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SHEA/APIC Guideline: Infection prevention and control in the long-SHEA/APIC Guideline: Infection prevention and control in the long-
term care facility term care facility
Philip W. Smith
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Gail Bennett
ICP Associates, Inc
Suzanne Bradley
University of Michigan Medical School
Paul Drinka
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ebbing Lautenbach
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
See next page for additional authors
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Smith, Philip W.; Bennett, Gail; Bradley, Suzanne; Drinka, Paul; Lautenbach, Ebbing; Marx, James; Mody,
Lona; Nicolle, Lindsay; and Stevenson, Kurt, "SHEA/APIC Guideline: Infection prevention and control in the
long-term care facility" (2008).
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Authors Authors
Philip W. Smith, Gail Bennett, Suzanne Bradley, Paul Drinka, Ebbing Lautenbach, James Marx, Lona Mody,
Lindsay Nicolle, and Kurt Stevenson
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SHEA/APIC Guideline:
Infection prevention and control
in the long-term care facility
Philip W. Smith, MD,
Gail Bennett, RN, MSN, CIC,
Suzanne Bradl ey, MD,
Paul Drinka, MD,
Ebbing Lautenbach, MD,
James Marx, RN, MS, CIC,
Lona Mody, MD,
Lindsay Nicolle, MD,
and Kurt Stevenson, MD
July 2008
Long-term care facilities (LTCFs) may be defined as
institutions that provide health care to people who
are unable to manage independently in the commu-
This care may be chronic care management or
short-term rehabilitative services. The term nursing
home is defined as a facility licensed with an organized
professional staff and inpatient beds that provides
continuous nursing and other services to patients
who are not in the acute phase of an illness. There is
considerable overlap between the 2 terms.
More than 1.5 million residents reside in United
States (US) nursing homes. In recent years, the acuity
of illness of nursing home residents has increased.
LTCF residents have a risk of developing health care-
associated infection (HAI) that approaches that seen in
acute care hospital patients. A great deal of information
has been published concerning infections in the LTCF,
and infection control programs are nearly universal in
that setting. This position paper reviews the literature
on infections and infection control programs in the LTCF.
Recommendations are developed for long-term care
(LTC) infection control programs based on interpreta-
tion of currently available evidence. The recommenda-
tions cover the structure and function of the infection
control program, including surveillance, isolation
precautions, outbreak control, resident care, and
employee health. Infection control resources are also
Hospital infection control programs are well estab-
lished in the US. Virtually every hospital has an infec-
tion control professional (ICP), and many larger
hospitals have a consulting hospital epidemiologist.
The Study on the Efficacy of Nosocomial Infection
Control (SENIC) documented the effectiveness of a hos-
pital infection control program that applies standard
surveillance and control measures.
The major elements leading to a HAI are the infec-
tious agent, a susceptible host, and a means of trans-
mission. These elements are present in LTCFs as well
as in hospitals. It is not surprising, therefore, that
almost as many HAIs occur annually in LTCFs as in
hospitals in the US.
The last 2 decades have seen increased recognition
of the problem of infections in LTCFs, with subsequen t
widespread development of LTCF infection control pro-
grams and definition of the role of the ICP in LTCFs.
An increasingly robust literature is devoted to LTC
infection control issues such as the descriptive epide-
miology of LTCF infections, the microbiology of LTCF
infections, outbreaks, control measures, and isolation.
Nevertheless, there is as yet no SENIC-equivalent study
Professor of Infectious Diseases, Colleges of Medicine and Public
Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska
President, ICP Associates, Inc, Rome, Georgia
; Professor of Internal
Medicine, Divisions of Infectious Diseases and Geriatric Medicine VA
Ann Arbor Healthcare System, and the University of Michigan Medical
School, Ann Arbor, Michigan
; Clinical Professor, Internal Medicine/Ger-
iatrics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Medical College of Wis-
consin–Milwaukee, Wisconsin
; Associate Professor of Medicine and
Epidemiology, Associate Hospital Epidemiologist, Hospital of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, and Senior Scholar, Center for Clinical Epidemi-
ology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
; Infection Preventionist, Broad Street Solu-
tions, San Diego, California
; Assistant Professor, Divisions of Geriatric
Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, and Geriatric Re-
search and Education Center, Veteran Affairs Ann Arbor Healthcare
System, Ann Arbor, Michigan
; Professor, Internal Medicine and Medical
Microbiology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
and Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases,
Department of Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University College
of Medicine, Columbus, Ohio.
Address correspondence to Philip W. Smith, MD, Section of Infectious
Disease, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 985400 Nebraska
Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-5400
Am J Infect Control 2008;36:504-35.
Copyright ª 2008 by the Association for Professionals in Infection
Control and Epidemiology, Inc, and Society for Healthcare
American Journal of Infection Control, Volume 36, Issue 7, September 2008, Pages 504-535
This article is a U.S. government work, and is not subject to copyright in the United States.
documenting the efficacy of infection control in LTCFs,
and few controlled studies have analyzed the efficacy
or cost-effectiveness of the specific control measures
in that setting.
Although hospitals and LTCFs both have closed
populations of patients requiring nursing care, they
are quite different. They differ with regard to pay-
ment systems, patient acuity, availability of labora-
tory and x-ray, and nurse-to-patient ratios. More
fundamentally, the focus is different. The acute
care facility focus is on providing intensive care to
a patient who is generally expected to recover or im-
prove, and high technology is integral to the process.
In LTCFs, the patient population may be very heter-
ogeneous. Most LTCFs carry out plans of care that
have already been established in acute care or eval-
uate chronic conditions. The LTCF is functionally the
home for the resident, who is usually elderly and in
declining health and will often stay for years, hence
comfort, dignity, and rights are paramount. It is a
low-technology setting. Residents are often trans-
ferred between the acute care and the LTC setting,
adding an additional dynamic to transmission and
acquisition of HAIs.
Application of hospital infection control guidelines to
the LTCF is often unrealistic in view of the differences
noted above and the different infection control re-
sources. Standards and guidelines specific to the LTCF
setting are now commonly found. The problem of devel-
oping guidelines applicable to all LTCFs is compounded
by the varying levels ofnursing intensity (eg, skilled nurs-
ing facility vs assisted living), LTCF size, and access to
physician input and diagnostic testing.
This position paper provides basic infection control
recommendations that could be widely applied to
LTCFs with the expectation of minimizing HAIs in
LTC. The efficacy of these measures in the LTCF, in
most cases, is not proven by prospective controlled
studies but is based on infection control logic, adapta-
tion of hospital experience, LTCF surveys, Cente rs for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other guide-
lines containing specific recommendations for LTCFs,
and field experience. Every effort will be made to
address the unique concerns of LTCFs. Because facili-
ties differ, the infection risk factors specific to the
resident population, the nature of the facility, and the
resources available shoul d dictate the scope and focus
of the infection control program.
In a number of instances, specific hospital-oriented
guidelines have been publ ished and are referenced
(eg, guidelines for prevention of intravascular (IV)
device-associated infection). These guidelines are
relevant, at least in part, to the LTC setting but may be
adapted depending on facility size, resources, resident
acuity, local regulations, local infection control issues,
etc. Reworking those sources to a form applicable to
all LTCFs is beyond the scope of this guideline.
Any discussion of infection control issues must be
made in the context of the LTCF as a community. The
LTCF is a home for residents, a home in which they
usually reside for months or years; comfort and
infection control principles must both be addressed.
Demography and definitions
The US population aged 65 to 85 years is increasing
rapidly, and the population aged 85 years and older is
expected to double by 2030.
One of every 4 persons
who reach the age of 65 can be expected to spend
part of his or her life in a nursing home; more people
occupy nursing home beds than acute care hospital
beds in the US.
Approximately 1.5 million persons
in the US reside in a nursing home; there are 15,000
nursing homes in this country.
Ninety percent of nurs-
ing home residents are over 65 years of age, and the
mean age of residents is over 80 years.
A LTCF is a residential institution for providing nurs-
ing care and related services to residents. It may be
attached to a hospital (swing-bed) or free standing;
the latter is often called a nursing home. A resident is
a person living in the LTCF and receiving care, analo-
gous to the patient in a hospital.
Scope of position paper
This position paper addresses all levels of care in the
LTCF. The focus is specifically the LTCF, also known as
the nursing home, caring for elderly or chronically ill
residents. These recommendations generally also
should apply to special extended care situations
(such as institutions for the mentally retarded, psychi-
atric hospitals, pediatric LTCFs, and rehabilitation hos-
pitals). However, other extended care facilities may
have different populations (eg, the residents of institu-
tions for the mentally retarded are much younger than
nursing home residents), different disease risks
(eg, hepatitis B in psychiatric hospitals), or different
levels of acuity and technology (eg, higher acuity in
long-term acute care facilities or LTACs). Thus, the
recommendations may need to be adapted for these
special extended care situations.
Changes from prior Guideline. This position paper
is similar to the 1997 Society for Healthcare Epidemiol-
ogy of A merica (SHEA)/Association for Professionals in
Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) guideline,
although the present version reflects an updating of
research and experience in the field. Several important
areas of discussion are new or changed.
Smith et al September 2008 505
In US LTCFs, 1.6 million to 3.8 million infections
occur each year.
In addition to infections that are
largely endemic, such as urinary tract infections
(UTIs) and lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs),
outbreaks of respiratory and gastrointestinal (GI) infec-
tions are also common.
The overall infection rate in
LTCFs for endemic infections ranges from 1.8 to 13.5
infections per 1000 resident-care days.
For epidemics,
good estimates are difficult to ascertain, but the litera-
ture suggests that several thousand outbreaks may oc-
cur in US LTCFs each year.
The wide ranges of
infections and resulting mortality and costs illustrate
the challenge in understanding the epidemio logy of
infections and their impact in LTCFs. There are cur-
rently little data and no national surveillance systems
for LTCF infections; the estimates have been calculated
based on research studies and outb reak reports from
the medical literature.
As a part of aging, the elderly have diminished
immune response including both phenotypic and
functional changes in Tcells.
However, these changes
are of limited clinical significance in healthy elderly.
Consequently, immune dysfunction in elderly resi-
dents of LTCFs is primarily driven by the multiple
factors that result in secondary immune dysfunction
such as malnutrition , presence of multiple chronic dis-
eases, and polypharmacy, especially with medications
that diminish host defenses (eg, immunosuppres-
In addition, LTCF residents often have cogni-
tive de ficits that may complicate resident compliance
with basic sanitary practices (such as handwashing
and personal hygiene) or functional impairments
such as fecal and urinary incontinence, immobility,
and diminished cough reflex. The elderly nursing
home resident is known to have a blunted febrile
response to infections.
This parallels other age-
related immunologic abnormalities. A notable fever in
this population often signals a treatable infection,
such as UTI or aspiration pneumonia.
While the use of urinary catheters in LTCF residents
has decreased in recent years, utilization remains
around 5%. In LTC residents, the use of invasive devices
(eg, central venous catheters, mechanical ventilators,
enteral feeding tubes) increases the likelihood of a de-
vice-associated infection. Of the over 15,000 LTCFs in
the US in 2004, 42% provided infusion therapy, 22%
had residents with peripherally-inserted central lines,
and 46% provided parenteral nutrition.
challenge for preventing infections in LTCFs is the in-
creasing acu ity of residents, especially with the rapidly
growing subpopulation of postacute residents. Posta-
cute residents are hospitalized patients who are
discharged to LTCFs to receive skilled nursing care or
physical/occupational therapy. In the past, these
patients, often frail, would have remained hospitalized,
but, with increasing efforts to control hospital costs,
these patients are now discharged to LTCFs. In addition
to higher device utilization, these residents are more
likely to receive antimicrobial therapy than long-stay
LTCF residents.
Much remains to be learned about resident and LTCF
factors correlated with HAIs. There is evidence that in-
stitutional factors such as nurse turnover, staffing
levels, prevalence of Medicare recipients, rates of
hospital transfer for infection, intensity of medical
services, and family visitation rates are associated
with incidence of HAI in the LTC setting.
The rate of deaths in LTCF residents with infections
ranges from 0.04 to 0.71 per 1000 resident-days, with
pneumonia being the leading cause of death.
tions are a leading reason for hospital transfer to
LTCF residents, and the resulting hospital costs range
from $673 million to $2 billion each year.
LTCFs and acute care facilities differ in another key
aspect: LTCFs are residential. As residences, LTCFs are
required to provide socialization of residents through
group activities. While these activities are important
for promoting good physical and mental health, they
may also increase communicable infectious disease
exposure and transmission. Occupati onal and physical
therapy activities, while vital toward restoring or main-
taining physical and mental function , may increase
risk for person-to-person transmission or exposure to
contaminated environmental surfaces (eg, physical or
occupational therapy equipment).
Urinary tract infections
In most surveys, the leading infection in LTCFs is
although with restrictive clinical definitions,
symptomatic urinary infection is less frequent t han
respiratory infection.
Bacteriuria is very common in
residents of these facilities but, by itself, is not associ-
ated with adverse outcomes and does not affect sur-
Bacteriuria and UTI are associated with
increased functional impairment, particularly inconti-
nence of urine or feces.
The symptoms of UTI are dysuria and frequency
(cystitis) or fever and flank pain (pyelonephritis). The
elderly may present with atypical or nonlocalizing
symptoms. Chronic genitourinary symptoms are also
common but are not attributable to bacteriuria.
506 Vol. 3 6 No. 7 Smith et al
Because the prevalence of bacteriuria is high, a positive
urine culture, with or without pyuria, is not sufficient
to diagnose urinary infection.
Clinical findings for
diagnosis of UTI in the noncatheterized resident must
include some localization to the genitourinary tract.
The diagnosis also requires a positive quantitative
urine culture. This is obtained by the clean-catch
voided technique, by in and out catheterization, or by
aspiration through a catheter system sampling port.
A negative test for pyuria or a negative urine culture
obtained prior to initiation of antimicrobial therapy
excludes urinary infection.
The prevalence of indwelling urethral catheters in
the LTCF is 7% to 10%.
Catheterization predis-
poses to clinical UTI, and the catheterized urinary tract
is the most common source of bacteremia in LTCFs.
Residents with long-term catheters often present with
fever alone. Residents with indwelling urinary cathe-
ters in the LTCF are uniformly colonized with bacteria,
largely attributable to biofilm on the catheter.
organisms are often more resistant to oral antibiotics
than bacteria isolated from elderly persons in the com-
Catheter-related bacteriuria is dynamic,
and antimicrobial treatment only leads to increased an-
timicrobial resistance.
Thus, it is inappropriate to
screen asymptomatic catheterized residents for bacte-
riuria or to treat asymptomatic bacteriuria.
mens collected through the catheter present for more
than a few days reflect biofilm microbiology. For resi-
dents with chronic indwelling catheters and sympto-
matic infection, changing the catheter immediately
prior to instituting antimicrobial therapy allows colle c-
tion of a bladder specimen, which is a more accurate
reflection of infecting organisms.
Catheter replace-
ment immediately prior to therapy is also associated
with more rapid defervescence and lower risk of early
symptomatic relapse posttherapy.
Guidelines for prevention of cathete r-associated
UTIs in hospitalized patients
are generally applicable
to catheterized residents in LTCFs. Recommended mea-
sures include limiting use of catheters, insertion of
catheters aseptically by trained personnel, use of as
small diameter a catheter as possible, handwashing
before and after cathete r manipulation, maintenance
of a closed catheter system, avoiding irrigation unless
the catheter is obstructed, keeping the collecting bag
below the bladder, and maintaining good hydration in
residents. Urinary catheters coated with antimicrobial
materials have the potential to decrease UTIs but
have not been studied in the LTCF setting. For some res-
idents with impaired voiding, intermittent catheteriza-
tion is an option, and clean technique is as safe as
sterile technique.
External catheters are also a risk
factor for UTIs in male residents
but are significantly
more comfortable and associated with fewer adverse
effects, including symptomatic urinary infection, than
an indwelling catheter.
Local external care is re-
quired. The CDC guideline
briefly discusses care of
condom catheters and suprapubic catheters, but no
guideline for leg bags is available. Leg bags allow for
improved ambulation of residents but probably
increase the risk of UTI because opening of the system
and reflux of urine from the bag to the bladder occur
more frequently than with a standard closed system.
Suggestions for care of leg bags include using aseptic
technique when disconnecting and reconnecting, dis-
infecting connections with alcohol, changing bags at
regular intervals, rinsing with diluted vinegar, and dry-
ing between uses.
A 1:3 dilution of white vinegar has
been recommended for leg bag disinfection.
Respiratory tract infections
Because of the impaired immunity of elder ly per-
sons, viral upper respiratory infections (URIs) that gen-
erally are mild in other populations may cause
significant disease in the institutionalized elderly
Examples include influenza, respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV), parainfluenza, coronavirus, rhi-
noviruses, adenoviruses, and recently discovered hu-
man metapneumovirus.
Pneumonia. Pneumonia or lower respiratory tract
infection (LRTI) is the second most common cause of
infection among nursing home residents, with an inci-
dence ranging from 0.3 to 2.5 episodes per 1000 resi-
dent care-days and is the leading cause of death from
infections in this setting. Elderly LTCF residents are pre-
disposed to pneumonia by virtue of decreased clear-
ance of bacteria from the airways and altered throat
flora, poor functional status, presence of feeding tubes,
swallowing difficulties, and aspiration as well as inade-
quate oral care.
Underlying diseases, such as
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hear t dis-
ease, further increase the risk of pneumonia in this
The clinical presentation of pneumonia
in the elderly often is atypical. While there is a paucity
of typical respiratory symptoms, recent studies have
shown that fever is present in 70%, new or increased
cough in 61%, altered mental status in 38%, and in-
creased respiratory rate above 30 per minute in 23%
of residents with pneumonia.
While acquiring a diagnostic sputum can be diffi-
cult, obtaining a chest radiograph is now more feasible
than in the past. In general it is recommended that a
pulse oximetry, chest radiograph, complete blood
count with differential, and blood urea nitrogen should
be obtained in residents with suspected pneumonia.
Streptococcus pneumoniae appears to be the most com-
mon etiologic agent accounting for about 13% of all
followed by Hemophilus influenzae (6.5%),
Smith et al September 2008 507
Staphylococcus aureus (6.5%), Moraxella catarrhalis
(4.5%), and aerobic gram-negative bacteria (13%).
Legionella pneumoniae also is a concern in the LTCF.
Colonization with methicillin-resistant S aureus
(MRSA) and antibiotic-resistant, gram-negative bacteria
further complicate diagnosis and management of
pneumonia in LTCF residents.
The mortality rate for LTCF-acquired pneumonia is
significantly higher than for community-acquired
pneumonia in the elderly population.
functional status, dementia, increased rate of respira-
tions and pulse, and a change in mental status are con-
sidered to be poor prognostic factors. Several indices
predictive of mortality have been developed and
may be useful in managing residents with
The CDC guideline for prevention of pneumonia
oriented toward acute care hospitals but covers a num-
ber of points relevant to the LTCF, including respiratory
therapy equipment, suctioning techniques, tracheos-
tomy care, prevention of aspiration with enteral feed-
ings, and immunizations. Examples of relevant
recommendations for the LTCF include hand hygiene
after contact with respiratory secretions, wearing
gloves for suctioning, elevating the head of the bed
30 to 45 degrees during tube feeding and for at least
1 hour after to decrease aspiration, and vaccination
of high-risk residents with pneumococcal vaccine.
The evidence for the efficacy of pneumococcal vaccine
in high-risk populations, including the elderly popula-
tion, is debated.
However, the vaccine is safe, rela-
tively inexpensive, and recommended for routine use
in individuals over the age of 65 years.
coccal vaccination rates for a facility are now publicly
reported at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS).
Influenza. Influenza is an acute respiratory disease
signaled by the abrupt onset of fever, chills, myalgias,
and headache along with sore throat and cough,
although elderly LTCF residents may not have this typ-
ical presentation. The incubation period for influenza
is approximately 1 to 2 days.
It is a major threat to
LTCF residents, who are among the high -risk groups
deserving preventive measures.
Influenza is very con-
tagious, and outbreaks in LTCFs are common and often
severe. Clinical attack rates range from 25% to 70%,
and case fatality rates average over 10%.
A killed virus vaccine is available but must be given
annually. Influenza vaccine in the elderly is approxi-
mately 40% effective at preventing hospitalization for
pneumonia and approximately 50% effective at pre-
venting hospital deaths from pneumonia.
concern has been expressed regarding the efficacy of
the influenza vaccine in institutionalized elderly
patients, most authors feel that the influenza vaccine
is effective and indicated for all residents and care-
Recent surveys have shown an increased
rate of influenza vaccination among LTCF residents,
although significant variability exists.
vaccination rates for a facility are now publicly
reported at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
(CMS) Web site
home.asp. Staff immunization rates remain less
impressive, with average immunization rates between
40% and 50% at best.
While viral cultures from nasopharynx remain the
gold standard for diagnosis of influenza, several rapid
diagnostic methods (rapid antigen tests) such as immu-
nofluorescence or enzyme immunoassay have been
developed. These tests detect both influenza A and B
viral antigens from respiratory secretions. Amanta-
dine-resistant influenza has caused LTCF outbreaks
and hence amantadine is not recommended for influ-
enza prophylaxis.
Zanamivir and oseltamivir are
effective against both influenza A and B and have
been approved for prophylaxis and treatment of influ-
enza A and B. Oseltamivir is administered orally and is
excreted in the urine requiring dose adjustments for re-
nal impairment. Zanamivir is given by oral inhalation,
which is a problem in a noncooperative LTCF resident.
Rapid identification of cases in order to promptly
initiate treatment and isolate them to prevent transmis-
sion remains the key to controlling influenza out-
breaks. Other measures recommended during an
outbreak of influenza include restricting admi ssions
or visitors and cohorting of residents with influ-
Infected staff should not work.
Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (TB) also has caused ex-
tensive outbreaks in LTCFs, generally traced to a single
ambulatory resident. Large numbers of staff and resi-
dents may be involved, with a potential to sp read in
the community.
Price and Rutala
found 8.1% of
new employees and 6.4% of new residents to be positive
by the purified protein derivative (PPD) of tuberculin
method in their North Carolina survey, with significant
5-year skin test conversion rates in both groups.
The diagnosis of TB in the LTCF is problematic. Clin-
ical signs (fever, cough, weight loss) are nonspecific.
Chest radiographs, when obtained, often show charac-
teristic pulmonary infiltrates (eg, cavities in the upper
lung fields). Infection with TB usually causes a positive
tuberculin skin test (TST), although occasional false
positives and false negatives are seen. The specificity
of the TST may be improved by an in vitro blood test
of interf eron release in response to TB peptides, such
as the quantiferon test. The most specific diagnostic
test is a sputum culture for TB, but a good specimen
may be difficult to obtain. Recent advances in microbi-
ology have facilitated the diagnosis of TB greatly. Diag-
nostics such as radiometric systems, polymerase chain
Vol . 36 No. 7 Smith et al
reaction (PCR), as well as specific DNA probes help
shorten the time for diagnosis of TB, although suscep-
tibility testing requires several weeks.
Guidelines discussi ng standards for control of TB in
institutions are available.
There appears to be a con-
sensus that TST of residents and personnel in the LTCF
should be undertaken on a regular basis, although
many LTCFs have inadequate TB screening programs.
The cost-effectiveness of using a 2-step TST to survey
for the booster effect is not demonstrable for all popula-
tions, but the 2-step skin test is recommended by the
CDC for initial screening of employees and residents.
For LTCF residents without any known contact with
a case of known TB or other significant risk factors
such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or
immunosuppression, induration of 10 mm or greater
to PPD injection is considered positive. Induration of
5 mm or greater is considered positive in any individual
with recent contact with a known case of TB or other sig-
nificant risk factors such as immunosuppression or
changes on chest x-ray consistent with old TB.
There was a resurgence of TB in the US in the mid-
1980s; multidrug-resistant cases of TB have been seen,
and nosocomial spread within health care facilities is a
In response to this, guidelines have been
promulgated by the CDC that address surveillance
(identification and reporting of all TB cases in the facil-
ity including residents and staff); containment (recom-
mended treatment under directly observed therapy
and appropriate respiratory isolation and ventilation
control measures); assessment (monitoring of surveil-
lance and containment activities); and ongoing educa-
tion of residents, families, and staff.
Since most
LTCFs do not have a negative-pressure room, residents
with suspect ed active TB should be transferred to an
appropriate acute care facility for evaluation. There
should be a referral agreement with that facility.
Skin and soft-ti ssue infections, infestations
Pressure ulcers (also termed decubitus ulcers) occur
in up to 20% of residents in LTCFs and are associated
with increased mortality.
Infected pressure ulcers
often are deep soft-tissue infections and may have
underlying osteomyelitis; secondary bacteremic infec-
tions have a 50% mortality rate.
They require costly
and aggressive medical and surgical therapy. Once
infected, pressure ulcer management requires a multi-
disciplinary approach with involvement of nursing,
geriatrics and infectious disease specialists, surgery,
and physical rehabilitation.
Medical factors predisposing to pressure ulcers have
been delineated
and include immobility, pressure,
friction, shear, moisture, incontinence, steroids, malnu-
trition, and infection. Reduced nursing time can also
increase the risk of developing pressure ulcers. Several
of these factors may be partially preventable (such as
malnutrition and fecal inco ntinence). Prevention of
pressure ulcers involves developing a plan for turning,
positioning, eliminating focal pressure, reducing shear-
ing forces, and keeping skin dry. Attention to nutrition,
using disposable briefs and identifying residents at a
high risk using prediction tools can also prevent new
pressure ulcers.
The goals are to treat infection, promote wound
healing, and prevent future ulcers. Many physical and
chemical products are available for the purpose of
skin protection, debridement, and packing, although
controlled studies are lacking in the area of pressure
ulcer prevention and healing.
A variety of products
may be used to relieve or distribute pressure (such as
special mattresses, kinetic beds, or foam protectors)
or to protect the skin (such as films for minimally
draining stage II ulcers, hydrocolloids and foams for
moderately draining wounds, alginates for heavily
draining wounds). Negative-pressure wound therapy
(vacuum dressings) using gentle suction to provide
optimal moist environment is increasingly being used
in treatment of complex pressure ulcers.
measures such as regular turning are essential as
well. A pressure ulcer flow sheet is a useful tool in
detecting and monitoring pressure ulcers and in
recording information such as ulcer location, depth,
size, stage, and signs of inflammation as well as in tim-
ing of care measures. Infection control measures
include diligent hand hygiene and glove usage.
Because all pressure ulcers, like the skin, are colo-
nized with bacteria, antibiotic therapy is not appropri-
ate for a positive surface swab culture without signs
and symptoms of infection. Nonintact skin is more
likely to be colonized with pathogens. True infection
of a pressure ulcer (cellulitis, osteomyelitis, se psis) is
a serious condition, generally requiring broad-
spectrum parenteral antibiotics and surgical debride-
ment in an acute care facility.
Cellulitis (infection of the skin and soft tissues) can
occur either at the site of a previous skin break (pres-
sure ulcer) or spontaneously. Skin infections generally
are caused by group A streptococci or S aureus. Out-
breaks of group A streptococcal infections have been
described, presenting as cellulitis, pharyngitis, pneu-
monia, or septicemia.
Scabies is a contagious skin infection caused by a
mite. Lesions usually are very pruritic, burrow-like,
and associated with erythema and excoriations,
usually in interdigital spaces of the fingers, palms and
wrists, axilla, waist, buttocks, and the perineal area.
However, these typical findings may be absent in debil-
itated residents, leading to large, prolonged outbreaks in
Diagnosis in an individual with a rash
Smith et al September 2008 509
requires a high index of suspicion in order to recognize
the need for diagnostic skin scrapings. The presence of a
proven case should prompt a thorough search for sec-
ondary cases. A single treatment with permethrin or lin-
dane usually is effective, but repeated treatment or
treatment of all LTCF residents, personnel, and families
occasionally is necessary.
Ivermectin, an oral anti-
helminthic agent, is an effective, safe, and inexpensive
option for treatment of scabies. However, it has not
been approved by the FDA for this indication. Therapy
of rashes without confirming the diagnosis of scabies
unnecessarily exposes residents to the toxic effects of
the topical agents. Because scabies can be transmitted
by linen and clothing, the environment should be
cleaned thoroughly. This includes cleaning inanimate
surfaces, hot-cycle washing of washable items (clothing,
sheets, towels, etc), and vacuuming the carpet.
Other infections
Viral gastroenteritis (caused by rotavirus, enterovi-
ruses, or noroviruses),
bacterial gastroenteritis
(caused by Clostridium difficile, Bacillus cereus, Esche-
richia coli, Camplylobacter spp, C perfringens, or Salmo-
nella spp), and parasites (such as Giardia lambia)are
well-known causes of diarrhea outbreaks in LTCFs.
The elderly are at increased risk of infectious gastro-
enteritis due to age-related decrease in gastric acid. In a
population with a high prevalence of incontinence, the
risk of cross infection is substantial. Person-to-person
spread, particularly due to shared bathroom, dining,
and rehabilitation facilities, plays a role in viral gastro-
enteritis and in Shigella spp and C difficile diarrhea.
Foodborne disease outbreaks also are very common
in this setting,
most often caused by Salmonella
spp or S aureus. E coli O157:H7 and Giardia a lso may
cause foodborne outbreaks, underscoring the impor-
tance of proper food preparation and storage.
in the LTCF, although rarely
detected, may be primary or secondary to an infection
at another site (pneumonia, UTI). The most common
source of secondary bacteremia is the urinary tract,
with E coli being the culprit in over 50% of cases.
As the acuity of illness in LTCF residents has risen, the
prevalence of IV devices and related bacteremic compli-
cations appears to have increased. The CDC guideline
for prevention of IV infections is a useful resource and
generally applicable to the LTCF.
Relevant points
include aseptic insertion of the IV cannula, daily inspec-
tion of the IV for complications such as phlebitis, and
quality control of IV fluids and administration sets.
Conjunctivitis in the adult presents as ocular pain,
redness, and discharge. In the LTCF, cases may be
sporadic or outbreak-associated.
Many cases are
nonspecific or of viral origin; S aureus appears to be
the most frequent bacterial isolate.
conjunctivitis may spread rapidly through the LTCF.
Transmission may occur by contaminated eye drops
or hand cross contamination. Gloves should be
worn for contact with eyes or ocular secretions, with
hand hygiene performed immed iately after removing
Many additional infections have been encountered in
the LTCF, including herpes zoster, herpes simplex, endo-
carditis, viral hepatitis, septic arthritis, and abdominal
infections. There has been a resurgence of ‘‘pediatric’’
infections in the LTCF (eg, pertussis, RSV, and H influen-
zae respiratory tract infections), reflecting the decline of
the host’s immunologic memory with aging.
Epidemic infections in the LTCF
Most LTCF HAIs are sporadic. Many are caused by
colonizing organisms with relatively low virulence. Tis-
sue invasion may be facilitated by the presence of a uri-
nary catheter or chronic wound or following an
aspiration event. Ongoing surveillance (see Surveil-
lance section below) is required to detect epidemic
clustering of transmissible, virulent infections. Out-
breaks must be anticipated. Ideally, infection control
surveillance and practices should be the responsibility
of frontline staff as well as infection control staff.
An outb reak or transmission within the facility may
occur explosively with many clinical cases appearing
within a few days or may, for example, involve an
unusual clustering of MRSA clinical isolates on a single
nursing unit over several months. On the other hand, a
case of MRSA infection may follow a prolonged period
of asymptomatic nasal colonization after an aspiration
event or development of a necrotic wound.
Outbreaks in LTCFs accounted for a substantial pro-
portion (15%) of reported epidemics
(Table 1). Clus-
tering of URIs, diarrhea, skin and soft tissue infection,
conjunctivitis, and antibiotic-resistant bacteriuria
have been noted.
Major outbreaks of infection have
also been ascribed to E coli,
group A strepto-
C difficile
respiratory viruses,
nella spp,
Chlamydia pneumoniae,
and gastrointestinal viruses.
Nursing homes
accounted for 2% of all foodborne disease outbreaks
reported to the CDC (1975-1987) and 19% of
outbreak-associated deaths.
Transmissible gastroin-
testinal pathogens may be introduced to the facility
by contaminated food or water or infected individuals.
High rates of fecal incontinence, as well as gastric
hypochlorhydria, make the nursing home ideal for sec-
ondary fecal-oral transmission.
Other epidemics
include scabies, hepatitis B,
group A streptococcal
infections, viral conjunctivitis, and many other
Vol . 36 No. 7 Smith et al
These outbreaks underscore the vulnerability of the
elderly to infection, as well as the role of cross infection
in residents with urinary catheters and open wounds or
in those with incontinence who require serial contact
care by staff.
In addition, mobile residents with
poor hygiene may interact directly.
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs) such as
MRSA, vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), drug-
resistant S pneumoniae, and multidrug-resistant gram-
negative bacteria (eg, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Acinetobacter spp and extended-spectrum b-lactamase
(ESBL)-producing enterobacteriaceae) are increasingly
important causes of colonization and infection in
In this setting, in fection with MDROs
has been associated with increased morbidity, mortal-
ity, and cost,
although the attributable morbidity,
mortality, and cost of MDROs has not yet been fully
defined. Indeed, LTCF residence has been frequently
identified as a risk factor for antibiotic-resistant infec-
tion in hospitalized patients.
Elderly and disabled residents are at increased risk
for colonization with resistant organisms, and coloni-
zation may persist for long periods of time (ie, months
to years).
Within the LTCF, length of stay in
the facility and accommodation in rooms with multiple
beds have been identified as risk factors for transmis-
sion of MRSA.
Both infected and colonized residents
may serve as sources for the spread of MDROs in the
When MRSA becomes endemic within
a facility, elimination is highly unlikely.
LTCFs can
expect infections with MDROs to be a continuing prob-
lem. Strategies for curbing the emergence and spread
of antimicrobial resistance in LTCFs are discussed
below in ‘‘Antibiotic Stewardship’’ and ‘‘Isolation and
Precautions’’ sections.
Evolution of programs
The 1980s saw a dramatic increase in LTCF infection
control activities, stimulated by federal and state regu-
lations. Several studie s provide insight into the extent
of program development. A 1981 survey of Utah
noted that all facilities had regular infection
control meetings, but none performed systematic sur-
veillance for infections or conducted regular infection
control training. All LTCFs had policies regarding the
maintenance and care of urinary catheters, although
the policies were not uniform. Price et al
12 North Carolina LTCFs in 1985 and found that,
although all 12 had a designated ICP, none of the
ICPs had received special training in this area. Also
noted were deficiencies in isolation facilities, particu-
larly an insufficient number of sinks and recirculated,
inadequately filtered air.
In a 1985 survey of Minnesota LTCFs, Crossley
et al
found that the majority had an infection control
committee (ICC) and a designated ICP, although sub-
stantial deficiencies in resident and employee health
programs occurred. For instance, only 61% offered
the influenza vaccine to residents, and one third did
not screen new employees for a history of infectious
disease problems. A 1988 Maryland survey
that one third of nursing homes still performed routine
environmental cultures, and many lacked proper isola-
tion policies. In 1990, a survey of Connecticut LTCFs
found that most ICPs had received some training in
infection control.
Most LTCFs performed surveil-
lance at least weekly, and most used written criter ia to
determine HAIs.
More recent regional surveys of facilities from Mary-
land and New England in the mid-1990s and Michigan
in 2005 noted increasing gains in time spent in infec-
tion control activities from 1994 to 2005.
In New
England, 98% of facilities had a person designated to
do infection control, 90% were registered nurses, and
52% had formal training.
In the 1990s, an average
of 9 to 12 hours per week was spen t on infection con-
trol; 50% to 54% of that time was spent on surveillance
Seventy-eight to 97% percent of the LTCFs
reported a systematic surveillance system.
definitions were used by 95% of respondents; 81%
used the McGeer criteria, and 59% calculated infection
All facilities reportedly used Universal Precau-
tions in caring for their residents.
By 2005, 50% of responding facilities in Michigan
had a full-time ICP.
The mean time spen t on infec tion
Table 1. Common long-term care facility epidemics
S pneumoniae
Chlamydia pneumoniae
Legionella spp
Other respiratory viruses (Parainfluenza, RSV)
Gastrointestinal: (may be foodborne)
Viral gastroenteritis (Norovirus, etc)
Clostridium difficile
E coli 0157:H7 colitis
Other infections:
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
Group A Streptococcus
Smith et al September 2008 511
control activities by the infection control staff varied
from 40 hours per week for full-time ICPs to 15 hours
per week for part-time staff.
However, part-time
ICPs did not necessarily supervise smaller facilities
with fewer subacute care beds or give fewer in-services
than full-time staff.
Despite these improvements, the number of ICPs per
nursing home bed is 4-fold fewer than the number of
ICPs available in acute care hospitals.
ICPs are more likely to assume noninfection control
functions than acute care ICPs regardless of bed size;
in one survey, 98% of LTCF ICPs had other duties,
while in a Michigan survey, 50% of 34 LTCFs had full-
time ICPs.
Many of these noninfe ction control func-
tions include employee health, staff education and
development, and quality improvement.
In addition,
LTCF ICPs are still less likely to receive additional for-
mal training in infection control (8%) compared with
95% of acute care ICPs.
The results of this study
from Maryland led to a state proposal that at least
one ICP from each LTCF be formally trained in infection
From these surveys, one can develop a composite
picture of the LTCF ICP as a nurse who still has not nec-
essarily received formal training in infection con-
Many ICPs still work part-tim e on infection
control activities regardless of the number of beds or
patient acuity.
While the time spent on infection
control activities appears to have increased signifi-
cantly from 36 to 48 hours per month in the 1990s to
90 to 160 hours per month in 2005, the ICP continues
to have other duties such as general duty nursing, nurs-
ing supervision, in-service education, employee
health, and quality assurance.
Regulatory aspects
LTCFs are covered by federal and state regulations as
well as voluntary agency standards such as those writ-
ten by The Joint Commission (TJC).
Skilled nursing
facilities are required by the Omn ibus Budget Reconcil-
iation Act of 1987 (OBRA) to have an infection control
CMS has published requirements for
that apply to LTCFs accepting Medicare and/
or Medicaid residents. CMS regulations address the
need for a comprehensive infection control program
that includes surveillance of infections; implementa-
tion of methods for preventing the spread of infections
including use of appropriate isolation measures,
employee health protocols, hand hygiene practices;
and appropriate handling, processing, and storage of
For example, the LTCF is required to estab-
lish and maintain an infection control program
designed to provide a safe, sanitary, and comfortable
environment and to help prevent the development
and transmission of disease and infection. Interpretive
guidelines for surveyors further discuss definitions of
infection, risk assessment, outbreak management and
control, measures for preventing specific infections,
staff orientation, antibiotic monitoring, sanitation,
and assessment of compliance with infection control
Because the LTCF is an employer of health care
workers (HCWs), it must comply with federal and/or
state OSHA regulations. For infection con trol, those
deal primari ly with protection of
workers from exposure to bloodborne pathogens
such as HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C
virus (HCV) and from TB exposure.
Adherence of
LTCFs to infection control regulations is an OSHA
Other standards that apply to LTCFs include the fed-
eral minimum requirements for design, construction,
and equipment
and TJC LTC Standards.
2007 TJC Standards for LTC require a written infection
control plan based on an assessment of risk; establish-
ment of priorities, goals, and strategies; and an evalua-
tion of the effectiveness of the interventions. The
Standards also deal with managing an influx of
patients with an infectious disease as well as leader-
ship’s involvement in the program.
In addition,
many states have statutory requirements for LTCFs
that vary widely.
On October 7, 2005, CMS published a final rule
requiring LTCFs to offer annually to each resident
immunization against influenza and to offer lifetime
immunization against pneumococcal disease. LTCFs
are required to ensure that each resident or legal repre-
sentative receive education on the benefits and poten-
tial side effects of the immunizations prior to their
being administered.
The LTCF administrative staff
should be knowledgeable about the federal, state, and
local regulations governing infection control in order
to implement and maintain a program in compliance
with these regulations. The LTCF ICP ideally should
be involved in the formation and revision of regula-
tions, through local and national infection control
and long-term care organizations, to help assure the
scientific validity of the regulations.
Experts in infection control in Canada have called
for 1 full-time formally trained ICP per 150 to
250 long-term beds.
The Consensus Panel from
SHEA and APIC has recommended that nonhospital fa-
cilities including LTCFs provide adequate resources in
terms of personnel, education, and materials to ICPs
to fulfill their functions.
While most of the current
information has been derived from facilities serving
older populations in North America, reports from LTCFs
in Europe and Australia and those serving pediatric
populations are increasing.
512 Vol. 3 6 No. 7 Smith et al
Infection control program elements
The structure and components of an infection con-
trol program are shown in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
Several authors have discussed the components of an
infection control program in the LTCF.
These components generally are drawn from regula-
tory requirements, current nursing home practices,
and extrapolations from hospital programs. The lim-
ited resources of most LTCFs affect the type and extent
of programs developed.
Most authors feel that an in-
fection control program should include some form of
surveillance for infections, an epidemic control
program, education of employees in infection control
methods, policy and procedure formation and review,
an employee health program, a resident health
program, and monitoring of resident care practices.
The program also may be involved in quality improve-
ment, patient safety, environmental review, antibiotic
monitoring, product review and evaluation, litigation
prevention, resident safety, preparedness planning ,
and reporting of diseases to public health authorities.
An ICP is an essential component of an effective in-
fection control program and is the person designated
by the facility to be responsible for infection control
(see Table 2 ), The ICP usually is a staff nurse, a back-
ground that is helpful for resident assessment and
chart review. The ICP most commonly is a registered
nurse. Because of size and staffing limitations, the
vast majority of LTCF ICPs have other duties, such as
assistant director of nursing, charge nurse, in-service
coordinator, employee health, or performance
improvement. The number of LTCF beds justifying a
full-time ICP is unknown and usually depends on the
acuity level of residents and the level of care provided.
A LTCF with more than 250 to 300 beds may need a full-
time ICP. Th e LTCF ICP, like the hospital ICP, requires
specific training in infection control; well-defined sup-
port from administration; and the ability to interact
tactfully with personnel, physicians, and residents.
APIC and the Community and Hospital Infection
Control Association-Canada (CHICA-Canada) have
developed professional and practice standards for
infection control and epid emiology that address educa-
tion including qualifications and professional develop-
ment for the ICP.
These standards may not represent
the current education and qualifications of ICPs in
many LTCFs, but they serve as a benchmark for which
LTC ICPs and their facilities can strive.
The qualifications include 3 criteria for entering the
profession. The ICP:
Has knowledge and experience in areas of resident
care practices, microbiology, asepsis, disinfection/
sterilization, adult education, infectious diseases,
communication, program administration, and
has a baccalaureate degree (the minimum educa-
tional preparation for the role); and
attends a basic infection control training course
within the first year of entering the profession.
The criteria for professional development include
the ICP maintaining current knowledge and skills in
the area of infection prevention, control, and epidemi-
ology. The professional development standards include
5 criter ia. The ICP:
Table 2. Long-term care facility infection control program: structure
Leadership Expertise/training Role(s)
Infection Control Committee/Oversight Committee
Core members Administration, Nursing Representative, Medical Director, ICP Identifies areas of risk
Ad hoc members Food Service, Maintenance, Housekeeping, Laundry Services,
Clinical Services, Resident Activities, Employee Health
Establishes priorities
Plans strategies to achieve goals
Implements plans
Develops policies/procedures
Allocates resources
Assesses program efficacy at least annually
Infection Control Professional
ICP Qualification via education, experience, certification Surveillance
Data collection and analysis
Implementation of policies, procedures
Reporting to oversight group/ICC
Communication to public health
Communication to other agencies
Communication to other facilities
Smith et al September 2008 513
Becomes cer tified in infection control within 5 years
of entry into the profession and maintains
advances knowledge and skills through continuing
pursues formal education in health care
maintains a knowledge base of current infection pre-
vention and control information through peer net-
working, Internet access, published literature,
and/or professional meetings; and
advances the field of infection prevention and con-
trol and epidemiology through support of related
The inf ection control oversight committee
The regulatory requirement for a formal LTCF ICC
was dropped by OBRA at the federal level, but some
states still require them.
The ICP should be familiar
with state regulations. This committee frequently has
been less active than the corresponding ICC in the hos-
pital setting, in part because of decreased physician
availability. A small working group (the infection
control oversight committee) consisting of the ICP,
the administrator, the medical director, and the nursing
supervisor or their des ignee may efficiently make most
of the infection control decisions (Table 2). The ICC
functions may be merged wit h the performance im-
provement or patient safety programs, but infection
control must remain identifiable as a distinct program.
Whatever group is selected to oversee the infection
control program, it should meet regularly to review
infection control data, review policies, and monitor
program goals and activities. Written records of meet-
ings should be kept.
The LTCF administrative staff should support the ICP
with appropriate educational opportunities and
resources, including expert consultation in infectious
diseases and infection control as needed. The partici-
pation of an infectious diseases (ID) physician or other
health care professional with training or experience in
infection control should be available on at least a con-
sultative basis. Information may be obtained from
SHEA ( or 703-684-1006). The
local health department may have useful information,
and local ICPs are another valuable source of informa-
tion, available from the APIC at
Educational opportunities for ICPs
Courses are available for ICPs and health care epi-
demiologists. SHEA offers jointly spo nsored courses
in health care epi demiology and infectio n control
for individuals with different levels of experience.
The SHEA/CDC course is for physicians and others
with advanced training who wish to increase their
expertise in infection control. The SHEA/Infectious
Diseases Society of America (IDSA)/Johns Hopkins
University School of Medi cine of America course is
designed primarily for ID physicians in training. Sim-
ilar courses are offered in Europe through SHEA and
the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and In-
fectious Diseases ( or 703-684-
1006). APIC offers a training course for hospital and
LTCF infection control professionals (
or 202-789-1890). The Nebraska Infection Control
Network offers regular 2-day basic training courses
specifically for LTCF ICPs (, and other
local courses are available.
Table 3. Long-term care facility infection control
program: elements
Elements Examples
Infection control activities
Establish and implement
routine infection control
policies and procedures
Hand hygiene
Standard precautions
Organism-specific isolation
Employee education
Infection identification Develop case definitions
Establish endemic rates
Establish outbreak thresholds
Identification, investigation,
and control of outbreaks
Organism-specific infection control
policies and procedures
MDROs (eg, MRSA)
Disease reporting Public health authorities
Receiving institutions
LTCF staff
Antibiotic stewardship Review of antimicrobial use
Monitoring of patient care practices Aspiration precautions
Pressure ulcer prevention
Invasive device care and use
Facility management issues General maintenance
Food preparation/storage
Laundry collection/cleaning
Infectious waste collection/
Equipment cleaning
Product evaluation Single use devices
Resident health program TB screening
Immunization program
Employee health program TB screening
Occupational exposures
Other program elements
Performance improvement Serve on PI committee
Resident safety Study preventable adverse events
Preparedness planning Develop pandemic influenza
preparedness plan
514 Vol. 3 6 No. 7 Smith et al
Infection surveillance in the LTCF involves the sys-
tematic collection, consolidation, and analysis of data
on HAIs. Standardization of surveillance is desirable.
To facilitate standardization, resources that include
practice guidance for surveillance identifying seven
recommended steps are available. These steps are
(1) assessing the population, (2) selecting the outcome
or process for surveillance, (3) using surveillance
definitions, (4) collecting surveillance data, (5) calculat-
ing and analyzing infection rates, (6) applying risk
stratification methodology, and (7) reporting and using
surveillance information.
Assessing the population. Infection surveillance
may either include all residents in a facility (total house
surveillance) or be targeted at specific subpopulations.
Although facility-wide surveillance is useful for calcu-
lating baseline rates and detecting outbreaks, a more
focused analysis could include examination of infec-
tion rates in residents who are at risk for certain kinds
of infection (such as aspiration pneumonia in residents
receiving tube feedings or bloodstream infection
among residents with indwelling vascular catheters).
Focused surveillance should target infections that are
preventable; that occur frequently; and that are associ-
ated with significant morbidity, mortality, and cost.
Facility-wide surveillance is useful for establishing an
infection control ‘‘presence’’ in the LTCF and may be
required as a part of local or state regulatory programs.
To establish baseline infection rates, track progress,
determine trends, and detect outbreaks, site-specific
rates should be calculated (eg, central line infections
per 1000 central line-days). Routine analysis should
try to explain the variation in site-specific rates. For
example, a change in the rate might be related to a
change in t he resident population. Focused or high-
risk resident surveillance may permit conservation of
resources, although in many small institutions whole
house surveillance is feasi ble.
Selecting the outcome measures. Traditionally
surveillance in the LTCF refers to collection of data on
outcome measures such as HAIs that occur within the
institution (eg, incidence of UTI or central line-
associated bacteremia). These surveillance data are
used primarily to guide control activities, to plan
educational programs, and to detect epidemics, but
surveillance also may detect infections that require
therapeutic act ion.
Process measures (eg, surveillance of infection
control practices) should also be part of the infection
control and quality improvement programs and may
be very helpful in identifying areas for improvement
in practice and for monitoring compliance with regula-
tory aspects of the infection control program.
Examples of process measures include observation of
hand hygiene compl iance, observation of correct cath-
eter care technique, antibiotic utilization studies, time-
liness in administering and reading TB skin tests, and
administration of hepatitis B immunization to new em-
ployees within 10 working days of hire.
Using surveillance definitions. Surveillance
requires objective, valid definitions of infec tions. Most
hospital surveillance definitions are based on the
National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System
(NNIS) criteria,
but no such standard exists for
long-term care. NNIS (now the National Healthcare
Safety Network [NHSN]) definitions depend heavily
on laboratory data and recorded clinical observations.
In the LTCF, radiology and microbiology data are less
available, and written physician notes and nursing
assessments in the medical record usually are brief.
Timely detection of HAI in the LTCF often depends on
recognition of clues to infection by nurses’ aides and
reporting of these findings to the licensed nursing
Positive cultures do not necessarily signify
Modified LTCF-specific surveillance criteria were
developed by a Canadian consensus conference. These
definitions were designed in light of some of the
unique limitations of nursing home surveillance men-
tioned previously. They are used widely, although
they have not yet been validated in the field.
Collecting surveillance data. Published LTCF sur-
veys have been either incidence or prevalence studies.
Prevalence studies detect the number of existing (old
and new) cases in a popul ation at a given time, whereas
incidence studies find new cases during a defined time
period. The latter is preferred because more concur-
rent information can be collected by an incidence
study if data are collected with regularity.
The surveillance process consists of collecting
data on individual case s and determining whether
or not a HAI is present by comparing collected
data to standard written definitions (criteria) of infec-
tions. One recommended data collection method in
the LTCF is ‘‘walking rounds.’’
This is a means
of collecting concurrent and prospective infection
data that are necessary to make infection control de-
cisions. Surveillance should be done on a timely ba-
sis, probably at least weekly.
During rounds, the
ICP may use house reports from nursing staff, chart
reviews, laboratory or radiology reports, treatment
reviews, antibiotic usage data, and clinical observa-
tions as sources of information.
Analysis and reporting of surveillance data. Analysis
of absolute numbers of infections is misl eading;
calculation of rates provides the most accurate informa-
tion. Rates are generally calculated by using 1000 resi-
dent-days as the denominator. In the past, average
Smith et al September 2008 515
daily census has sometimes been used as the denomin-
ator, but resident-days more clearly reflect resident risk.
Infection control data, including rates, then need to be
displayed and distributed to appropriate committees and
personnel (including administration) and used in planning
infection control efforts . The data should lead to specific
interventions such as education and control programs .
To compare rates within a facility or to other facili-
ties, the method of calculation must be identical (in-
cluding the denominator). Even when calculation
methods are consistent, infection rates may differ
between facilities because of different definitions of
infection or differences in resident risk factors and dis-
ease severity, and thus comparisons may not be valid.
Comparison of infection rates between facilities, for
public reporting or other purposes, requires control
of definitions and collection methods, severity adjust-
ing and data validation.
The use of a regional data
set may allow for more meaningful intrafacility
comparison of infection rates.
This may also allow
for interfacility comparisons of infection rates across
a corporation or geographic area.
Analysis and reporting of infection data usually are
done monthly, quarterly, and annually to detect trends.
This process is facilitated by an individual infection
report form, samples of which have been pub-
The statistics used in analysis of data
need not be complex. Computerization for sorting
and analysis of data may be timesaving for larger pro-
grams, and software for use on a personal computer is
available. Graphs and charts facilitate presentation and
understanding of infection control data and also may
be facilitated by computer programs. The commer-
cially available programs may help with analysis of
surveillance data, but manual data collection is still
usually necessary.
The feasibility of routine surveillance in LTCFs has
been demonstrated, and data have been used to pro-
vide a basis for continuing education.
needs to be simple and pragmatic, particularly because
the LTCF ICP may be able to spend only a few hours per
week on infection control act ivities.
Outbreak control
Outbreak surveillance and control should be consid-
ered a high priority for ICPs. The leading causes of LTCF
outbreaks are discussed above and listed in Table 1.
When the number of cases exceeds the normal base-
line, an outbreak within the facility should be consid-
ered. The ICP is advised, and required by CMS, to
monitor resident and staff illnesses, since healthy per-
sonnel may acquire and transmit virulent pathogens.
For many, the word outbreak means a dramatic
clustering of cases of an infectious disease in a
geographic area over a relatively short period of
time. However, the threshold for declaring an out-
break and initiating control measures may be
much lower. For example, we know that influenza
may cause explosive outbreaks in nursing homes.
Public health officials have, therefore, set low thresh-
olds for identifying an outbreak if influenza is sus-
pected so that outbreak control strategies can be
implemented to avoid hig h attack rates. The CDC
recommends defining a nursing home outbreak of
influenza as a single laboratory-confirmed case or
a sudden increase of acute febrile respiratory illness
over the normal background rate.
Special out-
break control measures may, therefore, be appropri-
ate if there is evidence of transmission of an
epidemiologically important pathogen within the fa-
cility rather than waiting for a fully evolved clinical
For TB, an outbreak investigation should be trig-
gered by a single active case. TB outbreaks are often
caused by a single case and may infect large numbers
of residents and staff by the airborne route before
In addition, a single infection caused
by Legionella spp, scabies, Salmonella spp, or other GI
pathogens associated with outbreaks should trigger
an evaluation. A single case of Legionella spp may sig-
nal colonization of the water supply.
The approach to investigating an outbreak includes
(1) determining that an outbreak has occurred, (2) de-
veloping a case definition, (3) case finding, (4) analyz-
ing the outbreak, (5) formulating a hypothesis
regarding mechanism of transmission, (6) designating
control measures, and (7) evaluating control measures.
A CDC SHEA publication is available to guide investiga-
tion of outbreaks.
Given the fact that influenza and norovirus
outbreaks are relatively common, clinical case defini-
tions should be developed in advance and placed in
preexisting policies and procedures. To facilitate rapid
implementation of control measures, the charge nurses
should be empowered by preexisting policies to rapidly
isolate and/or cohort infected individual s and to curtail
contact between residents and staff on units in an out-
break situation .
The LTCF may have difficulty responding to an
epidemic with appropriate measures (such as mass
vaccination or administration of antivirals during an
influenza outbreak) if consent needs to be obtained
on short notice from a resident’s decision maker or pri-
mary physician. One way to circumvent this problem is
to develop preexisting policies and procedures
approved by the medical staff and to obtain consent
for vaccination and outbreak control measures at the
time of admission from the resident or their power of
attorney/medical decision maker.
Vol . 36 No. 7 Smith et al
Isolation and precautions: Importance and
Prevention of transmission of significant pathogens
to patients and HCWs is the major goal of isolation
within health care systems. There are very limited
data on the impact of isolation and infecti on control
precautions, however, on the transmission of patho-
gens within LTCFs. The high prevalence of risk factors
for infection among LTCF residents, the high coloniza-
tion rate of MDROs in skilled care units, and the fre-
quent reports of LTCF infectious disease outbreaks
support the need for appropriate infection control in
that setting.
A unique infection control challenge
for the LTCF is the mobile resident, who may be con-
fused or incontinent and serves as a possible vector
for infectious diseases.
The presence of MDROs in the LTCF has implications
beyond the individual facility. Because residents of
LTCFs are hospitalized frequently, they can transfer
pathogens between LTCFs and receiving hospitals;
transfer of patients colo nized with MDROs between
hospitals and LTCFs has been well documented.
On the other hand, LTCF residents remain in the facility
for extended periods of time, and the LTCF is function-
ally their home. An atmosphere of community is fos-
tered, and residents share common eating and living
areas and participate in various activities. Thus, the
psychosocial consequences of isolation measures
must be carefully balanced against the infection con-
trol benefits.
Isolation recommendations from the CDC have been
available since 1970 but have specifically been targeted
towards acute care settings. ICPs in the LTCF have thus
been required to adapt these practices to their individ-
ual settings. Traditionally, 2 types of systems for imple-
menting barrier precautions in the hospital were
promoted. A Category-Specific System listed 7 cat e-
gories of isolation or precautions based on means of
disease transmission: strict isolation, contact isolation,
respiratory isolation, TB isolation, enteric precautions,
drainage and secretion precautions, and blood and
body fluid precautions. Modifications of this approach
have been promoted since 1970 with a refined Cate-
gory-Specific System in the 1983 recommenda-
A Disease-Specific System listed all
relevant contagious diseases and the recommended
barrier method. In general, the Category-Specific
System was simpler to use, but the Disease-Specific
System consumed fewer resources because precau-
tions were tailored to the specific disease. In the 1983
guideline, blood precautions were expanded to include
body fluids.
In response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic,
the concept of Universal Precautions was introduced
to protect HCWs from all bloodborne exposures.
These recommendations became adopted by OSHA
and have thus been applicable to all health care set-
tings including LTCFs.
In this system, all bloo d
and certain body fluids are considered potentially in-
fectious. Education, provision of needle-disposal units,
provision of protective equipment (such as gloves,
gowns, and protective eye wear), and monitoring
compliance were part of Universal Precautions,
although it alone was not considered a complete isola-
tion system.
CDC isolation guidelines released in 1996 integrated
earlier isolation systems by introducing transmission-
based precautions.
Standard Precautions replaced
Universal Precautions and were to be applied to all
patients. Standard Precautions emphasize hand
hygiene, gloves (when touching body fluids), masks,
eye protection, and gowns (when contamination of
clothing is likely), as well as avoidance of needlestick
and other sharps injuries. More specific isolation was
recommended for patients with documented or sus-
pected contagious pathogens. These include Airborne
Precautions (eg, for varicella, measles, and TB), Droplet
Precautions (eg, for influ enza and other respiratory in-
fections), and Contact Precautions (eg, for MRSA,VRE,
and C difficile diarrhea).
CDC and HICPAC have recently released 2 infection
control guidelines that have application in this regard
to LTCFs. The first one released focuses specifically
on the management of MDROs in health care settings,
and the second is an update to previously recommen-
ded general isolation precautions from 1996 guide-
Respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette and
safe injection practices were added as new elements
of Standard Precautions. Most LTCFs do not have nega-
tive-pressure rooms for Airbor ne Precautions, and
residents with suspected TB should be transferred to
facilities where such units exist.
Isolation and precautions: MDROs
The majority of the infection control literature on
MDROs in the LTCF has focused on MRSA, but these
guidelines may also apply if a facility recognizes signif-
icant problems with other MDROs such as VRE or anti-
biotic-resistant, gram-negative bacilli. Barrier
precautions are important in preventing cross infection
with known resistant microorganisms, but approaches
to isolation of LTCF patients colonized or infected with
MDROs vary substantially across facilities.
Most LTCFs employ at least some type of isolation for
It was found that 90.5% of facilities ac-
cepting patients with MRSA stated that they followed
Contact Precautions despite only 39.7% placing them
in private rooms.
In another survey, most LTCFs in
Smith et al September 2008 517
Nebraska were aware of and often screened for MRSA
and employed some precautions in dealing with these
residents (eg, single room, cohorting, contact isolation,
or placing the resident with MDRO in the same room
as a low-risk roommate).
Another study demon-
strated no difference in transmission of MDROs in a
skilled care unit between contact isolation precautions
and routine glove use.
The authors suggested that
universal glove use may be preferable to contact isola-
tion because it reduces social isolation for LTCF resi-
dents where their health care facility is also their
home. Others have suggested a ‘‘modified’’ contact iso-
lation protocol as often more appropriate in the LTCF
Clearly, additional evidence-based studies
defining the specific isolation needs within LTCF are
General guidelines for control of MRSA
are published but emphasize hospital settings.
These guidelines serve as an appropriate starting point
for adapting an LTCF approach. There are many reports
of aggressive infection control measures containing
MDROs in the hospital setting.
However, data in
the LTCF are very limited, and implementation of isola-
tion procedures identical to those found in a hospital
may result in undesirable social and psychological con-
sequences and functional decline for residents.
SHEA position papers on antimicrobial resistance and
infection control specific ally address the LTCF
and discuss prescreening admissions for resistant bac-
teria, surveillance for resistant bacteria, and endemic
The recent HICPAC isolation guidelines attempt to
address some of the specific needs and concerns of
the LTCF.
The principles in both documents can
be adopted for use in the LTCF setting. The MDRO doc-
ument discusses general control interventions such as
administrative suppor t, education of HCWs, surveil-
lance, and judicious use of antimicrobial agents
(see Antibiotic stewardship section below) that are
applicable in the LTCF setting. LTCFs are encouraged
to identify experts who can provide consultation for
analyzing surveillance data and devising effective
infection control strategies to control MDROs. The de-
velopment of laboratory protocols for storing bacterial
isolates for molecular typing when needed to under-
stand the epidemiology of transmission is recommen-
ded. When the LTCF laboratory has contracted with
an off-site laboratory, the facility will need to develop
an arrangement for storing and testing isolates.
The guid elines
recommend continuing the
use of transmission-based isolation precautions. In
LTCFs, it is advised to consider the individual resident’s
clinical situation when deciding whether to implement
or modify the use of Contact Precautions in addition to
Standard Precautions if colonized or infected with a
MDRO. Standard Precautions are sufficient for rela-
tively healthy and independent residents, ensuring
that gloves and gowns are used for contact with uncon-
trolled secretions, pressure ulcers, draining wounds,
stool, and ostomy tubes/bags.
Contact Precautions are indicated for residents with
MDROs who are ill and totally dependent upon HCWs
for activities of daily living or whose secretions or
drainage cannot be contained. Single rooms for these
residents are recommended if available. The cohorting
of MDRO residents is acceptable if single rooms are not
available. If cohorting is not possible, then placing
residents with MDRO with residents who are low risk
for acquisition or with anticipated short lengths of
stay is advised. While ‘‘low risk for acquisition’’ of an
MDRO has not be en officially defined, one source sug-
gested that it should include residents who are not
immunosuppressed; not on antibiotics; and free of
open wounds, drains, and indwelling urinary cathe-
Case-by-case decisions, as needed, can be
made regarding the best precautions to use for each
resident with a MDRO. With Contact Precautions, wear-
ing a gown and gloves for all interactions that may
involve contact with the resident and their environ-
ment is advised, and eye protection is recommended
when there is risk of splash or spray of respiratory or
other body fluids.
Recommendations for minimizing antibiotic resis-
tance also include using appropriate barrier precau-
tions for MDROs, maintaining a line listing of
residents infected or colonized with MDROs, and not
attempting eradication of MDROs from colonized resi-
It is not recommended that the LTCF refuse
MRSA or VRE cases but develop an institutional strat-
egy for control of the resistant organisms based on
local considerations.
In summary, elements of routine MDRO control for
the LTCF include monitoring MRSA and VRE culture
results, commun icating MDRO data to health care pro-
viders, including routine communication about
MDROs at in-services, assessing compliance with isola-
tion precautions and hand hygiene, monitoring antimi-
crobial usage, notifying receiving or transmitting
facilities of the presence of a MDRO, designating resi-
dents previously known to be infected or colonized
with MDROs, and instituting adequate environmental
cleaning. If a MDRO problem exists in a LTCF and is
not controlled with these basic infection control
practices, then additional control measures are indi-
cated. These include consultation from experts, inten-
sification of education, increased efforts to control
antimicrobial use, active surveillance cultures, point-
prevalence cultu ring of targeted units, intensification
of isolation with compliance assessment, and monitor-
ing environmental cleaning.
Vol . 36 No. 7 Smith et al
Isolation and precautions: Bloodborne
pathogen i ssues
LTCFs may be asked to provide care for persons with
hepatitis C, hepatitis B, HIV, and acquired immunodefi-
ciency syndrome (AIDS), especially for individuals with
advanced disease who are too ill to reside at home but
do not require acute hospital care. Earlier guidelines for
dealing with HI V infection in the health care setting are
incorporated widely in hospitals but also apply in the
The standard approaches to protecting
HCWs and other patients from transmission of blood-
borne pathogens have essentially not changed since
these earlier recommendations. In the current isolation
Standard Precautions are still promoted
as the main method for preventing exposure to blood
and body fluids for all patient interactions. These in-
clude the routine use of hand hygiene, gloves, gowns,
masks, and eye protection, depending upon the antici-
pated exposures.
The guideline also discusses in detail safe work prac-
tices to prevent exposures to bloodborne pathogens,
including prevention of needlesticks and other shar-
p-related injuries; prevention of mucous membrane
contact; safe injection practices; and precautions during
aerosol-generating procedures. Infection control
personnel at all LTCFs should carefully review these
guidelines and develop a plan for implementation
within their facilities. As in hospitals, it is known that
needlestick injuries do occur in the LTCF and usually
are related to needle recapping.
21 1
Plans for regular
education of all staff and for compliance with OSHA
standards should be in place, and LTCFs should ensure
the availability to hepatitis B vaccination and postexpo-
sure prophylaxis for HIV or hepatitis B for all employees
in accordance with the most recent guidelines.
Hand hygiene
Hand hygiene likely remains the most important
infection control measure in the LTCF as well as in
the hospital. Unfortunately, poor compliance with
hand hygiene recommendations has been noted in
LTCFs, as in other settings.
Health care provider
hand contamination is usually transient and amenable
to hand hygiene,
frequent hand hygiene would be
expected to lower LTCF infection rates,
and the
availability of alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispensers
enhances access to hand sanitizing agents.
CDC and HICPAC published a comprehensive hand
hygiene guideline.
Other published guidelines for
hand hygiene and choice of antiseptic agents are also
They recommend the use of bar or
liquid soap when hands are visibly dirty or contami-
nated with proteinaceous material or visibly soiled
with blood or other body fluids. If hands are not visibly
soiled, then the routine use of an alcohol-based hand
rub is recommended in the LTCF. Hands should always
be decontaminated after the removal of gloves. Hand
hygiene with an antiseptic agent or alcohol-based
hand rub is recommended before donning sterile
gloves for performing invasive procedures such as
placement of an intravenous or urinary catheter.
Hand hygiene compliance should be monitored by
the facility.
Resident health
Resident health programs are recommended for pre-
vention of infections,
but comprehensive programs
often are lacking in LTCFs.
One of the major functions
of a resident health program is the immunization of the
elderly resident.
The elderly are underserved in
terms of immunization to tetanus,
as well as pneumo-
coccal and influenza vaccines.
They should receive
pneumococcal vaccine at age 65, when they are rela-
tively immunologically responsive, rather than at age
80 to 85 when entering the LTCF.
Standing orders for
influenza and pneumococcal vaccination are associated
with improved vaccination rates.
Residents should
receive a TB skin test on admission and undergo chest
radiograph if TST positive or symptomatic.
Other resident care practices that should be
addressed include resident hand hygiene, oral hygiene,
prevention of aspiration, skin care, and prevention of
UTIs. Clinical trials in LTCFs have reported no decrease
in infections with routine vitamin or mineral supple-
However, optimal care of comorbid
illnesses and good nutrition are principles of care irre-
spective of impact on infections.
Employee health
Published information on infection control in hospi-
tal personnel is available.
Employee infection
prevention considerations in the LTCF are somewhat
different than in the hospital, but the published litera-
ture and guidelines generally apply to the LTCFs as well
as hospitals. Because of congregate living conditions in
most LTCFs, there are some notable differences inc lud-
ing an increased risk of exposure to residents with her-
pes zoster, scabies, conjunctivitis, influenza, TB, and
viral gastroenteritis. The pediatric LTCF offers addi-
tional challenges to the prevention of infection includ-
ing childhood diseases, such as varicella, measles,
mumps, and rubella.
Regulations concerning protection of employees
from bloodborne pathogens apply to the LTCF.
The LTCF should be able to provide timely chemopro-
phylaxis to employees who may have blood/body
fluid exposure to residents known to have HIV.
Smith et al September 2008 519
Employee health policies and procedures should ad-
dress postexposure follow-up or prophylaxis for cer-
tain infections, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, TB,
scabies, and HIV.
Primary employee vaccination considerations
should include influenza, hepatitis B, tetanus/diphthe-
ria, and pertussis. Varicella, measles, mumps, rubella,
and hepatitis A are of greater concern in the pediatric
LTCF setting. Influenza vaccine campaigns should
require signed declination statements by employees
who decline vaccination.
Adult vaccination information can be found at http:// Vaccination should include hepa-
titis B to protect from this bloodborne pathogen. Vari-
cella vaccine is appropriate if an employee is not
immune. Hepatitis A vaccine may be appropriate in
certain circumstances, especially in behavioral health
and developmental disability facilities. Vaccine Infor-
mation Sheets (VIS) should be given to all adult vacci-
nees as required by the National Childhood Vaccine
Injury Act (42 U.S.C. §300aa-26). Anaphylaxis or any
other adverse event requiring medical attention within
30 days after receipt of a vaccine must be reported to
the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS),
a requirement of the National Vaccine Injury Compen-
sation Program (
Initial assessment of employees and education in
infection control also are important, as is a reasonable
sick-leave policy.
Ill employees may cause signifi-
cant outbreaks in the LTCF.
Initial screening should
include TB, also required by some states.
are required to prohibit employees with communicable
diseases or infected skin lesions from direct contact
with residents and to prohibit employees with poten-
tially infectious skin lesions from contact with resi-
dents’ food.
Education. The value of education of the LTCF ICP
has long been recognized, and surveys of personnel
confirm this need.
The importance of ICP education
is accen tuated by the great turnover in LTCF personnel.
While the benefits of ICP training are widely assumed,
one study analyzed the effects of a 2-day, intensive
basic training program on 266 ICPs.
not only demonstrated an increase in postcourse
knowledge but, at 3- and 12-month follow-up, had a
significant increase in implementation of key infection
control practices. Practices included performance of
surveillance, using infection definitions, calculating
infection rates, and giving employees and residents
TST and influenza vaccine.
The role of education in infection prevention in the
LTCF extends well beyond the ICP. One of the most im-
portant roles of the ICP is education of LTCF personnel
in basic infection control principles. It is recommended
that the ICP routinely assess the e ducational needs of
staff, residents, and families and develop educational
objectives and strategies to meet those needs; collabo-
rate in the development, delivery, and evaluation of
educational programs or tools that relate to infection
prevention, control, and epidemiology; and continu-
ously evaluate the effectiveness of educational pro-
grams and learner outcomes.
Education should focus on new personnel and certi-
fied nursing assistants.
Priority for training should
be directed toward orientation, OSHA-mandated pro-
grams, problem-oriented teaching, and other programs
required by regulations. Surveillance data are an excel-
lent starting point for infecti on control training, and
compliance rounds provide an opportunity for the
ICP to provide timely, informal education to personnel.
Infection control content shoul d include information
on disease transmission, hand hygiene, barrier precau-
tions, and basic hygiene.
In addition, all individuals
with direct resident care responsibility need education
in early problem and symptom recognition. The teach-
ing methods used need to be sensitive to language,
cultural background, and educational level. A coordi-
nated, effective educational program will result in
improved infection control activities.
An tib iotic stewardship
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria pose a significant
hazard in the LTCF, and this resistance has been
strongly associated with antibiotic use.
microbials are among the most frequently prescribed
medications in the LTCF.
Antibiotics are given to approximately 7% to 10% of
residents in LTCFs, frequently for lengthy periods of
A study of 22 LTCFs noted an incidence of
antibiotic prescriptions of 2.9 to 13.9 antibiotic courses
per 1000 resident-days.
Several studies have ques-
tioned the appropriateness of this practice.
A common problem is the failure to distinguish infec-
tion and colonization (such as a positive swab cultu re
of a pressure ulcer or a urine culture showing bacteri-
uria without signs or symptoms of infection) and the
treatment of the colonization with antibiotics. In addi-
tion, antibiotics often are prescribed over the tele-
phone in this setting.
There also appears to be
significant variability in antibiotic prescribing patterns
in the LTCF.
Several reviews and guidelines for infection control
efforts to curb antibiotic resistance in health care set-
tings (including LTCFs) have been published .
These guidelines stress the importance of having an
ICP trained in infection control and LTCF administrative
support and resources for the infection control pro-
The CDC has published a 12-step program
for preventing antimicrobial resistance among LTCF
Vol . 36 No. 7 Smith et al
residents that addresses the broad areas of preventing
infection (eg, resident vaccination), diagnosis/treat-
ment of infection, using antibiotics wisely, and pre-
venting transmission ( A LTCF antibiotic
review program is recommended
and is often found
in LTCFs.
Recent guidelines have addressed the development
of antimicrobial stewardship programs in hospi-
Using this guideline as a starting point, LTCFs
are encouraged to include antimicrobial stewardship
in the LTCF infection control program and discuss ap-
propriate choices for various clinical situations.
A recent survey revealed that fewer than one third
of LTCFs surveyed had any such antibiotic use proto-
cols in place.
Minimum criteria for initiation of an-
tibiotic therapy have been proposed to improve
antimicrobial prescribing in LTCFs
and may be of
assistance in developing antibiotic appropriateness
Approximately two thirds of LTCF professionals
identified a clear need for greater education regarding
judicious antibiotic use in LTCFs.
Education and
development of antibiotic guidelines have improved
antimicrobial usage in the LTCF setting in several
Other aspects of the program
Policies and procedures. An important aspect of in-
fection control programs is the development and up-
dating of infection control policies and procedures.
Because practices change, they should be reviewed
on a scheduled basis. Review of the Bloodborne Patho-
gens Exposure Control Plan is required to be done
Resources are available on the writing of policies
and procedures in general
dietetic service
laundry policies,
physical therapy poli-
and handwashing.
therapy issues may be relevant to the LTCF, including
cleaning of humidifiers, respiratory therapy equip-
ment, suctioning technique, and tracheotomy care.
Pharmacy and medication issues include use of multi-
dose medication vials and resident specific creams and
A policy and procedure on hand hygiene are criti-
cally important to have available for staff.
The policy
details specific ind ications for hand hygiene, including
when coming on duty; whenever hands are soiled;
after personal use of toilet; after blowing or wiping
nose; after contact with resident blood or body secre-
tions; before performing any invasive procedures on
a resident; after leaving an isolation room; after han-
dling items such as dressings, bedpans, cathete rs, or
urinals; after removing gloves; before eating; and on
completion of duty. The corresponding procedure
should list explicit steps in the hand hygiene process.
A 15-second handwash is usually recommended.
Alcohol-based hand rubs should be made available
and used by staff, especially when hand washing facil-
ities are inadequate or inaccessible. Hand hygiene
compliance should be monitored.
Facility management. Environmen tal control in the
facility is an important consideration. Routine environ-
mental cultures are not cost-effective and do not usu-
ally generate information relevant to clinical
infections. However, periodic environmental compli-
ance rounds are recommended.
Sources are
available suggesting specific environmental measures
such as dishwasher and laundry cleaning tempera-
although limited data exist.
A related area of concern is sterilization, disinfection,
and asepsis, including the evaluation of cleaning
methods, such as monitoring reuse of disposable
equipment. Resources are available.
An infection
control program should also monitor basic hygiene (eg,
respiratory etiquette) and compliance with proper in-
fection control techniques. Staff, residents, and fami-
lies may all be the source of HAIs if there is a
breakdown in basic hygiene.
Selection of proper disinfectants and antiseptics
requires infection control expertise. Reading the man-
ufacturer’s label directions and following the required
dilution and contact time instructions are recommen-
ded. Infection control input will also be needed on
additional and new products that affect infection
prevention, such as urinary catheter systems, gloves,
and disposable diapers. Quality, efficacy, and cost
issues need to be weighed in product selection.
Waste management is the important in the LTCF.
Medical and biohazardous waste issues are controver-
sial; Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regula-
tions, OSHA regulations, and CDC recommendations
may conflict.
Local health department regulations
should also be checked. Several resources are available
on medical waste issues relevant to the
Disease reporting. Another important function of
the infection control program is disease reporting to
public health authorities. State and local health depart-
ments will provide a list of reportable diseases and
other public health resources.
Performance improvement/resident safety. The in-
creased emphasis on quality indicators in health care is
becoming evident in LTC. There are important differ-
ences in definitions of infection published for LTCF sur-
veillance (see Surveillance section above) and those in
the long-term care Minimum Data Set (MDS) manual.
This is especially important for UTIs. In addition,
CMS provides a Web site called Nursing Home
Smith et al September 2008 521
which posts information to the public on
nursing home quality measures, inspections, staffing,
and other data for individual LTCFs. For instance, UTI
in the CMS MDS requires a physician diagnosis in the
chart and a positive urine culture.
This definition
has been found to be inaccurate compared with stan-
dard de finitions such as the McGeer definition,
requires a com bination of symptoms and signs.
A quality assessment and assurance committee is
Infection control is the prototype quality
improvement or performance improvement (PI) pro-
gram, and many of the techniques used in infection
control are directly applicable to PI, such as data collec-
tion, data analysis, and intervention.
The tradi-
tional performance improvement process focuses on
adverse events and assesses functions of the
In the course of performing infection
surveillance, there is ample opportunity to monitor
compliance with infection control policies and proce-
dures and to provide informal infection control educa-
tion to address observed problems.
Examples of appropriate quality indicators for PI
study include resident immun ization with influenza
and pneumoccoccal vaccines,
employee vaccination
for influenza,
number of employee TSTconversions,
and employee hand hygiene compliance. A national fo-
cus on patient safety and prevention of adverse events
has relevance to the LTC setting as well.
Preparedness planning. The ICP will frequently
play a key role in LTCF preparedness planning. Th e
planning is currently focused on pandemic influenza
but should prepare the LTCF for dealing with a variety
of disaster scenarios. Issues to be considered include
surge capacity, medication availability and rationing,
stockpiling, staff shortages during an influenza pan-
demic, and communication with public health author-
ities for planning purposes.
It appears that the
LTCF ICP will play an important role in preparedness
and that about half of LTCFs have a pandemic influenza
Having appropriate job-related resources is essential
to good performance in the role of infection prevention
and control. A few resources for the ICP are listed
1 Smith PW, editor. Infection control in long-term care
facilities. 2nd ed. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers, Inc
(800-347-7707); 1994. Cost, $38.95.
2 APIC infection connection: long-term care facilities
newsletter. Available from the As sociation for Profes-
sionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (202-
296-2742). Cost for nonmem bers, $15.
3 Strausbaugh LJ, Joseph C. Epidemiology and preven-
tion of infections in residents of long-term care facil-
ities. In: Mayhall CG, editor. Hospital epidemiology
and infection control. Baltimore, MD: Williams &
Wilkins (800-6380672); 2004. Cost, $199.
4 Heymann DL, editor. Control of communicable dis-
eases manual. 18th ed. Washington, DC: American
Public Health Association; 2004. Cost, $33.00.
5 Horan-Murphy E, Barnard B, Chenoweth C, Friedman
C, Hazuka B, Russell B, et al. APIC/CHICA-
Canada infection control and epidemiology: profes-
sional and practice standards. Am J Infect Control
6 McGeer A, et al. Definitions of infection for surveil-
lance in long-term care facilities. Am J Infect Control
7 APIC text of infection control and epid emiology.
Washington, DC: Association for Professionals in
Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc.; 2005.
8 Nicolle LE, Garibaldi RA. Infection control in long-
term care facilities. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol
See Table 4 for scoring scheme.
A. Infection control program
1 An active, effective, facility-wide infection control
program should be established in the LTCF. The pur-
pose of the program is to help prevent the develop-
ment and spread of infectious diseases (Category IC).
Comment: The elements of a program generally
include the following:
a. Surveillance—Systematic data collection to iden-
tify infections in residents
b. Outbreak Control—A system for detection, inves-
tigation, and control of epidemi c infectious diseases
in the LTCF
c. Isolation—An isolation and precautions system to
reduce the risk of transmission of infectious agents
d. Policies and procedures—Relevant to infection
control (see Table 2)
e. Education—Continuing education in infection
prevention and control
f. Resident health program
g. Employee health program
h. Antibiotic stewardship—A system for antibiotic
review and control
i. Disease reporting to public health authorities
j. Facility man agement, including environmental
control, waste management, product evaluation
and disinfection, sterilization and asepsis
Vol . 36 No. 7 Smith et al
k. Performance improvement/resident safety
l. Preparedness planning
2 The infection control program must be in compli-
ance with federal, state, and local regulations (Cate-
gory IC).
B. Infection control administrative structure
1 Oversight of the infection control program should be
defined and should include participation of the ICP,
administration, nursing staff, and physician staff
(Category II).
Comment: A committee, traditionally the ICC
(infection control committee), may oversee the
infection control program for the facility. ICC
members often include the ICP; the medical direc-
tor; and representatives from nursing, administra-
tion, and pharmacy. Participation of other
departments, such as dietary, housekeeping, and
physical therapy, should be considered on an ad
hoc basis. Administrative structures other than
an ICC may provide oversight to the infection con-
trol program. One example is an infection control
oversight committee, a small group consisting of
the LTCF administrator, the ICP, and the medical di-
rector. Alternatively, the performance improve-
ment committee or patient safety committee and
the ICC may be combined, but it is important to
maintain the identity of the infection control pro-
gram. The duties of the ICC should be delegated
appropriately if no formal ICC exists.
2 Formal delegation of infection control oversight
should be made in writing (Category II).
3 The infection control oversight committee should
meet on a regular basis and have a mechanism for
emergent meetings as neede d (Category II).
4 This committee should maintain written minutes
with identification of problems and plans for action
(Category II).
5 The effectiveness of the infection control program
should be evaluated by the administration on at least
an annual basis (Category II).
6 Policies and procedures for investigating, control-
ling, and preventing infection transmission in the
facility should be established (Category IC).
Comment: Other functions include (a) review of
infection control data, (b) approval of policies
and procedures, (c) monitoring program activities,
and (d) recommending policy to the facility
7 Consultation should be available as needed including
with an infectious disease physician or other profes-
sional with expertise in infection control (Category II).
1 One person, the ICP, should be assigned the respon-
sibility of directing infection control activities in the
LTCF. The ICP should be someone familiar with LTCF
resident care problems (Category IC).
2 The ICP should have a written job description of in-
fection control duties (Category II).
3 The ICP is responsible for implementing, monitor-
ing, and evaluating the infection control program
for the LTCF (Category II).
4 The ICP should be guaranteed sufficient time and the
support of the administration to effectively direct the
infection control program (Category II).
5 The ICP (or another appropriate individual, such as
the medical director) should have written authority
to institute infection control measures in emergency
situations (Category IB).
6 The ICP should have a sufficient infection control
knowledge base to carry out responsibilities appro-
priately (Category II).
Comment: A background in infectious diseases,
microbiology, geriatrics, and educational methods
is advisable. Management and teaching skills also
are helpful. Continuing education is essential for
the ICP (eg, meetings, courses, journals).
7 The ICP should know the federal, state, and local reg-
ulations dealing with infection control in the LTCF
(Category II).
8 The ICP should communicate with relevant facility
committees and personnel within the facility, ICPs
from transferring facilities, and public health author-
ities to ensure appropriate isolation and collection of
surveillance information (Category II).
Table 4. Categorization of recommendations
In this document, as in a number of published HICPAC, SHEA, and APIC
guidelines, each recommendation is categorized on the basis of existing
scientific evidence, theoretical rationale, applicability, and national or
state regulations. The following categorization scheme is applied in this
Category IA. Strongly recommended for implementation and strongly
supported by well-designed experimental, clinical, or epidemiologic
Category IB. Strongly recommended for implementation and supported
by some experimental,clinical, or epidemiologic studies and by strong
theoretical rationale.
Category IC. Required for implementation, as mandated by federal or
state regulation or standard.
Category II. Recommended for implementation and supported by
suggestive clinical or epidemiologic studies or by theoretical rationale.
No Recommendation. Unresolved issue. Practices for which insufficient
evidence or no consensus regarding efficacy exists.
Smith et al September 2008 523
9 No recommendation on number of ICPs per 100 LTCF
D. Surveillance
1 The LTCF should have a system for ongoing collec-
tion of data on infections in the institution (Category
2 A documented surveillance procedure should be
used, including written definitions of infections
(Category IB).
Comment: Concurrent surveillance is preferable to
retrospective surveillance. The frequency of
surveillance for HAIs in the LTCF should be based
on factors such as acuity level of the resident
population. Surveillance at least once a week
generally is needed to collect timely data. Surveil-
lance data should be collected from communica-
tion with staff; this may be during walking
rounds in the LTCF. Medical progress notes in the
chart, laboratory or radiology reports, nursing
notes, treatment records, medication records,
physical assessments, environmental observa-
tions, and follow-up information from transfers
to acute care hospitals provide clues to the pres-
ence of infections.
3 The ICP should review surveillance data frequently
and recommend infection control measures, as
appropriate, in response to identified problems
(Category IB).
Comment: Analysis of surveillance data should
include at least the following elements on each
infection to detect clusters and trends: resident
identifier, type of infection, date of onset, location
in the facility, and appropriate laboratory
4 Infection rates should be calculated periodically,
recorded, analyzed, and reported to the administra-
tion and the infection control oversight committee
(Category IB).
Comment: Infection rates usually are calculated
monthly, quarterly, and annually. HAI rates are
calculated preferably as infections per 1000 resi-
dent-days. A standard infection report form facili-
tates reporting of surveillance information. Tables,
graphs, and charts may be used and facilitate edu-
cation of personnel.
5 Surveillance data should be used for planning infec-
tion control efforts, detecting epidemics, directing
continuing education, and identifying individual res-
ident problems for intervention (Category IB).
Comment: In addition to collection of baseline
infection rates, the ICP should perform problem-
focused studies. Examples of special studies are
evaluation of UTIs in catheterized residents, a
study of the occurrence of influenza in vaccinated
versus unvaccinated residents, or the prevalence
of pressure ulcers in bed-bound residents.
6 In addition to the above outcome measures, surveil-
lance should also include analysis of process mea-
sures relevant to infection control (Category II).
Comment: Examples include monitoring hand hy-
giene compliance, observation of aseptic tech-
nique, and measuring HCW influenza vaccination
E. O utbreak control
1 Surveillance data should be used to detec t and
prevent outbreaks in the LTCF (Category IB/IC).
Comment: The occurrence of even a single verified
case of a highly transmissible disease (such as
infectious TB, influenza, scabies, Salmonella, and
norovirus) in the LTCF should prompt notification
of appropriate individuals (such as the medical
director or administrator), consideration of an
outbreak, and institution of control measures.
After the institution of isolation precautions,
assessment of exposed residents and personnel
should be made in a timely fashion to detect other
2 The facility should define authority for intervention
during an outbreak (Category IB).
Comment: The LTCF should have a preexisting
protocol for dealing with infectious disease epi-
demics, including the authority to relocate resi-
dents, confine residents to their rooms, restrict
visitors, obtain cultures, isolate, and administer
relevant prophylaxis or treatment (such as antivi-
rals during an influenza outbreak).
3 In order to facilitate response to an outbreak, con-
sent for appropriate diagnostic or therapeutic mea-
sures should be obtained from the resident or
medical decision maker and the resident’s primary
physician on admission to the facility (Category II).
4 Obtaining cultures of the environment or from
asymptomatic personnel is not recommended
except as targeted by an epidemiologic investigation
(Category II).
5 A TB control program should focus on detection of
active cases in residents and staff and isolation or
transfer of residents with known or suspected pul-
monary TB disease (Category IC).
Vol . 36 No. 7 Smith et al
Comment: TB control programs are mandated by
OSHA. A case of TB in residents or staff that was
or may have been acquired in the facility should
lead to clinical evaluation and TB testing of resi-
dents and employees.
F. The facility
1 Hand hygiene facilities and supplies should be avail-
able and conveniently located for residents and staff
(Category IA).
2 Clean and soiled utility areas should be functionally
separate and clearly designated (Category IC).
3 Appropriate ventilation and air filtration should be
addressed by the LTCF (Category IC).
Comment: If the LTCF provides care for residents
or accepts residents with a diagnosis of active
TB, the airborne infection isolation (AII) require-
ment should be met. If these requirements cannot
be met, a system for transfer of cases to an appro-
priate institution that provides AII should be part
of the overall infection control plan.
4 Housekeeping in the facility should be performed on
a routine and consistent basis to provide for a safe
and sanitary environment (Category IC).
Comment: Cleaning schedules should be kept for
all areas in the LTCF. Cleaning products should
be approved and labeled appropriately; man ufac-
turer’s (or other authoritative) recommendations
for use and dilution should be followed.
5 Measures should be instituted to correct unsafe and
unsanitary practices (Category II).
Comment: Environmental cleanliness may be
monitored by walking rounds with a checklist for
each area of the LTCF. Nursing interventions may
be monitored by direct observation during such
6 Areas in the LTCF with unique infection control con-
cerns (eg, laundry, kitchen, rehabilitation) should
have the appropriate policies and procedures devel-
oped (Category II).
Comment: Laundry policies and procedures
should address the following: proper bagging of
linen at the site of use, transporting linen in appro-
priate carts, cleaning of the carts on a regular basis,
separation of clean and soiled linen, washing tem-
peratures or use of an appropriate chemical mix for
low-temperature washing, covering of clean linen,
protection of personnel handling soiled laundry,
and hand hygiene after contact with soiled linen.
Adequate supplies of clean linen should be avail-
able. Laundry regulations should be addressed if
the facility does its own laundry. Dietetic servi ce
area policies and procedures should address the
following: handling of uncooked foods, cooking
of food, cleaning of food preparation areas, food
storage, cooking and refrigeration temperatures,
cleaning of ice machines, hand hygiene indica-
tions, and employee health. Food and drink should
be limited to specific areas. Policies and procedures
covering infection control aspects of physical ther-
apy (including cleaning of hydrotherapy tanks)
should be developed. It should include cleaning
and disinfection of hydrotherapy equipment,
hand hygiene indications, and cleaning of exercise
equipment. If pets are allowed, the LTCF should
have a policy defining access, containment, clean-
liness, and vaccination of pets.
7 Policies and procedures for disposal of infectious
medical waste (including waste categorization, pack-
aging, storage, collection, transport, and disposal)
should be developed in accordance with federal,
state, and local regulations (Category IC).
Comment: Examples of specific issues include
types of waste disposal bags, cleaning of waste
transportation carts, and types of waste storage
containers. Policies for sharps disposal should be
G. Isolation and precautions
1 Isolation and precautions policies and procedures
should be developed, evaluated, and updated in
accordance with most recent CDC/HICPAC guidance
(Category IC).
2 Regular education programs should be developed to
reinforce understanding and compliance (Category IC).
3 Compliance with these infection control practices
(eg, hand hygiene, isolation) should be monitored
(Category IC).
4 Any isolation and precautions system used should
include implementation of Standard Precautions
for all residents (eg, wearing of gloves, masks, eye
protection, and gowns wh en contamination or
splashing with blood or body fluids is likely) (Cate-
gory IC).
5 Any isolation and precautions system should include
the implementation of transmission-based precau-
tions (Contact Precautions, Droplet Precautions, or
Airborne Precautions) in accordance with current
CDC/HICPAC guidance (Category IB/IC).
6 The LTCF should have a policy dealing with MDROs
(such as MRSA or VRE) that is compatible with cur-
rent national standards (such as the HICPAC isolation
and MDRO guidelines) and appropriate to the LTCF
setting (Category IB).
Smith et al September 2008 525
Comment: This policy should deal with issues
such as acceptance of colonized or infected
patients into the facility, inquiring about coloniza-
tion of admissions with MDROs, and isolation of
residents with MDROs. Denial of admission to
the LTCF solely on the basis of colonization or
infection with a resistant organism is not appropri-
ate. HICPAC recommends intensification of con-
tainment measures for MDROs if ongoing
transmission is occurring.
7 The individual resident’s clinical situation should be
considered when deciding whether to implement or
modify the use of Contact Precautions in addition to
Standard Precautions if colonized or infected with a
MDRO (Category IB/IC).
Comment. Routine glove use is an example of a
form of modified Contact Precautions, but it has
not been validated in the LTCF setting.
8 A program of safe work practices to prevent HCW
exposure should be developed in accordance with
CDC/HICPAC and OSHA guidance. Used needles and
syringes should not be manually recapped, broken,
or bent. Self-capping needles should be used. They
should be disposed of, with all sharps, in a punc-
ture-resistant, leak-proof container (Category IC).
9 Gloves are indicated for contact with blood or body
fluids, contaminated items, mucous membranes, or
nonintact skin (Category IC).
10 Policies should be developed to deal with spills and
personnel exposure to blood or body fluids.
Employees should know how to respond to an
exposure (eg, immediately washing the skin in the
event of a blood exposure). Postexposure prophy-
laxis should be readily available (Category IC).
11 Residents with suspected TB should be placed in a
negative-pressure room or transferred to a facility
with such a room (Category IC).
H. Asepsis and hand hygiene
1 Routine hand hygiene should be encouraged. Hands
should be washed after any patient contact but espe-
cially after contact with body fluids, after removing
gloves, when soiled, and when otherwise indicated
(Category IA). Unless hands are visibly soiled, use
of alcohol-based hand gels is encouraged (Category
2 A hand hygiene policy and procedure should be
developed by the LTCF in accordance with current
CDC/HICPAC guidance with a program of ongoing
hand hygiene education (Category IB/IC).
3 Hand hygiene compliance should be monitored (Cat-
egory IC).
4 Policies and procedures for disinfection and steriliza-
tion should be developed (Category IB).
Comment: These policies and procedures should
address issues such as sterile supplies, reuse of
disposable items, disinfection of equipment
(such as thermometers), and cleaning of noncriti-
cal items. All items, other than disposables, should
be cleaned, disinfected, or sterilized, following
published guidelines and manufacturers’ recom-
mendations. The ICP should identi fy those resi-
dent care procedures that require aseptic
I. Resident care
1 Resident rooms should have an accessible sink, with
soap, water, towels, and toilet facilities (Category II).
Comment: Provision should be made for maintain-
ing adequate resident personal hygiene and for
instructing residents in hygiene and hand hygiene
as appropriate to their functional status.
2 A resident skin care program should be developed to
maintain the skin as a barrier to infection (Category
Comment: Resident skin care should include the
following: routine frequent turning for those
unable to do so themselves, keeping the residents
clean and dry, inspecting all residents’ skin on a
routine basis, ensuring appropriate nutrition,
treating pressure ulcers, and providing prompt
care for any other breaks in skin integrity. Turning
schedules and pressure ulcer assessment forms
may be useful.
3 A program to prevent UTIs should be developed,
including the following:
Routine urinalysis or urine culture to screen for
bacteriuria or pyuria is not recommended (Cate-
gory IA).
Residents with impaired bladder emptying man-
aged with intermittent catheterization should be
managed with a clean technique (Category IA).
s Policies for catheter use should address cathe-
ter insertion, closed drainage systems, mainte-
nance of urinary flow, and indications for
changing the catheter (Category IB).
s Irrigation of indwelling catheters with saline or
antiseptics is not routinely recommended (Cate-
gory IB).
If leg bags are used, the LTCF should develop pol-
icies and procedures for aseptic connection,
cleaning, and storage of leg bags (Category II).
Adequate hydration should be maintained (Cate-
gory II).
Vol . 36 No. 7 Smith et al
Comment: Men with incontinence should have
voiding managed by a condom catheter rather
than ind welling catheter, where possible. Resi-
dents with chronic indwelling catheters should
have the catheter replaced and a specimen
collected immediately prior to initiating antimi-
crobial therapy for symptomatic infection.
4 A program to minimize the risk of pneumonia in the
LTCF should address the following: reducing the po-
tential for aspiration, minimizing atelectasis, and
caring for respiratory therapy equipment (Category
Comment: Pneumonia prevention guidelines are
available, and many of the suggested measures
are applicable to the LTCF.
5 Policies and procedures should be developed for
prevention of infections associated with nasogastric
and gastrostomy feeding tubes, including the follow-
ing: preparation, storage, refrigeration, and adminis-
tration of feeding solutions and care of percutaneous
feeding tube skin sites (Category II).
6 Policies and procedures should be developed for pre-
vention of IV infections, including central lines, if
these devices are used (Category IB).
Comment: Policies should address indications for
IV therapy, the type of dressing used to cover the
IV exit site, cannula insertion, site maintenance,
and chan ging fluids or tubing.
J. Resident heal th program
1 A resident health program should be implemented
(Category II).
There should be explicit and accessible documen-
tation of program components in the resident rec-
ord (Category II).
2 At admission, each resident should have a complete
history (including important past and present infec-
tious diseases), immunization status evaluation,
and recent physical examination (Category II).
3 All newly admitted residents should receive TB
screening unless a physician’s statement is obtained
that the resident had a past positive TST (Category IA/
Comment: A 2-step booster TST is often recom-
mended in this setting.
4 When new or active TB is suggested by a positive
skin-test result, or symptoms are consistent with
active TB, a chest radiograph and medical evaluation
should be obtained (Category II).
5 Follow-up TST for TB should be performed periodi-
cally or after discovery of a new case of TB in a
resident or staff member (Category IB). No recom-
mendation on frequency of routine follow-up TSTs
for residents.
6 Each resident should receive current vaccinations for
tetanus, diphtheria, influenza, pertussis, pneumo-
coccal pneumonia, and any other vaccines recom-
mended by the ACIP (Category IB/IC).
7 Each resident should receive the influenza vaccine
annually in the fall, unless medically contraindicated
(Category IC).
Comment: Facilities should obtain resident con-
sent at admission for yearly influenza vaccination
and use standing orders for yearly influenza
8 Policies and procedures addressing visitors should be
developed to limit introduction of community infec-
tions (such as influenza) into the LTCF (Category II).
K. Employee health program
1 All new employees should have a baseline health
assessment, including immunization status and his-
tory of relevant past or present infectious diseases
(Category 1B/IC).
Comment: The past history of infectious diseases
should address contagious diseases such as chi ck-
enpox, measles, hepatitis, furunculosis, and bacte-
rial diarrhea. Screening cultures of new employees
are rarely indicated.
2 All new employees should receive TSTunless there is
written documentation that the empl oyee had a pos-
itive reaction to a tuberculin test. When new or active
TB is suggested by a positive TST result or by symp-
toms, a chest radiograph and medical evaluation
should be obtained (Categ ory 1A/IC).
Comment: A 2-step booster TST technique is
recommended when indicated. Only empl oyees
who have active pulmonary TB should be
restricted from work.
3 Follow-up skin testing of staff who are TST negative
should be performed periodically based on the
facility’s annual risk assessment or after discovery
of a new case of TB in a resident or staff member
(Category 1A/IC).
Comment: The intradermal Mantoux method or
licensed blood test should be used. The frequency
of testing depends on the regional prevalence of
TB; the facility’s annual risk assessment; and fed-
eral, state, or local regulations.
4 All employees should have current immunizations as
recommended for HCWs by the Advisory Committee
Smith et al September 2008 527
on Immunization Practices (ACIP), with documenta-
tion in the employee record (Category 1A/IC).
5 Employees with blood or body fluid contact should
be offered HBV immunization within 10 working
days of hire and after training has been completed
(Category 1C).
Comment: Refusal of this vaccine should be docu-
mented, using the OSHA-required Declination
Statement for Hepatitis B vaccine.
6 Employees should be offered the influenza vaccine
annually (Category 1A/1C).
Comment: A vaccine declination statement may be
signed by eac h employee who declines influenza
7 Each employee should be taught basic use of per-
sonal protective equipment and hand hygiene and
to consider blood and all body fluids as potentially
infectious (Category 1C).
8 Employees with signs or symptoms of communicable
diseases (eg, cough, rash, diarrhea) should not have
contact with the residents or their food (Category 1B).
9 All employees should be educated to report any sig-
nificant infectious illnesses to their supervisor and
the staff member responsible for employee health
(Category 1B).
Comment: Each employee record should include
factors affecting immune status (such as steroid
therapy, diabetes, HIV infection), history of com-
municable diseases, illnesses, and incidents such
as exposures to con tagious diseases, needl esticks,
injuries, and accidents.
10 The LTCF should develop protocols for managing
employee illnesses and exposures (such as blood-
borne pathogens like HIV and hepatitis B and C, as
well as TB, scabies, or gastroenteritis) (Category
Comment: An employee absentee policy that dis-
courages the employee from working while ill
should be developed.
L. Education
1 Infection control education should be provided at the
initiation of employment and regularly thereafter.
Training should include all staff, especially those
providing direct resident care (Category IC).
2 All programs should be documented with the date,
topic, names of attendees, and evaluations (Category
Comment: Program topics should be timely and
relevant to infection prevention and control. Basic
hygiene, hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette,
transmission of infectious diseases, occupational
health, prevention of TB and bloodborne patho-
gens, Standard and Transmission-based Precau-
tions, infection control standards, and the
susceptibility of residents to infectious diseases
are topics that should be included. The ICP may
recommend topics. Surveillance data are of inter-
est to staff and may be included as appropriate.
The educators should evaluate the educational
program and outcomes and use that information
to modify future programs.
M. Po licies and procedures
1 Infection control policies and procedures dealing with
relevant aspects of infection control such as hand hy-
giene, disinfection, and isolation precautions should
be in place and compatible with current regulations
and infection control knowledge (Category IC).
2 Infection control policies and procedures should be
approved, reviewed, and revised on a regular basis
(Category IC).
Comment: The ICP should assist in the develop-
ment and updating of infection-related policies
and procedures.
3 Employees should be made aware of infection
control policies and procedures (Category IC).
Comment: The ICP should develop a system for
monitoring staff compliance with infection
control policies and procedures.
N. Antibiotic stewardship
1 Infection control programs in LTCFs should be
encouraged to include a component of antimicrobial
stewardship (Category IB).
Comment: The LTCF should encourage judicious
use of antimicrobials with guidelines based in
part on local susceptibility patter ns. Antibiotic
utilization and appropriateness may be monitored,
and these data used for interventions (eg, educa-
tion, antibiotic restrictions).
2 The ICP should monitor antibiotic susceptibility
results from cultures to detect clinically sign ificant
antibiotic-resistant bacteria (such as MRSA or VRE)
in the institution. Changes in antibiotic-susceptibil-
ity trends should be communicated to appropriate
individuals and committees (Category IB).
O. Miscellaneous aspects
1 There should be a system for reporting notifiable dis-
eases to proper public health officials (Category 1C).
Vol . 36 No. 7 Smith et al
2 The infection control program should collaborate
with the performance improvement (PI) program, if
a formal program exists (Category II).
Comment: Infection control is an important com-
ponent of PI, and the epidemiological techniques
used in in fection control will assist the PI program.
3 The ICP should be involved with the review and
selection of new products that have infection control
implications (Category II).
4 The ICP should be involved with LTCF influenza
pandemic preparedness planning (Category II).
5 Infection control activities should address relevant
resident safety issues (Category II).
P. R e g u l a t i o n s
1 The infection control program must be in compli-
ance with federal, state, and local regulations (Cate-
gory IC).
2 The infection control program should reflect
national, evidence-based standards of practice for
infection prevention and control (Category IC).
The authors gratefully acknowledge the expert contribution of Chesley Richards, MD,
of the CDC, and the editorial assistance of Elaine Litton of the University of Nebraska
Medical Center.
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