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Teacher’s notes
This reader tells the story of the incredible rise to stardom
of the young British and Irish boy band One Direction. In
just three years, the boys’ lives changed completely, from
High School bands and nervous auditions to fame, awards
and fans.
2010: Thousands of singers in the UK line up to audition
for The X Factor, a popular TV show. Five boys: Niall Horan,
Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson all
audition separately but are put together as a group by the X
Factor judges. The boys only come third in the competition
but are already popular with fans and are given a recording
contract by music company boss, Simon Cowell.
2011: The boys find they have a lot in common and are
soon very good friends. Their first single, ‘What Makes You
Beautiful’ enters the UK charts at number 1, as does their
first album, Up All Night. By now, One Direction have a huge
number of fans, who keep in touch on social networking sites.
Fans love the fact that the boys are still ‘normal guys’.
2012: Teenagers in the US also get to hear about One
Direction through social media. Up All Night is released in
the US and goes to number one there too. The boys go on
tour and perform in the UK and the US. They miss home but
love playing to huge audiences. The second album Take Me
Home is number one in 37 countries.
2013: The Take Me Home world tour starts and the boys
play 134 concerts over ten months. Their film, This Is Us,
shows their fun-loving and genuine approach towards their
fellow band members, the crew, their fans and life on the
road. It is another big success. The boys help to write some
of the songs on their third album Midnight Memories. For
the third time, their album goes straight in at number one
in both the UK and US charts. They are the first band ever to
achieve this in the US charts.
DVD: This Is Us, directed by Morgan Spurlock (2013), is
available on DVD.
CD: A recording of This is One Direction! accompanies the
Scholastic Reader.
You can find more information at:
www.onedirectionmusic.com (official website)
www.onedirectionfans.net (fansite)
Books: Forever Young: Our Official X Factor story (2011);
Dare to Dream: Life as One Direction (2012); Where We
Are: Our Band, Our Story (2013).
Choosing and motivating
Is this the right story for your class? How many of One
Direction’s songs do your students know? What do they
know about their story? What would they like to know?
Motivate them with background information and by reading
aloud the first page of the reader.
Plan a class reading schedule. Decide how many pages to
set for reading each week. Select exercises from the Self-
Study section at the back of the reader and extra activities
from this resource sheet to go with each chunk of reading.
(All answers on page 4 of this resource sheet.)
Using the CD
Students can listen and follow in their books. They can
listen and then read. They can read and then listen. All these
activities will improve their reading speed and skills.
Go to ‘New Words’ at the back of the reader. Translate the
words with the class or get students to find meanings at
home. The Vocabulary Builder on page 3 of this resource
sheet practises the new words in a different context.
Casual language
Introduce the informal expressions used in This is One
Direction! (see Vocabulary Builder on page 3 of this resource
sheet). Put them into context. Ask students to look out for
them as they read.
Fact File
Set this as self-study or use for whole class work. This
provides background information about the music industry.
What did they think?
Get everyone to do a written or spoken review of This is One
Direction! Compare opinions. Did they like the book? Did you
like it? Let us know at
Level 1
This level is suitable for students who have been learning English for at least a year and up to
two years. It corresponds with the Common European Framework level A1. Suitable for users
of CLICK/CROWN magazine.
This is
©Scholastic Ltd
Teacher’s notes
People and places
Look at pages 4–7. Complete the sentences with the correct
3 5
6 17 50,000 10,000,000
a) There are ……………… singers in One Direction.
b) The boys have ……………… Twitter followers.
c) Zayn Malik was ……………… when he first auditioned for
The X Factor.
d) ……………… fans came to each concert at the Foro Sol
stadium in 2013.
e) Liam Payne started singing when he was ……………… .
f) The boys had three number one albums in ………………
Chapter 1
Match the names.
a) Zayn Malik i) was at the X Factor auditions for
the second time.
b) Liam Payne ii) said ‘no’ to Harry Styles.
c) Katy Perry iii) didn’t have much sleep before
his audition.
d) Louis Tomlinson iv) almost said ‘no’ to Niall Horan.
e) Louis Walsh v) didn’t want to get up for his
2 What do you think? What are the advantages of being
in a band? What are the advantages of being a solo singer?
Which do you think the boys in One Direction prefer?
Discuss with a partner.
Chapter 2
Complete the newspaper article with these words.
have isn’t loved sang is talking told
was watched worked
2 Imagine you are one of the singers from One Direction.
Who would you like to be? How do you feel at the end of
the X Factor competition? Tell your partner.
Chapter 3
Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false
sentences in your notebook.
a) The band’s first hit came out in January 2011.
b) Their first hit went to number 1 after one week.
c) Justin Bieber helped to write some of 1D’s songs.
d) One Direction had no fans in the US.
e) The first tour (Up All Night) was in the UK only.
f) The second album was a big success.
g) Winners of the golden tickets went to Africa and met the
2 Match the quotes from Directioners.
a) Never i) is to meet them.
b) They aren’t ii) change!
c) Every time I see them iii) where they’re from.
d) My dream iv) afraid to be themselves.
e) They remember who v) it puts a smile on my
they are and face.
F. Their first hit came out in September 2011.
13th December 2010
What’s next for One Direction?
The UK’s favourite live show, The X Factor,
(a) ………………… last night. 17.71 million
people (b) ………………… yesterday’s show.
For many people, Matt Cardle (c) …………………
a surprise winner. Simon Cowell’s new boy band,
One Direction, only came third. But today everyone
(d) ………………… about these ve boys. The
boys already (e) …………….… a lot of fans.
The ve boys rst (f) ………………… together
in Simon Cowell’s house in Marbella. At the live
shows in London, they had a lot of fun but also
(g) ………………… very hard. In Week eight of
the competition, the boys sang Joe Cockers
‘You Are So Beautiful’. The judges and the fans
(h) ………………… it! In last night’s show,
seventeen-year-old Zayn Malik (i) …………………
the fans, ‘This (j) ………………… the last of One
Direction.’ Let’s hope that he is right!
This is
1 Complete the sentences with words from the ‘New
Words’ at the back of your reader.
1. At the zoo, my brother gave some food to the animals, but
I was very ……………… .
2. I’d like to visit Brazil, but I don’t want to stay in an
expensive hotel. I want to see ……………… life there.
3. One day I’m going to go on a TV show and ………………
a lot of money!
4. There’s going to be a big ……………… in the park in the
summer. My favourite band is playing. I can’t go, because
all the tickets ……………… in one week!
5. When he was young, he made films on his mobile phone
and now he’s a ……………… film director!
6. He came second in the writing ……………… . He won
2 Circle the correct answer.
1. Which can you listen to? an album / a video game
2. Who works backstage at a concert? the crew / the judges
3. Who usually comes to a concert? fans / hits
4. Where can you see a band sing? backstage / onstage
5. Where do you sing in front of judges for the first time?
at an audition / at a concert
6. Who is the best in a competition? the director / the winner
7. What do fans at 1D concerts do? fight / scream
8. What is the past form of ‘sing’? sang / singing
Casual language
‘guy’ (p.21, p.23 and p.33) is an informal word for a man.
‘real’ (p.23)/‘make it real’ (p.33). ‘real’ is something that
is not false. Harry talks about ‘making the dream real’. He
means work hard and then your dream can come true.
‘be through’/‘go through (to)’ (p.8, p.9, p.12 and p.13)/
‘put someone through (to)’ (p.12). Some competitions
have more than one part. When you are successful in the
first part of the competition, you ‘are through’ or you ‘go
through’ to the next part.
Complete the sentences with the Casual language
1. I played in a football competition yesterday. But my team
didn’t win any games, so we didn’t go ………………… .
2. He’s a very nice ………………… . I like him a lot.
3. I want to be a movie star, so I am going to work hard and
………………… .
©Scholastic Ltd
Teacher’s notes
Chapter 4
Choose words from the box to make a new word or
phrase. All the words and phrases come from Chapter 4.
fight manager moves stage
studio writer
a) back ……………… d) recording ………………
b) dance ……………… e) song ………………
c) food ……………… f) tour ………………
2 These sentences are all about the film This Is Us. Circle
the correct words in italics.
a) The film director was Morgan Spurlock / Julian Bunetta.
b) He filmed the boys during the Take Me Home / Midnight
Memories tour.
c) He filmed the boys for six days / six months.
d) In their first / last meeting, the boys and the director all had
a food fight.
e) The boys didn’t go / went to the film première.
3 Find the answers to these questions about the boys on
pages 11, 17, 21, 25 and 31.
a) Who did boxing when he was
younger? ……………………………
b) Which two singers come from
Yorkshire in the North of
England? ……………………………
c) Who had a Saturday job in a
baker’s shop? ……………………………
d) Which singer was not born in
England? ……………………………
4 What do you think? What adjectives would you choose to
describe One Direction? Compare with a partner.
Work in groups of four. Two of you are singers from One
Direction, the other two are music journalists. The music
journalists are going to interview the singers. You will have
thirty minutes to prepare yourselves for the interview.
Singers: Decide which singers you want to be. Agree this with
the journalists. Go back through the reader and find out all the
information you can about your character. You may need to use
your imagination in your answers – the journalists may ask for
your opinions too!
Journalists: Prepare questions for the two singers. These should
be a mixture of questions about information in the reader and
about the singers’ opinions.
2 Choose one of the singers from the band and one of
these days: the end of Bootcamp; the day ‘What Makes You
Beautiful’ came out; the day of the This Is Us film première.
Imagine you are the singer as an old man. Write about your
memories from that day.
Liam Payne
BEHIND THE BAND (pages 34–5)
Who wrote this song?
Put students in pairs. Ask them to agree on a list of three
songs that they both like. Using the Internet, students find
out who wrote each of the songs. Ask questions to encourage
the students: Who wrote this song? Was it the singer? Did a
team of people write together? Or just one person? Students
then choose one of the names and find out as much as they
can about this person. Ask students: What other songs did
this person write? Do you like those songs too? Students join
with another pair and tell them three things they found out
which interested them.
What job?
In pairs, students choose one of the jobs on pages 34 and
35. They read the text about this person again carefully.
Based on what they have read, students brainstorm a list of
personality adjectives or skills that they think this job needs.
Students then read their list to another pair. Can they guess
what job they are describing? Students can then find out
information about another job in the music industry or in a
different industry and again see if their partners can guess.
Have dictionaries ready as this activity will generate lots of
new vocabulary!
Stop the CD at key moments. Ask students what they think
will happen next in the story of One Direction. In pairs,
students make predictions. They listen to the next part of the
recording to see if their predictions were correct.
Listening for key words
Choose five key words or phrases from a chapter of the
reader and write them on the board. Now play the CD
recording of the chapter and ask students to note down one
piece of information to go with each of the key words as
they listen.
Example: (Chapter 1) Dublin
Possible answer: Niall Horan had his audition in Dublin.
©Scholastic Ltd
Teacher’s notes
Self-Study Activities (pages 36–9)
1 Open answers.
2 a) chance b) competition c) audition, judges d) winner
e) fans f) tour
3 a) J b) S c) B d) S e) J
4 a) Harry Styles b) Manchester c) Some d) fourteen
e) Bootcamp f) People in the UK
5 Open answers.
6 a) Harry Styles b) Simon Cowell c) ‘All You Need Is Love’
d) their home towns
7 a) didn’t want (not wanted)
b) they lived together in one big room (not each boy had their
own room)
c) loved (not hated)
d) One Direction (not Take That)
e) didn’t win/came third in (not won)
8 a) Harry Styles b) Simon Cowell c) Liam Payne d) Louis Walsh
e) Zayn Malik
9 a), b) and d) are true about Liam.
Facts c) and e) are true about Harry.
10 a) hit b) record c) successful d) concert, sell-out e) Normal
11 a) ii b) v c) iv d) i e) iii
12 The correct order is: e, c, b, d and a.
13 a) put b) love c) know d) waited e) forget
14 Simon Cowell put 1D through to the live shows and gave them
a recording contract after the show.
Savan Kotecha helped to write some of the songs on the first
two albums.
Madison Square Garden is where One Direction had one of their
best concerts. Their friends and family came to the concert too.
Fans talk to the band on Twitter and the boys tweet back.
15 Open answers.
16 They do a), b) and d).
17 a) F. The Take Me Home tour started in the UK.
b) F. The stage show was fantastic.
c) T
d) F. Niall played guitar.
e) T
18 a) orange b) food c) drive carts d) water
19 b), d) and e) are true about Zayn. The other facts are true about
20 Open answers.
Resource Sheet Activities
People and places
b) 10,000,000 c) 17 d) 50,000 e) 6 f) 3
Chapter 1
1 b) i c) iv d) iii e) ii
2 Open answers.
Chapter 2
1 b) watched c) was d) is talking e) have f) sang g) worked
h) loved i) told j) isn’t
2 Open answers.
Chapter 3
1 b) F. It went to number one in one day.
c) F. Savan Kotecha helped to write some of 1D’s songs.
d) F. One Direction already had thousands of fans in the US.
e) F. The first tour was in the UK and Ireland, North America,
Australia and New Zealand.
f) T
g) F. Winners of the golden tickets went to New York and met
the boys.
2 b) iv c) v d) i e) iii
Chapter 4
1 b) dance moves
c) food fight
d) recording studio
e) songwriter
f) tour manager
2 b) Take Me Home c) six months d) first e) went
3 b) Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik c) Harry Styles
d) Niall Horan
4 Open answers.
Vocabulary Builder
1 2. normal 3. win 4. concert, sold out 5. successful
6. competition
2 2. the crew 3. fans 4. onstage 5. at an audition 6. the winner
7. scream 8. sang
Casual language
1. through 2. guy 3. make it real