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Interhemispheric parietal-frontal connectivity predicts the ability Interhemispheric parietal-frontal connectivity predicts the ability
to acquire a nondominant hand skill to acquire a nondominant hand skill
Benjamin A. Philip
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Mark P. McAvoy
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Scott H. Frey
University of Missouri
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Philip, Benjamin A.; McAvoy, Mark P.; and Frey, Scott H., "Interhemispheric parietal-frontal connectivity
predicts the ability to acquire a nondominant hand skill." Brain Connectivity. 11, 4. 308 - 318. (2021).
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Interhemispheric Parietal-Frontal Connectivity Predicts
the Ability to Acquire a Nondominant Hand Skill
Benjamin A. Philip,
Mark P. McAvoy,
and Scott H. Frey
Introduction: After chronic impairment of the right dominant hand, some individuals are able to compensate
with increased performance with the intact left nondominant hand. This process may depend on the nondominant
(right) hemisphere’s ability to access dominant (left) hemisphere mechanisms. To predict or modulate patients’
ability to compensate with the left hand, we must understand the neural mechanisms and connections that under-
pin this process.
Methods: We studied 17 right-handed healthy adults who underwent resting-state functional connectivity (FC)
magnetic resonance imaging scans before 10 days of training on a left-hand precision drawing task. We sought to
identify right-hemisphere areas where FC from left-hemisphere seeds (primary motor cortex, intraparietal sulcus
[IPS], inferior parietal lobule) would predict left-hand skill learning or magnitude.
Results: Left-hand skill learning was predicted by convergent FC from left primary motor cortex and left IPS
onto the same small region (0.31 cm
) in the right superior parietal lobule (SPL).
Discussion: For patients who must compensate with the left hand, the right SPL may play a key role in integrat-
ing left-hemisphere mechanisms that typically control the right hand. Our study provides the first model of how
interhemispheric functional connections in the human brain may support compensation after chronic injury to the
right hand.
Key words: fMRI; functional connectivity; laterality of motor control; learning; movement
Impact Statement
This article presents the first model of how the human brain applies left-hemisphere (dominant hand [DH]) specializations to
support the right hemisphere for compensatory action with the nondominant hand (NDH). Compensation with the NDH is
critical for the rehabilitation after many neurological disorders that lead to irreversible impairment of the DH (e.g., stroke,
amputation, nerve injury), but no effective therapies exist to promote compensation because the neural mechanisms remain
unknown. Therefore, this article will open up new directions in rehabilitation neuroscience by presenting a testable model of
the connections that underpin much needed (and currently nonexistent) therapies.
ndividuals who suffer from chronic unilateral impair-
ment of their dominant hand (DH) must use their intact
nondominant hand (NDH) to maintain self-sufficiency (‘‘com-
pensation’ [Jones, 2017]), but it remains unknown how con-
nectivity in the human brain supports this process. Chronic
unilateral impairment of the DH can occur after a variety of
clinical conditions, including peripheral nerve injury and am-
putation. The United States has 20 million peripheral nerve
injury patients (Lundborg, 2003), and *166,000 surgical
treatments occur every year to treat peripheral nerve injury
of the right upper extremity (Brattain, 2013; Kouyoumdjian
et al., 2017; Philip et al., 2017; Taylor et al., 2008). Thirty-
three percent to 39% of upper extremity nerve injury patients
never achieve satisfactory motor recovery after surgical repair,
regardless of any rehabilitation they receive (Council, 1943;
Dyck et al., 2005; He et al., 2014). This leaves 55–66,000 pe-
ripheral nerve injury patients per year who are not adequately
served by rehabilitation strategies that focus on restoring lost
Program in Occupational Therapy, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA.
Department of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Volume 11, Number 4, 2021
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/brain.2020.0916
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function (Langhorne et al., 2009). To help these patients, we
must understand the neural mechanisms and connections
that enable compensation after DH injury.
Compensation is difficult, but possible. In right-handed
humans, the DH is specialized for intersegmental dynamics
and precision movement (Sainburg and Kalakanis, 2000;
Sainburg, 2002), so a key challenge is achieving NDH per-
formance at precision movements (e.g., writing, drawing).
Amputees who lose their DH eventually achieve the ability
to perform skillful precision movements with the intact
NDH (Philip and Frey, 2014), but this may require decades
of exclusive forced use of the NDH. Healthy adults can im-
prove NDH precision performance with as little as 10 days of
training (Philip and Frey, 2016), but other studies have
shown marked interindividual differences in the ability to ac-
quire NDH skill. NDH handwriting studies in healthy adults
(Walker and Henneberg, 2007) and amputees (Yancosek and
Mullineaux, 2011) show great interindividual variability,
which suggests that some individuals may be better able to
achieve NDH performance than others.
The neural mechanisms of NDH compensation are likely to
involve interhemispheric communication in the cerebral cor-
tex. The DH—and thus the left hemisphere—contains special-
izations that support precision movement with both hands
(Mani et al., 2013; Sainburg and Kalakanis, 2000; Sainburg,
2002; Schaefer et al., 2009) (For clarity, we refer to right-
handed individuals only, so the DH is supported by the contra-
lateral left hemisphere.). For left-hemisphere specializations
to support ipsilateral NDH movement, those specializations
must involve the minority (10–25%) of uncrossed descending
pyramidal fibers (Davidoff, 1990), or interhemispheric con-
nections to right-hemisphere motor areas with direct control
of the NDH. Interhemispheric connections are likely to play
the primary role in precision NDH movement: the timing of
interhemispheric connections indicates a functional rather
than epiphenomenal role (Fiori et al., 2017), and interhemi-
spheric coordination depends on task demand (Wischnewski
et al., 2016). Interhemispheric communication for motor con-
trol is primarily transcallosal (Doron and Gazzaniga, 2008),
especially in the form of interhemispheric inhibition (Ferbert
et al., 1992; Hortoba
gyi et al., 2011; Kobayashi et al., 2003;
Pelled et al., 2009) that arises from transcallosal connections
between left and right primary motor cortex (M1). However,
transcallosal connectivity is not dominated by motor cortices:
callosotomy patients show greater interhemispheric discon-
nection between parietal regions than between primary senso-
rimotor regions (Roland et al., 2017).
Our goal was to identify the interhemispheric neural mech-
anisms in the human brain that support people’s ability to im-
prove NDH performance at a precision drawing task (PDT).
To achieve this, we re-evaluated data from an existing
study of NDH precision movement training in healthy adults
(Philip and Frey, 2016), to identify pretraining functional
connectivity (FC) patterns that predicted individuals’ later
ability to improve their NDH performance. Participants re-
ceived resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) scans before 10 days of NDH training (*18 min/
day). We hypothesized that interhemispheric communication
involving left-hemisphere primary motor cortex hand area
(M1-Hand, or M1 for brevity), intraparietal sulcus (IPS), or
inferior parietal lobule (IPL) would predict final NDH perfor-
mance or magnitude of NDH learning. We found that inter-
hemispheric connectivity between left M1 and IPS onto the
same small region in right superior parietal lobule (SPL) pre-
dicted subsequent ability of healthy adults to improve their
NDH performance.
Materials and Methods
Experimental design overview
Full methods have been previously published in Philip and
Frey (2016). In brief, participants used their left NDH to prac-
tice the PDT for 10 days or until their NDH performance
reached an a priori criterion of 80% of their baseline DH
speed on two consecutive training days. DH baseline perfor-
mance was recorded before and after NDH training. Partici-
pants underwent MRI scanning before the first PDT session
and 1 day after the final PDT session. This study investigated
relationships between pretraining MRI and two outcome vari-
ables: peak PDT performance and magnitude of PDT learning.
Data collection was performed with the approval of the
University of Missouri Institutional Review Board and com-
pleted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. These
data are not associated with a Clinical Trials Registration
Number because they were collected in 2012–2013.
We excluded individuals who were musicians, knitters, or
had other hobbies involving precision bimanual skills.
Twenty-two participants completed the behavioral study
(age 29 11, 15 female). All were right handed (Edinburgh
scores 90 16; Oldfield [1971]). Three participants were ex-
cluded from detailed analyses due to noncompliance (see
Philip and Frey, 2016, for details). One participant did not
complete the MRI study, and another participant’s MRI
data were discarded due to excess motion (for details, see
MRI Data Analysis below), leaving 17 participants for this
study (age 27 8, 12 female).
Precision drawing task
Participants used a pen stylus to draw a line through each
stimulus while remaining within the boundaries of mirror-
symmetrical geometric forms (Fig. 1). The PDT was pre-
sented on a Cintiq 12wx tablet with integrated 1200*800
screen (Wacom Co., Otone, Japan), controlled by Presenta-
tion software, v.16.0 (Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc.,
Albany, CA). This system allowed participants to draw di-
rectly on the tablet screen, during which endpoint speed
and position were recorded at 30 Hz.
Each stimulus was built from 2, 3, or 4 geometric elements
(lines or semicircles); each element had a drawing length of
45 mm, and thus total path lengths of 90, 180, or 360 mm. Pre-
cision requirements were manipulated by varying stimulus
width (3, 4, or 5 mm). The full set of possible PDT stimuli
entailed 15 shapes (5 of each length), each presented at all 3
widths, producing a total of 45. NDH training sessions entailed
90 trials, 2 repetitions of all 45 stimuli. DH sessions entailed 2
repetitions of 12 shapes (4 of each length) at 2 widths (3 and
5 mm), producing a total of 48 stimuli. Trials were presented
in a unique pseudorandom order during each session.
Participants were instructed to move as quickly as possible
without making any errors; that is, they were instructed to
prioritize error minimization over speed. A trial was defined
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as an ‘error’’ if the drawn lines ever passed outside the stim-
ulus margin; except for distinct accidental lines created as
part of raising or lowering the pen, and for overshoots at
the end of segments (following Beery and Beery, 2004). A
trial was considered ‘incomplete’ if the drawn lines did
not pass fully through all open paths within the form. A
trial was considered a ‘success’ if it was neither an error
nor incomplete. Both successful and error trials were used
for further analyses, to keep trial counts constant across par-
ticipants and training sessions.
To initially familiarize subjects with the task require-
ments, a DH practice session preceded the DH1 session,
and a NDH practice session preceded the NH1 session.
Each of these familiarization sessions consisted of 15 trials
(15 shapes, 1 repetition, all at 4 mm width).
Because the number of trials per session was fixed, session
duration decreased over time as participants became more
skilled and increased their movement speed. NDH training
session #1 took 21 3 min, while the final session took
17 3 min. Across all training sessions and participants,
total training time averaged 182 30 min.
Behavioral analysis
The tablet collected x and y positions of the pen endpoint
at 30 Hz. During analysis, velocity profiles for each trial were
smoothed using an acausal Gaussian filter with sigma of
three samples (90 ms).
Ratings of trial status (success, error, or incomplete) were
performed by hand. A senior experimenter’s ratings were
validated by a second experimenter. Raters were not blinded,
because data were rated on the day of collection. For any ses-
sion in which within-session agreement was <0.93 or inter-
rater reliability (IRR) was <0.7 (mean 0.5 standard deviation
[STD] from Philip and Frey [2014]), the two experimenters
rerated the session collaboratively until they reached consen-
sus on every trial. Final ratings reached 0.98 0.01 agreement
and 0.91 0.04 IRR across participants.
This study used endpoint movement smoothness
(‘‘smoothness’ for brevity) as its outcome measure, based
on previous findings that smoothness provided the most
hand-specific performance gains during this task (Philip
and Frey, 2016), and because movement smoothness best
captures the DH-specific (left-hemisphere) specializations
for feedforward control and precision smooth movement
(Sainburg and Kalakanis, 2000; Sainburg, 2002).
Smoothness was calculated as 1 * the number of velocity
peaks per 45 mm shape element, average for each trial.
Higher smoothness (closer to zero) represents fewer sub-
movements per movement. To measure performance
changes consistently across participants, smoothness was
normalized to each participant’s first NDH session by con-
verting it into a ‘‘Z
’ score. A Z
score was calculated
for each participant and session by taking participant mean
smoothness during that session, subtracting the participants’
mean during their first NDH session, and dividing by the
STD during their first NDH session. In other words, the
score reflects a Z-score based on the participant’s un-
trained NDH performance; this is similar to Cohen’s d mea-
sure of effect size (Cohen, 2013), but based only on the STD
during the first NDH session.
MRI data collection
Scans were performed on a Siemens (Erlangen, Germany)
3T Trio using a standard birdcage radiofrequency coil. Dur-
ing each fMRI session, participants lay still with their eyes
open. Scan sessions included the following: (1) T1- and
T2-weighted structural scans, (2) three 5:42 min functional
runs using echoplanar imaging sensitive to the blood oxygen-
level dependent contrast (BOLD-EPI), and (3) a gradient
echo field map.
BOLD scans used a T2*-weighted sequence with the fol-
lowing parameters: temporal resolution (TR) = 2240 ms,
echo time (TE) = 30 ms, 64 · 64 voxel matrix, field of view
(FoV) = 256 mm, 36 contiguous axial slices acquired in inter-
leaved order, thickness = 4.0 mm, in-plane resolution =
4.0 mm, bandwidth = 2004 Hz/pixel, 150 volumes. The ini-
tial two volumes in each scan were discarded to allow
steady-state magnetization to be approached. Throughout
FIG. 1. Precision drawing
task. Five sample stimuli
shown, out of 45 possible.
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the functional scans, participants were instructed to remain
awake with their eyes open and maintain fixation on a cen-
trally presented point. Compliance was manually monitored
using an Eye-Trac 6000 (Applied Science Laboratories, Bed-
ford, MA) eye-tracking camera.
High-resolution T1-weighted structural images were also ac-
quired, using the 3D MP-RAGE pulse sequence: TR = 2500 ms,
TE = 4.38 ms, inversion time = 1100 ms, flip angle = 8.0,
256 · 256 voxel matrix, FoV = 256 mm, 176 contiguous axial
slices, thickness = 1.0 mm, in-plane resolution: 1.0 · 1.0 mm.
DICOM image files were converted to NIFTI format using
MRI-Convert software.
MRI preprocessing
Image preprocessing was performed with 4dfp Tools.
Image preprocessing included the following steps: (1) com-
pensation for slice-dependent time shifts, (2) elimination of
odd/even slice intensity differences due to interleaved acqui-
sition, and (3) realignment of all data acquired in each sub-
ject within and across runs to compensate for rigid body
motion (Ojemann et al., 1997). The functional data were
transformed into Talairach atlas space (Talairach and Tour-
noux, 1988) by computing a sequence of affine transforma-
tions (first frame of BOLD run to T2-weighted image to
MP-RAGE to atlas representative target without compensa-
tion for local distortions between echo planar images and
anatomy), which were combined by matrix multiplication,
resampling to a 2 mm isotropic grid. For crossmodal (i.e.,
functional to structural) image registration, a locally devel-
oped algorithm was used (Rowland et al., 2005).
Resting-state FC models
Image analysis was performed with FIDL (Functional
Independent Data Language; ftp://imaging.wustl.edu/pub/
mcavoy, login as guest). The BOLD time series was mod-
eled with a general linear model that included lateralized
terms for the global signal (global), white matter (WM), and
ventricles (CSF; McAvoy et al., 2016). The global signal
regressor was formed from a whole brain mask that included
the cerebellum, WM, and CSF but not extra-axial CSF, while
WM and ventricular regressors were formed from each in-
dividual’s eroded WM and ventricular masks (Power et al.,
2014). Regressors were computed by removing the linear
trend and constant at each voxel, then averaging over voxels
within the respective hemisphere of the mask. To investigate
FC, the time series of the seed region was also included as a
regressor in the model. The seed regressor was formed by
removing the linear trend and constant at each voxel, then
averaging over voxels within the region.
Subject-specific general linear models (Friston et al.,
1995) were fit to BOLD time series at each voxel as shown
schematically below:
BOLD = seed þ global L, RðÞþWM L, RðÞþCSF L, RðÞ
þ motion þ lpf þ c
þ c
where the notation L, RðÞrepresents 2 terms. Head move-
ment was accounted for by motion, 24 time series formed
from measured head shifts and angular displacements in
three dimensions (i.e., X, Y, Z, pitch, yaw, and roll) along
with their squares, derivatives, and squared derivatives (Fris-
ton et al., 1996). The low-pass filter lpf as implemented with
a Fourier basis set that consisted of sine and cosine pairs
modeling full cycles from the cutoff of 0.08 Hz to the
Nyquist frequency (Biswal et al., 1995; Lowe et al., 1998),
thus low-pass filtering was accomplished with the inclusion
of high-frequency terms. Additional terms included the con-
stant c
and linear trend c
t to model slow drifts. The partial
correlation model of Eq. 1 was solved through ordinary least
squares, yielding estimated weights for all regressors.
Seed selection
For the purposes of analysis, 5 mm-radius spherical seed
regions were defined in left M1, left IPS, and left IPL. The
M1 seed was based on normative sensorimotor hand area
(Philip and Frey, 2014). The parietal seeds were based on
previous analyses of the current dataset (Philip and Frey,
2016), and restricted to volume defined as 25% chance of
being in the appropriate anatomical area according to the
Juelich Histological Atlas (Eickhoff et al., 2006, 2007).
Within left IPS, the voxel with peak activation was chosen
from areas that previously showed interhemispheric changes
related to learning—specifically, where training-related in-
creases in FC with right M1 correlated with NDH skill learn-
ing (see fig. 4a in Philip and Frey, 2016). Within left IPL, the
voxel with peak activation was chosen from areas that previ-
ously showed interhesmipheric changes related to learning
and retention—specifically, where training-related changes
in FC with right M1 predicted long-term retention of NDH
skill (see fig. 5a in Philip and Frey, 2016). These selected
voxels’ Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates were
as follows: left M1 X = 38, Y = 24, Z = 54; left IPS
X = 51, Y = 41, Z = 43; left IPL X = 55, Y = 22,
Z = 26. In all three cases, the seed was created as a 5 mm-
radius sphere centered on the peak voxel, and limited to
the volume with 25% chance of being in the appropriate an-
atomical area.
On a post hoc basis (after the other analyses described
here), a fourth seed region was defined in left dorsal premo-
tor cortex (PMd) to determine whether PMd–PMd interhemi-
spheric connectivity contributed to learning of NDH drawing
performance. The PMd seed’s central voxel was selected as
the peak voxel of drawing-specific activity in left PMd in
previous studies (Potgieser et al., 2015) at X = 24, Y = 8,
Z = 50. The seed was created as a 5 mm-radius sphere cen-
tered on that central voxel, and limited to the volume with
a 10% chance of being in the appropriate anatomical
area. This cutoff was lower than the other seeds, because
the PMd peak voxel had only a 21% chance of being in Brod-
mann’s Area 6 according to the Juelich Histological Atlas
(Eickhoff et al., 2006, 2007), which made a 25% cutoff
Correlation of behavior with resting-state FC
Separate FC models were computed for seeds in left M1,
left IPS, and left IPL (see Eq. 1). For each participant, the es-
timated voxelwise weights of the seed region were normal-
ized to the constant c
, then smoothed with a 4 mm full
width at half-maximum three-dimensional Gaussian kernel
to blur individual differences in brain anatomy. The Pearson
correlation was then computed between each participant’s
behavior (see next paragraph) and their measure of FC for
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each seed, respectively. The correlation maps were algebra-
ically converted to T statistics, then fit to a normal distribu-
tion yielding gaussianized T statistics, which were corrected
for multiple comparisons (jzj 3.0, minimum 21 face-
connected voxels, p < 0.05 corrected) with a Monte Carlo-
based method (Forman et al., 1995; McAvoy et al., 2001).
For this analysis, four measures of behavior were used:
‘learning,’ defined for each participant as the increase in
movement smoothness between their initial session and the
session with peak smoothness (i.e., maximum Z
); ‘base-
line,’ defined as pretraining NDH smoothness; ‘forget-
ting,’ defined as the peak NDH smoothness minus NDH
smoothness at 6 months post-training; and ‘retention,’ de-
fined as NDH smoothness 6 months post-training. Behavioral
results have been previously published in detail (Philip and
Frey, 2016), but key values used for the current analysis
are shown in Table 1.
Convergent connectivity onto right SPL predicts
NDH learning
NDH smoothness learning was correlated with interhemi-
spheric FC from left M1 seed onto a scattered selection of
right-hemisphere areas, shown in Figure 2, including SPL,
inferior frontal gyrus extending into insula, and multiple
areas in the basal ganglia. Smoothness learning was also
correlated with interhemispheric FC between left IPS and a
selection of right-hemisphere areas, shown in Figure 3, in-
cluding SPL, precuneus, cingulate sulcus, insula, lateral oc-
cipital cortex, and V7. We found no areas where NDH
smoothness learning was correlated with FC from our left
IPL seed. Because of the exploratory nature of this analysis,
we do not delve broadly into the scattered areas showing FC
with individual seed regions, though we provide the full data
(including left-hemisphere connectivity, that is, intrahemi-
spheric) in Table 2. Instead, we focus on convergent patterns
of FC across analyses.
We found one convergence across our analyses: the
learning-predictive interhemispheric connectivity from left
M1 (Fig. 2) and left IPS (Fig. 3) both included the same
area in right SPL, as illustrated in Figure 4 and quantified
in Table 3. The ‘intersection volume’ shared between the
two clusters was 0.31 cm
(46% of the M1-linked cluster,
22% of the IPS-linked cluster).
We found no areas where interhemispheric connectivity
from left-hemisphere seeds predicted NDH baseline, NDH
forgetting, or NDH retention.
Predictive connectivity is stable across training
To determine whether the ‘intersection volume’ in Fig-
ure 4 represented connectivity that is stable across training,
we compared it with our previously identified network of
areas that show training-related changes in FC from M1 in
either hemisphere (see fig. 4b in Philip and Frey, 2016),
with both maps thresholded at p < 0.001. We found zero
Table 1. Key Behavioral Results from Philip
and Frey 2016 Used for Analysis Here
No. Baseline Learning Forgetting Retention
1 10.00 1.050 0.153 1.096
2 18.41 1.481 0.143 1.337
3 9.08 0.975 0.752 0.213
4 10.68 0.024
5 9.05 0.866 0.170 0.695
6 10.20 0.877 0.449 0.303
7 8.87 0.871
8 10.11 1.039
9 10.10 1.005 0.911 0.093
10 9.72 1.117 0.406 0.683
11 7.59 0.501 0.452 0.049
12 9.67 0.507 0.717 0.831
13 8.38 0.809 0.361 0.428
14 11.49 0.557 0.551 0.062
15 10.66 0.753 0.657 0.828
16 18.34 1.245 0.029 1.216
17 13.35 1.078 0.336 1.414
18 10.00 1.050 0.153 1.096
19 18.41 1.481 0.143 1.337
All values represent movement smoothness. Baseline = 1 * ve-
locity peaks per 45 mm segment; learning, forgetting, and retention
are in Z
(Z-score relative to baseline day). Missing data = partic-
ipant lost to 6-month follow-up.
NDH, nondominant hand.
FIG. 2. Right-hemisphere areas where FC with left M1 seed predicted NDH smoothness learning. FC, functional connec-
tivity; NDH, nondominant hand. Color images are available online.
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overlap between voxels in the ‘intersection volume’ and
voxels with training-related changes in M1 connectivity.
Therefore, the pattern of interhemispheric FC that predicted
subsequent NDH learning (Fig. 4) appears to be stable across
time and the learning of relevant motor skills.
Left M1 and IPS project onto right SPL through two
separate networks
Based on our results thus far, it remains unclear whether
the FC from left M1 and left IPS onto right SPL (the ‘inter-
section volume’’) reflects separate connections or an indirect
connection (e.g., from left M1 to left IPS to right SPL). To
address this, we assessed whether the two seed regions
showed FC with each other. The two seed regions were not
functionally connected: for each seed, the network of signif-
icantly connected voxels did not contain the other seed, as
shown in Supplementary Figure S1. To further address the
separability of M1-related and IPS-related FC, we identified
the network of areas with differential connectivity to each
seed region. Bilateral somatosensory–motor areas were pref-
erentially connected to left M1, whereas areas involved in
FIG. 3. Right-hemisphere areas where FC with left IPS seed predicted NDH smoothness learning. IPS, intraparietal sulcus.
Color images are available online.
Table 2. Clusters with Learning-Predictive Connectivity with Left-Hemisphere Seeds
Seed Hemisphere Cluster area
Center of gravity
Left M1 Right (interhemispheric) Anterior cingulate 9.1 36.4 13.0 3.34
Inferior frontal gyrus 53.0 25.3 1.7 3.54
Insula 41.6 24.8 2.9 3.65
Putamen/caudate 20.1 2.2 9.9 3.40
Caudate* 19.0 19.0 26.0 4.04
SPL 32.7 56.3 44.6 3.98
Left Parahippocampal gyrus 27.0 3.3 31.4 3.88
Parahippocampal gyrus 13.9 14.2 29.2 3.24
Parahippocampal gyrus 19.7 30.5 9.2 3.50
Insula 38.9 19.6 4.9 3.57
Insula 43.5 5.7 6.9 3.43
Caudate 17.9 13.4 27.3 3.05
Middle frontal gyrus 36.1 12.7 33.2 3.58
Left IPS Right (interhemispheric) Lateral occipital 31.6 84.9 3.8 3.41
Lateral occipital* 31.0 73.0 10.0 3.78
Insula 36.6 2.2 15.3 3.97
SPL 32.4 59.7 41.4 3.50
V7 29.5 71.3 48.0 3.23
Precuneus* 13.0 45.0 48.0 4.68
Left Cerebellum 48.9 64.2 26.4
Lingual gyrus 20.3 77.5 2.7 4.00
V1d/V2d 5.0 91.3 11.1 3.11
Inferior frontal sulcus 41.8 14.0 24.0 4.08
Cingulate sulcus 12.1 3.5 41.1 3.25
Interhemispheric connectivity (right hemisphere) data are visualized in Figures 2 + 3. Z-score = gaussianized T of correlation between seed
timecourse and participant learning scores, at center of gravity (CoG).
*Values reported for peak instead of CoG due to concave cluster.
IPS, intraparietal sulcus; SPL, superior parietal lobule.
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attention (including frontal eye fields, inferior frontal gyrus,
and inferior frontal sulcus) and higher order visuomotor
control (PMd) were preferentially connected to left IPS, as
illustrated in Figure 5. Overall, this suggests that left IPS
and left M1 functionally connect to right SPL as part of dif-
ferent networks.
Post hoc analysis: PMd–PMd interhemispheric
connectivity does not predict NDH learning
After seeing the above results, we performed a post hoc
FC analysis to determine whether PMd–PMd interhemi-
spheric connectivity supported NDH learning, based on pre-
vious results that showed a specific role of bilateral PMd in
drawing and right PMd in NDH drawing (Potgieser et al.,
2015). Our results did not support the hypothesis that
PMd–PMd interhemispheric connectivity channeled left-
hemisphere information to the right hemisphere: right
PMd (defined as the contralateral homolog of our left PMd
seed) was not among the areas with smoothness-learning-
correlated FC from left PMd, as shown in Supplementary
Figure S2. However, the pattern of functional connec-
tions from the left PMd included an area at the left middle
frontal gyrus (z = 34), which almost coincides with the left
middle frontal gyrus area connected from the left M1 seed
(z = 33.2, Table 2 and Fig. 2). Left PMd was also function-
ally connected to the right-hemisphere homolog of this mid-
dle frontal gyrus area, which could potentially indicate an
indirect contribution of left PMd to interhemispheric interac-
tion through the bilateral middle frontal gyrus.The areas with
smoothness-learning-correlated FC from left PMd included
one voxel in our right SPL ‘overlap cluster’ (<0.01 cm
representing 3% of the SPL cluster with center of gravity
x = 28, y = 54, z = 35.2). However, the left M1 and IPS
seeds were within the network functionally correlated with
the left PMd seed, but not vice versa (Supplementary
Fig. S3); in other words, the apparent FC between left
PMd and right SPL may have arisen from indirect connec-
tions through left M1 and IPS, and possibly including the
bilateral middle frontal gyrus. Given this indirect role, the
overlap’s minute size, and the post hoc nature of this analy-
sis, we did not further interpret the FC between left PMd and
right SPL.
We explored FC patterns in the healthy adult human brain,
to identify interhemispheric connectivity that predicted later
PDT skill with the left NDH. We found that subsequent abil-
ity to learn the NDH drawing task was correlated with con-
vergent FC between two of our left-hemisphere seeds
(primary motor cortex hand area, M1; and IPS) and a re-
stricted region of the right SPL. In contrast, we found no in-
terhemispheric connectivity that predicted NDH initial or
maximum performance—only NDH learning (magnitude of
changes across training). This suggests that interhemispheric
connectivity from left-hemisphere areas onto right SPL may
specifically predict individuals’ ability to learn a precision,
DH-lateralized skill with the NDH.
Model of interhemispheric connectivity to support
NDH skill learning
In typical right-handed adults, the dominant right hand
(and left cerebral hemisphere) is specialized for coordination
of muscle forces across joints, which are critical for feedfor-
ward control and precision smooth movement (Sainburg and
Kalakanis, 2000; Sainburg, 2002). These left-hemisphere spe-
cializations support precision movement with both hands, as
demonstrated by the pattern of bilateral impairments found in
stroke patients with unilateral lesions (Schaefer et al., 2007).
These left-hemisphere specializations are likely to support ip-
silateral NDH movement through interhemispheric cortical
connections, rather than only through uncrossed descending
pyramidal fibers. Interhemispheric transcallosal connections
(Doron and Gazzaniga, 2008) play a role in coordinating bi-
lateral movements (Kennerley et al., 2002), with greater in-
volvement for more difficult tasks (Buetefisch et al., 2014;
Hummel et al., 2003; Wischnewski et al., 2016). This study
provides the first model of how interhemispheric connections
Table 3. Overlapping Clusters in Right SPL Show Functional Connectivity from Left-Hemisphere Seeds
Seed region
SPL center of gravity SPL peak
Left M1 83 0.66 32.7 56.3 44.6 29.0 57.0 46.0
Left IPS 183 1.46 32.0 61.3 42.3 33.0 59.0 42.0
Union (either) 227 1.80 32.2 59.6 43.1 33.0 57.0 44.0
Intersection (both) 39 0.31 33.7 57.4 43.8 33.0 57.0 44.0
FIG. 4. Learning-predictive interhemispheric connectivity
from left M1 and left IPS converges on the same area of right
SPL. SPL, superior parietal lobule. Color images are avail-
able online.
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may recruit left-hemisphere specializations to support the ip-
silateral NDH for learning of a precision feedback-driven
task, as shown in Figure 6.
According to our model in Figure 6, NDH learning is sup-
ported by interhemispheric connectivity from left M1 and/or
IPS onto right SPL. Right M1 must also be involved for
descending corticospinal control of the left NDH (Lawrence
and Kuypers, 1968; Trevarthen, 1965), and SPL-M1 con-
nections have been well established in monkeys and humans
(Chen et al., 2003; Cohen and Andersen, 2002; Dejerine and
Dejerine-Klumpke, 1895; Koch et al., 2007; Mountcastle
et al., 1975). Each of these left-hemisphere areas may be ca-
pable of interhemispheric connections. M1 interhemispheric
connections are better known (Ferbert et al., 1992; Hortoba
gyi et al., 2011; Kobayashi et al., 2003; Meyer et al., 1998;
Pelled et al., 2009), but they do not fully explain interhemi-
spheric connectivity: callosotomy patients show greater loss
of IHC between parietal regions than between primary senso-
rimotor regions (Roland et al., 2017), and we found no cor-
relations between M1-M1 FC and NDH learning.
Each of our three key areas (left M1, left IPS, right SPL)
have well-established roles in control of precision move-
ments. Left M1 has a well-established transcallosal role in
motor control, both direct (Buetefisch et al., 2014; Bundy
et al., 2018; Vines et al., 2008; Wischnewski et al., 2016)
and as a relay (Arai et al., 2011; Fiori et al., 2017; Koch
et al., 2006). Left IPS is a primary candidate for localization
of the lateralized mechanisms for precision movement con-
trol (Mutha et al., 2011), and may serve as a locus for the
processes underlying left/right-hand choices (Fitzpatrick
et al., 2018). Right SPL has been implicated in numerous
mechanisms that support movement control, including top-
down (goal-directed) visuospatial attention (Shomstein
et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2016), integration of multisensory
information for movement (Andersen and Buneo, 2003),
combining and maintaining representations of goal and
movement (Averbeck et al., 2009; Wolpert et al., 1998),
and motor skill learning (Della-Maggiore et al., 2004).
We found that PMd–PMd interhemispheric connectivity
did not predict subsequent NDH learning, despite previous re-
sults that point toward a potential role of PMd–PMd callosal
connectivity in channeling left-hemisphere information to the
right parietal cortex for the control of NDH drawing (Pot-
gieser et al., 2015), as part of PMd’s role in target-directed
visuomotor control of movement and associated connectivity
from ipsilateral parietal cortex (Binkofski et al., 1999; Wise
et al., 1997). Our data suggested that left PMd may lie ‘up-
stream of left M1 and IPS at rest, but our hypothesized
model does not encompass the (likely many) sources of FC
FIG. 5. Areas where FC
differed between left M1 seed
and left IPS seed. Z-scores
indicate correlation with
‘M1 minus IPS,’’ so positive
values = M1, negative val-
ues = IPS. Color images are
available online.
FIG. 6. Model of interhemispheric connectivity supporting
learning of precision skill with the left NDH.
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upstream of left M1 and IPS. Regardless, it is unsurprising
that our PMd findings differed from Potgieser et al.’s
(2015), because the two studies differed in design and goal:
at rest, callosal PMd–PMd connections do not predict NDH
learning, but during task execution, callosal PMd–PMd con-
nections could still play a role in NDH drawing performance.
One complicating feature of our current data is that our
two interhemispheric connections had opposite directions.
For FC from left M1 to right SPL, more connectivity pre-
dicted greater NDH learning; but from left IPS to right
SPL, less connectivity predicted greater NDH learning.
This seems to arise because the two areas are involved in dif-
ferent networks (Fig. 5), not because of inhibitory intercon-
nections between left M1 and left IPS. Therefore, it seems
likely that the left IPS network supports or is correlated
with mechanisms that support the normal dominance of the
DH for precision skill (and thus impairs or is anticorrelated
with the ability to work against the normal pattern of domi-
nance). We see at least two nonexclusive ways that this could
happen: motor and/or attentional. Under the motor explana-
tion, given the role of left IPS in lateralized specializations
(Mutha et al., 2011), connectivity from left IPS could reflect
DH-specific mechanisms’ strength and/or specificity. Under
the attentional explanation, interhemispheric connectivity
from left IPS could reflect the attentional mechanism that
supports the normal bias of attention toward the workspace
and/or affordances accessible to the DH (Colman et al.,
2017; de Bruin et al., 2014). Further explanations are cer-
tainly possible, and additional research will be needed to
characterize the countervailing effects of connectivity from
left M1 versus left IPS.
The FC underlying our model did not overlap with the net-
work of functional connections that change across NDH skill
learning (Philip and Frey, 2016). This suggests that our
model may represent a network that remains stable across
time and experience. If this network is stable at the within-
individual level, its presence or strength could provide a di-
agnostic predictor for the success of therapies that focus on
NDH compensation.
Interhemispheric FC predicted NDH learning,
not NDH performance
We found no interhemispheric mechanisms associated
with NDH performance (baseline or post-training), only
with NDH learning. This finding could arise from our choice
to use task-free (resting-state) FC MRI to identify interhemi-
spheric mechanisms. Potentially, NDH performance could
involve mechanisms that are only active during the execution
of NDH action. Therefore, we anticipate that future studies
using task MRI will reveal additional mechanisms support-
ing NDH performance.
This was a post hoc exploratory study, using a pre-existing
dataset (Philip and Frey, 2016). Additional behavioral out-
comes were tested (maximum performance, baseline per-
formance, and long-term retention), with negative results.
Our findings for learning of NDH performance (convergent
interhemispheric connectivity on right SPL), while strik-
ing, should be confirmed in an apriorihypothesis-driven
In healthy right-handed adults, we found that the ability
spheric connectivity from the left primary motor cortex
and left IPS onto a small cluster in the right SPL. To our
knowledge, this provides the first anatomical hypothesis
of the interhemispheric mechanisms that support the ability
to learn a precision skill (i.e., a traditionally DH skill) with
the NDH.
If future studies can confirm this mechanism, it provides
anatomical targets for noninvasive brain stimulation or
brain–machine interfaces to facilitate these mechanisms,
and thereby facilitate the acquisition of NDH skill for indi-
viduals with chronic impairment or loss of the dominant
right hand.
Authors’ Contributions
B.A.P. contributed to conceptualization, methodology,
software, investigation, writing—original draft, writing—
review & editing, visualization, funding acquisition. M.M.
contributed to methodology, software, formal analysis,
writing—review & editing, visualization. S.H.F. contributed
to conceptualization, resources, writing—reviewing & edit-
ing, funding acquisition, supervision.
The authors thank Kelli Buchanan, Drew Hensel, and
Chris Saville for their assistance with data collection.
Author Disclosure Statement
B.A.P. reports a licensing agreement with PlatformSTL to
commercialize the precision drawing task, outside the sub-
mitted work.
Funding Information
This work was supported by the National Institute for
Neurological Disorders and Stroke at the National Institutes
of Health (grant number NS083377) to S.H.F., and by the
Program in Occupational Therapy at Washington University
in St. Louis to B.A.P.
Supplementary Material
Supplementary Figure S1
Supplementary Figure S2
Supplementary Figure S3
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Address correspondence to:
Benjamin A. Philip
Program in Occupational Therapy
Washington University School of Medicine
Campus Box 8505
4444 Forest Park Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63108
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