) or with agitation
 4 - At rest (during day or night)
Clinician’s Signature/Date __________________________________________________
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - August 2009
(M1610) Urinary Incontinence or Urinary Catheter Presence:
 0 - No incontinence or catheter (includes anuria or ostomy for urinary drainage)
 1 - Patient is incontinent
 2 - Patient requires a urinary catheter (i.e., external, indwelling, intermittent, suprapubic)
(M1620) Bowel Incontinence Frequency:
 0 - Very rarely or never has bowel incontinence
 1 - Less than once weekly
 2 - One to three times weekly
 3 - Four to six times weekly
 4 - On a daily basis
 5 - More often than once daily
 NA - Patient has ostomy for bowel elimination
 UK - Unknown [Omit “UK” option on FU, DC]
(M1630) Ostomy for Bowel Elimination: Does this patient have an ostomy for bowel elimination that (within
the last 14 days): a) was related to an inpatient facility stay, or b) necessitated a change in medical or
treatment regimen?
 0 - Patient does not have an ostomy for bowel elimination.
 1 - Patient's ostomy was not related to an inpatient stay and did not necessitate change in medical or
treatment regimen.
 2 - The ostomy was related to an inpatient stay or did necessitate change in medical or treatment
(M1810) Current Ability to Dress Upper Body safely (with or without dressing aids) including undergarments,
pullovers, front-opening shirts and blouses, managing zippers, buttons, and snaps:
 0 - Able to get clothes out of closets and drawers, put them on and remove them from the upper
body without assistance.
 1 - Able to dress upper body without assistance if clothing is laid out or handed to the patient.
 2 - Someone must help the patient put on upper body clothing.
 3 - Patient depends entirely upon another person to dress the upper body.
(M1820) Current Ability to Dress Lower Body safely (with or without dressing aids) including undergarments,
slacks, socks or nylons, shoes:
 0 - Able to obtain, put on, and remove clothing and shoes without assistance.
 1 - Able to dress lower body without assistance if clothing and shoes are laid out or handed to the
 2 - Someone must help the patient put on undergarments, slacks, socks or nylons, and shoes.
 3 - Patient depends entirely upon another person to dress lower body.
(M1830) Bathing: Current ability to wash entire body safely. Excludes grooming (washing face, washing
hands, and shampooing hair).
 0 - Able to bathe self in shower or tub independently, including getting in and out of tub/shower.
 1 - With the use of devices, is able to bathe self in shower or tub independently,
 2 - Able to bathe in shower or tub with the intermittent assistance of another person:
(a) for intermittent supervision or encouragement or reminders, OR
(b) to get in and out of the shower or tub, OR
(c) for washing difficult to reach areas.
 3 - Able to participate in bathing self in shower or tub, but requires presence of another person
throughout the bath for assistance or supervision.
 4 - Unable to use the shower or tub, but able to bathe self independently with or without the use of
devices at the sink, in chair, or on commode.
 5 - Unable to use the shower or tub, but able to participate in bathing self in bed, at the sink, in
bedside chair, or on commode, with the assistance or supervision of another person throughout
the bath.
 6 - Unable to participate effectively in bathing and is bathed totally by another person.
Clinician’s signature/Date __________________________________________________
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - August 2009
(M1840) Toilet Transferring: Current ability to get to and from the toilet or bedside commode safely and
transfer on and off toilet/commode.
 0 - Able to get to and from the toilet and transfer independently with or without a device.
 1 - When reminded, assisted, or supervised by another person, able to get to and from the toilet and
 2 - Unable to get to and from the toilet but is able to use a bedside commode (with or without
 3 - Unable to get to and from the toilet or bedside commode but is able to use a bedpan/urinal
 4 - Is totally dependent in toileting.
(M1850) Transferring: Current ability to move safely from bed to chair, or ability to turn and position self in bed
if patient is bedfast.
 0 - Able to independently transfer.
 1 - Able to transfer with minimal human assistance or with use of an assistive device.
 2 - Able to bear weight and pivot during the transfer process but unable to transfer self.
 3 - Unable to transfer self and is unable to bear weight or pivot when transferred by another person.
 4 - Bedfast, unable to transfer but is able to turn and position self in bed.
 5 - Bedfast, unable to transfer and is unable to turn and position self.
(M1860) Ambulation/Locomotion: Current ability to walk safely, once in a standing position, or use a
wheelchair, once in a seated position, on a variety of surfaces.
 0 - Able to independently walk on even and uneven surfaces and negotiate stairs with or without
railings (i.e., needs no human assistance or assistive device).
 1 - With the use of a one-handed device (e.g. cane, single crutch, hemi-walker), able to
independently walk on even and uneven surfaces and negotiate stairs with or without railings.
 2 - Requires use of a two-handed device (e.g., walker or crutches) to walk alone on a level surface
and/or requires human supervision or assistance to negotiate stairs or steps or uneven
 3 - Able to walk only with the supervision or assistance of another person at all times.
 4 - Chairfast, unable to ambulate but is able to wheel self independently.
 5 - Chairfast, unable to ambulate and is unable to wheel self.
 6 - Bedfast, unable to ambulate or be up in a chair.
Clinician’s signature/Date __________________________________________________
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - August 2009
(M2030) Management of Injectable Medications: Patient's current ability to prepare and take all prescribed
injectable medications reliably and safely, including administration of correct dosage at the
appropriate times/intervals. Excludes IV medications.
 0 - Able to independently take the correct medication(s) and proper dosage(s) at the correct times.
 1 - Able to take injectable medication(s) at the correct times if:
(a) individual syringes are prepared in advance by another person; OR
(b) another person develops a drug diary or chart.
 2 - Able to take medication(s) at the correct times if given reminders by another person based on the
frequency of the injection
 3 - Unable to take injectable medication unless administered by another person.
 NA - No injectable medications prescribed.
(M2200) Therapy Need: In the home health plan of care for the Medicare payment episode for which this
assessment will define a case mix group, what is the indicated need for therapy visits (total of
reasonable and necessary physical, occupational, and speech-language pathology visits combined)?
(Enter zero [ “000” ] if no therapy visits indicated.)
(__ __ __) Number of therapy visits indicated (total of physical, occupational and speech-language
pathology combined).
 NA - Not Applicable: No case mix group defined by this assessment.
Clinician’s signature/Date __________________________________________________
X. Memorandum of Understanding
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a document describing an agreement
between two or more parties, indicating an intended common line of action. It most
often is used in cases where parties do not intend to imply a legal commitment. It is a
more formal alternative to a gentlemen’s agreement.
Source: Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, retrieved June 4, 2008.
Memorandum of Understanding
Your Organization
Partnering Organization
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishes a type of partnership
between your
organization and partner organization
I. Mission
Brief description of your organization’s mission. You might want to also include a
sentence about the specific program if applicable.
Brief description of the partnering organization’s mission.
Together, The Parties enter into this Memorandum of Understanding to mutually
promote describe efforts that this partnership will promote. Accordingly, your
organization and the partnering organization. operating under this MOU agree as
II. Purpose and Scope
Your organization and partnering organization – describe the intended results or
effects that the organizations hope to achieve, and the area(s) that the specific
activities will cover.
1. Why are the organizations forming a collaboration? Benefits for the
2. Who is the target population?
3. How does the target population benefit
Include issues of funding if necessary. For example, “Each organization of
this MOU is responsible for its own expenses related to this MOU. There
will/will not be an exchange of funds between the parties for tasks associated
with this MOU”.
III. Responsibilities
Each party will appoint a person to serve as the official contact and coordinate the
activities of each organization in carrying out this MOU.
The initial appointees of each organization are:
List contact persons with address and telephone information
The organizations agree to the following task for this MOU:
Your organization will:
List tasks of your organization as bullet points
Your Partnering organization
List tasks of your organization as bullet points
Your organization and partnering organization will:
List tasks of your organization as bullet points
IV. Terms of Understanding
The term of this MOU is for the period of insert length of MOU , from the effective
date of this agreement and may be extended upon written mutual agreement. It shall
be reviewed at least insert how often to ensure that it is fulfilling its purpose and to
make any necessary revisions.
Either organization may terminate this MOU upon 30 days written notice without
penalty or liabilities.
The signing of this MOU is not a formal undertaking. It implies that the signatures
will strive to reach, to the best of their ability, the objectives stated in the MOU.
On behalf of the organization I represent, I wish to sign this MOU and contribute to
its future development.
Your Organization:
Title :
Signature: Date:
Partnering Organization:
Signature: Date:
Source: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Neighborhood Networks,
Regional Technical Assistance Project (RTAP)
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Neighbor Networks
The Department of Homeland Security, SAFECOM, Writing Guide for a Memorandum of
XI. Patient, Family, and Staff Emergency Preparedness Plans
Home care providers must include educating patients and staff on disaster preparedness in
their emergency preparedness plans. Critical to patient and staff preparedness is the need to
have a well-developed family emergency preparedness plan as well. The Patient, Family,
and Staff Emergency Preparedness Plans are sample plans home care agencies can distribute
and review with patients, families and staff. The tools may be used as constructed in this
packet or altered to meet individual patient, family, or agency needs.
The Patient Emergency Preparedness Plan was designed to address patients with varying
care needs. The plan is divided into two sections; the first section includes general
instructions for emergency preparedness and is applicable to all patients, while the second
section addresses considerations for individuals with special needs.
The Family Emergency Preparedness Plan is a comprehensive plan that can be distributed to
the families of both patients and agency staff members.
The Staff Emergency Preparedness Plan specifically addresses considerations for emergency
planning that are unique to home care personnel.
Patient Emergency Preparedness Plan
Emergency Contact Information
Phone Address
Local Red Cross
Local Emergency
Management Office
Radio or TV stations: Know which station will have emergency broadcast announcements and
set a TV or radio to that station
Make a list
Medical information
Allergies and sensitivities
Copies of health insurance cards
Have on hand
A seven-day supply of essential medications
Cell phone
Standard telephone (that does not need to be plugged into an electric outlet)
Flashlights and extra batteries.
Emergency food
Assorted sizes of re-closeable plastic bags for storing, food, waste, etc.
Consult with your physician and/or health plan to determine if you are able to obtain additional medication.
Small battery-operated radio and extra batteries
Assemble a first aid kit (Appendix A )
Evacuation Plans:
Know where the shelter is located that can meet your special needs
Plan for alternate locations
Plan for transportation to a shelter or other location.
“Have a “grab bag” prepared (Appendix B)
Arrange for assistance if you are unable to evacuate by yourself
Maintain a supply of non-perishable foods for seven days
Maintain a supply of bottled water; one gallon per person
Be prepared to close, lock and board/seal windows and doors if necessary
Have an emergency supply kit prepared (Appendix C)
Have a care plan for your pet
Locate a shelter for your pet (hotel, local animal shelter etc.) Emergency shelters will
not accept animals.
Extra food and/or medications, leashes, carriers, bowls, ID tags etc.
Special Needs Considerations
Speech or communication Issues
If you use a laptop computer for communication, consider getting a power converter
that plugs into the cigarette lighter
Hearing Issues
Have a pre-printed copy of key phrase messages handy, such as
“I use American Sign Language (ASL),”“I do not write or read English well, “If you
make announcements, I will need to have them written simply or signed”
Consider getting a weather radio, with a visual/text display that warns of weather
Vision Issues
Mark your disaster supplies with fluorescent tape, large print, or Braille
Have high-powered flashlights with wide beams and extra batteries
Place security lights in each room to light paths of travel.
Assistive Device Users
Label equipment with simple instruction cards on how to operate it (for example,
how to “free wheel” or “disengage the gears” of your power wheelchair) Attach the
cards to your equipment.
If you use a cane, keep extras in strategic, consistent and secured locations to help
you maneuver around obstacles and hazards.
Keep a spare cane in your emergency kit.
Know what your options are if you are not able to evacuate with your assistive
Emergency Preparedness References
The National Organization on Disabilities Emergency Preparedness Initiative:
Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities:
Emergency Evacuation Preparedness: Taking Responsibility for Your Safety--A Guide For
People with Disabilities and Other Activity Limitations By June Isaacson Kailes, Disability
Policy Consultant:
FEMA—Federal Emergency Management Agency: Individuals With Special Needs
Disability Preparedness Center
Disability Preparedness DHS
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Emergency Preparedness
The Red Cross: http://www.redcross.org/services/0,1103,0_313_,00.htm
Food and Drug Administration: State Health Departments
Local web sites:
Family Emergency Preparedness Plan
Family plan should address the following:
• Evacuation routes.
• Family communications.
• Utility shut-off and safety.
• Insurance and vital records.
Evacuation plan
Caring for animals
Evacuation Routes
Draw a floor plan of your home. Use a blank sheet of paper for each floor. Mark two escape
routes from each room. Make sure children understand the drawings. Post a copy of the
drawings at eye level in each child’s room. Establish a place to meet in the event of an
emergency, such as a fire.
Family Communications
Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so plan how you will contact
one another. Think about how you will communicate in different situations. Complete a
contact card for each family member. Have family members keep these cards handy in a
wallet, purse, backpack, etc. You may want to send one to school with each child to keep on
file. Pick a friend or relative who lives out-of-state for household members to notify they are
Below is a sample contact card.
Utility Shut-off and Safety
In the event of a disaster, you may be instructed to shut off the utility service at
your home.
Natural Gas
Natural gas leaks and explosions are responsible for a significant number of
fires following disasters. It is vital that all household members know how to shut off natural
If you smell gas or hear a blowing or hissing noise, open a window and get everyone
out quickly. Turn off the gas, using the outside main valve if you can, and call
the gas company from a neighbor’s home
Because there are different gas shut-off procedures for different gas meter configurations,
it is important to contact your local gas company for guidance on preparation and response
regarding gas appliances and gas service to your home. When you learn the proper shut-off
procedure for your meter, share the information with everyone in your household.
CAUTION – If you turn off the gas for any reason, a qualified professional must turn it
back on. NEVER attempt to turn the gas back on yourself.
Water quickly becomes a precious resource following many disasters. It is vital that all
household members learn how to shut off the water at the main house valve.
•Cracked lines may pollute the water supply to your house. It is wise to shut
off your water until you hear from authorities that it is safe for drinking.
•The effects of gravity may drain the water in your hot water heater and toilet
tanks unless you trap it in your house by shutting off the main house valve
Preparing to Shut Off Water
• Locate the shut-off valve for the water line that enters your house.
• Make sure this valve can be completely shut off. Your valve may be rusted
open, or it may only partially close. Replace it if necessary.
Label this valve with a tag for easy identification, and make sure all household
members know where it is located.
Electrical sparks have the potential of igniting natural gas if it is leaking. It is wise to teach
all responsible household members where and how to shut off the electricity.
Preparing to Shut Off Electricity
• Locate your electricity circuit box.
• Teach all responsible household members how to shut off the electricity to the entire
Insurance and Vital Records
Obtain property, health, and life insurance if you do not have them. Review existing policies
for the amount and extent of coverage to ensure that what you have in place is what is
required for you and your family for all possible hazards.
Flood Insurance
If you live in a flood-prone area, consider purchasing flood insurance
to reduce your risk of flood loss. Buying flood insurance to cover the value of a building and
its contents will not only provide greater peace of mind, but will speed the recovery if a
flood occurs. You can call 1(888) FLOOD 29 to learn more about flood insurance.
Consider saving money in an emergency savings account that could be used in any crisis. It
is advisable to keep a small amount of cash or traveler’s checks at home in a safe place
where you can quickly access them in case of evacuation.
Evacuation: More Common than You Realize
Ask local authorities about emergency evacuation routes and see if maps may are available
with evacuation routes marked.
Evacuation Guidelines
Always: If time permits:
Keep a full tank of gas in your car if an
evacuation seems likely. Gas stations may
be closed during emergencies and unable
to pump gas during power outages. Plan to
take one car per family to reduce
congestion and delay.
Gather your disaster supplies kit.
Make transportation arrangements with
friends or your local government if you do
not own a car.
Wear sturdy shoes and clothing
that provides some protection,
such as long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and
a cap.
Listen to a battery-powered radio and
follow local evacuation instructions.
Secure your home:
Close and lock doors and windows.
Unplug electrical equipment, such as
radios and televisions, and small
appliances, such as toasters and
microwaves. Leave freezers and
refrigerators plugged in unless there is a
risk of flooding.
Gather your family and go if you are in-
structed to evacuate immediately.
Let others know where you are going.
Leave early enough to avoid being trapped
by severe weather.
Follow recommended evacuation routes.
Do not take shortcuts; they may be
Be alert for washed-out roads and bridges.
Do not drive into flooded areas.
Stay away from downed power lines.
Caring for Pets
Animals also are affected by disasters. Use the guidelines below to prepare a plan
for caring for pets.
Guidelines for Pets Plan for pet disaster needs by:
• Identifying shelter.
• Gathering pet supplies.
• Ensuring your pet has proper ID and up-to-date veterinarian records.
• Providing a pet carrier and leash.
Take the following steps to prepare to shelter your pet:
• Call your local emergency management office, animal shelter, or animal control
office to get advice and information.
• Keep veterinary records to prove vaccinations are current.
• Find out which local hotels and motels allow pets and where pet boarding
facilities are located. Be sure to research some outside your local area in case
local facilities close.
• Know that, with the exception of service animals, pets are not typically permitted
in emergency shelters as they may affect the health and safety of other
Kit Locations
Since you do not know where you will be when an emergency occurs, prepare
supplies for home, work, and vehicles (see Appendix A, B & C).
Your disaster supplies kit should contain essential food, water, and supplies for at least three
days. Keep this kit in a designated place and have it ready in case you have to leave your
home quickly. Make sure all family members know where the kit is kept. Additionally, you
may want to consider having supplies for sheltering for up to two weeks.
This kit should be in one container, and ready to “grab and go” in case you are evacuated
from your workplace. Make sure you have food and water in the kit. Also, be sure to
have comfortable walking shoes at your workplace in case an evacuation requires walking
long distances.
In case you are stranded, keep a kit of emergency supplies in your car. This kit should
contain food, water, first aid supplies, flares, jumper cables, and seasonal supplies.
Practicing and Maintaining Your Plan 1.6
Once you have developed your plan, you need to practice and maintain it. For example,
ask questions to make sure your family remembers meeting places, phone numbers, and
safety rules. Conduct drills such as drop, cover, and hold on for earthquakes. Test fire
alarms. Replace and update disaster supplies.
For additional Information on emergency preparedness go to the following web site.
Staff Emergency Preparedness Plan
Established a family preparedness plan
Have a family communication plan
Identify a point of contact that is out-of-town or in another state
Escape routes
Evacuation plan
Plan for pets
Know your agency’s emergency preparedness plan
Know who to report to and procedures to follow
Be prepared to assume tasks/roles out of your ordinary job description
Ensure credentials (Identification cards, professional license, any local or state
credential needed to move around restricted areas) are up to date and with you
Know how supplies will be procured for patients
Know the agencies communication tree
Have the automobile equipped
Full tank of gas - identify gas stations that have emergency/backup power
Maps of the area
Portable battery operated or crank radio
Cell phone charger
Portable battery operated or crank flashlight
Booster cables
Bottled water and non-perishable high energy foods, such as granola bars, raisins and
peanut butter
Tie repair kit
Fire extinguisher
First aid kit (Appendix C)
Have alternative communication devices available for use
charged cell phone
portable phone
satellite phone
XII. The Business Continuity Plan
A business continuity plan will enable the organization to plan for continuing operations
after a disaster. This tool differs from the other emergency preparedness tools in the packet
in that it addresses recovery rather than response. The tool is designed to address all aspects
of business operations that might be impacted regardless of whether the event results in a
minor disruption of services or a complete destruction of the organization’s infrastructure.
For home care agencies, business continuity plans will need to revolve around the ability to
maintain adequate staff and remain solvent.
Category Planning Preparation
Establish a steering
committee for
__Develop policies and procedures for
business recovery
__ Test and rehearse plans
__Engage staff and management
Staffing Identify critical staff
necessary for
____Minimal number of staff for
__ Minimum number of staff for each
Nursing ________________
HCAs __________________
Data entry ________________
Systems maintenance ____________
Human resources _______________
Other ________________________
___ Determine alternate roles for each
____ Identify staff to be cross trained
Financial Cash on hand
Establish credit line
Insurance policy
Secure the amount necessary to maintain
operations for several months
Bank phone number:
Contact person :
Amount of credit of credit line:
Insurance company name and phone #
Contact person:
Secure policy off site
Alternate site for
Identify an alternate
Staff to work from
Identify which staff
will be available
Outsourcing functions
Secure additional space or arrange for an
alternate location to conduct business
__ local hotels
___ local churches
____ Municipal buildings
____Maintain a current list of staff
members prepared to work from home
____Provide staff with a written
procedure for working from home
____Companies identified for
outsourcing and services provided
Supplies/ Vendors
Inventory necessary
supplies and
Establish amount
needed to maintain
Develop a plan with
vendors to maintain
inventory at alternate
Stockpile supplies and equipment
Office Supplies/# required
Patient Supplies/# required
Examine where
additional equipment
and machines can be
purchased at reduced
prices or consider
storing, rather than
discarding, old
equipment that is
currently being
Potential to secure extra:
___ computers
___ fax machines
___ phones
IT and software Develop and test
procedures for
recovering critical
Develop and test a
system to access data
bases off site
____Identify at least two people in the
organization who can implement the plan
for recovery and data access procedures
____Develop a manual system for
Communication Ensure alternate
mechanisms are
Capability for:
__cell phones
__satellite phones
__landline phones
__ ham radio
__ Two way radios
Building restoration
Salvage Contractors
Maintain a list of
contractors needed for
building integrity
Execute an
arrangement with a
salvage company
Examine the savage
company’s capability
to prevent and remove
mold if water damage
__ Heating/AC
__ Electrical
__ Plumbing
__ Roofing
__ Windows
__ Building blueprints
Name/phone /contact
___ contractors
were to occur
Fixed Assets List fixed assets to
keep off site
_ photographs
_ listing of assets and value
Other Considerations
Understand the rights and responsibilities
of both parties
Appendix A (1)
First Aid Kit
Assemble a first aid kit for your home and one for each car. The following are recommended
items to be included in a comprehensive first aide kit. Attachment A(2) is a list of
recommended items for a basic first aid kit.
Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
2-inch sterile gauze pads (4-6)
4-inch sterile gauze pads (4-6)
Hypoallergenic adhesive tape
Triangular bandages (3)
2-inch sterile roller bandages (3 rolls)
3-inch sterile roller bandages (3 rolls)
Moistened towelettes
Waterless alcohol based hand sanitizer
Tongue blades (2)
Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant
Assorted sizes of safety pins
Cleansing agent/soap
Latex gloves (2 pair)
Non-prescription drugs
Aspirin or non-aspirin pain reliever
Anti-diarrhea medication
Antacid (for stomach upset)
Syrup of Ipecac (use to induce vomiting if advised by the Poison Control Center)
Activated charcoal (use if advised by the Poison Control Center)
Contact your local American Red Cross chapter to obtain a basic first aid manual.
Source: American Red Cross
Attachment A (2)
Basic First Aid Kit
Two pairs of Latex or other sterile gloves
Sterile dressings
Cleansing agent/ soap
Antibiotic ointment
Adhesive tape
Adhesive bandages (variety of sizes)
Eye wash solution
Prescription medication and/or supplies
Aspirin and non-aspirin pain relievers
Source: The Department of U.S Homeland Security
Additional resources:
Appendix B
Emergency Preparedness Kits
Prepare different kits for different places and situations (Carry on You, Grab-and-Go,
Bedside, Home)
A “carry-on you” kit is for the essential items, such as medications, contact names
and phone numbers, health information etc., you need to keep with you at all times.
“Grab-and-go kits” are easy-to-carry kits you can grab if you have to leave home (or
school, workplace, etc.) in a hurry. They have the things you cannot do without but
are not so big or heavy that you cannot manage them.
A “home kit” is your large kit with water, food, first aid supplies, clothing, bedding,
tools, emergency supplies, and disability-specific items. It includes all the things
you would most likely need if you had to be self-sufficient for days either at home
or in an evacuation shelter.
A “bedside kit” has items you will need if you are trapped in or near your bed and
unable to get to other parts of your home.
A “car kit” has items you will need if stranded in your car.
Keep important items in a consistent, convenient and secured place, so you can
quickly and easily get to them. (Items such as teeth, hearing aids, prostheses, canes,
crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, respirators, communication devices, artificial larynx,
sanitary aids, batteries, eyeglasses, contact lens with cleaning solutions, etc.)
Emergency Supplies Kits (Carry on You, Grab-and-Go, Bedside, Home,)
Emergency health information
Cell phone
Standard telephone (does not need to be plugged into an electric outlet)
Essential medications
Other medications
Flashlights and extra batteries. (People with limited reach or hand movement should
consider low cost battery-operated touch lamps.)
Extra batteries for oxygen, breathing devices, hearing aids,
cochlear implants, cell phone, radios, pagers, PDAs.
Copies of prescriptions
Emergency food
Assorted sizes of re-closeable plastic bags for storing, food, waste, etc.
Sturdy work gloves to protect your hands from sharp objects you may try to lift or
touch by mistake while walking or wheeling over glass and rubble
Lightweight flashlight (on key ring, etc.)
Small battery-operated radio and extra batteries
Signaling device you can use to draw attention to you if you need emergency
assistance (whistle, horn, beeper, bell(s), screecher)
A container that can be attached to the bed or nightstand (with cord or Velcro) to
hold hearing aids, eyeglasses, cell phones, etc., oxygen tank attached to the wall,
wheelchair locked and close to bed. This helps prevent them from falling, flying or
rolling away during a earthquake or other jarring, jolting event
A patch kit or can of “sealant” to repair flat tires and/or an extra supply of inner
tubes for non- puncture-proof wheelchair/scooter tires Keep needed equipment close
to you so you can get to it quickly If available, keep a lightweight manual
wheelchair for backup
Source: http://www.ready.gov/
Appendix C
Supply List
From the Department of Homeland Security
Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit:
Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking
and sanitation
Food, Store at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to
Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
Can opener for food
Local maps
Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert
and extra batteries for both
Flashlight and extra batteries
Whistle to signal for help
Sterile gloves (if you are allergic to Latex).
Sterile dressings to stop bleeding.
Cleansing agent/soap and antibiotic towelettes to disinfect.
Antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.
Burn ointment to prevent infection.
Adhesive bandages in a variety of sizes.
Eyewash solution to flush the eyes or as general decontaminant.
Prescription medications you take every day such as insulin, heart medicine and
asthma inhalers. You should periodically rotate medicines to account for expiration
Prescribed medical supplies
Additional Items to Consider Adding to an Emergency Supply Kit:
Infant formula and diapers
Pet food and extra water for your pet
Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and
bank account records in a waterproof, portable container
Cash or traveler's checks and change
Emergency reference material such as a first aid book or information from
Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person. Consider additional bedding if you
live in a cold-weather climate.
Complete change of clothing including a long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy
shoes. Consider additional clothing if you live in a cold-weather climate.
Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – When diluted nine parts water to
one part bleach, bleach can be used as a disinfectant. Or in an emergency, you can
use it to treat water by using 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach per gallon
of water. Do not use scented, color safe or bleaches with added cleaners.
Fire Extinguisher
Matches in a waterproof container
Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels
Paper and pencil
Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children
Emergency Supply Kits for Purchase
Emergency Preparedness Service
1-888-626-0889 - 206-762-0889
Homeland Preparedness
(800) 350-1489
Emergency Essentials