Scott E. Harrington
Medical Loss Ratio
Regulation under the
Affordable Care Act
The minimum medical loss ratio (MLR) regulations in the Affordable Care Act
guarantee that a specific percentage of health insurance premiums is spent on medical
care and specified activities to improve health care quality. This paper analyzes the
regulations’ potential unintended consequences and incentive effects, including: higher
medical costs and premiums for some insurers; less innovation to align consumer,
provider, and health plan incentives; less consumer choice and increased market
concentration; and the risk that insurers will pay rebates if claim costs are lower than
projected when premiums are established, despite the regulations’ permitted ‘‘credibility
adjustments.’’ The paper discusses modifications and alternatives to the MLR
regulations to help achieve their stated goals with less potential for adverse effects.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) established
minimum medical loss ratio (MLR) require-
ments of 80% for the individual and small
group health insurance markets and 85% for
the large group market. Beginning with 2011
experience and pursuant to regulations pro-
mulgated by the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS), insurers whose
medical claims and expenditures on specified
activities to improve health care quality total
less than the required percentages of premi-
ums (less certain taxes and fees) in a given
state must rebate the shortfalls to customers.
Although industry aggregate MLRs generally
have exceeded the required percentages (U.S.
GAO 2011a; Houchens 2011), MLRs vary
significantly across insurers and markets. The
HHS announced in June 2012 that rebates for
2011 would total $1.1 billion, with 38%,17%,
and 11% of consumers receiving rebates in
the individual, small group, and large group
markets, respectively, and an average rebate
per household of $151 (above $500 in some
states, U.S. HHS 2012a).
Minimum loss ratio requirements have
long been a feature of health insurance and
property/casualty insurance regulation in
many states. About half had pre-ACA
requirements that insurers’ rate filings with
state regulators provide for a minimum MLR
for individual health insurance, and roughly
20 states had minimums for the small group
and/or large group health insurance markets
(NAIC 2009; AHIP 2010). Compared with
Scott E. Harrington, Ph.D., is the Alan B. Miller Professor in the Health Care Management Department at the
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Financial support for this research was provided by the AHIP Foundation
and its Institute for Health Systems Solutions. Address correspondence to Prof. Harrington at 206 Colonial Penn
Center, 3641 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Email: [email protected].edu
Inquiry 50: 9–26 (Spring 2013). 2013 Excellus Health Plan, Inc.
ISSN 0046-9580 10.5034/inquiryjrnl_50.01.05 9
most traditional state-based requirements, the
ACA’s MLR requirements differ in several
key respects. First, state MLR regulations
establish a modest ex ante floor for projected
medical costs in relation to premiums when
policies are sold, rather than require ex post
premium rebates if actual MLRs fall below
the minimum after provision of coverage.
Second, state regulations generally define
the MLR as the ratio of medical costs to
premiums, without addition of expenditures
on quality improvement activities to the
numerator or deduction of any taxes or fees
from the denominator. Third, the state mini-
mums generally are lower than the ACA
thresholds, typically ranging from 60% to
The stated goals of the ACA’s minimum
MLR regime are to promote transparency,
consumer value, and greater efficiency of
health insurers. Taking those goals as given,
this paper analyzes the MLR regulations’
potential unintended consequences and in-
centive effects, and it considers alternatives
that might achieve the regulations’ goals with
less risk of adverse effects. The analysis is all
the more important given that related regu-
lations on prices and expenditures have been
imposed historically in other contexts without
a full understanding of the potential effects,
often leading to their modification or repeal.
Particular attention is paid to the increased
potential for unintended consequences from
the inherent statistical volatility of insurers’
claims experience, which cannot be addressed
precisely through ‘‘credibility adjustments’’
that are based on the volume of insurers’
business. Due to the unpredictable nature of
medical costs, the federal MLR regulations
may require that an insurer with lower than
projected claim costs pay rebates even if the
target MLR used in its pricing is equal to or
greater than the regulatory minimum, with-
out giving the insurer the ability to charge
additional amounts to consumers if claim
costs are higher than projected. While requir-
ing rebates for any reason superficially may
seem attractive to some observers and policy-
holders, insurance markets function best when
there is minimal unpredictability of insurers
costs. The additional (and asymmetric) uncer-
tainty created by the MLR regulations’ rebate
requirements may lead to higher upfront
premiums for some insurers, and it could lead
some insurers to withdraw from certain
By capping insurers’ margins for non-claim
expenses and profits, the MLR regulations
also may discourage innovation to better
align consumer, provider, and health plan
incentives, especially when statistical uncer-
tainty makes it more difficult for insurers to
predict whether they will meet the MLR
minimums. The regulations could lead to
more consolidation and greater market con-
centration as smaller insurers with the most
difficulty meeting MLR targets and bearing
the fixed costs of compliance are acquired by
larger insurers.
The MLR regulations also create tension
between the concepts of ‘‘cost reduction’’ and
‘‘quality improvement’’ activities. At a time
when it is becoming increasingly clear that
certain health care services yield little or no
improvement in outcomes or can actually
harm health, the regulations classify some
expenses as involving ‘‘cost reduction,’’ which
must be treated as administrative expenses,
and others as expenditures on ‘‘quality
improvement activity,’’ which are counted
toward meeting the MLR minimums. That
approach risks unintended distortions in
expense decisions and innovation, raising
concern that the classifications’ long-term
effects could undermine broader efforts to
promote health system change.
Overall, the possible unintended conse-
quences and incentive effects of the complex
and evolving rules that encompass the MLR
regulations may impede the goals of enhanc-
ing the affordability of health care and
insurance and improving health care quality.
The regulations are at odds with a range of
efforts at health system change, including
those to promote choice and competition
through health insurance exchanges and
broad initiatives to improve efficiency in
health care spending. They also could com-
plicate efforts to provide consumers with
clear and credible information to assist in
choosing health care coverage that best meets
their needs.
While these conclusions may surprise some,
the goal of achieving beneficial changes in
Inquiry/Volume 50, Spring 2013
health care finance and delivery makes it
important that these concerns be understood
and carefully weighed against the potential
benefits of the regulations. More attention
should be paid to the underlying tension
between the MLR regulations and forward-
looking efforts to transform the health care
system, including careful consideration of
alternatives or modifications to the minimum
MLR approach. Increased transparency is
one possibility, particularly if it focuses on
reliable metrics that provide consumers with
information relating to ultimate value. In this
regard, supporters point to the MLR report-
ing requirements as providing consumers with
important information. But if consumers do
not understand what a specific MLR number
represents, or the number is not put in
context in relation to other considerations—
and with suitable caveats regarding statistical
variation across products or time—it may
falsely imply that one plan is of better quality
or a better choice than another.
The next section describes the federal MLR
regulations in more detail and considers their
relationship to ACA provisions and regula-
tions concerning health insurance rate review.
Arguments that the MLR regulations will
improve consumer welfare by increasing
transparency, improving insurer efficiency,
and providing better value to consumers are
then contrasted with the traditional economic
rationales for, and limitations of, price
controls and related regulation. The paper
then discusses the risk to insurers of paying
rebates due to statistical volatility beyond
that contemplated in the regulations’ credi-
bility adjustments. The regulations’ potential
unintended consequences for premiums, cost
control, coverage design, and other behavior
are then elaborated. The paper concludes by
discussing modifications and alternatives to
the MLR regulations that could help achieve
their stated goals with less potential for
adverse effects.
Overview of the Regulations
Section 2718 of the ACA, ‘‘Bringing Down
the Cost of Health Coverage,’’ requires health
insurers, beginning with their 2011 experi-
ence, to provide customers with premium
rebates if the ratio of the sum of reimburse-
ments ‘‘for clinical services’’ and expenditures
‘‘for activities that improve health care
quality’’ to the ‘‘total amount of premium
revenue (excluding Federal and State taxes
and licensing or regulatory fees)’’ falls below
85% in the large group market and 80% in the
small group and individual markets. States
are permitted to specify higher thresholds.
The HHS secretary is authorized to adjust the
individual market threshold if ‘‘the Secretary
determines that the application of the 80
percent may destabilize the individual market
in such State.’’ Pursuant to that provision,
HHS indicated that approval of state requests
for adjustments would be based on whether
exit of one or more insurers would be
reasonably likely to destabilize the individual
market. Seventeen states applied for adjust-
ments; seven were granted some adjustment.
Section 2718 charged the National Associ-
ation of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
with developing definitions and methodolo-
gies for implementing the minimum MLR
and rebate system. After receiving input from
health insurers, agents and brokers, medical
care providers, and consumer advocates, the
NAIC proposed regulations in October 2010
(NAIC 2010). HHS issued an Interim Final
Rule in December 2010, which adopted the
NAIC proposal and relaxed the minimum
MLR requirements for limited benefit medi-
cal plans and health plans for expatriates
(U.S. HHS 2010). After receiving comments,
HHS issued a Final Rule in December 2011
(U.S. HHS, 2011).
The MLR regulations define activities to
improve quality as those that ‘‘increase the
likelihood of desired health care outcomes in
ways that are capable of being objectively
measured and of producing verifiable results
and achievements.’’ They must be designed
primarily to: 1) improve health outcomes and
reduce disparities; 2) prevent hospital read-
missions; 3) improve safety, reduce medical
errors, and lower infection and mortality
rates; 4) implement, promote, and increase
wellness and health; and 5) enhance the use of
data to improve quality, transparency, and
outcomes and support meaningful use of
health information technology. HHS guid-
ance indicates that while ‘‘an issuer does not
Medical Loss Ratio Regulation
have to present initial evidence proving the
effectiveness of the quality improvement
activity, the issuer will have to show measur-
able results stemming from the executed
quality improvement activity.’’
Expenditures designed primarily to control
costs cannot be counted as expenditures on
quality improvement. The prohibition specif-
ically includes expenditures for: 1) retrospec-
tive and concurrent utilization review; 2)
reducing fraud, except for ‘‘detection/recov-
ery expenses up to the amount recovered that
reduces incurred claims’’; 3) developing and
administering provider contracts and net-
works; 4) provider credentialing; 5) market-
ing; and 6) calculating and administering
individual enrollee or employee incentives.
MLRs and rebates must be calculated
at the licensed entity level within a state
(‘‘entity-state’’ level). The requirements apply
to an entity’s aggregate experience for all
plans sold in the state. If a parent corporation
has more than one subsidiary licensed in a
state, each subsidiary is treated as a separate
entity— there is no aggregation of experience
across subsidiaries. As specified in the statute,
the MLR calculation for 2011 reflects data
for 2011 only. For reporting year 2012,
experience for 2012 alone will be used if the
entity’s experience is fully credible (explained
later) and combined experience for 2011 and
2012 will be used if otherwise. For 2013 and
later, the calculations will be based on
aggregate experience for the reporting year
and the prior two reporting years (i.e., three-
year averaging will be used).
Rebates are
payable to customers in proportion to their
premiums, with allocation among employers
and enrollees in group plans depending on the
terms of employer/employee contributions.
As elaborated further later, the regulations
specify ‘‘credibility adjustments’’ to MLRs
for smaller plans for which claims experience
is subject to greater statistical variation. The
term ‘‘credibility’’ refers to the statistical
reliability of an insurance pool’s loss experi-
ence. Other things being equal, a larger
number of enrollees in a pool reduces
statistical variation in the average cost per
enrollee, producing a more stable MLR. The
regulations’ credibility adjustments make it
less likely that entities with relatively small
numbers of enrollees will have to pay rebates
for years when their MLRs fall below the
minimums due to chance (without giving
them the ability to add surcharges to premi-
ums when random experience causes their
loss ratios to go higher than expected).
The MLR calculations and rebates are
based on insurers’ claims and premiums
without deducting amounts for commercial
reinsurance, whereby a portion of risk and
premiums is transferred to one or more
reinsurance companies to reduce volatility.
Beginning in 2014, however, the calculations
will reflect payments and collections under
the ACA’s required risk adjustment program
and, for the period 2014–2016, payments and
collections under the ACA’s transitional
reinsurance and risk corridor programs.
The MLR provisions and regulations were
adopted in tandem with the ACA’s rate review
provisions and regulations. Section 2794 of the
ACA, ‘‘Ensuring that Consumers Get Value for
Their Dollars,’’ stipulates that the HHS secre-
tary, in conjunction with the states, establish a
process for annual review of ‘‘unreasonable’’
health insurance rate increases. Section 2794
does not require prior approval of rate changes
by state regulators or permit HHS to deny
But insurers must provide the HHS
secretary and relevant state regulators with
justifications of unreasonable rate increases
prior to implementation, and ‘‘prominently
post such information on their Internet web-
sites,’’ with public disclosure otherwise ensured
by the secretary. Insurers with rate increases
that are deemed unreasonable after state and/or
HHS review risk exclusion from the health
insurance exchanges in 2014.
HHS regulations implementing Section
2973 set 10% as the threshold for ‘‘unreason-
able’’ rate increases for a given product in a
state beginning September 1, 2011. Starting
in 2012, states could apply for state-specific
thresholds, based on the ‘‘the cost of health
care and health insurance coverage.’’ Insurers
that propose increases above 10% must file a
preliminary justification with the Center for
Consumer Information and Insurance Over-
sight (CCIIO) and the state, which then is
posted on the CCIIO website. If the state or
the CCIIO deems an increase unreasonable,
and if the insurer nonetheless implements the
Inquiry/Volume 50, Spring 2013
increase, the insurer must submit a final
justification to regulators and post it on the
insurer’s website. The CCIIO has thus far
identified a number of rate increases as
While HHS and drafters of the law and
regulations regard the ACA’s minimum MLR
and rate review requirements as complemen-
tary (see the next section), there is some
conflict between the requirements. Rate review
focuses on whether proposed rates are ‘‘un-
reasonable’’ in relation to projected medical
costs, administrative costs, and profit at the
time policies are issued, including whether
projected rates are expected to satisfy the
minimum MLR requirements. The minimum
MLR provisions seek to limit realized margins
for administrative expenses and profits after
policies are in force. The combination creates
an environment where rates deemed reason-
able ex ante (at the time policies are issued)
may be viewed as unreasonably high ex post
(after medical costs have been paid).
Stated Rationales vs. Economic Aversion to
Price Controls
As noted earlier, the stated rationales for the
minimum MLR standards and associated
disclosure/reporting requirements are to pro-
mote transparency, consumer value, and great-
er efficiency by health insurers. According to
the CCIIO, the rate review regulations com-
plement the minimum MLR and its reporting/
disclosure regulations to help achieve afford-
able health insurance, in part by moderating
rate increases.
The traditional view of economic regula-
tion poses a three-prong test for efficient
First, demonstrable market fail-
ure should exist. Second, there should be a
reasonable expectation that the benefits of
regulation will outweigh its direct and indi-
rect costs. Third, appropriate regulatory tools
should be matched with specific market
failures. Broadly construed, the MLR and
rate review regulations both represent forms
of price controls, which are subject to the
limitations inherent in such controls and not
easily reconciled with this view of regulation.
The economic rationale for price regulation
focuses on whether firms are able to charge
prices above marginal costs. If so, price
regulation has the potential to reduce welfare
losses by lowering prices and increasing
consumption. Given the direct costs of
regulation, potential distortions in incentives,
and other unintended consequences, however,
price regulation is generally viewed as a last
resort—to be used only in cases where
significant market power is inherent, such as
natural monopoly or near natural monopoly.
Otherwise, the preferred strategy is to pro-
mote more effective competition by, for
example, antitrust policy and/or improving
information disclosure.
Proponents of MLR minimums and de-
tailed disclosure of insurers’ claim costs and
administrative expenses argue that such rules
are an appropriate response to insufficient
transparency and competition in health in-
surance markets, which they believe have
resulted in excessive administrative expenses
and profits.
Administrative expense ratios
for individual and small group coverage in
particular are seen as providing prima facie
evidence of dysfunctional markets. Such
arguments notwithstanding, the use of mini-
mum MLR regulation as a means to make
health insurance significantly more affordable
overall is not readily reconciled with aggre-
gate trends in MLRs and insurers’ profit
margins. Using data from the National
Health Expenditure accounts, for example,
the estimated ratio of medical costs to
premiums (i.e., the traditional MLR calcula-
tion) for all private health coverage has
averaged 87.7% since 1965, with little or no
trend (see Figure 1).
Aggregate reported
profit margins for publicly traded health
insurers averaged 3.5% of revenues during
the period 1991–2011 and 4.1% during the
period 2002–2011 (see Figure 2), with gener-
ally lower margins for not-for-profit insurers.
Analyses of private health insurance mar-
kets have provided limited evidence of the
scope and effectiveness of health insurance
competition and little or no analysis of why
minimum MLR regulation would be an
appropriate vehicle for addressing market
imperfections. Health insurance market con-
centration is often high at the state and
metropolitan levels, especially for individual
insurance (e.g., Robinson 2004; American
Medical Loss Ratio Regulation
Medical Association 2007; U.S. GAO 2009;
Austin and Hungerford 2009; Cox and Levitt
2011; also see Scanlon et al. 2006), raising
concerns about market power.
But concen-
tration varies widely across states and market
segments (individual, small group, and large
group), the causes of such variation and the
nature and scope of possible barriers to entry
and growth are not fully understood, and
research has provided only mixed evidence of
adverse effects from increased concentration
(see, for example, Dafny 2008; Dafny, Dug-
gan, and Ramanarayanan 2012; Moriya,
Vogt, and Gaynor 2010; also see Conover
and Miller 2010, and Gaynor and Town
State regulation of health insurance rates
has received little analysis, in contrast to
research that has considered the effects of
state rate regulation of automobile insurance
and, to a lesser extent, workers’ compensa-
tion insurance, including numerous compar-
isons of loss ratios (ratios of claim costs to
premiums) in states with and without prior
approval rate regulation. The results general-
ly indicate that since the 1970s prior approval
regulation on average had no effect on loss
ratios, but periods of regulatory rate sup-
pression in inflationary environments in some
states were associated with reduced availabil-
ity of coverage and/or a significant increase in
insurer exits.
The implications for health
insurance are uncertain, in part because of
higher market concentration in many states’
health insurance markets compared with
property/casualty insurance markets.
Regulatory and compliance costs, incentive
distortions, and other inefficiencies and unin-
tended consequences ultimately transformed
federal regulation of transportation (airline
Figure 1. Estimated U.S. medical loss ratios for private health insurance, 1965-2010
(including premium equivalents for self-funded plans)
(Author’s calculations with nationa l
health expenditure data: National Health Expe nditure [NHE] Amounts by Type of Expenditure
and Source of Funds: Calendar Years 1965–2010 in PROJECTIONS format. Projections for 2010
based on the 2009 version of the NHE released in January 2011)
Inquiry/Volume 50, Spring 2013
and trucking) rates in the 1970s and 1980s.
Those problems have also contributed to a
significant emphasis on stimulating competi-
tion and consumer choice and to the adoption
of novel forms of regulation for utility services,
as opposed to the historic use of cost of service
rate regulation. In the case of regulated public
utilities, the drawbacks of traditional cost of
service (or ‘‘rate of return’’) regulation—
including, for example, weakened incentives
for cost efficiency, arbitrary allocations of
costs and assets across services, and difficulty
in setting an appropriate rate of return on
capital—ultimately led many regions to adopt
some form of ‘‘price cap’’ regulation, often in
conjunction with constraints on realized prof-
its over time (e.g., Braeutigam and Panzar
1993). Under ‘‘pure’’ price cap regulation, a
firm is permitted to raise the price of a given
service over time in relation to changes in a
price index, often with an efficiency adjust-
ment to reflect the potential for improved
productivity. The firm is otherwise allowed to
retain all profits, thus incentivizing efficiency
in production.
In principle, minimum MLR regulation
might be viewed as aiming to retain some
incentives for efficiency consistent with argu-
ments for price cap regulation in that, absent
potential restrictions on projected profits in
the rate review process, insurers are permitted
to earn and retain profits from improvements
in efficiency, provided that they meet the
minimum MLR standard. That potential has
to be weighed against the other consequences
of MLR regulation. Moreover, significant
differences between minimum MLR regula-
tion and basic price cap regulation include the
former’s focus on influencing specific types
and magnitudes of production costs and its
application without regard to the extent of
competition and potential market power in
different states or market segments.
Statistical Volatility and
Credibility Adjustments
Insurers’ projected (target) MLRs will vary
for different products and regions at time of
sale due to many factors apart from any
Figure 2. Quarterly net income as a percentage of revenues for publicly traded managed
care organizations, 4th quarter 1991 to 3rd quarter 2011 (four quarter moving average)
(Author’s calculations using S&P Compustat quarterly data.)
Medical Loss Ratio Regulation
potential variation that may arise from
market power, costly consumer search, or
other market imperfections. Those factors
include: the magnitude of an insurer’s fixed
vs. variable administrative costs; the number
of enrollees; the average morbidity and
medical care utilization of enrollees; the
average size of deductibles and other forms
of cost sharing; the degree of focus on
medical cost control; the types of relation-
ships with providers; enrollee growth and
turnover rates; and distribution methods
(e.g., Robinson 1997; Harrington 2010). This
complexity alone makes it difficult to predict
the outcomes of the MLR rules and increases
the likelihood of significant, unintended
consequences. The effects of the rules on
prices, coverage availability, distribution, cost
control, quality improvement, coverage de-
sign, and contractual relationships with pro-
viders will also depend on uncertain consum-
er responses to any changes in insurers’
offerings and strategy, as well as on the
extent to which insurers’ adjustments are
constrained by prior contracts and pricing
arrangements (such as guaranteed renewable
The uncertainty and risk of unanticipated
consequences are amplified by an insurer’s
obligation to pay rebates on actual MLRs
that may differ significantly from those
projected when policies are issued (and by
amounts greater than any permitted credibil-
ity adjustments, which are described in detail
later). Health insurance premiums are based
on the projected costs of providing coverage
during the contract term, generally based on
data available some months before the term
commences. The variability between the
average costs realized during the coverage
period and the costs projected when coverage
was priced depends on random (chance)
statistical variation arising from the underly-
ing probability distributions of medical costs
and the unavoidable imprecision in estimat-
ing those distributions ( i.e., projecting trends
in medical costs).
As noted earlier, statisti-
cal variation in the average medical cost per
enrollee for a health plan diminishes as the
number of enrollees increases. Large enrollee
pools have less variation in average costs than
small pools. Even for very large pools,
however, risk remains due to the inability to
project precisely trends in costs. For example,
unpredictable changes in disease and illness
trends or in prices and utilization of medical
care can occur at the state, regional, or even
national level, regardless of the volume and
quality of data and analysis used to project
cost growth.
MLR Regulation Credibility Adjustments
The MLR rules authorize specific credibility
adjustments to reduce the likelihood that
rebates will be payable as a result of chance
statistical variation. The relevant credibility
adjustment, if any, is added to the insurer’s
MLR for the purpose of determining any
obligation to pay a rebate and the amount.
The eligibility for and magnitude of any
credibility adjustment depend on the entity’s
number of covered life-years in the state (the
total number of months of coverage provided
to enrollees divided by 12). If an insurer’s
experience is based on 75,000 or more life-
years, it is considered sufficiently reliable for
full application of the rebate requirements
without any credibility adjustment. If an
insurer’s experience is based on fewer than
1,000 life-years, its experience is considered
insufficiently reliable (‘‘non-credible’’) for
application of the requirements, and the
insurer is exempt from paying rebates. For
insurers with life-years ranging from 1,000
up to 75,000, a credibility adjustment that
declines with the number of life-years is
added to its MLR for the purpose of
calculating rebates.
The permitted credibility adjustments are
greater for issuers of plans that have higher
average deductibles because these plans ex-
perience more volatility in covered medical
claims (see, for example, Milliman 2010a,b
and Litow et al. 2012). Table 1 summarizes
the permitted credibility adjustments for
different numbers of life-years and average
The permitted credibility adjustments are
based on analysis by an actuarial consultant
under guidelines provided by the NAIC
(Milliman 2010a, b). The analysis used
statistical simulations of MLRs for plans of
different sizes and cost-sharing arrangements,
assuming: 1) an underlying distribution of
Inquiry/Volume 50, Spring 2013
enrollee medical costs based on the experience
of a large number of plans (21 million lives)
as of July 2010, and 2) a target MLR of 80%
for individual and small groups and 85% for
large groups. The process involved simulating
the annual medical costs paid for each
enrollee in a plan of a given assumed size
and then calculating the MLR for that plan-
year. The process was repeated 5,000 times,
producing an empirical MLR distribution for
a plan of that size.
The NAIC requested credibility adjust-
ments for two ranges, a ‘‘50 percent range,’’
where the adjustment is based on the 25
percentile of the generated MLR values, and
an ‘‘80 percent range,’ based on the 10
percentile. Basing the adjustments on the 25
percentile implies that—under the assump-
tions of the simulation—a plan with a target
loss ratio of 80% would have to pay rebates on
average one year out of four as a result of
chance statistical variation in medical costs
(vs. one year in 10 if the 10
percentile value
were chosen). While there was concern that the
simulations produced too many ‘‘false posi-
tives,’’ the NAIC ultimately recommended—
and the HHS adopted—the credibility adjust-
ments based on the 25
If the authorized credibility adjustments
were accurate, an insurer that covered be-
tween 1,000 and 75,000 life-years and had an
80% target MLR would face a 25% proba-
bility of having to pay rebates for any given
year due to chance alone (on average once in
four years). In addition, insurers with a target
MLR above 80% for individual or small
group coverage would face some probability
of paying rebates due to chance alone, with
the probability declining from 25% as the
difference between its target MLR and 80%
increased. Those insurers would likely con-
sider that possibility in their decision making.
The actuarial analysis underlying the cred-
ibility adjustments noted a number of limita-
tions, including several arising from the scope
of the analysis directed by the NAIC. Those
limitations included: 1) the assumed claim
probability distributions reflect nationwide
experience and do not necessarily apply to
any given insurer’s business, 2) the assumed
distributions need not apply to experience
following health care reform, 3) the analysis
did not consider variation that could arise
from the MLR formula’s dependence on
expenditures for quality improvement and
for taxes and fees, and 4) the analysis focused
only on ‘‘unforeseen statistical variation’’
rather than potential ‘‘pricing errors.’’
Related to the last limitation, and presum-
ably as directed by the NAIC, the analysis
and resulting credibility factors assume that
an insurer would know the underlying prob-
ability distribution of medical costs when it
established premiums. That assumption ab-
stracts from a central aspect of real-world
pricing decisions. Insurers do not know the
underlying claims distribution—it must be
estimated—and errors in projecting trends in
claim costs represent an inherent source of
risk in pricing, even for the largest insurers.
For premiums based on a given target MLR,
that source of uncertainty and resulting
forecast errors will cause variation in MLRs
above and beyond that contemplated in the
simulations supporting the authorized credi-
bility factors. An individual or small group
Table 1. Permitted credibility adjustments for medical loss ratios (MLRs)
Credibility adjustment for different average deductibles
, $2,500 $2,500 $5,000 $10,000
, 1,000 Exempt from rebate requirements
1,000 8.3% 9.7% 11.6% 14.4%
2,500 5.2% 6.1% 7.3% 9.0%
5,000 3.7% 4.3% 5.2% 6.4%
10,000 2.6% 3.0% 3.6% 4.5%
25,000 1.6% 1.9% 2.2% 2.8%
50,000 1.2% 1.4% 1.7% 2.1%
75,000 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
The credibility adjustment for a given volume of life-years and average deductible is added to the insurer’s MLR for the
purpose of determining its obligation to pay rebates. Author’s calculation of factors for $2,500, $5,000, and $10,000.
Medical Loss Ratio Regulation
market insurer with a target MLR of 80%,
for example, might have a materially greater
likelihood of experiencing a lower MLR due
to chance than is implied by the simulations,
with correspondingly higher likelihoods that
insurers with higher target MLRs would have
to pay rebates.
Historical data provide
evidence consistent with this prediction.
Analysis of the volatility in annual, entity-
state level MLRs in the individual market
during the period 2001–2010 suggests mate-
rially greater volatility than implied by the
authorized credibility adjustments, with both
higher likelihoods of paying rebates and
higher than expected amounts.
Basing MLR and rebate calculations on
three years of experience, beginning with
2013, will reduce volatility but not eliminate
the risk of having to pay rebates due to
statistical volatility. MLRs based on three
years of experience will reflect roughly three
times as many lives. While three-year MLRs
will have correspondingly less volatility (e.g.,
American Academy of Actuaries 2010), they
will also receive lower credibility adjust-
An insurer with, for example,
50,000 lives over three years would expect
to have volatility roughly equivalent to an
insurer with 50,000 lives in a single year. Even
the largest insurers will still face volatility in
three-year MLRs due to unavoidable inaccu-
racies in forecasting claim cost trends.
Risk Adjustment, Reinsurance, and
Risk Corridors
The effects of the MLR rules will become
much more complicated in 2014 when three
other ACA provisions and attendant regula-
tions (U.S. HHS 2012b; 2013a, b) take effect:
1) a permanent risk adjustment program for
all non-grandfathered individual and small
group plans; 2) a three-year transitional
reinsurance program for high claim costs for
individual enrollees in non-grandfathered
individual market plans to be funded by
contributions from all issuers and third-party
administrators of group health plans; and 3) a
three-year transitional risk corridor program
for Qualified Health Plans (plans offered
through the exchanges). Insurer payments
and collections under these programs will be
added to, and deducted from, the numerator
when calculating MLRs and rebates, except
for contributions to the reinsurance program,
which will be deducted from the denominator.
Risk adjustment should primarily affect the
calculations and rebates based on whether an
insurer’s enrollees have above average or
below average ex ante risk characteristics as
incorporated in the risk adjustment models,
as opposed to unexpectedly higher or lower
realized costs for enrollees as a group. On the
other hand, insurers’ contributions to the
temporary reinsurance program would reduce
the denominator of the MLR calculation, and
collections for any enrollees with annual
insured medical costs exceeding the reinsur-
ance thresholds (attachment points) will
decrease the numerator. By reducing individ-
ual market insurers’ contributions in relation
to payments received, the contributions from
self-insurers will tend to lower individual
market MLRs, depending on premium ad-
justments in anticipation of those transfers.
The risk corridor program during the
2014–2016 period will provide payments from
HHS to Qualified Health Plans whose allow-
able costs (costs included in the numerator of
the MLR calculation) exceed target amounts
by specified percentages; it will require
payments to HHS from insurers whose
allowable costs are lower than target amounts
by specified percentages. Given statutory
language, it was originally anticipated that
the risk corridor calculations would be at the
plan level within a state, thus increasing the
statistical variation compared with perform-
ing calculations at the licensed entity (insurer)
level, as is done under the MLR rules. An
HHS interim final rule, however, would
essentially allow calculation at the insurer
level (U.S. HHS 2013a).
The risk corridor program will likely
reduce volatility in insurers’ MLRs for rebate
calculations over the 2014–2016 period,
making it less likely that an insurer will have
to pay rebates due to unexpectedly favorable
claims experience. Plans with unexpectedly
low costs below the thresholds in the risk
corridors will be required to make payments
to HHS, without any credibility adjustments,
which will offset or potentially exceed any
reduction in obligations to pay rebates.
Conversely, under the risk corridor program
Inquiry/Volume 50, Spring 2013
insurers will receive payments if unexpectedly
high medical costs produce allowable costs
sufficiently greater than the target amounts.
Potential Effects and
Unintended Consequences
Reductions in administrative costs that could
accompany rating reforms and the operation
of health insurance exchanges in 2014 and
later years could make it easier for insurers to
meet the MLR thresholds. On the other hand,
market dynamics during the first few years of
the new environment are unknown, and the
interactions between the MLR minimums,
risk adjustment, and transitional reinsurance
and risk corridors add another layer of
complexity. The effects of the regulations
generally will be greater for firms with lower
target MLRs, most obviously for any insurers
that have (or otherwise would have had)
targets below the 80% and 85% thresholds.
As stressed earlier, insurers with target MLRs
above the thresholds will also face the
possibility of having to pay rebates due to
unexpectedly low medical costs that cause
their actual MLRs to drop below the
thresholds, after including any credibility
Premium Margins for Non-Claim Expenses
and Profits
The MLR regulations are predicted to exert
downward pressure on overall margins for some
insurers’ administrative expenses and profits in
certain markets to reduce the likelihood of
having to pay rebates and the magnitude of
rebates if they are necessary. Consistent with
reports of reduced agent and broker commis-
sions, the requirements will generally lower
payments to agents and brokers, especially for
insurers that otherwise would be unwilling to
continue providing coverage.
For some insurers, expected profits will
likely decline compared with what would
have occurred without the MLR rules, at
least until they adjust their operations and
business models. Any firms that are unable to
achieve appropriate expected returns from
selling coverage will shrink and ultimately
exit. Arguments that lowering profitability is
an appropriate objective of the MLR rules
dismiss or ignore solvency considerations and
are not based on compelling evidence that
profit margins have been excessive. Other
things being equal, lower profits reduce
insurers’ financial ability to withstand unex-
pected increases in medical costs.
In response to the MLR regulations, some
insurers could choose to lower premium rates
vis-a-vis projected medical costs in certain
markets, but just how much of a reduction
may occur is unclear. It is possible that some
insurers instead might increase premium
rates. With that strategy, an insurer would
plan to pay rebates unless medical costs
turned out to be unexpectedly high, in which
case the higher premiums charged would help
fund the higher costs. To the extent that
occurs, the dynamics of pricing will shift
toward higher upfront premiums, with re-
bates expected in more years, from a pre-
regulation environment characterized by low-
er premiums but no rebates. That result
would tend to increase risk to customers. A
potential regulatory response would be to
deny or otherwise discourage rate increases;
over time, however, such action could create
solvency issues and inhibit innovation.
Spending on Cost Control and
Quality-Improvement Activities
The MLR requirements are likely to reduce
spending designed to lower the average cost of
medical claims per enrollee, thus increasing
medical costs and, other things being equal,
putting upward pressure on premiums. With-
out the MLR requirements, and for simplicity
ignoring possible effects on consumer demand,
a profit-maximizing insurer will invest in cost
control up to the point where an additional
dollar of spending reduces expected medical
costs by a dollar. Under the MLR rules,
additional spending on medical cost control in
many instances will also increase an insurer’s
expected rebate, thus reducing the marginal
benefit and amount of such spending.
prediction also holds for spending on fraud
prevention, which can only be counted in the
MLR calculation up to the amounts collected
from such efforts. The reduced incentive for
medical cost control with attendant pressure on
costs and premiums may represent a significant
unintended consequence of the regulations.
Medical Loss Ratio Regulation
Regarding spending on quality improve-
ment activities, without the MLR rules and
potential rebates, profit-maximizing insurers
will incur such expenditures to the point
where the marginal revenues from higher
prices and/or the attraction of additional
customers equal the marginal costs. In a
rebate environment, increased spending on
quality improvement activities for many
insurers will also reduce the expected cost of
paying rebates, thus providing additional
incentive to increase spending (as long as
consumers value the improved quality more
than the potential rebates).
On the other
hand, the requirement that quality improve-
ment activities demonstrate their effectiveness
over time creates uncertainty about the types
of expenditures that will ultimately be count-
ed as improving quality, and it fails to
recognize the fundamental challenge of dem-
onstrating the effectiveness of innovations in
care delivery to enhance quality.
The MLR requirements also create tension
between the concepts of ‘‘cost reduction’’ and
‘‘quality improvement.’’ Activities that im-
prove quality cannot be sharply distinguished
from activities designed primarily to control
costs. Attempting to draw fine distinctions
and requiring that quality-improvement ac-
tivities be shown to have measurable results
(even though initial demonstration is not
required) will likely discourage risky, but
potentially beneficial innovation and national
efforts to encourage experimentation.
Innovation, Insurer/Provider Contracting, and
Integrated Care Delivery
An important and specific goal of the ACA
and many private sector initiatives to control
medical costs while maintaining or enhancing
quality is to promote efficient delivery of
medical care, through, for example, innovative
models of care integration and coordination,
such as accountable care organizations, episode-
based payments, medical homes, and wellness
and disease management programs. Health
insurance companies are involved in numerous
initiatives along these lines, in addition to
traditional network and capitation arrange-
ments with providers and related organizations.
It is desirable for health insurers to invest
actively in innovation to develop new cover-
age arrangements, more cost-efficient provider
networks and delivery arrangements, and infor-
mation systems to guide consumer choice,
including evidence on medically effective and
cost-efficient care. Such investment requires
upfront expenditures, with a reasonable expec-
tation of earning returns over time at least
commensurate with the risk involved. Because
investment in innovation commonly has a high
failure rate, large potential returns from suc-
cessful innovations are often required to
incentivize investment. Although the MLR
regulations may stimulate some insurers to
reduce administrative expenses and the poten-
tial for rebates, the caps on potential returns
from innovation will likely reduce investment in
risky innovations that, if successful, could yield
large benefits. The MLR requirements add
another layer of uncertainty that health insurers
and parties that contract with health insurers
must confront when considering investment in
innovation to meet the challenges confronting
U.S. health care.
Considerable uncertainty exists concerning
the types of arrangements and levels of
‘‘administrative’’ expenses that might help
achieve efficient, integrated care, and thus
whether the MLR rules might discourage
efficient arrangements that otherwise would
be feasible. An important issue is the treat-
ment under the MLR rules of health insurers’
payments to providers and other entities in
integrated or managed care arrangements.
The framework and decisions regarding the
extent to which payments are considered
reimbursement for clinical services and thus
seen as incurred claims (or expenditures on
activities to improve quality)— which can be
included in the numerator of the MLR
calculation— versus non-claim costs— which
cannot be included— have important impli-
cations for the costs and risks of entering into
such arrangements and developing more
innovative ones.
Regarding this issue, Section 158.140(b)(3)
of the MLR Final Rule, and several rounds
of technical guidance issued by the CCIIO,
set forth detailed requirements and criteria
for identifying the amounts in health plan
payments to clinical risk-bearing entities
(such as independent practice associations,
Inquiry/Volume 50, Spring 2013
physician hospital organizations, and ac-
countable care organizations) and third-party
vendors that can be considered medical
claims in MLR calculations, as opposed to
administrative costs. Guidance issued on
February 10, 2012 (Cohen 2012), regarding
insurers’ payments to clinical risk-bearing
entities stipulates that ‘‘functions other than
clinical services that are included in the
payment… must be reasonably related or
incident to the clinical services, and must be
performed on behalf of the entity or the
entity’s providers.’’ If any administrative
functions are performed on behalf of the
health plan issuer, however, ‘‘that portion of
the issuer’s payment attributable to adminis-
trative functions may not be included in
incurred claims.’’
These provisions and guidance suggest the
difficulties and costs of crafting, enforcing,
and complying with applicable rules, and the
inherent complexity and uncertainty that can
arise in applying seemingly simple regulatory
requirements to complicated economic rela-
tionships. Regulators could fear that some
arrangements might be designed, at least in
part, to shift administrative costs to vendors
in an attempt to circumvent the MLR rules
and reduce the likelihood or magnitude of
rebates. Such concern notwithstanding, nar-
row construction of payments that qualify as
incurred claim costs under the MLR rules,
along with uncertainty about how payments
may be treated under existing or innovative
arrangements, could disrupt current and
future arrangements to better provide coor-
dinated, integrated care. That result would
undermine the key objective of achieving
more efficient spending. The trade-off favors
rules that err on the side of flexibly promoting
coordination and integration.
Coverage Design
Varying policy designs with respect to cov-
ered services, cost sharing, and plan differ-
ences in average medical costs (covered and
uncovered) for enrollees tend to produce
different target MLRs. Thus, the possibility
exists that the MLR regulations could lead to
changes in the supply of certain types of
coverage in different regions, reducing the
diversity of health plan choices. In the
extreme, the MLR’s sensitivity to different
plan types could make it difficult or even
infeasible to specialize in or even offer some
types of benefit and cost-sharing arrange-
ments. A variety of observers and commenta-
tors, for example, have expressed concern
about the future of high-deductible health
plans (HDHPs) under the MLR regulations
(with or without health savings accounts) and
whether HDHPs generally will be able to meet
the 60% actuarial value requirement for the
lowest cost (bronze) plans beginning in 2014.
Given some amount of fixed costs at the
policy level and with all else being equal, target
MLRs will be lower for plans with greater cost
sharing and thus lower actuarial values, or
with lower expected medical costs at any cost-
sharing level, or both. Litow et al. (2012)
provide detailed examples illustrating how
plans with lower actuarial values and/or lower
average medical costs for enrollees are likely to
have lower target MLRs and thus be more
likely to violate the MLR minimums, regard-
less of credibility issues. This could reduce the
prevalence of such plans and any associated
benefits from greater incentives for cost
Consolidation, Concentration, and Capacity
The fixed costs of complying with the ACA’s
MLR and other insurance regulations will
weigh more heavily on smaller insurers and
increase the costs of entry by new insurers.
The MLR regulations also could make it
more difficult for new insurers to achieve
sufficient scale, even permitting temporary
deferral of experience on new business that
exceeds 50% of an insurer’s volume. The
MLR rules could encourage insurers to
consolidate to obtain product portfolios more
likely to meet the minimum MLR require-
ments (e.g., from pooling expenses or reduc-
ing statistical volatility in MLRs), or simply
to achieve additional economies of scale in
administration. The MLR rules are therefore
likely to increase market concentration above
and beyond the influence of exchanges and
other insurance market reforms. An associ-
ated reduction in the number of insurers and
increased market shares of larger insurers
would represent another unintended conse-
quence of the rules.
Medical Loss Ratio Regulation
Another possible unintended consequence
involves insurers investments in capacity to
meet growing demand. Health insurance
sector capacity will need to expand signifi-
cantly to meet the increased demand for
coverage from the ACA’s premium subsidies
and individual and employer mandates. The
MLR regulations could reduce some insurers
incentives to build capacity to meet that
demand both inside and outside the exchanges.
The inherent caps on profitability, the expected
cost of rebates, and the actual payment of
rebates will likely shrink available resources,
make it more difficult for insurers to raise
additional capital, and potentially reduce the
number of insurers willing to participate in the
exchanges. To the extent this occurs, the
requirements would undermine the goal of
achieving orderly and vibrant health insurance
markets in 2014.
Accompanying development of the MLR
regulations was discussion of a variety of
methods to reduce the potential for unintend-
ed consequences. Among the examples were
permitting insurers to consolidate results for
subsidiaries and/or permitting greater use of
reinsurance to reduce MLR volatility, and
possibly allowing insurers to pool large
claims to help reduce statistical volatility
and the likelihood of having to pay rebates
due to chance statistical variation (e.g.,
American Academy of Actuaries 2010). Giv-
en the potential for significant unintended
consequences and other drawbacks, it would
be desirable to reconsider such proposals,
along with revisiting the adequacy of credi-
bility adjustments prior to 2014 and making
sure that appropriate credibility adjustments
are permitted in 2014 and later years.
More fundamental is the need for less
prescriptive alternatives that could help increase
transparency, efficiency, and consumer value
with fewer potentially adverse effects. An
overall strategy would promote more effective
competition, informed consumer choice, and
pro-competitive regulatory oversight of rates.
An important part of that strategy would be to
better understand and then reduce any artificial
barriers to entry and growth by new or smaller
insurers, especially in states with highly concen-
trated markets. That would require more
analysis of the reasons that some he alth
insurance markets are highly concentrated,
and the extent to which that concentration
primarily reflects efficiency, market power, or
other influences.
Regarding information disclosure, some
consumer advocates strongly pressed for and
endorsed the ACA’s required disclosure of
MLRs as a means to assist consumers in
identifying high-value coverage. Given the
MLRs’ dependence on insurers’ coverage
design, statistical variation, and other complex-
ities, however, providing reliable and meaning-
ful information on MLRs at the entity-state
level to guide consumers’ decisions is problem-
atic. Rather than convey detailed information
on MLRs and administrative expenses, infor-
mation disclosure should focus on reliable
metrics that determine ultimate value to
consumers, including: 1) premium rates, 2)
covered benefits, 3) cost-sharing and actuarial
values, 4) provider networks and specialist
access, 5) quality of care and claims adminis-
tration, and 6) insurer financial strength.
Given information on those attributes,
data on an insurer’s MLR in a particular
state is unlikely to enhance consumers’ ability
to make informed decisions, including help-
ing them evaluate trade-offs among the
various plan features. Because of statistical
variation, it makes sense at best to inform
consumers whether an insurer’s MLR is
significantly different from the average for
comparable products (as is done, for exam-
ple, in the Medicare Hospital Compare
system for hospital mortality rates).
Even apart from the statistical credibility /
reliability issue, comparing MLRs across
different types of products could just as easily
confuse as inform. The fact that an insurer
focusing on HDHPs, for example, might have
a lower target MLR than an insurer with
higher actuarial value plans does not imply
that the HDHP provides reduced value for
consumers given their individual needs and
preferences. It would not even imply that the
absolute dollar amount included in the premi-
um calculation for administrative expenses and
profits was higher for the HDHP. Further-
more, for plans with similar actuarial values
Inquiry/Volume 50, Spring 2013
and a similar network of providers, target
MLRs will tend to be highly and inversely
correlated with premiums, offering little, if any,
additional information beyond premiums
that is, plans with low target MLRs will have
high premiums and vice versa. Finally, a higher
realized MLR, if not due to short-term,
statistical variation, might indicate poor oper-
ating performance and financial weakness,
rather than better overall value.
The MLR regulations established by the
ACA are designed to guarantee that a
specific, minimum percentage of health in-
surance premiums in a particular market be
spent on medical care and activities to
improve health care quality. The regulations
pose substantial risk of unintended conse-
quences, including those due to, or exacer-
bated by, the sensitivity of rebates to statis-
tical variation in medical costs. If medical
claim costs are lower than projected, the
regulations likely will expose many insurers
whose target MLRs are equal to or above the
specified minimums to a non-trivial risk of
having to pay rebates, despite the permitted
credibility adjustments. Insurers will not be
able to charge consumers additional amounts
to offset losses if costs are higher than
The risk of having to pay rebates due to
statistical variation magnifies the potential
for such unintended consequences as higher
upfront premiums for some insurers; more
limited consumer choice of coverage and
insurers; less innovation in products that help
align consumer, provider, and health plan
incentives; and increased consolidation and
concentration in health insurance markets. In
contrast to the traditional state regulatory use
of projected MLRs as a metric to help monitor
premiums in relation to medical benefits and
solvency considerations, and despite the in-
herent volatility of insurers’ MLRs and their
limitations in measuring value to consumers,
too little attention has been paid to the
possibility of such consequences. Policy-
makers should consider adopting alternatives
—or at a minimum modifications— to the
MLR regulations to help achieve their objec-
tives with a lower chance of adverse effects.
Thanks are due Gary Bacher and the editors for
helpful comments.
1 Earlier studies of insurers’ MLRs prior to 2011
had projected that rebates for 2011 experience
would exceed $1 billion (U.S. HHS 2010;
Abraham and Karaca-Mandic 2011; U.S.
GAO 2011b; Hall and McCue 2012; Herbold
2012; Cox, Levitt, and Claxton 2012).
2 Medicare supplemental coverage is subject to
minimum ratios of incurred medical costs to
premiums that must be met in rate filings and
that can trigger refunds to policyholders under
certain conditions.
3 Robinson (1997) provides early discussion of
this and related issues.
4 Denials of requested adjustments generally
concluded that exits were unlikely to occur in
the state even though some insurers would
experience operating losses after paying pro-
jected rebates. Details of the applications and
decisions are provided at
5 The Final Rule did not adopt a proposal
approved narrowly by the NAIC in November
2011 that would have allowed an insurer to
deduct agent and broker commissions from
premiums when calculating its MLR. Subse-
quent proposed legislation (H.R. 1206) would
exclude payments to agents and brokers from
the MLR calculation, require the HHS secre-
tary to defer to a state’s findings that applica-
tion of the MLR rules would destabilize the
individual market, and allow state waivers from
the MLR requirements for the small group
market in addition to the individual market (see
CBO 2012).
6 The numerator for the 2013 MLR reporting
year may include any rebate for the 2011 or
2012 MLR reporting year, and the numerator
for the 2012 MLR reporting year may include
any rebate for the 2011 reporting year if the
2012 MLR experience was not fully credible.
Whether prior rebates can be included in the
calculations in later years remains uncertain.
7 In addition, an insurer with 50% or more of its
total earned premium in a state attributable to
newly issued policies with less than 12 months
of experience may defer inclusion of the
experience for those policies from its MLR
calculation until the following year.
Medical Loss Ratio Regulation
8 There is an exception for ‘‘assumption rein-
surance,’’ where an insurer transfers all
obligations for a block of business to a
9 State oversight of rate changes was (and is)
diverse across and within states for individual
and small group coverage. About half the
states required prior regulatory approval of
rate changes for individual health insurance in
2009 (NAIC 2009; Korlette and Lundy 2010).
10 The ACA authorized the HHS to assume
responsibility for rate review if it deems that a
state does not have effective rate review. The
CCIIO is conducting rate reviews in six states
(CCIIO 2011).
11 The CCIIO website (http://cciio.
marketreforms/rates/index.html) provides ex-
amples where enhanced rate review is asserted
to have saved consumers money by reducing
insurers’ requested rate increases (also see
Korlette and Lundy 2010).
12 See, for example, the treatment by Associate
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer in his
1982 volume on regulation and its reform
(Breyer 1982).
13 These views have a long history. See, for
example, the discussion in Robinson (1997).
14 The MLR equals the ratio of medical benefits
to premiums, including ‘‘premium equiva-
lents’’ for self-funded plans, which reflect
estimated fees to insurers and others under
administrative service contracts.
15 The limited federal antitrust exemption for the
‘‘business of insurance’’ has little effect on
health insurers. Insurers’ relationships with
medical care providers, such as the inclusion of
‘‘most favored customer’’ clauses in hospital
contracts, are not exempted. In contrast to
property/casualty insurance, health insurance
has no history of joint rate making that is
protected by the exemption. Health insurer
mergers have been subject to federal antitrust
scrutiny since at least the early 1970s, and
mergers and acquisitions of health insurers are
subject to approval by state regulators.
16 Potentially most germane to the MLR regula-
tions, Cebul et al. (2011) posit a model in which
search frictions can lead to high marketing
expenses and prices in health insurance mar-
kets. Based on comparison of premium distri-
butions for insured and self-insured employer
plans, they conclude that frictions significantly
increase premiums and that a public health
insurance option could improve efficiency by
reducing distortions in pricing and marketing
expenses. The theoretical model does not
consider the potential role of brokers in
reducing search frictions, and the empirical
conclusions depend on the authors having
adequately controlled for risk-related and other
factors that could produce premium differences
between insured and self-insured plans.
17 See, for example, Cummins (2002) and the
papers therein.
18 In practice, price cap regulation in the United
States generally has included some mechanism
for limiting firms’ profits over time in relation to
a benchmark, thus reducing its incentive effects.
19 The latter source of risk is known as ‘‘param-
eter uncertainty.’’ Wacek (2005) provides a
technical treatment of parameter uncertainty
for property/casualty insurance loss ratios.
20 For the 2013 MLR reporting year, the
credibility adjustment for partially credible
experience is zero if both: 1) ‘‘the current
MLR reporting year and each of the two
previous years included experience of at least
1,000 life-years,’’ and 2) ‘‘without applying the
credibility adjustment, the issuer’s MLRs for
all years were below’’ the minimum MLR
21 An August 2010 letter to the Office of
Consumer Information and Insurance Over-
sight (later the CCIIO) by Rowen Bell, chair of
the Medical Loss Ratio Work Group of the
American Academy of Actuaries, explained
(American Academy of Actuaries 2010):
‘‘MLR volatility of small blocks of business
is also driven by uncertainties in setting
premium rates (in addition to the statistical
fluctuations of claims)…. Credibility factors
derived from an analysis of statistical fluctu-
ations only… would need to be set at a very
high confidence level in order to compensate
for other sources of volatility.’’ Bell’s comment
about uncertainties in setting rates also applies
qualitatively to large insurers.
22 Details are provided in the working paper
version of this paper (Harrington 2012).
23 Any positive correlation in annual MLRs would
increase the volatility of three-year averages.
24 In its budget score of H.R. 1206 (see note 5
previously), the CBO projected that the current
MLR rules will reduce premiums by ‘‘about one-
half of one percent, on average over the next few
years, declining to approximately one-tenth of
one percent by the end of the 10-year projection
period’’ (CBO 2012). McCue and Hall (2012)
report that nationwide administrative expenses
and profits per member for the individual
market declined in 2011 (the first year of
required rebates) vs. 2010. Administrative ex-
penses per member also declined for the small
group and large group markets, but higher
profits per member offset most or all of the
reductions. The study does not consider trends
in administrative expenses, medical costs, and
profits that could have affected insurers’ results
apart from the MLR regulations.
25 The effects could be smaller if consumer
demand depends on the magnitude of expected
26 Any changes in spending on quality improve-
ment activities could also depend on the
Inquiry/Volume 50, Spring 2013
regulations’ effects on spending to control
medical costs. If declines in cost control
spending increase savings in medical costs
from certain types of quality improvement
activities, some increase in those types of
spending is likely. For example, the MLR
regulations classify prospective utilization
management, but not concurrent or retrospec-
tive utilization management, as a quality
improvement activity. If reductions in spend-
ing on concurrent or retrospective utilization
review increase the marginal benefit from
spending on prospective review, some increases
in the latter form of spending could occur.
Abraham, J. M., and P. Karaca-Mandic. 2011.
Regulating the Medical Loss Ratio: Implica-
tions for the Individual Market. American
Journal of Managed Care 17(3):211–218.
America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP). 2010.
State Mandatory Medical Loss Ratio (MLR)
Requirements for Comprehensive, Major
Medical Coverage: Summary of State Laws
and Regulations. April. Washington, D.C.:
American Academy of Actuaries. 2010. Letter to
Steven B. Larsen, Deputy Director, Office of
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