Defense Health Agency
NUMBER 1432.01
February 15, 2023
SUBJECT: Civilian Awards and Recognition Program
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. This Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction (DHA-AI), based on the
authority of References (a) and (b), and in accordance with the guidance of References (c) through
a. Establishes procedures for implementing the Civilian Awards and Recognition Program to
recognize Federal employee contributions.
b. Cancels Reference (j) and reissues it to update responsibilities and procedures for the Defense
Health Agency (DHA).
2. APPLICABILITY. This DHA-AI applies to:
a. All DHA federal government civilian employees who meet the definition of Reference (g) are
eligible to receive awards in this issuance which includes monetary awards for suggestions,
inventions, and scientific achievements listed in Enclosure 5. This includes civilian personnel
assigned temporary or permanent duties at DHA and DHA Components defined here as activities
under the authority, direction, and control of the DHA such as Direct Reporting Markets (DRMs), the
Small Market (SM) and Stand-Alone Organization (SSO) and its components, Defense Health
Agency Regions (DHARs), and Medical Treatment Facilities (MTF) and Dental Treatment Facilities
b. Private citizens and organizations who may be recognized for significant contributions to
DHA with non-monetary awards only.
c. Monetary awards for contributions made by an individual when employed by DHA, may be
paid to a former employee or to the estate or legal heirs of a deceased employee.
d. A foreign national individual who meets the definition of employee, as defined under
Reference (g), and is paid with U.S. funds (i.e., a direct hire employee) is eligible to receive monetary
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e. A foreign national individual who is paid on a cost reimbursable basis by agreement with a
foreign country (i.e., indirect hire employee) is not eligible to receive monetary awards but may
receive DHA non-monetary awards. This does not preclude payment of monetary awards under any
other locally developed awards program under Reference (d).
f. Awards may be approved for employees of other Government agencies or other DoD
components, and payments will be made by transferring funds to the individual’s employing
component or agency. If the administrative cost of transferring funds exceeds the amount of the
award, the organization employing the individual will absorb the costs and pay the award (Reference
g. Health and Human Services Commissioned Corps Public Health Services (PHS) officers
assigned to the DHA occupy civilian positions and so are eligible for civilian awards.
h. By exception, military members are eligible for the DHA APEX and Team Excellence awards
as part of a team consisting of military members and civilian employees.
a. This DHA-AI does not apply to contractors. Contractors are not employees of the Federal
Government and may not be treated as such. These individual personnel are employed by business
organizations having a commercial or profit-making relationship with DHA. They are ineligible for
formal recognition under this program. However, if it can be shown that a contribution is
“substantially beyond” that specified or implied within the terms of the contract establishing the
business relationship and/or if the recognition is clearly in the public interest, then DHA may
recognize that contribution with a letter or a certificate. Acknowledgement of contributions may only
be presented informally and not as part of an official government ceremony.
b. This DHA-AI does not apply to military members except by exception as mentioned in this
c. This DHA-AI does not apply to bargaining unit employees until all statutory labor obligations
have been met.
4. POLICY IMPLEMENTATION. It is DHA’s policy, pursuant to References (a) through (k), that
all awards programs developed and implemented in DHA will:
a. Review and document all award recommendations.
b. Communicate the relevant parts of an awards programs to managers, supervisors, and
c. Evaluate and assess awards to ensure that they are:
(1) Used to motivate, recognize, and reward eligible personnel.
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(2) Used to exhibit a close, demonstrable link between performance, accomplishment, or
contribution to the organization’s goals and objectives, and the receipt of the award.
(3) Approved commensurate with the value of the employee’s contribution or
(4) Not used as a substitute for other personnel actions or as a substitute for pay.
d. Provide to an awards board, the opportunity to review and recommend approval or disapproval
of honorary and monetary awards for which the Director, DHA, endorses or has authority to approve
or disapprove.
e. Document all cash and Time Off Awards (TOAs) and honorary awards distributed in
accordance with Reference (f).
f. Follow appropriate Department of Defense (DoD) Financial Management Regulations on
civilian pay policies and procedures under subchapter 451 of Reference (k).
5. RESPONSIBILITIES. See Enclosure 2
6. PROCEDURES. See Enclosures 3 through 8
7. RELEASABILITY. Not cleared for public release. This DHA-AI is available to DHA
workforce members, employees, and contractor support personnel with Common Access Card
authorization on the DHA Intranet.
a. Is effective upon signature.
b. Will expire 10 years from the date of signature if it has not been reissued or cancelled before
this date in accordance with DHA-Procedural Instruction 5025.01 (Reference (j)).
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1. References
2. Responsibilities
3. Procedures
4. Defense Health Agency Awards Available to Eligible Civilian Employees Only
5. Defense Health Agency Awards Available to Eligible Civilian, Armed Forces, and Public
Health Service Officers
6. Specialized Decorations or Awards
7. Defense Health Agency Retirement and Other Farewell Recognitions
8. Department of Defense-Level Honorary Awards
9. Awards Delegation of Approval Authority
10. Honorary Awards Guide
11. Award Scale-Tangible Benefits to The Government
12. Award Scale-Intangible Benefits to The Government
13. Time Off Award Scale
1. Delegation of Approval Authority to Approve DHA Honorary and Monetary Awards
1. Honorary Awards Guide
1. Award Scale for Suggestions, Inventions, Special Acts or Service, and Scientific
Achievements Resulting in Tangible Benefits to the Government
2. Award Scale for Suggestions, Inventions, Special Acts or Service, and Scientific
Achievements Resulting in Intangible Benefits to the Government
3. Time Off Award Scale for Full-time Employees for Suggestions, Inventions, Special
Acts or Service, and Scientific Achievements
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ENCLOSURE 1: REFERENCES...................................................................................................7
ENCLOSURE 2: RESPONSIBILITIES.........................................................................................8
DHA DIRECTOR AND DHA DEPUTY DIRECTOR.............................................................8
DHA SUPERVISORS ...............................................................................................................9
CHIEF, HUMAN CAPITAL DIVISION ................................................................................10
CIVILIAN AWARDS AND RECOGNITION PROGRAM OFFICE....................................10
DHA CIVILIAN AWARDS AND RECOGNITION BOARD CHAIR .................................11
REQUESTING OFFICIALS ...................................................................................................12
DHA COMPTROLLER...........................................................................................................12
ENCLOSURE 3: PROCEDURES ................................................................................................13
MONETARY (CASH) AWARDS ..........................................................................................13
HONORARY AWARDS ........................................................................................................15
AWARD RESTRICTIONS .....................................................................................................18
FUNDING LEVELS ................................................................................................................18
DHA CIVILIAN AWARDS BOARD .....................................................................................19
CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES .............................................................................................................20
MONETARY (CASH) AWARDS ..........................................................................................20
HONORARY AWARDS ........................................................................................................24
MONETARY (CASH) AWARDS ..........................................................................................34
HONORARY AWARDS ........................................................................................................39
ENCLOSURE 6: SPECIALIZED DECORATIONS OR AWARDS ...........................................49
ARMED FORCES CIVILIAN SERVICE MEDAL ...............................................................49
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ENCLOSURE 8: DOD-LEVEL HONORARY AWARDS .........................................................53
APPENDIX 1.................................................................................................................................54
AGENCY HONORARY AND MONETARY AWARDS................................................54
FIGURE .........................................................................................................................................56
Honorary Awards Guide ..........................................................................................................56
1. Award Scale for Suggestions, Inventions, Special Acts or Service, and Scientific
Achievements Resulting in Tangible Benefits to the Government....................................57
2. Award Scale for Suggestions, Inventions, Special Acts or Service, and Scientific
Achievements Resulting in Intangible Benefits to the Government..................................58
3. Time Off Award Scale for Full-Time Employees for Suggestions, Inventions, Special
Acts or Service, and Scientific Achievements...................................................................60
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................62
PART I: ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................. ........62
PART II: DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................... .........63
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(a) DoD Directive 5136.01, “Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (ASD (HA)),”
September 30, 2013, Incorporating Change 1, August 10, 2017
(b) DoD Directive 5136.13, “Defense Health Agency (DHA),” September 30, 2013,
Incorporating Change 1, March 2, 2022
(c) DoD Directive 1400.25-M, “Department of Defense Civilian Personnel Manual,”
December 1996, authorized by DoD Directive 1400.25-M System,” November 25, 1996
(d) 5 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), Parts 430, “Performance Management,” 451,
“Awards,” 531, “Pay Under the General Schedule,” and 534, “Pay Under Other Systems”
(e) 5 United States Code (U.S.C.) “Government Organization and Employees,” Chapters 31,
“Authority for Employment,” 43, “Performance Appraisal,” 45, “Incentive Awards,”53,
“Pay Rates and Systems,” and 71, “Labor-Management Relations” (2022)
(f) 10 U.S.C. Sections 1124, “Cash awards for disclosures, suggestions, inventions, and
scientific achievements,” and 1125, “Recognition for accomplishments: award of trophies”
(g) DoD Instruction 1400.25-Volume 451, “DoD Civilian Personnel Management System:
Awards,” November 4, 2013
(h) DoD Administrative Instruction No. 29 “Incentive and Honorary Awards Programs,”
August 20, 2018, Incorporating Change 1, 24 February 2022
(i) DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 8, “DoD FMRs: Civilian Pay Policy,” May 2013
(j) DHA-Procedural Instruction 5025.01, “Publication System,” August 21, 2015
(k) Undersecretary of Defense Memorandum, Subject: Removal of Expiration Date for Certain
Time-Off Awards, June 19, 2020
(l) DHA Administration & Management, J-1 Share Point (nomination templates and award
(m) 5 U.S.C. Chapter 45, “Incentive Awards” (2022)
(n) 5 C.F.R. Section 2635, Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive
Branch, Subchapters B, “Gifts from Outside Sources,” and C, “Gifts Between Employees”
(o) DoD 5500.07-R, Joint Ethics Regulations (JER), Chapters 2, “Standards of Ethical
Conduct,” 3, “Activities with Non-Federal Entities,” and 4, “Travel Benefits,” August 1993,
Incorporating Change 7, November 17, 2021
(p) 5 U.S.C. § 7117 Labor-Management and Employee Relations “Duty to bargain in good
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1. DHA DIRECTOR. The DHA Director will:
a. Establish DHA-level awards and awards programs and delegate administration of such
programs where appropriate. (Delegation Authority is at Appendix 1)
b. Review and approve all DHA awards and delegate approvals IAW Appendix 1 of this
c. Review and endorse DHA recommendations for honorary Presidential, DoD, and OSD-
level awards.
d. Review and approve recommendations for DHA honorary traditional, and honorary
competitive achievement awards.
e. Approve, in writing, membership of the DHA Civilian Award Boards including a Civilian
Awards and Recognition Board Chair.
f. Ensure civilian employees are recognized for honorable service and/or acts of achievement
through award recommendations.
ORGANIZATIONS (DRO). These DHA leaders will:
a. Review and approve recommendations for awards that would grant award amounts or
honorary awards to an individual employee or groups of employees in accordance with this
issuance. (Delegated authority matrix is at Appendix 1).
b. Endorse to the DHA Director for review and approval, recommendations for awards that
must be granted by a higher authority.
c. Review and approve recommendations for DHA’s Honorary Achievement Awards that
must be granted by a higher authority.
d. Endorse to the Director, DHA, for review and endorsement, DHA recommendations for
honorary Presidential, DoD, and OSD-level awards.
e. Nominate individuals or groups, as applicable, to compete for Agency-wide recognition.
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f. Nominate a Civilian Awards and Recognition Board member from within their respective
organizations to boards that convene to review award submissions; and
g. Ensure the equitable application of this DHA-AI throughout their respective
organizational units.
h. Ensure that awards are used to best support and enhance organizational goals and
objectives per delegated authorities in Appendix 1 of this issuance.
i. Encourage supervisors to identify employees or groups of employees deserving award
consideration and submit requests in a timely manner.
j. Ensure awards expenditures do not exceed award budget allocation
k. Approve or deny, within the awards budget allocation, nominations for monetary
recognition, including one-time monetary awards and increases in basic pay because of
performance award or quality step increase.
l. Coordinate and disseminate DHA-wide awards information within their respective
3. DHA SUPERVISORS. DHA Supervisors will:
a. Review and recommend awards to approval authorities in accordance with this issuance.
(Delegated authority matrix is at Appendix 1).
b. Endorse to the ADs, DoS, DRM Directors, SSO Director, DHAR Directors, DADs,
JDIRs, MTF/DTF Directors, DHA Special Staff Leaders for review and approval of
recommendations for awards that would grant over $500 to a single civilian employee.
c. Endorse to the ADs, DoS, DRM Directors, SSO Director, DHAR Directors, DADs,
JDIRs, MTF/DTF Directors, DHA Special Staff Leaders for review and approval of
recommendations for DHA achievement and honorary awards.
d. Ensure the equitable application of this issuance throughout their respective supervisory
e. Identify employees or groups of employees deserving award and recognition
consideration and submit recommendations in a timely manner. Coordinate efforts, within the
awards budget allocation, nominations for monetary awards, including one-time monetary
awards and increases in basic pay because of a performance award or quality step increase.
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a. Evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of DHA’s enterprise award program(s) and
make recommendations as necessary.
b. Recommend DHA-wide policies and procedures governing the establishment and
administration of DHA civilian awards and civilian awards and recognition programs.
c. Ensure that awards programs do not conflict with or violate any other law or Government-
wide regulation.
d. Ensure that awards are used to the extent that will best support and enhance organizational
goals and objectives and recognize employees for the quality and level of their work.
e. Ensure that supervisory and management officials are trained properly in the effective use
of awards covered by this issuance.
f. Ensure that criteria for awards do not discriminate against individuals based on race, color,
religion, age, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or preference.
g. Coordinate DHA-wide awards information.
and Recognition Program Office will:
a. Publicize DHA awards and review award nominations to ensure the criteria and eligibility
have been met.
b. Disseminate calls for nominations (including details on sponsors, nomination procedures,
and dates of submission) for medicine and other non-government awards to the DHA DRMs,
SSO, DHARs and HSD. Collects information and coordinates with HSD to support final
selection process.
c. Publish information on non-government awards available to employees, including details
on sponsors, nomination procedures, and dates of submission.
d. Convene the DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition Board to review nominations for
honorary Presidential, DoD, and OSD-level awards, the DHA Distinguished Civilian Service
Award, the DHA Distinguished Civilian Service Award, and honorary competitive achievement
e. Serve as an advisory and non-voting member of the DHA Civilian Awards and
Recognition Board.
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(1) Notify DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition Board members of pending and
upcoming board meetings.
(2) Prepare all DHA Employee of the Quarter (EOQ), Employee of the Year (EOY), and
competitive achievement award nomination packages received, and forward complete award
package(s) and voting sheet(s) to the DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition Board for review,
as required. Provide EOQ and EOY guidance as necessary to conduct boards below the agency
(3) Record Civilian Awards and Recognition Board proceedings, produce all documents,
and close board after board reviews all award nomination packages.
(4) Hold all board proceedings and decisions in confidence until public release.
f. Forward all external award nomination packages, as required to appropriate organizations
or approval authorities.
g. Prepare and disseminate award devices for all approved award nominees.
h. Manage the procurement and availability of all award materials necessary to effectively
administer the DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition Program. Coordinate with appropriate
level subordinate POCs to implement award procedures and prepare awards based on delegated
authorities in accordance with this issuance.
i. Prepare and publish reports on award usage across the Agency.
Awards and Recognition Board Chair will:
a. Monitor the operation of the civilian awards program to ensure uniformity of policy and
b. Call for a vote on each award recommendation.
c. Preside over the deliberation of the review for each award recommendation.
d. Ensure each member of the Civilian Awards and Recognition Board has a fair and
equitable opportunity to vote and comment on each award recommendation.
Civilian Awards and Recognition Board Members will:
a. Serve on the DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition Board for at least one fiscal year.
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b. Meet on an as needed basis, not more than once a month, to review, deliberate, and
provide recommendations to the Director, DHA, for approval of awards to include, but not
limited to:
(1) EOQ Award
(2) EOY Award
(3) Honorary Competitive Achievement Awards
(4) Distinguished Civilian Service Award
(6) Presidential, DoD, and OSD-level Awards
8. REQUESTING OFFICIALS. Requesting Officials will:
a. Use the proper nomination channels for nominating an employee for an award.
b. Review all award nominations for accuracy and completeness prior to submitting the
nomination for coordination and endorsement.
c. Complete any necessary coordination to ensure submissions are timely and within award
allocation limits.
9. DHA COMPTROLLER. The DHA Comptroller will ensure funds obligated are consistent
with applicable DHA financial management controls and delegations of authority.
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1. MONETARY (CASH) AWARDS. Monetary (cash) awards are recognition in the form of a
single monetary payment for a special act or service in the public interest in connection with or
related to official employment. Cash awards may be used to recognize a group or individual
effort that goes beyond expected job performance or to recognize exceptional accomplishments,
such as outstanding achievement. Cash awards may be granted at any time and are granted
commensurate with the value of the employee’s contribution or accomplishment. The
appropriate award amount is determined based on the tangible and intangible benefits scales in
Enclosures 8 and 9, respectively. See Enclosure 7 for a complete listing of all DHA awards.
Cash awards may be determined using a specific dollar amount. Cash awards are subject to the
approval authorities and limits in Enclosure 2. See DHA Administration & Management, J-1
SharePoint site to access nomination templates and award guidance.
a. Monetary DHA-level Awards Available to Eligible Civilians Only. These awards are
only available to eligible DHA civilian employees. See Enclosure 4 for a full description,
eligibility criteria, and processing procedures of the following awards:
(1) Performance Based Awards. A performance-based award (PBA) is a lump-sum cash
payment based on a performance rating of record (i.e., annual performance appraisal). Ratings-
based awards such as this are to be applied in a way that makes meaningful distinctions based on
levels of performance.
(2) Special Act or Service Awards. May be used to recognize a group or individual
effort that goes beyond expected job performance. Special Act Awards are used to recognize
exceptional accomplishments, such as outstanding achievement, and may be given at any time.
Special Act Awards range from $25 to $25,000, commensurate with the nature of the service or
act being recognized. The appropriate award amount is determined based on the tangible and
intangible benefits scales in Table 2 and 3.
(3) On-the-Spot Awards. Monetary awards that, through streamlined procedures, are
designed to quickly recognize and provide immediate reinforcement of one-time achievements
by employees that have resulted in service of an exceptionally high quality or quantity
(Reference (j)). This award is particularly appropriate for rewarding employee efforts that might
go unrecognized. On-the-Spot Awards range from $25 to $500, commensurate with the nature
of the service or act being recognized.
(4) Time Off Award. TOA is a means of recognizing the superior accomplishment of
employees with non-monetary awards. TOAs will not be granted to create the effect of a holiday
or treated as administrative excusals or leave. These awards may not have an immediate budget
consequence, but supervisors and managers will consider full wage costs and productivity loss
when granting TOAs and will ensure the amount of time-off granted as an award is
commensurate with the individual’s contribution or accomplishment. The appropriate award
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amount is determined based on the tangible and intangible benefits scales in Tables 2 & 3.
Under Reference (d), a TOA will not be converted to a cash payment under any circumstances
(see Enclosure 4 for additional information).
(5) Quality Step Increase (QSI). A QSI is an immediate grade step increase given in
recognition of extremely high-level performance significantly above that ordinarily found in the
type of position occupied and which has been sustained over a period of time sufficient to
conclude that the level is characteristic of the employee’s performance. While QSIs can
generally be given at any time during the year, there may be annual restrictions based on funding
availability and these are subject to the process established each fiscal year.
(6) Civilian Deployment Award and Recognition. This award recognizes an individual
deployed in support of contingency operations and will be awarded a Special Act or Service
award and time-off award where a deployment is defined as Request for Forces, Joint Individual
Augmentee, and Title 10 tours
(7) DHA Humanitarian Award. This award recognizes the contributions and
accomplishments of DHA civilian employees who directly support peacekeeping or prolonged
humanitarian operations either within the continental United States or outside the continental
United States. The award demonstrates the value DHA places on the service of its workforce
and the importance of the Agency’s contribution in accomplishing the nation’s objectives.
b. Monetary DHA-level Awards Available to Eligible DHA Civilians, and PHS Officers.
These awards are available to eligible DHA employees including civilians, assigned, and PHS
officers. See Enclosure 5 for a full description, eligibility criteria, and processing procedures of
the following awards:
(1) Suggestion Program. The Suggestion Program recognizes individuals or groups for
ideas that benefit the Government. A beneficial suggestion is a constructive idea submitted in
writing that proposes to improve the efficiency, economy, or effectiveness of Government
operations (e.g., to simplify or improve operations; save time needed to complete a task; speed
up production, increase output, enhance productivity; save material and property; save
manpower and money; promote health; increase safety; improve morale through desirable and
feasible personnel services that increase productivity; improve working conditions, procedures,
operating methods or equipment, workplace layouts and organization). The guidelines below
apply to the suggestion program. Awards range from $25 to $25,000, commensurate with the
value of the suggestion being recognized. The appropriate award amount is determined based on
the tangible and intangible benefits scales in Enclosures 8 and 9, respectively (see Enclosure 5,
for additional information).
(2) Inventions or Scientific Achievements. The Invention Award Program is designed to
help motivate Federal employees to make and report inventions and to recognize and reward
Federal inventors. This program encourages the efforts of individuals engaged in research and
development and other scientific or technical work with Federal organizations. Employees are
eligible for this award if their invention contributes to the efficiency, economy, or other
improvement in Government operations, or if it is in the public interest and associated with
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Government employment. Even though the making of an invention is within an employee’s
official duties, the employee inventor is eligible for cash or honorary recognition (see Enclosure
5, for additional information).
(3) Referral Bonus for Recruitment and Hiring. The Referral Bonus Award program
provides incentives or recognition to employees who bring new talent into the DHA by referring
persons who are subsequently selected and successfully employed for hard-to-fill, mission-
critical positions. Referral bonuses are granted, as with other awards, at the discretion of
management and are not an entitlement. (See Enclosure 5 for additional information).
(4) Mentoring Award. The DHA Mentoring Award recognizes our DHA civilian
employees for exceptional performance as a mentor. The mentor is a leader who contributes
significantly toward developing DHA’s future workforce. The mentor and employee (protégé)
work together to achieve a complete mentorship cycle. Sharing knowledge and experiences
about multiple situations, including those dealing with leadership and organizations, assist in
developing an employee’s competence and confidence.
(5) DHA Leadership Award. The DHA Leadership Award recognizes our leaders whose
visionary leadership, outstanding professional skill, and untiring efforts advance DHA’s strategic
mission through “One Team, One Voice” and inclusive, collaborative principles.
2. HONORARY AWARDS. Honorary awards provide an opportunity to acknowledge valuable
contributions made by the employee and may reflect contributions made over a period of months
or years. Honorary recognition may be in addition to or instead of monetary or time off
recognition. Award nominees must be cleared through the Civilian Awards and Recognition
Program Office, Labor Management and Employee and Relations Branch, and the Equal
Employment Opportunity Division prior to approval and receipt of an award.
a. Honorary DHA-level Awards Available to Eligible DHA Civilians Only. These awards
are only available to eligible DHA civilian employees. See Enclosure 4 for a full description,
eligibility criteria, and processing procedures of the following awards:
(1) DHA Distinguished Civilian Service Award. This award is presented to DHA
employees who have distinguished themselves by exceptional devotion to duty and made a
significant impact towards the advancement of the Agency’s mission, goals, or objectives.
Employees will be awarded a framed certificate and medal (see Enclosure 4 for additional
(2) DHA Meritorious Civilian Service Award. This award is presented to employees
who have distinguished themselves by exceptional meritorious service with Agency-wide impact
to DHA by providing support for the full range of military operations and maximizing the health
of all of those entrusted to DHA’s care. Employees will be awarded a certificate and medal (see
Enclosure 4 for additional information).
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(3) DHA Civilian Career Service Award. This award recognizes civilian employees’
career service and contributions to recognize retirement. Retiring employees will be awarded an
engraved plaque (see Enclosure 4 for additional information).
(4) Length of Service Recognition. The Federal Career Service Emblem pin, along with
the Certificate of Service, is used to recognize long and faithful service and to stimulate
employees’ pride and interest in their organization and Federal career service (see Enclosure 4
for additional information).
(5) EOQ/EOY. These awards recognize and honor the achievements of civilian
employees who have helped DHA live up to its vision, mission, and goals. The award
acknowledges employees whose dedication, competence, and exemplary performance increases
DHA’s efficiency, enhances agency pride, and increases employee morale. The EOQ and EOY
winners are announced in Agency-specific communication mediums. EOQ winners are
presented with a certificate, DHA coin, and a monetary award. EOY winners are presented a
certificate, trophy, and a monetary award (see Enclosure 4 for additional information).
b. Honorary DHA-level Awards Available to Eligible DHA Civilian, PHS Officers, and
Military by exception. These awards are available to eligible DHA employees including federal
civilians, PHS Officers and assigned military by exception. See Enclosure 5 for a full
description, eligibility criteria, and processing procedures of the following awards:
(1) Team Excellence Award. This award acknowledges team accomplishments that
contribute to the mission of DHA and demonstrate collaborative, success-oriented efforts to
achieve DHA goals. This award is established specifically to recognize exemplary support by
any element of the Federal government to the programs, projects, and/or the mission in general
of DHA. The award consists of a certificate for each of the team members, signed by the
Director, DHA or delegated authority (see Enclosure 5 for additional information).
(2) Certificate of Appreciation/Certificate of Achievement. This award recognizes
employees for contributions, sustained high quality performance over a period of time, and/or
special acts or achievements. These awards are used to recognize contributions or
accomplishments of employees when a monetary or higher-level honorary award is not
appropriate (see Enclosure 5 for additional information).
(3) Non-Competitive Honorary Achievement Awards. These awards will be available
for approval to eligible DHA employees, who meet the required criteria, and will be available for
employee nomination at any time of the year. Employees are ineligible to receive the same
achievement award within a fiscal year. Recipients will be awarded a certificate.
(a) Advanced Professional Engagement and Exploration (APEX) Award. This award
recognizes employees who developed others and/or themselves through career enhancements,
sought additional work responsibilities outside of their daily duties, participated in a mentoring
program, and/or contributed to the workforce development of team members or employees (see
Enclosure 5 for additional information).
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(b) Excellence in Leadership Award. This award recognizes employees who exhibit
outstanding leadership or leadership potential in their organization. It is awarded for the
sustained leader contributions or rising leader’s, effectiveness in building the Agency’s capacity
for future performance while exemplifying DHA’s values in the work environment (see
Enclosure 5 for additional information).
(c) Innovation Award. This award recognizes employees for their inventions or
scientific achievements, or for their contribution to DHA’s technological infrastructure,
information security, or analytics, resulting in systematic improvements to the DHA or
healthcare beneficiaries. Award can be honorary or monetary should funds be available (see
Enclosure 5 for additional information).
(d) Good Steward Award. This award recognizes employees who improved
processes or provided suggestions resulting in efficiencies in items of expense (time, materials,
etc.); or items that improved safety, health, or quality of life of DHA employees (see Enclosure 5
for additional information).
(e) DHA People’s Choice Award. This award recognizes employees who
consistently exhibit excellence in customer service and consistently receive outstanding feedback
from customers. Employees may be nominated for customer service in an DHA internal or
external facing capacity (see Enclosure 5 for additional information).
(f) Positive Spirit Award. This award recognizes employees who improved morale
and increased productivity through positive attitude, embodied a team player mentality, and/or
volunteered to assist in work efforts outside of their own regularly (see Enclosure 5 for
additional information).
(g) DHA Outstanding Achievement Certificate. This award recognizes employees
for their achievement or outstanding contribution to their organization that does not fit within the
criteria of the other honorary achievement awards. Award recipients receive a certificate signed
by their respective approval authority (see Enclosure 5 for additional information and Appendix
1 for approval authorities).
(4) Competitive Honorary Achievement Awards. Organizational approval authorities
will have the opportunity to nominate two prior recipients of each achievement award to compete
for DHA-wide recognition by the Director, DHA, at a specified time throughout the fiscal year.
Nominees will be chosen based on the impact of their achievement relative to their career level.
Competitive achievement award nominations will be reviewed by a DHA Award board, and
recommendations will be provided to the Director, DHA. The Director, DHA, will make a final
decision on the Agency-wide winner for each of the six achievement awards. Selected recipients
will be awarded a custom trophy and certificate signed by the Director, DHA (see Enclosure 5
for additional information).
c. Presidential, DoD, and OSD-Level Awards. Civilian employees of DHA who make
contributions having broad impact outside DHA and its assigned organizations may be eligible
for awards at the OSD and DoD-levels or above. Nominations for these awards will be
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submitted in accordance with the guidelines established in Reference (j) and forwarded to the
DHA Award Program Office for action and review by the DHA Civilian Awards and
Recognition Board. The nomination package must be submitted to DHA 120 days prior to
d. Awards for Private Citizens and Organizations
(1) Private citizens, groups, and organizations that significantly assist or support DHA
functions, services, or operations may be recognized to demonstrate the interest of DHA
management in improving efficiency and effectiveness, and to encourage citizens and
organizations in their efforts to assist in the accomplishment of the DHA mission. The awards
will be honorary only.
(2) Any person, group, or organization, except for those described in subchapter 451 of
Reference (c) may be considered for recognition based on a significant contribution performed as
a public service.
(3) Persons or organizations having a commercial or profit-making relationship with
DHA, DoD, or a DoD Component will not be granted recognition, unless the contribution is
substantially beyond that specified or implied within the terms of the contract establishing the
relationship, or the recognition is clearly in the public interest.
e. Specialized Decorations or Awards
(1) Armed Forces Civilian Service Medal. This medal is awarded to recognize the
contributions and accomplishments of DHA civilian employees directly supporting Department
of Defense Coronavirus military operations and activities and award is aligned as closely as
practical to that of the Armed Forces Service Medal for Service Members.
3. AWARD RESTRICTIONS. Monetary and TOA will not be granted during a presidential
election period to political appointees or employees in excepted service positions of a
confidential or policy determining nature (i.e., Schedule C employees). Non-monetary awards
such as certificates, plaques, and items of similar nature are permitted provided that the form of
the non-monetary award avoids the appearance of replacing cash. Recognition by non-monetary
awards should create an inherent impression of symbolic value (an honor being bestowed) rather
than monetary worth (cash value) under subchapter 451 of References (c) and (d).
4. FUNDING LEVELS. The Director, DHA, and the Comptroller will budget for awards using
sound financial management controls consistent with budgetary limits set by law, regulation, and
departmental guidance. The funding level for all awards will consist of a percentage of
aggregate base salaries of covered employees. Percentages will be determined by Director,
DHA, following review of all DHA operational budget requirements and departmental guidance.
The aggregate base salary should be calculated based on the number of covered employees as of
October 1st of each year. DHA is responsible for deciding the award expenditures for its
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organizations and targets may be set at different levels under subchapter 451 of References (c)
and (d).
5. DHA CIVILIAN AWARDS BOARD. The DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition Board
members are appointed in writing, and will convene on an as needed basis, but not more than
once a month, to review, deliberate and provide recommendations to the Director, DHA, for
a. Board Composition. Each DHA HQs AD/DoS, J-Director/ DAD, Market/Small and
Market Stand-alone Organizations (SSO) or Defense Health Agency Regions (DHAR) Director,
will nominate a member to serve on the Civilian Awards and Recognition Board for at least one
fiscal year. The Civilian Awards and Recognition Board will be made of DHA workforce
members, the Civilian Awards and Recognition Board Chair, and a member from the Civilian
Awards and Recognition Program Office as a non-voting advisor.
(1) Board Chair. Will be appointed by the Director, DHA.
(2) Members. A member will be nominated and submitted to the Civilian Awards
Program Manager. Nominees will be provided to the DHA Front Office for consideration and
approval. Nominees must be a General Schedule (GS)-12 or higher to qualify.
(3) Civilian Awards and Recognition Board Advisor. The Civilian Awards and
Recognition Program Office will serve as a non-voting member of the Civilian Awards and
Recognition Board and will act as an advisor to the board.
b. Award Package. Award packages will be submitted to the Civilian Awards and
Recognition Program Office and will be reviewed for completeness. Incomplete packages will
not be provided to the Civilian Awards and Recognition Board. Award packages must be
received by the Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office no later than 10 working days
in advance of a scheduled board meeting to be included for review and deliberation. Award
packages not received by the cut-off will be included in the following Civilian Awards and
Recognition Board meeting.
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The following awards are available to eligible career and non-career civilian DHA employees:
a. Performance Awards (see description in Enclosure 3)
(1) Award Criteria.
(a) The employee must have an official rating of record.
(b) The employee’s most recent performance rating of record must be at or above the
fully successful level.
(c) Performance should be above that ordinarily expected in the position for at least
90 consecutive days during the rating period.
(d) The high level of performance must have been at the same grade level unless the
employee was demoted during the rating period for reasons other than for cause.
(e) The performance contribution must not have already been recognized (in whole
or in part) with a previous monetary award
(2) Processing:
(a) Approved awards will be electronically routed to the DHA Human Resources
Service Provider (HRSP), through appropriate Award POCs at the HQs, DRM, SSO, and DHAR
levels or their designated individuals authorized to submit awards. HRSP processes approved
awards and will generate formal documentation and issue a SF50. The award will be
electronically paid and visible in the employee’s eOPF.
(b) Approval authorities and threshold amounts are provided at Appendix 1.
b. Special Act or Service Awards (see description in Enclosure 3)
(1) Award Criteria.
(a) Identifying an innovative solution to an issue outside an employee's planned work
assignments that benefits the organization.
(b) Saving significant money for the organization or Government as a whole.
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(c) Using new technologies or methods to greatly improve an organization's (or a
government-wide) product or service.
(d) Streamlining a process which helps the organization more efficiently provide its
products and services or meet its goals, more effectively.
(e) Directing a team effort with exceptional skill and sensitivity.
(f) Handling an unforeseen problem with minimal disruption to the overall work
(g) Maintaining exceptional productivity during a period.
(h) Making a non-recurring contribution in the public interest, achieving a scientific
advancement, or committing an act of heroism, whether within or outside of job responsibilities.
(i) Completing an absent co-worker's major assignment with exceptional skill and
success to meet so that organizational goals.
(j) Deploying overseas in support of contingency operations (see “Civilian
Deployment Awards and Recognition” chapter in this issuance).
(k) The performance contribution must not have already been recognized (in whole
or in part) with a previous monetary award
(2) Processing:
(a) Approved awards will be electronically routed to the DHA HRSP through
appropriate Award POCs. HRSP processes approved awards and will generate formal
documentation and issue a SF50. The award will be electronically paid and visible in the
employee’s eOPF
(b) Current electronic awards nomination request form is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(c) When the award is for a group, all members of the group may receive equal
shares, or the total may be divided in proportion to the individual contributions to the group
effort. Approval authorities and threshold amounts are provided at Appendix 1.
c. On-the-Spot Awards (OTS) (see description in Enclosure 3).
(1) Award Criteria. Full-time DHA civilian employees (permanent or temporary) may
be granted up to $500 for any single contribution. On-the-Spot Awards are granted based on the
award scale in Appendix 1.
(2) Processing:
(a) Approved awards will be electronically routed to the DHA HRSP, through
appropriate Award POCs. HRSP processes approved awards and will generate formal
documentation and issue a SF50. The award will be electronically paid and visible in the
employee’s eOPF.
(b) Current electronic awards nomination request form is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(c) Approval authorities and threshold amounts are provided at Appendix 1.
d. Time Off Awards (TOA) (see description in Enclosure 3).
(1) Award Criteria.
(a) Full-time DHA civilian employees may be granted up to 80 hours of time off
during a leave year without charge to leave or loss of pay. Full-time DHA civilian employees
may be awarded a maximum time-off award of 40 hours for any single contribution. Hours of
time off are granted based on the award scale in Table 4.
(b) Part-time DHA civilian employees or employees with less than a 40-hour work
week may be awarded a maximum time-off award equivalent to the average number of hours of
work in the employee’s biweekly scheduled tour of duty. The maximum award for any single
contribution is one-half of the maximum amount of time that could be awarded during the leave
(c) TOAs may not be converted to cash and are not transferrable between Federal
agencies. .DHA civilian employees transferring to another Federal agency should use their TOA
before leaving DHA.
(d) Exceptions regarding TOAs being considered may be for organizations or
individuals identified in the future that come to the DHA under a transfer of function (TOF) or
Management Directed Transfer (MDT). Historically as the DHA continues to transition, this is
consistent with previous decisions regarding TOAs for organizations or individuals moved to the
DHA under TOF or MDT authority.
(e) Although a TOA may be used to acknowledge accomplishments and high-quality
contributions, it is not intended as recognition of sustained high-level performance or as a
wholesale replacement for monetary performance awards. TOAs may be used in combination
with cash or honorary awards if the total value of the awards given is commensurate with the
contribution being recognized.
(f) The maximum amount of time off that can be awarded to a full time individual for
a single contribution is 40 hours. The minimum award is 4 hours or one-half workday. For
purposes of this calculation, one workday equates to the number of hours scheduled for work on
an approved day off. The total amount of time off which may be granted to an employee in any
one leave year is 80 hours.
(g) DHA civilian employees who deploy in support of DHA or DoD activities in
contingency support are entitled to receive a TOA of 40 hours upon completion of a deployment
of 90 consecutive days or more. Civilian employees will be granted 40 hours of time off after
(2) Processing:
(a) Approved awards will be electronically routed to the DHA HRSP through
appropriate Award POCs. HRSP processes approved awards and will generate formal
documentation and issue a SF50. The award will be electronically paid and visible in the
employee’s eOPF
(b) Current electronic awards nomination request form is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(c) Approved TOAs should be routed the Civilian Awards and Recognition Program
Office at
(3) Scheduling Time Off
(a) The employee is responsible for requesting use of the approved TOA in
accordance with standard leave approval practices. Requests to use TOAs should be done far
enough in advance to permit its use without undue interruption to the work of the organization.
(b) TOAs may be used and recorded on time and attendance records once formally
documented and a SF50 has been issued. TOAs must be used within a year of receiving the
award. Remaining TOA hours not used after one year will be forfeited unless the time off award
meets criteria described in Reference k.
(4) Approval authorities and threshold amounts are provided at Appendix 1.
e. Quality Step Increase (QSI) (see description in Enclosure 3).
(1) Award Criteria
(a) QSIs may be granted only to GS employees who are on permanent appointments;
they are not applicable to FWS or local national employees.
(b) To be eligible for a QSI, employees must:
1. Be a General Schedule (GS) employee at any grade level
2. Be below step 10 of their grade level
3. Have received the highest rating of record available under the performance
management program
4. Have sustained performance of outstanding quality over a period sufficient to
conclude that the level is characteristic of the employee’s ongoing performance
5. Not have received a QSI within the preceding 52 consecutive calendar weeks
6. Occupy a permanent position.
(c) QSIs cannot be granted if the employee has received a performance-based cash
award for the same appraisal period.
(d) QSIs may also be given as an incentive award.
(e) Nominating officials should note that granting a QSI to an employee at steps 3
and 6 would cause that employee to have a longer waiting period for their next within-grade
(2) Processing:
(a) Approved awards will be electronically routed to the DHA HRSP through
appropriate Award POCs. HRSP processes approved awards and will generate formal
documentation and issue a SF50. The award will be electronically paid and visible in the
employee’s eOPF
(b) Current electronic awards nomination request form is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(3) Approval authorities are provided at Appendix 1.
a. DHA Distinguished Civilian Service Award. (See description in Enclosure 3)
(1) Award Criteria. Nominee must demonstrate one or more of the following:
(a) Led or contributed directly to the efficiency or economy of DHA’s operations
resulting in significant cost-savings or cost avoidance of at least 10 percent of the DHA budget.
(b) Contributed to cost-effectiveness and/or coordinated efforts to sustain a high-
quality market health care system for DHA’s beneficiaries.
(c) Developed or improved methods/procedures/inventions that measurably improve
performance or service to the components.
(d) Enabled rapid adoption of proven practices, helping reduce unwanted variation,
and/or improved the coordination of care across time and treatment venues.
(e) Devised new and improved work methods and procedures resulting in substantial
savings in expenses such as manpower, time, space, and materials, or improved safety or health
of DHA.
(2) Eligibility
(a) Employee must have established a demonstrable pattern of excellence and
achievement which normally would have been recognized by previous awards (includes
incentive awards and/or honorary awards).
(b) Employee led or contributed directly to at least one area of the Department’s
Quadruple Aim:
1. Measurably enhanced medical readiness.
2. Improved the health of DHA or Component employees.
3. Enhanced the experience of care.
4. Contributed directly to lowering healthcare costs.
(3) Processing Honorary Award Requests-DHA Distinguished Civilian Service
(a) The Requesting Official completes the appropriate nomination form to
demonstrate employee’s eligibility and qualifying achievements for the specified award criteria
and proposed citation of 150 words or less. The Requesting Official coordinates with the
Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office for completeness and compliance prior to
forwarding the nomination for approval.
(b) Current electronic awards nomination request form is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(c) The Requesting Official obtains the required coordination and/or endorsements
from the supervisory chain.
(d) The Requesting Official/office forwards the nomination request to the Civilian
Awards and Recognition Program Office at[email protected]
(e) The Awards Program Manager reviews the award nomination to ensure the
criteria and eligibility have been met.
(f) The Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office forwards the nomination
through the appropriate concurrence/approval process up to the Director, DHA.
(g) Upon approval, the Awards Program Manager will notify the Requesting Official
and prepare the award device for presentation at the appropriate employee recognition event or
another organized event.
(4) Approval authorities are provided at Appendix 1
b. DHA Meritorious Civilian Service Award. (See description in Enclosure 3)
(1) Award Criteria. Nominee must demonstrate one or more of the following:
(a) Rendered professional or public relations service of a unique or distinctive
character with measurable agency impact.
(b) Increased collaboration and developed strategic partnerships with the Military
Services resulting in measurable efficiencies for the joint shared services and/or the TRICARE
Health Plan.
(c) Created a recurring program or accomplishment that continuously enriches
employee morale.
(d) Achieved outcomes that enhance quality of life and matter to patients and met or
exceed the expectations of those patients during the process of receiving health services.
(e) Provided outstanding leadership to the administration of DHA programs/projects
resulting in highly successful accomplishments or in the major redirection of objectives or
accomplishments to meet unique or emergency situations.
(f) Accomplished duties in an exemplary manner, setting a record of achievement,
and inspiring others to improve the quantity and quality of their work performance.
(2) Eligibility
(a) Employee must have established a demonstrable pattern of excellence and
achievement which normally would have been recognized by previous awards (includes
incentive awards and/or honorary awards).
(b) Employee led or contributed to a moderate/substantial project or improvement
with Agency-wide impact.
(c) Employee contributed directly to improving DHA’s workforce morale or culture
with Agency-wide impact.
(3) Nomination Procedure(s)
(a) Requesting Official completes the appropriate nomination form to demonstrate
employee’s eligibility and qualifying achievements for the specified award criteria. The
Requesting Official may coordinate with the Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office
for completeness and compliance, as needed, prior to forwarding the nomination for approval.
(b) Current electronic awards nomination request form is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(c) The Requesting Official obtains the required coordination and/or endorsements
from the supervisory and staff chains.
(d) The Requesting Official/office forwards the nomination request to the Civilian
Awards and Recognition Program Office at[email protected]
(e) The Awards Program Manager reviews the award nomination to ensure the
criteria and eligibility have been met.
(f) The Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office forwards the nomination
through the appropriate concurrence/approval process up to the Director, DHA.
(g) Upon approval, the Awards Program Manager will notify the Requesting Official
and prepare the award device for presentation at the appropriate employee recognition event or
another organized event.
(4) Approval authorities are provided at Appendix 1
c. DHA Civilian Career Service Retirement Award. (See description in Enclosure 3)
(1) Award Criteria. Nominee must demonstrate one or more of the following:
(a) Specific accomplishments, extending over a period of years.
(b) Must be a current DHA employee.
(2) Eligibility. To be eligible for the Civilian Career Service Retirement Award, the
nominee must:
(a) Have served with the Federal government to recognize career service, including
previous military or civilian service.
(b) Must have a current favorable performance rating.
(3) Nomination Procedure(s)
(a) Requesting Official completes the appropriate nomination form to demonstrate
employee’s eligibility and qualifying achievements for the specified award criteria. The
Requesting Official may coordinate with the Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office
for completeness and compliance, as needed, prior to forwarding the nomination for approval.
(b) Current electronic awards nomination request form is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(c) Requesting Official obtains the required coordination and/or endorsements (i.e.,
AD, DAD, DRM Directors, SSO Director, Director DHAR, MTF/DTF Director).
(d) The Requesting Official/office forwards the nomination request to the Civilian
Awards and Recognition Program Office at DHA. dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(e) The Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office forwards the nomination
through the remaining appropriate concurrence/approval process.
(f) Upon approval, the Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office will notify
the Requesting Official and prepare the award device for presentation at the appropriate
employee recognition event or another organized event.
(4) Approval authorities are provided at Appendix 1
d. Length of Service Recognition. (See description in Enclosure 3).
(1) Award Criteria. Nominee must demonstrate one or more of the following:
(a) The award is in recognition of the completion of 5 years of Federal service and
thereafter for each 5-year period (i.e., 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, etc.). The 5-year length of
service award is a certificate. Starting with the 10-year length of service award, a certificate is
accompanied by a pin denoting the appropriate years of service.
(b) “Federal service” includes civilian service in departments or agencies of the
Federal Government, service in the municipal Government of the District of Columbia, and all
honorable military service as documented on the employee’s DD 214 (Report of Separation from
Military Service). In those instances where there is an overlap of civilian and uniformed service
time (instances of terminal leave, active reserve time, etc.), that time will only be counted once.
(2) Eligibility. To be eligible for this award, employees:
(a) Must be assigned to the DHA
(b) Must have at least 5 years of total federal civilian service.
(c) Current electronic awards nomination request form is available through the Policy
and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(3) Processing Procedure(s)
(a) The Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office will identify, monthly,
employees who are eligible for length-of-service recognition.
(b) The DHA HQs, DRMs, SSO, and DHARs will identify appropriate individuals to
process length of service awards based on documented years of civil service and military years
of service. Awards will be generated and approved at the lowest possible level.
(4) Approval authorities are provided at Appendix 1.
e. Employee of the Quarter/Year (EOQ/EOY). (See description in Enclosure 3)
(1) Criteria. Employees’ contributions should have made a significant impact in the
following three competitive areas:
(a) Customer Service Support. The individual must demonstrate enthusiasm, high
energy, and a positive commitment to supporting the DHA mission. The nomination packet
should include documented examples of customer appreciation (e.g., letter, email, or supervisor
comments) for outstanding service, and that the individual produces work that exceeds normal
expectations of the position.
(b) Innovation and/or Process Improvement. Nominations should show examples of
the individual producing high quality work that promotes efficiency in operations, programs,
projects, as well as quality/quantity of work that exceeds normal expectations of the position.
The individual must have good working relationships, is cooperative, works well with others,
and is a positive influence on peers.
(c) Cost Savings to the Government. Individuals should demonstrate examples of
efforts to increase cost savings to the government. The packages should demonstrate that the
individual identifies and implements process/program improvements resulting in cost savings
and produces high quality work that results in tangible cost savings to the government.
(2) Eligibility
(a) Must be assigned to the DHA during the time frame the award is recommended.
(b) The award is open to all civilian employees and is awarded to eligible employees
in each of two categories of career levels:
1. Category I - GS/WG/WL 5-11; ACQDEMO NH2
2. Category II - GS/WG/WL 12 and above; ACQDEMO. NH3-4
(c) DHA quarterly and yearly award nominees should consist of a nominee per
category from the DHA HQs, each Direct Reporting Market, the SSO and each of the DHARs.
Other leaders within the agency are encouraged to conduct similar recognitions within their
respective organization to identify candidates for the agency level awards.
(d) Current electronic awards nomination request form is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(e) Employees can receive the “EOQ” award more than once a year but cannot
receive an “EOY” award more than once every 2 years.
(f) All employees who have been awarded “EOQ” throughout the year are
automatically considered for “EOY” in addition to all other nominee submissions.
(g) Nominees for EOQ/EOY cannot be selected by default in either award group.
More than one employee must be nominated per group to choose an EOQ/EOY.
(3) Nomination Procedure(s)
(a) Complete DHA EOQ/EOY nomination form and provide completed form to the
Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office. Nominations for the preceding quarter must
be received by the J1 Honorary Awards Program Manager in accordance with established
suspense published separately.
(b) Current electronic awards nomination request form is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(c) The Requesting Official and winner will need to provide no more than a 150-
word citation and biography, respectively.
(d) The Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office publicizes the award and
reviews the awards nominations to ensure the criteria and eligibility have been met. The
manager then forwards all complete nominations to the Civilian Awards and Recognition Board
to determine the nomination/ accomplishments/impact that best meet the criteria relative to the
nominee’s category and recommend approval by the Director, DHA.
(e) The DHA Civilian Awards Board reviews all nominations, selects category
winners, and recommends the winners to the DHA Director for approval. Board requirements
and membership are at Enclosure 3. Delegated authorities are authorized to establish similar
boards for recognition under a delegated authority’s purview.
(f) DHA award recipients will receive the award and/or be recognized at an
employee recognition event or another organization event.
(g) The J1 Honorary Awards Program Manager processes each award including:
1. Preparing the award certificate.
2. Obtaining the approval of the DHA Director including coordination with DHA
J1, DHA Office of General Counsel, DHA EEO, DHA Chief of Staff, and DHA Deputy
Director; and
3. Contacting the requesting office for award pickup or delivery when all actions
are completed.
(4) Approval authorities are provided at Appendix 1.
f. Certificate of Achievement or Appreciation (COA). (see description in Enclosure 3)
(1) Criteria. The DHA Certificate of Achievement recognizes civilian employees for
contributions, which warrant official recognition but are not broad enough in scope to merit the
granting of higher-level awards.
(2) Eligibility. Employees must be assigned to the DHA for the time or contribution
recognized by the award.
(3) Processing Procedure(s). Requests will be coordinated between Requesting Official
and the staff of those leaders delegated the authority to sign COAs
(4) Approval authorities are provided at Appendix 1.
g. Letters of Commendation. (See description in Enclosure 3)
(1) Criteria. Letters of Commendation may be awarded for achievement, performance,
or service that is sufficiently valuable to warrant official commendation but does not meet the
criteria for monetary or honorary recognition. Such instances may include, but are not limited
(a) An adopted suggestion where, due to job responsibility, the employee is not
eligible for a cash award
(b) Above average work performance while on a specific assignment.
(c) Non-DHA recognition of outstanding accomplishments on DHA programs which
reflects credit on the employee’s contributions; or
(d) Exceptional participation in civic or professional activities related to official
(2) Eligibility. Employees must be assigned to the DHA for the time or contribution
recognized by the award. Current electronic awards nomination example is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(3) Processing Procedure(s).
(a) Requests will be coordinated between Requesting Official and the staff of those
leaders delegated the authority to sign COAs.
(b) The Requesting Official completes the appropriate nomination form to
demonstrate employee’s eligibility and qualifying achievements for the specified award criteria
and selects the level of signature authority. Request is routed through appropriate staff to the
approving authority for signature
(4) Approval authorities are provided at Appendix 1.
h. Letters of Appreciation. (See description in Enclosure 3)
(1) Criteria. This recognition is appropriate for expressing appreciation in many types of
situations. For example:
(a) Performance while on special assignment or during short periods where an
unusual work situation or other emergency exists.
(b) Contributions to civic or professional activities related to assigned duties such as
speaking, participating in conferences, or other leadership activities; or
(c) Other special efforts by employees.
(2) Eligibility. Employees must be assigned to the DHA for the time or contribution
recognized by the award. Current electronic awards nomination example is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(3) Processing Procedure(s).
(a) Requests will be coordinated between Requesting Official, and the staff of those
leaders delegated the authority to sign LOAs.
(b) The Requesting Official completes the appropriate nomination form to
demonstrate employee’s eligibility and qualifying achievements for the specified award criteria
and selects the level of signature authority. Request is routed through appropriate staff to the
approving authority for signature
(4) Approval authorities are provided at Appendix 1.
The following awards are available to eligible federal civilian employees and PHS Officers
covered by this issuance. Select honorary awards are also available by exception as noted.
a. Suggestion Program. See description in Enclosure 3.
(1) Eligibility. The following ideas or suggestions are not eligible for consideration for
this award. Ideas or suggestions that:
(a) Point out the need for routine maintenance work.
(b) Recommend enforcement of an existing rule.
(c) Propose changes in housekeeping practices or changes in working conditions for
personal comfort.
(d) Call attention to errors to alleged violations of regulations.
(e) Result in intangible benefits of “good will.”
(2) Criteria. A suggestion does not have to be new or original and may result from the
suggester’s previous or present work experience, research, or education. Eligible suggestions
must meet the following criteria:
(a) Ideas submitted for award consideration after adoption will be submitted not
more than 3 months after adoption to be eligible for an award.
(b) A benefits analyses for adopted suggestions (or those recommended for adoption)
are thoroughly documented and support award recommendations.
(3) Processing Suggestions
(a) The Recommender will submit suggestions via DD Form 355 through his or her
immediate supervisor for evaluation and endorsement.
(b) Within 5 working days from receipt of the suggestion, the Evaluator, within the
Recommender’s chain-of-command, will determine whether the suggestion is eligible or
ineligible for adoption. The Evaluator will forward the evaluation on DD Form 355, in
duplicate, to the DHA HQs ADs/DoS, J-Director/DAD/DRO, Market/Small and Market Stand-
alone Organizations (SSO) or Defense Health Agency Regions (DHAR) Director,
(c) Within 20 working days, the DHA HQs ADs/DoS, J-Director/DAD/DRO,
Director of DRMs, SM, and SSO and its components, DHARs, and MTFs/DTFs or appointed
designee will:
1. Analyze and adjudicate the suggestion Evaluator’s findings and
2. Adopt or disapprove the suggestion.
3. Recommend the amount of the monetary award, in accordance with Enclosures
6 and 7.
4. Forward the suggestion and completed DD Form 355 to the Civilian Awards
and Recognition Program Office for review and recommendation by the Civilian Awards and
Recognition Board with certification that the suggestion has been, or will be, implemented and a
recommendation of the award amount.
(d) The Civilian Awards and Recognition Board will:
1. Review suggestions for compliance with established tangible and intangible
benefits scales and approve or disapprove recommendations for awards that would grant $5,000
or less to the suggester.
a. If approved, the Board will authorize payment. A copy of the authorization
will be forwarded to DHA HQs ADs/DoS, J-Director/DAD/DRO, Director of DRMs, SM, and
SSO and its components, DHARs, and MTFs/DTFs.
b. If disapproved, the suggester will be informed of the reason for
2. If the award would grant more than $5,000 (gross) to the suggester, forward
the suggestion and the DD Form 355 with the award recommendation to the Director, DHA, for
review and approval.
(e) Approvers must have the financial responsibility to ensure the suggestion awards
are paid with budgetary limits set by law or regulation and that adequate funds are available for
prompt payments of suggestion awards.
b. Inventions or Scientific Achievements. See the description in Enclosure 3, and the
additional detail in Enclosure 5.
c. Referral Bonus for Recruitment and Hiring. See the description in Enclosure 3.
(1) Eligibility. All employees who are eligible for a monetary award are eligible for
referral bonus awards, except for:
(a) Employees whose assigned duties include the recruitment of candidates for
civilian positions.
(b) Selecting officials or other persons associated with the selection of a candidate.
(c) Any individual prohibited from advocating for the employment of the candidate
by section 3110 of Reference (e).
(2) Criteria. Each suggester determines whether the use of the referral bonus is
appropriate and establishes criteria for the award. A referral bonus award may not be paid for
the referral of a candidate who is already a DHA employee.
(3) Award Payment. Award amounts and the length of time-off awards must be as
specified in DHA Component guidance.
(a) In setting award amounts, the requestor considers such factors as:
1. The percentage of costs saved by avoiding certain recruiting expenses.
2. The efforts put forth by the employee to recruit an individual.
3. The difficulty of filling the position(s).
4. Fiscal constraints.
5. Other pertinent DHA regulations.
6. Limitations established in this instruction.
(b) Monetary referral bonus awards may be paid as a single lump sum or in
incremental payments. The requestor sets the payment schedule (e.g., award paid at time of hire,
after 6 months of satisfactory performance, or upon completion of a probationary period).
(c) Requestor documents the justification for referral bonus awards in accordance
with section 451.103 of Reference (d).
(d) Approval authorities and threshold amounts are provided at Appendix 1.
d. Mentoring Award. See the description in Enclosure 3
(1) Nature of the Award. The award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque or trophy
and a cash award of $2,000.
(2) Eligibility. All DHA personnel who are employed by, or assigned to, DHA during
the award consideration period are eligible.
(3) Award Consideration Period. The consideration period is the calendar year, January
1st through December 31st of each year.
(4) Criteria. Employees nominated will have clearly demonstrated or exhibited all the
following work characteristics in the performance of their role as a mentor during the award
consideration period. The mentor is a leader or senior to an employee. A mentor may also be a
Training Coordinator. A mentor is concerned for an employee’s development as a whole and not
just in the job they perform. The mentor will be committed to carrying out mentoring activities
during the individual’s assignment and demonstrate the following in their role as mentors:
(a) Provide advice and guidance on career development opportunities. Encourage
the development to the fullest, both personally and professionally.
(b) Share insights on broad DHA missions and functions, as well as an awareness of
the programs and activities that fall within the scope of the mentor’s responsibility.
(c) Recommend pursuits that will help develop specific areas in the employee’s
professional advancement: (e.g., written, or oral communication skills).
(d) Promote a clear understanding of DHA’s mission, vision, core values, and the
Agency’s “Strategic End States” which are to provide customers consistent and cost-effective
CAS, ensure effective policies and processes are in place; promotes a diverse, agile, and highly
performing workforce; and contributes to a system of management controls that effectively and
efficiently manage public resources.
(6) Award Nomination Process.
(a) The mentee, Requesting Official may nominate employees. Nominations will
have the endorsement of the Requesting Official. The Requesting Official obtains the required
coordination and/or endorsements (i.e., supervisor, Director of DRM, SM, SSO, etc.).
(b) Nominees may include Training Coordinators. Nomination opportunities should
be extended to cover personnel of all grades/ranks and all organizational operating levels.
(c) The Director, based upon the recommendations of the DHA Civilian Awards and
Recognition Board, will determine final selection of the individuals who will receive this special
DHA recognition.
(8) Approval authorities are provided at Appendix 1.
e. DHA Leadership Award. This award provides a highly visible means for the Director, to
recognize deserving leaders within the DHA workforce. The DHA Leadership Award
recognizes our leaders whose visionary leadership, outstanding professional skill, and untiring
efforts advance DHA’s strategic mission through “One Team, One Voice” and inclusive,
collaborative principles.
(1) Nature of the Award. The award will consist of a suitably engraved plaque or trophy
and a cash award of $5,000. Military members will receive only the engraved plaque or trophy
IAW Chapter 45 of Title 5, U.S.C., which provides authority to pay military personnel for their
contributions in the form of suggestions, inventions, or scientific achievements but not for
(2) Eligibility. All supervisors, managers, and team leaders in the pay band of Business
Management and Technical Management Professional Career Path (GS-08) who are employed
by, or assigned to, DHA during the award consideration period are eligible.
(3) Consideration Period. The consideration period is the calendar year, January 1st
through December 31st of each year.
(4) Criteria. Employees nominated for the DHA Leadership Award will have clearly
demonstrated or exhibited all the following work characteristics in the performance of their
regularly assigned duties during the award consideration period. The nominee’s leadership on
issues/efforts may have Agency-wide impact, enable the Agency to move forward in advancing
its strategic mission and vision through “Good to Great” principles and demonstrate the
following in their role as Leaders:
(a) Transform the Agency by demonstrating a leadership role that champions the
accomplishment of the Agency’s Strategic End States.
(b) Embrace and promote a results-oriented performance culture and approach to
achieving the Agency vision by using Performance Indicators that measure Agency success.
(c) Equip our employees with the competencies needed to provide extraordinary
support to our customers.
(d) Establish a leadership culture in their organization.
(e) Nominees demonstrate their commitment to the DHA Core Values of integrity,
service, and excellence by their daily professional conduct.
(5) Nomination Process. DHA Leadership may nominate employees. All awards must
have the endorsement of the applicable Director. Nominating officials will submit the
nominations through the DHA Awards Program Manager to the DHA Director for consideration.
The Director, based upon the recommendations of the DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition
Board, will determine final selection of the individuals who will receive this special DHA
(6) Approval authorities are provided at Appendix 1.
a. Team Excellence Award. See description in Enclosure 3.
(1) Eligibility
(a) A team may be comprised of career and non-career civilian employees, members
of the military, and PHS members who work together on a program or project or on the DHA’s
mission in general.
(b) Members of the team may be assigned to, or outside of, the DHA organization,
e.g., to another component, Federal agency, or Military Department.
(2) Criteria. The team must have provided exemplary support to Federal government
program or projects that positively impacted and/or advanced the DHA’s mission in general.
(3) Nomination Procedure(s)
(a) The Requesting Official completes the appropriate nomination form to
demonstrate employee’s eligibility and qualifying achievements for the specified award criteria.
The Requesting Official may coordinate with the Civilian Awards and Recognition Program
Office for completeness and compliance prior to forwarding the nomination for approval.
(b) Current electronic awards nomination request form is available through the
Policy and Programs Branch general delivery mailbox dha.ncr.j-1-8.mbx.ncr-hr-market-
(c) Nomination is reviewed and approved by the DHA HQs AD. DoS, J-Director,
/DAD/DRO, Director of DRMs, SM, and SSO and its components, DHARs, and MTFs/DTFs or
(d) The Requesting Official forwards approved nomination form to the Civilian
Awards and Recognition Program Office.
(e) The Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office will forward the
nomination through the concurrence/approval process up to the Director, DHA.
(f) The DHA Team Excellence Award will be presented to the team members at an
employee recognition event or another organization meeting as specifically designated.
b. DHA Certificate of Appreciation. See description in Enclosure 3.
(1) Eligibility. This award is available to civilian employees, and PHS officers, or
volunteers supporting DHA.
(2) Nomination Procedure(s). See DHA Awards Program Manager.
(a) The Requesting Official completes the appropriate nomination form to
demonstrate employee’s eligibility and qualifying achievements for the specified award criteria
and selects the level of signature authority. The Requesting Official may coordinate with the
Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office for completeness and compliance prior to
forwarding the nomination for approval.
(b) Nomination is reviewed and approved by the Supervisor and/or the DHA HQs
ADs/DoS, J-Director/DAD/DRO, Director of DRMs, SM, and SSO and its components,
DHARs, and MTFs/DTFs.
(c) The Requesting Official forwards approved nomination form to the Civilian
Awards and Recognition Program Office.
(d) The Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office will forward the
nomination through the concurrence/approval process up to the Director, DHA, if requested, or
prepare the certificate for signature by the requested approving official.
c. DHA Certificate of Achievement Awards. Non-competitive DHA Achievement Awards
are approved IAW Appendix 1 of this issuance. (see description in Enclosure 3.
d. APEX Award (see description in Enclosure 3).
(1) Eligibility
(a) Available to all military, civilian DHA employees, or PHS officers who have at
least 3 years of federal experience.
(b) Contribution is outside of the employee’s job description or day-to-day
(2) Criteria. Nominees must demonstrate one or more contributions from within one of
the following three areas.
(a) Professional Development (Employee must meet both criteria):
1. Voluntary enrollment in a class or program, internal or external to DHA, that
has a direct relationship with employee’s duties or responsibilities and has been approved and
recorded by the Workforce Development Branch, Human Capital Division, DHA, and
2. Shared knowledge or skills with others in the workplace (i.e., through brown
bags, symposiums, informal meetings, etc.) which contributed to the effectiveness of their
organization’s focus area.
(b) Workforce Development (Employee must meet at least one of the following
1. Encouraged employees to exceed work expectations by providing informal
recognition and appropriately increased responsibilities to advance career growth;
2. Guided a group of individuals to achieve a goal by having a clear focus and
vision, competence, and character; and/or,
3. Implemented a successful Agency-wide program or initiative to improve
employee knowledge or skills and has significant impact measured by strong attendance,
employee responses/feedback, etc.
(c) Mentoring (Employee must meet two of the following):
1. Participated in a formal DHA mentoring program that provides mentoring or
coaching for employees in the organization.
2. Mentor relationship impacted performance to result in job promotion,
enhanced work product, or formal recognition of mentee; and/or,
3. Committed to advancing employees’ long-term professional development by
providing constructive feedback and recognition and making fellow colleagues aware of/able to
further develop their abilities and skills.
(3) Non-Competitive Nomination Procedure(s)
(a) Requesting Official completes the appropriate nomination form to demonstrate
employee’s eligibility and qualifying achievements for the specified award criteria.
(b) Nominations will be approved and endorsed by both the employee’s supervisor
and Division Chief or next level equivalent prior to receiving endorsement from the DHA HQs
AD,DAD/ J-Director, Director of DRMs, SM, and SSO and its components, DHARs, and
MTFs/DTFs or equivalent.
(c) DHA HQs ADs/DoS, J-Director/DAD/DRO, Director of DRMs, SSO and its
components, DHARs, and MTFs/DTFs or equivalent approves nomination and forwards
nomination package to Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office for tracking purposes
and award device processing.
(d) Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office coordinates award package
receipt, notification to the Awards Board, and processing of approved awards for presentation to
award recipients.
(4) Competitive Achievement Award Nomination Procedure(s)
(a) DHA HQs ADs/DoS, J-Director/DAD/DRO, Director of DRMs, SM, and SSO
and its components, DHARs, and MTFs/DTFs or equivalent will nominate up to two prior
Achievement Award recipients, by updating and/or submitting the appropriate nomination form,
to compete for DHA-wide recognition.
(b) The Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office will assemble award
nomination packages received from DHA HQs ADs/DoS, J-Director/DAD/DRO, Director of
DRMs, SM, and SSO and its components, DHARs, and MTFs/DTFs or equivalent and prepare
the packages for review by the DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition Board.
(5) Competitive Achievement Award Selection Process
(a) DHA HQs ADs/DoS, J-Director/DAD/DRO, Director of DRMs, SM, and SSO
and its components, DHARs, and MTFs/DTFs or level equivalent nominations are reviewed by
the DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition Board.
(b) The DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition Board recommendation will be
forwarded to the Director, DHA.
(c) The Director, DHA makes a final decision for each of the 6 achievement awards.
(d) Award recipients are presented during the appropriate employee recognition
e. Excellence in Leadership Award (see description in Enclosure 3.
(1) Eligibility
(a) Available to all DHA civilian employees, or PHS officers identified as a
supervisor in the Agency’s hierarchy or in a leadership role who exemplify the identified
leadership criteria below.
(b) Rising Leader Award (subset of this award) is available to employees who have
served in their present area of expertise/specialization for more than 1 year, not to exceed 3 years
of civilian career service government-wide, and who exemplified the rising leader criteria below.
(2) Criteria
(a) To be eligible for the Excellence in Leadership Award, the nominee must
demonstrate at least two of the following:
1. Demonstrated excellence in a leadership performance within their organization
and drove measurable increase in performance.
2. Exhibited consistent and exemplary behavior that models DHA’s core values
and promotes these values within the agency.
3. Sets a high standard of integrity by leading through example and maintains
high personal standards.
4. Fostered innovation by creating conditions that enabled the team to openly
contribute to and achieve objectives.
5. Increased accountability by actively sharing responsibility, authority,
information, and credit when working towards the achievement of a goal and led peers by setting
aside personal gains to the betterment of the DHA mission.
(b) To be eligible for the Rising Leader Award, the nominee must demonstrate at
least two of the following:
1. Volunteered, organized, or led an activity or range of activities/services within
their organization’s goals and focus areas.
2. Achieved high-quality results and/or substantial improvements to their branch
or division in a significant long-term project.
3. Impact of the employee's achievement has significant importance relative to
the output of the overall branch or division.
4. The achievement is perceived as outstanding or significant by peers and/or
customers affected.
(4) Non-Competitive Nomination Procedure(s). See nomination procedure outlined in
Enclosure 5.
(5) Competitive Achievement Award Nomination Procedure(s). See nomination
procedure outlined in Enclosure 5.
(6) Competitive Achievement Award Selection Process. See nomination procedure
outlined in Enclosure 5).
f. DHA Innovation Award. Recognizes employees for their inventions or scientific
achievements, or for their contribution (see description in Enclosure 3.
(1) Eligibility
(a) Employees must have made a contribution that resulted in systematic
improvements in DHA’s technological infrastructure, information security, or analytics; or,
(b) Made an invention or scientific achievement that contributed to the efficiency,
economy, or other improvement in DHA operations, or in the public interest and is associated
with their DHA employment.
(2) Criteria. Nominee must have accomplished at least two of the following:
(a) Employed innovative approaches in the conception, design, and execution of
projects, programs, initiatives, and/or activities that resulted in systematic improvements.
(b) Demonstrated unusual initiative or creativity in the development and
improvement of methods, procedures, or devices that has resulted in at least one of the
1. Enhanced service delivery
2. Enhanced productivity
3. Decreased agency risks
4. Supported sustainability efforts
(c) Accomplishments are far above others in quality, scope, and impact, are explicit,
demonstrate results, and are perceived as outstanding or significant by peers and/or customers
(d) If nominated for an invention or scientific achievement, nominee must meet all
the following prior to receiving an award.
1. An invention, scientific achievement, or design must be covered by a patent,
patent application, or other form of protection.
2. Title of an invention must have been assigned or otherwise vested in the U.S.
Government and in custody of DHA.
3. The appropriate DHA office responsible for patent matters must notify the
organization that the above conditions have been met.
(3) Non-Competitive Nomination Procedure(s). See nomination procedure outlined in
Enclosure 5.
(4) Competitive Achievement Award Nomination Procedure(s). See nomination
procedure outlined in Enclosure 5).
(5) Competitive Achievement Award Selection Process. See nomination procedure
outlined in Enclosure 5).
g. Good Steward Award. See description in Enclosure 3.
(1) Eligibility
(a) Awarded for a significant contribution/commitment to finding efficiencies in
items of expense for their organization, or Agency-wide.
(b) Suggestions for improvements do not have to be new or original and may result
from the nominee’s previous or present work experience, research, or education.
(c) A benefits analysis for any suggestions that were adopted must be thoroughly
documented and support award recommendations.
(2) Criteria. Nominees must meet at least 2 of the criteria in one of the following
(a) Improved Cost Savings or Avoidance (nominee must meet 2 of the following):
1. Developed/improved methods and procedures that resulted in considerable
savings in manpower, time needed to complete a task, space, materials, or other items of
2. Simplified or improved operations to speed up production and/or increase
output while maintaining or improving quality.
3. Employed effective financial management techniques, procedures, and policies
that aided in a return of investment for their organization.
(b) Promoted Health/Wellness Initiatives (nominee must meet 2 of the following):
1. Developed/improved methods and procedures that improved safety, health, or
quality of life of their organization or customers.
2. Improved working conditions, procedures, operating methods or equipment,
workplace layouts and organization.
3. Supported programs to advance the licensing and regulatory aspects of DHA’s
mission leading to improved safety and safeguards, while upgrading the level of health and
safety operations.
4. Applied evidenced-based behavior change practices to enhance healthy
behaviors in agency population.
5. Made the healthy choice the easy choice through improved processes and
aligned incentives.
6. Created partnerships with line and civilian community leaders to enhance an
environment conducive to health.
(3) Non-Competitive Nomination Procedure(s). See nomination procedure outlined in
Enclosure 5.
(4) Competitive Achievement Award Nomination Procedure(s). See nomination
procedure outlined in Enclosure 5.
(5) Competitive Achievement Award Selection Process. See nomination procedure
outlined in Enclosure 5.
h. DHA People’s Choice Award. See description in Enclosure 3.
(1) Eligibility
(a) Employee must have made a significant contribution or exhibited a sustained
commitment to customer service.
(b) Nominations are open to peer or supervisor recognition and must be backed by
documentation of the employee’s high level of customer service (i.e., positive customer feedback
in an e-mail, letter, or survey, or some other form of documentation).
(2) Criteria. To be eligible for the DHA People’s Choice Award, the nominee must:
(a) Consistently demonstrate enthusiasm, high energy, and a positive commitment to
their duties.
(b) Understand expectations and deliver service(s)/product(s) in a timely manner;
responds to customer requests with minimal wait time; and/or tracks, and follows up, and
completes requests ensuring timely action.
(c) Consistently model quality service delivery.
(d) Additionally, the nominee must meet at least one of the following:
1. Enabled rapid adoption of proven practices, helping reduce unwanted
variation, and/or improving the coordination of care across time and treatment venues.
2. Demonstrated understanding of customer needs and took action to address
those needs by placing high priority on service.
3. Called attention to issues that affect customer satisfaction and consistently
views issues from the perspective of DHA customers.
4. Actively gathered and monitored information on customer service levels to
measurably improve customer satisfaction for those served by their organization, or to those
served in field offices of MTFs.
(3) Non-Competitive Nomination Procedure(s). See nomination procedure outlined in
Enclosure 5.
(4) Competitive Achievement Award Nomination Procedure(s). See nomination
procedure outlined in Enclosure 5.
(5) Competitive Achievement Award Selection Process. See nomination procedure
outlined in Enclosure 5.
i. Positive Spirit Award. See description in Enclosure 3.
(1) Eligibility. Recipients must demonstrate sincere cooperation, positive attitude, and
an exceptional willingness to assist others.
(2) Criteria. To be eligible for the Positive Spirt Award, the nominee must demonstrate
at least 3 of the following:
(a) Always drives towards mission and goals and embodies DHA culture in daily
interactions and work efforts.
(b) Enables others to succeed by providing support without seeking personal
recognition for exceeding own work responsibilities.
(c) Consistently demonstrates patience, good humor, and enthusiasm while on the
(d) Improves morale through desirable and feasible personnel services that increase
(e) Persuades others to support and/or contribute to an idea or Agency initiative; may
involve overcoming objections by using personal credibility and prior positive relationships.
(3) Non-Competitive Nomination Procedure(s). See nomination procedure outlined in
Enclosure 5.
(4) Competitive Achievement Award Nomination Procedure(s). See nomination
procedure outlined in Enclosure 5.
(5) Competitive Achievement Award Selection Process. See nomination procedure
outlined in Enclosure 5.
j. DHA Outstanding Achievement Certificate. See description in Enclosure 3.
(1) Eligibility. Recipients must have a demonstrable pattern of excellence or make an
achievement that impacts their organization.
(2) Criteria. To be eligible for the DHA Outstanding Achievement Certificate, the
nominee must make an outstanding contribution or achievement outside of typical job duties that
has a -broad impact at within or above their organization.
(3) Non-Competitive Nomination Procedure(s). See nomination procedure outlined in
Enclosure 5.
a. General. This medal is aligned as closely as practicable to that of the Armed Forces
Service Medal for Service members. This medal may only be awarded to a civilian employee
directly supporting a military operation that has been authorized the Armed Forces Service
Medal for Service members and the employee must meet all other eligibility and qualifying
b. Eligibility. Eligible employees must have been deployed for at least 30 days (either
consecutively or non-consecutively). The deployment requirement is waived for non-deployed
employees, provided they were re-assigned from their normal duties to primarily perform duties
related to the DoD COVID-19 operations or activities for at least 30 days. Additionally, due to
the health risk posed by COVID-19, award of the service medal is authorized for one day of
qualifying service if that service resulted in the member contracting the virus. The medal may be
awarded one time to a civilian employee for service.
c. Responsibility. DHA is responsible for establishing administrative procedures,
purchasing medal stock, creating an accompanying certificate, approving the medal, and
maintaining records, in Reference (l). Organizations are responsible for stocking and purchasing
award medals approved below the DHA HQs level with accompanying certificate available
through the DHA Human Capital Division. All issuing authorities are responsible for ensuring
records (of approved awards) are maintained.
d. Period of Award. January 31, 2020, to a future end date yet to be determined.
e. Area of Eligibility. Given the global nature of the Coronavirus D 2019 (COVID-19)
pandemic, there is no designated area of eligibility, and award authorities determine eligibility
based on the nature of the qualifying DoD COVID-19 Operation or activity.
f. Approval. See Appendix 1 chart for delegated approval authorities. Certain approval
authorities apply as identified in the Appendix. An awards board is not required.
g. Submission. Nominations must be submitted on DHA Form 306, AFCSM Nomination
Form to their Market’s respective organization group box. Organizations are responsible for
stocking and purchasing award medals. Awards that require DHA Director or Deputy Director
approval must be submitted to the DHA Awards general delivery mailbox-dha.ncr.dha-
[email protected]. Each award nomination submission must also include an
Executive Summary. DHA Form 306 is available from the DHA Forms Library:
1. A broad variety of gifts, awards, and paraphernalia may be appropriate for acknowledging an
honorable retirement or farewell. Consideration should be given to the employee’s preference for
public or private settings. Decisions regarding ceremonies and events are to be made on an
equitable basis across the workforce and not be based on the grade or rank of the individuals
a. Gifts
(1) 5 C.F.R. Section 2635 in Reference (n) and the Joint Ethics Regulation (DoD
5500.07-R) in Reference (o) sets forth DoD policy on gifts. Government funds may not be used
to purchase gifts; however, private contributions may be used. Some examples of “gift” items
include flowers, paper weights, and flags (civilian), as well as “display” items such as shadow
boxes and display cases. Consult a DHA General Counsel ethics counselor with any questions
regarding these provisions.
(2) Rules for gift giving from a group are as follows (note: dollar amounts are subject to
(a) A gift certificate may be given as long as it is not redeemable for cash.
(b) Fellow employees may be solicited for voluntary contributions of nominal
(c) If even one member of the donating group is a subordinate of the recipient, the
aggregate market value of a group gift may not exceed $300, regardless of the number of
military and/or civilian employees contributing.
(d) There is no limit on the number of donating groups that may give a retirement
gift. However, the number should be based on common sense and reasonableness. Also, donating
groups may not “pool” their money to buy a gift over the $300 limit. For example, it is not
permissible for two donating groups each with $250 to combine their money and buy a $500 gift.
(e) The “nominal amount” of any voluntary contribution that may be solicited from
an employee for a group gift should not exceed $10.
(f) An employee may contribute to a group gift and may also give an individual gift,
so long as the giving of both gifts is “appropriate to the occasion,” i.e., the total amount spent is
reasonable under the circumstances.
(g) The voluntary nature of any contribution must be made clear in any solicitation
so that each employee understands that they may contribute nothing at all, or any amount that
they desire up to $10). Senior personnel may not pressure subordinates or junior personnel to
make contributions.
(h) A nominal amount for refreshments may be solicited as a separate, voluntary
contribution not subject to the $10 limit. For example, it is permissible to solicit $10 for the
retirement gift and an additional $2 to help pay for the cost of refreshments.
(i) Contributions cannot be solicited from “prohibited sources” (agency contractors
or their employees). However, unsolicited contractor gifts are permissible. Note that they are
subject to the $20/$50 rule
b. Awards, plaques, and ceremony supplies. Official retirement and other farewell
ceremonies that are inherent in the award process are permitted. Government funds may be used
to purchase awards and ceremony supplies. For civilian employees, the awards must be made in
accordance with the 5 U.S.C. 4501-4506 .
(1) Sponsors may request the retirement and farewell recognition package items and
services including the following:
(a) For DHA employees and uniformed service members
1. Invitations, programs, and other written materials.
a. Card stock paper may be of slightly heavier weight than plain paper
Program maximum size is 8 ½ x 11 inches
b. Maximum number: up to 100 (in-house); up to 300 via DHA Document
Services Program layout choices: tri-fold, 8 ½ folded in half (front and back), or ½ page front
and back
c. Print: Regular
d. Background colors: various
2. Traditional Spouse certificate(s) in Government frame or padded folder
(2) Retirement certificate: The retirement certificate is for all employees who retire.
Processing and signature on the retirement certificate is in accordance with Appendix 1 of this
(3) DHA retirement plaque: The retirement plaque is for all employees who retire.
Processing and approval of the retirement plaque will be issued IAW approval authorities in
Appendix 1 of this issuance.
(4) Certificate of appreciation for the spouse: The certificate of appreciation for the
spouse will be prepared by DHRS to be issued to the retiree’s spouse. Allow 14 days for
(5) DoD and DHA service awards: Check with your organizational POC, or the DHA
Human Capital Civilian Awards Program Manager, or Commissioned Corps Program Office for
information on awards available to PHS officers.
(6) Honorary awards: Additional civilian service and career service awards are permitted
for individuals who qualify.
(7) Local Awards: Local awards and awards made pursuant and consistent with the DHA
Awards and Recognition Program. Local award options (or similar in scope and cost) for
residents of the DHA Headquarters:
(a) Frame (16x20) with photo (of one or both) of the DHA Headquarters and
Cameron Station, with engraved plate.
(b) Frame with a smaller photo of the DHA Headquarters plus space for
Commander’s coin/s (if desired) and engraved plate.
c. Presidential Letter of Appreciation
(1) Nominations must be submitted to DHA HRD no later than 90 days before the
desired presentation date.
(2) The Presidential Letter of Appreciation acknowledges career service by civilian
employees through a letter signed by the President of the United States. It is available to civilian
employees who are retiring from more than 30 years of federal government tenure. Though the
letter is only available to civilian employees, military service time may be counted toward the
30-year requirement. Presidential Letter of Appreciation recipients will be granted a standard
letter of appreciation prepared by the White House and signed by the president.
(3) The request form is located at:
a. General. The Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Award is the highest
honorary award presented by the DHA to private citizens and foreign nationals.
(1) The award recognizes those who have performed exceptionally distinguished service
of significance to the DoD as a whole, or service of such exceptional significance to a DHA or
that recognition at the DHA level is insufficient. The nominee may have rendered service or
assistance at considerable personal sacrifice and inconvenience that was motivated by patriotism,
good citizenship, and a sense of public responsibility.
(2) To be eligible, the nominee must be an individual who does not derive his or her
principal livelihood from the federal government, such as a private citizen, a political appointee,
or an employee on a term appointment that is not expected to extend for a significant duration.
b. Additional Information. Further information on eligibility, criteria, and nominating
procedures may be coordinated with the DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office.
a. General. The Secretary of Defense Outstanding Public Service Award is the second
highest award presented by the Secretary of Defense to non-career federal employees, private
citizens, and foreign nationals.
(1) The award recognizes contributions, assistance, or support to DoD functions that are
extensive enough to warrant recognition but are lesser in scope and impact than is required for
the DoD Distinguished Public Service Award.
(2) To be eligible, the nominee must be an individual who does not derive his or her
principal livelihood from the federal government, such as a private citizen, a political appointee,
or an employee on a term appointment that is not expected to extend for a significant duration.
b. Additional Information. Further information on eligibility, criteria, and nominating
procedures may be coordinated with the DHA Civilian Awards and Recognition Program Office.
DHA-AI 1432.01
February 15, 2023
Delegation of Approval Authority for DHA Monetary and Honorary Awards
DHA-AI 1432.01
February 15, 2023
This guide provides a listing of Honorary Awards available to eligible DHA civilian employees,
beginning with the most distinguished awards at the Presidential level. To see more information
about each award and obtain nomination forms, please access the desk guide on the Awards
Program SharePoint site:
Table 1: Award Scale for Suggestions, Inventions, Special Acts or Service, and Scientific
Achievements Resulting in Tangible Benefits to the Government
Estimated First - Year Benefits Amount of Awards to Employee
Up to $100,000 in benefits 10 percent of benefits
$100,001 and above in benefits $10,000 plus one percent of benefits above
$100,000, up to $25,000, with the approval of
the Office of Personnel Management
Note: Presidential approval is required for all awards of more than $25,000.
Table 2: Award Scale for Suggestions, Inventions, Special Acts or Service, and Scientific
Achievements Resulting in Intangible Benefits to the Government
Affects functions,
mission, or
personnel of one
regional area, or
an organizational
element of
Affects small area
of science or
mission, or
personnel of
an entire
regional area,
command, or
Affects an
important area
of science or
Affects functions, Affects
mission, or functions,
personnel of mission, or
several regional personnel of
areas or more than one
commands, or an Department or
entire Department Agency, or is in
or Agency. the public
Affects an interest
extensive area of throughout the
science or nation and
technology. beyond.
Change or modification
of an operating
principle or procedure
$25 - $125 $126 - $325 $326 - $650 $651 - $1,300
Substantial change or
modification of
procedures; an
important improvement
to the value of a
product, activity,
program, or service to
the public.
$125 - $325 $326 - $650 $651 - $1,300 $1,301 - $3,150
Complete revision of a
basic principle or
procedures; a highly
improvement to the
value of a product or
$325 - $650 $651 - $1,300 $1,301 - $3,150 $3,151 - $6,300
$650 - $1,300
$1,301 -
$3,151 - $6,300
$6,301 -
Initiation of a new
principle or major
procedure; a superior
improvement to the
quality of a critical
product, activity,
program, or service to
the public.
Table 3: TOA Scale for Full-Time Employees for Suggestions, Inventions, Special Acts or
Service, and Scientific Achievements
Affects functions,
mission, or
personnel of one
regional area, or
an organizational
element of
Affects small area
of science or
mission, or
personnel of
an entire
regional area,
command, or
Affects an
important area
of science or
Affects Affects
functions, functions,
mission, or mission, or
personnel of personnel of
several regional more than one
areas or Department or
commands, or an Agency, or is in
entire the public
Department or interest
Agency. Affects throughout the
an extensive area nation and
of science or beyond.
Change or modification
of an operating principle
or procedure with
2 - 4 hours 5 - 7 hours 8 - 11 hours 12 - 16 hours
Substantial change or
modification of
procedures; an
important improvement
h l f
5 - 7 hours 8 - 11 hours 12 - 16 hours 17 - 24 hours
Complete revision of a
basic principle or
procedures; a highly
significant improvement
to the value of a product
or service.
8 - 11 hours 12 - 16 hours 17 - 24 hours 25 - 32 hours
12 - 16 hours 17 - 24 hours 25 - 32 hours 33 - 40 hours
Initiation of a new
principle or major
procedure; a superior
improvement to the
quality of a critical
product, activity,
program, or service to
the public.
AD Assistant Director
APEX Advanced Professional Engagement and Exploration
DAD Deputy Assistant Director
DHA Defense Health Agency
DHA-AI Defense Health Agency-Administrative Instruction
DHAR Defense Health Agency Region
DoS Director of Staff
DRM Direct Reporting Market
DTF Dental Treatment Facility
eOPF electronic Official Personnel File
EOQ Employee of the Quarter
EOY Employee of the Year
GS General Schedule
HCD Human Capital Division
HRSP Human Resources Service Provider
HSD Headquarters Support Division
JDIR Joint Director
MTF Medical Treatment Facility
P&PM Policy and Performance Management
PHS Public Health Service
SM Small Market
SSO Small Market and Stand-Alone Organization
TMA TRICARE Management Activity
TOA Time Off Award
Award. An award is recognition for individual or team achievement that contributes to meeting
organizational goals or improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of the Government
or is otherwise in the public interest. Such awards include, but are not limited to, employee
incentives that are based on predetermined criteria such as productivity standards, performance
goals, measurement systems, award formulas, or payout schedules References (c) and (d).
Award program. The specific procedures and requirements established in a DOD Component for
granting awards under References (c) and (d).
Competitive Honorary Achievement Award. DHA HQs ADs/DoS, J-Director/DAD/DRO,
Director of DRMs, SM, and SSO and its components, DHARs, and MTFs/DTFs or equivalent
will have the opportunity to nominate two prior recipients of each achievement award to compete
for DHA-wide recognition by the Director, DHA. Competitive achievement award nominations
will be reviewed by a DHA Award board and recommendations will be provided to the Director,
DHA. The Director, DHA will make a final decision on the Agency-wide winner for each of the
six achievement awards.
Contribution. An accomplishment achieved through an individual, group, or team effort, which
contributes to the efficiency, economy, cost avoidance, or other beneficial impact to the general
workplace, public welfare, or the overall DHA mission.
Honorary (non-monetary) Award. An honorary award is an award in which the recognition
device is not a cash payment or time-off as an award but rather an award of an honorific value
(e.g., a letter, certificate, citation, plaque or other similar item of nominal value).
Intangible benefit. Savings to the Government that cannot be measured in terms of dollars and
will be evaluated using the scale of award amounts based on intangible benefits (see Enclosure
Monetary award. A monetary award is an award in which the recognition device is a cash
payment, which does not increase the employee’s rate of basic pay.
Non-Competitive Honorary Achievement Award. Awards available for approval for eligible
DHA employees (civilian, and PHS officers), who meet the required criteria, and will be
available for employee nomination at any time of the year.
Tangible benefit. Savings to the Government that can be measured in terms of dollars and will
be evaluated using the scale of award amounts based on tangible benefits (see Enclosure 6).
TOA. An award in which time-off duty in granted without loss of pay or charge to leave and for
which the number of hours granted is commensurate with the employee’s contribution or
accomplishment (see Enclosure 7).
Traditional Honorary Award. Eligible employees may be recommended for traditional honorary
awards at any time of the year. Recommended employees must meet the required criteria and be
endorsed by their DHA HQs ADs/DoS, J-Director/DAD/DRO, Director of DRMs, SSO Director
and its components, DHARs, and MTFs/DTFs prior to review, and approval by the Director,
DHA. Appendix 1 of this issuance establishes delegated awards approval authorities.