Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Information for Faculty
Offering Instruction in
Arts and Sciences
Harvard University
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Harvard University
Information for Faculty Offering Instruction in Arts and Sciences 2003–04
Vol. 20, No. 8
July 1, 2003
Review of academic, financial, and other considerations leads to changes in the
policies, rules, and regulations applicable to students and instructors, and the Faculty of
Arts and Sciences, therefore, reserves the right to make changes at any time. These
changes may affect such matters as tuition and all other fees, courses, degrees and
programs offered (including the modification or possible elimination of degrees and
programs), degree and other academic requirements, academic policies, rules pertaining
to student conduct and discipline, fields or areas of concentration, and other rules and
regulations applicable to students and instructors.
While every effort has been made to ensure that this book is accurate and up-to-
date, it may include typographical or other errors. Changes are periodically made to
this publication and will be incorporated in supplements and/or new editions.
Lynn Dunham, Acting Registrar
John T. O’Keefe, Assistant Dean of Harvard College
Patricia A. O’Brien, Associate Registrar, Courses, Scheduling, and Publications
Ron Cooper, Manager of Scheduling and Publications
Catherine Roberts, Scheduling and Publications Assistant
Sean Donahue, Composition
Cover design by Daniel J. McCarron, Office of the University Publisher
The Official Register of Harvard University (ISSN #0199-1787) is published
thirteen times a year, four times in July, four times in August, one time in September,
November, January, February, and March. The Official Register of Harvard University
is published by Harvard Printing and Publication Services, 219 Western Avenue,
Allston, Massachusetts 02134. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, Massachusetts, and
additional mailing points.
Published by the Office of the Registrar, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 20 Garden
Street, Cambridge, MA 02138.
Text printed and bound by VonHoffman Graphics, Inc., on 100% post-consumer
recycled paper with vegetable-based inks.
Printed in United States.
To The Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Academic Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Fall Term 2003–2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Spring Term 2003–2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Summer 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Tentative Calendar for 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 . . . . . . 13
Responsibilities of Instructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Instructors’ Presence During the Academic Year . . . . . . . 14
Responsibility for Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Responsibility for Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Professional Conduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Student Privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Use of the FAS Computing and Network Services . . . . . . . 18
Students with Disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Sexual Harassment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Commission of Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Research Involving Human Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Research Involving Animal Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Course Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
The Course Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Points to Consider When Creating or Modifying a Course . . . 24
Special Types of Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Class Meeting Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Classrooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Course Materials/Syllabi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Course Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Course Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Student Enrollment: Add, Drop, Withdraw . . . . . . . . . . 31
Instructor’s Signature on Study Cards and Petitions . . . . . . 31
Limiting Enrollment in Courses at the 100- or 1000-Level
and Below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Enrollment of Non-FAS Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Simultaneous Enrollment/Courses with Overlapping
Meeting Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Undergraduates in Courses Designated
“Primarily for Graduates” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Pass/Fail Grading Status (Undergraduates Only) . . . . . . . . 33
Student Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Storm and Emergency Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Restricting Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Date for Submission of Senior Theses and General
Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Hour and Midterm Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Papers and Other Written Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Late Work and Extension of Time for Course Work . . . . . . 36
Midterm Grades for Undergraduates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Hiring, Training, and Supervision of Instructional Support
Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
CUE Course Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Final and Midyear Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Examination Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Examination Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Tentative Examination Schedule 2003–2004 . . . . . . . . . . 45
Administration of Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
In Absentia
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Makeup Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Publication of Past Final and Midyear Examinations . . . . . . 48
Grades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
The Grading System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Grade Point Averages and the Rank List for Undergraduates . 52
Submission of Final and Midyear Grades . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Due Dates for Midterm Grades 2003–2004 . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Due Dates for Fall Final/Midyear Grades 2003–2004 . . . . . 54
Due Dates for Spring Final Grades 2003–2004 . . . . . . . . . 55
Submitting Late Grades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Final Grades in Full Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Final Grades for Degree Candidates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Changes in Grades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Posting of Grades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Retention of Exam Booklets and Course Records . . . . . . . 57
Addressing Student Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
The Administrative Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
The Resident Deans: Allston Burr Senior Tutors
and Assistant Deans of Freshmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Graduate School Office of Student Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Neglect of Academic Work by Students: Exclusion . . . . . . 59
Reports of Undergraduates with Unsatisfactory Records . . . . 59
Students Charged with Dishonesty in Course Work . . . . . . 59
Troubled Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Teaching Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning . . . . . . . 61
Writing Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Bureau of Study Counsel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Department of Instructional Media Services . . . . . . . . . . 62
Piano Technical Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Computer Services (HASCS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
University Information Systems (UIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Harvard Printing & Publications Services (HPPS) . . . . . . . 65
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Department, Division, and Committee Chairs
and Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
To The Faculty
Information for Faculty Offering Instruction in Arts and Sciences is intended to serve as a
convenient reference for the educational policies of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. In addition
to a discussion of instructors’ responsibilities, matters related to course administration, and
problems often encountered by students, this booklet includes a summary of teaching resources
available to instructors, a directory of College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
officers, and a detailed academic calendar.
All members of the FAS are urged to consult this booklet as issues arise in the adminis-
tration of their courses and in their work with the students. New members of the FAS will, it is
hoped, take time to acquaint themselves with all aspects of this booklet and especially with the
various policies and regulations that are particular to Harvard. Avoiding misunderstandings
before the fact can save valuable time and spare unnecessary embarrassment.
For example, it is important to understand that while graduate students may receive a grade
of Incomplete, undergraduates cannot. In the matter of an extension of time, instructors may offer
undergraduates an extension of time to complete course work until the end of the Examination
Period; however, only with the express permission of the Administrative Board of Harvard
College may instructors accept undergraduate work after the end of the Examination Period.
Final and approved Make-Up Examinations are scheduled and proctored by the Registrars
Office, but the instructor is expected to be available throughout the exam to answer student
questions. Instructors may not excuse a student from the final examination or make special
arrangements to administer the exam at a time other than that scheduled by the Registrar. Any
student absent from a regularly scheduled exam is given the grade of ABS, a failing grade.
Instructors should be in residence throughout the academic year, including the Reading and
Examination Periods. Short absences require approval of the department chair; absences of more
than one week must be approved by the Dean of the Faculty. Exclusion from a course, grade
changes, and the retention of blue examination books constitute further areas to which new
faculty members are urged to give special attention.
Every effort has been made to explain these matters as clearly as possible in the following
pages. However, should questions remain, a directory of the FAS staff members appears on page
66 to provide further assistance.
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences includes both Harvard College and the Graduate School of
Arts and Sciences. As with each of the nine faculties of the University, the chief administrative
officer of the FAS is its Dean. The Dean oversees both financial and academic planning for the
Faculty as well as its many libraries, museums, laboratories, and centers.
The Dean is advised by
an eighteen-member Faculty Council elected by and from the officers of the FAS.
Two distinguishing features of Harvard College that involve the direct participation of faculty
members are the House System and the Core Curriculum.
The House System
From the beginning of his presidency, A. Lawrence Lowell aspired to create a residential
system for Harvard College modeled on Oxford and Cambridge Universities. In 1928 the
generous gift of a Yale alumnus, Edward S. Harkness, made that ambition a reality. Three
entirely new Houses were constructed and four others created from existing residential halls,
establishing the nucleus of the current House system.
All Harvard upperclassmen have a House affiliation. (The freshmen live in halls located
within or adjacent to Harvard Yard. During their first year in the College they are advised by the
Office of the Dean of Freshmen.) Most upperclassmen live in the Houses, each of which also
affords a dining room, a library, and a variety of activities designed to foster the easy mix of
social and intellectual life that President Lowell envisaged for the House system. For example,
the Houses may offer seminars for course credit (see page 26). They routinely sponsor language
tables and tables where students interested in a specific pursuit can gather to exchange ideas.
Every term the Houses hold faculty dinners to permit undergraduates to invite their instructors
for an evening of relaxed conversation and, conversely, to provide faculty members with a means
to meet their students informally and learn more about their curricular and extracurricular lives.
Each House is overseen by a resident Master, usually a senior faculty member or senior
administrator, and is also served by a resident dean with the title Allston Burr Senior Tutor. The
Senior Tutor advises students in the House on academic and personal matters and represents
House members at the Administrative Board. (Instructors concerned for whatever reason about
the performance of an undergraduate should contact the appropriate Senior Tutor or Assistant
Dean of Freshmen.
) Also integral to the life of the House are the Resident Tutors, who serve
as social and academic advisers to the undergraduate residents of the House. They may in some
cases serve as concentration advisers to the undergraduates, and they also fill a variety of admin-
istrative roles in the House. (Graduate students from the various Faculties may apply to the
Masters for these positions beginning in late January.)
* Services shared by all nine faculties of the University such as food services,
health services, police, fiscal services, and facilities maintenance are admin-
istered by the Office of the President.
**For further discussion of this point see the
Handbook for Students
which provides
extensive discussion of the procedures of the Administrative Board.
Introduction 3
Faculty members, administrators, Cambridge community members, and visiting scholars
are eligible for affiliation with the individual Houses and comprise the Senior Common Room.
Participation in a Senior Common Room affords individuals the opportunity not only to meet
people from other departments but also to make contact with undergraduates in the casual
atmosphere of the House dining rooms or at the varied House functions.
The Core Curriculum
The philosophy of the Core Curriculum rests on the conviction that every Harvard under-
graduate should be broadly educated as well as trained in the particular discipline of a chosen
concentration (major). By Faculty vote, undergraduates must pass one letter-graded course in
seven of the eleven areas of the Core Curriculum. All students are exempt from four area require-
ments on the basis of their field of concentration. The eleven areas of the Core Curriculum are:
Foreign Cultures Moral Reasoning
Historical Study A Quantitative Reasoning
Historical Study B Science A
Literature and Arts A Science B
Literature and Arts B Social Analysis
Literature and Arts C
The specific definitions and guidelines of each area may be found in the Core Program
section of Courses of Instruction.
The Core is administered by a Standing Committee of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and
by subcommittees representing each of the major Core areas. The Office of the Core is located
at 38 Kirkland Street (617-495-2563).
* Detailed information on the Core Requirement as well as all other requirements for
the bachelor’s degree can be found in the
Handbook for Students.
Academic Calendar
A copy of the current FAS Academic Calendar is located at
Fall Term 20032004
August 1, Friday
Applications for non-resident status for the fall term or academic year for graduate
students are due in department offices.
Applications for part-time graduate study due in the GSAS Dean’s Office, Byerly Hall.
September 8, Monday
Registration for all freshmen and new transfer students in Harvard College.
September 10, Wednesday
Registration for all graduate students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Registration for special students and visiting fellows in the GSAS.
September 10, Wednesday through September 11, Thursday
Derek Bok Center Teaching Orientation for teaching fellows and faculty members.
September 12, Friday
Registration for all returning and continuing undergraduate students in Harvard
Registration for all visiting undergraduate students in Harvard College.
September 19, Friday
Undergraduate applications for November 2003 degrees (AB and SB) must be
submitted on or before this date.
Academic Year Begins
September 15, Monday
First meeting of fall term classes.
6Academic Calendar
September 22, Monday
Last day upon which undergraduates may register for the fall term.
Last day upon which undergraduates may cancel their registration for the fall term
without payment of tuition.
September 24, Wednesday
Preliminary course lists issued.
October 3, Friday
Last day upon which graduate students may cancel their registration for the fall term
without payment of tuition.
Approved graduate theses due for November degree candidates.
October 6, Monday
Last day upon which undergraduates may complete cross-registration.
Last day upon which freshmen, new transfer, and visiting students may drop or add
any course, without a fee.
Makeup examinations for 2002–2003 spring term begin.
October 13, Monday
University holiday: Columbus Day.
Last day upon which students from other schools may complete cross-registration in
the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Plans of Study due for transfer students entering in September 2003.
Study Card Day
September 19, Friday
Completed study cards for upperclassmen will be collected at the Houses and are
due before 5 pm.
September 22, Monday
Completed study cards for freshmen, new transfer students, and visiting under-
graduates are due between 9 am and 5 pm in Strauss Common Room.
Any study card filed after these dates requires the instructor’s signature for every
course listed.
Fifth Monday
October 14, Tuesday
Fifth Monday of the term. Last day upon which undergraduates may drop or add
any course or change the grade status of a letter-graded or Pass/Fail course.
Due to the Columbus Day holiday, the Fifth Monday deadline for petitions to change
course enrollment or grading status will be on Tuesday, October 14.
Academic Calendar 7
October 24, Friday through October 25, Saturday
Freshman Parents Weekend. Parents may attend classes on Friday.
October 27, Monday
Seventh Monday of the term. Last day upon which undergraduates may petition to
withdraw from a fall term course.
Last day upon which graduate students may register for or add fall term courses. After
this date, graduate students may add or register for TIME only.
October 31, Friday
Midterm grades (including unsatisfactory grade reports) due before 5 pm for under-
graduates in courses below the 200-level.
November 11, Tuesday
University holiday: Veterans’ Day.
Last day upon which graduate students may drop a course.
November 27, Thursday through November 30, Sunday
Thanksgiving recess.
December 1, Monday
Undergraduate applications for March 2004 degrees (AB and SB) must be submitted
on or before this date.
Last day to change concentration for March 2004 degree candidates without Admin-
istrative Board approval.
Last day upon which March 2004 degree candidates (AB and SB) may file for a
foreign language citation study plan.
Advanced Standing eligible students planning to graduate after six or seven terms in
March 2005, or to begin a fourth year AM program in spring term 2005, must file “Intent
to Exercise Advanced Standing Form” by this date.
Graduate applications for March 2004 degrees (AM, SM, ME, MFS, and PhD) must
be submitted on or before this date.
December 17, 2003, Wednesday through January 4, 2004, Sunday
Winter recess.
January 1, Thursday
Graduate student applications for non-resident status for the spring term due in
department offices.
Applications for part-time graduate study due in the GSAS Dean’s Office, Byerly Hall.
January 5, Monday
Last day in the fall term upon which undergraduates will ordinarily be granted a leave
of absence from the College.
8Academic Calendar
January 16, Friday
Last day in the fall term upon which graduate students may petition for late withdrawal
from a course.
January 19, Monday
University holiday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
January 30, Friday
Approved graduate theses due for March degree candidates.
Spring Term 2003–2004
Februa r y 2 , M o nd a y
Registration for all new transfer students.
Februa r y 3 , Tu esda y
Registration for all visiting undergraduates and new visiting fellows and special
Last day upon which graduate students may submit work for Incomplete grades from
the 2002–2003 spring term.
Derek Bok Center Teaching Orientation for teaching fellows and faculty members.
Februa r y 4 , Wedne s da y
Registration for all continuing and returning undergraduate students.
Registration for continuing special students, visiting fellows, and new and returning
students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Reading Period
January 5, Monday through January 16, Friday
Examination Period
January 17, Saturday through January 27, Tuesday
See the Examination Poster for times and locations of fall term exams.
Fal l Fi na l/Midyear Grades Due
January 20, Tuesday through February 4, Wednesday
See page 54 for schedule of due dates.
Academic Calendar 9
Februa r y 1 1, Wedn e sd a y
Last day upon which undergraduates may register for the spring term.
Last day upon which undergraduates may cancel their registration for the spring term
without payment of tuition.
Februa r y 1 3, Fr i da y
Preliminary course lists issued.
Last day upon which graduate students may cancel their registration for the spring
term without payment of tuition.
Last day upon which undergraduates may complete cross-registration.
Februa r y 1 6, M on d ay
University holiday: Presidents’ Day.
Last day upon which new transfers and visiting undergraduates may drop or add any
course or change the grade status of a letter-graded or Pass/Fail course without a fee.
Februa r y 1 7, Tuesd a y
Makeup examinations for 2003–2004 fall term begin.
Februa r y 1 8, Wedn e sd a y
Last day upon which first-term graduate students and special students may drop or add
any course without a fee.
March 5, Friday through March 6, Saturday
Junior Parents Weekend. Parents may attend classes on Friday.
March 8, Monday
Fifth Monday of the term. Last day upon which undergraduates may drop or add any
course or change the grade status of a letter-graded or Pass/Fail course.
Last day upon which undergraduates may divide full courses with half-course credit.
Spring Term Begins
February 4, Wednesday
First meeting of spring term classes.
Study Card Day
February 11, Wednesday
Study cards are due for all students. Any study card filed after this date requires the
instructor’s signature for every course listed.
10 Academic Calendar
Plans of Study due for transfer students entering in Spring Term 2003–2004.
Last day upon which students from other schools may complete cross-registration in
the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
March 19, Friday
Midterm grades (including unsatisfactory grade reports) due before 5 pm for under-
graduates in courses below the 200-level.
March 22, Monday
Seventh Monday of the term. Last day upon which undergraduates may petition to
withdraw from a spring term course.
Last day upon which graduate students may register for or add spring term courses. After
this date, graduate students may add or register for TIME only.
March 27, Saturday through April 4, Sunday
Spring recess.
April 1, Thursday
Graduate student applications for June 2004 degrees (AM, SM, ME, MFS, and PhD)
must be submitted on or before this date.
April 6, Tuesday
Last day upon which graduate students may drop a course or divide a full course with
half-course credit.
April 16, Friday
Undergraduate student applications for June 2004 degrees (AB and SB) must be
submitted on or before this date.
Last day to change concentration without Administrative Board approval for June and
November 2004 degree candidates.
Last day upon which June and November 2004 degree candidates (AB and SB) may
file a foreign language citation study plan.
Advanced Standing eligible students planning to graduate after six or seven terms in
June or November 2005, or to begin a fourth year AM program in fall term 2005, must file
the “Intent to Exercise Advanced Standing Form” by this date.
May 8, Saturday
Last day in the spring term upon which undergraduates will ordinarily be granted a
leave of absence from the College.
Reading Period
May 8, Saturday through May 19, Wednesday
Academic Calendar 11
May 10, Monday
Plans of Study due for all freshmen, class of 2007.
May 19, Wednesday
Last day in the spring term upon which graduate students may petition for late
withdrawal from a course
May 25, Tuesday
Departmental recommendations for honors for graduating seniors due at the Office of the
May 28, Friday
Approved graduate theses due for June degree candidates.
May 31, Monday
University holiday: Memorial Day.
June 7, Monday
Degree Meeting of the Faculty at 4:30 pm.
Examination Period
May 20, Thursday through May 28, Friday
See the Examination Poster for times and locations of spring term exams.
Spring Final Grades Due
May 24, Monday through June 4, Friday
See page 55 for schedule of due dates.
June 10, Thursday
Harvard University Commencement.
12 Academic Calendar
Summer 2004
August 1, Sunday
Graduate student applications for non-resident status for the 2004–2005 fall term or
academic year are due in department offices.
August 16, Monday
Graduate student applications for November 2004 degrees (AM, SM, ME, MFS, and
PhD) must be submitted on or before this date.
September 14, Tuesday
Last day upon which graduate students may submit work for Incomplete grades from
the 2003–2004 fall term.
Academic Calendar 13
Tentative C alendar for 2004 2005 and 2005 2006
Study card day for all students.
Study card day for upperclassmen, visiting undergraduates, new transfer students, and
graduate students.
Study card day for freshmen.
Fall Term 2004–2005 Fall Term 2005–2006
Academic Year Begins Sept. 20 (M) Sept. 19 (M)
Study Card Days
Sept. 24 (F)
Sept. 27 (M)
Sept. 23 (F)
Sept. 26 (M)
Thanksgiving Recess Nov. 25 (Th)–Nov. 28 (Su) Nov. 24 (Th)–Nov. 27 (Su)
Winter Recess Dec. 22 (W)Jan. 3 (M) Dec. 21 (W)Jan. 2 (M)
Reading Period Jan. 4 (Tu)–Jan. 14 (F) Jan. 3 (Tu)–Jan. 13 (F)
Examination Period Jan. 15 (Sa)–Jan. 25 (Tu) Jan. 14 (Sa)–Jan. 24 (Tu)
Spring Term 2004–2005 Spring Term 2005–2006
Spring Term Begins Feb. 2 (W) Feb. 1 (W)
Study Card Day Feb. 9 (W)
Feb. 8 (W)
Spring Recess Mar. 26 (Sa)–Apr. 3 (Su) Mar. 25 (Sa)–Apr. 2 (Su)
Reading Period May 7 (Sa)–May 18 (W) May 6 (Sa)–May 17 (W)
Examination Period May 19 (Th)–May 27 (F) May 18 (Th)–May 26 (F)
Commencement June 9 (Th) June 8 (Th)
Responsibilities of Instructors
Instructors’ Presence During the Academic Year
Instructors are expected to be in residence throughout the academic year, including the
Reading Periods and Examination Periods. However, short absences may become necessary and
are permissible, so long as academic responsibilities are met or adequately covered and the
following procedures have been observed.
Faculty members who must be absent during term time for a period of more than one week
or for a shorter period which, nevertheless, requires some reduction or change in scheduled
instruction should first consult the Chair of the appropriate department(s) and/or the Director of
the Core Program. The Chair and/or Director will determine whether all teaching responsibilities
are to be adequately covered. If the proposed absence is for one week or less, no further approval
is necessary. To request an absence of more than one week, the faculty member should apply to
the Dean of the Faculty and state the reason for the absence and the provisions to be made for
meeting academic responsibilities. “Permission to be Absent” forms are available for this
purpose from department administrators and require the endorsement of the department Chair.
Responsibility for Instruction
Responsibility for instruction rests solely with the head of the course. This person’s name
appears with the course listing in Courses of Instruction as the instructor of the course. If there
are several instructors, the name of the course head appears first. The course head alone signs
study cards and receives course lists and grade sheets. Only an individual holding a teaching
appointment can be a course head. “Teaching appointment” is understood here as any FAS
appointment at the rank of Lecturer, Preceptor, or Professor (assistant, associate, or full), and for
undergraduate teaching only, Instructor. Teaching Fellowships, Teaching Assistantships, and
Course Assistantships are not teaching appointments in this context; persons holding these
ranks assist in courses or tutorials under the supervision of those holding teaching appointments.
Recommendations for teaching appointments may be made only by departments or committees
empowered to offer courses for credit.
Only assistant, associate, or full professors in other Harvard Faculties who offer courses
for academic credit in that Faculty may teach in the FAS without an FAS teaching
appointment. All other non-FAS facultythose holding appointments below the rank of
assistant professor or those who do not offer courses for academic credit in their Faculty—may
teach in the FAS only if they are appointed to the rank of Lecturer in the Faculty of Arts and
Sciences under the normal rules governing such appointments.
The term “responsibility for instruction” includes:
Responsibility for the structure and content of the course, including any regular
sections of the course;
Responsibility for the continuity of course meetings, whether these be lecture or
discussion groups;
Responsibilities of Instructors 15
Responsibility for the evaluation of student performance in the course, including
the performance of students who may have been granted makeup examinations that
take place the following term; and
Responsibility for the screening and selection of teaching fellows, teaching assis-
tants, and course assistants in accordance with policies established by the Faculty
of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and/or the depart-
None of the above responsibilities may be delegated to persons not holding teaching
Instructors who hold a teaching appointment or who assist in courses or tutorials may not
give private instruction for pay to students in the University without the consent of the Chair of
the department concerned and the Dean of the Faculty. Under no circumstances may instructors
privately tutor for pay in courses in which they are employed by the University.
Responsibility for Evaluation
Responsibility for evaluation rests with the individual listed in Courses of Instruction as the
instructor in charge (the course head). For courses taught by more than one instructor, the course
head is listed in the catalog first and the others are listed alphabetically. For Independent Study
(see page 26) responsibility rests with that individual holding a teaching appointment who has
signed the petition permitting the student to enroll.
In some large courses or tutorials, teaching fellows, teaching assistants, or course assistants
may have a role in the evaluation of the students in the course, subject to the limitations set by
the Faculty Council and the Educational Policy Committee (see below). Nevertheless, the final
responsibility for each grade rests with the course head. This includes the evaluation of
makeup examinations, which are administered during the following term.
The work of graduate students, including those enrolled in courses open to both graduate
and undergraduate students (100-level and below), should be evaluated only by individuals
holding teaching appointments as defined in the section “Responsibility for Instruction” (see
page 14). “Work” refers to major examinations and written exercises but not necessarily to
problem sets, laboratory work, or similar exercises. In the same light, while undergraduate
course assistants may participate in the evaluation of students, they should not be involved in the
subjective evaluation of essays and examinations.
Professional Conduct
The following text was approved by the Faculty Council for distribution to the full faculty,
not as a codification of official institutional policy but as a “discussion document” to be used as
a point of reference. An earlier version of this text was discussed at the Faculty Meeting of
October 17, 1995.
The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.
The importance of professional conduct within the academic community
is self-evident, but what precisely is meant by the phrase is not. For “profes-
sional conduct” covers a multitude of situations. No single style or method
of teaching guarantees it; a teacher may be appropriately professional
16 Responsibilities of Instructors
whether meeting students at a café or in an office, whether by nature gregar-
ious and sociable, or shy and reserved. Yet there are principles underlying
the concept, that allow it to be honored when present and deplored when ab-
sent. In a university setting, professional conduct rests upon an enduring re-
spect for fellow human beings and for the vocation of teaching, and a
recognition that a teacher’s powers and responsibilities must not be abused.
The basic principles may be easier to appreciate abstractly than to apply
while teaching.
The list that follows is designed to bring these principles into focus as a
basis for discussion among and between faculty, teaching fellows, and other
instructional support staff.
Issues for Consideration
By virtue of their authority within the academic community,
teachers have the power to influence thought and behavior, and the concom-
itant responsibility to recognize the potential weight of their verbal and non-
verbal expressions. As leaders in the classroom, teachers have the
responsibility not only to impart the excitement of ideas and the challenge of
academic debate, but also the importance of courtesy and respect in intellec-
tual dialogue.
Fair Treatment of All Students
Students should be treated even-hand-
edly. Equity is not necessarily achieved, however, by treating all students in
precisely the same way. For example, some students respond positively to
hearty, well-intoned criticism while others are discouraged by it. Some stu-
dents welcome public comments about their work, while others are embar-
rassed by them. Genuinely even-handed treatment of students depends upon
making a conscientious attempt to recognize and appreciate such differenc-
es. Teachers (and students) should guard particularly against ethnic, reli-
gious, sexual, and other discriminatory stereotyping.
Interpersonal Relations
The power teachers exercise over students to
penalize or reward in the form of grades and recommendations requires cau-
tion in interpersonal interactions, and the need to avoid the kind of familiar-
ity that compromises objective and fair evaluation of a student’s work. In
particular, sexual advances towards or liaisons with one’s students are inap-
propriate, and violate University policy. Within these limits, however, intel-
lectual mentoring and friendly interaction are important elements of the
learning and teaching process.
Clear Communication
Because the evaluation of students partly de-
pends on their understanding of the requirements of a course, course heads
should be clear in their articulation of expectations, assignments, and the
rules of collaboration and citation. Providing written explanations of assign-
ments and requirements reduces the risk of misunderstanding. Students have
a right to expect prompt return of papers and exams and a clear justification
of evaluation, just as instructors have the right to expect that assignments
will be thoughtfully completed on time.
Responsibilities of Instructors 17
Classroom Engagement
The classroom is frequently the site of intense in-
tellectual debate—or, alternatively, unbearable silence. Maintaining an envi-
ronment for a constructive contest between ideas and their supporting evidence
is primarily the responsibility of the teacher. Teachers should be aware of any
tendency to favor one mode of argument over another, in which only certain
students thrive; of the importance of listening attentively and with respect; and
of the significance of nonverbal clues (nods, frowns, gestures, etc.).
Criticism of Work
Comments should be directed at the work, not the person; and they should
contribute to the refinement of both thinking and presentation. Peremptory
dismissiveness is not appropriate.
Professors are responsible for the oversight of all grades given by teaching
Letters of Recommendation
Students depend on instructors for letters of recommendation. Honesty and
fairness in responding to requests for recommendations is essential.
Access to advising should be offered and equally afforded to all.
Confidentiality and Discretion
Teachers are privy to information (and
opinions) about students that ought to remain confidential. Exceptions
should be made only in cases of emergency, such as threat of suicide, or oth-
er harmful behavior, when confidentiality is secondary to a student’s wel-
fare. Talking with colleagues or other students about confidential student
information is inappropriate, as is any form of public embarrassment or
shaming of a student.
Collegial Conduct
Status differences exist within the teaching staff of every
university. Awareness of the relative positions of colleagues in the academic
hierarchy may avoid placing them in awkward or compromising situations.
The implications of making particular requests of one’s juniors ought to be
considered before making them; the right to refuse, for reasonable cause, with-
out consequence, ought to be guaranteed every member of the community.
Professional and research opportunities should be awarded with equity and
Other Sources of Information
Teaching Fellows Handbook (GSAS and the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and
“Tips for Teachers: Sensitivity to Women in the Contemporary Classroom;”
“Tips for Teachers: Encouraging Students in a Racially Diverse Classroom” (The
Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning)
18 Responsibilities of Instructors
“Sexual Harassment and Unprofessional Conduct: Guidelines in the Faculty of
Arts and Sciences” (Assistant Dean of the Faculty, University Hall, Third Floor
“Students with Disabilities at Harvard” (Student Disability Resources, 20 Garden
Office for Undergraduate Education, University Hall, First Floor North, (617-495-
Student Privacy
The University has a legal obligation to protect the privacy of students and the confidenti-
ality of student records. No information about a student’s academic performance can be released
without the student’s written permission. It is equally important to respect students’ privacy
when distributing their grades. Instructors should be careful not to leave papers, projects, or
examinations in unattended public areas. Similarly, grades should never be posted with the
students’ names, and/or I.D. numbers. Questions about the confidentiality of student records and
about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 may be directed to the Secretary
of the Faculty in University Hall, Ground Floor North (617-495-1873). (See also Pos ting of
Grades on page 56.)
Use of the FAS Computing and Network Services
Faculty members are provided access to University computer facilities for academic use.
Information about academic computing and network services offered by the FAS Computing
Services is available in the section “Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Computer
Services” (see page 63) and through Faculty and Staff Computer Support (fascs@fas or 617-
Privacy of Information
The unauthorized examination of information stored on a computer system or sent electron-
ically over a network is a breach of academic and community standards. Systems administrators,
however, may gain access to users’ data or programs when it is necessary to maintain or prevent
damage to systems or to address other extraordinary situations.
On shared and networked computer systems certain information about users and their activ-
ities is visible to others. Users are cautioned that certain accounting and directory information
(for example, user names and email addresses), certain records of file names and executed
commands, and information stored in public areas, are not private.
Faculty members who are using shared or networked computer systems have the legal
obligation to maintain the privacy of electronic files containing confidential student information
such as course grades and letters of recommendation. For this reason, please take extra care when
sending email to confirm the recipient’s address, as many addresses are similar. There are also
various techniques for protecting confidential electronic files such as locking or encrypting
them. For advice on securing electronic information, consult Faculty and Staff Computer
Support at (617-496–2727).
Responsibilities of Instructors 19
Students with Disabilities
Student Disability Resources
Louise Russell, Director
(617-496-8707)/V/TTY: (617-496-3720)/Fax: (617-495-0815)
Email: sdr@fas
Harvard University is committed to providing students with documented disabilities access
to the same programs and activities that are available to students without disabilities. Student
Disability Resources (SDR) works with faculty to make this possible. Federal law defines a
disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits or restricts the condition,
manner, or duration under which an average person in the population can perform a major life
activity, such as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, or taking care
of oneself.
Members of the Faculty best know the essential components of courses. Disability accom-
modations are not intended to compromise the central components of a course. For more infor-
mation about essential components, visit the SDR website at the following address:
The course head is responsible for all disability accommodations and assistance needed for
classroom instruction, midterm and hourly examinations, including finding a separate room for
exam administration. If a student requires a scribe or similar service to write for a midterm or
hourly exam, the course head is responsible for arranging for this service and coordinating
payment through the department. Accommodations for final examinations however are made
directly through SDR and the Examinations Office (see entry below.) Ongoing communication
and collaboration on the part of faculty, teaching staff, SDR, administrators, and students
themselves is essential. Students who request accommodations should present instructors with
an introductory letter from SDR giving an overview of the approved accommodations. Students
making such requests without this letter should be referred directly to SDR. Providing accom-
modations in the course to students who are not registered with SDR can result in inconsistent
performance by a student who is ultimately ineligible to receive accommodations for final
examinations. It is important that all communication with students regarding disability issues be
individualized and confidential.
Course heads should routinely note in the course syllabus and by announcing at the first
class meeting that students who need disability-related accommodations should contact the
teaching staff to discuss and implement satisfactory arrangements for sectioning, course
materials, and examinations. Faculty are encouraged to include the following paragraph in the
Any student needing academic adjustments or accommodations because of a documented
disability is requested to present their letter from Student Disability Resources (SDR) and
speak with the professor by the end of the second week of the term, (specific date). Failure
to do so may result in the Course Head’s inability to respond in a timely manner. All dis-
cussions will remain confidential, although SDR may be consulted to discuss appropriate
Faculty who take into account variations in learning for all students know that effective
strategies for instruction frequently obviate the need for accommodations. Some suggestions
20 Responsibilities of Instructors
Provide students who are visually impaired, blind, have learning/reading disabili-
ties, or who are otherwise print-challenged with reformatted instructional and test-
ing materials in their accessible format at the same time as all students. Students
and SDR may notify courses that advance copies of materials may need to be made
available in order to reformat materials appropriately. Increased reliance on and
availability of digital text benefits all students. Other formats may include Braille,
audio tape, or enlarged print.
Assist students who are deaf or hard of hearing by ensuring seating space is avail-
able in the front of the room and by making sure the room has appropriate lighting.
If movies or slide presentations occur, an alternative lighting source will be re-
quired for students who need to see interpreters. Some students may use FM listen-
ing devices associated with their hearing aids that require teaching staff use a
wireless (non-amplifying) microphone. Attempts should be made to provide open
captioned films and videos.
Call for volunteers from the class as soon as the need for note taking and scribes for
in-class exercises becomes apparent, taking care not to disclose the student’s name
or disability. Sometimes members of the teaching staff assume the role of scribe for
Ensure that lectures, sections, review sessions, etc. are held in physically accessible
spaces when required. The Registrar’s Office classroom section (617-495-1541)
can assist when relocation of a course is necessary.
When students make course changes after study card day and before the fifth Monday of
the term, it is understood that significant delays in the preparation of reformatted materials may
result, affecting both students and instructional staff.
Final Examinations and SDR Accommodations
The Office of the Registrar provides accommodations for all scheduled final examinations.
The Registrar may consult with faculty and SDR when access and equity questions pertaining to
accommodations arise. For questions concerning the administration of final exams (e.g.,
dropping off/picking up exams, location of students, etc.) for students with disabilities, please
contact the Examinations Office, fasexams@fas, or (617-495-1542). For questions concerning
accommodations, please call SDR (617-496-8707) Voice, or (617-496-3720) V/TTY, or E-mail
An additional relevant resource is Making Accommodations: The Legal World of Students
with Disabilities, by Paul D. Grossman, published in Academe, the bimonthly magazine of the
American Association of University Professors, November–December 2001, Volume 87,
Number 6. Available at www.aaup.org/publications/academe/01nd/01ndgro.htm.
Sexual Harassment
The Faculty has devoted considerable attention to the topic of sexual harassment and has
adopted guidelines describing harassment and procedures for resolving complaints. Both
documents are available from the Office of Academic Affairs, University Hall, Third Floor South
The first document, entitled Sexual Harassment: Guidelines in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
is a policy statement describing what constitutes sexual harassment; it defines sexual harassment
in the following way:
Responsibilities of Instructors 21
“The determination of what constitutes sexual harassment will vary with the
particular circumstances, but it may be described generally as unwanted sex-
ual behavior, such as physical contact or verbal comments, jokes, questions,
or suggestions. In the academic context, the fundamental element of sexual
harassment is ordinarily the inappropriate personal attention by an instructor
or other officer who is in a position to exercise professional power over an-
other individual. [...]Such behavior is unacceptable in a university. It seri-
ously undermines the atmosphere of trust essential to the academic
The statement also addresses the issue of amorous relationships between individuals of
different university status:
Amorous relationships that might be appropriate in other circumstances al-
ways have inherent dangers when they occur between any teacher or officer
of the University for whom he or she has a professional responsibility (i.e.
as teacher, adviser, evaluator, supervisor). [...]Officers and other members of
the teaching staff should be aware that any romantic involvement with their
students makes them liable for formal action against them.
The guidelines also indicate the manner in which sexual harassment may have an adverse
impact in a scholarly community:
“The Faculty of Arts and Sciences seeks to maintain a learning and work en-
vironment free from sexual harassment, including unprofessional conduct in
faculty-student relationships and sexism in the classroom. These kinds of
behavior are barriers to the educational, scholarly, and research purposes of
the University.
The second document, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Procedures for the Resolution of
Sexual Harassment Problems, describes the options available to any member of the FAS
community who believes that he or she has been sexually harassed. For information about the
procedures for complaints of sexual harassment, consult:
the Assistant Dean of Harvard College (for undergraduates), or
the Associate Dean for Student Affairs at the Graduate School (for graduate
students), or
the Chair of a department, or
the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
(for faculty), or
the Assistant Dean of Human Resources in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
In most cases, difficulties can be resolved informally. In others, one may seek disciplinary
action through the Dean of the Faculty or through screening and hearing panels convened to hear
charges of “grave misconduct,identified in the University statutes as grounds for termination of
employment (including deprivation of tenure). Any member of the FAS community who believes
he or she has been sexually harassed is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of an appro-
priate officer. Please note that members of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers
(HUCTW) are covered by the sexual harassment policies agreed to in the collective bargaining
agreement and described in the Personnel Manual
For union members these policies take prece-
dence over the policies governing other members of the University community.
22 Responsibilities of Instructors
The Commission of Inquiry
Any student, faculty member, or administrative officer who has a complaint or an inquiry
may address it to the Commission of Inquiry, University Hall, Ground Floor North (617-495-
4780). The Commission will then direct the complaint or query to the appropriate agency of the
Faculty of Arts and Sciences. When such an agency does not exist, the Commission will attempt
to aid in resolving the matter. The Commission is sometimes instrumental in establishing a new
agency for handling recurrent issues. Although the Commission has no power to make rulings,
it can play an advocacy role in pressing for the resolution of issues.
Ordinarily, the Commission reports to the community on the matters which come before it
and, in so doing, attempts to keep the community informed about factual background material
and the resolution of matters of community concern.
Research Involving Human Subjects
University regulations and federal rules require advance review and approval of most human
subject research. Any living person from or about whom information is collected for a scholarly
study is deemed a “research subject”—the term is not limited to those subjects involved in clinical
or laboratory studies. Faculty and students contemplating a research project involving humans as
subjects, whether or not the work is externally funded and regardless of the area of academic disci-
pline, should ascertain whether the project requires review by one or both of the committees
identified below.
Committee on the Use of Human Subjects
Ms. Jane Calhoun, Research Officer
(617-495-5459)/Email: jcalhoun@fas
The Standing Committee on the Use of Human Subjects in Research, the Faculty of Arts
and Sciences’ federally mandated Institutional Review Board, is responsible for reviewing
proposed studies. Applications should be submitted two weeks prior to Committee meetings,
which are held monthly throughout the academic year. Judging from the information provided
on the application, the Committee determines whether the proposed procedures will adequately
safeguard the rights and welfare of the subjects. Some projects may not require full Committee
review; others may be exempt from review altogether. Investigators planning research projects
should contact the Committee research officer to determine whether review is required and, if
so, to obtain an application form. Forms, meeting schedule, and reference material are also
available on the web at www.fas.harvard.edu/~research/HumSub.html.
Committee on Student Research Participation
Dr. Charles Ducey, Chair
(617-495-2581)/Fax: (617-495-7680)/Email: cducey@fas
The Committee on Student Research Participation (CSRP) reviews all research projects in
which students will be invited to participate as subjects. CSRP approval is required for all such
research: for studies conducted by members of the Harvard community as well as by outside
researchers, and for survey as well as experimental research.
The CSRP seeks to ensure that students will not be subject to research procedures that are
inappropriate, that demand excessive time commitment or otherwise interfere with students’
education, or that violate any University policy. The CSRP aims to ensure appropriate recruiting
Responsibilities of Instructors 23
practices (e.g., no mass e-mail, no recruitment in Annenberg Hall) and the obtaining of proper
permission from faculty, administrators, or residential staff. The CSRP also reserves the right to
disapprove studies involving student participants that might reflect unfavorably on the student
body or the institution as a whole.
Under ordinary circumstances, applicants may use the application form of the Committee
on the Use of Human Subjects, and review by the two Committees can proceed concurrently.
Research Involving Animal Subjects
The Office of Animal Resources is responsible for the health and well-being of all verte-
brate animals used in research and teaching in the FAS. All individuals using animals in research
and/or teaching must complete a course entitled “The Humane Care of Animals in Research/
Teaching.” This course is offered twice a year. It acquaints the participants with Harvard policies
as well as federal, state, and city of Cambridge regulations regarding the use of animals.
All members of the Harvard community have a responsibility to report instances of
mistreatment of animals or non-compliance with animal use guidelines. To report the
mistreatment of vertebrate animals in research or teaching at Harvard, contact the Director of the
Office of Animal Resources, Arthur Lage, D.V.M. (617-432-1289).
Course Administration
The Course Catalog
The course catalog for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Courses of Instruction, lists both
graduate and undergraduate courses and is published annually in August. A supplement of
changes is published at the beginning of each term. Addenda to the supplement and an up-to-
date version of the catalog are posted at www. registrar.fas.harvard.edu.
The Office of the Registrar compiles and publishes Courses of Instruction by gathering the
information from department, division, and committee offices (not individual instructors) as well
as the Dean’s office. All course changes must be brought to the attention of the department’s
catalog coordinator and be approved by the department Chair.
Course information published in the catalog becomes the official basis for the Registrar’s
records; it affects classroom assignments, examination schedules, and the issuing of course lists
and grade sheets. For this reason it is extremely important that departments and committees
notify the catalog editor in the Office of the Registrar of any changes—especially changes of
instructor or meeting time—regardless of when they occur in the academic year. Moreover,
complete and up-to-date course information enables the Registrar to carry out Faculty policy
regarding simultaneous course enrollment, as well as to locate individual students in an
Points to Consider When Creating or Modifying a Course
Courses are numbered according to the following scheme:
1–99 or 910–999 Primarily for Undergraduates
100–199 or 1000–1999 For Undergraduates and Graduates
200–299 or 2000–2999 Primarily for Graduates
300–399 or 3000–3999 Graduate Courses of Reading and Research
Courses may have only one number and may be listed in full by only one depart-
ment, division, or committee. Moreover, as part of the process of creating or mod-
ifying a course, it is always advisable that faculty members consult with the
appropriate departmental curriculum committee.
Course titles appear on student transcripts, which have space for only 32 characters.
For this reason, course titles should be limited to 32 characters. Overlong titles will
be shortened to 32 characters by the catalog editor. Designations such as “Seminar”
and “Conference Course” should appear at the end of a course title.
Course descriptions are limited to 75 words for undergraduate (100-level) courses
and to 35 words for graduate (200-level) courses. Overlong descriptions will be ed-
ited by the catalog editor.
Courses listed but not offered in the current academic year are designated by en-
closing the course number and title in brackets. Courses may not be bracketed for
more than two consecutive years and must indicate when they will next be given.
An asterisk (*) preceding the course title indicates that a student must have the in-
structor’s approval to enroll in the course. (The student’s study card must be signed
by the instructor.) All tutorials and 300-level courses must be starred.
Course Administration 25
A meeting time must be printed for each course except tutorials, laboratory ses-
sions, and section meetings. Course meeting times that do not conform to the guide-
lines set out on page 27 will not be printed in Courses of Instruction.
To avoid problems with cross-registration, courses that are jointly offered with an-
other Harvard Faculty must carry that information in a Note.
Special Types of Courses
Seminars, Proseminars, and Conference Courses
The following distinctions reflect long-standing Harvard tradition and are offered as basic
A seminar tends to focus on more advanced and/or specific research topics. It has few, if
any, lectures; usually limits enrollment to from 12 to 15 students; and emphasizes student
presentations, papers, and research.
A proseminar is a graduate course usually taken to obtain appropriate background in a
subject or area in preparation for a more advanced seminar.
A conference course places more emphasis on discussion than research. It usually has an
enrollment of about 25 students (35 maximum); meets once a week for 2–3 hours; and incorpo-
rates lectures, as well as student papers and research.
In general, seminars and conference courses are open to advanced undergraduates as well
as graduate students. They do not ordinarily have final examinations.
Tutorial Instruction (Undergraduates Only)
Tutorials are opportunities for students to participate in small group or one-on-one
instruction in their concentrations. They are generally characterized by their centrality in the
concentration curriculum, by their sequencing, and by their emphasis on methodology and
academic skills.
All full-time Faculty members are ordinarily expected to participate in the tutorial programs
of the concentrations with which they are affiliated. Participation may involve individual or
group tutorials, special seminars, or the direction of senior honors essays. Although faculty-
taught individual tutorials or group tutorials are ideal in many subject areas, departmental
resources may be insufficient to accommodate these goals. When a tutorial is conducted by a
teaching fellow, a designated Faculty member should have ultimate responsibility, and that
Faculty member should oversee reading lists, discussion topics, and paper topics. From time to
time, Faculty members should participate in the tutorials for which they have accepted respon-
sibility. (See also Responsibility for Instruction on page 14 and Responsibility for Evaluation on
page 15).
Supervised Reading and Research Courses
Undergraduates interested in supervised reading and research may enroll in courses offered
by many departments under the designation of 91 or 910. Such courses are not Independent
Study but regular courses with weekly or biweekly meeting times agreed upon by the instructor
and student. Students enrolled in Reading and Research courses are expected to complete course
work under supervision and not independently.
26 Course Administration
Graduate students enrolled in Reading and Research courses (300-level courses) do not
receive letter grades but are graded SAT/UNS. Undergraduates may not enroll in courses
numbered in the 300s or 3000s. However, Advanced Standing students in their fourth year of
residence who are candidates for the master’s degree may enroll in such courses with the
instructor’s permission. (See also Undergraduates in Courses Designated “Primarily for
Graduates” on page 33.)
Freshman and House Seminars
Freshman and House Seminars are offered under the general supervision of the Committee
on Freshman Seminars (617-495-1523). Both are small, limited enrollment courses. The
Freshman Seminars are designed to intensify the intellectual experience of incoming undergrad-
uates by allowing them to work closely with Faculty members on topics of mutual interest.
Freshman Seminars are graded SAT/UNS and enrollment is limited to the first two terms of
students who enter as freshmen.
House Seminars are sponsored by the individual residential Houses and ordinarily are open
to undergraduates only. These Seminars bring something new to the existing curriculum either
in method of instruction, range and depth of subject matter, integration of practice and theory, or
special responsiveness to students’ needs. The instructor of a House Seminar has the option of
assigning letter grades or using SAT/UNS, with the approval of the Committee on Freshman
Independent Study (Undergraduates Only)
Independent Study is designed to provide credit for field research, academic study not
available in regular course work, or practice or performance in the arts. It is not suitable for group
instruction, paid work, or activities outside the competence or concern of one of Harvard’s
departments. Studying the financial accounting system of a business firm might be an appro-
priate project, but working in an accounting office to gain business experience would not by itself
merit academic credit. Investigating child development through observation in a day care center
could qualify, but simply tutoring an underprivileged child would not. Analyzing the organi-
zation of a political group might be a suitable subject, but organizing a political campaign would
not alone suffice. In each case what distinguishes the suitable project is the application of
analytical skills to the object of the Independent Study, not the intrinsic worthiness or instruc-
tiveness of the experience itself.
Any sophomore, junior, or senior whose previous record is satisfactory may petition to
undertake Independent Study for non-letter-graded credit. A student may petition to take up to a
total of four half-courses of Independent Study. Independent Study courses are subject to the
same rules for dropping and withdrawing as any other course.
A petition to undertake Independent Study, obtained from a Senior Tutor’s Office, requires
two signatures:
1. That of a qualified adviser (ordinarily a member of a Harvard Faculty) who must
be an officer of the University and whose professional competence is appropriate
for the subject area of the Independent Study. In those exceptional cases where
the adviser is not a Faculty member—for example, a teaching fellow—the peti-
tion must also be supported by an appropriate academic department or unit.
2. That of the Allston Burr Senior Tutor, which signifies that the proposal satisfies
the guidelines and has been signed by the adviser. (Senior Tutors will refer ques-
tions concerning guidelines to the Office for Undergraduate Education.)
Course Administration 27
The petition also requires an outline of the student’s proposed project. It must be submitted
to the Senior Tutor for approval, ordinarily in the first week of the term. The adviser will assist
the student in the development of a plan for Independent Study and provide guidance but not
regular instruction. Independent Study does not imply formal instruction and should not be
confused with tutorials or House Seminars or with directed or Supervised Reading and Research
courses offered by several academic departments and committees. (Supervised Reading and
Research courses are generally numbered 91 or 910 and normally receive letter grades.) A
student enrolled in Independent Study must undertake to work independently. Classroom work
and regular instruction are inadmissible.
The adviser will submit a midterm grade based on a preliminary written report by the
student of his or her activities. At the beginning of the Reading Period, the student must submit
to the adviser an analytical paper concerning the term’s work. A simple description or report of
the term’s activities is not by itself adequate. In the case of artistic practice or performance,
evidence of substantial accomplishment should be supplied in lieu of written work.
The granting of credit will be determined by the adviser. In those cases where the adviser
is not a voting member of a Harvard Faculty, the Chair or Head Tutor of the department, or equiv-
alent officer with voting membership in a Harvard Faculty, must review and approve the petition
and the grade assigned by the adviser. Independent Study is graded “Pass” or “Fail.The
adviser will submit a copy of the student’s paper and a brief statement about his or her work for
inclusion in the student’s folder in the Senior Tutor’s office, ordinarily by the first day of the
Examination Period.
Class Meeting Times
Hour-long classes are scheduled on the hour. One-and-one-half hour classes are scheduled
for 8:30, 10, 11:30 or 1 and only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. No classes beginning before 1 pm
should be longer than one hour on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday or longer than 1-1/2 hours on
Tuesday or Thursday.
Classes ordinarily begin five minutes after the announced meeting time, e.g., at 9:05 or
11:35. When a classroom is far from Harvard Yard or when the class is so large that the students
cannot be seated promptly, an instructor may set a later time. An instructor may refuse to permit
students to enter the classroom after the class has begun. Instructors should end the course
promptly at the announced meeting time, leaving the blackboards clear and the furniture
properly configured.
By Faculty vote, no class, committee or departmental meeting, tutorial, conference, exami-
nation, or other academic activity may be scheduled for the period set aside for regular Faculty
meetings (Tuesdays, 4–5:30 pm). Exceptions to this rule may be granted only by the Dean of
Harvard College (for courses below the 200- or 2000-level) or the Dean of the Graduate School
(for courses at the 200- or 2000-level).
Days Preceding and Following Holidays and Vacations
By vote of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, instructors are expected to hold regular classes
on the days preceding and following holidays and vacations. Students should not be excused
from class on those days or allowed to transfer temporarily from one section to another to accom-
modate a longer holiday or vacation.
28 Course Administration
Courses Meeting Away from the University
Ordinarily, courses should be organized so that they meet only in their regularly-scheduled
times, plus the additional times scheduled at the beginning of the term for sections and labora-
tories. In some cases, an instructor may wish to include a field trip or project that would take
students away from the University on days when classes are normally held and, thereby, interfere
with students’ ability to attend other courses. In such cases, permission to include activities that
will take students away from the University must be obtained before the course may be listed in
the catalog. Instructors must consult with the Office for Undergraduate Education about courses
below the 200- or 2000-level and with the Dean of the Graduate School about courses at the 200-
or 2000-level. Ordinarily, instructors should plan no more than one class day away from the
University in any given week and never more than five class days during the term, or ten days
total including weekends. In all cases, the students’ obligations to other courses meeting at their
regularly-scheduled times must have priority over course requirements that take students away
from the University. Instructors must announce at the beginning of a course any requirements
that would take students away from the University so that students may consider these require-
ments when choosing their courses.
Reading Period
At the end of each term, a period of eleven or twelve days prior to the start of final exami-
nations is designated as the Reading Period. During this period, faculty members may choose
not to meet with their students for formal classes. Those who exercise this option often do so to
allow students to work independently, exploring special topics or integrating the material
covered in the course. Students often use this time to complete term papers that draw on the work
of the term and to reexamine course material in order to integrate the various strands of a course
in preparation for the final examination or other final exercise. Those courses that have a final
exercise other than a regular three-hour final examination should schedule these activities during
the Reading Period but need to be mindful of students’ obligations to other courses, some of
which may continue to meet during this time. Faculty legislation on Reading Period emphasizes
that the suspension of lectures should involve no diminution in the total work required in courses,
but also that new reading assignments for this period may not be excessive and that new material
introduced through Reading Period assignments should cover special topics for investigation or
further development, rather than important parts of the course as a whole.
Many courses continue to meet on their regular schedules during much of the Reading
Period. Even in these cases, most instructors suspend classes during the last two weekdays of the
Reading Period to allow students a few days of uninterrupted preparation before the start of final
examinations. It is generally expected that review sessions will take place during the Reading
Period, since course assignments and course events cannot be scheduled for the Examination
Instructors should specify their plans and expectations for the Reading Period on the course
syllabus or during the early meetings of the term so that students may take this into account as
they plan their work for the term.
Whether or not a class meets during the Reading Period, that time is an integral part of the
term. Both instructors and students are expected to remain in the immediate vicinity of
Cambridge throughout this period.
Course Administration 29
Examination Period
Following the Reading Period at each term’s end there is an Examination Period. No course
assignments, trips, or special events should be scheduled by instructors during the Examination
Period. Like the Reading Period, Examination Period is considered part of the term, and
instructors are expected to be in residence throughout. At the end of the term instructors should
not leave the vicinity of Cambridge before submitting their grade sheets.
The FAS Classrooms Office schedules about one-third of the classrooms in the FAS room
inventory. The remainder is scheduled in the departments, centers, and houses.
Classroom assignments for courses are coordinated by academic departments, Core Office,
Centers, and the FAS Classrooms Office. Classroom assignments by the FAS Classrooms Office
are made after considering a number of factors, including instructional requirements, enrollment
history, accessibility, special circumstances, and room availability at time of assignment.
Faculty members requesting classroom space scheduled by the FAS Classrooms Office have the
opportunity to indicate their classroom needs for their courses and course-related events on
forms that are distributed to each department in May (for the fall term) and October (for the
spring term). The FAS Classrooms Office encourages instructors to include requests for course-
related events—films, lectures, midterm examinations—at this time. If another classroom is
needed for taking exams, you may request an additional room so that students can be placed
reasonably far apart and have writing tablets. Classroom questions and requests may be emailed
to the Classrooms Office at classrms@fas.
Instructors should immediately contact their department and then notify the FAS Class-
rooms Office (617-495-1541) if the meeting time and/or location of a course changes after the
Course Meetings Poster has been published and the Supplement to the Courses of Instruction
has been posted to the Office of the Registrar’s website.
To make audio-visual equipment or service requests, instructors should contact Media and
Technology Services (see Department of Instructional Media Services on page 62).
Courses and sections have their assigned classrooms reserved from the first day of the term
through the end of the Reading Period. During the Examination Period, all classrooms are
reserved for Final Exams.
After-hour emergencies and problems with the temperature or ventilation of classrooms
should be referred to the University Operations Center (617-495-5560). Classroom maintenance
or repair requests should be referred to Harvard Yard Operations (617-495-8842).
Course Materials/Syllabi
It is helpful to have a complete course syllabus posted and available early in the term and
preferably before the first meeting of a class so that students can make efficient use of the
shopping period with minimal disruption to classes. Syllabi can be distributed electronically to
students on campus through the FAS network on a course website. To provide on-line access to
your syllabus, please call the Faculty and Staff Support Line at (617-496-2727) and specify that
you are interested in instructional support.
The syllabus should include a reading list, dates of hour/midterm exams, due dates for
papers or other assignments, plans and expectations for Reading Period, course policy with
30 Course Administration
respect to late work and makeup hour exams, and the basis on which the course grade will be
In courses designed for undergraduates it is very desirable for students to receive an
evaluation on at least one course assignment before the seventh Monday of the term, the last day
on which undergraduates may withdraw from a course. Any limitations on the credit earned by
passing the course—e.g. a full year course may not be divisible at midyear for half course credit;
a tutorial may be non-credit—should be made clear as part of the presentation of the course.
No substantial changes in the work load or calendar of a course should be made after the
Study Card Day each term.
Course Lists
Approximately one day after the due date for study cards, instructors will be able to view their
course lists via their web-based portal pages at
After entering your HUID and
Personal Identification Number (PIN) at the PIN authentication page, your portal page will appear. (If
you have forgotten your PIN, you can request a new one at the Harvard University PIN Website at
.) Scroll down the page and look for the box entitled “Instructor Course Info”
on the left-most column of the page. This box should contain a list of all of the courses with which
you are affiliated. If you find that the list is inaccurate, please send e-mail to
explaining the
details. Enrollment lists may be accessed by clicking on the word “Enrollment” underneath each
course listing. There you will find buttons to download the list to your own computer for use in a
spreadsheet or a word processor. Instructions are available in the Course Website Administrator’s
The on-line course lists are regularly updated. Only when a student’s name appears on the
course list or when the Office of the Registrar notifies the instructor of a late enrollment is a
student officially enrolled in a course. Instructors should report to the Office of the Registrar any
student (other than auditors) who attends class, but whose name does not appear on the course
list. Instructors should also report any student (except those with the status of “withdrawn”) who
has stopped attending class, but whose name appears on the course list. These reports should be
directed to (617-495-4655) for undergraduates and (617-495-1519) for graduate students.
Instructors will also receive copies of course lists from the Office of the Registrar approxi-
mately two days after study cards are processed. Up-to-date paper course lists may be requested
from the Office of the Registrar any time after the initial course lists have been issued by
telephoning (617-495-1542).
Course Fees
No course may charge undergraduates special fees for course participation or required
activities. Departmental budgets are expected to cover the cost of films, laboratory equipment
and other materials. The aim of this policy is to ensure that all courses are equally accessible to
students regardless of their financial means.
* In selecting the dates for hour exams and the midterm examination, as well as for
papers and other assignments, instructors should consult the information on religious
holidays at
Course Administration 31
Student Enrollment: Add, Drop, Withdraw
Students are allowed five weekdays at the beginning of the term to attend courses in which
they are considering enrolling. After this “shopping period,they officially enroll by filing study
cards on which they have listed their courses and gathered all the required instructor signatures
(see below). After the study card due date, students are charged a fee for every course change.
No undergraduate may drop or add a course or change grading status in a course after the
fifth Monday of the term. Undergraduates have until the seventh Monday of the term to withdraw
from a course. Any course that a student drops by the deadline is removed from the student’s
transcript. If a student withdraws from a course, that course remains on the transcript with the
notation “WD.Deadlines for graduate students are indicated in the Academic Calendar on
pages 5-12.
Instructor’s Signature on Study Cards and Petitions
The Office of the Registrar will not accept any study card that lacks a required signature.
The instructor’s signature must be obtained for all undergraduate enrollments in graduate-level
courses and for those that require the permission of the instructor, as indicated by an asterisk in
Courses of Instruction. Study cards filed after the prescribed deadline must contain the
instructor’s signature for every course listed.
Undergraduates adding a course after the study card is filed or changing grading status to
Pass/Fail must obtain the signature of the course head, but the instructors signature is not
required for dropping or withdrawing from a course. For graduate students, the instructor’s
permission is required for adding or withdrawing from a course by petition and is not required
for dropping a course.
Instructors may not delegate their responsibility for signing study cards, change-of-course
petitions, or grade sheets. Instructors are therefore asked to be available to students to discuss
their course enrollment status and, when necessary, to sign the required petitions.
Limiting Enrollment in Courses at the 100- or 1000-Level and Below
As a general principle, students should be able to study the topics they want and for which
they have the appropriate background, with the exception that concentration tutorials, including
junior seminar programs, are ordinarily limited to concentrators. Nevertheless, there may be
courses in which enrollment must be limited because of resource constraints or special instruc-
tional needs. The decision to limit enrollment for either or both of these reasons, as well as
decisions about appropriate prerequisites, should be made by the instructional unit’s curriculum
committee. The committee should be mindful of the general principle stated above, perhaps
creating other venues where interested students can study the material in question.
When enrollment in a non-tutorial course is to be limited, the reason for the limitation
should be reported to the Office for Undergraduate Education and the enrollment ceiling should
be noted in the course catalog. The criteria for selecting among appropriately-qualified students
for space in limited enrollment courses should be based on the curricular needs and interests of
the students and on whether a student will have other opportunities to take the course. Selection
on the basis of other criteria is inappropriate.
32 Course Administration
Enrollment of Non-FAS Students
Students cross-registering from other Faculties or other institutions are allowed to enroll in
FAS courses if they have obtained the instructor’s permission and submitted a signed petition to
the Office of the Registrar (20 Garden Street). Such students are subject to all of the FAS regula-
tions and deadlines, including the examination schedule, and are graded according to the FAS
system. The Pass/Fail option is not available to cross-registered students.
Employees (Tuition Assistance Plan)
Employees of Harvard University may enroll in FAS courses through the Tuition Assis-
tance Plan (TAP) administered by the Office of Human Resources. Employees are subject to all
of the FAS regulations and deadlines, including the examination schedule, and are graded
according to the FAS system. Employees are permitted to add or change a course once TAP and
enrollment forms have been filed with the Office of the Registrar (20 Garden Street). The Pass/
Fail option is not available to TAP students.
Auditors are allowed in courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences only with an
instructor’s permission. The following may be admitted as auditors: students enrolled in any
Faculty of the University, individuals holding teaching appointments in the FAS, and their
spouses. No official record is maintained for auditors.
Simultaneous Enrollment/Courses with Overlapping Meeting Times
The Faculty believes that full participation in a classroom setting is essential. Therefore, a
student may not enroll in courses that meet at the same time or overlapping times. It is the
student’s responsibility to ensure that there is no overlap in the meeting times of his or her
courses. Exceptions to this rule may be granted only by the Administrative Board and will be
considered only if the instructors in both overlapping courses agree and only in one or more of
the following circumstances:
1. When the head of the course where class time is being missed and the person(s)
providing the instruction during the regular class meeting agree to provide hour-
for-hour direct and personal compensatory instruction. Availability during regu-
lar office hours or time with a different person does not satisfy the requirement
for direct and personal contact.
2. When instruction in one of the courses is available on videotape, provided that
(1) the course head agrees that the videotapes may be used for this purpose; (2)
the lectures that are videotaped ordinarily do not provide opportunities for class-
room discussion; (3) the videotapes will be available in a timely fashion so that
they can be viewed before the next class period; (4) the student will miss attend-
ing part or all of no more than 1/3 of the instructional periods in the course (not
including sections or labs.) [N.B. if a student will miss any part of a day’s lecture,
it is as though he or she will miss all of it]; and (5) the instructor in the course in
which the lectures are videotaped agrees to offer any hour examinations or other
in-class exercises at a time that will not preclude the student from attending the
second course. In those courses that do not use the blackboard or other visual
aids, course-provided audiotapes may be substituted for videotapes.
Course Administration 33
When a
senior can meet degree requirements
by taking the two particular
courses in question
will have no other opportunity to enroll in the courses
before graduation. In such circumstances, the Administrative Board may ap-
prove reasonable accommodations in consultation with the instructors of the
courses involved.
Undergraduates in Courses Designated “Primarily for Graduates”
Courses numbered in the 200s or 2000s (Primarily for Graduates) may be taken by under-
graduates only with the permission of the instructor, as indicated by the instructor’s signature on
the study card. Undergraduates may not enroll in courses numbered in the 300s or 3000s
(Graduate Courses of Reading and Research). The only exception to the latter rule are fourth-
year Advanced Standing students who are candidates for the master’s degree and who may enroll
in such upper-level courses with the instructor’s permission.
Pass/Fail Grading Status (Undergraduates Only)
In 1967 the Faculty extended the use of Pass/Fail in order to permit students to enrich their
educational experience by enrolling in courses they might otherwise avoid because of material
that was too advanced or too unfamiliar. Consequently, with an instructor’s permission and
signature on the study card any undergraduate may enroll in a course on a Pass/Fail rather than
a letter-graded basis. After the fifth Monday of the term students are not allowed to add Pass/Fail
courses or to change their grading status in courses from or to Pass/Fail. Students enrolled in
courses on a Pass/Fail basis are so identified on the course lists and grade sheets sent to
Instructors may not request that students enroll in a course on a Pass/Fail basis. The Pass/
Fail option is not available to graduate, cross-registered, or TAP students.
Student Attendance
All students are expected to attend classes regularly. Absence from academic exercises for
whatever reason, including representing the College in extracurricular and athletic activities,
does not relieve a student from responsibility for any part of the work required by the course
during the period of absence. Students who, by their classroom absence, neglect work in a course
may be excluded from the course (see Exclusion on page 59).
Students should not leave the Cambridge vicinity during Reading Periods or Examination
Periods or for an extended time during the term without the permission of their Allston Burr
Senior Tutor or Assistant Dean of Freshmen.
Storm and Emergency Conditions
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences rarely cancels classes due to weather. However, faculty
and section leaders who commute should not be expected to put themselves in danger during
serious storms, and may choose to cancel their individual classes. Because the Faculty rarely
cancels classes, it is important that course staff inform students at the start of the term of the
procedures for learning of class meetings that will be canceled. Similarly, it is important that the
course staff provide students with instructions on how to inform instructional staff of planned
absences. Instructors might find the following information helpful in establishing storm and
emergency procedures for their courses:
34 Course Administration
For the most part, undergraduate students are in residence and are expected to at-
tend classes. Undergraduate students who decide that they cannot make it to class
should be able to find in their course materials instructions on how to inform the
course’s instructional staff of absences from class. For example, some courses re-
quest that the student inform the instructor or the teaching fellow of the planned ab-
sence by email or by telephone.
Similarly, students should be able to find instructions in the course materials that
indicate how the instructional staff would inform students of the cancellation of a
class or section meeting. For example, courses might inform students of the cancel-
lation via an announcement posted at the course’s home page on the web, via an e-
mail to the class attendees, or by leaving a message on the voice mail system of a
centralized departmental telephone.
FAS offices and academic departments will be open depending on staff availability
and whether there are critical functions in progress. Call the central number for that
office before going there.
Final examinations and make-up examinations are never cancelled and students
should report to their exam rooms on time.
On the very rare occasion when FAS decides to cancel classes, an announcement
of the cancellation will be posted at the College’s
the Registrar’s (www.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/) home pages.
Restricting Attendance
With the exception of classes held prior to the filing of study cards, when any registered
student may attend a class, ordinarily only students enrolled in a course and auditors who have
been given specific permission by the instructor may attend course meetings. From time to time,
instructors may permit other guests, such as colleagues, parents, alumnae/i, or prospective
students, to attend individual class meetings; however, instructors are always free to restrict
attendance at a class meeting or meetings to regularly enrolled students and authorized auditors.
Each term the Registrar’s Office publishes a visitors guide to large lecture courses. Copies of this
guide are made available to visiting prospective students and their parents. Any instructor who
does not wish to have his or her course listed in the guide should contact the Scheduling Office
at (617-495-1541) at the beginning of the term.
Date for Submission of Senior Theses and General Examinations
The dates for submission of undergraduate senior honors essays (senior theses) and for
concentration general examinations are set by the individual concentrations but must ordinarily
be early enough to enable the concentration to make its degree recommendations available to the
Office of the Registrar during the first week of the Examination Period.
The dates for required language and general examinations for graduate students are set by
the departments.
Students should be informed of these dates well in advance of the examination.
Course Administration 35
Hour and Midterm Examinations
The administration of hour and midterm examinations is the responsibility of the instructor;
these exams should normally be scheduled during regular class meeting times. Ordinarily, the
Office of the Registrar has no role in the administration of hour or midterm examinations.
Instructors are not required to offer
makeup examinations to students who are absent from
hour and midterm examinations for reasons other than the observance of a religious holiday. If
an instructor is satisfied that the absence is necessary and that omitting a grade for the missed
hour or midterm examination will not affect the student’s course grade, final evaluation of the
student’s work in the course may be determined from the remainder of the course work. The
instructor may also elect to give a makeup examination. The responsibility for such decisions
rests with the instructor only and not with the Dean’s Office or the Administrative Board.
Instructors may also decide whether to require the attendance of graduate students at hour and
midterm examinations.
Although instructors are obligated to offer makeup examinations only in the case of absence
for the observance of a religious holiday, students who have obtained proper HUHS documen-
tation of illness may not be penalized for their absence from hour and midterm examinations.
The appropriate form must be signed by a HUHS medical professional and given to the student’s
Senior Tutor or Freshman Dean, who will write the student a letter that acknowledges receipt of
the HUHS form. This letter may be presented to the instructor as certification of the student’s
Examination Booklets
Examination booklets for hour or midterm examinations may be obtained from the
stockroom in the basement of the Science Center (617-495-7500). A Harvard officer or faculty
identification card must be shown to receive them.
Athletic Events
The Department of Athletics is aware that midterm examinations are frequently given in the
seventh or eighth weeks of the term, and it schedules few athletic contests away from Cambridge
during that time. Sometimes the academic calendars of other institutions require that contests be
scheduled in these periods, especially in the fall term. However, absence from academic
exercises in order to represent the College in athletic activities does not relieve the student from
responsibility for any part of the work required in the course during the period of the absence.
Absences for Religious Holidays
A student who is absent from an hour or midterm examination as a consequence of his or
her religious belief “shall be provided with an opportunity to make up such examination...
(Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 151C, Sec. 2B). It is therefore recommended that prior
to setting the dates for such exercises or examinations course heads ask members of their classes
for the dates on which they will be absent from class because of a conflict with religious holidays
that they will be observing. It is the responsibility of the students concerned to provide that infor-
mation promptly when so requested. If conflicts are unavoidable, students who are absent from
hour or midterm examinations for religious reasons shall be offered an opportunity to make up
the work, without penalty, unless it can be demonstrated that such a makeup opportunity would
constitute an “unreasonable burden” on the faculty.
Information on religious holidays can be
found at
36 Course Administration
Papers and Other Written Assignments
One or more papers or other written assignments (e.g. problem sets, laboratory reports) are
often included as part of the work required of students in their courses. Most faculty have found
that a series of graduated writing assignments often work better than a single term paper, partic-
ularly in courses designed to introduce students to a new field or a particular mode of inquiry.
The feedback that students receive on work completed early in the term helps to clarify what is
expected in written assignments, and later assignments provide students the opportunity to
demonstrate what they have learned from the earlier comments.
The nature and number of written assignments and their due dates should be included on
the course syllabus. All written work must be due by the last day of the Reading Period,
though instructors may grant individual undergraduates an extension of time for medical reasons
and other special circumstances up to the end of the Examination Period, and may grant graduate
students an extension of time until the end of the next regular term. (See Late Work and
Extension of Time for Course Work on page 36.)
Any material submitted to meet course requirements—homework assignments, papers,
projects, examinations—is expected to be a student’s own work. During the first week of
freshman year the importance of correct citation is stressed, and in the required first-year writing
course, Expository Writing, undergraduates are urged to take great care in distinguishing their
own ideas and thoughts from information and analysis derived from sources. Although
instructors are encouraged to take every opportunity to reinforce and develop these lessons, the
final responsibility for knowing proper forms of citation rests with students.
It is essential that instructors set out carefully in writing and at the outset of a course or
course assignment the extent of permissible student collaboration in the preparation of papers,
computer programs, or examinations. Students must assume that collaboration in the completion
of assignments is prohibited unless explicitly permitted by the instructor. Students are expected
to acknowledge any collaboration and its extent in all submitted work.
Dual Submission
Papers and other work should normally be submitted to only one course. Any student who
wishes to submit to another course the same or similar work used in a previous course must obtain
prior written
permission of the instructor. If a student wishes to submit the same or similar work
to more than one course during the same term, the
prior written
permission of all of the instructors
involved must be obtained. A student who submits the same or similar work to more than one course
without such prior permission will ordinarily be required to withdraw from the College or from
Late Work and Extension of Time for Course Work
Instructors have the authority to grant undergraduates an extension of time for medical
reasons and other special circumstances up to the end of the Examination Period. An extension
beyond the end of the Examination Period can be granted to an undergraduate only by vote of
Course Administration 37
the Administrative Board of Harvard College and only in exceptional circumstances.
Instructors may not accept work from an undergraduate after the end of the Examination Period
without the explicit authorization of the Administrative Board.
In deciding the length of an extension granted for medical reasons, the head of the course
should apply the principle used by the Administrative Board when it votes extensions beyond the
Examination Period: Extensions are granted for a period commensurate with the time
missed during an illness, without penalty. Questions about an appropriate extension for an
individual undergraduate may be addressed to the student’s resident dean (the Allston Burr
Senior Tutor or, in the case of a freshman, the Assistant Dean).
Ordinarily, students requesting an extension of time to complete course work must have
received the consent of the instructor before the midyear or final examination or before the final
meeting of a course in which there is no midyear or final examination.
If a student submits work after a grade has been filed with the Registrar but before the end
of the Examination Period, and if acceptance of that late work results in a grade change, the
instructor should submit a grade change request to either the Office for Undergraduate Education
(for an undergraduate) or the Dean of the Graduate School (for a graduate student), c/o The
Registrar, 20 Garden Street (617-495-1546). (See Changes in Grades on page 56.)
Graduate Students
Instructors may grant graduate students an extension of time until the end of the next regular
term. However, such extensions of time for completion of course work must be granted before
the assignment of the course grade.
Midterm Grades for Undergraduates
Instructors teaching an undergraduate course (courses below the 200-level) are asked to
report to the Office of the Registrar midterm grades based on students’ performance in the course
up to that point in the term, and to comment on the performance of undergraduates whose
midterm course grade is D+ or lower. Fall midterm grades are due on Friday, October 31; spring
midterm grades are due on Friday, March 19. (See pages 53-55 for due dates for final grades.)
These grades are used only for advising and counseling purposes and need not be letter
grades (SAT/UNS may be more appropriate). They are extremely important for identifying
students who may be facing any of a wide range of difficulties. Instructors are also asked to
cooperate with the Dean of Freshmen and the Allston Burr Senior Tutors regarding inquiries that
they may make about the status of individual students.
March grades in full courses extending from September to May should reflect the student’s
current standing for the spring term. At the same time, instructors should report students whose
cumulative grade for the entire year is unsatisfactory.
Hiring, Training, and Supervision of Instructional Support Staff
In many courses the instruction done by supervised teaching staff is an important part of the
undergraduate educational process, as well as an important aspect of the training of graduate
students. Departments and individual instructors have developed successful strategies that
encourage and protect a high standard of teaching by supervised teachers. These local strategies
have been reinforced by guidelines developed by the Committee on Undergraduate Education
and the Committee on Graduate Education and endorsed by the Faculty Council.
38 Course Administration
Categories of Instructional Support Staff
Teachi ng fel l o ws are candidates for advanced degrees and are registered as students at
Harvard, ordinarily in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. They serve as section leaders,
tutors, and laboratory leaders, but always under the supervision of instructors who hold Faculty-
level teaching appointments in the FAS or another Harvard Faculty. (See Responsibility for
Evaluation on page 15 for the appropriate role of teaching fellows in the grading of students.)
Teaching assistants engage in the same kinds of supervised instruction as teaching fellows
but are not enrolled as candidates for an advanced degree in any department of the University.
Ordinarily, teaching assistants will have received the AB before the appointment begins.
Course assistants are currently registered Harvard undergraduates who provide the same
kinds of supervised instruction as teaching fellows and teaching assistants. Course assistants
ordinarily assist only in mathematics, science, and computer science courses. (Again, see
Responsibility for Evaluation on page 15 for the appropriate role of course assistants in the
grading of students.)
In accordance with the Faculty’s own policy, course heads should consider qualified GSAS
students for teaching positions before hiring non-GSAS candidates.
Teaching Fellow Appointment Guidelines
The Committee on Graduate Education and the Faculty Council have adopted the following
general guidelines for the teaching fellow appointment process in the humanities and social
1. Notification of Available Teaching Fellow Positions: Departments should use pre-
vious enrollment data to provide a reasonable estimate of the course enrollments
for the next year. Departments should use this number to consult with the Office
of Undergraduate Education about the number of teaching fellow positions, in-
cluding both firm commitments and provisional positions dependent on actual
enrollments, that will be approved for departmental courses. This information
should be made available to students by posting it in the department during the
month of April and no later than April 30. Departments should send the list of
their requested firm and provisional positions to the Office for Undergraduate Ed-
ucation, University Hall, First Floor North.
2. Application Period: Departments and course heads should accept applications for
teaching fellow positions until May 15, to ensure the broadest possible applicant
pool before a decision is made. To avoid financial inequities, final decisions
should involve consultation between the course head and the Chair or Director of
Graduate Studies.
3. Hiring Criteria and Timetable: The criteria for appointing teaching fellows
should attempt to balance preparation, teaching experience, and financial need.
Ordinarily, preference should be given to students prior to their sixth year in res-
Departments and course heads should consider all qualified applicants from with-
in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and special attention should be paid
to qualified applicants from related departments and disciplines before a decision
is made.
Whenever possible, teaching fellow appointments and provisional assignments
should be made by June 1. Departments should send the list of all teaching fellow
appointments to the Dean of the Graduate School, University Hall, Third Floor
Course Administration 39
Reporting to Students:
Departments should provide applicants for teaching fellow
positions with as much information as possible about the likelihood of their being
hired based on previous enrollment data. If, for example, a course has historically
needed five teaching fellows, and the course head believes that he or she can be
confident of employment for two teaching fellows, those two students should be
informed of their situation and the other students who might be provisionally
hired, based on actual enrollment, should be made aware of their chances.
Applicants not chosen for positions should be informed by early June so that they
can make alternative arrangements for financial support before the academic year
Training and Supervision of Instructional Support Staff
A number of principles have been formulated to assist departments in the training and
supervision of instructional support staff.
Departments should develop regular procedures for screening and training instructional
support staff as well as routine methods of supervising and monitoring their performance. Not
only do such practices help to maintain good standards, but they also encourage graduate
students, in particular, to improve their teaching skills. Student teaching should be a rewarding
opportunity rather than an automatic step in graduate education.
The Faculty Council has adopted the following guidelines for the training and preparation
of first-time instructional support staff:
1. All departments and instructional programs must develop plans for preparing and
orienting first-time instructional support staff in the pedagogical skills that will
allow them to fulfill their teaching obligations. Orientation in issues of appropri-
ate professional conduct (see page 15) should also be provided. These plans
should be approved by the Office for Undergraduate Education.
Plans should provide for practice teaching or other orientation in teaching meth-
ods at or before the start of employment of those without prior teaching experi-
ence and should provide for observation and appraisal of performance, at least for
the first term of employment.
2. Plans must include a mechanism for screening prospective international instruc-
tional support staff (more specifically, those for whom English is not the native
language and who have not received a degree from an English-speaking institu-
tion) for competence in spoken English before they are approved to teach, and in
the case of assistants who will be responsible for evaluating written work, screen-
ing for competence in written English as well.
The Bok Center has developed a program for language screening and training.
Departments may choose to use that central program or to develop their own
3. Individual course heads remain responsible for the orientation, preparation, over-
sight, and evaluation of assistants in the execution of their specific course respon-
Instructional support staff should be provided with structured teaching assignments.
Generally, section teaching is more effective the more the instructor is involved. Regular, perhaps
weekly, meetings with assistants to review course material, visits by the instructor to sections, and
the teaching of a section by the instructor can be helpful. In certain departments, some or all of
40 Course Administration
these forms of involvement are routinely expected. Departments may adjust the teaching credit
given to Faculty members, if need be, to encourage their involvement in section teaching. An
“instructional lunch fund” to contribute to weekly luncheon meetings with assistants is available
from department administrators. The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning encourages
instructors and assistants to seek help in improving teaching quality (see page 61).
By vote of the Faculty on December 17, 1995, instructional support staff are expected
to attend lectures of the courses in which they are employed unless in the judgment of the
course head the nature of their work for the course does not depend upon their attendance at the
Departments should devise a record-keeping system on instructional support staff based on
instructors’ reports on their performance. Such departmental monitoring can be used to reward
outstanding teaching and to provide a solid basis upon which to recommend graduate students
for future teaching jobs. At the same time, regular evaluation ensures that a poor teaching perfor-
mance does not go unnoticed.
Special Considerations Concerning the Appointment of Course Assistants
Because special considerations enter into the appointment of undergraduates as course
assistants, instructors should use the following procedure when screening prospective course
With a candidate’s written permission, an instructor should confirm with the student’s
Allston Burr Senior Tutor that the proposed candidate:
1. Has attained sophomore standing and is at least in the third term of residency.
2. Is not on probation.
3. Ordinarily, has a grade point average of 3.33 or better in the two previous terms.
Also, as undergraduates may fail to recognize the implications of serving in an instructional
role, instructors should take special responsibility for initiating discussions about professional
conduct, including the impropriety of amorous relationships with students and the importance of
both equity and confidentiality.
Student Compensation and Credit for Course Work
It is inappropriate for a student to receive course credit for the same work for which he or
she is financially compensated. An undergraduate course assistant should not receive academic
credit in any form (including Independent Study and Supervised Reading and Research courses)
for the course in which he or she teaches. Graduate teaching fellows should not receive Reading
and Research (300-level) or other course credit for the time they devote to teaching, but may
receive credit by signing up for TIME–T on their study cards. TIME is the term used by the
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to designate independent study (TIME–C), research
(TIME–R), or teaching (TIME–T). Students “receive credit” for such pursuits in the sense that
TIME appears on the GSAS transcript, however, students are not graded for TIME.
Course Administration 41
CUE Course Evaluation
Under the auspices of the Committee on Undergraduate Education, the Office for Under-
graduate Education oversees a process of course evaluation each term. This evaluation process
serves several purposes. It provides feedback from students to the head of a course about
reactions to course structure, the quality of the presentation, and the nature of assignments. It
also provides important feedback for instructional support staff, many of whom are in their early
years of teaching and benefit from the comments of students. Finally, the evaluation process is
the basis of the CUE Course Evaluation Guide that is written and edited by undergraduates under
the guidance of the Committee on Undergraduate Education and distributed to undergraduates
at the beginning of each academic year. The aim of the CUE Guide is to provide undergraduates
with reliable information to be used as one of many inputs during the process of choosing
Participation in the CUE evaluation process is voluntary, but roughly 90 percent of courses
with enrollments of 20 or more are evaluated. Each term letters are sent to the heads of under-
graduate courses inviting them to participate in the course evaluation process. Course heads may
choose the date of evaluation and may allot time either during lectures or section meetings for
students to complete the questionnaires. Completed forms should be collected and returned by a
student volunteer as indicated in the instructions in the packet.
Summary statistics and photocopies of the questionnaires completed by students are sent to
the course heads of evaluated courses after final grades for the term have been submitted.
Summary statistics are also sent to the chair of the department or committee offering the course,
as well as the chair of any department or committee in which the instructor is formally appointed.
The heads of courses are expected to share the relevant information with teaching fellows,
teaching assistants, and course assistants who taught in the course. Both faculty and instructional
support staff, particularly teaching fellows, should keep this information, as it will be useful later
as an input to promotion decisions and as part of consideration for other teaching positions.
The Office for Undergraduate Education reviews the forms for any member of the instruc-
tional support staff whose average “overall” rating on the 5-point scale (1=low, 5=high) is below
3.00. In these very few cases, the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education may send a letter
of concern to that instructor, copied to the course head(s), urging him or her to seek appropriate
counseling on how to improve his or her teaching. If members of the instructional support staff
who have received such cautionary letters fall below 3.00 a second time, they may be prohibited
from further teaching in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Final and Midyear Examinations
Final and Midyear examinations are three-hour written tests administered and proctored by
the staff of the Office of the Registrar at locations and times specified by the Registrar. Courses
ordinarily hold final examinations, and half and full courses that run throughout the year hold
midyear examinations. Any deviation from the scheduled three-hour examination requires the
prior approval of the Office for Undergraduate Education (for courses below the 200- or 2000-
level) or the Dean of the Graduate School (for courses at the 200- or 2000-level). (See Requesting
a Substitution on page 43.) Examination substitutions for research courses, seminars, tutorials,
and other low enrollment courses (see below for definition) are automatically approved by the
Office of the Registrar. (See also Hour and Midterm Examinations on page 35.)
To earn credit for a course or to count the course toward fulfillment of the requirements for
a degree, the student must have attended the final examination (or midyear and final if a full-year
course) or an approved makeup. A student’s unexcused absence from a midyear or final exami-
nation will ordinarily result in a failing grade for the course (ABS). The course head is not
empowered to excuse student absences from midyear, final, or makeup examinations scheduled
by the Registrar. Furthermore, the course head may not give a final examination at a special time
to accommodate the needs of an individual student or authorize the substitution of another
exercise for an examination.
Students are entitled to complete course requirements and to take the final examination.
They must not be discouraged from doing so, even when previous course work has earned a
cumulative failing grade. Only a student whose serious and persistent neglect of academic work
has led to formal exclusion from the course is ineligible to take the final, midyear, or makeup
examination (see Exclusion on page 59).
Examination Categories
At the beginning of each term, course heads will receive a Final Examination Information
form for each course they teach and will be asked to classify their courses according to the
following categories:
A. Standard Three-hour Examination/No Substitution
All students enrolled in this course are expected to write a three-hour examination admin-
istered by the Office of the Registrar during the exam period.
B. Standard Three-hour Examination for All Undergraduates, Substitutions for All
All undergraduates will write a three-hour examination and all graduate students will sub-
mit an examination substitution (a paper, project, take-home examination, etc.).
C1. No Three-Hour Final Examination for Any Student (Lower Enrollment Courses)
Low enrollment (undergraduate course with enrollment of less than 20 students or com-
bined graduate/undergraduate course with fewer than 30 students) or undergraduate tutori-
al, seminar, or research course primarily for graduate students. (Automatic approval.)
C2. No Three-hour Examination for Any Student
Final exam substitution is preferable for all students. (See Requesting a Substitution on
page 43.)
Final and Midyear Examinations 43
D. Optional Examination Substitution for Certain Students, Standard Three-hour
Examination for All Other Students
An alternative means of evaluation offered to certain students in lieu of the final three-hour
exam. Ordinarily, substitution for an individual student is not allowed. (See Requesting a
Substitution on page 43.)
Requesting a Substitution
When petitioning for an exam substitution, the course head must describe the alternative
form of evaluation and explain why it is more appropriate than a three-hour examination. In
courses in which the number of students is large (over 30) or where a range of different types of
work will be accepted in lieu of the examination, the course head must indicate the steps that will
be taken to ensure equity in grading. Course heads should also indicate the other course assign-
ments (hour examinations, laboratory reports, papers, etc.) that will be included in the final
evaluation of the studentsperformance.
Course heads who plan to petition the appropriate dean for permission to substitute should
announce their intention at the first class meeting, and on the course syllabus. However, only
after the petition has been formally approved by the dean should course heads announce the
cancellation of a midyear or final examination. Course heads may submit petitions for exam
substitutions to the Office of the Registrar any time before the first meeting of class with a special
request for early decision.
Please note that all students who are in the AB/AM degree program are to be treated as
undergraduates for the purposes of completing all of the course requirements by the end of the
final exam period; for exam substitutions; and for grading. The one exception is that the course
head may treat AB/AM students as graduate students, for the purpose of exam substitutions, if
the student has bracketed the course toward the AM degree.
Completion of Work Assigned for Substitutions
Course heads should not assign any work to be done during the Examination Period.
Faculty policy stipulates that this time should be reserved for standard three-hour exams. Any
work assigned as a substitution for a midyear or final examination must be completed before the
end of Reading Period.
Take- H o m e Examinations
Take-home examinations are considered substitutions and, like other substitutions, must be
due before the end of Reading Period. When assigning a take home exam it is imperative that the
instructor be mindful of student obligations to other courses, some of which continue to meet
during the Reading Period. Course heads should be careful to explain to students in writing the
extent of collaboration and any source materials that may be permitted in the preparation of the
44 Final and Midyear Examinations
Examination Scheduling
For most courses an examination group is published in Courses of Instruction within the
course description. Examination groups correspond to class meeting times and ordinarily change
if the meeting time changes. Occasionally, the Office of the Registrar may need to assign an
exam group that does not correspond to the meeting time of the course.
Classes that meet for periods longer than one hour are listed in the catalog with more than
one exam group. The exam group for such a course will be chosen by the Registrar’s Office.
Many factors must be considered when scheduling eighteen exam groups within an eight-
day examination period, including student conflicts, room availability, and personnel resources.
As a result, the Office of the Registrar is unable to accommodate individual requests to assign
alternative exam groups to courses.
Since the days and hours for courses are subject to change, official dates and times for
examinations are published on the Final Examination Schedule. It is posted throughout campus
and at the Registrar’s Office website (www.registrar.fas.harvard.edu) and is mailed to depart-
ments shortly before Reading Period. The Final Examination Schedule will be available during
the first week of January for fall final/midyear examinations and during the first week of May
for spring final examinations.
Final and Midyear Examinations 45
Ten tative Examin at ion S ched ul e 200 3- 20 04
Class Meeting
Fall Final/Midyear
Spring Final
MWF 8 1 Tue., Jan. 27 Fri., May 21
MWF 9 2 Mon., Jan. 26 Thu., May 20
MWF 10 3 Fri., Jan. 23 Thu., May 27
MWF 11 4 Sat., Jan. 24 Fri., May 28
MWF 12 5 Tue., Jan. 20 Sat., May 22
MWF 1 6 Sat., Jan. 17 Tue., May 25
MWF 2 7 Tue., Jan. 27 Fri., May 21
MWF 3 8 Wed., Jan. 21 Mon., May 24
MWF 4 9 Wed., Jan. 21 Mon., May 24
TuTh 8 10 Sat., Jan. 17 Tue., May 25
TuTh 9 11 Wed., Jan 21 Mon., May 24
TuTh 10 12 Wed., Jan. 21 Mon., May 24
TuTh 11 13 Thu., Jan. 22 Wed., May 26
TuTh 12 14 Tue., Jan. 27 Fri., May 21
TuTh 1 15 Mon., Jan. 26 Thu., May 20
TuTh 2 16 Mon., Jan. 26 Thu., May 20
TuTh 3 17 Wed., Jan. 21 Mon., May 24
TuTh 4 18 Wed., Jan. 21 Mon., May 24
46 Final and Midyear Examinations
Administration of Examinations
Final and Midyear examinations are administered by proctors trained and supervised by the
Office of the Registrar. The exam procedures they follow are intended to protect the security of
examinations and to ensure that students undertake the writing of their exams in an environment
free of distractions and disturbances. There are two exam sessions per day during the Exami-
nation Period; morning examinations start at 9:15 am and afternoon examinations start at 2:15
All courses are expected to handle the printing and photocopying of their own examina-
tions. The course head is responsible for bringing the examination to the exam room 20
minutes prior to the beginning of the examination. Course heads are also expected to be
present at their examinations for at least the first fifteen minutes and to be available by phone for
the duration of the exam. Course heads are also expected to pick up completed examination
booklets, scrap booklets, and other course materials (slides, audiotapes, etc.) at the end of the
examination. In case of necessary absence, the course head should appoint an appropriate
delegate who is conversant with the course and able to answer questions that might arise at the
examination. The Office of the Registrar provides examination booklets and proctors who take
attendance and administer the examinations. During the exam, while the proctors are performing
exam-related paperwork and monitoring the students who are writing the exam, the role of
course heads and/or their assistants should be limited to answering student questions regarding
the exam. Proctors may ask teaching staff for assistance in the distribution and collection of
exam materials, however it is important that the teaching staff follow the instructions of the head
Ordinarily, proctors will not release examinations to anyone other than the course head. If
a course head is unable to pick up the completed examination booklets after an examination, he
or she must delegate an assistant to perform this task. The assistant should be prepared to show
a valid Harvard I.D. card to the proctors.
Instructors should take every precaution to prevent the accidental loss of examination
booklets. For example, under no circumstances should examination booklets be removed from
the neighborhood of the University. If a course head has temporarily left the Cambridge area,
only photocopies of the booklets should be sent to the course head for grading. Examination
booklets should be kept for one year after the end of the course. Most instructors return exam
booklets, papers, and other academic work to the student enrolled in their courses. By law,
students have the right to review all materials submitted to a course, including final examination
booklets and, for a reasonable charge, may have copies of any originals not returned to them.
Religious Conflicts with Final/Midyear Examinations
Students are expected to anticipate any religious conflicts with examinations and report the
conflict in writing to the Office of the Registrar at fasexams@fas by the last day of classes each
term. Accommodation may not be possible if the conflict is reported after that date.
Final and Midyear Examinations 47
Examinations In Absentia
Students who for sufficient reason cannot be within 500 miles of Cambridge at the time of
a final, midyear, or makeup examination may request to take the examination at another location.
All examinations in absentia must be approved by the Administrative Board. In addition,
students participating in an approved Out-of-Residence Study are automatically approved to take
examinations in absentia. A petition to take an examination in absentia will not be accepted
without the course head’s signature, indicating approval and a willingness to provide the Office
of the Registrar with an early copy of the examination. Student applications for in absentia
exams are due in the Office of the Registrar thirty days before the examination date.
Occasionally the Administrative Board will grant examinations in absentia after the thirty-day
deadline has passed.
An in absentia examination is administered at the same time and date as the examination in
Cambridge and must be proctored by someone approved by the Office of the Registrar. After
determining that these conditions can be met, the Office of the Registrar will request a copy of
the examination from the course head. For reasons of equity, this copy must be identical to that
given at the regular examination in Cambridge. After the examination is written and returned to
Cambridge, the Office of the Registrar will deliver it to the course head for grading.
Students are charged $100 for each examination taken in absentia to cover administrative
costs such as long distance telephone calls and special mailing services. The in absentia fee is
waived for students who are participants in intercollegiate competition and for students who are
studying abroad for Harvard degree credit with prior approval from the Standing Committee on
Out-of-Residence Study.
Makeup Examinations
The Administrative Board of Harvard College has sole jurisdiction over granting makeup
examinations for undergraduates. The Registrar’s Office has been authorized by the Graduate
School to approve or deny makeup petitions for graduate students. Course heads may not give
a makeup midyear or final examination without notification from the Office of the
Registrar. Moreover, course heads may not give a makeup examination at any time or location
other than that specified by the Office of the Registrar. The granting of a makeup examination
by the Administrative Board does not imply that the student may receive credit for any assigned
work in the course not submitted by the end of the Examination Period.
Makeup examinations are ordinarily granted by the Administrative Board in cases of
medically documented illness or extraordinary circumstances over which the student had no
control, such as a death in the family. Makeups are sometimes granted to undergraduate partici-
pants in intercollegiate competition, but only when examinations in absentia cannot be arranged.
By vote of the Faculty Council, makeup examinations may also be granted when a student who
is in good standing in the course misses an examination because of inadvertence, provided the
petition is supported by the course head and filed on time. Undergraduate and graduate students
in the FAS may be granted a makeup examination on the grounds of inadvertence only once
during their tenure at Harvard.
If called upon to do so, course heads must prepare appropriate makeup examinations and
grade them. Ordinarily a makeup examination should not be a duplicate of the original exam.
48 Final and Midyear Examinations
Course grades dependent upon makeup examinations should be reported to the Office of the
Registrar one week after the date of such examinations. The undergraduate transcript carries the
notation “#” next to the final grade for any course in which the student took a makeup exami-
Makeup midterm examinations are not granted by the Administrative Board nor the
Registrar’s Office. Offering such makeup examinations or substituting other work is at the
discretion of the course head, except in the case of an absence for the observation of religious
holidays. (See Hour and Midterm Examinations on page 35.) The Office of the Registrar has no
role in midterm examinations.
Publication of Past Final and Midyear Examinations
Final and Midyear Examinations have traditionally been collected and made available
electronically on a website accessible only to Harvard account holders at www.fas.harvard.edu/
~exams. However, the head of a course may request at the time of the exam that the final exami-
nation not be included in the electronic library collection.
The Grading System
The Registrar is authorized to obtain from instructors reports on the performance of
students in the form of the grades established by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Grade sheets
for reporting grades are sent to instructors and must be completed and returned by the indicated
due dates (see pages 53–55). The Faculty of Arts and Sciences uses the following system of
letter and non-letter grades to evaluate undergraduate student work:
Letter Grades—Undergraduate Students
A, A- Earned by work whose excellent quality indicates a full mastery of the subject
and, in the case of the grade of A, is of extraordinary distinction.
B+, B, B- Earned by work that indicates a good comprehension of the course material, a
good command of the skills needed to work with the course material, and the stu-
dent's full engagement with the course requirements and activities.
C+, C, C- Earned by work that indicates an adequate and satisfactory comprehension of the
course material and the skills needed to work with the course material and that
indicates the student has met the basic requirements for completing assigned
work and participating in class activities.
D+, D, D- Earned by work that is unsatisfactory but that indicates some minimal command
of the course materials and some minimal participation in class activities that is
worthy of course credit toward the degree.
E Earned by work which is unsatisfactory and unworthy of course credit towards
the degree.
Non-letter Grades—Undergraduate Students
Incomplete (INC) cannot under any circumstances be given to undergraduates.
ABS Students who miss a regularly-scheduled midyear or final examination during the
Midyear or Final Examination Period are given a failing grade of Absent (ABS)
which will be changed only if the student is granted and takes a makeup exami-
nation. Unexcused absences are counted as failures (see pages 42–48). No other
grade can be accepted. Exam substitutions not administered by the Registrar’s
Office, including take-home examinations and special final projects, are not “reg-
ularly-scheduled” examinations; therefore, ABS cannot be used in these cases.
If, after an absence from the final examination, a student is granted a makeup ex-
amination by the Administrative Board, the appropriate grade is then submitted
after completion of the examination. A special grade sheet is provided for this
purpose. The final grade will have the notation “#” next to it on the transcript.
EXLD A notation of Excluded (EXLD) indicates that the student was not permitted to
continue in the course and received no credit. Exclusion from a course is equiva-
lent in all respects to failing it and in and of itself makes the student's record for
the term unsatisfactory.
EXT Instructors may allow students extensions of time to complete course work up to
the last day of the Examination Period. After that date, only the Administrative
Board may grant extensions of time for undergraduates to complete course work
(see page 36). Until the date of extension set by the Board, a final grade should
not be reported by the instructor; instead, the designation EXT (Extension)
should be entered on the grade sheet.
50 Grades
EXT is only a temporary notation. When the allowed time for late work has
passed, the instructor should inform the Registrar of the final grade in writing.
The student’s record will contain the “#” notation to indicate that this grade was
obtained after an extension of time. Students who miss a midyear or final exam-
ination must be given an ABS (Absent), not an EXT.
PA/FL The grade of Pass represents letter grades of A to D-; the grade of Fail represents
the letter grade of E only. Students admitted to a course on a PA/FL basis are so
identified on the grade sheet. For such students, only a grade of Pass or Fail can
be accepted by the Registrar. Independent Study is always graded PA/FL.
SAT/UNS The grade of Satisfactory includes letter grades from A to C-; the grade of Unsat-
isfactory represents work below C- and is considered a failing grade. No students
enrolled in courses graded SAT/UNS may receive letter grades in those courses.
The following junior and senior tutorials must be graded SAT/UNS:
Applied Mathematics 99r Literature 98 and 99
Biology 98r. Mathematics 60r
Chemistry 91, 98, and 99 Portuguese 99
English 98 and 99 Psychology 985, 990, and 992
Folklore and Mythology 99 Religion 99
French 99 Romance Studies 99
German 99 Scandinavian 99
Government 99 Slavic 99
History 99 Social Studies 99
History and Literature 99 Sociology 99
History of Art and Architecture 99 Spanish 99
Italian 99 Special Concentrations 99
Linguistics 99 Women’s Studies 99
All Freshman Seminars are graded SAT/UNS.
Certain House Seminars may also be graded SAT/UNS, provided instructors in-
form the Standing Committee on Freshman Seminars of their intentions at the
time the House Seminar proposals are submitted, and all students in a particular
seminar are graded on the same scale.
In addition, SAT/UNS may be reported as a midyear grade in any full year tutorial
or half-course extending throughout the year which does not give a midyear exami-
nation. In this case only, Unsatisfactory may be used to indicate passing-but-unsat-
isfactory work.
The instructor must obtain permission from the Office for Undergraduate Educa-
tion (for courses below the 200- or 2000-level) or Dean of the Graduate School
(for courses at the 200- or 2000-level) before grading SAT/UNS for any course
not listed above.
Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory Undergraduate Studies
Grades of C- or higher, as well as the grades of PA and SAT, are passing and satisfactory
grades. Grades of D+ through D- are passing but unsatisfactory grades. Grades of E, ABS
(Absent), FL (Fail), UNS (Unsatisfactory), and EXLD (Excluded) are failing grades. All under-
graduate student records with any unsatisfactory or failing grade are reviewed at the end of the
term by the Administrative Board, which responds to such records in the manner described in
the appropriate sections of the Handbook for Students and in the Administrative Board Guide for
Students. Responses may include a period of academic probation or a requirement to withdraw
from the College for a year.
Grades 51
Letter Grades—Graduate Students
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences uses the following letter grades: A, A-, B+, B,
B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, E. A grade of E is a failing grade.
The minimum standard for satisfactory work in the Graduate School is a “B” average in
each academic year. A grade of “C” or “INC” is offset by a grade of A” and a “D” by two As”;
no account is taken of plus or minus. Grades of “E” or an unexcused “ABS” are failing. A grade
of “UNS” is unsatisfactory. A course in which a student receives an “E” or permanent “INC” or
“ABS may be retaken for credit at a later time, in which case both grades will appear on the
student’s transcript. In many departments, students are expected to maintain an average well
above the GSAS minimum.
Letter grades are to be used in every case except as follows:
Non-letter Grades—Graduate Students
Graduate students are not allowed to take courses on a Pass/Fail (PA/FL) basis.
ABS The designation ABS (Absent) is used in the case of a student who is absent from
a regularly scheduled midyear or final examination. No other grade can be ac-
cepted. Exam substitutions not administered by the Registrar’s Office, including
take-home examinations and special final projects are not “regularly scheduled”
examinations; therefore, ABS cannot be used in courses with take-home final ex-
ams. If, after an absence from the final examination, a student is subsequently
granted a makeup examination by the Associate Registrar, the appropriate grade
is then submitted after completion of the examination. A special grade sheet is
provided for this purpose.
EXC Graduate students may be excused from a final examination or other course as-
signments by their division, department, or committee Chairs on the basis of hav-
ing passed departmental examinations or other requirements. At the written
request of a Chair, the Associate Registrar records the grade of EXC (Excused).
If students elect to take the final examination and complete the course, they re-
ceive a letter grade.
INC For graduate students only the instructor has the prerogative of approving an
extension of time for completion of course work beyond the end of the term. The
appropriate grade in this situation is INC (Incomplete), not EXT (Extension).
In order to have the grade of INC changed to a letter or appropriate non-letter grade,
the graduate student must complete the work of the course before the end of the
next regular term. An INC which has not been completed by that time will become
a permanent grade, unless the student successfully petitions for an extension of
time. This petition requires the approval of the Director of Graduate Studies and of
the Dean of the Graduate School.
When a student has made up an INC within the allowable time period, the instruc-
tor should immediately inform the Registrar of the grade in writing. If the instruc-
tor reports the grade after the deadline for completing the work has passed, the
instructor must include the date on which the student submitted the work to the
instructor. Failure to affirm to the Registrar that the student completed the work
on time will render the grade unacceptable.
SAT/UNS For graduate students, Satisfactory indicates that the course was passed with distinction
(B- or above). Graduate courses of Reading and Research (300-level courses) must be
graded Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. No other courses may be graded on a SAT/
UNS basis with the exception of designated foreign language courses. Graduate
students must petition to obtain permission from the instructor to take a language
course on a SAT/UNS basis. Graduate students admitted to a course on a SAT/
UNS basis are so identified on the grade sheet.
52 Grades
Student Request for Review of an Assigned Grade
Both undergraduate and graduate students may request that an instructor review a grade that
has been received and may also ask to consult with the Chair of the department or committee
offering the course. However, final authority for the assignment of grades rests with the course
head. Instructors wishing to change a grade should submit their requests to either the Office for
Education (for an undergraduate) or the Dean of the Graduate School (for a
graduate student),
c/o The Registrar, 20 Garden Street (617-495-1546). (See also Changes in
Grades on page 56.)
Grade Point Averages and the Rank List for Undergraduates
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences averages its letter grades with a 4-point scale: A = 4.00,
A- = 3.67, B+ = 3.33, B = 3.00, B- = 2.67, C+ = 2.33, C = 2.00, C- = 1.67, D+ = 1.33, D = 1.00,
D- = 0.67. E, ABS, UNS, EXLD = 0. The grade point average is the numerical average of all
grades received in courses taken under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for degree credit,
including courses taken for credit in the Harvard Summer School and cross-registration courses
as appropriate. Passing grades received for courses given by other Harvard Faculties or MIT will
not be used in computing a student's grade-point average except when the courses are counted
toward concentration requirements or taken in the Graduate School of Education as part of
UTEP. Grades received for course work done out of residence will not be used in computing the
grade-point average. Grade-point averages are calculated on both a cumulative and annual basis.
Until September 2003, at the end of each academic year, every registered degree candidate
was placed in one of the six Rank List Groups. The Rank List was based on the numerical
average of all grades received in courses taken under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for degree
credit, including courses taken for credit in the Harvard Summer School and cross-registration
courses as appropriate. Passing grades received for courses given by other Harvard Faculties or
MIT were not used in computing the Rank List except when the courses were counted toward
concentration requirements or taken in the Graduate School of Education as part of UTEP.
Grades received for course work done out of residence were not used in computing the Rank
The Rank List was calculated on both a cumulative and an annual basis. Minimum require-
ments for the Rank List Groups (the grades CR, PA, and SAT count the same as the average of
all other grades received and therefore do not affect the Rank List average), were:
Group I A- average
Group II B+ average
Group III B- average
Group IV C+ average
Group V C- average
Group VI Any grade average below C-
INS Record incomplete pending makeup examination.
Grades 53
Submission of Final and Midyear Grades
During the midyear and final examination periods, instructors should not leave the vicinity
of Cambridge until their course grades have been submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
Because the course head is responsible for the grades given by his or her assistants, it is important
that the course head closely supervise grading. (See Responsibility for Evaluation on page 15.)
Completed grade sheets should be returned to the Office of the Registrar as soon as possible but
no later than the due date printed on the sheet. Each grade sheet for a course must be signed by
the course head.
Due Dates for Midterm Grades 2003–2004
Unsatisfactory midterm grades for undergraduates in courses below the 200-level are due
by 5 pm in the Office of the Registrar, 20 Garden Street on the following days.
Fall term: Friday, October 31
Spring term: Friday, March 19
54 Grades
Due Dates for Fall Final/Midyear Grades 2003–2004
Courses Without Examinations
For all fall courses without final or midyear examinations, including 300-level courses and
courses with approved substitutions (see page 43), final grades are due in the Registrar’s Office at
20 Garden Street on Tuesday, January 20.
Courses With Examinations
Date of Examination Examination Groups All Grades Due
Saturday, January 17
6, 10 Fri., January 23
Tuesday, January 20
5 Tue., January 27
Wednesday, January 21
8, 9, 11, 12, 17, 18 Wed., January 28
Thursday, January 22
13 Thu., January 29
Friday, January 23
3 Fri., January 30
Saturday, January 24
4 Mon., February 2
Tuesday, January 26
2, 15, 16 Tue., February 3
Wednesday, January 27
1, 7, 14 Wed., February 4
Grades 55
Due Dates for Spring Final Grades 2003–2004
Courses Without Examinations
For all spring courses without final examinations, including 300- and 3000-level courses
and courses with approved substitutions (see page 43), final grades are due in the Registrar’s
Office at 20 Garden Street on Monday, May 24.
Courses With Examinations
Date of Examination Examination Group
June Degree
Grades Due
Grades Due
Thursday, May 20 2, 15, 16
Mon., May 24 Thu., May 27
Friday, May 21 1, 7, 14
Tue ., M ay 2 5 Fr i., May 28
Saturday, May 22 5
Wed., May 26 Sat., May 29
Monday, May 24 8, 9, 11, 12, 17, 18
Fri., May 28 Tue., June 1
Tuesday, May 25 6, 10
Sat., May 29 Tue., June 1
Wednesday, May 26 13
Tue ., June 1 We d., June 2
Thursday, May 27 3
Tue ., June 1 Thu ., June 3
Friday, May 28 4
Tue ., June 1 Fr i ., Jun e 4
56 Grades
Submitting Late Grades
Grades must be delivered to the Office of the Registrar at 20 Garden St. on or before the
due dates printed on the grade sheets. Instructors who anticipate that they will be unable to meet
these deadlines should contact the Registrar (617-495-1546).
Final Grades in Full Courses
Final grades in full courses are always cumulative—that is, they represent the standing of
the students from the beginning of the first term of the course, not merely during the second term.
Final Grades for Degree Candidates
Grades for degree candidates must be returned by the date specified on the separate grade
sheets prepared for this purpose. Usually the due date is four working days after the final exami-
nation or, for courses with no final exams, at the end of Reading Period. Grades reported on these
degree grade sheets are final grades and may not be changed except as indicated below in
Changes in Grades.
Changes in Grades
Once a grade has been reported to the Registrar it can be changed only upon the instructor’s
written request to either the Office for Undergraduate Education (for an undergraduate) or the
Dean of the Graduate School (for a graduate student), c/o The Registrar, 20 Garden Street (617-
495-1546). The written request should include an explanation for the grade change. If a grade
change is requested because of a clerical error or misunderstanding of Faculty rules concerning
the grading structure, the appropriate dean will ordinarily authorize the Registrar to change the
grade. In the case of a grade change due to judgmental error, the instructor is expected to review
the work of other students in the course or relevant section(s) to determine that grade equity
would be maintained if the grade change were approved. When late work is the basis of a grade
change request, it is essential that the work have been received by the deadline set by the Faculty:
the end of the Examination Period for undergraduates or the end of the next regular term for
graduate students. Before authorizing any grade change, the appropriate dean must be satisfied
that all students in the course have been treated equitably.
Although the grades of degree candidates are reported before those of other students, these
grades are considered final and are subject to the same regulations for changes.
Posting of Grades
It is the Faculty’s legal responsibility to maintain confidentiality of student grades and also
of materials upon which evaluations are made. For this reason, instructors should not post grades
by student name or student identification number. Furthermore, instructors should never make a
student’s submitted work, such as problem sets, exam booklets, or papers, accessible to anyone
other than the student who has submitted it, unless specifically authorized to do so by the author.
Approximately one week after the end of the final examination period, students can view their
final and midyear grades via the Registrar’s Office website (
Grades 57
Retention of Examination Booklets and Course Records
Most instructors return exam booklets, papers, and other academic work to the students
enrolled in their courses. Work that is not returned to students must be kept in a safe, accessible
location on campus for at least one year after the end of a course. By law, students have the right
to review all materials submitted to a course, and for a reasonable charge, may have copies of
any originals not returned to them. Course heads should be sure to collect from section leaders
and tutors any course assignments that have not been returned to students for appropriate storage.
Faculty who are leaving the FAS or who will be on leave and away from the University should
make appropriate arrangements for maintaining the availability of students’ work.
Addressing Student Problems
The Administrative Boards
The Administrative Board of Harvard College has the responsibility for reviewing all unsat-
isfactory undergraduate records and disciplinary cases for possible action. The Board also votes
on all student petitions for makeup examinations as well as exceptions to the academic rules
described in the Harvard College Handbook for Students. The Board is composed of the Dean
of Harvard College, the Assistant Deans of Freshmen and the Allston Burr Senior Tutors of the
thirteen Houses (see below), and several administrative and teaching members of the Faculty.
The Dean of Harvard College serves as Chair and the Assistant Dean of Harvard College serves
as Secretary.
The Administrative Board of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences reviews and rules
on all matters of discipline and unsatisfactory student performance as well as exceptions to the
rules contained in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Handbook. The Board is composed
of the Dean of the Graduate School, the Administrative Dean, six teaching members of the
Faculty, the Registrar, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, the Dean for Admissions and
Financial Aid, and the Student Affairs Officer. Up to four graduate students serve on the Board
when it is considering appeals of financial aid and teaching fellow appointment decisions.
The Resident Deans: Allston Burr Senior Tutors
and Assistant Deans of Freshmen
Working with the Dean of Harvard College are the thirteen Allston Burr Senior Tutors, one
in each of the Houses. These resident deans are directly responsible for the academic and
personal welfare of undergraduates. The Dean of Freshmen and the three Assistant Deans of
Freshmen in Residence have the same responsibilities for first-year students. The Coordinator of
Transfer and Visiting Student Programs fulfills such responsibilities for visiting undergraduates.
Whenever instructors have a concern about an undergraduate, they are urged to contact the
appropriate resident dean. Students’ House affiliations or freshman status are indicated on
course lists. A list of Senior Tutors and the Assistant Deans of Freshman may be found in the
FA S D i re c to r y on page 66.
Graduate School Office of Student Affairs
Instructors with concerns regarding graduate students’ academic or personal welfare should
contact the Office of Student Affairs in Byerly Hall (617-495-1816). This office is directed by
the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, who has general responsibility for the welfare of
graduate students and monitors students’ academic status. The Associate Dean represents
students in disciplinary cases before the Administrative Board of the Graduate School of Arts
and Sciences and advises students on sexual harassment complaints.
Addressing Student Problems 59
Neglect of Academic Work by Students: Exclusion
A student who is neglecting course work should be warned in writing that he or she risks
exclusion from the course and that exclusion is equivalent to a failing grade. A copy of the
instructor’s warning must be sent to the Dean of Harvard College in the case of an undergraduate
and to the Administrative Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in the case of a
graduate student. If the student continues to neglect academic work after receiving this written
warning, the instructor should then send a second letter requesting exclusion to the appropriate
Dean, who will forward it to the Administrative Board for action. Upon the Boards approval of
the exclusion petition, the student is denied any right to further course evaluation, including final
and makeup examinations.
It is to the advantage of both the student and faculty member to address early a case of gross
neglect of course work. An undergraduate has the option of withdrawing from the course before
the seventh Monday of the term. Beyond that date there remain only a few weeks for the
instructor to pursue the process of warning and exclusion or, conversely, for the student to
recover much lost ground.
Faculty policy gives the Administrative Boards no choice but to grant a makeup exam to
any student who remains in a course until the end of the term and presents a medical excuse,
signed by an appropriate Harvard University Health Service (HUHS) staff member, for missing
the final examination. This policy applies even when circumstances clearly indicate the student’s
gross neglect of academic work during the term.
Reports of Undergraduates with Unsatisfactory Records
The Office of the Registrar encloses unsatisfactory grade report forms with final, midyear,
and midterm grade sheets. Instructors are urged to use these forms to comment on undergrad-
uates who have earned unsatisfactory course grades. (Unsatisfactory grades are: D, E, EXLD,
FL, UNS, ABS. See The Grading System on page 49.) Instructors’ comments on these unsatis-
factory grade reports are of great value to the students’ advisers and to the Administrative Board,
which reviews student records. Instructors should forward unsatisfactory grade reports to the
Registrar along with their grade sheets.
Students Charged with Dishonesty in Course Work
Although instructors have the responsibility for evaluating students’ academic performance,
the Faculty has granted jurisdiction over matters of student dishonesty to the Administrative
Boards. Therefore, any incidence of possible student dishonesty in course work should be reported
at once to the Dean of Harvard College if an undergraduate is involved or to the Dean of the
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in the case of a graduate student. After a preliminary inves-
tigation, the Dean will decide whether to refer the matter to the appropriate Administrative Board.
Each case involving possible student dishonesty that goes to an Administrative Board will
receive a careful hearing. Action taken by either Board can range from “scratch” (the Board
decides that no disciplinary action is warranted) to requirement to withdraw or even a recom-
mendation to the Faculty that the student be dismissed or expelled. In cases involving undergrad-
uates who have misused source materials in the preparation of course work, the Administrative
Board of Harvard College will often recommend and make available appropriate instruction on
the proper use of sources and footnotes.
60 Addressing Student Problems
Students have a right to expect that grading will not be used as punishment for alleged
academic dishonesty that has not been confirmed by the Administrative Board. Students may ask
the Board, through their resident dean, to investigate and resolve informal allegations of
academic dishonesty that have not been brought to the Board’s attention by a faculty member.
Troubled Students
Instructors are not responsible for counseling students on personal or emotional difficulties,
even when those problems affect academic work. Undergraduate students who seem to be
unusually upset or who are in need of special help should be referred to their resident dean
(Allston Burr Senior Tutor or Assistant Dean of Freshmen). Instructors are encouraged to call
the resident dean to discuss their concerns about a particular undergraduate. Concern about a
graduate student should be referred to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in Byerly Hall
(617-495-1816). The Mental Health Service of the Harvard University Health Services (617-
495-2042) and the Bureau of Study Counsel (617-495-2581) are also available to help troubled
students, both undergraduate and graduate.
Teaching Resources
The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning
Science Center 318
Phone: (617-495-4869); Fax: (617-495-3739)
The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, formerly the Danforth Center, was created
in 1975 by vote of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to be a resource for the improvement of
teaching at Harvard. The Center offers consultations for faculty and teaching fellows, videotaping
of classes, support for foreign faculty and teaching fellows, classroom observation, a program to
foster writing across the curriculum, a course on discussion leading skills, a seminar on pedagogy,
as well as orientations, workshops, and a library of books, periodicals, and videotapes. Instructors
interested in these services or any kind of consultation about their teaching are encouraged to call
the Center. A number of teaching resources are also available on the Bok Center’s Website at
Writing Center
Barker Center
Phone: (617-495-1655)
The Writing Center offers individual tutoring and writing assistance to all students in the
FAS. Instructors concerned with the writing skills of a particular student may recommend to the
student that he or she seek assistance through the Writing Center. The Center also has prepared
hand-outs that instructors can reproduce and distribute in an effort to help students better under-
stand the various aspects of good writing.
Bureau of Study Counsel
5 Linden Street
Phone: (617-495-2581); Fax: (617-495-7680)
The Bureau of Study Counsel is a clinical/counseling and learning resource center designed
to help students fully develop their intellectual and emotional potential by addressing the broad
range of their academic and personal concerns. The Bureau offers a wide variety of confidential
Academic: individual academic counseling; study strategy materials; skills-orient-
ed groups and workshops; peer tutoring; freshman Workshop in Studying at Har-
vard; Harvard Course in Reading and Study Strategies;
Psychological: individual personal counseling; individual psychotherapy; topical
groups or workshops on issues of student concern; psychological assessment; in-
terpersonal conflict resolution; and
62 Teaching Resources
Consultative: consultations with faculty, teaching fellows, student organizations,
and administrative and residential staff; supervision of peer counseling and peer ed-
ucation groups; and central coordination and supervision of peer tutoring groups.
Faculty members may contact the Bureau professional staff (comprised of clinical,
counseling, and educational psychologists and teachers) in confidence regarding any question or
concern about a student’s academic performance, classroom behavior, or personal difficulties.
Faculty members may also wish either to recommend the Bureau’s strategic reading compre-
hension course, or to refer a student for tutoring or counseling; a brochure “How to Refer a
Student” is available to aid such conversation. Peer tutoring provides extracurricular assistance
supplemental to (not a substitute for) course instruction. The Dean of the College has designated
the Bureau to act on his behalf in selecting, hiring, supervising, and employing undergraduate
students for financial compensation (“No student may accept compensation for private tutoring
in Harvard courses without the written permission of the Dean. Violation of these rules makes a
student liable to requirement to withdraw.Handbook for Students). Personal counseling and
psychotherapy help students understand their own personal learning goals and styles, deal with
the challenges of this demanding environment, define and achieve their own motivational aspira-
tions, and resolve their psychological conflicts. The Bureau’s services are intended to help students
gain the greatest scholarly and personal benefit from their education, and to support faculty in their
efforts to ensure the highest quality of students’ intellectual and emotional development.
Department of Instructional Media Services
Media and Technology Services (MTS)-formerly Audiovisual Services
(Servicing all FAS Buildings except the Science Center)
Main Office: Science Center B-02 (617-495-9460)
Media and Technology Services provides film, overhead, data, and video projection; audio
recording and amplification; videotape recording, editing, and video graphics; 16mm film and
slide transfers to videotape; film and videotape rentals for the FAS classes; and a screening room
with a seating capacity of 15. Equipment operators are available for selected events and
Office hours are Monday–Thursday, 8 am–5:30 pm Friday, 8 am–5 pm. A technician is on
call until 10 pm, Monday–Thursday during the academic year.
Sever Hall Office: Sever Hall 301 (617-495-9470)
Requests for user-operable equipment within Sever Hall or for Summer School should be
directed to this office.
Instructional Design Services (IDS)
Science Center B-02 (617-495-9114)
IDS can provide 35 mm slides from digital images and bound or flat originals; and scanned
images from sides, bound, or flat originals. There is a charge for these services.
Teaching Resources 63
Language Resource Center (LRC)
Lamont Library, Sixth floor (617-495-9448)
The Language Resource Center (LRC) is comprised of 80 carrels which contain computers,
audio cassette recorders, VCR, DVD, and laser disc players. A server stores foreign language
videos and can stream them in full-motion to all computers in the center. International news and
variety programs from SCOLA 1, 2, & 3 are also accessible on all computers in the center. Some
audio and text material for classes can be accessed from computers on campus via the LRC
website at lrcnt.fas.harvard.edu/Home.html. The LRC also has two video viewing rooms, a
music listening room, a faculty work room, and group areas for small class instruction.
Media Production Center
59 Plympton Street (617-495-9440)
MPC provides studio audio recording and processing, as well as video processing. Audio
tape services include live recording, editing, mixing, archival restoration, and high speed dupli-
cation. Audio recordings are available in a variety of audio formats. Video tape and DVD
services include international standard conversion and duplication of non-copyrighted material.
Piano Technical Services
Piano Technical Services (617-495-2981) restores, repairs, and tunes all FAS pianos. A
minimum seven-day notice is required for tuning requests.
Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Computer Services (HASCS)
HASCS, also known as the FAS Computer Services, provides a variety of computing
services and facilities to students, faculty, and staff of the Harvard University Faculty of Arts and
Sciences (FAS) and its affiliates. Most services are distributed via the FAS Network, a high-
speed, fiber-optic data network that connects student residences, faculty and administrative
offices, libraries, laboratories, and public spaces. HASCS has specialists dedicated to providing
for the needs of instruction, student communication, and faculty-staff interaction. HASCS
maintains a service-oriented website at www.fas.harvard.edu/computing.
Faculty and Staff Technical Support
HASCS offers technical support to faculty and staff through the Faculty and Staff Computer
Support (FASCS) program. FASCS provides support for network connections, software
operation, and hardware repair. A network of local Information Technology (IT) Contacts acts
as liaison to HASCS computer support and often serve as the first line of faculty and staff
computer support. Faculty and staff members may also participate in HASCS training programs,
discussion groups, and clinics, which are designed to improve general computer competency and
knowledge. The FASCS support line at (617-496-2727) is available to IT Contacts and faculty.
Computer assistance for faculty and staff is available via email at fascs@harvard.edu.
64 Teaching Resources
Classrooms and Facilities
HASCS also operates “hands-on” computer classrooms, computing laboratory facilities,
and a specialty multimedia room. For more information about the computer classrooms, or to
schedule a reservation, please see: www.fas.harvard.edu/computing/fasclass/. Course software
is available on the HASCS website, www.fas.harvard.computing. Videoconferencing equipment
is available in the Science Center Technology Showcase for faculty wishing to collaborate over
the Internet. For more information, contact (617-495-9000).
The Instructional Computing Group (ICG) within HASCS assists faculty in implementing
computing options for instruction, such as course websites, class mailing lists, discussion
groups, course accounts, sectioning, and gradebooks. Instructional computer support infor-
mation is on the Web at www.icg.fas.harvard.edu.
University Information Systems (UIS)
Technology Se r vices
219 Western Avenue, Allston, (617-495-5450) or (800-440-7494)
Monday–Friday, 9 am–5 pm
Technology Services offers to faculty, staff and students educational pricing on computer
products, software and accessories. Represented hardware manufacturers include Apple,
Compaq, Gateway, Handspring, Hewlett Packard, IBM, NEC, Palm, Sony, Sun, and Toshiba.
TPC offers additional pricing incentives throughout the year, particularly during its annual back-
to-school program (June to mid-October). The Technology Services technical staff work on a
non-commissioned basis and are trained to provide customers with expert advice that is non-
The Technology Services showroom is located at 26 Dunster Street, Harvard Square in
Cambridge. The Showroom and Telesales are open Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. The
Distribution Center is located at 175 North Harvard Street in Allston and is open for prepaid
order pickup Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.
Repair Operations
219 Western Avenue, Allston (617-496-TECH) (8324)
Monday–Friday 8:30 am–5 pm
Repair Operations offers competitive maintenance contracts, hardware repair, and upgrade
services on a wide variety of computer equipment including Apple, Compaq, Epson, Gateway,
Hewlett Packard, IBM, and Toshiba. All repairs and upgrades are performed by vendor-autho-
rized technicians and carry a 90-day warranty. HarvardCare is a one-year extension of the
manufacturer's warranty covering all parts and labor offered by Repair Operations. HarvardCare
customers receive free installation of any upgrade part purchased at Repair Operations. Ask
about Master Service, a service program available for departments.
Teaching Resources 65
Harvard Printing & Publications Services (HPPS)
Main Production Facility and General Information
219 Western Ave., Allston, (617-495-2175)
Hours and service vary by site.
Customer Service Centers
Harvard Law School, Pound Hall Basement, (617-495-3143)
Harvard Medical School, 180 Longwood Ave., (617-432-1481)
JFK School of Government, 79 JFK St., Littauer, G34, (617-495-1745)
Science Center, One Oxford St., (617-495-7500)
Harvard Printing & Publications Services (HPPS) provides quality digital print, copy, and
mail services at competitive pricing to the Harvard community. HPPS’ customer service centers
are conveniently located throughout the Cambridge campus and in the Medical area and offer a
variety of copying and binding services. Mailing capabilities include inserting, addressing, US
postal permit preparation, and personalized mail merge. Color copying, network print, and self-
service copiers are available at some locations. Pick-up and delivery service is also offered.
Customer service representatives are available for consultation on all services. For information
about the University’s Strategic Print Partnerships, including recommended vendors for such
services as letterhead, stationery, and envelopes, please visit vpf-web.harvard.edu/ofs/
HPPS accepts department billing codes, cash, Crimson cash, credit cards, personal checks,
and student term-bill.
Wheelchair accessible, all sites.
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Dean of the Faculty: University Hall, 2
Floor South
William C. Kirby, (617) 495-1566, wckirby@fas
Assistant Dean of the Faculty: University Hall, 2
Floor South
John Gerry, (617) 496-6976, gerry@fas
Academic Affairs and Faculty Development, University Hall, 3
The office of Academic Affairs handles matters relating to faculty salaries, leaves,
sabbaticals, and retirement, and appointment and review policies. Instructors having
concerns in these areas may speak with their department chair or, if they prefer, with
the office of Academic Affairs. The Office of Faculty Development handles matters
relating to the recruitment of faculty, both senior and junior.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Vincent Tompkins, (617) 496-2969, v_tompkins@harvard.edu
Assistant Deans for Academic Affairs
Trevor Dickie, (617) 495-3613, dickie@fas.harvard.edu
Edward Kleifgen, (617) 495-5083, kleifgen@fas
Rebecca Wassarman, (617) 495-3612, rebecca_wassarman@harvard.edu
Associate Dean for Faculty Development
Laura Gordon Fisher, (617) 496-1162, laura_fisher@harvard.edu
Assistant Dean for Faculty Development
Jennifer Kotilaine, (617) 384-5920, jennifer_kotilaine@harvard.edu
Administration and Finance, University Hall, 2nd Floor North
Executive Dean
Nancy Maull, (617) 496-3992, n_maull@harvard.edu
Associate Dean for Administrative Planning
Leah McIntosh, (617) 495-1632, leah_mcintosh@harvard.edu
Associate Dean for Finance
Cheryl Hoffman-Bray, (617) 496-7102, cheryl_hoffman@harvard.edu
Assistant Deans for Finance
David L. Murphy, (617) 496-1249, david_l_murphy@harvard.edu
Gail M. Pisapio, (617) 496-4197, gpisapio@harvard.edu
Associate Dean for Physical Resources and Planning
David Zewinski, (617) 495-4895, d_zewinski@harvard.edu
Assistant Dean for Physical Resources and Planning
Nazneen Cooper, (617) 495-8451, ncooper@fas
Associate Dean for Administrative Resources
Geoffrey Peters, (617) 495-8456, gpeters@harvard.edu
Assistant Deans for Human Resources
Christopher Kruegler, (617) 495-5571, kruegler@fas
Julie Stanley, (617) 496-1846, jstanley@fas
Special Assistant to the Executive Dean
Kathryn Link, (617) 495-4083, link@fas
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory 67
Administrative Board of Harvard College
For remarks concerning the full membership of the Administrative Board and
its procedures see the Administrative Board Guide for Students: www.college.
Chair: Dean Benedict H. Gross, (617) 495-1555, gross@fas
Secretary: Dean David Fithian, (617) 495-1555, fithian@fas
Allston Burr Senior Tutors
Michael R. Rodriguez Adams House C-18 rodrig2@fas
Stephen Kargère Cabot House A-Entry kargere@fas
Carole Mandryk Currier House Office mandryk@fas
Thomas A. Dingman Dudley House Office, tdingman@fas
Lehman Hall
Paulette Curtis Dunster House J-36 curtis@fas
Oona Ceder Eliot House N-22 ceder@fas
Coral Fernandez-Illescas Kirkland House H-12 cillescas@fas
Catherine Shapiro Leverett House F-5 cshapiro@fas
John Ellison Lowell House A-22 jellison@fas
Bradley Zakarin Mather House Office zakarin@fas
Melinda Gray Pforzheimer House Office mgray@fas
Maria Trumpler Quincy House Office trumpler@fas
James von der Heydt John Winthrop House D-11 vonderh@fas
Animal Resources, The Office of
Director: Dr. Arthur Lage, (617) 432-1289, authur_lage@hms
For policies on research involving animal subjects, see page 23.
Arts, Office for the: 74 Mt. Auburn Street
Director, Jack Megan, (617) 495-8676, megan@fas
Audiovisual Services, see Instructional Media Services.
Bureau of Study Counsel: 5 Linden Street
Director: Charles P. Ducey, (617) 495-2581, cducey@fas
See page 62 for detailed information.
Classroom Scheduling, Office of: 20 Garden Street, (617) 495-1541, classrms@fas
Communications, FAS Office of: 1414 Massachusetts Avenue, 4th Floor
Director: Robert Mitchell, (617) 496-5399, robert_mitchell@harvard.edu
Computer Services, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
The many forms of support offered to instructors by the FAS Computer Services are
outlined on page 64.
Copy/Print Services, see Harvard Printing & Publications Services.
68 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory
Continuing Education and University Extension, The Division of: 51 Brattle Street
Dean of the Division: Michael Shinagel, (617) 495-2930, shinagel@hudce
Core Program: 38 Kirkland Street
Director: Susan W. Lewis, (617) 495-2563, slewis@fas
Assistant Director: Jean H. Leventhal, (617) 495-2563, jleventh@fas
Core Program, Standing Committee on the:
Chair: Dean William C. Kirby, (617) 495-1566, wckirby@fas
Dean Benedict H. Gross, ex officio, (617) 495-1555, gross@fas
Professor Peter J. Burgard, (617) 496-4922, burgard@fas
Professor Andrew Gordon, (617) 495-3220, agordon@fas
Professor Jeffry Frieden, (617) 496-2386, jfrieden@harvard.edu
Professor Thomas F. Kelly, (617) 495-9854, tkelly@fas
Professor Robert Kirshner, (617) 495-7519, rkirshner@cfa
Professor Richard Tuck, (617) 496-0967, richard_tuck@harvard.edu
Development Office: 124 Mount Auburn Street, (617) 495-1636
Dean for Development and Associate Vice President
Beth B. Raffeld, (617) 496-6887, beth_raffeld@harvard.edu
Associate Dean for Development (FAS) and Associate Director
of University Development
Paul T. Keenan, (617) 496-6208, paul_keena[email protected]
Associate Dean for Development
Roger Cheever, (617) 496-0246, rcheever@harvard.edu
Disability Resources, see Student Disability Resources.
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Dean of the Division of
Dean Venkatesh Narayanamurti, (617) 495-5829, venky@deas.harvard.edu
Equal Employment, Officer for:
Rebecca Wassarman, (617) 495-3612, rebecca_wassarman@harvard edu
Faculty Aide Program: Student Employment Office, Byerly Hall, (617) 495-2587
This program is designed to help members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences hire
undergraduate research assistants. Information and application are available on the
website: www.seo.harvard.edu/research.
Film Projection and Rentals, see Instructional Media Services.
Freshmen Dean’s Office: 6 Prescott Street, (617) 495-1574
Dean of Freshmen
Elizabeth Studley Nathans, (617) 495-1574, nathans@fas
Associate Dean of Freshmen
Rory A.W. Browne, (617) 495-1574, rbrowne@fas
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory 69
Assistant Deans of Freshmen in Residence
Wendy E. F. Torrance, (617) 495-1574, wtorran@fas
James Mancall, (617) 495-1574, jmancall@fas
Lesley Nye, (617) 495-1574, nye@fas
Freshman Seminars, House Seminars, and General Education Programs:
6 Prescott Street, (617) 495-1523
Director: Elizabeth Doherty, (617) 495-1523, elizabeth_doherty@harvard.edu
Associate Director: Gerard Denault, (617) 495-1523, gdenault@fas
Graduate Records: see Registrar, Office of the.
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: Byerly Hall, 2nd floor
For a detailed discussion of the history, organization, and regulations of the
Graduate School, consult the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Handbook:
Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Peter T. Ellison, (617) 496-1464, pellison@fas
Administrative Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Margot N. Gill, (617) 496-5274, mgill@fas
Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid
Russell E. Berg, (617) 495-1814, berg@fas
Officers for Admissions and Financial Aid
(Humanities) Robert Lapointe, (617) 495-5396, lapointe@fas
Melissa Carden, (617) 495-5396, carden@fas
(Natural Sciences) Jody Ferraro, (617) 495-5396, ferraro@fas
(Social Sciences) Judith Mehrmann, (617) 495-5396, mehrmann@fas
Janie Rangel, (617) 495-5396, sjrangel@fas
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Garth McCavana, (617) 495-1814, mccavana@fas
Harvard College: University Hall First Floor, (617) 495-1555
Dean of Harvard College
Benedict H. Gross, (617) 495-1555, gross@math
Associate Deans of Harvard College:
Thomas A. Dingman, (617) 495-1521, tdingman@fas
Georgene Herschbach, (617) 495-7897, herschba@fas
Judith Kidd, (617) 496-1740, jhkidd@fas (Acting)
Jeffrey Wolcowitz, (617) 495-2109, j_wolcowitz@harvard.edu
Special Assistant to the Dean
Elizabeth Doherty, (617) 495-1523, elizabeth_doherty@harvard.edu
Assistant Deans of Harvard College:
David Fithian, (617) 384-7261, fithian@fas
Deborah Foster, (617) 495-4245, dfoster@fas
Julia (Judy) Fox, (617) 495-4348, jfox@fas
John T. O’Keefe, (617) 384-7239, okeefe@fas
Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations
Director: S. Allen Counter, 7 Thayer Hall, (617) 495-1527, counter@fas
70 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory
Harvard Printing & Publications Services
See page 65 for a complete list of copy centers and services.
Harvard Yard Operations: Weld Hall, B1, (617) 495-8842
Concerns about classroom maintenance and repair requests should be addressed to
Harvard Yard Operations. Problems with classroom temperature or ventilation are
handled by the University Operations Center (617) 495-5560.
Health Services, Harvard University: Holyoke Center, 75 Mt. Auburn Street
Director: David S. Rosenthal, (617) 495-2010, drose@uhs
Extensive information on the procedures and services of HUHS is provided in the Hand-
book for Students: www.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/handbooks/student/index.html.
House Seminars: see Freshman Seminars.
Human Subjects, Committee on the Use of: Science Center 129, (617) 495-2627
For policies on research involving human subjects and the Committee on Student
Research Participation, please see page 22.
Instructional Media Services
Director: Robert G. Doyle, (617) 495-0757, rdoyle@fas
For a more detailed description of services, see page 63.
Instructional Research and Evaluation, Office of: 20 Garden Street.
Director: Barbara Carroll, (617) 496-5377, bcarroll@fas
International Office: Holyoke Center 864, (617) 495-2789.
Director: Sharon Ladd, (617) 496-2812, sharon_ladd@harvard.edu
Language Resource Center: see Instructional Media Services.
Library Collections and Services
Government Documents and Microforms: Lamont Library, 1
Floor, (617) 495-2479
Interlibrary Loan: Widener Library, 2nd floor, Room 497, (617) 495-2972
Map Collection: Pusey Library, (617) 495-2417
Curator: David A. Cobb, (617) 495-2417, cobb@fas
Research Resources for Instructors
Reserve Books:
Lamont Library, (617) 495-2979
Hilles Library, (617) 495-8722
Cabot Science Library, (617) 495-5355
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory 71
Theatre Collection: Pusey Library, (617) 495-2445
Curator: Frederic Woodbridge Wilson, fwwilson@fas
Overhead Projection: see Instructional Media Services.
Race Relations: see Harvard Foundation.
Registrar, Office of the: 20 Garden Street
The Office of the Registrar oversees the publication of the course catalog and Hand-
book for Students, the scheduling and assignment of classrooms, the preparation of
course lists, the scheduling and proctoring of all final examinations, the processing of
final grades, the maintenance of student records, and the conferring of degrees.
Acting Registrar
Lynn Dunham, (617) 495-8268, ldunham@fas
Associate Registrar of Courses, Scheduling, and Publications
Patricia O’Brien, (617) 496-5140, obrien2@fas
Manager of Classroom Scheduling
Ron Cooper, (617) 495-1541, classrms@fas
Manager of Courses and Catalog
Emily Hall, (617) 384-8271, courses@fas
Manager of Exams and Registration
Toni Trainor, (617) 495-1542, fasexams@fas
Associate Registrar of Student Records and Requirements
Lynn Dunham, (617) 495-8268, ldunham@fas
Assistant Registrar of Student Records and Requirements
Marilyn Danz, (617) 496-3711, mdanz@fas
Pat Dyer, (617) 496-3713, pdyer@fas
Cross Registration
Allison Stamiris, (617) 496-6597, stamiris@fas
Research and Information Technology, Dean for: Lyman 325
Paul C. Martin, (617) 495-7933, martin@harvard.edu
Secretary of the Faculty
John B. Fox, Jr., (617) 495-1522, john_f[email protected]
Assistant Secretary to the Faculty
William Thauer, (617) 495-4426, william_thauer@harvard.edu
The Office of the Secretary supports the effective governance of the Faculty of Arts
and Sciences, and assists faculty and students in formulating and understanding the
policies and programs of the Faculty. Also responsible for the administration of
student prizes, the appointment of Standing Committees, and for Memorial Minutes.
Senior Tutors: see Allston Burr Senior Tutors.
Sourcebook Publications (Core courses only): 38 Kirkland St., (617) 495-4692
72 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory
Sourcebook Publications (other than Core courses): see Coursepacks on the University
Information Services website, page 65.
Student Disability Resources: 20 Garden Street
Director: Louise Russell, (617) 496-8707, (617) 496-3720 V/TTY, lrussell@fas
See page 19 for a detailed discussion of SDR and advice to instructors in dealing with
students with disabilities.
Student Research Participation, The Committee on: 5 Linden Street
Chair: Charles P. Ducey, (617) 495-2581, cducey@fas
Summer School, Division of Continuing Education: 51 Brattle Street
Teaching and Learning, Derek Bok Center for: Science Center 318
Director: James Wilkinson, (617) 495-4869, jwilkins@fas
For a summary of the many services it offers to instructors, see page 62.
Technical Services: see University Information Systems.
Technology Product Center: see University Information Systems.
Transfer and Visiting Student Programs
Director: Julia (Judy) Fox, (617) 496-4892, jfox@fas
Undergraduate Education, Office for: University Hall, 1
Floor North, (617) 495-4211
University Information Systems
For detailed information on UIS services, see page 65.
Videotape Rentals, see Instructional Media Services.
Visiting Undergraduates, see Transfer Students.
Writing Center: Barker Center, (617) 495-1655
Director: Maxine Rodburg, (617) 496-6861, rodburg@fas
Additional information is available on page 62.
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory 73
Department, Division, and Committee Chairs and Representatives
The following lists the Chairs (CH), Head Tutors of undergraduate concentrations (HT),
Directors of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), Directors of Graduate Studies (DGS), and Under-
graduate Advisers (UA) for the departments, divisions, and committees of the Faculty of Arts
and Sciences.
African & African American Studies (617) 495-4113
Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (CH) (on leave 2003-2004)
Professor Lawrence D. Bobo (Acting CH)
Professor Michael C. Dawson (DGS)
Professor Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham (DUS)
African Studies (617) 495-5265
Professor Emmanuel Akyeampong (CH)
Anthropology (617) 495-5564
Professor William L. Fash (CH)
Professor C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky (DGS–Archaeology) (on leave fall term)
Professor Gary Urton (DGS–Archaeology) (fall term)
Professor David Pilbeam (DGS–Biological)
Professor Mary M. Steedly (DGS–Social) (fall term)
Professor Theodore Bestor (DGS–Social) (on leave fall term)
Professor Richard W. Wrangham (HT)
Applied Mathematics (617) 495-2833
Professor Donald G. M. Anderson (DUS)
Archaeology (617) 496-8162
Professor C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky (CH) (on leave fall term)
Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning (617) 496-1240
Professor K. Michael Hays (CH, DGS)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (617) 495-3752
Professor Lars Hernquist (CH)
Professor John Huchra (DGS)
Professor Bryan M. Gaensler (HT)
Biochemical Sciences (617) 495-4106
Professor Richard M. Losick (HT)
Biological Sciences in Dental Medicine (617) 432-4281
Professor Bjørn R. Olsen (CH, DGS)
Biological Sciences in Public Health (617) 432-1563
Professor Dyann F. Wirth (CH, DGS)
Biology (617) 495-2906
Professor William M. Gelbart (HT)
74 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory
Biology (Molecular and Cellular) (617) 495-2300
Professor Andrew P. McMahon (CH)
Professor Raymond Erikson (DGS)
Biology (Organismic and Evolutionary) (617) 495-2305
Professor Andrew A. Biewener (CH)
Professor Naomi E. Pierce (DGS)
Biophysics (617) 495-3360
Professor James M. Hogle (CH, DGS)
Biostatistics (617) 432-2826
Professor Lee-Jen Wei (CH)
Business Economics (617) 495-6106
Professor Jerry R. Green (CH)
Business Studies (617) 495-6106
Professor George P. Baker (CH)
Celtic Languages and Literatures (617) 495-1206
Professor Patrick K. Ford (CH) (on leave spring term)
Professor Tomàs Ò Cathasaigh (Acting CH) (spring term) (DGS)
Chemical Physics (617) 496-7537
Professor Eric J. Heller (CH)
Professor Andrew G. Myers (Co-DGS)
Professor Anthony R. Shaw, Jr. (Co-DGS)
Chemistry and Chemical Biology (617) 495-4076, (617) 495-5696
Professor Stuart L. Schreiber (CH)
Professor Andrew G. Myers (DGS)
Professor Eric N. Jacobsen (DUS)
Chemistry and Physics (617) 496-7537
Professor Eric J. Heller (CH)
Professor Howard Georgi (DUS)
David Morin (Assistant DUS)
Classics (617) 495-4027, (617) 495-4632
Professor Richard F. Thomas (CH) (on leave fall term)
Professor Jan Ziolkowski (Acting CH) (fall term)
Professor Kathleen M. Coleman (DGS)
Professor James Ker (DUS)
Comparative Literature (617) 495-2543
Professor William Mills Todd, III (CH)
Professor Judith Ryan (DGS)
Computer Science (617) 495-2833
Professor Steven J. Gortler (DUS)
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory 75
Core Program (617) 495-2563
Susan W. Lewis (Director)
Dramatic Arts (617) 495-4378
Professor Robert J. Kiely (CH) (on leave spring term)
Earth and Planetary Sciences (617) 495-2351
Professor Jeremy Bloxham (CH)
Professor Daniel P. Schrag (DGS)
Professor John Shaw (HT) (on leave spring term)
East Asian Languages and Civilizations (617) 495-2754
Professor Philip A. Kuhn (CH)
Professor Adam L. Kern (DGS)
Professor Wai-yee Li (HT)
Economics (617) 495-2144, (617) 495-8927
Professor Alberto F. Alesina (CH)
Professor Gary Chamberlain (DGS)
Professor Benjamin M. Friedman (DUS)
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Division of (617) 495-5829
Dean Venkatesh Narayanamurti
Engineering Sciences (617) 495-2833
Professor John W. Hutchinson (Co-DUS)
Professor Aleksandar Kavcic (Co-DUS)
English and American Literature and Language (617) 495-2533
Professor Lawrence Buell (CH)
Professor Nicholas Watson (DGS)
Professor Daniel G. Donoghue (Acting DUS) (fall term)
Professor Elisa New (DUS) (spring term)
Environmental Science and Public Policy (617) 496-6995
Professor James J. McCarthy (CH, HT)
Ethnic Studies (617) 495-4106
Professor Werner Sollors (CH)
European Studies (617) 495-4303
Professor Peter A. Hall (CH) (on leave 2003–2004)
Professor David Blackbourn (Acting CH)
Expository Writing (617) 495-2566
Nancy Sommers (Director)
Folklore and Mythology (617) 495-4788
Professor Stephen A. Mitchell (CH)
Dr. Deborah D. Foster (HT)
Forestry (978) 724-3302
David R. Foster (DGS)
76 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory
Freshman Seminar Program (617) 495-1523
Elizabeth Doherty (Director)
General Education Program and House Seminar Program (617) 495-1523
Elizabeth Doherty (Director)
Germanic Languages and Literatures (617) 495-2339, (617) 495-2347
Professor Eric Rentschler (CH)
Professor Peter J. Burgard (DGS)
Professor Kristin Kopp (HT–German)
Professor Steven A. Mitchell (HT–Scandinavian)
Government (617) 495-2149
Professor Roderick MacFarquhar (CH)
Professor Richard Tuck (DGS)
Professor Sharon R. Krause (HT)
Health Policy (617) 496-5506
Professor Joseph P. Newhouse (CH)
Professor Katherine Swartz (DGS)
History (617) 495-2504
Professor Akira Iriye (CH)
Professor Sugata Bose (DGS)
Professor Joyce E. Chaplin (HT)
History and East Asian Languages (617) 495-2229
Professor Philip A. Kuhn (CH, DGS)
History and Literature (617) 495-4029
Professor Homi K. Bhabha (CH)
Steven Biel (DUS)
History of American Civilization (617) 495-3325
Professor James T. Kloppenberg (CH, DGS)
History of Art and Architecture (617) 495-2377, (617) 496-5404
Professor Yve-Alain Bois (CH)
Professor Ewa Lajer-Burcharth (DGS)
Professor David J. Roxburgh (DUS)
History of Science (617) 495-3741, (617) 495-9978
Professor Allan M. Brandt (CH) (on leave 2003-2004)
Professor Charles E. Rosenberg (Acting CH)
Professor Mario Biagioli (DGS)
Peter Buck (DUS)
Information Technology and Management (617) 495-6106
Professor Marco Iansiti (Co-CH)
Professor H. T. Kung (Co-CH)
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory 77
Inner Asian and Altaic Studies (617) 495-3777, (617) 496-6048
Professor Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp (CH, DGS)
Latin American and Iberian Studies (617) 495-3366
Professor John H. Coatsworth (CH) (on leave 2003-2004)
Professor Thomas B. F. Cummins (Acting CH)
Linguistics (617) 495-4054
Professor Jay Jasanoff (CH, DGS)
Javier Martin-Gonzalez (HT)
Literature (617) 495-4186
Professor Marc Shell (CH)
Sandra Naddaff (DUS)
Mathematics (617) 495-2171
Professor Joseph D. Harris (CH)
Professor Richard L. Taylor (DGS)
Professor Clifford Taubes (DUS)
Medical Sciences, Division of (617) 432-2405
Dean Thomas M. Roberts (CH)
Professor Thomas O. Fox (DGS)
Medieval Studies (617) 496-8893
Professor Michael McCormick (CH)
Middle Eastern Studies (617) 495-4056
Professor Cemal Kafadar (CH)
Professor E. Roger Owen (DGS) (on leave spring term)
Mind, Brain, and Behavior (617) 495-2245
Professor John E. Dowling (Co-CH)
Professor Ken Nakayama (Co-CH) (on leave 2003–2004)
Professor Anne Harrington (Acting Co-CH)
Music (617) 495-2791
Professor Thomas Forrest Kelly (CH)
Professor Bernard Rands (DGS)
Professor Christopher Hasty (HT)
Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations (617) 495-5757
Professor P. Oktor Skjaervo (CH)
Professor John Huehnergard (DGS)
Professor William E. Granara (DUS) (on leave spring term)
Professor Peter Machinist (Acting DUS) (spring term)
Oceanography (617) 495-2351
Professor Michael B. McElroy (CH) (on leave spring term)
Organizational Behavior (617) 495-6106
Professor Joel M. Podolny (Acting CH)
78 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory
Philosophy (617) 495-2191
Professor Richard Moran (CH)
Professor Gisela Striker (DGS)
Professor Warren Goldfarb (HT)
Physics (617) 495-2872
Professor John Huth (CH)
Professor Andrew Strominger (DGS)
Professor Howard Georgi (DUS)
Political Economy and Government (617) 495-1190
Professor Kenneth A. Shepsle (CH)
Professor William W. Hogan (DGS)
Psychology (617) 495-3800
Professor Daniel L. Schacter (CH)
Professor Susan E. Carey (DGS)
Professor Stephen M. Kosslyn (HT)
Public Health Sciences (617) 432-1026
Professor James H. Ware (CH)
Public Policy (617) 495-1190
Professor William W. Hogan (CH)
Regional Studies-East Asia (617) 495-3777
Professor Hue-Tam Ho Tai (CH, DGS) (on leave fall term)
Professor David McCann (Acting CH, DGS) (fall term)
Religion, The Study of (617) 495-5781
Professor David D. Hall (CH)
Professor JoAnn Hackett (DGS)
Christopher G. White (HT)
Romance Languages and Literatures (617) 495-2546
Professor Christie McDonald (CH) (on leave 2003-2004)
Professor Susan R. Suleiman (Acting CH)
Professor Mary Gaylord (DUS)
Professor Janet Beizer (DGS)
Marie-France Bunting (UA)
Professor Franco Fido (DGS)
Elvira DiFabio (UA)
Latin American Studies
Professor Jose Antonio Mazzotti (UA)
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory 79
Professor Joaquim-Francisco Coelho (DGS)
Clémence Jouët-Pastré (UA)
Romance Studies
Professor Bradley S. Epps (UA) (fall term)
Professor Virginie Greene (UA) (on leave fall term)
Professor Doris Sommer (DGS)
Johanna Damgaard Liander (UA)
Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia Program (617) 495-4345
Professor Timothy J. Colton (CH, DGS)
Sanskrit and Indian Studies (617) 495-3295
Professor Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp (CH)
Professor Ali S. Asani (DGS, HT)
Slavic Languages and Literatures (617) 495-4065
Professor Michael Flier (CH) (on leave 2003-2004)
Professor Stephanie Sandler (Acting CH)
Professor Julie Buckler (DGS)
Professor Sue Brown (DUS)
Social Policy (617) 496-5810
Professor Katherine Newman (CH, DGS)
Social Studies (617) 495-2163
Professor Grzegorz Ekiert (CH)
Anya Bernstein (DUS)
Sociology (617) 495-3812
Professor Mary C. Waters (CH)
Professor Martin K. Whyte (DGS)
Professor Peter V. Marsden (HT)
South Asian Studies (617) 496-8570
Professor Sugata Bose (CH)
Special Concentrations (617) 495-5074
Professor Anthony G. Oettinger (CH)
Dean Deborah D. Foster (DUS)
Statistics (617) 495-5496
Professor Donald B. Rubin (CH)
Professor Carl N. Morris (DGS)
Professor S. C. Samuel Kou (Co-HT)
Professor Jun S. Liu (Co-HT)
Ukrainian Studies (617) 495-4053
Professor Roman Szporluk (CH)
80 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Directory
Visual and Environmental Studies (617) 495-3251
Professor Marjorie Garber (CH)
Paul Stopforth (HT)
Womens Studies (617) 495-9199
Professor Afsaneh Najmabadi (CH)
Kath Weston (DUS)
for athletic events 35
for intercollegiate competition 47
for religious holidays 35, 46
from class 33
from examinations 35, 49, 51
inadvertence 47
of instructor 14
unexcused (ABS) 42, 49, 51
Absent (ABS) 42, 49, 51
Academic Affairs and Academic Planning,
Office of 66
Academic Calendar 5–13
2003–2004 5–12
2004–2005 13
Academic year, instructor’s presence during
Adding/dropping courses 31
Addressing Student Problems 58
Administration and Finance, Office of 66
Administrative Board of Harvard College 32,
37, 47, 49, 58, 59, 67
Administrative Board of the Graduate School
Administrative Boards 58, 59
Advanced Standing 26, 33
Advising 58, 60
Allston Burr Senior Tutors. See Senior Tu-
Animal Resources, Office of 23, 67
Animal subjects
research involving 23
Applications for part-time graduate study due
in the GSAS Dean’s Office, Byerly Hall.
5, 7
Assistant Deans of Freshmen 58, 60, 68
Attendance, classroom
responsibilities of students 33
restricted by instructor 34
Auditors 32
Bok Center. See Derek Bok Center
Bracketed courses 24
Bureau of Study Counsel 60, 61, 67
Cabot Science Library 70
Cancelling Classes, Policy on 33
Catalog coordinators 24
Chairs of departments 73
Change of grade 52, 56
Class meeting times 25, 27
holidays and vacations 27
Classrooms 29, 64
Collaboration 36, 43
Commencement 11
Commission of Inquiry 22
Complaints and inquiries 22
Computer Services 63
Computer services
Classrooms 64
FAS Computer Services 67
privacy of information 18
Technical Support 63
University Information Systems 64
training in use of 65
Conference courses 25
student records, papers, and grades 18,
Copy/Print Services 65, 70
Core Curriculum 3
Counseling 60
Course Assistants 14, 15, 38–40
See also Instructional Support Staff
Course catalog. See Courses of Instruction
Course Fees 30
Course head 14, 15, 31, 41, 46, 52, 53
Course Lists 30
Courses 24–26, 28
300-level 24, 26, 33, 40, 51
administration of 24–41
auditing 32
bracketed 24
catalog descriptions of 24
categories for final/midyear exam
substitutions 42
compensation and credit for 40
conference courses 25
creating new 24
dropping/adding 31
evaluation of by CUE Guide 41
final grades in full courses 56
Freshman Seminars 26
House Seminars 26, 50
Independent Study 26–27, 50
limiting enrollment 31
materials/syllabi 29
meeting away from the University 28
meeting times 25, 27
modifying 24–25
my.harvard.edu 30
numbering of 24
overlapping meeting times 32
portal page 30
proseminars 25
reading and research 25–26, 33, 40, 51
retention of records 57
See also Grades; Enrollment
seminars 25
simultaneous enrollment 32
tutorial instruction 25, 50
Undergraduates in 200/2000-level
courses 33
withdrawal from 31
Courses of Instruction 24–26, 31, 44
Cross-registration 6, 9, 10, 25, 32, 52
CUE Guide 41
general examinations 34
grades due 53–55
senior theses 34
Dean of Harvard College 27, 58, 59
Dean of the Graduate School 27, 28, 37, 42,
50, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59
Degree Candidates’ Final Grades 56
Department chairs 73–80
Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning
5, 39, 40, 61
Design Services, Instructional 62
Directors of Graduate Studies 73
Directors of Undergraduate Studies 73
Directory, FAS 66–80
Disability Resource Center, Student 19, 72
Dishonesty in course work 36, 59–60
Dropping/adding courses 31
Dual submission of work 36
Due dates. See Academic Calendar;
Enrollment 31–33
auditors 32
course lists 30
cross-registration 32
employees 32
limiting 31
non-FAS students 32
prerequisites for 31
simultaneous 32, 33
undergraduates in 200/2000-level
courses 33
Evaluation of student work
alternative to final exam 43
before seventh Monday 30
principle governing evaluation of
graduate students 15
responsibility for by Faculty 15
responsiblity for by course assistants 15
Examination groups 44
Examination Period 8, 11, 29, 46
instructor's presence during 29
See also Academic Calendar
absence for athletic events 35
absence for intercollegiate competition
absence for religious holidays 35, 46
absence from 35, 42, 49, 51
Administration 46
categories 42
examination booklets 35, 46, 57
final 42–48
general 34
hour 35
in absentia 47–48
makeup 15, 35, 42, 47–48, 59
medical excuse 35, 47
midterm 35
midyear 42–48
publication of past examinations 48
religious conflicts 46
Requesting a Substitution 43
Students with Disabilities 20
take-home 43, 49, 51
Tentative Examination Schedule 2003–
2004 45
Excluded (EXLD) 49
Exclusion 42, 59
Excused (EXC) 51
Extension of time
graduates (INC) 37, 51
graduates (INS) 52
undergraduates (EXT) 36, 49–50
Faculty Aid Program 68
Faculty Council 47
Faculty meetings 27
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, organization of
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FAS Directory 66–80
Film projection and rentals, services for 62
Final/midyear examinations 42–48
administration of 46
in absentia 47–48
instructor’s presence during 46
proctors 46
scheduling 44, 45
security 46
substitutions 42–43
Final/midyear grades 53–55
due dates 53–55
for degree candidates 55–56
full courses 56
makeup examinations 47–48
Freshman Seminars 26, 50
Freshman Seminars, Committee on 26, 50
Freshmen, Assistant Deans of 58, 60, 69
General Examinations 34
Government Documents and Microforms
Division 70
Grades 49–57
ABS 42, 49, 51
averages (GPA) 52
changes of 52, 56
Due Dates for Fall Final/Midyear
Grades 2003–2004 54
Due Dates for Midterm Grades 2003–
2004 53
Due Dates for Spring Final Grades
2003–2004 55
EXC 51
excellent 49
EXT 49–50
failing 49, 50, 51
final/midyear 53–55
Graduate Student Grades 51
INC 49, 51
late 56
letter 49, 51
midterm 37, 53
non-letter 49–52
PA/FL 27, 31, 33, 50, 51
posting of 56
Rank List 52
responsibility for 15
Review 52
SAT/UNS 26, 50
satisfactory 50
See also Courses
Undergraduate Student Grades 49–50
unsatisfactory 50, 59
Grading system 49–52
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 69
Harassment, sexual 20–21
Harvard College 69
Harvard Printing & Publications Services
(HPPS) 65
Harvard University Faculty of Arts and
Sciences Computer Services (HASCS) 63
Harvard Yard Operations 29, 70
Head Tutors 73–80
Health Services, University 60, 70
Hilles Library 70
Holidays and recesses. See Academic
Honors essays. See Senior theses
Hour examinations 35
House Seminars 2, 26, 50
House System 2
Human subjects
research involving 22
Human Subjects, Committee on the Use of 70
In absentia examinations 47–48
extensions of time 37
Incomplete (INC) 37, 49, 51
Independent Study 26–27, 50
Inquiries and complaints 22
Inquiry, Commission of 22
private 15
responsibility for 14
See also Courses
tutorials 25
Instructional Design Services 62
Instructional Media Services 29, 62
Instructional Support Staff 37–40
appointment guidelines 38
categories of 38
supervision of 38
training of 39
Interlibrary Loan 70
International Office 70
Introduction 2
Lamont Library 70
Language Resource Center (LRC) 63
Late grades 56
Letter grades 49, 51
Makeup examinations 15, 35, 42, 47–48
Map Collection 70
Media and Technology Services 62
Media Services, Instructional 62
Medical excuse 35, 47
Meeting times of courses 25, 27
Mental Health Service 60
Midterm examinations 35
Midterm grades 37, 53
Midyear examinations 42–48
my.harvard.edu 30
Neglect of academic work by students 42, 59
Non-letter grades 49–52
Office of Animal Resources 23, 67
Office of Student Affairs (GSAS) 58
Office of the Registrar 24, 30, 32, 42–48, 49,
53, 56, 71
Papers and Other Written Assignments 36
Papers submitted to more than one course 36
Pass/Fail (PA/FL) 27, 31, 33, 50, 51
cross-registration 32
Independent Study 26–27
instructor’s signature on 31
Piano Technical Services 63
Plagiarism 36, 59–60
Portal page 30
my.harvard.edu 30
Posting of grades 56
Prerequisites 31
Privacy of student records, grades, and other
electronic files 18, 56
Private instruction 15
Proctors 46
Professional Conduct 15
Proseminars 25
Publication of Past Final and Mid-Year
Examinations 48
Rank List 52
Reading and research courses 25–26, 27, 33,
40, 51
Reading Period
dates of 8, 10
instructor's presence during 28
Religious holidays 35, 46
Research involving
animal subjects 23
human subjects 22
Student Research Participation 22
Reserve Books 70
Responsibilities of instructors 14–23
final examinations 46
for evaluation 15
Professional Conduct 15
submission of final/midyear grades 53
Retention of examination booklets and
course records 57
Rooms. See Classrooms 29
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (SAT/UNS) 26,
50, 51
Selection of instructional support staff 37–41
basic definition 25
Freshman 26
House 26
Senior theses 34
Senior Tutors 26, 58, 60, 67
copy/print 65
Sexual harassment 20–21
Shopping period 31
Signature of instructor
requirement of 31
Simultaneous enrollment 32, 33
Sourcebook Publications (Core courses only)
Storm and Emergency Conditions 33
See also Cancelling classes, policy on
Student Affairs, Office of (GSAS) 58
Student Disability Resource Center 19, 72
Student Research Participation,
Committee on 22
compensation and credit for course
work 40
dishonesty in course work 36, 59
privacy of student records and grades
18, 56
troubled 60
Study cards 6, 9, 31, 34
Substitutions for final/midyear examinations
Supervised reading and research. See
Reading and research courses
Supervision of instructional support staff 37–
Syllabi 29
necessary content of 19, 29
Take-home examinations 43, 49, 51
Teaching appointment, definition of 14
Teaching Fellows and Assistants 14, 15, 38–
appointment guidelines 38
luncheon meetings with 40
See also Instructional Support Staff
Technology Services 64
Theatre Collection 71
To The Faculty 1
Troubled students 60
Tuition Assistance Plan for employees 32
Tutorial instruction 25, 50
Tutoring for Pay 15
Undergraduate Advisers 73
Undergraduate Education, Office for 26, 28,
31, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 50, 52, 56, 72
Undergraduate Studies, Directors of 73
University Health Services. See Health
University Information Systems 64
Unsatisfactory records 59
Use of Human Subjects, Committee on the 22
Videotape Rentals 62
Withdrawing from courses 31
Writing Center 61, 72