1. The following shall be posted in a conspicuous place in
the premises designated for the conduct and operation of
a lottery event:
(a) a copy of the current licence authorizing the
lottery and any amendments for the
(b) related schedules;
(c) house rules; and
(d) notices and posters, as required by the
2. (1) With the exception of charities, registered with
the Charities Division of the Canada Revenue
Agency, licensees shall open and maintain a
separate designated lotteries trust account in a
financial institution authorized to take deposits
and to administer proceeds of the money derived
from lottery schemes.
(2) Registered charities shall maintain separate
lottery accounting records which shall
include deposit books, journals and ledgers.
3. In administering the trust account the licensee shall
appoint a minimum of 2 signing officers, who shall be
members of the licensee and who shall write cheques on
behalf of the licensee.
4. The licensee shall reconcile the trust account on a
monthly basis, or as activity permits.
5. (1) Cash proceeds from lotteries shall be deposited
into the licensee=s trust account immediately
upon receipt.
(2) The licensee shall not deposit money
received from any other sources other than
lottery activity into the trust account, transfer
funds by any means from the trust account
into an operating or general account of the
licensee or close the trust account until all money
has been used for the approved charitable or
religious object or purpose .
6. Any interest accrued on the trust account shall be used
for the charitable or religious object or purpose of the
7. Where a lottery is conducted on the occasion of, or in
conjunction with some other lawful activity, such as a
dinner, dance, entertainment, fashion show etc. the
percentage of the overall event revenues that are derived
from lotteries shall be deposited in the trust account as
reported, and used only for authorized purposes.
8. (1) All expenses incurred as a result of conducting
the lottery shall be deducted and paid out from
gross receipts derived from the lottery.
(2) Unless there is negative revenue, the
licensee shall use no money from any other
source to pay for lottery expenses.
9. (1) The licensee shall maintain the division=s
financial records that relate to the licensed
lottery, or a similar version that is approved by
the division.
(2) In addition the licensee shall maintain books
and other documents in support of all
financial records and reports.
(3) The licensee shall obtain receipts for each
expense incurred.
(4) These records shall be kept up to date and be
retained for no less than 6 years from the expiry
date of the licence.
10. A peace officer as defined by the Criminal Code, or an
official of the division, shall be given unencumbered
access to all areas of a premises on which a lottery
scheme is taking place and, the officer or official shall
be given unencumbered access at any reasonable time to
all records pertaining to a lottery scheme, including the
records of any commercial agent, and if considered
necessary to remove the records from a premises.
11. (1) When requested the licensee shall deliver to the
division, or permit the removal of, the licensee=s
books, records and other documents that would
be requested.
(2) Where the licensee refuses access or does not
produce as requested, records or documents, the
division may suspend or revoke licences.
12. The division may require the licensee to provide audited
statements in accordance with guidelines established by
the division.
13. A lottery event shall be conducted in a suitable premises
as approved by the division.
14. (1) All equipment used in the conduct of a lottery
shall be located in an area visible to the players.
(2) Equipment shall be maintained in good
working condition and shall be made
available for inspection, upon request.
15. The licensee shall comply with all federal, provincial
and municipal laws.
16. In any licensed lottery scheme, the chances of winning
shall be equal for all players or participants.
17. (1) A licensee shall not enter into a contract or
agreement, written or verbal, implied or stated,
for the supply or purchase of goods or services,
unless the method of payment is fixed and pre-
(2) Payment terms based upon a percentage or
commission shall not be allowed.
(3) Excluded are commissions paid on ticket entry
18. The licensee shall not offer as a prize, tickets for a
proposed future lottery.
19. (1) The Liquor Control Act precludes the
granting of alcohol as prizes to any person
under the age of 19 years.
(2) It is an offence under the Tobacco Control
to give tobacco as a prize to a person
under the age of 19 years.
(3) A prize of a firearm shall not be given to a
who is not authorized under the
Firearms Act (Canada) to possess a firearm.
20. (1) The licence number shall be shown on all
(2) Advertising outside of the province is not
permitted unless a licence is held in that
province in accordance with subsection
207(1)(f) of the Criminal Code.
21. The division may require verification by affidavit, or the
posting of a bond or satisfactory guarantee of the
payment of a prize.
22. Any changes or amendments to the licence shall be
requested in writing and may be authorized by the
23. (1) Where a licensed lottery scheme does not
proceed as scheduled, the division shall be
notified immediately.
(2) The licensee shall then comply with any
additional instructions as to handling or
disposition of proceeds collected, or any other
matter concerning the lottery or the licence.
24. A licence period shall not exceed 12 months unless
expressly authorized by the division.
25. The conduct and management of a lotteries scheme shall
not be delegated to another organization or to a person
who is not a member of the licensed organization,
without the approval of the division.
26. A licence is not transferable.
27. (1) When required a financial report shall be
submitted to the division within 60 days after the
expiry date of the licence or as demanded.
(2) The report shall be accompanied with applicable
fees for lottery licensing schemes in accordance
with the following schedule:
(a) BINGO - Where a financial report is
required, a licence fee shall
accompany the report in the amount
of 1% of the total amount of the retail
value of prizes and cash given as
(b) BREAKOPEN - A licence fee shall
accompany the financial report in the
amount of $10 a box/unit or part
box/unit of breakopens sold;
(c) BINGO/BREAKOPEN - For the bingo
lottery, a licence fee shall accompany
the report in the amount of 1% of the
total amount of the retail value of prizes
and cash given as prizes; the licence fee
for breakopens is $10 a box/unit or
part box/unit of breakopens sold;
(d) TICKET - Where a financial report
is required, a licence fee shall
accompany the report in the amount
of 1% of the total amount of the retail
value of prizes and cash given as
(e) GAMES OF CHANCE - Where a
financial report is required, a
licence fee shall accompany the report in
the amount of 1% of the total amount of
the retail value of prizes and cash given
as prizes except in the case of a wheel
of fortune a fee of $5 for each wheel
per event and in the case of a game
of chance a fee of $5 for each game
per event;
(f) MONTE CARLO - A licence fee
shall accompany the financial report
in the amount of 1% of the total
amount of the retail value of prizes
and cash given as prizes except in the
case of a wheel of fortune a fee of $5
for each wheel per event and in the
case of a table game a fee of $5 for
each game per event and in the case
of a monte carlo game a fee of $5 for
each game per event; and
(g) SPORTS - A licence fee shall
accompany the financial report in the
amount of 1% of the total amount of
the retail value of prizes and cash given
as prizes.
28. A licensed bingo lottery scheme shall be conducted and
managed in accordance with the rules as contained in
Schedule A.
29. A licensed breakopen lottery scheme shall be conducted
and managed in accordance with the rules as contained
in Schedule B.
30. A licensed bingo/breakopen lottery scheme shall be
conducted and managed in accordance with the rules as
contained in Schedule C.
31. A licensed ticket lottery scheme shall be conducted and
managed in accordance with the rules as contained in
Schedule D.
32. A licensed games of chance lottery scheme shall be
conducted and managed in accordance with the rules as
contained in Schedule E.
33. A licensed monte carlo lottery scheme shall be
conducted and managed in accordance with the rules as
contained in Schedule F.
34. A licensed sports ticket lottery scheme shall be
conducted and managed in accordance with the rules as
contained in Schedule G.
2006 12 18
1. Each licensee shall comply with the following:
(a) excluding paragraph (c), maximum
combined prize payout for each bingo event - $3,000;
(b) excluding paragraph (c) and media bingo,
maximum prize payout for any one game -
(c) in addition to the $3,000 maximum
combined prize payout there may be not more
than 2 additional 50/50 style bingo games with
non-accumulating jackpots, one additional bingo
game with an accumulating jackpot prize and one
fixed linked bingo game. The accumulated
jackpot game and fixed linked bingo game shall
be conducted in accordance with the
conditions as set by the division;
(d) excluding paragraph (c), jackpots are
authorized to a maximum of $1,500;
(e) maximum authorized expenses from gross bingo
proceeds - 20%;
(f) make every reasonable effort to return, for
charitable or religious purposes, from gross
gaming related proceeds - a minimum of 15%;
(g) maximum allowable events per week for each
licencee - 2, or 104 per year.
2. Not more than one bingo lottery event shall be
conducted in a suitable premises, as defined by the
division, in a day and shall not be conducted after
12:00a.m. or before 8:00a.m.
3. Conditions of winning a game and the value of the
prizes shall be announced before the commencement of
each game.
4. A new ball shall not be drawn from the chute until the
previous ball drawn has been called and the ball is
placed in the proper hole in the ball pocket tray.
5. In the event that the number on a ball is miscalled, the
actual number on the ball, not the called number, shall
be the official number for the game.
5.1 Once a caller has started to call a number on a ball the
caller shall finish calling it.
6. When bingo has been declared, the following sequence
of events shall take place:
(a) the caller shall stop play by announcing bingo
has been declared, and no further numbers
shall be called pending confirmation of the
bingo and the caller shall announce the game
type being checked;
(b) the bingo machine shall be left on unless the
ball funnel on the machine traps the last bingo
(c) the checker shall take the declared card and
place it in front of a player other than the
owner of the card being checked, the checker
shall then call back the numbers or the serial
number to the caller and receive verification of
the bingo and cards checked on a TV
monitor shall be displayed on the monitor
screen for at least 5 seconds;
(d) once all bingos have been checked, the caller
shall ask clearly if there are any more bingos
and indicate it is the last call and where no
further bingos are declared, the caller shall
drop the balls and state clearly that the game is
closed; and
(e) the caller shall state the number of winners for
each game and the amount paid to each winner.
7. A claim shall not be valid if made after the game has
been declared closed.
8. A player does not need to have the last number called in
order to be declared a winner.
9. Where there is more than one winner of a bingo game,
the prize offered shall be divided equally among all
players having obtained a valid bingo. The licensee
may set a minimum prize payout not to exceed $5.
Where there is more than one winner of a merchandise
bingo game, all players having obtained a valid bingo
shall each be awarded a merchandise prize of equal
10. Jackpots shall be paid out during the last event of the
licence period if the licence is not to be renewed.
11. The division may approve other schemes in conjunction
with bingo, as indicated on the application and defined
by the division. These schemes are to be reported on
the financial report, and applicable licence fees paid.
12. Giveaways or promotional items including gestures of
player appreciation related to regular bingo events shall
not exceed 3% of the regular prize board at a given
bingo hall. This amount shall not be accumulated over
events. This includes draws where no purchase is
necessary. This could be done either on a selective or
at-large basis. Those give-aways shall comply with the
(a) the licensee shall conduct the give-away;
(b) it is limited to the bingo hall;
(c) the actual cost of all items shall be recorded as
expenses on the financial report;
(d) no individual item shall have a retail value of
more than $25; and
(e) this does not include beverages or food sold at
the concession, and given free to players
by concession operators.
13. Advertising may contain the monetary prize value to be
awarded from each event but shall not combine prize
values for more than one event to create the impression
of a large bingo prize board.
14. Cards may be used for a single game, or for 2 or more
successive games in a series. Called balls shall remain
in the ball pocket tray until the final game in a series is
15. Multiple or discounted prices shall not be allowed for
bingo cards or paper, including media bingo cards,
unless separate and distinct cards are used.
16. Discounted prices shall not be allowed for bingo cards
or paper, including media bingo cards, unless separate
and distinct cards are used.
17. Bingo cards or paper shall not be altered or cut in any
manner, but shall be sold in their original manufactured
18. Bingo paper shall not be sold or exchanged between
licensees unless the proper inventory controls are in
place; this includes invoices.
19. Where the bingo event has commenced and is cancelled
due to an Act of God, the licensee shall issue refunds to
all persons who have purchased bingo paper, prorated
based on the number of games which have been played.
20. The licensee shall ensure that no person directly
involved in, or responsible for, the conduct of the bingo
event or working at a bingo event as a caller or calling
back cards shall purchase bingo paper or play bingo
during that event.
21. Gaming employees shall not play bingo in any hall or
premises in which they are employed.
22. Gaming employees or members of the licensee=s
executive shall not be employed by, under contract to,
or have a financial interest in the lessor of the bingo
premises, suppliers of bingo equipment, supplies, or
23. All volunteer and gaming employees staff shall sign an
attendance form before starting work.
MEDIA BINGO (e.g. radio, T.V. and newspaper)
24. A media bingo game shall be held on the dates specified
on the bingo card.
25. A media bingo card shall have printed on it
(a) the frequency of the radio station or the
channel of the television station which
broadcasts the event;
(b) the licence number, the name and address of
the licensee; and
(c) the location, times and dates on which bingo is
to be called and the nature and value of the prizes
to be awarded.
26. Media bingo cards shall be consecutively numbered.
27. The person who conducts a media bingo shall do so
before 2 witnesses who sign a confirmation of their
presence for each lottery event.
28. Rules shall be posted at all locations that sell cards, or
be available from sellers, and shall be announced before
each event.
29. Unsold media bingo cards shall be retained in its sealed
state by the licensee for a period of 4 weeks from the
date of completion of the game or event.
30. Organizations may form a bingo umbrella association
for the purpose of addressing matters of common
interest in the conduct and management of bingo events
in a hall.
31. The umbrella association shall provide a copy of its
constitution, bylaws, lease, labour or service agreements
and any other rules enacted by it to the division for
review before adoption, execution or amendment.
Member organizations shall elect a board of directors
from among their volunteer members to manage the
umbrella association. The volunteer members shall not
be gaming employees or representatives of a
management company for the licensee.
33. Members of the board of directors shall not receive
remuneration for services rendered in the management
of the umbrella association.
34. Associations shall be restricted to one event per week
for each member of the association to a maximum of 7
events a week.
35. All records of the umbrella association, and the member
organizations, in addition to the bingo event records,
shall be made available to the division upon request.
2006 12 06
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, A1B 4J6, Telephone (709) 729-2660 Fax (709) 729-6998
Organizations are not permitted to operate the jackpot in conjunction with other groups operating out
of the same hall. Organizations that conduct bingo twice a week must operate a separate jackpot for
each event.
Maximum Payout:
Per event - $7,500, except as discussed below.
General Rules:
Start up not to exceed $1000. Consolation prize not to exceed $200, except as discussed below. Jackpot
increases by 50% of the receipts from the sale of escalating jackpot cards at the event, consolation prize to
be paid from this pot. The remaining 50% shall be put into a fund for charity. Sheets of cards must be
distinguishable from other sheets of cards being used for other games, ie. unique colour or markings. The
sheets shall also be consecutively numbered and sold in consecutive order. Sheets are only permitted to be
sold as single sheets, but multiple faces or cards are permitted. No discounting of sheets is permitted, eg. $1
for a sheet of 3 faces or $2 for 3 sheets of 3 faces. For proper record keeping, organizations shall maintain
the Department’s form 3020 and form 3011, or similar versions approved by the Department. All games must
be played for a full card but organizations are free to set the requirement for the number of balls to award the
jackpot, ie. 52 numbers or less. This must be stated before commencement of each game and shall not be
changed once the accumulation of the jackpot has commenced.
Jackpot Rules When Jackpot Reaches The Maximum Payout:
The jackpot can only exceed the maximum payout when 50% of card sales force the jackpot beyond $7,500.
The jackpot does not have to go once the maximum is reached or exceeded, but cannot grow any further. If
the jackpot is awarded at the same event where it exceeds the maximum payout, no consolation prize is
awarded. If the jackpot does not go at this event, sales of cards after this point would be allotted in the
following way: 50% of receipts to be put into a fund for the charity, and the remaining 50% will be paid out
as a consolation prize in place of the $200. At the event when the jackpot is awarded, no consolation prize
shall be paid out. 50% of the receipts taken in at that event will be used to start up the next jackpot.
2005 10 14
Department of Digital Government and Service NL
Consumer and Financial Services Division
Organizations are not permitted to operate more than two additional 50/50 style bingo games with non-
accumulating jackpots as outlined in 1(c) of Lottery Licencing Regulations-Schedule “A” and Schedule “C”.
The maximum prize payout shall not exceed $1,500 for any one game whether the bingo is media or in-
ards for these additional 50/50 style Bingo games must be offered and purchased only as an add-on to the
regular Bingo game package. Cards for this add-on should be distinguishable from cards for the regular game
package, by unique colour or markings. Quantity discounting of cards for these add-on games is not
2021 06
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, A1B 4J6, Telephone (709) 729-2660 Fax (709) 729-6998
Department of Digital Government and Service NL
Consumer and Financial Services Division
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, Canada, A1B 4J6, Phone (709) 729-2660, Toll Fee 1 877 968- 2600, Fax (709) 729-6998
Organizations are not permitted to operate more than one pot during an event.
Maximum Pot Size:
$1,500, the prize value of the Pot is to be included with the maximum combined prize payout for the event, which
cannot exceed $3,000.
General Rules:
Theatre type tickets should be used to account for entry into the Pot. Other methods used to account for entry must
be approved by the Division before being used. The conditions of winning the Pot and the maximum Pot size must
be stated before commencement of the bingo event and the rules for the Pot shall not be changed once the
accumulation of the Pot has commenced. Unless the house rules state otherwise, to win the Pot you must call bingo
when the Loonie number is called. Prizes awarded for the Pot must be reported on the Financial Report for the
licence period. The licencee is responsible for a 1% licencing fee on all prizes paid from the Pot for the licence
period. Adequate records must be maintained, showing receipt of all funds, prizes paid out, and the current balance
in the APot@, similar to Form 3018 as outlined by the Department.
Jackpot Rules When Jackpot Reaches The Maximum Payout:
When the Pot reaches the maximum any additional receipts shall be dispersed in one of the following ways:
1. Be awarded at the event by means of a ticket draw. If the Pot is awarded at an event when it
exceeds $1,500, the additional receipts for that event are used to start the next Pot.
2. Used to accumulate a new Pot to be used once the current Pot is awarded. In the event that an
organization has accumulated an additional jackpot the organization must award additional receipts
by means of a ticket draw.
Department of Digital Government
and Service NL
Consumer and Financial Services Division
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, A1B 4J6, Phone (709) 729-2660, Fax (709) 729-6998
Maximum Balls To Be Used:
Location having 1 to 2 Bingo events per week - Maximum 10 Balls
Location having 3 Bingo events per week - Maximum 9 Balls
Location having 4 to 5 Bingo events per week - Maximum 8 Balls
Location having 6 to 7 Bingo events per week - Maximum 7 Balls
General Rules:
Jackpot not to exceed $5,000, except as discussed below. Start up not to exceed $100. Consolation prize not
to exceed $50, except as discussed below. Pot increases by 50% of the receipts from the sale of tickets at
the event, consolation prize to be paid from this pot. The remaining 50% shall be put into a fund for charity.
Tickets will be permitted to be sold only at the Bingo event location and only during the hours the Bingo
event is held. The type of ticket used shall be a two part ticket preprinted with the licence number and the
name of the organization on the ticket. The tickets shall also be consecutively numbered and sold in
consecutive order. For proper record keeping, organizations shall maintain the Department’s form 3019 or
a similar version approved by the Department. All draws of tickets shall be conducted by an independent
party and draws of tickets and balls shall be done in clear view of all patrons. All sold tickets from previous
events are not to be included in subsequent draws. All tickets must be kept for a period of 1 year after the
date of the draw. The Jackpot has to be paid out during the last event of the licence period only if the licence
is not to be renewed.
Jackpot Rules When Jackpot Reaches $5,000:
The jackpot can exceed $5,000 in the case where a jackpot is under $5,000 when ticket sales commence and
because of the event’s receipts the jackpot exceeds the $5,000. The jackpot does not have to go once the
$5,000 cap is reached or exceeded, but can not grow any further. If the jackpot is awarded at the same event
where it exceeded the maximum payout, no consolation prize is awarded. Sales of tickets after this point
would be allotted in the following way; 50% of receipts to be put into a fund for the charity, the remaining
50% to be paid out as a consolation prize, in place of the $50. At the event when the jackpot is awarded there
shall be a second draw to award the consolation prize, which would be 50% of the receipts taken in at that
event. The winning jackpot ticket is not to be included in the consolation draw unless otherwise stated.
Department of Digital Government
and Service NL
Consumer and Financial Services Division
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, A1B 4J6, Phone (709) 729-2660, Fax (709) 729-6998
Method Of Determining Prize:
Two methods are allowed.
1. Tickets are sold and a number is drawn. The patron with the matching number is given the chance
to pick one of a number of balls as allowed above. Balls are to be labelled in some predetermined
way, ex. days of the week. If the group has seven nights of bingo, there would be seven balls in a
drum/container with each day marked on each of the seven balls (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday). If the event is held on Monday
and the ball drawn has
on it then the consolation prize is paid out and the jackpot is carried over to the next
event. If the ball drawn has Monday
on it, the jackpot is won.
2. Balls are to be labelled in some predetermined way, ex. BINGO HALL. Early during the event a
ball is drawn to determine the lucky ball. Tickets are sold and a number is drawn. The patron with
the matching number is given the chance to pick one of a number of balls as allowed above. If the
lucky ball is drawn the jackpot is won. If any other ball is drawn then the consolation prize is paid
out and the jackpot is carried over to the next event.
2005 10 14
/50 7-10 Ball Lottery Conditions
P.O. BOX 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6
Phone: 729-2660 or Toll Free: 1-877-962-2600 Fax: 729-6998
Fixed Linked bingo means a bingo game played simultaneously by participants at different locations in which
the locations are linked by a communications system. Before a licencee can participate in the game the
following conditions must be met:
1. Any linked bingo game must be approved by the Division. A network management plan must be
submitted by the provider for review. The network management plan must include:
a. a detailed description of the technology;
b. card inventory control and distribution system;
c. the method of calling bingo numbers at the “host facility”, and transmitting them to each
participating hall;
d. description of the game;
e. description of card sales and reporting;
f. details of the prize;
g. job details of personnel involved in the conduct and administration of the game;
h. the procedure to verify winning cards;
i. linked game rules of play;
j. draft of financial and inventory control forms;
k. process of transferring revenue to the network;
l. procedure to pay winner(s);
m. the distribution of net profits;
n. network ownership;
o. network security; and
p. method for continuation of the game in the event of loss of communication system(s).
2. The game must be made available to all bingo licencees who have an average event attendance of 60
patrons. On initial startup the game must be available, on the first day of operation, to all licencees who
have signed agreements with the provider. After the first day of operation the game must be made
available to licencees wishing to participate within 60 days after an agreement is signed.
3. The game provider must broadcast the game from a location that has been inspected and approved by
officials of the Division.
4. An Audited Financial Statement, in a form prescribed by the Division, and management letter, of the
Network’s activities shall be submitted, by the provider to the Division within 120 days of the fiscal year
end of the provider. Licence fees in the amount of 1% of all prize payouts must accompany the
Department of Digital Government
and Service NL
Consumer and Financial Services Division
P.O. BOX 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6
Phone: 729-2660 or Toll Free: 1-877-962-2600 Fax: 729-6998
5. One linked bingo game will be allowed per bingo event.
6. The total prize payout must be 50% of sales.
7. The minimum return to the licencee is 25% of sales. The licencee can only pay for expenses that are
approved by the Division, from the 25% return. Approved expenses would include:
a. cost of television monitors and a fax machine for the game;
b. licence fees relating to the game;
c. telephone and or cable connection costs.
8. The linked game shall be played in conjunction with a complete bingo program.
9. The linked game main prize and any consolation prize(s) shall not be accumulated over more than one event.
An accumulating prize pool must be approved by the Division. In the case where a prize pool is set at a
fixed amount, the provider is responsible for the shortfall in the prize pool but can recover the shortfall from
subsequent accumulations.
10. Winners of prizes, excluding consolation prize winners, are required to write their name, address and
telephone number on the back of the winning card and sign the back of the winning card.
11. All prizes, excluding consolation prizes, shall be paid by cheque within 48 hours of the awarding of the
12. The game must be played for a full card but odd/even format is permitted. For an odd/even format a sealed
card(s) must be used for the linked game. No numbers shall be called or drawn until card sales have ended.
Cards shall not be distributed free, discounted or be included as part of a package sale.
13. Bingo umbrella associations or individual groups must enter into a written agreement on the operation of the
network, including distribution of profits and costs.
14. Rules of play must be approved by the Division and must be posted in each participating bingo hall.
Individual associations or groups cannot change these rules.
15. Inventory and financial control systems must meet the requirements set by the Division.
16. Each Linked Game must be video/audio recorded by the network. Tapes shall be retained for 21 days.
17. The game provider must obtain a bond in the amount of $100,000 to cover the loss of funds held by the
provider to pay licence fees or accumulating prize pots. Proof of bonding must be supplied to the Division
before commencement of the game.
P.O. BOX 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6
Phone: 729-2660 or Toll Free: 1-877-962-2600 Fax: 729-6998
18. A person identified under Section 10. (e) of the Lotteries Licencing Schemes, 1985 General Rules shall be
given unencumbered access to all records, documents, video tapes and equipment relating to the Linked
Game and the Network. They may examine these at their discretion, and may copy or remove them as
19. Linked Bingo books and records are subject to review by officials of the Division and must be
maintained in a manner acceptable to the Division. These will include, but not be limited to:
a) books of original entry (including computerized records);
b) invoices;
c) bank statements and canceled cheques;
d) event control and summary sheets;
e) inventory control forms;
f) income tax and HST tax returns;
g) minutes of AGM and Executive meetings;
h) external accountant’s/auditor’s working paper files; and
i) annual audited financial statements.
20. Changes to the approved event operating procedures of the linked game, shall be submitted for review and
approval of the Division, prior to being implemented.
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Department of Digital Government and Service NL
Consumer and Financial Services Division
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, Canada, A1B 4J6, Phone (709) 729-2660, Toll Fee 1 877 968- 2600, Fax (709) 729-6998
Organizations are not permitted to operate the jackpot in conjunction with other groups conducting an
escalating jackpot game. Organizations that conduct bingo twice a week must operate a separate jackpot for
each event.
Maximum Payout:
Per event - $7,500, except as discussed below
General Rules:
Start up not to exceed $1000. Consolation prize not to exceed $200, except as discussed below. Jackpot increases
by 50% of the receipts from the sale of escalating jackpot cards at the event, consolation prize to be paid from this
pot. The remaining 50% shall be put into a fund for charity. As total sales are not determined until after the game is
played, organizations can estimate the jackpot amount at the event time and inform players or the winner(s) of the
actual amount at the next event. All games must be played for a full card but organizations are free to set the
requirement for the number of balls to award the jackpot, eg. 52 numbers or less. This must be stated before
commencement of each game and shall not be changed once the accumulation of the jackpot has commenced. For
proper record keeping, organizations shall maintain the Department=s form 3020 and form 3011, or similar versions
approved by the Department.
Sale of Cards:
Organizations must sell their cards in one of the following ways:
1. Jackpot card(s) sold in the same package as the regular media bingo card(s). Jackpot cards must be
distinguishable from other media bingo cards in the package, ie. unique colour or markings. No discounting
of the media game cards is permitted, eg. $2 each or 3 cards for $5. A method has to be in place to determine
the 50% receipts from the sale, eg. $.50 out of every card sold is considered receipts from the sale of
escalating jackpot cards. This method must be given to the Department before the commencement of the
game and included in any game rules announced or published.
2. Jackpot card(s) sold in a different package than the regular media bingo card(s). Jackpot cards must
be distinguishable from other media bingo cards, eg. unique colour or markings. No discounting of the
jackpot card(s) is permitted, eg. $2 each or 3 cards for $5.
Department of Digital Government
and Service NL
Consumer and Financial Services Division
Media Accumulated Jackpot Conditions
Jackpot Rules When Jackpot Reaches The Maximum Payout:
The jackpot can only exceed the maximum payout when 50% of card sales force the jackpot beyond $7,500. The
jackpot does not have to go once the maximum is reached or exceeded, but cannot grow any further. If the jackpot is
awarded at the same event where it exceeds the maximum payout, no consolation prize is awarded. If the jackpot
does not go at this event, sales of cards after this point would be allotted in the following way: 50% of receipts to be
put into a fund for the charity, and the remaining 50% will be paid out as a consolation prize in place of the $200.
At the event when the jackpot is awarded, no consolation prize shall be paid out. 50% of the receipts taken in at that
event will be used to start up the next jackpot. If this amount is greater than $1,000 then the excess would go to the
organization to be used as approved in the application.
Lottery Financial Report (F/R)
Licencee Licence Information
Organization Name:__________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________
City/Town: _________________________________________________
Province: ________________ Postal Code: _______________________
Email: ____________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________ Fax: ___________________________
Licence Number: ____________________________________________
Report Period:
From: _____________________________________________________
To: _______________________________________________________
Use of Proceeds
Provide detailed as to how proceeds were used: (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.)
To be signed by a Principal Officer of the Organization & the Person Completing this financial report.
We certify that this Financial Report and all accompanying documents are true and correct statements regarding the above lottery activity.
Principal Officer
Name: ____________________________________________________
Position: __________________________________________________
Phone (W): __________________ Phone (H): _____________________
Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: ___________________
Person Completing Financial Report
Name: ____________________________________________________
Position: ___________________________________________________
Phone (W): ___________________ Phone (H): ____________________
Signature: ________________________________________________
Email _____________________________________________________
Date: ___________________
Licence fee is 1% of the amount reported as your “Total Prize Payout”.
The Financial Report is to be signed by a principal officer of your organization. i.e. president, vice president, treasurer.
Make cheques payable to “Newfoundland Exchequer”.
Keep a copy of this report for your records.
The Financial Report is due 60 days after the expiry date of your licence. If stated on the back of your licence.
Failure to file a Financial Report may affect your organization’s ability to obtain future licences.
All records for the lottery must be retained for a period of 6 years after the expiry date of your licence.
Personal Information contained on this form is collected by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and is
protected under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015.
Organization RSN__________
Trust Account RSN __________
Folder RSN _____________
Entered ______________
Office use
Financial Report can be dropped off at any Government Service Centre; mailed to Motor Registration Building, 149
Smallwood Drive, Mount Pearl, NL, P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6.
Faxed to (709)729-6998 or emailed to appsconsumeraff
For inquires contact Consumer and Financial Services Division toll free at 1-877-968-2600 or locally (Mount Pearl) at
Regional Office Contact Numbers:
Corner Brook (709) 637-2445
Digital Government and Service NL
Bingo Lottery Financial Report
Total Number of Events ________
Gross Proceeds (Total Sales)
Ticket Wheels/
Ticket Draws/Raffles
Non-Escalating 50/50 Ticket Draws
Escalating 50/50 Ticket Draws (7-10 Ball)
Escalating Jackpot Game
Pot of Gold/Cookie Jar
Value of Donated Prizes (Retail Value Less Purchase Price)
Share of linked/Satellite Bingo
Other ___________________________
Total Gross Proceeds $ ___________________ (A)
Prize Payouts
Bingo (Do not i
nclude linked/satellite bingo prizes)
Ticket Wheels/Spins
Ticket Draws/Raffles
Non-Escalating 50/50 Ticket Draws
Escalating 50/50 Ticket Draws (7-10 Ball)
Escalating Jackpot Game
Pot of Gold/Cookie Jar
Other ___________________________
Total Prize Payout $ ___________________ (B)
Licencing Fees (See reminde
r section on front page)
Gaming Supplies
Professional Fees
Equipment Lease/Rent
Other ___________________________
Total Expenses $ ___________________ (C)
Net Proceeds For Charity $ (D)
(Total Gross Proceeds less Total Prize Payout and Total Expenses: A - B - C = D)
$ ________
$ ___________________
$ ___________________
September 2017
Digital Government and Service NL
Government of Newfoundland & Labrador